SPH3U Course Handbook Fall 2015

York Mills Collegiate Institute
Course Handbook
Fall 2015
Student Name:
Gr. 11 Physics Syllabus
This chart contains a complete list of the lessons and homework for Gr. 11 Physics. Please complete all the worksheets and
problems listed under “Homework” before the next class. A set of optional online resources, lessons and videos is also listed
under “Homework” and can easily be accessed through the links on the Syllabus found on the course webpage
(http://abelmoodle.abel.yorku.ca/moodle/course/view.php?id=388. It’s called “York Mills – Physics 11”). You may want to
bookmark or download the syllabus for frequent use.
Welcome to Physics Course
Group Work
Group roles, effective
group work
Group Work, continued
How to Answer a Question
Evaluation in Gr. 11
Log on to course website.
Homework sheet: How Groups Work
Video: Dysfunctional Group
Video: Functional Group
Handbook: How Your Brain Works
Video: The Big Bang
Handbook: Measurement and Numbers, pg. 10
Text: pg. 626, “Exponential Notation Standard
Lesson: Scientific Notation
Significant figures,
scientific notation
Constant speed, position,
time, d-t graphs, slope of
d-t, sign convention
Introduction to Motion
Introduction to Motion, continued
Interpreting Position Graphs
Defining Velocity
Velocity-Time Graphs
Velocity graphs for
uniform motion, vectors
units and conversions
Problem Solving
Problem solving,
Changing Velocity
Changing Velocity, continued
Changing speed
Instantaneous velocity,
average velocity, tangents
to d-t graph,
Quiz: Representations of Motion
The Idea of Acceleration
Acceleration, slope of v-t
Calculating Acceleration
Speeding Up or Slowing Down?
Area and Average Velocity
Acceleration equation,
Sign of the acceleration,
speeding up, slowing
down, representations of
SD & SU in d-t and v-t
area under v-t graph,
sudden changes in motion,
average velocity
The Displacement Problem
Position graphs for
uniform / nonuniform
Displacement, velocity vs.
speed, when is v changing?
Calculating displacement
for uniform acceleration
Video: The Known Universe
Handbook: Constant Speed
Text: pg. 6, “Position”
Text: pg. 17, “Position-Time Graphs”
Lesson: Slope of d-t Graph
Handbook: Position Graphs
Lesson: Describing d-t Graphs
Handbook: Defining Velocity
Text: pg. 6, “Displacement”
Lesson: Speed Calculation
Handbook: Velocity Graphs
Text: pg. 6, “Scalars and Vectors”
Text: pg. 21, “Velocity-Time Graphs”
Lesson: Vectors and Scalars
Handbook: Conversions
Lesson: Unit Conversion
Handbook: Problems Unsolved
Video: Peregrine Falcon
Handbook: Representations of Motion
Handbook: Part E of Changing Velocity
Text: pg. 15, “Instantaneous Velocity”
Lesson: Tangents
Text: pg. 25-7, “Acceleration”
Text: pg. 33-4, “Calculating Constant Acceleration”
Lesson: Slope of v-t Graph
Video: High Accelerations
(Note: there are MANY errors in the narration, but
the footage is excellent)
Handbook: Finish investigation problems
Lesson: Acceleration Calculation
Handbook: SU/SD
Lesson: Interpreting v-t Graphs
Text: pg. 13, “Average Velocity”
Text: pg.35, “Calculating Displacement”
Lesson: Area Under a v-t Graph
Handbook: Displacement Problems!
Text: pg. 40-2, “Equations of Uniformly Accelerated
Video: Stopping Distance
The BIG Five
The BIG 5 equations,
multiple representations of
motion, problem solving
Vertical motion, freefall,
turning around
Freefall Acceleration
ag, freefall problem
solving, multiple solutions,
Problem Solving Quiz
Freefall Acceleration, continued
Cart Project
Cart Project
Video: Stopping Distance
Video: Stopping Distance
Text: pg. 43-6, “examples”
Lesson: Using the BIG Five
Video: Smart Car Test
Video: Highest Sky Dive
Video: NASA Drop Tower
Video: Feather vs Ball
Lesson: Freefall Example
Lesson: Vertical Motion
Video: Drop Zone Freefall
Video: Freefall on Moon
Handbook: Freefalling
Text: pg. 77, “Acceleration Due to Gravity”
Review problems: pg. 52 #5, 6, 20, 23, 28, 29, pg. 88
#14, 16
Review: Kinematics (all questions are very good!)
Handbook: Graphing Review
Review: Graphing Summary
2-D Motion
Two Dimensional Motion
Displacement vectors in 2-D,
scale vector diagrams, distance vs.
displacement, speed vs. velocity
Vector Adventure
Adding vectors
Handbook: Vectors in 2-D
Text: pg. 7-10, “Representing Vector Quantities”
Lesson: Writing Vectors
Lesson: Adding Vectors
Handbook: Speed and Velocity in 2-D
Interactions and Forces
Idea of force, interactions
What is the Effect of a Force?
The Force-Motion Catalogue
Force causes acceleration
Combining forces, net force,
Newton’s 1st Law
The Change of Force Principle
Systems, inertia, changing forces
The Force of Gravity
Quiz: 1st Law + Net Force
Force of gravity, gravitational
field strength, Fg = mg
Normal Force
Normal force
Force, Mass and Motion
Force, Mass and Motion – part
Force and mass affect acceleration
Newton’s 2nd law, Fnet = ma,
definition of force, definition of
Newton, inertia
Newton’s Second Law Problem
Force problem solving techniques
Interaction Forces
Forces are interactions
Newton’s 3rd law
Newton’s 3rd Law,
Force pairs
Kinetic and static friction
Coefficient of friction, Ff = Fn
Video: Fundamental Forces
Assign Song / Video Project
Handbook: Interactions
Video: Feynman and Inertia
Handbook: The Net Force
Video: Inertia Hip-Hop
Read: “Newton’s First Law”, pg. 104-5
Handbook: The Force-Change Principle
Lesson: First Law
Video: Forces in Space!
Handbook: Force of Gravity Homework
Read: “Gravitational Field Intensity”, pg. 71-5
Video: Big Bang Theory
Video: Gravity – Newton to Einstein
Handbook: Normal Forces Homework
Read: “Normal Force”, pg. 94
Lesson: Normal Force
Video: Normal Force
Video: Cars and Inertia
Handbook: Force, Mass and Motion Homework
Read: “Newton’s Second Law”, pg. 106-8
Lesson: Newton’s Second Law
Video: 2nd Law in Space!
Problems: finish handbook questions
Lesson: Finding the Net Force
Video: Misconceptions About Freefall
Video: 3rd Law in Space!
Video: Newton’s Third Law
Handbook: Newton’s Third Law Homework
Read: “Newton’s 3rd Law”, pg. 114-6
Read: “Kinds of Friction”, pg. 92-7
Video: Brake Test
Video: Chevy Volt Test
Problem: The Kobe question (E#8) on a solution sheet.
Lesson: Static and Kinetic Friction
Lesson: Intro to Friction
Lesson: Friction Problem
Problems: pg. 124 #3, pg. 130 #5, 8, 15, pg. 136 #8, 12,
14, 45, 47, 51,
Review: Newton’s Laws
The Flow of Energy
Energy flow diagrams, bar charts
Doing Work!
Positive, negative work, net workkinetic energy theorem
Measuring Energy
Kinetic energy, gravitational
potential energy
Path independence, vertical origin
Changes in Gravitational
The Conservation of Energy
Definition of power, watt
Summary Lesson
Conservation of energy, thermal
Lesson: Energy Diagrams
Handbook: complete part D of investigation
Handbook: Doing Work Homework
Read: “Conditions for Mechanical Work”, pg. 144-6
Lesson: Work and Energy
Handbook: Measuring Energy Homework
Read: “Kinetic Energy”, pg. 162-6
Lesson: Work and GPE
Video: Swinging Ball of Death
Handbook: Changes in Gravitational Energy Homework
Read: “Changes in Gravitational Energy”, pg. 159-60
Handbook: Conservation of Energy Homework
Read: “Energy and Its Characteristics”, pg. 152
Lesson: Conservation Problems
Video: Canada’s Wonderland Behemoth
Simulation: Rollercoaster
Simulation: Skateboarding Park
Handbook: C:Power Homework
Read: “Power”, pg. 188-9
Review: pg. 232 #43a, 49, 53, 54
Video: The Most Important Video You Will Ever See
Waves and Sound
Periodic motion, types of
vibrations, frequency, period,
amplitude, displacement, phase
Quiz on Energy
Good Vibrations
Good Vibrations, continued
Making Waves
Medium, pulses, crest, trough,
energy, transverse waves,
fixed/free-end reflections,
graphing waves
Making Waves, continued
Superposition principle,
constructive and destructive
The Speed of Waves
Wave speed, Universal wave
equation, dependence on medium
Standing Waves
Standing waves, nodes, antinodes,
modes, resonance, resonant
Sound Waves
Longitudinal waves, sound waves,
medium, particle displacement,
representing sound waves
The Propagation of Sound
Speed of sound
The Interference of Sound
Interference of sound waves, beat
frequency, Loudness, pitch,
intensity, timbre, waveform
The Vibrating String
Frequency dependence on length,
tension, harmonic series
E-Book: The Physics of Music
Handbook: Good Vibrations Homework
Read: Characteristics of Vibrations, pg. 238-40
Handbook: Making Waves Homework
Read: Transverse Waves, pg. 244-5
Lesson: Intro to Waves, Video: Types of Waves
Simulation: Transverse Waves
Handbook: Interference Homework
Read: Wave Behaviour, pg. 251-3
Video: Two Pulses Interfering
Handbook: Speed of Waves Homework
Read: The Speed of Waves, pg. 247-8
Video: T, F, and v
Handbook: Standing Waves Homework
Read: Standing Waves, pg. 292-3
Lesson: Standing Waves
Video: Standing Waves
Video: Shatter Glass
Video: Shatter Glass
Handbook: Resonance Homework
Read: Mechanical Resonance, pg. 241-2
Handbook: Sound Waves Homework
Read: Longitudinal Waves, pg. 245-6
Simulation: Sound Waves
Handbook: Propagation of Sound Homework
Read: Speed of Sound, pg. 277
Handbook: Interference of Sound Homework
Read: The Interference of Sound, pg. 281-2
Read: The Characteristics of Sound, pg. 268-9
Read: Hearing Sound, pg. 271
Simulation: Complex Waves
Handbook: Vibrating String Homework
Read: Stringed Instruments, pg. 297-8
Resonance in Air Columns
Musical Instrument
Waves and Sound Problem
Solving / Review
Open and closed air columns,
resonant length, resonant
Handbook: Resonance in Air Columns Homework
Read: Acoustical Resonance in Air Columns, pg. 300-5
Lesson: Air Columns
Handbook: Harmonics Review
Review Problems: pg. 262 #1-4, 11, 16, 19, 26, pg. 288
#1, 3, 15, 27, pg. 318 #2, 3, 5, 9, 16, 17, 23
Lesson: All About Waves
Review: Waves, Review: Sound and Music
Circuits, conductors, insulators,
electric current, ammeters
Circuit diagrams, batteries,
electric potential difference,
voltage, voltmeters, voltage rise,
voltage drop, sources, loads
Read: Electric Current, pg. 455-8
Simulation: Electric Circuits Lab
Handbook: Electric Circuits and Voltage Homework
Read: Electric Potential Difference, pg. 460-2 and 464-5
Read: Circuit Diagrams, pg. 466
Video: Current and Voltage
Simulation: Battery-Resistor Circuit
Video: Dr. Megavolt
The Flow of Electricity
Electric Circuits and Voltage
Bulbs in Series
Bulbs in Parallel
A Complex Circuit
Resistance and Ohm’s Law
Circuit Decomposition
Circuit decomposition
Kirchoff’s Laws
Voltage law, current law
Circuit Analysis
Circuit analysis
Series circuits, current model,
resistance, resistance in series,
voltage rule
Parallel circuits, resistance in
parallel, current rule
Current rule, voltage rule
Ohm’s law, definition of
resistance, equivalent resistance in
series and parallel
Handbook: Bulbs in Parallel Homework
Video: Series and Parallel
Handbook: A Complex Circuit Homework
Handbook: D: Resistance Homework
Read: Resistance and Ohm’s Law, pg. 486-8
Read: Resistors in Series and Parallel, pg. 495-9
Lesson: Ohm’s Law
Lesson: Resistors in Series
Lesson: Resistors in Parallel
Simulation: Ohm’s Law
Handbook: Electrical Connections
Read: Series-Parallel Combinations of Resistors, pg. 502-4
Lesson: Circuit Decomposition
Read: Kirchoff’s Current Law, pg. 469-70
Read: Kirchoff’s Voltage Law, pg. 471-3
Quiz: Electric Circuit Quiz (skip questions about power)
Review: Electric Circuits
Electricity Review: pg. 482 #2-4, 20, 23, pg. 516 #3, 7, 8,
Course Website
The course website is an electronic extension of our classroom. Your behaviour and conduct on the site
should adhere to the same standards of our physical, Gr. 11 classroom. To enrol in the course website,
please follow these instructions and use the enrolment key shown below.
1. Go to the website: http://abelmoodle.abel.yorku.ca
2. On the right side of the page click on the “Create new account” button below the login button.
3. Use your regular first name followed by your last name for your user name (for example johnsmith for
John Smith). Choose any appropriate password. Remember your password!!
4. Type in a valid email address, which you will be able to hide later if you go in and edit your profile. Enter
your first name and last name in the appropriate fields. Follow the rest of the instructions for logging in.
5. A message will be sent to your e-mail address. Follow the instructions in this message to validate your
6. Go back to the website: http://abelmoodle.abel.yorku.ca and login with your username and password.
7. Once you have access to the list of courses click on the Toronto District School Board science category
and your course is called: York Mills 11 Physics. Click on the course name.
8. Type your enrollment key in the text box. The enrollment key to get in is: ym11physics
9. Explore the site and see what it has to offer. A good place to start is to edit your profile. To edit your
profile, click on your name in the top right corner of the main page and then click on the “Edit profile”
tab. Once you have completed all the required fields, click on the “Update profile” button at the bottom
of the page.
Many excellent resources were adapted to develop the physics lessons in this document. Many other resources inspired ideas
here and there. Listing them all would take pages, but here are a few of the most influential ones:
Laws, Priscilla W., and Robert J. Boyle. Workshop physics activity guide. New York: Wiley, 1997.
McDermott, Lillian C. Physics by Inquiry, Wiley-VCH, August 1995.
Van Heuvelen, Alan, and Eugenia Etkina. The physics active learning guide. Pearson/Addison-Wesley, 2006.
O'Kuma, Thomas L., David P. Maloney, and Curtis J. Hieggelke, eds. Ranking task exercises in physics. Vol. 26. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000.
Etkina, E. Physics Union Mathematics. http://pum.rutgers.edu/
Knight, Randall D., and Juan R. Burciaga. "Five easy lessons: Strategies for successful physics teaching." American Journal
of Physics 72.3 (2004): 414-414.
Redish, Edward F., and Juan R. Burciaga. "Teaching Physics with the Physics Suite." American Journal of Physics 72.3
(2004): 414-414.
Laws, Priscilla W., et al. Understanding physics. New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 2004.
Knight, Randall, and R. Knight. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics [and
Mastering Physics TM]. Pearson Educaiton., 2007.
Arons, Arnold. A guide to Introductory Physics Teaching. New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 1990.
And many, many individual research articles that can be found at: http://journals.aps.org/prstper/
SPH3U: Grade 11 Physics
University Preparation
Course Website: http://abelmoodle.abel.yorku.ca/moodle/course/view.php?id=388
An Inquiry-Based Course
Welcome to the wonderful world of physics! SPH3U is an introduction to the world of physics and a prerequisite for the
grade 12 course, SPH4U. This course is designed according to the principles of Physics Education Research which clearly
demonstrate the power of learning through inquiry in a collaborative group format. Major Canadian and American
universities (U of T, McGill, McMaster, MIT, Harvard, Stanford and more) are transforming their introductory physics
courses by reducing or eliminating traditional lectures and replacing them with engaging activities that have a deep
conceptual and practical focus.
The majority of the class time will be spent doing activities and discussing physics with your colleagues. At home you will be
responsible for solving problems using our solution format. You should expect about 30 minutes of physics homework per
day on average. Homework problems will be randomly submitted for assessment. Optional textbook readings, online lessons
and resources are listed in the syllabus for each lesson.
Assessment and Evaluation
Due to the central role of group work in this course, the work you do in class will account for an important portion of your
mark. Daily work will be randomly handed-in and assessed. To help ensure that individual students are pulling their weight
in groups, there will be regular quizzes and tests. There is a final exam that covers the entire course material and a major
project that will be announced halfway through the course.
Mark Breakdown
The categories of Knowledge and Understanding (K/U), Thinking
and Inquiry (T/I), Communication (C), and Application (A) are a
component of most of the assessments used in this course – however
some focus on certain categories more than others. The basic mark
breakdown for the course is 70% term work and 30% final
examination. The term mark is composed as shown in the chart to the
Tests (usually 3 tests)
Daily work (7%) (3-4 collected)
Regular quizzes (7%) (3-4 quizzes)
Tests (8%) (usually 3 tests)
Homework Assignments (6%) (7-10
Projects (2 or 3)
Attendance and Punctuality
Students who are absent are responsible for determining what was missed and making sure that they are caught up before the
following class. If possible, please speak to your teacher in advance.
Missed Tests
If you miss a test you must:
 Let your teacher know in advance if it is due to a pre-arranged reason (i.e. appointment for surgery)
 Call in to the school so your name goes on the daily “Absent List” in the main office.
 Find your teacher immediately after setting foot in the school upon your return.
 Do not discuss the test by any means with your colleagues.
 Be prepared to write the test immediately, at your teacher’s discretion.
Please Read This Document!
Please sign below signifying that you have read this course description.
Signature of parent, or student if 18 and over
Print name
SPH3U: How Groups Work
A: Welcome to Your Group!
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
Choose Roles. Each group member will choose the role they will perform at
the start of every class. Every day, you will choose a different role. Record
each group member’s name in the box to the right showing who is performing what role. If there are four people in a
group, the fourth person is the motivator.
Manager: Ask the group members to read the following instructions for this activity, or if the group prefers, you may read
them out loud.
Working well in a group is a bit like acting in a play, we all have roles to perform and all of us can learn to perform them
well regardless of our unique personalities! Learning how to work well in groups is critical for your success in life beyond
high school. Most colleges, universities, and businesses consider it a top skill. Group work is also the way most people best
learn physics. Each group needs a whiteboard, marker and cloth. Please find these items now.
B: The Bouncy Ball Challenge
Your group will have a small bouncy ball (to be acquired later!). Your group’s task is to design a simple experiment that will
determine how bouncy the ball is. Our class goal is to determine which group’s ball is the bounciest.
Design. Describe a simple experiment which will help carefully determine how bouncy your group’s ball is and compare
it with the ball of other groups. Think of the equipment you might need to perform the experiment. Draw a simple sketch
showing your experiment and its measurements. Record your ideas and sketches on a whiteboard. When you are done,
record the final result in your handbook below.
Manager: Ask your group members for their ideas. Encourage many different ideas (this is important). Help the group
decide on the best ideas.
Recorder: Jot down the ideas that the group brings up. You can later erase the ones that your group does not choose. Make
sure you write it neatly so that students far away in the classroom can read it. You don’t need to write a lot, just a few words.
Use different colours where appropriate.
Speaker: Ask your group questions about the experiment ideas so you could confidently explain them to the class when it is
time to present.
Motivator: Provide encouragement and praise for your group, use humour, keep them energized, and keep doing this!
Recorder: After each group member has completed the previous question in their handbook, check if everyone was OK
describing it and drawing it. If they were OK the group is ready to go on. If not, help them out.
Manager: After the class discussion, use only a few minutes to help your group add or change any ideas for the experiment.
Then let your group know that the next question is to be completed individually, without discussion or sharing the results.
When you notice each group member is finished, lead the group through next steps in this investigation.
Reflection. (work individually) How well did you perform your role while designing the experiment? (good, OK, or
could be improved) Describe specific things you did or said as evidence for how well you performed your role. Or,
describe specific things you could have said or done to perform your role better.
Observe. Gather the materials you will need and conduct your experiment. Record your results here. Make sure a person
reading your results below would understand the information.
Recorder: Check that everyone recorded the data in an appropriate way. Help check their written results for the following
Represent. To help analyze the data, represent it
graphically on the grid to the right.
Analyze. Find the slope of a line of best fit for your
data. Show your calculation below. Record the
result on your whiteboard.
Interpret. We need to decide what the slope result
means. It is not just a number; it tells us something
useful about the ball. What would be different
about a bouncy ball that had a larger result? What
about a smaller result? Give this quantity a name
that helps us understand what it tells us about the
ball. Record this name on your whiteboard.
Speaker: Ask your group questions so you would be confident explaining the slope interpretation to someone who was not
taking physics.
Manager: Lead the group through the next question. Focus the group’s attention on one role at a time. Encourage many
Speaker: Ask your group questions to help clarify the group’s ideas. Imagine what questions a curious student from a nonphysics class might ask about these roles. Be prepared to speak to the class about any of them.
7. Summarize. In the chart below, summarize the responsibilities of each role in the group.
© C. Meyer 2015
SPH3U: Homework – How Groups Work
On the course website are two videos which chronicle the exploits of a dysfunction physics group and a well-functioning
physics group. Begin by viewing the video of the dysfunctional group.
A: Dysfunctional Group
Observe. Watch the video and note in the chart below any actions or behaviours of Sam, Robert or Mike that contribute
to the poor functioning of the group.
Reflect. The video is something of an exaggeration, but it does help us to think about our own behaviours. Which
individual(s) do you think you share the most habits with? (Of course you won’t be as extreme as these guys, but maybe
you have a tendency to do some of the same things? Be honest!) Explain.
Reason. Imagine you were a well-function member of this group. Describe some actions you would have taken to help
the group work better (i.e. to help smooth over some of the problems you mentioned above).
B: The Well-Functioning Group
Observe. Watch the video of the well-functioning group. Record in the chart below the positive behaviors of Sam,
Robert and Mike which help the group to function well.
Reflect. Which of the behaviours that you mentioned in the previous question do you think you share with Sam, Robert
or Mike? Explain.
Reflect. Which of the behaviours that you noted in question B#1 would you like to encourage more of in yourself? How
can you do this?
© C. Meyer 2012, Videos © NC State PERG 2006
SPH3U: Measurement and Numbers Homework
A: The Physics Road Trip
You decide to take a trip to hear a lecture by
one of your favourite physicists. When you
begin driving, you glance at the clock in
your car and also look at the odometer. As
you pull in to the physics department
parking lot, you look at the clock and the
odometer a second time.
What is the readability of the clock and
the odometer?
How much time did the trip take in minutes?
We would like to change this time interval into seconds. Explain how to do this.
Change the time interval into seconds. Show your math work. Use our guidelines to write the result. (Not a final result
What distance in kilometers did you travel?
We would like to change this distance into metres. Explain how to do this.
Change the distance into metres. Show your math work. Use our guidelines to write the result. (Not a final result yet!)
Calculate your average speed (average speed = distance traveled / time interval) during this trip twice – first, to get an
answer with units of kilometers per minute, and again to get an answer with units of metres per second. Show your math
work. Use our guidelines to record your final results.
kilometers per minute
© C. Meyer 2014
metres per second
SPH3U: How to Answer a Question?
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
Reminder: After you sign up for your group work roles today, go back to
yesterday’s summary of your responsibilities and review them.
0 1 2 3 4 5
A major focus of Gr. 11 physics is the careful explanation of our observations and ideas. Every word question you encounter
should be carefully explained using complete sentences and correct English. Even if the question doesn’t actually say
“explain”, you must still justify your answers and outline your reasoning.
High quality responses to any physics question must be correct, clear, concise and complete. We will routinely use these
terms and the notation explained below for the evaluation of your daily written work.
The physics is correctly stated. Conclusions follow logically
from the stated evidence and refer to key definitions or laws.
Technical details are all present and correct.
The explanation is precisely stated with a good choice of
physics vocabulary. The explanation is straight forward with
no awkward or unclear phrases. Spelling and grammar are
There are no extraneous or distracting statements which may or
may not be correct.
No important parts of the explanation are missing. The
evidence supporting the conclusion is mentioned along with
the relevant definitions or laws.
Incorrect sections are underlined and given an
“ X ”. Correct ideas are checked “  ”
Unclear sections are underlined with a wiggly
line and
given a “?” A
poor word choice is indicated by a wiggly
line. Spelling errors are cirlced.
Phrases that are not relevant are crossed out.
Like this.
Where an explanation is missing or
incomplete we will write “. . . .” or “and …”
or “more …” or give a clear hint at what is
missing: “force?”
Your daily work in physics will be marked based on the four C’s criteria for high quality responses. An overall mark will be
assigned on a scale of 0 to 5 depending on how your responses meet the four criteria according to the rubric below.
0-2 “Poor”
Responses are missing important
parts, fundamentally incorrect,
or challenging to understand. A
“yes or no” answer is given.
3 “OK”
Response is
basically correct, but
contains problems
or omissions.
4 “Good”
Response is correct.
Only minor details
could be improved or
5 “Awesome!”
Response is thoughtful, clear and
complete. If another physics teacher
saw it they would say, “Wow! A
grade 11 student wrote this?”
A: Mark Up These Responses!
1. Evaluate. Below you will find five student responses to question B#6 from yesterday’s activity.
(a) Mark up each response according to the four C’s criteria using the notation shown above.
(b) Use this rubric below each response to evaluate it after you have marked it up. Circle the mark on the rubric and
circle any key words in the rubric’s description to highlight you rationale.
6. Interpret. We need to decide what the slope result means. It is not just a number; it tells us something useful about
the ball. What would be different about a bouncy ball that had a larger result? What about a smaller result? Give this
quantity a name that helps us understand what it tells us about the ball. Record this name on your whiteboard.
Response 1: It means the bounciness of the ball.
Response 1
Responses are missing important
parts, fundamentally incorrect,
or challenging to understand. A
“yes or no” answer is given.
Response is
basically correct, but
contains problems
or omissions.
Response is correct.
Only minor details
could be improved or
Response is thoughtful, clear and
complete. If another physics teacher
saw it they would say, “Wow! A
grade 11 student wrote this?”
© C. Meyer 2015
Response 2: The interperetation of the slope of the line helps us to know how it bounces. Bigger slops
means a bigger bounce. Smaller slops is less bounce.
Response 2
Responses are missing important
parts, fundamentally incorrect,
or challenging to understand. A
“yes or no” answer is given.
Response is
basically correct, but
contains problems
or omissions.
Response is correct.
Only minor details
could be improved or
Response is thoughtful, clear and
complete. If another physics teacher
saw it they would say, “Wow! A
grade 11 student wrote this?”
Response 3: We can interpret the slope of the line to mean the “bounciness” of the ball, which
compares the bounce height with the drop height. It is the bounciness of the ball depending on the
drop height. A bigger value is bouncier, a smaller is less.
Response 3
Responses are missing important
parts, fundamentally incorrect,
or challenging to understand. A
“yes or no” answer is given.
Response is
basically correct, but
contains problems
or omissions.
Response is correct.
Only minor details
could be improved or
Response is thoughtful, clear and
complete. If another physics teacher
saw it they would say, “Wow! A
grade 11 student wrote this?”
Response 4: Slope is the rebound. A larger slope value means the ball will bounce back closer to its
drop height. A smaller slope value means it will bounce back to less of its drop height.
Response 4
Responses are missing important
parts, fundamentally incorrect,
or challenging to understand. A
“yes or no” answer is given.
Response is
basically correct, but
contains problems
or omissions.
Response is correct.
Only minor details
could be improved or
Response is thoughtful, clear and
complete. If another physics teacher
saw it they would say, “Wow! A
grade 11 student wrote this?”
Response 5: We call it “rebound”. It rebounds more when its bigger and it rebounds less when its
smaller. It helps us to know how much rebound the ball has.
Response 5
Responses are missing important
parts, fundamentally incorrect,
or challenging to understand. A
“yes or no” answer is given.
Response is
basically correct, but
contains problems
or omissions.
Response is correct.
Only minor details
could be improved or
Response is thoughtful, clear and
complete. If another physics teacher
saw it they would say, “Wow! A
grade 11 student wrote this?”
Reason. You may have noticed that none of the responses earned a 5. Use the best ideas from the different student
examples to create a 5/5 response based on the 4 C’s. Call your teacher over to check your awesome response.
SPH3U Homework: Thinking About Your Brain!
How Your Brain Learns and Remembers
© 2007 Diana Hestwood and Linda Russell
Minneapolis Community & Technical College
Permission granted to individual instructors to use and reproduce for their own classroom.
Part 1: What Happens Inside Your Brain When You Learn Something New?
Meet Your Brain
Brain cells are called neurons. You are born with at least 100 billion neurons. Dendrites (fibers) grow
out of the neurons when you listen to/write about/talk about/ practice something. Learning is natural.
Neurons know how to grow dendrites, just like a stomach knows how to digest food. Learning is
growth of dendrites. New dendrites take time to grow; it takes a lot of practice for them to grow.
Connections Form between Neurons
When two dendrites grow close together, a contact point is formed. A small gap at the contact point is
called the synapse. Messages are sent from one neuron to another as electrical signals travel across the
Practice Improves Connections
Special chemicals called neurotransmitters carry the electrical signals across the synapse. When you practice something, it
gets easier for the signals to cross the synapse. That’s because the contact area becomes wider and more neuro-transmitters
are stored there. When you practice something, the dendrites grow thicker with a fatty coating of myelin. The thicker the
dendrites, the faster the signals travel. The myelin coating also reduces interference. With enough practice, the dendrites build
a double connection. Faster, stronger, double connections last a very long time. You remember what you learned!
Short-term memory is VERY short!
If you learn something new and do it only once or twice, the dendrite connection is very fragile and can disappear within
hours. Within 20 minutes, you remember only 60%. Within 24 hours, you remember only 30%. But if you practice within 24
hours, and then practice again later, you remember 80%.
Make the Most of Practice Time…
You grow dendrites for exactly the same thing you are practicing. If you listen or watch while math problems are solved, you
grow dendrites for listening or for watching. If you read over your notes, you build dendrites for reading. If you actually
solve the problems yourself, you grow dendrites for solving.
Part 2: Brain Friendly Ways to Learn Better
A: Grow Your Intelligence
You can grow your intelligence, because your brain knows how to grow dendrites just like your stomach
knows how to digest food. Think about a baby who learns to speak in its native language without any
special classes or training!
B: Do Something Active to Learn
You must do something active to learn, like explaining, solving, drawing, or writing. That’s because
dendrites grow ONLY when you are actively doing something. No one else can grow dendrites for you!
C: Grow Off of What You Know
Dendrites cannot grow in a void. New dendrites can only grow off of what is already there. New skills must connect to,
and grow off of, previously learned skills. If you do not have the necessary dendrites in place, new material will seem to
go “right over your head”.
D: Give It Time and Practice
Learning takes time, because it takes a lot of practice for dendrites to grow. This is why you do homework. This is why
trying to cram everything into your brain the night before a test doesn’t work.
E: Mistakes Are Essential
Making mistakes, and getting feedback so you can correct them, allows you to check the accuracy of the connections in
your brain. Be sure to get feedback quickly so you don’t practice the wrong thing and build a strong, but wrong,
F: Emotions Affect Learning and Memory
Anxiety floods your body with adrenaline (“fight or flight”).Adrenaline makes it hard for the
neurotransmitters to carry messages across the synapses in your brain. That causes “blanking out” on a test.
G: How can emotions help you?
Endorphins make you feel calm. Your body produces endorphins when you relax, exercise, laugh, or learn
new things. If you practice producing calming hormones, it will help when you are under stress.
Part 3: What Does All This Mean For Me?
Use your understanding from this article to answer the following questions. (Remember to give a 5/5 response!)
Explain. Marie says, “I understand what’s going on in the class just fine. But when I get home and start on the
homework assignment, why am I lost?” Explain to Marie why.
Explain. Isaac says, “I attend class and do all the homework and feel like I understand everything. Then why do I just
‘blank out’ on the test and can’t do anything?” Help Isaac understand why.
Explain. Emmy says, “Why should I do all this homework? It’s just the same thing over and over.” Respond to Emmy.
Explain. Albert says, “I’ve been absent for a week and there’s a test tomorrow. I’ll be fine if I cram tonight.”
In class you learned how your written work in physics will be marked and evaluated. Use the rubric below to evaluate your
responses to the homework questions above. Circle the mark on the rubric below and circle any key words in the rubric’s
description to highlight your rationale.
0-2 “Poor”
3 “OK”
4 “Good”
5 “Awesome!”
Responses are missing important Response is
Response is correct.
Response is thoughtful, clear and
parts, fundamentally incorrect,
basically correct, but Only minor details
complete. If another physics teacher
or challenging to understand. A
contains problems
could be improved or saw it they would say, “Wow! A
“yes or no” answer is given.
or omissions.
grade 11 student wrote this?”
SPH3U: The Art of Measurement and Numbers
Measurements are the backbone of all science. Any scientific ideas, no matter
how slick, are only as good as the measurements that have confirmed them.
Without careful measurements, science is mostly guess work and hunches –
suspicions and rumours.
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: The Meter Stick
Our most basic scientific tool is the meter stick. But, do you know how to use it? For this investigation you will need one
meter stick
Describe. Examine the markings on the meter stick. What is the size of the smallest interval marked on it? Do you
think that you could estimate a value between these markings?
Reason. Three students use the meter stick to measure the height of a desk and each reports their results: 95 cm,
94.8 cm, and 94.75 cm respectively. Which result illustrates the best use of this measuring device? Explain.
The term significant digits describes which digits in a number or measurement are physically meaningful or reliable. The
readability of a measuring device is the smallest interval you can distinguish from the device. The readability gives a
rough guide for deciding on the last significant digit in a measurement.
Explain. How many significant digits are in the measurement you chose in question A#2? What is the meter stick’s
readability when you use it?
Observe. Measure the height of your desk and record the measurement with an appropriate number of digits.
Observe and Explain. Now measure the height of your desk in units of hands (using the width of you hand).
Explain how the readability of this measuring tool helped you decide how to write down the result.
B: The Stopwatch
Now we will examine another common measuring device. You will need a stop watch. A student drops a pencil from a 1.00
m height. Another student times the fall. The stopwatch readout looks like this after the timing: 0:00.45
Record. Write this reading as a number in decimal notation (not scientific notation) with units of seconds (s).
Reason. What is the readability of the stopwatch according to its display (i.e. to the nearest …)?
© C. Meyer 2015
Observe. Drop the pencil five times from a 1 m starting height. Measure the time to drop and record the times below.
Reason. There is a good chance that all five of your measurements above are different. Explain why they are different.
Calculate and Explain. Since your five values are different, is it possible to find a “best value” for the time for the
pencil to drop? Explain how and find this value.
C: How to Write Numbers
Guidelines for Writing Numbers
(A) If you know how the result was measured:
 use the readability to determine the last significant digit
(B) If the result was part of a calculation, or you don’t know how it was measured:
 when recording final results, use three significant digits to avoid too much rounding error. The 3 digits are determined by
how it would be written in scientific notation. For example, your calculator reads: 1 056 428, you write: 1 060 000 m or
1.06x106 m. Calculator: 0.01075, you write: 0.0108 s or 1.08x10 -2 s, Calculator: 1.00135 kg, you write: 1 kg or 1.00 kg
 use scientific notation only when it is convenient (for really small or really big) numbers
 when we are given or use a quantity like 5 km, we will assume it has 3 significant digits (5.00)
 for middle steps in calculations, keep a fourth or fifth digit as guard digits to help reduce the amount of rounding error.
These are very rough guidelines. In grade 12 we will improve on these and in university you will learn the real rules!
Apply. Rewrite your best value for the time for the pencil to drop and the other practice results listed below using our
guidelines for writing numbers.
Pencil drop =
0.127485 m =
5 938 454 km =
5.00000 s =
9.46379 days =
0.000383 s =
A group of students has been timing a motorized cart that travels at a steady speed. They used the same five
measurements to find an average value and the calculator reads: 1.0642954. Isaac records his result using two significant
digits. Emmy records her result using three significant digits. Marie records her result using one extra guard digit.
(a) Apply. Write down their results.
Isaac’s time:
Emmy’s time:
Marie’s time:
(b) Calculate The cart traveled a distance of 1.65 m during each trial. Use each person’s time value to calculate the
speed of the cart. (speed = distance / time interval). Show your steps and find each person`s final result using our
Isaac’s speed:
Emmy’s speed:
Marie’s speed:
(c) Evaluate. While the group was making their measurements, you measured the cart`s speed using a high-tech radar
gun with a readability of 0.01 m/s. Whose final result would be most likely to agree with this super-precise
measurement? (Hint: whose has the greatest accuracy or least rounding?) Explain.
SPH3U: Introduction to Motion
Recorder: ___________________
Manager: ___________________
Speaker: ____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
Welcome to the study of physics! As young physicists you will be making
measurements and observations, looking for patterns, and developing theories that
help us to describe how our universe works. The simplest measurements to make are position and time measurements which
form the basis for the study of motion.
A: Constant Speed?
You will need a motorized physics buggy, a pull-back car.
Observe. Which object moves in the steadiest manner: the buggy or the pull-back car? Describe what you observe and
explain how you decide.
Reason. Excitedly, you show the buggy to a friend and mention how its motion is very steady or uniform. Your friend,
for some reason, is unsure. Describe how you could use some simple distance and time measurements (don’t do them!)
which would convince your friend that the motion of the buggy is indeed very steady.
Define. (as a class) The buggy moves with constant speed. Use your ideas from the previous question to help write a
definition for constant speed. (Danger! Do not use the words speed or velocity in your definition!)
Definition: Constant Speed
B: Testing a Hypothesis – Constant Speed
You have a hunch that the buggy moves with a constant speed. Now it is time to test this hypothesis. Use a physics buggy,
large measuring tape and stopwatch (or your smartphone with lap timer!). We will make use of a new idea called position.
To describe the position of an object along a line we need to know the distance of the object from a reference point, or origin,
on that line and which direction it is in. One direction along the line is chosen to be the positive x-direction and the other
negative. This choice is the sign convention. Choose your sign convention such that the position measurements you make
today will be positive.
positive x-direction
© C. Meyer 2015
Plan. One very long measuring tape will be stretched out in the hall. Your buggy will start at a position of 3 m multiplied
by your group number. Describe a simple experiment using position and time measurements that will allow you to
decide whether the buggy moves with a constant speed. Draw a simple picture of the experiment, including the origin,
and illustrate the quantities to be measured. Check this with your teacher.
Measure. Find your materials and conduct your experiment. Record your data below. Record your buggy number:_____
Position ( m)
Time (s)
Reason. Explain how you can tell whether the speed is constant just by looking at the data.
A motion diagram is a sequence of dots that represents the motion of an object. We imagine that the object produces a dot as
it moves after equal intervals of time. We draw these dots along an axis which shows the positive direction and use a small
vertical line to indicate the origin. The scale of your diagram is not important, as long as it shows the right ideas.
Represent. Draw a motion diagram for your buggy during one trip of your experiment. Explain why your pattern of
dots correctly represents constant speed.
Graphing. Choose a convenient scale for your
physics graphs that uses most of the graph area. The
scale should increase by simple increments. Label
each axis with a name and units.
Line of Best-Fit. The purpose of a line of best fit is
to highlight a pattern that we believe exists in the
data. Real data always contains errors which lead to
scatter (wiggle) amongst the data points. A best-fit
line helps to average out this scatter and uncertainty.
Any useful calculations made from a graph should
be based on the best-fit line and not on the data
chart or individual points. As a result, we never
connect the dots in our graphs of data.
Represent. Now plot your data on a graph.
Make the following plot: position (vertical)
versus time (horizontal).
Find a pattern. When analyzing data, we need to decide what type of pattern the data best fits. Do you believe the data
follows a curving pattern or a straight-line pattern? On some people’s graphs, some data points don’t fall on the line of
best fit. Why do you think the data might not form a perfectly straight line? Explain.
Reason. Imagine an experiment with a different buggy that produced a similar graph, but with a steeper line of best fit.
What does this tell us about that buggy? Explain.
Calculate and Interpret. Calculate the slope of the graph (using the best-fit line - don’t forget the units). Interpret the
meaning of your result. (What does this quantity tell us about the motion of your buggy?) Reminder: slope = rise / run.
Predict and Test. Use the calculated result from the previous question to predict how much time it will take your buggy
to travel 5 m. Show your work. Call your teacher over to test your prediction.
C: The Buggy Challenge
Double check whether you have the same buggy as yesterday! Do a quick check of its speed.
Predict. Your challenge is to use your knowledge of motion and predict how much time it will take for your buggy to
travel a 2.15 m distance. Explain your prediction carefully.
Test and Explain. Set up your buggy to travel the predicted distance and have your stopwatch ready. Record your
results and explain whether your measurements confirm your prediction.
Predict. Find a group that has a buggy with a fairly different speed than your group’s buggy. Record that speed and
return to your group. You will set up the two buggies such that they are initially 3.0 m apart. They will both be released
at the same time and travel towards one another. Predict how far your buggy will travel before the two buggies meet!
Test. Set up the situation for the meeting buggies, call over your teacher, and test it out!
SPH3U Homework: Constant Speed
Reason. A good physics definition provides the criteria, or the test, necessary to decide whether something has a certain
property. For example, a student is a “Titan” (a York Mills student) if he or she has a timetable for classes at York Mills
(usually a pink sheet). What is a test that can be used to decide whether an object is moving with a constant speed?
Consider the four motion diagrams shown below.
(a) Reason. Rank the three motion diagrams shown below according to the speed (fastest to slowest) of the object that
produced them. Explain your reasoning.
A ●
● ● ●
● ● ●
● ●
B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
C ●
(b) Reason. Which object took the most time to reach the right end of the position axis? Explain.
Reason. Examine the motion diagrams shown below. Explain whether or not each one was produced by an object
moving at a constant speed.
A ●
● ● ●
B ●
C ●
● ● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ● ●●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Reason. Different student groups
collect data tracking the motion of
different toy cars. Study the charts
of data below. Which charts
represent the motion of a car with
constant speed? Explain how you
can tell.
© C. Meyer 2015
SPH3U Homework: Position Graphs
Emmy walks along an aisle in our physics classroom. A
motion diagram records her position once every second.
Two events, her starting position (1) and her final
position (2) are labeled. Use the motion diagram to
construct a position time graph – you may use the same
scale for the motion diagram as the position axis. Draw a
line of best-fit.
Use the position-time graph to construct a motion
diagram for Isaac’s trip along the hallway from the
washroom towards our class. We will set the classroom
door as the origin. Label the start (1) and end of the trip
position (m)
position (m)
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
time (s)
time (s)
Albert and Marie both go for a stroll from the classroom to the cafeteria
as shown in the position-time graph to the right. Explain your answer
the following questions according to this graph.
(a) Who leaves the starting point first?
position (m)
(b) Who travels faster?
time (s)
(c) Who reaches the cafeteria first?
(d) Draw a motion diagram for both Albert and Marie. Draw the dots for Marie above the line and the dots for Albert
below. Label their starting position (1) and their final position (2 or 3). Hint: think about their initial and final
Albert and Marie return from the cafeteria as shown in the graph to the
right. Explain your answer the following questions according to this
(a) Who leaves the cafeteria first?
position (m)
(b) Who is travelling faster?
time (s)
(c) What happens at the moment the lines cross?
(d) Who returns to the classroom?
(e) Draw a motion diagram for both Albert and Marie. Label their starting positions and their final positions.
© C. Meyer 2015
SPH3U: Interpreting Position Graphs
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
Today you will learn how to relate position-time graphs to the motion they
represent. We will do this using a computerized motion sensor. The origin is at
0 1 2 3 4 5
the sensor and the direction away from the face of the sensor is set as the
positive direction. The line along which the detector measures one-dimensional horizontal motion will be called the x-axis.
A: Interpreting Position Graphs
(work individually) For each description of a person’s motion listed below, sketch your prediction for what you think the
position-time graph would look like. Use a dashed line for your predictions. Note that in a sketch of a graph we don’t
worry about exact values, just the correct general shape. Try not to look at your neighbours predictions, but if you’re not
sure how to get started, ask a group member for some help.
(b) Standing still, far
from the sensor
(a) Standing still,
close to the sensor
(d) Walking quickly
away from the sensor
at a steady rate.
(c) Walking slowly
away from the
sensor at a steady
(f) Walking quickly
towards the sensor at
a steady rate.
(e) Walking slowly
towards the sensor
at a steady rate
(as a group) Compare your predictions with your group members and discuss any differences. Make any changes you
feel necessary.
Adapted from Workshop Physics Activity Guide: I – Mechanics, Laws, John Wiley & Sons, 2004
(as a class) Your group’s speaker is the official “walker”. The computer will display its results for each situation. Record
the computer results on the graphs above using a solid line. Note that we want to smooth out the bumps and jiggles in the
computer data which are a result of lumpy clothing, swinging arms, and the natural way our speed changes during our
walking stride.
(as a class) Interpret the physical meaning of the mathematical features of each graph. Write these in the box below each
description above.
(as a group) Describe the difference between the graphs made by walking away slowly and quickly.
Describe the difference between the graphs made by walking towards and away from the sensor.
Explain the errors in the following predictions.
For situation (d) the student says: “Look how long the line is – she
travels far in a small amount of time.
That means she is going fast.”
For situation (a) a students predicts:
B: The Position Prediction Challenge
Now for a challenge! From the description of a set of motions, can you predict a more complicated graph?
A person starts 1.0 m in front of the sensor and walks away from the sensor slowly and steadily for 6 seconds, stops for 3
seconds, and then walks towards the sensor quickly for 6 seconds.
(work individually) Use a dashed line to sketch your prediction for the position-time graph for this set of motions.
Position (m)
Time (s)
(as a group) Compare your predictions. Discuss any differences. Don’t make any changes to your prediction.
(as a class) Compare the computer results with your group’s prediction. Explain any important differences between your
personal prediction and the results.
Position (m)
(Work individually) Carefully study the graph above
and write down a list of instructions that could describe
to someone how to move like the motion in this graph.
Use words like fast, slow, towards, away, steady, and
standing still. If there are any helpful quantities you
can determine, include them.
C: Graph Matching
Now for the reverse! To the right is a position-time graph
and your challenge is to determine the set of motions which
created it.
Time (s)
(as a group) Share the set of instructions each member has produced. Do not make any changes to your own
instructions. Put together a best attempt from the group to describe this motion.
(As a class) Observe the results from the computer. Explain any important differences between your predictions and the
ones which worked for our “walker”.
D: Summary
1. Summarize what you have learned about interpreting position-time graphs.
Interpretation of Position-Time Graphs
Graphical Feature
Physical Meaning
steep slope
shallow slope
zero slope
positive slope
negative slope
What, in addition to the speed, does the slope of a position-time graph tell us about the motion on an object?
We have made a very important observation. The slope of the position-time graph is telling us more than just a number (how
fast). We can learn another important property of an object’s motion that speed does not tell us. This is such an important
idea that we give the slope of a position-time graph a special, technical name – the velocity of an object. The velocity is much
more than just the speed of an object as we shall see in our next lesson! Aren’t you glad you did all that slope work in gr. 9?!
SPH3U Homework: Defining Velocity
A: Where’s My Phone?
Albert walks along York Mills Rd. on his way to school. Four important events take place. The +x direction is north.
Event 1: At 8:07 Albert leaves his home.
Event 2: At 8:28 Albert realized he has dropped his phone somewhere along the way and immediately turns around.
Event 3: At 8:43 Albert finds his phone on the ground with its screen cracked (no insurance).
Event 4: At 8:52 Albert arrives at school.
+ x [N]
units = kilometers
Represent. Draw a vector arrow that represents the displacement for each interval of Albert’s trip and label them  x12,
x23,  x34.
Calculate. Complete the chart below to describe the details of his motion in each interval of his trip.
Time interval
Displacement result
x12 = x2 – x1
t12 = t2 – t1
Interpret direction
Time interval result
Reason. Why do you think the magnitude of his velocity (the number part) is so different in each interval of his trip?
What’s happening?
Explain. Why is the sign of the velocity different in each interval of his trip?
Calculate. What is his displacement for the entire trip? (Hint: which events are the initial and final events for his whole
Interpret. Explain in words what the result of your previous calculation means.
© C. Meyer 2015
SPH3U: Defining Velocity
To help us describe motion carefully we have been measuring positions at
different moments in time. Now we will put this together and come up with an
important new physics idea.
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: Events
When we do physics (that is, study the world around us) we try to keep track of things when interesting events happen. For
example when a starting gun is fired, or an athlete crosses a finish line. These are two examples of events.
An event is something that happens at a certain place and at a certain time. We can locate an event by describing where and
when that event happens. At our level of physics, we will use one quantity, the position (x) to describe where something
happens and one quantity time (t) to describe when. Often, there is more than one event that we are interested in so we label
the position and time values with a subscript number (x2 or t3). In physics we will exclusively use subscript numbers to label
B: Changes in Position - Displacement
Our trusty friend Emmy is using a smartphone app that records the events during her trip to school. Event 1 is at 8:23 when
she leaves her home and event 2 is at 8:47 when she arrives at school. We can track her motion along a straight line that we
will call the x-axis, we can note the positions of the two events with the symbols x1, for the initial position and x2, for the final
+ x [E]
units = kilometers
Interpret. What is the position of x1 and x2 relative to the origin? Write your answer two ways: mathematically, using a
sign convention, and in words describing the direction.
math: x1 =
x2 =
words: x1:
Reason and Interpret. What direction did Emmy move in? Use the sign convention and words to describe the direction.
How far is the final position from the starting position? Use a ruler and draw an arrow (just above the axis) from the
position x1 to x2 to represent this change.
The change in position of an object is called its displacement (x) and is found by subtracting the initial position from the
final position: x = xf – xi. The Greek letter  (“delta”) means “change in” and always describes a final value minus an initial
value. The displacement can be represented graphically by an arrow, called the displacement vector, pointing from the initial
to the final position. Any quantity in physics that includes a direction is a vector.
Reason. In the example above with Emmy, which event is the “final” event and which event is the “initial”? Which
event number should we substitute for the “f ” and which for the “i ” in the expression for the displacement (x = xf –
Calculate and Interpret. Calculate the displacement for Emmy’s trip. What is the interpretation of the number part of
the result of your calculation? What is the interpretation of the sign of the result?
x =
Reason. Displacement is a vector quantity. Is position a vector quantity? Explain.
© C. Meyer, 2015
Calculate and Represent. Emmy continues her trip. Calculate the displacement for the following example. Draw a
displacement vector that represents the change in position.
|  |
units = kilometers
C: Changes in Position and Time
In a previous investigation, we have compared the position of the physics buggy with the amount of time taken. These two
quantities can create an important ratio.
When the velocity is constant (constant speed and direction), the velocity of an object is the ratio of the displacement between
a pair of events and the time interval. In equal intervals of time, the object is displaced by equal amounts.
Reason. Write an algebraic equation for the velocity in terms of v, x, x, t and t. (Note: some of these quantities may
not be necessary.)
Calculate. Consider the example with Emmy between events 1 and 2. What was her displacement? What was the
interval of time? Now find her velocity. Provide an interpretation for the sign of the result.
In physics, there is an important distinction between velocity and speed. Velocity includes a direction while speed does not.
Velocity can be positive or negative, speed is always positive. For constant velocity, the speed is the magnitude (the number
part) of the velocity: speed = |velocity|. There is also a similar distinction between displacement and distance. Displacement
includes a direction while distance does not. A displacement can be positive or negative, while distance is always positive.
For constant velocity, the distance is the magnitude of the displacement: distance = |displacement|.
D: Velocity and Position-Time Graphs
Your last challenge is to find the velocity of Emmy from a position-time graph. The positive direction is east.
Calculate. Find the speed between the following times:
a) 0 and 6 seconds: v =
Position (km)
● 3
Calculate. Find the velocity between the following times:
a) 0 and 6 seconds: v =
b) 0 and 15 seconds: v =
Time (minutes)
b) 0 and 15 seconds: v =
Explain. Are the magnitudes of any speeds calculated above the same as the magnitudes of the velocities? Explain why
they are or are not the same.
SPH3U: Velocity-Time Graphs
We have had a careful introduction to the idea of velocity. Now it’s time to look
at its graphical representation.
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: The Velocity-Time Graph
A velocity-time graph uses a sign convention to indicate the direction of motion. We will make some predictions and
investigate the results using the motion sensor. Remember that the positive direction is away from the face of the sensor.
Observe. (as a class) Observe a student and record the
results from the computer. You may smooth out the
jiggly data from the computer.
Predict. (work individually) A student walks slowly
away from the sensor with a constant velocity. Predict
what the velocity-time graph will look like. You may
assume that the student is already moving when the
sensor starts collecting data.
Explain. Most students predict a graph for the previous example that looks like
the one to the right. Explain what the student was thinking when making this
Start 4 m away
and walk slowly
towards the sensor
at a steady rate.
Start 4 m away
and walk
quickly towards
the sensor at a
steady rate.
Start 2 m away
and walk slowly
towards the
sensor at a
steady rate.
Walking quickly
away from the
sensor at a steady
Predict. (Work individually) Sketch your prediction for the velocity-time graph that corresponds to each situation
described in the chart below. Use a dashed line for your predictions.
Discuss. (Work together) Compare your predictions with your group members and discuss any differences. Don’t worry
about making changes.
Observe. (As a class) The computer will display its results for each situation. Draw the results with a solid line on the
graphs above. Remember that we want to smooth out the bumps and jiggles from the data.
Adapted from Workshop Physics Activity Guide: I – Mechanics, Laws, John Wiley & Sons, 2004
Explain. Explain to your group members any important differences between your personal prediction and the results.
Explain. Based on your observations of the graphs above, how is speed represented on a velocity-time graph? (How can
you tell if the object is moving fast or slow)?
Explain. Based on your observations of the graphs above, how is direction represented on a velocity-time graph? (How
can you tell if the object is moving in the positive or negative direction)?
10. Explain. If everything else is the same, what effect does the starting position have on a v-t graph?
B: Prediction Time!
A person moves in front of a sensor. There are four events: (1) The person starts to walk slowly away from the sensor, (2) at
6 seconds the person stops, (3) at 9 seconds the person walks towards the sensor twice as fast as before, (4) at 12 seconds the
person stops.
Predict. (Work individually) Use a dashed line to draw your prediction for the shape of the velocity-time graph for the
motion described above. Label the events.
Velocity (m/s)
Time (s)
Discuss. (Work together) Compare your predictions with your group and see if you can all agree.
Observe. (As a class) Compare the computer results with your group’s prediction. Explain to your group members any
important differences between your personal prediction and the results. Record your explanations here.
Velocity is a vector quantity since it has a magnitude (number) and direction. All vectors can be represented as arrows. In the
case of velocity, the arrow does not show the initial and final positions of the object. Instead it shows the object’s speed and
direction. We can use a scale to draw a velocity vector, for example: 1.0 cm (length on paper) = 1.0 m/s (real-world speed)
Represent. Refer to the graph above. Draw two vector arrows to represent the velocity of our walker at 4 seconds and at
10 seconds. Label them v1 and v2. Use a scale of 10 cm = 1.0 m/s
SPH3U Homework: Velocity Graph
A motion diagram tracks the movement of a remote control car. The car is able
to move back and forth along a straight track and produces one dot every
(a) Is the velocity of the car constant during the entire trip? Explain what
happens and how you can tell.
3 + x [W]
●●●●● ● ● ● ● ●
(b) At what time does the motion change? Explain.
(c) Sketch a position-time graph for the car. The scale along the position axis
is not important. Use one grid line = 1 second for the time axis. Explain
how the slopes of the two sections compare.
Time (s)
(d) Sketch a velocity-time graph for the car. The scale along the velocity axis
is not important. Use one grid line = 1 second for the time axis.
In a second experiment we track the same car and create a new motion diagram
showing the car suddenly turning around. We begin tracking at event 1 and
finish at event 3.
(a) Is the velocity of the car constant during the entire trip? Explain what
happens and how you can tell.
● ● ● ● ● ●
2● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
+ x [W]
(b) Does the car spend more time traveling fast or slow? Explain how you can
(c) Sketch a position-time graph for the car. The scale along the position axis is
not important. Use one grid line = 1 second for the time axis. Explain how
the slopes of the two sections compare.
time (s)
time (s)
time (s)
(d) Sketch a velocity-time graph for the car. The scale along the velocity axis is not important. Use one grid line = 1
second for the time axis. Explain how you chose to draw each section of the velocity-time graph.
(e) According any velocity-time graph, how can you tell what direction an object is moving in?
© C. Meyer 2012
SPH3U Homework: Conversions
For all the questions below, be sure to show your conversion ratios!
You are driving in the United States where the speed limits are marked in strange, foreign units. One sign reads 65 mph
which should technically be written as 65 mi/h. You look at the speedometer of your Canadian car which reads 107
km/h. Are you breaking the speed limit? (1 mi = 1.60934 km)
You step into an elevator and notice the sign describing the weight
limit for the device. What is the typical weight of a person in pounds
according to the elevator engineers?
You are working on a nice muffin recipe only to discover,
halfway through your work, that the quantity of oil is listed in
mL. You only have teaspoons and tablespoons to use (1 tsp =
4.92 mL, 1 tbsp = 14.79 mL). Which measure is best to use and
how many?
Your kitchen scale has broken down just as you were trying to
measure the cake flour for your muffin recipe. Now all you have
is your measuring cup. You quickly look up that 1 kg of flour
has a volume of 8.005 cups. How many cups should you put in
your recipe?
Atoms are very small. So small, we often use special units to describe their mass, atomic mass units (u). One uranium
atom has a mass of 238 u. Through careful experiments we believe 1 u = 1.6605402x10-27 kg. What is the mass of one
uranium atom in kg?
SPH3U: Conversions
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
In our daily life we often encounter different units that describe the same thing –
speed is a good example of this. Imagine we measure a car’s speed and our radar
0 1 2 3 4 5
gun says “100 km/h” or “62.5 miles per hour”. The numbers (100 compared with
62.5) might be different, but the measurements still describe the same amount of some quantity, which in this case, is speed.
A: The Meaning of Conversions
When we say that something is 3 m long, what do we really mean?
Explain. “3 metres” or “3 m” is a shorthand way of describing a quantity using a mathematical calculation. You may not
have thought about this before, but there is a mathematical operation (+, -, , ) between the “3” and the “m”. Which one
is it? Explain.
Physics uses a standard set of units, called S. I. (Système internationale) units, which are not always the ones used in day-today life. The S. I. units for distance and time are metres (m) and seconds (s). It is an important skill to be able to change
between commonly used units and S.I. units. (Or you might lose your Mars Climate Orbiter like NASA did! Google it.)
Reason. Albert measures a weight to be 0.454 kg. He does a conversion calculation and finds a result of 1.00 lbs. He
places a 0.454 kg weight on one side of a balance scale and a 1.00 lb weight on the other side. What will happen to the
balance when it is released? Explain what this tells us physically about the two quantities 0.454 kg and 1.00 lbs.
Reason. There is one number we can multiply a measurement by without changing the size of the physical quantity it
represents. What is that number?
The process of conversion between two sets of units leaves the physical quantity unchanged – the number and unit parts of
the measurement will both change, but the result is always the same physical quantity (the same amount of stuff), just
described in a different way. To make sure we don’t change the actual physical quantity when converting, we only ever
multiply the measurement by “1”. We multiply the quantity by a conversion ratio which must always equal “1”.
 2.204 lbs 
  1.00 lbs
0.454 kg = 0.454 kg 
 1.00 kg 
km  1.000 h  = 1.8 x 10-2 km/s
= 65
h  3600 s 
The ratio in the brackets is the conversion ratio. Note that the numerator and denominator are equal, making the ratio equal to
“1”. It is usually helpful to complete your conversions in the first step of your problem solving.
Explain. Examine the conversion ratios in the example above. When converting, you need to decide which quantity to
put on the top and the bottom of the fraction. Explain how to decide this. A hint comes from the markings and units in
the examples above.
Reason. You are trying to convert a quantity described using minutes into one described using seconds. Construct the
conversion ratio you would use and explain why it will work.
© C. Meyer 2014
B: The Practice of Conversions
Solve. Convert the following quantities. Carefully show your conversion ratios and how the units divide out. Remember
to use our guidelines for significant digits!
Convert to seconds
Convert to kilometres
 =
12.5 minutes 
 =
4.5 m 
Reason. In the previous question, you converted from minutes to seconds. Explain in a simple way why it makes sense
that the quantity measured in seconds is a bigger number.
Reason. You are converting a quantity from kilograms into pounds. Do you expect the number part to get larger or
smaller? Explain.
Solve. Convert the following quantities. Carefully show your conversion ratios and how the units divide out. Don’t
forget those sig. dig. guidelines!
Convert to kilograms
 =
138 lbs 
Convert to seconds
 =
Convert to km/h
 =
 =
Reason. People who think big (like astronomers) need units that are equally big. One light year (ly) is a unit of distance
equal to the distance light will travel in one year of time. The closest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri which is located a
short 4.243 ly away. Convert this distance into metres. “c” is the symbol for the unit of light speed, which equals 3.0 x
108 m/s. “a” is the symbol for the unit of one year of time. Oh, did we remind you about the guidelines?
Convert to m
4.243 ly = 4.243 ca 
Reason. You are converting a quantity from km/h into m/s. How many conversion ratios will you need to use? Explain.
Convert to m/s
3.0 days 
SPH3U: Problem Solving
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
A: Problem Solved
We can build a deep understanding of physics by learning to think carefully
0 1 2 3 4 5
about each problem we solve. Our goal will be to do a small number of problems
really well and to learn as much as possible from each one. To help do this, we will use a special process shown below to
carefully describe or represent a problem in many different ways. Read through the solution below, which is presented
without showing the original problem.
A: Pictorial Representation
Sketch, coordinate system, label givens & unknowns with symbols, conversions, describe events
Event 1 = passes 6th marker
Event 2 = passes 8th marker
x1 = 60 m
x2 = 80 m
v = 9.7 m/s
∆t12 = ?
+ x [East]
B: Physics Representation
Motion diagram, motion graphs, velocity vectors, events
+ x [E]
x 1
C: Word Representation
Describe motion (no numbers), explain why, assumptions
The runner travels east (the positive direction) along a track. We assume she runs with a constant velocity since she
has reached her top speed.
D: Mathematical Representation
Describe steps, complete equations, algebraically isolate, substitutions with units, final statement
Find the displacement:
x = x2 - x1 = 80 m – 60 m = 20 m
Solve for time:
v = x/t
t = x/v
= (20 m)/(9.7 m/s) = 2.062 s
The runner took 2.06 s to run the distance.
E: Evaluation
Answer has reasonable size, direction and units? Explain why.
A small time interval is reasonable since she is running quickly and travels through a short distance. Time does not have
a direction. Seconds are reasonable units for a short interval of time.
Explain. Is the athlete in this problem running in the positive or negative direction? In how many ways is this shown in
the solution?
© C. Meyer 2014
Reason. By looking at the information presented in part A of the solution, can you decide if any conversions are
necessary for the solution? Explain.
Calculate. Just out of curiosity, is the runner travelling as fast as a car on a residential street (40 km/h)?
Interpret. In part C we state that we are assuming the runner travels with a constant velocity. Did we use this
assumption in part B? Describe and explain all the examples of the use of this assumption that you find in part B.
When we solve a problem in a rich way using this solution process, we can check the quality of our solution by looking for
consistency. For example, if the object is moving with a constant velocity we should see that reflected in many parts of the
solution – check these parts. If the object is moving in the positive direction, we should see that reflected in many parts.
Always check that the important physics ideas properly reflected in all parts of the solution.
Explain. Did part D of the solution follow our guidelines for significant digits? Explain.
Evaluate. The evaluation step encourages you to decide whether your final answer seems reasonable. Suppose a friend
of yours came up with a final answer of 21 s. Aside from an obvious math error, why is this result not reasonable in size?
B: Problems Unsolved
Use the new process to solve the following problems. Use the blank solution sheet on the next page. To conserve paper, some
people divide each page down the centre and do two problems on one page. Use the subheadings for each part as a checklist
while you create your solutions. Don’t forget to use our guidelines for significant digits!
Usain Bolt ran the 200 m sprint at the 2012 Olympics in London in 19.32 s. Assuming he was moving with a constant
velocity, what is his speed in km/h during the race? (37.3 km/h)
In February 2013, a meteorite streaked through the sky over Russia. A fragment broke off and fell downwards towards
Earth with a speed of 12 000 km/h. The fragment was first spotted just as it entered our atmosphere at a position of 127
km above Earth. What was its position above Earth 10.0 seconds later? (Hint: what is the best position for the origin?
Which direction should be positive?) (93.7 km)
Imagine the Sun suddenly dies out! The last ray of light would travel 1.5 x 10 11 m to Earth with a speed of 3.0 x 10 8 m/s.
How many minutes would elapse between the Sun dying and the inhabitants of Earth seeing things go dark? (8.33 min)
Make sure you can correctly use your calculator! Scientific notation is entered using
buttons that look like the examples to the right.
Motion Solution Sheet
A: Pictorial Representation
Sketch, coordinate system, label givens & unknowns using symbols, conversions, describe events
B: Physics Representation
Motion diagram, motion graphs, velocity vectors, events
C: Word Representation
Describe motion (no numbers), explain why, assumptions
D: Mathematical Representation
Describe steps, complete equations, algebraically isolate, substitutions with units, final statement
E: Evaluation
Answer has reasonable size, direction and units? Explain why.
Homework: Representations of Motion
Each column in the chart below shows five representations of one motion. The small numbers represent the events.
Remember that the motion diagram is a dot pattern. If the object remains at rest, the two events will be located at the same
point. If it changes direction, shift the dots just above or below the axis. See the example below. Remember that in the motion
diagrams the origin is marked by a small vertical line. There is at least one completed example of each type of representation
that you can use as a guide. The positive x-direction is east.
Situation 1
Situation 2
Situation 3
Situation 4
1-2: It starts at the origin and
remains at rest for a while.
2-3: It move quickly in the
positive direction (east) with a
constant velocity
3-4: It moves slowly in the
negative direction (west) with a
constant velocity.
Position Graph
Position Graph
Position Graph
Position Graph
Velocity Graph
Velocity Graph
Velocity Graph
Velocity Vectors
(velocity during each interval)
Motion Diagram
Velocity Vectors
(velocity during each interval)
Motion Diagram
Velocity Vectors
(velocity during each interval)
Velocity Vectors
(velocity during each interval)
Motion Diagram
● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ●
Motion Diagram
Velocity Graph
SPH3U: Changing Velocity
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
We have explored the idea of velocity and now we are ready to test it carefully
and see how far this idea goes. One student, Isaac, proposes the statement:
0 1 2 3 4 5
“the quantity ∆x/∆t gives us the velocity of an object at each moment in time during the time interval ∆t”.
A: The Three-Section Track
Your teacher has set up a track with three
t12 = 1.50 s, x12 = 2.0 m
sections. Two sections are horizontal and
one is at an angle. After you start it, an
object rolls along the track without any
friction or other pushing between
events 1 and 4. The length of each track
and the time the ball takes to roll across that section of track is indicated.
t 23= 1.00 s
x23 = 2.0 m
t34 = 0.75s,
x34 = 2.0 m
Observe. Describe how the object moves while travelling along each section of the track.
Calculate. Calculate the quantity ∆x/∆t for each section.
Evaluate. Does Isaac’s statement hold true (is it valid) for each section of the track? Explain why or why not.
Is Isaac’s
Conclusion. For what types of motion is Isaac’s statement valid and invalid?
We can conclude that our simple expression ∆x/∆t does not reliably give us the velocity of an object at each moment in time
during a large time interval. The quantity ∆x/∆t represents the average velocity of an object during an interval of time. Only if
the velocity of an object is constant will it also give us the velocity at each moment in time. If the velocity is not constant, we
need another way of finding the velocity at one moment in time. To do that, we need to explore the motion of an object with
a changing velocity.
B: Motion with Changing Velocity
Your teacher has a tickertape timer, a cart and an incline set-up. Turn on the timer and then release the cart to run down the
incline. Bring the tickertape back to your table to analyze.
Observe. Examine the pattern of dots on your tickertape. How can you tell whether or not the velocity of the cart was
Find a Pattern. From the first dot on your tickertape, draw lines that divide the dot pattern into intervals of six spaces as
shown below.
Adapted from Physics by Inquiry, McDermott and PEG U. Wash, © John Wiley and Sons, 1996
Reason. The timer is constructed so that it hits the tape 60 times every second. How much time does each six-space
interval take? Explain your reasoning.
Reason. Albert makes a calculation of the ratio ∆x/∆t for the interval of his entire dot pattern on the ticker tape. He says,
“My result is 53 cm/s. This means that for every second that goes by, the cart moves 53 cm in the positive direction.” Do
you agree or disagree with Albert? Explain.
Observe and explain Choose a 0.1 s interval near the middle of your dot pattern. Imagine you couldn’t see the rest of
the dots on the ticker tape and you did not know how the equipment was set up. According to the dot pattern in this small
interval, is the velocity changing? Explain the difficulty in deciding.
Reason. How does the appearance of an object’s velocity change as we examine smaller and smaller time intervals?
The velocity appears more and more …
We now introduce a new concept: instantaneous velocity. If we want to know the velocity of an object at a particular moment
in time, what we need to do is look at a very small interval which contains that moment. It is convenient for the moment be at
the middle of the small interval. We must first make sure the interval is small enough that the velocity is very nearly constant.
We then measure x, measure t, and find the ratio. The number obtained this way is very close to the instantaneous velocity
at that moment (instant) in time. This quantity could be represented by the symbol vinst but is more commonly written as just
v1 or v2 (the instantaneous velocity of the object at event 1 or 2). The magnitude (the size) of the instantaneous velocity is the
instantaneous speed. From now on, the terms velocity and speed will always be understood to mean instantaneous velocity
and instantaneous speed, respectively.
When the interval chosen is not small enough and the velocity is noticeably not constant, the ratio x/t gives the average
velocity during that interval which is represented by the symbol vavg.
Reason. Earlier Albert found a result of 53 cm/s. Which velocity did he find: the average or the instantaneous? Explain.
Suppose the instantaneous velocity of an object is -45 cm/s in a small interval. We interpret this to mean: if the object
continued to move with a constant velocity, it would travel 45 cm in the negative direction every second.
Apply. Calculate x/t for a 0.1 s interval near the middle of your dot pattern. Interpret this result according to the
explanation above.
C: Analyzing Changing Velocity
Position (cm)
Time (s)
Observe. Collect a complete set of position and time data from your tickertape. Begin by marking on your tape the
origin that you will use for every position measurement. Use 0.1-second intervals and measure the position the cart from
the origin to the end of the interval you are considering. Record the data the chart below.
Represent. Plot the data in a graph of position vs.
time. Does a straight line or a smooth curve fit the
data best? Explain.
Explain. Albert says, “I don’t understand why the
position graph should be curved in this situation.”
Explain to Albert why it must be curved in the case of
changing velocity.
Position (cm)
Time (s)
Explain. What can we say about how the steepness of the curve changes. Remind yourself – what does the steepness
(slope) of a position-time graph represent?
D: Tangents and Velocity
The slope of a curved position-time graph represents the velocity of the object, but how do we find the slope for a curved
Represent. Let’s examine the interval of time from 0 to 0.8 seconds on your graph from part C. Draw a line from the
position of the cart at 0 seconds to the position of the cart at 0.8 seconds. This line, which touches the graph at two points
is called a secant. Calculate the slope of the secant.
Interpret and Explain. Does the velocity of the cart appear constant during this time interval? Which type of velocity
does the slope of the secant represent?
Represent and Interpret. Repeat this process for the interval of time from 0.3 to 0.5 seconds. Draw a secant, find its
slope and explain which type of velocity it represents.
Reason. As we make the time interval smaller, for example 0.39 s to 0.41 s, what happens to the appearance of the
motion within the time intervals?
When a graph is curved, it rises by a different amount for each unit of run. To find out how much the graph is rising per unit
of run at a particular point in time (an instant), we must look at a small interval that contains the point. If the interval is small
enough, the secant will appear to touch the graph at just one point. We now call this line a tangent. We interpret the slope of
a tangent as the rise per unit run the graph would have if the graph did not curve anymore, but continued as a straight line.
The slope of the tangent to a position-time graph represents the instantaneous velocity at that moment in time.
Represent and Calculate. As we continue to make the time interval smaller, the secant will become a tangent at the
moment in time of 0.4 s. Draw this tangent on your graph – make sure it only touches the graph at one point (a very
small interval). A sample is shown in the graph below. Extend the tangent line as far as you can in each direction.
Calculate the slope of the line.
Interpret. What type of velocity did you find in the previous question? Interpret its meaning (the cart would travel …)
Calculate. Find the slope of the tangent that is already
drawn for you. This represents the instantaneous
velocity at what moment in time?
Interpret. Is the velocity of the object ever zero?
When? How can you tell?
Calculate. Find the instantaneous velocity at 0.2
Position (cm)
Homework: Interpreting Curved Position Graphs
Time (s)
Explain. During the time interval 0 to 0.35 s the object is slowing down. How can we tell?
Interpret. During which interval of time is the object moving in the positive direction? In the negative direction?
SPH3U: The Idea of Acceleration
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
A: The Idea of Acceleration
Com / Know
0 /1Th
2 /3App:
4 50 1 2 3 4 5
Interpretations are powerful tools for making calculations. Please answer the
following questions by thinking and explaining your reasoning to your group,
rather than by plugging into equations. Consider the situation described below:
A car was traveling with a constant velocity 20 km/h sount. The driver presses the gas pedal and the car begins to speed
up at a steady rate. The driver notices that it takes 3 seconds to speed up from 20 km/h to 50 km/h.
Reason. How fast is the car going 2 seconds after starting to speed up? Explain.
Reason. How much time does it take to go from 20 km/h to 75 km/h? Explain.
Interpret. A student who is studying this motion subtracts 50 – 20, obtaining 30. How would you interpret the number
30? What are its units?
Interpret. Next, the student divides 30 by 3 to get 10. How would you interpret the number 10? (Warning: don’t use the
word acceleration, instead explain what the 10 describes a change in. What are the units?)
B: Watch Your Speed!
Shown below are a series of images of a speedometer in a car showing speeds in km/h. Along with each is a clock showing
the time (hh:mm:ss). Use these to answer the questions regarding the car’s motion.
Reason. What type of velocity (or speed) is shown on a speedometer – average or instantaneous? Explain.
Explain. Is the car speeding up or slowing down? Is the change in speed steady?
Adapted from Sense-Making Tutorials, University of Maryland Physics Education Group
Explain and Calculate. Explain how you could find the acceleration of the car. Calculate this value and write the units
as (km/h)/s.
Interpret. Albert exclaims, “In our previous result, why are there two different time units: hours and seconds? This is
strange!” Explain to Albert the significance of the hours unit and the seconds unit. The brackets provide a hint.
C: Interpreting Velocity Graphs
To the right is the velocity versus time graph for a particular
object. Two moments, 1 and 2, are indicated on the graph.
Interpret. What does the graph tell us about the object at
moments 1 and 2?
Velocity (m/s)
Interpret. Give an interpretation of the interval labelled
c. What symbol should be used to represent this?
Time (seconds)
Interpret. Give an interpretation of the interval labelled
d. What symbol should be used to represent this?
Interpret. Give an interpretation of the ratio d/c. How is this related to our discussion in part A?
Calculate. Calculate the ratio d/c including units. Write the units in a similar way to question B#3.
Explain. Use your grade 8 knowledge of fractions to explain how the units of (m/s)/s are simplified.
(m / s) / s 
m s m 1
s     m 2
s 1 s s
9 10
SPH3U: Calculating Acceleration
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
A: Defining Acceleration
0 1 2 3 4 5
The number calculated for the slope of the graph in part C of last class’s
investigation is called the acceleration. The motions shown in parts A, B and C of that investigation all have the
characteristic that the velocity of the object changed by the same amount in equal time intervals. When an object’s motion
has this characteristic, we say that the object has constant acceleration. In this case, the total change in velocity is shared
equally by all equal time intervals. We can therefore interpret the number Δv/t as the change in velocity occurring in each
unit of time. The number, Δv/t, is called the acceleration and is represented by the symbol, a.
v  vi
a = Δv/t = f
, if the acceleration is constant
t f  ti
In Gr. 11 physics, we will focus on situations in which the acceleration is constant (sometimes called uniform acceleration).
Acceleration can mean speeding up, slowing down, or a change in an object’s direction - any change in the velocity qualifies!
Note in the equation above, we wrote vf and vi for the final and initial velocities during some interval of time. If your time
interval is defined by events 2 and 3, you would write v3 and v2 for your final and initial velocities.
We mentioned earlier that the “Δ” symbol is a short form. In this case, explain carefully what Δv represents using both
words and symbols.
B: A Few Problems!
1. A car is speeding up with constant acceleration. You have a radar gun and stopwatch. At a time of 10 s the car has a
velocity of 4.6 m/s north. At a time of 90 s the velocity is 8.2 m/s. What is the car’s acceleration?
A: Pictorial Representation
B: Physics Representation
Sketch, coordinate system, label givens & unknowns using symbols,
conversions, describe events
Motion diagram, velocity vectors, events
C: Word Representation
Describe motion (no numbers), explain why, assumptions
D: Mathematical Representation
Describe steps, complete equations, algebraically isolate, substitutions with units, final statement
Adapted from Physics by Inquiry, McDermott and PEG U. Wash, © John Wiley and Sons, 1996
In the previous example, if you did your work carefully you should have found units of m/s 2 for the acceleration. It is
important to understand that the two seconds in m/s/s (m/s2 is shorthand) play different roles. The second in m/s is just part of
the unit for velocity (like hour in km/h). The other second is the unit of time we use when telling how much the velocity
changes in one unit of time.
Hit the Gas! You are driving west along the 401 and want to pass a large truck. You floor the gas pedal and begin to
speed up. You start at 102 km/h, accelerate at a steady rate of 4.3 (km/h)/s (obviously not a sports car). What is your
velocity after 6.5 seconds when you finally pass the truck?
A: Pictorial Representation
B: Physics Representation
Sketch, coordinate system, label givens & unknowns using symbols,
conversions, describe events
Motion diagram, velocity vectors, events
C: Word Representation
Describe motion (no numbers), explain why, assumptions
D: Mathematical Representation
Describe steps, complete equations, algebraically isolate, substitutions with units, final statement
E: Evaluation
Answer has reasonable size, direction and units? Explain why.
The Rattlesnake Strike The head of a rattlesnake can accelerate at 50 m/s2 when striking a victim. How much time does
it take for the snake’s head to reach a velocity of 50 km/h?
A: Pictorial Representation
B: Physics Representation
Sketch, coordinate system, label givens & unknowns using symbols,
conversions, describe events
Motion diagram, velocity vectors, events
C: Word Representation
Describe motion (no numbers), explain why, assumptions
D: Mathematical Representation
Describe steps, complete equations, algebraically isolate, substitutions with units, final statement
E: Evaluation
Answer has reasonable size, direction and units? Explain why.
The Rocket A rocket is travelling upwards. The engine fires harder causing it to speed up at a rate of 21 m/s2. After 4.3
seconds it reached a velocity of 413 km/h and the engine turns off. What was the velocity of the rocket when the engines
began to fire harder?
A: Pictorial Representation
B: Physics Representation
Sketch, coordinate system, label givens & unknowns using symbols,
conversions, describe events
Motion diagram, velocity vectors, events
C: Word Representation
Describe motion (no numbers), explain why, assumptions
D: Mathematical Representation
Describe steps, complete equations, algebraically isolate, substitutions with units, final statement
E: Evaluation
Answer has reasonable size, direction and units? Explain why.
Homework: Speeding Up and Slowing Down
Interpret and Explain. A person walks back and forth in
front of a motion detector producing the velocity graph
shown to the right. Six events have been labelled on the
graph. For each question below, always use the graph to
explain your answer.
a) During which intervals, if any, does the person have a
positive acceleration?
b) During which intervals, if any, does the person have a negative acceleration and a positive velocity?
c) During which intervals, if any, was the acceleration zero?
d) During which intervals, if any, was the person speeding up?
e) During which intervals, if any, was the person slowing down?
f) During which intervals, if any, was the object at rest (reminder: at rest means not moving for an extended period of
g) Are there any moments in time when the acceleration of the person changes?
Interpret and Explain. In a different experiment, a person walks back and forth in front of a motion detector and
produced the position graph shown to the right. Answer the following questions based on the graph. Provide a brief
explanation of how you decided. At which of the event in the
graph below:
a) is the motion slowest?
b) is the object speeding up?
is the object slowing down?
d) is the object turning around?
Adapted from Physics by Inquiry, McDermott and PEG U. Wash, © John Wiley and Sons, 1996
SPH3U: Speeding Up or Slowing Down?
There is one mystery concerning acceleration remaining to be solved. Our
definition of acceleration, v/t, allows the result to be either positive or
negative, but what does that mean? Today we will get to the bottom of this.
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
Your teacher has set-up a cart with a fan on a dynamics track and a motion detector
to help create position-time and velocity-time graphs. Let’s begin with a position
graph before we observe the motion. The cart is initially moving forward. The fan
is on and gives the cart a steady, gentle push which causes the cart to accelerate.
Interpret. What does the slope of a tangent to a position-time graph
Reason. Is the cart speeding up or slowing down? Use the two tangents to the
graph to help explain.
A: Acceleration in Graphs
Reason. Is the change in velocity positive or negative? What does this tell us
about the acceleration?
Predict. What will the velocity-time graph look like? Use a dashed line to
sketch this graph on the axes above.
Test. (as a class) Observe the velocity-time graph produced by the computer for this situation. Describe the motion.
Explain any differences between your prediction and your observations.
B: The Sign of the Acceleration
All the questions here refer to the chart on the next page.
Represent. (as a class) Observe the motion in the four following situations. In the chart, draw an arrow corresponding to
the direction the fan pushes on the cart. Label this arrow “F” for the force. Describe the direction the force acts in.
Predict. (work individually) For each situation (each column), use a dashed line to sketch your prediction for the
position- and velocity-time graphs that will be produced. Complete the graphs for each example on your own and then
compare your predictions with your group. Note: It may be easiest to start with the v-t graph and you can try the
acceleration-time graph if you like.
Test. (as a class) Observe the results from the computer. Use a solid line to draw the results for the three graphs in the
chart on the next page.
Interpret. Examine the velocity graphs. Is the magnitude of the velocity (the speed) getting larger or smaller? Decide
whether the cart is speeding up or slowing down.
Interpret. Use the graphs to decide on the sign of the velocity and the acceleration.
© C. Meyer, 2013
Sketch with Force
The cart is released from
rest near the motion
detector. The fan pushes
on the cart away from the
The cart is released from
rest far from the detector.
The fan pushes towards
the detector.
The cart is moving away
from the detector. The
fan pushes towards the
The cart is moving
towards the detector. The
fan is pushing away from
the detector.
Position graph
We will continue the rest of the chart together after our observations.
Slowing down or
speeding up?
Sign of Velocity
Sign of Acceleration
Now let’s try to interpret the sign of the acceleration carefully. Acceleration is a vector quantity, so the sign indicates a
direction. This is not the direction of the object’s motion! To understand what it is the direction of, we must do some careful
Reason. Emmy says, “We can see from these results that when the acceleration is positive, the object always speeds up.”
Do you agree with Emmy? Marie says, “No. There’s more to it than that.” Who do you agree with? Explain.
Reason. What conditions for the acceleration and velocity must be true for an object to be speeding up? To be slowing
Reason. The sign of the acceleration always matches the sign of what other quantity in our chart?
Always compare the magnitudes of the velocities, the speeds, using the terms faster or slower. Describe the motion of
accelerating objects as speeding up or slowing down and state whether it is moving in the positive of negative direction.
Other ways of describing velocity often lead to ambiguity and trouble! Never use the d-word, deceleration - yikes! Note that
we will always assume the acceleration is uniform (constant) unless there is a good reason to believe otherwise.
SPH3U: Area and Averages
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
A graph is more than just a line or a curve. We will discover a very handy new
property of graphs which has been right under our noses (and graphs) all this
0 1 2 3 4 5
A car drives south along a straight road at 20 m/s. It is straight-forward to find the
displacement of the car between 5 to 20 seconds. But instead, let’s look at the velocitytime graphs and find another way to represent this displacement.
Describe. How do we calculate the displacement of the car if we know the
information given above?
Velocity (m/s)
A: Looking Under the Graph
Time (s)
Sketch. Now we will think about this calculation in a new way. Draw and shade a rectangle on the graph that fills in the
area between the line of the graph and the time axis, for the time interval of 5 to 20 seconds.
Describe. In math class, how would you calculate the area of the rectangle?
Interpret. Calculate the area of the rectangle. Note that the length and width have a meaning in physics, so the final
result is not a physical area. Use the proper physics units that correspond to the height and the width of the rectangle.
What physics quantity does the final result represent?
The area under a velocity-time graph for an interval of motion gives the displacement during that interval. Both velocity and
displacement are vector quantities and can be positive or negative depending on their directions. According to our usual sign
convention, areas above the time axis are positive and areas below the time axis are negative.
B: Kinky Graphs
Interpret. What characteristic of the object’s
motion is steady before the kink, steady after the
kink, but changes right at the kink? What has
happened to the motion of the object?
At t = 0.40 seconds we cannot tell what the slope is –
it is experiencing an abrupt change.
Position (cm)
A buggy travels north in front of a motion detector. There is a “kink” in the position graph. What’s happening here?
Time (s)
Adapted from Physics by Inquiry, McDermott and PEG U. Wash, © John Wiley and Sons, 1996
Calculate and Represent. Make a few calculations to help sketch a velocity-time
graph for the motion in the graph above.
Velocity (cm/s)
Time (s)
To indicate a sudden change on a physics graph, use a dashed vertical line. This indicates that you understand there is a
sudden change, but you also understand that you cannot have a truly vertical line.
Reason. What would a vertical line segment on a v-t graph mean? Is this physically reasonable? Explain.
Calculate. Find the area under the v-t graph you have just drawn for the time interval of 0 to 0.9 seconds. Find this
result. Explain how to use the original position-time graph to confirm your result.
Calculate. We can perform a new type of calculation by dividing the area we found by the time interval. Carry out this
calculation and carefully show the units.
Interpret. What type of velocity did you find from the previous calculation? How does it compare with the values in the
v-t graph?
Reason. Is the value for the velocity you just found the same as the arithmetic average (v1 + v2)/2 of the two individual
velocities? Explain why or why not.
C: Average Velocity
Earlier in this unit, we noted that the ratio, x/t, has no simple interpretation if the velocity of an object is not constant.
Since the velocity is changing during the time interval, this ratio gives an average velocity for that time interval. One way to
think about it is this: x/t is the velocity the object would have if it moved with constant velocity through the same
displacement in the same amount of time.
Represent. Use the interpretation above to help you draw a single line (representing constant velocity) on the position
graph on the previous page and show that its slope equals the average velocity for that time interval.
SPH3U: The Displacement Problem
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
Now we come to a real challenge for this unit. A car is travelling at 60 km/h
west along a road when the driver notices a student step out in front of the car,
0 1 2 3 4 5
34 m ahead. The driver’s reaction time is 1.4 s. He slams on the brakes of the
car which slows the car at a rate of 7.7 m/s2. Does the car hit the student? Let’s begin with a video!
A: The Collision Problem
Reason. In the video, two separate distances (the reaction distance and the braking distance) make up the total stopping
distance. Describe why there are two intervals of motion and how the car moves during each.
Calculate. How far does the car travel during the reaction time? How much space is left between the car and the student?
Represent. We will focus our solution on the second interval of motion now that we have found how far the car travels
during the reaction time interval. Here’s our question: “does the car hit the student?” Which kinematic quantity would
we like to know in order to solve this problem?
A: Pictorial Representation
Sketch, coordinate system, label givens & unknowns using symbols, conversions, describe events
Represent. Go through the checklist of items that should appear in your pictorial representation. Make sure you have
included them all! When you’re ready, complete your physics representations for this problem.
B: Physics Representation
Motion diagram, motion graphs, velocity vectors, events
- Did you check
the signs of the
vector quantities of
your given
- Are any in the
negative direction?
- Also check for
© C. Meyer, 2015
B: Finding the Displacement
Our goal is to find the total displacement of the car between moments1 and 2.
Reason. Can we use our expression v = x/t to find the car’s displacement between events 1 and 2? Explain why or
why not.
Consider the following graph which shows the velocity of an object that is speeding up. We can use this graph to find the
displacement between the times ti and tf. This looks tricky, but notice that the area can be split up into two simpler shapes.
Represent. What is the height and the width of the
rectangle? Use these to write an expression for its area
using kinematic symbols.
Represent. What is the height and width of the
triangle? Write an expression for its area.
Represent. Remember our equation for acceleration: a = ∆v/∆t. If we rearrange it, we have: v = at. Use this
expression for ∆v to write down a new expression for the area of the triangle that does not use v.
Represent. The total area represents the displacement of the object during the time interval. Write a complete expression
for the displacement.
The equation you have just constructed is one of the five equations for constant acceleration (affectionately known as the BIG
five). Together they help relate different combinations of the five kinematic variables: x, a, vi, vf and t. You have
encountered one other BIG five so far, (in a disguised form) the definition of acceleration: a = v/t. Recall that this equation
was also constructed by analyzing a graph showing changing velocity!
C: The Results
Now we have the tool necessary to find the total displacement for our original problem. The solution will involve two steps,
each of which you should describe carefully. Use one equation to find the stopping time and the other to find the stopping
D: Mathematical Representation
Describe steps, complete equations, algebraically isolate, substitutions with units, final statement
E: Evaluation
Answer has reasonable size, direction and units? Explain why.
Is the size of your answer in the
right range? What about the
direction of your displacement?
Are your units appropriate for a
Homework: Displacement Problems!
Use the full solution format to solve these problems. Hint: when choosing an equation (you have a choice of two), think
about which quantities you know and which you are trying to find out.
Stopping a Muon. A muon (a subatomic particle) moving in a straight line enters a detector with a speed of 5.00 x 106
m/s and then is slowed down at the rate of 1.25 x 10 14 m/s2 in 4 x 10-8 s. How far does it travel while slowing down? (0.3
Taking Off. A jumbo jet takeoff by the time it reaches the end of a 1.80 km runway. One jet barely makes it off the
ground after it reaches the end of the runway, taking 37.9 s of time. What is the acceleration of this jet? Give your
answer in m/s2 (2.51 m/s2)
Shuffleboard Disk. A shuffleboard disk is accelerated at a 9.7 m/s2 from rest to a speed of 6.0 m/s. What distance does
the disk travel? (1.84 m)
SPH3U: The BIG Five
Last class we found three equations to help describe motion with constant
acceleration. A bit more work along those lines would allow us to find two
more equations which give us a complete set of equations for the five
kinematic quantities.
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: The BIG Five – Revealed!
Here are the BIG five equations for uniformly accelerated motion.
The BIG Five
vf = vi + at
x = vit + ½at2
x = vft - ½at2
x = ½(vi + vf)t
vf 2 = vi2 + 2ax
Observe. Fill in the chart with  and  indicating whether or not a kinematic quantity is found in that equation.
Find a Pattern. How many quantities are related in each equation?
Reason. If you wanted to use the first equation to calculate the acceleration, how many other quantities would you need
to know?
Describe. Define carefully each of the kinematic quantities in the chart below.
Reason. What condition must hold true (we mentioned these in the previous investigation) for these equations to give
reasonable or realistic results?
B: As Easy as 3-4-5
Solving a problem involving uniformly accelerated motion is as easy as 3-4-5. As soon as you know three quantities, you can
always find a fourth using a BIG five! Write your solutions carefully using our solution process. Use the chart to help you
choose a BIG five. Here are some sample problems that we will use the BIG five to help solve. Note that we are focusing on
certain steps in our work here – in your homework, make sure you complete all the steps!
© C. Meyer, 2013
Problem 1
A traffic light turns green and an anxious student floors the gas pedal, causing the car to acceleration at 3.4 m/s 2 for a total of
10.0 seconds. We wonder: How far did the car travel in that time and what’s the big rush anyways?
A: Pictorial Representation
Sketch, coordinate system, label givens & unknowns with symbols, conversions,
describe events
Emmy says, “I am given only two numbers,
the acceleration and time. I need three to solve
the problem. I’m stuck!” Explain how to help
B: Physics Representation
Motion diagram, motion graphs, velocity vectors, events
D: Mathematical Representation
Describe steps, complete equations, algebraically isolate, substitutions with units, final statement
Problem 2: Complete these problems on a separate solution sheet
An automobile safety laboratory performs crash tests of vehicles to ensure their safety in high-speed collisions. The engineers
set up a head-on crash test for a Smart Car which collides with a solid barrier. The engineers know the car initially travels
south at 100 km/h and the car crumples 0.78 m during the collision. The engineers have a couple of questions: How much
time does the collision take? What was the car’s acceleration during the collision? (0.0562 s, -495 m/s2)
Problem 3
Speed Trap The brakes on your car are capable of slowing down your car at a rate of 5.2 m/s 2. You are travelling north at
137 km/h when you see a cop with a radar gun pointing right at you! What is the minimum time in which you can get your
car under the 100 km/h speed limit? (35.1 s)
Problem 4
Microscopic physics. All cell biology works according to the laws of physics! A sodium ion (3.817x10-26 kg) arrives near an
opening in a cell. You may assume it is initially at rest. Electric forces cause it to speed up and travel towards the cell
opening. As a result, it travels 1.48x10-7 m in 0.512 s. What is the acceleration of the sodium ion? (1.13 x 10-6 m/s2)
Motion Solution Sheet
A: Pictorial Representation
Sketch, coordinate system, label givens & unknowns using symbols, conversions, describe events
B: Physics Representation
Motion diagram, motion graphs, velocity vectors, events
C: Word Representation
Describe motion (no numbers), explain why, assumptions
D: Mathematical Representation
Describe steps, complete equations, algebraically isolate, substitutions with units, final statement
E: Evaluation
Answer has reasonable size, direction and units? Explain why.
SPH3U: Freefall
One of the most important examples of motion is that of falling objects. How
does an object move when it is falling? Let’s find out!
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: Observing Falling Motions
1. Observe. You need a ball. Describe the motion of the falling ball (ignore the bounces). Offer some reasons for the
observed motion.
Observe. You need a piece of paper. Describe the motion of the falling paper. Offer some reasons for the observed
Predict. Describe how the paper might fall if it is crumpled into a little ball (don’t do it yet!) Explain the reasons for
your predictions.
Test. Drop the crumpled paper ball. Describe your observations. Drop it with the ball as a comparison. Offer some
reasons for the observed motions.
In grade 11 and 12 we will focus on a simplified type of freefall where the effect of air resistance is small enough compared
to the effect of gravity that it can be ignored. Our definition of freefall is vertical motion near Earth’s surface that is
influenced by gravity alone.
B: Analyzing Falling Motion
Observe. Sketch the position and velocity-time graphs from the
computer for the falling bean-bag.
Reason and Represent. At what moment in time does freefall begin?
Draw event 1 on both graphs at the moment freefall begins. At what
moment does freefall end? Draw event 2 on both graphs at the moment
freefall ends.
Position (y)
Your teacher has a motion detector set up which we will observe as a class. We will drop a bean-bag to avoid confusion from
any bounces of a ball. We choose the origin to be the floor and the upward direction as positive y-direction. When we analyze
freefall we will replace the x symbols for position and displacement with y symbols to indicate the vertical direction.
Interpret. Describe the motion of the bean-bag during the interval of
© C. Meyer, 2015
C: Freefalling Up?
Observe. Toss the ball straight up a couple of times and then describe its motion while it is travelling upwards. Offer
some reasons for the observed motion.
Speculate. Do you think the acceleration when the ball is rising is different in some way than the acceleration when the
ball is falling? Why or why not?
Speculate. What do you think the acceleration will be at the moment when the ball is at its highest point? Why?
D: Analyzing the Motion of a Tossed Ball
Observe. (as a class) Sketch the results from the computer in the two
graphs to the right. Be sure to line up the features of the graphs vertically
(same moments in time.)
Interpret. (as a group) Explain which graph is easiest to use to decide
when the ball leaves contact with the hand and returns into contact.
Interpret. Label three events on each graph (1): the ball leaves contact
with the hand, (2) the ball at its highest position, and (3) the ball returns
to the hand. Label the portion of each graph that represents upwards
motion, downwards motion. Indicate in which portions the velocity
positive, negative, or equal to zero.
Reason. How does the acceleration of the ball during the upwards part of
its trip compare with the downwards part? Explain.
Position (y)
As a class, observe the results from the motion detector for a ball’s complete trip up and back down.
Reason. Isaac says, “At its highest point, the acceleration of the ball is
zero.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
Reason. Emmy says, “At its highest point, the ball has a velocity of zero.” Marie says, “I agree and at its highest point it
remains at rest for a short interval of time.” Who do you agree with? Explain.
Interpret. On the two graphs above, label the interval of time during which the ball experiences freefall. Justify your
SPH3U: Freefall Acceleration
Last class we saw that an object in freefall accelerates at a constant rate when
air resistance is not a large factor.
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: The Acceleration Experiment
We need to find out what the rate of acceleration is and what that rate might depend upon. Each group will choose a test
object, make measurements, calculate the acceleration of the object and as a class we will compare the results.
Describe. Choose a (non-lethal) object to drop down the stairwell. We want to measure the freefall acceleration and
minimize effects that might get in the way of a careful measurement. Describe your object and mention why it is
interesting for our investigation.
Represent. Draw the set-up for your experiment, indicate and
label all the quantities you will measure. Show your sign
convention and coordinate system.
Experimental set-up
Describe. Briefly describe how you will carry out the
experiment. Choose the BIG 5 equation you will use.
** check your experiment with your teacher
Observe. Collect your equipment, conduct the experiment and
record all your measurements here.
Calculate. Find your acceleration value.
Record. State a final result. Record this result on the blackboard for the class discussion.
In the absence of air resistance, all objects near the surface of the earth that fall freely, which means they experience no
effects other than gravity, will accelerate at:
© C. Meyer, 2014
B: The Freefall Problem
Timothy, a student no longer at our school, has very deviously hopped up on to the roof of the school. Emily is standing
below and tosses a ball straight upwards to Timothy. It travels up past him, comes back down and he reaches out and catches
it. Tim catches the ball 6.0 m above Emily’s hands. The ball was travelling at 12.0 m/s upwards, the moment it left Emily’s
hand. We would like to know how much time this trip takes.
Represent. Complete part A below. Indicate the y-origin for position measurements and draw a sign convention where
upwards is positive. Label the important events and attach the given information.
Represent. Complete part B below. Make sure the two graphs line-up vertically. Draw a single dotted vertical line
through the graphs indicating the moment when the ball is at its highest.
A: Pictorial Representation
B: Physics Representation
Sketch, coordinate system, label givens & unknowns, conversions, describe
Motion diagram, motion graphs, key events
Event :
Event :
Reason. We would like to find the displacement of the ball while in freefall. Some students argue that we can’t easily
tell what the displacement is since we don’t know how high the ball goes. Explain why it is possible and illustrate this
displacement with an arrow on the sketch.
The total length of the path traveled by an object is the distance. The change in position, from one event to another is the
displacement. Distance is a scalar quantity and displacement is a vector quantity. For constant velocity only, the magnitude
of the displacement is the same as the distance.
Reason. The BIG 5 equations are valid for any interval of motion where the acceleration is constant. Does the ball
accelerate uniformly between the two events you chose? Explain.
Reason. Isaac says, “I want to use an interval of time that ends when the ball comes to a stop in Tim’s hand. Then we
know that v2 = 0.” Why is Isaac incorrect? Explain.
Solve. Choose a BIG five equation to solve for the time. (Hint: one single BIG 5 equation will solve this problem). Note
that you will need the quadratic formula to do this! x   b  b  4ac For convenience you may leave out the units for the
quadratic step.
D: Mathematical Representation
Describe steps, complete equations, algebraically isolate, substitutions with units, final statement
Interpret. Now we have an interesting result or pair of results! Why are there two solutions to this problem? How do we
physically interpret this? Which one is the desired solution? Explain using a simple sketch.
Interpret. State your final answer to the problem.
Homework: Freefalling
Based on the problem from the previous page, how high does the ball travel above Emily? (Define your new events and
just complete part D.) (7.35 m)
Isaac is practicing his volleyball skills by volleying a ball straight up and down, over and over again. His teammate
Marie notices that after one volley, the ball rises 3.6 m above Isaac’s hands. What is the speed with which the ball left
Isaac’s hand? (8.40 m/s)
With a terrific crack and the bases loaded, Albert hits a baseball directly upwards. The ball returns back down 4.1 s after
the hit and is easily caught by the catcher, thus ending the ninth inning and Albert’s chances to win the World Series.
How high did the ball go? (20.6 m)
Emmy stands on a bridge and throws a rock at 7.5 m/s upwards. She throws a second identical rock with the same speed
downwards. In each case, she releases the rock 10.3 m above a river that passes under the bridge. Which rock makes a
bigger splash? (same)
SPH3U: Graphing Review
This exercise will help you put together many of the ideas we have come across in studying graphical
representations of motion. Before completing the table, examine the sample entries and be sure you
understand them. Note that some information may be found on both graphs. Now fill in the missing
entries in the table below – describe how you find the information.
How to get information from motion graphs
Information sought
Position-time graph
Velocity-time graph
Can’t tell
Compute the slope
Where the object is at a
particular instant
The object’s velocity at an
The object’s acceleration (if
Whether the motion is uniform
Whether the object is speeding
Check whether the curve is
getting steeper
Whether the object is slowing
Whether the acceleration is
The object’s change in position
The object’s change in velocity
Adapted from Physics by Inquiry, McDermott and PEG U. Wash, © John Wiley and Sons, 1996
SPH3U: The Great Physics Cart Contest!
Your task is to design a car-like device that will roll along the
school hallway when released from rest.
The Contest:
1. Each cart will have three trials for judging.
2. The carts will compete in at least one of the following categories (you choose)
a) Greatest time to reach a 2 m distance while continually moving
b) Furthest distance when stopped
c) Stop on a line at a distance of 3 m away.
Design Criteria:
The cart must fit in your locker.
It must have a minimum of 3 wheels
The cart must be made of recycled or reused materials and not from pre-made toy cars.
The cart must be powered by an elastic band of some kind.
The cart must start on its own when released from a stationary position and be self-propelled.
This project may be done individually or in a pair. If this project is done as a pair, your group must
complete the group work form on the opposite page.
Performance Analysis Report:
Your Performance Analysis Report will include a position-time graph for your cart based on the data
you take using the computer motion sensor. From your graph, determine your cart’s maximum speed.
You will also time your car and give its average velocity for a 1 m trip, 2 m trip and 3 m trip. Your
graph, measurements and calculations will constitute your performance report (only 1 or 2 pages in
To brag about your car and its results you must make a full page
advertisement (8½ x11 in size) that shows your car and mentions at
least one exciting competition result or piece of analysis.
Build your car as soon as you can! Two class periods are scheduled to conduct your analysis and
compete. The cart will be handed-in on the last day of testing. The report and advertisement are due
shortly afterwards.
Performance dates: ___________
Submission date: ____________
Please submit this page with your project!
You may not use the school shop for this project
SPH3U: The Great Physics Cart Contest!
Group Members:
Total Mark:
Quality and Design – How well built and designed is the cart? (10 marks)
Car barely functional,
poorly designed, falls
Car has basic function,
wheels well-attached,
energy source adequate
Car rolls well, wheels aligned,
good use of materials, reliable
energy source
9 - 10
Car rolls very smoothly, clever use of
materials, sturdy, powerful energy
source, very consistent
Performance - How did it perform in a competition? (5 marks)
Did not complete an event
Completed an event with
adequate score
Completed an event with a
good score
Completed or won an event
with an outstanding score
Advertisement – Does it grab your attention? (5 marks)
Important information
missing, messy, little visual
Basic, neat layout, contains
required information
Interesting design and
presentation, good use of
Clever design and layout,
eye catching, excellent use
of information
Performance Analysis Report – Does it show a complete and accurate analysis? (5 marks)
Important results missing or
incorrectly completed
Graph adequate, basic results
shown, minor errors
Neat, easy-to-read labelled
graph, results carefully
shown including units
Clear presentation of all
analytical results, all data
points clearly plotted
Group Work Form
Indicate with a checkmark which parts of the project each member worked on. Some parts may be
Cart construction (include
roughly how much time each)
Motion measurements
Position-time graph
Analysis calculations
SPH3U: Vectors in Two-Dimensions
The main model of motion we have developed so far is constant acceleration in a
straight line. But the real world can be much more complex than this! When we
walk, bike or drive, we change directions, hang a left, or go west. These are
examples of two dimensional motion or motion in a plane.
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: Representing a Two-Dimensional Vector
We visually represent vectors by drawing an arrow. We have done this with displacement and velocity vectors earlier in our
study of motion. When an object moves in two-dimensions these vectors do not necessarily line up with our x- or y-directions
any more.
Displacement Vector
Velocity Vector
1 cm = 4 m
1 cm = 5 km/h
Interpret. What does the length of a displacement
vector describe? What does the length of velocity
vector describe?
Interpret. Use a ruler to find the magnitude of the displacement and velocity vectors. Explain how you do this.
To help describe the direction of a vector we need a coordinate system. With vectors in a straight
line, we used positive or negative x or y to show directions. In two-dimensions we will use both of
these. Sometimes we add extra labels to help describe the directions, such as: N, S, E, W or Up,
Down, Left, Right. A complete coordinate system is shown to the right.
Measure. Use a ruler to draw a coordinate system for each vector above. Line-up the
coordinate system such that the tail of each vector is at the centre of the coordinate system.
Use a protractor to measure an angle formed between the tail of each vector and the coordinate
system you drew.
To label vectors in two-dimensions with 2-D
6.5 m in a direction north and 60o to
 vector notation,o imagine someone travels
the east. We will record this by writing: d  6.5 m [ N 60 E ] . The symbol d with an arrow signifies a displacement (a
change in the position vector). The number part, 3.5 m, is called the magnitude of the vector. The angle that is used is always
between zero and 90o and is measured at the tail of the vector.
Represent. Use 2-D vector notation to label the two vectors d and v shown above. Be sure to use the square bracket
notation for the direction.
Reason. Albert wrote his direction for the displacement vector above as [N 60o W]. Isaac wrote his direction for the
same vector as [W30o N]. Who has recorded the direction correctly? (Don’t worry about small errors due to the
Represent. On your coordinate systems above in question 1, draw a vector that represents a displacement d 2  12 m [S
30o W] and a velocity v2  17.5 km/h [N60oE] (Don’t worry if it leaves the box!)
Interpret. How does the magnitude of the two displacement vectors compare? Which velocity is slower? How can you
© C. Meyer, 2013
B: Let’s Take a Walk
You and a friend take a stroll through a forest. You travel 7 m [E 35 o S] and then 5 m [W 20o S].
Represent. Draw the two displacement vectors one after the
other (tip to tail).
Explain. After travelling through the two displacements,
how far are you from your starting point? In what direction?
Explain how you find these quantities from your diagram.
Represent. Draw a single vector arrow which represents the
total displacement for your friend’s entire trip. Use a double
line for this vector.
1 cm = 1 m
Represent. Label the three vectors in your diagram as d1 , d 2, and d t following the example described above
including the magnitude, unit and direction.
The vector diagram we have drawn above is actuallya picture
 of an equation where two quantities are added in a new and
special way are equal to a third quantity, the total: d1  d 2  d t . Technically, we should use a different symbol than “+” in
this equation since this is a new kind of math operation called vector addition that works in a different way than traditional
addition. But out of convenience we just write “+” and must remember that the addition of vectors is special. Note that
whenever vectors are added together to give a total, they are drawn tip to tail, just as you have done above.
C: Adding Vectors
A vector is a different kind of mathematical quantity than a regular number (a scalar). It behaves differently when we do
math with it. When our vectors point do not point along a straight line, we must be especially careful to remember these
difference and our new techniques.
Reason. Marie says, “Why can’t we just add up the number part in the previous question? Should the displacement be 7
+ 5 = 12 m?” Help Marie understand what she has overlooked.
Reason. Suppose you walk for 1 m and then for another 2 m. You get to choose the directions of these two
displacements. What is the smallest total displacement that could result? What is the largest? Draw a vector diagram
illustrating each.
Summarize. When working with vectors, does 1 + 2 always equal 3? Explain.
SPH3U: Two-Dimensional Motion
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
We now have the tools to track motion in two-dimensions! Let’s take a trip.
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: Vectors vs. Scalars, Fight!
Represent. You are about to enter the classroom when you
realize you forgot your homework in your locker. You
travel 12 m [S], 7 m [W], and then 3 m [N] to get to your
locker. Draw this series of displacements and find your
total displacement from the classroom door. Label these
quantities in your vector diagram.
You do not need to start your vector diagram on your
coordinate system. Choose a starting point such that your
entire trip can be represented in the space given.
1 cm = 3 m
Reason. Once you reach your locker, how far are you from
the classroom door? How far did you travel from the
classroom door to your locker? Why are these quantities
Reason. There is only one situation in which the magnitude of your displacement will be the same as the distance you
travel. Explain what situation this might be.
Reason. You time your trip from the classroom to your locker. You calculate the ratio of your displacement over your
time, what quantity have you found? Explain and be specific!
The ideas behind average velocity work for any kind of motion:
 1-D, 2-D and beyond. The average velocity is always the
ratio of the displacement divided by the time interval: v  d t . Now that we are analysing motion in two dimensions, we
have new techniques to find and describe the vectors in this equation.
Calculate. It took you 23 s to travel to your locker. What is your average velocity for your trip from the classroom to
your locker? Be sure to use your square bracket vector notation!
Reason. You now have your homework and continue moving. When will your total displacement be zero? What is your
total distance traveled at that same time?
Reason. When you return to the classroom your teacher impatiently informs you that it took 47 s for you to return.
Compare the magnitude of your average velocity with your average speed for the whole trip.
© C. Meyer, 2013
B: Vector Adventure
You will take a journey through the school to a selected destination. Your job is to determine your total displacement,
distance, velocity and speed for the one-way trip.
Reason. To measure displacements you will need to count the paces (the strides) of one member of your group. Explain
how you will come up with a good average value for the length of a group member’s stride.
** Check this with your teacher before starting. You will be assigned a destination. **
Your destination will be one of: the Stage Crew Office Door, the Jimi Hendrix Wall Painting, double door entrance of Titan
Calculate. Determine the average stride length of one reliable group member.
Measure. Measure the displacement for each segment of the path to your destination.
Measure. On your return trip, measure the time while walking normally along the same path.
Represent. On the map below draw and label each displacement vector in the trip to your destination. Draw and label
the total displacement of your trip to the destination. Use a scale of 1 cm = 8 m. (Don’t worry if your vectors don’t
perfectly match up to the map or goes through walls!)
Calculate. Find the average speed and velocity for your trip to your destination. Show your work.
Predict. Use your calculated values and measurements from the map to predict how long it will take you to travel to the
science office (rm.125) and back. Explain your work carefully.
Test. Walk to the science
office and back at the same
speed as before. Time the trip.
How does this compare with
your predicted values?
SPH3U Homework: Vectors in 2-D
1. Draw each vector to scale, each starting at the origin of the coordinate system.
1 cm = 5 m
1 cm = 10 km/h
A  10 m [E]
B  25 m [N 30oW]
v1 = 15 km/h [S]
v2 = 20 km/h [N 45o W]
D  35 m [W 70o S]
E  32 m [E 80o N]
v4 = 28 km/h [W 30o S]
C  42 m [S 10o E]
v3 = 50 km/h [E 15o N]
v5 = 31 km/h [N 80o E]
2. Measure each vector according to the scale and coordinate system.
1 cm = 2 m
1 cm = 5 m/s
SPH3U Homework: Speed and Velocity in 2-D
Find the total displacement for each trip by adding the two displacement vectors together tip-to-tail. Complete the chart
assuming the whole trip took 2.0 h. Use the scale 1 cm = 10 km. Don’t worry if your vectors go outside the boxes!
40 km [E]
30 km [E]
40 km [E]
30 km [N]
40 km [E]
30 km [W]
40 km [E]
30 km [E30oN]
40 km [E]
30 km
SPH3U: Interactions and Forces
When two objects affect one another in some way we say that they interact.
Today we begin exploring the nature of these interactions and what happens as a
Recorder: _________________
Manager: _________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: Thinking About Interactions
A friend of yours kicks a soccer ball which you record on video. You carefully watch the video frame by frame and think
about the interactions that are present.
Observe. There is an interaction between the foot
and the ball. In which frames is the interaction
Reason. What evidence is there that there is an
interaction between the ball and foot? Why do we
believe the ball is affected in some way? Is the
foot affected in some way? (Your friend would
definitely notice this!)
The ball and foot interaction is an example of a contact interaction. Such an interaction is only noticeable when the two
objects are in contact. When they are not in contact, there is no interaction.
Reason. Does the ball participate in any other contact interactions? In which frames and between which objects?
Non-contact interactions can take place when the objects are not in contact. Even though the objects are separated by some
distance, they still have an effect on one another. Note that an interaction always involves a pair of objects.
Reason. Does the ground participate in a non-contact interaction with the ball? Explain.
Reason. Does Earth participate in a non-contact interaction with the ball? Explain.
For the purpose of understanding interactions, we will think of and describe the ground and Earth as two separate objects
since they often participate in interactions in different ways. We can construct an interaction diagram (ID) to help represent
the interactions present at some moment in time. An ID lists all the objects that are interacting with one another and has lines
representing each interaction. The lines are labelled with a single letter describing the type of interaction: a = applied (a
person’s contact), g = gravitational, n = normal (surfaces in contact) and many more! There can be many, many interactions
in a given situation so we need to narrow our focus by selecting a system: an object or collection of objects whose
interactions we are interested in. We show the system objects by drawing a circle around them. We will usually leave out
other interactions that don’t involve the system objects.
© C. Meyer, 2014
Represent. In the chart below, complete the interaction diagrams for each of the four frames of the video. The ball is the
B: A Model Interaction
We are going to use an elastic band to examine an elastic interaction. Each member of your group should try this. You will
need two identical elastics.
Describe. Loop one elastic band around your two pointer fingers. Separate your fingers until the elastic band has a bit of
stretch. Use a ruler to help ensure a consistent amount of stretch. Describe the effect the elastic has on each finger.
Represent. How does the pull of the elastic on
each finger compare? Draw a small arrow
representing the force the elastic exerts on each
finger. The arrow should start from each finger
on the diagram. (Don’t draw the elastic.)
Every interaction has two parts called forces. Intuitively, a force is a push or a pull of one object on another. In our previous
example, we say the two fingers are interacting with one another through the elastic. The fingers pull on each other.
Describe and Represent. Rest your fingers and try again using the same
elastic stretched to a greater distance than before. Describe how the sensation
of force on your fingers has changed. Draw arrows again and explain how you
chose to draw their length.
Reason. What type of quantity best represents a force: scalar or vector? Explain.
C: Measuring Force
We will use a spring scale to measure the size of forces. First you need to calibrate the spring scale. Hold the scale
horizontally or vertically just as you will use it when measuring, but without pulling on the hook. Adjust the scale (a sliding
cover or nut at the top) so it reads zero. The scale reads in units called newtons whose symbol is N.
In physics we simplify the real world in order to focus on the basic ideas. Instead of drawing a beautiful diagram of a hand
each time, we will represent the hand using a model. In grade 11 we will model all our objects as a point particle: we imagine
all the mass of the object compressed into a single point. The diagram we create is called a force diagram.
Represent. Create your elastic interaction like in B#1, but replace one finger
with a spring scale. What is the size of the force in this interaction? Draw an
arrow starting at the dot that represents your finger. Label the size and
direction of the force on your finger (for example, 3.1 N [left]).
Predict and Test. You will replace your second finger with a second spring
scale and hold the elastic to its consistent length, what will each scale read?
Explain your prediction. Test it.
Force Diagram
SPH3U Homework: Interactions
A: Interactions and Forces
There are many different ways in which objects can interact and these different types of interactions can be organized into
two large groups. Some common ones are listed below.
Types of Interactions / Forces
Tension (t) = two objects pulling on each other
through a rope or string (no stretching)
Elastic (e) = two objects push/pull on each other
due to stretch or compression of material
Friction (f) = resistance between two surfaces that
are slipping or trying to slip past each other
Normal (n) = two surfaces in contact and pressing
in to each other
Applied (a) = the contact force due to a person – a
combination of friction and normal forces
Gravitational (g) = the gravitational interaction between two objects
Magnetic (m) = the magnetic interaction between two objects
Represent. For each situation below complete the missing parts: the description (with the system), the sketch, or the
interaction diagram.
Situation 1
You pull a ball upwards
using a string.
system = ball
Situation 2
system = rock
Situation 3
system = metal bar
Situation 4
system =
hand t
Reason. In situation #2 above, your described the interactions for a rock being lifted up. How many interactions are there
between the hand and the rock? Often we describe the person’s interaction as “applied”. In this situation, what type of
interaction is it really? (Look at the chart above for a hint). Explain.
Represent. Draw a force diagram for situation #1 above. Describe how you chose to
draw the force vectors.
© C. Meyer, 2014
SPH3U: What is the Effect of a Force?
What happens when a single force acts on an object? This is a tricky question that
took very clever people about 2000 years to figure out. Now it’s your turn!
(Don’t worry - it won’t take as long this time around.) In all the examples that
follow, we will be examining the effect of a single, constant force.
Recorder: _________________
Manager: _________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: The Steady Pull
Prediction. How do you think the dynamics cart will move when you exert a constant horizontal force (a steady push or
pull) on it?
Design. You need a dynamics cart, some masses, one elastic band and a spring scale. Test and describe a technique that
will allow you to exert a constant, horizontal force (try around 1 or 2 N) on the dynamics cart using these materials. You
should be able to do this for an interval of about four seconds (this is why the masses are helpful). Take your time doing
Reason. To achieve a constant force, what must you observe about your spring scale?
*** Practice your technique until you are good at it! Demonstrate this for your teacher before going on. ***
Represent. Draw an interaction diagram for the system of the cart while you are
exerting the constant force.
Prediction. If necessary, revise your prediction from question A#1 based on what
you have already observed. Use a dashed line to show what the velocity graph and
motion diagram might look like.
Test. Once you are very confident in your pulling
technique, pull the cart in front of the motion
detector. Describe how your predictions compare
with the computer results. Make any changes
necessary to the diagrams above.
B: Release the Cart!
Pull the cart along the floor at a constant speed and then release it.
Observe. Describe the motion of the cart after it has been released.
Represent. Complete the motion
graphs and diagrams. Label two
events on each: (1) the cart is
released, and (2) the cart comes
to rest.
© C. Meyer, 2015
Reason. Emmy says, “I think the cart slows down as the initial push runs out. I don’t see anything pushing or pulling on
it after we let go which means no forces”. Marie says, “I bet there is a force causing it to slow down. I have evidence for
this interaction – rub your hands together quickly and feel.” Who do you agree with? Explain.
Reason and Represent. Imagine we could change the cart and floor to reduce friction
a bit. Explain how the motion of the cart after it is released would be different. Sketch
a velocity graph for this imaginary situation and explain how it appears different from
the previous velocity graph.
Reason and Represent. Now imagine we very carefully remove all sources of
friction. After we release the cart, what would we observe in this very special
situation? Sketch a velocity graph. In this situation what horizontal forces are acting
on the cart?
Observe. (as a class) Describe the motion of the hover puck after it is released.
C: Starting the Force-Motion Catalogue
Reason. Describe the motion that results from an object experiencing the two situations listed in the chart below. This
will start our catalogue of force-motion relationships.
One single, constant force
Type of Motion
No forces at all
(two possibilities!)
Reason. Isaac says, “Wait a minute – in reality, our cart experiences a little friction all the time. But we said there was
only one force acting on it while it sped up - the one from our elastic. This means our conclusions about the effects of a
single force might be wrong.” Do you agree or disagree with Isaac? Do you think our conclusions might be different if
friction was completely zero? Explain.
SPH3U: The Force-Motion Catalogue
A car driving down the road experiences many forces at the same time. What happens in
such a case? In this activity you will find out. You will need: a dynamics cart and two
identical spring scales (5 or 10 N). Throughout this activity friction is very small
compared to the other forces involved and therefore its effects can be ignored.
Recorder: _________________
Manager: _________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: Two Forces
Exert two equal forces on the cart, but in opposite
Spring scale
Observe. Describe the motion of the cart.
Record the size of the forces.
Represent. Draw a force diagram (FD) showing the
horizontal forces only (just for today!). Label the forces
(for example, F1  3N[right ] )
Spring scale
The net force (Fnet) is the combined effect of all the forces acting on an object or system. Since there may be forces in more
than one direction (horizontal and vertical) we will often describe the forces and the net force in a particular direction (Fnet x
or Fnet y).
Reason. Without doing any math, what do you think the net force experienced by the cart in the x-direction equal to?
To calculate the net force we will write a scalar equation using a sign convention to show directions. Forces acting in the
positive direction are labelled positive and forces acting in the negative direction are labelled negative. The values of the
force symbols are all positive. For example, if there is a single 10-N force in the negative x-direction, we will write:
Fnet x = - F1, where F1 = 10 N.
Calculate. Which force on your force diagram above is in the positive x-direction? Which is in the negative x-direction?
Complete a scalar equation for the net force experienced by the cart in the x-direction using the symbols F1 and F2. Be
sure to by writing a positive or negative sign in front of the force symbol. Then substitute values for the forces and
complete the calculation.
Fnet x =
** Check your results with your teacher before continuing**
In the future, if the first symbol in the expression for the net force is positive, we won’t write the positive sign. If the net force
equals zero we say that the forces acting on the object are balanced. In part A, the forces acting on the object in the xdirection are balanced.
B: Net Force Zero
The example in Part A demonstrated that an object initially at rest that experiences a net force of zero will remain at rest.
What will happen to an object that is already moving which experiences balanced forces?
Represent. Draw a FD for the cart your teacher has
set up. Label the two forces. Note that the strings
attached to the weights are pulling on the cart
horizontally. Use the force values your teacher gives
Calculate. Write an expression for the net force in the x-direction and calculate the result.
© C. Meyer 2015
Prediction. Your teacher will start the cart moving and then let go. Once released, the only horizontal forces acting on
the cart will be those provided by the strings. How do you think the cart will move after being released?
Test. (as a class) Describe your observations. Do they confirm your prediction? Explain.
C: Net Force is Not Zero
This is another class demonstration. The only difference with the previous one is that one of the weights is a little bit larger.
Represent. Draw a FD and label the two forces. Use the
values your teacher gives you.
Calculate. Write an expression for the net force and
calculate the result.
If the net force is not equal to zero, we say that the forces acting on the object are unbalanced.
Prediction. How will the car move after it is released?
Test. (as a class) Describe your observations. Do they confirm your prediction? Explain.
If a system accelerates, draw a separate wiggly acceleration vector (
) alongside the force diagram.
Predict. According to your calculation for the net force,
what single force could replace the two forces in this
situation? Draw a FD for this situation. How does it
compare with the previous FD?
Test. (as a class) The cart now experiences a single force equal to the net force from before. How does the motion of the
cart compare with your previous observations?
The net force gives us the combined effect of all the forces acting on an object. The object behaves just as if a single force
was acting on it that had the same magnitude and direction as the net force. Judging from only the motion of the object, we
cannot tell the difference. We will call this idea the net force principle.
When two objects are in contact, they interact and exert normal forces (Fn) on one another. You have just correctly predicted
the existence of this force! We will learn more about this force later.
D: Three Forces!
It is now time to return to your dynamics cart. Your challenge is to create a situation where three forces in the x-direction are
Reason and Represent. Decide how you will attach the
spring scales and draw a FD. Label the forces.
Calculate. Write an expression for the net force and use your values to calculate the result.
Reason. Explain why you think you succeeded in this challenge.
E: Completing the Forces-Motion Catalogue
Complete the catalogue below showing the force and motion relationships based on your observations thus far in this unit.
No forces at all
Net Force
(circle one)
zero / non-zero
Resulting Motion
Balanced forces (two
or more)
zero / non-zero
One single, unbalanced
Unbalanced forces
(two or more)
zero / non-zero
zero / non-zero
Reason. Which situations above produce the same kinds of motion? What property do they have in common?
Summarize. Devise a rule that relates the net force with the resulting motion.
Summarize (as a class).
Newton’s First Law
SPH3U: The Net Force Homework
For each force diagram, decide if the forces appear to be balanced or unbalanced. Write the expression for the net force
in the x- or y-direction. Use the directions right or up as positive. What type of motion will be the result: acceleration or
rest/constant velocity? Look at the sample answers for hints on what to do if you’re stuck.
= Ff – Fa
Fnet x
positive acceleration
Fnet y
= Fn - Fg
negative acceleration
Two forces act in opposite directions on an object, FR to the right and FL to the left. Indicate the direction of the
acceleration with a wiggly acceleration vector. Compare the size of the two forces. Draw a force diagram.
● ● ●●
Each situation is described by a force diagram and an initial velocity. Draw a motion diagram for each situation. You
may assume that the object does not change direction.
● ● ● ●●
© C. Meyer 2012
SPH3U: The Change of Force Principle
We have made a great discovery with Newton’s First Law (our catalogue of forcemotion relationships). Our next task is to figure out what happens to the motion
when forces change.
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: Systems and Interactions
Your teacher has a cart set up on a track with a motion detector and a force sensor. The cart glides very smoothly along the
track so the force of friction is small enough to ignore. Our experiment has three events: (1) the cart is released from rest
and the counterweight pulls on it, (2) the counterweight hits the ground, and (3) the cart reaches the end of the track.
A system is the object or collection of objects we are interested in studying. At our level of physics, we will think of the
system as a single object with the combined mass of all the objects inside. The environment is composed of the other objects
outside of the system which interact with the system.
Interpret. Examine the interaction diagram
shown below. Does this diagram correspond to the
interval between events 1 and 2, or between
events 2 and 3? Explain.
Interaction Diagram
Force Diagram
Represent. Complete the force diagram for the system of the cart and masses. Describe which forces you chose to draw
and why. Draw your FD on your whiteboard to share with the class.
Force diagrams only show external forces - the forces from interactions between system objects and the environment. They
do not show internal forces, forces from interactions between the system objects.
B: Force and Motion Changes
Let’s return to our experiment.
Predict. Complete the graph showing
your prediction for the velocity of the
cart during the experiment. Use a dashed
line. Label the three events.
Test. (as a class) Observe the results
from the computer. Record the readings
for the force probe showing the tension
Represent. Draw a FD for the system
during each time interval. Include a
wiggly acceleration vector where
appropriate. Write a scalar equation for
the net force during each interval.
Observe. What do you notice about the
moments in time when the acceleration
changes and when the tension force
Fnet x
© C. Meyer 2014
Reason. Isaac says, “When the counterweight stops pulling on the cart, I don’t understand why the cart continues to
move forwards. I think we should draw a forwards force on the FD between events 2 and 3.” Do you agree or disagree
with Isaac? Explain.
C: Throw in the Towel
Now we will repeat this experiment with just one change – a piece of paper towel is taped underneath the cart such that it
rubs on the track as the cart moves.
1. Observe and Predict. (as a class)
Watch as your teacher performs the
experiment without collecting data.
Draw your prediction for what you think
the velocity and force graphs will look
Test. (as a class) Watch a second time
with the computer readings and compare
your predictions with the data.
Represent. Draw a FD for the cart for
the two intervals. Write an expression
for Fnet x.
Observe. What do you notice about the
moments in time when the acceleration
changes and when the force changes?
Fnet x
When the net force experienced by a system changes, the acceleration changes at the same time. There is no delay between
one and the other. We will call this idea the change of force principle.
Reason. Isaac had predicted that the velocity graph for part C looks like the one
shown to the right. What thinking led Isaac to predict this? Explain.
All matter has a property called inertia. When forces are unbalanced, it takes time for the velocity of an object to change. In
some cases the time interval can be very small, but it is never zero. We will call this idea the inertia principle. The amount of
time is related to the size of the net force and the amount of inertia (the mass).
Reason. Albert says, “When I push a box along the floor and let go it suddenly stops.” Do you agree with Albert?
SPH3U Homework: The Force-Change Principle
A: The Falling Rock
Consider the situation shown to the right of a falling rock.
1. Represent. Draw an interaction diagram (ID) for the falling
The Air Resistance Rule: For our purposes, we will always
assume there is no air resistance (Fair) unless it is mentioned in the
problem or the situation does not make sense without it.
2. Represent. Draw the FD for the rock while it is falling. Show
your choice of sign convention. Always include an acceleration
vector when appropriate.
3. Represent. Write an expression for the net force in the y-direction.
B: The Rock Toss
A rock is tossed straight upwards. It is released from the
hand and is still travelling upwards.
Represent. Draw an ID and a FD for the rock while it is
moving upwards.
Represent. Write an expression for the net force in the
Reason. Isaac says, “How can something be travelling
upwards when the only force acting on it is downwards?
There must be an upwards force acting on the rock.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
Reason. Examine the two force diagrams for the two
situations above. Explain what we cannot tell from a force
Motion Diagram
ID 1-2
FD 1-2
ID 2-3
FD 2-3
C: The Skateboard
Your friend is standing on a skateboard. In order to get her
started, you push and then let go as she glides away.
Represent. Draw a motion diagram for this situation. Then
draw an ID and FD for each interval of the trip. Describe
and label any important events.
© C. Meyer 2014
SPH3U: Force of Gravity Homework
A: Where Are We?
The size of the force of gravity depends on the mass of the object (m) and the strength of the gravitational field at object’s
location (g). Complete the chart below. Assume your mass is 53.0000 kg.
Force of Gravity
Mt. Everest
Alert, Nunavut
521.551 N
g (N/kg)
B: Representing Forces
Complete the chart for each situation described.
A cart glides along a
table with no friction.
Interaction Diagram
Force Diagram
Net Force
Fnet x =
System = cart
Fnet y =
A tasty chocolate in
your hand is moving
upwards with a
constant speed.
System = chocolate
You pull upwards
on a heavy
dumbbell, but it
doesn’t move.
System = dumbbell
You pull along the
horizontal handle
of a wagon. It
travels along the
rough ground and
speeds up.
System = wagon
You lower a ball
using a string with a
constant speed.
System = ball
© C. Meyer 2014
SPH3U: The Force of Gravity!
How does an object’s mass affect the size of the force of gravity it experiences? Let’s
find out. You will need: one 10-N spring scale, a hanging mass, a variety of masses,
and some gravity.
Recorder: _________________
Manager: _________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A force that is noticeable only when two objects are in contact, is a contact force. Any force that has a noticeable effect even
when the objects are separated is called a non-contact force.
Reason. Is gravity a contact force or a non-contact force? How can we tell?
Represent. Draw an ID and a FD for the hanging mass. Explain why we can use the
scale reading (an upwards force of tension) to determine the size of the force of
Design. We want to find out how the magnitude of the force of gravity depends on the mass of the object. Describe how
you will conduct a simple experiment to collect data and determine this.
Observe. Record your
data in the chart.
Analyze. Decide which
variable is the dependent
one. Plot your data on the
graph. Use the shape of
the graph to describe how
the force depends on the
Calculate. Determine the
slope of your graph,
including units. Show
your work on the graph.
Mass (kg)
Force of
Gravity (N)
The slope of your graph gives a very important quantity, the gravitational field strength g . It tells us how much force the
earth’s gravity exerts on each kilogram of matter in an object. The exact value depends on many factors including geographic
location, altitude, and planet. The accepted value for your location is: _______ N/kg [down]. This quantity should not be
confused with the freefall acceleration: af = 9.80 m/s2. They may look similar, but they have different meanings.
Analyze. Write an equation for your line of best fit – use the symbols Fg and m.
Apply. Use your new equation to determine the size of the force of gravity acting on a 1.5x10 3 kg car.
© C. Meyer 2012
SPH3U: Normal Forces Homework
You grab your physics textbook off a shelf and lower it down on to your desk in preparation for doing
your homework. (What a good student you are!) As the book moves, it lies flat on the palm of your
hand. Let’s take a look at the physics of this daily routine. There are four important events that take
place: (1) The book begins to speed up as it starts moving downwards, (2) the book reaches a constant
velocity, (3) the book begins to slow down as it nears the desk, and (4) the book comes to rest at the
Represent. Draw an interaction diagram for the system of the book during this sequence of
Represent. Complete the chart below for each of the three intervals in the book’s
downwards motion.
Explain. Which force changes during this sequence of events? How does that affect the
book’s motion?
Calculate. The mass of the book is 1.3 kg. What is the size of the
force exerted by your hand between events 2 and 3?
Test and Describe. Try this. Find a heavy book and place it on
the palm of your hand just like in the picture. Lower the book just
as we have described above. Try to connect how it feels in your
hand when you do this with your understanding of the forces.
Describe what you notice.
Reason. Your friend places the same book on a table. She then leans on top of it, pushing
down with 7 N of force. Draw a FD for book with and without the downwards push.
Compare the size of all the forces in the two diagrams.
FD – no push
Represent. You throw a very bouncy ball which hits a wall and then the ceiling. Draw an
ID and a FD for the ball while it is (a) in contact with the wall and (b) in contact with the
ceiling. Hint: the direction of the acceleration vector is tricky – just make a guess based
on the FD.
© C. Meyer 2013
FD –push
SPH3U: The Normal Force
A: A Mysterious Force
Your friend places her backpack on a table. The backpack is the system.
Reason. Your friend draws a FD for the system and says, “I’m really not sure that
there should be an upwards force.” Convince your friend. Cite direct evidence about
the system that you can readily observe.
Recorder: ___________________
Manager: ___________________
Speaker: ___________________
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Reason. Complete her original FD and draw an ID. The backpack has a mass of 5.8
kg (all those textbooks). What is the size of the upwards force?
When two objects press against one another, they interact and exert normal forces on one another. A normal force (Fn) is a
contact force that is always perpendicular to the surfaces at the point of contact. This force usually prevents objects from
deforming by much, from breaking or from merging together. When a person is in contact with another object, we call this
special normal force an applied force. Note that an applied force can also be a combination of a normal force and a friction
force (which we will study later).
B: Evidence for the Normal Force
For these activities you need two metre sticks, a spring scale and a 500 g mass. Make a bridge using the metre stick between
two tables. Gently press downwards with your finger in the middle of the metre stick.
Observe. Describe what you observe happening to the “rigid” metre stick. Why did the shape change?
Reason. Describe the evidence you feel for the existence of an upwards force acting on your finger.
Observe. Place the 500 g mass on the metre stick. Describe what happens. What is the size of the upwards normal force?
Observe. Remove the mass. Place the second metre stick directly on top of the first (the “table” is now twice as thick).
Place the 500 g mass on top of the two sticks. What is different about the effect of the mass on our thicker “table”? How
has the upwards normal force changed? Explain.
** Check with your teacher before proceeding. **
© C. Meyer 2014
Reason. Imagine many, many metre sticks stacked up (a very thick table). What would happen to the metre sticks if we
place the 500 g mass on top of them? How has the size of the upwards normal force changed compared to the single
metre stick situation? Explain.
6. Explain. (as a class) How does the normal force work on a microscopic level?
Particles Before
A Physical Model for the Normal Force
Particles After
C: Measuring the Normal Force
You need a 0.5-kg mass and a 5 N spring scale. Rest your hand on the table and place the mass on the flat palm of your hand.
Reason. What is the size of the upwards normal force on the mass? Explain.
Predict and Calculate. Another member of your group will pull upwards on the
mass with a 3 N force. Draw an ID and a FD for this situation. What do you
think will happen? How do you think your hand will feel? What will the size of
the normal force be? Explain.
Test. Attach a spring scale to the mass and exert a 3 N force upwards. How did the sensation in your hand change? What
force or forces do you think have changed size when the upwards was added?
Test. Place the mass on the force pad and exert the 3 N force upwards. Determine the size of the normal force. Does this
result agree with your prediction? Explain.
The magnitude of the normal force depends on how hard the objects are pressing against one another. Other forces and
motion may affect the size of a normal force. As a result, we always have to find the size of the normal force by analyzing
what’s happening to the system.
SPH3U: Force, Mass and Motion
What factors affect the acceleration of an object? We have already hinted that
force and mass are key. Today’s investigation will help you understand how
these quantities affect the acceleration.
Your group will use the carts and masses
set up in the classroom. A motion detector
will help track the velocity of the cart.
Complete all the questions below before
beginning the experiment and show this
page to your teacher.
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
Motion detector
A: The Atwood Machine
Reason. Why does each mass, mA and mB, move when released. What forces cause the acceleration of each mass?
Reason. When the mass, mA, is released how much mass is moving in total?
Reason. We can think of the two masses as a single system. What single force is the ultimate cause of the motion of the
entire system (mA and mB together)? This is the force we will vary in our experiment.
Reason. To conduct a scientific investigation one must always change only one quantity and measure the results while
ensuring that everything else remains unchanged. Suppose you want to increase the force moving the system while
keeping everything else the same. You add 50 g to mB. What else must you do?
B: Investigating the Effects of Force
In the first experiment you will vary the force while keeping all other properties constant, to determine the effect of the net
force on the acceleration. The computer will produce a velocity-time graph for you to analyze.
Design an Experiment. Describe how you will conduct your experiment. Show your teacher when you are ready. (Make
sure mB ≤ 400 g)
** check with your teacher before continuing **
© C. Meyer 2012
Observe. What is the total mass of your system (mA + mB)? Remember, you must keep this constant!
Observe. Conduct the experiment and record your results in the chart below. Make fairly large changes in the masses
(about 200 g). If mB becomes too large the motion detector may have difficulty making measurements.
mA (kg)
mB (kg)
System Mass (kg)
Net Force (N)
Acceleration (m/s2)
Represent. Construct a graph of your
results with the net force on the
vertical axis. We are choosing the axes
this way to help with the interpretation
of the slope at a later step. Draw a line
of best fit.
Interpret. Use the pattern in your
graph to help explain how acceleration
depends on force.
Calculate. Determine the slope of
the line of best fit. Show your work.
Net Force (N)
Acceleration (m/s2)
Interpret. Is the value of the slope close to any other quantities which describe our system? What do you think the slope
physically represents about the object?
Represent. Write an equation for the line on your graph. Use symbols for net force and acceleration.
Reason. If we double the force acting on the system (and keep the mass constant), what will happen to the acceleration?
10. Reason. If we reduce the force to one third (and keep the mass constant), what will happen to the acceleration?
C: The Effect of Mass on Acceleration
This is a quick investigation what will help us to determine how changing the mass of the system will affect the acceleration,
when the net force remains constant.
Design an Experiment. We want to double the mass of the system and keep the net force constant. Choose your original
values and changed values for mA and mB that will accomplish this. Keep in mind the actual mass of the cart as you do
mA :
mB :
System mass:
Net force:
mA :
mB :
System mass:
Net force:
Observe. Use the Atwood machine and motion detector to conduct your investigation. Record your results below.
System mass:
System mass:
Acceleration :
Find a Pattern. Roughly speaking what happened to the value of the acceleration when you doubled the mass?
Reason. What do you think the acceleration would be if you were able to reduce the original system mass by half?
D: Conclusions
Summarize. How does a system’s acceleration depend on the net force?
Summarize. How does a system’s acceleration depend on the system mass?
Speculate. Create an equation that shows the relationship between the net force (Fnet), the mass (m) and the acceleration
(a) of a system.
Summarize. (as a class)
Newton’s Second Law
SPH3U: Force, Mass and Acceleration Homework
Newton’s Second Law ( Fnet  ma ) is the rule for our universe that describes the relation between cause (forces)
and effects (acceleration).
A: The Units of Force
Reason and Explain. The unit of the newton (N) is actually made up from a combination of more simple units. Use the
equation for the 2nd law to find the net force experienced by a 1.0 kg mass that accelerates at 1.0 m/s 2. Use this to
explain what simpler units the newton is made from.
Represent and Explain. A 3 kg rock is falling to the ground.
(a) Draw an ID and FD.
(b) Determine the size for the force of gravity acting on the rock.
(c) Use Newton’s second law to find the acceleration of the rock while
it is falling. Explain why the units of the calculation work out to
give an acceleration.
B: Find the Missing Force
You pull your friend on a wagon using a horizontal, forwards force. There is a small amount of friction. The wagon is
gradually speeding up.
(a) Represent. Draw an ID and a FD for the system of wagon + friend.
(b) Reason. Which horizontal force is larger? Explain.
(c) Represent. Complete the expressions for the Newton’s second law
in the x- and y-directions. Use the symbols for the forces and a sign
convention. If the acceleration in a direction is zero, substitute that
in your expression.
Fnet x = max
Fnet y = may
(d) Reason. The mass of your friend is 57 kg. The mass of the wagon is 12 kg. What is the mass of the system? What
mass value will you substitute for m in your equation? Explain.
(e) Solve. Your friend speeds up at a rate of 1.1 m/s2. You pull with a force of 97 N. What is the size of the force of
SPH3U: Force Problem Solving
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
Forces help us to understand why things move the way they do. Newton’s 2 nd Law,
Fnet = ma, is the law of cause and effect: it relates the causes of motion (forces)
with the effects (acceleration). As a result, any problem that involves both force
and motion will likely use the 2nd law. To understand the force side of the equation we use force diagrams and calculate the
net force. To understand the acceleration side we use motion graphs and the BIG 5 equations.
A: The Elevator
An elevator and its load have a combined mass of 1600 kg and experience a force of gravity of 15680 N. It is initially
moving downwards at 12 m/s. Find the tension in the supporting cable when the elevator is brought to rest with a constant
acceleration in a distance of 42 m. Complete the parts of our solution process below.
A: Pictorial Representation
Sketch, coordinate system, label givens & unknowns with symbols,
conversions, describe events
B: Physics Representation
Motion diagram, motion graphs, interaction diagram, force diagram,
Explain. How did you choose your key events?
Describe. While it is slowing down, what is the elevator interacting with?
C: Word Representation
Describe motion (no numbers), explain why, assumptions
Did you explain why it slows
What are we assuming about
the acceleration?
© C. Meyer 2014
D: Mathematical Representation
Describe steps, complete equations, algebraically isolate, substitutions with units, final statement
Did you use your sign
convention to write the Fnet
without using vector arrows?
Did you use our guidelines
for significant digits?
E: Evaluation
Answer has reasonable size, direction and units? Explain why.
Is the size of the
tension force
reasonable? How
can you tell
compared with
B: Sample Problems
Use your solution sheets to answer the following questions.
1. Stopping a Neutron. When a nucleus captures a stray neutron, it brings the neutron to a stop in a
distance of 1.0 x 10-14 m (equal to the diameter of the nucleus) by means of the strong nuclear force.
A stray neutron with an initial speed of 1.4 x 10 7 m/s is captured by a nucleus. You may assume that
the strong force on the neutron is constant and is the only important force. Find the magnitude of
strong force. The neutron's mass is 1.67 x 10-27 kg.
2. Sunjamming. A "sun yacht" is a spacecraft with a large sail that is pushed by sunlight.
Although such a push is tiny in everyday circumstances, it can be large enough to send the
spacecraft outward from the Sun on a cost-free but slow trip. Your spacecraft has a mass of 900
kg and receives a steady push of 20 N from the sun. It starts its trip from rest. How far will it
travel in 1.0 days and how fast will it then be moving?
3. Two People Pull. Two people are having a tug-of-war and pull on a 25 kg sled that starts at rest on frictionless ice. The
forces suddenly change as one person tugs harder with a force of 92 N compared with the other person’s force of 90 N. How
quickly is the sled moving after 1.5 s?
4. Take Off. A Navy jet with a mass of 2.3 x 104 kg requires an airspeed of 85 m/s
for liftoff. The engine develops a maximum force of 1.07 x 10 5 N, but that is insufficient for reaching takeoff speed in the 90 m runway available on an aircraft carrier.
What minimum force (assumed constant) is needed from the catapult that is used to
help launch the jet? Assume that the catapult and the jet's engine each exert a constant
force over the 90 m distance used for takeoff.
Answers: (1) 16.4 N, (2) 8.29 x 107 m, 1.92 x 103 m/s, (3) 0.12 m/s, (4) 8.16x105 N
Adapted from Cummings, K., et al, Understanding Physics. Wiley, 2004
SPH3U: Interaction Forces
Recorder: _________________
Manager: _________________
Speaker: __________________
A: Truck vs. Car!
1. Predict. (Individually) Imagine a car and a truck push on one another or
0 1 2 3 4 5
collide. We want to explore the forces that arise in a few of these situations.
For each situation consider two possible forces: the force the truck exerts on the car, FT C , and the force the car exerts on
the truck, FC T . Decide based on the situation, whether each force is present and, if both are, compare their magnitudes.
When finished, record your results on the board.
(<, >, =)
a) A truck pushes a stalled car from
behind. They move together at a
constant velocity.
b) A fast moving car hits a truck at
c) A fast truck hits a car at rest.
d) A truck tows a car. They are
speeding up together.
Explain. Why, according to common sense, someone might decide that, in example (c), the truck exerts the greater
B: Analysis - Acceleration
Consider the collision between a quickly moving truck and a
car at rest, example (c) from part A. We will model this with
a large and small dynamics cart (500 g, 250 g). To the right
is a graph showing the v-t data for each throughout the
collision. The positive direction is to the right.
Explain. How can we tell that the dotted vertical lines
correctly represent the starting and ending moments of
the collision?
Velocity (m/s)
Large Cart
Small Cart
Time (s)
Interpret. What is the duration of the collision?
Calculate. Use the velocity information to find the average acceleration (including direction) of each cart during the
complete collision. Show all your work.
© C. Meyer 2012
Explain. Which cart experienced the greater acceleration? Is this surprising? How does this agree with your visual
impression of what happens?
Reason. Imagine the carts were vehicles in a collision. Based on the acceleration results, which one would you prefer to
be in? Explain.
C: Analysis - Forces
It is clear from the data and your calculations that the small cart reacts more during the collision – its acceleration is the
greatest. But this is not the end of the story. Acceleration is the result of force, and we have not yet found the forces
responsible. In this collision, the forces the carts exert upon one another are much larger than the force of friction. Therefore
it is reasonable to ignore friction and assume that there is only one important horizontal force acting on each cart.
Represent. Draw an ID for the two carts
with each as a separate system.Draw an FD
for each cart. Label the forces FL  S ,
meaning the force
 of the large cart on the
small cart, and FS  L , meaning the force of
the small cart on the large cart.
Calculate. Find the magnitude of the forces on your FDs using your acceleration results. Watch the signs!
Explain. How does the magnitude of
Interpret. The force results seem like a contradiction of our common sense. We must re-interpret what our common
sense is actually telling us. When we observe a collision between a car and truck, are we observing forces or
accelerations? Explain.
Explain. Another strange aspect of this result is that forces of equal size produce such different acceleration results. How
is this possible?
FL  S compare with FS  L ? Is this result surprising? Why?
D: Test this Idea
Challenge. Your teacher will use force probes to measure the two interaction forces of the car and truck (the two carts).
Come up with a situation where you think the two forces are not the same.
SPH3U: Newton’s Third Law
The case we have just studied of colliding carts points to a very general law
about forces. The idea that the interaction forces between two objects (the carts)
are equal in size holds true for all physical objects. This idea is known as
Newton’s 3rd Law.
Recorder: _________________
Manager: _________________
Speaker: __________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
When objects interact, a pair of forces is always produced – they are two parts of one interaction. We call these two forces a
third law force pair. The two forces that are members of the same third law pair share some important characteristics.
 the same magnitude
 opposite directions
 the same type (gravitational, normal, tension, etc.)
 start and stop acting at the same time
 act on different objects
We can use the 3rd law notation for forces to help show these relationships. Fn car truck means the
 the car
 normal force of
acting on the truck. According to Newton’s 3rd law, the partner to this force in a 3rd law pair is Fn truck car (or Fn t c )
A: Exploding Carts!
Your teacher has two identical dynamics carts on a track with a spring compressed between them. Your teacher will release
the spring and we would like to consider the interval of time when the spring is expanding and affecting the carts.
Represent. Draw an ID for the two carts,
with each as a separate system. Draw a FD
for each cart.
Predict. (individually) Based on your
diagrams, make a prediction comparing the
velocity of each cart after the spring is
released. Explain.
Test. (as a class) Describe your observations. Do they agree with your predictions?
Predict. (individually) A large mass is added to the cart with the spring.
Draw the FDs for when the spring is released. In this situation, how do you
think the two cart velocities compare? Explain.
Test. (as a class) Describe your observations. Do they agree with your
Reason. Marie says, “In this situation, the cart without a spring will not exert a force on the cart with the spring. It just
sits there passively and gets pushed by the spring.” Emmy says, “I think the cart without the spring does push on the
other cart.” Use your observations to explain who you agree with.
© C. Meyer 2015
B: The Apple and the Earth
The story goes that our friend Sir Isaac Newton made a great discovery while he was sitting under an apple tree and an apple
happened fall down on him.
Represent. Draw an ID and FD for the apple while it is at
rest on the ground. Label each force using the 3rd law
Reason. Albert says, “The two forces on the FD above must
be third law pairs - they are equal in magnitude and opposite
in direction.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
Represent. Draw an ID and two FDs for
the apple and the earth while the apple is
Reason. Isaac says, “I think both the
apple and the earth should be
accelerating.” Do you agree or disagree?
Reason. Isaac says, “The earth clearly doesn’t move, so I don’t believe that it experiences an equal force to the apple.”
Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
Calculate. The apple has a mass of 0.2 kg. What is the magnitude of the force of gravity it experiences? Calculate the
apple’s acceleration using Newton’s 2nd law.
Calculate. The earth has a mass of 6.0 x 1024 kg. What is the magnitude of the force of gravity it experiences? Calculate
the acceleration of the earth. Explain how this result justifies your previous answers.
FD Apple
FD Earth
SPH3U: Newton’s 3rd Law Homework
A: Physics on Ice
You have brought your little cousin out skating for the very first time. Both of you are standing on the ice wearing skates (no
friction) and are facing one another. Your little cousin is a bit timid and needs to hold on to your scarf while you pull.
FD Cousin
FD You
Represent. Draw and ID that
includes you and your cousin.
Draw a FD for you and a FD
for your cousin.
Calculate. Your cousin holds
on while you gently pull the
scarf with a 6 N force to start
her moving. Her little mass is
17 kg. Determine her speed
after pulling for 2.0 s.
Reason. Albert says, “I understand why the cousin speeds up – you are pulling on the scarf and she holds on. But I don’t
predict you will move. Your cousin is only holding on, not pulling. And, in any case, she is much smaller so she couldn’t
pull you anyways.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
Represent and Calculate. Use your actual mass to determine your speed after the same 2.0 seconds of pulling.
B: A Big Push
Your friend is sitting on a skateboard. You stay in place on the road and give her a big push forwards to start her moving. The
road is a bit bumpy, so the skateboard experiences some friction. You push on her with a 23 N force. The mass of your
friend is 49 kg and the skateboard is 3.1 kg. While you push, your friend accelerates at 0.4 m/s2. Find the size of all the
horizontal forces in this situation. Use a solution sheet to show your work, include a single interaction diagram showing two
systems (you and your friend), and draw a force diagram for each system.
Answers: A.2: 0.706 m/s, B: on you (23 N, 23 N), on your friend (23 N, 2.16 N)
© C. Meyer 2015
SPH3U: Physics Minute Presentations!
Group Members: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Physics Topic: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Your challenge is to explain an interesting situation using the physics you have learned in our units on forces and energy. To
do this you and your team will create a video. There are many great examples of this on YouTube (for example:
 Clearly and creatively explain an interesting situation using force or energy ideas
 The presentation should be between two and three of quality material. After three minutes we will stop the video.
 You may work individually, or in a group of two or three. Each group member must be noticeably involved in the
 All visual material in the video should be of your own making!
Dates and Submissions
 A proposal outlining your situation and video is due on: ________________________
 All videos must be submitted on: ___________________________
 Your video should be uploaded to the course website. Videos should be in WMV (windows media video format),
AVI, or mp4 formats.
Delivery /
Level 1
Not handed-in.
States few main points
and details that focus on
the situation or
information does not
relate to topic.
Little or no attempt is
made to stay on the topic
or follow a logical flow
of information.
Presentation is not well
organized or deviates far
from intended topic.
Does not consider
audience. Difficult to
understand / follow.
Presentation is lacking in
preparation and in
practice of the delivery
including voice, pacing
and little or no use of
pictures. Difficult to
hear. (voice, posture, eye
contact, gestures,
Straight presentation of
information, little or no
Level 2
Situation poorly described.
Outline of presentation
incomplete or hard to
States most of the main
points and details that
explain on the situation.
May include some
unnecessary information or
substantial errors of
Delivers the information in
a fairly logical manner but
does not stay on the topic.
Little consideration of
audience. Some
information was peripheral
to the project or use of
incomplete thoughts/ideas.
Level 3
Situation clearly
described. Some thought
given to explanation and
aspects of presentation.
Adequately explains the
main points and details
that are accurately
focused on in the
situation. Only minor
errors of physics.
Level 4
Situation carefully
described. Considerable
thought given to explanation
and presentation.
Thoroughly and clearly
explains the main points and
precise details of the
situation. 2-3 minutes of
quality material. Very little
or no physics errors.
Adequately delivers the
information in a logical
sequence while staying on
the topic and considering
the audience. Speaks
clearly and confidently
about topic. Information
was covered in a
satisfactory manner.
Effectively and creatively
delivers the information in a
logical sequence while
staying on the topic and
considering the audience.
Interesting and vivid to hear
and/or watch.
Presentation shows some
preparation as well as some
practice in the delivery
including marginal use of
voice, pacing and pictures.
(voice, posture, eye
contact, gestures, pacing)
Presentation shows
satisfactory preparation as
well as practice in
delivery including use of
voice and pacing. Some
use of pictures, graphics,
skits and real life media.
(voice, posture, eye
contact, gestures, pacing)
Presentation shows detailed
preparation and practice in
delivery including use of
voice, pacing and the use of
pictures, graphics, skits, real
life media etc. Interesting
and vivid. (voice, posture,
eye contact, gestures,
Some creative content;
little engagement with
audience, mostly presented
facts without engagement
Some creative content;
some taking advantage of
audience’s attention and
maintaining interest.
Very creative and
entertaining presentation;
takes advantage and holds
audience’s attention.
SPH3U: Friction
Athletes are paid millions of dollars every year to endorse fancy shoes. Perhaps
they do have some expertise in the matter – maybe the shoes do have an effect
on their performance. What makes for a superior shoe? Perhaps it has
something to do with friction!
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: _________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: Shoe Friction
Reason. Do you think an athlete wants their shoes to have lots of friction or little? Explain.
Reason. There are many types of shoes (or footwear) in the world. Which ones do you think have lots of friction?
Which have little?
B: The Types of Friction
At the front of the class your teacher has a fairly heavy object and force sensor. Watch as your teacher will gradually exert a
larger force on the object using the spring attached to a sensor until the object starts to move. No data will be collected yet.
Represent. For each situation below draw a force diagram for the object. Compare the size of the horizontal forces that
may be involved in a particular situation.
(A) Your teacher is not
pulling on the object
(B) Your teacher is gently pulling,
but it is not yet moving
(C) Your teacher is pulling hard,
but it is not yet moving
(D) Your teacher is pulling and it
is now moving at a constant
Reason. In which situations above is the force of friction present? What evidence is there? Explain.
Observe. (as a class) Your teacher will now pull on the
object while the computer records the data. Sketch a
simplified version of the force data on the graph to the right
and label the event when the object begins to move.
Describe. What happens to the size of the friction force when
the object begins to move?
Force of Friction
© C. Meyer 2012
Friction is a contact force that occurs when two objects that are pressed together try to slide against one another. If the
surfaces are sliding relative to one another we call the force kinetic friction (Ffk). If the two surfaces are not slipping we call
the force static friction (Ffs).
Describe. Label the force diagrams above with the appropriate type of friction.
Reason. What would happen to the size of the force of static friction if we pulled a bit harder and the object still did not
move? Explain.
The size of the force of static friction can take a range of values depending on what is happening in the particular situation.
0 < Ffs ≤ Ffs max. There is a maximum possible value for the force of static friction which occurs just before the objects begin
to slip. This maximum value is usually greater than the force of kinetic friction.
C: Shoe Physics
One member of each group must volunteer a shoe for this investigation. If you continue this work tomorrow, be sure to wear
the same shoes!
Predict. (as a class) Hold up your group’s shoe. Take a look at the other groups’ shoes. Which shoe do you think will
have the most kinetic friction? Which will have the least?
Reason. What factors do you think might affect the amount of kinetic friction between the shoe and the floor? How do
we make this a fair comparison?
D: Kinetic Friction and the Normal Force
To test our shoes, we need to answer an important question:
How does the size of the force of kinetic friction depend on how hard the objects are pressing against one another?
Reason. Which force represents how hard the two objects are pressing against one another? In the case of your shoe,
how do we find the size of this force? Explain.
Design an Experiment. Use a spring scale, your group’s shoe and some masses. Describe
the procedure of an experiment that will answer the question above. Draw a force diagram
for your experiment.
** check you experiment with your teacher before continuing **
Observe and Represent. Collect data according to your
procedure. Plot the data comparing the forces on the graph.
Mass (kg)
Fn (N)
Ff (N)
Find a Pattern. Describe how the size of the force of friction depends on the size of the normal force.
Analyze. Construct a line of best-fit for your data. Determine the slope of the line. Show your work below.
Report. Record the final results of your analysis for your shoe on a white board. Include your coefficient result and the
previous prediction. Once the class is ready we will share these results. Move on for now.
Interpret. The value you found for the slope is called the coefficient of kinetic friction (k). What characteristics of your
experiment do you think affect this value? What is this value a measure of? What would a smaller value for k signify?
Analyze. Write down an equation for the line of best fit for your graph. Use the symbols Fn, k and Ffk.
Calculate. If a 230 lb (1 kg = 2.2 lbs) basketball player wore your shoe (which may defy other laws of physics!) what
would the force of kinetic friction be? Show your work.
E: How the Surfaces Affect Kinetic Friction
Speculate. Why do you think there is friction between two surfaces?
Predict. What kinds of surfaces will produce little friction and what kinds will produce great friction?
In the next experiment you will investigate what combination of surfaces will produce the most friction. Make sure that you
use a fairly clean surface, otherwise you will be measuring the forces from grinding dirt. Drag the shoe with a bit of extra
mass over four surfaces (table, glass, floor, one more of your choice).
Observe. What is the total mass of your shoe?
Predict. Choose your fourth surface. Which surfaces do you think will yield high, medium or low friction?
Lower Surface
Force of Friction
Normal Force
Coefficient (k)
Observe. Measure the force of friction in each case. Record your results in the chart above.
The coefficient of kinetic friction (μk) depends on the physical properties (roughness, chemical composition) of the pair of
surfaces and is related to the force of friction by the expression: Ffk = kFn. Since the force of kinetic friction is usually
different from the maximum force of static friction, there is a separate coefficient of static friction (μs). We can find the
maximum force of static friction using the expression: Ffs max = sFn.
Calculate. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction for the combination of surfaces in your experiment and add these to the
Describe. Were there any surprising results? What does this imply about the floors of professional basketball courts?
Calculate. Kobe Bryant comes charging down the basketball court, running at 6.3 m/s. He tries to stop moving and ends
up sliding along the floor for 2.7 m. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction for his shoes+basketball court floor?
Complete this problem on a forces homework sheet.
SPH3U: Tracking Energy
Energy is a mysterious quantity. We need to develop our detective skills so we
can decide where energy is hidden and how much is there. Once we do that, and
learn to track energy as it moves around, energy becomes a very powerful tool
for understanding our universe.
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: _________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: Detecting Energy
For convenience, we will call one unit of energy a block of energy. The scientific unit of energy, the joule, is just a block of
energy of a very particular size. One great challenge for us is that no one can see a block of energy. It’s a bit like looking for
a black hole in space: you can’t see it (it’s black!), but you can still tell that it’s there (a great force of attraction and all that
destruction!). We need to figure out how to detect where blocks of energy are hidden or stored. The different ways in which
energy can be stored are called storage mechanisms. Blocks of energy that are stored in a particular mechanism get a special
label, like kinetic energy. But remember, the energy is not any different: it’s always the same old block of energy, just stored
in a different way.
For each storage mechanism, we must have a way to measure how much energy is stored. These measurements involve a
comparison of the characteristics of an object or system (like speed, position, temperature) at two moments in time. Together,
these characteristics that can be measured make up the state of the system.
Reason. In elementary school you learned that energy can be stored in the motion of an object. We label bocks of energy
stored this way kinetic energy. Imagine that we compare the state of an object at two moments in time. What might be
different about the state of that object at those two moments that provides the clue that there is kinetic energy? What
could we measure to carefully track this?
Observe. Use a pullback car for the next question. Pull back the car and hold it still. This is moment 1. Release the car
and describe carefully what you observe happening.
Explain. The car reaches its top speed at moment 2. Between moments 1 and 2 there is a change in the amount of energy
stored in the car’s motion. Describe what has happened to the number of blocks of kinetic energy stored in the car.
When we track energy and notice a change in the amount of energy stored, we must ask an important question: where did
these blocks of energy come from, or where did they go? When we do, we discover that the blocks move or flow from one
object to another, or we find that the blocks transfer from one storage mechanism to another. Tracking these flows and
transfers is an important part of finding hidden energy.
Reason. Between moments 1 and 2 we noticed an increase in kinetic energy. Where did these blocks of energy come
from? If we could look inside the car, what could we observe and measure to help track the amount of energy stored at
moment 1?
Reason. At moment 2 the car reached its top speed. At moment 3 it came to rest on the table. Once again, there is a
change in the number of blocks of kinetic energy. What happened to these blocks of energy? They might have just
disappeared, but we are hoping that they are just hidden in a new and sneaky way. If we could look inside the car, what
skillful measurement could we make to help find where the blocks of energy are now stored?
© 2015 C. Meyer
Reason. Time to complete our detective work. At moment 1 we know that energy is stored in the spring of the car. What
happened just before moment 1? Where did these blocks of energy come from?
Chart of Energy Storage Mechanisms
Storage Mechanism
stored in motion of object
stored in motion of microscopic particles in object
stored in interaction between earth and object (Earth’s gravitational
stored in stretch of object (change in shape)
stored in bonds (interactions) between particles
Measured Characteristic
vertical position
number of chemical species
B: Representing Energy
To help us visualize where energy is stored and how it flows we will use an energy tracking diagram. We draw and label
containers (rectangles) that represent each object that stores energy. Inside each container we draw squares that represent
blocks of energy and label each block according to how it is stored. When energy flows or transfers, we draw an arrow
showing the flow of energy (the movement of blocks) from one object to another or the transfer from one mechanism to
another. The starting number of blocks is not important, as long as we correctly show how the energy is stored and how it
flows and transfers.
Represent. Let`s choose to draw
five blocks of energy stored in the
hand. Write a single letter inside
each block to label the storage
Represent. At moment 1, the
blocks of energy are now stored in a
different container. Draw these
blocks, label them and draw an
arrow showing their flow from the
Car body
Represent. Complete the energy
tracking diagram. Draw and label
the blocks of energy at moments 2
and 3. Draw lines with arrows
representing the flows and transfers.
This picture is based on the idea that a block of energy cannot be destroyed (it can’t just disappear) and a block can’t be
created (it can’t just appear). This is a very powerful idea called the conservation of energy.
Explain. We have been thinking about energy in an idealized or simplified way. What assumptions have we made about
each of the energy flows?
The energy tracking diagram is a very detailed picture of energy. For convenience, we will often draw a simplified version
called an energy flow diagram. Instead of drawing the containers, we will just write the names of the objects. We no longer
draw the blocks, just the arrows showing the flows. We draw a circle around the objects that we choose as our system. Our
goal is to carefully track the amount of energy stored in the system objects. Objects outside the system are the environment.
Interpret. An energy flow diagram for the pullback car example is shown to the
right. Explain the details of what each arrow represents.
Interpret. Which objects are the system objects and which objects are the environment? Is energy flowing into or out of
the system? If we could add up the number of blocks of energy stored in the system objects, how would that total
C: Going Up the Hill
Your teacher has a cart set up at the bottom end of an inclined track. It has a built-in spring that is initially compressed. There
are three important events: (1) the spring is triggered, (2) the spring is fully expanded, and (3) the cart reaches its highest
point on the track. The cart and spring are the system objects.
Represent and Explain. Draw an energy flow diagram between moment 1 and 2 only.
Describe any energy transfers or flows.
Reason. Between moments 2 and 3, how is the amount kinetic energy changing? Where
do you think the blocks of energy are going?
Reason. Isaac says, “I think energy is flowing from the cart to the track between moments 2 and 3.” Do you agree or
disagree with Isaac? What characteristic of the system objects could you measure to support or refute Isaac’s idea?
Represent and Explain. Draw an energy flow diagram between moments 2 and 3. Now
we will modify our system to include Earth’s gravitational field along with the cart and
spring. Just write Earth for short. Describe any energy transfers or flows.
An energy bar chart uses a bar graph to show the amount of energy (the number of blocks) stored in each mechanism of the
system objects at two different moments in time. Unless you know exact values, the height of the bars is not important as
long as the comparisons are clear. The middle bar in the chart, Wext, represents the energy flow into or out of the system.
Represent. Draw an energy bar chart for the
system between moments 1 and 2 and separate
bar chart between moments 2 and 3. What are we
assuming about the amount of gravitational
energy at moments 1 and 2?
Ee1 + Ek1+Wext = Ee2 + Ek2
Ek2 + Eg2+Wext = Ek3 + Eg3
Predict. Now we will consider what happens when the
cart returns back to the bottom of the incline. This will be
event 4. Draw an energy flow diagram and energy bar
chart between moments 3 and 4. According to your
diagrams, explain how the speed of the cart at moment 4
will compare with its speed at moment 2.
Ek3 + Eg3+Wext = Ek4 + Eg4
Test. Test your prediction using the track and motion sensor set up in your classroom. Do your observations confirm
your predictions? Explain.
D: Don’t Forget Your Book!
Represent and Explain. Emmy lifts a book upwards at a constant speed. We note two events while the book is moving
upwards. Complete an energy tracking diagram, flow diagram and bar chart for the system of the book and Earth.
Explain what is happening to the energy. We will assume at moment 1 there is 1 unit of gravitational energy.
Tracking diagram
Ek1 + Eg1+Wext = Ek2 + Eg2
SPH3U: Doing Work!
How do we transfer energy into or out of a system? Let’s find out!
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: _________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: The Energetic Cart
You need a dynamics cart for this part of the investigation. You may assume
that the force of friction acting on the cart is small and can be ignored.
Describe and Represent. We want some energy to flow from your hand
to the cart. Describe how you can do this. Draw a force diagram and an
energy flow diagram for the system of the cart during this process (while
it gains kinetic energy.)
Describe and Represent. The cart is initially moving quickly and we
want energy to flow from the cart to your hand. Describe how you can do
this. Draw a force diagram and an energy flow diagram for the system of
the cart during this process.
Demonstrate. Use the cart and show these two situations to your teacher.
Move on while you wait.
Energy can be transferred into or out of a system by an external force. When this happens we say that the force does
mechanical work (or often just work) on the system. When energy flows out of the system due to the force, the system loses
energy and we say that the force does negative work on the system. When energy flows in to the system, the system gains
energy and we say the force does positive work on the system. Energy is a scalar quantity and positive or negative work does
not indicate any kind of direction, it only indicates a gain or loss for that object.
Explain. What was different about the force you applied to the cart and the cart’s displacement in the two situations
Reason. Think about the first situation. What do you think would happen to the amount of energy that flows into the
system if you hand exerted the same force for twice the distance?
Reason. Think about the second situation above. What do you think would be different if the force you exerted was
twice as large?
The work done by a force on a system (W) depends on three quantities: the size of the force (F), the displacement of the
system (d) and the angle between the force vector and the displacement vector (). These are related by the expression, W
=|F||d|cos. The units of work may be expressed as Nm, but these are actually equivalent to the unit joules (J) for energy.
© 2015 C. Meyer
B: Working the Angles
Reason and Calculate. A cart with a mass of 0.70 kg is initially at rest. Then it is
pushed horizontally by a hand with a force of 10 N along a smooth table.
(a) Vector arrows showing the direction of the force from the hand and the
displacement of the cart are drawn for you. Draw an energy flow diagram for
the system of the cart.
(b) What is the angle between the two vectors? (We always compare angles by
imagining drawing the vectors tail-to-tail.)
(c) After it moves a distance of 0.40 m, how much work (in joules) has been done by the force?
(d) Interpret the sign of the value for the work that you calculated. How much kinetic energy do you think the cart has
Reason and Calculate. The same cart is rolling along a table and is released. It
collides with a block that exerts a 12 N stopping force on the cart. It rolls 0.35 m
while stopping.
(a) Draw vector arrows for the block’s force and the displacement of the cart.
Draw an energy flow diagram for the system of the cart.
(b) What is the angle between the two vectors? What is the work done by the
block’s force while bringing the cart to rest?
(c) Interpret the sign of the value for the work that you calculated. How much kinetic energy do you think the cart
originally had?
Reason and Calculate. Now you push on the cart for 0.50 m while the cart
pushes against the block. The block’s force is still 12 N and you push
horizontally with a force of 15 N.
(a) Draw energy flow and force diagrams for the system of the cart.
(b) Calculate the work done by each force acting on the system.
(c) What is the total work done on the system? How much kinetic energy did the system gain during this process?
When our system is a point particle, we use the net work is the sum of all the work done on the particle. If the net work is
positive, the particle gains kinetic energy. If the net work is negative, the particle loses kinetic energy. This idea is called the
net work - kinetic energy theorem and is represented by the expression: Wnet =Ek2 – Ek1 = Ek . Note that this is the same as
finding the work done on the particle by the net force vector: Wnet = |Fnet||d| cos.
SPH3U: Doing Work Homework
A: The Toy Car
You are playing with a little kid, pushing a toy car across the floor and making “vroom, vroom” sounds. During a “car crash”
you push the car into a soft stuffed animal.
Represent. Draw an energy flow diagram and a force diagram
for the system of the car. Use Fc to label the contact force of the
stuffed animal.
Reason. Which forces do you think cause energy to flow in or
out of the system? Explain.
Reason. Use the new expression for work (W =
|F||d|cos) to help complete the chart for each
force acting on the car.
Reason. During the car crash is energy flowing
in or out of the system? Explain how you know.
Sign of work?
(+, - or 0)
Flow of energy?
(in, out or none)
Reason. Do forces acting perpendicular to the displacement of an object transfer energy in or out of a system? Explain.
Reason. Did the sign of the work depend on our choice of a sign convention? (Did we make such a choice?) Explain.
You continue to push on the car (and so does the stuffed animal), but it is now speeding up.
(a) Reason. Is this situation accurately described by the FD and energy flow diagram above? Would you need to make
any changes? Explain.
(b) Reason. Is the car gaining or losing kinetic energy? Use the kinetic energy-net work theorem to determine the sign
of the net work.
(c) Reason. How does the amount of energy transferred by each force compare in this situation?
Calculate. The size of your push is 1.1 N. The contact force from the stuffed animal is 1.4 N. The car initially had 0.05 J
of kinetic energy. How far does it travel before stopping?
© 2014 C. Meyer
SPH3U: Measuring Energy Homework
A: Comparing Gravitational Energies
Reason. Six objects and their vertical positions relative to an origin are shown. Rank the gravitational energies of each
10 m
object relative to its vertical origin. Explain your ranking.
B: Comparing Kinetic Energies
Reason. The velocity and mass of
five objects is shown to the right.
Rank the amount of kinetic energy
each object has. Explain your
Reason. The velocity and mass of
five objects is shown to the right.
(Note the directions!) Rank the
amount of kinetic energy each
object has. Explain your ranking.
C: Calculating Energies
Reason. A friend proudly shows you the results of his calculation. Explain what errors he made and correct his solution.
m = 250 g
v1 = 5.0 km/h
y1 = 3.4 m
Eg1 = mgy1 = (250 g)(9.8 N/kg)(3.4 m) = 8330 J
Ek1 = ½mv2 = (0.5)(250 g)(5.0 km/h)2 = 3125 J
Reason. Two identical test cars are driving down a test track and hit their brakes at the same position. One car is
travelling at twice the speed as the other. Compare the kinetic energies of the two cars. Use the idea of work to explain
how much further the faster car travels while braking.
SPH3U: Measuring Energy
The idea of work provides us with a handy way to measure the amount of
energy transferred during some process involving forces. Now we need to use
work to find out how much energy transfers into kinetic or gravitational energy.
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: _________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: Making Dents
Imagine you lift up a heavy weight and place a foam block underneath. You let go of the weight and it falls on top of the
block. A dent is left in the piece of foam.
Explain. How does energy flow while you lift the heavy weight?
Reason. What could you change about this situation to change the size of the dent in the same foam block?
Reason. A foam block is placed on different
tables with different heights above the floor. The
weight is released from different positions above
the floor. Rank the size of the dent created in
each foam block. Explain your ranking.
When we lift an object, energy is transferred due to the gravitational interaction between the object and Earth. We say that the
energy is stored in the earth’s gravitational field. The energy is not stored in the object itself – we notice no difference in the
properties of the object. When we include the earth in our system, we always include its gravitational field.
B: Work and Gravitational Energy
Let’s go back to an earlier example. Emmy holds a book of mass m in her hand and raises the
book vertically at constant speed.
Describe. During the process of lifting the book, describe the transfers of energy that occur.
y2 =
Reason. Suppose we changed y1 and y2 by moving each of them one metre upwards. Would
this change affect the amount of energy that flows or is transferred in this situation? Explain.
y1 = 0
© 2015 C. Meyer
Only the change in an object’s vertical position affects the amount of energy flowing in or out of Earth’s gravitational field,
since we assume the gravitational force is constant. As a result, the actual amount of gravitational energy stored has no effect
on the amount that is transferred. This gives us a freedom to choose a zero point for gravitational energy at any convenient
vertical position.
Represent and Describe. Complete the energy flow diagram and
bar chart for the book-earth system. Describe what vertical position
you are using for your zero point for the gravitational energy.
Ek1 + Eg1+Wext = Ek2 + Eg2
Explain and Calculate. The amount of energy stored as
gravitational energy is equal to the amount of work done by the
force of the hand on the book. Explain how to find the size of this
upwards force. Carefully show how to create an expression for the work using the symbols m, g and y1 and y2.
The gravitational energy (Eg) of an object of mass, m, located at a vertical position, y, above the vertical origin is given by
the expression, Eg =mgy. The zero point is a vertical position where y = 0 and the gravitational energy equals zero. So we
always say that an object has a certain amount of Eg relative to the vertical origin of a coordinate system.
Note that the units for work and gravitational energy are Nm. By definition, 1 Nm = 1 J, or one joule of energy. In
fundamental units, 1 J = 1 kgm2/s2. Remember: in order to get an answer in joules, you must use units of kg, m, and s in your
calculations! Always use a positive value for g in your calculations and choose upwards as positive – this is our energyposition sign convention.
C: Work and Kinetic Energy
Another example that we looked at earlier was our cart which was at rest and then speed up as we pushed on it with our hand.
Explain. We are going to create an expression to help us find the kinetic energy of our cart after we push on it. For each
step you see in this process, identify each new equation used and explain how we get from one step to the next.
1) Ek2 – Ek1 = Wnet
2) Ek2 = Wnet
3) Ek2 = |Fnet||d| cos
4) Ek2 = |ma||d|
5) Ek2 = |ma||(v22 – v12)/2a|
6) Ek2 = |ma||v22/2a|
7) Ek2 = |m||v22/2|
8) Ek2 = ½mv22
The kinetic energy of an object is the energy stored in an object’s motion. The amount of kinetic energy can be found from
the expression Ek = ½mv2. Where v is the instantaneous velocity of the object at the moment in time you are interested in.
The value of the kinetic energy does not depend on the object’s direction of motion – energy is a scalar quantity. Remember,
to get a result in joules, make sure you use units of kg and m/s in this equation.
SPH3U: Changes in Gravitational Energy
When objects move vertically energy flows in or out of Earth’s gravitational
field. Let’s follow this transfer and learn how to predict the motion of the
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: _________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: The Ball Drop and Kinetic Energy
You will drop a basketball through a displacement of your choice (between 0.5 and 1.2 m) and examine the energy changes.
Represent. Draw a sketch of
a ball falling and indicate two
moments in time 1 and 2 at
the start and end of its trip
down (just before it hits!)
Label the two vertical
positions y1 and y2. Complete
the energy-flow diagram and
bar chart for the earth-ball
Ek1 + Eg1+ Wext= Ek2 + Eg2
Our bar charts are helpful tool for thinking about changes in energy. They are also helpful for construction an equation that
relates the energy of a system at two moments in time. The total energy of a system at one moment plus any changes equals
the total energy of a system at another moment: ET1 +Wext = ET2. This is called a work-energy equation for the system. The
bar chart helps us to decide which energies to include in each total. If a particular energy is zero, we don’t bother including it.
Represent. Construct a work-energy equation for the earth-ball system.
Calculate. Use the expression for kinetic energy and the expression for gravitational energy and substitute these into
your equation from the previous question. Be sure to use the labels “1” and “2” where needed.
Calculate. Use your new equation and an important measurement to find the speed of the ball just before it reaches the
Test. Hold the motion detector by hand and measure the speed of the ball just before it hits the ground. Do the results
agree with your prediction?
Gravitational and kinetic energy are two examples of mechanical energy. When the total mechanical energy of a system
remains the same we say that the mechanical energy is conserved. Mechanical energy will be conserved as long as there are
no external forces acting on the system and no frictional forces producing thermal energy.
Reason. Keeping in mind the experimental errors, was mechanical energy conserved during the drop of the ball?
© 2013 C. Meyer
B: The Ramp Race
Your teacher has two tracks set up at the front of the class.
One track has a steep incline and the other a more gradual
incline. Both start at the same height and end at the same
height. Friction is very small and can be neglected.
Reason. What energy changes take place as the ball
travels down the incline?
Reason and Predict. Two horizontal positions, 1 and
2, are indicated in the diagram. The two balls are released at the same time. Which ball do you think will reach position 2
first? Justify your prediction with energy arguments.
Reason and Predict. How will the speeds of the two balls compare when they reach position 2? Justify your prediction.
Observe. (as a class) Record your observations of the motion of the balls when they are released at position 1 at the
same time.
Observe. (as a class) Record your observations of the speeds of the balls when they reach position 2.
Reason. Albert says, “I don’t understand why ball B wins the race. They both end up traveling roughly the same distance
and ball A even accelerates for more time! It should be faster!” Based on your observations and understanding of energy,
help Albert understand.
Reason. According to your observations, how do the kinetic energies of the two balls compare at position 2? Where did
this energy come from?
Reason. The distance the balls travel along each incline is slightly different, but there is an important similarity.
Compare the horizontal displacement of each ball along its incline (you may need to make measurements). Compare the
vertical displacement of each ball along its incline. Illustrate this with vectors on the diagram above. Which displacement
is the important one when determining the change in gravitational potential energy?
The amount of energy stored in, or returned from gravity does not depend on the path taken by the object. It only depends
on the object’s change in vertical position (displacement). The property is called path independence – any path between the
same vertical positions will give the same results. This is a result of the fact that gravity does no work on an object during the
horizontal parts of the object’s motion.
SPH3U: Changes in Gravitational Energy Homework
A: Comparing Vertical Origins
The value for the gravitational energy depends on the
choice of the vertical origin. If two people choose a
different vertical origin, will their calculations predict
different things? Let’s see!
y1 = 10 m
y1 = 15 m
A 100 kg cart rolls down a curving track. It starts from
rest at the top. We will examine two moments in time:
(1) at the top of the track and (2) part way down. The
system is the cart+earth.
y2 = 5 m
y2 = 0 m
Origin A
Represent. Draw an energy bar chart for the two
moments in time for each origin.
Represent. Construct a work-energy equation for
the system based on each origin.
Origin B
Ek1 + Eg1+ Wext= Ek2 + Eg2
Ek1 + Eg1+ Wext= Ek2 + Eg2
Calculate. Complete the chart below. Calculate the gravitational energies of the system according to each origin. Use
these energies to determine how much kinetic energy and speed the cart has a moment 2.
Origin A
Origin B
Explain. Use both the calculations and the bar charts to explain why the choice of vertical origin did not affect the
results of the calculation.
Only changes in gravitational potential energy have a physical meaning. The exact value of the gravitational potential energy
at one position does not have a physical meaning. That is why we can set any vertical position as the origin. The vertical
displacement of the object does not depend on the choice of origin and therefore the change in gravitational potential energy
does not depend on it either.
© 2013 C. Meyer
SPH3U: Conservation of Energy Homework
Reason. A block is attached to a rope so you can raise or lower it vertically. An energy bar chart illustrates the energies
at two moments in time while it is being raised or lowered.
(a) Use the bar chart to explain what is happening to the block. Be sure to mention the speed and direction of the
motion and the work the rope does.
(b) Draw and energy flow diagram and write the work-energy equation for each interval.
Ek1 + Eg1+ Wext= Ek2 + Eg2
Ek1 + Eg1+ Wext= Ek2 + Eg2
Ek1 + Eg1+ Wext= Ek2 + Eg2
Work-Energy Equation:
Work-Energy Equation:
Work-Energy Equation:
Represent and Calculate. You throw a 200 g ball upwards. It leaves your hand with a speed of 10 m/s. We choose a
vertical origin at the vertical position where the ball is released from your hand. We examine three moments in time: (1)
it leaves your hand, (2) it is half way up, and (3) it is at its highest point.
(a) Draw a motion diagram and label these moments.
(b) For each moment in time, complete an energy bar chart for the earth-ball system.
Motion Diagram
Ek2 Eg2
Ek3 Eg3
Ek1 Eg1
Ek1 =
Ek2 =
Ek3 =
Eg1 =
Eg2 =
ET1 =
Eg3 =
ET2 =
ET3 =
(c) Calculate the energies at each moment and find the total energy of the system. Show your work below.
© 2015 C. Meyer
SPH3U: The Conservation of Energy
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: _________________
A: The Behemoth
A recent rollercoaster at Canada’s Wonderland is called “The Behemoth” due to
0 1 2 3 4 5
its 70.1 m tall starting hill. Assume the train is essentially at rest when it
reaches the top of the first hill. We will compare the energy at two
moments in time: 1 = at the top of the first hill and 2 = at ground level
after the first hill.
Represent. Draw an energy bar chart and flow diagram for the earthtrain system. Write down a work-energy equation that relates the
energies of the system at moment 1 with moment 2. Only write down
the energy terms that are not zero.
Ek1 + Eg1+ Wext= Ek2 + Eg2
Work-Energy Equation
Calculate. Use the energy equation to find the speed of the rollercoaster at moment 2 in km/h.
Reason. The official statistics from the ride’s website give the speed after the first drop as 125 km/h. What do you
suppose accounts for the difference with our calculation? What happened to the energy?
Reason. Imagine we had an infrared thermometer (a device which we can point at things and get a temperature reading).
Where could we point the thermometer in order to detect the heat energy lost during the trip down the hill?
When two objects slide against another, energy can be transferred into thermal energy (Eth) due to a friction interaction. The
two sliding objects will warm up, which means the thermal energy is shared between them. For this reason, when a friction
interaction causes a transfer of energy we will always include the two sliding objects as part of our system. When we do,
we can describe the total amount of thermal energy in the system using the expression: Eth = Ff d
Represent. Draw a new energy storage bar graph and an energy flow diagram for the earth-train-track system that
takes into account the effects of friction. Write down a new work-energy equation.
Ek1 + Eg1+ Wext= Ek2 + Eg2 + Eth
Work-Energy Equation
© 2014 C. Meyer
Calculate. Use the train mass, mt = 2.7 x 103 kg to determine the amount of thermal energy at moment 2. Hint: which
velocity value should you use for Ek2?
B: The York Mills Flyer
Rumour has it that a rollercoaster is going to be built in our
school’s courtyard. Plans leaked to the media show a likely
design. The train starts from rest at moment 1. For all our
calculations, we will assume that the force of friction is
10 m
Solve. Moment 2 occurs part way down the first hill.
Complete the diagram and chart. Determine the
rollercoaster’s speed at moment 2.
Ek1 + Eg1+ Wext= Ek2 + Eg2
45 m
Solve. Moment 3 is the top of the loop-de-loop and is located 17 m above the ground. Complete the diagram and chart.
Determine the rollercoaster’s speed at moment 3.
Ek1 + Eg1+ Wext= Ek3 + Eg3
The loop-de-loop involves some very complicated physics, the details of which are much beyond high school physics. Yet
using energy techniques, we did not have to consider those complications at all! When the total mechanical energy of a
system remains constant (no losses to friction), we can relate the total mechanical energy at one moment in time to that at any
other moment without having to consider the intermediate motion – no matter how complex. Wow!
SPH3U: Power
Winning a race is all about transferring as much energy as possible in the least
amount of time. The winner is often the most powerful individual.
Recorder: __________________
Manager: __________________
Speaker: _________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
Power is defined as the ratio of the amount of energy transformed or transferred (E), to the time taken (t): P=E/t. If that
energy transformation is done through work, then E = W. The S. I. unit for power is the watt (W) where 1 watt of power
means 1 joule of energy transferred per second (1 W = 1 J/s).
A: The Stair Master
Let’s figure out your leg power while travelling up a flight of stairs.
Reason. Describe the energy changes that take place while you go up the stairs at a constant speed.
Represent. Complete an energy flow diagram and bar chart
for your trip up the stairs.
Reason. Explain what you would measure in order to
determine the work you do while travelling up a set of stairs.
Quickly sketch a diagram of this showing all the important
Ek1 + Eg1+ Echem1= Wext= Ek2 + Eg2
Reason. To calculate your power, you will need one other piece of information. Explain.
** check with your teacher before gathering any equipment **
Observe. Gather the equipment you will need for your measurements. Travel up a flight of stairs at a quick pace (but
don’t run, we don’t want you to fall!) Record your measurements on your diagram.
Calculate. Compute your leg power in watts (W) and horsepower (hp) where 1 hp = 746 W. Show your work. How does
this compare to your favourite car? (2011 Honda Civic DX = 140 hp)
© C. Meyer, 2015
B: Back to the Behemoth!
1. Solve. The trains on the Behemoth are raised from a starting position 10 m above ground at the loading platform to a
height of 70.1 m at the top of the first hill in a time of 60 s. The train (including passengers) has a mass of 2700 kg and is
lifted at a steady speed by a motor. Ignoring frictional losses, how powerful should the motor be to accomplish this task?
Complete the energy diagram and bar chart below for the earth-train system. In the work-energy equation, include a
term, Wm, for the work done by the motor.
Ek1 + Eg1+ Wext= Ek2 + Eg2
Work-energy equation:
C: He’s Got the Power
A Powerful Run. Usain Bolt is able to reach a top speed of 44.72 km/h at the 65-m mark of a 100-m race. It took him
about 6.3 seconds to reach that top speed. He has a mass of 96 kg. He accomplishes this by transferring energy stored in
chemicals in his muscles into energy of motion.
(a) Let’s begin by assuming that all the energy used by Bolt is transferred to kinetic
Ek1 + Eg1+ Wext= Ek2 + Eg2
energy. Draw an energy bar chart showing the transfer of energy. What is his power
while he is accelerating to his top speed?
(b) Unfortunately, the human body is not so efficient. Quite a bit of energy is transferred
into thermal energy and lost as work due to air resistance. So let’s say that in reality
he uses twice as much energy in that same time. Draw the bar chart for this revised
situation. What is his power now?
Ek1 +Echem1+Wext= Ek2
Energy Consumption. Which consumes more energy, a 1.2 kW hair dryer used for 10 minutes or a 10 W night light left
on for 24 h?
Answers: #1(a) 1180 W, (b) 2350 W, 228 N, #2 night light!
SPH3U: Good Vibrations
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: Oscillations and Amplitudes
You will need: a retort stand, a C-clamp, a test-tube clamp, a metal spring, a
small object (100 - 200 g), a ruler and a stopwatch. Hang the spring from the test-tube clamp on the retort stand. Secure the
stand firmly using the C-clamp. Hang your object from the spring.
1. Give the object a small downwards pull and release it (gentle!). Describe the motion of the object. What is different about
this motion compared to other motions we have studied in Gr. 11 physics?
We say that an object moving this way is vibrating or better, oscillating. Periodic or oscillatory motion is motion that repeats
itself in a regular cycle or pattern. The displacement of the object is measured relative to it equilibrium position, which is the
position the object would have if it was not in motion.
2. Measure how high above and below the equilibrium position the object oscillates (at least initially). How do these
compare? With an ideal spring, these values would remain constant.
The largest displacement of the object from the equilibrium position is the amplitude of its oscillatory motion.
3. In the diagram to the right, draw three
images of the spring and moving object at
the indicated moments in time.
4. Draw a vector for each moment in time
carefully showing the object’s
displacement from the equilibrium
lowest position
highest position
near equilibrium
B: Cycles and Periods
A cycle is one complete oscillation, starting and ending at the same position after completing one whole motion. The time to
complete one cycle is called the period (T).
1. A student wants to time the period of your object’s oscillation. He suggests, “I think we should start the timer when the
object is at the equilibrium position, watch it go down to its lowest position, then back up to the equilibrium position and
stop the timer.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
2. Measure the period of your object’s oscillations. Explain what a good technique would be to get a very reliable result.
3. On a graph of displacement vs. time, plot five points that
correspond to (a) the highest position, (b) the equilibrium
position, (c) the lowest position, (d) the equilibrium position,
and finally back to (e) the highest position. How do you think
these points will each be separated in time? Interpolate what you
think the rest of the graph between these points might look like.
© 2012 C. Meyer
4. Use the motion detector set up at the front
to plot the position-time graph for the
oscillating object. Neatly sketch the result
for a number of periods of time.
5. Choose two points on the graph at different
positions. Use horizontal arrows to indicate
one complete period of motion, starting
from each of those points.
6. How many cycles does your object go through in one second of time? You can use your data from question B#2.
The frequency of periodic motion (f) is the number of cycles of the motion per unit of time. This quantity is given by the
expression: f = (# of cycles)/time. The units of frequency are hertz (Hz) and mean “cycles per second”. Frequency and period
are related by the expression: f = 1/T or T = 1/f.
C: Phase
Consider the graph to the right showing the position
vs. time for an oscillating object.
1. Draw the position of the object and spring
according to the graph for each moment in time
labeled in the diagram below.
2. Draw an instantaneous velocity vector beside
each image of the object. If it is zero, write a
The phase of a particle in periodic motion indicates
its state at one moment in time. The state of the
oscillating particle can be completely described by
its position and velocity. Phase is most often used
for making comparisons. When two states are
identical, they have equal phase or are in phase.
Otherwise they are out of phase. When two states
are half a cycle apart they have opposite phase. Note
that the expression out of phase is commonly used
to mean opposite phase. Be careful!
I time
3. Find all the points which have the same phase as:
4. A student says, “I think points A and C have the same phase.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
5. Find all the points that have the opposite phase as:
6. Time for some exercise. Your group must demonstrate in phase, in opposite phase and just a bit out of phase. You my only
use the people in your group – no equipment! Show your teacher.
SPH3U: Good Vibrations Homework
A: The Follow the Bouncing Ball
A ball attached to a spring. You pull down the ball and release it. It vibrates up and down with a steady,
repeating motion. You measure that it takes 0.73 s to complete one cycle of its motion. During that time, the
farthest it distance it travels from the equilibrium position is 5.7 cm.
Represent. Draw a position-time graph for the ball starting at
the moment you release the ball. Label and give the values for
its period and amplitude.
Calculate. What distance does the ball travel in one cycle?
What is its average speed?
Calculate. What is the displacement of the ball during one
cycle? What is its average velocity?
Reason. At which moments is the ball traveling the fastest? The slowest? Explain how you decided.
Calculate. What is the frequency of the ball’s motion?
B: The Teeter-Totter
Who doesn’t like playing on the teeter-totter in the local park? Two kids are bouncing
away and you measure that they bounce up and down 10 times in 17.9 s.
Calculate. What is the period and frequency of their motion?
Reason. Two larger kids get on and start bouncing. The restoring force of the
spring in the teeter-totter is roughly the same as before, but the kids are more
massive. Use Newton’s Second Law to help explain what happens to their
acceleration. How do you think this would affect the period of their oscillation?
Reason. With the new, older kids, the period of the teeter-totter is now double what it was before. Explain (don’t
calculate) how the frequency will change.
Reason. How does the phase of the two kids who are bouncing together on the teeter totter compare with one another?
A: #2. 22.8 cm, 31.2 cm/s, #3. 0, 0, #5. 1.37 Hz, B: #1. 1.79 s, 0.559 Hz
© 2014 C. Meyer
SPH3U: Properties of the Pendulum
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
One of the most important examples of periodic motion is the pendulum. For this
investigation you will need: a retort stand, a C-clamp, a test-tube clamp, string, a
small mass (~ 200 g), a ruler and a stopwatch. Hang the mass from the string –
leave extra string length so you can easily adjust it later. Secure the stand firmly using the C-clamp.
A: The Pendulum Cycle
1. Set your pendulum in motion. Explain why this is an example of periodic motion.
2. Draw the mass and string at three moments in time: (a) furthest displacement left, (b)
equilibrium position, and (c) furthest displacement right. Draw a dashed vertical line
for the equilibrium position of the mass and string.
3. Draw the path the mass takes starting from moment (a) in the diagram and completing
one full cycle.
B: The Period of the Pendulum
What does the period of the pendulum’s cyclic motion depend on? Let’s find out! For all the investigations below, make sure
your pendulum moves through small angles only (less than 30o from the equilibrium position).
1. How does the length of the
pendulum affect the period? You
will have to measure carefully,
make sure your set-up is sturdy, and
choose a very wide range of lengths
to test.
Length (m)
Period (s)
2. State your conclusion.
3. Choose a different characteristic of
the pendulum and determine
whether it has an important effect
on the period. Be sure that you
only change that characteristic and
not any others!
4. State your conclusion.
Period (s)
SPH3U: Making Waves
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
In our work so far, we have had only one particle to keep track of. Imagine now
0 1 2 3 4 5
that we connect a whole series of particles together such that the movement of
one particle affects the others around it. When we start a vibration in one particle, an effect will travel from one particle to the
next – a wave has been created. The medium, modeled by our set of particles, is the material substance that the wave travels
through, for example: water, air, strings, the earth and so many more!
A: Particle Motion
We will start our investigation by creating pulses in the Wave Machine. Be gentle with the machine – it can be easily
damaged. Practice making a pulse which is simply a small, single bump above the equilibrium position.
1. Describe the motion of the pulse in the wave machine.
2. Watch one particle carefully as the pulse travels by it. Compare the direction of a particle’s motion (the rod) with the
direction of the wave pulse’s motion. Draw a simple illustration of this.
In a transverse wave, the particles of the medium oscillate in a direction that is perpendicular to the direction of the wave
3. Since no particles move horizontally, what does? What is actually travelling back and forth in this medium? Make a guess
and move on.
4. (as a class) What is a wave?
5. A “snapshot” of a transverse pulse travelling through a wave machine is shown in the
diagram to the right. The pulse is traveling to the right at 50 cm/s. Three particles in
the medium are marked with tape, A, B, and C. Each square in the diagram is 5.0 cm.
(a) Between 0.0 s and 0.1 s, in what direction did each particle move?
Time = 0.0 s
(b) How in what direction did the “peak” of the wave move? How far did it travel?
Time = 0.1 s
(c) Draw the pulse and label the position of the three particles at the time of 0.2 s.
(d) At what time will the complete pulse have passed through particle C?
(e) What is the total distance that particle C will move by the time the pulse
completely passed?
Time = 0.2 s
(f) At what time will particle B return to the rest position?
(g) What is the average velocity of particle B between t = 0 s and t = 0.1 s?
Adapted from Activity-Based Tutorials, by Wittmann, M., et al. John Wiley, 2004
B: Reflection of Pulses and Waves
You may have noticed that the pulses don’t just disappear when they reach the end of the medium - they reflect and travel
back in the opposite direction.
1. Send a positive pulse (a pulse with positive displacements only = above the
equilibrium position) through the medium and carefully observe the shape of the
pulse before and after it reflects off the end of the medium. Sketch a diagram.
Describe how the shapes compare.
2. Now have someone hold the end of the machine fixed (hold the last rod of the wave
machine tightly with two hands). Send a positive pulse through the medium and
carefully observe the shape of the pulse before and after it reflects off the end of the
medium. Sketch a diagram. Describe how the shapes compare.
How a wave behaves when it reaches the end of the medium depends on the boundary conditions. The end of a medium
where the particles are free to move is called a free end. The end of a medium where particles are held in place is called a
fixed end.
3. In which situation would you say the pulses or waves reflect in phase and in which situation would you say they reflect in
opposite phase. Explain.
C: The Periodic Wave and Wave Pictures
Create a gentle, continuous, periodic wave in the wave machine. You may have to experiment a bit with the frequency of
your vibrations so it “settles down” into a nice pattern – make sure you can see a whole wave.
A continuous or periodic wave has two parts that we call the crest and trough of the wave which correspond to the top of the
positive and bottom of the negative displacements. The distance the wave travels in one cycle is equal to the distance between
the two nearest points of equal phase. This distance is called the wavelength and is represented by the greek letter lambda (λ).
To measure such a distance, it is often convenient to choose two adjacent crests as the nearest points of equal phase.
1. Hold a ruler up to the wave machine and roughly measure its amplitude and wavelength (as if you could freeze the motion
of the machine – or take a photo with your phone!)
Imagine taking a photograph of a periodic wave in the wave machine. From such a picture we can create a graph showing the
displacement of the different particles in the medium. We will call this the position picture of a wave.
2. Sketch a position picture for your wave. Label your measurements and the axes of the graph.
3. Choose one particle in the medium and measure the period of its oscillations. Describe how you do this and show your
Imagine we track the displacement of one particle over time as a periodic wave travels through the medium. We can construct
a graph showing the displacement of the particle as a function of time. We will call this the time picture of a wave.
4. Draw a time picture for this particle in your wave that completes 3 cycles. Label the amplitude measurement.
5. What does the interval between the two nearest points of equal phase represent in this picture? Explain.
6. Label the period (T) using a horizontal arrow starting from a crest, starting from a trough and starting from a point with a
completely different phase.
SPH3U: Making Waves Homework
A: Tracking the Particles
A pulse travels through a spring as illustrated in the diagram to the right. Four particles of
the spring are labeled A, B, C and D. (Imagine a piece of tape is attached to label those
particles.) Each box of the gird represents a distance of 5.0 cm.
Represent. The pulse is shown in the second diagram at a time of 0.1 s after the first.
Label the four particles A, B, C and D in the second diagram.
Calculate. What is the speed of the wave?
Time = 0.0 s
Time = 0.1 s
Interpret. What distance did particle B move in the time interval between 0 and 0.1
Interpret. At the time of 0 s, what direction is particle A moving in? particle C?
Represent. Draw the pulse at a time of 0.2 s. Label the four particles A, B, C and D.
Calculate. At what time does the pulse completely pass through particle D?
Calculate. What distance had particle D traveled once the pulse has completely
passed by?
Time = 0.2 s
8. Explain. Explain why this is a transverse wave.
B: Wave Pictures
Position pictures of a wave and time pictures of a wave can be deceptively similar. Consider a steady wave travelling to the
right through a spring.
Position Picture – snapshot of wave
Time Picture – motion of particle A
Interpret. The arrows in each picture indicate an interval. What quantity does each arrow indicate? Explain why.
Interpret. In the position picture, the point shows the y-position of a particle which we will label particle A. In what
direction is particle A moving at this moment in time? Explain how you can tell.
Interpret. In the time picture, point 2 represents the y-position of particle A at moment 2. In what direction is particle A
moving at this moment in time? Explain how you can tell.
© 2014 C. Meyer
SPH3U: Interference
What happens when two waves travel through the same medium and meet?
Let’s find out!
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: When Waves Meet
1. What happens to the sound when two people are talking, each producing sound waves, and these waves arrive at the same
point in space and overlap? Have you ever been in the middle of such a conversation? What do you hear?
2. What happens when waves or pulses meet? Briefly try sending the pulses shown in the chart below in the wave machine.
3. Watch the video and draw your observations of the spring when the pulses overlap and after they have overlapped.
Two crests
Two Troughs
Equal crest and trough
4. Describe what happens when the waves overlap.
5. Do the waves bounce off one another or do they travel through one another?
When two ideal waves overlap, one does not in any way alter the travel of the other. While overlapping, the displacement of
each particle in the medium is the sum of the two displacements it would have had from each wave independently. This is the
principle of superposition which describes the combination of overlapping waves or wave interference. When a crest
overlaps with a crest, a supercrest is produced. When a trough and a trough overlap, a supertrough is produced. If the result
of two waves interfering is a greater displacement in the medium constructive interference has occurred. If the result is a
smaller displacement, destructive interference has occurred.
6. Label each example in the “Overlapping” column of your chart as either constructive or destructive interference.
B: Interference Frozen in Time
Let’s apply the principle of superposition to some sample waves and learn how to predict the resulting wave shapes. Each
pulse moves with a speed of 100 cm/s. Each block represents 1 cm. A sample of the interference process is shown in the first
column of diagrams.
Study the sample
process shown in the
column of diagrams
to the right. Draw an
arrow on the first
diagram showing the
direction in which
the pulses are
At what time do the
pulses begin to
interfere? At what
time do they finish?
At t = 0.02 s, what
type of interference
At t = 0.03 s, use the
principle to explain
how to calculate the
resulting wave
The second column of diagrams below is an
example for you to try. How many boxes will each
pulse travel between each diagram?
Complete the set of diagrams. Show the positions
of the individual pulses with dashed lines and the
resulting wave shape with a solid line.
t = 0.01 s
t = 0.02 s
t = 0.03 s
Phone 
t = 0.04 s
Phone 
t = 0.05 s
C. Meyer 2014, and Activity-Based Tutorials, by Wittmann, M., et al. John Wiley,
SPH3U: Interference Homework
The graph to the right shows two wave pulses travelling in opposite directions
and interfering.
(a) Explain. When these two pulses interfere, do you expect them to
completely cancel out (completely interfere destructively)?
(b) Calculate and Explain. Consider point A along the actual medium (point A is showing the position in the medium,
not the displacement of the interfering waves). Use the superposition principle to explain how to find the position of
that particle in the medium when the two waves interfere.
(c) Calculate. Use the superposition principle to find the position of all the particles in the medium when the two waves
interfere as shown. Draw this on the graph above.
(d) Calculate and Explain. The speed of a wave in this medium is 10 grid boxes/second. Starting at the moment shown
above, how much time will take for the waves to pass through each other and no longer interfere? Explain your
Two waves travel in opposite directions towards one
another. Waves in this medium travel with a speed
of 8 grid boxes/second.
t = 0.0 s
(a) Calculate. At what time will the two waves
begin to interfere?
(b) Represent and Explain. Draw the two separate
waves using dashed lines at a time of 0.50 s.
Draw the displacement of the medium at this
moment in time. What type of interference is
(c) Represent and Explain. Draw the two separate
waves using dashed lines at a time of 0.75 s.
Draw the displacement of the medium at this
moment in time. What type of interference is
t = 0.50 s
t = 0.75 s
© 2014 C. Meyer
SPH3U: Speed of Waves Homework
Reason. Four different waves travel along four identical springs as shown below. All begin travelling at the same time.
(a) Describe what is different about
each wave.
(b) Rank the amount of time it will take for the four waves to arrive at the ends of the springs. Explain your reasoning.
Reason. Your friend is sending a wave along a spring and says, “I want the wave to reach the other end of the spring in
less time, so all I have to do is shake my hand faster.” Do you agree with your friend? Explain.
Represent. You have a spring stretched out 7.3 m along the floor between you and your friend. You shake your hand
side-to-side and create a wave that travels down the spring. Your hand starts at the equilibrium position and moves 10
cm to the right, back to the equilibrium, 10 cm to the left and back to the equilibrium position. Your hand executes this
three times in a row in 1.2 seconds. Your friend times that it takes 0.84 s for the wave to travel from your hand to your
(a) Represent. Sketch a graph for the wave. Label all
the quantities in the description.
(b) Calculate and Explain. What is the period of this
wave? Explain how you chose which time values to
(c) Calculate and Explain. What is the speed of the wave in this spring? Explain how you chose which distance and
time values to use.
(d) Calculate and Explain. What is the amplitude of the wave? Explain how you chose which distance values to use.
(e) Calculate and Explain. What is the wavelength of this wave? Explain how you chose which values to use.
(f) Calculate and Explain. What distance does a particle in the wave move once the wave has passed by?
(g) Represent. Label all the quantities you calculated on your sketch above.
© 2013 C. Meyer
SPH3U: The Speed of Waves
A: Ideal Waves and Pulses
Real waves and pulses can be very complex. As a real wave or pulse travels or
propagates through a medium it may gradually change.
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
1. Observe. (as a class) Use the wave machine to create a single pulse. Describe how the pulse changes while it travels back
and forth through the medium.
Real waves lose energy as they travel causing their amplitude to decrease. The shape of a pulse also changes – often
spreading out. We will always ignore these important and realistic effects and instead focus on studying ideal waves in a
medium that does not lose energy or cause wave shapes to change.
B: The Speed of a Wave
There are three important characteristics of a pulse that we can easily control: the height (amplitude), the width (wavelength
or period) and the shape (waveform – more about this later). We will make pulses with different heights and widths and see
how these characteristics affect the speed of the wave.
1. Observe. (as a class) Make a pulse which will be your “standard” pulse. Get a feel for how quickly it travels back and
forth through the medium.
Observe. We will vary the pulse in a number of different ways and
make a rough judgment – does it appear to travel back and forth
faster, slower or the same?
Pulse Description
Large amplitude
Small amplitude
3. Summarize. How do the characteristics of the pulse affect the
speed of the wave?
Long wavelength
Short wavelength
Funny shape
The speed of a pulse or wave does not depend on the amplitude, shape or period (or frequency). It only depends on the
physical properties of the medium, such as density, tension and variety of other factors.
C: Wave Speed in a Coiled Spring
We will use a coiled spring to study the motion of ideal wave pulses. If there is no space in the classroom, you will need to do
this in the hallway. The spring must always remain in contact with the ground! Never let go of the spring while it is
stretched! Be sure it does not get tangled up! Stretch the spring enough so you can clearly see a wave make a complete trip
back and forth. You will need a measuring tape and stopwatch.
1. There is one characteristic of this
medium (the spring) that we can
easily change – the tension. Increase
the tension and determine the wave
speed. Use a medium spring scale.
2. Describe roughly how tension affects
the wave speed.
© 2012 C. Meyer
D: Speed, Wavelength and Frequency
How is the speed of a wave related to its frequency and wavelength? Let’s think this through. The diagrams below show your
hand which moves up and down with a fixed frequency as it generates a wave.
1. Study the motion of your
hand in the diagram. What
fraction of a cycle does
your hand move through
between each picture?
2. What do we call the time
interval for the motion of
your hand in this diagram?
3. What fraction of a wavelength do we see in each diagram? Label these lengths.
4. How far does a wave travel in the time of one period? What is the special name for this distance?
5. How could we find the actual wavelength of this wave if we knew the period (0.5 s) and the wave speed (4.7 m/s)?
Construct an equation using the symbols v, T and λ.
Now you generate another wave, but the time taken by your hand has doubled. Nothing else about the situation has changed.
6. How will the frequency of your
hand (and the wave) compare
with the previous example?
7. How will the wave speed
compare with the previous
8. How will the distance travelled by the wave during your one cycle of your hand’s motion compare with the previous
example? Sketch this in the diagrams above. Label your diagrams like the previous example.
9. Describe how frequency affects the size of the wavelength. Be as precise as possible.
The universal wave equation, v = f λ, relates the frequency and wavelength of a wave to the wave speed in a given medium.
Note that a change in frequency affects the wavelength and vice versa, but do not affect the wave speed. The wave speed
only depends on the physical properties of the medium.
SPH3U: Standing Waves
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: When Continuous Waves Interfere
The diagram to the right shows two waves
travelling in opposite directions in a spring.
The points A, B, and C are points of
constant phase and travel with the wave.
We will use these to help keep track of the
Use dotted lines to draw the shapes of
the individual waves when points B
and C coincide. Draw the
displacement of the actual medium
using a solid line. You should be able
to do this without detailed math work.
Borrow the transparencies of these
waves to help visualize this. Label the
regions where constructive or
destructive interference occurs.
Use dotted lines to draw the shapes of
the individual waves when points A
and C coincide. Draw the
displacement of the actual medium
using a solid line.
B: Representing Standing Waves
When the interfering process we examined above repeats, a standing wave is created. Your teacher will create a standing
wave in a wave machine (or show a video).
Observe. Do all particles in the medium oscillate equal amounts?
Describe the pattern of oscillations.
Observe. Your teacher will freeze the video to help us study the
standing wave pattern at different moments in time, separated by ¼
period. Sketch the displacement of the medium at each moment.
A standing wave is a wave pattern created by the interference of two
continuous waves travelling in opposite directions in the same medium.
It is called a standing wave because we no longer see the individual
waves move along the medium. Instead we see some particles in the
medium that do not move at all. These particles or locations are called
nodes. There are other locations where particles move the greatest
amount. These locations are called antinodes.
Represent. Label the locations in the medium where nodes and
antinodes are found in your sketches. Label each picture by the
type of inference that is occurring.
© 2013 C. Meyer
Since a standing wave pattern is a moving phenomena, we need a standing wave diagram to represent it. In this diagram,
we show the wave at the two moments in time when the greatest displacements occur, as shown below.
Represent. Label locations in the medium
where nodes and antinodes occur in the
standing wave diagram.
Reason. What fraction of a cycle has elapsed
between the two images of the wave?
C: Standing Wave Patterns
You need a coiled spring, long measuring tape and a stopwatch. Two people will generate a standing wave in the spring – one
will drive it and the other holds their end fixed to the ground. A third person will measure the lengths and time the motion.
Stretch the spring so there is a fair bit of tension.
Observe. The driver will start with a very low frequency and gradually increase the driving frequency until it is as high
as possible. Do standing waves occur with every possible frequency? What do you notice?
Observe. Create a standing wave with the lowest frequency you can manage. You’ve got the correct pattern if there is
only one anti-node. Measure the length of the spring all the way up to the elbow of the person driving it. (That person’s
arm is like the last bit of the spring). Measure the period of the standing wave. Complete the first row in the chart below.
Observe. Gradually increase the frequency driving the spring until you find the next standing wave pattern or oscillation
mode. Every time, a new node should appear. Measure the period. Repeat this and complete the chart below.
# of
# of
 (m)
T (s)
Reason. Describe the patterns you see in each column when the oscillation mode increases.
Predict. What is the standing wave pattern and all its characteristics for the 5th mode. Sketch it below.
SPH3U: Standing Wave Homework
A: Thinking About Standing Wave Patterns
Explain. Why is there a node at each end of the stranding wave diagrams we drew for our spring in class?
Explain. We decided that the first mode or standing wave pattern had a length of just half a wavelength. Explain how we
can tell. Sketch the complete wave.
Another label used to describe which mode (standing wave pattern) a medium is vibrating in is the harmonic. We say that a
spring vibrating in its first harmonic when it is vibrating in the simplest possible standing wave pattern (the least number of
B: Pure as the Driven Spring
A spring is stretched out and held fixed on the ground at two points 2.9 m apart. Its wave speed at that length is 4.5 m/s.
Calculate and Explain. What is the wavelength when vibrating in the first and second harmonics? Explain your result.
Calculate. What frequency should the student use to create a standing wave in the first and second harmonics?
C: The Wave Machine
The wave machine behaves differently than a spring does. We can create a standing wave by driving the rod at the end of the
machine up and down with the right frequency.
Reason. Is a node or an antinode located at the end of the machine where we are driving a rod up and down? Explain.
Represent. At the other end of the machine, the last rod moves up and down a great distance. The standing wave
diagram for this situation will look quite different from the ones we drew for the spring. Draw the standing wave
diagram for the first and second harmonics of the wave machine. (Hint: the first harmonic has only one node.) Label the
nodes and antinodes.
Calculate. The wave machine has a length of 84 cm and a wave speed of 0.93 m/s. What are the wavelengths and
frequencies of the first and second harmonic?
© 2014 C. Meyer
SPH3U: Resonance Homework
An object can resonate at the frequency of any standing wave that can form in the object. This set of frequencies or
harmonics is called the harmonic series for that object.
You have a spring stretched along the floor to a length of 3.9 m.
(a) Represent. Draw a standing wave diagram for the first three harmonics (the first three standing wave modes). You
may assume that there is a node at each end of the spring.
(b) Calculate. How many wavelengths are found in the length of the medium? What is the size of one wavelength?
(c) Calculate and Describe. Waves travel with a speed of 6.1 m/s in your spring. Determine the first three resonant
frequencies for your spring. What do you notice about the pattern of frequencies?
Length = __ 
Standing Wave Diagram
7.8 m
Represent and Calculate. You hold one end of a new meter stick against the desk. The length of the vibrating part of
the stick is 0.75 m and it vibrates in its first harmonic with a frequency of 5.3 Hz. What are the frequencies of the next
two harmonics? (Hint: find the wave speed v which is the same for all three harmonics.)
Standing Wave Diagram
L=__ 
To decide whether resonance will occur in a medium, the driving frequency must match one of the possible standing wave
frequencies. Another way of thinking about this is the wavelength of the driven wave must match the wavelength of a
possible standing wave pattern. We call these ideas the resonance condition for a driving force and a medium.
Calculate and Explain. You create a wave that has a wavelength of 84 cm in a spring stretched out to a distance of 126
cm. You may assume there is a node at each end of the spring. Will resonance occur? (Hint: find the wavelength of the
first few harmonics and check if this matches your driven wave).
Calculate and Explain. The two ends of a spring are held fixed on the ground 1.81 m apart. Waves travel in the spring
at 4.7 m/s. A student drives the spring using a frequency of 2.9 Hz. Will resonance occur?
© 2014 C. Meyer
SPH3U: Resonance
A: The Little Driving Goes a Long Way
Your teacher has a short section of a slinky stretched vertically and fixed at each
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
Observe (as a class). Your teacher will pull the slinky to one side and release it (plucking it). Describe what you
observe. Even though it dies away, does the slinky’s motion resemble any patterns we have seen before?
If you tap (snap, pluck, hit) an object and let it vibrate freely, it will vibrate most strongly at its natural frequency. The
natural frequency results from the object vibrating in its simplest standing wave pattern, also known as the fundamental
As an alternative to plucking, we can create a vibration using a continuous, periodic (regularly changing) driving force
applied to the medium.
Observe (as a class). Your teacher will hold onto a coil of the spring at different positions
and exert a periodic driving force. What is the best position along the medium to exert a
driving force and produce a large standing wave pattern?
Observe (as a class). When the standing wave is produced, estimate the amplitude of the
driving motion (your teacher’s hand) and the amplitude of the standing wave. How do
these compare?
Represent. Draw a standing wave diagram for the spring vibrating at its natural
frequency. Label the nodes, antinodes and the location you noticed was best for driving
the spring.
Observe (as a class). Compare the frequency of the driving force and the frequency of the standing wave. Watch again
as your teacher changes the frequency of the driving force. What happens to the vibrations if we change the frequency of
the driving force by a small amount higher or lower?
A small, periodic driving force can cause an object to vibrate with a large amplitude. This phenomenon is called resonance.
An object will resonate when the driving frequency matches one of the object’s resonance frequencies or harmonics. The
resonance frequencies (harmonic frequencies) are the frequencies of the different possible standing wave patterns for that
particular medium. If the driving frequency is slightly higher or lower than a resonance frequency, the response (the
amplitude of the vibration) in the object is much smaller and the vibrating pattern will not be regular.
Explain. Why is the situation we have just observed an example of resonance?
B: Find the Natural Frequency
Observe. Hang a small mass from the bottom of a short segment of your spring. Give it a downwards pull and release it
(a pluck). Describe what you observe. Measure the frequency that it naturally vibrates at.
Reason. What characteristics of your spring-mass system could you change so it vibrates at a different natural
frequency? What about changing the size of your downwards pull? (observe this carefully!)
Observe. Hold a metre stick against the surface of your desk with one part hanging beyond the edge. Pluck the free end
of the meter stick. What characteristics of the vibrating section of the meter stick can you change to change the natural
frequency? Describe what you observe.
Represent. Draw a standing wave diagram for the vibrating portion of the
meter stick after your pluck. Label nodes, antinodes and other measurements
you made.
Reason. What fraction of a wavelength is illustrated in your standing wave
diagram? Label this by indicating that the length (L) of the vibrating section is
equal to some fraction of 
Observe. Now hold the middle of the meter stick tightly across the corner of your desk. Pluck one end. Describe what
you observe. Measure the length of the vibrating system.
Represent. Draw a standing wave diagram for the meter stick after your pluck.
Label nodes, antinodes and other measurements you made.
Reason. What fraction of a wavelength is illustrated in your standing wave
C: Wine Glass Resonance
Observe. You will use a wine glass at the front of the classroom. Gently tap the side of the glass. You hear a sound
which corresponds to the glass vibrating at its natural frequency.
Observe. Wet the tip of your finger. Slowly and gently rub it around the rim of the glass until you hear a sound. How
does the frequency of the sound (the pitch) compare with the ding you heard when tapping it?
This is an example of resonance. Your wet finger skips across the edge of the glass providing the driving force and causing
the wine glass to vibrate at its natural frequency.
Predict. What could you do to change the natural frequency of the glass? (Hint: think of water!) Make a prediction: How
would the change you describe affect the natural frequency?
Test. Test this out. Describe your results.
SPH3U: Sound Waves
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: Longitudinal Waves
Explain. All of the waves we have studied so far have been transverse
waves. Remind yourself: What is a transverse wave?
Observe. You need a slinky segment for the next part of this investigation. Stretch it out across your desk. Attach a
small piece of tape to a coil near the middle of the slinky. Stretch out the slinky with a fair amount of tension. Don’t
over-stretch the slinky and damage it! Have someone pull the coils towards the hand of the person holding down an
end. Release the coils and describe what you observe.
Represent. Illustrate
with arrows how the
piece of tape moves.
The particles in a longitudinal wave move parallel to the direction of the wave pulse. A longitudinal wave will cause some
regions of the medium to become compressed, producing a compression where the density of the medium has increased. It
will also cause some regions to become stretched out, producing a rarefaction where the density of the medium has
Represent. Label the regions of compression or rarefaction in the diagram above.
Explain. The coils of a slinky at rest are shown below at two moments in time. At one moment, the slinky is at rest. At
the second moment, a wave travels in the slinky. Every fourth coil in the slinky has been labeled.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |│| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | ||||| | | | | | | | | │ | | | | | | | | | | | | ||||
Label the coils at the second moment in time. Which coil has the greatest displacement at the second moment in
time? Explain how you decided.
b) Which coil has the least displacement at the second moment in time? Explain.
Draw the interval that corresponds to one wavelength of the wave. Is this distance (the wavelength) the same as the
amplitude? Explain.
© 2015 C. Meyer
B: The Sound Wave
A sound wave is any kind of longitudinal wave that travels through a medium. The sound waves we are most familiar with
are those that travel through air. A vibrating object causes a disturbance in the air particles around it and this disturbance
travels outwards as a longitudinal wave.
When you put on your ear phones and crank up your mp3 player, a tiny
membrane in the earphone vibrates back and forth creating a sound wave in the
air near your ears. The diagram below shows the membrane and the air
particles, both initially at rest.
Observe. How do the air particles appear to be
If we could watch a video of these particles, they would be
travelling in random directions, bouncing off one another.
This is the equilibrium state of the medium of air. When we
study longitudinal waves, we will ignore the random
vibrations of the air molecules.
Observe. Now the membrane begins to vibrate.
Describe what happens to the spacing of the air particles
near the membrane.
Observe. The membrane now moves in the opposite
direction. Describe what happens to the particles near
the membrane.
The regions where the medium is compressed have a high air pressure and regions where the medium is rarefied have a low
air pressure. Sound is a pressure wave. The diagrams above are good illustrations of how a sound wave is created by any
vibrating source – not just your headphones!
Represent. Label the regions of high and low pressure in the diagrams above.
Observe. One air particle has been emphasized in black. Describe its overall motion. Trace its path on the bottom
diagram. How does this motion agree with our understanding that sound is a longitudinal wave?
The regions of high and low pressure travel outwards from the vibrating object. If we could see this, it would look like a
spherical shell expanding outwards from the source. The individual air particles do not travel any great distance – typically
around a billionth of a metre (nm). They simply oscillate back and forth, more or less in place (ignoring the random motions).
It is the regions of high and low pressure that move outwards.
Predict. Isaac holds a tissue near the front of a speaker creating a loud sound. He claims that if he releases the tissue, it
will “blow away” due to the sound waves travelling outwards like a wind. You are not sure, but propose an experiment:
Put a speaker in a sealed plastic bag. What prediction will Isaac make for what happens to the sound? Will he expect to
hear anything? According to our model of a sound wave above, what do you predict will happen? We will test this as a
C: Representing Sound Waves
Drawing realistic sound waves or any type of longitudinal wave is very challenging, but luckily it can be simplified using a
nice trick.
Represent. For both the air particle and
slinky-coil diagrams, label the regions of
high and low pressure with the letters “H”
and “L”
Reason. Does the interval between two
compressions represent the period or wave
length in these illustrations? Explain. Label
these intervals on the diagrams.
The first diagram to the right shows the air
particles involved in a periodic sound wave. The
diagram below it shows an identical wave,
represented by slinky-type “coils”.
Represent. Plot on the graph below a data point for each high and low pressure region on the diagrams above.
Predict. The pressure will change smoothly from high to low. What will the complete the graph look like? Sketch this on
the graph above.
A sound wave can be represented on the computer using a microphone. When the high and low pressure regions reach the
microphone, they push against the microphone surface. The electronics convert the changing pressure into a changing voltage
which the computer can read and display in a graph. We will call this the pressure graph of a sound wave. A pressure graph
may have either time or position along the horizontal axis, like the earlier graphs we studied.
Test. Use the microphone attached to the computer to
verify your predicted pressure graph for the sound wave
created by a vibrating tuning fork. Be sure to strike the
fork with a proper mallet or on something soft. Sketch
what you observe and label the axes of the graph.
Reason. In this pressure graph, is the interval between
two adjacent crests the period or wavelength of the sound
wave? Explain how you can tell. Label these intervals
with arrows.
SPH3U: Sound Waves Homework
A speaker creates a steady sound wave, represented by a
pressure-position graph.
(a) Represent. Complete an illustration of the air particles and
“slinky-coils” according to this graph.
(b) Interpret. For each diagram, decide whether it illustrates
the wave’s period or wavelength. Label this on each.
(c) Reason. We increase the frequency of the sound the
speaker makes. Explain how the three diagrams will
A dust particle floats in the air in front of a speaker. The speaker is turned on and
produces a sound with a constant frequency and amplitude.
(a) Represent. Describe the motion (including direction!) of the dust particle.
Illustrate this on the diagram.
dust particle
(b) Reason. The frequency and amplitude of the sound are both doubled. What will happen to the motion of the dust
(c) Represent. Sketch a displacement-time graph for the dust
particle in each situation above. Label the differences seen in the
two graphs.
We can use a displacement-time graph to represent the displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position at each
moment in time. This type of graph is different from the pressure graphs we studied in class. A pressure graph does not show
how far a particle has been displaced from equilibrium.
Calculate and Explain. A dust particle floats in the air in front of a speaker. Initially the speaker produces a sound
that causes the dust particle to move with an amplitude of 2 nm (1 nm = 10 -9 m) and a frequency of 256 Hz. Later the
speaker produces a sound that causes the dust particle to move with an amplitude of 4 nm and a frequency of 180 Hz.
In which situation will the dust particle move the greatest distance in 10 seconds? Explain your reasoning.
SPH3U: The Propagation of Sound
A: Two Dimensional Sound Waves
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A student is sitting in a classroom and her cell phone rings! During class! This
scandalous event is shown in the diagram to the right. Four students are also shown in the
diagram and they are labelled A, B, C, and D. Student B has the ringing phone.
1. Which students can hear the sound from the cell phone? Explain. (There are no
obstructions in the room.)
2. Technically speaking, do all the students hear the ring at the same time, or different
times? Explain.
If we could picture a sound wave, we would see a circular wave (well, actually a spherical wave) of compressions and
rarefactions travelling outwards from the source. We can represent these regions of compression and rarefaction as circles.
For convenience, we will choose to have the dark line represent the crest of the wave (compression).
3. A pure sound tone which has only one
frequency will produce a regular, steady series
of circles. Two examples are illustrated to the
(a) Use arrows to label the crests
(compressions) and troughs
(b) What does the distance from one dark
band to the next represent?
(c) Which wave has the higher frequency?
Explain how you can tell.
(d) Which wave has been traveling for the most time? Explain how you can tell.
4. Draw a circle showing a sound wave that has just reached student D. Who has already heard this sound? Who has not
heard it yet?
5. Normally we don’t notice the difference in times when each student hears the sound. Why?
© 2014 C. Meyer
6. Can you think of any situation where you have noticed a delay in the sound that you hear? Describe what is happening
during one such experience.
B: The Speed of Sound
The speed of sound in air is given by the equation: v = 331 m/s +  0.59 m / s  T, where T is the air temperature in degrees
C 
Celsius. The warmer it is, the greater the speed of sound. Sound can travel through all sorts of materials – gases (like air),
liquids (like water) and solids (like the earth). The speed of sound also depends roughly on the density of the medium the
sound waves travel through. A higher density medium generally produces a greater speed of sound.
What is the speed of sound in this room right now? You may need to make a simple measurement.
Describe a situation in which you have heard sounds waves travelling through
(a) a liquid:
(b) a solid:
3. What would happen in space? Imagine a foolish astronaut takes off his/her helmet and shouts!
SPH3U: The Propagation of Sound Homework
Calculate and Explain. A 30 cm violin string vibrates in its fundamental mode and produces a concert A pitch of 440
Hz. The temperature of the room is 21oC.
(a)What is the speed of the wave in the violin string? What is the speed of the wave in the air?
(b) Explain how you chose which information to use in the two calculations above.
Calculate. A deep, dark well has vertical sides and water at the bottom. You clap your hand and hear the sound wave
from your clap return 0.42 s later. The air in the well is cool, with a temperature of 14oC. How far down in the well is the
water surface? (Use a solution sheet for this question)
Calculate. You are at a large outdoor concert, seated 300 m from the speaker system. It is a cool summer evening with a
temperature of 18oC. The concert is broadcast live via satellite (at the speed of light, 3.0 x 10 8 m/s). Consider a listener
5000 km away from the broadcast. Who hears the music first, you or the listener and by what time difference? (Use a
solution sheet for this question)
SPH3U: The Interference of Sound
A: Fiddly Dee, Dee-Dee, Two Speakers
Your teacher has two speakers set up at the front of the class that will produce
identical sound waves. These two waves will meet and, like all waves, interfere.
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
Predict. When the two waves meet and interfere constructively, what do you think you will hear? What if they interfere
Test. (as a class) Listen carefully and describe what you hear as you move around the room.
B: Beats
Your teacher has two large tuning forks attached to resonance boxes and one additional tuning fork at the front of the class.
Observe. Listen to the sound of the tuning fork with and without a resonance box. Describe what you notice.
Reason. The tuning fork with a resonance box attached is an example of, surprisingly enough, resonance. Explain how
the resonance is working in this situation.
Predict. Your teacher attaches a small mass to the tine of a tuning fork. What effect will this have on the frequency of
the fork’s vibrations? Justify your prediction.
Observe. Listen to the sound of the tuning fork with the added mass. Do you notice any difference?
Small differences in a wave are often very hard to notice until that wave interferes with another wave. This is the principle
behind the technique of interferometry which is used in many fields of science. (Check out the Wikipedia entry!)
Observe. Your teacher now strikes the two forks together so the two waves interfere. Describe what you hear.
Observe. Now we move the small mass a bit higher up the tine of the tuning fork. Describe what you hear.
Speculate. The pulsing pattern is telling us something about the difference in the frequencies of each fork. Which fork
has the higher frequency? How did moving the mass change the frequency?
Observe. Measure the frequency of the pulsing pattern.
© 2013 C. Meyer
Two sound waves with slightly different frequencies interfere and produce beats. Our ears perceive this as a throbbing or
pulsing sound. The frequency of the throbbing sound is called the beat frequency which can be found by taking the absolute
value of the difference in the original sound wave frequencies: fb = |f2 – f1|. Reminder: the absolute value signs always make fb
a positive value. This throbbing sound is often heard when musical instruments are slightly out of tune.
Calculate. What is the frequency of the tuning fork with the mass on it?
C: The Characteristics of a Musical Sound
In the graph to the right is a very simple sound wave that
we will use for our comparisons. This sound wave is an
idealized one, but is very close to that produced by a tuning
fork. Answer questions 1-3 below and then we will check
your predictions using the computer oscilloscope.
We now strike the same tuning fork harder so the
sound it makes is louder (the only difference). What
characteristic of the wave would change? Sketch your
prediction to the right.
Next we strike a smaller tuning fork that has a higher
pitch. What characteristic of the wave would change?
Sketch your prediction to the right.
Finally, we choose a musical instrument and produce a
sound with the same pitch and loudness as the tuning
fork. Here the sound has a different quality or timbre.
What characteristic of the wave do you think would
change? This is a hard one – just make a guess!
Define the following terms based on your observations of the computer results.
(a) loudness:
(b) pitch:
(c) timbre:
When a real object like the string on a violin or the air in a flute vibrates, it can vibrate in many modes at the same time.
These modes or harmonics interfere according to the superposition principle and create sound waves with more complex
shapes or waveforms. The particular combination of harmonics is what gives a musical instrument or a person’s voice its
distinctiveness. A pure tone has very few harmonics and a complex tone has many.
Next, we will blow on the microphone which will
create white noise. Describe (don’t draw yet) what
you think the graph for white noise might look like.
In a previous investigation, we explored the
phenomena of beats. Describe (don’t draw yet) what
you think the graph might look like.
SPH3U: Interference of Sound Homework
Musicians know all about beats. It is very hard to tune an instrument simply by playing the note and deciding if it sounds
right. It is much easier to play the note at the same time as the in-tune note, have the two notes interfere and listen for the
beats that result.
Calculate and Explain. Most stringed instruments gradually go flat (frequencies decrease) as the strings lose their
tension. Yesterday, you had your guitar A string (440 Hz) properly tuned. Today, you pick up your instrument and play
your A string along with a friend who is properly tuned. You are shocked as you hear the pulsing of beats. You notice
3.0 beats per second. What is the frequency of your A string today? Explain your answer.
Calculate and Explain. Wind instrument players don’t have it any easier. The tuning of their instruments will change
depending on the temperature of the room. So as the band gets going and the room heats up, their tunings will go sharp
(frequencies increase). At the start of band class you and the vibraphone are properly tuned and play a C with a
frequency of 523 Hz. Later on, you and the vibraphone play the C again and hear 4 beats per second. The vibraphone
remained correctly tuned. What is the frequency of your C? Explain your answer.
The top two graphs to the right show two sound
waves with slightly different frequencies. The air
temperature is 21oC. The bottom graph shows the
two waves overlapping but without interfering.
(a) Calculate. Measure the wavelength directly off
the page. What is the wavelength and frequency
of each of the two waves?
(b) Calculate. What is the beat frequency?
(c) Represent. On the bottom graph label where constructive and destructive interference will occur. Label where the
sound will be loud and soft.
4. Calculate. A tuning fork of unknown frequency makes three beats per second with a standard fork of
frequency 384 Hz. The beat frequency decreases when a small piece of wax is put on a prong of the unknown
fork. What is the frequency of this fork?
5. Calculate. Here is an example of two harmonics sounding at
the same time and interfering, creating a new timbre. Use the
superposition principle to find the shape of the graph when
they interfere!
© 2014 C. Meyer
SPH3U: The Vibrating String Homework
When we pluck or bow a string it will vibrate most strongly in its fundamental mode (at its natural frequency). When we
study the frequency or length of string vibrations we will always assume it is vibrating in this mode.
Represent. Show the standing wave pattern for the violin string when
we play the low A, the E and the high A. Note that the original, 32.5
cm portion of the string is shown in the diagram. Make sure it is clear
which portion of the string is vibrating and which is not.
Calculate. Use the results from your chart in today’s investigation. What is the speed of the waves traveling in the violin
string when we play an E?
Calculate. When a violin string produces the note A-440, a particle of the string at the antinode moves 2 mm from its
equilibrium position. What distance will this particle have moved after 2 seconds?
Calculate. You are practicing your violin and play an A-440. Then you play a B-flat which is one semi-tone higher. The
ratio of the two frequencies is 1.059 / 1. What is the frequency of the B-flat? What is the vibrating length of the string?
Calculate. An octave is the musical interval between two notes with a frequency ratio of 2/1. A-440 is the standard
frequency used to tune modern instruments. What are the frequencies of the A’s that are one and two octaves above A440 and one and two octaves below A-440?
Calculate. A spring 4.7 m long vibrates with a frequency of 3.7 Hz in its fundamental mode. You hold the spring down
so that only a 2.1 m section can vibrate (without changing any other characteristics of the spring). What is the natural
frequency of this section?
© 2013 C. Meyer
SPH3U: The Vibrating String
One of the most ancient topics in physics is the study of the vibration of strings.
The patterns of vibrating strings have fascinated people from Pythagoras all the
way to the present day where you may have heard of the theory of subatomic
particles known as “String Theory” from the TV show The Big Bang Theory.
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: String Theory
For this investigation you will build your own sonometer – a device to help study the vibration of
strings. To do this you will need a tissue box, two pens or pencils, and a couple of elastics that can
easily fit around the box. Assemble your sonometer according to the diagram. The elastic vibrates in
the space between the two pencils. The elastics push on the box periodically which begins to resonate
with the elastic. This amplifies the sound.
Slide one of the pencils closer to the other. Describe what happens to the pitch of the sound of the
When the string is one half its original length, describe how the pitch of the original and new sounds compare. If you
have a hard time describing, see if there is a violin, guitar, erhu, or zheng player in your group or a nearby one.
Set the pencils far apart. Pull on the elastic along the side of the box. What characteristic of the elastic are you changing
when you pull on it? Describe what happens to the pitch of the sound?
Choose a different elastic and remove the current one on the box. Place the two side by side and describe how they are
Predict how their pitches will compare.
Put both on to the box side by side. Do the sounds agree with your prediction? Offer a reason why or why not.
What conclusions can you make about the relationship between frequency and length and between frequency and
© 2013 C. Meyer
B: Frequency and Length – A Violin Lesson
The shorter the vibrating string, the higher the frequency. For a given string with a fixed tension that is vibrating in
the same harmonic, we have the relationship: f2 / f1 = L1 / L2, where f1 and L1 are the original frequency and length of
the string and f2 and L2 are the new frequency and length. The ratio between two frequencies f2 / f1 defines a musical
violin fingerboard
The standard violin has its “A” string tuned to the pitch known as A-440, meaning a
frequency of 440 Hz. Its four strings vibrate between the nut and the bridge – a
distance of 32.5 cm. By placing your fingers on the fingerboard you change the length
and frequency of the string.
The chart below shows the ratios for some typical musical intervals. According to
the ratios, how does the frequency of a note a perfect fifth higher compare with
the lower note?
According to the ratios, how should the length of the string should be changed to
produce the note ‘E’.
Calculate the frequency of the note E and the length of the string that produces it.
nut 
 bridge
Complete the chart below for each new pitch. Always use A-440 as f1. Calculate the
new lengths of the string for each note.
Major Second
f2 / f1
Major Third
Perfect Fourth
Perfect Fifth
Major Sixth
Major Seventh
15 / 8
Perfect Octave
4. Now we will test the results of your calculations. The left edge of this page is labelled “violin fingerboard”. Your
challenge is to mark and label the positions that you should place your fingers along the violin fingerboard to
produce each new note. You will slide this paper under the violin’s strings and make the sounds! Note that the top
edge of your page will be slid right up to the nut, like shown in the diagram. The top of the page is the 32.5 cm
Note: you do not need to memorize any intervals for a test or exam!
SPH3U: Resonance in Air Columns
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
You may, or may not, be an accomplished bathroom shower singer. If you are, you
are likely well acquainted with resonance in the shower. You might have noticed
that while singing, if you find the right pitch, the loudness of your voice increases
significantly and surprisingly. Something about the sound wave you created matched the volume of air you are in and
resonance was the result!
A: Searching for Resonance in Air
Reminder. What was the condition for resonance to occur?
Speculate. What characteristics determine the natural frequencies for a fixed volume of air like your shower?
Reason. You have a hollow tube with an adjustable length and a variety of tuning forks. You hold the vibrating fork near
the opening of the tube, but hear nothing special (no resonance). Explain what characteristics of this situation you might
change in order to produce resonance.
B: Standing Waves in an Air Column
You need a large graduated cylinder, a long plastic tube, a metre stick and a tuning fork (512 Hz are best). Fill
the cylinder with water until about 5 cm from the top. Have one group member in charge of making sure it
does not tip over during the investigation.
Observe. Strike and hold the tuning fork just above the tube. Slowly raise the tube from the bottom until
you hear the first resonance – the sound will suddenly become louder. Keep striking the fork so it doesn’t
become too soft.
Explain. Why is this situation an example of resonance? What is the driving force? What part do you
think is resonating?
Predict. Emmy says, “I think the plastic tube itself is resonating and producing the loud sound we hear.” Marie says, “I
think the air inside the tube is resonating and producing the loud sound we hear.” Isaac says, “We need to test these two
theories!” Your group will set up the air column so you hear the resonance and then have a group member hold the sides
of the tube (don’t do this yet!) Predict what will happen when the sides are held according to Emmy’s theory and Marie’s
Test and Evaluate. Now you may conduct your test and evaluate the two hypotheses you created. Explain.
A standing wave forms when waves travel through a medium, reflect off the ends and interfere with waves travelling in the
opposite direction (just like we studied with the springs). Sounds waves travel up and down the air column and reflect off the
bottom end (the water surface) and the top end (the opening of the tube). The sound wave behaves differently at the two
boundaries of this air column which we call the boundary conditions. One boundary condition is the closed end (our water
© 2014 C. Meyer
surface). Here the air particles cannot be easily displaced because they are pushed up against the water surface. This creates a
displacement node in the standing wave pattern. At the closed end, most of the wave’s energy reflects back up the tube. The
other boundary condition is the open end (the top of our tube). Here the air particles are easily displaced (no hard surface
blocks them) and a displacement anti-node is created. At an open end, some of the wave’s energy is reflected back into the
tube (helping to create the standing wave) and some is transmitted into the open air around it, producing the sound wave that
we hear.
Represent. The diagram to the right represents the
air particles in your air column (tilted sideways)
when a standing wave is present. Use arrows to show
the size and direction of the displacement of the
highlighted air particles. Label the boundary
conditions at each end. Describe what direction the
air particles move in and what direction the sounds
waves move in.
Water surface
Top end
Represent. To illustrate a standing wave, we can draw a standing wave diagram for
the air column that shows the nodes and anti-nodes. This first example shows the
fundamental mode (first harmonic) – the simplest standing wave pattern for your air
column. Label the nodes and antinodes on this diagram.
Explain. We don’t see a complete wavelength (or cycle) in this diagram. What fraction of the wavelength of this sound
wave fits in your air column?
C: Finding Resonant Lengths
How does the length of an open-closed air column affect resonance?
Explain. Why is your air column called an open-closed air column?
Observe. Lift your tube up and down through a wide range of lengths. Does resonance occur at only one length? How
many difference resonances (resonant lengths) do you notice?
Reason. When changing to another resonant length does the wavelength (or frequency) of the sound change? How can
you tell?
Reason. As an example, think of a string fixed at both ends with a standing wave. The wavelength of the standing wave
is not changing, but the length of the string is. Draw some sample standing wave diagrams to help illustrate how this is
Find a Pattern. As the length of the medium gradually increases, what happens to the number of nodes and anti-nodes?
Observe and Represent. Make
sure you have found the shortest
air column that produces a
resonance. This is called the first
resonant length. Use a ruler to
measure the length of air
column. Draw the standing
wave diagram for the particle
displacements. How many
wavelengths long is this pattern?
Complete row 1 of the chart.
L (cm)
L ()
Standing Wave Diagram
Explain. Based on your measurement and the diagram, explain how you can determine the wavelength of the sound
Observe. Continue the experiment by looking for the second resonant length. This is the next length that will hold a
standing wave pattern based on the frequency of the fork. Measure the length of this air and complete row 2 of the chart.
Double check: if your diagrams are correct, the wavelengths in each should look the same.
Summarize. When an air column is increased in length from one resonant length to the next, what fraction of a
wavelength is added to the standing wave pattern? (This is true for all standing wave patterns!)
D: Finding a Resonant Frequency
For this investigation you will use a large cardboard tube and a signal generator with a speaker set up at the front of the class.
The cardboard tube has two open ends. To produce resonance this time, we won’t change the length of the air column.
Instead, we will change the frequency of the sound and find the frequencies that create a standing wave in the air column
(like in the shower!)
An open-open air column has the boundary condition of two open ends. When resonance occurs and a standing wave is
created in this air column, there is an antinode at each of the open ends.
Represent. The simplest
standing wave pattern that can
form in an open air column
with a fixed length has one
node in the centre and one
antinode at each end. Draw this
standing wave in the chart.
L (cm)
L = __
Standing Wave Diagram
Reason. Measure the length of
the tube. What fraction of a
wavelength is in the air
column? Complete the first row of the chart.
Predict. What is the frequency of the first harmonic? (You will need to make one more measurement to make this
Represent. The second harmonic will have an additional node in the standing wave pattern. Complete the second row of
the chart. Doubler check: are the lengths of your two standing wave diagrams the same?
Reason. Will the frequency of the second harmonic be higher or lower than the first? Explain.
Predict. What is the frequency of the second harmonic?
Predict. Quickly predict a few more harmonics. Try it!
Observe. Time to use the equipment! Adjust the frequency of the signal generator and watch the oscilloscope for the
resonance. How can you tell when you have reached a resonance frequency?
Test. Determine the resonance frequencies from the signal generator. How do these compare with your two predictions?
10. Predict. The air column of most wind instruments is open-open. Take the length measurements for a particular note on
the wind instrument your teacher has. Draw a standing wave diagram. Calculate the frequency of the first harmonic.
11. Test. Use the frequency analyzer to find the frequency of the instrument. How does this compare with your prediction?
SPH3U: Resonance in Air Columns Homework
Complete these questions on your solution sheets. For B: Physics Representations, draw any wave diagram or helpful
graphs of the waves. For C: Word Representation, describe the wave patterns or particle motion.
A deep, dark well with vertical sides and water at the bottom resonates at 7.00 Hz and at no lower frequency. (The airfilled portion of the well acts as a tube with one end closed and one open end.) The air in the well is cool, with a
temperature of 14oC. How far down in the well is the water surface?
A clarinet behaves as an open-closed column of air with the open end at the bell and the closed end at the reed. Claudia
blows very gently – just enough to play a low A with a frequency of 220 Hz. She then blows harder (overblows) using
the same fingering and produces the next higher note (the next mode). What is the frequency of the higher note? Can you
determine its pitch? (Hints: how does λ compare in the two situations? Use the universal wave equation to compare the
frequencies. Consult the violin page for the pitch!)
The air column of your steamy shower (26oC) is closed-closed since the sound will reflect off two solid walls at the front
and back of the shower. The distance between the two walls is 1.50 m. Draw a standing wave diagram. What are the first
two resonant frequencies?
SPH3U: Build a Musical Instrument!
Hand in this sheet with your instrument and poster
Group Members: ___________________________
Instrument Name: ___________________________
Proposal due date: ____________________
Instrument and poster due date: _______________________
Your task is to design and build a musical instrument, and then present it to the class.
Instrument Specifications:
 The instrument must be capable of playing a one octave (8 note) major scale.
 You may not use parts for actual instruments except for strings
 It cannot be a rubber band tissue box or set of glasses (glass harmonica)!
 You may not use the school shop for this project! Please speak to your teacher if you need help with any
 Give a two-minute maximum description of the instrument – how it works, how you built it
 Perform a major scale and simple song
 Each group member must participate in the presentation
 Use diagrams or photos of your actual instrument to explain how it works and how it creates the different notes. Any
images you use must be your own.
 Include standing wave diagrams and sample calculation illustrating how your instrument produces different
 Physics terminology is important!
 Size = 8½ x 11 page
Proposal (5 marks)
Handed-in on time, diagram of instrument design, time-line for group work, list of who does what,
reflects final instrument
Poster (10 marks)
Explanation (5 marks): physics concepts used and well explained, clear organization, application to
instrument clearly explained, calculations correct, diagrams correct
Grammar, Spelling (2 marks): correct English usage
Appearance (3 marks): visually pleasing, clear layout and organization, use of headings, diagrams
Instrument (25 marks)
Design and Construction (10 marks): construction neatly done, sturdy workmanship, good use of
materials, interesting or creative ideas, challenging design
Musical Capabilities (10 marks): has 8 note major scale, in tune, easy to play, good sound
Visual Appearance (5 marks): attractively made or decorated
Total Mark:
SPH3U: Harmonics Review
A string is stretched out and fixed at both ends. The different standing wave patterns that can form in the string are called
the harmonics. Complete the chart below, which describes the different standing wave patterns for string fixed at both
# of
# of
# of 
Compared to fo
How are the following quantities related to the harmonic?
a) The number of antinodes
b) The number of nodes
c) The number of wavelengths
In columns of air, the pattern of harmonics is slightly different and this depends on the type of air column. Complete the
chart below.
Open-Closed Columns
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 3
# of
nodes =
# of
nodes =
 of
antinodes =
 of
antinodes =
 of
antinodes =
 of  =
 of  =
 of  =
1 fo
Open-open Columns
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 3
# of
nodes =
# of
nodes =
# of
nodes =
 of
antinodes =
 of
antinodes =
 of
antinodes =
 of  =
 of  =
 of  =
1 fo
# of
nodes =
SPH3U: The Flow of Electricity
How do electric circuits work? What happens when we flick on the light switch
at home? In this investigation, we begin to explore how electrical circuits work.
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: How Many Ways Can You Light a Bulb?
You will need a battery, a light bulb and a single wire.
In the chart below, connect the three items together in a variety of ways. Draw a sketch (not a circuit diagram!) of two
arrangements that cause the bulb to light on the left and two arrangements that don’t on the right.
Bulb lights
Bulb doesn’t light
According to your examples, what conditions are necessary for the bulb to light? How are those conditions not satisfied
in the arrangements that don’t light up?
A closed circuit is one in which electricity can flow. An open circuit does not allow current to flow.
Describe how a circuit must be built in order to create a closed electric circuit. Label the circuits above as open or closed.
B: Investigating Current Flow
Briefly connect the bare wire from one end of the battery to the other. (Don’t leave it attached too long or you will ruin
the battery!) Describe how the wire and the battery feel.
Feel the wire in a few different places. What do you think is happening at one place compared to the others?
The flow of electricity is called the electron current, or just simply, the current. We picture this as the movement of negative
charges (the electrons) through the parts of an electric circuit.
Adapted from Workshop Physics Activity Guide: 4 – Electricity and Magnetism, Laws, John Wiley & Sons, 2004
Based on your observations of the circuit in question B #2, in which parts do you think current flows?
C: Measuring Current Flow
An ammeter is a tool that measures the size and direction of the current that flows through it. Electric current is measured in
units of amperes or amps (A). Remember that current is the flow of electric charge. The unit for electric charge is the
coulomb (C) which represents a very large number of individual electrons (just like a dozen represents a large number of
eggs!) One amp of current is defined as one coulomb of charge flowing past a point every second. This can be shown with
the equation: I = Q/t, where I is the current, Q is the number of electrons measured in coulombs and t is the interval of
time during which the charge flows.
To measure the current travelling through one part of a circuit, simply
“insert” the ammeter into that location in the circuit. Set up the circuit as
shown in the diagram to the right.
What is the value of the current in amperes? Is it positive or negative?
Reverse the leads going into and out of the ammeter. Explain what
happened to the meter reading.
D: A Model for Current Flow
Examine the four diagrams below and the explanations provided with each. Explain which you think provides the best
model for the flow of the electric current.
Model A:
There will be no electric current left
to flow in the top wire. The current
is used up in the bulb.
Model B:
The electric current will travel in a
direction toward the bulb in both
Model C:
The direction of the current will be
in the direction shown, but there
will be less current in the return
Model D:
The direction of the current will be
as shown, and it will be the same in
both wires.
Your goal is to make some measurements which will clearly indicate which model is correct. Decide what circuit you
should build to test the models. Draw a picture of the circuit and show where you will place the ammeter in order to
make the necessary readings. Record your measurements (including the sign) along side your diagram.
Explain how your measurements eliminate three of the models and confirm the fourth. Call your teacher over to explain
your results.
Apply. Does the location of the open switch in the circuit change whether or not the bulb lights up? Use your new theory
of current flow to help explain.
SPH3U: Electric Circuits and Voltage Homework
The voltage tells us something about the energy transfers that take place within an
electric circuit. Let’s follow one coulomb of electrons on their journey around the simple
circuit you built in class.
Calculate and Explain. Between points 1 and 2 in the circuit, how much energy
does one coulomb of electrons gain or lose? Remember that you used a 9V battery in
your circuit! Show your calculation.
Interpret and Represent. We chose the coulomb of electrons to be our
system. The symbols Ee1 and Ee2 represent the amount of electrical energy the
electrons have at moments 1 and 2. Interpret what the bar chart tells us about
the transfers of energy between points 1 and 2 in the circuit. Complete the
energy flow diagram.
2 ●
3 ●
1 ●
4 ●
Ee1 + Wext= Ee2
Flow 1-2
Interpret and Represent. Interpret what the bar chart tells us about the
transfers of energy between points 2 and 3 in the circuit. Complete the energy
flow diagram.
Ee2 + Wext= Ee3
Flow 2-3
Represent and Explain. Between points 3 and 4 in the circuit the electrons
travel through the load. Complete the energy flow diagram and bar chart.
Explain what they tell us about the transfers of energy.
Ee3 + Wext= Ee4
Flow 3-4
Represent and Explain. Between points 4 and 1 in the circuit the electrons
travel through a wire. Complete the energy flow diagram and bar chart. Explain
what they tell us about the transfers of energy.
Ee4 + Wext= Ee1
Flow 4-1
© C. Meyer, 2014
SPH3U: Electric Circuits and Voltage
A: Drawing Electric Circuit Diagrams
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A circuit diagram is a simplified drawing of an electric circuit. Instead of drawing pictures of the parts in a circuit, we use
simple symbols like the ones shown below. Any wires are drawn using straight lines and right angle corners. It is important
to remember that a circuit diagram shows the electrical connections of a circuit, not its physical layout.
The circuit you built in part C of the previous investigation has a circuit diagram that is shown below.
Draw the circuit diagram (do it neatly with a ruler!) for the circuits shown below.
B: Voltage Rise and Drop
A battery is a device that transfers the chemical energy of the battery to the electrical energy of the electrons which can then
flow through a circuit. A charge (an electron) moving through a battery will go from a low electrical energy to a high
electrical energy. The electric potential difference (∆V) is the gain in energy by each unit of electric charge. The unit for
potential difference is volts (V) and electric potential difference is often referred to as voltage. A voltmeter measures the
change in energy of a unit of charge between two points in a circuit.
Test. Construct this circuit in the simulator. Now you need to explore the circuit
using a voltmeter. Are there any ways you can connect the leads of the voltmeter
to the circuit such that it gives a reading of zero volts? You should be able to find
a few possibilities. Draw the voltmeter and its leads on the diagram to the right
and record the meter readings next to the meter symbol.
Interpret. Explain what the zero volt measurements tell us about the energy of
the charges as they travel past one lead to the other. Interpret each case you
Adapted from Workshop Physics Activity Guide: 4 – Electricity and Magnetism, Laws, John Wiley & Sons, 2004
Explain. Find a way to connect the voltmeter to the circuit such that it gives a non-zero reading. What happens to the
reading if you reverse the two voltmeter leads?
A source of energy like a battery causes the electric potential energy of the charges to increase. We call such an increase in
voltage, a voltage rise. An element of a circuit like the light bulb is called a load and loads cause the electric potential energy
of the charges to decrease. Such a decrease is called a voltage drop. A potential difference of 1 volt is defined as a change in
potential energy of 1 joule for each coulomb of charge, or 1 V = 1 J/C. This is represented by the equation: V = E/Q.
We will record all our voltage values as positive quantities for both rises and drops. This is our voltage sign convention for
grade 11. From our understanding of the voltage measurement, we know whether it is a rise (a source) or a drop (a load) so
we can always decide if energy was gained or lost. Our future work will be simpler using only positive voltages. We will
ignore any negative signs appearing on the voltmeter.
C: The Battery and a Single Bulb
We are going to be conducting a series of experiments to help us
explore the electrical characteristics of different circuits, so we need
a starting point for our comparisons.
Reference Circuit
Design. Create the simplest bulb-battery circuit possible. We
will call this our “reference circuit” Neatly draw the circuit
diagram and include the meters that are necessary to measure the
voltage across and the current through each element of your
Test. Now construct the circuit in the simulator and record the
results beside each meter in your circuit diagram.
Interpret. When one coulomb (Q = 1 C) of charge flows
through the battery of your circuit, how much energy does the
charge gain or lose? What about when one coulomb flows
through your bulb?
Reason. Imagine an electron makes a complete trip through your circuit. What happens to the energy of that charge
during the complete trip? How much energy is gained and how much is lost?
Find a Pattern. In science we look for simple patterns. Careful testing and developing of these patterns helps them
become important theories and laws. Describe a simple pattern for the total change in voltage in a complete circuit – use
the terms voltage rise and drop. Don’t use any math.
Preliminary Rule for Voltages:
Apply and Test. Use your new rule to predict the voltage drop across the bulb in the previous circuit if we double the
voltage rise of the battery (right click on the battery in the simulation). Test your prediction.
SPH3U: Circuit Elements in Series
Recorder: _____________________
Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
What happens to the current and voltage in a circuit when elements are
connected in series? To find out, we need to design some experiments. In
science, there are two important types of experiments: pattern finding
experiments which search for patterns; and testing experiments which test the predictions of an idea or theory.
A: Pattern Finding – Loads in Series
We want to design an experiment to help us answer a general
question about circuits and find some patterns. We will use the
reference circuit from the previous investigation as our starting point
and construct new circuits to compare with it.
Experimental Circuit #1
Experimental question #1: “What happens to the electrical
properties of a circuit when loads are connected in series with one
Design. Neatly draw (don’t build yet!) a battery-bulb circuit that
has loads (bulbs) connected in series that you can compare with
the reference circuit to help find patterns. Show the voltmeters
and ammeters you will use for your measurements.
Explain. Compared with the design of your reference circuit
what is different about Experimental Circuit #1?
Build and Observe. Build the circuit in the simulator and make measurements of the electrical characteristics of each
element. Record these results beside the meters in your diagram.
Find Patterns. There are many patterns to look for based on the measurements from your two circuits. Here are some
hints: (a) you can compare measurements within one circuit and look for a pattern, then do the same for another circuit
and see if the pattern still holds, or (b) you can compare what happens to a particular part of a circuit when other parts
are changed. In the chart below describe the patterns you find. Refer specifically to the circuit and measurements.
One example is given.
(1) The voltage rise across the batteries in the reference and experimental circuits are the same (9V). Adding an extra
load in series did not change the voltage rise of the source.
Record. Choose one pattern from your chart above. Record this on your whiteboard using a single simple statement.
Include a diagram of your circuit and the measurements showing your pattern. Don’t draw the meters. Continue the
© C. Meyer, 2014
An ideal battery is a source of a constant voltage, no matter what circuit is connected to it. Real batteries are to a good
approximation a source of constant voltage. Only the current flowing through them changes with different circuits.
We may think of a bulb or load as presenting an obstacle, or resistance, to the current in the circuit.
Reason. Would adding more bulbs in series cause the total obstacle to the flow, or total resistance, to increase, decrease,
or stay the same as before? Use your observations to support your answer.
Find a Pattern. Create a rule explaining what happens to the total resistance of loads (bulbs) connected in series. Don’t
use any math.
Preliminary Rule for Total Resistance of Loads Connected in Series:
B: Sources in Series
We have made some progress thinking about loads connected in
series. But what happens if sources are connected in series? Hmm?
Experimental Circuit #2
Experimental question #2: “What happens to the electrical
properties of a circuit when sources are connected in series with one
Design. Neatly draw (don’t build yet!) a battery-bulb circuit that
has sources (batteries) connected in series that you can compare
with the reference circuit to help find patterns. Show the
voltmeters and ammeters you will use for your measurements.
Explain. Compared with the design of your reference circuit
what is different about the Experimental Circuit #2?
Predict. Use each pattern you identified in part A of to help predict what will happen to electrical characteristics of
experimental circuit #2. Don’t make your observations yet!
(1) The voltage rise across each battery in circuit #2 will be the
same (9V) as the battery in the reference circuit.
Build and Observe. Construct experimental circuit #2 and record the measurements beside each meter in your diagram.
Evaluate. Record whether your predictions are correct in the results column of the chart. If they are not correct, describe
the new pattern you see.
Reason. Compared with the reference circuit the resistance of the loads in circuit #2 did not change. How can we
explain why the current flowing through the bulb increased in circuit #2?
C: Testing Our Patterns
Our experimental circuits so far have had one important simplifying
feature: all the sources and loads were identical. But what if this is
not the case? Will our patterns still hold up or will we need to
modify them?
Experimental Circuit #3
Experimental question #3: “What happens to the electrical
properties of a circuit when the loads connected in series have
different resistances?”
Design. Neatly draw (don’t build yet!) a battery-bulb circuit that
has two loads connected in series with different resistances
(right click on a bulb and double the resistance). Show the
voltmeters and ammeters you will use for your measurements.
Predict. Use your patterns to predict how the current and
voltages in the circuit #3 will compare with circuit #1 (exact
values are not necessary).
(a) Total resistance of loads:
(b) Current through battery:
(c) Current through each bulb:
(d) Voltage drop of each bulb:
Build and Observe. Construct experimental circuit #3 and record the measurements beside each meter in your diagram.
Find a Pattern. We are now ready to write (or rewrite) our rule for the voltages around a circuit.
Preliminary Rule for Voltages in a Circuit:
* call your teacher over to check your results
SPH3U: Circuit Elements in Parallel
We now have a good sense for the properties of a circuit with elements
connected in series. Luckily, to keep things interesting, there is a whole other
way of connecting circuit elements together!
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Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5
A: Loads in Parallel
Experimental question #4: “What happens to the electrical
properties of a circuit when identical loads are connected to a
circuit in parallel?”
Design. A circuit with two identical bulbs connected
together in parallel has been drawn for you. Show the
voltmeters and ammeters you will use in order to
measure the electrical characteristics of each element in
the circuit.
Experimental Circuit #4
Build and Observe. Build the circuit in the simulator
and make measurements of the electrical characteristics
of each element. Record these results beside the meters
in your diagram.
Find Patterns. In the chart below describe the patterns you find. Remember that you are comparing this circuit with
your reference circuit from before! Refer specifically to the circuit and measurements. One example is given.
(1) The voltage rise across the batteries in the reference and experimental circuits are the same (9V). Adding an extra
load in parallel did not change the voltage rise of the source.
Record. Choose one pattern from your chart above. Record this on your whiteboard using a single simple statement.
Include a diagram of your circuit and the measurements showing your pattern. Don’t draw the meters. Continue the
Reason. Emmy says, “A parallel circuit like this is really two complete circuits in one –
there are two paths or loops for electrons to flow around.” Do you agree or disagree with
Emmy? Draw on the circuit diagram to help your explanation.
In grade 11, we will consider any closed path in a circuit that contains both a source and a load to be a loop. A junction point
is any point in a circuit where two or more wires join together.
Find a Pattern. Describe a rule that relates the amounts of current flowing in and out of a junction point in your circuit.
Preliminary Rule for Current at a Junction:
© C. Meyer, 2014
Reason. What happens to the amount of current flowing though the battery when another bulb is connected in parallel?
Does the total resistance of the circuit increase, decrease or remain the same?
Find a Pattern. Devise a rule that describes what happens to a circuit’s total resistance when additional loads are
connected in parallel. Don’t use any math.
Preliminary Rule for the Total Resistance of Elements in Parallel:
Find a Pattern. Our rule for voltages looks like it is in trouble. Use the idea of loops to create a new rule that is valid for
all the circuits you have encountered so far.
Preliminary Rule for the Voltages in a Loop:
B: Sources in Parallel
Experimental question #5: “What happens to the electrical
properties of a circuit when sources are added in parallel with one
Design. Neatly draw (don’t build yet!) a battery-bulb circuit that
has identical sources connected in parallel that you can compare
with the reference circuit to help find patterns. Show the
voltmeters and ammeters you will use for your measurements.
Explain. Compared with the design of your reference circuit
what is different and what has remained the same?
Predict. For each pattern you identified in part A, predict what
will happen to that pattern in experimental circuit #5. Don’t
make your observations yet!
Experimental Circuit #5
(1) The voltage rise across each battery in circuit #5 will
be the same (9V) as the battery in the reference
Observed Pattern
Observe. Construct experimental circuit #5 and record the measurements beside each meter in your diagram. Describe
the patterns you observe in the chart above.
Evaluate. Does your preliminary rule for current at a junction hold true in circuit #5? Explain.
C: Testing Our Patterns
Let’s subject our preliminary rules to one more test.
Experimental Circuit #6
Experimental question #6: “What happens to the electrical
properties of a circuit when the loads connected in parallel have
different resistances?”
Design. Neatly draw (don’t build yet!) a battery-bulb circuit that
has two loads connected in parallel with different resistances
(right click on a bulb and double one resistance). Show the
voltmeters and ammeters you will use for your measurements.
Predict. What do you think might be different about the current
flowing through the bulbs in circuit #6 compared with circuit
Observe. Construct experimental circuit #6 and record the measurements beside each meter in your diagram.
Evaluate. How are our preliminary rules doing? Use your measurements from circuit #6 to explain whether each rule
was supported or refuted by your observations.
Voltage Rule:
Current Rule:
Reason. In circuit #6, let’s think about the amount of energy used by each bulb.
(a) Without making any measurements, how can you decide which bulb uses more energy during a certain amount of
(b) Our definition of voltage involves changes in energy (V = E/Q). Our measurements showed that each bulb has the
same voltage drop. How can we use other measurements to explain why the change in energy (E) is different for the
two bulbs even though the voltages are the same?
The change in energy of the charges flowing through a circuit element during an interval of time is the power. If the energy
of the charges increases, like in a battery, we say that power was supplied to the circuit. If the energy decreases, like in a
load, we say the power was used by the load. The power (and energy use) depends on both the current and voltage. The
greater the voltage, the greater the change in energy for each unit of charge. The greater the current, the more charges that
change energy. We define power mathematically as: P = VI. The units of electrical power are watts (W) where 1 W = (1
J/C)(1C/s) = 1 J/s. The brightness of a bulb is determined by its power use.
Reason. Rank the power of each element in circuit #6. Explain your ranking.
SPH3U: Bulbs in Parallel Homework
Reason. Rank the following circuits in order by
current through the battery. Explain your
Reason. Consider the circuit diagram to the right. The
last bulb suddenly burns out. When this happens, how
does the brightness of the other bulbs change? Explain
your reasoning.
Identical bulbs are connected to
identical batteries in the various
circuits below.
(a) Rank all the bulbs (A-H) in order
of current flowing through them
from least to greatest. Explain
your ranking.
(b) Rank all the bulbs (A-H) in order
of the voltage drop across them
from least to greatest. Explain
your ranking.
(c) The brightness of a bulb depends on how much electrical energy is transferred into light energy each second. This is
also known as the power of the bulb. How does the brightness of bulb A compare with bulb C?
Adapted from Physics by Inquiry, McDermott and PEG U. Wash, © John Wiley and Sons, 1996
SPH3U: A Complex Circuit Homework
Consider the two circuits below, all of which are built from identical bulbs and cells.
(d) Rank the voltage drop in bulbs A, B, and C. Explain your
(e) Rank the current through bulbs A, B and C. Explain your
(f) Rank the amount of current passing through the cells in each circuit. Explain your ranking.
Determine the voltage across the lettered elements in the following circuits. All bulbs are identical. Explain your
0.5 V
from Physics by Inquiry, McDermott and PEG U. Wash, © John Wiley and Sons, 1996
SPH3U: A Complex Circuit
Series: Two elements are connected in series if the same charges flow through
each element.
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Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
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Parallel: Two elements are connected in parallel if the current divides just before entering them and combines immediately
after leaving them.
Network: A network is a collection of circuit elements that we choose to think of as one group, as one new element.
A: A Complex Circuit - Predictions
The circuit to the right shows a more complicated combination of three identical bulbs. Use your
preliminary rules to help make your predictions below. Don’t spend too much time – make a
rough prediction and move on.
When the switch is closed, are any bulbs connected in series or parallel with one another?
When the switch is closed, is bulb A in series with B alone, with C alone or with a parallel combination of B and C (the
network BC)?
When the switch is closed, is the resistance of the network BC larger than, smaller than, or the same as B alone? Explain.
When the switch is closed, will the total resistance of all the bulbs be greater than, less than or the same as when the
switch is open? Explain.
Will the current through bulb A change when the switch is changed from open to closed? What will happen to its
When the switch is closed, predict the relative brightness of the three bulbs.
B: A Complex Circuit – Observations
Build the circuit according to the diagram above.
Rank the brightness of the bulbs when the switch is both open and when it is closed. Use the symbols A 1 for the
brightness of bulb A with the switch open, and A2 for the brightness of bulb A when the switch is closed, etc .
Describe any differences between your predictions and observations. There may be a few!
Adapted from Tutorials in Introductory Physics, McDermott, Prentice Hall, 2002
Based on your observations of the brightness, what happens to the current through bulb A when bulb C is added in
parallel with bulb B?
What happened to the current through the battery? What do you conclude happens to
the total resistance in the circuit? Does this agree with your two rules for total
resistance? Explain.
C: A Complex Circuit - Measurements
Complete the chart showing measurements of the currents through the bulbs. Insert an ammeter at point D, E and F to
make these measurements.
Switch open
Switch closed
Bulb A current
Bulb B current
Bulb C current
Battery Current
Use your measurements to help explain the brightness rankings from question B#1.
Does your provisional rule for current from the previous investigation still work to
explain what happens at the junction point (J) when the switch is open? What about
when it is closed?
Complete the chart showing measurements of the voltages across the battery and bulbs when the switch is both open and
Switch open
Switch closed
Total battery voltage
Bulb A voltage
Bulb B voltage
Bulb C voltage
Draw two complete paths or loops through which current can flow when the switch is closed. Use different colours. For
simplicity, choose two paths that pass through the battery.
Does your preliminary voltage rule (developed in the “Bulbs in Series” lesson) still work for each loop when the switch
is closed? Explain. Write the preliminary voltage rule below and revise it if necessary.
Preliminary voltage rule:
Imagine we could follow a single charge through the circuit. Describe how it gains and loses energy in each element of
the circuit and describe how this agrees with your voltage rule.
SPH3U: Resistance and Ohm’s Law
We have explored the effects of a potential difference on a light bulb – current
flows and the bulb lights up. But we have not yet answered one key question: for
a given bulb or element of a circuit, how much current will flow due to a
potential difference? It is time to answer this question.
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Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
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A: Current through a Resistor
A resistor is a special circuit element (often made from metal or carbon) that has the same resistance value no matter how
much current flows through it. We change the potential difference across our resistor and measure the amount of current that
flows through.
Predict. A single resistor is connected to a single battery. As we increase the voltage of the
battery, predict what will happen to the current flowing through the resistor. Explain. Sketch a
graph of your predicted relationship.
Design and Observe. Construct a circuit to test your prediction. You can either adjust the voltage of the battery or
connect more batteries in series. Sketch your circuit below and include the meters you will use for your measurements.
Write headings for your data table. Record your data.
Note that the symbol for a resistor is:
Represent. Graph your results with the current on the horizontal
Analyze and Interpret. Calculate the slope including units. What
is the interpretation of the slope of the graph? What does it mean if
the has a greater value? a smaller value?
The resistance of a circuit element can be found from the relationship: R = V/I, where V is the potential difference across
the element and I is the current flowing through it. When the potential difference is measured in volts and the current in
amperes, the unit of resistance is the ohm (, the greek letter ‘omega’). One amp of current flowing through an element with
a 1 ohm resistance will lose 1 J of energy.
Reason. Based on your graph, what can you say about the value R for a resistor – is it constant, or does it change as the
current flowing through it changes?
© C. Meyer, 2015
When a circuit element, like the resistor, has the same resistance over a wide range of voltages, it is called ohmic. This is
because it obeys Ohm’s law, V = IR. Ohm’s law shows that the current I flowing through an element in a circuit is
proportional to V.
More complicated electrical circuits often have many elements connected together. It is very helpful to be able to figure out
the combined or equivalent resistance of all the elements acting together. If we can find the equivalent resistance, we can
think of that set of elements or network as if it was one thing with a resistance value equal to the equivalent resistance of the
network. This is a very powerful idea in the study of electricity.
B: Resistors in Series
1. Imagine we connect three different resistors in series. What do you think the total, or equivalent resistance to the flow of
electrical current of the three resistors will be equal to? Explain using your previous observations with bulbs and
Construct the circuit shown to the right. Label the three resistors with their values
(right click to change resistances).
Describe the method you are using to predict the equivalent resistance (use the
symbols R1, R2 and R3) and then calculate the value.
R1 =
R2 =
R3 =
IT =
V T =
Predicted Req = ___________ 
RT =
Measure the voltage across the battery and current through the battery. Record these measurements below the symbol for
the battery.
Since we know the current and voltage for the battery, we can use Ohm’s Law to calculate the total resistance the battery
experiences due to the three resistors. Show your work.
Note that the total resistance means the total resistance of the circuit the battery is connected to and not the resistance of the
How does the total resistance experienced by the battery compare with your prediction for the equivalent resistance of
the three resistors?
On the basis of your experimental results, devise a general mathematical equation that describes the equivalent resistance
when n different resistors are wired in series. Use the notation Req and R1, R2, … Rn in your equation.
Rule for the Equivalent Resistance of Elements Connected in Parallel
C: Resistors in Parallel
1. Imagine we connect two identical resistors in parallel. Would the total resistance be greater than, less than or the same as
a single resistor? Explain.
Choose two identical resistors. Predict what you think the total
resistance of the two will be when wired in parallel. Explain your
prediction. If you are not sure, make a guess and move on.
IT =
VT =
RT =
R1 =
R2 =
Construct the circuit shown to the right. Label the two resistors with
their values. Measure the voltage across the battery and current through the battery. Record these measurements beside
the symbol for the battery.
Since we know the current and voltage for the battery, we can use Ohm’s Law to calculate the total resistance the battery
experiences due to the two resistors. Show your work.
How does the total resistance experienced by the battery compare with your prediction for the equivalent resistance of
the two resistors?
The equivalent resistance of a group of resistors connected in parallel is given by the expression: 1  1  1  1  ...
Req R1 R2 R3
When connecting resistors in parallel, the equivalent resistance decreases.
D: Resistance Homework
A simple series circuit is shown to the right. When you do your work analysing a
circuit, always record the final results next to the element in the circuit diagram. Also
show your work carefully with the proper symbols.
ΔV1 =
I1 =
R1 = 20 Ω
ΔV2 =
I2 =
R2 = 30 Ω
(a) Find the total resistance of the circuit.
(b) Find the current flowing through the battery.
(c) Find the current flowing through each element of the circuit.
IT =
VT =10 V
RT =
(d) Find the voltage of each element using Ohm’s law.
(e) Check your analysis: do the voltage results obey our preliminary voltage rule? Explain.
A simple parallel circuit is shown to the right.
(a) Find the current and voltage for each element in this circuit.
Show your work carefully.
IT =
VT = 12 V
RT =
R1 = 20 Ω
ΔV1 =
I1 =
R2 = 30 Ω
ΔV2 =
I2 =
(b) Check your analysis: do the currents obey our preliminary current rule?
Homework: Electrical Connections
An important skill for understanding electrical circuits is being able to recognize when two circuits that are drawn differently
actually function in the same way.
Consider the following dispute between two students. Which student is correct? Who do you agree with. Why?
Student 1: “Circuit 1 and circuit 2 are different circuits. In
circuit 2 the bulbs are the same distance from the battery,
but in circuit 1 one bulb is closer to the battery. So the
brightness of the bulbs could be different in the two
Student 2: “Circuit diagrams don’t show physical layout,
only electrical connections. In each diagram, the electrical
connections are the same. There is a direct path from the
positive battery terminal to each bulb. And each bulb is then connected directly to the negative battery terminal. So the
brightness of the bulbs will be the same in each circuit. Both diagrams represent the same circuit.”
We can decide whether circuits are equivalent by following the paths from one circuit element to another and check whether
the same connections are present. For example in first the circuit below, bulb B has a connection (a path for electricity to
flow) to bulb C.
Are the two circuits shown to the right equivalent? Let’s check:
(a) Is the cell connected to bulb A the same way in each? Explain.
(b) Is bulb A connected to bulb C the same way in each? Explain.
(c) Is bulb A connected to D in the same way? Explain.
Which circuits below are equivalent?
Adapted from Physics by Inquiry, McDermott and PEG U. Wash, © John Wiley and Sons, 1996
SPH3U: Circuit Decomposition
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Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
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The electrical circuits found in most electronic devices consist of many different
elements combined in combinations of series and parallel networks. A network is
just a part of a larger circuit and does not necessarily form a complete loop or
closed circuit. We can analyze complicated circuits by identifying smaller parts or networks whose parts are connected
strictly in series or parallel and decompose the complex circuit into simpler parts.
A: Find the Networks
Here is a complex circuit! It contains one 9.0 V
battery and seven identical 100  resistors. To
find the equivalent resistance of all seven
resistors we must proceed in steps:
 Identify a network of two or more resistors
that are connected strictly in series or
 Find the equivalent resistance of the
 Replace the network by a single resistor of
that value
 Repeat the process until there is only one
resistor left
Examine the circuit. Are there any resistors
connected in series?
Which resistors are connected in parallel?
It is usually best to start with elements deepest in the circuit and work outwards. Resistors 4 and 5 are an example of two
connected in parallel.
Draw a box around the network of resistors 4 and 5. Determine the equivalent resistance of this network. Use the symbol
R45 for their equivalent resistance. Show your work here.
Write R45 = 50  next to the box. You should now think of that box as a single resistor with a resistance of 50 .
Continue this process. Your boxes will become larger and larger (draw them neatly so things don’t get too messy!) Show
all your calculation below. Be sure to label the equivalent resistance of each box.
What is the total resistance the battery will experience? Calculate the current flowing through the battery. Show your
Adapted from Physics by Inquiry, McDermott and PEG U. Wash, © John Wiley and Sons, 1996
Consider the discussion about the circuit shown to the
Student 1 says: “I can’t decompose this circuit in to
series and parallel parts.”
Student 2 says: “You have to take it step by step. 1 and 2
are in parallel. Let’s call that A. 4 and 5 are in parallel.
Let’s call that B. Then A and 3 and B are one after
another in series.”
Student 2 is not correct. Describe the errors that student 2 has made.
Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit to the right.
Each resistor has a resistance of 30 . Show your work.
Is the circuit above basically a series circuit or a parallel circuit?
The battery in this circuit has a voltage rise of 10 V. What is the current flowing through the battery?
10. Suppose the resistance of resistor 5 is increased. Explain in detail, but without numbers:
(a) what happens to the current through resistor 1?
(b) what happens to the current through the battery?
SPH3U: Kirchhoff’s Laws
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Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
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Throughout this unit, we have been developing a set of rules which help us
understand what happens to voltage and current in more complicated circuits.
Today we put all this together in the form of two powerful laws.
A: Kirchhoff’s Current Law – The Junction Law
1. Consider the diagram of a junction to the right. 6 amps of current flows into the junction and 4
amps flows out of the junction along one path. Explain how much current flows through the third
path and in what direction.
The diagram to the right shows another junction. In terms of the quantities I 1, I2, I3 and I4, how
much current is travelling into the junction? How much is travelling out of the junction?
How should the total current travelling into the junction compare with the total current travelling
out of the junction? Why?
Write an algebraic equation that describes how the currents into and out of the junction are related.
The total current flowing out of a junction is equal to the total current flowing into a junction. This is known as Kirchhoff’s
Junction or Current Law. It is an expression of the idea of the conservation of charge – charge at any point in a closed circuit
can’t be gained or lost. This means that the total number of amperes flowing into a junction must equal the total number of
amperes flowing out.
B: Using the Current Law
To use the current law, choose a point in the circuit as your junction. Make a guess for the direction of the current along each
path connecting to the junction. Write out an algebraic equation for the current going into and out of the junction.
Find the amount of current travelling through each element of the following circuits. The four bulbs are identical, the
various shapes are not.
A circuit branches off along two paths with different resistors. What
determines how much current will go each way? Explain.
10 
20 
C: Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law – The Loop Law
The circuit shown to the right consists of three resistors and a 10 V
Use two colours to draw two different loops in the circuit that
both pass through the battery.
Consider the loop that contains resistor 2 and 3. Which
elements in this loop will the current pass through and gain
energy? In which will they lose energy? In which will they lose
the most? Explain.
A R2 = 10 
Vb = 7.5 V
R1 = 30 
R3 = 20 
Write an equation using the symbols Vb, V2 and V3 that relates the total voltage rise with total voltage drop in the loop.
Write a similar equation for the other loop of the circuit.
Build the circuit and measure the voltages of each resistor. Record these values on the diagram. Verify whether the two
voltage equations you created in the previous questions hold true.
In any loop of a circuit, the total voltage rise equals the total voltage drop. This is known as Kirchhoff’s Voltage or Loop
Law. It is an expression of the law of conservation of energy in an electric circuit – any energy gained by the charges through
the source is lost through the other elements of the circuit. For simplicity, we choose loops that contain the source, but this is
not necessary.
There are two paths in the circuit between junction points A and B. Compare the total voltage drop along each path.
An alternative way of using the loop law is to notice that the sum of the voltages along any path is the same for all paths
between two points.
We did not predict the voltages of R2 and R3, we simply measured them. If we didn’t have these readings, how could we
predict these individual voltages? One way is to use Kirchoff’s current law to find the current through those resisters and
then use Ohm’s law to calculate the voltages. Can you think of a second way?
The circuit to the right contains six identical light bulbs. Find
the voltage of all the bulbs. For certain bulbs it is easier to use
the path trick mentioned above, for others analyze the whole
loop. Explain why VA = VD.
14 V
Adapted from Physics by Inquiry, McDermott and PEG U. Wash, © John Wiley and Sons, 1996
SPH3U: Circuit Analysis
We have developed a complete set of tool to help us analyze simple electric
circuits. In this investigation, you will learn how to apply all of them to
completely analyze an electric circuit.
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Manager: _____________________
Speaker: _____________________
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A: Your Toolbox – Rules for Electric Circuits
Summarize the tools that you will use to analyze a circuit. For each situation listed below, describe the rule or “tool” you
would use to analyze that situation and include a simple equation as an example.
The total resistance of elements connected in series:
The total resistance of elements connected in parallel:
Current flowing in and out of a junction:
Voltage rise or drops along a circuit loop :
Relationship between current, voltage and resistance for a single element:
B: Circuit Analysis – A Walk Through
Let’s walk through one example together which is a circuit we
have studied earlier. There are two good habits we would like to
cultivate: (1) record the results of your calculations alongside the
circuit element, and (2) carefully show your logic using algebraic
Examine the information you are given. Since we know the
resistances, we can find the total resistance of the entire circuit
(RT = R123). Find this now.
I2 =
V2 =
R2 = 10 
Vb = 7.5 V
RT =
Ib =
R1 = 30 
V1 =
I1 =
R3 = 20 
V3 =
I3 =
When we know two quantities about a circuit element, we can
always find the third using Ohm’s Law. Try this.
The current divides after leaving the battery. We don’t want to guess how much goes along each branch of the circuit –
we want to calculate this. We can if we know the voltage of R1. Use the voltage law to find V1 and the find I1.
Use the current law to find I2 and I3.
Calculate the voltages V2 and V3.
© C. Meyer, 2013
C: Circuit Analysis
Now it’s your turn! Completely analyze each circuit by finding the current, voltage and resistance for every element. Always
show your work.
R1 = 100 
Vb = 10 V
R2 = 200 
R3 = 33.3 
R4 = 25 
Vb = 2.5 V
R2 = 100 
R1 = 200 
R3 = 75 
Vbatt = 2.5 V
R5 = 40 
R6 = 10 
R1 = 9 
R3 = 3 
R4 = 40 
R2 = 7 
Super Challenge Problem: A 3 amp current enters the resistor cube through wire A shown
to the right. What is the equivalent resistance of the cube? What is the voltage drop across
each 1  resistor?
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