Patrick M. Wensing Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Contact Information 77 Massachusetts Ave. Room 05-017 Cambridge, MA 02139 617- 715-4309 Research Interests I am interested in applied optimization and control theory for dynamic, intelligent, and physically interactive robotic systems. At a broad scope, I strive to develop machines with an intelligence that is grounded in physics. I plan to do so through inquiry into human and animal motion as well as a balanced approach that considers the interplay between design and control. I am particularly interested in applications of legged robots to operate in challenging terrain environments. Topics: Quadruped and humanoid robots, optimization-based control, bio-inspired design, high-speed agility, motion planning, whole-body biomechanics, efficient dynamics algorithms, model-predictive control. Academic Experience Massachusetts Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Associate, Biomimetic Robotics Lab Advisor: Dr. Sangbae Kim Cambridge, MA November 2014-present The Ohio State University Doctor of Philosophy, Electrical and Computer Engineering Advisor: Dr. David E. Orin Columbus, OH August 2014 The Ohio State University Master of Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering Columbus, OH December 2013 The Ohio State University Bachelor of Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering GPA: 4.0/4.0 Columbus, OH June 2009 Journal Publications 1. Y. Liu, P. M. Wensing, J. P. Schmiedeler, and D. E. Orin. Terrain-blind humanoid walking based on a 3D actuated dual-SLIP model. to appear in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2016. 2. P. M. Wensing and D. E. Orin. Improved computation of the humanoid centroidal Wensing Curriculum Vitae: Page 1 of 7 dynamics and application in dynamic whole-body control. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (Special Issue on Whole-Body Control), to appear, 2016. Online:, accepted September 2015. 3. G. B. Hammam, P. M. Wensing, B. Dariush, and D. E. Orin. Kinodynamically consistent motion retargeting for humanoids. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 12(4):1550017:1–27, December 2015. 4. P. M. Wensing, L. R. Palmer III, and D. E. Orin. Efficient recursive dynamics algorithms for operational-space control with application to legged locomotion. Autonomous Robots, 38(4):363–381, 2015. 5. M. A. Vernier, P. M. Wensing, C. Morin et al. Design of a full-featured robot controller for use in a first-year robotics design project. ASEE Computers in Education Journal, 25(1), Jan.-Mar. 2015. 6. P. M. Wensing, G. Bin Hammam, B. Dariush, and D. E. Orin. Optimizing foot centers of pressure through force distribution in a humanoid robot. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 10(3):1350027:1–21, Sept. 2013. 7. M. A. Vernier, C. E. Morin, P. M. Wensing, R. M. Hartlage, B. E. Carruthers, and R. J. Freuler. Use of a low-cost camera-based positioning system in a first-year engineering cornerstone design project. ASEE Computers in Education Journal, 20(2):6–14, 2010. Publications Under Review 1. P. M. Wensing, A. Wang, S. Seok, D. Otten, J. Lang, and S. Kim. Proprioceptive actuator design in the MIT cheetah: Impact mitigation and high-bandwidth physical interaction for dynamic legged robots. submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Robotics, September 2015. Conference Publications 1. Y. Liu, P. M. Wensing D. E. Orin, and Y. F. Zheng. Trajectory generation for dynamic walking in a humanoid over uneven terrain using a 3D-actuated dual-SLIP model. to appear in Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. 2. H.-W. Park, P. M. Wensing, and S. Kim. Online planning for autonomous running jumps over obstacles in high-speed quadrupeds. In Proceedings of Robotics: Science & Systems, Rome, Italy, July 2015. (acceptance rate 27%). 3. Y. Liu, P. M. Wensing, D.E. Orin, and Y.F. Zheng. Dynamic walking in a humanoid robot based on a 3D actuated dual-SLIP model. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 5710–5717, May 2015. (acceptance rate 41%). 4. P. M. Wensing and D. E. Orin. 3D-SLIP steering for high-speed humanoid turns. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 4008–4013, Chicago, Illinois, September 2014. paper webpage: (acceptance rate 47%). Wensing Curriculum Vitae: Page 2 of 7 5. M. A. Vernier, P. M. Wensing, C. Morin et al. . Design of a full-featured robot controller for use in a first-year robotics design project. In Proceedings of the 2014 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, pages 10270:1–21, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 2014. 6. P. M. Wensing and D. E. Orin. Development of high-span running long jumps for humanoids. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 222–227, Hong Kong, China, May/June 2014. paper webpage: (acceptance rate 48%). 7. P. M. Wensing and David E. Orin. High-speed humanoid running through control with a 3D-SLIP model. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 5134–5140, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2013. paper webpage: (acceptance rate 43%). 8. P. M. Wensing and David E. Orin. Generation of dynamic humanoid behaviors through task-space control with conic optimization. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 3088–3094, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 2013. paper webpage: (acceptance rate 39%). 9. P. M. Wensing, R. Featherstone, and D.E. Orin. A reduced-order recursive algorithm for the computation of the operational-space inertia matrix. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 4911–4917, Minneapolis, MN, 2012. (acceptance rate 40%). 10. Yiping Liu, P. M. Wensing, D.E. Orin, and J.P. Schmiedeler. Fuzzy controlled hopping in a biped robot. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 1982–1989, Shanghai, China, May 2011. (acceptance rate 49%). 11. M. S. Hester, P. M. Wensing, J. P. Schmiedeler, and D. E. Orin. Fuzzy Control of Vertical Jumping with a Planar Biped. In Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, pages DETC2010–28857:1–9, Montreal, Quebec, August 2010. 12. K.A. Harper, R.J. Freuler, S.H. Brand, C.E. Morin, P.M. Wensing, and J.T. Demel. Comparing the use of a graphical programming language to a traditional text-based language to learn programming concepts in a first-year course. In Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, pages AC2009–1777:1–10, Austin, Texas, June 2009. 13. M. A. Vernier, C. E. Morin, P. M. Wensing, R. M. Hartlage, B. E. Carruthers, and R. J. Freuler. Use of a low-cost camera-based positioning system in a first-year engineering cornerstone design project. In Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, pages AC2009–1941:1–11, Austin, Texas, June 2009. Book Contributions 1. P. M. Wensing and D. E. Orin. Control of humanoid hopping based on a SLIP model. In Vijay Kumar, James Schmiedeler, S. V. Sreenivasan, and Hai-Jun Su, editors, Advances Wensing Curriculum Vitae: Page 3 of 7 in Mechanisms, Robotics and Design Education and Research, pages 265—274. Springer International, 2013. paper webpage: Other Publications (not peer reviewed) 1. P. M. Wensing, “Optimization of a high jump for a prototype biped,” in Proceedings of the Ohio Space Grant Research Symposium, pp. 328–334, April 2011. 2. P. M. Wensing, “Optimal foot force distribution in legged robotics,” in Proceedings of the Ohio Space Grant Research Symposium, pp. 288–295, April 2010. 3. P. M. Wensing, “Real-time computer control of a prototype bipedal system.” Undergraduate Honors Thesis. The Ohio State University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, June 2009. Poster Presentations 1. Towards a Characterization of Gait Energetics for Electrically Actuated Quadrupeds, Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM 2015). Cambridge, MA. June 2015. 2. Planning and Control of High-Speed Running for a Humanoid Robot, OSU ECE Student Poster Competition. Columbus, OH. April 2014. 2nd Place Presentation Award. 3. Cyber-Physical Systems: Exploiting Morphological Diversity for Multi-Agent Intelligence, 2014 NSF Early Career Professionals Workshop on Exploring New Frontiers in CyberPhysical Systems. Washington, DC. March 2014. 4. Real-time Computer Control of a Prototype Bipedal System, 2009 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. Columbus, OH. May 2009. Invited Talks 1. Leveraging Simple Models for Hyper-Dynamic Mobility, Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM 2015). Cambridge, Massachusetts. June 2015. 2. Exploiting SLIP-Based Models to Maintain Dynamic Balance, ICRA 2015 Workshop on Dynamic Locomotion and Balancing of Humanoids: State of the Art and Challenges. Seattle, Washington. May 2015. 3. Whole-Body Control of Dynamic Humanoid Movements, LIRMM-CNRS. Montpellier, France. October 2014. 4. Whole-Body Control of Dynamic Humanoid Movements, LAAS-CNRS. Toulouse, France. October 2014. 5. Centroidal Momentum for Whole-Body Humanoid Control, IROS 2014 Workshop on Whole-Body Control for Humanoids in the Real World. Chicago, IL. Sept. 2014. (With Dr. David E. Orin) 6. Legs Versus Wheels, The Ohio State Summer Honors Institute for gifted high school students. Columbus, OH. July 2012, 2013, and 2014. (With Michael A. Vernier) Wensing Curriculum Vitae: Page 4 of 7 7. Development of a Quadruped Galloping Machine, The Ohio State Summer Honors Institute for gifted high school students. Columbus, OH. July 2008, 2009, and 2010. 8. Using Wii Remotes to Make a Classroom GPS, The Ohio State EEIC Engineering Education Seminar. Columbus, OH. January, 2011. Research Experience Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Postdoctoral Associate, Biomimetic Robotics Lab November 2014 - Present Conducting DARPA-funded research on autonomy for high-speed quadrupedal locomotion and design analysis of high-performance robots for dynamic interaction. Supervising NSFsponsored research on an energetic characterization of quadrupedal gaits for electrically powered robots. (Publications: RSS 2015. In Review: IEEE TRO 2015, IEEE RAL 2015) CNRS Laboratory for Informatics Montpellier, France Robotics and Microelectronics (LIRMM) Visiting Scholar Sept. - Oct. 2014 Performed preliminary experimental verification of the humanoid balance control algorithms developed during my PhD work. The Ohio State University Columbus, OH NSF Graduate Research Fellow Sept. 2011 - Aug. 2014 Developed control algorithms for high-speed humanoid running based on model-predictive control using template models inspired from human biomechanics. (Publications: IJHR 2015, IEEE ICRA 2013 and 2014, IEEE IROS 2013 and 2014, Springer Book Chapter 2013) The Ohio State University Columbus, OH Ohio Space Grant Consortium Fellow June 2010 - Aug. 2011 Developed operational-space dynamics algorithms for real-time control of high-degree-of-freedom humanoids and quadrupeds. (Publication: IEEE ICRA 2012, Autonomous Robots 2015) The Ohio State University Columbus, OH University Fellow June 2009 - May 2010 Formulated convex optimization problems for dynamic balance in full-body humanoid motion through new solutions to the foot force distribution problem (Publications: IJHR 2013) The Ohio State University Columbus, OH Undergraduate Research Assistant March 2008 - May 2009 Designed the real-time distributed control system and control electronics for a prototype biped, KURMET. (Publications: IEEE ICRA 2011, ASME IDETC 2010) Teaching Experience Massachusetts Institute of Technology Co-Instructor, 2.74 Bio-inspired Robotics Cambridge, MA Fall 2015 Wensing Curriculum Vitae: Page 5 of 7 Overall Rating: 7.0/7.0 Co-instructor with Dr. Sangbae Kim for this project-based experimental robotics course. Delivered six, 90-minute lectures on rigid-body dynamics and trajectory optimization for legged robots. Developed five weeks of laboratory content leading to students implementing impedance control on a physical robot leg. Developed and graded weekly assignments. The Ohio State University Columbus, OH Graduate Teaching Associate, ENG H1281, H1282 Fall 2012-Spring 2014 Taught the laboratory component of a two-course first-year sequence on the Fundamentals of Engineering. Taught two semesters of H1281 and two semesters of H1282. Delivered weekly lectures covering laboratory content. Developed laboratory curriculum and hardware. Responsible for managing three undergraduate teaching assistants per semester. The Ohio State University Columbus, OH Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, ENG H191, H192, H193 Fall 2006-Spring 2009 Responsible for in-class mentoring of first-year undergraduate students in the Fundamental of Engineering for Honors program. Graded and developed daily assignments. Developed hardware and software systems to support a robotics design course for first-year students. Honors and Awards • Recognized as a 2014 IEEE TRO Outstanding Reviewer (top 20 reviewers selected) • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2011) • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Travel Award (2012, 2013, 2014) • NSF GRASSROOTS Fellowship for the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (2011) • University Fellowship from The Ohio State University (2010) • Ohio Space Grant Consortium Fellowship (2009) • Undergraduate Research Scholar Award, Ohio State College of Engineering (2008) Professional Service • Reviewer for a number of robotics conferences (IEEE ICRA, IEEE IROS, IEEE Humanoids, IEEE BioRob) and journals (AURO, IJHR, IJRR, IEEE TRO, IEEE RAL) • Student Activities Co-Chair, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (2012-2014) • Co-President and Co-Founder, OSU IEEE Graduate Student Branch (2010-2012) • Treasurer, OSU IEEE Graduate Student Branch (2012-2014) Wensing Curriculum Vitae: Page 6 of 7 Outreach and Public Media • Over 100 news outlets picked up my research on autonomous jumping for the MIT Cheetah. Work was covered by CNN, the Wall Street Journal, Wired, Popular Science, TIME, and many others. May-June 2015 • Accompanying research video highlighting my work on the MIT Cheetah received over 7 million views on YouTube, May 2015 • IEEE Spectrum article “KURMET Bipedal Robot Can Hop Over Obstacles” covered my undergraduate research work on an experimental hopping machine, May 2011 • Presented my robotics research at The Ohio State Summer Honors Institute for gifted high school students, Summer 2008-2010 and 2012-2014 • FIRST Robotics mentor, Columbus School for Girls, 2007-2008 Wensing Curriculum Vitae: Page 7 of 7