CHEMISTRY TEACHERS’ FORUM • • • • • • • • • VUW Course Changes SCPS Outreach NCEA Level 1 Science Matrix Level 2 & 3 Chemistry Standards 2009 NCEA Exams “Curriculum Tsunami” Chemistry PD 2010 Ideas Sharing Nature of Science Structure of First Year Chemistry courses at VUW Summer Trimester 1st Trimester 2nd Trimester CHEM191 CHEM113 open entry CHEM114 14 L3 credits OR CHEM113 CHEM114 14 L3 credits CHEM115 CHEM 114 OR An A pass in CHEM113 14 NCEA LEVEL 3 CREDITS YES (Preferably External Standards) CHEM114 PASS CHEM115 200 LEVEL CHEM114 NO CHEM113 A– PASS + CHEM115 CHEM191 PASS CHEM114 FUN Prerequisites for some 200 level biology and biomedical science papers CHEM191: Introductory Chemistry CHEM113: Concepts of Chemistry CHEM114: Principles of Chemistry CHEM115: Structure and Spectroscopy 200 Level CHEM201 - Organic Chemistry CHEM202 - Inorganic & Materials Chemistry CHEM203 - Physical & Process Chemistry CHEM205 - Chemical Synthesis (Lab Course) CHEM206 - Chemical Methods & Processes (Lab Course) CHEM225 - Analytical Chemistry 300 Level CHEM301 - Organic Chemistry CHEM302 - Inorganic & Materials Chemistry CHEM303 - Physical & Process Chemistry CHEM305 - Chemistry Synthesis (Laboratory Course) CHEM306 - Chemistry Materials & Methods (Lab Course) SCPS Outreach Programmes SENIOR WORKSHOPS OTHER EVENTS •Workshops are 120 minutes Starting Times: 9:30am & 12:30pm •Titration Competition and Quiz: 10 June • Chemistry Scholarship Practical Workshops: 2 July • Chemistry Scholarship Workshop 28 September •Chemistry Dates: 15 June – 1 July Maximum 24students per session • Physics Dates: 15 June – 3 July Maximum 24students per session • Electronic Engineering Dates: 16 – 27 June Maximum 18 students per session JUNIOR PROGRAMME Chemistry (1 hr) and Physics (1 hr) Times: 9.30 am to 12.00 noon Dates: 28 Oct – 14 Nov Maximum 40 students per school Level 1 Science Matrix Physical World Material World Living World Planet Earth & Beyond Science 1.1 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of mechanics. 4 credits External Science 1.5 Demonstrate an understanding of chemical ideas relating to acids and bases. 4 credits External Science 1.9 Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation. 4 credits External Science 1.13 Demonstrate understanding of the formation of surface features in New Zealand. 4 credits Internal Science 1.2 Investigate the implication of electricity and magnetism in everyday life. 4 credits Internal Science 1.6 Investigate the implications of the use of carbon compounds as fuels. 4 credits Internal Science 1.10 Investigate life processes and environmental factors that affect them. 4 credits Internal Science 1.14 Demonstrate understanding of carbon cycling. 4 credits Internal Science 1.3 Investigate the implication of wave behaviour in everyday life. 4 credits Internal Science 1.7 Investigate the implications of the properties of metals to their use in society. 4 credits Internal Science 1.11 Investigate interactions between humans and micro-organisms. 4 credits Internal Science 1.15 Demonstrate understanding of the effect on planet Earth of astronomical cycles. 4 credits Internal Science 1.4 Investigate the implication of heat in everyday life. 4 credits Internal Science 1.8 Investigate selected chemical reactions. 4 credits Internal Science 1.12 Investigate the biological impact of an event on a New Zealand ecosystem. 4 credits Internal Science 1.16 Investigate an astronomical or Earth science event. 4 credits Internal Level 1 Specialist Sciences Physics Chemistry Biology Physics 1.1 Carry out a practical investigation, with direction, that leads to a linear mathematical relationship 4 credits Internal Chemistry 1.1 Carry out a practical chemistry investigation, with direction. 4 credits Internal Biology 1.1 Carry out a practical investigation in a biology context. 4 credits Internal Physics 1.2 Demonstrate understanding of the physics of an application. 2 credits Internal Chemistry 1.2 Demonstrate understanding of the chemistry in a technological application, with direction. 2 credits Internal Biology 1.2 Report on a biological issue. 3 credits Internal Physics 1.3 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of electricity and magnetism. 4 credits External Chemistry 1.3 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of carbon chemistry. 4 credits External Biology 1.3 Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas relating to microorganisms. 4 credits External Physics 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of wave behaviour. 4 credits External Chemistry 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of selected elements. 4 credits External Biology 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of the life cycle of flowering plants. 4 credits External Physics 1.5 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of heat. 4 credits External Chemistry 1.5 Demonstrate understanding of chemical reactions. 4 credits External Biology 1.5 Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas relating to a mammal as a consumer. 4 credits External There will be exclusions between: •S1.2 and P1.3 •S1.3 and P1.4 •S1.4 and P1.5 •S1.6 and C1.3 •S1.7 and C1.4 •S1.8 and C1.5 •S1.11 and B1.3 LEVELS 2 AND 3 DRAFT CHEMISTRY MATRIX 2.1 Carry out quantitative analysis. 2.2 Carry out procedures to identify ions present in solution. 2.4 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of chemical structure, bonding and enthalpy. 2.5 Demonstrate understanding of the properties of selected organic compounds. 2.6 Demonstrate understanding of equilibrium systems. 2.7 Demonstrate understanding of oxidation – reduction reactions. 3 credits Internal 2.3 Demonstrate understanding of the chemistry in a recent discovery or development in chemistry. 3 credits Internal 4 credits Internal 5 credits External 4 credits External 4 credits External 3 credits Internal 3.1 Develop and carry out an investigation in chemistry involving quantitative analysis. 4 credits Internal 3.2 Demonstrate knowledge of analytical techniques in chemistry. 3.3 Analyse the role of chemistry in the world around us. 3.4 Demonstrate understanding of chemical structure, reactivity and thermochemistry. 3.5 Demonstrate understanding of structure and reactivity of organic compounds. 3.6 Demonstrate understanding of properties of aqueous systems. 3.7 Demonstrate understanding of oxidation – reduction processes. 3 credits Internal 3 credits Internal 6 credits External 5 credits External 5 credits External 3 credits Internal “Curriculum tsunami” How do we move forward? • HOD afternoon (CCSE – 24 February) • Teaching and Learning Guidelines (MinEd July 2010) • Cluster groups – volunteers to lead from each area Central, Hutt, Kapiti NZIC PD Opportunities 2010 • Peter Hollamby – early term 2 • Rick Moog – POGIL 30 March Wellington Chemistry Teachers’ Group • Volunteers? Sharing ideas Matt Morris – websites to link with molymod models made by students • • • ules/index.html • ics/21-Molecules3d/21-Dynamics3d320.html • • (Good for working with – Java allows students to rotate molecules) Phil Kendon • Great animation for particle level metals /acids reactions • metalshcl/ • You have to register first – which is do-able. Plastic Bag Experiments • Sodium Bicarbonate and 2 mol L-1 HCl - test gas with limewater - pour gas over a lighted candle • Potassium iodide and 10% H2O2 - ‘puff’ gas onto a glowing splint • Calcium chloride and water • Sodium bicarbonate, citric acid and water The Nature of Science UNDERSTANDING SCIENCE WEBSITE