830 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 50, NO. 3, MARCH 2003 Ultimately Thin Double-Gate SOI MOSFETs Thomas Ernst, Sorin Cristoloveanu, Fellow, IEEE, Gérard Ghibaudo, Senior Member, IEEE, Thierry Ouisse, Seiji Horiguchi, Member, IEEE, Yukinori Ono, Member, IEEE, Yasuo Takahashi, Member, IEEE, and Katsumi Murase Abstract—The operation of 1–3 nm thick SOI MOSFETs, in double-gate (DG) mode and single-gate (SG) mode (for either front or back channel), is systematically analyzed. Strong interface coupling and threshold voltage variation, large influence of substrate depletion underneath the buried oxide, absence of drain current transients, degradation in electron mobility are typical effects in these ultra-thin MOSFETs. The comparison of SG and DG configurations demonstrates the superiority of DG-MOSFETs: ideal subthreshold swing and remarkably improved transconductance (consistently higher than twice the value in SG-MOSFETs). The experimental data and the difference between SG and DG modes is explained by combining classical models with quantum calculations. The key effect in ultimately thin DG-MOSFETs is volume inversion, which primarily leads to an improvement in mobility, whereas the total inversion charge is only marginally modified. Index Terms—Double gate, mobility, MOS transistor, MOSFET, SOI, thin film. ulations have demonstrated the advantage of DG-MOSFETs down to 10 nm and below [9], [18], [19]. Impressive compact and analytical models for DG-MOSFETs, which account for quantum, volume-inversion, short-channel, and nonstatic effects have been proposed in [20], [21]. Thanks to the excellent control of the potential, it is admitted that DG-MOSFETs will presumably represent the final stages of the Si microelectronics [6], [9], [18], [20]. Starting from this postulate, our work is focussed on extreme thickness effects. We first compare the experimental characteristics and performance of single-gate (SG) and double-gate (DG) SOI MOSFETs (Section III). Although the transistors are long, a clear advantage is observed for DG-MOSFETs, which is discussed in Section IV, based on self-consistent quantum calculations. The benefits of volume inversion are evaluated in terms of total charge, average vertical field, and effective mobility. I. INTRODUCTION T HE silicon on insulator (SOI) technology is extremely attractive in terms of performance (high speed, low power consumption, radiation-hard) and advanced scalability [1]. As compared to bulk silicon, the architecture of SOI MOSFETs is more flexible because more parameters—such as thicknesses of film and buried oxide, substrate doping, and back gate bias—can be used for optimization and scaling. It is well known that the short-channel effects are remarkably reduced in ultra-thin SOI films [1]–[9]. 50 nm long MOSFETs were already processed on 2–6 nm SOI films [10]. But what are exactly the meaning and the limits of an “ultra thin” film? We will demonstrate in Section II that transistors with a 1nm-thick body can be fabricated and operated successfully. A direct application of these extremely thin films is the double-gate transistor (DG-MOSFET), which makes use of the volume inversion concept formulated, in 1987, by Balestra et al. [11]. Recently, these devices have received considerable attention from the viewpoint of their technological feasibility and theory. Several approaches for the device architecture have been explored: gate-all-around (GAA) [7], Delta [12], lateral epitaxial overgrowth [13], [14], folded-gate [15], Fin-gate [16], self-alignment [17] etc. Electrostatic and Monte-Carlo sim- II. TRANSISTOR FABRICATION N-channel MOSFETs were fabricated at the NTT laboratories (Japan) on low-dose SIMOX wafers; the buried oxide (BOX) is 62 nm thick. The transistor body, left undoped (initial cm ), was thinned down to 1–6 nm doping: by sacrificial oxidation. The cross-section of a 3-nm-thick SOI film is shown in Fig. 2(a). The film thickness was measured by ellipsometry and interferometry with 0.5 nm accuracy. The control of the thickness uniformity is very difficult. In particular, 1-nm-thick MOSFETs contain Si holes leading to “swiss-cheese” effects: the effective length is increased (because electrons have to bypass Si holes) while the effective width is strongly reduced. The source and drain terminals are much thicker (elevated structures) which allows maintaining reasonable source and drain series resistances. To minimize the influence of the device topology, only long channels (from 3 to 30 m) have been fabricated. Double-gate operation requires quasi symmetrical front and back gate oxides. Since the BOX cannot be thinned aggressively, a thick gate oxide (50 nm) has been grown instead. III. SINGLE-GATE AND DOUBLE-GATE OPERATION A. Front-Channel Characteristics Manuscript received May 1, 2002; revised February 19, 2003. The review of the paper was arranged by Editor S. Kimura. T. Ernst, S. Cristoloveanu, G. Ghibaudo, and T. Ouisse are with the Institute of Microelectronics, Electromagnetism and Photonics (UMR CNRS, INPG UJF) ENSERG, 38016 Grenoble Cedex 1, France. S. Horiguchi, Y. Ono, and Y. Takahashi are with the NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Kanagawa 243-0198, Japan. K. Murase was with the NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Kanagawa 243-0198, Japan. He is now with the NTT Electronics Corporation, Kanagawa 243-0198, Japan Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2003.811371 curves are shown for Typical front-channel current a 1-nm-thick record transistor in Fig. 1. In spite of the fact that only 3–4 mono-layers of silicon are involved, the characteristics are still MOS-like and well behaved. We therefore expect that the MOS “gene” can be transmitted further down to 1–2 atoms of Si. Moreover, since the characteristics look pretty conventional, it follows that standard techniques can be applied for the param- 0018-9383/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE CRISTOLOVEANU et al.: ULTIMATELY THIN DOUBLE-GATE SOI MOSFETS 831 Fig. 1. Drain current versus front gate voltage (in weak and strong inversion), with the back gate bias as a parameter, in a 1-nm-thick SOI MOSFET (V 50 mV, L = 30 m, W = 100 m). = Fig. 3. Front-channel threshold voltage and subthreshold swing versus back gate bias ( - experiment, - - - model; same device as in Fig. 2). The insert shows schematically the conventional V (V ) curve (Lim and Fossum model). The lateral shift of these curves denotes the strong decrease in with increasing the back the front channel threshold voltage . The classical coupling relation [22], can still be gate bias applied (1) where lation is the threshold voltage for back channel accumu- (a) (2) and is the corresponding back gate bias (3) (b) Fig. 2. A 3-nm-thick SOI MOSFET. (a) TEM cross section showing the upper gate oxide (50 nm), the silicon film, and the bottom buried oxide (62 nm). (b) Drain current and transconductance versus front gate voltage, with the back gate bias as a parameter (V = 50 mV, L = 30 m, W = 100 m). eter extraction in ultra-thin transistors. We have primarily used proposed by Ghibaudo the quasilinear function [23]. The threshold voltage is given by the intercept with the horizontal axis and the carrier mobility can be derived from the slope. In the following, we will concentrate on 3-nm-thick MOSFETs (Fig. 2) which suffer much less from thickness fluctuaand transconductance tions. Not only are the current characteristics reproducible from device-to-device [Fig. 2(b)], but also they look very similar to those currently observed in much thicker fully-depleted SOI MOSFETs, except that the interface coupling effect is reinforced dramatically. is the depleIn the above equations, tion charge which can be safely ignored in ultra thin and is the depleted-film capacitance, low-doped films, are front- and back-gate oxide capaciare interface-trap capacitances, tances, and are flat-band and Fermi potentials. Keeping in mind that the capacitance of such extremely thin films exceeds the oxide and trap capacitances, (1) reduces to (4) data with the theFig. 3 compares the experimental oretical curve predictable from (1). The overall agreement is very good: the variation is linear and the slope corresponds to (4). Several intriguing aspects should be emphasized. • The threshold voltage increases steadily in SOI films thinner than 6 nm (Fig. 4), due to the occurrence of quantum effects [39]. • The small discontinuity, observed around (Fig. 3), is due to the formation of a depletion region, underneath the buried oxide, which increases the apparent 832 Fig. 4. (V IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 50, NO. 3, MARCH 2003 Threshold voltage and effective mobility as a function of film thickness = 0 V) . thickness of the BOX in (4). The dotted, parallel curves, , have been calculated by assuming the separated by substrate either accumulated or inverted. curve does not reach saturation (i.e., • The experimental ) which means that the back interface cannot be biased in accumulation. This is so because the corre, becomes sponding back-gate voltage, very large in ultra thin films and cannot be attained before the failure of the oxide. In other words, the experiment covers actually just a narrow region (shown by a circle in the insert of Fig. 3) of the whole Lim and Fossum curve [22]. The latter feature explains why the SOI transient effects do not occur in our devices. In thicker fully-depleted MOSFETs, a current undershoot is normally observed when the front gate is biased in inversion and the back gate is suddenly switched from depletion to accumulation [1]. The immediate need for majority carriers results in a temporary lowering of the front surface potential and drain current [24]; equilibrium is reached through carrier generation mechanisms. An advantage of extremely thin devices is that they do not suffer from such transients, simply because the back interface cannot be driven in accumulation. For the same reason (i.e., permanent depletion of the back interface), the subthreshold swing (Fig. 3) is rather constant mV/dec (5) Note that the poor value of the swing is merely explained by the use of front and back oxides with comparable thicknesses. , which again is Fig. 3 shows a dip in the swing for indirectly due to the substrate depletion effect [i.e., apparently thicker BOX in (5)]. The substrate depletion is directly observable by probing the back channel and will be clarified in the next paragraph. The drain current and transconductance curves of Fig. 2(b) are expressed by (6) (7) Fig. 5. Inversion charge concentration as a function of front-gate voltage, deduced from Shubnikov-de-Haas measurements at low temperature. where is the front channel mobility, and is the mobility degradation factor. is available from (6), if the The effective mobility is determined independently. A widely inversion charge accepted technique in thin-oxide MOSFETs consists of split measurements [25]. However, the tested devices had rather thick oxides (i.e., very small capacitance values), so is still that the conventional equation valid. This has been verified by measuring Shubnikov-de-Haas oscillations [26], which yield direct and accurate values for the density of charge carriers. It is clear from Fig. 5 that, even with is pertwo activated gates, the linear relationship fectly obeyed. (This linearity is no longer satisfied in thin-oxide method becomes more MOSFETs, where the split appropriate.) It follows that equation can be safely utilized to derive (7). Equation (7) then is used from which the to construct the function mobility is extracted [23]. An acceptable value of the electron mobility (210 cm /Vs) is found in 3-nm-thick MOSFETs, which implies that the drastic thinning process has not destroyed the quality of the Si-film and interface. However, the density of defects (oxidation-induced stacking faults essentially) does increase during thinning, hence the carrier mobility decreases in the film and at both interfaces. The front-channel mobility is a monotonic function of thickness (Fig. 4): 260 cm /Vs in 5-nm-thick and 650 cm /Vs in 45-nm-thick transistors. A mobility degradation in 5 nm and 10 nm thick SOI films was also observed by Mastrapasqua et al. [27]. We have already seen that the back interface of ultra-thin films is “permanently” depleted. An interesting consequence is the relative insensitiveness of the transconductance shape and mobility value to back gate bias [i.e., more or less parallel curves in Fig. 2(b)]. This is totally different from the case of much thicker films (45 nm), where the back gate voltage can induce an inverted or an accumulated back channel: as the vertical field increases significantly from inversion to accumulation, the transconductance peak is reduced by a factor of two and the curves are qualitatively modified [1]. was evaluated from the depenThe series resistance dence of the mobility degradation factor on channel length. k m is far below the The estimated value CRISTOLOVEANU et al.: ULTIMATELY THIN DOUBLE-GATE SOI MOSFETS 833 combination of the BOX capacitance and substrate depletion capacitance (8) Fig. 6. Drain current and transconductance versus back gate bias, with the front gate bias as a parameter (increasing V shifts the curves to the left; V 50 mV; same device as in Fig. 2). = Fig. 7. Transconductance versus gate voltage in a 3-nm-thick SOI MOSFET operated in DG mode (V 0:8V ) and SG modes (front channel with V = 0, back channel with V = 0, L = 30 m, V = 50 mV, T = 300 K). ' channel resistance (for the present range of channel lengths and gate voltages) and does not alter significantly the electrical characteristics. The low series resistance, combined with the small value of the oxide capacitance, explains why the transconductance degradation is very limited in strong inverV . Coefficient tends to increase as the sion back gate bias becomes positive. B. Back-Channel Characteristics The back channel has been probed by varying the substrate (back gate) bias, with the front-gate voltage as a parameter curves match the previously discussed (Fig. 6). These front-channel characteristics: strong coupling, linear variation, constant swing. The effective mobility in the front and back channels is comparable (Fig. 7) and the transconductance degradation coefficient is very low. A very distinct feature is observed in the narrow range V: the drain current exhibits a plateau and the transconductance drops severely. The reason is that, for this voltage range, the substrate becomes depleted underneath from 1 V to 1 V, most the buried oxide. Increasing of the incremental voltage drops across the expanding depletion region and no longer serves to raise the drain current. The back-channel transconductance is affected by the serial The global effect of substrate depletion can be viewed as an apparent increase of the BOX thickness, which causes a transconductance hump to occur. Small back-channel transconductance humps have been observed earlier and used to asses the doping level of the silicon substrate [28]. In Fig. 6, the transconductance hump is huge (75%) and indicates a 0.55- m-deep depletion region; the corresponding doping level cm is realistic for SIMOX wafers, which are subjected to oxygen donor formation [1]. In regular SOI MOSFETs, the buried oxide is much thicker (0.4 m), hence the substrate depletion has a minor effect even on the back channel. Moreover, the front channel is hardly affected because it is “protected” by the very small ratio between the thicknesses of the front and back oxides [see (1)–(5)]. In our devices however, the substrate effect is exacerbated for several reasons: 1) the BOX is relatively thin, 2) the front and back oxides have equivalent thickness, and 3) the ultra-thin Si film maximizes the coupling effects. Note also the good agreement between the drop in the front channel swing (from 108 to 70 mV/decade, Fig. 3) and the 75% drop in the back channel transconductance (Fig. 6). C. Double-Gate Characteristics Double-gate operation has been achieved by biasing simultaneously the front and the back gates. The difference in oxide thickness and threshold voltage has been accounted for by , where taking are the values measured with the opposite gate grounded. This condition guarantees the symmetry of the vertical field at the two interfaces. The experimental curves (Fig. 7) reveal a surprisingly large advantage for DG transistors: the transconductance peak is almost four times higher than for operation in single-gate mode. Measurements on other ultra-thin devices show that while the transconductance gain DG/SG is not fully reproducible, it always varies between 250% and 400%. The general trends, which still need to be confirmed with other DG technologies, are • the transconductance decreases more rapidly with gate voltage in DG-MOSFETs, so indicating a larger value of ; the mobility degradation factor • the comparison of the data presented in Fig. 7 (long channel) and Fig. 8 (shorter channel) shows that the transconductance gain DG/SG at 300 K tends to decrease in shorter channels; • the gain DG/SG in transconductance peaks (i.e., field-effect mobility) increases at lower temperature (Fig. 8) as acoustic phonon scattering is gradually attenuated. It is worth noting that 200% (more precisely the sum of front- and back-channel transconductance) is the gain achievable in thick transistors, where DG operation brings nothing 834 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 50, NO. 3, MARCH 2003 Fig. 8. Front-channel, back-channel and double-gate transconductance peaks versus temperature in a 3-m-long, 1.5-m-wide, 5-nm-thick transistor. (a) but the superposition of the front and back channels, independent from each other. In Section IV, the difference between DG and SG transistors in terms of current, transconductance, and mobility is explained based on volume inversion and quantum arguments. IV. QUANTUM MODELING The analysis of the carrier transport mechanisms in ultra-thin SOI MOSFETs proceeds from the comparison between 1) physics-based analytical and compact models [20], 2) advanced classical numerical simulations [2], [3], [5], and 3) quantum simulations [29]–[38]. Since our devices are “long,” the discussion of short-channel effects and scalability issues is beyond the scope of this work. To clarify the remarkable DG-transconductance gain (Fig. 7), the profiles of the carrier mobility, concentration and electric field across the film depth are calculated by solving self-consistently the 1-D Poisson and Schrödinger equations. Similar simulations have been described earlier [30]–[34], [36], hence we only discuss the representative case of our 3-nm-thick SG and DG quantum wells. A. Potential Profile The carrier confinement in very narrow potential wells is governed by the wave functions and energy levels of the various subbands. As the film becomes thinner than 10 nm, the energy levels and their separation increases, making them harder to populate: the threshold voltage increases (Fig. 4) [39]. The difference between asymmetrical SG and symmetrical DG wells is illustrated in Fig. 9(a). Two distinct regions of operation are predicted in 3-nm MOSFETs. 1) At low and moderate vertical field (corresponding to the regions of weak inversion, moderate inversion, and transconductance peak), the potential well is essentially thickness-defined. The electrons are confined mainly by this “infinitely-deep” rectangular well; little additional contribution arises from the potential profile, which is quasiflat. The energy levels and the wave functions are very similar in SG and DG modes. 2) At high electric field (strong inversion), the “triangular” shape of the film potential becomes more pronounced, primarily in SG-MOSFETs, and induces additional carrier confinement. The quantization effects are lesser in DG-MOSFETs than in SG-MOSFETs [Fig. 9(a)]; the (b) Fig. 9. (a) DG and SG potential wells and corresponding energy subbands in strong inversion. (b) Quantum distributions of minority carriers (strong inversion) in various subbands of a DG-well (- - - classical, nonquantum profile). threshold voltage is therefore slightly lower in DG-mode than in SG-mode. The attenuated confinement in DG mode allows several subbands to contribute to carrier transport [Fig. 9(b)]. By contrast, in SG wells, the population of the ground level is still overwhelming. B. Carrier Profile in Ultra-Thin Devices The “classical” distribution of charge [dotted line in Fig. 9(b)], defined by the Poisson equation, indicates that more carriers flow near the two interfaces [11], [29]. The striking feature obtained by coupling the Schrödinger equation is that the carrier profile is qualitatively modified: most of the carriers flow in the middle of the film, not at the interfaces [Fig. 9(b)]. In other words, quantum calculations reinforce the volume inversion concept as compared to the classical viewpoint. In SG-MOSFETs, the in-depth electron distribution is rather symmetrical in weak inversion and becomes more and more increases in strong inversion (dotted line asymmetrical as in Fig. 11). The DG-MOSFET profile illustrated in Fig. 9(b) can be approximately retrieved by superimposing the two SG bias applied to profiles that correspond to the same either the front or the back gate [33]. The simulations indicate that, in strong inversion, the total charge in DG-mode is marginally higher than twice the inversion charge in SG-mode (a few percent difference comes from the slight imbalance in the threshold voltages). This result is universal and can be simply predicted using the Gauss’ theorem: CRISTOLOVEANU et al.: ULTIMATELY THIN DOUBLE-GATE SOI MOSFETS Fig. 10. Inversion charge versus gate voltage in weak and strong inversion, for DG and SG modes (t = 3 nm). in SG mode, or twice as much in DG mode. (Note also that the formulation of the gate capacitance in inversion mode is, in general, modified when considering the population of the various subbands; however, for very thick oxides, the classical description still holds.) The variation of the inversion charge with gate voltage is compared for the two modes in Fig. 10. The subthreshold swing in DG-mode is ideal (60 mV/decade), far better than in SG-mode where the existence of front and back oxides with similar thicknesses is a handicap [see (5)]. In strong inversion, there is no distinct advantage of volume inversion in terms of total charge, except for the natural 200% gain. This implies that the experimental difference (exceeding a factor of 2) in transconductance between SG- and DG-modes is primarily related to the carrier mobility rather than to a charge effect. C. Carrier Mobility in Ultra-Thin Films The behavior of the carrier mobility in very thin SOI films is not very well understood. Special mechanisms are expected to come into play but they may be obscured by imperfections in the Si-crystal. Above 50 nm, the low-field mobility does not change with thickness [40]. From 20 nm down to 8 nm, the electron mobility tends to decrease more [41] or less [27]. Below 10 nm, several mechanisms are competing [33], [35], [42]. • The size-induced quantization has a beneficial impact on the mobility. The redistribution of electrons in several subbands causes a simultaneous reduction in the density of available states, the intervalley scattering rates, and the effective mass [35], [43]. • The carrier confinement increases, leading to enhanced electron-phonon scattering [33], [35], [44]. • Surface roughness and Coulomb interactions increase [35], [37]. The carriers can also sense the defects existing at the opposite Si–SiO interface [35], [41]. • The thinning process may degrade the film and generate new scattering centers [41], [45]. A promising conclusion is that the carrier mobility may increase in ultra-thin SOI films [33], [35], [42], with a maximum expected for 3.5 nm [33], [35]. Unfortunately, in current Si and SOI materials, surface roughness scattering strongly affects the motion of carriers [46]–[48]. Before an exhaustive model becomes mature, we tentatively use a first-order approach to il- 835 Fig. 11. Quantum profiles of minority carriers and electric field calculated for a 3 nm thick transistor operated in DG and SG modes. The carrier mobility is assumed to be severely degraded in the interface areas ( 1 nm, dark grey). ' lustrate phenomenologically the impact of the carrier and field distributions. The electric field is negligible in the middle of the DG-MOSFET where most of the inversion charge is located (Fig. 11). As electron-phonon and surface-roughness scattering strongly depend on the field, the mobility is presumably enhanced in the center of the film [see also (10)]. It is also reasonable to assume that, due to surface roughness, the local mobility nm [46], is highly degraded over a characteristic length [47], near each interface (dark-grey areas in Fig. 11). The in-depth average values of the electric field and carrier mobility, weighed by the carrier distribution, are (9) where as and the local, low-field mobility is expressed (10) nm and V/cm. with ) shows Integration over the whole film depth (i.e., that the effective fields in SG and DG modes are identical for bias, and the DG mobility is just twice as large constant as in SG mode. These average values are well approximated by (11) for SG mode and for DG mode. Besides the with gain in , this analysis does not reveal any additional advantage of volume inversion on mobility. However, if we assume that the inversion charge does not connm (where ), near tribute to current over a depth each interface, a clear difference appears between SG and DG modes (Fig. 12). Since the average field is much lower, the average field-effect mobility is far higher in DG-mode than twice the value in SG-mode. This is so because, in SG-MOSFETs, the vertical field is stronger and many carriers flow in the “rough” region near the front interface (Fig. 11). 836 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 50, NO. 3, MARCH 2003 V. Le Goascoz (STMicroelectronics), for total support, and to Professors E. Sangiorgi, F. Gamiz, A. Spinelli, and A. Lacaita for illuminating discussions. REFERENCES Fig. 12. Average values of the electric field and carrier mobility versus gate voltage, calculated with (9) and (10) for the 3 nm thick transistor of Fig. 2 (DG and SG modes, 1 nm, t = 50 nm, t = 62 nm). = An accurate description of the mobility behavior can only be provided by Monte Carlo simulations by including various scattering mechanisms in ultra-thin films as well as practical concerns (strain effects, extra defects, thickness fluctuations, series resistances). Preliminary computations show that volume inversion increases phonon-limited mobility, by up to 20%, in 3-nm-thick DG-MOSFETs [49]. The advantage of 3 nm films is maintained when the effective field is increased and even when surface-roughness scattering is included in the simulation. On the experimental side, Hall effect measurements performed in 80-nm-thick DG-MOSFETs did not show any particular behavior of the mobility [50]. However, recent transport measurements in sub-10-nm films tend to confirm that the mobility is higher in DG than in SG-MOSFETs [25], [27]. D. Conclusion The feasibility and proper operation of ultimately thin transistors, down to 3–4 monolayers of silicon, has been demonstrated and used to analyze thickness-related mechanisms: strong interface coupling, influence of substrate depletion, quantization effects. This opens new perspectives for the fabrication of advanced quantum SOI devices. The operation of ultra-thin transistors in DG mode brings significant advantages: scalability, ideal subthreshold slope, high current drive, and excellent transconductance. The gain in transconductance, as compared to SG operation, has been explained based on volume inversion, which is extremely prominent an effect in DG-MOSFETs. It does not modify directly the total charge but modifies the carrier profile in the thin film, thus leading to an indirect improvement of the effective mobility. Our empirical model supports the experiment and allows understanding the mobility enhancement in volume-inversion DG transistors. However, there are still many open questions, in particular regarding the quantum transport in ultra-thin SOI films. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The prospective part of this work has been performed at the Center for Projects in Advanced Microelectronics (CPMA), Grenoble, France. The CPMA is a multiproject institute operated by the CNRS, the LETI, and several universities. Special thanks are due to our colleagues M. Gri (IMEP) and [1] S. Cristoloveanu and S. S. Li, Electrical Characterization of SOI Materials and Devices. Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 1995. [2] R. 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Thomas Ernst was born in Toulouse, France, in 1974. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Institut National Polytechnique, Grenoble, France, in 1997 and 2000 respectively. While pursuing the Ph.D., he worked on SOI low-voltage and low-power technologies electrical characterization, simulation and modeling. In November 2000, he joined LETI, Grenoble, as a Research Staff Member. Since then, he is involved in SiGe:C based strained-channel sub-50 nm MOSFET devices integration and characterization. Dr. Ernst received the best paper award at the IEEE SOI conference in 1999 for work derived from his Ph.D. thesis. Sorin Cristoloveanu (M’91–SM’96–F’01) received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electronics in 1974 and 1976, respectively, and the French Dr.Sci. degree in physics in 1981 from the National Polytechnique Institute, Grenoble, France. From 1975 to 1977, he was an Assistant Professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electronique et de Radioélectricité de Grenoble (ENSERG). He joined the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in 1977 as an Associate Researcher. He became a Senior Scientist in 1982 and a Director of Research in 1989. In 1989, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park, as an Associate Professor for one sabbatical year. He also worked at the Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA, Motorola, Phoenix, AZ, and the University of Florida, Gainesville. From 1993 to 1999, he served as the director of the Laboratoire de Physique des Composants a Semiconducteurs (LPCS) of ENSERG. Between 1999 and 2000, he was in charge of the creation of the new Center for Advanced Projects in Microelectronics (CPMA Grenoble). He is the author or coauthor of 160 technical journal papers (including 22 invited/review papers) and 290 communications at international conferences (including 52 invited presentations). He is the author or the editor of 13 books, and he has organized eight international conferences. He has led several research teams on the electrical characterization and modeling of semiconductor materials and devices: integrated magnetic transducers, magnetoelectric phenomena, silicon-on-insulator structures, and hot-carrier effects in short-channel components. He has supervised 37 Ph.D. students and 70 research projects. Dr. Cristoloveanu has received five Best Paper Awards, the Romanian Academy of Science Award (1995), and the Electronics Division Award of the Electrochemical Society (2002). He is a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society. 838 Gérard Ghibaudo (SM’02) was born in France in 1954. He graduated from Polytechnics Institute of Grenoble, France, in 1979, received the Ph.D. degree in electronics in 1981 and the State Thesis degree in physics from the same University in 1984. He became Associate Researcher at CNRS, Grenoble, in 1981, and is now Director of Research at Laboratories of Semiconductor devices (LPCS/ENSERG now IMEP/ENSERG). During the academic year 1987-1988, he spent a sabbatical year at Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC, where he worked on the characterization of MOSFETs. His main research activities were and are in the field of electronics transport, oxidation of silicon, MOS device physics, fluctuations and low frequency noise and dielectric reliability. During his career he has been author or co-author of about 196 articles in international refereed journals, 310 communications and 35 invited presentation in international conferences and 12 book chapters. He is a member of the editorial board of Solid State Electronics. Dr. Ghibaudo was or is a member of several technical/scientific committees of International Conferences (ESSDERC 1993, WOLTE, ICMTS, MIEL 19952004, ESREF 1996, 1998, 2000, 2003, SISC, MIGAS, ULIS, IEEE/IPFA). He was co-founder of the First European Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics (WOLTE 94) and organizer of eight Workshops/Summer School during the last ten years. During his career he has been author or co-author of about 196 articles in International Refereed Journals, 310 communications and 35 invited presentation in International Conferences and of 12 book chapters. Thierry Ouisse worked under a contract between Thomson-CSF (TCS) and the Laboratoire de Physique des Composants à Semiconducteurs (LPCS) from 1988 to 1991, the research being aimed at improving the immunity against hot carrier injection and the radiation hardness of SOI devices. In 1991–1992, he worked at LETI-CEA, Grenoble, France, where he was in charge of the hot carrier reliability of the SOI CMOS technologies. In 1992, he became a researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). At LPCS, he has managed the silicon carbide activity from 1992 to 2001, which focused on SiC devices for high power, high temperature or high frequency applications. He was also involved in the modelling of SOI-based nano-scaled devices, and has recently spent one sabbatical year at the Microelectronics Institute of the National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” Athens, Greece, where he was involved in the study of Si nanostructures for light emission. He is now with the Laboratoire de Spectrométrie Physique (LSP), Grenoble, working in the field of conducting and light-emitting conjugated polymers. Seiji Horiguchi (M’85) received the B.Sci., M.Sci. and Dr.Sci. degrees from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1976 and 1978 and 1997, respectively. In 1978, he joined the Musashino Electrical Communication Laboratory, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) Public Corporation. He is currently a Senior Research Scientist, Supervisor, at NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Kanagawa, Japan. Since he started working for NTT, he has been mainly engaged in research on physics and technology of MOS devices. During 1987-1988, he was a Visiting Researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. His current research interest is in silicon nanodevices such as silicon quantum wires and silicon single-electron transistors. Dr. Horiguchi is a member of the Physical Society of Japan and the Japan Society of Applied Physics. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 50, NO. 3, MARCH 2003 Yukinori Ono (M’98) received the B.Eng., M.Sci., and Dr.Eng. degrees from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1986, 1988, and 1996, respectively. In 1988, he joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) Corporation, Kanagawa, Japan, where he has been engaged in the research on physics and technologies of SiO/Si interfaces. From November 1996 to November 1997, he was a Visiting Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Currently, he is a Senior Research Engineer at Basic Research Laboratories, NTT. His research interests include physics and technology of Si nanodevices, including single-electron devices for LSI applications. Dr. Ono is a Member of the Japan Society of Applied Physics. Yasuo Takahashi (M’95) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electronics from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, in 1977, 1979, and 1982, respectively. In 1982, he joined the Musashino Electrical Communication Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) Public Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. Since then, he has been engaged in research on physics and chemistry of the surface and interface of semiconductors. Since 1996, he has been with Basic Research Laboratories, NTT, Kanagawa, Japan, where he is a Leader of the Silicon Nanodevice Research Group and a Executive Manager of the Device Physics Laboratory. His current research includes quantum physics of Si nanostructure and electronic device applications particularly to Si single-electron devices. Dr. Takahashi is a member of the Japan Society of Applied Physics and the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Katsumi Murase received the Dr. Eng. degree from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1984. He joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (NTT) in 1974, and started his research on Si process technology at Musashino Electrical Communications Laboratories. His research field at NTT covers materials science of amorphous Si and the physics and technology of Si single-electron devices. In 2001, he moved to NTT Electronics Corporation, Kanagawa, Japan, where he has been engaged in the development of ultrahigh-speed InP-based integrated circuits for optical communications. Dr. Murase is a member of the Japan Society of Applied Physics.