
FA L L 2009
Photo by Karmen Dowling
Western’s Campaign Chair, Geoff Beattie (left), recognized lead donors Christian Lassonde and Kelly Meighen at the public launch of the University’s $500-million
campaign. The launch took place at the official opening of Western’s first “green” building, the Claudette MacKay-Lassonde Pavilion on October 3, 2009.
The new Claudette MacKay-Lassonde
Pavilion will provide a living lab where
students forge the next generation of
solutions for a sustainable future. This
first LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) certified building at
Western, officially opened its doors during
Homecoming celebrations in October.
The $22-million, 45,000 square-foot
building in the Faculty of Engineering
houses research on green technologies,
processes and materials. The building itself
features advanced sustainable construction
technologies and methodologies.
Western President Amit Chakma said the
university’s new state-of-the-art teaching
and research facility will be a benefit not
only to engineering students, but the entire
campus and beyond.
“It will no doubt be the birthplace of many
new ideas, discoveries and innovations,
advancing our notion of a cleaner planet
and a green place to live,” said Chakma.
A unique area of the building to be studied
will be the green roof, which is covered with
seven species of drought-resistant sedum, a
hardy garden plant. The soil and plants
insulate the building for sound, along with
increasing efficiency with cooling and
heating throughout the year. A wind
turbine and solar panels are also located
on the roof to generate electricity for the
The Claudette MacKay-Lassonde Pavilion is
named for the late mother to Engineering
alumnus Christian Lassonde (BESc’98). The
Lassonde Family Foundation donated
$5 million to support the building project.
The T.R. Meighen Family Foundation also
supported this important building project
with a gift of $1 million. An atrium in the
pavilion is named in honour of Richard
Dillon, who became the first Dean of
Engineering at Western in 1960 and was
also the first Deputy Minister of Energy in
Ontario’s history. Dillon is the late father of
alumna and member of the Board of
Governors, Kelly Meighen (BA’71).
Ivey family makes donation
at groundbreaking for the
new Ivey building
New campus home for
international students
opens its doors
Both lead donors were recognized at the
opening of the new engineering building,
which was a perfect setting for Campaign
Chair, Geoff Beattie (LLB’84), to officially
launch the public phase of Western’s
current $500-million campaign.
Beattie noted he hopes to inspire those
influenced by the university, whether
they are alumni or members of the
community, to give back to the
“At the end of the day nothing is going
to make people feel better than
being involved in a project that will
make a difference in the school
and the community,” said Beattie.
Western’s Faculty of Law
recognizes donors at the
Richard H. McLaren
Professorship Gala
Priority Project: The
Initiative to Enhance
Economic and Energy
Resource Geology
Laschinger is
hoping her
research will
help create a
healthier work
environment for
nurses, leading
to less stress and
fewer nurses
leaving the
Photo by Paul Mayne
Helping out with the official groundbreaking ceremony for the new Richard Ivey School of Business building is Minister of Human Resources
and Skills Development Diane Finley, Ivey Dean Carol Stephenson, Richard M. Ivey, Western President Amit Chakma and London-Fanshawe MPP
Khalil Ramal.
During the groundbreaking for a new
$100-million building to house the
Richard Ivey School of Business, the Ivey
family made a surprise announcement of
a new $8.5-million donation to the school.
School of Business. “The building supports
the School’s strategy and cements Ivey’s
position as one of the preeminent
business schools in the world.”
The Ivey family’s long-standing
Richard M. (Dick) Ivey, along with his
sister and children, are topping up their
$6.5-million commitment made in 2007,
bringing the total donation to $15 million.
The Ivey family gift is comprised of
$5 million to support the new building;
$3 million to establish a unique program
that matches unrestricted endowed gifts;
$1-million endowment to support
initiatives in corporate social responsibility;
$1.5 million directed to the Lawrence G.
Tapp Chair in Leadership; and $4.5 million
as a bequest from Dick Ivey.
“As a thought-leader in sustainability, we
are proud that our new home will be as
environmentally friendly and energy
efficient as possible, and we are extremely
grateful to the Ivey family for helping us
meet this high standard,” says Carol
Stephenson, Dean of the Richard Ivey
commitment to the Ivey Business School
now exceeds $28 million. The family’s
support and involvement in Western is
one of the most significant relationships
between a family and a Canadian
“ The Ivey family has been incredibly
generous and consistent in their support
for Western and for our Richard Ivey School
of Business,” says Western President Amit
Chakma. “This donation, like others from
the family, will have an enormous impact
on our ability to ensure that Western
remains a leader in research and education.”
For Dick Ivey, the ability to give once again
to the business school is something he
deems important.
“ We are delighted to contribute to this
project and to enhance the experience of
Ivey students,” says Ivey, adding his father
(Richard G.) would have “been thrilled to
see the success of the school today”.
Also announcing financial contributions at
the ceremony were Ivey graduates Jon
Love (HBA’76) and Arkadi Kuhlmann
(BA’71, MBA’72), who donated $2 million
and $1 million respectively.
To date, $82.7 million of the new building’s
$100-million goal has been reached, with
the federal and provincial governments
each contributing $25 million in
infrastructure support, Western
committing $22.5 million and the Ivey
fundraising campaign already bringing in
$10.2 million of its $27.5-million target.
The 234,000-square-foot, three-storey
facility, designed by Hariri Pontarini
Architects of Toronto, is scheduled to be
completed by March 2011. The new
building will be located on the west side
of Western Road in front of Brescia
University College, allowing the school to
expand its undergraduate and graduate
Through the creation of the first Arthur
Labatt Family Nursing Research Chair in
Human Resource Optimization, the Associate
Director of Nursing Research at Western will
address issues surrounding the chronic
shortage of registered nurses in Canada and
the United States.
The $2-million research chair is part of a
$10-million gift from Arthur and Sonia Labatt
announced last year.
A study by the Canadian Nurses Association
found the country will be short 78,000
registered nurses (RNs) within two years, and
the number is expected to grow to 113,000
by 2016. Ontario is currently in need of an
additional 14,000 RNs.
Laschinger will lead a broad research agenda
examining issues related to the education
and retention of nurses and factors that
contribute to their success in a variety of
health care settings, and support related
teaching initiatives.
“ The chair will extend my ongoing research,
which for 15 years has examined how best
to empower nurses for excellence in
professional practice in work environments
that promote the health of both nurses and
their patients,” says Laschinger.
Her research will focus on the causes and
consequences of the current professional
nursing workforce shortage, with a view to
optimizing health human resources in
nursing to ensure high quality health care.
It was a pleasure to attend this year’s 1878 Societies Brunch at the Royal Ontario Museum and
meet so many of Western’s generous supporters. This year’s brunch took place just days after I
was installed as Western’s 10th President and I was honoured to address the University’s closest
friends who are the cornerstone of our success.
In 1956, former Western President Edward Hall challenged us to set our course on becoming
Canada’s greatest university. I am inspired by Hall’s vision. Together, we will continue to build
on Western’s reputation for providing Canada’s best student experience, and set a new course
on becoming one of the world’s greatest universities. Western is educating the global leaders
and citizens of tomorrow – alumni who will make a difference in our community, our country
and around the world.
I look forward to many more opportunities to meet with you and hear about your experiences
at Western and the many projects and funds that you support here at the University.
Until then, please accept my best wishes for the holiday season and a happy new year!
Amit Chakma
Western’s Annual 1878 Societies Brunch this year was held at the Royal Ontario
Museum in Toronto on October 25, 2009. New donors to the Societies are recognized
at this event.
Western students will have more opportunities
and support to serve the community, thanks to
a $2-million donation from RBC Foundation.
Photo by Paul Mayne
Western President, Amit Chakma, officially opened the new Dr. David S. H. Chu International Student Centre in Western’s newly opened
Student Services Building.
Western officially opened the Dr. David
S. H. Chu International Student Centre
October 16, a new hub at the heart of
campus that will bring students together
from around the world to share ideas,
culture and inspiration.
Made possible by a $2-million donation
from the Dr. David S.H. Chu Family of
Hong Kong, the new centre opens its
doors just as Western sets its sights
on increasing international student
enrolment under the leadership of its
new president, Amit Chakma.
Chakma delivered remarks at the special
event dressed in a beaded leather jacket
presented to him earlier in the day during
a First Nations sunrise ceremony
celebrating the grand opening of
Western’s new Student Services Building
in which the Chu International Student
Centre is located.
“This wonderful facility is another great
example of the transformative power of
philanthropy,” said Chakma. “The Chu
Family’s generosity will help Western
educate global citizens and leaders for
generations to come.”
David Chu, and his son, Western alumnus
Ken Chu (BA’96, LLD’07), are co-founders
of the Hong Kong based Mission Hills
Group – the world’s largest golf complex.
Though the Chus were unable to attend
the student centre’s opening, Ken shared
remarks on behalf of his family that were
delivered by Chakma.
“It is an honour for me and my family to
establish a platform where students at
Western can gather, exchange ideas,
and share a common international
perspective,” wrote Ken. “Western gave
me the skills and knowledge I needed to
succeed in business globally, and with the
establishment of the Chu International
Centre, this is my opportunity to help
make a difference for students from
around the world, at the Western campus.”
The Dr. David S. H. Chu Family gift is also
creating a number of academic awards
and a public administration program in
China. The new program is a non-credit
enrichment experience for students at
selected Chinese universities and for local
government officials. The series of
lectures, workshops and visits to Canada
will be developed and delivered by
Western professors from the Local
Government Program of the Department
of Political Science in Western’s Faculty of
Social Science.
Professor Andrew Sancton, who oversees
the new program, says Chinese public
administration scholars want their
students to know how things are done in
Canada. “We’ve found the Chinese have a
great interest in Canadian best practices
and policies, and to offer this level of
programming is a tremendous
opportunity for international outreach
and collaboration.”
Chen Feng, a visiting scholar from Xiamen
University who is completing her PhD in
public administration at Western, was also
present at the International Student
Centre opening.
“We have already had great success with
community service learning at Western, and are
now ready to expand and develop this approach
in new ways,” says Western’s President Amit
Chakma. “This wonderful gift from RBC to
Western makes a difference by inspiring
community engagement and a global outlook
among our students, and by providing direct
benefit to the organizations they serve. As our
world changes, Western students will be there,
helping to lead that change.”
“At RBC, we believe we have a responsibility to
cultivate future leaders with a strong sense of
social responsibility” says Dave McKay, Group
Head, Canadian Banking, RBC. “We are confident
that our donation to The University of Western
Ontario will ensure that thousands of students
continue to support local non-profit and
charitable organizations.”
“Students have a phenomenal desire to
contribute to their communities. Service
learning promotes academic excellence, and
gives them real-world experiences that promote
personal and professional growth,” says Ivey
Dean Carol Stephenson.
“The Chu family are great people, great
visionaries,” said Feng. “They think about
more than themselves. They think about
the society, the country and the world.”
RBC provides personal and commercial banking,
wealth management services, insurance,
investment banking, and transaction processing
services on a global basis. As one of Canada’s
largest corporate donors, RBC supports a broad
range of community initiatives. In 2008, RBC
contributed more than $99 million to
community causes worldwide.
PROGRESS 2009/2010 AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2009
Arts and Humanities
Don Wright Faculty of Music
Health Sciences
Information & Media Studies
Mustang Athletics
Richard Ivey School of Business
Robarts Research Institute
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Social Science
Special Projects
Student Awards – University Wide
The Western Fund
Campus Wide Programs
31% $65,000,000
Gift Planning*
*Represents future commitments such as bequests or life insurance, realizations counted in the current/prior campaign activity by faculty.
This donation will support the new Community
Service Learning Program, facilitated through
Western, the Richard Ivey School of Business
and Huron University College. The program
extends the educational experience of students
beyond the classroom with real-life experience
in the community. RBC’s commitment will help
expand the program over the next 10 years, and
allow approximately 5,000 students each year to
take part in this new educational opportunity.
Western’s Faculty of Law recognized several
donors at the Richard H. McLaren Professorship
Gala on November 5 at the Hockey Hall of Fame
in Toronto, Ontario.
Professor Richard McLaren (left) and Jay Carfagnini (LLB’80), Partner at Goodmans LLP,
celebrate with other alumni and donors to The Richard H. McLaren Professorship in Business
Law, at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto.
Bill O’Reilly,
Managing Partner,
Davies Ward Phillips
& Vineberg, speaks
to the crowd at the
Richard H. McLaren
Professorship Gala
on November 5.
Sports reporter for CBC News and The National,
Tom Harrington (MA’81), was Master of
Ceremonies for the evening, where Davies LLP
who donated $300,000 to the Richard H.
McLaren Professorship in Business Law, and
Goodmans LLP who gave $100,000, were
recognized for their contributions. Several
other Western Law alumni and friends were
also thanked for their support of the
adjudicating body that oversees the
International Olympic Committee and the
International Sports Federation.
More than half of the $1.25-million goal for the
Richard H. McLaren Professorship in Business
Law has been raised to create a legacy of
scholarship, teaching, and research. The
Professorship will allow the Faculty of Law to
recruit a scholar of international standing in the
field of business law, with the responsibility of
contributing to the business law curriculum,
while also developing an independent research
program that will foster advanced scholarship
in the area of business law. This person will also
serve as an advisor to students conducting
research in business law.
The Richard H. McLaren Professorship in
Business Law honours one of Western’s finest
educators and enhances Western Law’s
“Richard McLaren embodies what we strive for
established strength and leadership in business at Western - he is an internationally recognized
law. McLaren has carved out a distinguished
leader in more than one field of law and he is a
and fascinating career as a professor who
life-long mentor to his students,” says Dean of
generates loyalty and sparks imagination and
Law, Ian Holloway. “It is thanks to the generosity
passion in his students. He is an internationally
of our donors to projects like this and many
recognized dispute resolution arbitrator and
others, that we will continue to grow our
author who has been involved in many high
strength in business law and nurture the next
profile cases. He has also been involved in the
generation of leaders.”
Alzheimer’s disease, the most common
form of dementia, is a progressive,
degenerative disease of the brain that
causes thinking and memory to become
seriously impaired. The result is changes in
abilities and/or behaviour that, once lost,
have not been recoverable. New research,
however, is suggesting that some
relearning may be possible.
A new website has launched to help raise the profile of Western’s $500-million
fundraising campaign. The new interactive site features short videos and other
information about fundraising priorities for each faculty and school. It also serves as a
source of news and information on campaign progress.
That’s why gifts like the $100,000 made to
Western by the Alzheimer Society London
and Middlesex make a difference.
Finger, a neurological expert, plans to
further her research in frontotemporal
dementia (FTD), a disorder characterized
by mid-life onset of severe dysfunction in
social behaviour and insight. FTD is a
devastating, progressive disease for which
there is no available cure, and arguably,
very few effective symptomatic treatments.
The central hypothesis of Finger’s research
is that administration of oxytocin will
improve emotional and social cognitive
deficits in patients with FTD, resulting in
improved decision-making and behaviour.
The local Alzheimer Society announced
that Dr. Elizabeth Finger, an assistant
professor in Clinical Neurological Sciences
at the Schulich School of Medicine &
Dentistry and a neurologist at London
Health Sciences Centre, is the recipient of
the Marion and Chester Fish Research
Grant. Worth up to $25,000 per year for
three years, the grant supports researchers
who address biomedical, psychological,
and/or social aspects of Alzheimer’s
disease and related dementias.
Two Alzheimer Society London and
Middlesex Graduate Awards, totaling
$25,000, have also been created. They will
be granted to graduate students who are
conducting research related to Alzheimer’s
disease in the Faculty of Social Science,
Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of
Science or the Schulich School of Medicine
& Dentistry (including Neuroscience). This
year’s recipients are Jordan Epstein from
the Faculty of Science and Andrea Lischka
from the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Assistant professor at
Schulich School of
Medicine & Dentistry,
Elizabeth Finger (left), has
been awarded a grant to
further her research in
frontotemporal dementia.
The grant was created
with a donation from the
Alzheimer Society London
and Middlesex. Executive
Director of Alzheimer
Society London and
Middlesex, Betsy Little
(right), also announced
the creation of two
graduate awards.
In conjunction with the new website, a national print advertising campaign is also now
appearing in Maclean’s, Canadian Business, EnRoute, Report on Business, Financial Post,
and Chatelaine.
“First and foremost, this is an awareness campaign designed to highlight Western’s
academic strengths and some of the remarkable stories emerging from our campus,”
says Acting Vice-President (External), Helen Connell. “We’re aiming to capture people’s
attention with some provocative questions and compelling images that illustrate how
Western is challenging conventional thinking and making a difference on a number
of fronts.
“Together with the ad campaign, the new website is a key part of a broader
communications strategy to illustrate how philanthropy is making a difference in
the world through its support of Western teaching and research,” adds Connell.
Visit the website at:
People: A priority is to support student
learning through engagement of gifted
and experienced faculty who will
effectively facilitate leading, teaching, and
research. Key position highlights include:
Western believes a significant investment
today will allow us to feed the industry
with exploration geologists equipped
with the knowledge, training, and skills
required to lead the way successfully and
responsibly. Therefore, The Department of
Earth Sciences has created The Initiative to
Enhance Economic and Energy Resource
• Chair in Petroleum Geology - Dr. Burns
Cheadle has taken on Associate Professor
and Chair duties of The Bill Bell Chair.
• Chair in Economic Geology - the
candidate for The Robert W. Hodder Chair
will be announced in the near future with a
start date of January 1, 2010.
• The Richard W. Hutchinson Visiting
Industrial Professor in Economic Geology Dr. John Armstrong is taking on this role.
Spaces & Facilities: More than $20 million
will go into refurbishing the BiologyGeology Building and enclosing the North
Campus Building to the ecosystems of the
Biotron; the creation of new laboratories
for GIS and Petrology; and building a
repository and museum. Other initiatives
• Practical experiences such as field
workshops in North America and abroad.
• Dedicated funds for on-site field schools.
• Clusters of field-based, ore deposit
researchers within the Department who
will attract more students at the
undergraduate and graduate levels.
Students: Western is focused on solidifying
its position as the place to go for Economic
and Energy Resource Geology. This
includes developing a 4-year professional
degree program, with a focus on fieldbased, industry relevant curriculum and an
expansion of field schools. The Initiative
will also focus on:
The University has shown its support for
this $41.7-million initiative by committing
$23.1 million. The remaining $18.6 million
will be raised through support from alumni,
industry and private partners.
• New courses in keeping with the ever
changing demands of the industry and
advancements in technology.
The Initiative will build upon strengths
within the Department paying homage to
those who came before as professors,
mentors and enthusiastic students. The
focus will be on exploration geology for
both soft rock and hard rock sectors,
ensuring we meet the needs of the mineral
resource sector.
• Scholarships and support for students.
This will ensure the best students from
around the globe choose to study with the
Department at Western. It also provides a
means for industry to partner in support of
• An accelerated Masters Program.
For more about how you can make a
difference to the Initiative to Enhance
Economic and Energy Resource Geology,
contact Paula Luchak at 519-661-2111, ext.
The Initiative is broken down into three
main areas: People, Spaces & Facilities and
Robert Hodder
Richard Hutchison
Western’s Faculty of Engineering is a leader in
power systems, and now students have a new
innovation lab where they can continue to learn
from Canada’s leading power systems faculty.
Donated by GE Digital Energy, this power systems
and communications lab will allow for hands-on
experience with the latest power system
protection and communications technology.
Many alumni and friends have chosen to add Western in their Wills, donate
gifts of life insurance or retirement benefits. By doing so, these donors
positively affect the next generation of Western students, faculty and
researchers, and through them, the community and world.
The GE Digital Energy Innovation Lab, in the
Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, opened November 18 and will be
used to improve the resiliency and
responsiveness of the electrical grid
and allow for greater connectivity
and increased security for utilities
and consumers.
support power and communication systems
education and research,” says Engineering Dean
Andrew Hrymak. “The Innovation Laboratory will
provide leading-edge equipment to further efforts
in smart grid and green energy technology areas
and support our internationally recognized faculty.”
Mitalkumar Kanabar, a PhD student working on a
project in collaboration with GE Digital Energy,
says the laboratory facilities will add value to the
graduate students’ research work by allowing them
to implement and test the developed innovative
ideas in the laboratory environment.
Since May 2009, a number of alumni and friends have made new or
increases to existing gifts in their Wills totaling more than $7.3 million in
future support for Western. These expectancies will benefit Western in the
following areas:
• Annual scholarships for students at the Don Wright Faculty of Music.
• The Ramsay Gunton Chair in Cardiology at the Schulich School of
Medicine & Dentistry. Focusing on research and education in cardiology,
the Chair will consolidate Western’s existing strengths in cardiologyrelated research.
• The Kathleen & Dr. Henry Barnett Chair in Stroke Research at
Robarts Research Institute. Support for the Chair will advance
the discovery of new prevention strategies and therapies for the
benefit of many patients.
The new high-tech equipment
(valued at $362,000) in the lab
includes protection relays,
substation communications
equipment, digital radios, test
switches, and monitoring and
diagnostics software.
• Clinical undergraduate awards for students in the Faculty of
Health Sciences.
Mohammad Reza Dadashzadeh, a Western Engineering post-doctoral
fellow, explains how the new equipment from GE Digital Energy will
Using the lab, students and
benefit researchers in power system protection and automation.
faculty will further their research
in advanced protection and
hardened communications systems, allowing them As one of the leading engineering programs in
to develop new tools and algorithms that will
Canada, Western is on the cutting edge of
result in smarter control and communications
protection engineering research, says Larry
technology, helping to create a smarter electrical
Sollecito, President & CEO, GE Digital Energy.
grid for tomorrow.
“ We know that this innovation lab will enable the
next generation of electrical engineers to ensure safe,
“ Western Engineering is very grateful for this
generous donation from GE Digital Energy to
reliable power for people around the world,” he says.
• Medical Undergraduate Awards for students at Schulich School
of Medicine & Dentistry.
• Highest priority needs funding in the Faculty of Arts
and Humanities.
A gift in your Will today will benefit Western’s campus
community for generations. For more information, contact
Hallie McClelland, Director of Development: Gift Planning
at 519-661-2111 ext. 85585 or
Economic and energy resource geology
contribute to our economic progress and
stabililty in Canada today, and will continue
to be a driving force in the future nationally
and globally.
The 1878 Societies, named for the year of Western’s founding, honour Western’s most generous
donors. The listing below recognizes individual members of the Societies who have given $25,000 or
more cumulatively, as well as corporations, foundations and associations that have given $100,000 or
more cumulatively.
In addition, the Helen M.B. Allison Legacies Society, Western’s gift planning program, recognizes
alumni, friends and members of the community who have made a commitment to Western’s future
through their Wills, life insurance policies and gifts of residual interest.
Many members of The 1878 Societies also make annual contributions to a variety of programs and
projects across the University. We would like to thank all members of The 1878 Societies for their
vision and leadership. We also wish to thank those donors who have chosen to remain anonymous.
This listing reflects membership in the Societies as of April 30, 2009.
The Lee Foundation
The London Free Press and Bowes Publishers
Maplesoft Inc.
Nortel Networks Limited
Olympia & York Properties Inc.
Ontario Women’s Health Council
Pharmacia & Upjohn Inc.
Physicians Services Inc. Foundation
Purchasing Management Association of Canada
R. Howard Webster Foundation
Rogers Communications Incorporated
Royal LePage Shelter Foundation
The Salamander Foundation
Siemens Canada Limited
T.R. Meighen Family Foundation,
Michael & Kelly Meighen
TD Waterhouse Group Inc.
Tim Hortons
The Whitaker Foundation
E.E. Braithwaite Society
Richard and Beryl Ivey Society
A.T. Little Society
N.C. James Society
Donors of $25,000,000 and more
Donors of $2,500,000-$4,999,999
Donors of $1,000,000-$2,499,999
Society named in honour of former Board
Chair and Chancellor Emeritus, Richard Ivey
and outstanding female philanthropist and
volunteer, The Late Beryl Ivey.
Society named in honour of Western’s longest
serving Chair of the Board of Governors from
Society named in honour of Western’s
first president from 1908-1914.
The Richard M. Ivey Family and the
Ivey Foundation
Seymour Schulich
The University of Western Ontario Students
University Students’ Council
Society of Graduate Students
MBA Student Association
Isaac Hellmuth Society
Donors of $10,000,000-$24,999,999
Society named in honour of Western’s first
Chancellor from 1878-1885.
Henry Cheng
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Sonia Labatt
The Corporation of the City of London
R.M. Meredith Society
Donors of $5,000,000-$9,999,999
Society named in honour of Western’s first
Chair of the Board of Governors from 1908-1914.
Mr. Aubrey Dan
The Late Dr. Beryl M. Ivey
Dr. Richard M. Ivey
The Lassonde Family Foundation
Compaq Canada Inc.
IBM Canada Ltd.
The Krembil Foundation
Law Foundation of Ontario
Merck Frosst Canada Inc.
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
RBC Foundation
The Richard and Jean Ivey Fund
Judith Rachel Harris
Paul and Carol Hill
The Late Mr. R. Jack Lawrence
Mr. Pierre L. Morrissette
Don Rix and The Late Eleanor Rix
Joseph and Sandra Rotman
Mrs. Marjorie Russell and The Late
Dr. Earl S. Russell
3M Canada Company
Associated Medical Services, Incorporated
BMO Financial Group
Bell Canada
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Divestco Inc.
General Motors of Canada Limited
Great West Life Assurance/London Life Insurance
Company/Power Corporation of Canada/
Canada Life
Hand and Upper Limb Centre Surgeons
Hydro One Networks Inc.
Imperial Oil Foundation
ING Bank of Canada
ING Direct USA
Microsoft Canada Corporation
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.
The Ontario Legal Aid Plan
Packard Bell NEC INC.
Paul and Lea Reichmann Foundation
PeopleSoft Canada Co.
R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation
Reuters Information Services (Canada) Ltd.
The Rotman Family Foundation
Sun Microsystems of Canada Inc.
TD Bank Financial Group
Mitchell and Kathryn Baran Family Foundation
Ralph M. Barford
Dr. Keith M. Barron
William Bell
Anne and Bill Brock
Alexander Chan
The David S. H. Chu Family
Brendan R. Clouston
The Crooks Family
The Late Mr. Glen W. Davis and Mrs. Mary Alice Davis
John and Mary Beth Drake
William Hodgins
Richard W. Ivey
Rosamond Ivey
Jennifer Ivey Bannock
Suzanne Ivey Cook
Dr. Donald K. Johnson
Richard H. Konrad
Mr. Paul R. MacPherson
Lori and Eugene Melnyk
Dr. Katherine L. Morrison
David Patchell-Evans, Good Life Fitness Clubs
G. Scott Paterson
Mr. C. John Schumacher
John A. Schweitzer
John and Melinda Thompson
Donald L. Triggs
Graham and Gale Wright
Albert and Temmy Latner Family Foundation
The Blackburn Group Inc.
Canadian Diabetes Association
Canadian Tire Corporation Limited
CanWest Global Foundation
Corus Entertainment Inc.
Donner Canadian Foundation
E. I. du Pont Canada Company
The EJLB Foundation
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited
GE Healthcare Canada
Nortel Networks Limited
GlaxoSmithKline Canada Inc.
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
IonSpec Corporation
The Joe Weider Foundation
J.P. Bickell Foundation (National Trust Co. Trustee)
The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation
Labatt Breweries of Canada
“We are a science-based company and
understand the need to develop the youth and
spark their interest in pursuing careers in
science, mathematics and technology. We feel
very strongly that it is our corporate obligation
to support these efforts and with Western we
recognize they have the ability to promote and
run successful programs toward that end.”
Mónica Samper
President of Imperial Oil Foundation
A.T. Little Society
Mónica Samper, President of Imperial Oil Foundation
(left) and Jennifer Hinton, Faculty of Engineering
Summer Academy Coordinator visit the Mechatronics &
Robotics Lab in the Faculty of Engineering.
Donors of $500,000-$999,999
Society named in honour of Western’s
second president from 1914-1919.
John and Dotsa Bitove Family
Jacqueline Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Grant & Alice Burton
The Late Dr. W. Glenn Campbell
Jack and Sharon Cowin
G. Mark Curry
Mr. Stephen Dattels
J. W. Lynn Fordham
William H. Fuller
Mr. Aaron Gestetner
Peter and Shelagh Godsoe Family Foundation
Nona Heaslip and The Late William Heaslip
Donald K. Jackson
Donna and Michael Kanovsky
David Kassie & Susan Harris
Arkadi Kuhlmann
Allan and Donna Lansing
Fraser D. Latta
Jon and Nancy Love Foundation
Anne McKenzie and The Late Bill McKenzie
Brenda and David Murphy
Paul and Lea Reichmann
Dr. Cecil and Mrs. Linda Rorabeck
Richard Sala
Richard J. Schmeelk
Larry A. Shaw
William Shurniak
Don Smith
Andrew and Helen Spriet
George B. Turnbull and The Late Mary Turnbull
Fred and Linda Waks
Mr. Lionel Weber
David and Ina Weldon
Atkinson Charitable Foundation
Canadian Friends-Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Canadian Pacific
Canon Business Solutions Canada Inc.
C.H. Stiller Memorial Foundation
Cisco Systems Canada Co.
CMA Ontario
CPI Canada Inc.
Dofasco Inc.
Ernst & Young
Geologic Systems Ltd.
Georges Lachapelle Fund
H.S. Management Property Co. Ltd.
Imperial Life Financial Company
Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited
Insurance Bureau of Canada
Ivey Alumni Association Toronto Chapter
J. Armand Bombardier Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Kraft Canada Inc.
The Kresge Foundation
LGS Group Inc.
MacLean Hunter Publishing Limited
Manulife Financial
Max Bell Foundation
Nobel Biocare Canada
Novo Nordisk Canada Inc.
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
The Oticon Foundation
Pfizer Canada Inc.
The Plunkett Foundation
Sanofi Aventis Canada Inc.
SGI Canada
Shaw Communications
Starkey Canada
Straumann Canada Limited
Suncor Energy Inc.
TD Canada Trust
Torys LLP
The W. Garfield Weston Foundation
A. Peache Society
Donors of $250,000-$499,999
Society named in honour of Western’s
second Chancellor from 1885-1900.
John Adamson
C. Jane Banfield and The Late Dr. Robert H. Haynes
Robert and Donna Bourne
Robert V. Brouillard
Andrew Chisholm
Barry E. Cunningham
Daniel & Leonard Drimmer
Bill and Barbara Etherington
Margaret and Jim Fleck
Dr. and Mrs. Geno F. Francolini
Margaret and Robert Frewin Award
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Herzig
Nora A. Jeffery and Family
Dr. William and Mrs. Katharine Kostuk
Claude Laberge
Louis Lagassé
Mr. Daniel Lam
Dr. Carolynn Lund-Mead
Stephen D. McDonald
Jean C. Monty
Bruce H. Reid
Dr. Loretta Rogers and The Late Ted Rogers
Richard E. Rooney
W. Keith Smith
Mr. Lawrence G. Tapp
Bud and Joanne Taylor
Jim and Beverly Thompson
Arnim K.A. Walter
The David and Ina Weldon Family
Mary J. Wright
Mr. David Wu, The London Athletic Clubs
Altera Corporation
Alzheimer Society of London Middlesex
The Asper Foundation
AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
BCE Inc.
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Canada Trustco Mortgage Co.
Coca-Cola Beverages Ltd.
Columbia Sportswear Canada
Conn Smythe Foundation
Corel Corporation
Counselling Foundation of Canada
County of Middlesex
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Dell Canada
Eli Lilly Canada Inc.
EllisDon Construction Ltd.
EMCO Limited
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
GE Canada
George Weston Limited
Harold Crabtree Foundation
The Henry White Kinnear Foundation
HSBC Bank Canada
Inco Limited
Investor Education Fund
Isomass Scientific Inc.
The John Dobson Foundation
London Community Foundation
London Music Scholarship Foundation
The Lyle Shantz Hallman Charitable Foundation
Magna International Inc.
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
McMillan LLP
MDS Inc.
The Molson Foundation
The Perrier Group of Canada Ltd.
Photon Technology International Inc.
Platform Computing
Procter & Gamble Inc.
Public Service Alliance of Canada
Ramius Corporation
Rogers Cable Inc.
Roman Corporation Limited
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation
Shell Canada Products Limited
Siemens Hearing Instruments
Stelco Inc.
Sun Life Financial
Syncrude Canada Ltd.
Thermo CRS Ltd.
TransCanada Corp.
Valleydene Corporation Limited
The Walter J. Blackburn Foundation
Waters Limited
Xerox Canada Ltd.
W. Sherwood Fox Society
Donors of $100,000-$249,999
Society named in honour of Western’s
third president from 1927-1947.
Abitibi-Price Incorporated
Adobe Systems Canada Inc.
Air Canada
Alcan Inc.
Algoma Steel Inc.
Angiotech Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Argosy Hearing Solutions
The Audrey & Donald Campbell Foundation
Bain & Company Canada
Basics Office Products
Baton Broadcasting Incorporated
Beltone Electronics of Canada Ltd.
Bernard & Norton Wolf Family Foundation
Biogen Idec Canada
Biovail Pharmaceuticals Canada
Birks Family Foundation
Blue Circle Canada Inc.
The Boat Store Inc.
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
The Boston Consulting Group
Brasseler USA
Burgundy Asset Management Limited
Business Families Foundation
Cadillac Fairview
Campbell Soup Company Ltd.
Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Canadian Institute of Steel Construction
Ontario Region
Canadian Women’s Foundation
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
Charles H. Ivey Foundation
Ciba-Geigy Canada Ltd.
Citibank Canada
Citigroup Foundation
Cohen Highley LLP
Conor Pacific Environmental Technologies Inc.
The Corporation of the City of London on behalf of
the London 2004 Ontario Winter and
Summer Games
The Corporation of the City of Woodstock
County of Elgin
County of Oxford
Crown Life Insurance Company
CTBR Bio-Research Inc.
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Dentsply Canada Ltd.
Dow Chemical Canada Inc.
Drake Goodwin Corporation
Edco Management Ltd
EK3 Technologies Inc.
Epson Canada Limited
ERA Foundation
Export Development Canada
Fidia Pharmaceutical Corporation
George Cedric Metcalf Foundation
Gilead Sciences Canada Inc.
The Globe and Mail
GN Otometrics
Goodmans LLP
Green Shield Canada Foundation
Gulf Canada Resources Limited
Hal Jackman Foundation
Harris Steel Ltd.
Harry E. Foster Foundation
Harry Rosen Inc.
HBA Association
Hilton London
Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation
Hudson’s Bay Company
Husky Injection Molding System
Imasco Limited
IMI International Medical Innovations Inc.
Institutional Cooperation & Development Services
International Development Research Centre
International Lead Zinc Research Org., Inc.
IS Retail Inc.
The Jarislowsky Foundation
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International
Kellogg Canada Inc.
Kiwanis Club of Ridgetown
The KPMG Foundation
Lafarge Canada Inc.
Laidlaw Foundation
Landmark Communications Foundation
Lanxess Inc.
Lerners LLP
London Conference United Church Women
Mandel Scientific Company
Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
Masonville Place
The Maurice Price Foundation
McColl-Frontenac Inc.
McKinsey & Company
The McLean Foundation
The Medics Group
Memorial Funeral Services Cooperative of
London and District
Merrill Lynch
Mical Equities Limited
Molson Inc.
Multi-Media Images
National Bank Financial
Natrel Inc.
Nelson Davis Trust Fund
Nesbitt Burns Inc.
Nestle Ice Cream Canada
Newalta Corporation
Nickle Family Foundation
Nicolaas & Regina Veenboer Foundation
Noranda Inc.
Norcen Energy Resources Limited
Norman & Margaret Jewison Charitable Foundation
NOVA Chemicals Corporation
Old Oak Properties Inc.
Ontario District Association of Chapters of SPEBSQSA
Ontario Medical Association
Orion Software Systems Ltd.
Oxford Learning Centres
Paul & Louise Johnson Foundation
Pelmorex Inc.
Phonak Canada
Picchio International Inc.
Pizza Pizza
Pollock NationaLease
Pow Laboratories Inc.
Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc.
Praxair Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Protek Systems
QNX Software Systems
The Rea Family Foundation Fund
Reader’s Digest Foundation of Canada
RBC Capital Markets
Rio Algom Limited
The Rockefeller Foundation
Ron Joyce Foundation
Rotary Club of Port Elgin
Royal Arch Masons of Ontario
Royal College Dental Surgeons
Royal Trust Corporation of Canada
RTDS Technologies Inc.
The Schmeelk Canada Foundation
S.C. Johnson & Son Limited
S M Blair Family Foundation
Sears Canada Charitable Foundation
Shaw Foundation
Smith & Nephew Richards
Southam Inc.
Station Park All Suite Hotel
Sunstar Inc.
Telus Mobility Inc.
The Thomson Group
Toronto Blue Jays Charitable Foundation
Total Network Solutions
Tremayne-Lloyd Partners LLP
Trojan Technologies
TSX Group
Tulsa Dental
Union Gas Limited
UWO Senior Alumni Program
Warner Home Video
Wittington Investments, Limited
YMCA-YWCA of London, Woodstock & St. Thomas
C.R. Somerville Society
Donors of $50,000-$99,999
Society named in honour of Western’s second
Chair of the Board of Governors from 1914-1919.
Betsy and Sheldon Aaron
Elaine J. Adair
Mr. Wayne D. Adlam
Dr. and Mrs. Alan K. Adlington
Ian Aitken HBA ‘87
Mr. and Mrs. Sam and Ruth Drake Alloway
Guy Amireault
Donald Archibald
Ross and Yvonne Archibald
Stephen and Sandra Assaly
Muriel and Eric Atkinson
Mr. Alfred Avanessy
Walter R. Badun
Robert and Mona Bandeen
Mr. Brett E.B. Barakett
W. Geoff Beattie
Paul and Kaye Beeston
Egon and Carol Beiler
Mr. and Mrs. Leif and Karen Benner
Dr. Dietmar and Dr. Heidi Berger
Dr. Elaine Bjorklund Philbrick
Mr. Stanley Borenstein
Mr. Tom Bradley and Ms Lori Lothian
Dr. Francesco Braga
John Bragg
Netta Brandon
Murray and Judy Bryant
The Honourable J. Judd Buchanan
David and Vivian Campbell
Jay A. Carfagnini and Karen E. Trimble
Mr. James Carson
Dr. Joseph L. Chin
Shody Chow
Sylvia D. Chrominska
Eleanor R. Clitheroe
The Berdie and Irvin Cohen Fund for Doctoral and
Business Scholarships
Bob and Mary Fay Colcleugh
Murray E. Coultes
John and Arlene Cram Family
David and Mavis Crawford
Mr. Purdy H. Crawford
Robert D. Crockford
Carolyn M.H. Cross
Kenneth D. Cross
Mr. Patrick G. C. Crowley
Zoë Curnoe
Richard J. Currie
Donald I. Darroch and Sandra L. Wood
Dash for Diabetes - Team CDN
Tim Dattels & Kristine Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William and Cecilia Davies
Jill Denham and Stephen Marshall
Daniel A. Devlin
Bill Di Nardo
Camillo Di Prata
Elizabeth Dillon and The Estate of Richard Dillon
Jeff and Sue Dossett
Charlie Fairbank
Jack and Peg Fairs
Kirsten J. Feldman
Roly and Ann Fenwick
Dr. and Mrs. Gary G. Ferguson
Robert E. Ferguson
John and Sabine Findlay
Brian and Patricia Flood
Pete and Libby Fowler
Barbara Fraser
Dr. Lillian Fuller
Christopher Gaffney
Bruce R. Gall
James and Pamela Gallagher
Stewart P. Geddes
Dr. Douglas E. Gerber
Dr. C.R. Giddings and Mrs. Florence Giddings
Christopher Goodwin
Mr. Serge Gouin
Miss Muriel Grant
Sheldon Greenspan
Janet C. Griffin
George and Helen Guthrie
Mr. Edward Glenn Hadden
Mr. R. Keith Harfield
Dr. M. Daria Haust
Brian D. Heald
Hindmarsh Family
Timothy D. Hockey
David C. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Michelle Hopper
James L. and Heather A. T. Hunter
Ian Ihnatowycz and Marta Witer
John G.W. Inch
Larry and Patricia Innanen
J. David Jackson
Frank Jacobs
Lyse and Dieter Jahnke
Dr. Gordon Jasey
Gillian Johnston
Dr. and Mrs. Donald and Christina Jolly
Y. L. John Kao
Mr. Edward J. Kernaghan
Robert A.H. Kinch
Dr. Alan Kwong Hing and Dr. Matthew Karavos
Dr. Andrew Kuchtaruk
Donald G. Lang
Jim Leech and Deborah Barrett
Madeline Lennon
Jeffrey Lipson
Robert and Amanda Litchfield
The Late Lucy Little
Karen G. Livick
Robert W. Luba
Terry A. Lyons
Mr. James F. MacAulay
John A. and LuAnne MacDonald
Steven and Karen MacDonald
Tim and Michelle MacDonald
Fred and Emmy MacLachlan
Natalie MacLean and Andrew Waitman
William J. MacLeod
Mr. R. Kelly Mancari
Chris and Carolyn Matthews
Mr. Donald Matthews
Joseph M. Maylor and Frances L. Maylor
Craig P. Mayor, General Atlantic Group Ltd.
David and Marg McCann
Paul McCrea and Lynne McCrea
Donald and Marion McDougall
Mrs. Marion McDougall
Robert G. McFarlane
Hugh D. McKellar
Jean McKenzie and The Late Angus McKenzie
Mark R. McQueen
Ted Medland
Patrick B. and Michelle C. Meneley
Marjorie Stevenson Miller
Paul J.D. Miller
Dr. Paul and Mrs. Barbara Milos
Philip Mohtadi
Mr. Philip F.D. Moorcroft
John Moore and Christine Cromarty
Robert G.E. Murray
The Nash Family
The Dr. Max Taylor Nathan Family
Mr. Lloyd R. Needham
Mr. Archibald J. Nesbitt
Mr. Wilfred Ng
Ella Norton and The Late James Hall Norton
Robert and Alexandra Nourse
Dr. Richard J. Novick
Gilles G. G. Ouellette
William R. Poole and Nancy Geddes Poole
Edwin R. Procunier
Mr. and Mrs. Norm and Sharon Puhl
Dipak K. Rastogi
Dr. Peter A. Rechnitzer
Mr. Jeff Regan, in memory of Dr. Suzanne Bernier, PhD
Dr. Grant L. Reuber
Mr. J. Alexander Richards
Mr. John D Richardson
D. Jane Riddell
Pierre Rivard
Mr. and Mrs. E. Robinson
In Honour of Dr. John Robinson
Dr. Martin L. Robinson
Thelma Rosner
Charles and Seanna Ross
Gretchen and Donald Ross
Carl and Agnes Santoni
Sapunjis Family
Alan G. Sellery
Peter Sharpe
Mrs. Barbara Simmons and The Late
Dr. Ralph G. Simmons
Mrs. Judith Soltys
Douglas E. Speers
Mr. and Mrs. Janis and Lilija Strauts
Ms Barbara G. Stymiest
Arthur H. Sussman
Rosslyn Kelly Swanson
Robert Taylor
Mr. Emil Telizyn
Mr. Bill Teng
Patrick and Muriel Thibert
Paul and Penny Thomas
Mr. Darren E. Thompson
Mr. Wesley D. Thompson
Mrs. D. Maxine Thomson
Mr. Merle R. Tingley
Mr. Fred Tomczyk
Mr. David Torontow
Gwen Anders and The Late Ben Anders
Tom Bailey
Thomas K. Barber
Dr. H.J.M. and Kathleen Barnett
Nadine M. Beacock and The Late E. Stanley Beacock
E. Scott Beattie
Guy and Carol Belisle, Tornado Insulation Limited
Mr. Tom Benner and Ms Pauline F. McHenry
John and Zena Besterd
Stephen, Peter, Susan, Douglas and Patrick Beynon
Betty and Bruce Birmingham
William Blair
Dr. Bennie A. Bradshaw
Mr. David Braley
Tom and Sandra Brent
Mr. Ron Bresler
Mr. Jim L. Brook
David R. Campbell
Laurie Campbell
Pierre Chamberland
C.Y. Alexis Cheng
Perry Barrio-Garay Clouston and John Clouston
Audrey Cobban and The Late Delmar Cobban
Kevin J. Comeau
Lionel K. and Judi Conacher
David and Marilyn Conklin
Scott and Allison Cooper
George A. Cope
Mr. David W. Cornhill
Dr. Robert M. Cory
Stephen R. Coxford
Mrs. Pat Cuddy and The Late A.M. Cuddy
Mr. James B. Cumming
John R. Currie, HBA 60
Dan Family
Duncan de Kergommeaux
Barry A. Deathe
Jeanne Deinum
Sue and Perry Dellelce
Lisa and Darin Deschamps
France and André Desmarais
William M. Edgar
Dorothy J. Emery
Ruth Ferguson and The Late Malcolm Ferguson
Mrs. Marilynne F. Fuller
The Late Bob Gage
The Gilmour Family/Endla and John Gilmour
James and Eva Good Good Foundation Inc.
The William and Nesta Gordon Family
Robert J. Gorman
Mr. Donald P. Gracey
Peter Gudewill, Nick Gudewill, Sam Gudewill and
Geoff Gudewill
Dr. Lewis W. and Barbara Hersey
Edwin A. and Judite Holder
Lonsdale Holland
Tom and Verna Howard
Mr. Colin L. Hubling
A. Margaret Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff and Diane James
Arlene Kennedy
Gerald L. Knowlton
Chantal Laberge
The Late Campbell T. Lamont
Alain Lamoureux
Nicole and Gilles Lamoureux
Dr. Henry J. Lapointe
Mr. Pierre Lapointe
Christian and Jennifer Lassonde
Mr. S.W. Eddie Law
Dr. Michiel R. Leenders
Simon Leung
Stephen D. Lister
Gordon Love
Mrs. Marjorie Lyons Colling
Jack H. Matthews
Peter C. Maurice
Dr. W.E. Barry and Helene Mayo
Wallace, Scott and Michael McCain
Ron McCullough and The Late Lilian McCullough
James and Brenda McCutcheon
Mrs. Ruth L. McFeat
Joan and Don McGeachy
Dr. W. Darcy McKeough
Mr. James F. Miles
Eileen S. Miller
Elizabeth Moore and The Late Jake Moore
Mr. John Mulvihill
Keith and Mona Munro
Glenn Murphy
The Family of Leonard and Dorothy Neal
Mr. Michael J. Needham
Linda Netten and Timothy Hodgson
Kevin & Linda O’Leary
Jeffrey Orr and Suzanne Legge
B. Jeffrey Parr and Clairvest Group Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred L.M. Pattison
Jim Pattison
Michael and Margot Phair/Phair Family Foundation
Miss Jane Plas
Robert Poirier
Mr. Pierre Pomerleau
C. James Prieur
The Purchase Family
Harry and Evelyn Rosen
Randy B.M. Royer
Paul Sabourin
Kishore K. Sakhrani
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Sawyer
John Schucht
Mr. Joseph A. Scott
The Family of Ruth and Aryeh Segall z”l
Joseph C. Shlesinger
Lorraine Shuttleworth
John & Maria Simpson
Shelly and Robert Siskind
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B.T. Skelton
H. Marie Smibert
Mr. and Mrs. Ley S. and Lois M. Smith
Carol M. Stephenson
Mr. Kevin Sullivan
Mr. Bruce A. Sully
Howard and Diane and Lindsey Taylor
Barb and Jens Thielsen
Gordon and Louise Thompson
John and Patricia Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John and Dorothy Tiedje
Eric C. Tripp
Kathleen and Bill Troost
Heather and Whit Tucker
Mr. Serge Turko
Hank and Anne Vander Laan
Mario Vello Golf Tournament
Mr. and Mrs. F. Peter von Muralt-Lo
Anthony Vysniauskas
Dr. Dennis M. Walker
Mr. Dale E. Wallster
John E. and Helen M. Walsh
Mrs. Sheldon H. Weinstein
Mr. Tom Whealy
James L. Whitby
Bill and Gale White
Chuck and Libby Winograd
Mr. and Mrs. John F. and Barbara Wood
Ross and Marion Woodman
James Worrall
Ronald and Judy Yamada
“I give to Western because exciting and
challenging programs benefit from this
support and it expands student choice in
excellent areas of study. As a faculty member,
I am always aware of the difference additional
funding can make to our students, and I am
passionate about creating opportunities to
inspire student intellectuals.”
Madeline Lennon
Western Professor Emeritus
C.R. Somerville Society
Flora and Ian Tripp
Mr. Randy Turner
Dr. Irene Uchida
Mr. Uldis Upitis
Anthony von Mandl
David J. Walker
Dr. Simon Weinberg
Mr. Mark R. Wellings
The Westeinde Family
Mr. M. Wexler
Ms Margot E White
Mr. Judson D. Whiteside
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Willits
Dr. Terrance M. Witzu
Professors Albert R. and Vivian Wood
Larry and Jessie Wynant
Mrs. Cecilia Yau
The Zaifman Family
G. Edward Hall Society
Donors of $25,000-$49,999
Society named in honour of Western’s
fourth president from 1947-1967.
Stephen N. Adams Q.C. and Linda Adams
Dr. and Mrs. Larry M. Agranove
John Akkerman
Ned and Alison Amendola
William D. Anderson
G. F. Kym Anthony
David Anyon
Dr. Jerrold Armstrong and Mrs. Laurie Bruvall
Dr. and Mrs. George and Maria Arvanitis
Barbara Astman
Bruce C. Barker
David and Susan Barnes
Andrew W. Barnicke
Dr. F. Michael Bartlett
Dr. Paul W. Beamish
Diana J. Beattie
Helmut J. Becker
Jalynn H. Bennett
Mr. Robert G. Bertram
James and Ann Bertrand
Mr. James D. Best
The Besterd Family
Asha Bhardwaj
Mr. Lyle B. Blair
Vivian and Douglas Bocking
Bourne Family Trust of the London
Community Foundation
Margaret Bowie and The Late George Bowie
Andre M. Boysen
Lloyd W. Bracewell
Douglas G. Brock
James Brodeur
David and Karen Brown
The Family of Dr. E. Earle Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell and Amy Brown
Dr. Jerrold Armstrong and Mrs. Laurie Bruvall
Robert Buck and The Late Carol Buck
Bruce C. Burgess
Stewart C. Burton
Mr. Perry Caicco
Cameron H. Calder
Mr. David B. Campbell
Christopher L.B. Canny
Margaret and James P. Carr
Dr. and Mrs. Serge and Irene L. Carriere
The Carroll Family
Dr. Lois Champion
Dr. Graham W. Chance
W. John Charman
Earl A. Cherniak, Q.C.
S.K. Wilson Choy
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Cieslak
C. David Clark
Greig and Carolyn Clark
Mr. Mike J. Clark
Mr. W. Edmund Clark
Ronald G. Close
Phyllis and Alan Cohen
Mr. Daniel R. Coholan
Ottavio and Patricia Colosimo
John and Gloria Connelly
Mr. Robert and Dr. Catherine Copeland
Leroy Coulthard
Patricia N. Courtright
John D. Crabb
Dr. Robert H. Cram
Crich Holding and Buildings Ltd.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Cronin
Mark L. Cullen
Mr. Galen Curnoe
Dr. William S.A. Dale and Mrs. Jane Dale
Dan Dalton
Michael Bernstein and Nan Dasgupta
Paul and Josette Davenport
Gail Ann Delaney
Dr. Liliane Delaquerrière Richardson and Professor
R. Alan Richardson
George S. Dembroski
Mr. Steven W. Dengler
Mrs. Kathryn Densmore
Dr. John Denstedt
Steve Dent and Janet Maclaren
Marnie Denyes, Elizabeth McInnis, Kate McInnis
and Sara McInnis
Mr. Paul W. Derksen
Paul G. Desmarais
Dr. G. Murray Dewis
Ms Karen Dewis
Stephen M. Dewis
Mr. Navjeet Dhillon
Dino A. DiCienzo
Douglas K. Dittmer
Stan Dragland
Dr. Wesley J. Dunn
Michael Durham
Merrill W. and Barbara L. Edmonds
Laura Elias and The Late Norman Elias
Izzeldin A. Elkhazin
Dr. Robert W. Elliott & Dr. Francine M. Lo
James and Marianne Emmerton
Mrs. Shirleyan English
Rhys T. Eyton
Dr. Robert O. Farley and Mrs. Lois C. (Fulton) Farley
Terry and Peter Farmer
Mr. William Feldzamen
Hillel M. Finestone
Mr. John R. Finlay
John L. Finnigan
Mr. and Dr. Jeff and Lisa Fischer & Family
The Flynn Family and Friends, in Memory of
Ailbe C. Flynn, LLB’97
James E. Fordyce
Ian and Barbara Fraser
Dr. William H. French
Steven Yaron Garmaise
Joyce C. Garnett
Ted Garrard
Dr. Brian and Mrs. J. Evans
Drs. Dawn and Robert Giffin
Mr. David Gillies
David and Beth Girvan
Ms Maria Zora Gitta
Jeffrey L. Glass
Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Gonder and
Mr. and Mrs. N.G. Burdick
Gerald I. Gonser
Nikolai Gourianov
Dr. D. Michael Grace
Mr. Alexander E. Graham
David R. Grant
Brian K. Grasmuck
Drs. Donna and Jeffrey Green and Family
Paul Greenberg and Marla Choslovsky
Harold A. Gretzinger
Peter Grosskopf
Edward J. Gudaitis
Douglas G. Gunn Q.C.
Douglas Guzman and Sheila Brown
Bill Haight and The Late Helen Haight
Colonel Ian M. Haldane
Mr. Jean-René Haldé
Jon Hall
Keith R. Halpenny
Gavin and Beatrice Hamilton
Joan Hamilton
Michael and Irena Hamilton
Dr. Robert R. Hansebout
Dr. Lesli Hapak and Dr. Tim McManus
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. J. Harrigan
Dr. K.A. Harris
Professor G.C. Hay
Daniel B. Hebert
Dr. Ted Hewitt and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Hicks
Rona J.E. Hickson
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Holliday
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Hooper
Tony J. Horak
Susan and Steven Horvath
Robert and Velma Howie
Mrs. Jane Howlett
Mr. Horst E. Hueniken
Miss Tineke Huiting
Dr. Sarah Hulland
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Humphrey
Elspeth Fordyce Humphries
Mr. John S. Hunkin
John L. Hunter
Dr. Lawrence N. Hurst
Dr. Richard Inculet
Mr. Douglas G. Irwin and Mrs. Margot M. Jones
Cam and Randi Ivey
Boris J. Jackman
Terry A. Jackson
Ellis Jacob and Family
Raj K. Jain and Dr. Sushil K. Jain
William J. Jandrisits
Dr. Alfred Jay
Katharyn Jefferies Karrys
Mrs. Sally Jenkins and Dr. Gibb McGugan
Morris R.F. Jenner
Catherine Jensen
Mr. Michael P. Johnson
David & Carol Johnston
Brian R. Jones and Karen L. Weaver-Jones
Douglas and Diane Jones
Ms Margot M. Jones
Stephen Kaganov
Peter J. Karrys
John C.E. and Suzanne Kaufmann
Patrick and Barbara Keenan
The Honourable John C. and Terri Kennedy
Peter J. Kenny
Richard L. Knowles
Murray and Marvelle Koffler
Dr. Stan Kogon
Dr. Geoffrey Kwitko
Marisa Kwok
Dr. Peter Kyle
Louise-Marie Laberge
Dr. Michel Lacerte
David and Antje Laidler
Douglas M. Lambert
Mr. Claude R. Lamoureux
Christopher H. Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Guy N. Launay
Barbara L. Legate
Suzanne Legge and R. Jeffrey Orr
Dr. and Mrs. Charles and Carla Lin
Tom and Betty-Anne Lindsay
Anthony and Betsy Little
Clive O. Llewellyn
Dr. Robert W. Elliott and Dr. Francine M. Lo
Franklin D.Y. Lo
Thomas A. Logan
David K. Lowry
Tim Lukenda
John A. Lusk
Dr. Brian Lyttle
Don MacDonald
W. Allan MacEwen
Donald and Leone Macnamara
Christine A. Magee
Peter T. Main
Mr. Peter J. Martin
Oleh Maryniak
Mrs. Lara Masur-Leitch
David L. Mayhew
Ms Armandina Maziarczyk
Carol McAulay
Ms Rosemarie McClean
Mr. and Mrs. B.C. McConville
Mrs. Pat McFarlane and The Late
Robert M. McFarlane
Raymond L. McFeetors
Doug McGregor
Timothy McGuire
James G. McKee
Roy and Ann McKenzie
Roderick M. McQueen
James R. McSherry
Dr. G. Edgar Meads
L. Jacques Menard
Dr. Alan and Mrs. Karen Menkis
Glenn A. Miller
Dr. Thomas Miller
Lawrence and Nancy Mok
Gwyer Moore and Diane Arsenault
John Moore
Sarah Morgenstern and Todd Hargarten
Mrs. Florine Morrison
Catherine Morrissey
Gary and Karen Mottershead
Dr. Dwight Moulin
Sean C.V. Mullin
Mr. J. Dean Muncaster
Wendy Murdock
Dr. Michael F. Murphy
Dr. Douglas W. Muzyka
Dr. M.L. Myers
Robert Nash
Paul J. Nathanielsz
Dr. Tatiana Nazirova
Dr. Emilie Newell
Fiona E. Nisbet and John C. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Noon
Marjorie North and The Late Albert K. North
Dr. and Mrs. Brent and Julie Norton
Mrs. Marion O’Donnell and Family
Larry and Theresa Oehm
Robert C. Olsen
Allan Olson
Alberta O’Neil
Michael Ostro
Mr. N. Paine and Ms S. Bent
Mrs. Ina Pakkert Migneron
Dr. Manu Panwar
Madeleine Paquin
John C. Park and Family
Jay R. Parr
Ms Debra Parr-Nash
Bob Paterson and Pat Jentz
Nigel and Diane Paterson
Dr. Carlo G. Pavan
Gerald and Deborah Pedros
Clarence and Marie Peterson
Neil & Leanne Petroff
Lee Alexander Pettigrew
Paul K. Pew
Mr. Michael Phelps
Ron A. Plashkes
Professor Howard N. Plotkin
Dr. Patrick J. Potter
Ross Pritchard and The Late Audrey Brown Pritchard
Christine J. Prudham
Mr. Michael W. Pun
Dr. James H. Purvis
Anton R. Rabie
Mrs. Cecil A. Rabinovitch
Dr. Steve Radin and Bradley Radin
Malcolm Rains
Chellappa and Bhama Rajgopal
David and Tasha Rawlings
Robert S. Rawlings
Douglas M. Reid
W. Donald Reid
Donald G. Rice
Robert F. Richards
Jean Paul Rivard
Russel C. Robertson
James C. V. and Lisanne Rogers
Tevya Rosenberg
Martha and Dan Ross
Mrs. Jean Roth
Bruce and Lisa Rothney
Mr. John A. Rothschild
Jeffrey Rubinoff
Jan A. Ruby
Mr. Steven A. Rucchin
Mr. Charles F. Ruigrok
Pete Samson and Cathy Williamson
Dr. Harinder Sandhu and Harpreet Sandhu
Lawrie Savage
Mr. Ron Schmeichel
Gary S. Segal
The Late Dr. Leonard Shankman and Nettie Shankman
C. Richard Sharpe
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Sharpe
Heather A. Shaw
Donald Sheldon
Dr. Meboob Sidhu
Peter Simon
Duncan W. Sinclair M.D.
Alastair W. Sloan
Mr. John F. Sloan
Dr. and Mrs. Eddy F.M. Smet
Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Cathy Smith
Bob Solomon
Mr. David G. Southen
Mrs. Gail Stark
Barry and Martha Steers
David J. Stenason
Richard Stephenson
Peter Sucharda and C. Devine
Priscilla Shih-Hwa Suffel
Stephen A. Suske
Terrance and Thecla Sweeney
Dr. David and Margaret Anne Sylvester
Dr. Nabil Tabbara and Mrs. Julia Tabbara
Richard and Glenna Talbot
The Tamblyn Family
Lawrence Tanenbaum
Donald Tapscott and Ana Lopes
Dr. Brian Taylor
Karen J. Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Robert and Stella Teasell
Michael G. Tevlin
Margaret Thielsen
Martin and Suzanne Thrasher
Tracey Tremayne-Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Turmel
The Barbara Turnbull Foundation for
SpinalCord Research
The Turnbull Family in memory of The Late
Mary E. (Gregory) Turnbull, BA’48
Wesley R. Twiss
Dr. John E.A. Tyson
Mark Uhrynuk
Mary and Barry Ullett
Tony Urquhart
Ronald and Mary Jane Van Horne
John and Theresa Vander Hoeven
Ben Varadi
Dr. Catherine Vetrano
Dr. Paul Vezina
Bernice Vincent
Dr. Donald I. Wakeham
Colin and Julie Walker
L. Jean Walker
William and Diane Wall
Timothy, Deborah and Jeffrey Wallace
Mr. Bjorn Walter
Ms Nadia J. Walter
Dr. Robert L. Walters
Mr. Roger Wang
D. James Watkinson Q.C.
Seng Wee Lee
Douglas Weldon
Michael and Annette White
Mr. Tim Wiggan
Joseph P. and Averil Wiley
Mr. Jeff Willmore
Andrew and Nancy Wiswell
Ms Lara Witter and Mr. Curt Sigfstead
David Tat-Kee Wong and Family
Donald P. Woodley
Dr. C. Allan Woolever
David J. Wright
Ms Jean Wuensch
Lincoln Yu
Ming-Kong Yu
Dr. Sek-Cheung Yuen
John D. M. Zechner
Edward Zelenak
Helen M.B. Allison Legacies Society
Society named in honour of Western’s
first female registrar from 1947-1962.
Bassem N. Aboumrad
Alan Adlington
Janet A. Allinson
Stephen D. Anderson
Mrs. Theresia Andrews-Maas
Callie Archer
Dr. Diane E. Archer
Margaret N. Archibald and Frank C. Sysel
Estelle Arlow
Christopher M. Armstrong
Neil and Marjorie Armstrong
Ms Ellen Atkinson
William and Deborah Aziz
Walter R. and Jean L. Badun
Stewart I. Bailey
Ronald W. Bareham
Ralph M. Barford
Dr. and Mrs. Blake Barlow
Dr. Henry Barnett and The Late Kathleen Barnett
Alfred Bauer
Anne M. Baxter
Nadine M. Beacock and The Late E. Stanley Beacock
Gerald E. Beasley
Mary Glenna Calder RN BScN ed
Kirsten Bennett
In Memory of Frank Bessent
Dr. Janice J. Best
John Robert Birkett ‘65
The Blazak Family
Diana Blosdale
Christopher Bogart and Elizabeth O’Connell
Dr. Tracey Bogue and Ms Elizabeth Hayden
John E. Hastings
Jean Hawke and The Late Bill Hawke
Dr. Tracey Bogue and Ms Elizabeth Hayden
Douglas P. Hayhurst
Mark and Kathleen Henning
Mary Pat Hicks & Robert V. Hicks Q.C.
Rona J. E. Hickson
Dr. and Mrs. J. Stanley & Muriel Hill
William L. Hodgins
Ronald and Susan Holliday
Charles A. Holme
Steven and Susan Horvath
Thomas P. Howard
Robert and Velma Howie
A. Margaret Hughes
J. Richard Hunt
Onalee and David Hunt
Christopher W. Hyatt
Dr. Richard M. Ivey
Jean Janes
Mr. Randall Jang
Katharyn Jefferies Karrys
Robert A. Jennings
Peter T. Johnston
John W. Judge
Evelyn Phillips Kaplan
John E. Kearsey
Barbara E. Keddy
Paul A. Keery
Margaret Kelch
Dr. Marta C. Kelly
Nancy P. Kendall
Arlene M. Kennedy
Charles and Margaret Kimball
Mary Lou Kingham in Memory of Arthur and
Lillian Kingham
Saulius J. Kizis
R. J. Kulperger
Chris and Sonya Kwiatkowski
Stephanie Lachman
Louis Lagassé
Dr. William H. Laing
Genevieve C. Lalonde
Douglas M. Lambert
Chris Lang
B. Langill
Allan and Donna Lansing
Marjorie E. Lanthier
Andre Laquerre
Thomas Laughlin
Heather Lerner
Chico M. Levy
Catherine R. Liddy
Andrew G. Lonseth
David K. Lowry
John A. Lusk
Gary and Susan Lyon
Corinne MacDonald
Jeff and Kim MacDonald
Constance V. MacDougall
Duncan MacGregor
Donald and Leone Macnamara
Gary J. Maier M.D.
Dr. William J Mallon
Orville H. Marshall
Peter J. Martin
Dr. Paul Max
Ronald May Ph.D.
Ann and Ron McClatchie
Marion McCracken
Paul and Lynne McCrea
Dorothy F. McDade
Michael McDonald
John McFadden
Teresa McFadden
Dr. Donald A. McGee
David McGregor
William G. McHugh
Bruce A. McIntosh
Donald J. McIntosh
Pamela Ineson McKay
Donald A. McKellar
Joyce and Darcy McKeough
Kathryn McLean
Murray - McMurtry
Mark R. McQueen
G. Edgar Meads
Shirley Mett
James F. Miles P.Eng.
Eileen S. Miller
Mary and Ian Miller
Peter F.J. Miller
Dr. D. Keith Mills
Dorothy Monteith
Connie Lou Moore
Donna Moore
Keith and Mona Munro
William E. Murphy
Margi and John Nash
Mark K. Neale
Jan New
Emilie Newell
Fiona E. Nisbet and John C. Jackson
Marie Nixon
Marjorie North and The Late Albert K. North
Joseph Desmond O’Brien
Jeff and Tara O’Hagan
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas and Kathryn Oper
Jay R. Parr
Dr. Janice Pasieka
Dr. R. Allan Patterson
T. Michael Paylor
Richard Gordon Pearce
Bob Pearson
Mary L. Penny (nee Zimmerman)
Claude Pensa and The Late Elaine Pensa
B. Gail Perry
Bruce J. Peters
The Late Richard Chenoweth and Gaylanne Phelan
G. Christopher Phillips
Audrey Pickard
Stan Piskorowski
Jane Plas
Alfred R. Poynt
Mark Poznansky
Dorothy Ruth and David Oliver Preston
John F. Psutka
Hubert A. Ramolla
Dr. Marjorie Ratcliffe
Mira Ratkaj
Beverley J. Rawlings
Robert S. Rawlings
Douglas M. Reid
Joan G. Reid
Susan Marie Reid
W. Peter Reid
Reginald W. Richter
Rosemarie I. Riedmann
Kerry Ritz
Pierre Rivard and Catherine Paquet-Rivard
Dr. Donald Rix and The Late Eleanor Rix
Skip and B.J. Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson
Victoria and Sherwin Robinson
J. Wayne Rogers
Ainsley Bernard Rose
Deryck A. Ross MSc 66
James H. and Barbara Roth
Dola Elizabeth Rowland
Patricia Savage
Brendon Saxton
John Schucht
John A. Schweitzer
Jessie M. Scott
Perouz Misakian Seferian
Mrs. Winifred Shantz and The Late Keith Shantz
Frederick W. Sherrin
Ruth E. Shillington
Steven and Janet Shillington
Dr. William G. Shipman
Betty Shirley and The Late Jac Shirley
William Shurniak
Constance Sibbald and The Late Dr. William Sibbald
Ronald Simpson
Robert G. Siskind
David R. Small
H. Marie Smibert
Elizabeth L. Smith
Marcia C. Smith Meds ‘57
Barbara Bethune Souter
David G. Southen
The Staffen Family - Rob, Sharon, Julia,
Matt & Candra
Keith and Joan Stainton
Michael Steele and Tracy Jollymore
Carole and David Stinson
Grant Stirling and Rena Sheskin
Peter R.C. Story
Robert & Eileen Stuebing
Felice Suarez
Priscilla Suffel
Elizabeth C. Sullivan
Bruce and Isabel Sully
Ann H.P. Sutherland
Kay H. Suzuki
Carl E. and Janet G. Swanson
Greta T. Swart
Larry and Joanne Tapp
Frances E. Taylor
Robert Taylor
Mr. Klaus H. Thiel
Warren Thirsk
Hugh Thorne
Mrs. Agnes (Nan) Timbs
Tracey Tremayne-Lloyd
Gerald J. Trutwin
George B. Turnbull and The Late Mary Turnbull
Dr. P. Van der Borch
Jan Van Fleet
Walker Family Foundation
Dr. Paul Walsh
John C. Warren
Gisela Wasse
Dr. Ron Watson
Janice Waud Loper
H. Dene Webber
Gary W. Weese
Richard and Jean Weick
Dr. David B. Weldon
Clare Wesley Maurice Westmacott
Thomas G. Whealy
Mary Elizabeth Whitaker
Judson David Whiteside
Wendy M. Whyte
Josephine H. Wilcox
Paul Lloyd Williams
R. Baxter Willis
Dr. Terrance M. Witzu
Ronald J. Wonnacott
Donald Woodley
Dr. Mary J. Wright
Mary Langmuir Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Maksym and Anna Yakovishin and
Dr. and Mrs. Vladimir and Jean Yakovishin
Helen M. Yemen
Western has a proud tradition of honouring
those donors whose commitment reflects
the vision and leadership of the University.
The Leaders’ Circles recognize annual donors
who contribute $1,000 or more to Western.
We are pleased to recognize the following
members who have given one or more new
gifts to Western from $5,000 - $24,999
between May 1, 2008 to April 30, 2009. A
full list of all Leaders’ Circles donors can be
found on Western’s website and in Alumni
Hall. We also wish to thank those donors
who have chosen to remain anonymous.
Chancellor’s Circle
Donors of $10,000 - $24,999
Mr. James B. Archer-Shee
Patricia G. Balfour
Dr. William Beauchamp
Mr. Christopher Beckman
Stephen C. Brady
Mr. Peter Buzzi
Dr. Nilabh Chaudhary
Dr. Desong Chen
Kathryn S.C. Smith
Ms Martha Davis
Mr. Denis J. Devos
Mr. K Michael Edwards
Anthony S. Fell
Ann and Bill Fleming
Richard and Rana Florida
Ms Janice Fukakusa
Mr. Robert B. Gair
Tariq Hassan Gordon
Ms Beverley A.K. Hammond
Dr. Renee Hanrahan
Mr. Michael B. Hill
Dr. Rossana Hoyos
Mr. Jonathan W. Hunter
Ms Judith A. Jarvis
Mr. Bruce Macdonald
Mrs. Penelope A. MacFarlane
Gerry Marcus
Dr. Ausonio Marras
Mr. Ian A.N. McLagan
Anthony R. Melman
Dr. Hugo T.J. Moonen
Martha A.M. Morfitt
Dr. Seyed A. Nabavieh
Mr. Gordon M. Nixon
Mr. Kevin A. O’Brien
Mr. Terrance W. O’Grady
Shane P. O’Leary
Mr. Tom O’Neill
Mr. Orval Parsons
Mr. Raymond R. Pether
Mrs. Sophia Poljanowski
Drs. Lui Redigonda and Mariela Anderson
R. Oliver Robinow
Mr. Robert E. Robinson
Dr. Gildo Coelho Santos
Mr. William Sembo
Mr. John B. Simcoe
Ms Rosemary A. Sloot
The Late Mrs. Edith L. Smyth
Dr. Rudy Wallman
Shelagh and David Wilson
Governors’ Circle
Donors of $5,000 - $9,999
Susan Abbott
Dr. Donald E. Abelson
Gregory E. Aboud
Mr. David Allgood
Jamie Anderson
Mr. Adam S. Armstrong
Mr. Jeffrey W. Arsenych
Shawn D. Aspden
Art and Susan Balogh
Theresa A. Bankey
Mr. Brent Belzberg
Mr. Raymond G. Berry
Stephen Bertrand
Mr. P. Blewett
Professor Andrew Botterell
Dr. Jack Bottner
Ms S. Jane Broderick
Dr. M. Kathryn Brohman
Graham M. Carter
Murray J. Chant
Dr. and Mrs. Len and Maria Chumak
Dr. David J. Cohen
Bogdan Mihai Comanita
Ms Joanne De Laurentiis
Barry W. Dennis
S. Jeffrey Dixon
Mrs. Maureen Djorjevic
J. Christopher Donald
Robin Dow
David Dundas
Dr. Carl A. Eeg
Dr. Anne M. Fortier
Toni and Angie Francolini
Marie A. Gear
Ms Sabrina A. Gherbaz
The Late Mr. Charles J. Goff
Malcolm W. Hamilton
Arnold W. Harris
Mr. William Robert Hatanaka
Douglas and Marilyn Heagle
D. Bruce Henning
Mr. Alan R. Hibben
K.M. Hoang
John W. Hobson
Mr. David I. Holm
Bob Howison
Brian C.Y. Huen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Anne Hughes
The Late Mr. Ed Hysen
Mr. Nick Iozzo
Ms Dana Lori James
J. Edward Johnson
Edward E. Kassel
Sandy K. Kokkinis
Mr. William J. Lacey
Mr. Danial K. Lam
Steve Lear
Ms Wendy LeGresley
John and Lynne Leitch
Joel Levesque
Mark G. Lichty
Mr. Alan C. Lindsay
Mr. David MacDonald
Don MacDougall
Charles A. MacQuarrie
Mr. Darren R. Marshall
Dr. Stuart A. Matheson
Ms Beth McCarthy
Mr. Donald A. McIsaac
Mrs. Patricia E. McNabb-Kaminski
Ronald A. McWade
Daniel M. Mida
Mrs. Eleanor Miller
Robert J. Moriyama
Dr. Eric Morse
Mr. Douglas A. Morton
Mr. John Robert Mountain
M. Catherine Mowbray
Mr. Derek Neldner
Michael and Janet Norris
Dennis B. Nuhn
Dr. Glenn J. Paleczny
Lisa M. Pankratz
Robert T. Pemberton
Randall Family
Dr. Bonnie Randhawa
K. Ross Remmer
Jim Reynolds
Mr. George T. Richardson
The Late Charles Ripley and Muriel Ripley
Lawrence E. Ritchie
Dr. Douglas W. Rix
John and Judith Roman
Mr. Larry J. Rosen
Robert G. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. John and Anita Rossall
John T. Rowsom
Dr. Don Russell
David J. Scarfone
Mr. Arnold J. Shell
Mr. David S. Simpson
Mr. Jan Sorhaug
Ms Nancy Thunem
David Tisch
Mr. Gerald J. Vaandering
Mark J. Verdun
The Late Jeremy R. Weber
Edward A. Wiese
Alan Wright
Mrs. Anne Wynveen
Mrs. Suzanne M. Young
Mr. Morris Zaslow
Ted and Karen Bossence
Leslie Bowd
Margaret Bowie and The Late George Bowie in
Memory of Catherine Mary Bowie
Bennie A. Bradshaw
Dr. Lillian Bramwell
Robert A. Bratti
The Brederlow Family
Thomas H. and Sandra E. Brent
Doug Brock
Andy and Leslie Brockway
Donald Brown
R. Geoffrey and Nancy B. Browne
Dr. Charles and Daisy Bell and Ruth Bell Buchan
Lorne A. Buck
Lucy Anne Buck
Drs. Robert & The Late Carol Buck
B. S. (Bud) Buckle
Paul M. Butler
John R. Calvert
Neil and Heather Campbell
Roger S. Carp
Mr. Daniel Carroll
Dr. John S. Carruthers
Philip Cercone
Bosco Chan and Shashi Uniyal
Dr. Jan Cioe
Gregory Clark
Warren and Shirlyn Coleman
Marilyn Ernest-Conibear
Dr. John “Peter” Conley
Joyce M. Conn
Elaine Conner
John D. Coombs
James P. Cooper
Kenneth Cooper
J. Fredrick Cornhill
Michael Cosec
Dale E. Creighton
Pat Lightfoot- Cross
Claude F. Damiani
Dr. Ronald and Miriam Davidson
Donna Deaken
Dr. Jeanne Deinum
George P. DeKay
Deborah L. Des Rivieres
Denis and Debra Devos
Dennis and Janis Dixon
Janet Gail Donald
Mr. Donald Dority
William E. Duffield
William M. Edgar
Dr. Dale Virginia Edwards
W. Donald R. and Jean E. Eldon
Catherine Elliot Shaw
Dorothy J. Emery
George and Margo Enns
Dr. and Mrs. David and Mary Erb
Kevin and Karyn Erker
Frank J. Erle
James A. Erskine
Ms Carol Evans
John (Johnny) Fansher
R. Joanne Farkas
Joan R. Faulk
Dr. Gary G. and Mrs. Mary E. Ferguson
Keith and Bertha Ferguson
Ruth Ferguson and The Late Malcolm S. Ferguson
Susan (Ross) Finley
Constance FitzGerald-Heringer
Douglas L. Flanders
Brian and Jennifer Foster
Brian R. Foster
Peter and Libby Fowler
D. W. Franks
Dr. John R. Fraser
Morna J. Fraser
John F.A. Freiburger
William W. Gale
Ted and Cathy Garrard
Anne Marie Geddes
Douglas E. Gerber
Dr. C. R. Giddings
Graeme and Dawn Gilbert
Frances Gillard Harvey
Jeanne Gillies and The Late Donald Gillies
James and Eva Good
Jean Gorwill
D. Michael Grace
Donald P. Gracey
Barbara Baker Graham
Billie D. Grainger
Douglas A. Grant
Muriel Grant
Nancy and Bill Gray
Burdge F. Green M.D.
Ms Jane Grier
Lee and Inez Guemple
Kathlyn J. Hagerman
Dr. Robert and Helen Haggar
Jon Hall
Betsy K. Hamilton
John and Helena Hamilton
John W. Hamilton
Eve Harp
We would like to recognize the following individuals for their gifts of $25,000 or more and corporations, foundations and
organizations for their gifts of $100,000 or more to Western between March 15, 2009 and October 31, 2009. We also wish to
thank those donors who have chosen to remain anonymous.
This list reflects those gifts made during the time frame specified above; please note that it does not reflect cumulative giving
to Western. Individual donors who have given $25,000 or more cumulatively and organizations that have given $100,000 or
more cumulatively are recognized in The 1878 Societies. In addition, those individuals who have made a commitment to
Western’s future through their Wills, life insurance policies and gifts of residual interest are recognized in the Helen M.B. Allison
Legacies Society.
Donors of $1,000,000 and more
Mr. Henry Cheng
Dr. Richard M. Ivey
Arkadi Kuhlmann
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Sonia Labatt
The Estate of Mr. R. Jack Lawrence
Power Financial Corporation
Siemens Canada Limited
Hydro One
The University of Western Ontario Students
University Students’ Council
Society of Graduate Students
MBA Student Association
Donors of $500,000-$999,999
Fraser D. Latta
The Estate of C. James Grimes
Donors of $100,000-$499,999
John Adamson
Mr. Keith L Heller
William Hodgins
Donna and Michael Kanovsky
David Patchell-Evans, Good Life Fitness Clubs
Robert Poirier
Mr. Pierre Pomerleau
Paul Sabourin
Seymour Schulich
John A. Schweitzer
Robert W. Staffen
John E. and Helen M. Walsh
Chuck and Libby Winograd
Alzheimer Society of London Middlesex
BD Biosciences
Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
CPI Canada Inc.
Fisher Scientific
GE Digital Energy
Goodmans LLP
J.P. Bickell Foundation (National Trust Co.
Kalamazoo Community Foundation
Law Foundation of Ontario
Mandel Scientific Company
Manulife Financial
MarketLINK Scientific
The Ontario Legal Aid Plan
RBC Foundation
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Donors of $25,000-$99,999
James and Ellen Baird
William Bell
Laurie G. Campbell
Mr. Dale E. Creighton
Carolyn M.H. Cross
Dr. Regna Darnell
The Late Mr. Glen W. Davis and Mrs. Mary
Alice Davis
Steve Dent and Janet Maclaren
Bill and Barbara Etherington
Kirsten J. Feldman
Mr. Ronnen Harary
Mr. Michael Hill and Ms Wendy Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Michelle Hopper
Tim Lukenda
Stuart MacGregor
Fred and Emmy MacLachlan
Wallace, Scott and Michael McCain
Mr. Philip F.D. Moorcroft
Lenny L.Y. Moy
John P. Ormston
John C. Park and Family
Mr. Michael Phelps
Richard E. Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sabourin
Harolde M. Savoy
Mr. C. John Schumacher
John G. Stapleton
Mrs. Ilonka Szabolcsi
Sergei and Olga Tchetvertnykh
Dr. Paul Vezina
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Waterous
Dr. David Wolfe
David J. Wright
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Yuhasz
The Estate of Albert L. Brown
Thank you to our newest Helen M.B. Allison Legacies Society members
We would like to thank the following generous donors who have made a commitment to Western’s future through their Wills, life insurance policies and other
planned gifts between March 15, 2009 and October 31, 2009. We also wish to thank those donors who have chosen to remain anonymous.
Dennis and Janis Dixon
Jean Janes
Douglas M. Lambert
Connie Lou Moore
Mariann and Randy Southen
Published three times a year by the Department of
Communications & Public Affairs, in partnership
with the Department of Alumni Relations &
Development, to inform alumni, corporations,
foundations and other friends of Western about
the donations, priorities and progress of the
University’s current fundraising initiatives as well
as the impact of gifts already in action.
Karmen Dowling
Communications Officer, Development
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