INDERSCIENCE Journals Price List 2017 Latest research findings for Academia, Industry and Government. International coverage, linking Centres of Excellence worldwide. All titles fully refereed. Flexible subscription plans. Inderscience Enterprises Limited INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS OF DISTINGUISHED ACADEMIC, SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS PUBLISHED TITLES: Subscription Prices 2017 US$ New Titles for 2017 listed after the Published Titles TITLES VOL. NO. 2017 African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance 6 African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development 6 Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting 7 American Journal of Finance and Accounting 5 Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications 3 Atoms for Peace, an International Journal 4 Electronic Government, an International Journal 13 EuroMed Journal of Management 2 European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management 4s European Journal of Industrial Engineering 11 European Journal of International Management 11 Global Business and Economics Review 19 Interdisciplinary Environmental Review 18 International Journal of Abrasive Technology 8 International Journal of Accounting and Finance 7 International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation 13 International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 24,25,26 International Journal of Adaptive and Innovative Systems 3 International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 9 International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems 7s International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication 7 International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 9 International Journal of Aerodynamics 6 International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 5s International Journal of Agile and Extreme Software Development 1s International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 10 International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 13 International Journal of Alternative Propulsion 2s International Journal of Applied Cryptography 3s International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 10 International Journal of Applied Management Science 9 International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science 3 International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition 4 International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 7 International Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development 3s International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 6 International Journal of Arts and Technology 10 International Journal of Auditing Technology 3s International Journal of Automation and Control 11 International Journal of Automation and Logistics 3 International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 17 International Journal of Automotive Composites 3 International Journal of Autonomic Computing 2s International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems 10 International Journal of Aviation Management 4 International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance 6s International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance 6s International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 6s International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management 1s International Journal of Big Data Intelligence 4 International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 9,10 International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 13 International Journal of Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics 4 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 23,24,25 International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3s International Journal of Biometrics 9 International Journal of Biotechnology 14s International Journal of Bonds and Derivatives 3 International Journal of the Built Environment and Asset Management 2s International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 9 International Journal of Business and Globalisation 18,19 International Journal of Business and Systems Research 11 International Journal of Business Competition and Growth 6 International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 7 International Journal of Business Environment 9 International Journal of Business Excellence 11,12,13 International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence 3 International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 12 International Journal of Business Information Systems 24,25,26 International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 12,13,14 International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 11s ISSUES p.a. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 12 4 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 12 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 12 4 4 12 12 4 ISSN Print 2046-8083 2046-4770 1751-6447 1752-7767 2049-8683 1741-640X 1740-7494 2055-1703 1758-1508 1751-5254 1751-6757 1097-4954 1521-0227 1752-2641 1752-8224 1740-8008 1743-8225 1740-2107 1755-0386 1756-8412 1462-4613 1758-938X 1743-5447 1746-1375 1743-5137 1741-9174 1462-4605 1471-0234 1753-0563 1755-8077 1755-8913 1752-2862 2049-887X 1751-0589 1753-9412 1755-4950 1754-8853 1757-8752 1740-7516 2049-6745 1470-9511 2051-8218 1741-8569 1754-8632 1755-9901 1755-3830 1753-1969 1755-3539 2057-0538 2053-1389 1758-0366 1744-5485 1757-6792 1752-6418 1756-0799 1755-8301 0963-6048 2050-2281 2046-4533 1753-6219 1753-3627 1751-200X 2042-3845 1758-2164 1740-0589 1756-0047 1744-6635 1477-9048 1746-0972 1751-0252 1743-8187 ISSN Online 2046-8091 2046-4789 1751-6455 1752-7775 2049-8691 1741-6418 1740-7508 2055-1711 1758-1516 1751-5262 1751-6765 1745-1329 2042-6992 1752-265X 1752-8232 1740-8016 1743-8233 1740-2115 1755-0394 1756-8420 1741-8003 1758-9398 1743-5455 1746-1383 1743-5145 1741-9182 1741-5004 1741-8011 1753-0571 1755-8085 1755-8921 1752-2870 2049-8888 1751-0597 1753-9420 1755-4969 1754-8861 1757-8760 1740-7524 2049-6753 1741-5012 2051-8226 1741-8577 1754-8640 1755-991X 1755-3849 1753-1977 1755-3547 2057-0546 2053-1397 1758-0374 1744-5493 1757-6806 1752-6426 1756-0802 1755-831X 1741-5020 2050-229X 2046-4541 1753-6227 1753-3635 1751-2018 2042-3853 1758-2172 1740-0597 1756-0055 1744-6643 1741-802X 1746-0980 1751-0260 1743-8195 SUBSCRIPTION: US$ Print or Online Printand Online 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 861 1204 861 1204 861 1204 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 1486 2080 720 684 861 1204 861 1204 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 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NO. 2017 International Journal of Business Intelligence and Systems Engineering 1s International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling 9 International Journal of Business Performance Management 18 International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 8 International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management 4 International Journal of Circuits and Architecture Design 3 International Journal of Cloud Computing 6 International Journal of Cognitive Biometrics 1s International Journal of Cognitive Performance Support 1s International Journal of Collaborative Engineering 2 International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise 6 International Journal of Collaborative Intelligence 2 International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 18,19 International Journal of Competitiveness 1s International Journal of Complexity in Applied Science and Technology 1s International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management 4 International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 10 International Journal of Computational Complexity and Intelligent Algorithms 1s International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 7 International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 2 International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies 6 International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering 7 International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 14,15 International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering 3 International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 7 International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 9 International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 55,56 International Journal of Computers in Healthcare 2s International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 8 International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long-Learning 27 International Journal of Convergence Computing 3 International Journal of Corporate Governance 8 International Journal of Corporate Strategy and Social Responsibility 1s International Journal of Creative Computing 2 International Journal of Critical Accounting 9 International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems 7 International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 13 International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies 9 International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 17,18,19 International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management 9 International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management 7 International Journal of Decision Support Systems 2s International Journal of Design Engineering 7 International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism 2 International Journal of the Digital Human 2 International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy 3s International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations 7 International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 10 International Journal of Economics and Accounting 8 International Journal of Economics and Business Research 13,14 International Journal of Education Economics and Development 8 International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 9 International Journal of Electronic Banking 1s International Journal of Electronic Business 13s International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management 11 International Journal of Electronic Democracy 1s International Journal of Electronic Finance 9s International Journal of Electronic Governance 9 International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 9s International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 8 International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 9 International Journal of Electronic Transport 1s International Journal of Embedded Systems 9 International Journal of Emergency Management 13 International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy 13 International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics 6s International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation 9 International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 8 International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 9 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 21 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 30,31,32 ISSUES p.a. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 6 4 8 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 12 4 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 12 ISSN Print 2051-5847 1758-9401 1368-4892 1741-8763 1752-1270 2051-7025 2043-9989 2042-6461 1742–7207 1745-0039 1740-2085 2051-7122 1754-3916 2056-9432 1740-0546 1759-0256 1756-0756 2048-4720 1757-1170 1755-8034 1755-4977 1753-3465 1742-7185 2046-3391 1752-9131 1757-2657 0952-8091 1755-3199 1752-5055 1560-4624 2048-9129 1754-3037 2054-8079 2043-8346 1757-9848 1757-8779 1475-3219 1755-8050 1748-5673 1759-1163 1753-7169 2050-6988 1751-5874 1753-5212 2046-3375 2049-0887 1752-3583 1752-0452 2041-868X 1756-9850 1759-5673 1751-4088 1753-5239 1470-6067 1750-0664 1742-4224 1746-0069 1742-7509 1741-8453 1741-1025 1751-911X 1742-6952 1741-1068 1471-4825 1472-8923 1756-5154 1755-9758 1748-1252 1742-5360 1368-275X 1476-1297 ISSN Online 2051-5855 1758-941X 1741-5039 1741-8771 1752-1289 2051-7033 2043-9997 2042-647X 1742–7215 1745-0047 1740-2093 2051-7130 1754-3924 2056-9440 1740-0554 1759-0264 1756-0764 2048-4739 1757-1189 1755-8042 1755-4985 1753-3473 1742-7193 2046-3405 1752-914X 1757-2665 1741-5047 1755-3202 1752-5063 1741-5055 2048-9137 1754-3045 2054-8087 2043-8354 1757-9856 1757-8787 1741-8038 1755-8069 1748-5681 1759-1171 1753-7177 2050-6996 1751-5882 1753-5220 2046-3383 2049-0895 1752-3591 1752-0460 2041-8698 1756-9869 1759-5681 1751-4096 1753-5247 1741-5063 1750-0672 1742-4232 1746-0077 1742-7517 1741-8461 1741-1033 1751-9128 1742-6960 1741-1076 1741-5071 1741-508X 1756-5162 1755-9766 1748-1260 1742-5379 1741-5098 1741-8054 SUBSCRIPTION: US$ Print or Online Printand Online 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 1067 1486 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 1067 1486 720 975 861 1204 720 975 1486 2080 720 975 861 1204 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 861 1204 720 975 720 975 720 975 1486 2080 720 975 720 975 720 975 441 536 720 975 720 975 441 536 720 975 720 975 720 975 1067 1486 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 861 1204 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 1067 1486 1486 2080 continued overleaf © Inderscience Enterprises Limited 2017 2 INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS OF DISTINGUISHED ACADEMIC, SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS PUBLISHED TITLES: Subscription Prices 2017 US$ New Titles for 2017 listed after the Published Titles TITLES VOL. NO. 2017 International Journal of Environment and Health 8s International Journal of Environment and Pollution 61,62 International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 16 International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 19,20 International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment 4s International Journal of Environmental Engineering 9 International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making 2s International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 20 International Journal of Exergy 22,23,24 International Journal of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics 4s International Journal of Experimental Design and Process Optimisation 5s International Journal of Export Marketing 1s International Journal of Financial Engineering and Risk Management 2s International Journal of Financial Innovation in Banking 1s International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 6 International Journal of Financial Services Management 8s International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health 6s International Journal of Forensic Engineering 3s International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 12 International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine 5s International Journal of Fuzzy Computation and Modelling 2s International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies 2 International Journal of Global Energy Issues 40 International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 16 International Journal of Global Warming 11,12,13 International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 9 International Journal of Granular Computing, Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems 4s International Journal of Green Economics 11 International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 8 International Journal of Happiness and Development 3s International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 16 International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems 24 International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 10 International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture 7 International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability 1s International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management 2 International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 5 International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 6 International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management 17 International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies 5 International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology 7 International Journal of Image Mining 2s International Journal of Immunological Studies 3 International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 14,15 International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 25,26,27 International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Drives 3s International Journal of Information and Coding Theory 4 International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 10,11 International Journal of Information and Computer Security 9 International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences 9 International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education 6s International Journal of Information Privacy, Security and Integrity 3 International Journal of Information Quality 4s International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence 3s International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management 9 International Journal of Information Systems and Management 2 International Journal of Information Technology and Management 16 International Journal of Innovation and Learning 21,22 International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development 8 International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 11 International Journal of Innovation in Education 4 International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications 8 International Journal of Instrumentation Technology 2s International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 11 International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 9s International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems 6 International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics 5 International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 4 International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems 10 International Journal of Intelligent Systems Design and Computing 1s International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 16 ISSUES p.a. 4 8 4 8 4 4 4 6 12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 8 12 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ISSN Print 1743-4955 0957-4352 1474-6778 1478-9876 1741-8437 1756-8463 1752-6906 1466-2132 1742-8297 1755-8735 2040-2252 2059-089X 2049-0909 2055-6780 1756-7130 1460-6712 1479-3911 1744-9944 1740-2816 1756-2104 2052-353X 2052-0352 0954-7118 1466-6650 1758-2083 1479-3059 1757-2703 1744-9928 1741-847X 2049-2790 1368-2156 1744-232X 1740-0562 1751-6528 2056-4023 2050-0483 2045-7804 1742-5549 1465-6612 2050-103X 2042-7808 2055-6039 1754-1441 1753-0806 1748-5037 1757-3874 1753-7703 1466-6642 1744-1765 1756-7017 1744-2303 1741-8496 1751-0457 2042-3217 1479-3121 1751-3227 1461-4111 1471-8197 1753-0660 1740-8822 1755-151X 1751-648X 2043-7854 1477-5360 1478-9647 1755-1587 1758-8715 1745-3232 1751-5858 2052-8477 1740-8865 ISSN Online 1743-4963 1741-5101 1478-7466 1478-9868 1741-8445 1756-8471 1752-6914 1741-511X 1742-8300 1755-8743 2040-2260 2059-0903 2049-0917 2055-6799 1756-7149 1741-8062 1479-392X 1744-9952 1740-2824 1756-2112 2052-3548 2052-0360 1741-5128 1741-5136 1758-2091 1479-3067 1757-2711 1744-9936 1741-8488 2049-2804 1741-5144 1741-5152 1740-0570 1751-6536 2056-4031 2050-0491 2045-7812 1742-5557 1741-5160 2050-1048 2042-7816 2055-6047 1754-145X 1753-0814 1748-5045 1757-3882 1753-7711 1741-8070 1744-1773 1756-7025 1744-2311 1741-850X 1751-0465 2042-3225 1479-313X 1751-3235 1741-5179 1741-8089 1753-0679 1740-8830 1755-1528 1751-6498 2043-7862 1741-8097 1478-9655 1755-1595 1758-8723 1745-3240 1751-5866 2052-8485 1740-8873 SUBSCRIPTION: US$ Print or Online Printand Online 720 975 1486 2080 720 975 1067 1486 720 975 720 975 720 975 861 1204 1486 2080 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 861 1204 720 975 1486 2080 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 861 1204 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 441 536 1067 1486 1486 2080 720 975 720 975 1067 1486 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 1067 1486 861 1204 720 975 720 975 720 975 441 536 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 861 1204 720 975 720 975 continued overleaf © Inderscience Enterprises Limited 2017 3 INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS OF DISTINGUISHED ACADEMIC, SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS PUBLISHED TITLES: Subscription Prices 2017 US$ New Titles for 2017 listed after the Published Titles TITLES VOL. NO. 2017 International Journal of Intercultural Information Management 5s International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 9 International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services 4s International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 11 International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology 10 International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions 7 International Journal of Inventory Research 4 International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding 2 International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 8 International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 12 International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence 6 International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining 4s International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms 6 International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 8 International Journal of Lean Enterprise Research 2s International Journal of Learning and Change 9 International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 14 International Journal of Learning Technology 12 International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing 5s International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry 8s International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering 2s International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation 7 International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 26,27,28 International Journal of Low Radiation 11 International Journal of Machine Intelligence and Sensory Signal Processing 1s International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials 19 International Journal of Management and Decision Making 16 International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 16 International Journal of Management and Network Economics 4 International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 10 International Journal of Management Development 2 International Journal of Management in Education 11 International Journal of Management Practice 10 International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting 9 International Journal of Manufacturing Research 12 International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 31 International Journal of Markets and Business Systems 3 International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation 2 International Journal of Mass Customisation 5s International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 54,55 International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity 11 International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation 8 International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation 8 International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 10,11 International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems 4 International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation 6 International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems 10 International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 9 International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 12 International Journal of Metaheuristics 6 International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties 12 International Journal of Migration and Border Studies 3 International Journal of Migration and Residential Mobility 2 International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering 8 International Journal of Mobile Communications 15 International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 11 International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation 7 International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 27,28 International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management 6s International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 10 International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making 7 International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security 3s International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy 1s International Journal of Multivariate Data Analysis 1s International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials 7 International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 13 International Journal of Nanoparticles 9s International Journal of Nanotechnology 14 International Journal of Network Science 1s International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 17 International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Control 1s ISSUES p.a. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 6 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 4 4 4 ISSN Print 1750-0028 1476-1300 1751-6048 1477-5212 1743-8209 1748-569X 1746-6962 2055-0944 2040-4468 1741-1009 1755-8255 1755-2087 1755-3210 1743-8268 1754-2294 1740-2875 1479-4853 1477-8386 1757-5567 1741-6426 2043-8648 1741-5373 1742-7967 1477-6545 2048-9161 1748-5711 1462-4621 1468-4330 1754-2316 1478-1484 1752-8240 1750-385X 1477-9064 1753-6715 1750-0591 1368-2148 2056-4112 2056-9459 1742-4208 0268-1900 1745-0055 1757-2754 2040-3607 1757-5850 2047-7244 2045-1059 1753-1039 1755-0653 1744-2621 1755-2176 1741-8410 1755-2419 2051-6800 1754-890X 1470-949X 1746-725X 1744-2869 1746-6172 2042-4094 1752-0479 2040-106X 2042-3462 2059-1047 2396-8303 1752-8933 1746-9392 1753-2507 1475-7435 2048-2175 1470-9503 2050-6902 ISSN Online 1750-0036 1741-5330 1751-6056 1741-8100 1743-8217 1748-5703 1746-6970 2055-0952 2040-4476 1741-1017 1755-8263 1755-2095 1755-3229 1743-8276 1754-2308 1740-2883 1479-4861 1741-8119 1757-5575 1741-6434 2043-8656 1741-5381 1742-7975 1741-9190 2048-917X 1748-572X 1741-5187 1741-8127 1754-2324 1741-8135 1752-850X 1750-3868 1741-8143 1753-6723 1750-0605 1741-5195 2056-4120 2056-9467 1742-4216 1741-5209 1745-0063 1757-2762 2040-3615 1757-5869 2047-7252 2045-1067 1753-1047 1755-0661 1744-263X 1755-2184 1741-8429 1755-2427 2051-6819 1754-8918 1741-5217 1746-7268 1744-2850 1746-6180 2042-4108 1752-0487 2040-1078 2042-3470 2059-1055 2396-8311 1752-8941 1746-9406 1753-2515 1741-8151 2048-2183 1741-5225 2050-6910 SUBSCRIPTION: US$ Print or Online Printand Online 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 1486 2080 720 975 720 975 1067 1486 720 975 861 1204 720 975 720 975 441 536 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 1067 1486 720 975 720 975 720 975 1486 2080 720 975 720 975 720 975 1067 1486 720 975 720 975 861 1204 720 975 720 975 720 975 861 1204 720 975 720 975 720 975 861 1204 720 975 720 975 1486 2080 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 720 975 861 1204 720 975 1486 2080 720 975 720 975 720 975 continued overleaf © Inderscience Enterprises Limited 2017 4 INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS OF DISTINGUISHED ACADEMIC, SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS PUBLISHED TITLES: Subscription Prices 2017 US$ New Titles for 2017 listed after the Published Titles TITLES VOL. NO. 2017 International Journal of Nuclear Desalination 4s International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology 11 International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology 4s International Journal of Nuclear Hydrogen Production and Applications 3s International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management 7 International Journal of Nuclear Law 4s International Journal of Nuclear Safety and Security 1 International Journal of Ocean Systems Management 2 International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 14,15,16 International Journal of Operational Research 28,29,30 International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering 4s International Journal of Petroleum Engineering 3 International Journal of Planning and Scheduling 2s International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education 8 International Journal of Portfolio Analysis and Management 2s International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation 6 International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion 8 International Journal of Power Electronics 9 International Journal of Powertrains 6 International Journal of Precision Technology 7 International Journal of Private Law 9s International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 7 International Journal of Process Systems Engineering 4s International Journal of Procurement Management 10 International Journal of Product Development 22 International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 10 International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 20,21,22 International Journal of Project Organisation and Management 9 International Journal of Public Law and Policy 6 International Journal of Public Policy 13 International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 3 International Journal of Quality and Innovation 3s International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology 6s International Journal of Qualitative Research in Services 2s International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education 4 International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications 5 International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing 6s International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems 9 International Journal of Reliability and Safety 11 International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology 8 International Journal of Revenue Management 10 International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management 20 International Journal of Satellite Communications Policy and Management 1s International Journal of Security and Networks 12 International Journal of Sensor Networks 23,24,25 International Journal of Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing 3 International Journal of Services and Operations Management 26,27,28 International Journal of Services and Standards 12 International Journal of Services, Economics and Management 8 International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics 8s International Journal of Services Sciences 6s International Journal of Services Technology and Management 23 International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 9 International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering 10 International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 12 International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage 10s International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications 1s International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning 1s International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing 2s International Journal of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems 1s International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation 5 International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments 5 International Journal of Social Network Mining 2s International Journal of Society Systems Science 9 International Journal of Soft Computing and Networking 1s International Journal of Software Engineering, Technology and Applications 2s International Journal of Space Science and Engineering 4s International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing 7 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