Hamed fathi - International Biochar Initiative

Hamed fathi (Curriculum Vitae)
In the name of Allah
 Personal Information
Name: hamed fathi
Gender: Male
Place and Date of Birth: Iran-lahijan, September 9, 1984
Nationality: Iranian
Marital Status: married
Present Address: Iran, lahijan, Ansari Avenue, Plaque 45, P.C: 76166-46339
E-mail: hamed_fathi_dokht@yahoo.com
Phone No: +989112442340
Phd, Soil science/ Faculty of Agriculture/ 1Gorgan University of agriculture sciences and Natural
resources Gorgan, Iran/ gorgan/ Iran /2012-2015/
Thesis Title: Effect of sewage sledge and their bio-char as mulch and top-soil incorporated on some
soil qualities, potassium uptake and plant growth in a loss soil with high specific surface area and
temperate climate
M.Sc., Soil science/ Faculty of Agriculture/ Shiraz University/ Shiraz/ Iran /2005-2009/
B.S., Soil science/ Faculty of Agriculture/ uremia University/ uremia/ Iran /2001-2005/
Thesis Title: Phytoremediation of the Arsenic Contaminated Soils by Different Fern Species
Research Interest
Soil chemistry and soil pollution
Site-specific nutrient management
Phytoremediation of heavy metals
Geostatistic, RS, GIS
Hamed fathi (Curriculum Vitae)
Publication Researches:
Hamed Fathi, Mojan Mirzanejad. Effects of Wastewater Irrigation on the Growth of Two Bean Spices
and Soil Chemical Propertiesunder Greenhouse Conditions. American Journal of Agriculture and
Forestry. Vol. 2, No. 3, 2014, pp.88-93.doi: 10.11648/j.ajaf.20140203.15
Fathi, Hamed, Habib Fathi, and Hossein Moradi. "Spatial variability of soil characteristic for evaluation
of agricultural potential in Iran.". Merit Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Sciences
(ISSN: 2350-2274) Vol. 2(2) pp. 024-031, February, 2014
Fathi, Hamed, Hesam Aryanpour, Habib Fathi, and Hossein Moradi.2014 "Distribution of zinc and
copper fractions in acid and alkaline (highly calcareous) soils of Iran." Sky Journal of Soil Science and
Environmental Management Vol. 3(1), pp. 006 - 013, January, 2014
Habib Fathi, Abdolhossinpari Zangane, Hamed Fathi, hossein moradi, Municipal Solid Waste
Characterization and It Is Assessment for Potential Compost Production: A Case Study in Zanjan City,
Iran, American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. Vol. 2, No. 2, 2014, pp. 39-44. doi:
Saffari, M, J. Yasrebi, F. Sarikhani, R. Gazni, M. Moazallahi, H. Fathi and M. Emadi. 2009. Evaluation of
artificial neural network models for prediction of spatial variability of some soil chemical properties.
Research journal of Biological Sciences. 4 (7): 815-820
Saffari, M, J. Yasrebi, M. Emadi, M. Moazallahi and H. Fathi. 2009. Geostatistical Investigation of
Sequentially Extracted Zn Forms at Field Scale in Highly Calcareous Soils. Research journal of Biological
Sciences. 4 (7): 866-873.
Saffari, M, H. Fathi, M. Emadi and M. Moazallahi. 2009. Uptake, translocation and transformation of
arsenic by four fern species in the arsenic-spiked soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant
Analysis. 40: 3420–3434.
Yasrebi, J., M. Saffari, H. Fathi, N. Karimian, M. Emadi and M. Baghernejad. 2008. Spatial Variability of
Soil Fertility Properties for Precision Agriculture in Southern Iran. Journal of Applied Sciences 8
Yasrebi, J., M. Saffari, H. Fathi, M. Emadi, M Baghernejad, A. M. Ronaghi and M. Emadi. 2008. Spatial
Prediction of Surface Soil Properties Using Terrain and Remote Sensing Data. Journal of Applied
Sciences 8 (6): 1000-1006.
Yasrebi, J., M. Saffari, H. Fathi, N. Karimian, M. Moazallahi and R. Gazni. 2009. Evaluation
andcomparison of ordinary kriging and inverse distance weighting methods for prediction of spatial
variability of some soil chemical parameters. Research journal of Biological Sciences. 4 (1): 93- 102.
Emadi, M, M. Baghernejad, H. R. Memarian, M. Saffari, and H. Fathi. 2008. Genesis and Clay
Mineralogical Investigation of Highly Calcareous Soils in Semi-Arid Regions of Southern Iran. Journal of
Applied Sciences 8 (2): 288-294.
Emadi M, M. Emadi, M. Baghernejad, H. Fathi and M. Saffari. 2008. Effect of Land Use Change on
Selected Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in North Highlands of Iran. Journal of Applied Sciences
8 (3): 496-502.
Emadi M, M. Baghernejad, M. Emadi, H. Fathi and M. Saffari. 2009. Phosphorus forms and behaviors
in selected heavily fertilized soils. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 55: 579–595
Proceeding of International Congresses:
Saffari, M, J. Yasrebi, N. Karimian and H. Fathi. 2009. Spatial variability of zinc chemical fractions in
calcareous soils using kriging geostatical method. Pedometrics 2009. Beijing, China.
Proceeding of Internal Congress (Iran):
Saffari, M., H. Fathi, E Mostafa, A. Ronaghi and R. Mohajeri. 2008. Effect of irrigation with wastewater
on yield and quality of two bean species and soil properties. 3rd national congress of recycling and
reuse of renewable organic resources in agriculture. Isfahan, Iran. (In Persian and English).
Saffari, M, J. Yasrebi, N. Karimian and H. Fathi. 2009. Effect of calcium carbonate removal on the
chemical forms of zinc in calcareous soils by three sequential extraction methods. 11th Iranian Soil
Science Congress. Gorgan, Iran. (In Persian).
Saffari, M, J. Yasrebi, , M. Moazallahi, H. Fathi and MEmadi. 2009. Evaluation and comparison of
ordinary kriging and artificial neural network methods for prediction of spatial variability of some soil
chemical properties. 11th Iranian Soil Science Congress. Gorgan, Iran. (In Persian).
Saffari, M., V.R. Saffari. M. Moazallahi, H. Fathi and M. Emadi. 2009. Effect of wastewater in chemical
forms of zinc and copper in different times and different soil depths. 11th Iranian Soil Science
Congress. Gorgan, Iran. (In Persian).
Fathi, H., Yasrebi, N. Karimian, and M. Saffari. 2009. Effect of plant growth in chemical forms of zinc in
calcareous soils. 11th Iranian Soil Science Congress. Gorgan, Iran. (In Persian).
Additional Expertise:
Statistics Soft wares :SAS, MSTATC and SPSS
Geostatistics Softwares: GS+, Arc GIS, ILWISS
Other program: MS-DOS, Basic Programming Language, Microsoft Windows,
Microsoft Word. Microsoft Excel. DRIS