Tuesday, August 19, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.
Marionville City Hall, 107 S Central, Marionville, MO
Mayor Doris Rapp called the meeting to order at 5:44 p.m. On roll call, the following members
were present:
David Arnsmeyer
Jessica Wilson
Donna White
Kay Leffingwell
George Jennings
MaryEllen Brundle
Also present: Attorney Ken Reynolds; City Collector, Kathy Urschel; City Clerk, Debbie
Bateman and a few citizens.
Discuss Police Agreement: Attorney Reynolds indicated after talking with several people he had
a grasp of what the concerns were. He commented things can be worked out if done in the right
way. He asked what was most important to Marionville. Coverage and accountability were the
main areas of concern that were discussed. It was mentioned we can get a report from Chief
Witthuhn that will show the amount of time officers are in Marionville. There was also
discussion about the time given to renew the agreement being reduced. Budget line items were
also mentioned. Who determines what equipment is needed and who authorizes it? Do we need
to be more specific on what we pay for? What are we responsible for? Attorney Reynolds needed
to look into the budget line items further. The budget should give the Chief a guideline of what
to spend. A question was asked about the ¼ cent sales tax. Attorney Reynolds indicated he just
received the information regarding the sales tax and he will be looking at that.
Mayor Rapp stated if the Board wants to continue and approve it, then we need to go for it.
Alderman Arnsmeyer made the motion for Attorney Reynolds to draw up an agreement with the
three (3) issues mentioned. (list out what we are responsible for; more accountability by
providing monthly reports regarding officer’s time; and under paragraph ten (10) changing the
minimum time to not renew from six (6) to three (3) months) Alderman White seconded the
motion. Motion passed on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 6- White, Brundle, Leffingwell, Arnsmeyer, Jennings, Wilson
Discuss Social Media: Mayor Rapp commented we as representatives of the citizens need to be
conscious of what we post for the benefit of the citizens. The code of ethics policy holds
everyone to a higher standard. The attorney said this policy was intended to give parameters and
guidelines for social media. It is intended to hold City Employees at a higher standard. The
Aldermen were concerned about freedom of speech, especially on someone’s own sight. The
consensus was not to tread on constitutional rights. Another concern was employees not being
able to post pictures of public events. They agreed they would like the language changed
regarding the pictures to indicate no negative or derogatory pictures are to be posted. Alderman
White made the motion to postpone voting on this until the next regular meeting to have the
changes made regarding pictures. Alderman Brundle seconded. Motion passed on roll call vote
as follows:
AYES: 5- Brundle, Jennings, Arnsmeyer, Leffingwell, White
NOES: 1- Wilson
Discuss changes to the City Code in regards to the manner in which Aldermen are allowed to
contact the City Attorney and recommend changes if warranted: Alderman Arnsmeyer
commented previously the attorney indicated they could call him when they wanted. Attorney
Reynolds indicated yes they could call him anytime, but not suggesting they violate our
ordinance. He has never seen it abused; however if on a tight budget, it is a good way to keep
track of expenses. Alderman White made the motion to leave the ordinance as is. Alderman
Wilson seconded the motion. Motion passed on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 4- Wilson, White, Jennings, Brundle
NOES: 2- Leffingwell, Arnsmeyer
Alderman Arnsmeyer excused himself from the meeting at 6:55 p.m.
Review proposed 2014 Tax Levy and set date for public hearing: City Collector, Kathy Urschel,
stated last year the Board raised the tax levy to .6012; however, our revenues were up so per the
State Auditor we will need to take a reduction to .6002. Alderman Leffingwell made the motion
to have the Public hearing for the proposed tax levy on August 27, 2014 from 5:45 p.m. to 6:00
p.m. Alderman Wilson seconded the motion. Motion passed on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 5- White, Jennings, Brundle, Wilson, Leffingwell
ABSENT: 1- Arnsmeyer
Alderman White made the motion to adjourn. Alderman Wilson seconded the motion. All voted
aye. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.