Marionville Fire Station Conference Room, 101 S Central
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Mayor Rapp called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. On roll call the following Aldermen were present:
David Arnsmeyer
Donna White
Kay Leffingwell
Tracy Glenn
George Jennings
Wanda Montgomery was absent.
A few citizens were also present.
Following roll call Mayor Rapp led the Pledge of Allegiance and opened the meeting with prayer.
Approve order of agenda: Alderman Leffingwell made the motion to approve the order of the agenda.
Alderman Arnsmeyer seconded. Motion passed on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 5- Glenn, Leffingwell, Jennings, White, Arnsmeyer
ABSENT: 1- Montgomery
Approve minutes of October 8th regular meeting and October 19th special meeting: Alderman
Arnsmeyer made the motion to approve the minutes of the October 8th meeting as presented. Alderman
Leffingwell seconded the motion. Motion passed on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 5- White, Jennings, Arnsmeyer, Leffingwell
ABSTAIN: 1- Glenn (absent)
ABSENT: 1- Montgomery
Alderman Leffingwell made the motion to approve the minutes of the October 19th special meeting as
presented. Alderman White seconded. Motion passed on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 5- Arnsmeyer, Glenn, Leffingwell, Jennings, White
ABSENT: 1- Montgomery
Approve payment of Bills, Adjustments, Bank Recs and Cash Reports: Alderman White made the
motion to approve the payment of bills, bank recs and adjustment reports as presented. Alderman
Arnsmeyer seconded. Motion passed on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 5- Jennings, Arnsmeyer, White, Glenn, Leffingwell
ABSENT: 1- Montgomery
Citizens Comments/Official Guests and Visitors:
Resolution 2-2015R “A Resolution of the Board of Aldermen of Marionville, Missouri Amending the
Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 2015.” The Resolution would increase the
expenses for 2015 by $141,200. Alderman Arnsmeyer indicated he would have like to have seen a total
dollar amount for the expenses. Alderman Arnsmeyer stated this budget amendment would bring the
deficit to $198,649 which comes out of our bank account. Alderman Leffingwell made the motion to
approve Resolution 2-2015R as presented. Alderman Glenn seconded. Motion passed on roll call vote as
AYES: 4- White, Leffingwell, Jennings, Glenn
NAYES: 1- Arnsmeyer
ABSENT: 1- Montgomery
Set meeting to review 2016 Budget: Alderman Arnsmeyer made the motion to schedule a budget
workshop on Monday, November 23, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. Alderman Leffingwell seconded. Motion passed
on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 5- Jennings, Arnsmeyer, Glenn, Leffingwell, White
ABSENT: 1- Montgomery
Pay Scale for employees (police clerks, sergeant, and corporal): The current pay scale does not include
the positions of police clerk, sergeant, or corporal. Alderman Arnsmeyer had created a report showing the
wages of cities in both hourly and salary amounts for comparison. Alderman Glenn asked what the
sergeant’s duties were. Chief Witthuhn stated we have two (2) sergeants and each supervise half of the
officers and we have fifteen officers. Sergeant Smith and Chief Witthuhn indicated some of the duties
include scheduling, reviewing reports, help with evidence, job evaluations and running what goes on out
on the road. Alderman White made the motion to discuss the pay scale at the same meeting to review the
2016 budget. Alderman Leffingwell seconded the motion. Motion passed on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 5- Glenn, Leffingwell, Arnsmeyer, White, Jennings
ABSENT: 1- Montgomery
Consider Engineering fees for survey of drainage easement: Mayor Rapp stated MODOT came and
looked at Lincoln Street and Mill. They are going to try to make Lincoln St. about four (4) feet wider by
extending the culvert. The engineers have looked at the sidewalk at Mill and Lincoln and indicated it
served no purpose and should be taken out. Some sort of berm or something to hold water on the one side
needs to be put in. The engineers indicated we would need to have a survey done and draw up an
easement to remedy the problem. The engineer’s proposal for the survey and the easement was $950.00.
Alderman Leffingwell made the motion to accept the engineer’s proposal of $950.00 for a survey and
drainage easement. Alderman Glenn seconded the motion. Motion passed on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 5- Arnsmeyer, Jennings, White, Glenn, Leffingwell
ABSENT: 1- Montgomery
Police Agreement for 2016 and Bill 2015-17/Ordinance 17-2015 “AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING
AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF AURORA, MISSOURI.” Mayor Rapp read Bill 2015-17 twice
by title only. Alderman Leffingwell expressed her concern that this agreement gives Marionville no
power. We are not dealing with the Police Chief but with the City of Aurora. People from Aurora have
told her we were stupid for signing it. She was upset because our attorney ignored suggestions regarding
the agreement that would give Marionville more say. Alderman Arnsmeyer commented our Police
Department is doing well. He has gotten complaints the police are not here enough; however, he does see
on the logs, where Aurora officers have covered for Marionville and Marionville has covered in Aurora.
Alderman Arnsmeyer stated he has had problems getting copies under a sunshine law request from the
City of Aurora.
Alderman Glenn stated it would cost more for us to maintain our own police department. She also
commented that nobody was happy when we had our own department. Alderman Leffingwell stated she
does not have a problem with Chief Witthuhn. He has been kind enough to listen to us. Alderman White
stated she has a problem with the City Manager. He is difficult to talk to and she doesn’t like the amount
of control he has over the Police Department. We need to trust our Chief and let him do his job. She
doesn’t see we have a better option at this point. Alderman Glenn asked if our crime has increased. Chief
Witthuhn stated last year’s statistics were down almost fifty percent (50%).
Chief Witthuhn asked Alderman Arnsmeyer what problems he had with sunshine law requests. Alderman
Arnsmeyer stated he had problems with his request for the police inventory and was denied requests more
than once for copies of minutes of the police advisory board meetings. Chief indicated there was no
advisory board. After an exchange of words, Chief Witthuhn remarked that Alderman Arnsmeyer has
called him a liar several times. Alderman Arnsmeyer stated he could call the Attorney General’s office
regarding the sunshine law requests and would put it on the internet. Chief Witthuhn replied for him to
do what he had to do.
Jim Dickenson was concerned that any personal opinions or ill will doesn’t need to go out on the internet.
This needs to be dealt with here. When he was on the council, he had to set personal opinions aside. It’s
what is best for the City. There are issues but deal with them as adults.
Alderman Arnsmeyer made the motion to change the title of Bill 2015-17/Ordinance 17-2015 by adding
“for police services” at the end. Alderman Jennings seconded. Motion passed on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 5- Arnsmeyer, White, Glenn, Jennings, Leffingwell
ABSENT: 1- Montgomery
Alderman Arnsmeyer made the motion to continue with Bill 2015-17/Ordinance 17-2015 and to vote to
pass Bill 2015-17/Ordinance 17-2015 with the changes. Alderman Glenn seconded. Roll call vote was as
AYES: 3- Jennings, Glenn, White
NAYES: 2- Leffingwell, Arnsmeyer
ABSENT: 1- Montgomery
Mayor Rapp stated the Ordinance did not pass by a majority of the board, therefore, since the current
agreement runs out at the end of December, the board needs to figure out what they are going to do about
the police department and a police chief.
Vote to go into closed session pursuant to RSMo 610.021 (13) closed records and RSMo 610.021 (2)
Leasing, purchase or sale of real estate: Alderman Arnsmeyer made the motion to go into closed
session pursuant to RSMo 610.021 (13) closed records and RSMo 610.021 (2) leasing, purchase or sale of
real estate. Alderman White seconded the motion. Motion passed on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 5- White, Arnsmeyer, Leffingwell, Jennings, Glenn
ABSENT: 1- Montgomery
Aldermen went into closed session at 7:15 p.m. and returned at 7:37 p.m.
Mayor Rapp stated in closed session the board reviewed five (5) employee evaluations and discussed a
real estate matter. The vote on real estate matter will be announced after the transaction is finalized.
In closed session Alderman Arnsmeyer made the motion to go back into open session. Alderman Glenn
seconded and motion passed on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 5- Arnsmeyer, Jennings, White, Leffingwell, Glenn
Review annual anniversary for Debbie Crowell (12/4), Heather Tidwell (12/22), Sean Pierce (12/29,
Aletha Smialek (1/2), and Krissa Smith (1/2): Alderman White made the motion to give a three percent
(3%) raise for these five (5) employees effective on their anniversary dates. Alderman Leffingwell stated
she didn’t like percentages, they were not fair. Alderman Glenn commented she felt anybody who puts
their life on the line everyday deserved to get the maximum amount for a raise. Alderman White
amended her motion to a five percent (5%) raise for these five (5) employees, to be effective on their
anniversary date. Motion was seconded by Alderman Glenn and passed on roll call as follows:
AYES: 5- Glenn, Jennings, Leffingwell, Arnsmeyer, White
ABSENT: 1- Montgomery
Fire Department request to purchase boots and masks: Jim Dickenson, Assistant Fire Chief, stated the
fire department wanted to purchase twelve (12) pair of boots and ten (10) masks plus a few other pieces of
equipment like flashlights, etc. What they are currently using is about seventeen (17) years old. They
have ninety-six hundred dollars ($9600.00) left in this year’s budget and the cost for these items would be
in the ballpark of sixty-two hundred dollars ($6200.00). Alderman Arnsmeyer made the motion to
approve the request by the fire department for the purchases in the amount of sixty-two hundred dollars
($6200.00). Alderman Glenn seconded. Motion passed on roll call vote as follows:
AYES: 5- Jennings, Glenn, Arnsmeyer, Leffingwell, White
ABSENT: 1- White
Police Chief Witthuhn: Indicated the police department has been busy. He had some questions in lieu of
the vote on the police agreement. Chief Witthuhn stated the dispatching and jail services were being
provided by Aurora before the service agreement came about. He asked that this be put on the agenda for
next month to discuss continuing those services. Alderman Leffingwell asked for the police service
agreement to be put on the December agenda for a revote. If necessary for approval she would vote yes.
Chief Witthuhn stated Marionville’s new police car is now in use. He apologized for the current
overtime, but had authorized overtime in which four (4) drug arrests were made. The alderman shared
with Chief several complaints they had received regarding speeding on certain streets. Chief Witthuhn
and Sergeant Smith indicated they would have officers check that.
Assistant Fire Chief, Jim Dickenson: Indicated the fire department has responded to several auto
accidents this year. The fire station saw lots of trick-or-treaters on Halloween.
Alderman Arnsmeyer: Asked if the Mayor was getting reports from the Street Department. They are
turning them in weekly. It was noted the Street Department is to be turning them in daily. Alderman
Arnsmeyer gave a summary of the MML meeting he attended in Ash Grove on October 29. Items
discussed were:
--The new Mack’s Creek Law. If passed it would require two financial statements. One is regarding the
revenue from minor traffic violation. Someone from the city would be assigned to sign this under oath.
The other is a certification signed by the judge.
--Discussed a petition audit. Anyone can start a petition audit, but the one who turns it in has to be a
citizen. After turned in, the signers have ten (10) days to have their name removed.
--New Election Laws. Form 5120 (tax affidavit) must be filed prior to turning in the declaration of
candidacy. They can show proof of filing (picture of envelope or fax confirmation page).
--Use of public funds can be used for a ballot item for education only.
--Employee drug screening. Medical marijuana is influencing this. Make sure your testing policy is
Mayor Rapp stated the Planning and Zoning Board needs three (3) more members and the Park Board
needs one (1) more. Empire has put in a new light pole downtown. Barry is in the process of fixing a
broken piece of sidewalk where the new pole is. Next year our engineers can apply for a sidewalk grant.
The trailers on the property on Coleman Road, which was given to the city, are not the city’s property.
One has been moved out and the other had requested to stay until the city decided what to do with the
property. The street paving came in under what they projected. Mayor Rapp announced that Convoy of
Hope will be giving away shoes at the elementary school on November 24th from noon to 2:00 p.m. It
would be nice to have some aldermen, police officers, and firefighters to help with this.
Alderman White made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Glenn. All voted aye. The meeting
adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Mayor Doris Rapp
City Clerk Debbie Bateman