beacon - Bethel Presbyterian Church

Vol. 188 Issue 10
September 28, 2016
Bethel Presbyterian Church:
A Beacon of Christ’s love
Happy Autumn! I cannot call it “Fall” because for me Autumn conveys
more about the beauty of this changing season. Thank you all for making my
coming here as your Transitional Pastor a welcoming experience! It began with my
feet running once I arrived. As you know many things began prior to my arrival and
so much of my time over the last month has included items typical to a transitional
season, but at an accelerated pace.
In a “textbook” Transitional season, the pastor called into the role that I
serve would work with the congregation, through the session, focusing on Five
Developmental Tasks* 1
Reflecting the Love and Truth of
Christ to Transform lives.
A Community of Christ Followers
making disciples by:
WORSHIPING the living God
TEACHING the truth of Scripture
CARING for others
SERVING with the compassion of
Worship Schedule
Sunday Worship
9 am & 11 am
Sunday School
10 am
Sunday Evening Bethel Youth
5:30 pm
Church Office Hours
Monday -Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Bethel Weekday Preschool
Monday - Friday
Understanding a Congregation’s History to the present time
Seeking to Identify Congregational Changes Internally and Externally
Providing Opportunities to Develop New Leaders or Leadership
Renewing Denominational Linkages
Preparing the Congregation for the Arrival of the installed Pastor-Elect
You can then see how some of the work I mentioned above has already
been accomplished. This is particularly true with Steps 1-3. It is important to
share that the Transitional Pastor should not be directly involved with the Pastor
Nominating Committee. This involvement with the PNC remains intentionally
limited, if at all, to ensure their work is not compromised in any way. Whatever
contact I have with the PNC has more to do with learning more about the
information received from the TAG consultant report completed some months ago.
This information helps me to catch up on what areas could be addressed now to
assist the entry of the incoming installed pastor. Elder Lindsey Adams shared this
information with me.
I see my role primarily focused upon a limited number of steps. These are
steps 3 -5. In this transition season, step 3 will relate specifically to training and
preparing the next slate of elders and deacons. As Head of Staff, I also serve as
the staff liaison to the Administration and Personnel Committee.
Regarding Step 4 a lot will take place very soon. By the time you read this
through, I will have moderated the September Session meeting, attended a
Ministry Affinity Group, and served as a commissioner to the East Central
Presbytery meeting. Each of these events are ways to renew the connections we
have as members of the body of Christ with other nearby ECO congregations as a
means of equipping one another to live out Christ’s Great Commission.
I look at this time of transition as a “safe season” to assess and discern
local customs. I view Step 5 as a way of providing a voice to peek into some of the
congregation’s norms that would not come in written form, and then help
communicate any possible “unwritten expectations” to the incoming Pastor-Elect.
Following the affirmative vote of the congregation for the Pastor-Elect I would begin
a time of exiting this role and “passing over the baton”.
No transition season is the same, nor are any pastors the same. Still, I
covenant with the session to remain present with Bethel Church during the extent
of this transitional call and will seek to serve the Lord Jesus Christ with love,
energy, and remain dependent upon his grace. I hope you all will see this as a
vibrant season for Bethel in anticipation not only of the next pastor, but in generous
thanks for the ways God will use this congregation for such a time as this.
The Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be with you and yours,
Pastor Ernest
Roger S. Nicolson. Temporary Shepherds; Alban Institute: 1998
Christian Education News
Sunday School Snapshot
Family Christmas Eve Casting Call
Parents are the chief faith developers in the lives of their
children. It is our mission, as the church, to walk
alongside them and support them in this process.
Nearly 500 years ago Martin Luther wrote the hymn
“From Heaven Above” to teach his children the story of
Jesus’ birth. This Christmas Eve we will use that hymn
as the centerpiece for our Family Christmas Eve
service. We invite all children and youth in Kindergarten
through Middle school to join us as worship
leaders. The following roles will be available:
 Liturgists (speaking roles for upper elementary
through middle school): 2
 Narrators (speaking roles for 3 grade through upper
elementary): 2- 4
 Nativity Cast (non-speaking roles for K-5 gr.):9-13
Memorization will not be required for speaking
roles. Audition times for liturgists and narrators will be
set at their convenience.
One of the tools we are offering to parents this school
year is our new ‘Sunday’s Cool Snapshot”. Each
Monday morning I email K-Middle school families with a
capsule review of the previous day’s lesson from their
child’s Sunday’s Cool class. In the message I identify the
theme and the Scripture used. I also highlight the
memory challenge for the next week (elementary
classes only) and suggest a number of ways parents
can follow up on the lesson at home. Each Snapshot
ends with information and registration forms for
upcoming events designed for their child or youth’s age
It is my hope that parents will use this tool to:
 Read over the lesson material with children and
youth who were not able to attend Sunday school
that week. Since all of our lessons revolve around
themed units, learning will be enhanced by exposure
to as many lessons as possible.
 Read over the Scriptures themselves to better
facilitate conversations about the lesson.
 Use the follow up activities to reinforce learning and
to provide an opportunity for parents to model their
faith to their children.
 Assist children in learning the weekly memory
challenges. What would it mean to a child if mom or
dad committed to memorizing it too?!
 Be mindful of the core message of the lesson to look
for those ‘God moments’ during the week when they
can reinforce the message through ordinary
 Use the upcoming event information to plan age
appropriate opportunities for their child to learn and
grow with their friends.
If you are not currently receiving the Sunday’s Cool
Snapshots, but would like to, please email me and I will
add you to the distribution list. It is only as we work
together that we will truly impact this next generation for
Thank you parents for your faithfulness and passion!
Full cast rehearsal will be Thursday, December 22nd
from 2-5 pm. Attendance is required.
Please contact to sign up or to
arrange for an audition time.
Child Protection Policy Training for
Teachers, Volunteers, and Parents
If you work with children or youth in any capacity and
have not attended a Bethel Child Protection Policy
training session within the past three years, please plan
to attend our final session for 2016 on:
Sunday, November 6th, during our Sunday School
hour (10-10:45 am) in the Family Life Center
We will review the Child Protection Policy and explain
how it impacts us as teachers, volunteers, and
parents. Please note that participation in one of these
policy meetings is required for all volunteers in Nursery,
Preschool, Elementary programs, Youth programs/
retreats, and VBS.
For additional information contact Jan Boswell at 704892-0546 x 14 or
Music News
Jubilate Ringers—A Little History
In 1995, Bethel PC purchased two octaves of
hand bells and started a hand bell choir. Later, a
third octave was added. The group took the
name Jubilate Ringers and began rehearsing and
ringing for worship services. Because of staff
changes and hand bell personnel changes,
Jubilate Ringers has been out of regular rotation for
some time.
On Thursday, Oct 6, 2016, Jubilate Ringers will
reconvene and begin a new chapter. Some folks have
already expressed interest in being part of this group.
Others are welcome to join. The ability to read music is
not a necessity. Have any questions? Please contact
Leesa Holder Gray at Here are the
 Rehearsals alternating Thursdays 4:00pm-5:30pm
 Ages 13 and up
 Ringing for worship based on members’ availability
BETHEL KIDS Fall Musical—
It’s about to get very wet at Bethel as The BETHEL
KIDS prepare and rehearse for their Fall Musical, 100%
CHANCE OF RAIN. This musical Bible story about
Noah building the ark is a kids’ classic. BETHEL KIDS
are now in the process of learning music, building sets,
and working on blocking. We look forward to sharing
with the congregation and our families and friends.
Current participants are: Oliver Crim, Samuel Crim,
Jackson Drayton, Eliana Grathwohl, Jackson Grathwohl,
Eliza Happe, Julia Hickman, Carter Jennings, Emily
Kittle, Lovie Lehman, Kate Lester, Kylie McKenna,
Isabelle Murray, Brody Speckman, Erin Trautman,
Hailey Trautman, Nanette Bennett, Katie Bell, Laura
Happe, Susan Frankum, Sloane Adler, Mike Hunter,
John Zoltowski, Hannalie Trautman, Heinrich Trautman,
and Barbara Dresser. Staff: Jan Boswell and Leesa
Holder Gray. Performance date is on the evening of
Sunday, November 13th.
Help Wanted!
Does this sound like you?
Organized, dedicated, servant heart!
If so, you might be just the person for the job.
Volunteer help is needed in the Bethel Music office on a
weekly or bi-weekly basis. Help can be given for nonmusical, as well as musical tasks. If you can be of
service in this way, please contact Beth Bynum at
A Bethel Music Groups’ Story
Five years ago, some Bethel musicians began preparing
for a new “blended” service. They started by working on
their individual skills and gradually began working
together as a group. Additional names of people not
attending Bethel were brought to their attention, and
some of these folks also joined the group. As part of
their group preparation, they began to study God’s word
together, relevant to the task that lay ahead. This
became a vital part of their being and they officially
became a Bethel Life Group, as well as a music
With the start of the “Blended” service three years ago,
the group became the mainstay of that service. The
individual members have had many life happenings over
these past years and the unity and strength of the group
has been invaluable. Each relies on the others for
prayer support and sometimes practical and physical
support, even occasional baby-sitting and grocery
shopping. Group members are often heard saying, ”I
don’t know what I would do without you guys”.
We are currently in search of some folks who would
resonate with a group such as this and begin an
additional Worship Team for the “Blended” service at
The new ensemble would have its’ own identity and
character and certainly, reflect the personality of the
members. We look forward to the talent that God has
given this church being used to magnify and lift up His
If you would like to begin writing a new section in your
story, by becoming part of this new ensemble, please
contact Leesa Holder Gray in person or at lgray@bethel
Looking for a Few Good Men!
The Chancel Choir is looking “for a few good men”. We
find ourselves without enough Tenors and Basses to
complement the Women’s sections. Choir is a family
and we would love to have you become part of that family. It also puts feet on what we say we believe about the
Christian life. …” I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I
will sing praise to my God while I have my being.” We
will be watching with anticipation for your arrival! This
could be part of your WORSHIP + 2.
Announcements & Upcoming Events
A Note from Your Library Team:
With Bethel’s 22nd Annual BBQ a fond
memory, The Chris Boswell Memorial
Library Fall Book Drive is fast
approaching for October 2016. Our
goal for the Book Drive is to collect 55
new books for our library during the
month of October in remembrance of
our dear friend, Chris Boswell (19612015). We received many suggestions
for books of all types and price ranges, including books
for children.
Please check the large Bulletin Board for instructions on
how to participate.
(1) Pick a leaf; (2) Purchase the book; (3) Return it with
the leaf and your name to the baskets provided. You
can donate a book(s) in honor or in memory of a loved
one by completing the donation form provided; and a
bookplate will be prepared for your donation. Donations
The Bethel
Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC)... busy - reading resumes, conducting interviews,
discussing candidates and watching sermons. thankful - for Rev. Gardner and his service to
Bethel during this time of transition. excited - for the plans God has for the future of our
church. grateful - for the outpouring of prayers and support
we've received from so many.
Health Talks is Returning
in October!
Are Medicare options confusing you? Join us
Tuesday, October 4 from 6:30p-7:30p in the Activity
Center. Don Smith is returning this year to inform us of
changes and choices. For those of you who came last
year, you realize how much information there is to be
aware of. For those of you who called or emailed me in
THANK YOU for your participation! Please direct
questions and comments to or
the weeks following the presentation, mark it on your
“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” - Margaret Fuller
have Hospice coming to give a presentation on
Ramblers News
The Ramblers met on Wednesday, Sept. 14 for great
Christian fellowship and delicious food. Sgt. Jeff
calendar and bring your questions.
While you have your calendar out…November 1 we
(November 8) with an opportunity to bring your
completed forms in and have them notarized.
Connor, a member of the Cornelius Police Department,
answered questions and provided information about
how we as senior citizens can protect ourselves against
fraud and theft. Many thanks to Norma and Bill
Reynolds for the Fall flowers and decorations.
On Saturday, Sept. 17, thirty Ramblers and friends
enjoyed lunch and the musical, “The Gospel According
to Tennessee” at the Narroway Theater.
Lunch Bunch
Come join us for Lunch Bunch on October 10th at
11:00am at the Pearl Restaurant. Remember, you do
not need to be a Bethel member to attend. September
was a wonderful time for all with almost two tables of
first timers. You will need a reservation. Contact
We will gather together on Wednesday, Oct. 12 for a
Carolyn Bass or by telephone
covered dish luncheon. Tony is working on a program
704-892-4145 by October 6th.
and outing.
We will meet another “Bad Girl” of the Bible, enjoy great
If you have any questions, please call Tom Knox at 704-
food and wonderful fellowship. The cost is $10.00. See
you there!
Ramblers Outing
NarroWay Theater—September 17, 2016
Announcements & Upcoming Events (cont’d)
Coat Drive
It won’t be long before we will see cold
weather again. The Bethel Presbyterian
Women will once again be collecting gently
used or new coats, mittens, hats, & gloves
from October 1 to October 31. Please drop
off any items in the blue barrels or boxes located in the
following locations: Hallway to Family Life Center;
Entrance to church offices; Nursery wing.
Operation Christmas Child
Bethel Presbyterian Women will be collecting shoe
boxes for Operation Christmas Child beginning October
15 through November 19. Boxes may be picked up
outside the Family Life Center or outside the church
after both services. It is important that when you return
your box that you attach the appropriate boy/girl label,
rubber band your box and include your payment for
shipping costs. Please pay attention to the instructions
in the box as to appropriate items for the box.
You can still help share God's love with children around
the world even if you don’t have time to shop for and
pack an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift. With a
few clicks of your mouse or swipes on your
touchscreen, you can build a shoebox online. Make it
your own by choosing from a list of gifts, then add a
personal letter and photo. OCC will pack your shoebox
and send it for you, for a suggested donation of just
$25. They have even made it possible to purchase a gift
card so your friends can build a shoebox online
Would you like to receive the Beacon Newsletter via
email? Please contact the church office if you are
interested in receiving future Beacon newsletters by
email instead of in your mailbox! Not getting Prayer
Concern emails? Had a change of address, phone
number or email? Give Lisa a call at 704-892-0546 or
at to update your records and
start receiving information again!
BPC is Looking to Fill this Position!
Title: Youth Director
FLSA Status: Part-time, Non-exempt
Mission Statement: A community of Christ followers making
disciples by: WORSHIPPING the living God, TEACHING the
truth of Scripture, CARING for others, SERVING with the
compassion of Christ, ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD.
Position Summary:
To serve as the overall coordinator of BPC’s ministry of Middle
and High School youth and inspire youth in the Cornelius and
surrounding areas to develop lifelong, intimate relationships with
Jesus Christ. Encourage Bethel youth to grow as active
members of God's family, and empower them to serve with such
a passion for God that their communities and their worlds are
impacted for Jesus Christ. The Youth Director will ensure that
all programs, events, and goals of the Bethel Youth Ministry
reflect the larger mission statement of Bethel Presbyterian
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Commit 2-3 hours weekly to offsite contact work that
will build and strengthen those relationships through direct
involvement in the lives of the youth.
 Create a positive and safe atmosphere where each youth is
encouraged to develop and grow in their special gifts and
 Prepare and lead weekly youth lessons for the stated
purpose of worship, instruction, fellowship, and outreach in
the following areas:
 High School Sunday School
 Sunday Night Youth Fellowship (Middle & HS)
 Organize, plan, and lead youth activities, trips, and special
 1 High School mission trip or conference
 1 Middle School conference
 1 Fundraiser
 Attend Christian Education meetings once a month with
youth updates.
 Attend Weekly Staff Meetings and/or meet with Head of
 Direct one Youth Sunday Service annually
 Recruit, train and inspire volunteer leaders to be able to
help in the following areas:
 Facilitating small group discussions
 Preparing and teaching lessons as needed
 Organizing and planning trips
 Reaching out to youth on bi-weekly basis
 Administrative duties
 Work with Director of Christian Education, the Christian
Education Committee and Senior Pastor to grow the youth
ministry of BPC.
Qualifications: Minimum age of 22, Technologically literate
(comfortable with social media), Excellent communication skills,
Prior youth experience or educational background preferred
Salary: $21,000-25,000
Email resume to
Circle Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Sympathy
Happy October Birthdays!
Bethel Presbyterian Women’s Circle Schedule
For information on the circles or to learn how you can get
involved with the Presbyterian Women (PW), please feel
free to contact any of the circle leaders below or Barbara
Dresser, Moderator, at (704) 896-2695.
Circle Meeting Times and Circle Chairwomen:
 Circle #1 First Tuesday—10:00 AM in the Conference
Room—Brenda Rhodes -- 704-892-9048; Donna
Waters -- 704-655-2707
 Circle #2 First Wednesday—10:00 AM in the Activity
Center—Lynda Ranson -- 704-875-6635; Sandra
Rutledge -- 704-987-0481
 Circle #3 First Tuesday—2:00 PM in the Activity
Center—Jeanne Pease -- 704-787-2485; Vivian
Blackmon -- 704-892-0165
 Circle #4 Third Thursday—3:00 PM in the Parlor—
Tommye Miller -- 704-439-0852; Linda Wooldridge -919-441-6870
 Circle #5 Second Monday—7:00 PM in the Activity
Center—Debbie Webb -- 704-896-9986; Anne Price -704-892-8657
 Circle #6 First Tuesday—7:00 PM in the Parlor—Joni
Coble -- 704-692-6762
Thank you Bethel
I would like to express my sincere thanks to those of you
who sent me cards, called and prayed for me during my
recent knee replacement recovery. Your kinds words
definitely helped me get through the tough days.
Rhonda Cribbs
Thanks to our caring Bethel Family for all the kind words,
calls, cards and prayers following the death of our
brother, Carl Chapman.
Frances and Ray Knox & Becky and Richard Wilson
Bethel Finances at a Glance
August 2016
Kathy Boyd, Lilly Franklin, Camille Gibson, Betty
Gooch, Richard Wilson
Sarah McGeough
Talyn Hunter
Bill Adams, Amanda Burchett, Phyllis McKinnell
Marshall Coble, Crue Sloop
Gip Bonar, Lauren Robbins
Karla Bush, LuAnn Jordan, Kendall Nelson
Jon Boyce, Stephanie Bradley, Elyse Lehnerer,
Harry Sparrow
Katie Cook, Delores Detwiler, Laura Glidden,
Rachel Jurney, Merritt Thornburg
Angie Madey
Kayden Elliott, Ryan Hunter, Keith Miller
Lindsey Adams, Jeff Coble, Jeff Kurz, Amy Niner
Eliana Grathwohl, Michele Tilton
Tommy Almond, Hudson Rock, Wendy Speckman,
Becky Whitman
Wib Overcash
Ryan Baker, Luke Tilton
Laura Baker, Pete Galloway, Ray Knox, Allen
Martin, Fred Payne, Kayla Summer
Anna Hewett, Nancy Roy
Nanette Bennett, Hailey Hopkins, Kennedy Horne,
Amy Hutchinson, Addison Simpson
Rachel Mutch
Natalie Fitch, Carly Orr, Reese Sazama, Willie
Betty Hamilton, Lisa Kiser, Lucy Shearer
Bradford Davis, Brian Holden, Jocelyn Holden,
Jackie Smythe, Jessica Surrane
Arla Harvey, Bill Latta, Cole Walker
Karson Sherrill, Zachary Smith
Ashley Kelly
Keith Duncan, Jan Pethel, Adam Walser
Shannon Champion, Zoe Hamrick, Scott Lytton
Melanie Carnahan, Jessica List
Baylor Jennings, Jason Mutch
Aug 2016
YTD Giving
Aug 2016
Aug 2015
YTD Giving
Year-to-Date Expenses are well over YTD Giving by
$27,180 YTD Giving is $51,453 less than through the
same period of 2015.
In Sympathy…
With Rose Sorendo and family in the loss
of her father, Dennis Ray Weber, on
Sunday Schedule
9:00 a.m.
Worship Service
10:00 am
Sunday School
11:00 am
Worship Service
5:30 pm
Bethel Youth
YMCA Sponsored OWLS
Senior Yoga1:30pm on Mondays
Senior Exercise 1:30pm
Tuesdays and Thursday
In the Family Life Center
6:30pm NA
Sunday Schedule
6:30pm AA
9:00am Sewing
5:30pm Bethel
6:30pm St. Phillip
Square HOA
9:30am Beth Moore
10:00am Circle #1
2:00pm Circle #3
6:30pm Health Talks
7:00pm Boy Scouts
Leader Meeting
10:00am Circle #2
10:00am Joy Seekers
Bible Study
1:30pm Knitting
5:00pm Bethel Kids
6:30pm Oktoberfest
7:00pm Choir Practice
3:00pm Handbells
6:30pm LN Lakers B-ball
7:00pm Worship Team
Lock In
Lock In
6:30pm NA
Sunday School
11:30am Service
9:00am Sewing
11:00am Lunch Bunch
1:30pm Angels in
5:30pm Bethel
7:00pm Circle #5
7:00pm Circle #6
7:00am Men’s Prayer
9:30am Beth Moore
6:00pm Planning Mtg
6:00pm Witness Mtg
6:30p Communications
6:30pm Stewardship
7:00pm Property Mtg
10:00am Joy Seekers
Bible Study
12:00pm Ramblers
5:00pm Bethel Kids
6:30pm Oktoberfest
7:00pm Choir Practice
5:45pm Finance Comm.
6:00pm Fellowship
6:00pm Missions Comm.
6:00pm Worship
Committee Meeting
6:30pm Lake Norman
Lakers Basketball
7:00pm Worship Team
7:00pm Christian
Education Committee
7:00pm Personnel
Men’s Hike
Men’s Hike
3:00pm Eagle
6:30pm NA
Men’s Hike
Sunday Schedule
5:30pm Bethel Youth
6:30pm AA
8:00am LN Garden Cl
9:00am Sewing
3:00pm Alzheimer’s
Support Groups
5:30pm Bethel B-ball
7:00pm Women’s
Coordinating Team
9:30am Beth Moore
7:00pm BWP Board
7:00pm Boy Scouts
Leader Meeting
Beacon Deadline
10:00am Card Ministry
10:00am Joy Seekers
Bible Study
5:00pm Bethel Kids
6:30pm Oktoberfest
7:00pm Choir Practice
3:00pm Handbells
3:00pm Circle #4
6:30pm LN Lakers
7:00pm Worship Team
6:30pm NA
Women’s Retreat
Sunday Schedule
5:30pm Bethel Youth
6:30pm AA
9:00am Sewing
5:30pm Bethel B-ball
9:30am Beth Moore
6:00pm Session/
Diaconate Meeting
10:00am Card Ministry
10:00am Joy Seekers
Bible Study
11:00am Beacon Mail
5:00pm Bethel Kids
6:30pm Oktoberfest
7:00pm Choir Practice
6:30pm LN Lakers
7:00pm Worship Team
5:30pm Bethel Youth
6:30pm AA
Sunday Schedule
6:30pm AA
9:00am Sewing
3:30pm 5:30pm
Trunk or
6:30pm NA
Return Service Requested
19920 Bethel Church Road
Cornelius, NC 28031
Mailing Label
We are all ministers in the name of Jesus Christ.
Ernest L. Gardner, III, Transitional Pastor
Jan Boswell, Director of Christian Education
Leesa Gray, Music Director
Teresa Hewitt, Organist
Beth Moss, Dir. Of Congregational Care/Parish Nurse
Lisa Weber, Administrative Assistant
Beth Bynum, Receptionist
Debbie Falls, Bookkeeper
Bobby Waugh, Facilities Manager
Session (Elders)
Tommy Almond
Vickie Childers
Mark Moss
Brenda Rhodes
Robin Surane
Rod Hager
Amy Hutchinson
Colin Kelly
Michael Knox
Hardison (Hardy)
Diaconate (Deacons)
Jerry Gaylord
Jane Oglesby
Kim Goodrum
Sharon Orr
Jim Harrill
Ronnie Rash
Harriette Newman Betsy Shores
Marcia Weatherington
Johnny Beaver
Judy Caldwell
Fred Comer
Susan Cook
Kristy Dodd
Mal Murray, Treasurer
Tommye Miller, Presbyterian Women Moderator
Ginny McCann*, Weekday Preschool Director
Mark Moss, Assistant Pastor for Adult Ed & Life Groups
*Bethel Weekday Preschool: 704-896-3103
CONTACT US: 704.892.0546
Lindsey Adams
Allen Cook
Marshall Coble
Randy Ford
Roger Morris
Wayne Bennett
Scott Cribbs
Barbara Dresser
West Hunter
Jason Kraus
Beverly Epperson
Jeff Kittle
Sheila Roddy St.Hill
Ryan Whittington
Tom Lidderdale
Ken Oliver
Chris Skoog
Daphne Towsey
Fax: 704.892.7715
Bethel Presbyterian Church Publication Information -- The Beacon Newsletter is published monthly. BEACON information may
be submitted to the church office no later than the 3rd Wednesday of the month. BULLETIN information may be submitted to the
church office no later than any Wednesday. All items for the Beacon or Bulletin must be in writing. You may drop items by the
church office, fax (704-892-7715), mail, submit items on disk or email them to All items are subject to editing
for readability and/or space.