COURSE CODE COURSE NAME L-T-P-C YEAR OF INTRODUCTION EC 201 Network Theory 3-1-0-4 2015 Prerequisite: Knowledge of Ohms Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws, Current-voltage relationships in passive components, Complex numbers – Rectangular and Polar forms, Laplace Transform. Course objectives: To make the students capable of analyzing any linear time invariant electrical network. To study time domain, phasor and Laplace transform methods of linear circuit analysis To study the transient response of series and parallel A.C. Circuits. To develop understanding of the concept of coupled circuits and two port networks. To impart knowledge about how to synthesize an electrical network from a given impedance / admittance function. Syllabus: Network Topology, Mesh and Node Analysis, Network theorems, Steady state analysis. Laplace Transform in the Network Analysis, Transient analysis, Network functions, Two-port network parameters, Resonance, Coupled circuits, Network Synthesis. Expected outcome: At the end of the course students will be able analyze and synthesize the linear time invariant electrical circuits. References: 1. Ravish R., Network Analysis and Synthesis, 2/e, McGraw-Hill, 2015. 2. Valkenburg V., Network Analysis, 3/e, PHI, 2011. References 1. Sudhakar A. and S. P. Shyammohan, Circuits and Networks- Analysis and Synthesis, 5/e, McGraw-Hill, 2015. 2. Choudhary R., Networks and Systems, 2/e, New Age International, 2013. 3. Franklin F. Kuo, Network Analysis and Synthesis, 2/e, Wiley India, 2012. 4. Pandey S. K., Fundamentals of Network Analysis and Synthesis, 1/e, S. Chand 2012. 5. Edminister, Electric Circuits – Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill. Course Plan Module Course content (48 hrs) Sem. Exam Hours Marks Review of Kirchhoff’s Laws, Independent and Dependent 1 Sources, Source Transformations Network Topology, Network graphs, Trees, Incidence matrix, Tie-set matrix and Cut-set matrix. I II Solution methods: Mesh and node analysis of network containing independent and dependent sources Network theorems: Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Superposition theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Millman’s theorem, Maximum Power Transfer theorem Review of Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform by Partial Fraction Expansion. 2 3 15 6 2 15 Transforms of basic signals-Impulse, step, pulse and ramp function. Initial value and Final value theorems Transformation of a circuit into s-domain Transient analysis of RC networks with impulse, step, pulse, and sinusoidal inputs Using LT. Analysis of networks with transformed impedances and dependent sources. Node and Mesh analysis of the transformed circuit FIRST INTERNAL EXAM Network functions for the single port and two ports properties of driving point and transfer functions. III IV V VI Poles and Zeros of network functions, Significance of Poles and Zeros, Time domain response from pole zero plot. Impulse response Network functions in the sinusoidal steady state – Magnitude , frequency and Phase response. Parameters of two-port network: impedance, admittance, transmission and hybrid parameters. Interrelationships among parameter sets Reciprocal and Symmetrical two port network Characteristic impedance, Image Impedance and propagation constant. (derivation not required) SECOND INTERNAL EXAM Resonance: Series resonance, bandwidth, Q factor and Selectivity, Parallel resonance. Coupled circuits: single tuned and double tuned circuits, dot convention, coefficient of coupling. Analysis of coupled circuits. Network Synthesis: Elements of Reliability Theory: Causality and Stability, Hurwitz Polynomial, Positive Real Functions., Properties and Synthesis of R-C networks by the Foster and Cauer methods. END SEMESTER EXAM 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 15 1 2 3 2 2 15 1 2 2 20 1 2 20 2 COURSE CODE COURSE NAME EC 203 Solid State Devices Course objectives: L-T-P-C 3-1-0 -4 YEAR OF INTRODUCTION 2015 To provide an insight into the basic semiconductor concepts To provide a sound understanding of current semiconductor devices and technology to appreciate its applications to electronics circuits and systems Syllabus: Elemental and compound semiconductor materials, Energy bands in solids, Fermi Dirac distribution, Temperature dependence of carrier concentration, space charge neutrality Carrier transport in semiconductors, Hall Effect, Excess carriers in semiconductors, Diffusion of carriers, Einstein relations. Continuity equations,PN junctions, Energy band diagram, Diode capacitances. Electrical Breakdown in PN junctions ,Tunnel Diodes, Bipolar junction transistor, Evaluation of terminal currents (based on physical dimensions),Transistor action, Base width modulation, Metal Semiconductor contacts, Energy band diagram of Ohmic and Rectifying Contacts ,MOS Capacitor ,MOSFET- structure and operation, Basic Finfets-structure and operation. Expected outcome: The students should have a good knowledge in Semiconductor physics and electronic devices. Text Books: 1. Ben G. Streetman and Sanjay Kumar Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, Pearson, 6/e, 2010. 2. Tyagi M.S., Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Wiley India, 5/e, 2008 References: 1. 2. 3. 4. Sze S.M., Physics of Semiconductor Devices, John Wiley, 3/e, 2005. Neamen, Semiconductor Physics and Devices, McGraw Hill, 4/e, 2012. Pierret, Semiconductor Devices Fundamentals, Pearson, 2006. Rita John, Solid State Devices, McGrawHill,2014. 5. Bhattacharya .Sharma, Solid State Electronic Devices, Oxford University Press, 2012 Module I Course Plan Course content (48hrs) Elemental and compound semiconductor materials, Energy bands in solids, Metals, semi conductors, insulators intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Energy momentum relation for electrons in solids, effective mass. Fermi Dirac distribution, density of states. Electron and hole concentrations equilibrium. Temperature dependence of carrier concentration, space charge neutrality, Carrier transport in semiconductors – drift, conductivity and mobility, variation of mobility with temperature and doping, High Field Effects, invariance of Fermi level at equilibrium, Hours Sem. Exam Marks 2 3 1 4 15 II Hall Effect. Excess carriers in semiconductors, Generation and recombination of excess carriers, carrier life time. Steady state carrier generation ,quasi Fermi levels Diffusion of carriers, Einstein relations. Continuity equations. III FIRST INTERNAL EXAM PN junctions - Contact potential, Electrical Field, Potential and Charge Density at the junction, Energy band diagram, Ideal diode equation. Forward and reverse characteristics of PN Junction diode. Effect of Temperature on I-V characteristics. IV Diode capacitances. Electrical Breakdown in PN junctions Zener and avalanche break down (abrupt PN junctions only). Tunnel Diode – Basics only. Bipolar junction transistor - current components, Minority Carrier Distributions basic parameters, Evaluation of terminal currents (based on physical dimensions). Transistor action, Base width modulation. 4 15 4 3 3 15 4 4 15 2 SECOND INTERNAL EXAM V VI Metal Semiconductor contacts, Energy band diagram of Ohmic and Rectifying Contacts. MOS Capacitor - Ideal MOS Capacitor, Energy Band Diagram, effect of real surfaces, threshold voltage, CV Characteristics MOSFET- Basic structure and principle of operation, I-V characteristics, Derivation of Drain Current (Square Law Model Only). Different regions operation, device parameters, Channel length modulation, Body effect, Sub threshold Conduction, Velocity saturation ,DIBL, Hot Electron Effect, Scaling of MOSFETs. Finfets-structure and operation END SEMESTER EXAM 2 20 3 4 4 1 20 COURSE CODE COURSE NAME L-T-P-C YEAR OF INTRODUCTION EC 201 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 3-1-0-4 2015 Course objectives: To develop the skill of analysis and design of various analog circuits using discrete electronic devices as per the specifications. Syllabus: High pass and low pass RC circuits. Differentiator, Integrator, series voltage regulator, analysis of BJT biasing circuits, small signal analysis of transistor configurations using small signal hybrid π model,low frequency and high frequency analysis of BJT amplifiers,Cascade amplifiers, Wide band amplifiers,Cascode amplifier, Feedback amplifiers, Oscillators (using BJT), BJT tuned amplifiers, Switching Circuits: Bootstrap sweep circuit and multivibrators, Power amplifiers, DC analysis of MOSFET circuits, small signal equivalent circuit of CS, CG, CD amplifiers, Small signal analysis of MOSFET amplifier circuits, Analysis of Multistage MOSFET amplifiers: Cascade and cascode configuration. Expected outcome: At the end of the course, students will be able to analyse and design the different electronic circuits using discrete electronic components. Text Books: 1. Millman J. and C. Halkias, Integrated Electronics, 2/e, McGraw-Hill, 2010. 2. Sedra A. S. and K. C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 6/e, Oxford University Press, 2013. References: 1. Neamen D., Electronic Circuits - Analysis and Design, 3/e, TMH, 2007 2. Rashid M. H., Microelectronic Circuits - Analysis and Design, Cengage Learning, 2/e, 2011 3. Spencer R. R. and M. S. Ghausi, Introduction to Electronic Circuit Design, Pearson, 2003. 4. Razavi B., Fundamentals of Microelectronics, Wiley, 2015 Course Plan Module Course content (48 hrs) Sem. Hours Exam Marks RC Circuits: Response of high pass and low pass RC circuits to sine 2 wave, step, pulse and square wave inputs, Differentiator, Integrator. Design and analysis of series voltage regulator. Load and line 2 15 regulation, Short circuit protection. I DC analysis of different BJT biasing circuits, operating 3 point,concept of load line. Small signal analysis of CE, CB, CC configurations using Small signal hybrid π model (gain, input and output impedance). Small 6 15 II signal analysis of BJT amplifier circuits, Cascade amplifier. High frequency equivalent circuits of BJTs, Short circuit current gain,cutoff frequency, miller effect, 4 Analysis of high frequency response of CE, CB and CC Amplifiers. III FIRST INTERNAL EXAM Wide band amplifier , broad banding techniques ,low frequency and high frequency compensation , Cascode amplifier. 3 IV V VI Feedback amplifiers: Feedback topologies, Analysis of feedback amplifier circuits using BJT in each feedback topologies - voltage gain, input and output impedance. Oscillators & Tuned Amplifiers (using BJT): Barkhausen criterion, Analysis of RC phase shift and Wein Bridge oscillators, Working of Hartley, Colpitts and Crystal oscillators. BJT tuned amplifiers, synchronous and stagger tuning. Switching Circuits: Bootstrap sweep circuit – analysis, Working of Astable.Bistable, Monostable multivibrators and Schmitt Trigger. SECOND INTERNAL EXAM Power amplifiers: Different classification. Transformer coupled class A power amplifier, push pull class A and class B power amplifier, efficiency and distortion, Transformer-less class AB power amplifiers. MOSFET: DC analysis of MOSFET circuits, small signal equivalent circuit. Small signal voltage gain and current gain, input and output impedance of CS, CG, CD amplifiers. Small signal analysis of MOSFET amplifier circuits, Analysis of Multistage MOSFET amplifiers: Cascade and cascode configuration. END SEMESTER EXAM 4 15 6 4 4 20 5 5 20 COURSE CODE COURSE NAME L-T-P-C YEAR OF INTRODUCTION AE/BM/EC/IE 207 LOGIC CIRCUIT DESIGN 3-0-0 -3 2015 Course objectives: • To work with a positional number systems and numeric representations •To introduce basic postulates of Boolean algebra and show the correlation between Boolean expression. •To outline the formal procedures for the analysis and design of combinational circuits and sequential Circuits. •To design and implement combinational circuits using basic programmable blocks •To design and implement synchronous sequential circuits •To study the fundamentals of VHDL Syllabus: Positional Number Systems, Boolean algebra, Combinational Logic, Digital ICs, Programmable Logic Devices, Sequential Logic, Sequential Circuits, HDL concepts Expected outcome: The student should able to: 1. Compare various positional number systems and binary codes 2. Apply Boolean algebra in logic circuit design 3. Design combinational and sequential circuits 4. Design and implement digital systems using basic programmable blocks 5. Formulate various digital systems using VHDL Text Books: 1. Donald D Givone, Digital Principles and Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. 2. Roth C. H., Digital System Design Using VHDL, Cengage Learning,2008. References: 1. Ronald J Tocci, Digital Systems, Pearson Education, 10 2. Thomas L Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education, 8th edition 2009. 3. Moris mano, Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd edition, 2002. 4. S. Salivahanan, Digital Electronics , Vikas Publishing House. 5. G K Kharate, Digital Electronics, Oxford university press, 2010 Course Plan Module Course content (36hrs) Sem. Hours Exam Marks Number systems- decimal, binary, octal, hexa decimal, number 1 base conversion I II 1’s and 2’s complement and binary arithmetic Binary logic functions, Boolean laws, Properties De Morgan's law, Logic gates Binary codes (grey, BCD and Excess-3),Hamming code, Alphanumeric codes Canonical forms, SOP, POS 1 1 1 1 1 15 15 K-map (2,3,4 variables) Combinational circuits – adder, subtractor, BCD adder, MUX, DEMUX, decoder, encoder and comparator. III IV V VI FIRST INTERNAL EXAM Logic families and its properties Logic levels, properties – propagation delay, fan in, fan out, noise margin, power dissipation NAND in TTL ( totem pole, open collector and tri-state), CMOS inverter. Comparison of logic families (TTL,ECL,CMOS) in terms of fanin, fan-out, speed, power and noise margin Programmable Logic devices - ROM, PLA, PAL Sequential circuits - latch, flip flop ( SR, JK, T, D) , master slave FF, conversion of FFs, excitation table Asynchronous counter and synchronous counter design Shift Registers - SIPO, SISO, PISO, PIPO Shift register counter - Ring Counter and Johnson Counter Random sequence generator SECOND INTERNAL EXAM 3 4 1 3 15 1 3 3 15 3 Mealy, Moore models, state machine - notations, table, excitation table, state equations State equivalence, reduction, assignment (concepts only) 3 Simple Sequence detector Introduction to VHDL - basics of modeling, types Design of simple combinational circuits like adder, MUX, decoders, flip flops 1 1 20 2 2 20 END SEMESTER EXAM Assignments: 1. Simple combinational circuit design using MUX, PLA & ROM 2. Project:VHDL simulation of circuits like simple ALU, up-down counter, linear feedback shift register, sequence generator Knowledge Level Module Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation TOTAL I 6 8 1 15 II 3 7 5 15 III 5 7 3 15 IV 2 3 8 2 15 V 2 7 8 3 20 VI 2 8 5 5 20 TOTAL 100 20 40 30 10 COURSE COURSE NAME L-T-P-C YEAR OF INTRODUCTION CODE AE/BM/EC/IE ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND 0-0-3-1 2015 211 CIRCUITS LAB Course objectives: To study the working of analogelectronic circuits. To design and implement analog circuits as per the specifications using discrete electronic components. List of Experiments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. RC integrating and differentiating circuits Clipping and clamping circuits Characteristics of BJT in CE configuration and evaluation of parameters Characteristics of MOFET in CS configuration and evaluation of parameters RC coupled CE amplifier - frequency response characteristics MOSFET amplifier (CS) - frequency response characteristics Fullwave Rectifier -with and without filter- ripple factor and regulation Zener Regulator with and without emitter follower Cascade amplifier – gain and frequency response Cascode amplifier -frequency response Feedback amplifiers (current series, voltage series) - gain and frequency response Oscillators –RC, Wien bridge,Colpitt’s and Hartley Oscillators Power amplifiers (transformer less) - Class B and Class AB Series voltage regulator Tuned amplifier - frequency response Bootstrap sweep circuit Expected outcome: The student should able to: 1. Design and demonstrate functioning of various discrete analog circuits 2. Function effectively as an individual and in a team to accomplish the given task Course Course Name L-T-PYear of No. Credits Introduction EC213 ELECTRONICS DESIGN AUTOMATION LAB 0-0-3-1 2015 Course Objectives The primary objective of this course is to teach/familiarize the students how to design and simulate the electronics/digital circuits, signals and systems using the soft-wares which are available for the modern design methodologies for the rapid design and verification of complex electronic systems. List of Exercises / Experiments 1. Introduction to SPICE Introduction to PSPICE software. Recognize various schematic symbols /model parameters of resistor, capacitor, inductor, energy sources (VCVS, CCVS, Sinusoidal source, pulse, etc), transformer, DIODE, BJT, FET, MOSFET, etc., units & values. Use PSPICE Schematic Editor to draw and analyse (DC, AC, Transient) simple analog and digital electronic circuits. At least 8 experiments are to be performed by students in the lab. List of Experiments using SPICE 2. Simulation of following circuits using SPICE [Schematic entry of circuits using standard package, Analysis –Transient, AC, DC] 1. Potential divider network 2. RC integrating and differentiating circuits 3. Diode, BJT and MOSFET characteristics 4. Diode Circuits (Clipping,Clamping, Rectifiers) 5. RC coupled amplifier (Single & two stages) 6. RC oscillator (RC phase shift / Wien Bridge) 7. Astable multivibrator 8. Truth table verification of basic and universal gates 9. Half adder /full adder circuits using gates 10. 4 bit adder/BCD adder 11. Encoder/Multiplexers 12. Flipflops/Counters Introduction to PCB Design (Using EdWin, KiCAD,OrCAD, Altium, Eagle, PowerPCB or any other package) PCB design using software should include - Schematic entry, Netlist creation, Working with component libraries, Design of boards, Layout of parts, Optimizing parts placements, Pads and Via, Manual and Auto routing etc. At least two experiments and one functional/hobby electronic circuit should be done by students in the lab. List of Experiments using PCB Design Software Schematic entry and design of single/double layer PCB layout of the following circuits 1. Power supply with filter 3. 2. Single stage amplifier 3. Wien Bridge oscillator 4. IC based (NE555/741) astable multivibrator 5. Any functional/hobby electronic circuit with integrated circuit, discrete devices, edge / strip connectors and jumpers.(Automatic room light controller,timer IC based circuit door bell) Introduction to MATLAB Matlab fundamentals, basic operations on array, matrix, complex numbers etc., Script and function files, plotting commands, control statements. Writing simple programs in matlab for handling arrays and plotting of mathematical functions. Writing M files for the plotting of analog, discrete and noise signals. Writing M files for analysing the simple electronic circuits/network using node and mesh equations. Introduction to Simulink and MATLAB Toolboxes. At least 6 experiments are to performed by students in the lab. List of Experiments using MATLAB Write MATLAB program and obtain the solutions (at least 6 of the following) 1. Solve /plot the mathematical equations containing complex 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 4. numbers, array, matrix multiplication and quadratic equations etc Obtain different types of plots (2D/3D, surface plot, polar plot) Generate and plot various signals like sine square, pulse in same window (use concept of subplot) Plot the diode/transistor characteristics. Solve node, mesh and loop equations of simple electrical/network circuits. Find the poles and zeros hence plot the transfer functions/polynomials Sort numbers in ascending order and save to another text file using text read and sort function after reading n floating point numbers from a formatted text file stored in the system. Plot a full wave rectified waveform using Fourier series Simulation of simple system with Simulink (plotting of 3phase waveform in scope etc). Introduction to VHDL Introduction to digital design building blocks and technologies, importance of using HDL in digital circuit design, Steps in VHDL based design flow. Basic structures, building blocks, entity declarations, architectures, libraries, data types etc. for writing the VHDL programs for implementing the simple digital circuits. At least 6 experiments from different levels such as gates, combinational circuits and sequential circuits are to be performed by students in the lab. List of Experiments using VHDL Write the HDL code to realise and simulate the following circuits: 1. Basic gates/universal gates 2. Combinational Circuit (Half adder/Half subtractor) 3. Full adder in 3 modelling styles (Dataflow/structural/Behavioural) 4. Multiplexer/Demultiplexer 5. Decoder/Encoder 6. 4 bit adder/BCD adder 7. Flipflops (SR,JK,T,D) 8. Counters 9. State machines Expected outcomes: 1. An ability to use modern engineering techniques for analysis and design of electronics/digital circuits. 2. An ability to apply knowledge of computer, science, and engineering to the analysis of electrical and electronic engineering problems. 3. An ability to design complex devices and systems which include hardware and software components. 4. An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.