WELCOME SENIOR STUDENTS, PARENTS, CAREGIVERS The purpose of the Senior Curriculum Course Booklet is to: • Provide you with information about the total Curriculum at Gisborne Boys’ High School • Help you make Choices about the course of study that is appropriate and relevant for you as you move into the Senior School. The booklet has two sections: Section A: General information and the wider view of the senior school curriculum Section B: Sections for the Curriculum at each Year Level Each curriculum course is described in greater detail It is extremely important that you make a choice which is best suited to your ability, interests and career path • Subject Teachers • Deans • Vertical Form Tutors • Careers Advisor • Mum, Dad, Caregiver • Outside Experts • A very useful website is www.careers.govt.nz CHOOSING A COURSE OF STUDY Research shows that the two main influences on subject choice are: 1) What subjects your friends are taking 2) Which teacher is teaching a particular subject NEITHER OF THESE SHOULD INFLUENCE YOUR SUBJECT CHOICE! Your friends may NOT be in the same class as you next year even if you take the same subjects, and no one yet knows who will be teaching any subjects next year so : CONCENTRATE ON WHAT YOU NEED FOR YOUR FUTURE. WHO CAN HELP YOU? MULTI-­‐LEVEL STUDY Multi-­‐Level Study means that a student can study ANY subject at ANY level provided subjects are available AND you qualify. e.g. Jim Student may choose: Year 9 -­‐ Maori Year 10 -­‐ Graphics Jim Student could be a Year 11 -­‐ English Year 11, 12 or 13 Student!! Year 11 -­‐ Mathematics Year 11 -­‐ Geography Year 12 -­‐ Biology It is important to choose a subject at the correct level for you. For example; you might have to ‘suck it up’ and do level 1 science when you are in year 13 – because you really do need to do level 1 science to get into a particular job. CAREERS ADVICE Mrs. Jefferson is the Careers Advisor. The purpose of the careers advisor is to facilitate subject, course, career and further education decisions in conjunction with the student, his Dean and his Parents/Caregivers. Advice can be sought by making an appointment with the Careers advisor, by reading the literature supplied in ‘Tahunga’ or through research on sites such as www.careers.govt.nz. During the subject selection process the Careers Advisor will be available to interview all Yr 11, 12 and 13 students in an effort to establish some action plan(s) that will enable that student to make informed choices. Further career advice can be sought from your year level dean and your vertical form teacher. Careers as a topic will be covered through the curriculum for all year levels: Year 9 -­‐ -­‐ Social Science Year 10 -­‐ Social Science Year 11 – 13 -­‐ Access to university and industry information through presenters and relevant workshops held during lunchtimes for interested students. 1 HOW TO GET AN NCEA CERTIFICATE To be awarded NCEA Level 1 you must achieve 80 credits. Of these, ten credits must be in literacy standards (reading and writing in English or Maori or any other standards which carry L1 literacy credits) and ten credits in numeracy (maths) stds. To be awarded NCEA Level 2 you need: • • 60 credits at level 2 or above; plus 20 credits at any level, even if gained for any other National Qualification. You must also have passed level 1 literacy and numeracy To be awarded NCEA Level 3 you must achieve: • 60 credits at level 3 or above; plus • 20 credits at level 2 or above, even if gained for any other National Qualification. To be awarded University Entrance you must achieve: • NCEA Level 3 • 14 credits in each of Three Approved Subjects • UE Literacy CAN I GET MY NCEA CERTIFICATE WITH MERIT OR EXCELLENCE? Yes, students can get their Level one, two or three certificates ‘endorsed’ with Merit or Excellence – if they have done well enough. Endorsement with Merit For a certificate to be endorsed with Merit, 50 credits at Merit or Excellence will be required at the same level, or higher, on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) as the certificate being awarded. Endorsement with Excellence For a certificate to be endorsed with Excellence, 50 credits at Excellence will be required at the same level, or higher, on the NQF as the certificate being awarded. Course Endorsement You can gain a Merit or Excellence endorsement in individual subjects by getting 14 credits at Merit or 14 credits at Excellence. At least 3 of these credits must be from external assessment and 3 from internal assessment HOW SHOULD I CHOOSE A COURSE OF STUDY NEXT YEAR? Choose subjects that you are good at and that will lead to the careers you are interested in. Your overall course should include about 100 to 120 credits – that way you have a good chance of passing 80 credits. Remember that you need to pass 80 credits to get your Level 1 NCEA Certificate. WHAT IF I DON’T GET 80 CREDITS? If you don’t get enough credits to get your Level One Certificate (or your Level 2 or 3 Certificate) in one year, you can use credits that you gain the next year. The credits from different years can be added together. NOTE: Many of the Year 12 and 13 subjects at GBHS have ‘pre-­‐requisite’ standards that you must have passed the previous year before you will be allowed to continue with the subject. It is important to check the pre-­‐requisites for the year 12 and 13 subjects you might want to take. Then make sure you pass them. 2 ENTRANCE TO UNIVERSITY With the advent of NCEA, University Entrance has become a lot more flexible. Many tertiary courses of study have specific requirements. These requirements may relate to the actual achievement standards, the level of achievement (e.g. merit or better) and the number and level of credits. You need to be aware that meeting the university entrance requirement below DOES NOT necessarily get you into a university. Each university has much higher requirements for entry to specific courses. With this in mind it would be most useful for prospective university applicants to visit the university web sites to determine entry qualifications. Admission to University via NCEA You must have: Level 3 (or above) 42 credits Approved Subject A Approved Subject B Approved Subject C which includes 14 credits in (14 credits) (14 credits) (14 Credits) each of three approved subjects. (However some universities have a rank score calculation for preferential entry and an additional Literacy requirement) AND Level 2 (or above) Approved Reading Approved writing Including 5 credits in reading (5 credits) (5 credits) standards and 5 credits in writing standards AND Level 1 (or above) Maths (14 credits) Entry to University may only be 42 L3 credits but in order to attain NCEA Level 3 and GRADUATE from Secondary School, you must have 60 Level 3 credits and 20 Level 2 credits (minimum). Students should go to their selected University site and check there are no additional specific requirements for selection. They should also be aware that while 42 credits is University Entrance, it may not be enough to guarantee a place due to student numbers in particular courses. University Websites Institution Auckland University of Technology Lincoln Massey Auckland Canterbury Otago Waikato Wellington Also known as . . . AUT Christchurch Dunedin Victoria 3 Address www.aut.ac.nz www.lincoln.ac.nz www.massey.ac.nz www.auckland.ac.nz www.canterbury.ac.nz www.otago.ac.nz www.waikato.ac.nz www.vuw.ac.nz STAR FUNDED COURSES Each year, depending on demand and the finances available, the School allocates discretionary funds which enable us to provide courses leading to qualifications not normally offered. In 2015 these courses were: School of Construction, Catering and Hospitality, School of Agriculture, Outdoor Pursuits School of Mechanical Engineering, First Aid Certificate, Learners Licence, Restricted Licence, Defensive Driving, Forklift, Aquaculture, Police Preparation, CV, Planning for Future Pathway & Interview Skills GATEWAY WHAT IS GATEWAY? Gateway is a programme for Year 12, 13 and 14 students to gain experience and relevant NZQA credits in the workplace while remaining at school. Gateway students are placed in a workplace for half to one day a week – in an occupation they are interested in. Students are required to complete a workplace safety course, first aid course, AND attain a minimum of 20 credits related to their chosen industry. The programme has successfully run at GBHS for the past ten years and some students have obtained apprenticeships as a result of being in the workplace and working hard. WHO CAN DO GATEWAY? Gateway is for Year 12, 13 and 14 students who can show they are reliable and prepared to do what it takes in the workplace. WHY DO GATEWAY? Gateway gives you experience in an occupation you might want to pursue when you leave school. You will find out whether it is what you really want to do and you will gain some useful skills in that occupation. You will also work towards some industry NZQA credits that count towards your NCEA results. Participating in the Gateway programme is not restricted to the trades; academic students considering further study have also participated e.g. Law, Accounting, Engineering. We work hard to ensure that there is minimal disruption to your timetable. Gateway helps fund some courses such as First Aid, Workplace Safety and some other course dependent on relevance to industry requirements. WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS? To join the Gateway programme you must: • Be responsible for yourself • Have a good record of school attendance • Be reliable and punctual • Have good manners • Be willing to learn • Be prepared to keep up with your school subjects while participating in the Gateway programme HOW DO I GET ON THE GATEWAY PROGRAMME • See Mrs Bridge at Tahunga, she will work with you and help clarify your ideas and career thoughts. • At subject selection time, discuss Gateway with your Dean, then see Mrs Bridge • Fill out an application form • You and your parent/caregiver will have an interview with Mrs Bridge before a Gateway placement is confirmed TRADES ACADEMY WHAT IS THE TRADES ACADEMY? Students will apply for entry into the Trades Academy courses by choosing the relevant TRADES ACADEMY course on the subject selection form. Entry will be based on appropriate course selection and the ability to meet entrance criteria. Attitude, attendance at school, and work completion are all necessary criteria. Students must be able to work independently and be reliable and responsible. Students who are selected must be prepared to attend EIT each Friday to successfully complete their course. These courses are run off-­‐site at EIT Tairawhiti every Friday, starting early in Term 1 and finishing at the end of October each year. Students selected for a Trades Academy course will also be required to complete study in 5 other curriculum subjects. Note: Courses are subject to enough numbers to run. ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ESOL) Ms McCarthy is the HOD of the ESOL Department and through her, ESOL assistance is available to international students. Individual student needs are assessed within the department and appropriate programmes recommended. The course concentrates on: • Communicative language skills for elementary, intermediate and advanced students. Both oral (speaking and listening) and written (reading and writing) skills are developed • Academic language to assist students in core mainstream classes • The New Zealand way of life and cultural activities are emphasised through reading, discussion and outside of school experiences • Nationally recognised ESOL Unit Standards for Year 11 ESOL students will be offered. This course will give students the opportunity to gain credits that contribute to NCEA. • Preparation for IELTS for advanced ESOL senior students. 4 QUALIFICATIONS IN THE SENIOR SCHOOL National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) How does NCEA work? To get your Level One NCEA Certificate, you must get at least 80 NCEA credits. There are two ways that you can get credits: • Achievement Standards • Unit Standards The subjects you choose for next year will offer either Achievement Standards, Unit Standards or a combination of both. Unit standards are not available in most ‘conventional’ subjects. Most subjects offer between 16 and 24 credits for a year’s work. Each Achievement Standard and each Unit Standard that you pass earns you some credits (some are worth more than others – usually between 2 and 6 credits each). What is the difference between Achievement Standards and Unit Standards? • Unit Standards are all internally assessed. • Some Achievement Standards are internally assessed, however many are externally assessed – usually by an end of year exam. • Almost all Unit Standards are pass or fail, with no other grades available. • Achievement Standards have 3 levels of ‘pass’-­‐ Achieved, Achieved with Merit and Achieved with Excellence. You get the same number of NCEA credits for an Achieved pass as you do for a Merit or Excellence. You get the same number of NCEA credits for an Achieved pass as you do for a Merit or Excellence pass. Assessment: • Some standards are internally assessed (your teacher marks your work), and some are externally assessed (your work is marked by someone from outside the school). • In most subjects, external assessment involves you sitting NCEA exams at the end of the year. In some subjects, external assessment means your project work is sent off to be assessed by someone from outside the school. • You should keep a record of all your internally assessed grades throughout the year – so you can check that your final results sheet is correct. SUBJECT SELECTION FOR 2016 To whanau/caregivers This year subject selection will run differently from previous years. A specialist team has been established to ensure that there is consistency and expertise when your son/ward selects his subjects. Each boy has been allocated a 15minute appointment with one of the Careers Team. It is imperative that the times are adhered to therefore if you would like to be part of the process please call the Careers team to either reschedule a longer appointment OR observe the times allocated. This allows the process to run smoothly for everyone concerned. We have allowed time for these additional appointments and have asked a local careers specialist to assist with boys who are still unsure as to what Career they are interested in. We have over 400 boys to interview so your support during this process is appreciated. Good career decisions are made when whanau, the student and the careers team are working together and we do encourage whanau involvement so if you think you need a longer appointment please call Maria Jefferson or Sally Bishop on 8688159 to facilitate this. Furthermore, please do not hesitate in contacting us throughout the year if there are careers conversations we can help with for your son/ward. 5 This is what is on offer for 2016 YEAR 11 COURSES English (3 courses) Te Reo Maori (2 courses) Te Reo Hukatai ESOL French Mathematics (3 Courses) Science (3 Courses) Horticulture Geography History (2 courses) Social Studies Economics Accounting Physical Education (2 courses) • Product & Design Technology • Workshop Technology (Wood) • Design and Visual Communication • Digital Technologies Info Media and Infrastructure • Construction and Furniture • Mechanical Engineering Tech YEAR 12 COURSES English (3 courses) Te Reo Maori Te Reo Rangatira Te Reo Hukatai ESOL Mathematics ( 2 Courses) Science Biology Chemistry Physics Agriculture/Horticulture Geography History (2 courses) Classical Studies Economics Accounting Physical Education (2 courses) • Product & Design Technology • Workshop Technology • Design and Visual Communication • Catering & Hospitality • National Certificate of Computing • School of Construction • School of Mechanical Engineering • School of film and stage technology YEAR 13 COURSES English Radio and Television Te Reo Maori Te Reo Rangatira Te Reo Hukatai ESOL Mathematics (Calculus) Mathematics (Statistics) Biology Chemistry Physic Agriculture/Horticulture Geography History (2 courses) Classical Studies Economics Accounting Physical Education School of Outdoor Pursuits • Product & Design Technology • Design and Visual Communication • Computing – Business Information Technologies • Mechanical Engineering Tech Visual Art Music (Design & Production) Whakairo Art Practical Art Design Music (Practical) Whakairo Art Design Art Painting Music (Practical) Whakairo Semester Courses: English Geography 1 and 2 History (Internal) Art Studies Course Physical Education Personal Finances Vocational Maths -­‐ Financial Numeracy Mathematics with Statistics Physics Science Te Reo Maori Hukatai 1 Outdoor Pursuits 1 and 2 Music Careers Exploration Please be aware that ‘school of ~’ subjects take up two blocks but count as 1 subject. If you wish to gain entry into the services (Army, Navy, Police) or to tertiary institutions for apprenticeships or other tertiary study, you will need NCEA LEVEL 2 as well as UE Literacy – 10 credits – 5 from A chievement Standards carrying UE Reading credits and 5 from Achievement Standards carrying U6E W riting credits. COURSE CHOICE AT A GLANCE SUBJECT Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Health and Physical Education English Mathematics Choose 5 full-­‐ year options OR A School of Learning and 3 options Sciences (this includes horticulture) Social Sciences Choose 3 full-­‐ year options Choose 5 full-­‐ year options An English course must be taken if you have not attained at least 10 credits in NCEA English Technology/Information Technology Arts Commerce Languages (Te Reo, French) Compulsory Subjects • • • • ESOL is offered at ALL senior levels Year 11 options are nearly all open entry with the exceptions being languages. It is advantageous to have had some junior experience before choosing senior arts or technologies. Year 12 and 13 options very often, you have to qualify for entry 7 Optional Subjects LANGUAGES -­‐ YEAR 11 Subject: Year: ENGLISH 11 Qualification: Code: L1EG Level 1 Achievement Stds (11EG F -­‐ Advanced) NCEA Credits: Up to 24-­‐26 Pre-­‐requisites: Students will be nominated by Year 10 teachers. Fee: $ 30 Fee pays for: Homework Book, photocopying resources and fees for stage or theatre performances Course Description The course covers a full range of A.S’s and all aspects of the NZ English Curriculum including reading, creative and formal writing, research, media production, language skills and film study. Students are expected to attempt three external examinations at the end of the year. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code 1.1 AS 90849 1.2 AS 90850 1.3 AS 90851 1.4 AS 90052 1.5 AS 90053 1.6 AS 90857 1.7 AS 90855 1.8 AS 90852 1.9 AS 90853 1.10 AS 90854 1.11 AS 90856 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Subject: Year: 11 Level 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Title Credits Mode Written texts 4 External Visual or Oral texts 4 External Unfamiliar written texts. 4 External Creative Writing 3 Internal Formal Writing 3 Internal Construct and deliver an oral text. 3 Internal Create a visual text. 3 Internal Explain significant connections across texts. 4 Internal Use Information literacy skills to form conclusions 4 Internal Form Personal Response to independently read texts 4 Internal Show understanding of significant aspects of visual and/or oral 3 Internal texts through close viewing and/or listening Subject Leads to: Level 2 English – 12EGF or 12EAF. Leads on to 13EGF Any occupation. English is essential for students who wish to move onto a tertiary course of study. Ms E. Minogue ENGLISH Qualification: Level 1 A.S’s (11EAF -­‐ Intermediate) NCEA Code: Credits: L1EA Up to 24 Pre-­‐requisites: Students will be nominated by Year 10 teachers. Suitable for students who are less confident in examinations and who need further support with writing skills (formal & creative). Fee: $ 30 Fee pays for: Homework Book, photocopying resources and fees for stage or theatre performances Course Description The course covers a full range of A.S’s and all aspects of the NZ English Curriculum including reading, creative writing, research, media production, language skills & film study. Students are expected to attempt up to two external examinations at the end of the year. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Level Title Credits Mode 1.1 AS 90849 1 Show understanding of Written texts 4 External 1.2 AS 90850 1 Show understanding of Visual or Oral texts 4 External 1.3 AS 90851 1 Show understanding of Unfamiliar written texts 4 External 1.4 AS 90052 1 Creative Writing 3 Internal 1.5 AS 90053 1 Formal Writing 3 Internal 1.6 AS 90857 1 Construct and deliver an oral text 3 Internal 1.7 AS 90855 1 Create a visual text 3 Internal 1.8 AS 90852 1 Explain significant connections across texts 4 Internal 1.9 AS 90853 1 Use information literacy skills to form conclusions 4 Internal 1.10 AS 90854 1 Form Personal Responses to independently read texts 4 Internal 1.11 AS 90855 1 Show understanding of significant aspects of visual and/or oral 3 Internal texts through close viewing and/or listening Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Level 2 English – 12EA, and thereafter, dependent on chosen career path, to 13 R & T Occupations: Any occupation. English is essential for students who wish to move onto a trades’ apprenticeship, a career in the armed services, and/or a tertiary course of study. Contact: Ms E. Minogue 8 Subject: Year: ENGLISH 11 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 25 Qualification: Achievement or Unit Standards (11EPF -­‐ Practical) NCEA Code: Credits: L1EP Up to 22 Students will be nominated by Year 10 teachers. Designed for students needing additional literacy support. Fee pays for: Photocopying resources and fees for stage or theatre performances Course Description This Practical English course provides a number of manageable Achievement or Unit standards for students who would struggle with a full Achievement Standards course. It includes a number of practical and ‘real life’ reading and writing activities as well as a number of visual (film and media) related standards. This course is fully internally assessed – there are no end of year external examination requirements Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Level Title Credits Mode 25060 1 Independently read texts for practical purposes and to gain 6 Internal Communication knowledge Skills 1.6 AS 90857 1 Construct and deliver an oral text. 3 Internal 1.7 AS 90855 1 Create a visual text. 3 Internal 1.9 AS 90853 1 Use information literacy skills to form conclusions. 4 Internal 1.10 AS 90854 1 Form Personal Response to independently read texts 4 Internal 1.11 AS 90856 1 Show understanding of significant aspects of visual and/or oral 3 Internal texts through close viewing and/or listening Alternative Literacy Unit Standards (available in English as well as most other subjects) 26622 1 Write to communicate ideas for a purpose and audience 4 Internal 26624 1 Read text with understanding 3 Internal 26625 1 Actively participate in spoken interactions 3 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Level 2 English – 12EP or 12EA Any occupation. English is essential for students who wish to move onto a trades’ apprenticeship, a career in the armed services, and/or a tertiary course of study. A minimum of 10 Literacy credits at L1 is required in order to gain the NCEA L1 certificate Ms E. Minogue Subject: Year: ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESOL) 11/12/13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 60 Qualification: ESOL Unit Standards Level 1 Code: Credits: ESOL 21 Elementary Level Fee pays for: ESOL Textbook/Workbook Course Description Year 11 students are able to gain ESOL Level 1 credits which give you credits for NCEA Level 1. These credits cannot be used to meet the Literacy requirements. Unit Standards Assessed Code Title Credits Mode 17366 Write simple recounts of personal experiences, using ESOL 3 Internal 2968 Read simple accounts of life experiences, using ESOL 4 Internal 17139 Write simple descriptions on familiar topics, using ESOL 4 Internal 2985 Read simple texts to gain knowledge, using ESOL 4 Internal 1287 Talk about self in an interview using learnt language patterns (ESOL) 4 Internal 3482 Complete forms in familiar contexts (ESOL) 2 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Good communication skills are essential in all occupations. Ms M. McCarthy 9 Subject: Year: TE REO MĀORI 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Achievement Standards Level 1 Te Reo Maori 1 Code: L1TR Credits: 30 Completed Year 9 & 10 or at the discretion of HOD $ 25 Fee pays for: Photocopying, workbook and resources Course Description This course is to encourage students to have pride in their heritage and to encourage them to gain and share experiences. It is vital that these students are encouraged to speak Te Reo Maori, practice tikanga and Kawa. At this level there is a concentration on grammar and topics of Whanau, Hapu and Iwi of each student. Achievement Assessed Code AS 91085 1.1 AS 91086 1.2 AS 91087 1.3 AS 91088 1.4 AS 91089 1.5 Level 1 1 1 1 1 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Subject: Year: Title Whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo o tōna ao Kōrero kia whakamahi i te reo o tōna ao Pānui kia mōhio ki te reo o tōna ao Tuhituhi i te reo o tōna ao Waihanga tuhinga i te reo o tōna ao Subject Leads to: Further study to NCEA Level 2 Te Reo Maori Useful in many occupations Mr R. Tapsell Te Whānau reo Māori 11 Qualification: NCEA Level 3 Te Reo Maori 3, L1 Hauora, L1 Tikanga ā-­‐iwi Pre-­‐requisites: At the discretion of the HOD or a Wharekura, Kura Kaupapa background Fee: Fee pays for: Course Materials $40 Credits 6 6 6 6 6 Mode Internal Internal External External Internal Code: L1TR Credits: 28 L3 20 L1 Total: 48 Course Description This course is for students who have a Wharekura or Kura Kaupapa background who wish to extend their studies in Te Reo Māori It is vital that these students are encouraged to speak Te Reo Maori, practice tikanga and Kawa. This is a 2 hour Block Course Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS 91650 3.1 3 Whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo Māori o te ao whānui 4 Internal AS 91651 3.2 3 Kōrero kia whakamahi i te reo o te ao whānui 6 Internal AS 91652 3.3 3 Pānui kia mōhio ki te reo Māori o te ao whānui 6 External AS 91653 3.4 3 Tuhi i te reo Māori o te ao whānui 6 External AS 91654 3.5 3 Waihanga tuhinga whai take i te reo Māori o te ao Whānui 6 Internal AS 91685 1.2 1 Te whakaatu i ngā tikanga tuku iho o te kai taketake 4 Internal AS 91686 1.3 1 Te whakamārama i te pānga mai o ngā take kai ki te ōranga o 4 Internal te tangata AS 91688 1.5 1 Te whakaatu māramatanga ki te ao kori mā te whai wāhi atu 4 Internal AS 91729 1.4 1 Te whakapuaki whakaaro mō ngā hanganga pāpori Māori o 4 Internal mua AS 91730 1.5 1 Te whakaatu māramatanga ki ngā take tuakiri tangata 4 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Further study to Te Reo Rangatira Level 2, Hauora Level 2, Tikanga ā-­‐iwi Level 2 Occupations: Useful in many occupations Contact: Mr Ryan Tapsell 10 Subject: Year: TE REO MĀORI HUKATAI 11/12/13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 20 Qualification: Code: Achievement and Unit Standards Level 1 Te Reo Māōri L1TRH Credits: Up to 30 No Pre-­‐requisites Fee pays for: Photocopying and resources Course Description This course is for students with limited to no background in Te Reo Māori. We encourage students to have pride in their heritage and to encourage them to gain and share experiences. At this level there is a concentration on grammar and developing the student’s Reo Maori skills Achievement Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode U/S 7261 1 Whakamāramatia ngā whakawhitiwhitinga kōrero māmā 3 Internal U/S 7269 1 Whakawhitiwhiti kōrero māmā tētahi ki tētahi 3 Internal U/S 7265 1 Pānui i ngā tuhinga kōrero māmā mō te tangata 3 Internal U/S 7257 1 Tuhituhi kōrero māmā tētahi ki tētahi atu 3 Internal U/S 7266 2 Pānui i ngā tuhinga kōrero mō tētahi atu 6 Internal U/S 7258 2 Tuhituhi kōrero mōna ake me ana mahi 6 Internal A/S 91089 1 Waihanga tuhinga i te reo o tōna ao 6 Internal 1.5 Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Further study in Years 12 and 13 Te Reo Maori Occupations: Useful in many occupations and entry into University Contact: Mr R. Tapsell Subject: Te whare tapere o Tū Tāne Code: L1TWT Full Year COURSE This course is suitable for students who have an interest in developing their Māori language skills and want to gain some level 1 NCEA credits in this subject. Year: 11 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee:$25 Qualification: Level 1 NCEA Credits: 20 At the discretion of the HOD or Hukatai L2 Fee pays for: Course Resources Course Description This course is to encourage students to take pride in their heritage and to encourage them to gain and share experiences. Practices of tikanga and Kawa are taught. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Title Level Credits Mode US20947 Demonstrate knowledge and skills of tī rākau 1 3 Internal US20948 Demonstrate knowledge and skills of tūwaewae 1 2 Internal US27544 Demonstrate knowledge of tākaro Māori 1 4 Internal US22753 Demonstrate knowledge of people associated with Māori performing arts 1 3 Internal AS91701 Te whakaoti mahi toi e whakatakoto ana i tētahi māramatanga i roto i ngā toi puoro 1 4 Internal AS9171 Te whakamahi hangarau matihiko hei whakawhanake whakaaro toi i roto i ngā toi puoro 1 4 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Further study to NCEA Level 2 TWT Occupations: Useful in many occupations Contact: Mr R Tapsell 11 Subject: Year: WHAKAIRO 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: No pre-­‐requisite Fee: $ 20 Fee pays for: Level 1 Unit Standards / Achievement standards Code: L1WK Credits: 28 Maintain tools, purchase timber to carve. Course Description To experience Maori art conventions, designs and practices thus developing Whakairo through traditional and modern means. On-­‐going research, interpretation of meaning and the impact of technology on practice and production will be conducted simultaneously. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 23005 1 Demonstrate knowledge of carving 5 Internal 23006 1 Demonstrate knowledge of how a carver shows meaning in their 5 Internal carvings 23007 1 Demonstrate knowledge of carving designs and their meaning 5 Internal 23008 1 Describe carved images, objects and their uses 5 Internal AS 91706, 1 Explore the indigenous art skills and elements of visual arts. 8 Internal 91707 Subject Leads to: Whakairo and /or NgaToi course of study at Toihoukura, Te Wananga o Aotearoa or Te Puia. Also Further Learning: other P.T.O. Providers around the country offer Nga Toi/ Fine Arts courses. Occupations: Commission carver, ta-­‐moko artist, greenstone/bone carver, commercial artist, sculptor, architect, landscape designer, teacher, course tutor, tourist operator. Contact: Mr C. Callaghan Mr D. Hollis Subject: Year: FRENCH 11 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 36 Qualification: NCEA Level 1 Code: L1FR Credits: 24 Completed Yr10 or to the discretion of HOD Fee pays for: NCEA Vocabulary book (DEE publication), Photocopied resources, food experiences. Course Description The course is based upon a range of themes or topics familiar to young people. Within each topic, students will develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, deepen their knowledge of French culture and develop their grammatical understanding. Achievement Assessed Code AS 90878 AS 90879 AS 90880 AS 90881 AS 90882 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Title Credits Mode 1.1 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken French 5 External Texts on areas of most immediate relevance 1.2 Give a spoken presentation in French that communicates a 4 Internal Personal response 1.3 Interact using spoken French to communicate personal 5 Internal Information, ideas and opinions in different situations 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of French texts on 5 External Areas of most immediate relevance 1.5 Write a variety of text types in French on areas of most 5 Internal Immediate relevance Subject Leads to: Further study to NCEA Level 2 French Useful in many occupation, this subject has links with English, History, Geography, Economics, Travel and Tourism, Commerce and Trade Mrs C L Jones 12 MATHEMATICS -­‐ YEAR 11 Subject: Year: 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: MATHEMATICS WITH CALCULUS Code: Level 1 Achievement Standards Credits: L1MC 29 HOD Recommendation based on performance in Year 10 and EOY exam result $35 Fee pays for: Workbooks (there will be an extra charge for external exam resources) Course Description This course covers level 6 of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum as described below. The course is recommended for students who intend to study mathematics at higher levels. Mathematics is an essential pre-­‐requisite for many careers and courses. Achievement Standards Assessed Code AS91027 AS91030 AS91026 AS91035 Level 1 1 1 1 AS91038 AS91037 AS91028 AS91032 1 1 1 1 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Title Apply algebraic procedures in solving problems (MCAT) Apply measurement in solving problems Apply numeric reasoning in solving problems Investigate a given multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry cycle Investigate a situation involving elements of chance Demonstrate understanding of chance and data Investigate relationships between tables, equations and graphs Apply right-­‐angled triangles in solving measurement problems Subject Leads to: 11 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 35 Mode External. Internal Internal. Internal 3 4 4 3 Internal External External. Internal Achievement Standard Mathematics with Statistics or Calculus at level 2. Numeracy requirement for tertiary study as well as a wide variety of occupations requiring mathematical skills. Mr E Hannah and Ms C Swann Subject: Year: Credits 4 3 4 4 Qualification: MATHEMATICS WITH STATISTICS Code: Level 1 Achievement Standards Credits: L1MS 28 HOD Recommendation based on performance in Year 10 and EOY exam result Fee pays for: Workbook and photocopied resources Course Description This course covers level 6 of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum as described below. The course is recommended for students who intend to study mathematics at higher levels. Mathematics is an essential pre-­‐requisite for many careers and courses. Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS91035 1 Investigate a given multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry 4 Internal cycle AS91026 1 Apply numeric reasoning in solving problems 4 Internal AS91030 1 Apply measurement in solving problems 3 Internal AS91027 1 Apply algebraic procedures in solving problems (MCAT) 4 External AS91032 1 Apply right-­‐angled triangles in solving measurement problems 3 Internal AS91029 1 Apply linear algebra in solving problems 3 Internal AS91038 1 Investigate a situation involving elements of chance 3 Internal AS91037 1 Demonstrate understanding of chance and data 4 External Subject Leads to: Achievement Standard Mathematics with Statistics at level 2. (This course does not meet the pre-­‐ Further Learning: requisites for Maths with Calculus). Occupations: Numeracy requirement for tertiary study as well as a wide variety of occupations requiring mathematical skills Contact: Mr E Hannah and Ms C Swann 13 Subject: Year: MATHEMATICS APPLIED (VOCATIONAL) 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Level 1 Achievement Standards Code: Credits: L1MAP 19 Recommendation by subject teacher based on performance in Year 10 and EOY exam $ 35 Fee pays for: Workbook and photocopied resources. Course Description This is a course designed for students who have some difficulty with mathematics. The course content is based on the internally assessed AS. Successful completion of this course will meet the minimum Numeracy requirements for tertiary studies. Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS91035 1 Investigate a given multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry 4 Internal cycle AS91026 1 Apply numeric reasoning in solving problems 4 Internal AS91032 1 Apply right-­‐angled triangles in solving measurement problems 3 Internal AS91034 1 Apply transformation geometry in solving problems 2 Internal AS91033 1 Apply knowledge of geometric representations in solving problems 3 Internal AS91038 1 Investigate a situation involving elements of chance 3 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Achievement Standard Mathematics at level 2 or vocational mathematics at Level 2 Numeracy requirement for tertiary study as well as a wide variety of occupations requiring mathematical skills. Mr E Hannah and Ms C Swann Contact: SCIENCE Year 11 Subject: Year: LEVEL 1 SCIENCE A 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Level 1 Achievement Standards Code: Credits: L1SIA 23 Entry from 10SIA -­‐ 12 Achievement credits or better Entry from 10SI -­‐ 90% or better in the Y10 examination and class tests; $34 Fee pays for: Purchase of NCEA course write on notes. Course Description This course is designed for top graduates of 10SIA who want to study L2 Sciences. An exceptional student from 10A3-­‐7 may study this course at the same time as L1SIB so as to better prepared for L2 study. The six standards studied in L1SIA are from the L1 Biology, Chemistry and Physics strands of New Zealand Science curriculum. Achievement Standards Assessed Code B1.5 AS90929 Level 1 C1.5 AS 90934 C1.3 AS 90932 C1.1 AS90930 P1.4 AS90938 P1.3 AS 90937 1 1 1 1 1 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Title Credits Mode Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas relating to a mammal(s) as 3 External a consumer(s) Demonstrate understanding of aspects of chemical reactions 4 External Demonstrate understanding of aspects of carbon chemistry 4 External Carry out a practical chemistry investigation, with direction 4 Internal Demonstrate understanding of aspects of wave behaviour 4 External Demonstrate understanding of aspects of electricity and magnetism 4 External Subject Leads to: Successful students have a variety of options: Achievement or better in the Biology standards (S1.9, B1.3 from L1A and B1.5 from L1SIB) provide entry to L2BI. Achievement or better in the Chemistry standards (S1.5 and C1.1 from L1SIA and C1.4 and C1.5 from L1SIB) provide entry to L2CH. Achievement or better in the Physics standards (S1.1, P1.1 from L1SIA and P1.3, P1.4 from L1SIB) provide entry to L2PY. All students can take L2SI. Laboratory technician, doctor, engineer, pilot, pharmacist, radiographer, industrial chemist, surveyor, chemistry or physics teacher Mr Fawcett 14 Subject: Year 11 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $20 LEVEL 1 SCIENCE B Qualification: Level 1 Achievement Standards Code: L1SIB Credits: 24 This course is for students who intend to carry on to Level 2 Biology, Chemistry or Physics. Entry is from 10A1 Science or for boys from 10A3 – A8 Science who gained over 80% in the Year 10 exam. English and Mathematic results will also be considered. Fee pays for: Science write on notes Course Description This course consists of internal and external standards and is suitable for the most able students Y10 Science (e.g. more than 80% in Y10 tests and the end-­‐of-­‐year examination). The six standards studied in L1SIB are from the L1 Biology, Chemistry, Physics strands of New Zealand Science curriculum. This course provides a broad, theoretical approach to science topics and is intended to prepare students for further L1 and L2 study. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode S1.1 AS 90940 1 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of mechanics 4 External S1.9 AS 90948 1 Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation 4 External S1.5 AS 90944 1 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of acids and bases 4 External B1.3 AS90927 1 Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas relating to micro-­‐organisms 4 External P1.1 AS 90935 1 Carry out a practical physics investigation that leads to a linear 4 Internal mathematical relationship, with direction C1.1 AS90930 1 Carry out a practical chemistry investigation, with direction 4 Internal Subject Leads to: All students can take L2SI. Exceptional students have further options -­‐ Merits in S1.1 and P1.1 Further Learning: provides direct entry to L2PY. Merits in S1.5 and C1.1 provides direct entry to L2CH. Merits in S1.9 and B1.3 provides direct entry to L2BI Occupations: Laboratory technician to doctor, engineer, pilot, DOC worker, pharmacist, physiotherapist….. Contact: Mr Fawcett 15 Subject: Year: LEVEL 1 SCIENCE C 11 Qualification: Level 1 Achievement Standards Pre-­‐requisites: None. Entry is open to all students. Fee: Fee pays for: field trip(s) $20 Code: L1SIC Credits: 20-­‐24 Course Description This course consists of internal standards only and is suitable for students who may go on to study Level 2 Science but not L2 Chemistry, Physics, Biology. The 5 or 6 standards assessed are selected from student interest from the L1 Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science strands of New Zealand Science curriculum. Those listed below have been selected in the past three years. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode S1.2 AS90941 1 Investigate implications of electricity and magnetism for everyday life S 1.3 AS90942 1 Investigate behaviours of wave behaviour for everyday life 4 Internal S1.6 AS90941 1 Investigate implications of the use of carbon compounds as fuels 4 Internal S 1.7 AS90946 1 Investigate the implication of the properties of metals to their use in 4 Internal society S 1.8 AS90947 1 Investigate selected chemical reactions 4 Internal S 1.10 AS90949 1 Investigate life processes and environmental factors that affect them 4 Internal S 1.11 AS90950 1 Investigate biological ideas relating to interactions between humans and 4 Internal micro-­‐organisms S1.13 AS90952 1 Investigate an astronomical or Earth science event 4 Internal S1.14 AS90953 1 Demonstrate understanding of carbon cycling 4 Internal S1.15 AS90954 1 Demonstrate understanding of the effects of astronomical cycles on 4 Internal planet earth P1.1 AS90935 1 Carry out a practical physics investigation that leads to a linear 4 Internal mathematical relationship, with direction Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: All students can progress to L2SI Science knowledge and skills are needed in a wide range of careers, from laboratory technician to doctor, engineer, pilot, DOC worker, pharmacist, physiotherapist… This course will be assessed using 5 internal assessment standards listed above. Depending on time and progress there may be the opportunity to carry out the sixth internal standard Mr Fawcett Further Information Contact: Subject: Year: HORTICULTURE 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: L1 Achievement Standards Code: L1HT Credits: 23 An interest in Horticulture and Agriculture $ 20 Course Description A course covering soil and plant management practices, propagation techniques, environmental impact and geographic distribution of the primary production sector and practical skills in agriculture and horticulture. Achievement Standards Assessed Code AS 90919 AS 90924 AS 90920 AS 90923 AS 90160 AS 90157 Level 1 1 1 1 1 1 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Title Soil management practices Plant management practices Geographic distribution of primary production in NZ Propagation techniques Environmental impact of the primary production sector Practical skills in agricultural production Subject Leads to: Level 2 Unit Standards through Telford Orchard, Market garden work, Nursery work, Field work, and Farm work Mr S Browne 16 Credits 4 5 3 4 3 4 Mode External External Internal Internal Internal Internal SOCIAL SCIENCES -­‐ YEAR 11 Subject: Year: GEOGRAPHY LEVEL 1 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: NCEA LEVEL 1 Credits: L1GE 21 No previous Geography necessary. Entry at HOD’s discretion $ 25 Fee pays for: Resources and skills book Course Description This is an extension of the Social Studies skills with the emphasis on natural and cultural environments. Those with good writing skills and an interest in contemporary issues should find this subject to their liking. Achievement Standards Assessed Code 91007 91009 91010 91011 91012 91013 Level 1 1 1 1 1 1 Further Learning: Occupations: Title Examine Extreme Natural Events Sustainable use in environment Apply Skills and Ideas in a Geographic Context. Carry out Directed Geographic Research Examine a Contemporary Geographic Issue Examine a Global Geographic Topic Subject Leads to: Credits 4 3 4 4 3 3 Mode External Internal External Internal Internal Internal Level 2 Geography An extremely diverse range of jobs and study options including planning cities and concerts, teaching, farming and meteorology. Geography aims to foster a balanced view of, and respect for, the environment on all scales, from local to global. Where you are uncertain of your direction, geography keeps your options open. Mr Varey/ Mr Chapman Contact: . Subject: Year: ECONOMICS 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: NCEA Level 1Economics Credits: L1EC 24 None $25 Fee pays for: Write on Note Book Course Description Introduction to economic and business ideas based on consumers and producers within the NZ economy. Code 1.1 Level 1 1.2 1 1.3 1.4 1 1 1.5 1 1.6 1 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Title Demonstrate understanding of consumer choices, using scarcity and or demand. Demonstrate understanding of decisions a producer makes about production. Demonstrate understanding of producer choices using supply. Demonstrate understanding of how consumer, producer and/or government choices affect society, using market equilibrium. Demonstrate understanding of a government choice where affected groups have different viewpoints. Demonstrate understanding of the interdependence of sectors of the NZ economy. Subject Leads to: Level Two Economics Business Management, Economist, Accountant, Agribusiness Mr P. Varey 17 Credits 4 Mode External 5 Internal 3 5 External External 4 Internal 3 Internal Subject: Year: ACCOUNTING 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Level One Accounting Code: Credits: L1AC 24 None Yes Fee pays for: Write-­‐on notes Course Description An introduction to the Accounting system. Financial accounting, personal accounting and the accounting process. Code 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Level 1 1 1 1 1 1 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Title Demonstrate understanding of accounting concepts for small entities Process financial transactions for a small entity Prepare financial statements for sole proprietors Prepare financial information for a community organisation’s AGM Interpret accounting information for sole proprietors Make a financial decision for an individual or group. Subject Leads to: Level Two Accounting Accountant, Management, Business, Farming Mr Varey Subject: Year: HISTORY LEVEL 1 11 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 30 Qualification: NCEA History A.S Level 1 Credits 3 5 5 4 4 3 Mode External Internal External Internal External Internal Code: Credits: L1HI 24 No previous history necessary. Entry at HOD’s discretion Fee pays for: Write on Notes Course Description Springbok Tour, Black Civil Rights, Origins of World War 2, Rainbow Warrior Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 91001 1 Carry out an Historical Investigation 4 Internal 91002 1 Communicate Historical Ideas 4 Internal 91003 1 Interpret historical sources 4 External 91004 1 Describe the perspectives and related actions of people in an historical 4 Internal setting 91005 1 Describe the causes and consequences of an historical event 4 External 91006 1 Describe how a significant event affected New Zealand Society 4 External Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Level 2 History Occupations: History skills of information gathering, sorting and presenting are applicable to a wide range of jobs. Contact: Mr Neri Manuel 18 Subject: Year: SOCIAL STUDIES LEVEL 1 11 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 30 Qualification: NCEA Level 1 credits Code: L1SS Credits: 22 None – best for those students wishing to gain literacy and find examinations difficult Fee pays for: Resources Course Description Springbok Tour, Black Civil Rights, Facebook, Planning a Skate park Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title 91001 1 Carry out an Historical Investigation 91002 1 Communicate Historical Ideas 91012 1 Describe aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue 91011 1 Conduct Geographic Research, with direction 91042 1 Report on personal involvement in a social justice and human rights action 90989 1 Demonstrate understanding of how individuals interact with the media Credits 4 4 3 4 4 3 Mode Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Subject Leads to: Level 1 History or Geography – Level 2 HIX at HOD discretion Skills of information gathering, sorting and presenting are applicable to a wide range of jobs. Mrs Ada Te Amo Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION-­‐ YEAR 11 Subject: Year: 11 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 45 Qualification: PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Academic) Code: L1PEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Credits: 30 (*32) Entry dependent on recommendation by Year 10 PE teacher and HOD (a record of positive participation in PE & Health in Years 9 & 10) Fee pays for: Special PE Gear for top class & stationary Course Description This course is intended for top students who are motivated and organised and have done well in Year 10 Sci, Eng and PE. Students should also be interested in sport and recreation and be actively involved in sport. This course provides an introduction to the theoretical side of Phys Ed, including; Anatomy, Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics, Skill Analysis and Sociology of Sport. Students are required to apply this theory across a range of physical activities, eg. Volleyball, Soccer etc Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode PhysEd 1.1 1 Participate in physical activities and explain factors that influenced participation 5 Internal PhysEd 1.2 1 Describe function of the body as it relates to the performance of a physical 5 Internal activity PhysEd 1.3 1 Demonstrate ‘quality of movement’ in a physical activity (Volleyball 3 Internal performance) PhysEd 1.4 1 Demonstrate understanding of societal influences on physical activity and the 4 Internal implications for self and others PhysEd 1.5 1 Demonstrate interpersonal skills and describe their effects on the functioning of 4 Internal a team PhysEd 1.6 1 Demonstrate strategies to improve your performance in Volleyball (1.3) and 3 Internal describe the outcomes PhysEd 1.7 1 Demonstrate and show understanding of responsible behaviour for safety during 3 Internal outdoor education activities PhysEd 1.8 1 Take purposeful action to assist others to participate in physical activity 2 Internal *optional* Phys Ed Demonstrate self-­‐management strategies and describe the effects on 3 Internal 1.9 participation in physical activity. Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Level 2 & 3 Physical Education and future tertiary study in Physical Education, Science & Health Sciences at University level. Occupations: A range of careers within the fields of Physical Education, Health Sciences, Sport & Recreation. Eg. Educator (Teacher/Coach), Provision & Development of Community Health and Physical activity, Sports promotion, Physical trainer, Health related careers Contact: Mr S. Murphy 19 Subject: Year: 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Practical) Code: L1PEP Level 1 Achievement Standards Credits: 26 (*28) Entry dependent on recommendation by Year 10 PE teacher and HOD $25 Fee pays for: PE Gear and stationery. Course Description This course is intended for less academic students who are interested and actively involved in, sport and recreation.. This course provides a basic introduction to the theoretical side of Physical Education with an emphasis on students applying this theoretical knowledge in practical activities. We want students to develop good self management and teamwork skills so that they have the skills to enjoy being physically active throughout life. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode PhysEd 1.1 1 Participate in physical activities and explain factors that influenced 5 Internal participation PhysEd 1.2 1 Describe function of the body as it relates to the performance of a physical 5 Internal activity PhysEd 1.3 1 Demonstrate ‘quality of movement’ in a physical activity (Volleyball) 3 Internal PhysEd 1.5 1 Demonstrate interpersonal skills and describe their effects on the functioning 4 Internal of a team PhysEd 1.6 1 Demonstrate strategies to improve your performance in Volleyball (1.3) and 3 Internal describe the outcomes PhysEd 1.7 1 Demonstrate and show understanding of responsible behaviour for safety 3 Internal during outdoor education activities PhyEd 1.8 1 Take purposeful action to assist others to participate in physical activity 2 Internal *optional* PhysEd 1.9 1 Demonstrate self management strategies and describe the effects on 3 Internal participation in physical activity. Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: 12PEP, School of O/door Pursuits in Yr 12 and future tertiary study in Sport & Recreation at Polytech level. A range of careers within the field of Sport, Recreation, Community work, Health Eg. Health promotion, Community Sport & Fitness work, Personal Trainer, Gym work, Provision & Development of Junior sport, Fitness industry, Policing and Armed Services Contact: Mr S. Murphy TECHNOLOGY -­‐ YEAR 11 Subject: Year MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 11 Qualification: L1MET Credits: 26 Any Student who shows an interest in engineering as a hobby or a career pathway is encouraged to take this subject. Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: NCEA Level 1 Code: $50 Fee pays for: Photocopying, Construction materials and stationery. Course Description A workshop based practical course of core Mechanical Engineering, graphic and workshop skills in the construction of simple prototypes, such as a tool tray, wind vane and tool makers clamp. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level 497 22923 4436 2430 20917 21909 1 1 2 2 2 2 Title Demonstrate knowledge of workplace safety Demonstrate basic engineering workshop skills Select, use and care for engineering marking out equipment Draw and interpret sketches Demonstrate basic knowledge of engineering materials Demonstrate knowledge of engineering fasteners Subject Leads to: Further Learning: 12 SMET Occupations: Contact: Engineering and Technological occupations at trades level Mr. S. Tanner or Mr. A McNabb 20 Credits 3 12 4 4 2 1 Mode Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Subject Year: WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY (Wood) 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: NCEA level 1 L1WTW Credits: 16 A satisfactory year at Year 10 technology or graphics. $ 140 deposit Fee pays for: Construction materials Course Description A practical course of core workshop skills in the production of simple and functional projects. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS 91057 1 Implement basic procedures using resistant materials to make a 6 Internal specified product US 24352 1 Demonstrate knowledge of and apply safe working practices in the 2 Internal construction of a BCATS project US 24356 1 Apply elementary workshop procedures and processes for BCATS 8 Internal projects Subject Leads to: Workshop Technology – Wood, School of Construction, Polytechnic, Private training providers, Further Learning: Industry work placements. Occupations: Construction, joinery, furniture, wood related, technological occupations at trades level. Contact: Technology Department staff. Subject: Year: PRODUCT DESIGN TECHNOLOGY 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: NCEA Level 1 L1DT Credits: 22 A satisfactory year at Year 10 technology and/or year 10 Graphics, and an interest in developing real products that involve electronics using hard materials through using the design process. $ 80.00 deposit Fee pays for: Design, construction and modelling materials and stationery. Course Description Develop a small portable speaker unit using a course of design, modelling and technological practice involving hard materials and simple electronics. Students will research, plan, and implement practical design outcomes. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code AS 91045 Level 1 AS 91047 AS 91057 1 AS 91046 1 1 1 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Title Use planning tools to guide the technological development of an outcome to address a brief Undertake development to make a prototype to address a brief Implement basic procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product Use design ideas to produce a conceptual design for an outcome to address a brief Subject Leads to: NCEA L2 Product Design Technology and L2 Graphics Design , Production, Construction, Engineering and Technological occupations at professional, technician and trades level Mr S Tanner ( HOD. Technology) 21 Credits 4 Mode Internal 6 6 Internal Internal 6 Internal Subject: Year: DESIGN AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION LEVEL 1 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: NCEA Level 1 Design and Visual Communication Code L1DVC Credits: 18 If a student has not done 10DVC, entry is at the discretion of the HOD. $ 50.00 Fee pays for: Drawing Equipment, Stationery and design media. Course Description A full year course of Visual Communication and design drawing. Freehand sketching, instrumental drawing and Computer Aided Design. Design process and presentation with particular emphasis given to Architecture and Engineering. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title AS 91063 AS 91064 1 1 Produce freehand sketches to communicate own design ideas Produce instrumental, multiview orthographic drawings that communicate technical features of own design ideas. 3 3 external external AS 91065 1 Produce instrumental paraline drawings to communicate own design ideas. 3 external AS 91067 1 3 internal AS 91068 1 Use rendering techniques to communicate the form of own design ideas. Demonstrate the development of a design idea communicated through design practice. 6 internal Occupations: Contact: Mr S Tanner ( H.O.D. Technology) Subject: DIGITAL COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES: INFORMATION, MEDIA AND INFRASTRUCTURE – Level 1 11 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Mode Subject Leads to: Further school based learning at NCEA level 2 or polytechnic, private training provider, industry work place. Related trades and professions of Construction, Architecture, Engineering and Design Technology. Further Learning: Year: Credits Qualification: NCEA Level 1 Fee pays for: Additional NCEA and Assessment printing Code: Credits: L1DTIM 24 $ 10.00 Course Description This course will enable students to develop & consolidate the skill of entering text (words and numbers) using an alpha-­‐ numeric keyboard & demonstrating safe working practices. Understand in implement the basic concepts of information management. Understand and implement the basic concepts of digital media 9web). Understand the common components of computer hardware and software. Implement basic procedures for the maintenance of personal computers. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level US 101 AS 91070 1 1 AS 91071 1 AS 91072 AS 91073 1 1 AS 91080 1 AS 91081 1 Title Further Learning: Develop and use keyboarding skills to enter text Demonstrate understanding of basic concepts of information management Implement basic procedures to produce a specified digital information outcome Demonstrate understanding of basic concepts of digital media (web) Implement basic procedures to produce a specified digital media outcome Demonstrate understanding of the common concepts of basic digital infrastructures Implement basic procedures for servicing a personal computer system Subject Leads to: National Certificate (Computing) (Level 2) Occupations: Any IT business related occupation Contact: Mr M Davidson ( HOD.TNC Computing and ICT) 22 Credits Mode 3 3 Internal External 4 Internal 3 4 Internal Internal 3 Internal 4 Internal ARTS -­‐ YEAR 11 Subject: Year: VISUAL ART (Level 1) 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: Level 1 Visual Art Credits: L1VA 26 It is preferable a year 9 or 10 art course has been undertaken successfully. $ 40 Fee pays for: Class materials Course Description A year’s course studying the following disciplines: drawing and painting. A study of New Zealand Maori and NZ European artists is part of this course also. As well as an assignment of practical work, a folio is presented as the major assessment piece for the year. This course is a pre-­‐requisite for year 12 Art Practical course. The course is designed to develop technical art skills, creative thinking, to explore concepts, ideas and methods related to your own environment. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 1.1 -­‐ 90913 1 Demonstrate understanding of artworks from a Māori and another 4 Internal cultural context using art terminology 1.2 -­‐ 90914 1 Use drawing methods and skills for recording information 4 Internal 1.3 -­‐ 90915 1 Use drawing conventions to develop work in more than one field 6 Internal 1.4 -­‐ 90916 1 Produce a body of work informed by established practice 12 External Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: There are trade opportunities in sign writing, commercial printing, advertising, graphic design and computer studies. There are opportunities following tertiary courses in photography, Video, film making and computer graphics. You could also begin a freelance career in fine arts e.g. painting, sculpture, printmaking or ceramics. Contact: Mr D Watson FILM AND STAGE TECHNOLOGY – Year 11 Subject: FILM AND STAGE TECHNOLOGY Level 1 Code: L1FST FULL YEAR COURSE This course is a single block only at Year 11 Year: 11 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: No Pre-­‐requisites Fee: $80 Fee pays for: NCEA Unit Standards Credits: 25 Portfolio Materials Course Description This course deals with the technical side of creativity for film and stage production. The course is taught as to align with the NZ Curriculum subject achievement objectives for Technology. There is a heavy emphasis on knowledge acquisition leading to skill mastery in order to allow creative decision to be realised in practice. Literacy / Numeracy This course is structured to give additional support to students in NCEA Level 1 Literacy and Numeracy Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits FILM AND TV FOUNDATION STUDIES (NCEA LEVEL 1) US10263 1 Demonstrate knowledge of film and television production 5 PERFORMING ARTS TECHNOLOGY (NCEA LEVEL 1) US26686 1 4 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of stage lighting Mode Internal Internal US26687 1 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of sound technology 4 Internal US26688 1 Demonstrate knowledge and techniques of stage make-­‐up 4 Internal US26689 1 Demonstrate knowledge of costuming 3 Internal US26690 1 3 Internal US26691 1 Construct items to meet needs of a performance context Assist in a performing arts production Subject Leads to: 2 Internal Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: FST at Level 2/3 Vocational Pathway; Creative Industries Tertiary Study;– Film Making, Performing Arts Technology Creative and technical roles within of performing arts and film and broadcasting Mr D Lindup 23 Subject: Year: MUSIC DESIGN AND PRODUCTION 11 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 25 Code: Qualification: Level 1 Music Fee pays for: Work book C.D for Performance and Composition/ Instruments L1MU Credits: 19 Course Description This course is designed for the practical Music student. Students will learn how to use music technologies and will be involved in a rigorous programme of solo and group performances, recording and producing their own music, as well as that of others. Achievement Standards Assessed Code AS 91090 Music 1.1 AS 91091 Music 1.2 AS 91092 Music 1.3 US 27656 Level 1 1 1 1 Title Perform contrasting music as a featured soloist Perform music as a member of a group Compose two original pieces of music Demonstrate and apply introductory knowledge of music technology equipment and techniques Subject Leads to: Credits 6 3 6 4 Mode Internal Internal Internal Internal Further Learning: Year 12 Music; Tertiary Study Occupations: Music Engineer; Freelance writer; Professional Musician; Arranger; Teacher. Contact: Mr W Matahiki TRADES ACADEMY (available to Yr 12, 13 & 14 students) Students will apply for entry into the Trades Academy courses by choosing the relevant TRADES ACADEMY course on the subject selection form. Entry will be based on appropriate course selection and the ability to meet entrance criteria. Attitude, attendance at school and work completion are all necessary criteria. Students must be able to work independently and be reliable and responsible. Students who are selected must be prepared to attend EIT each Friday to successfully complete their course. These courses are run off-­‐site at EIT Tairawhiti every Friday, starting early in Term 1 and finishing at the end of October each year. Students selected for a Trades Academy course will also be required to complete study in 5 other curriculum subjects Note: Courses are subject to enough numbers to run. On your subject selection form CHOOSE ONE course. Subject: Year: TRADES: AGRICULTURE 12/13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $120 Qualification: Fee pays for: NCEA Level 2 Code: TRAGRI Credits: 31 Attained L1 Eng, Maths, Entry is subject to approval by Snr Mgmt Vocational Pathway: Primary Industries Course Description Course aim: To provide students who are new to working in Agriculture with the opportunity to experience working in this industry to assist them in making an informed decision for further study and/or employment This course runs every Friday at EIT Tairwawhiti. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code 19112 19114 Title Level Check and report on livestock 2 Assist with handling and treatment of livestock 2 Demonstrate knowledge of livestock behaviour and animal 19116 2 welfare Demonstrate knowledge of hazards, hazard control, and the 23540 2 consequences of injury in a rural workplace Locate hazards, describe safety procedures, and demonstrate 23541 2 safe work practices in a rural workplace Connect up, and perform repairs and maintenance on an on-­‐ 31 2 farm water supply system Assist with livestock grazing management, and feed livestock 24630 2 under direct supervision 24557 Demonstrate knowledge of the safe operation of a quad bike 2 Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytechnic, Industry workplace, Private training providers. Occupations: Agriculture related trades Contact: Ms S Bishop 24 Credits 4 6 Mode Internal Internal 2 Internal 5 Internal 5 Internal 2 Internal 4 Internal 3 Internal Subject: Year: TRADES: HORTICULTURE 12/13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Qualification: $120 NCEA Level 2 TRHORT Credits: 24 Attained L1 Eng, Maths, Entry is subject to approval by Snr Mgmt Fee pays for: Title Vocational Pathway: Primary Industries Level Unit standards to be advised Subject Leads to: Polytechnic, Industry workplace, Private training providers. Horticulture related trades Ms S Bishop Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Subject: TRADES: FORESTRY 12/13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: Course Description Course aim: To provide students who are new to working in Horticulture with the opportunity to experience working in this industry to assist them in making an informed decision for further study and/or employment This course runs every Friday at EIT Tairwawhiti. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Year: $120 Qualification: Fee pays for: NCEA Level 2 Credits Mode Code: TRFOR Credits: 24 Attained L1 Eng, Maths, Entry is subject to approval by Snr Mgmt Vocational Pathway: Primary Industries Course Description Course aim: To provide students who are new to working in Forestry with the opportunity to experience working in this industry to assist them in making an informed decision for further study and/or employment This course runs every Friday at EIT Tairwawhiti. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Title Level Credits Mode Unit standards to be advised Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytechnic, Industry workplace, Private training providers. Occupations: Forestry based careers Contact: Ms S Bishop 25 Subject: Year: TRADES: AUTOMOTIVE 12/13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $120 NCEA Level 2 Code: Credits: TRAUTO 25 Attained L1 Eng, Maths, Entry is subject to approval by Snr Mgmt Fee pays for: Vocational Pathway: Manufacturing & Technology Course Description Course aim: To provide students with the opportunity to experience the work of an automotive mechanic to assist them in making an informed decision for further study and/or employment. This course runs every Friday at EIT Tairwawhiti. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code 27602 2387 2395 Title Level Ride a quad bike on flat terrain under close supervision 1 Assemble mechanical components under supervision 2 Select, use and care for, engineering hand tools 2 Demonstrate good work habits and perform safe 21858 2 work practices in the motor and related industries Demonstrate knowledge of safe working practices 16113 2 in an automotive workshop Demonstrate knowledge of fasteners used in mechanical 21909 2 engineering Clean automotive components and maintain cleaning 924 2 equipment Explain the operation of two and four stroke petrol and diesel 231 2 engines Demonstrate knowledge of hand tools and workshop 21669 2 equipment for motor industry applications Demonstrate knowledge of hazardous materials used in the 21718 2 motor and related industries Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytechnic, Industry workplace, Private training providers. Occupations: Mechanic, other related automotive industries Contact: Ms S Bishop 26 Credits 3 2 4 Mode Internal Internal Internal 4 Internal 2 Internal 1 Internal 1 Internal 4 Internal 2 Internal 2 Internal Subject: Year: TRADES: BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION 12/13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $120 NCEA Level 2 Code: Credits: TRBLDG 35 Attained L1 Eng, Maths, Entry is subject to approval by Snr Mgmt Fee pays for: Vocational Pathway: Construction & Infrastructure Course Description Course aim: To provide students with the opportunity to experience working in the field of building and construction to assist them in making an informed decision for further study and/or employment. . This course runs every Friday at EIT Tairawhiti. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code 12927 Title Level Identify, select, maintain, and use hand tools for BCATS projects 2 Identify, select, maintain, and use portable power tools for BCATS 24350 2 projects Demonstrate knowledge of and apply safe working practices in a 24354 2 BCATS workplace Receive instructions and communicate information in relation to 24357 2 BCATS projects Plan and monitor the construction of a BCATS project, and quality 24358 2 check the product Read and interpret plans, working drawings and specifications for 22607 2 BCATS projects Demonstrate knowledge of the carpentry industry within a BCATS 25319 2 environment And a minimum of 8 credits from the following standards: 12933 Complete minor concrete works as a BCATS project 2 Erect a spaced residential timber deck up to one metre high as a 12935 2 BCATS project Construct a non-­‐consent timber framed utility building as a BCATS 12936 2 project 12937 Erect a timber pergola as a BCATS project 2 12938 Lay paving blocks as a BCATS project 2 12939 Erect basic garden edge retaining walls as a BCATS project 2 Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytechnic, Industry workplace, Private training providers. Occupations: Builder, and building related industries Contact: Ms S Bishop 27 Credits 6 Mode Internal 6 Internal 4 Internal 4 Internal 2 Internal 3 Internal 2 Internal 4 Internal 8 Internal 8 5 4 4 Subject: Year: TRADES: COMPUTER TECHNICIAN 12/13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $120 Qualification: NCEA Level 2 Code: Credits: Fee pays for: Vocational Pathway: Manufacturing & Technology Course Description Course aim: To providce students with the opportunity to experience working in the field of technical computer services and assist them in making an informed decision for further study and/or employment. This course runs every Friday at EIT Tairwawhiti. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Title Level Credits Use and maintain personal computer peripherals 2 3 Demonstrate knowledge of the components of personal computer 2783 2 3 systems Use the Internet for information retrieval in an 20332 2 3 organisation Use digital communications 25662 2 3 technologies Investigate the use of Information and Communications Technology in an 25782 3 6 organisation 18753 Recommend hardware for personal computer use 3 5 Identify and resolve users' minor computer 18755 3 5 problems Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytechnic, Industry workplace, Private training providers. Occupations: Computer related industries Contact: Ms S Bishop Subject: TRADES: FASHION Code: 12/13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: 28 Attained L1 Eng, Math. Entry is subject to approval by Snr Mgmt Code 2790 Year: TRCOMP $120 Qualification: NCEA Level 2 Credits: Mode Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal TRFASH 26 Attained L1 Eng, Maths. Entry is subject to approval by Snr Mgmt Fee pays for: Vocational Pathway: Creative Industries Course Description Course aim: To provide students witht he opportunity to experience working in the field of fashion and assist them in making an informed decision for further study and/or employment. This course runs every Friday at EIT Tairwawhiti. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Title Level Credits Machine Skill and Textiles Application Demonstrate knowledge of clothing materials in the 4838 2 3 clothing industry Pattern Design and Drafting 2832 Measure people for outerwear fitment 3 3 6685 Adapt a commercial pattern for a garment 2 5 Machining -­‐ Construction 2625 Attach fastenings and decorative attachments to a garment 2 3 6700 Prepare and construct a textile item for a specified purpose 3 6 Fashion Illustration 16837 Prepare and produce fashion drawings 2 3 Apparel Industry -­‐ Research 2989 Select, access, and read text to gain knowledge 2 3 Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytechnic, Industry workplace, Private training providers. Occupations: Fashion related industries Contact: Ms S Bishop 28 Mode Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Subject: Year: TRADES: HAIR & BEAUTY 12/13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $120 Code: NCEA Level 2 Credits: TRHAIR 26 Attained L1 Eng, Maths, Entry is subject to approval by Snr Mgmt Fee pays for: Vocational Pathway: Services Industries Course Description Course aim: To provide students with the opportunity to experience working in the field of hairdressing and beauty services to assist them in making an informed decision for further study and/or employment. This course runs every Friday at EIT Tairwawhiti. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code 2869 2891 Title Level Credits Apply treatments to hair and scalp. 2 2 Demonstrate knowledge of the history of hair design 2 5 Demonstrate knowledge of current fashion trends and history 27640 2 3 related to beauty therapy Describe the relevance of anatomy and physiology to beauty 27641 2 3 therapy practice 25077 Mould and scale hair 2 2 25076 Pincurl hair 2 3 25792 Dress long hair into elementary styles 3 8 Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytechnic, Industry workplace, Private training providers. Occupations: Hairdresser, Make-­‐up artist, any Fashion related industries Contact: Ms S Bishop Mode Internal Internal Subject: TRHEAL Year: TRADES: HEALTH & FITNESS 12/13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $120 Qualification: NCEA Level 2 Code: Credits: Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal 31 Attained L1 Eng, Maths, PE Entry is subject to approval by Snr Mgmt Fee pays for: Vocational Pathway: Services Industries Course Description Course aim: To provide students with the opportunity to experience working in the field of sport, health and recreation to assist them in making an informed decision for further study and/or employment. This course runs every Friday at EIT Tairwawhiti. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code 505 7021 Title Level Manage personal physical fitness with guidance 1 Demonstrate exercise techniques 3 Relate human anatomy and movement to gym equipment and 21791 2 static stretching Demonstrate, instruct, and monitor safe and correct use of 21795 2 cardiovascular exercise equipment 7038 Explain the purpose and structure of a fitness enterprise 3 Demonstrate correct technique when using basic gym 21793 2 equipment 21794 Demonstrate, instruct, and monitor static stretching 2 Demonstrate knowledge of health risk factors and disease and 21792 2 monitor exercise stress Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytechnic, Industry workplace, Private training providers. Occupations: Personal Trainer, other related physical fitness industries Contact: Ms S Bishop 29 Credits 3 8 Mode Internal Internal 4 Internal 3 Internal 4 Internal 2 Internal 3 Internal 4 Internal Subject: Year: TRADES: HOSPITALITY 12/13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: NCEA Level 2 Code: Credits: TRHOSP 29 Attained L1 Eng, Maths, Entry is subject to approval by Snr Mgmt $120 Fee pays for: Vocational Pathway: Services Industries Course Description Course aim: To provide students with the opportunity to experience working in the field of Hospitality to assist them in making an informed decision for further study and/or employment. This course runs every Friday at EIT Tairwawhiti. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Health & Safety 167 Cookery 13285 13272 13283 13276 13281 13277 Café Services Title Level Credits Mode Practice food safety methods in a food business 2 4 Internal Handle and maintain knives in a commercial kitchen Cook food items by baking Prepare and present salads for service Cook food items by grilling Prepare and present basic sandwiches for service Cook food items by braising and stewing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal 2 Internal 3 Internal 4 Internal 2 Internal 2 Internal Prepare and clear areas for counter food service in a 2 commercial hospitality environment Provide counter food and beverage service in a commercial 14441 3 hospitality environment Demonstrate knowledge of commercial espresso coffee 17285 equipment and prepare espresso beverages under 2 supervision Prepare and serve hot and cold non-­‐alcoholic drinks in a 14425 2 commercial hospitality environment Maintain personal presentation and greet customers in the 14462 2 hospitality industry Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytechnic, Industry workplace, Private training providers. Occupations: Chef, catering, barista; all hospitality related industries Contact: Ms S Bishop 14440 30 Subject: Year: TRADES: TRADE SKILLS 12/13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $120 Qualification: NCEA Level 2 Code: Credits: TRSKIL 30 Attained L1 Eng, Maths, Entry is subject to approval by Snr Mgmt Fee pays for: Vocational Pathway: Manufacturing & Technology Course Description Course aim: To provide students with the opportunity to experience a range of different trades to enable them to make an informed decision for further study and/or employment. This includes elements from Automotive Engineering, Automotive and Building & Construction trades. This course runs every Friday at EIT Tairwawhiti. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code 12936 24358 Title Construct a non-­‐consent timber framed utility building as a BCATS project Plan and monitor the construction of a BCATS project, and quality check the product Level 2 2 2395 Select, use, and care for, engineering hand tools 2 4435 Select, use, and care for engineering dimensional measuring equipment 2 4436 Select, use, and care for engineering marking-­‐out equipment 2 2387 Assemble mechanical components under supervision 2 21909 2396 21911 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Demonstrate knowledge of fasteners used in mechanical engineering Select, use and maintain portable hand held engineering power tools Demonstrate knowledge of safety on engineering worksites 2 2 2 Credits 8 2 4 3 4 2 1 4 2 Subject Leads to: Polytechnic, Industry workplace, Private training providers. Mechanic, Builder, Mechanical Engineer and other related trades Ms S Bishop 31 Mode Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal GATEWAY Gateway is a formalised work-­‐placement programme. Students are required to obtain a minimum of 10 credits in their selected industry, complete a safety course and a first aid course. Gateway is available to Yr 12, 13 and 14 students. Students can apply to the Gateway Coordinator for a place on the programme by completing an application form and having an interview in conjunction with their parents/caregivers. Students are selected at the discretion of the Gateway Coordinator and Senior Management. Gateway runs across the timetable at GBHS which means a student can be out on placement on any given day of the week. This means that a student must be able to work independently, be totally reliable, respectful and engaged in learning. A commitment to a minimum of 8 weeks is required, but some students spend 30 weeks on Gateway depending on the industry and success of the placement. Gateway can be experienced in all industries subject to availability. However, for students on a University pathway who would like to also be on the Gateway programme, work experience must take place outside of school hours. For further information please contact Chick Bridge, Gateway Coordinator. Subject: Year: GATEWAY 12/13/14 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ varies Qualification: Related industry Code: Year: GATE 12/13/14 Attained NCEA L1 and minimum 12 credits in NCEA L1 English, Maths and Science. Entry is subject to approval by Gateway Coordinator Fee pays for: contribution to clothing etc Vocational Pathway: ALL Course Description Course aim: To provide students with the opportunity to experience working in an industry they are interested in. Experience takes place in local work places and requires the student to be fully motivated and responsible. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Title Level Credits Mode Compulsory standards 17593 Apply safe work practices in the workplace 2 4 Internal Apply hazard identification and risk assessment procedures in 17602 3 4 Internal the workplace 6400 Manage First Aid in Emergency Situations 3 2 Internal 6401 Provide First Aid 2 1 Internal 6402 Provide Resuscitation 1 1 Internal 504 Produce a CV 1 2 Internal 4251 Plan a Career Pathway 3 2 Internal Maintain personal presentation and a positive attitude in the 62 2 3 Internal workplace involving customer contact. Related Industry standards A minimum of a further 10 industry-­‐related credits to be obtained relative to the student’s work placement industry. Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytechnic, Industry workplace, Private training providers. Occupations: Dependent on industry placement Contact: Mrs C Bridge 32 SCHOOLS OF LEARNING Students will apply for entry to these Schools of Learning. Entry will be based on appropriate course selection and the ability to meet entrance criteria. Attitude, attendance at School, work completion are all necessary criteria. Because these Schools of Learning may require out of school intensives, students who are selected for the Schools of Learning will be required to sign a contract that will ensure their full participation in the learning activities. Each School of Learning will be allocated 8 timetable periods grouped as double periods. This will allow for practical work and more efficient learning. Students selected for each School of Learning will also be required to complete study in other curriculum subjects as shown on the summary page for the Schools of Learning. Subject: Year: SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 12 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Qualification: Code: NVEA Level 2 Credits: L2SMET 38 A minimum achievement of 12 credits at Level 1 Technology or a passion for Engineering as a career if you did not get the opportunity in Year 11. $ 400 $100 dep Fee pays for: Photocopying, Construction materials, Pocket Motorbike and stationery. Extra projects may incur extra costs. Travel and accommodation to Manfield Raceway may also incur extra costs. Course Description A workshop based practical course of core Mechanical Engineering, graphic and workshop skills in the construction of simple yet functional structures and mechanisms, which includes the construction of Pocket Motorbike. This is year 1 of a 2 year course Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 2396 1 Select, use and maintain portable hand held engineering power tools 4 Internal 4435 2 Select, use and care for engineering dimensional measuring equipment 3 Internal 4433 4436 20799 1 2 2 Select, use and care for simple measuring devices Select, use and care for engineering marking out equipment Demonstrate basic knowledge of engineering materials 2 4 2 Internal Internal Internal 21911 2432 2395 21907 2 2 2 2 Demonstrate knowledge of safety on engineering worksites Construct engineering plane geometrical shapes under supervision Select, use and care for engineering hand tools Demonstrate and apply knowledge of safe welding procedures under supervision 1 3 4 3 Internal Internal Internal Internal 21905 21908 2430 2 2 2 Demonstrate knowledge of trade calculations Demonstrate knowledge of basic mechanics Draw and interpret sketches Subject Leads to: 6 3 3 Internal Internal Internal Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: 13 DT Engineering and Technological occupations at trades level Mr S Tanner or Mr A McNabb 33 Subject: Year: SCHOOL OF CONSTRUCTION 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: NCEA Level 2 L2SCON Credits : 35 A minimum achievement of 12 credits at level 1 Technology. $180dep Fee pays for: Workshop Materials and stationery. Course Description A full year course of introductory construction theory and practical workshop skills. This course runs for 8 periods per week. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level 24354 12927 24350 24360 2 2 2 2 Title Credits Demonstrate knowledge and apply safe working practises. Identify, select, use and maintain hand tools used for BCATS projects Identify, select, maintain and use portable power tools for BCATS projects. Demonstrate knowledge of timber and other construction materials used in BCATS projects. 12932 2 Construct timber garden furniture and items of basic construction equipment as a BCATS project 25921 2 Make a cupboard as a BCATS project Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytechnic, Industry workplace, Private training providers. Occupations: Construction related trades Contact: Mr S. Tanner LANGUAGES -­‐ YEAR 12 Subject: Year: ENGLISH 12 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Qualification: Level 2 Achievement Standards (12 EG -­‐Advanced) NCEA Mode 4 6 6 5 Internal Internal Internal Internal 8 Internal 6 Internal Code: L2EG Credits: Up to 26 Must have passed AT LEAST TWO Level 1 external examinations (8 credits) and at least 10 credits at L1 in internal Achievement Standards, including Creative and Formal Writing (or at discretion of HOD) $ 30 Fee pays for: Homework Book, Photocopy resources and fees for stage or theatre performances Course Description The course covers a full range of Achievement Standards and all aspects of the New Zealand English Curriculum including reading (a range of texts), creative and formal writing, research, language skills and film study. The focus is on the study and analysis of techniques used in literature and film, with some research and report writing, and speaking standards. Students will attempt at least two and possibly three external NCEA examinations. Achievement Standards Assessed Code 2.1 AS 91098 2.2 AS 91099 2.3 AS 91100 2.4 AS 91101 2.5 AS 91102 2.6 AS 91103 2.7 AS 91104 2.8 AS 91105 2.9 AS 91106 2.10 AS 91107 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Level 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Title Analyse specified aspects of written text Analyse specified aspects of visual and/or oral texts Analyse significant aspects of unfamiliar written texts Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text Create a crafted and controlled visual and verbal text Analyse significant connections across texts Use information literacy skills to form developed conclusion(s) Form developed personal responses to independently read texts Analyse significant aspects of visual and/or oral texts through close viewing and/or listening Subject Leads to: Credits 4 4 4 6 3 3 4 4 4 3 Mode External External External Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Level 3 English – 13EG Any occupation. English is essential for students who wish to move onto a tertiary course of study. UE Literacy (10 credits – 5 reading; 5 writing from English or other approved standards/subjects) is the minimum pre-­‐requisite for admission to tertiary training for apprenticeships and services training (Armed Forces, Police). Ms E. Minogue 34 Subject: Year: ENGLISH 12 Qualification: Level 2 Achievement Standards (12EA -­‐Intermediate) NCEA Code: L2EA Credits: Up to 24 Pre-­‐requisites: Must have completed AT LEAST 12 Level 1 internal Achievement Standard credits and passed AT LEAST ONE external L1 English examination(or at HOD’s discretion) Fee: $ 30 Fee pays for: Homework book, Photocopy resources and stage performances Course Description The course covers a full range of Achievement Standards and all aspects of the New Zealand English Curriculum including reading (a range of texts), creative and formal writing, research, language skills and film study. Students are expected to attempt at least two external NCEA examinations (to be determined by negotiation with subject teacher). Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 2.1 AS 91098 2 Analyse specified aspects of written texts 4 External 2.2 AS 91099 2 Analyse specified aspects of visual and/or oral texts 4 External 2.3 AS 91100 2 Analyse significant aspects of unfamiliar written texts 4 External 2.4 AS 91101 2 Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing 6 Internal 2.5 AS 91102 2 Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text 3 Internal 2.6 AS 91103 2 Create a crafted and controlled visual and verbal text 3 Internal 2.7 AS 91104 2 Analyse significant connections across texts 4 Internal 2.8 AS 91105 2 Use Information literacy skills to form developed conclusion(s) 4 Internal 2.9 AS 91106 2 Form developed personal response to independently read texts 4 Internal 2.10 AS 91107 2 Analyse aspects of visual and/or oral text(s) through close viewing 3 Internal and/or listening, supported by evidence Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Subject Leads to: Level 3EGF at HOD discretion OR 13 Radio and Television OR 12EGF -­‐ Advanced Any occupation. English is essential if you wish to move onto a tertiary course of study.). Ms E. Minogue Subject: Year: ENGLISH 12 Qualification: Level 2 A.S’s (12 EPF -­‐ English Practical) NCEA Code: Credits: L2EP Up to22 Pre-­‐requisites: Students will be nominated by Year 11 teacher. Must have at least 10 credits in L1 English Achievement Standards and L1 Literacy and be reading and writing at NZ Curriculum Level 6. Must attend class regularly. Fee: $ 25 Fee pays for: Photocopy resources and stage performances Course Description This Practical English course provides a smaller number of manageable A.S. for students who would struggle with a full A.S. course. It includes a number of practical reading and writing activities as well as a number of visual (film and media) related standards. There is no requirement to attempt external examinations, although students may be encouraged to attempt one or two external standards at the discretion of the subject teacher. The course is usually fully internally assessed. Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 2.4 AS 91101 2 Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing 6 Internal 2.5 AS 91102 2 Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text 3 Internal 2.6 AS 91103 2 Create a crafted and controlled visual and verbal text 3 Internal 2.7 AS 91104 2 Analyse significant connections across texts 4 Internal 2.8 AS 91105 2 Use information literacy skills to form developed conclusion(s) 4 Internal 2.9 AS 91106 2 Form developed personal response to independently read texts 4 Internal US 25073 2 Read text to recognize differing points of view on a topic 3 Internal US 2989 2 Select, assess and read text to gain knowledge 3 Internal US 3492 2 Write a short report 3 Internal US 8824 2 Research a topic using oral, visual and written sources and evaluate 4 Internal the process Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Level 2 Achievement Standards (12EAF -­‐ Intermediate) Any occupation. English is essential for students who wish to move onto a tertiary course of study. Ms E. Minogue 35 Subject: Year: ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESOL) 12/13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 60 Qualification: ESOL Unit Standards Level 2 and 3 Code: Credits: ESOL 26 Pre-­‐Intermediate – Intermediate Level Fee pays for: ESOL Textbook/Workbook Course Description This course provides a number of standards for reading, writing and speaking which contribute towards credits towards NCEA Level 1 and 2 Unit Standards Assessed Code 17363 17359 3477 17372 17370 17368 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Title Read Information texts (ESOL) Talk about self in a formal interview (ESOL) Write recounts on familiar topics (ESOL) Write recounts (ESOL) Write expressing a viewpoint (ESOL) Write information texts on familiar topics (ESOL) Subject Leads to: Level 3 ESOL, Level 1 and 2 English Achievement Standards Good communication skills are essential in all occupations Ms M. McCarthy Subject: Year: TE REO MAORI 12 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 25 Qualification: Achievement Standards Level 2 Te Reo Maori Credits 4 4 4 5 5 4 Code: Mode Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal L2TR Credits: 28 Completed NCEA Level 1 or to the discretion of HOD Course Resources Course Description This course is to encourage students to have pride in their heritage and to encourage them to gain and share experiences. It is vital that these students are encouraged to speak Te Reo Maori, practice tikanga and Kawa. At this level there is a concentration on grammar and developing and further enhancing the students Reo Māori skills. Achievement Standard Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS 91284 2 Whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo o te ao torotoro 4 Internal AS 91285 2 Kōrero kia whakamahi i te reo o te ao torotoro 6 Internal AS 91286 2 Pānui kia mōhio ki te reo o te ao torotoro 6 External AS 91287 2 Tuhi i te reo o te ao torotoro 6 External AS 91288 2 Waihanga tuhinga auaha, i te reo o te ao torotoro 6 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Further study to NCEA Level 3 Te Reo Maori Useful in many occupations Mr R. Tapsell 36 Subject: Year: TE REO MAORI HUKATAI 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: Unit Standards Level 1 & 2 Te Reo Maori L2TRH Credits: 24 At the discretion of the HOD $ 25 Course Resources Course Description This course is for students with limited to no background in Te Reo Māori. We encourage students to have pride in their heritage and to encourage them to gain and share experiences. At this level there is a concentration on grammar and developing the student’s Reo Maori skills Unit Standard Assessed Code U/S 7261 U/S 7269 U/S 7265 U/S 7257 U/S 7266 U/S 7258 Level 2 2 2 2 2 2 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Subject: Year: 12/13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $25 Title Whakamāramatia ngā whakawhitiwhitinga kōrero māmā Whakawhitiwhiti kōrero māmā tētahi ki tētahi Pānui i ngā tuhinga kōrero māmā mō te tangata Tuhituhi kōrero māmā tētahi ki tētahi atu Pānui i ngā tuhinga kōrero mō tētahi atu Tuhituhi kōrero mōna ake me ana mahi Subject Leads to: Credits 3 3 3 3 6 6 Mode Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Further study to NCEA Level 3 Te Reo Maori Useful in many occupations Mr R. Tapsell TE REO RANGATIRA LEVEL 2 Qualification: Code: Achievement Standards Level 2 Te Reo Rangatira Credits: L2TRR 44 NCEA Level 1,2 & 3 Te Reo Maori or at the discretion of HOD Fee pays for: Course Materials Course Description This course is to encourage students to have pride in their heritage and to encourage them to gain and share experiences. It is vital that these students are encouraged to speak Te Reo Maori, practice tikanga and Kawa. At this level there is a focus on further developing the student’s Reo Māori skills through kōrero whakanikoniko. Code AS 91777 2.1 AS 91778 2.2 AS 91779 2.3 AS 91780 2.4 AS 91781 2.5 AS 91782 2.6 AS 91783 2.7 AS 91784 2.8 AS 91785 2.9 AS 91786 2.10 AS 91787 2.11 AS 91788 2.12 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Level Title 2 Te whakarongo ki ngā tōhunga reo 2 Te wetewete i ngā tuhinga tuatahi 2 Te pānui i ngā tuhinga tawhito 2 Te tuhi kōrero whakaae rānei, whakahē rānei 2 Te tito i te whakaari 2 Te tito i tētahi pakiwaitara poto 2 Te whakarite i te whaituhi roa mō te takenga o te reo Māori 2 Te kōrero i te pakiwaitara Te whakahāngai i ngākōrero o nehe ki te ao hou hei kōrero 2 ohia 2 Te wetewete kaupapa 2 Te tūhura me te pūrongo i te reo peha 2 Te tūhura i ngā tikanga o te reo Subject Leads to: Further study to NCEA Level 3 Te Reo Rangatira Useful in many occupations and entry to University Mr R. Tapsell 37 Credits 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 4 Mode External Internal External External Internal Internal Internal Internal 3 Internal 3 4 4 Internal Internal Internal Subject: Te whare tapere o Tū Tāne Code: L2TWT Full Year COURSE This course is suitable for students who have an interest in developing their Māori language skills and want to gain some level 2 NCEA credits in this subject. Year: 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee:$25 Level 1 NCEA Credits: 28 At the discretion of the HOD or L1TWT L2 Fee pays for: Course Resources Course Description This course is to encourage students to take pride in their heritage and to encourage them to gain and share experiences. Practices of tikanga and Kawa are taught. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Level US20949 2 US20950 Title Credits Mode Demonstrate knowledge of toroparawae and perform toroparawae 6 Internal 2 Demonstrate knowledge of koikoi and perform koikoi 6 Internal US27545 2 Select and perform tākaro Māori 4 Internal US13359 2 Demonstrate knowledge and skills of mōteatea 6 Internal US13371 2 Demonstrate knowledge and skills of haka 6 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Further study to NCEA Level 3 Te whare tapere o Tū Tāne Occupations: Useful in many occupations Contact: Mr R Tapsell Subject: Year: WHAKAIRO 12 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 20 Qualification: Level 2 Unit Standards Code: Credits: L2WK 20 11 Whakairo or by discussion with H.O.D. Fee pays for: Maintain tools, purchase timber to carve. Course Description To explore Maori art conventions, designs and practices thus developing Whakairo through traditional and modern means. On-­‐going research, interpretation of meaning and the impact of technology on practice and production will be conducted simultaneously. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code 23009 Level Title Credits Mode 2 Identify and apply Māori art conventions, design elements and 5 Internal principles to explore whakairo 23010 2 Generate, develop and refine visual ideas in whakairo 5 Internal 23011 2 Demonstrate knowledge of whakairo production for meaning, 5 Internal intention, function and an artist's methodologies 23012 2 Demonstrate knowledge of function and significance to explore the 5 Internal value of whakairo Achievement Standards will be available in 2016 Subject Leads to: Whakairo and /or NgaToi course of study at Toihoukura, Te Wananga o Aotearoa or Te Puia. Also Further Learning: other P.T.O. Providers around the country offer Nga Toi/ Fine Arts courses. Occupations: Commission carver/artist, ta-­‐moko artist, greenstone/bone carver, commercial artist, sculptor, architect, landscape designer, teacher, course tutor, tourist operator. Contact: Mr C. Callaghan, Mr D. Hollis 38 MATHEMATICS -­‐ YEAR 12 Subject: Year:12 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 35 Qualification: MATHEMATICS WITH STATISTICS Code: Level 2 Achievement Standards Credits: L2MS 22 At least 18 credits including AS91037 from NCEA Level 1. Fee pays for: Workbook, (there will be an extra charge for external exam resources). Course Description This course offers Achievement Standards listed below which cover level 7 of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum. Assessment will be by either internal or external and leads to Level 3 Statistics and Modelling course. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS91259 2 Apply trigonometric relationships in solving problems 3 Internal AS91256 2 Apply co-­‐ordinate geometry methods in solving problems 2 Internal AS91258 2 Apply sequences and series in solving problems 2 Internal AS91264 2 Use statistical methods to make an inference 4 Internal AS91267 2 Apply probability methods in solving problems 4 External AS91265 2 Conduct an experiment to investigate a situation using statistical 3 Internal methods AS91268 2 Investigate a situation involving elements of chance using a 2 Internal simulation AS 1260 2 Apply network methods in solving problems 2 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Level 3 Statistics and Modelling Year 13. Occupations: Tertiary study as well as a wide variety of occupations requiring mathematical skills Contact: Mr E Hannah and Ms C Swann Subject: Year: 12 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 35 Qualification: MATHEMATICS WITH CALCULUS Code: L2MC Level 2 Achievement Standards Credits: 26 At least 18 credits including AS91027 (MCAT), AS91028 and (AS91031 or AS91037) from NCEA Level 1. Fee pays for: Workbook (there will be an extra charge for external exam resources) Course Description This course offers Achievement Standards listed below which cover level 7 of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum. Assessment will be by either internal or external and leads to Level 3 Calculus course. Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS91259 2 Apply trigonometric relationships in solving problems 3 Internal AS91261 2 Apply algebraic methods in solving problems 4 External AS91257 2 Apply graphical methods in solving problems 4 Internal AS91264 2 Use statistical methods to make an inference 4 Internal AS91262 2 Apply calculus methods in solving problems 5 External AS91269 2 Apply systems of equations in solving problems 2 Internal AS91267 2 Apply probability methods in solving problems 4 External Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Level 3 Calculus Year 13 or Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics Tertiary study as well as a wide variety of occupations requiring mathematical skills Mr E. Hannah and Ms C Swann 39 Subject: Year: MATHEMATICS APPLIED (VOCATIONAL) 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: New Zealand Certificate of Mathematics Code: L2MAP Credits: 16 Numeracy at Level 1 $ 35 Fee pays for: Workbook (there will be an extra charge for external exam resources) Course Description This is a course designed for students who have some difficulty with mathematics and who do not intend to study mathematics beyond year 12. The content is based on the internally assessed AS. Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS91268 2 Investigate a situation involving elements of chance using a 2 Internal simulation AS91265 2 Conduct an experiment to investigate a situation using statistical 3 Internal methods AS91264 2 Use statistical methods to make an inference 4 Internal AS91260 2 Apply network methods in solving problems 2 Internal AS91258 2 Apply sequences and series in solving problems 2 Internal AS91259 2 Apply trigonometric relationships in solving problems 3 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: SCIENCE -­‐ YEAR 12 Workplace. A wide variety of occupations requiring mathematical skills Mr E Hannah and Ms C Swann L2BI, L2CH and L2PY are academic courses with restricted entry. L2SIC is open to all students. Subject: Year: LEVEL 2 BIOLOGY 12 Qualification: Code: Level 2 Achievement Standards Credits: L2BI 23 Pre-­‐requisites: From 10SIA -­‐ All 20 credits plus Merit in S1.9 From L1SIS – All 20 credits plus Merit in S1.9 Fee: $ 25 Fee pays for: Biology Course Manual, Photocopying Course Booklets Course Description This course covers Level 7 of the New Zealand Biology Curriculum which includes: A Practical -­‐ A field trip investigation into species distribution at a rocky shore.. Ecology -­‐ A field study on patterns and relationships within a community. Applied Biology -­‐ The analysis of biological information presented to the public. Genetics -­‐ The process of gene expression, and the processes that lead to genetic variation and change. Cells and Cell processes -­‐ Investigations into the structure of cells and the processes that occur within them. Achievement Standards Assessed Code AS91153 B2.1 Level 2 AS91154 B2.2 2 AS91156 B2.4 AS91157 B2.5 AS91158 B2.6 AS91159 B2.7 2 2 2 2 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Title Carry Out a Biological Investigation with Supervision Analyse the Biological Validity of Information Presented to the Public Demonstrate Understanding of Life Processes at the Cellular Level Demonstrate Understanding of Genetic Variation and Change Investigate a pattern in an Ecological Community Demonstrate Understanding of Gene Expression Subject Leads to: Credits 4 3 4 4 4 4 Mode Internal Internal External External Internal External Successful students (12+ L2BI credits) can take L3BIf All students can take L3SIs Biology and Science courses at Polytechnic and University Conservation , Marine Biology, Medicine, Dentistry, Vet, Physiotherapy ,Physical Education, Teaching, Biochemistry, Forensics, Horticulture Mr Suttor, Mr Fawcett 40 Subject: Year: LEVEL 2 CHEMISTRY 12 Qualification: NCEA Level 2 Code: L2CH Credits: 23 Pre-­‐requisites: From 10SIA & L1SIS – All 20 credits from 10SIA or L1SIS including Merit in S1.5 From L1PY -­‐ Achievement or better in the L1 Chemistry standards (S1.5 and S1.6 from 10SIA and C1.3 and C1.4 from L1PY) Fee: $ 40 Fee pays for: Write on notes and CD rom Course Description Includes a balance of practical and theory. This helps to develop the scientific method and investigative skills. The practical techniques are assessable as internal standards. The course is essentially preparation for Level 3 Chemistry by developing a students understanding of the nature and behaviour of matter. This course would also be valuable for students wishing a physical science to support another career path eg agriculture or sport. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS91161 Chemistry 2 .1 C arry o ut q ualitative a nalysis 4 Internal 2 AS91162 Chemistry 2.2 Carry out procedures to identify ions present 4 Internal 2 in solution AS91164 Chemistry 2.4 Demonstrate understanding of bonding, 5 External 2 structure, properties and energy changes AS91165 Chemistry 2.5 Demonstrate understanding of the properties 4 External 2 of selected organic compounds. AS91166 Chemistry 2.6 Demonstrate understanding of chemical 4 External 2 reactivity AS91167 Chemistry 2.7 Demonstrate understanding of oxidation– 3 Internal 2 reduction Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Successful students (12+ L2CH credits) can take L3CHf All students can take L3Sis Chemistry, Engineering, and Science courses at P/tech and Uni. Any qualification or job that involves the physical or biological sciences will need this subject eg. Medicine, Environmental science, Engineering, Genetics, stop/go sign holder. Mr Fawcett and Mr Van den Broek Occupations: Contact: Subject: Year: LEVEL 2 PHYSICS 12 Qualification: Level 2 Achievement Standards Code: L2PY Credits: 23 or 26 Pre-­‐requisites: From 10SIA – All 20 credits from 10SIA and Merit in S1.1 and P1.1. From L1SIS – All 20 credits from L1SIS and Merit in S1.1. From L1PY – Achmt or better in the L1 Phys stds (S1.1 from 10SIA and P1.1, P1.3 and P1.4 from L1PY) Fee: $ 27 Fee pays for: Write on notes Course Description This course covers Level 7 of the NZ Physics Curriculum. This course is intended for those who wish to study Physics at a higher level and is the prerequisite for Year 13 Physics. Only students who achieve excellence in either P2.1 or P2.5 in the first assessment may also undertake the independent research project P2.2. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS91168 2 AS91169 2 AS91170 AS91171 AS91172 AS91173 2 2 2 2 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Physics 2.1 Carry out a Practical investigation that leads to a non-­‐linear 4 Internal mathematical relationship Physics 2.2 Demonstrate understanding of physics relevant to a 3 Internal selected context. Physics 2.3 Demonstrate understanding of waves 4 External Physics 2.4 Demonstrate understanding of mechanics 6 External Physics 2.5 Demonstrate understanding of atomic and nuclear physics 3 Internal Physics 2.6 Demonstrate understanding of electricity and 6 External electromagnetism Subject Leads to: Successful students (12+ L2PY credits) can take L3PYf All students can take L3PYs, L3SIs Physics, Engineering, and Science courses at Polytechnic and University Engineer, pilot, surveyor, radiographer, geologist, architect, electronics, electrician etc Mr Fawcett 41 Subject: LEVEL 2 SCIENCE Year: 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: NCEA Level 2 Code: Credits: L2SI 16-­‐20 None $ 20 Fee pays for: Field Trip(s) Course Description Includes a variety of internal science standards to give a broad experience across the science disciplines. The actual standards assessed will be negotiated with the class based on student interest, background and career aspirations. When Level 1 teaching is required, students will be offered the opportunity to obtain the corresponding Level 1 standard. If students desire, external standards can be attempted as well. The first four standards listed below were studied in 2015. The others are possible suggestions. Achievement Standards Assessed Code AS91168 Level Title Credits Mode Physics 2.1 Carry out a practical physics investigation that leads to a non-­‐ 4 Internal 2 linear mathematical relationship AS 91158 Biology 2.6: Investigate a pattern in an ecological community with 4 Internal 2 supervision AS 91161 Chemistry 2.1: Carry out quantitative analysis 4 Internal 2 AS 91189 Earth and Space Science 2.3: Investigate geological processes in a New 4 Internal 2 Zealand locality AS 91187 Earth and Space Science 2.1 Carry out a practical Earth and Space Science 4 Internal 2 investigation AS 90810 Education for Sustainability 2.1: Undertake a personal action, with 6 Internal 2 reflection, that contributes to a sustainable future AS 90811 Education for Sustainability 2.2: Explain how human activity in a biophysical 4 Internal 2 environment has consequences for a sustainable future AS 90813 Education for Sustainability 2.3: Demonstrate understanding of how 3 Internal 2 different personal values have implications for a sustainable future AS 91734 Education for Sustainability 2.5: Develop a collaborative response that 4 Internal 2 promotes a sustainable future, in relation to a current issue Subject Leads to: Further Learning: All students can take L3SIs Achieving at least 8 credits including P2.1 will provide entry into L3PYs Occupations: Science knowledge and skills are needed in a wide range of careers including various Trades, Police and Armed Forces Contact: Mr Fawcett Subject: Year: 12 Qualification: HORTICULTURE L2 Unit Standards Pre-­‐requisites: 10 L1 Credits in Horticulture or Science Fee: $20 Code: Credits: 12AG 25 Course Description This course builds on the L1 course and is done through Telford. Within the course there is a selection of ag and hort topics Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode US25158 2 Vegetable production industry in NZ 5 Internal US19138 2 Weather 4 Internal US19116 2 Livestock behaviour and animal welfare 2 Internal US19147 2 Activities and hazards in a wool shed 2 Internal US24623 2 Breeds and classes of cattle and identification 2 Internal US22174 2 Soils and fertilisers 5 Internal US27213 2 Agrichemicals 5 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: L3 AG Orchardist, Nursery work, Soil science, Farm Management, and Environmental work Mr S Browne 42 SOCIAL SCIENCES -­‐ YEAR 12 Subject: Year: GEOGRAPHY LEVEL 2 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: NCEA Level 2 Credits: L2GE 23 14 credits at Level 1 Geography. Entry may be sought with prior permission from HOD Social Science. $ 20 Fee pays for: Fieldwork & Course manual & Skills book Course Description Those with an interest in exploring the natural landscapes of NZ and the world, and global issues such as human trafficking and current events should find the course appealing. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code 91240 Level 2 91243 2 91241 91245 91246 91242 2 2 2 2 Further Learning: Occupations: Title Demonstrate Geographic understanding of a large natural environment. Apply geographic concepts and skills to demonstrate understanding of differences in development Demonstrate geographic understanding of an urban pattern. Explain aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue Explain aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale Demonstrate geographic understanding of differences in development Subject Leads to: Credits 4 Mode External 4 External 3 3 3 4 Internal Internal Internal External Level 3 Geography. Geography provides an excellent foundation for any job associated with communication, research, law, journalism, social services, forestry, agribusiness and P.R Subject: Year: ECONOMICS 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: NCEA Level Two Economics Code: Credits: L2EC 20 Level One Economics is an advantage $25 Fee pays for: Write on note books Course Description Economic theory and the NZ economy. Focus on equality, employment, economic growth, trade and inflation. Code 91222 91223 91224 91225 91226 Level 2 2 2 2 2 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Title Analyse Inflation Analyse Trade using Economic models Analyse Growth using Economic models Analyse unemployment using economic concepts Analyse statistical data relating to contemporary economics Subject Leads to: Level 3 Economics Business Management, Economist, Accountant, Forestry and Farming Mr P. Varey 43 Credits 4 4 4 4 4 4 Mode External External External Internal Internal Internal Subject: Year: ACCOUNTING 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: Level Two Accounting Credits: L2AC 23 Level One Accounting an advantage $30 Fee pays for: Write on notes Course Description Accounting process and theory. Cash and credit subsystems, inventory and fixed assets, accounting reports. Code 2.1 Level 2 2.2 2.3 2 2 2.4 2 2.7 2 2.6 2 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Title Demonstrate understanding for an entity that operates accounting sub-­‐systems Demonstrate understanding of accounting processing using software. Prepare financial information for an entity that operates accounting subsystems Interpret accounting information for entities that operate accounting subsystems. Demonstrate understanding of an inventory subsystem for an entity. Demonstrate understanding of an accounts receivable subsystem for an entity. Subject Leads to: Level 3 Accounting Accountant, Business Management, Teacher, Tax Specialist HISTORY LEVEL 2 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Mode External 4 5 Internal External 4 External 3 3 Internal Internal Mr Varey, Mr Thomas Subject: Year: Credits 4 NCEA History A.S Level 2 Code: Credits: L2HI 28 14 Credits at Level 1 History or English. History can be taken for the first time at this level. HOD discretion $ 30 Fee pays for: Resources Course Description The focus of study in Level 2 is on forces shaping the modern world. The key historical idea of conflict is explored through the study of the Vietnam War, and the World Wars. A local topic is researched. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code 91229 Level 2 91230 2 91231 2 91232 2 91233 91234 2 2 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Title Credits Mode Carry out an inquiry of an historical event or place that is of significance 4 Internal to New Zealanders. Examine an historical event or place that is of significance to New 5 Internal Zealanders. Examine sources of an historical event that is of significance to 4 External New Zealanders. Interpret different perspectives of people in an historical event that is of 5 Internal significance to New Zealanders. Examine causes and consequences of a significant historical event. 5 External Examine how a significant historical event affected New Zealand society. 5 External Subject Leads to: Level 3 History History provides an excellent foundation for any job associated with communication, research, law, journalism, social services and P.R Mr Neri Manuel 44 Subject: Year: HISTORY LEVEL 2 (Internal) 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: NCEA History A.S Level 2 L2HIX Credits: 18 14 Credits at Level 1 History or English. History can be taken for the first time at this level. HOD discretion. This is a fully internal course. $ 30 Fee pays for: Resources Course Description The focus of study in Level 2 is on forces shaping the modern world. The key historical idea of conflict is explored through the study of the Maori Battalion. A local topic is researched and Social Action taken. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code 91229 Level 2 91230 2 91232 2 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Title Carry out an inquiry of an historical event or place that is of significance to New Zealanders. Examine an historical event or place that is of significance to New Zealanders. Interpret different perspectives of people in an historical event that is of significance to New Zealanders. One external available at HOD Discretion Subject Leads to: CLASSICAL STUDIES 12 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 30 Mode Internal 5 Internal 4 5 External Internal Level 3X History History provides an excellent foundation for any job associated with communication, research, law, journalism, social services and P.R Mrs Ada Te Amo/Mr Neri Manuel Subject: Year: Credits 4 Qualification: NCEA Level 2 Code: L2CS Credits: 20 14 credits at Level 1 English or History. Entry may be sought with prior permission from HOD Social Science Fee pays for: Fieldwork & Course Manual Course Description Classical Studies is the study of the archaeology, mythology and history of ancient Greece and Rome. In this course we will study some of the most fascinating aspects of the ancient world. In particular, we will look at aspects of Greek and Roman mythology, Homer’s Odyssey, social life and art and archaeology. You will develop skills in information gathering, critical reading and thinking, interpretation and arguing a case. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 91200 2 Examine ideas and values of the classical world 4 External 91202 2 Demonstrate understanding of a significant event in the classical world 4 Internal 91203 2 Examine socio-­‐political life in the classical world 6 External 91204 2 Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between aspects of 6 Internal the classical world and aspects of other cultures Subject Leads to: Further Learning: L3 Classical Studies (A.S) Occupations: Classics provides an excellent foundation for any job associated with communication, research, law, journalism, social services and P.R. Contact: Mrs Rosie Cairns 45 HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION -­‐ YEAR 12 Subject: Year: PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Academic) 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: Level 2 Achievement Standards L2PEA Credits: 26 or *30 A good level of achievement at Level 1 in general and approval by the HOD PE $ 45 Fee pays for: Special PE gear for top students and stationary Course Description This course is suited to academically capable students who are organised and motivated, and have an interest in sport. It examines practical and theoretical aspects of; exercise science and training, skill learning, sport and its place in our lives, wellbeing and what it means to be healthy . Practicals include Swimming, Athletics, Turbo Touch, Ki O Rahi, Training methods (eg. Weights, plyometrics, etc) and a variety of other physical activities . This course is a significant step up from Year 11PE and requires more work from students in both the theory and practicals (all Standards are Internally Assessed). Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS 2.2 2 Biophysical principles and learning skills 5 Internal AS 2.3 2 Biophysical principles and training 4 Internal AS 2.4 2 Performance in a physical activity 4 Internal AS 2.5 2 Examine the significance of a sporting event (Rugby World Cup) 4 Internal AS 2.7 2 Analyse the application of risk management strategies in Kayaking 3 Internal AS 2.8 2 Demonstrate social responsibility in physical activity 3 Internal AS 2.9 2 Examine the implementation and outcomes of a sporting event 3 Internal *PE 3.4 3 Perform a physical activity to National Standards at Level 3 *4 Internal (Only students involved in top level sport will have the opportunity to be assessed against this Standard) Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Yr 13 PEA (19 credits at Level 3), School of Outdoor Pursuits Occupations: PE teacher, Health Sciences (eg. Physiotherapy) , Provision of Sport & Recreation, Related Businesses, Humanities and Science Qualifications Contact: Mr S. Murphy Subject: Year: PHYSICAL EDUCATION – Outdoor Recreation 12 Qualification: Level 2 Achievement & Unit Standards Code: L2PEP Credits: 21 (*25 with 3.4) Pre-­‐requisites: Good work habits and attitudes demonstrated in Level 1 PE and/or by approval by the HOD PE Fee: Fee pays for: PE gear, stationary, and cooking ingredients and the 3 day/ 2 night Expedition that is a compulsory part of this course and necessary for Standards 2.7, 2.8, & 2.9 $ 135 Course Description This course is tailored to practically minded students who enjoy being physically active and have shown that they are adaptable and open minded to a variety of sporting and recreational activities. Students should be interested and involved in sport and are expected to go on an Outdoor Pursuits camp and take part in a training programme as part of this course. Practicals include Swimming, Kayaking, W eight Training, Basketball, Touch, Volleyball and, there are also practical cooking lessons. This course is a step up from Year 11PE and requires more work from students in both the theory and practical’s (all Standards are Internally Assessed). Code PE 2.3 PE 2.4 PE 2.7 PE 2.8 PE 2.9 US 21793 US 22769 *PE 3.4 Level 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Achievement Standards Assessed Title Credits Mode Biophysical principles and training 4 Internal Perform a physical activity to National Standards at Level 2 4 Internal Analyse the application of risk management strategies in Kayaking 3 Internal Demonstrate social responsibility in physical activity 3 Internal Plan and review an Outdoor Expedition 3 Internal Demonstrate correct technique when using basic Gym equipment 2 Internal Demonstrate knowledge of basic skills and rules at a beginner level for a sport 2 Internal Perform a physical activity to National Standards at Level 3 *4 Internal (Only students involved in top level sport will have the opportunity to be assessed against this Standard) Subject Leads to: 13PEP, SOOP , Sport and Recreation Courses at Polytech level Sports coordinator, Fitness industry, Health related careers, Policing, Armed services, Fire Services Mr S. Murphy 46 Subject: Year: PHYSICAL EDUCATION – Sports Studies 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Level 2 Achievement & Unit Standards Code: L2PEX Credits: 18 (*22 with 3.4) Good attitudes demonstrated in Level 1 PE and/or by approval by the HOD PE $ 35 Fee pays for: PE gear, stationary, and cooking ingredients Course Description This course is tailored to less academic students, it is a practical PE course with a focus on developing ‘life skills’ through involvement in sport. Students should be interested and involved in sport and they are expected to take part in a training programme as part of this course. Practical’s include Swimming, Weight Training, Basketball, Touch, Volleyball and, there are also practical cooking lesson. This course is a step up from Year 11PE and requires more work from students in both the theory and practical’s (all Standards are Internally Assessed). Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode PE 2.3 PE 2.4 PE 2.8 PE 2.9 US 21793 US 22769 2 2 2 2 2 2 *PE 3.4 3 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Biophysical principles and training 4 Internal Perform a physical activity to National Standards at Level 2 4 Internal Demonstrate social responsibility in physical activity 3 Internal Examine the implementation and outcomes of a sporting event 3 Internal Demonstrate correct technique when using basic Gym equipment 2 Internal Demonstrate knowledge of basic skills and rules at a beginner level for a 2 Internal sport Perform a physical activity to National Standards at Level 3 *4 Internal (Only students involved in top level sport will have the opportunity to be assessed against this Standard) Subject Leads to: 13PEP, SOOP , Sport and Recreation Courses at Polytech level Provision of Sport & Recreation (eg. Sports coordinator, sport development officer), Fitness industry, Armed Forces, Mr S. Murphy 47 TECHNOLOGY -­‐ YEAR 12 Subject: Year: CATERING AND HOSPITALITY (LEVEL 2) 12/13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: NCEA Level 2 Catering & Hospitality Code: L2CATE Credits: 33 An interest in entering the hospitality industry. Entry at discretion of HOD $ 300 Fee pays for: Ingredients and classroom consumables Course Description This course provides some basic cooking and waiting skills as well as the opportunity for students to experience what is involved in a career within the hospitality industry. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 167 2 Practice food safety methods in a food business 4 Internal 13281 2 Prepare and present basic sandwiches for service 2 Internal 13285 2 Handle and maintain knives in a commercial kitchen 2 Internal 13278 2 Cook food items by roasting 2 Internal 17287 2 Prepare and present filtered coffee for service 2 Internal 17286 2 Prepare and present pressed coffee for service 2 Internal 17285 2 Demonstrate knowledge of commercial espresso coffee 4 Internal equipment…. 13276 2 Prepare and cook food by grilling in a commercial kitchen 2 Internal 13283 2 Prepare and present salads for service in a commercial kitchen 2 Internal 13280 2 Prepare fruit and vegetables in a commercial kitchen 2 Internal 13273 2 Cook food by boiling in a commercial kitchen 2 Internal 14434 2 Prepare and clear areas for table service in commercial hospitality 3 Internal 13277 2 Cook food items by braising and stewing 2 Internal 13271 2 Cook food by frying in a commercial kitchen 2 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Apprenticeship or further study at tertiary level Chef, waiter, bartender, restaurant and hotel management Mr R. Cleland Subject: Year: DESIGN AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION LEVEL 2 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: NCEA Level 2 Design and Visual Communication L2DVC Credits: 19 Minimum 12 Level 1credits DVC. $ 50.00 Fee: Code: Fee pays for: Stationery and design media. Course Description A full year course of & a progression from L1. Visual Communication & design drawing. Freehand sketching, instrumental drawing & CAD. Design process & presentation with particular emphasis given to Architecture Engineering & Graphic media. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level AS 91337 AS91338 AS91339 2 2 2 AS91341 2 AS91343 2 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact Title Use visual communication techniques to generate design ideas Produce working drawings to communicate technical details of a design Produce Instrumental perspective projection drawings to communicate design ideas Develop a spatial design through graphics practice Use visual communication techniques to compose a presentation of a design Subject Leads to: Credits Mode 3 3 3 External External External 6 Internal 4 Internal Further study at level 3 Related trades and professions of Construction, Architecture, Engineering , Design Technology. Mr S. Tanner 48 Subject: Year: WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY (Wood) 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: NCEA Level 2 L2WTW Credits: 22 A minimum achievement of 12 credits at Level 1 Technology. $85 Fee pays for: Construction materials, photocopying and stationery. Course Description A workshop based practical course of core furniture workshop skills in the production of simple and functional projects. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode US 24354 2 4 Internal US 14995 US 18917 US 2199 US 16232 US 14996 2 2 2 2 2 Demonstrate knowledge of and apply safe working practices in a BCATS workplace Construct freehand drawings for use in furniture making Use basic hand joints in furniture making Use and maintain hand tools in furniture making Use portable power tools for furniture making Construct working drawings for use in furniture making 2 3 2 6 5 Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytechnic, private training providers, industry work placement. Occupations: Contact: Construction, joinery, furniture, trade related occupations. Technology Department staff. Subject: Year: PRODUCT DESIGN TECHNOLOGY 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: NCEA Level 2 Code: L2DT 22 Credits A successful (16 credits or better) year’s work at Level 1 Product Design Technology. $ 80.00 Deposit Fee pays for: Design/modelling and construction materials and stationery. Course Description Develop a light with sculptural qualities through a course of design, modelling and technological practice involving hard materials. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS 91354 AS 91356 2 2 Undertake brief development to address and issue Develop a conceptual design for an outcome 4 6 Internal Internal AS 91357 2 6 Internal AS 91344 2 Undertake effective development to make and trial a prototype. Implement advanced procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product with special features. Subject Leads to: Level 3 Product Design Technology, Level 3 Graphics Design, Construction, Product Development Mr S Tanner (HOD Technology) 6 Internal Further Learning Occupation Contact: 49 Subject: Year: DIGITAL (Computing) TECHNOLOGIES Media (Web, Desktop Publishing), Database, Spreadsheets and Computer Coding Level 2 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: NCEA Level 2 L2NCF2 24 Credits This course is at the discretion of the HOD $ 10.00 Fee pays for: Additional NCEA and Assessment printing Course Description This course caters for all levels of ability with a mixture of NCEA Level 2 Achievement or Unit Standards. It covers a wide range of digital skills and competencies, from web design understanding and implementation (including HTML coding) to Spreadsheet, Database, Hardware, Software (coding) and Desktop Publishing design and implementation. Students can choose from the following list of Standards to make up their course. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS 91369 2 AS 91370 2 AS 91637 As 91641 US 111 US 2781 US 2784 US 2786 US 2788 US 5941 US 6743 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 US 18740 US 20332 US 25655 2 2 2 Further Learning Occupations: Contact: Demonstrate an understanding of advanced concepts of digital media (Web design). Implement advanced procedures to produce a specified digital media outcome (Website design using HTML). Construct an advanced computer program for a specific task. Demonstrate understanding of wide area network technologies. Use a word processor to produce documents Manage and protect data in a personal computer system Create and use a simple computer spreadsheet to solve a problem Create and use a computer database to solve a problem. Produce a simple desktop published document to meet a set brief Exchange messages using electronic mail Demonstrate an understanding of ergonomic principles for computer workstations. Create a simple computer program to meet a set brief. Use the Internet for information retrieval in an organisation. Create a website using a dedicated web-­‐authoring tool to meet a set brief. Subject Leads to: Digital Technologies (Computing) Level 3 Any IT business related occupation Mr M Davidson (HOD TNC Computing ICT) 50 4 Internal 4 Internal 6 4 5 3 3 3 5 2 2 Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal 3 3 3 Internal Internal Internal ARTS – YEAR 12 Subject: Year: ART PRACTICAL (Level 2) 12 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 40 Qualification: NCEA Level 2 Art Practical Code: Credits: L2AP 24 12 Level 1 credits in Visual Art Fee pays for: Course materials and folio boards Course Description The course involves using drawing as the central means to generate and develop ideas. Students employ NZ & international artist models techniques and procedures to produce a major body of work. Students must be motivated and have demonstrated a high level of commitment in Art. This course is both internally & externally assessed and is aimed at students who wish to continue study in Painting or Design at Level 3. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 2.1 – 91306 2 Demonstrate an understanding of methods and ideas from 4 Internal established practice appropriate to painting 2.2 -­‐ 91311 2 Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions 4 Internal appropriate to paint. 2.3 -­‐ 91316 2 Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to 4 Internal established paint practice. 2.4 -­‐ 91321 2 Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art 12 External making conventions and ideas within paint. Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Level 3 Achievement Standards Occupations: Art teaching, photographic lab work, TV productions, printing industry, freelance artist, craft industries. Contact: Mr D Watson Subject: Year: ART DESIGN (Level 2) 12 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 40 Qualification: NCEA LEVEL 2 Design Code: Credits: L2AD 20 Visual Art, Whakairo or Visual Communication at level 1 is preferable. Fee pays for: Course materials and folio boards Course Description The course provides an understanding of commercial art principles and experiences in all graphic and 3 dimensional media. Students must be motivated and have demonstrated a high level of commitment in Art. This course is both internally & externally assessed and is aimed at students who wish to continue study in Painting or Design at Level 3. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 2.2 -­‐ 91310 2 Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions 4 Internal appropriate to design. 2.3 -­‐ 91315 2 Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to 4 Internal established design practice. 2.4 -­‐ 91320 2 Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art 12 External making conventions and ideas within design. Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Level 3 Design Occupations: Computer Graphics, Industrial & Commercial fashion design, T.V and photographic studio work, Advertising, sign writing, printing industry, commercial freelance, polytechnic tutoring/teaching. Contact: Mr D Watson 51 FILM AND STAGE TECHNOLOGY – Year 12 Subject: FILM AND STAGE TECHNOLOGY Level 2 FULL YEAR COURSE This course can be taken in a single or double block. Year: 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: NCEA Unit Standards Credits: L2FST Up to 48 Level 2 No pre-­‐requesites for Level 2. $80 Fee pays for: Portfolio Materials Course Description This course deals with the technical side of creativity for film and stage production. The course is taught as to align with the NZ Curriculum subject achievement objectives for Technology. There is a heavy emphasis on knowledge acquisition leading to skill mastery in order to allow creative decision to be realised in practice. Literacy / Numeracy This course is structured to give students who may still need to meet NCEA Level 1 Literacy and Numeracy requirements, the opportunity to do so. In addition this course can offer evidence towards standards that will count towards the NCEA Level 2 Literacy requirement. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level US10198 US10199 2 2 US10203 Title FILM AND TV FOUNDATION STUDIES (NCEA LEVEL 2) Edit Video Credits Mode Add additional sound to a video 5 5 Internal Internal 2 Order a sequence before shooting for film or television 5 Internal US10303 2 Record Sound 5 Internal US10353 2 Shoot material for a sequence with a video camera PERFORMING ARTS TECHNOLOGY (NCEA LEVEL 2) 5 Internal US27699 2 4 Internal US27700 2 Research and design a costume for a specific performance Demonstrate and apply knowledge of a stage lighting design and process for a performance context 4 Internal US27701 2 Demonstrate knowledge and skills of make-­‐up design and application for a specific character 3 Internal US27702 2 Take responsibility of a production area for a performance 4 Internal US27703 2 US27704 2 4 Internal Demonstrate and apply knowledge of sound control and enhancement process required for a performance context Design and construct item(s) to meet production needs for a 4 Internal performance context Subject Leads to: Level 3 Film and Stage Technology (Year 13/14), Vocational Pathway; Creative Industries Tertiary Study; Film Making, Performing Arts Technology Creative and technical roles within of performing arts and film and broadcasting Mr D Lindup Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: 52 Subject: Year: PRACTICAL MUSIC 12 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Level 2 Achievement Standards Code: Credits: L2MU 28 Pre-­‐requisites: Minimum 12 credits at L1 Music, or discretion of HOD/TIC $ 30 Fee pays for: Work book Videos and CDs for Performance and Composition / Instruments Course Description This course is practical based. However you will be required to do an essay / presentation on a selected topic. Students will learn how to use music technologies and will be involved in a rigorous programme of solo and group performances, recording and producing their own music as well as that of others. You will also study how different sounds are created and controlled for timbre, resonance, pitch, etc. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code US 27657 Music 2.1 US 27658 Music 2.2 AS 91270 Music 2.3 AS 9271 Music 2.4 AS 91278 Music 2.5 AS 91272 Music 2.5 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: LANGUAGES -­‐ YEAR 13 Level Title Credits 2 Demonstrate knowledge of the development and usage of 4 music technology equipment and techniques 2 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of electronic music 4 production and music notation application(s) 2 Perform two substantial pieces of music as a featured soloist 6 2 Compose two substantial pieces of music 6 2 Investigate an aspect of New Zealand music 4 2 Demonstrate ensemble skills by performing a substantial piece 4 of music as a member of a group Subject Leads to: Year 13 Music; Tertiary Study Music Engineer; Freelance writer; Professional Musician; Arranger; Teacher. Mr W Matahiki Subject: 13 ENGLISH Qualification: Achievement Standards Level 3 NCEA (13EGF – Advanced) Mode Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Code: Credits: L3 EGF Up to 25 Pre-­‐requisites: at least 10 credits at L2 in internal English Achievement Standards, including Writing Portfolio (6 credits) or other Writing credits, plus 8 credits in two L2 English external examinations (or at HOD discretion) Fee: $30 Fee pays for: Photocopy resources and stage performances Course Description The course covers a full range of Achievement Standards and all aspects of the NZ English Curriculum including reading (a range of texts), creative & formal writing, research, language skills & film study as well as seminar presentation. Students must be prepared to study literature & film in depth. This will include Shakespeare, novels, short stories, poetry & films. They must have a sound grasp of essay writing & creative writing skills. Students are expected to complete at least two & possibly three external NCEA examinations. Students showing particular ability can be tutored for NCEA Scholarship examinations. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 3.1 AS 91472 3 Respond critically to written texts 4 External 3.2 AS 91473 3 Respond critically to visual texts 4 External 3.3 AS 91474 3 Respond critically to unfamiliar written texts 4 External 3.4 AS 91475 3 Produce a selection of fluent and coherent writing 6 Internal 3.5 AS 91476 3 Create and deliver a fluent and coherent oral text (seminar) 3 Internal 3.6 AS 91477 3 Create and deliver a fluent and coherent visual text (visual essay) 3 Internal 3.7 AS 91478 3 Respond critically to significant connections across texts 4 Internal 3.8 AS 91479 3 Develop an informed understanding of literature and/or language 4 Internal using critical texts 3.9 AS 91480 3 Respond critically to significant aspects of visual and/or oral texts 3 Internal through close reading Subject Leads to: Further Transferable skills for any tertiary course. Essential for law, journalism, further Humanities studies at Learning: tertiary level. Occupations: Any occupation. English is essential for students who wish to move onto a tertiary course of study. Note: from 2016, universities will be expecting students to have obtained at least 17 credits in L3 English for automatic entry to pre-­‐approved courses. Contact: Ms E. Minogue 53 Subject: Year: RADIO AND TELEVISION 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $60 Qualification: Achievement Standards and Unit standards Level 3 NCEA (13 RTF) Code: L3RTF Credits: 45 At least 15 credits at Level 2 in internal English Achievement Standards, including 2.4 Writing Portfolio (6 credits) or other Writing credits from other L2 subjects (or at HOD’s discretion) Fee pays Consumables, polytechnic visits Course Description The course covers a Media Studies achievement standard and two Media Studies unit standards. This course is an an alternative to the academic English course at Level 3. It is also a pathway into a media related vocation or media related tertiary course. Students will complete close readings of the work of a director, make a short film or documentary and write and record voice reports for a radio bulletin. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 18183 3 Write and record a news story for radio 18 Internal 10318 3 Make a short video 15 Internal AS 90604 3 Complete and justify a concept/treatment for a media product 2 Internal AS 90606 3 Film/ documentary production 6 Internal AS 90600 3 Explain how meaning is created in media texts 4 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Transferable skills for any tertiary course, National Certificate in Journalism Occupations: Radio Journalism/Broadcasting. Film and Television production, On screen acting/presenting Contact: Ms L Minogue / Ms H Cochrane Subject: Year: TE REO MAORI 3 13 Qualification: NCEA Level 3 Te Reo Maori 3 Pre-­‐requisites: Completed NCEA Level 1 & 2 or to the discretion of HOD Fee: Fee pays for: Course Materials $25 Code: L3TRF Credits: 28 Course Description This course is to encourage students to have pride in their heritage and to encourage them to gain and share experiences. It is vital that these students are encouraged to speak Te Reo Maori, practice tikanga and Kawa. At this level there is a concentration on grammar and topics of Whānau, Hapū and Iwi of each student. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS 91650 3.1 3 Whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo Māori o te ao whānui 4 Internal AS 91651 3.2 3 Kōrero kia whakamahi i te reo o te ao whānui 6 Internal AS 91652 3.3 3 Pānui kia mōhio ki te reo Māori o te ao whānui 6 External AS 91653 3.4 3 Tuhi i te reo Māori o te ao whānui 6 External AS 91654 3.5 3 Waihanga tuhinga whai take i te reo Māori o te ao Whānui 6 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Further study to Te Reo Rangatira Level 1 or discretion of HOD Occupations: Useful in many occupations Contact: Mr Ryan Tapsell 54 Subject: Year: 13 Qualification: TE REO RANGATIRA LEVEL 3 Code: NCEA Level 2 Te Reo Rangatira Credits: Pre-­‐requisites: NCEA Level 1,2 & 3 Te Reo Maori or at the discretion of HOD Fee: Fee pays for: Course Materials $25 L3TRRF 24 Course Description This course is to encourage students to have pride in their heritage and to encourage them to gain and share experiences. It is vital that these students are encouraged to speak Te Reo Maori, practice tikanga and Kawa. At this level there is a concentration on grammar and topics of local and outside Iwi(s) of Aotearoa for student’s to study. Code AS 3.1 AS 90785 3.2 AS 90786 3.3 AS 90787 3.4 AS 90788 3.7 AS 90789 3.8 AS 90790 3.9 AS 90791 3.10 Level 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Title Te tātaritari i te kōrero ohorere hei whakarite i te kōrero tene Matapaki i te kaupapa e taunga ana Pānui i te tuhingaroa Whakaputa i te tuhingaroa Ohia ki te kōrero mō te kaupapa pupū noa Pānui i ngā tuhinga popoto Tuhituhi whakaaro e hangai ana ki te kaupapa Whakarite, whakaputa i tewhakaaturanga Subject Leads to: Further study in University Useful in many occupations and entry to University Mr R. Tapsell Subject: Credits 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Te Reo Māori Hukatai Mode External Internal Internal Internal Internal External External Internal Code: L3TRHF Full Year COURSE This course is suitable for students who have an interest in developing their Māori language skills and want to gain some level 3 NCEA credits in this subject. This course can also contribute to University Entrance. Year: 13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Level 3 NCEA Credits: 32 At the discretion of the HOD or Hukatai L2 Fee: $25 Fee pays for: Course Resources Course Description This course is for students with limited to no background in Te Reo Māori. We encourage students to have pride in their heritage and to encourage them to gain and share experiences. At this level there is a concentration on grammar and developing the student’s Reo Maori skills Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Level 7263 3 7271 Title Credits Mode Whakamāramatia ngā whakamahinga kōrero a ētahi atu/ Explain the spoken Māori language of another 9 Internal 3 Kōrero mō ētahi atu me ā rātou mahi/ Speak about others and their endeavours 9 Internal 7259 3 Tuhituhi kōrero mō tētahi tangata me tōna taiao/ write about a person and their environment 7 Internal 7267 3 Pānui i ngā pūrongo kōrero mō te tangata me tōna taiao/ Reading an account about a person and their environment 7 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Further study to NCEA Level 4 Te Reo Māori Occupations: Useful in many occupations Contact: Mr R Tapsell 55 Subject: Te whare tapere o Tū Tāne Code: L3TWTF Full Year COURSE This course is suitable for students who have an interest in developing their Māori language skills and want to gain some level 2 NCEA credits in this subject. Year: 13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Level 1 NCEA Credits: 24 At the discretion of the HOD or L2TWT Fee: $25 Fee pays for: Course Resources Course Description This course is to encourage students to take pride in their heritage and to encourage them to gain and share experiences. Practices of tikanga and Kawa are taught. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Level US20952 3 US20951 3 Title Credits Mode Demonstrate knowledge of taiaha and perform taiaha 14 Internal Demonstrate knowledge of koikoi and perform koikoi 10 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Further study to NCEA Level 4 Te whare tapere o Tū Tāne Occupations: Useful in many occupations Contact: Mr R Tapsell Subject: Year: WHAKAIRO 13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Level 3 Unit Standards Code: Credits: L3WKF 24 12 Whakairo or by discussion with H.O.D. $ 20 Fee pays for: Maintain tools, purchase timber to carve. Course Description To apply Maori art conventions, designs and practices thus developing Whakairo through traditional and modern means. On-­‐ going research, interpretation of meaning and the impact of technology on practice and production will be conducted simultaneously. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level 23013 3 23014 23015 23016 3 3 3 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Title Credits Mode Apply Māori art conventions, designs and practices to develop 6 Internal whakairo Develop ideas to create whakairo 6 Internal Examine meaning in particular whakairo situations 6 Internal Examine and interpret change in particular whakairo situations 6 Internal Subject Leads to: Whakairo and /or NgaToi course of study at Toihoukura, Te Wananga o Aotearoa or Te Puia. Also other P.T.O. Providers around the country offer Nga Toi/ Fine Arts courses. Commission carver, ta-­‐moko artist, greenstone/bone carver, commercial artist, sculptor, landscape designer, teacher, course tutor, tourist operator. Mr C. Callaghan, Mr D. Hollis 56 MATHEMATICS -­‐ YEAR 13 Subject: Year: MATHEMATICS STATISTICS AND MODELLING 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 35 Qualification: Level 3 Achievement Standards. Code: Credits: L3MSF 26 18 credits from Mathematics Level 2 including AS91267 Fee pays for: Workbook. Course Description This course is intended for students who require mathematics for their tertiary studies and career. The content of the course is described below. The course meets the requirements of Level 8 of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS91574 3 Apply linear programming methods in solving problems 3 Internal AS91580 3 Investigate time series data 4 Internal AS91582 3 Use statistical methods to make a formal inference 4 Internal AS91585 3 Apply probability concepts in solving problems 4 External AS91581 3 Investigate bivariate measurement data 4 Internal AS91587 3 Apply systems of simultaneous equations in solving problems 3 Internal AS91586 3 Apply probability distributions in solving problems 4 External Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Workplace Occupations: A wide variety of occupations requiring mathematical skills Contact: Mr E Hannah and Ms C Swann Subject: MATHEMATICS CALCULUS Code: L3MCF Year: 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 35 Qualification: Level 3 Achievement Standards Credits: 30 18 credits from Mathematics Level 2 including both AS91261 and AS91262. Fee pays for: Workbook and photocopied resources. Course Description This course is described below. It is intended for student of above-­‐average ability who requires mathematics for advanced tertiary study. The course meets the requirements of the level 8 section of the New Zealand Mathematics prescription. (* time permitting). University Entrance can only be achieved in this course with a combination of internal and external achievement standards. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS91575 3 Apply trigonometric methods in solving problems 4 Internal AS91577 3 Apply the algebra of complex numbers in solving problems 5 External AS91587 *3 Apply systems of simultaneous equations in solving problems 3 Internal AS91578 3 Apply differentiation methods in solving problems 6 External AS91579 3 Apply integration methods in solving problems 6 External AS91574 *3 Apply linear programming methods in solving problems 3 Internal AS91573 3 Apply the geometry of conic sections in solving problems 3 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Workplace A wide variety of occupations requiring mathematical skills Mr E Hannah and Ms C Swann 57 SCIENCE -­‐ YEAR 13 L3BIF, L3CHF and L3PYF are academic courses with restricted entry that run for the full year. L3PYs and L3SIs are less academic courses with restricted entry that run for one semester. Subject: Year: LEVEL 3 BIOLOGY (full year) 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Qualification: Level 3 Achievement Standards Code: Credits: L3BIF 22 12 or more credits from L2BI $ 35 Fee pays for: Year 13 Biology Manual Photocopying Course Booklets Course Description Contemporary Biological Issue -­‐ Researching an important biological issue E.g. The use of 1080 to control possums. Animal Behaviour and Plant Responses -­‐ The responses of animals and plants to their environment. Homeostasis – The body’s ability to maintain a stable internal environment. E.g. temperature, glucose level. Evolution -­‐ The process of evolution and speciation.. Human Evolution -­‐ Looking at the steps and processes in human evolution from approximately 5 million years ago. Biotechnology -­‐ The use of biotechnology including forensics, cloning and genetic modification. Achievement Standards Assessed Code AS91602 B3.2 Level 3 AS91603 B3.3 3 AS91604 B3.4 3 AS91605 B3.5 3 AS91606 B3.6 AS91607 B3.7 3 3 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Title Credits Mode Integrate Biological Knowledge to Develop an Informed Response 3 Internal to a Socio-­‐Scientific Issue Demonstrate Understanding of the Response of Plants and Animals to 5 External their External Environment Demonstrate Understanding of how an Animal Maintains a Stable 3 Internal Internal Environment Demonstrate Understanding of Evolutionary Processes leading to 4 External Speciation Demonstrate Trends in Understanding of Human Evolution 4 External Demonstrate Understanding of Human Manipulation of Genetic Transfer 3 Internal and its Biological Implications Subject Leads to: University, Polytechnic, Forestry Research. Conservation, Marine Biology, Medicine, Dentistry, Vet, Physiotherapy ,Physical Education, Teaching, Biochemistry, Forensics, Horticulture Mr Suttor, Mr Fawcett Subject: Year: 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 40 Qualification: LEVEL 3 CHEMISTRY (full year) Code: Level 3 Achievement Standards Credits: L3CHF 21 12 or more credits from L2CH Fee pays for: Write on notes and CD rom Course Description This course develops and extends the understanding of Chemical concepts as covered at Year 12. The emphasis is on applying higher level concepts based on experimentation in a contextual format. Students are expected to complete weekly assignments to reinforce the material covered in class. Continual revision of class work is necessary. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS91388 3 Demonstrate understanding of spectroscopic data in chemistry. 3 Internal AS91393 3 Demonstrate understanding of oxidation-­‐reduction processes. 3 Internal AS91390 3 Demonstrate understanding of thermochemical principles and the 5 External properties of particles and substances. AS91391 3 Demonstrate understanding of the properties of organic 5 External compounds. AS91392 3 Demonstrate understanding of equilibrium principles in aqueous 5 External systems. Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Tertiary study/perquisites for Science, Sport, Engineering ,Ag-­‐Hort degrees/diplomas Occupations: All careers that require an understanding of Chemical concepts such as Engineering, Science, Horticulture, Agriculture, Sport, Health Sciences Contact: Mr Fawcett and Mr Van den Broek 58 Subject: Year: LEVEL 3 PHYSICS (full year) 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 28 Qualification: Level 3 Achievement Standards Code: L3PYF Credits: 23-­‐29 12 or more credits from L2PY. Fee pays for: Write-­‐on notes. Course Description This course is for successful graduates of L2PY who need L3 Physics for University study. The course involves an in-­‐depth treatment of the topics covered at year L2, including Mechanics, Waves, Electromagnetism, and Modern Physics. Practical work is internally assessed through a separate achievement standard. Only students who achieve excellence in either P3.1 or P3.5 in the first assessment may also undertake the independent research projects in P3.2 and P3.7. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS91521 3 Physics 3.1: Carry out a practical investigation to test a physics 4 Internal theory relating two variables in a non-­‐linear relationship. AS91522 3 Physics 3.2: Demonstrate understanding of the application of 3 Internal physics to a selected context. AS91523 3 Physics 3.3: Demonstrate understanding of wave systems. 4 External AS91524 3 Physics 3.4: Demonstrate understanding of mechanical systems. 6 External AS91525 3 Physics 3.5: Demonstrate understanding of Modern Physics 3 Internal AS91526 3 Physics 3.6: Demonstrate an understanding of electrical systems 6 External AS91527 3 Physics 3.7: Use physics knowledge to develop an informed 3 Internal response to a socio-­‐scientific issue. Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Science and Engineering courses at University and Polytechnic Accelerate Y12 students who achieve at least Merits in all L3 papers may enrol in the lunchtime L3 Scholarship programme in their Y13. Occupations: Engineer, pilot, surveyor, radiographer, geologist, architect, electronics, electrician, automotive electrician, astronomer, telecommunications and computer technician… Contact: Mr Fawcett Subject: Year: 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 20 Qualification: AGRICULTURE/HORTICULTURE Code: L3 Unit standards Credits: L3AGF 25 15 credits in Level 2 Horticulture/Agriculture or Science Course Description An advanced course on mainly agricultural topics. Students need to be self-­‐motivated and have achieved at least 15 credits from Level 2. Topics include farm dogs, cattle, calf and lamb rearing, and livestock health. Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode US 19111 3 Farm dogs 4 Internal US 10082 3 Rearing weaner or replacement cattle 4 Internal US 19087 3 Calf rearing 4 Internal US 10090 3 Rearing lambs and hoggets 5 Internal US 19103 3 Farm livestock health 8 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Diploma or Degree courses at Polytech and University Farm advisory services, Horticultural and Agricultural farm management, Environmental studies Mr S Browne 59 SOCIAL SCIENCES -­‐ YEAR 13 Subject: Year: GEOGRAPHY LEVEL 3 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 25 Qualification: NCEA Achievement Standards Code: L3GEF Credits: 22-­‐26 14 credits at Level 2 Geography. Entry may be sought with prior permission from HOD Social Science Level 2 English is advisable Fee pays for: Field work and skills workbook Course Description Students who have an interest in the natural processes that occur in their local environment; who enjoy research; who like studying contemporary issues in the local community; and who have an interest in tourism, should be suited to this course. There is the possibility of a school trip to Australia in term 3 depending on student interest. Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 3.1 3 Demonstrate understanding of how interacting natural processes shape a 4 External New Zealand geographic environment 3.2 3 Demonstrate understanding of how a cultural process shapes a 4 External geographic environment(s) 3.3 3 Analyse a significant contemporary event from a geographic perspective 3 Internal 3.4 3 Demonstrate understanding of a given environment(s) through the 4 External selection and application of geographic concepts and skills 3.5 3 Conduct geographic research with consultation 5 Internal 3.6 3 Analyse aspects of a contemporary geographic issue 3 Internal 3.7 3 Analyse aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale 3 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Tertiary studies in management, physical geography, human geography, planning or earth sciences. Professions that use processing of primary or secondary data and require good oral and written skills of communication. Planning, forestry, agribusiness, education, conservation Mr P Varey Subject: Year: CLASSICAL STUDIES 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 30 Qualification: NCEA Level 3 Code: Credits: L3CSF 22 Entry at HOD’s discretion – English Level Two is advisable Fee pays for: Write on notes Course Description Classical Studies is the study of the archaeology, literature, mythology and history of ancient Greece and Rome. In this course we will study some of the most fascinating aspects of the ancient world. In particular, we will look at aspects of Greek and Roman mythology, the fascinating life and military campaigns of Alexander the Great, social life and art and archaeology. You will develop skills in information gathering, critical reading and thinking, interpretation and arguing a case. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 3.1 3 Analyse ideas and values of the classical world 4 External 3.3. 3 Analyse the impact of a significant historical figure on the classical 6 External world 3.4 3 Demonstrate understanding of significant ideology(ies) in the classical 6 Internal world 3.5 3 Demonstrate understanding of the lasting influences of the classical 6 Internal world on other cultures across time Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Tietiary Study Occupations: Lawyers, Journalist, Teachers, Tourism and Travel Industry workers, Art Historians, Writers, Event Management, Banking Consultants, Archaeologists Contact: Mrs Rosie Cairns 60 Subject: Year: ACCOUNTING 13 Qualification: NCEA Level 3 L3ACF Credits: Pre-­‐requisites: Entry at HOD’s discretion Fee: Fee pays for: Write on notes and workbook $30 Code: Course Description See Mr Varey for further information Achievement Standards Assessed Code 3.1 Level 3 3.2 3.3 3 3 3.4 3 3.5 3 3.6 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Title Demonstrate understanding of accounting concepts for a reporting entity Demonstrate understanding of accounting for partnerships Demonstrate understanding of company financial statement preparation Prepare a report for an external user that interprets the annual report of a New Zealand reporting entity Demonstrate understanding of management accounting to make a decision Demonstrate understanding of a job cost subsystem for an entity Subject Leads to: ECONOMICS 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $30 Mode External 4 5 Internal External 5 Internal 4 External 4 Internal University Management, Teaching, Accountant Mr P Varey, Mr J Thomas Subject: Year: Credits 4 Qualification: NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Code: Credits: L3ECF 24 12 Level Two credits or entry at HOD’s discretion Fee pays for: Write on course notes and workbook Course Description A good combination of the material from levels 1 & 2 but with an emphasis on using the economic models to try to solve issues for society. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 3.1 3 Demonstrate understanding of the efficiency of market equilibrium 4 External 3.2 3 Demonstrate understanding of the efficiency of different market 4 External structures using marginal analysis 3.3 3 Demonstrate understanding of micro-­‐economic concepts 5 Internal 3.4 3 Demonstrate understanding of government interventions to correct 5 Internal market failure. 3.5 Demonstrate understanding of macro-­‐economic influences on the 6 External New Zealand economy Subject Leads to: Further Learning: University Occupations: Management, Teaching, Economist, Farming, Forestry, Politics, Law Contact: Mr P Varey 61 Subject: Year: HISTORY 13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: NCEA History Achievement/Unit Standards Code: L3HIF Credits: 25 Entry at HOD’s discretion – History/English external at Level 2 required $40 Fee pays for: Course workbook Course Description See Mrs Jefferson for further information. Code 91434 91435 Level 3 3 91436 91437 91438 3 3 3 Achievement Standards Assessed Title Credits Mode Plan and carry out independent historical research 5 Internal Communicate and present historical ideas clearly to show 5 Internal understanding of an historical context Analyse and evaluate evidence in historical sources 4 External Analyse perspectives of a contested event 5 Internal Examine the causes and consequences of a significant historical event 6 External Scholarship History available for top scholars Subject Leads to: University A wide range of professions that value information gathering, sorting and presenting skills Mrs M Jefferson Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION -­‐ YEAR 13 Subject: Year: PHYSICAL EDUCATION 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 50 Qualification: Level 3 Achievement Standards Code: L3PEAF Credits: 22 Level 2 PE and at HOD’s discretion; Talk to Mr Donaldson Fee pays for: Golf Club Green usage, golf balls & Van Course Description A practical and theory course which applies sports science to the achievement of personal goals for fitness, health and skill improvement. Students create and participate in a personal fitness programme and a golf skill development programme. Terms1,3 and 4 have practical’s while all of term 2 is focussed on our research topics and there is no practical in this term. Overall this is an academically challenging course, rather than a ‘sports’ course. The emphasis is on personal responsibility for ones own health and well being and on learning to analyse and think critically. It would suit academically capable students, even those who have not taken the course at level 2. Being able to write an essay is more important than your ability to hit a ball. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS 91498 3 Evaluate a Triathlon experience 3 Internal AS 91502 3 Research Essay – Obesity in NZ and the Developed World 4 Internal AS 90829 3 Research Essay – Sustainability, Humans and the Biosphere 4 Internal AS 91499 3 Appraisal of Performance and Skill (The game of Golf) 3 Internal AS 91501 3 Practical Golf 4 Internal AS 91500 3 Evaluate a performance improvement program either Golf or Triathlon 4 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: University level study Health Sciences (Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Nurse), Teacher, Careers in Recreation & Leisure Industry, Health promotion, Social worker Mr A Donaldson 62 TECHNOLOGY -­‐ YEAR 13 Subject: DESIGN AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION LEVEL 3 13 Year: Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Credits: L3DVCF 16 Minimum 12 Level 2 credits DVC . Entry at discretion of HOD. $ 50.00 Fee: NCEA Level 3 Design and Visual Communication Code: Fee pays for: Stationery and design media. Course Description A full year course of which focuses on where visual literacy and creative thinking is developed, using visual communication techniques. Achievement Standards Assessed Code AS 91629 AS 91627 AS 91631 Level 3 3 3 Further learning: Occupations: Contact: Title Resolve a spatial design through graphics practice Initiate design ideas through exploration Produce working drawings to communicate production details for a complex design Subject Leads to: Mr S. Tanner PRODUCT DESIGN TECHNOLOGY 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 80.00 Mode Internal External External Related trades and professions of Construction, Architecture, Engineering , Technology and Media Subject: Year: Credits 6 4 6 Qualification: NCEA Level 3 Code: Credits: L3DTF 22 A minimum achievement of 16 credits at level 2 Product Design technology and or Level 2 Graphics. Fee pays for: Design, modelling and construction materials and stationery. Course Description A course of design, modelling and technological practice involving materials. Students will be given the opportunity for increased independence in working towards the development of a product design outcome. Achievement and Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS 91608 3 Undertake brief development to address an issue within a determined 4 Internal context AS 91610 3 Develop a conceptual design considering fitness for purpose in the 6 Internal broadest sense. AS 91611 3 Develop a prototype considering fitness for purpose in the broadest 6 Internal sense. AS 91620 3 Implement complex procedures to integrate parts using resistant 6 Internal materials to make a specified product. Subject Leads to: Occupations: Design , Production, Construction, Engineering and Technological occupations at professional, technician and trades level. Contact: Mr S Tanner 63 Subject: Year: DIGITAL (Computing) TECHNOLOGIES Advanced document design, Desktop Publishing, Web Design, Spreadsheets and Network Technologies 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 12.00 Qualification: NCEA Level 3 Code: Credits: L3BITF 18 12 Credits in L1 or L2 computing Fee pays for: Additional NCEA and Assessment printing requirements Course Description This course caters for all levels of ability with a mixture of NCEA Level 3 Achievement or Unit Standards. It covers a range of digital skills and competencies from advanced web design understanding and implementation (including HTML coding) to advanced Document, Spreadsheet, Network Technologies, Software (coding) and Desktop Publishing design and implementation. Students can choose from the following list of Standards to make up their course . Achievement and Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode AS 91634 3 Demonstrate understanding of complex concepts of digital media (Web 4 Internal design or Desktop Publishing. AS 91635 3 Implement complex procedures to produce a specified digital media 4 Internal outcome (Web Design or Desktop Publishing. AS 91641 3 Demonstrate understanding of wide area network technologies 4 Internal US 108 3 Apply text processing skills to produce business documents 5 Internal US 112 3 Produce business or organisational info using word processing functions 5 Internal US 2783 3 Demonstrate knowledge of the components of personal computer system 3 Internal US 2785 3 Create a computer spreadsheet to provide a solution for organisation use 5 Internal US 2789 3 Produce desktop publishing documents for organisational use 6 Internal US 1841 3 Create a computer program to provide a solution 6 Internal US 25658 3 Create a website for a stakeholder using a dedicated web author 5 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: ARTS -­‐ YEAR 13 University degree, Business Certificate or Polytechnic Institution courses Larger business organisations, Accountants, Financial Business Management, own your own business Mr M Davidson (HOD TNC Computing and IT) Subject: Year: ART PAINTING 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $ 40 Qualification: NCEA Level 3 Art Painting Code: Credits: L3APF 22 Level 2 Practical art (merit average) Fee pays for: Class materials Course Description Painting is a practical and theoretical course in which students explore and develop ideas thematically. Drawing and development of visual ideas is the basis of this course. Students need the ability to think and work independently and the creativity to generate and re-­‐generate ideas in the making of artworks. Students will work with acrylic, mixed media and oil paints. Students must be motivated and have demonstrated a high level of commitment in Art. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode 3.1 AS 91441 3 Analyse methods and ideas from established painting practice 4 Internal 3.2 AS 91445 3 Use drawing to demonstrate understanding of conventions 4 Internal appropriate to paint 3.3 AS91450 3 Systematically clarify ideas using drawing informed by established 4 Internal paint practice . 3.4 AS91455 3 Produce a systematic body of work that integrates conventions and 14 External regenerates ideas within paint. Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytechnic and university studies. Occupations: Freelance painter, teacher, tutor, television and theatre art, art gallery curator, mural artist, restoration artist. Contact: Mr D Watson 64 Subject: Year: ART DESIGN 13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Code: NCEA LEVEL 3 Design Credits: L3ADF 22 Level 2 Design art (merit average) $ 50 Fee pays for: Class materials Course Description Design is a practical and theoretical course in which students explore and develop ideas thematically. Design involves producing creative and innovative design solutions in two or three dimensions. Students work with Design briefs that involve research, the generation of creative ideas, and production of finished artwork some of which can be computer based. Students must be motivated and have demonstrated a high level of commitment in Art. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code 3.2 AS 91445 3.3 AS 91450 3.4 AS 91455 Level Title 3 Use drawing to demonstrate understanding of conventions appropriate to design 3 Systematically clarify ideas using drawing informed by established design practice. 3 Produce a systematic body of work that integrates conventions and regenerates ideas within design. Subject Leads to: Credits 4 Mode Internal 4 Internal 14 External Further Learning: Occupations: Graphic design and/or media art course at polytechnic and university Computer Graphics, Industrial & Commercial fashion design, T.V and photographic studio work, Advertising, sign writing, printing industry, commercial freelance, polytechnic tutoring/teaching. Contact: Mr D Watson Level 3 Arts Course – Year 13/14 FILM AND STAGE TECHNOLOGY – Year 13/14 Subject: FILM AND STAGE TECHNOLOGY Code: L3FSTF FULL YEAR COURSE Year: 13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: This course can be taking in a single or double block. NCEA Unit Standards Credits: 12-­‐15 minimum Course of study at L2FST, Technology, Visual Arts are complementary but not compulsory $80 Fee pays for: Portfolio Materials Course Description This course deals with the technical side of creativity for film and stage production. The course is taught as to align with the NZ Curriculum subject achievement objectives for Technology.. Students will usually specialise in 2-­‐3 areas of Performing Arts Technology, though more can be studied if the student is able. Literacy / Numeracy This course is structured to give students who may still need to meet NCEA Level 1 Literacy and Numeracy requirements, the opportunity to do so. In addition this course can offer evidence towards standards that will count towards the NCEA Level 2 Literacy requirement. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode FILM AND TV FOUNDATION STUDIES (NCEA LEVEL 3) US10318 3 Make a Short Film 15 Internal PERFORMING ARTS TECHNOLOGY (NCEA LEVEL 3) US28002 3 6 Internal Research, develop and communicate costume design US28003 US28004 3 3 Research, develop and apply lighting design US28005 3 US28006 3 US28007 US28008 3 3 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Research, develop and communicate make-­‐up design 6 6 Internal Internal Stage Manage a Production 6 Internal Research, develop and communicate stage design Select and apply a range of processes to enhance performance Apply set construction skills to met a set design concept Subject Leads to: 6 Internal 6 3 Internal Internal Vocational Pathway; Creative Industries Tertiary Study;– Film Making, Performing Arts Technology Creative and technical roles within of performing arts and film and broadcasting Mr D Lindup 65 SEMESTER COURSES FOR 2016 Please complete the table below for the course. If you are offering more than one semester course, please complete a separate table for each. In the top section, change the tick to a cross if your course is not suitable for one of the semesters st (e.g. if your course could only run in the 1 semester, put a cross next to Semester 2). If the course links with or leads to another semester course, state that as part of the course description. Subject: ENGLISH Code: L2EAXS HALF-­‐YEAR SEMESTER COURSE Course Offered: 12 English This course is suitable for Yr 13 students who need an intensive course to catch up on or complete L2 NCEA credits in this subject, in particular, those who need University Entrance. It is a one semester course. Year: 12 Qualification: Semester 1 √ Semester 2 √ Level 2 NCEA/UE Literacy Credits: 14 Pre-­‐ requisites: NCEA English L1 – 12 credits at NCEA L1 English. This should include passes for 90052 Creative Writing and/or 90053 Formal Writing; 90853 Information Literacy Skills and/or 90854 Personal Responses Fee: $15 Fee pays for Course Booklet and Photocopied resources Course Description Students will complete six personal responses to independently read texts (including two extended texts); research a topic of interest; write a report on their research findings and complete either a film review or another piece of creative writing for their writing portfolio. Regular attendance is essential as well as homework in order to obtain the credits offered during t his semester course. Students must work diligently to achieve the credits offered Achievement Standards available to form the basis of the Course Code Level Title Credits Mode 91101 2 Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing 6 Internal 91105 2 Use information literacy skills to form developed conclusion(s) 4 Internal 91106 2 Form developed responses to independently read texts supported by 4 Internal evidence Subject Leads to: Provides UE Literacy credits – 5 reading; 5 writing. Fulfils pre-­‐requisites for apprenticeship training Further Learning: and required levels of literacy to succeed with entry exams for the services. Occupations: Apprenticeships and Trades, Armed Services (Police, Army, Navy, Airforce Contact: Ms L Minogue, HOD English Subject: GEOGRAPHY Code: L3GE1S HALF-­‐YEAR SEMESTER COURSE Course Offered: Geography Semester 1 Semester 2 √ This course is suitable for students who have an interest in *********** and want to gain some level 3 NCEA credits in this subject, but do not need the course for University Entrance. Year: 13 Qualification: Level 3 NCEA Credits: 9 Pre-­‐requisites: Level 2 Geography or English Fee: $10 Workbooks for internals Course Description A Semester 1 course where students study toward three internal assessment achievement standards. Students can then carry on to Semester 2 for a full year Geography programme. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Title Level Credits Mode 91428 Analyse a significant contemporary event from a geographic perspective-­‐ The RnV concert in Gisborne 3 3 Internal 91431 Analyse aspects of a contemporary geographic issue-­‐ 1080 poison 3 3 Internal 91432 Analyse aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale-­‐ Tourism 3 3 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Semester 2 Level 3 Geography-­‐ Research and Skills Occupations: Contact: Mr Varey 66 Subject: GEOGRAPHY Code: L3GE2S HALF-­‐YEAR SEMESTER COURSE Course Offered: Geography Semester 1 Semester 2 √ Year: 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Qualification: Level 3 NCEA Fee pays for: Credits: 9 Course Description A semester 2 course which leads on from the three internal course in semester. Students study toward a Skills external and a Research internal. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Title Level Credits Mode 91429 Demonstrate understanding of a given environment(s) through the selection and application of geographic concepts and skills 3 4 External 91427 Conduct geographic research with consultation 4 5 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: University or Polytech study Occupations: Education, planning, resource management, government Contact: Mr Varey Subject: Year: HISTORY (Internal) SEMESTER 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $20 Qualification: NCEA History Achievement Standards Credits: L3HIXS 25 Entry at HOD’s discretion – History/English Level 2 is advisable Fee pays for: Course notes Course Description This course will be held over 2, 17 week semesters. See Mr Manuel for more information. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title 91434 3 Plan and carry out independent historical research 91435 3 Communicate and present historical ideas clearly to show understanding of an historical context 91437 3 Analyse perspectives of a contested event Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Code: Credits 5 5 5 Mode Internal Internal Internal University/Polytechnic A wide range of professions that value information gathering, sorting and presenting skills Mrs N Manuel 67 Subject: ARTS STUDIES COURSE LEVEL 3 OFFERED Year: 13 Semester 1 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Code: L3ASS SEMESTER COURSE Semester 2 Students can opt to take this course over a half or whole year to complement their other subjects NCEA Unit Standards Credits: 12-­‐15 minimum Any complimentary course of Level 2/3 study Fee: $40 per semester Fee pays for: Portfolio Materials Course Description The standards for this course cover a wide range of arts activity and allow teaching and learning to be situated in a wide range of contexts. They are unit standards which will lead towards an overall Level 3 qualification. The specific skills taught allow students to be fully engaged in creative projects to consolidate understanding and develop mastery. At the same time they could provide evidence for complementary standards. Students are able to access standards from several NCEA domains to tailor a course of study to suit their needs. Literacy / Numeracy This course can offer evidence towards standards that will count towards the NCEA Level 2 Literacy requirement. Achievement/ Unit Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode FILM AND TV FOUNDATION STUDIES (NCEA LEVEL 3) US10318 3 Make a Short Film 15 Internal PERFORMING ARTS TECHNOLOGY (NCEA LEVEL 3) US28002 3 6 Internal Research, develop and communicate costume design US28003 US28004 3 3 Research, develop and apply lighting design US28005 3 US28006 3 US28007 US28008 3 3 US8991 US9885 US28121 3 3 3 US27614 US27616 US27617 3 3 3 6 Internal Research, develop and communicate stage design Select and apply a range of processes to enhance performance 6 Internal Apply set construction skills to meet a set design concept 3 Internal SOCIOLOGY Evaluate sociological Theories 4 Internal Evaluate a social institution 4 Internal Evaluate a social process 4 Internal PRELIMINARY JOURNALISM STUDIES Sub-­‐edit news stories and a feature intended for publication 3 Internal Identify and research potential news stories or news features 3 Internal Lay out pages intended for publication 3 Internal Subject Leads to: Vocational Pathway; Creative Industries Post-­‐School/Tertiary Study; Film Making, Performing Arts Technology, wide range of arts based study options. Wide range of arts based occupations. Mr D Lindup Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Research, develop and communicate make-­‐up design 6 6 Internal Internal Stage Manage a Production 6 Internal 68 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Subject: L3PEPS Code: HALF-­‐YEAR SEMESTER COURSE Course Offered: Semester 1 √ Semester 2 √ This course is suitable for students who have an interest in Sport and Recreation and want to gain some level 3 NCEA credits in this subject, but do not need the course for University Entrance. Year: 13 Level 3 NCEA Fee pays for: PE Gear Credits: 8 (*12) Pre-­‐requisites: Fee:$25 Qualification: Course Description This course is for Year 13 and 14 students who want to gain skills in planning and leading Junior sport and in the prevention and treatment of sporting injuries. The students admitted to this course would be expected to assist with Junior sport and PE at GBHS, and as such would be expected to act as role models at all times. There is also a large practical sporting component in this course with boys getting the chance to try new activities and improve their performance in familiar sports. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Title Level Credits Mode US 20673 Demonstrate knowledge of injury prevention and management in sport or recreation. 3 4 Internal US 21414 Plan and lead a recreation activity 3 4 Internal AS 91501* 3 4 Internal Demonstrate quality performance of a physical activity in an applied setting (Boys who are involved in top level school sport can be assessed against this Standard in their chosen sport) Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Sport & Recreation studies at Polytech Level Occupations: Provision of Sport & Recreation (eg. Sports coordinator, sport development officer), Fitness industry Contact: Mr S Murphy Subject: PERSONAL FINANCES Code: L3PFMS HALF-­‐YEAR SEMESTER COURSE Course Offered: Level 3 Personal Finances Semester 1 Semester 2 √ √ This course is suitable for students who have an interest in personal budgeting and want to gain some level 3 NCEA credits in this subject, but do not need the course for University Entrance. Year: 13 Qualification: Level 3 NCEA Pre-­‐requisites: Level 2 Mathematics Fee: Fee pays for: course workbooks $15 Credits: 10 Course Description This course is a 1 semester course offering 10 credits in personal financial management. Emphasis is on practical real-­‐world skills that will help students make good decisions about income, saving and budgeting. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Title Level Credits Mode 28098 Evaluate options to increase income. 3 3 Internal 28099 Compare credit options to manage finances 3 3 Internal 28100 Plan for long term financial goals 3 4 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytech, trades or forces Occupations: Contact: Mr Varey, Mr Thomas 69 Subject: YEAR 13 VOCATIONAL MATHS WITH FINANCIAL NUMERACY (SEMESTER COURSE) Code: L2MFS HALF-­‐YEAR SEMESTER COURSE Course Offered: Only for Yr 13 Semester 1 students Semester 2 √ √ This course is suitable for students who have an interest in mathematics and financial numeracy and want to gain some level 2 NCEA credits in this subject, but do not need the course for University Entrance. Year: 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $15 Qualification: Level 2 NCEA Credits: 8 Level 1 Numeracy Fee pays for: Workbooks Course Description This course is suitable for students who have an interest in mathematics and financial numeracy and want to gain some further level 2 NCEA credits in this subject, but do not need the course for University Entrance. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Title Level Credits Mode US28097 Evaluate and select personal banking products and services in relation to personal financial needs 2 3 Internal US28094 Produce a balanced budget, and adjust the budget to reflect changing financial circumstances Apply network methods in solving problems 2 3 Internal 2 2 Internal AS91260 Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Workplace. Occupations: A wide variety of occupations requiring mathematical skills Contact: Mr E Hannah and Ms C Swann Subject: YEAR 13 MATHEMATICS WITH STATISTICS (SEMESTER COURSE) Code: L3MSS HALF-­‐YEAR SEMESTER COURSE Course Offered: Only for Yr 13 Semester 1 students Semester 2 √ √ This course is suitable for students who have an interest in Mathematics and want to gain some level 3 NCEA credits in this subject, but do not need the course for University Entrance. Year: 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $15 Qualification: Level 3 NCEA Credits: 8 Completed Yr 12 Mathematics with Statistics or Calculus achieving at least 8 credits Fee pays for: Workbooks Course Description This course is intended for students who have completed an academic course at level 2 in either Statistics or Calculus and require mathematics at level 3. The content of the course is described below. The course meets the requirements of Level 8 of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum, but does not meet the requirements for University Entrance. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code AS91574 Title Apply linear programming methods in solving problems 3 3 Internal AS91587 Apply systems of simultaneous equations in solving problems 3 3 Internal AS91576 Use critical path analysis in solving problems 3 2 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Workplace. Occupations: A wide variety of occupations requiring mathematical skills Contact: Mr E Hannah and Ms C Swann 70 Level Credits Mode Subject: Year: LEVEL 3 PHYSICS (SEMESTER) 13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Level 3 Achievement Standards Code: L3PYS Credits: 9 -­‐ 12 From L2PY: have completed the L2PY course of study From L2SI: achieved 8 L2SI credits including the Physics standard (P2.1, AS91521). $ 20 Fee pays for: Filed trip(s). Course Description This course is aimed at graduates of L2PY who don’t qualify for L3PYf and successful graduates of L2SI who want to study physics at L3. In this course you will investigate physics phenomena. The course is quite mathematical. We will study the first two practical standards (US26117 and AS91521) and at least one of the last two research standards (AS91522 or AS91527) depending on student background and interest. Note: US2617 is studied in both L3 semester courses. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode Work safely in a science laboratory 2 Internal US26117 3 AS91521 3 Physics 3.1: Carry out a practical investigation to test a physics 4 Internal theory relating two variables in a non-­‐linear relationship. AS91522 3 Physics 3.2: Demonstrate understanding of the application of 3 Internal physics to a selected context. AS91527 3 Physics 3.7: Use physics knowledge to develop an informed 3 Internal response to a socio-­‐scientific issue. Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Science courses at University and Polytechnic Occupations: Science knowledge and skills are needed in a wide range of careers including various Trades, Police and Armed Forces Contact: Mr Fawcett Subject: Year: 13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: LEVEL 3 SCIENCE (SEMESTER) Code: NCEA Level 3 Credits: L3SIS 10 Have completed the L2BI, L2CH, L2PY or L2SI programme of study $ 20 Fee pays for: Field Trip(s) Course Description This course is intended for graduates of L2SIC. It includes unit standards and internal standards from the Science, Earth and Space, and Education for Sustainability curriculums. The course will be paced to suit the students and offer the first standard along with two of the last three standards below dependent on student interest, background and career aspirations. Note: US2617 is studied in both L3 semester courses. Achievement Standards Assessed Code Level Title Credits Mode Work safely in a science laboratory 2 Internal US26117 3 AS91411 3 AS91412 3 AS91735 3 Further Learning: Occupations: Contact: Earth and Space Science 3.2: Investigate a socio-­‐scientific issue in an earth 4 Internal and space context Earth and Space Science 3.3: Investigate the evidence related to dating 4 Internal geological event(s) Education for Sustainability 3.2: Evaluate measures that may be taken to 4 Internal sustain and/or improve a biophysical environment Subject Leads to: Science courses at University and Polytechnic Science knowledge and skills are needed in a wide range of careers including various Trades, Police and Armed Forces Mr Fawcett 71 Subject: Te Reo Māori Hukatai 1 Code: L3TRHS HALF-­‐YEAR SEMESTER COURSE Course Offered: Semester 1 Semester 2 √ √ This course is suitable for students who have an interest in developing their Māori language skills and want to gain some level 3 NCEA credits in this subject. This course will run in both Semester A & B and can also contribute to University Entrance. Year: 13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Level 3 NCEA Credits: 14 At the discretion of the HOD or Hukatai L2 $25 Fee pays for: Course Resources Course Description This course is for students with limited to no background in Te Reo Māori. We encourage students to have pride in their heritage and to encourage them to gain and share experiences. At this level there is a concentration on grammar and developing the student’s Reo Maori skills Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Level 7267 3 7259 3 Title Credits Mode Pānui i ngā pūrongo kōrero mō te tangata me tōna taiao/ Reading an account about a person and their environment 7 Internal Tuhituhi kōrero mō tētahi tangata me tōna taiao/ write about a person and their environment 7 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Further study to L3 Te Hukatai 2 Occupations: Useful in many occupations Contact: Mr R Tapsell Subject: OUTDOOR PURSUITS Code: L3SOP1S HALF-­‐YEAR SEMESTER COURSE Course Offered: Semester 1 Semester 2 This course is suitable for students who have an interest in the outdoors and want to gain some level 3 NCEA credits in this subject, but do not need the course for University Entrance. Year: 13 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: $90 Qualification: Level 3 NCEA Credits: 15 Fee pays for: Transport & accommodation Course Description The warm weather Outdoor Pursuits Course is based around water skills, kayak skills and expedition preparation. The course will be a mix of practical and classroom but will be more practical in term 1 and more classroom in term 2. Over the semester students will spend approximately equal time in class engaged in written tasks as they will getting wet in the pool, in rivers and in the waves. There will be a 4 day Kayaking expedition around Lake Waikaremoana at the end of Term 1. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Title Level Credits Mode AS 91504 Risk Management for Kayaking Expedition 3 3 Internal AS91501 Surf Kayaking (or other chosen pursuit) Performance 3 4 Internal US 18228 Tourist Destinations in NZ 3 8 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Outdoor Pursuits Centers Occupations: Tourism guides, DOC field workers, Armed Forces Contact: Mr Donaldson 72 Subject: OUTDOOR PURSUITS Code: L3SOP2S HALF-­‐YEAR SEMESTER COURSE Course Offered: Semester 2 √ This course is suitable for students who have an interest in the outdoors and want to gain some level 3 NCEA credits in this subject, but do not need the course for University Entrance. Year: 13 Qualification: Level 3 NCEA Credits: 15 Pre-­‐requisites: Fee:$90 Fee pays for: Transport and accommodation Course Description This is the ‘cold weather’ version of SOOP. The learning is based around Bushcraft and outdoor navigation and tramping skills. Students will plan and participate in a 3 day hiking trip in the Ureweras and may also undertake a snow based trip to Mt Ruapehu if fund raising is possible. Term 4 will have a brief Surfing focus to enable students to achieve AS91501-­‐ practical performance in the surf using the schools surfboards. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Title Level Credits Mode AS91504 Risk Management in the Bush 3 3 Internal US 18228 Tourist Destinations in NZ 3 8 Internal AS91501 Physical performance in the surf. 3 4 Internal Code: L3MUS Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Outdoor Pursuits Centers Occupations: Tourism industry, Armed Forces Contact: Mr A. Donaldson Subject: MUSIC HALF-­‐YEAR SEMESTER COURSE Course Offered: Semester 1 Semester 2 √ √ This course is suitable for students who have an interest in Music and want to gain some level 3 NCEA credits in this subject, but do not need the course for University Entrance. Year: 13 Qualification: Level 3 NCEA Credits: 12 Pre-­‐requisites: Minimum 12 credits level-­‐2 Music, or discretion of HOD/TIC Fee: $25.00 Fee pays for : DVD tapes for Composition and Performance skills of Participants and Instruments Course Description This course is designed for the practical Musician student. It will extend the musicianship and performance skills of participants. You will be required to perform in front of an audience. You will also learn about the technical side to band setup and audio. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Title Level Credits Mode 3.7 AS 91417 Perform two programmes of music as a featured soloist 3 8 Internal 3.1 AS 90256 Demonstrate ensemble skills by performing two substantial pieces of music as a member of a group 3 4 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Tertiary Study, Mains Music School Occupations: Music Engineer; Freelance writer; Professional Musician; Arranger; Teacher. Contact: Mr Matahiki, Mr Lindup 73 Subject: CAREERS EXPLORATION COURSE 1 Code 3CFKS HALF-­‐YEAR SEMESTER COURSE Course Offered: Level 2/3 Careers Exploration Semester 1 Semester 2 √ √ This course is suitable for students who have an interest in gaining practical ‘tickets’ potentially leading towards employment and want to gain some level 3 NCEA credits, but do not need the course for University Entrance. It will run on a Friday – the other three periods will become a Study period. Therefore no other study period is an option. Year: 13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: Fee: Level 2/3 NCEA Credits: 34 None required TBA Fee pays for: course and certificate costs Course Description This course is a 1 semester course limited to groups of 8 students. Students can take the course in either semester 1 or 2 as numbers permit. An additional course is offered in the alternate semester to further enhance options for future employment. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code Title Level Credits Mode 10851 Operate a forklift 3 7 Internal 18496 Demonstrate knowledge of forklift driving 3 2 Internal Barista Certificate 2 10 Internal 17284 Demonstrate knowledge of Coffee 3 3 Internal 17593 Health and Safety/ First Aid Certificate 2/3 12 Internal 17287/17286/17285 Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytech, trades or forces Occupations: Trades, Café work, Part time employment Contact: Mrs Jefferson Subject: CAREERS EXPLORATION COURSE 1 Code: 3CAPIS HALF-­‐YEAR SEMESTER COURSE Course Offered: Level 2/3 Careers Exploration Semester 1 √ Semester 2 √ This course is suitable for students who have an interest in gaining practical ‘tickets’ potentially leading towards employment and want to gain some level 3 NCEA credits, but do not need the course for University Entrance. It will run on a Friday – the other three periods will become a Study period. Therefore no other study period is an option. Year: 13 Qualification: Pre-­‐requisites: None required Fee: Fee pays for: course TBA Level 2/3 NCEA Credits: 41 Course Description This course is a 1 semester course limited to groups of 8 students. Students can take the course in either semester 1 or 2 as numbers permit. An additional course is offered in the alternate semester to further enhance options for future employment. Achievement Standards Available to form the basis of the Course Code 497/17272/19852 Title Aquaculture/Apiculture (10 week course at Turanga Ararau) Level Credits Mode 2/3 33 Internal 4251 Plan a Career Pathway 3 3 Internal 1296 Interview Skills/CV 2 5 Internal Subject Leads to: Further Learning: Polytech, trades or forces Occupations: Various – opportunity to explore the industries associated with Aqua and Api culture Contact: Mrs Jefferson 74 Subjects Offered at Gisborne Girls High School: Please note that these subjects are offered with the understanding that girls will take precedence when making up class numbers and that staffing at each High School has to be a consideration. Subject Name Subject Code Description Entry requirements Leads on to Level 1 Drama L1DRA Entry level drama that will include a performance open Level 2 drama Level 2 photography L2PHOT Level 1art Level 3 photography Level 3 photography L3PHOT Practical art course where the medium is photography Practical art course where the medium is photography Music Performance MUP Music studied from a performance perspective Outdoor Education L2OED Level 2 psychology L2PSY open Level 3 psychology Level 3 psychology L3PSY open Level 2 Health L2HEAL This is a single block course that still has a large outdoor and expedition focus Studying aspects of psychology Studying aspects of psychology Studying aspects of health Successful completion of Level 2 photography or other Level 2 art course. Level 1 music or demonstrated aptitude with an instrument. open Level 3 Health Level 3 Health L3HEAL Preferable to have studied phys ed at level 1 L2HEAL Level 1 Fitness (industry) L1FIT open Level 2 Fitness (industry) Studying aspects of health Studying aspects of the fitness industry 75