2016 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion Six-Phase Electrically Excited Synchronous Generator for More Electric Aircraft Mohammed Alnajjar Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany Mohammed.Alnajjar@unibw.de Dieter Gerling Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany Dieter.Gerling@unibw.de mandatory for the DC power system of the aircraft because the three-phase supply does not fulfill the requirements of the current harmonic limits defined by the aircraft standard. Nevertheless, there is an intention to eliminate the TRU which produces high core losses, in particular at high electrical frequencies. An additional advantage of avoiding this complex transformer configuration is the reduced weight and cost [7]. Recently, multiphase machines have become an important alternative in variable speed power generation, especially on the aircraft where the significant reduction of the current harmonics is one of the main reasons to deploy the multiphase machine technology [8], [9]. Another reason for the viable importance of the power generation using multiphase machines to be applied to the aircraft is their fault-tolerance and the ability to continue operation in the case of a failure of one or more phases [9], [10]. Furthermore, dividing the supply current to a higher number of phases leads to a reduced per-phase current which is an important aspect of having a reduced rating of the semiconductor switches of the power electronic converter [9]. The increased interest of the aircraft industry in multiphase machines results in the need for detailed investigation of such machines for the power generation on the aircraft. As a consequence, an electromagnetic design of the multiphase aircraft generator is necessary for addressing the possibilities of their use for the aircraft power generation. The generator is subject to a variable speed operation since the rotational speed of the aircraft engine changes during different flight phases. In addition, the voltage stability of the power system needs to fulfill the transient limits defined by the standard mentioned above. Therefore, the electromagnetic design has to take the machine parameters into consideration since they influence the control of the generator drive system and the quality of the power conversion. The power rectification is utilized using a PWM voltage source inverter (VSI) in order to obtain the output DC power [13]. The choice of the electrical generator for aircraft application is an important factor for addressing the performance of the entire electrical power system. Although the induction machines (IM) are characterized by the robustness, fault-tolerance, and the high reliability, they are not recognized as a good candidate for the aircraft power generation due to the low power density and the low performance at a high-speed operation [11], [12]. On the other hand, the switched reluctance machines (SRM) have a robust structure and they can operate over a wide speed and a high temperature in addition to their fault-tolerance. However, the main disadvantages of the SRM are the low power density, higher rating of the power electronic converter, and the high torque ripple and acoustic noise [11], [12]. Synchronous machines are widely used for the power generation systems. The permanent magnet (PM) synchronous machines possess the characteristics such as the high power density and the high efficiency. Though, the PM Abstract—This paper proposes an electromagnetic design of an asymmetrical six-phase salient-pole synchronous generator for the aircraft power system. The generator is coupled to the aircraft engine and it is connected to 270V DC bus via a dual three-phase voltage source inverter. An electrical excitation current is fed to the rotor coil in order to produce the induced voltage in the stator windings. The external excitation possesses the advantage of controlling the output voltage by adjusting the excitation current. The generator is designed based on the performance of the synchronous machine at different load conditions and at different rotor speeds. In order to achieve an improved performance and an increased efficiency of the machine, the design of the stator windings and the rotor geometry is studied. The selection of the windings topology and the number of stator slots is discussed where the requirements of the aircraft variable speed generator are considered. The electromagnetic design of the machine is implemented and the Finite Element Method is used to analyze the performance of the machine. The control system of the DC bus voltage is discussed based on the machine characteristics obtained from the simulation based on Finite Element Method. The crosssaturation of the machine is considered at overload condition. Index Terms—Aircraft power generation, asymmetrical sixphase synchronous machine, variable speed operation, dual three-phase voltage source inverter, cross-saturation. I. INTRODUCTION In More Electric Aircraft (MEA), a significant weight reduction can be achieved by replacing various conventional power systems with one electrical system supplying the power to various electrical actuating elements [1]. However, this advancement requires higher electrical power generation on the aircraft [2]. The aircraft jet engine has an electric generator coupled to the engine shaft, and it operates under different operating conditions. In the generation mode, a variable speed operation is utilized since for a DC power system, the power is rectified and delivered to a 270V DC power system of the airplane [1], [3]. By using a variable speed generator with a DC power system, the constant speed gearbox is eliminated and thus further reduction of both weight and cost can be achieved [4]. In addition, the weight of the wiring harness of the power distribution can be reduced since only two cables are needed for the power transmission, especially in commercial aircraft in which the distance to transmit power is very long. For the DC power distribution on the aircraft, the output power is subject to very strict limits defined by the standard MIL-STD 704F regarding the harmonics content. It was proven that the minimum requirement for the power rectification is a 12pulse rectifier in order to fulfill these limits [5], [6]. In the power system of the conventional aircraft, a transformer rectifier unit (TRU) is utilized in order to transform the power from a three-phase generator supply to a six-phase supply for the 12-pulse rectifier [7]. Therefore, the TRU is 978-1-5090-2067-6/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 7 Nevertheless, the 5th and 7th harmonic components exist in the current, and they are limited only by the impedance of the stator [22]. However, it is possible to suppress these current harmonics of the six-phase stator by the power converter itself without using harmonic filters [22]. The elimination of these harmonic components leads to an improved performance of the six-phase machine which makes it suitable for the aircraft power generation where the harmonic components of the current are subject to standard limits [19]. The analysis of the harmonic fields is carried out using a mathematical formulation and the result is validated by applying the Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation. The geometrical parameters of the machine are of a major concern in the determination of the resultant flux density distribution. Analytically, the flux density distribution is calculated by the multiplication of the permeance wave Λ and the MMF wave Θ as it is shown in the expression [19], [20]: machines with the conventional design are claimed to have inferior fault tolerance in comparison with the other machines. Furthermore, the high temperature has an anticipated influence on the degradation of the permanent magnets [11], [12]. Thus, the generator considered in this study is an asymmetrical six-phase electrically excited synchronous generator operating at a variable rotor speed and variable load conditions. Compared with the PM synchronous generator, the electrically excited synchronous generator possesses the advantage of safety because the field excitation can be removed in the case of a critical failure of the generator. II. MODELLING OF THE ASYMMETRICAL SIX-PHASE SALIENT-POLE MACHINE The choice of the winding layout of the stator of the electrical machine is of the utmost importance for the machine performance. The design of the electric generator is usually based on the aim of having a stator topology that yields to an approximation of sinusoidal output voltage and current with relatively low harmonics content [13]. As the machine is meant for the aircraft power generation, the winding topology is one of the major design aspects in order to achieve the desired performance. The magnetomotive force (MMF) distribution should be as close as possible to the sinusoidal waveform [14]. Therefore, the design theory has to take into account the space harmonics of the MMF distribution in the air-gap [15]. The MMF wave produces the air-gap flux which usually contains various harmonic components [19]. Recently, a higher number of phases is taken into consideration in order to obtain a reduced harmonics content and hence, improve the machine performance [9], [21]. It has been shown that in multiphase machines, due the increased number of phases of an AC machine to more than three, the machine losses produced by the 5th and 7th current harmonics can be reduced [16]. The winding arrangement of the stator needs special thoughts in order to find an armature topology that collects the back EMF in the most effective manner [18]. Because the induced back EMF for the integral slot distributed winding is higher than it is for other winding topologies, this winding layout constitutes a very good choice since the machine is supposed to operate as a generator. On the other hand, distributed winding have the advantage that the MMF wave is nearly sinusoidal [19], [20]. In order to combine the advantages of having an improved MMF distribution and the faulttolerance, the six-phase winding have been chosen for the design of the aircraft generator. In six-phase machines, asymmetrical winding configuration is usually considered [19]. In this winding configuration, there are two three-phase winding sets that share the same magnetic circuit. In this configuration, the machine winding are distributed around the stator so that the three-phase sets of winding are displaced by an electrical angle of 30o [19]. The winding factors of the 5th and 7th MMF harmonic components in the six-phase machine are higher than those for a counterpart three-phase machine [23]. However, these harmonic components do not contribute in the resulting air-gap flux because they cancel each other since they act in opposite directions [21]. Therefore, for a six-phase generator the harmonics of order 6n±1 (n=1, 3, 5, etc.) will not have influence on the resulting air-gap flux of the machine [22]. This leads to an improved efficiency of the multiphase machine when the asymmetrical six-phase stator is used. B (ε , t ) = Λ ⋅ Θ(ε , t ) (1) B is the flux density of the machine, ε is the angle on the circumference, and t is the time. The permeance Λ is given by: μ A 1 (2) Λ= o ⋅ g (ε , t ) A μo is the magnetic permeability of air, g is the air-gap length and A is the cross-section. It is important to consider the fact that the permeance wave Λ depends on the geometry of the machine, and its harmonics content is affected by the slotting of the stator. In addition, the permeance wave Λ is also a function of the pole symmetry [19]. For the calculation of the flux density distribution that is given by (1), the permeance wave Λ is multiplied by the resultant MMF wave which results from the stator winding. The MMF wave contains higher order harmonics that vary with the winding arrangement in the stator. In (1), the resultant MMF wave Θ for the asymmetrical six-phase stator with two three-phase sets of winding that are displaced by 30o is written as [19]: 2π π ∞ ∞ j ( m−k ) j ( m+ k ) w 6 3 Θ(ε , t ) = { wv (1 + e + )[1 + e (3) 2 m = −∞ k =1 e − j ( m −k ) 2π 3 ]ik e j ( kωt −mα ) } wwv is the winding factor with the harmonic order v and ik is the current with the time harmonic order k. Eq. (3) shows that the space harmonics in the air-gap that result from the current supply are of the order 1, -11, 13…etc. The equation also shows that the order of the space harmonic components that can be suppressed depends on the phase shift between the two sets of winding of the six-phase stator. As it has been mentioned earlier, in the case of 30o phase shift, the harmonic components of the order -5 and 7 cancel each other since they are rotating in the opposite directions, each relative to the synchronous speed. This means that these harmonic components do not have an impact on the pulsations of the electromagnetic torque of the machine [19]. III. FEM ANALYSIS OF THE ASYMMETRICAL SIX-PHASE SALIENT-POLE MACHINE The design of the machine geometry has been created based on the basic mathematical formulations that determine the size of the machine taking into consideration the rated power and the rotor speed. The choice of the material of the core 8 lamination is made based on the use of high specific resistivity in order to have reduced core losses. The material used for the aircraft generator is the fully processed M19 grade, 29 gage lamination material with inorganic C5 coating that typically has a core loss of 1.58W/Ib at 15kg. This material usually has 3-6% silicon content higher than the commercially used M45 grade for other industrial applications [15]. The rated power required for the prototype of this application is 60 kW. The generator operates in a variable speed range, i.e. the speed varies between 6000 rpm and 12000 rpm for the generator operation. Therefore, the rotor is designed with 4-poles in order to achieve a frequency range of 200-400Hz for the above mentioned speed range. A higher number of poles is not desirable since the machine iron losses increase at higher frequencies, which implies that a complex cooling method should be implemented. The slotting of the stator is utilized so that the stator MMF distribution that is nearly sinusoidal can be achieved. The slots produce harmonics that are stationary with respect to the winding [15]. In order to guarantee equal output voltages of all the phases, an integral number of slots per phase is chosen [16]. The stator of the machine is designed with 48 slots which constitutes the minimum number of slots required for a six-phase machine in order to realize an MMF distribution close to the sinusoidal wave [9]. The waveform based on the estimated values of the MMF wave is shown in Fig. 1. improved flux density distribution along the pole face is achieved. For designing the rotor of the salient-pole machine, special attention is paid to produce somewhat sinusoidal flux density distribution by using a non-uniform air-gap along the periphery of the pole face. In general, the radial air-gap dimension is larger near the pole tips than at the pole centerline [15]. This design consideration has the benefit of reducing the slot harmonics since the air-gap is larger at the pole tip having an increased magnetic reluctance. The air-gap flux determines the flux density level in the stator teeth and in the iron core of the stator. In addition, the flux density in the core contributes to the ampere-turns of the field winding required to pass the flux through the air-gap for a given current excitation of the rotor and the stator windings [15]. Therefore, the air-gap is designed in order to have a reduced number of the ampereturns of the rotor field winding. The aim of the design of the generator is to have the flux density distribution in the airgap that leads to a higher total flux per pole for a given fundamental waveform. This requires more cross section of the iron core of the pole body [15]. The pole body is designed so that the flux density at the root of the pole is limited to Bp=2.0T where the leakage factor of 1.25 is considered for calculating Bp. The flux density distribution of the generator under full load operation and at rotor speed of 6000 rpm is shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 1 MMF wave of the asymmetrical six-phase synchronous generator with two windings sets with a phase displacement of 30o Fig. 2 Flux density distribution of the asymmetrical six-phase generator under full load operation and at rotor speed of 6000 rpm The machine has the six phases u1, v1, w1, u2, v2 and w2 with the coils that are wound and inserted in the stator slots. In order to achieve an additive back EMF, the coils are wound is such a way that the coil sides are one pole-pitch apart. Although the significant harmonic components of the stator current do not contribute in the air-gap flux in the asymmetrical six-phase stator, it is beneficiary to design the stator winding in such a way that these harmonic components are reduced where the voltage and the current waves are improved. The short-pitch winding design of the stator allows to partially compensate these harmonic components. The short-pitch distributed winding with a pitch factor of 5/6 is chosen for the six-phase aircraft generator. The model of the six-phase salient-pole synchronous machine has been developed based on two three-phase winding sets with delta-winding configuration. This winding connection is utilized due to reliability reason and due to the relatively low supply voltage level of the generator. The rotor is designed in such a way that the rotor flux is utilized by the field winding using DC current excitation that can be supplied using a rotary transformer. The flux density distribution of the synchronous machine in the air-gap is produced by the excitation of the stator and the rotor depending on the load condition. The air-gap flux density is influenced by the geometry of the rotor, effective air-gap length, the stator slots, and the winding configuration [17]. In the synchronous machine with a salient-pole rotor, the shape of the pole shoe is designed in such a way that an In the electrically excited salient-pole synchronous machine, the rotor coils are excited by an external DC current and hence, a voltage is induced in the stator winding. In the generator operation of the salient-pole synchronous machine, the loading produces a deviation of the rotor from the synchronous speed and that causes the stator flux to change. The winding coils of the stator react by opposing the change in the flux by generating induced currents [27]. For the power generator, the induced voltage together with the stator impedance specifies the line voltage of the generator when the current is supplied to the load. In the six-phase generator with two winding sets, the current is distributed into the winding sets and the output voltage of 200V is achieved. The induced voltage for full load operation and at the rotor speed of 6000 rpm is depicted in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 The induced voltage of the six-phase generator under full load operation and at the rotor speed of 6000 rpm Fig. 4 shows the harmonic content of the induced voltage of the asymmetrical six-phase salient-pole synchronous machine at the full load and at the rotor speed of 6000 rpm obtained by the time-step FEM simulation. It can be seen 9 that the short-pitch of the stator winding 5/6 reduces the 5th harmonic component significantly. Ld (id , iq , i f ) = ψ d (id , iq , i f ) −ψ f (id , iq , i f ) id Lq (id , iq , i f ) = (4) ψ q (id , iq , i f ) iq The variation of the dq-flux linkages and the dq-inductances calculated by the FEM simulation for 20 A excitation current is shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, respectively. It should be mentioned that when the excitation current changes, the whole maps in the d-axis are shifted vertically. Fig. 4 Harmonic content of the induced voltage under at the full load of 60 kW and at the rotor speed of 6000 rpm The flux linkage of all the phases of the machine is also calculated using the FEM simulation. The flux linkage of the six-phase generator was obtained at the full load and at the rotor speed of 6000 rpm. Fig. 5 shows the flux linkage of the machine when the machine is fully loaded and at the rotor speed of 6000 rpm. The waves of the flux linkage are shifted by 30o in the opposite direction due to the delta-connection of the windings [24]. Fig. 7 Flux linkage calculated for the six-phase generator (a) d-axis; (b) q-axis Fig. 8 Inductance calculated for the asymmetrical six-phase generator (a) d-axis; (b) q-axis Fig. 5 Flux linkage of the asymmetrical six-phase generator under full load and at the rotor speed of 6000 rpm. For a given load demand, the current of the stator and rotor windings is adjusted so that the output RMS voltage of 200V is obtained. The evaluation of the performance of the machine encompasses the calculation of the copper losses in the stator and the rotor, the iron losses estimated by the FEM and the mechanical losses. The machine operates as a generator, and the speed varies in the range of 6000-12000 rpm. For the aircraft application, the electromagnetic torque of the machine depends on the load which varies during different flight phases. The simulation is implemented for various operating points for the generator mode, thus the outline of the torque-speed characteristics together with the efficiency of the machine is obtained. Fig. 9 shows the efficiency map of the asymmetrical six-phase aircraft generator for different load and speed operating points. The electromagnetic torque of the machine depends on the stator and rotor currents. The FEM simulation is performed for the full load operation at the rotor speed of 6000 rpm. At this speed, the rotor excitation current is 20 A. The peak value of the current in the stator winding is 123 A for each winding set. The electromagnetic torque of the generator at the full load and at the rotor speed of 6000 rpm is illustrated in Fig. 6. It can be noted that the torque ripple has a peak value of 3.6% which is reduced when the conventional threephase machine is compared. This is one of the main advantages of designing the aircraft electrical generator with six-phase windings topology. Fig. 6 Electromagnetic torque of the asymmetrical six-phase generator under full load and at the rotor speed of 6000 rpm For the control system, a good knowledge concerning the inductances of the machine is required. In order to estimate the inductances of the machine, the flux linkage of the machine is obtained by the FEM simulation. The flux is calculated for various operating points in which the current of the stator varies in both axes of the dq-rotor reference frame for different rotor current excitation depending on the load conditions at different rotor speeds. The dq-inductances of the salient-pole synchronous machine are calculated by [28]: Fig. 9 Efficiency map of the asymmetrical six-phase generator IV. VOLTAGE CONTROL OF THE ASYMMETRICAL SIX-PHASE GENERATOR For the control of the six-phase machine, the decoupled dqtransformation is used where the machine inductances are represented in the dq-frame [25], [26]. The field-oriented control (FOC) is the mostly suited control method used for synchronous drives because it has the benefit of the easy decoupling of the dq-currents. For a given speed range of 10 operation, the reference value of the d-axis current is usually set to zero in order to achieve a constant torque angle and adjusting the field current is sufficient for the voltage control. In this case, the machine is operated under linear magnetic conditions and the conventional decoupling equations of the synchronous machine are applied. As the machine is designed for the power generation on the aircraft, the machine must be capable of supplying a certain overload current where the machine can reach the saturation region. The analysis of the salient-pole synchronous machine under this phenomenon is required when the machine has to be overloaded for a certain time like in the aircraft power generation. The aircraft electrical system requirement for the MEPP defines the overload capability for the 270VDC system by 125% for 5 minutes and 150% for 5 seconds. The d-axis current is of a major interest when the machine is operated under saturation especially at high rotor speed. In the overload condition, the generator is operated with a supply current far beyond the rated value. If the machine is saturated, special attention must be paid to the crosscoupling effect. Hence, the cross-coupling operation is an important aspect for the analysis of the salient-pole synchronous machine that is operated under saturation. The equations for the implementation of the vector control are revised and the contribution of the cross-coupling inductances is included. The space vector theory can be implemented to the machine with distributed winding in which the assumption of a sinusoidal MMF distribution can be made. However, the flux density distribution is distorted by the flux paths when the machine is under saturation [29]. In general, the space vector of the flux linkage of the salientpole synchronous machine is not coaxial with the space vector of the magnetizing current [29]. This implies that the resultant flux wave does not lay in one axis with the MMF wave. Nevertheless, for the special case when the space vector of the magnetizing current has only a d-axis component or only a q-axis component, the space vector of the flux linkage is coaxial with the space vector of the magnetization flux. However, the distortion of the flux paths in the case of saturation influences the magnetization inductances of the machine and thus the performance of the control system [29]. Fig. 10 illustrates the distribution of the flux paths in the machine under rated load and under 150% overload conditions. In order to analyze the voltage equations, the equivalent circuit of the six-phase synchronous machine in the dq-frame is shown in Fig. 11. Fig. 11 Equivalent circuit of the six-phase salient-pole synchronous machine in the dq-rotor reference frame ud1, uq1 are the dq-voltages of the winding set 1 and id1, iq1 are the dqcurrents of the winding set 1 in the rotor frame. ud2, uq2 are the dq-voltages of the winding set 2 and id2, iq2 are the dq-currents of the winding set 2 in the rotor frame. uf is the voltage applied to the field winding, iD and iQ are the dq-currents of the damper cage and if is the field current, all in the rotor reference dq-frame. Rs is the stator resistance, RD, RQ are the dq-axis resistances of the damper cage, and Rf is the resistance of the field windings. ωe is the electrical frequency. ψd1, ψq1 are the dq-flux linkages of the winding set 1, and ψd2, ψq2 are the dq-flux linkages of the winding set 2 in the rotor frame. ψD, ψQ are the dq-flux linkages of the damper winding, and ψf is the flux linkage for the field winding in the rotor frame. Lsσ is the leakage inductance of the stator, Ldm, Lqm are the dq-axis magnetizing inductances for one winding set of stator in the rotor dq-frame. LDσ, LQσ are the leakage inductances of damper cage. Lfσ is the leakage inductance of the field winding. ψ d = Lsσ id +ψ dm 1 1 ψ q = Lsσ iq +ψ qm (5) ψdm and ψqm are d-axis and q-axis components of the magnetizing flux linkages in the reference dq-frame. In the control structure of FOC, the dq-currents are usually used as the state variables in the model of the machine. In such a model, the tangent-slope incremental inductances between the d- and the q-axis are present. The voltage equations that describe the nonlinear behavior of the machine under saturation can be derived by applying the chain differentiation on the magnetizing flux linkages ψdm and ψqm, the following expression results [28]: (6) d (i + i + i + i ) d (i + i + i ) dψ ∂ψ ∂ψ 1 dm dt = d1 dm ∂ (id1 + id 2 + i D + i f ) 1 d2 D f + dt dt = q2 Q dt Ldq Ldd dψ qm q1 dm ∂ (iq1 + iq2 + iQ ) ∂ψ qm d (iq1 + iq2 + iQ ) ∂ (iq1 + iq2 + iQ ) dt + ∂ψ qm d (id1 + id 2 + i D + i f ) ∂ (id1 + id 2 + i D + i f ) dt Lqq Lqd It can be seen that the incremental dq-inductances Ldd and Lqq are present in Eq. (6) and they describe the change of the magnetization flux linkage of the machine under the saturation condition. In addition, the cross-coupling inductances between the d- and q-axis, and the q- and the daxis that are given by Ldq and Lqd, respectively appear in the Eq. (6). Taking into account all the components that result from the differentiation of the flux linkages, the following equations of the voltages ud1, uq1 of the winding set 1 can be derived [29]: (7) di d (i + i + i + i ) d (i + i + i ) Fig. 10 Flux paths of the asymmetrical six-phase generator under rated load and under 150 % overload operation (a) Rated load; (b) Overload of 150% for 5 seconds u d 1 = R s i d 1 + L sσ d1 dt + Ldd d1 d2 D f dt + Ldq q1 q2 Q dt − ω e [ Lsσ iq1 + ψ qm ] The saturation level of each axis is determined by the amplitude of the space vector of the magnetizing current that includes both d-axis and q-axis currents [29]. Therefore, the flux linkages of the winding set 1 of the saturated six-phase salient-pole synchronous machine are given by: u q1 = Rs iq1 + Lsσ di q1 dt + Lqq d (iq1 + i q2 + iQ ) dt + Lqd d (id1 + i d 2 + i D + i f ) dt + ω e [ Lsσ i d1 + ψ dm ] The voltage equations of the winding set 2 are derived in the same manner by considering the flux linkages ψd2, ψq2. Hence, the voltages ud2, uq2 are written as: 11 u d 2 = Rsid 2 + Lsσ did 2 dt + Ldd d (id1 + id 2 + iD + i f ) dt + Ldq d (iq1 + iq 2 + iQ ) dt − ωe [ Lsσ iq 2 + ψ qm ] u q 2 = Rsiq 2 + Lsσ diq 2 dt + Lqq d (iq1 + iq 2 + iQ ) dt + Lqd d (id1 + id 2 + iD + i f ) dt + ωe [ Lsσ id 2 + ψ dm ] (8) The rotor voltage equations of the saturated salient-pole machine can be derived using the definition given by Eq. (6). Hence, it follows that the voltage equation for the rotor field winding and for the damper winding in the rotor reference frame can be expressed by: u f = R f i f + L fσ di f + Ldd d (id1 + id2 + iD + i f ) + Ldq Fig. 13 Incremental and cross coupling inductances of a three-phase salientpole synchronous machine [28] d (iq1 + iq 2 + iQ ) dt dt dt d (id1 + id2 + iD + i f ) d (iq1 + iq 2 + iQ ) diD 0 = RD iD + L|Dσ + Ldd + Ldq dt dt dt d (iq1 + iq 2 + iQ ) d (id1 + id2 + iD + i f ) diQ 0 = RQ iQ + LQσ + Lqq + Lqd dt dt dt (9) The vector diagram of the six-phase salient-pole synchronous machine with two three-phase winding sets is depicted in Fig. 12. It can be noted that the angle μ describes the deviation of the space vector of the magnetization flux linkage from the d-axis. This deviation depends mainly on the d-axis component of the stator current that may increase significantly under saturation when the machine is overloaded. In this case, the incremental dq-inductances are considerably affected. It addition, the cross-coupling inductances Ldq and Lqd cannot be neglected [28]. Fig. 13 illustrates the effect of increasing the stator d-axis current on the incremental inductances Ldd and Lqq, and on the crosscoupling inductances Ldq and Lqd for a three-phase salientpole synchronous machine [28]. In general, it can be summarized that these terms vanish if space vector of the magnetizing flux lies along the d-axis (μ≈0) or along the qaxis (μ≈90o) [29]. Nevertheless, a large q-axis current is usually required at the 150% overload condition in comparison with the d-axis current. Thus, the incremental inductances Ldd and Lqq remain almost constant while the cross-coupling inductances Ldq and Lqd are not negligible anymore. As the cross-coupling inductances Ldq and Lqd have negative values, the resultant vector of the current is aligned in an axis which is less inductive and this affects the transient operation of the generator in the case of saturation. In order to address this effect, a transient model of the asymmetrical six-phase salient-pole synchronous generator with two winding sets is developed. The architecture of this model is shown in Fig. 14. Fig. 14 Architecture of the asymmetrical six-phase salient-pole synchronous generator with two winding sets shifted by 30o The use of PWM rectification with the asymmetrical sixphase generator in the aircraft provides improved DC power output with reduced current harmonic contents and reduced voltage ripple that have standard limits, and they are required to move toward utilizing the high voltage DC (HVDC) technology in the aircraft power distribution system. The control unit of the generator has been implemented in Matlab/Simulink using Simpower block elements. The switching frequency of the three-phase bridge is 12 kHz. The performance of the control system is analyzed for the overload operation of the generator. Fig. 15 shows the DC voltage and the DC current of the saturated asymmetrical six-phase aircraft generator for a sudden step load of 90 kW at the rotor speed of 12000 rpm. It can be noted that the transient behavior of the generator is affected by the cross-coupling and the DC voltage fulfills the standard limits when the cross-coupling effect is considered. Fig. 16 shows the dq-currents of the saturated asymmetrical six-phase aircraft generator for a sudden step load of 90 kW at the rotor speed of 12000 rpm. Fig. 15 DC voltage of the saturated asymmetrical six-phase aircraft generator for a sudden step load of 90 kW at the rotor speed of 12000 rpm (a) DC voltage; (b) DC current Fig. 12 Vector diagram of a three-phase winding set of the six-phase salient-pole synchronous generator Up is the space vector of the induced voltage, Um is the space vector of the magnetizing voltage and Us is the space vector of the terminal voltage of the generator. Is is the space vector of the stator current. ψs is the space vector of the stator flux linkage and ψ is the space vector of m the magnetizing flux linkage. the angle ϑ is the angle between the space vectors of the induced voltage and the terminal voltage of the machine and the angle φ is the phase angle. Fig. 16 DC current of the saturated asymmetrical six-phase aircraft generator for a sudden step load of 90 kW at the rotor speed of 12000 rpm (a) Winding set 1; (b) Winding set 2 12 [7] B. 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