applied sciences

applied sciences
An Open Access Journal
Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Prof. Dr. Takayoshi Kobayashi
As the world of science becomes ever more specialized,
researchers may lose themselves in the deep forest of the ever
increasing number of subfields being created. This open
access journal Applied Sciences has been started to link these
subfields, so researchers can cut through the forest and see
the surrounding, or quite distant fields and subfields to help
develop his/her own research even further with the aid of this
multi-dimensional network.
Author Benefits
Open Access
Unlimited and free access for readers
No Copyright Constraints
Retain copyright of your work and free use of your article
Thorough Peer-Review
Coverage by Leading Indexing Services
SCIE-Science Citation Index Expanded (Thomson Reuters)
No Space Constraints, No Extra Space or Color Charges
No restriction on the length of the papers, number of figures or colors
Discounts on Article Processing Charges (APC)
If you belong to an institute that is part of MDPI`s institutional
membership program
applied sciences
More Information about This Journal
Aims and Scope
Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417) is an international, peerreviewed, open access journal, published quarterly by MDPI
AG, Basel, Switzerland.
Applied Sciences provides an advanced forum on all aspects
of applied natural sciences, including applied physics, applied
chemistry, applied biology and applied engineering. The
journal is covered by leading indexing services, including the
Science Citation Index Expanded (Applied Sciences-Basel
recorded in Web of Science), Scopus and Chemical Abstracts.
According to the Journal Citation Reports®, published by
Thomson Reuters in June 2016, the Impact Factor of Applied
Sciences is 1.726. The journal now ranks 64/145 (Q2) in the
category ‘Physics, Applied’, 129/271 (Q2) in the category
‘Materials Science, Multidisciplinary’, and 83/163 (Q3) in
‘Chemistry, Multidisciplinary’.
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Applied Sciences Editorial Office
St. Alban-Anlage 66
4052 Basel, Switzerland
Tel: +41 61 683 77 34
Fax: +41 61 302 89 18