1 Ka-band VSAT 4-Channel Phased Array Receiver Demonstrator Ioannis Bligiannis Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands i.bligiannis@student.tue.nl -90. Abstract— In this paper two well-known antenna concepts, (I) the reflector antenna and (II) the phased array, are combined together with the super-heterodyne, low-IF receiver architecture for RF applications. This leads to a focal-plane array, combining the “best of both worlds”, such as low-loss, low G/T cost, multibeam functionality, electronic beam-steering, high efficiency and polarization purity. The 4-element feed is placed at the focal point of the reflector. The amplitudes and phases are distributed over the elements and the antenna beam can be steered electronically. A 4-channel receiver PCB was designed, operating in the Ka band between 1822 GHz. The outputs of the four receive modules are combined by a 4:1 Wilkinson power combiner. Using the proper ICs for amplitude and phase control, as well as mixing down the incoming signal together with a tunable-LO input, we achieved a stable IF output placed at 1 GHz with 27 MHz typical channel bandwidth in VSAT applications. Index Terms—Ka-band, satellite communications, VSAT, phased array, beam-steering. I. T INTRODUCTION HE concept of forming receive antenna beams by combining the elements amplitude and phase at an intermediate frequency or in the digital domain has been pursued for many years. This technique which has been called array signal processing and beamforming has the primary advantage of being capable of forming multiple beams, performing adaptive beamforming or nulling [1]. Interesting applications like DVB-S, Internet over Satellite (VSAT) operating at 20 and 30 GHz, where a large scan volume is required, a single beam system may not be capable of satisfying all requirements. Array beam forming techniques exist that can yield multiple, simultaneously available beams. The beams can be made to have high gain and low sidelobes, or controlled beamwidth. Adaptive beam forming techniques dynamically adjust the array pattern to optimize some characteristic of the received signal. In beam scanning, a single main beam of an array is steered and the direction can be varied either continuously or in small discrete steps. Antenna arrays using adaptive beamforming techniques (spatial filtering, null steering) in the RF or even at the digital part, can reject interfering signals having a direction of arrival different from that of a desired signal. Thus, the need for a more reconfigurable antenna which is capable of electronic scanning, is focused on the idea of using focal plane arrays (FPA). This technology combines the advantages of reflector antenna and phased arrays. The phased-array fed reflectors, or focal plane arrays, provide improved amplitude and phase distribution, but it is also possible to generate multiple beams with each beam generated by an array of feeds and adjacent beams share some of the elements. In fact, the feed (consisting of an array of feeds, therefore with a large effective aperture) is now more directive, and at the same time, because of the overlapping approach, the effective inter-element distance is kept small. This concept can be applied to next generation TV satellite receivers to communicate with several satellites simultaneously [2]. The phased-array consists of multiple individual radiators (N). In this project, special attention will be given to a 4 element feed, focal plane array system. Figure 1 shows the schematic view of the focal plane array. The layout of the paper is as follows. First, in II the phased array principle will be described. III will describe the model and quote the system’s requirements. IV will explain the choice of the beamforming technique and receiver’s architecture. In V design considerations will be revealed as well as the analytical calculation. In VI, we will discuss the PCB layout and design procedure together with the measured performance and some conclusions will be provided in VII. Figure 1. Focal plane array with multibeam capability. -23- 2 III. MODEL DESCRIPTION AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS II. PHASED ARRAY PRINCIPLE The block diagram of an N-element phased array is shown in Figure 2. “N” identical antennas are equally spaced by a distance “d” along an axis. Separate phase shifters or variable time delays are incorporated at each signal path to control the phases of the signals before combining all the signals together at the output. A plane-wave beam is assumed to be incident upon the antenna array at an angle of θ to the normal direction, where β denotes the difference in phase shift provided between two successive delay blocks. The radiation pattern of the array excluding the element pattern is referred to as the array factor. A general form for a linear array along the z-axis is given by (1). AF A0 A1e j ( kd cos ) A2e j 2( kd cos ) ... An1e j ( 1)( kd cos ) Where k 2 (1) Model Description and System Requirements The aim of the proposed receiver module is to contribute with lower cost and complexity, higher functionality and linearity in many application domains, like DVB-S, Point-to-Point Communication and low cost Ka band radar applications. After the placement of 4 antenna elements (patch antennas designed for 18 GHz and more), in a microstrip linear array at the focal plane of a 75 cm off-set reflector antenna, this assignment concentrates on the design, construction and evaluation of a phased-array receiver prototype, consisting of the blocks in Figure 2. The operational frequency range of the system is 18-22 GHz. For this project a low specification together with other important parameters, the values of which are shown in Table 1. The ratio Gr/Ts (or simply G/T) is known as the Figure of Merit. It indicates the quality of a receiving satellite earth system and has a unit [dB/K]. , The array factor of N-elements can be written as (2): AF ( ) n0 An e j ( n1)( kd cos ) N (2) Table 1 Requirements for this project The term kdcosθ+β can be written as ψ, so the array factor becomes AF ( ) n1 An e j ( n1) N G dB of 13.5 is required as initial T K Symbol Description G/T Gain/ noise temperature 13.5 dB/K B bandwidth Typical channel bandwidth in VSAT (also in broadcast over satellite (DVBS)) is 27 MHz C/N Signal to Noise Ratio Typical value of 10 dB Ga Antenna Gain 40dB NF Noise Figure 4 dB (3) Figure 2. A 4-channel phased-array antenna. Phase shift in each channel compensates the phase difference of incoming signals received by each antenna. The Array Factor is a function of the positions of the antennas in the array and the weights used [3]. By tailoring these parameters the antenna array's performance may be optimized to achieve desirable properties. A major advantage of this technique is its capability to provide spatial filtering, meaning that phased arrays are able to suppress signals emanating from undesired directions. It is desired to receive the signal from a specific path while suppressing the others propagating along other directions. That means, in contrast with other well-known receiver architectures, there is no need for the first, preselecting filter, which indicates less cost and complexity and was one of the key points of this project [4]. Value Based on these initial values, certain steps and formulas need to be followed, that will help us during each step for the careful individual block specifications, i.e. linearity, noise figure and gain. In this way, the correct components can easier be selected and clarify the above and calculated specifications. Based on these requirements, some basic formulas will give sufficient information, regarding the Minimum Detectable Signal (MDS), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), the Sensitivity and the Dynamic Range (DR) of the proposed receiver [5]. Finally, the total cascaded noise figure (NF) of the system is calculated, whereas it has been assumed NFsys = 4dB for the front-end module. This calculation mainly proves the performance of the receiver in practice regarding the assumed noise figure, using the selected components. A receiver’s noise figure is an important parameter in determining the weakest signal the system can process [5]. -24- 3 Nout FkTBG ( F )(kT ( Hz ))( B )G Hz (4) Turning that to dB, we have that the total output noise power is given by: (5) Nout (dBm) 174dBm 10log10 B NF G In Eq. 4, F gives us the noise factor (Noise Figure NF in dB), k is the Boltzmann constant, B is the equivalent bandwidth, T the system noise temperature and G the system gain in dB. Equation (5) defines the minimum detectable signal (MDS) and references the output. The input noise floor is calculated by subtracting the system gain from the output noise power, thus giving the input MDS in (6). MDS 174dBm 10log10 B NFsys (6) The MDS determines the input signal level required to deliver an output signal to a load equivalent to the output noise floor, which is directly proportional to the bandwidth as the equation shows. A specific signal-to-noise ratio of 10 dB for this application is required to recover the signal with a specific quality level. For this carrier-to-noise ratio, we use the path loss equation, in (7). It is important to reduce the noise as much as possible, which means, we need a minimum bandwidth in order to minimize the noise power. Since the C/N ratio is the ratio of signal power to noise power, we have that: G C Pr PG t t r 0 , N Pt kTBF 4 R Pt 100W 20dBW 50dBm, 2 Gr 38dB, Pr (7) PG t t Gr 4 R / 0 2 C Sensitivity(dBm) MDS (dBm) N min DR CP1dB,in MDS (9) (10) Dynamic range is the useful signal level range the receiver can process within a particular SNR, which is defined as in (10), the difference in power level between the 1-dB compression point and the system noise floor, or MDS. The 1-dB compression point, here referenced to the input, is given by [7]: CP1dBin CP1dBout G 1dB (11) For the calculation of the receiver’s dynamic range and the clarification of its linearity, as a first step, the 1-dB compression point of the selected LNA was taken into account, which is the first component after the antenna and together with the mixer, are the two bottlenecks for the total receiver linearity, gain and noise figure consequently. The IP3 point is typically about 10 dB above the 1-dB compression point, which is also a good indicator of an amplifiers linearity [7]. Nevertheless, for our calculations, the 1-dB compression point was used. Figure 3 illustrates dynamic range based on MDS and 1-dB compression point referenced to the output [7] [8]. Later, in Section V, it is explained in detail how the 1-dB compression point is the key parameter for the selection of the individual components in the receiver chain. The noise temperature of the antenna is given as Te = 40o K and the noise temperature of the LNA, using equation 12, Pr is the power of the carrier signal at the receive antenna. Equation 6 is known as the link equation and it is essential in the calculation of power received in any radio link. The term 4 R / is known as the Path Loss (Lp). It accounts for the 2 dispersion of energy as an electromagnetic wave travels from a transmitting source in three-dimensional space [6]. It is also known that the minimum carrier to noise (C/N) ratio at the input of the receiver is strongly dependent from the carrier at the antenna, so: G C carrier at the antenna (dBm)+ (dB) T N dB dBm 10 log10 (kT )( ) 10 log10 ( B( Hz )) Hz Given the minimum carrier to noise ratio at the input of the system (10 dB), as well as the bandwidth of 27 MHz and having calculated the noise temperature of the receiver, the carrier at the antenna, which will be the minimum signal, can also be determined. Now, the minimum detectable signal is right above the noise floor and we can use that in order to calculate the sensitivity, which is the absolute power level that gives the required signal to noise ratio, and the dynamic range, DR, two very important parameters that influence the linearity of the receiver module. These are shown below: (8) TLNA = 290*(10NF /10 -1) K (12) o Thus, TLNA = 226 K. This results in a total system noise temperature: Tsys Te TLNA 266o K (13) Then, for B = 27 MHz, the noise power at the input of the LNA would be: N LNA,in 100.8dBm (14) Combining (6) and the given SNR from Table 1, we come to the result that (15) Sensitivity 90.8dBm This is within the general VSAT requirements range, where Sensitivity is [-70 dBm, -110 dBm]. We focus on the LNA noise temperature and consequently the noise figure, see Eq.12, based on the Friis equation: -25- 4 F = F1 + (F2-1)/G1 (16) Where F1 and G1 is the noise factor and gain of the 1st stage (LNA) and F2 is the noise factor of the 2nd stage (rest of the receiver). Thus, having enough gain, then the noise contribution of the rest can be considered negligible. and detailed schematic and description of the LNA can be found in [19]. A fully differential power combining network is used to combine outputs of each receiver element, and feed the signal to an Image Rejection mixer [21] that performs frequency down-conversion from 18-22 GHz RF to 1 GHz IF with 17-21 GHz external tunable LO. Figure 4. General super-heterodyne, single down conversion receiver architecture. B. Phase shifting element architecture Figure 3. Dynamic Range. Easily from (10), the MDS is placed at -100.8 dBm. We come to the same result using (9), where after the calculations, the carrier at the antenna, or the minimum detectable signal for this case, is calculated as -100.8 dBm. In VI and V, where the architecture and the design considerations will be discussed, we will be able to calculate the DR of the receiver, using the total CP1dBin of the system. For that, we will need the exact specifications of each one of the components in the receiver’s chain. IV. BEAMFORMING AND RECEIVER ARCHITECTURE A. Receiver Architecture The 18-22 GHz phased-array receiver front-end presented in this paper is designed to be compatible with the low-IF superheterodyne architecture. The design needs to be optimized in such a way to achieve the best of the trade-off between gain and noise/nonlinearity. As it widely known that the two mostly used receiver architectures are the direct-conversion and the superheterodyne [9]. In this application, the super-heterodyne, single down-conversion architecture was chosen, see Figure 4, since in zero-IF, or direct-detection, even if there is less hardware and no image problem in the mixer, there are inconveniences that need to be faced, like LO leakage, DC offset and isolation imperfection [10]. In our low-IF architecture, the IF (1 GHz) is far from the DC, there is also no need for the first preselecting BPF due to the phased array spatial filtering ability, and works better for high Ka band frequencies [11]. It consists of four RF phase shifting front-ends. Each contains a self-biased GaAs MMIC LNA, an Analog Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA) and an Analog Phase Shifter. The LNA is featuring 22 dB of gain and only 2.5 dB of Noise Figure (NF) In this specific application, we also managed to reduce the cost by implementing All-RF beamforming, thus using only one Image Reject Mixer. That way, we achieved better immunity from interfering signals and better selectivity. The key element in this phased array technology, and therefore in our receiver, is the phase shifter [12]. Phase shifters can be placed at any stage in the chain. Based on that, phased arrays can be categorized into four district types: RF-phase shifting, LOphase shifting, IF-phase shifting and digital phased arrays. Among all the architectures, the RF phase shifting is the most popular and has been used in many array systems [13]. In the RF phase shifting beamforming, the signals at the antenna elements are phase-shifted and combined in the RF domain. The combined signal is then down converted to baseband using heterodyne mixing as discussed previously. Since this technique requires only one mixer and there is no need for LO signal distribution, it usually results in the most compact architecture among other phased array designs. Besides that, the architecture is very suitable for building an array with a large number of channels [14][15]. Another critical part of an N-channel array is the RF combiner. The RF combiner usually is placed in the center of the phased array chip and it is easier to design a symmetric combining network for all channels, see Figure 5a. In contrasts, LO or IF phase shifting requires an LO distribution network to feed each mixer. The most important advantage though of the RF phase shifting architecture over all the other architectures is the high signal-to-interferer ratio (SIR). In an RF beamforming receiver the signal combining and the phase shifting are performed prior to down-conversion by the mixer. The interferers are filtered out at the RF stage and therefore a high SIR is achieved. This relaxes the linearity and the dynamic range of the mixer. Therefore, the All-RF architecture is chosen in this work. Figure 5 indicates the complexity of these architectures. -26- 5 A challenging part of the RF phase shifting process, is the design or the selection of high performance phase shifters capable of operating on RF frequencies [12]. Figure 5. Phased array receiver architecture: (a) RF phase shifting, (b) LO phase, (c) IF phase shifting, and (d) digital beamforming The IF and LO frequencies must be carefully selected to avoid image frequencies that are too close to the desired RF frequencies. This could also degrade the SNR [16]. A system level block diagram, as well as an explanation of the frequency translation plan can be seen below, in Figure 6. Later on, the system level design of the receiver in ADS [28], where single channel as well as four channel receiver simulations will prove the initial calculations explained in III. As it is widely known, phase shifters are essential components in a phased array for adjusting the phase of each antenna path and steering the beam. Ideally a phase shifter change the insertion phase (phase of S21) of a network while keeping the insertion gain (amplitude of S21) constant. The requirements of phase shifters include large phase-control range (360o), small phase-shift step size (e.g. 22.5o), low insertion loss (or even gain) and low variation in loss over all phase states [17]. The loss and loss-variations of a phase shifter can be partly overcome using a VGA stage in front of the phase shifter, with the disadvantage of course of extra power consumption and larger chip area, explaining the position of each component in the block diagram below [18]. In Figure 6 we provide a block diagram of the phased array receiver with the key components in the receiver chain. To make it clearer, a frequency plan for the proposed receiver is presented in Table 2 and in order to do so, a tunable LO signal generator from the lab facilities is used. Figure 6. 4-Channel Phased Array Receiver Block Diagram. -27- 6 Table 2. Frequency translation plan RF 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 IF 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 LO 17 18 19 20 V. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND ANALYTICAL CALCULATION A. Single Channel Receiver For the frequency domain calculation and in order to prove the above, Advanced Design System (ADS) was used [22]. Firstly, a single channel receiver with ideal components was designed and the input signal power was simulated, as well as the IF output power. The phase shifting capability was checked and the total NF of the channel has been calculated. For each individual block, we added indicated values for Gain and Noise Figure. A single representation of such a channel can be seen in Figure 7. Fp.s. F1 ( F2 1) G1 (17) And knowing that NF (dB) 10*log10 ( F ) , (17) will become: NFp.s. (dB) 10*log10 ( Fp.s. ) 10*log10 (1.84) (18) NFp.s. (dB) 2.64 We can now plot the achievable gain as well as the input compression point of this single channel receiver with the given component characteristics. Below, in Figure 8 , the gain is given as a function of the input power level of the incoming signal. As the input signal increases for a practical two-port network, the output signal increases linearly until distortion product combines substantially with the fundamental output power. The result is that distortion products, along with fundamental, are observed at the output. Figure 8 plots the two-port gain versus input power level. Low input power values, based of course on the calculated sensitivity range, provide a constant ratio in equation 19. G(dB) Pout Pin (19) But as the input power level increases, the gain drops (or loss increases). At a particular input power level, gain drops 1 dB below small signal gain of equation 17, which we used for the graph of Figure 8. Given the gain characteristics of each individual block, the 1-dB input compression point was found equal to more or less -48 dBm. From plot in Figure 8, comparing the maximum gain at RF input power at the sensitivity level, -90 dBm, and the gain drop by 1 dB, approximately at -48 dBm, we presume that the 1-dB compression point has this value. 50 45 Having the RF signal placed at 20 GHz center frequency, with P_RF = [-50, +10] dBm, we also plotted the gain of the receive chain, see Figure 8, based on each individual block, where the gain value of the VGA is set to 20 dB, but adjustable, which means that it can change values within a range when needed. Furthermore, we know that NFLNA 2.5dB and NFVGA 4dB . Figure 9 shows the 1-dB compression point, where the input signal power is set close to sensitivity, from -90 dBm to -20 dBm, while in Figure 10, the output of the this single channel receiver can be observed, with all the output products present, as well as the total gain of the receiver channel, regarding the input RF power and the total calculated noise figure. In order to generate these plots, we used the harmonic balance simulation in ADS with center frequency at 20 GHz. Phase shifter’s noise figure was calculated as in Equation 17-18. The Image Rejection Mixer’s noise figure is equal to 3 dB. 40 Gain [dB] Figure 7. Single Channel Receiver with relative Input Power P RF = [- 50, +10] dBm. 35 30 25 20 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 Input Power Level [dBm] Figure 8. Gain versus Input Power, fc = 20 GHz. -20 The input compression point of the single channel receiver, using the NF and Gain specifications of the chosen components, is explained in B, and the formula in Eq. 10. The chosen and used components can be seen in Table 3. Using Eq. 10, and considering the mixer as the bottleneck for this design, we can easily find the input compression point of the receiver. -28- 7 dBm, higher than our sensitivity and lower than the 1-dB compression point. Specifically, at IF = 1 GHz, the output signal power is -20.505 dBm using again the harmonic balance simulation in ADS. Table 3. Components Specifications LNA [23] VGA [24] 17-27 Phase Shifter [25] 18-24 I/Q Mixer [26] 17-24 Freq. [GHz] 626.5 Gain [dB] 22 20 -4.5 12 1-dB CP [dBm] -45.5 - -24.5 -5.5 -10 Output IF 0 +1 As can be seen from the table above, the total input compression point of the receiver is -45.5 dBm, at the input of the LNA, meaning that this is the maximum input signal that the receiver can process. Output Power Level [dBm] -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 20 30 Freq [GHz] Figure 10. IF Output of the Single Channel Receiver. 0 -10 0 10 40 B. Signal Level Representation of the 4 Channel Rx Module -20 -30 -40 -90 Output signal power level [dB] Specifications -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 Input Power Level [dBm] Figure 9. System Input 1-dB compression point, fc = 20 GHz. These first analytical calculations are based on the specific components, simulating a single channel receiver. In order to achieve -48 dBm as in Figure 9, we added an attenuator right after the phase shifter in the simulation of the single channel receiver chain, in order to compromise with the loss from the passive phase shifter, and thus, our result to be more accurate. We can also see the output noise power, delivered to the matched load, given from (20): Nout k Ts Te FBG 126.7* G (20) Based on this equation, the output noise power is inversely proportional to the gain. As the input signal level increases, the gain stays stable, until a certain point (1-dB input compression point). After that, the gain drops as we saw and the output noise power starts to increase as the input signal power continues to increase. In Figure 10, we can see the output of this proposed module, for indicated frequencies and input power level -70 dBm, higher than our sensitivity and lower than the 1-dB compression point. Specifically, at 1 GHz, the output signal power is -20.505 dBm. In Figure 10 we can see the mixer output of this proposed module, for indicated frequencies and input power level at -70 Continuing the system level simulation for the 4-channel receiver, the improvement in noise figure and gain of the system can be shown [19]. We tried to simulate the increased power of the output noise power of the receiver by adding the 4 channels using a Wilkinson power combiner. We also managed to present the difference in the input compression point [20]. Following the initial requirements for total Noise Figure of 4 dB, we need an LNA with NF as low as possible, and high gain. The chosen LNA for the system is a GaAs pHEMT MMIC LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER, the HMC963LC4 from Hittite. The amplifier operates between 6 and 26.5 GHz, providing 20 dB of small signal gain, 2.5 dB noise figure, and output IP 3 of +18 dBm, while requiring only 45 mA from a +3.5 V supply. The P1dB output power of +10 dBm enables the LNA to function as a LO driver for balanced, I/Q or image reject mixers. The HMC963LC4 also features I/O’s that are DC blocked and internally matched to 50 Ohms, making it ideal for high capacity microwave radios and VSAT applications. Finally, the HMC933LP4E Analog Phase Shifter has a typical phase error of +/- 10 degrees over the frequency range and really low input and output return loss when we set the at 5 Volts, which helps us for a more compact power supply system, as can be seen later in the PCB DC line configuration . In Figure 11, as indicated, the gain improvement using the 4channel module is provided. As the input power is kept the same, -70 dBm, the output power combining the four channels is expected to be larger. From the plot below, (the gain at the input compression point placed at -48 dBm, is 51.6 dB, while for the same input power at the single channel module, the gain was 48.6 dB, a difference of 3dB), but the total difference at the output gain, at the sensitivity level, PRF 100 dBm, is 6 dB higher, 55.5 dB instead of 49.5 dB for the single channel. This -29- 8 is also something expectable, since the multi-channel increase at the IF output, should be 4 times larger, so in terms of dB, this can be translated as P _ IF4 Rx 4* P _ IF1Rx P _ IF1Rx 6dB . The gain compression concept here indicated that as the total gain is increased, the input compression point should be lower, decreasing in that way the total dynamic range. Plotting the gain as a function of the input power, the point where the gain has a drop of just 1 dB can be identified, and apparently, having higher gain, this point will be lower. From Figure 8 and Figure 11 we notice that for a single channel receiver, the 1-dB compression point is placed at -48 dBm, while using 4 channels, the gain drops about 1 dB from its maximum value at -53 dBm. The increase in the output IF power was also proven. Since the gain is 6 dB higher (assuming ideal combiner), the output signal power should be 6 dB higher. No change in the NF of the receiver though is expected, since there is enough gain from the LNA. Figure 12. Schematic of the basic 2:1 power combiner. 60 55 Gain [dB] 50 45 40 Figure 13. 4:1 power combiner. 35 30 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 Input Power Level [dBm] Figure 11. Gain of the 4 channel receive module. -30 C. Signal Power Combining Another important passive circuit for the integrated operation of the receiver is the Wilkinson power combiner, which adds the four channels of the system. High-efficiency power combiners are required to generate high powers. In Figure 13, we can see the 5 port structure (1 input and 4 outputs), in ADS Momentum, while in Figure 14, Figure 15 and Figure 16 we provide the S-parameters simulations. The schematic of this design is also provided in Figure 12. The results are applied to a power splitter structure, where the port5 is the input and the ports 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the outputs. A basic 1:4 power divider for phased array application is shown in Figure 2. A careful observation of Figure 13 shows that the structure can be subdivided into three 1: 2 power divider, made in microstrip line, as depicted in Figure 13. As it can be noticed by the plots in Figure 14, Figure 15 and Figure 16 below, in the desired frequency range the combiner provides the gain of each channel (S21, S31, S41, S51), respectively, the input return loss to be S55, and S11, S22, S33, S44 the 4 output reflection coefficients or output return loss. When we have a correct power match at each terminal, then any term should have maximal power. In our case, any output port of the splitter should have 1 4 of the input power ideally. If it’s lower, then any loss is caused by insertion loss. We achieved as minimum input S55 as possible in the desired frequency band, as the plot below indicates, where specifically, we took the next results, in Table 4. The given results can be considered sufficient for this application. Table 4. S55 of the Combiner at different frequencies. F (GHz) 18 20 22 S55 (dB) -32.8 -21.5 -12.5 The substrate used is shown in Figure 18 and detailed explanation is provided in VI.A. It is shown that the performance of the designed signal combiner is simulated to be within 0.8dB of an ideal combiner. -30- 9 S-Parameters [dB] -6 -6.2 -6.4 -6.6 -6.8 18 S31 S21 S41 S51 19 20 21 22 Freq [GHz] Figure 14. Power distribution in the 4 channels of the splitter/combiner. Moving to the output signal representation of the 4-channel receiver module, having already shown the 6 dB increase in gain, we also expect an equivalent increase in the IF signal. In Figure 17, we see the difference in the IF signal power, for the same input power, -70 dBm, for the 4-channel receiver module. Marking the output, it can be seen that for f = 1 GHz, the output is at -14.503 dBm, which is 6 dB higher than the single channel output power, as much as the gain increase. Finally, the total signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the receiver is calculated. From the initial specifications, Table 1, SNRIN = 10dB, for single and multi-channel receiver, since the SNRIN is only dependent on the signal and the noise from the antenna, which should be the same for any kind of receiver. The multi-channel structure only increases the SNROUT. From (21), it is easy to deduct the total SNROUT of the complete system [7]. FRX N * SNRIN , SINGLE _ RX SNROUT , ARRAY -10 Where -15 0 -20 -25 -30 -35 18 19 20 Frequency [GHz] Figure 15. S55 of the power combiner. 21 22 Output signal power level [dB] S55 [dB] -5 FRX is the total noise factor of the receive system. -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 20 30 Freq [GHz] Figure 17. IF Output of the 4-Channel Receiver. -10 S-Parameters [dB] (21) -20 -140 -20 0 10 40 The total calculated noise figure of the 5-stage receiver is found NF = 2.53 dB and the total gain as G = 55.5 dB [21]. -30 S33 S22 S44 S11 -40 -50 18 . 19 20 21 22 Freq [GHz] Figure 16. Return loss coefficients of the power combiner. SNROUT N * SNRIN , SINGLE _ RX FRX . Converting it to dB: SNROUT [dB] 10*log10 N SNRIN , SINGLE _ RX NFRX SNROUT [dB] 6 10 2.53 13.47 dB (22) Compared to the single channel receiver, where, SNROUT 10 2.53 7.47dB -31- (23) 10 The 6 dB difference is obvious, but in the measurements, we can expect a bit smaller difference, since there will be some loss in the 4-channel system due to cables and adaptors from the signal generators to the RF connectors, and thus this loss must be subtracted from the total SNR. For that reason, the SNR improvement will be (6-loss) dB. Below, in Table 5, we provide the system requirements and the achieved calculated results of the final system for more clear representation. the position and orientation of each component, the careful design of all the transmission lines, with as smooth as possible transition from non-50 to 50 Ohm dimensions, so as to avoid any loss there, as well as the low and high frequency decoupling capacitors, 220pF and 0.2pF respectively. We can also spot the 3 100 Ohm resistors placed at the 3 individual branched of the Wilkinson Power Combiner. Table 5. Summarized calculated project Results. Symbol Requirements NF [dB] 4 DR[dB] 40 Achieved Results 2.53 47.8 SNR [dB] 13.47 G [dB] Maximum 55.5 Sensitivity [dBm] [-70,-110] -90.8 Figure 18.Substrate definition of the PCB stack. VI. PCB LAYOUT AND FABRICATION A. General Considerations In this section, further details about the procedure and rules followed will be provided, in order to combine the components and the designed structures, like RF input and output 50 Ohm transmission lines, the Wilkinson Power combiner, the bandstop filter that was designed at the output for extra protection for unwanted signals. Firstly, the substrate needs to be defined properly. For high frequency applications like this, the RO3003 was selected from the Rogers family, providing εr = 3.00. The substrate contains three metal/conductor layers, as can be seen from Figure 18. The top layer is the signal path, copper with thickness of 0.035 mm. Below that level, there is the ground plane, where also additional slots were added, for surpassing individual DC signals to the bottom layer, avoiding collision with RF signals, having the same properties as the top one. RO3003 is placed between the top layer and the ground plane, with thickness 254 μm. We used vias, with D = 0.25 mm, between these two layers. In addition, the material FR4 with thickness = 254 μm was used between the ground and the bottom signal layer, which is cheaper than RO3003 and can easily be used for DC signals, providing εr = 4.6. B. Design Considerations Figure 19 shows the layout of the top layer of the complete PCB, including the LNA, VGA, Phase shifter and IR Mixer under Xrays in NXP lab and Figure 19 represents the real prototype. Many things should be taken into account for this design, from The four RF inputs, as well as the two IF outputs of the mixer and the LO input are depicted on the board. The four DC connectors that control the voltage of the four VGAs are at the bottom of the PCB, while the two DC supplies at the left provide 3.5V and 5V at the rest of the ICs. Some parts of the DC signals are passing through the vias to the bottom metal layer and cannot be seen. Figure 19. PCB prototype. With the edge rates of high-frequency signals on boards increasing dramatically in modern PCB designs, it becomes more challenging to manage clean power supplies. The number of decoupling capacitors used for a power delivery system keeps increasing as well. There are two major problems regarding the decoupling capacitors. How to determine the values and the types of decoupling capacitors needed for a particular design; and where to place the selected capacitors on board, something that makes it extremely difficult to place and route capacitors in a limited board space. In fact, the decoupling capacitor should be added as a DC-block, where we want to separate the DC voltage but keep the AC signal through it. It -32- 11 acts like a low-pass filter, where noise caused by other circuit elements is shunted through the capacitor, reducing the effect it has on the rest of the circuit. The impedance should be maintained below a target level to guarantee the power and signal integrity of a system. To maintain the impedance of a power distribution system below a specified level, multiple decoupling capacitors are placed in parallel and the reason for having more than one capacitor in parallel are purely practical. If we could have an ideal capacitor, just having a single one of high value should be enough to make the supply impedance low across a large frequency range. In practice, however, capacitors always have some parasitic series inductance which causes a resonance at a specific frequency. At that frequency, the impedance of the capacitor is lower than an ideal capacitor, and very close to zero, as depicted below in Figure 20. second capacitor has the same dimensions, value of 0.2 pF and a resonance frequency at 19.8 GHz, while keeping its impedance and thus the supply impedance, low from 18 to 22 GHz and maybe more [30]. There is specific way of placement of that kind of capacitors, where the via must take as less as possible place in the pad, and the pads need to have a distance of minimum 100 or 125 μm from each other and also from the supply pins of the IC. Once the total circuit is designed in Momentum, there are some important simulations that can indicate the performance of the transmission lines from and to the ICs and if they have low loss across the transmission line, see Figure 21. Because of space limitation, the lines connecting the RF inputs to the ICs, but also the lines transferring the signal from an IC’s output to the next ones input, must be smoothly transformed to 50 Ohm transmission lines, in order to avoid extra losses. Figure 21. Smooth transition from LNA to VGA using 50 Ohm Tline. We present the above line’s simulation from the LNA to VGA, with the smooth transition to 50 Ohm and back to the pin dimension. In addition, the S21 transmission coefficient is presented in Figure 22 which needs to be close to zero, for maximum signal power transfer. The S21 in the range of 18-22 GHz remains between -0.05 and -0.10 dB. Figure 20. Self-resonant frequencies of different capacitor values. However, at frequencies above resonance, the impedance of the capacitor becomes inductive and therefore quickly rises above the impedance of an ideal capacitor. By putting multiple capacitors of different values (and therefore different resonance frequencies) in parallel, we achieved a low impedance across a wider frequency range if we choose the capacitors such that there is always at least one capacitor close to resonance. This implies that the capacitors should be very close to the supply pins of the IC, while the “other side” of the capacitor should have a good connection to ground (usually one or more via to the ground plane underneath). From the above information regarding the DC coupling, and using the Murata software tool [27], two capacitors that need to be placed in parallel were found, while being able to keep the impedance low in two important frequency ranges, from DC to 5 GHz, cutting out interfering signals from TV, WiFi, 3G, etc, and the frequency of interest, from 18 to 22 GHz. The first one is the 0201 dimension and value of 220 pF capacitor with specific frequency characteristics, where the resonance frequency is placed really close to DC [29]. The Figure 22. S21 of T-Line between LNA and VGA. C. 18-22 GHz band stop Filter Design In order to avoid any undesired product at the output of the IF right after the mixer, we designed a band stop order 3 QuarterWave resonator filter, centered at f = 20 GHz, for extra -33- 12 protection, since in practice we only added some extra mm of metal, without important additional cost for the PCB manufacturing. The IR Mixer, HMC904LC5, has satisfying RF to LO isolation, typically 40 dB and LO to IF isolation of 20 dB. Most typically, from simulations we have seen that self-mixing products appear in the LO IF area and that is the reason why the microwave filter was designed with certain frequency characteristics. Of course, looking at the simulation results, there is no actual need for the filter at that point, but sometimes the real time measurements can show differently, due to unexpected cause. In order to do so, the fractional bandwidth of the proposed filter is Δ = 0.15, using 3 quarter-wave stubs (N=3) with 0.5 dB ripple level. The characteristic impedances of the open-circuited stubs can be found from Equation 21: Z0n 4Z 0 gn A compact design figure of the filter attached to the two IF ports of the mixer, connected to two RF connectors, can be seen below, in Figure 24. (21) The lumped elements of such filters are replaced with distributed circuit elements for implementation at microwave frequencies. The element values are numbered from generator impedance to g N 1 g0 at the at the load impedance for a filter having N reactive elements. All stubs and transmission line sections are λ/4 at 20 GHz. The performance of such quarterwave resonator filter can be improved by allowing the characteristic impedance of the interconnecting lines, Z0n, to be tunable. Trying this in ADS, we managed to have steeper attenuation in the design frequency band [22]. In Figure 23 we provide the fully-EM simulation of the band stop filter. We can see the S11 and S22 parameters, achieving acceptable isolation in the desired frequency band where IMD and self-mixing results might appeared. 0 S parameters [dBm] -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 S11 -70 -80 18 S21 19 20 21 22 Freq [GHz] Figure 23. EM simulation results of microstrip filter, S21-S11 plot. Particularly, we can see that in the whole frequency range from 17 until 22 GHz with the specific filter configuration, the S11 remains really low and especially at 18.88 GHz it gets as low as -78.68 dB. Figure 24. IF outputs driving two band-stop filters. D. Measurements The final step for this assignment after the assembly of the PCB together with the components is to measure it in the lab. Stability and reliability of the receiver prototype need to be proven at the lab measurements. Below, in Figure 25 ,the lab testing pcb with the two upper channels connected is depicted for this purpose, using two signal generators as source for 20 GHz center frequency signal, but also as an external LO source, providing the frequency needed for the desired IF at the output and 4 DC supply sources, one for the 3.5 V, one for the 5 V, one more for setting the Vctrl of the VGA and the last one to adjust the Vgg1,2 of the VGA in order to achieve the desired 170 mA current. The first step was to check the supply voltages for all the ICs from the 2-pin DC pads. The first DC pad is controlling the 2 top channels and the second one the two bottom ones. In that way, we checked the functionality of the each IC, where we disconnected the RF and LO signals and we turned on the supply, first the 3.5 Volts which controls the LNA and the Mixer, where we saw that they were consuming enough current, 250 mA in total for the three ICs. The same was done for the 5V supply, controlling the VGA and the Phase shifter, and we observed 350 mA current consumption in total. Most of that is due to the VGA, as the phase shifter has limited current consumption. -34- 13 below, in Figure 27 and better shielding at the supply, so as not pick up other signals from the PCB or from other cables. We also used better cables for the lines carrying the RF and LO signals going in to reduce the leakage to the outside or picking up signals from the air. In addition the gain reduction of the VGA (controlling the Vctrl line), we also used some magnetic cylinders at the critical supply and RF signal lines. Figure 25. PCB with upper channels enabled. As mentioned earlier, the two upper channels were activated, in order to check the functionality and the reliability of them and after that we would activate the total 4-channel module. Initially, the control voltage of the VGA was set low (-4.5V), which from the datasheet gives the maximum gain, 20 dB. As is depicted in Figure 25, a power splitter is used, in order to drive the signal from the RF source to the two upper channels. Using the spectrum analyzer for the IF output, we saw a lot of oscillation and noisy signals, while reducing the gain of the VGA these undesired signals became really low, while some of them totally disappeared. With LO = 12 GHz and RF = 18 GHz, we were expecting a signal placed at 6 GHz, but that was really low. Instead, we observed a signal placed at 5.35 GHz with -8.1 dBm of power and at 10.92 GHz with power of -34 dBm, as can be seen in Figure 26. Figure 27. Better quality cables and decoupling at the supply and RF lines. After the amalgamation of these steps for improvement of the PCB performance, we connected the LeCroy oscilloscope and a probe to observe the signal at the time domain. It was of significant importance that with every 90 ns, undesired signals made their appearance, meaning that at 11 MHz there is an oscillation loop that we managed to identify. Touching with the probe every line in order to see where this oscillation is coming from, it came as a result that this was caused by the 5V supply line, or better the VGA and/or the Phase Shifter which are controlled by this and the LNA takes also part at this loop, amplifying that signal as depicted below, in Figure 28. Figure 26. Result with LO = 12 GHz and RF = 20 GHz. Turning off the RF signal, nothing changed at the spectrum analyzer, while doing the same for the LO, all the signals where down, which means that another signal was mixing down with the LO in order to get all these “mirroring” outputs, preventing the RF signal to mix-down. Turning off the supplies and keeping the LO itself, we could see the one spike at that frequency, while trying to identify which line (bias, supply, etc.) takes part at the oscillation. This is typically caused by parasitic coupling of the output of an amplifier to its input, creating an oscillation. Another cause is the insufficient decoupling of the supply, causing an oscillation loop that includes the supply lines between multiple ICs. In order to solve this, we needed to effectively filter and shield the supplies, in order to keep them as close as possible at the source. For that, we used better quality cables, as can be seen Figure 28. Identification of 11 MHz oscillation using the LeCroy oscilloscope. In order to deal with that, we tried to add extra decoupling for that oscillation close to the pin of the 5V supply with an 18 pF capacitor and the noise was significant reduced, see Figure 29. Of course, more decoupling is needed, in order to avoid this oscillation, but we couldn’t add this on the circuit in terms of time. Finally, there might be multiple oscillations, also from the 3.5V line, that may not be that critical as the above, but -35- 14 influences the RF signal passing through the blocks as it should be, because when reducing the gain, the number of spurs reduced in 3 discrete steps. That means that even if a change doesn’t stop the instability, it might already have stopped one of the oscillations and the change might therefore still be useful. Figure 29. Decoupling the 5V supply line with 18 pF capacitor. VII. CONCLUSION Combining two well-known antenna concepts, (I) the reflector antenna and (II) the phased array, together with the super-heterodyne, low-IF receiver architecture for RF applications, we have successfully developed a hybrid approach for focal plane arrays which is applied to array-fed reflector antenna applications. This solution combines the best of both worlds that is the robustness, low-cost and large bandwidth of conventional reflector-based antenna systems and the flexibility and adaptivity of phased-arrays. The proposed hybrid receiver module operates at the frequency window between 18-22 GHz increasing the receiver linearity and sensitivity, providing high gain of 55.5 dB and low noise figure of 2.53 dB, which cover the initial project specifications. It has been shown that we can use the phased array flexibility and adaptivity, implementing the RF-beamforming technique to down-convert the RF signal to IF = 1 to 2 GHz with relative bandwidth of 27 MHz, thus providing the ability to serve approximately 37 users with satisfying SNR of 13.5 dB at the output of the receiver module. ACKNOWLEDGMENT E. Recommendations for further research From the lab tests we carried out, we observed undesired spurs at frequencies at high frequencies, because of the mixing with the LO signal. We realized that the 5V supply line, caused an oscillation every 90 ns, and with extra decoupling we managed to reduce it. For further research, it is recommended to identify all the oscillations that take part at the loop in order to cut them out, either by extra decoupling or with other techniques depending on the oscillation factor. Checking which lines carry the RF and LO signals (e.g. supply, biasing, etc.) and adding extra decoupling to keep these signals on the PCB and reduce their impact as close to the source as possible is something that needs to be carried out. Using the oscilloscope this can be identified, since it is fast and sensitive enough to pick up such signals on the supply/control lines. Another step that could decrease the impact of those oscillations is the use of better shielded lines for the supply and especially biasing and gain control lines. The RF and LO cables were substituted with higher quality ones, to avoid the crosstalk as well as to prevent signals to leak out or pick up signals from the air. Since we managed to identify a first loop and reduce it as much as possible, causes that we couldn’t guess at the design process need to be taken care of with the above steps. This strong oscillation happened at 11 MHz, which is really low based on the application and the specified components and that is why we didn’t add extra decoupling capacitors with that resonant frequency. One last observation comes from the mixer specifications, which allows LO frequency up to 12.3 GHz, but it was able to support really low 1-dB compression point, thus preventing the LNA from saturation at higher input signals. That means that we might need a second down conversion mixer right after the first IF output, in order to translate the signal at 1 GHz, becoming easier for the digital conversion part of the receiver. The author wish to express his gratitude to the persons who guided him through this project. Firstly, Mojtaba Zamanifekri for his daily support on theory, papers, modelling, design and his overall enthusiasm, his unswerving support throughout the project and for his critical review of the finished paper. Secondly, Dr. Ir. 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Low Noise Amplifier, HMC963LC4, Hittite, available online: https://www.hittite.com/products/view.html/view/HMC963LC4 Analog Variable Gain Amplifier, HMC997LC4, Hittite, available online: https://www.hittite.com/products/view.html/view/HMC997LC4 470° Analog Phase Shifter, HMC933LP4E, Hittite, available online: https://www.hittite.com/products/view.html/view/HMC933LP4E GaAs MMIC I/Q Down converter, HMC904LC5, Hittite, available online: https://www.hittite.com/products/view.html/view/HMC904LC5] Sim Surfing, Murata, available online: http://ds.murata.co.jp/software/simsurfing/en-us/index.html# Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS)”,2014, available online: http://www.keysight.com/en/pc-1297113/advanced-design-systemads?cc=NL&lc=dut Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/SMT 220pF 250Volts 5%, Murata Electronics, available online: http://nl.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=GRM21A7U2E2 21JW31Dvirtualkey64800000virtualkey81-GRM21A7U2E221JW1D Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/SMT 0201 0.2pF 25Volts C0G +/-0.1pF, Murata electronics, available online: http://nl.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=GJM0335C1ER2 0BB01Dvirtualkey64800000virtualkey81-GJM0335C1ER20BB01 -37-35b-