MERCY HIGH SCHOOL MAGAZINE P U B L I S H E D T W I C E Y E A R LY F O R ALUMNAE, PARENTS & FRIENDS FALL 2008 I nside T H I S i s s u e 2007-08 Annual Report Building Mercy’s Future Alumnae Class Notes A Mosaic is an array of diverse elements joined together to create a greater whole. Mercy High School Board of Trustees Mosaic Mercy High School Magazine Visit Stay connected with what's happening at Mercy. Read and sign up to receive alumnae and parent monthly e-newsletters, browse the school year calendar, and check out Mercy event photos and news articles. P U B L ISH E D T W I C E Y E A R LY F OR A L U M N A E , P A R E N T S & F RI E N D S Editors Jennifer Stark Alumnae Coordinator Julie Earle Communications Coordinator W. DeWayne Wells Mercy High School mission statement Mercy High School, a Catholic college preparatory Many thanks to the Development team for the editorial assistance. school for young women, fosters spiritual, intellectual, moral, physical, and cultural development. Table of C o ntents Student Spotlight........................ 3 Capital Campaign.................... 4-5 Alumnae News........................ 6-8 Enriched by students from diverse backgrounds, Mercy nurtures compassionate leaders committed to addressing 2007-08 Annual Report........ 9-18 human needs, working for justice Alumnae Class Notes.......... 19-22 and serving the poor. In Memory............................... 22 Cover Photo: Nia Turner '09, Shannon Lemmer '12, Rachel Kronig '10, and Gabriela Facchini '11. 2 Ann M. Seidl Dillon '67, Chair Regina Marie Doelker '56, RSM, President Carol H. Dooley Diana M. George Jacokes '67 Mary Brigid Johnson '53, RSM Mary Camille Kelley '49, RSM Maureen McGarrigle '57, RSM Judith Mouch, RSM John Nantais Anne Nichols '79 James Peppiatt-Combes Thomas Sklut Paul E. Swanson William Valade Administrative Team Regina Marie Doelker '56, RSM, President Carolyn Behringer Witte '67, Principal Will Gervais, Associate Principal Jonell Linskey, Dean of Students Colleen McMaster Rozman '81, Registrar Alumnae Board Members Katie Seefelt Baetz Arleen Brennan Bonello Regina Marie Doelker '56, RSM Lisa Makar Dutton Lisa Sikorski Formosa Sonia Gill Gina DeAgostino Gray Mary Finger Hall-Price Kimberly Blotkamp Hilliard Ann Reno Love Rebecca Burnett Mathis Kelly Stirling McSweeney Eleasha Mercer Carrie Fling Nantais Pamela Krol Morath Shawn Turrin Murphy Tracie McClellan Poniatowski Lisa Prince Stephanie Dickow Surowiec Joanne Albert Walle Jill Mitchell Wise 1990 1956 1956 1992 1993 1990 1991 1973 1987 1972 1992 1993 1994 1996 1967 1971 1990 1993 1991 1977 1978 Say goodbye to pocket protectors! By Mercy Junior Chrissy Redmond, daughter of alumna Pat Donnelly Redmond ‘78 The Redmond sisters (Kelly '12, Chrissy '10, and Karen '10) stand proud with Dr. Sally Ride at the Hasbro headquarters in Rhode Island. With our high tech world changing on a daily basis, I find it odd that more high school girls aren’t considering the math and engineering fields as careers. In fact, fewer than 1 in 5 engineers today are women! The term “engineer” once described someone who was thought of as a “geek” complete with pocket protector and thick rimmed glasses. These “geeks” are creating the next generation of cool gadgets and are using cutting-edge technologies to span into all areas of the work force. A group of engineers even took part in developing the swimsuit Michael Phelps wore in the Olympic Games. So if engineering is so “cool,” why aren’t more high school girls interested? I learned I’m not the only one who is asking this question. Dr. Sally Ride made history as the first American woman in space in 1983 on board the shuttle Challenger. She has devoted much of her time and resources igniting girls’ interest in math, science, and engineering through her outreach programs. When I was in seventh grade I was fortunate enough to become acquainted with Sally Ride. I attended a Sally Ride Ultimately our toy was patented with another manufacturer Mattel, but I will always remember that amazing day at Hasbro. The next year Sally Ride Science asked us to present “Hop to It” at the National Building Museum in Washington D.C. during the National Engineer’s Week. We met several prominent engineers and even had an opportunity to talk via radio directly to an astronaut in the space station! Our inventing quest didn’t end there. We decided to enter the Sally Ride ToyChallenge again, but things would be much different this time around. With the help of Broadway Producer Dori Berinstein, Sally Ride decided to create a documentary which would follow a few ToyChallenge teams from the early brainstorming sessions to the final competition in San Diego and include every step of the design process. It was another year of trials and tribulations because we had to start from scratch and come up with the next great toy in seven months - all while every move was documented with film crews flown in weekly from New York. Mercy students defy convention with toy inventions The Redmond sisters demonstrate their toy invention "Hop To It." Chrissy Redmond '10 solders the control board for "Punch 'em Out." Festival at the University of Michigan Engineering School and that experience commenced my inventing adventure which has led me and my sisters, Mercy junior Karen Redmond and Mercy freshwoman Kelly Redmond, to North Carolina, Rhode Island, Washington D.C. and beyond. At that festival the Sally Ride team launched the 2005 ToyChallenge competition. We were one of the first teams to sign up and had absolutely no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Over 400 teams entered the competition with more than 2,000 other hopeful inventors. We soon realized they call it a Toy “Challenge” for a reason, but solving all the problems and handling all of the issues we encountered gave us a new sense of accomplishment - and was really fun! Our creation “Hop to It” was a futuristic jump rope that used infra red sensors and a turntable. It jumped us right into first place! We were awarded the grand prize trip to Space Camp in Alabama and Hasbro action figures created in our likenesses. This first win was only the beginning. We were invited to present “Hop to It” to the top officers of the Hasbro Toy Company. We showed our creation in what they call “the tank” where toy manufacturers present their new toys and games in hopes that Hasbro will market their product. Our pitch was to the President, CFO, and CEO of Hasbro, local news crews, Hasbro employees, and Sally Ride. We realized our presentation was just as, if not more important, than the toy itself. We outdid our previous invention with a toy we named “Punch ‘em Out.” This creation required that we learn to program a micro computer and wire a complicated control board. “Punch ‘em Out” was a fitness reflex game in which three athletic punching bags were mounted on telescoping poles and placed apart from each other on the floor in a triangular configuration. The punching bags would randomly light up based on the computer program we wrote and the object of the game was to punch or kick the bag before the light went out. The score was calculated on a control box. We did it! We created another winning toy and presented it at the Impex Inventing conference to the Everlast Athletic Company. The documentary, Some Assembly Required, premiered last March at the SXSW film festival in Austin, Texas and more recently was shown at the Seattle Film Festival. So why aren’t more young women choosing engineering as a career? I’m at a loss. The experiences I’ve enjoyed over the past few years have only made a question like this one more puzzling. Sally Ride Science proved to me that engineering is anything but the historical stereotype and has really peaked my interest in engineering, robotics and computer programming. And I’m not alone. Both Karen and I plan to apply to engineering schools, electrical and bio-medical engineering respectively, and we can thank Sally Ride and all of the other mentors who’ve helped us along the way. 3 I n v e s t i n g i n e x c e l l e n c e Give us a week Over the past year, President Sr. Regina Marie Doelker, RSM met with major donors and secured $ 2.8 million for the Capital Campaign Investing in Excellence – Building Mercy’ Future. This year, the campaign moves into the public phase. Prior to asking alumnae, past parents, and friends for their support, we first wanted our present students and staff ’s participation. Student council leaders came up with a creative way for Mercy students to support the campaign. They proposed that each student take one week and tally her spending on luxury items like coffee, gum, or candy – fun, non-essential purchases. After tracking their spending for one week, the girls were asked to forgo their luxury items for the following week and donate that money to Mercy’s capital campaign. The students realized that their small purchases added up to a substantial gift to the campaign. The campaign funds will build new science labs, a student commons area with half-lockers, air condition the auditorium, invest in the endowment, and make other campus enhancements. Now we are calling on YOU to support this crucial and exciting campaign. The Sisters of Mercy have done an admirable job maintaining Mercy’s beautiful campus and school building over the past forty-three years but it is time to reinvest in our facility in a major way. We ask that you read through your materials and visit the website to learn more. Like the students, we ask that you forgo a luxury or two and donate an amount right for your financial situation. Your investment will help secure Mercy’s future and the bright future of our young Women Who Make a Difference. Mercy High School Capital Campaign Below are a number of frequently asked questions about Mercy’s Capital Campaign. 1. What is the Campaign goal? The fundraising goal is $4 million with an additional $2 million in outside financing for a total of $6 million. Through the generosity of key stakeholders and supporters during the silent phase, we have nearly $3 million in gifts and pledges. 2. How will the Campaign address the needs for Mercy High School? - $1,250,000 will be used to build six new Science Labs. - $3,000,000 from the campaign is earmarked for the new Student Commons and Entrance. This dining and gathering space will serve as the primary hub of student life and will include 850 half-lockers. - $500,000 will be used to complete a multi-purpose athletic field and an accompanying parking lot. - $180,000 will be used to provide air conditioning for the Auditorium and Media Center. - $1,000,000 will be contributed to the school endowment fund. 4 FAQ 3. Who will be asked to make a gift to the Campaign? Everyone in the Mercy Family: the faculty/staff; students; current parents; alumnae; alumnae parents; vendors and friends. 4. How long will the Campaign run? The pledge period will span five years. The donor determines the schedule for making his or her pledge on an annual, semi-annual, monthly or quarterly basis. We hope to have the majority of donations in and recorded by January 2011. 5. When will we break ground? Through the generosity of donors, Mercy is in a position to break ground for the science labs beginning in June 2009. The remaining projects will begin once we have raised sufficient funds through the Campaign. 6. What are the options for giving? Pledges to the Campaign: cash; stocks/mutual funds; annuities or life insurance. 7. What are the options for spreading out a Campaign pledge? Gifts may be spread out over the entire five-year Campaign. Donors can give monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or yearly at any time during the five-year period. Please contact Sr. Regina Marie Doelker, RSM at 248-476-8079 or to support this exciting Campaign! Visit B u i l d i n g m e r c y ' s f u t u r e "The Sisters of Mercy have made a continuing promise to the students of Mercy High School throughout the years to deliver an excellent secondary education. They have kept their promise. Let us have the courage to respond boldly to their example and enable the Sisters of Mercy to uphold this promise for future generations." - William C. Young, Campaign Chair Major Gifts Pacesetting Gifts $350,000 to $1,000,000 Vivienne & William C. Young Sisters of Mercy Detroit Regional Community Leadership Gifts $100,000 to $250,000 Linda Wilke & Chet Czaplika Kathleen & Robert Rosowski Major Gifts $25,000 to $75,000 Nancy & Jack Auffenberg Maureen Repucci Babicz ’76 & Donald Babicz Ina Fernandez & Joe Berkowski Deborah & Dr. Randall Bickle Anne & Christopher Blake Mary Margaret Scanlan Bosco ’57 & Louis Bosco Denise & Dennis Brown Michele & Ray DelCorvo Sue Hackett Delonis ’70 The Dul Foundation Fund Kathleen Dul Aznavorian ’64 & Michael Aznavorian Estelle C. Dul Sandy Dul Mily ’74 & Douglas Mily Martha Foley & Daniel Fredendall Rita Dilworth Lewry ’77 Ann Reno Love ’72 & Dr. Timothy Love Susan & Michael Madison Nadine Frazier Maynard ’63 Pamela Krol Morath ’67 & Paul Morath Margaret (Peggy) Mangold Moylan ’72 & William Moylan Kimberly Comer Mulqueen Patricia Thull ’70 & Patrick O’Brien Martha Peterson Karen & Ray Shinney Larry & Isabel Francis Smith Gretchen & Paul Swanson Anna & Gary Zatkoff 5 Alumna e Te a Ti m e s Th r e e Alumnae Coordinator Jennifer Stark 248.476.3270 The Alumnae Book Club recently read Three Cups of Tea, One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace…One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin. One poignant line in this book stuck with me regarding a tradition in Pakistan which dictates having Tea with your guests before doing any business – "The first cup of tea, you're a stranger; the second cup, a friend; and the third cup, you're family." April 2008 marked the 4th Annual Tea for Tuition with countless cups of tea. As always, all guests were considered Mercy family. Parents, alumnae, and friends of Mercy shared a cup of tea, or two, or three, and enjoyed company of women who make a difference. Over $10,000 was raised in support of the tuition assistance program thanks to the generosity of attendees and AbsenTEA donors. In the spirit of taking time for “three cups of tea,” we look forward to the 5th Annual Tea for Tuition on April 26, 2009. E x t r ao r d i n a ry A lu m n a Mary Pat McDougall ’56 received the 2008 Distinguished Alumnae Award. Mary Pat remarked, “Receiving the Distinguished Alumna Award this year was truly an honor in that I represented alums throughout the country who are giving back to their communities in a variety of ways because they learned at Mercy that providing service to others is what makes our lives meaningful.” Nominated by her classmates, “We applaud her perseverance and devotion to the ideals of service, justice, and human dignity. Her generosity and kindness are legend in both the neighborhood and parish.” Mary Pat McDougall currently serves as the President of Operation ABLE in Southfield, MI. Thanks for Swimming By Twenty-five alumnae ‘swam by Mercy’ to attend the 4th Annual Alumnae Swim and Dive meet on August 16, 2008. U pc o m i n g C lass R e u n i o n s 2008-2009 Alumnae Association Hosted Events October 11, 2008 - Metro DC Tea November 9, 2008 - Memorial Mass March 12, 2009 - Lenten Evening April 26, 2009 - Tea for Tuition News Have to share? Above: Alumnae and current students made a synchronized circle of friends as they sang a warm-up chant before the meet. 6 Mercy loves to hear from you and so do other Mercy alumnae! Send all updates on family, career, travel, etc. to: or call 248.476.3270. Class of 1959 - Date: TBD Julie Theiring Lacki: Class of 1968 - Date: November 1, 2008 Location: Courtyard Mariott, Farmington, MI Pat Hainline McKinley: Class of 1978 - Date: November 28, 2008 Patti Dooley Brown: Kim Carlin O'Malley: Class of 1988 - Date: November 29, 2008 Location: Good Night Gracies, Royal Oak, MI Julie Jozwiak: Class of 1989 - Date: TBD Check out Class of 1989 Yahoo! Group for details Planning Committee: Class of 1994 - Date: TBD Eleasha Mercer: Class of 1998 - Date: November 29, 2008 Laura Merritt: Class of 1999 - Check out Facebook and Myspace groups for details Katie Mato Androff: Mercy Doctor and Patient By Rebecca Burnett Mathis ‘92 Ask Christy Hoelscher Markin ’70 and she will tell you that Dr. Maribeth Knight ’87 saved her life. During the course of an annual exam last year, Dr. Knight discovered a small lump in Christy’s breast, even after a mammogram showed no significant abnormalities. A biopsy determined the lump was malignant and Christy underwent a lumpectomy and radiation. The treatment was successful and, thankfully, she is healthy today. Christy and her husband, Jerry, are both retired and divide their time between Commerce Township and Florida. They have three adult sons, three daughters-in-law, one granddaughter, Dr. Maribeth Knight '87 and a second grandchild due next year. Christy believes it was Dr. Knight’s quality of care and careful attention to her patients that made the difference. Christy says, “I thank God every day for the education that Mercy High School provided to Maribeth Knight. Every woman should know the value of a wonderful doctor who knows and respects her when she walks into that office.” Maribeth Knight followed her father, Richard, into the medical profession. She is a graduate of Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine and practices medicine in Livonia, MI. Maribeth is married to Rob Conway and the couple has two young daughters. While honored, Maribeth points out that this is much bigger than just one doctor and her patient. “The real story here is that annual mammograms are not enough,” she says. “Performing monthly self breast exams and receiving annual breast exams from your physician will go a long way in the screening and early detection of breast cancer. That’s the big picture here.” S i s t e r s o f M e r c y Fo r m W e s t M i d w e s t C o m m u n i t y The Detroit regional Sisters of Mercy began a new chapter in history on July 1, 2008. The sisters have joined five other regional communities to become the Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Community. The WMW community includes 900 Sisters of Mercy and over 500 Associates of Mercy from the former communities of Auburn, California; Burlingame, California; Omaha, Nebraska; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Chicago, Illinois; and Detroit, Michigan. While the WMW central offices are in Omaha, the community continues to maintain an office in Farmington Hills, Michigan, and sisters, associates and companions in Mercy remain steadfast in an active presence where they are currently serving. In response to today’s needs, the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas is completing the reconfiguration of 26 regional communities into six, with the intention of “strengthening and enabling one another in mission.” Founded by Catherine McAuley in Dublin, Ireland, in 1831, the Sisters of Mercy are dedicated to serving persons who suffer from poverty, sickness and lack of education, with a special concern for women and children. The reorganization of the American communities will better strengthen and enable the works of Mercy that you care about, including a lasting commitment to Mercy High School . Secondary schools affiliated with the new West Midwest Community include Cristo Rey High School in Sacramento; Mercy High Schools in Burlingame, San Francisco, Omaha, and Farmington Hills; and Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School in Chicago. The West Midwest also counts among its sponsored, co-sponsored and/or affiliated works several colleges, universities, and other educational ministries; health care systems; spirituality and retreat centers; and ministries in housing, and care of the elderly. Sisters and associates also serve in spiritual direction, parish work, social services and advocacy. The Sisters of Mercy ask your continued support in keeping the mission of Mercy a reality. 7 (L to R) Meg Mallon greets Sr. Mary Timothy Brown and Sr. Nancy Thompson '50 at the 18th Annual Mercy High School Meg Mallon Golf Outing; Alumnae golfing buddies Lori Macdonald '81, Karen Kluk Rotondo '81, Meg Mallon '81, Julie "Tooter" Moll '80, and Caroline Chapman Arbour '80; Erica Parkinson '09 and Emily Wilkins '09 are all smiles hanging out with Meg Mallon '81. mercy's meg mallon By Linda Karbo Conradi '01 Growing up immersed in a generation in which we have conditioned ourselves to idolize, emulate, and even obsess over celebrities, athletes and reality TV stars, it is often difficult to look past the ‘celebrity’ and truly encounter the ‘reality’ of people. Throughout my blast off into adult-hood, I have become increasingly aware of the challenge to uncover positive role models for our even younger generations. Having two nieces of my own, my senses have become heightened to everything from Teen Disney scandals to athletes cutting corners to reach the top. Almost complacent with the fact that this is ‘just the world we live in’, it is a breath of non-polluted air when someone reaffirms the notion that quality establishments produce quality people and that there are positive female role models out there – you might just need to open your high school yearbook. This past spring, I was reminded why Mercy claims to develop women who make a difference. Perhaps one of Mercy’s most genuine daughter’s of success is LPGA darling, Meg Mallon. The 18th Annual Meg Mallon Golf Outing held last June connected staff, alums, students, supporters of Mercy, and fans of Meg. While the event did its job and raised nearly $34,000 for Mercy, I am here to help reveal the priceless impact that Meg, herself, has on the history of Mercy – her own impressive legacy and the direction she provides for all ‘Mercy girls’. Meg’s 1981 classmate and Mercy parent Karen Kluk Rotondo said, "All of us are alumnae from somewhere. Most of us take pride in serving our families, our employers and many of us give back to our community. How did we learn that? It is by example of those who have gone before us. Meg Mallon is special in that she understands the power of example. For the many students that volunteer at the outing she is an example of reaching a dream through persistence, resilience, and hard work. For the staff and teachers who remember Meg, there must be a sense of pride knowing that in some way, they influenced and helped a young girl achieve greatness in her chosen profession. Maybe it gives them hope that another student just like her is sitting in the classroom and they don't know it yet. For the few of us who know Meg as our classmate, she is a reminder of our carefree youth. She has risen to a higher mountain -- not to look down upon the valley but to stand tall, humble and strong; To give back to all who have played a role in her success and to be an example of service.” Rejoining the Mercy family as a member of the Staff last year has forced me to view the school community through new eyes. To watch students encounter the same traditions I had once captured on a disposable camera, now cropped and perfected through their own digital lenses, reminds me that although the manner in which they may encounter Mercy has been upgraded, the foundation has never shifted. To be a ‘Mercy girl’ carries a great deal of expectation. To be a woman who makes a difference encompasses a lifetime of contribution. So as we continue to plow through this world ruled by pop culture do’s and don’ts, take a moment here and there to pull out a copy of your Lore yearbook and appreciate the warm faces smiling up at you. As you remember simpler times ruled only by modular schedules and whizzing yellow scooters, pause and appreciate that there are Mercy women, like Meg Mallon, continuing to lead by example. Are you one of those women? C l a s s o f 2 0 0 8 M e r c y Wo m e n R e a d y t o M a k e a D i f f e r e n c e 8 • 177 graduates • Valedictorian Gina Rotondo – U.S. Military Academy at West Point • Salutatorian Amanda Rahie – University of Notre Dame • $5 million in scholarships • 21,000+ community service hours • 14 graduates play a college sport • Attend 59 colleges or universities throughout the country • 16 alumnae legacy graduates F r o m th e d e s k o f Mercy’s President & Principal n, unicatio mily, a m F m & o c s y n iend e begu of Merc ercy Fr ies hav hapter r c o Dear M m w e e u n m m nity special exciting rcy com n is e w th M o r y e u jo th en that yo n with ique As you nnectio that un nticipate o g a c l in e a it w u n , Mosaic r individ has fully reig al who and you e, hope u id e r id c p iv fa d r h u it in to s ley has . 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The following Honor Roll of Donors acknowledges and thanks all donors to Mercy’s Annual Giving Program during the fiscal year of July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008. This list includes direct contributions to the Annual Fund, Tuition Assistance Fund, or the Endowment Fund, as well as those who were inspired by specific programs and philanthropic needs of the school. We regret that space does not permit listing of everyone’s in-kind gifts, donations and volunteer time to our various fundraisers. We thank you for your support to Mercy in these other areas. Partners in Excellence $10,000 & Above Archdiocese of Detroit Stewards for Tomorrow+ Conrad Charitable Foundation McNish Family Foundation* Mercy Dads Club+ Mercy Mothers Club+ Sisters of Mercy Regional Community of Detroit+ Kathy & Al Wisne+ Vivienne & William Young* McAuley Society $5,000 - $9,999 Joan and Steven Albanese Gail & David Burnett+ Inaam & Sam Haddad Myrtle E. & William G. Hess Charitable Trust+ William G. & Myrtle E. Hess Charitable Trust* Sarah Gibbard Kneisel* Stella Kopeck Suzanne & John Malloure Phyllis & Blondell Morey President’s Council $1,000 - $4,999 Anita Sevier & Terrence Berg Anne & Chris Blake Joann & Roger Bonahoom* Judy & Al Brankiewicz+ Bernadette Brennan June & Cyril Buersmeyer* Juan & Beatriz Carioni+ Sharon & Steven Champa Church of the Transfiguration Joanne Tornes-Ciuni & Charles Ciuni* Class of 1987 Michael Cleaver Community Caring Program Carol Crusoe* Linda Wilke & Chet Czaplicka Leslie Demyan Thaira & Eddie Denha Gina & David Donie Kathleen & Roger Dooley Drew Family Foundation Pamela & Franco Facchini Ban & Ronald Farida Theresa Fischer Gwen Humenik Fisher+ Martha Foley & Daniel Fredendall Maria & Terry Gardner Mary & Patrick Gregory Debra & Tim Guerriero Mary & Tom Hamway Lynn Carey & Robert Hoffman Marie K. Horn* A. Michael Hurite Julie Fernane Joyce & Steve Joyce* Shirley & Paul Kelly* Margaret & William Kemp Cathy & Kevin Knight Suzanne & Stan Kulesa Julie & Stephen Lavender Rita Dilworth Lewry & Tom Lewry* Karen & Timothy Mackie Susan and Michael Madison Leo E. & Ann June Mainville Fund* Amy & Dennis Malaney Meg Mallon+ Mary Kennedy Martuscelli & Richard Martuscelli+ Nadine Frazier Maynard+ Deborah McInerney Lynne & Rick Meyer* Diane & James Mikula Catherine & Daniel Miling Kimberly & John Mizzi Carl & Irene Morath Pamela Krol Morath & Paul E. Morath+ Mary & Brian Morrow Kimberly Comer Mulqueen George V. Murray Foundation Charlotte & Michael Nicholson Dean Alan/Olson Foundation Margie & Tom Parker Martha Peterson Hulya & Joe Petrillo Cynthia & Michael Pryce Theresa & Matthew Rizik Donna MacDonald & Brendan Ronayne Kathy & Robert Rosowski+ Pat Rossio* Thayra & Allan Saroki Scripps Howard Foundation Kathleen Shapley-Quinn+ Ray & Karen Shinney The Skillman Foundation Janet & Charles Smith Cynthia & Timothy Smith Julianne Meyer-Sorek & Patrick Sorek+ St. Anthony Catholic Church St. Hugo of the Hills Church St. Paul Educational Trust* Denise & Marc Staudt Student Mentor Partners* Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Swallow & Family* Carolyn & Mark Switala Reginald & Marcia Turner Mary Ann & William Valade Marcia & Brian Ventura 10 Michelle & Kevin Vogler Kathy & Mike Walsh Jennifer Ewald Wenson+ Sisters of Mercy Inheritance Fund Sister Marjorie Allen, RSM Champions of Mercy $500 - $999 Karen & Robert Agacinski+ Shahnaz & Earl Ashford Colleen & Charles Batcheller+ Jacqueline Duplessis Battle Christina & Andrew Baumann Joan & Warren Bickes Mary Margaret & Louis Bosco+ Dr. Karen Brown, M.D.+ Kathleen & Kevin Brown Gail & Jon Carlson Colleen Cavanaugh* Cynthia & James Cowper Christine & Joseph Craig Randy & Mark Daigler+ Patricia M. Derry+ Dolores Corrigan Despres Mary Beck & John Dubosh* Annette L. Ruggiero Dyke* Sheryl Wallet Eichstadt* Mary Jo & Louis Feurino Marci & Thomas Fields Linda & Terry Fiscus* Joan Wallace Foley+ Carol Hackett Garagiola & Steve Garagiola+ GESU Church Deborah J. Meloche Gilder* Peggy & John Haapala* Cynthia Gumley Harrington* Linda M. Holliday+ Mary Lou Hurych+ Amy & Raymond Johnson Sandra & Ed Johnson Annual Report 2007-2008 Ruth M. Kowaleski Mary Brown Lawless+ Susan & John Lombardi+ Paula & Robert Maczka* Claudia & Daniel Malone* Michelle E. Mathieu+ Judi & Mark McInerney Michelle Garms Monticello Cynthia & Durk Moore Leea Peirce Mullaney+ Anne Nicole Mr. & Mrs. William Packer Joanne Parrinello-Holmes* Kathryn Bazil Paul & Robert Paul+ Wendy & Robert Pfeffer Barbara & William Pichan* Renee & Hector Puente Kathleen Landry Qualy Lisa & Damon Richards Gloria J. Seidl+ Erin V. Smith Shelly Soenen & Michael Sprague* Paul E. Swanson Evelyn Eriksen Tenbusch+ Kimberly & Thomas Trueheart Elizabeth A. Truly+ Mary Beth Houlihan Wheeler+ Pamela Armstrong Wild & Bill Wild Susan & Gerry Witkowski Father Donald Worthy* Eileen O'Connell Yazzie Gail Young Anna & Gary Zatkoff Sisters of Mercy Inheritance Fund Sister Mary Honora Buza, RSM* Sister Patrice Klein, RSM* Sister Patricia Lamb, RSM+ Sister Catherine Sobeck, RSM* Bold = New Donors "*" = 5 years or more "+" = 10 years or more Honor Roll of Donors Mercy Leaders $250 - $499 Veronica McCann Anderson* Anonymous* Lamia Arcori Sonia Anna & John Basso Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bayer Jr. Janet Benedetti+ The Honorable Megan Maher Brennan+ Mary & Brian Burke Carolyn & David Clark Suzanne S. Smiggen Condit* Beth & Jerry Conner Basil & Mary Louise Considine+ Jennifer Coury+ Kathleen Scanlan Crowell* Michele & Raymond DelCorvo* Sue Hackett Delonis+ Ann Dillon* Denise Dinan-Panico* Sister Regina Marie Doelker, RSM+ Regina & Michael Fitzsimons Bridget & Paul Flanagan* Susan M. Parrott Fritz* Sharon & Michael Garms Pam & John Gernacy Katherine & Michael Gruber* Catherine & Brad Hagemeyer Janice Hanba+ Keith & Patricia Hanley+ Sandra & John Hill Michael Hyde Cora Ann & James Ivancso+ Elizabeth & James Johnson+ Denise Joseph, Ph.D.+ Linda Clancy Kaminski* Michael Kaminski* Suzanne Kaperzinski+ Noreen & Terry Keating+ Sister Mary Camille Kelley, RSM* Barbara & C.R. Kelly+ Sister Monica Kostielney, RSM* Marcia & Timothy Kurcz Janice & Michael Larouere* Mary Louise Masko Marilyn A. Mazur* Sister Maureen A. McGarrigle, RSM* Rosemary Abraham & F. P. Messana+ Virginia Minolli Julie Tooter Moll* Sharon Clark-Mueller, Paul Mueller & Jordan Mueller Julie & Joseph Panetta Lynn & Dennis Pheney+ Patty Maher & Lois Plantefaber+ Rosemary Ebner Pomeroy+ Beth & Gene Reamer Suzanne J. Robison+ Lisa Cook Rothman Theodora & John Sailer Ann C. Kreitmeyer Sanderson* Kate & Gary Shaw Barbara & Michael Slubowski* Deborah & David Smidt Dr. Rebecca M. Steele, D.O.* Susan Steiner* Meriann Stockwell Carol Jane Terrien* Patricia A. Thull+ Dona A. Tracey+ Deborah A. Hollow Trent+ Linda R. Valli+ Barbara A. Villeneuve Theresa Hopkins Visintainer* Margaret & George Ward+ Eva S. Emkjer Werner-Adams+ Susan & Bruce White Roberta & Marc Wilkins Karen Law Wiltsie+ Sheila Wisely-London* Mary & Stephen Wooten Susan & Robert Zalupski Susan Healy Zitterman* Sisters of Mercy Inheritance Fund Sister Margaret Weber, RSM Mercy Supporters $100 - $249 Kim Anderson Agasaveeran Lorraine Terrien Aitken* Carlotta & Paola Allievi Marjorie & Lawrence Almeda+ Maureen Sullivan Alterman+ Christine & Douglas Andrews Anonymous Stephanie, Ronald & Maria Arambula* Arcori's Friends From Mercy Marisa Arcori Araceli & Anthony Armada Maureen & Dominic Asta Kathleen & James Atkin* Roseanne & Charlie Attard Nancy & Jack Auffenberg* Mary K. Heinlen Ausum* Michelle Decker Baldwin* Judith Baldwin Laura & Paul Bargardi Anne & Thomas Barrett+ Marian E. Barron* Mary Lorraine Johnston Barry* Cecilia Bolan Bator* Louise Van Hove Bazil+ Sandra & Barry Bearden+ Barbara A. Steele Becker+ Margaret & Thomas Beller Terrie Bellono Diane Neill Bender Mary Brennan Bernard+ Jill Berry* Nancy & Dimitris Bitzarakis* Shelley & Rick Boatright Dr.& Mrs. Lonnie Bodzin* Jillian Bonahoom Arleen Brennan Bonello+ Agnes Bongero+ Tara Hanley Bratton & Hanson Bratton+ Gayle & Jerry Bridges Judy & John Buchanan David G. Budinger+ Donita Bylski-Austrow* Debra & Luther Cain-Blue Karol Sprague & James Carnagie* Patricia Carroll Mary Lou Caspers, Ph.D.+ Maureen A. Cavanaugh* Mary & Thomas Centlivre+ Lois & Charles Cheney* Margaret Charron Cherven* Barbara & Randy Cholewa Janet Chorkey+ Celeste & Christopher Ciapala Lois J. Clause+ Marie Ann & James Clement+ Karen Clement* Annette Plant Coleman+ Kerri A. Bacsanyi Comai+ Mary Beth Connolly* Dawn Skelton Cooke Maureen Richardson Cooper+ Patricia Cote-Miles+ Margaret A. Coughlin* Gale & William Cousins* Julie & Dennis Cyrus Nancy & Louis Czanko Dolores & Richard Czarnecki+ Nancy & Paul Czech Amy Daigler+ Patricia M. Valade Dalrick+ Gretchen Damm* Patricia & Joseph D'Avanzo* Sandra & Robert Delisi Deborah D. Cichanski Delwiche* Theresa & Joseph DeMaria Victoria & Loren DeVinney* Catherine Diethorn Diane & Mark DiFiore Shirley & Enrico Digirolamo+ Margaret A. Donovan Carol & Dennis Dooley+ Maurine & James Dougherty Amy & Michael Downs Lori Anne Doyle+ Joyce & Doug Doyle Marilou Schmidt Drewniak* Catherine and Robert Duda Joy Prout Duffy* Maureen Sartor Duvall* Audrey Brennan Eagle+ Judith A. Rosowski Engel Kathleen M. Straub Engstrom Lisa Berich Erlandson+ Drs. Ilse & Juan Estigarribia Doris & James Flaherty* Michael Flaherty Julie & Richard Fons* Betty Fouche Deanna Barnabo Foxworthy Mary Jeanne & Robert Franzinger+ Maryanne Frederick* Eileen & Bill Frey* Linda Yarsavage Friedrich Karen Valenti Fularczyk Margaret Adams Gaudin* Nancy & Will Gervais* Marilyn & Bruce Godfrey+ Donna Marie Belian Goray+ Constance Katharina Guzinski Nora Carroll Hamill & Schuyler Hamill* Nadia Haque Charlotte Gignac Harris+ Suzanne M. Smith Hart+ Mary Pat Harter+ Nga Ha-Stevenson Mari-Kay & Daniel Haubert Pamela & Clifton Hawkins Angela & Rick Hayes* Kimberly Hayes-Hart Kathleen & Patrick Hickey Carol & Stan Hill Ellen Doherty Hordan* Arne Hull Annual Report 2007-2008 Sharon Hupp* Janet & Rocky Husaynu* Kerry Hall Jacobs+ Diane C. Jakubowski+ Elizabeth Janes Julie Jecmen+ Tracy R. Johnson, M.D.* Kathleen & Joseph Jones Judith Dirkes Kander+ Nancy Kapolnek+ Kristina & Kastytis Karvelis* Rosemary Rizzo Kelly+ Maureen A. Kelly, M.D. Patricia Coleman Kennedy* Noreen M. Benedetti Kern+ Jennifer Sears Keuten* Michael Khoury Sahir & Zouhir Koza Donna & Dennis Krieg Cynthia & Donald Kronig Heidi Wahl LaFever* Shirley Ward Twardzicki Lajoy* Jane & Daniel Lehman Denise A. Lehr+ Barbara & Tom Lemke Linda & Samuel Leone+ Mark Lezotte Linda J. Lhota* Jonell Linskey+ Patricia A. Livingston Mary McLachlan Lobert Anna Lisa & Michael Loiselle* Denise & Dan Lyght-Jennings Kathy Lucas Lynch Karen Ann Crittenden Maher* Debra Majeski+ Michael Malinowski Dr. Mary Anne Mangelsen+ Ann-Margret Ewald Manley* Karen & Robert Martin Susan & Aldo Martin Rebecca Burnett Mathis* Patricia McLaughlin McCalmont* Margaret F. McCarthy+ Marie Grix McElroy+ Robert Reider & Susan C. McCraven* Peter McGrane Kathleen A. McNeely+ Patricia & Michael Melvin Mackenzie Melvin Mercy High School Figure Skating Club Mary Frances Brennan Miller Kathleen & John Mills+ Deborah Dziekan Mills* Carol M. Wilk Roubal Mitchell+ Colleen Kennedy Montgomery* Kristine & James Moravek* Ann Kathryne Grant Muenk+ Marlene Bar Murphy* Janice Murphy Judith A. Bolduc Mysliviec* Mary Anne & Mark Napolitano* Anne M. Nichols+ Susan Pasqualone Niemenski* Majenni Nixon Suzanne E. Noll Victoria & Richard Novak Bold = New Donors "*" = 5 years or more "+" = 10 years or more 11 Honor Roll of Donors Mercy Supporters continued $100 - $249 Maureen & Frank Oberc Molly Bosco O'Connor+ Sue Hanifan O'Connor+ Elizabeth & Bob O'Donnell Deb Gates & Carmine Palombo* Nancy Bolger Panella+ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Panetta Amy Park+ Rosanne Hartmann Parks* Shondell & Scott Patterson Rita C. Cavellier Pedersen+ Karen A. Peterson* Susan McHugh Pettis* Catherine S. Spencer Phillips & Maribeth Spencer Phillips* Deborah Pleva Lillian & Nicolo Pomponio Cory Pope Colleen & Steven Powers Kathryn & Michael Prentice Annemarie Lesters Proctor* Eileen Quinn* Margaret Hurst Quinn* Jo Ellen Rahaim* Colleen & Ronald Rapson Patricia & Donald Rennie+ Michele & Larry Rivkin* Elizabeth Roberge Lynda & Dean Rocheleau* Joanne Clement Rochow* Linda & Ismael Rodriguez Susan Roegner+ Christine Czarnecki Rohan+ Janice & Robin Roller* Kathleen M. Roman Robert* Colleen V. Ronayne* Sue & Matt Ronayne Annette Marie Tedesco Rowe Nancy E. Royal+ Patricia Gillette Ruge+ Margaret M. Bosco Sale+ S. Kathleen Salisbury+ Rebecca & Gerald Sandborg Maureen Sanger Heather Sauter+ Nancy & Timothy Schafer* Carolyn & James Scharret* Shirley Rotary Schneider* Julie Kronk Schokora Maryanne Mott Schutte Kathleen McDonald Sevener+ Lillian & Jamal Shallal+ Patricia Chapp Sharkey* Jennifer Munfakh Shaw* Niran & Mazin Shina Judith Busse Shoop+ Enrique & Elda Signori+ Josephine & Giuseppe Silvestri Mary Rashid Sklut & Thomas Sklut* Katharine M. Smart* Cathy Cini Stanley Mary Clare Quinn Steiner+ Patricia & Thomas Stirling+ Linda & Thomas Storch* Kathy M. Kolbe Studzinski Crystal Caruana Sullivan Joanne C. Swonk+ Susan Tarnas* Amy Telinda Jo & Jeffrey Thompson* Susan & Steven Tomba Joan Miller Tomlinson+ Laurie & Randolph Toomajanian-Pepper Linda & Mark Wade* Judith & David Wahl+ Susan Peterson Walsh & William R. Walsh+ James & Linda Warzyniec Clare & Debbie Wasek+ Gina Vidrio Wasielewski W. DeWayne Wells* Susan & John Wells Katherine Esshaki Wensink Jennifer Shallal Werner & Jon Werner+ Mr. & Mrs. Jack Whitefoot Barbara A. Jermanus Williams* Stephanie & Daniel Willliams Carolyn & Robert Witte* Marlene & Victor Wojcik Shannon Cooper Wolf+ Lucia Strumia Young Mark Young Karen H. Brown Zajdek* 12 Zatkoff Family Foundation Sister Mary Joel Zobro, RSM Karen D. Wislawski Zolna* Sisters of Mercy Inheritance Fund Sister Rachelle Harper, RSM Sister Jane Mackowiak, RSM* Friends of Mercy $99 and Below Catherine A. Yee Agacinski+ Helen Allen Paula & Martin Alves Molly & Dillon Ambrose Susan Twigg Anzini* Marilyn McNamara Asensio* Patricia Atchinson Elizabeth Auffenberg Patricia Knoff Augustine+ Louise Legg Austin* Joan Avery+ Judith Janitz Bagley Mary Jo Donahue Balcer+ Kathryn Balcer* Linda & David Balfour+ Anne Batcheller Marcia Walch Bawol Marie Bazil-Boczar* Kathy Bego+ Sheila A. Herberholz Belkowski* Julia & Louis Bellanca Ann Oswald Benett+ Sister Marianne Bennett, RSM* Christine Carlson Billecke Alice & Ronald Bimrose* Katherine Misteravich Binning Shirley A. Andrews Black* Sandra J. Nightingale Blasius Jenifer & Christopher Blitz* Tiffany Boards Lorraine A. Kaminski Bock+ Cortney Boes Joan Culton Bogart* Denise & Robert Bondy* Megan Montgomery Bopp Kerin McQuaid Borland* Priscilla Boroniec Dr. & Mrs. Robert Borowiec* Annual Report 2007-2008 Patricia Quinn Borus* Denise & Shaheen Boumaroun Sister René Bourque, RSM* Paula Kowaleski Bowman+ Nalani Bradford Ann & Michael Brady Danielle Rabahy Brandon Carrie & Mario Bravo Patricia A. Brennan* Joy & Stephen Brietzke Marshelle J. Brooks Therese Brown* Norene Nagorsen Brown* Katherine Byerlein Mullen Browne* Loretta Burke+ Maryanna Mosiej Burke* Carol Bussa+ Caroline Mason Butkiewicz+ Emily Butler Joyce & Fred Campbell Romayne Carletti* Elyse Carnagie Loretta M. Carney+ Murray Carolin* Maureen Carolin Jeannette Charette Chermside+ Janna Goffer Chesser* Elizabeth Coleman Chierici* John & Marilyn Cibrario Colleen Clement* Mary Dillworth Clinthorne+ Leslie White Colone Audrey Colthurst Nancy Margherio Cooper* Cheryl Corte Kathleen M. Crespo Christine Crowl Karen Cumbo Gloria Curtin Elaine Czech Diane D'Agostini* Jessica Kaniowski Dakhi, M.D. Jeanne & Richard David Mary Deady Susan Wharton Deeb* Mary Ann DeVogel* Mary Rosowski Dewan* Anne Dimitry* Kathryn Dingeman Nan Hentschel Dingens Patricia Kelly Domka* Judy & Andrew Donegan Maureen R. Walsh Donohue* Maureen Dooley* Jeanne C. & William A. Dosmann+ Emily & Greg Drozdowski Phillaire Dudley* Mary Ann Keane Dunham* Lisa & Matt Dutton Jenna Dwan* Lorraine & James Dwan Celeste Dykas Danette & Dennis Dziekan* Anne Eddy Carol & James Egan Joanne C. Yee Elsey+ Bold = New Donors "*" = 5 years or more "+" = 10 years or more Honor Roll of Donors Friends of Mercy continued $99 and Below Patricia P. Steimel Featherston* Victoria Feurino M. Patricia Flannery Finn+ Julie A. Wright Fisher+ Joanne Foerg* Ashley Fons Katherine Fontichiaro Shawn M. Ford-Hastie Mary & Robert Forte Gail Fraser Beverly W. Land Fritz+ Sandra & Roger Fry Diane Gade+ Mary E. Gantt+ Julie & Michael Gates+ Mary Ellen Gaucher* Erin Duff Geering Emily Day Gibson Jeanine & Robert Gillikin Caroline J. Gillin, Ph.D.+ Lynn & John Gilmour Valerie & Gary Globish Agnes & Robert Godek+ Denise Ann Smith Golonka+ Sister Dorothea Gramlich, OP+ Gina M. DeAgostino Gray+ Janet Greenwood Michelle Brancheau Gregg+ Maria Gutierrez Meg Hackett* Carol Sue Hagstrom Monica Singh Haley* Lynn & David Hall Patricia Haller Sandra & Rodney Hartnett Barbara & Thomas Haudan Patricia Backer Hauer+ Brenda & James Hayes* Karen Thomson & Paul Hayner Patricia Gordon Heller+ Antoinette Helms Eleanor & Robert Hillman Barbara A. Wronski & Carl Hinrichs+ Kimberly Hoang Mary Anne Madden Hoffman* Sheradyn Holden Jean Coughlin Hopper Mary Ellen Howard, RSM Margaret Maierle Huang+ Rochelle Renier Hurley JoAnne Iwanicki+ Patricia Korpalski Jackson* Sheri & Dennis Janer Nora Jarbou Nancy Drost Jennett Najiba & Riyadh Jiddou Dana Drew Johnston+ Alexis Jones Valire Jones Judy Jonna* Belinda & Armen Kabodian Lauren Kaminski Lorraine Krajewski Katz+ June Kendall* Jennifer & Anthony Kibbey Margo Kirchner* Kathleen Kitzmann Patricia Keyosky Klinkovsky+ Krystin Kohls Genevieve Ethel Kolasa Kathleen M. Zasuwa Kolbe+ Khalida & Yass Konja Carrie & Kenneth Kowalski Laura Szymanski Kowalyk+ Carrie Renee Krause Mary Kravutske+ Zosia & Conrad Kudelko* Elizabeth Kujala Marianne & John Kure* Judy Richer & Ingert Kuzych* Diane & John Lake Kathleen & Marc Lamparelli+ Sharon Wloszek Larkin+ Teresa LaRosa Carol & Robert Latchney* Marilyn Lenz Kathleen Liadis+ Kathleen & Frank Loftus Diane & Kurt Ludwinski Barbara Maczka* Christina Maczka Michelle Abraham Mahoney* Susan & Imad Mansoor* Siobhan & Richard Mardeusz Therese & Derek Marshall Theresa Martilotti Marcia & Thomas Martilotti Mary Catherine Espinosa Martin+ Gaye Martin Ellen & Joseph Masko* Renee R. Mathieu+ Suzanne Mattingly* Katherine Gasparovic McCarty+ Sister Mary McFarland, RSM* Frank T. McGann Jennifer L. McInerney Rebecca Coury McNear Nancy Meier Gerry & Sue Meloche+ Lisa Merlo Mary Anne Merucci+ Tim & Anne Michalak* Amy Mikula-Smith Diane Miller Mary Beth Kure Milliman* Melody Mio* Patricia Sulllivan Mooney Katherine Stefanof Morris+ Wanda & William Morrison Sister Judith Mouch, RSM Lou & Kurt Taylor, Stefanie & Jason Mousseau S.J. & Alfred Naami Cynthia Weber Nankee+ Sister Geraldine Near RSM+ Laraine & Chris Nielsen Celeste Allen Novak* Florence J. Bury Nowicki Nancy McSweeney Oaks* Elizabeth & Mark O'Hara-Fisher Gertrude R. Gaudreau Olds* Michele L. Putnam Olson+ Carolyn M. Pachucki Osmialowski+ Patricia O'Toole+ Catherine Paler-Amaya+ Mary M. Martin Papich+ Mary & Matt Pappas* Alynn Parker Sara B. Busse Paterson Judith & Robert Pauley Tamara & Ronald Pedersen Pamela Peterson Perkins+ Mary C. Perrone+ Carmen Phillips Joann & Frank Pichner Mary Catherine & William Pinkerton* Jennifer Plants Margaret & Dale Prentice* Claire H. Hackett Priebe* Karen & Stanley Racinski Deborah Reed* Anne & Charles Reinhart Peggy Pais Rettof* Barbara J. Taylor Ringo* Andrea & James Risk Colette Grix Rizik+ Rebecca Robinson* Susan Roble Sharon Walker Rose+ Colleen & Joseph Rozman* Mitzi Ruddock Marie Hungerman Rumbley+ Suzanne & Kenneth Sahn Barbara Hayes Salamone* Karen R. Logsdon Samaritoni+ Jordan Sami Audrey & Matt Sayes Lisa Schrimscher Joanne & Bill Schuerman* Katherine Schuerman Kellie Schwagle Carolyn Schweikert Anthony Semenovich Sue Vestich Sica+ Kristina Sinutko James & Mary Skellett Judith & Thomas Smith+ Susan Smith Bridget Barney Sondermark+ Patricia J. Johnson Soyer* Mary E. Spansky Joanne & Martin Spearman Steelcase Foundation* Mary Anne Stella+ Maureen A. O'Donnell Stephan* Shirley & Harold Stern Maureen Stirling* Teri & Dana Stonerook* Annual Report 2007-2008 Mary Stuart* Chris Bego Sturm+ Judy & Michael Sullivan* Sarah Switaj Cynthia Switalski* Samantha Talbot Dianne Hewitt Taylor+ Carrie & Paul Templer Linda J. Marrocco Tenaglia+ Julia Terner+ Marel Anne Thomas* Denise Tingley Sister Nancy Thompson, RSM+ Stacey Tuohy* Martin & Mary Uchic* Mary Anne Boudreau Uetz+ Laurie Vanvorst Martha Varner Denise McDonald Vecellio+ Sallie Ventresco Christina Vettraino* Mr. Alan H. Victor, RPH* Nicole Villeneuve Maureen Lenardon Vloet* Jane Esper Vogel* Mrs. Joanne Walle* Diane & Richard Walsh* Karen & Jan Wampuszyc Maria Frances Ward* Elizabeth Watson Meagan Wegmueller* Terry Mifsud Weideman+ Hope & Jay Wesch Nadine M. White* Joan Aston Whitehead+ Diane & Douglas Wiescinski Lisa Morgan Williams* Kari Wilson* Elizabeth Wojciuch Laura & Bernard Wrocklage Joanna Yaksich Carol A. Yerby* Carmen Shallal Yonan* Mary Margaret Topolsky Ziobro* Bold = New Donors "*" = 5 years or more "+" = 10 years or more 13 Mercy Annual Giving Board of Trustees Ann Dillon James Peppiatt-Combes Sister Regina Marie Doelker, RSM Carol Dooley Carol Hackett Garagiola Diana Jacokes Sister Mary Brigid Johnson, RSM Sister Mary Camille Kelley, RSM Sister Maureen A. McGarrigle, RSM Sister Judith Mouch, RSM Anne M. Nichols Thomas Sklut Paul E. Swanson William Valade W. DeWayne Wells Mercy Staff Sister Marianne Bennett, RSM Christopher Blitz Jane Borowiec Joyce Campbell Cheryl Corte Larry Davenport Sister Regina Marie Doelker, RSM John Gernacy Will Gervais Michael Gruber Angela Hayes Kathleen Kitzmann Jonell Linskey Gerry Meloche Suzanne E. Noll Judith Pauley Ismael Rodriguez Colleen Rozman Lisa Schrimscher James Skellett Susan Smith Maureen Stirling Sister Nancy Thompson, RSM Linda Wade Jan Wampuszyc Hope & Jay Wesch Carolyn Witte Marlene Wojcik Tribute Scholarships Bernard & Mildred Allen Scholarship Fund Sister Marjorie Allen, RSM Juli Bartlett Memorial Scholarship Kathleen McDonald Sevener Laurie & Randolph Toomajanian-Pepper Lara & Vanessa Carioni Memorial Scholarship Juan & Beatriz Carioni Enrique & Elda Signori Julie Horn Memorial Art Scholarship P & K Von Bernthal Charitable Foundation Judy & John Buchanan Marie K. Horn Sallie Ventresco Sister Mary Ignatius Mercy High School Fund Marian E. Barron Clare & Debbie Wasek Sister Camille Kelley Scholarship Barbara A. Steele Becker Sister Mary Camille Kelley, RSM Sister Mary Joel Zobro, RSM McAuley Sisters Scholarship Fund Sister Mary Benedict Begin, RSM Sister Mary Carmen Brown, RSM Sister Mary Timothy Brown, RSM Sister Mary Andrew Denis, RSM Sister Mary Thecla Theisen, RSM Sister Mary Flocella Schulist, RSM Sister Mary Kathleen Botsford, RSM Sister Mary Amata Lorenz, RSM Sister Elaine Mary Hart, RSM Elizabeth Scharret Memorial Scholarship Carolyn & James Scharret Martha Varner Sister Mary Victorine Scholarship Fund Nadine Maynard Wendy Wahl Denno Scholarship Fund Kathryn & Michael Prentice Suzanne & Kenneth Sahn Judith & David Wahl Kyla Wisne Memorial Fund Kathy & Al Wisne Commemorative Giving In Memory of Bob Ciske Carlotta & Paola Allievi Stephanie, Ronald & Maria Arambula Sister Marianne Bennett, RSM Jenifer & Christopher Blitz Jillian Bonahoom Dr. & Mrs. Robert Borowiec Ann & Michael Brady Joyce & Fred Campbell Barbara & Randy Cholewa Cheryl Corte Cranbrook Hospice Care Christine Crowl Carol Crusoe Elaine Czech Nancy & Paul Czech Patricia & Joseph D'Avanzo Kathryn Dingeman Sister Regina Marie Doelker, RSM Jenna Dwan Danette & Dennis Dziekan Marci & Thomas Fields Martha Foley & Daniel Fredendall Gail Fraser Erin Duff Geering Pam & John Gernacy Nancy & Will Gervais Grand Beech Golf League Janet Greenwood Antoinette Helms Sheradyn Holden Michael Kaminski Kathleen Kitzmann Zosia & Conrad Kudelko Marianne & John Kure Marilyn Lenz Claudia & Daniel Malone Peter McGrane Gerry & Sue Meloche 14 Mackenzie Melvin Mercy Dads Club Mercy Moms' Club Rosemary Abraham & F. P. Messana Diane Miller Stefanie & Jason Mousseau Sharon & Paul Mueller S.J. & Alfred Naami Suzanne E. Noll Judith & Robert Pauley Mary Catherine & William Pinkerton Jennifer Plants Colleen V. Ronayne Colleen & Joseph Rozman Audrey & Matt Sayes Lisa Schrimscher James & Mary Skellett Denise & Marc Staudt Shirley & Harold Stern Lou & Kurt Taylor Laurie & Randolph Toomajanian-Pepper Karen & Jan Wampuszyc Hope & Jay Wesch Mr. & Mrs. Jack Whitefoot Stephanie & Daniel Willliams Zatkoff Family Foundation In Memory of Eileen Golya Marie K. Horn In Memory of Donna Marie Harrington Kathleen & Patrick Hickey In Memory of Daria Kaminski Michael Kaminski In Memory of Eleanor Grace Lombardi Sandra & Rodney Hartnett Joanna Yaksich In Memory of Linda Raymond Molly Bosco O'Connor In Memory of Mary Ryan Mary Margaret & Louis Bosco In Memory of William Shook Mary Margaret & Louis Bosco In Memory of Dr. James Smiggen Mary Margaret & Louis Bosco In Memory of Mary Jane Smith Drew Family Foundation In Memory of Betty Sullivan Mary Margaret & Louis Bosco In Memory of Margaret Winter Julia & Louis Bellanca Margaret & Thomas Beller Julie & Dennis Cyrus Catherine Diethorn Carol & James Egan Sandra & Roger Fry Eleanor & Robert Hillman Adopt-A-Seat Arcori's Friends From Mercy Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bayer Jr. Cynthia & James Cowper Joy Prout Duffy Michael Flaherty Keith & Patricia Hanley Tracy R. Johnson, M.D. Sister Monica Kostielney, RSM Annual Report 2007-2008 Amy & Dennis Malaney Sister Maureen A. McGarrigle, RSM Judi & Mark McInerney Lisa Cook Rothman Niran & Mazin Shina Josephine & Giuseppe Silvestri Crystal Caruana Sullivan Patricia A. Thull Anna & Gary Zatkoff Gifts-In-Kind Marisa Rose Abbo Melissa Allen Ann Arbor Hands On Museum Lora Scott Auten Barbara & Laurence Baker Colleen Wright Berardelli Jenifer & Christopher Blitz Arleen Brennan Bonello Katherine Byerlein Mullen Browne Elizabeth Myers Bukowinski Gail & David Burnett Charming Snapshots Costco Wholesale Warehouse Cranbrook Institute of Science Cheryl Dickow, Amir Dickow John Dunn Lisa Makar Dutton & Matt Dutton Karen Ferguson Lisa Sikorski Formosa Carol George Suzy Golden Cara Gray Gina M. DeAgostino Gray Inaam & Sam Haddad Rebecca Renaud Harrison Kimberly Blotkamp Hilliard Rita & Robert Kramer Diane Krasnewich Karen Kulman Leon's Family Restaurant Heather Cahill Lowry Rebecca Burnett Mathis Nadine Frazier Maynard Tina & Orin Mazzoni Kristine McDonald, Lilly Rose Bow Company Meijer Mind Candy Margaret Mangold Moylan & William Moylan Rebecca Moylan Megan Stoneback Neumann Molly Bosco O'Connor Dawn Owen Sara Pierce Marcella DeAgostino Rogers Jane Scott Sealed with a Kiss Lillian Roumayah Shallal & Jamal Shallal Stephanie Dickow Surowiec Diane & Tom Taylor Patricia Cahill Terzian, Trader Joes Jennifer Shallal Werner & Jon Werner Jill Mitchell Wise Barbara Klotz Zaguroli Jaime Zaguroli-Smith Mercy Annual Giving Gifts from Organizations & Corporations 59 West Restaurant A.J. Desmond & Sons Funeral Directors Absopure Water Alternative Therapies Angela Carson Photography Anne Ink Antonio Salon & Spa Aquinas College Art Knitting Mills AXA FOUNDATION Barbara Hatch School of Dance Bashar Baskin Robbins Becky Beauchine Kulka Belle Tire Better 2 Best Coaching Blitz Krieg Publishing Bosco Designs, LLC Brass Pointe Restaurant Brother Rice High School Butzel Long Attorneys Catholic Central High School Central Michigan University Chase Bank Cheryl Lynn Associates Cinderella's Castle Cocktails N' Dreams Collegiate Edge Colonial Car Wash Comerica Bank Compuware Cookies By Design Corsi's Restaurant Cost Plus Wine Warehouse Courtyard by Marroitt Cranbrook Hospice Care Dagwood's Deli & Catering Deloitte & Touche DePorre Veterinary Hospital Design Systems, Inc. Detroit Ignition Detroit Institute of Arts Detroit Red Wings Detroit Repertory Theatre Detroit Tigers, Inc. Dittrich Furs DMS Moving Systems Domino's Pizza Dr. Jana Tumpkin McQueen Dr. Mark Frizzo, D.D.S. Dr. Thomas Jusino, D.D.S., M.S. Dream Dinners Edsel & Eleanor Ford House Emagine Theater Entertainment Express Limousine & Luxury Coach Evan Michael Salon Executive Financial Planning EXXONMOBIL FOUNDATION Eyes & Optics Farmington Deli Farmington Hills Ice Arena Firestone First Commercial Realty & Development Co., Inc. Fitness 19 Fitzstitch Embroidery FMS Jeweler Focal Point Studio Fonson, Inc. Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center Frameworks Franklin Fitness & Racquet Club French Honor Society Gabriala's GE FOUNDATION GENERAL RE CORPORATION Genitti's Gifted Gordon Food Services Gourmet Everyday Grand Beech Golf League Great Lakes Employee Benefit Services Greektown Casinos Grizzly Peak Brewing Co. & Vineology Gus O'Connors Pub Hartland Glen Golf Club Hazel Park Raceway Hillsdale College Hour Detroit Hummer of Novi Ideal Video Transfer Inflatable Playspaces Infotronics INTEL J.P. Morgan Jackson 5 Star Catering Jeans Hardware, Inc. Joseph DuMouchelle International Auctioneers, L.L.C. Jostens Kalamazoo College Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center Laurie Jayne Toomajanian, DDS Law Auto Sales Leone Imports Lil' Havana Tabacconist Luna Studio Madonna University Mary R. Beck, M.A., L.L.P. McCormick & Schmick's McElroy & Pheney Meadowbrook Art Center Meijer MERCK PARTNERSHIP FOR GIVING Mercy Dads Club Mercy High School Alumnae Association Mercy Mothers Club Mercy Varsity Swim Team MERRILL LYNCH & CO. FOUNDATION, INC. Metropolitan Youth Symphony Michigan International Speedway Michigan Opera Theatre Mid American Studio Mike's Party Store Milford Baking Company Milford Travel Service Millers Artist Supply Morgan Services Morrison Management Specialists Motorola, Inc. Mt. Brighton Ski Area Mug & Jug Fine Wine Shoppe Mutschler Kitchens, Inc. My Posh Gifts Ned's Bookstore News/Talk 760 WJR-AM NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL FOUNDATION NOVARTIS US FOUNDATION Novi Jewelers Novi Laser & Aesthetic Center Oakland Community College Oakland County Parks O'Brien Sullivan Funeral Home Orin Jewelers Ostego Club & Resort P & K Von Bernthal Charitable Foundation Pat Miliken Ford Pat Scott Jewelers Performing Arts Consultants PFIZER FOUNDATION Platinum The Salon Pooles' Tavern Portofino on the River Pro-Fit PRP Wine International Pure Barre Fitness Studio Rear Ends Roma Café Rose Moving & Storage Rothermel Photography Rottermond Jewelers Royalty Family Restaurant Sabre Steel, Inc. Salem Hills Golf Club Sanders Morley Candy Scrapbook Zone SCRIPPS HOWARD FOUNDATION SHELL OIL COMPANY FOUNDATION Sheraton Detroit Novi Hotel Sisters of the Americas, Regional Community of Detroit Somerset Collection Somerset Inn Something Special Hallmark South Oakland Family YMCA Southfield Parks & Recreation Spanish Honor Society Spectrum Automation St. Mary Mercy Hospital St. Mary's College St. Paul on the Lake Annual Report 2007-2008 Stampeddler Starbucks Coffee STEELCASE FOUNDATION Stephen Lord Building & Design Strictly Varsity Sundance Shoes Swearingen Fine Portraits Sweet Lorraine's Café & Bar Tappers Diamonds & Fine Jewelry Target The Beauty Lounge The Chop Shop The Dog's Bow Wow The Henry Ford The Lark The New Detroit Science Center The Q Hair Studio The Second City The Shirt Box THE SKILLMAN FOUNDATION The Talent Network, Inc. Tickled Pink Notes & Ink Tippers Collection & Deja New Boutique Total Soccer Traveler's World Twelve Oaks Mall U of D Jesuit High School Ultimate Image Sun Studio University of Detroit Mercy University of Michigan Uno Chicago Grill Vassel's Banquet Hall & Catering Walt Disney World Co. Wayne State University Theatres Woodlands of Van Buren Golf Course Xavier University Yoga Shelter Caps = Matching Gifts Programs Visit to make a gift to Mercy. For any questions contact the Development Office at 248-476-8922. 15 Alumnae Giving by Class Thank you, Mercy alumnae! The alumnae listed here are being recognized for gifts to Mercy's Annual Fund, Tuition Assistance Fund, Endowment Fund and gifts in support of the Mercy Alumnae Tuition Assistance Program. Thank you to all alumnae who support Mercy High School. Your gifts are truly appreciated and make a difference! 1947 A. Louise Van Hove Bazil Margaret C. Charron Cherven 1949 Patricia A. Knoff Augustine Barbara A. Steele Becker Jeannette H. Charette Chermside M. Patricia Flannery Finn Maryanne Bresser Frederick Agnes L. Begue Godek Sister Mary Camille Kelley, RSM Nancy Edwards Meier 1950 Joan I. Culton Bogart Caroline Gillin Ph.D. Rita C. Cavellier Pedersen Patricia J. Johnson Soyer Sister Nancy Thompson, RSM 1951 Sister René Bourque, RSM Caroline Mason Butkiewicz Mary Anne Mangelsen, M.D. Mary Catherine Espinosa Martin Leea Peirce Mullaney Gertrude R. Gaudreau Olds Mary Anne Boudreau Uetz 1952 Sister Rachelle Harper, RSM Noreen M. Benedetti Kern Joanne McIntyre Kirchoff Patricia Gillette Ruge Helen C. Gaudreau Sarna 1953 Romayne Carletti Dolores Corrigan Despres Nancy Lee Gencur Gamalski Ellen Doherty Hordan Nancy Bolger Panella Barbara Halford Villeneuve Eva S. Emkjer Werner-Adams Lucia Strumia Young 1954 Marilyn McNamara Asensio Norene A. Nagorsen Brown Katherine Byerlein Mullen Browne Suzanne M. Smith Hart Barbara A. Wronski Hinrichs Rosemary Rizzo Kelly Evelyn J. Eriksen Tenbusch Joan Miller Tomlinson 1955 Carol M. Verreau Bussa Sister Monica Kostielney, RSM Claire H. Hackett Priebe 1956 Arleen Mary Brennan Bonello Maureen R. Richardson Cooper Sister Regina Marie Doelker, RSM Mary L. Finnegan Erdman Joan Wallace Foley Deanna Barnabo Foxworthy Kathryn J. Gallagher Rochelle Renier Hurley Kathryn M. Lucas Lynch Terese Gail Glennon Martin Mary P. McDougall Phyllis Schultz Mulholland Carolyn M. Pachucki Osmialowski Catherine Cini Stanley Linda J. Marrocco Tenaglia 1957 Judith Anderson Baldwin Mary Margaret Scanlan Bosco Charlene A. McKenna Carlson Lois Clause Nan Hentschel Dingens Margaret A. Donovan Donna Marie Belian Goray Dorothea M. Gramlich, OP Shirley Ward Twardzicki Lajoy Sister Maureen A. McGarrigle, RSM Judith A. Bolduc Mysliviec Nancy K. McSweeney Oaks Patricia O'Toole Barbara J. Taylor Ringo Edwina Wronski Stewart 1958 Shirley A. Andrews Black Nancy K. Barrus Bognar Loretta Burke Maureen R. Walsh Donohue Diane D. Deuby Gade Patricia M. Backer Hauer Noreen McGowan Keating Sister Patricia Lamb, RSM Florence J. Bury Nowicki Judith Busse Shoop Judith A. Lee Smith Elizabeth M. Crowley Wojciuch 1959 Agnes A. Rosowski Bongero Margaret Maierle Huang JoAnne McCardell Iwanicki June Kendall Mary McLachlan Lobert Mary Margaret Topolsky Ziobro 1960 Carol Zucal Crusoe Kathryn E. Dingeman Joy Prout Duffy Sister Mary Ellen Howard, RSM Sister Geraldine Near, RSM Linda M. Anderson Rescoe 1961 Mary A. Brennan Bernard Loretta M. Povinelli Carney Marilou Schmidt Drewniak Carol Sue Pienta Hagstrom Patricia Sulllivan Mooney Sue Hanifan O'Connor Lynn Gayney Pheney Joanne Montagne Swonk 1962 Mary Lorraine Johnston Barry Patricia Quinn Borus Patricia Kelly Domka Karen Ann Crittenden Maher Ann Kathryne Grant Muenk Nancy E. Nelsen Royal Ann C. Kreitmeyer Sanderson Mary Formwalt Wooten 1963 Lorraine Krajewski Katz Patricia Keyosky Klinkovsky Nadine Frazier Maynard Veronica E. Celesky Nantais Sara B. Busse Paterson Katharine M. Smart Mary Anne Stella Judy C. Smith Sullivan Karen H. Brown Zajdek 1964 Lorraine Claire Terrien Aitken Maryanna T. Mosiej Burke Joanne T. Tymoczko Foerg Sister Maureen Ann Mulcrone, RSM Kathleen M. Robert Roman Mary Newberry Spansky Laurie Revitte Vanvorst 1965 Joan P. Avery Mary Jo Donahue Balcer Maureen Carroll Cameron Deborah J. Meloche Gilder Cora Ann Hall Ivancso Ellen Masko Margaret McCarthy Joanne Parrinello-Holmes Sandra W. Westphal Rodwan Sharon A. Walker Rose Barbara J. Hayes Salamone Karen R. Logsdon Samaritoni Susan M. Vestich Sica Linda R. Valli 1966 Laura Szymanski Kowalyk Maryanne Mott Schutte Kathryn R. Anderson Sikorski Dianne Hewitt Taylor 16 Diane M. Weiss Taylor Mary Beth Houlihan Wheeler Nadine M. Martynow White Barbara A. Jermanus Williams 1967 Catherine A. Yee Agacinski Murray A. Frailey Carolin Susan Wharton Deeb Ann Seidl Dillon Eileen Joy Frey Sister Judith M. Frikker, RSM Patricia Haller Kathleen A. Calice Mills Pamela R. Krol Morath Rosanne Hartmann Parks Peggy Pais Rettof Mary C. Stassen Maria Frances Ward Carolyn R. Behringer Witte 1968 Maureen M. Sullivan Alterman Sandra J. Nightingale Blasius Mary Lou Caspers, Ph.D. Janet Chorkey Margaret A. Coughlin Karen Cumbo Mary Ann DeVogel Gwen Humenik Fisher Linda Yarsavage Friedrich Michelle A. Brancheau Gregg Kathleen Chmielewski Liadis Kathleen Loftus Therese M. Haapala Marshall Marilyn A. Mazur Margaret Rose Hurst Quinn Joanne C. Clement Rochow Lillian B. Roumayah Shallal Elizabeth A. Truly Maureen Lenardon Vloet 1969 Rosemary Abraham Marcia Walch Bawol Janet Benedetti Patricia Cote-Miles Patricia M. Valade Dalrick Denise Dinan-Panico Maureen Sartor Duvall Sheryl A. Wallet Eichstadt Patricia P. Steimel Featherston Julie A. Wright Fisher Patricia A. Gust Hanley Mary Anne Madden Hoffman Patricia C. Coleman Kennedy Kathleen M. Zasuwa Kolbe Cynthia L. Switalski Martin Celeste Allen Novak Mary M. Martin Papich Jo Ellen Rick Rahaim Nancy S. Miller Schafer 1970 Veronica McCann Anderson Pamela Armstrong Wild Priscilla Boroniec Paula E. Kowaleski Bowman Judy A. Buersmeyer Brankiewicz Mary Malone Centlivre Bernadine Bogdanski Cleary Sue Hackett Delonis Deborah D. Cichanski Delwiche Patricia M. Derry Mary Pat Zaliagiris Harter Kathleen Hasse-Horner Teresa Hassett Macdonald Christy Anne Hoelscher Markin Renee R. Mathieu Margaret M. McNamara Mato Bonnie Downs McArthur Kristine W. Anhut Moravek Roseanne O'Malley Nagorsen Catherine S. Spencer Phillips Patricia Thull Colleen Clancey Tompkins Dona A. Tracey Barbara L. Pleva Wasung Barbara Klotz Zaguroli Annual Report 2007-2008 1971 Sandra Toton Bearden Jackie C. Mateja Bierut Dr. Karen T. Brown, M.D. Celeste Dykas Joanne C. Yee Elsey Beverly W. Land Fritz Patricia K. Korpalski Jackson Denise A. Lehr Kathleen A. McNeely Shawn N. Turrin Murphy Mary C. Perrone Shirley Rotary Schneider Gloria J. Seidl Karen M. Smith Bridget A. Barney Sondermark Mary Clare Quinn Steiner Kathy M. Kolbe Studzinski Kathy Hattam Wisne 1972 Louise Legg Austin Cecilia J. Bolan Bator Dr. Colleen Cavanaugh Maureen Dooley Jean Coughlin Hopper Mary Lou Hurych Diane C. Jakubowski Marianne Heitjan Kure Mary Kathleen Hand Landsberg Ann E. Reno Love Katherine H. Gasparovic McCarty Margaret Mangold Moylan Deborah Pleva Colleen V. Ronayne Laura A. Wolan Sandmark Nanette Roumayah Yuhasz 1973 Diane Neill Bender Janice M. Oshowski Dahl Kathleen M. Straub Engstrom Carol Hackett Garagiola Lynn Calcaterra Hall Mary Finger Hall-Price Charlotte Gignac Harris Patricia Gordon Heller Sharon W. Wloszek Larkin Patricia A. Livingston Maureen Look Mary Ellen Mulcrone Cynthia Weber Nankee Rosemary Ebner Pomeroy Susan Roegner Carol M. Wilk Roubal Mitchell Deborah A. Hollow Trent Susan R. Peterson Walsh 1974 Dr. Donita Bylski-Austrow Ph.D. Cynthia Gumley Harrington Sharon A. Funk Hupp Judith M. Sarafa Jonna Denise Joseph, Ph.D. Michelle E. Mathieu Susan McHugh Pettis Eileen Quinn Rebecca A. McCook Robinson Annette Marie Tedesco Rowe S. Kathleen Salisbury Jane Shallal Sheree Simpson Karen Law Wiltsie Susan Healy Zitterman 1975 Janet M. Baiardi, Ph.D. Denise M. Frank Bondy Joy L. Morris Brietzke Jennifer M. Coury Debbie Cameron Daquano Lori Anne Doyle Mary Ann Keane Dunham Meg Hackett Linda M. Holliday Nancy Drost Jennett Lisa Mularoni Kaminski Alumnae Giving by Class 1975 continued Nancy M. Kapolnek Susan S. Sesi Mansoor Mary Kennedy Martuscelli Mary Anne Merucci Mary Frances Brennan Miller Marlene Bar Murphy Mary Ellen Gaucher Noth Karen A. Peterson Susan M. Winkler Rokosz Carol Jane Terrien Susan Burton Wells Kimberly A. Hoffiz Whipple Joan Aston Whitehead Karen D. Wislawski Zolna 1976 Marie Bazil-Boczar Ann Oswald Benett Tara Hanley Bratton Suzanne S. Smiggen Condit Peggy Mulcahy Haapala Judith A. Dirkes Kander Linda J. Lhota Mary Louise Masko Marie Grix McElroy Mary Beth Kure Milliman Pamela Peterson Perkins Judy A. Richer-Kuzych Christine C. Czarnecki Rohan Susan Steiner Mary Margaret Keller Stuart Denise McDonald Vecellio Theresa M. Hopkins Visintainer Terry Mifsud Weideman Carol A. Yerby 1977 Susan Twigg Anzini Kerin McQuaid Borland Maureen A. Cavanaugh Janna M. Goffer Chesser Elizabeth Coleman Chierici Catherine Diethorn Anne Dimitry Karen M. Valenti Fularczyk Suzanne Harper Kaperzinski Ruth Kowaleski Donna M. Gundle Krieg Rita Dilworth Lewry Katherine Stefanof Morris Alynn M. Priebe Parker Suzanne J. Robison Maureen A. O'Donnell Stephan Jane Esper Vogel Joanne M. Albert Walle 1978 Mary K. Heinlen Bridget Boes Flanagan Donna Marie Summers Jones Julie Fernane Joyce Mary Catherine Fitzpatrick Kravutske Julianne Meyer-Sorek Barbara T. Sulich Pichan Colette M. Grix Rizik Marie Hungerman Rumbley Maureen Shagena Sanger Jill C. Mitchell Wise Michelle Abowd Yoder 1979 Jacqueline Duplessis Battle Kathleen A. Bego The Honorable Megan Maher Brennan Therese Brown Mary D. Dillworth Clinthorne Mary E. McNeil Gantt Julie L. Parrott Gates Denise Ann Smith Golonka Nora Carroll Hamill Annette H. Isom Anna Lisa Masson Loiselle Gaye Martin Patricia McLaughlin McCalmont Anne M. Nichols Mary Patricia Melampy Pappas Kathleen M. Brown Shapley-Quinn Christine Bego Sturm 1980 Dr. Marisa Rose Abbo D.O. Kathy Antaya Michelle M. Decker Baldwin Alice M. Schmitt Bimrose Annette M. Plant Coleman Diane L. Dickow D'Agostini Shawn M. Ford-Hastie Maureen A. Kelly, M.D. Jean Kowaleski Suzanne Dilworth Mattingly Sonya Howcott Moore Mary Anne Apap Napolitano Deborah L. Reed Dr. Rebecca M. Steele, D.O. Julia Terner 1981 Kim Anderson Agasaveeran Rosemarie L. Allaire-Bosson Anne M. Zitny Barrett Lorraine A. Kaminski Bock Patricia Carroll Dawn Skelton Cooke Lisa Berich Erlandson Margaret Adams Gaudin Emily A. Day Gibson Suzanne Lacroix Patricia Maher Debra A. Majeski Meg Mallon Julie M. Moll Mary Beth Wolan Nelson Susan Pasqualone Niemenski Michele L. Putnam Olson Kathryn Therese Bazil Paul Colleen McMaster Rozman Meriann Stockwell Susan Brennan Tarnas Leslie Demyan Travelbee Stephanie Capodilupo Willliams 1982 Maureen A. Gilmore Asta Anne Batcheller Cheryl Higley Beeman Jill Berry Audrey A. Brennan Eagle Susan M. Parrott Fritz Janice Hanba Cathy M. Abunassar Knight Mary M. Brown Lawless Amy Louise Mikula-Smith Virginia Minolli Colleen A. Kennedy Montgomery Kathleen Landry Qualy Nicole Villeneuve 1983 Susan Giancarlo Ames Mary-Jelisse Bonello Karen M. Clement Kerri A. Bacsanyi Comai Janet C. Pinkerton Dombrowski Phillaire Diane Dudley Julie Garmo Kerry Hall Jacobs Ann-Margret Ewald Manley Margaret M. Bosco Sale Carolyn R Burt Schweikert Lisa J. Morgan Williams Shannon M. Cooper Wolf Carmen Shallal Yonan 1984 Dawn Godzak Brown Gretchen Marie Damm Kimberly T. Gaiera Dana Drew Johnston Margo Kirchner Michelle Abraham Mahoney Melody M. Boji Mio Michelle K. Garms Monticello Annemarie Lesters Proctor Marisa Bahn Reyes Susan Smith 1985 Colleen Clement Mary C. Rosowski Dewan Annette L. Ruggiero Dyke Julie C. Hemmen Jecmen Tracy R. Johnson, M.D. Catherine M. Paler-Amaya Elizabeth Bonello Reust Jennifer Ewald Wenson Eileen E. Wildern 1986 Judith Janitz Bagley Sheila A. Herberholz Belkowski Mary Beth Larabell Connolly Michele Giffels Rivkin Stacey A. Lossia Tuohy 1987 Bridget Faricy-Beredo Tonya Harbin-Wall Nga Ha-Stevenson Kimberly Blotkamp Hilliard Linda Clancy Kaminski Molly Bosco O'Connor Amy Lynn Emrich Park Cory Pope Heather Powers Sauter Mary Beth Seefelt Sarah Anne Gibbard Wuellner 1988 Nancy Margherio Cooper Melinda Smigelski Ernat Patricia Ann Chapp Sharkey Mary Strimel Crystal Caruana Sullivan 1989 Josette M. Schira Charboneau Monica M. Singh Haley Christy Johnson Jennifer Sears Keuten Teresa L. Coletta Rea Lisa M. Cook Rothman Stephanie H. Kramer Spinale 1990 Marjorie L. Mendoza Almeda Kathryn F. Seefelt Baetz Christine Carlson Billecke Lisa M. Brennan Kathleen Scanlan Crowell Rebecca Renaud Harrison Mary Kay Jerneycic Margaret M. Kronk Kromm Heather S. Cahill Lowry Tracie McClellan Poniatowski Karen Thiry Scheible Kathleen McDonald Sevener Jennifer A. Shallal Werner 1991 Lora Scott Auten Colleen A. Wright Berardelli Tiffany Ogletree Boards Elizabeth Myers Bukowinski Judith A. Rosowski Engel Gina M. DeAgostino Gray Jennifer Marrs Kibbey Lisa M. Greenlee LaSala Rebecca Leddy McDonald Megan A. Stoneback Neumann Julie Kronk Schokora Erin V. Smith Shelly A. Soenen Stephanie M. Dickow Surowiec Carrie A. Walton Templer Gina Vidrio Wasielewski Kari Anne Zimmerer Wilson Sheila Wisely-London 1992 Molly Currier Anson Diane Gill Ballor Carilyn Stribell Coffer Kathleen M. Berrigan Crespo Amy M. Daigler Lisa Makar Dutton Rebecca Burnett Mathis Suzanne Sarafa Nelson Renee LaForest Pompi Kate Scheible Katherine Esshaki Wensink 1993 Megan Montgomery Bopp Marshelle J. Brooks Leslie White Colone Lisa Sikorski Formosa Meghan Roselle Johnson Valire Jones Dawn Owen Marcella DeAgostino Rogers 1994 Meredith Burnett Anatolios Kathryn M. Balcer Katherine Misteravich Binning Katherine Brady Deborah A. Dziekan Mills Michelle Shallal Patricia Cahill Terzian Annual Report 2007-2008 1995 Molly Johnson Ambrose Jessica Kaniowski Dakhi, M.D. Constance Katharina Guzinski Carrie Renee Schwagle Krause Mitzi Ruddock Eileen O'Connell Yazzie Jaime Zaguroli-Smith 1996 Elizabeth Janes Heidi Wahl LaFever Lisa Merlo Carrie Fling Monnette Patricia Brady Perry Jennifer Munfakh Shaw Maureen Stirling Meagan Wegmueller 1997 Genevieve Ethel Kolasa Rebecca Coury McNear Amy Roselle Menzer Alexa Rukstele 1998 Nalani Bradford Anne Elizabeth Sill Eddy Nadia Zaman Haque 1999 Erin Duff Geering Natalie Yuhasz Martell Kellie Schwagle Christina Vettraino Heidi Wegmueller 2000 Emily Butler Maureen Carolin Danielle Dickow Alexis Jones Carmen Krystyniak Nuverre Naami Majenni Nixon Susan Roble 2001 Jennifer McInerney 2002 Cortney Boes Mary Brady 2003 Danielle Rabahy Brandon Elyse Carnagie Jenna Dwan Elizabeth Garlow Lauren Kaminski Barbara Maczka Anne Nicole Samantha Talbot Elizabeth Watson 2004 Jillian Arambula Marisa Arcori Jillian Bonahoom Ashley Fons Nora Jarbou Elizabeth Kujala Theresa Martilotti Carmen Phillips Jordan Sami Katherine Schuerman Sarah Switaj 2005 Carlotta Allievi Elizabeth Auffenberg Audrey Colthurst Mary Deady Victoria Feurino Katherine Fontichiaro Kimberly Hoang Krystin Kohls Reena Naami Kristina Sinutko Amy Telinda 2006 Emily Garlow Sheradyn Holden Christina Maczka Rebecca Moylan Jennifer Plants 2007 Dana Daquano Mackenzie Melvin Meredith Pepper 2008 Elaine Czech 17 Mercy High School Annual Report Mer cy High Sc hoo l Gene ral F und - Y ea r E ndin g June 30, 2008 Total Revenue $ 8,923,583 Total Expenses $ 8,406,871 Mer cy High School Six- yea r Com pariso n $566,739 Net Operating Results $562,590 $564,589 $524,796 $507,442 Fundraising Activities $384,221 * 2008 includes two Golf Outings, based on timing of the events. Number under year designates enrollment. 896 848 Cost Data to Educate Students Tuition Rate Actual Cost * Includes registration and activity fees. Number under year designates enrollment. Data provided by Plante - Moran 18 Annual Report 2007-2008 805 789 760 753 A l u m n a e C l a s s N ot e s 1950’s 1960’s 1970’s Sister Mary Canice Johnson, RSM ’51 received a RARE Foundation Everyday Hero Award at a celebration at the Gem Theatre in Detroit on September 19, 2007. Sister was honored as a founder of the Mercy Education Project (Detroit) and as the initiator of a Cristo Rey High School opened in Detroit in the Fall of 2008. Marilyn Mahar Kerschen ’60 and husband Art are happy as can be in New Mexico. The couple lives near three of their seven grandchildren. Marilyn is dancing up a storm (line dancing that is) and is also enjoying the Red Hat Society. Life is good! Marilyn hopes to see the class of 1960 in 2010 for the 50th class reunion. Contact Marilyn at Mary Ann Williamson Collins ’70 is a Certified Diamontologist and Guild Gemologist. She worked in the fine jewelry field for ten years. Mary Ann also wrote and published a Heart Healthy Cookbook "Deliciously Wicked Yet Guilt Free". She has a few personal copies left. Anyone who is interested can contact her. They are at her cost of just $10.00 each plus shipping. Contact Mary Ann at Mary Maney Ruppel ’51 had an opportunity to meet Governor Mitt Romney at Keiser College in Sarasota, FL. Mary is still writing a regular column for the Venice Gondolier Sun and having fun in the sun and working the karaoke circuit. Patricia Brick Tuckfield ’51 and several members of the class of '51 met at Peabody’s in Birmingham, MI for luncheon on Jan. 9, 2008. The group gathered to continue the joy of the 50th class reunion. The core group consists of Sally Brennan Giraud, Leea Peirce Mullaney, Mary Catherine Espinosa Martni, Mary Ellen Gellenbeck Mangelsen, Joan Pulte Pilchak, Peggy Kelly Charest, Adele Sumner, Josephine Johnson, Carol (Sister René) Bourque, Pat Brick Tuckfield. The group continues to miss Delores Train who passed away. Pat feels it’s a pleasure to see former classmates and realize that they share so many memories. Evelyn Eriksen Tenbusch ’54 and husband Frank celebrated their 50th Anniversary on March 2, 2007. The couple has seven children and nineteen grandchildren. They are both in excellent health! Judith (Judy) Lee Smith ’58 lives in Spring Hill, FL in Hernando County, north of Tampa. If there are any Mercy gals in her area who wish to get together in the wintertime, please contact her. Judy is currently involved with the Michigan Club (where husband, Tom, is President) and plans outings and events for the members. She is also a member of K of C Ladies Auxiliary and is Queen of a chapter of the Red Hat Society. She recently lost her loving mother but takes joy in her son, Jim, step-daughter Micki and granddaughter, Jaclyn, who is currently studying to be a teacher. Contact Judy at Linda Anderson Rescoe ’60 is closer to home after moving from Fairbanks, AK to Scottsdale, AZ in August 2007. Contact Linda at Carole Watson Troy ’60 and her husband are full time RVer’s. The couple has eight children and twenty-five grand children. They spend a lot of time in Colorado, Wyoming and Arizona. Carole would love to hear from Class of ’60 alumnae! Contact Carole at Sister Paul Jones ’62 (Mary Joanne Jones) left Gallup, NM in 1997 for San Pedro, CA. Sister was Director of Nursing in California until 2005 when she returned to Gallup for the third time. Carolann Belardinelli Stark ’62 is looking forward to hearing from classmates/friends who remember her and would like to reconnect. Email is the best way to contact Carolann since she is living and working in the Dominican Republic for the next two academic years. She has many fond memories of past friendships and experiences and is anxious to share life stories! Contact Carolann at Anne Keefe Fischer ’68 retired from her position as the Chief Procurement Officer for the Los Angeles Unified School District where she was responsible for Contracting, Purchasing, Trucking, Warehousing, Mail and Reprographic Operations servicing about 800 schools and 400 office locations. Anne has been married to husband Gerald for thirty years and has two daughters, Veronica, who has worked for the Cheesecake Factory Restaurant Operations for five years and Alexandra, who attends the University of San Diego in pre-law with a History major. Anne, who received her BA in English from Mercy College and an MA in English Literature from Eastern Michigan, is now focusing her time on writing, has completed a book of poetry and is working on a book of non-fiction. Mary Beth Bolton ’69 says “Life is good. News I hear from friends whose daughters are at Mercy report the school has gotten even better over the years.” Contact Mary at Mary Regan Emerson ’70 would like to email with any 1970 grads! Contact Mary at Monica Jay Wurster ’72 was a stay-at-home mom for almost twenty years. She and her husband Carl raised three children ages 25, 23, and 20. In 2001, Monica decided to return to the workforce as a medical professional. In 2002, she applied and was one of 36 accepted into a fast track nursing program called Masters Entry Program in Nursing (MEPN) at the University of San Diego. She began the nursing portion of the program in June 2003 and became a licensed Registered Nurse in July 2004. While working as a Labor & Delivery nurse she attended graduate school part-time and in August 2007 graduated with a Masters of Science in Nursing as an Adult Nurse Practitioner. Monica is now working for Culture of Life Family Services, a family practice which offers Christ-centered primary medical care, and additionally, spiritual direction to women and families in crisis pregnancies. Leslie Legge ’75 graduated from Lawrence Technological University with a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude, in December 2007. Suzanne Brown ’78 has had the pleasure of working in her professional career at Mercy High School, Northwood University and presently at Bridgeport-Spaulding Community Schools. Suzanne is the principal of the Bridgeport Alternative School. She feels very privileged to be an alumna of Mercy High School and looks back on her experience fondly. Suzanne would like the class of 1978 to get together. It’s been too long! Contact Suzanne at Laura Quinn Rector ’79 graduated with honors from the program of Theological Studies at Siena Heights University this past May. She was hired as the Director of Religious Education at St. Joseph’s parish in South Lyon, MI. Contact Laura at 19 A l u m n a e C l a s s 1980’s Michelle Marion Wagner ’80 at the “ripe old age of 45” adopted a two day old baby girl along with husband, Bill. Michelle says, “Imagine just starting a family now! I'm certainly feeling my age, but loving every minute.” The family resides in Colorado. If you're ever in Colorado, Michelle would love to see you! Colleen McMaster Rozman ’81 was the 2008 Mercy High School Teacher of the Year. Colleen has taught at Mercy for eleven years in subjects including Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology and currently holds the position of Registrar and is a member of Mercy High School’s Administrative Team. Mary Beth West ’81 is the Co Founder of the charity organization H.U.G.S. in Detroit. Visit their website for more information. Karen Garms deKanter ’82 is very busy in the Boston area with her three children Michael (16), Emily (15), and Anna (15). Contact Karen at Karole Vesnaugh Pickett ’84 is the proud mom of two beautiful children. Her daughter is attending Kent State University, and her son is going into 8th grade. Karole loves teaching. She teaches language arts at a bilingual charter school. She loves her job and loves life. Army Major Karen Young ’84 has just completed a fifteen month tour in Iraq. She returned to her husband and three daughters in April 2008. Karen lives in Arizona. Joyce Tompsett ’85 and her husband recently moved back to the U.S. from Milan, Italy. Contact Joyce at Kate Steinbacher Geraghty ’86 gave birth to her second child, Margaret Rose Geraghty, in January 2007. Maggie joins big brother Jack Geraghty (5). Sarah Gibbard Wuellner ’87 was recently married to Tom Wuellner. The couple was married in the Bahamas and spent six weeks honeymooning in Thailand and Indonesia where they went SCUBA diving eighty-four times. Sarah and her husband are moving to Evanston, IL where she will continue to work in the private equity field while Tom is pursuing his MBA at Kellogg. Contact Sarah at 20 N ot e s Jennifer Brady Finn ’88 has two children, Andrew (6) and Elizabeth (4). To learn more about the work that Jennifer does now, you can visit throughout the beautiful state of Washington. She also likes to scrapbook, read, and is working in an outside business in the Direct Sales Industry. Ann Hebel Pruski ’88 completed her first Duathlon in July and was trying for her first Triathalon two weeks later. Ann is also training for the Grand Rapids Marathon taking place in October. Ann and her husband Scott have two girls, Hannah (4) and Madison (2) who have lots of energy and keep her very busy! Bridget Cole Williams ’90 is a Cleveland Clinic Physician living in Cleveland, OH with her husband Ryan and two little girls, Kendal (3) and Cameron (1). Jennifer Slosar-Smith ’88 is living on the Central Coast in CA with husband James. The couple has two boys, Noah (3) and Miles (23 months). Jennifer designs and develops sunglasses for work and is still playing competitive beach volleyball. Contac Jennifer at Ban 'Bonnie' Sadek Kizy ’89 gave birth to twin girls! Ella Christine and Reese Ann were born on August 2, 2007. Everyone is healthy and happpy. Ban is married to Christopher Kizy ‘90 from Brother Rice and they live in Bloomfield Hills. She is taking some time off from teaching to take care of her little angels. Pictured is Ella and Reese's Baptism in October. Lisa Kulha Sieradski ’89 and her husband Steve welcomed their second daughter Kendall Elizabeth on June 1, 2007. Kendall has a big sister Kacie (4). They reside in Clarkston, MI and Lisa continues to work for the HUMMER brand at General Motors. 1990’s Kelly French Holman ’90 is currently residing in Washington state, married and working as a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Room. Since Mercy, she has obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Evansville in Evansville, IN as well as a Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Phoenix. Kelly was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Fraternity for Nursing after her MSN program. She has taught clinicals and theory to nurses working for their ADN. She and her husband enjoy traveling Danielle Bruyn Bolda ’91 says “hello to the class of '91!” Danielle and her husband, along with their three children, Rachael, Nick and KatieRose, have been living in Lansing, MI for the past nine years after moving home from upstate NY. The family is enjoying life with friends and family. Danielle enjoys being a stay at home mom, while occasionally working for her parents in their marketing firm as a project manager. Contact Danielle at Michelle Power Lavigne ’91 started a job with Trinity Health in March 2008. She’s happy to be a part of the (extended) Mercy family again! Trinity Health is a combination of the old Mercy Health Services and Holy Cross Health. She is charged with developing and launching a new supervisor curriculum for the system, which numbers over 44,000 associates from Maryland, Michigan, Iowa, California, Idaho, Indiana, and Ohio. Contact Michelle at Lisa Jackson Nordhaus ’91 married her sweetheart, Brian Nordhaus, on February 16, 2008 in Toledo, Ohio. The couple resides in Troy, Michigan. Alicia Moten Roberts ’92 celebrated the birth of another future Mercy girl! Her daughter Jada Marie Joyce Roberts was born on November 20, 2007. She weighed 7 lbs 12 oz and was 19.5 inches long. Mommy, daddy, and big sister Alexis are all doing well. Adrienne Hill Hopkins ’92 married Ronald Hopkins in June 1999. Adrienne is a licensed and ordained minister and Ronald is a Pastor. The couple has two children Nicholas (3) and Noelle (1). The family resides in Westland where Adrienne is a stay at home mom, soon to return to the work world, and husband Ronald is a Youth Pastor. A l u m n a e C l a s s 1990’s continued Jamie Driskell McMann ’94 and husband, Jason would like to announce the birth of their first child, Brooke Astoria McMann. Brooke was born on January 10, 2008 at St. Joseph's Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI and is an absolute joy for Jamie and Jason. The family currently resides in Plymouth, MI. Jamie is employed as a Manuscript Review Coordinator in Farmington Hills. Michelle Therese Shallal ’94 and Frederick Joseph Abdou were married on November 17, 2007, at St. Mary's of Orchard Lake. An intimate dinner reception followed at the Royal Park Hotel in Rochester Hills. Michelle & Fred honeymooned in Los Cabos, Mexico. Michelle is the daughter of Jamal & Lillian Shallal & Fred is the son of the late Frederick George Abdou, & Julia Abdou. Michelle & Fred are both Michigan State University Graduates. Michelle worked at Chrysler in Sales and Marketing for seven years. Fred owns an Environmental Engineering Company, Huron Consultants. Michelle currently assists in managing the office at Huron Consultants. Maureen Stirling ’96 is engaged to Matthew Weiss (CC ’97). An April 2009 wedding is planned. Contact Maureen at Arlene Fetizanan ’97 graduated from the University of Southern California in 2007 with her Masters in Planning, with a concentration in Economic Development. She is one of five recipients of the ClintonOrfalea Fellowship, and works for the Clinton Foundation's Climate Initiative which aims to develop and implement a range of actions that will accelerate greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The fellowship is sponsored by Kinkos founder Paul Orfalea's Family Foundation. She currently resides in Portland, Oregon. Kimberly Vaughn Price ’97 and husband Greg announced the arrival of their first son, Vaughn Christian Price, born on April 23, 2008. Vaughn was 7 lbs 5 oz and 19.5 inches. N ot e s Laura Merritt ’98 and Marc Everett exchanged vows on October 5, 2007 at Straight Gate Church and celebrated in a reception at Shenandoah Golf and Country Club. The groom is Director of Operations for SAFE Management located at Ford Field. The bride is an Advertising Account Executive and completed her MBA degree this past summer. The Everett’s enjoyed a romantic honeymoon in the Cayman Islands. Many Mercy graduates attended the wedding. Michelle Binno Tomasino ’98 and Nicholas Tomasino were married on November 3, 2007. They now live happily in Las Vegas, NV. Contact Michelle at 2000’s Danielle Darling ’00 is getting married in November 2008 to Lutenent Michael Marks in Annapolis, MD. He is a helicopter pilot for the U.S. Navy and she is a Registered Nurse; they reside in Virginia. Four of her bridesmaids are Mercy alums! They include: sisters Chelseah ’04 and Amanda Darling ’03, SarahAnn Schultz ’00, Jenni Blacklock ’00, Christie Magulak, and Julie, her soon to be sister-in-law. Lily Elgincolin ’00 graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with a Masters in Educational Leadership in 2007. She has moved to Texas and bought her first house in Pearland, TX. Lily has been working at the University of Houston-Clear Lake since July 2007 as an International Student Advisor. Susan Agacinski ’99 married Sean O'Dell on April 12, 2008 in Vieques, Puerto Rico. Mercy grads Sharon Agacinski ’96 and Carey Czech ’99 were the Maids of Honor. Her mother Catherine Yee Agacinski ’67 and Dana Begnoche ’98 were also in attendance. Susan graduated from Michigan State University in 2007 with a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine. She and Sean currently reside in Haverhill, Massachusetts with their daughter Grace and four dogs. In the photo from left to right is Catherine, Sharon, Carey, Susan and Dana. Vanessa Rennels Miller ’00 recently settled in Michigan after finishing up her doctorate in New York City. Contact Vanessa at Melissa Thuma ’99 recently started her job as the Research Analyst/Counsel for Private Market Insurance and Pharmaceutical policy with the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing in the Massachusetts Legislature. She graduated from Suffolk University Law School in Boston in May 2007 and was sworn in to the Massachusetts State Bar in November 2007. Melissa is currently living in Boston in the shadow of Fenway Park with her boyfriend David and their cat Ophelia. Linda Karbo Conradi ’01 married Mark Conradi (Portage, MI) at The Inn at St. John's in Plymouth, MI on April 26, 2008. Both are graduates of Michigan State University and reside in Brighton, MI. Linda is beginning her second year as Special Events Coordinator for Mercy High School and fourth year as the coach of the Michigan State University Pompon Team. Contact Linda at Sarah Zakaria ’99 and Marcella Tashjian ’99 earned their Medical Degrees in June 2008 from Wayne State University School of Medicine. They look forward to continuing their training in Chicago, IL. Sarah will be starting her residency in Psychiatry at Northwestern University. Marcy will be starting her residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Contact Sarah at Nora Clancy Mullin ’00 and Alan Mullin (U of D ’98) were married at the National Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak, MI on December 20, 2007. They've moved back to Michigan recently and are looking forward to settling in Detroit, at least for a little while. Contact Nora at Nadia Vlachos Iio ’00 married Takashi Iio on July 7, 2007 in Santori, Greece. 21 A l u m n a e C l a s s 2000’s continued Sara Downey ’01 graduated with a Bachelors in Cellular-Molecular Biology and a minor in Chemistry from Humboldt State University on May 17, 2008. Sara plans on applying for PhD programs this fall in the field of Epigenetics. Also, Sara is engaged to Jordan Cox, a fine woodworker from Humboldt County. The couple plan to wed in the fall of 2009. Mary Ready Reda ’01 was married to Nathaniel Reda in November of 2007. Bridesmaids included Maid of Honor Margaret Ready ’03, Margaret Deady Fey ’01, and Jenny McInerney ’01. Other Mercy Alumnae in attendance were Debbie Acho Yatooma ’81, Margaret Prest ’01, Carrie Barton ’01, Dominique Rondot ’03, Jenna Dwan ’03, Alexandria Blakeney ’03, and Mary Deady ’05. The couple is also expecting their first child in December 2008. Sarah Fogoros ’02 began the doctorate program in molecular biology at the University of Michigan after spending a year in Washington DC doing cancer research at the National Institute of Health. Sarah hopes to continue dedicating her life as a successful cancer researcher, in hopes that one day we will find a cure. N ot e s Rachael Rozycki Morley ’02 married Nicholas Morley (Brighton ’99) on October 6, 2007 in Novi, MI. Rachael’s two sisters, Jillian ’09 and Alyssa ’11 were both part of the bridal party. Rachael graduated from the University of Michigan in 2006 with a BSE in Industrial Engineering. She currently works for Consumers Energy. Rachael and Nick reside in Pinckney, MI. Erin Agemy ’03 is currently residing just outside of Washington, D.C. after completing her first year in grad school for economics at George Mason University, with a fellowship from the Mercatus Center. Contact Erin at Monisha Berkowski ’04 graduated cum laude from Kalamazoo College majoring in Psychology/Anthropology. In addition, she was awarded The Catherine A. Smith Prize in Women's Athletics for being the top woman athlete. Carmen Phillips ’04 has recently relocated to New York City to begin her PhD program in American Studies at NYU. She hasn't been to Michigan much since graduating Mercy, but if there are any alumnae in the area, please look her up for coffee! Contact Carmen at Tiffany Choi ’05 was baptized into the Catholic community this past Easter Vigil at St. John Catholic Student Parish in East Lansing, MI. Her sponsors included Lisette Desouza ’05 and Megan O’Brien ’05. Jessica Smith ’05 also attended. Lizzy Love ’06, Anna Sklut ’06 and Ann Love ’72 were in Ireland and visited the Sisters of Mercy International Center there. They were given a tour of the building, the beautiful chapel, and the courtyard where Catherine McAuley is buried. In Memory Staff Bob Ciske, February 2008 Alumnae Catherine Mulherin NeumanRibbing ’56, May 2008 Mary Lou Dwyer Frederickson ’58, January 2008 Mary C. Mulherin ’58, November 2007 Karen Swader Stevenson ’58, May 2008 Donna Marie Harrington ’72, March 2008 Katy (Kathleen) O’Neill ’87, May 2008 Mercy Family Brian Beachy, March 2008, husband of Jessica Metzger Beachy ’93 Richard G. Bogdanski, March 2, 2008. Brother of Bernadine (Bonnie) Bogdanski Cleary ’70 Michael Brown, August 2008, son of Carole Watson Troy ’60 Rosemary Comben, April 2008, mother of Mary Comben Bourke ’83 Johanna Cothery, mother of Cheryl Cothery Bauman ’77 and Cathy Jo Cothery Gibney ’79 Eleanor Dreyer, November 2007, mother of Mary Dreyer ’69, Ellen Dreyer ’71, and Marilyn Dreyer ’72 Shirley Funk, mother of Sharon Funk Hupp ’74 and Denise Funk Molen ’78 Guy Geraghty, February 2008, husband of Kate Steinbacher Geraghty ’86 and brother-in-law of Julie Steinbacher Campbell ’79 Mrs. Hill, mother of Sister Katherine Hill, RSM (former Mercy Staff) Stanley Renard Hill, May 2007, father of Adrienne Hill Hopkins ’92 William H. Hoelscher, October 6, 2007, Father of Christy Hoelscher Markin ’70 Helen Ann Horgan, January 2008, mother of Maureen Horgan Lentz ’75 and grandmother of Marie Lentz ’00, Kathleen Lentz ’01, Mary-Kate Lentz ’04, Christina Lentz ’09 & Margaret Lentz ’11 Francis X. Houlihan, February 2008, father of Mary Beth Houlihan Wheeler, ’66 Charles Howard, father of Sister Mary Ellen Howard, RSM ’60 Edward Janer, February 2008, grandfather of Brittany Janer ’05 and Chelsea Janer ’07 22 Josephine Joseph, March 2008, mother of Denise Joseph ’74 Richard Karbo, March 2008, father of Linda Conradi Karbo ’01 Norbert Majeski, May 2008, father of Debbie Majeski ’81 Brenda Medlen, February 2008, daughter of Betty Reid Scribner ’49 Austin Melgar, April 2008, son of Dr. Francine Bruder Melgar ’79 and nephew of Clare Bruder Kolevar ’80 Gale Morrissey, February 2008, mother of Suzanne Morrissey Henn ’80 and Meghan Morrissey ’82 Mary Mullan, January 2008, mother of Patricia Mullan ’69, Mary Jo Mullan ’71 and grandmother of Emily Scalzi ’98 Carol Oho, July 2007, mother of Melinda Oho Schappach ’83 Stephen Patterson, November 2007, father of Debi Patterson Sorensen ’81 Mrs. Phillips, July 2008, mother of Cynthia Phillips ’81 Rev. Carole A. Rose, August 2007, mother of Karla Rose Middlebrooks ’76 and Nicole O. Rose Fontayne ’74 Virginia Sargolia, February 2008, mother of Sister Arleen Marie Saroglia ’59 Kathleen Schlueter, May 2008, mother of Susan Schlueter ’95, Anne Schlueter ’00, and Lauren Schleuter ’02 William Shook, May 2008, father of Karen Shook Bagley ’82 Gerald Smela, September 2007, father of Stephanie Smela Hubbarth ’84 Dr. Smiggen, April 2008, father of Suzanne Smiggen Condit ’76, Sharon Smiggen Ruble ’78, and Sheila Smiggen ’82 Fred Smith, November 2006, father of Erika L. Smith Kuplicki ’93 Mary Jane Smith, February 2008, mother of Mary Jane Smith Williams ’70, Karen Smith Valenti ’71, Marcia Smith Weston ’74, Joanne Smith ’79, Virginia Smith Thomas ’80, and grandmother of Julie Valenti Drew ’92 and Katie Valenti ’01 Betty I. Sullivan, January 2008, mother of Carol Sullivan Hayes ’55, Joan Sullivan ’57 and Nancy Sullivan Fox ’62 Margaret Walters, mother of Sister Paulita Walters, RSM ’63 2008-09 School Year Calendar of Events Come to Mercy! We welcome your participation in Mercy events. Visit for more information and to view the entire school year calendar. November 2 Fall Open House, 1pm - 4pm November 7 - 9 Fall Play “Meet Me in St. Louis” 8pm Friday & Saturday, 2pm Sunday November 9 Alumnae Memorial Mass, 12pm Mr. John Gernacy, 40 years of service, and Mr. Doug Engler, 36 years of service, retired after many decades of dedication to Mercy High School. Thank you Mr. Gernacy for planting the seed that grew into a love of history which continues to thrive in me. You made learning enjoyable, interesting, and challenging. Best wishes to you for a happy and healthy retirement. - Peggy Kelley Herron ‘84 Mr. Engler, you were the reason why I got accepted to Mercy after a counseling appointment. You were also the special person to instill in me the confidence I needed when adjusting from semester to semester. I truly appreciated all of your assistance and efforts to help me out and keep me motivated; it meant the world to me. I wish you well in all of your endeavors and will always December 12 Celebration of the Founding of the Sisters of Mercy March 20 - 22 Spring Musical “Crazy for You” 8pm Friday & Saturday, 2pm Sunday March 31 - April 30 Sweepstakes Drive April 26 Alumnae Tea for Tuition December 14 Christmas Concert, 2pm May 7 - 8 Mercy Art Show Thursday 8am - 8pm and Friday 8am - 6pm December 27 Alumnae Basketball Game May 17 Spring Concert, 2pm February 7 Dads Club Father / Daughter Dance June 2 Baccalaureate Mass, 7pm February 8 Winter Open House, 1pm - 3pm June 3 Honors Convocation & Moving Up February 28 30th Annual AUCTION June 4 Graduation 7:30pm at Compuware Arena March 12 Alumnae Lenten Series keep you in my prayers. Thanks again for fond memories at Mercy! Check out Marlin athletics schedules and spotlights at - Caroline M. Bacall ‘04 Stay in Touch First Name Maiden Name Make sure you receive all the latest Mercy news. Please fill out the form below, if you have any changes in name or address and include your e-mail address to receive our monthly e-newsletter! Last Name Address City Phone Email Class of State Zip News Please return to the Alumnae Office, Mercy High School, 29300 W. 11 Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48336. You can also provide updates at and learn of exciting things happening at Mercy High School. Mercy does not share information with 3rd parties. 23 Be a Mercy Girl OPEN HOUSES Sunday, November 2 Sunday, February 8 1 pm - 4 pm 1 pm - 3 pm High School Placement Test Saturday, November 15 Saturday, December 6 7:45 am - 11:45 am Cost - $25 The HSPT is administered to 8th graders who are interested in applying to Mercy. human dignity Mercy High School Alumnae Office 29300 W. Eleven Mile Rd. 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