Updates on Inspection Services Harman bin Alang Kasim Electrical and Electronic Certification and Inspection Product Certification and Inspection Department SIRIM Pulau Pinang – 17 October 2012 Updates on Inspection Services – SASO Certificate of Conformity Development of Conformity Assessment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1995 August 2004 ICCP Conformity Certificate Year 2007 Conformity Certificate Year 20XX 2 GCC Conformity Mark Updates on Inspection Services – SASO Certificate of Conformity 3 Updates on Inspection Services – SASO Certificate of Conformity 4 4 Updates on Inspection Services – SASO Certificate of Conformity Certificate of Conformity for Commodities and Products to be Exported to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia an Interim Program All commodities and products which exported to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall be accompanied with CoC, except the following items:A) Foods and agricultural products. B) Medicine and cosmetics. C) Medical devices and equipment. D) Crude oil. Issuance of CoC shall be from an entity authorized by a competent official agency in the Country of Origin 5 Ensure conformity of goods to the established standards relevant Saudi Standards or equivalent international standards (meet applicable SASO national differences) Updates on Inspection Services – SASO Certificate of Conformity Products covered under COCP (Electrical & Non-Electrical) Application Status of Product? Route B Route A (Tested according to SASO/IEC Standard, without Prod. Cert. License) (Licensed product with SASO Test Report) Test Report/Product Evaluation (compliance to national differences) Licence File/Doc. Evaluation - Latest audit report, market surveillance etc. CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY 6 Pre-Shipment Inspection - sample selection & factory test (may be applicable) Pass Review & Approval CoC upload to SASO Website Fail Corrective Action Updates on Inspection Services – SASO Certificate of Conformity Application documents: (i) Application Form (ii) Undertaking of Liability & Indemnity Letter (iii) Invoice & Packing List (iv) Test report (less than 5 years) (v) SIRIM Prod. Cert. Licence, if any 7 (Submission of documents: 10 working days prior to Shipment date) Updates on Inspection Services – SASO Certificate of Conformity NOTIFICATION Referring to the mutual recognition program signed between SASO and SIRIM QAS International and given the importance of exchange information and notifications for the new regulation about the exported / imported products, SASO announced that a new decision was issued on 23/04/2011 by the competent authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and will be effective on 22/05/2012 , including a number of important points concerning the import of electrical appliances, as follows : 1) Stop import of electrical equipment, devices and accessories that operate on voltage (127) volts. 8 Updates on Inspection Services – SASO Certificate of Conformity NOTIFICATION(Continue) 2) After five years of the issuance of the above decision, the import of the electrical equipment and accessories, will be only those operates on (220) or (230) volts. 3) Continue to allow the import and manufacturing of spare parts for electrical equipment and accessories that operate on (127) volts for a period of (15) years. 9 Updates on Inspection Services – SASO Certificate of Conformity 10 10 Updates on Inspection Services – SASO Certificate of Conformity 11 www.saso.org.sa Updates on Inspection Services – SASO Certificate of Conformity Certificate of Conformity Program (COCP) (for Goods exported to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) Schedule of Fees 1) 2) New Registration (for Route A) (including new registration processing, document evaluation and issuance of CoC) MYR (i) new application (per registered licence) 500.00 (ii) each additional model per product type 50.00 Subsequent request for CoC (for Route A) (i) each certificate (per registered licence) 300.00 (including document evaluation and issuance of CoC) 3) New Application (for Route A and B) (including document evaluation, pre-shipment inspection and issuance of CoC) (i) (per product type/catogery) (ii) each model per product type * exclusive of travelling expenses for inspection 12 * exclusive of product evaluation and testing fees 1000.00 50.00 Updates on Inspection Services – SASO Certificate of Conformity Certificate of Conformity Program (COCP) (for Goods exported to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) Schedule of Fees 13 4) Revision to Registration (for Route A) (i) Change/Amendment of general/technical information in the certificate 5) Subsequent request for CoC (for Route B) (including document evaluation, pre-shipment inspection and issuance of CoC) (i) (per product type/category) MYR 100.00 1000.00 Updates on Inspection Services – SASO Certificate of Conformity SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd. http://www.sirim-qas.com.my/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=165&Itemid=406 MOCI – Ministry of Commerce and Industry http://www.commerce.gov.sa SASO – Saudi Arabian Standards Organization http://www.saso.org.sa GSO – Standardization Organization of the GCC http://www.gso.org.sa/ SFDA – Saudi Food and Drug Authority http://www.sfda.gov.sa/En/Home WTO – World Trade Organization http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/countries_e/saudi_arabia_e.htm ISO – International Organization for Standardization http://www.iso.org/ 14 IEC – IEC Web Store http://webstore.iec.ch/ Updates on Inspection Services – Other Services North America Japan Europe China Korea Saudi Arabia Philippines Argentina Inspection Services - Facilitating Exports 15 Updates on Inspection Services - Contacts (Building 16 – 1st Floor) Tel: +603-55446498 Fax: +603-55446484 Email: harman@sirim.my zakie@sirim.my Electrical & Electronic Certification and Inspection Section 16