l l A ts h rig ed v r e s re d n a dy o B — V D P ce i rv e S al u an M n it o c u od r p re d ti e ib h o pr Body Service l a u Manual n a by w la ce i rv e S M y d d e Bo ir z — k o V c h u ut PD Tr a n nd Un it o a a y r d o o p r B o C ck aw l r u y te Tr b s a d e m t i il bi t i U h o 4 w 0 pr a 0 l 2 n n y t o i o b h i t c d ig at u r r e d y o it p o p b r i r o Co ep oh C r r p d er t e n s iz io a r t c im ho u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 d t e re h z ri ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U y d Bo Truck Body and PDV Read First: Top d Tips on UsingalThis Online Manual e aw u l v Browse pageserwith Bookmarks (hyperlinks) or Thumbnails y an b s M to document pages. dFrom any page Bookmarks, atrethe left of the screen, are hyperlinks e te in this document, s you can use bookmarksicto jump to any section heading. i t h ib and when the rv point to the bookmark hname, To jumpigto a topic by using its bookmark, l e a S on the name. 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To find2the next occurrence of the word, pressyF3, o t o b boxhand click Find Again. ti rp c g o d u ri C te d y i r p No unauthorized reproduction NOTE: For a ro is allowed. ib of this document te o p h s C e printed version of this manual, a Service. r Customer rocontact Utilimaster m p • Call 800-237-7806 (or 574-862-3219). ed ili n t z • Fax to 574-862-7637. U ri tio o 4 c • Email to CustSvc@Utilimaster.com. 0 u th 0 d • Mail to the following address: u 2 d a ro e t Utilimaster n v p h Attn: CustomerreService Department U er ir g s d 19 y 65528 StateeRoad re p P.O. Box 585 o ir z ts C o Wakarusa, IN 46573-0585 h ig th U.S.A. r u a ll n A U 2 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l Part Number: 03102101-VY04EN ua n ed aw l a v r y M e b s e d Revision ic re Control e v t r i ts e b RevisionhA May 2004 i S h ir g y about parts and service o will be available for viewing and down-ual r Thelllatest updates and other information d p n A at www.utilimaster.com. loading a Bo n M — tio e V c u icthat our Important Notices PD d v NOTE: When phoning Utilimaster, be aware d ro 219 telephone area code changed to 574 erin January n p S ©2004, Utilimaster. a y re 2002. The 800 numbers were unaffected. y d d d o Printed in U.S.A. e o B z i B r — k Body and PDV—BodyoService Title:cTruck Manual V h D u ut to provide information that is accurate,Pcomplete, Tr Utilimaster Corporation attempts and useful. All a d n manual is based ononthe latest product information information contained in U this available at the time of n i a t publication. However, because of the Utilimaster a policy of continual y product improvement, Utilimaster r d o in this document atoany time without prior notice. Should reserves the right to amend the information psend r B to the following address: you find inadequacies in the text, please your comments o k Utilimaster C c aw l r u Attn: Designer of Technical ePublications y t 585 Tr b s 65906 State Road 19, P.O. Box a d Wakarusa, Indiana, 46573-0585, U.S.A. e m t i i il b t i This material is confidential and the property of Utilimaster. It is shared with your company U h for the sole o 4 purpose of helping 0 you with the operation of the describedawequipment. pr 0 l 2 no warranty of any kind with regardyto this material, including, n but not limited to, the n Utilimaster makes t o i ba particular purpose. cUtilimaster h io t t implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for shall not be liable g d uconnection with the furnishing, ri contained herein or for incidental or consequential ra for errors damages in te d y o i p performance, or use of this material. ro ib rp o p h o C e o Utilimaster expressly disclaims all responsibility and liability forrthe installation, use, performance, rC pr d e t independent eare advised to make their maintenance, and support of third-party n products. Customers z s o i a evaluation of such products. r ti o c m ube photocopied, reproduced, th or translated to another ili language without the No part of this document may d t u d o U a r e prior written consent of Utilimaster. n 4 v r U 0 ep e r 0 s , Utilivan , Metromaster , and Trademaster are registered trademarks of UtiliUtilimaster , Aeromaster 2 d t e re of master Corporation. All other products or name brands mentioned in this document are trademarks h z riowners. ts ig their respective r o h y h g iUtilimaster t p r u Browse the award-winning web site www.utilimaster.comofor more information about and l a l C its products. n A U ® ® ® Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual ® ® ® 3 l a Contents ved aw u l r y e an b s M d re e e t s c i t RevisionhControl ......................................................................................................................... 3 bi v i r g h e i Important 3 al o S r ll r Notices ....................................................................................................................... u p y n Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 9 A d a n M 9 io Vehicles Covered ............................................................................................................................... Bo t e c — u ic Information Included ........................................................................................................................... 9 V d v r Other Information 9 ro e PD............................................................................................................................... p S d Utilivan and Truck Body Differences ......................................................................................... 10 y re d an d Wall Construction Types ........................................................................................................... 10 e y Bo z d i r — Body (or 11 o BoUnit) Serial Number ................................................................................................... V h t Vehicle 11 ck Identification Number u (VIN) .......................................................................................... PD a u r Order Numbers ............................................................................................................... d n 12 TWork n Un it o a Part Numbers ........................................................................................................................... 12 y ra d o o Ordering Parts .......................................................................................................................... 13 p r B o How to Order .................................................................................................................................... C ck aw13 l r u Returns ............................................................................................................................................. r e y 13 t T b Customizable Parts Order 13 asForm ....................................................................................................... d e m t Filing Warranty Claims 14 ili............................................................................................................. bi t i U .......................................................................................................... n15 h Reporting Safety Defects o o 4 i r t 15 w 0Only ........................................................................................................................... United States p a a 0 l r 2 .................................................................................................................................... n Canada Only 15 y t o i po b h t r c o Flat Rates 16 d ig (Time and Labor Standards) .................................................................................... u r e C t d y Bulkhead ................................................................................................................................. i Door, 16 p o b er r i t o 16 C Door, Roll-up .................................................................................................................................... ep oh as r r p Door, Swing ...................................................................................................................................... 16 d lim e i n t Door, Side ........................................................................................................................................ 16 iz io U r t o 4 c Electrical ........................................................................................................................................... 16 h 0 u t 0 d u 2 d Floor Assembly ................................................................................................................................. 17 o a r e t n v p h Front Wall Assembly r 17 U e re ........................................................................................................................ ir g Mirrors .............................................................................................................................................. d y es 17 e r p o iz Roof .................................................................................................................................................. 17 r ts C o h Rear Structure 17 h .................................................................................................................................. g i t r Sidewall 17 au ............................................................................................................................................ ll n A U 4 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l More Information ...................................................................................................................... 18 ua d n e aw l a v r y M e b Utilimaster Quick Reference Parts Guidee........................................................................................ 18 s e c d i r Utilimaster Detailed Parts Manual .................................................................................................... 18 v te s r i t h Glossary of Terms .......................................................................................................... Utilimaster 18 ib Se g h l i y o Contact Utilimaster ........................................................................................................................... 18a r ll r d u p o n A Considerations .............................................................................................................. Safety 19 a B n o M i — Notes, Cautions, and V Warnings ....................................................................................................... e 19 ct c D u Towing and Emergency 19 P Repairs ....................................................................................................... d vi r o d .................................................................................................................. r e Service Information 20 n p S a e y r Manufacturers’ 20 y Recommendations ................................................................................................... d d d o e o Body Maintenance Checklist ............................................................................................................ 20 B z i B — 20 kPre-Trip Inspection ................................................................................................................................... or V c h u Routine Body Maintenance 20 ut ...................................................................................................................... PD Tr a Bumpers ............................................................................................................................................. 20 d n n n o U Door, Central Locking System (Trademaster ti Compartments) a............................................................ 21 a y r Door, General ..................................................................................................................................... 21 d o o p r Door, Roll-up ...................................................................................................................................... 22 B o k w C Door, Swing ........................................................................................................................................ c a 23 l r u y 24 Other Body Parts ................................................................................................................................ te Tr b s a Tools and Fasteners ......................................................................................................................... 25 d e m t i Common Tools ......................................................................................................................................... 25 il bi t i U h Fastener Replacement ............................................................................................................................. 26 o 4 r 26 BOM 0Fastener .................................................................................................................................. p aw 0 l 2 n Buck 26 n y t Rivet (Solid Brazier-head) ......................................................................................................... o i o b h i t c d ig Locknut .............................................................................................................................................. at 27 u r r e d y MONOBOLT , Magna-Bulb , Magna-Lok o 27 it , and Hemlok Rivets o........................................................ p p b r i r Hucktainer .......................................................................................................................................... 27 p h o Co e o r Nutsert ............................................................................................................................................... 28 r rC p d e Pierce-and-Roll (Self-Piercing) 28 t e n Rivet .................................................................................................. z s o i i a r ) ............................................................................................. 29 Pin-and-Collar Fastenert(Magna-Grip o c m i h 29 POP Rivet ......................................................................................................................................... t il du t u d o U a T-Nut and Bolt .................................................................................................................................... 29 r e n 4 v p Adhesive ............................................................................................................ r 30 U 0 Tape, Double-faced e re 0 s 2 d Barrier .............................................................................................................................. Tape, Vinyl 30 t e re h z Thread 30 ri Adhesive ................................................................................................................................ ts ig r o h Torque 30 y h Seal ........................................................................................................................................ g i t p r u ..................................................................................................................................................... 31 l aSealant l Co n A U Download Files ................................................................................................................................. 18 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 5 Service Procedures .......................................................................................................................... 32 l d a e aw u l v r Bolts ................................................................................................................................. Body Mounting 32 y e an b s Bumper,eRear ........................................................................................................................................... 34 M d r e e Cable 34 it ic tsRetainment Track ........................................................................................................................... b v h i r 35 g ...................................................................................................................................................... h l e iDecals r o a S r 35 ll Deflector Plate .......................................................................................................................................... u p y Wall) Latch Adjustment ............................................................................ n A Door, Bulkhead (Midship/Front d 36 a n o M 37 io Door, Central LockingB System (Trademaster) ........................................................................................... t e c — and manual systems) ........................................................................................... u ic Operation (electric 37 V d v r D o Maintenance 37 r e P (electric system only) .................................................................................................... p S d Door, Roll-up 38 y re n ............................................................................................................................................. d a d on Spring) .................................................................................... Cable Replacement (with Tension 39 o e y B z dSpring Winding and Adjustment 41 ri ......................................................................................................... o — o B Top Panel Replacementh..................................................................................................................... V 42 t D k c u P Intermediate Panel a Replacement ....................................................................................................... 44 u r d n n T n Bottom Panel Replacement ............................................................................................................... 46 U io a t Protective Beam (Load Bar) Assembly 48 y ra ............................................................................................... d o o Roller Play Adjustment ....................................................................................................................... 48 p r B o Roller Replacement ............................................................................................................................ k w49 C c a l MSL (“Banana Lock”) Replacement ................................................................................................... ru er y 49 t T b Two-point (Fan-type)sLatch Adjustment .............................................................................................. 50 a d e m Pull Strap Replacement ..................................................................................................................... 51 t i i l i b i Door Seal Replacement ..................................................................................................................... 51 Ut n h Drains ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 io 53 ro t w 0 p 0Floor ........................................................................................................................................ Cargo la ra 53 2 n o y t .................................................................................................................................................... io Vent 53 b h t rp c g o d E-track 54 u ri ...................................................................................................................................................... C te d y i p Grab Handle ............................................................................................................................................. o 54 b er r i t o p h s C Liftgate ...................................................................................................................................................... 54 e o a r r p Lights ........................................................................................................................................................ 55 d lim e i n t Clearance, Identification, iand 55 o Side Marker ........................................................................................ iz U r t 4 Stop/Turn/Tail/Back-upc....................................................................................................................... 56 ho 0 u t 0 d u License Plate ..................................................................................................................................... 57 2 d o a r e t n Cargo ................................................................................................................................................. 58 v p h U er 59 re ir g Mirror ........................................................................................................................................................ s d y e re p Adjustment ......................................................................................................................................... 59 o ir z s t C Replacement ...................................................................................................................................... 59 o h h g i ut lr a l A Un Battery, Disconnecting .............................................................................................................................. 32 6 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u n ed .................................................................................................................................. aw Tools andvParts 60 l a r y M e Preparation ........................................................................................................................ Substrate 61 b s e e c d Paint 62 i r Preparation ............................................................................................................................... e v t s r i tPaint Application ................................................................................................................................ 63 e b h i S 64 l igPanel, Aluminum ...................................................................................................................................... y oh a r ll r Panel, FRP ............................................................................................................................................... d u 64 p o n A a B .................................................................................................................... n FRP Panel Replacement M 64 io — t V Repair .............................................................................................................. Gelcoat FRP Surface 64 c ce D u i Tedlar FRP P Surface Repair ................................................................................................................ 64 rv od d r e 65 Panel, DuraPlate n ..................................................................................................................................... p S a e y r Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 65 y d d d o e Testing for Delamination ..................................................................................................................... 65 B ir z............................................................................................................. BoProcedure Options Summary 66 — k o V c h Self-adhesive Patch (Option 66 D u ut A) .......................................................................................................... P Tr a Body Filler (Option B) ......................................................................................................................... 67 d n n n o U Self-adhesive Panel (Option C) .......................................................................................................... 68 a ti a y rD) ................................................................................................ Entire Panel Replacement (Option 70 d o o Rear Vision (Back-up) Camera System 78 rp .................................................................................................... B o k w Operating Instructions ........................................................................................................................ C c a 78 l r u y 78 Monitor Controls ................................................................................................................................. te Tr b s a ........................................................................................................................ Basic Troubleshooting 79 d e m t i Troubleshooting 80 il Flowcharts ............................................................................................................... bi t i Roof .......................................................................................................................................................... 83 U h o 4 Front 0 (Fiberglass) Cap Replacement ................................................................................................. 84 w pr a 0 l 2 (Aluminum) Corner Casting Replacementy ................................................................................ n Front 85 n t o i o b h i t (Aluminum) Radius Replacement ............................................................................................. t 85 c d ig Front a u r r e d y Rear Corner Casting Replacement .................................................................................................... o 86 it p o p b r i r Roof Panel REPAIR ........................................................................................................................... 86 p h o Co C Roof Panel REPLACEMENT .............................................................................................................. 86 re ro r p d e Scuff Plate ................................................................................................................................................ 88 t e n z s o i a Lower Scuff Plate ............................................................................................................................... 88 r ti o c m Top “Gator” Plate ................................................................................................................................ 88 u th ili d t u d o Slats ......................................................................................................................................................... 89 U a r e n 4 v p r 90 Switch, Cargo Light U 0 e re .................................................................................................................................. 0 s 2 Vents ........................................................................................................................................................ 91 d e t e r h z Side i.................................................................................................................................................... 91 s g r t i h Front 92 yr ho ................................................................................................................................................... g i t p r 93 l au Roof ................................................................................................................................................... l Co n A U Paint ......................................................................................................................................................... 60 ® Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 7 Wiring Diagrams ....................................................................................................................... 94 l d a e aw u l v r Diagram ............................................................................................................ y Connector Locating 95 e an b s M Cargo Light 96 d reWiring ........................................................................................................................... e e t s c i TaillighttWiring .................................................................................................................................. 97 bi v h i r g e Wiring ................................................................................... Clearance/Identification/Marker Light 98 l ri oh a S r lRear u l p Vision (Back-up) Camera System Connections ...................................................................... 99 y n A d a n o o Index ...................................................................................................................................... M 100 B ti e c — u ic V d v r ro e PD p S d y re d an d e y Bo z d i r — o Bo V h t k c u PD a u d n Tr n Un it o a a y r d o o p r B o k C c aw l r u r e y t T b s a d e m t i il bi t i U n h o o 4 i r t w 0 p a a 0 l r 2 n y t o i po b h t r c o d ig u r e C t d y i p o b er r i t o C ep oh as r r p d lim e i n t iz io U r t o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u 2 d a ro e t n v p h U er re ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C o h ig th r u a ll n A U Circuit Number Identification and Codes .......................................................................................... 94 8 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u Introductioned n aw l a v r y M Information Included Vehicles Covered e b s e d sections contain informaic re This manual includes service informationvfor This manual’s various e t r , i ts Metromaster , Trademaster Utilimaster’s tion on: e b h i • Repair procedures and Utilivan vehicle bodies, knownSgenerically l ig y mounted r oh and replacement r • Maintenance (inspection and lubrication) ua as PDVs ll (Parcel Delivery Vans)odand p n A •n Wiring diagrams (usually) on cutaway chassis,Bas well as a M Utilimaster’s truck bodies— mounted (usually) tio• Warranty claim procedures e V c on cab chassis. u • Flat rates (warranty time and laborvicstandards) PD d • Other resources o NOTE: Utilivan and Trademaster d r er n p S This manual contains drawings and photos to aid bodies can a also be mounted on cabre y y in servicing the vehicle, and itdmay include mainchassis, and Utilimaster truck d d o items installed but e o tenance information on some bodies can be mounted on cutaway B z i B The body style is ther not manufactured by Utilimaster Corporation. chassis. — k o V c h Items such as chassis t the D and drive train components u important factor regarding r u P or certain interior furnishings may be covered by information in this manual, not the T a d n n separate manufacturer-supplied information. type of chassis it is mounted on. n U io a t Information provide here is intended to assist y NOTE: Your type of vehicle and ra d customers and is no way meant to Utilimaster installed options determine the po o replace r B or supercede instructions provided by relevance of the various sections o k other C c suppliers of their products. aw of this manual. This service l r u y information is generic.teDetails in Tr All information, specifications, and illustrations b s contained in this manual are based on the illustrations and procedures may a d latest e m product information available at theittime of differ from thoseliin your vehicle. i manufactures t publication. However, because ofibUtilimaster’s Because Utilimaster U h policy of continual product improvement, the many customized vehicle bodies, o 4 r w 0 p document is subject information contained in this this manual 0 cannot list and lachange without 2 n to notice. illustrate every possible part in n y t o i o b h i t every vehicle. Nevertheless, the c d Other Information ig common at u r r most body options are e d y described here. Use this o it p o p b See the appropriate body parts manual for more r i r o Co information as a guideline whereritoh informationep about ordering replacement parts. C r applies. (See thedMore Information section,r surf p e t page on e n Utilimaster’s Technical Manuals z s o i a contact Customer r ti www.utilimaster.com, and/or o c m u thService.) ili d t u o U manual or order the ed a To download the correct r n 4 v p r U 0 e correct parts you will need to know whether you r 0Metromaster, Trademaster,se 2 have a Utilivan, d e t Truck Body. If you are runcertain, e h z Aeromaster, or ri tson ig see Utilimaster’s product information r o h y h ig t www.utilimaster.com and the following two p r u o l a l sections. C n A U ® ® ® Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 9 Utilivan and Truck Body Differences l d w a e a u l v Although Utilimaster in some areas (e.g., r Utilivans and Truck Bodiesanhave many parts in common, y your e subframe, front wall, rear structure) you will need to know which body model vehicle has to b s M e d correctly orderrparts. The body model can e be identified by looking at the (cargo floor) and its te subfloor s the sidewall. The floor of iacTruck Body is built of structural i attachment tto I-beam crossmembers b v h i r (visibleig from underneath) and is attached hfasteners. The Utilivan uses formed-C al e to the sidewall with two r o S crossmembers that attach to the sidewall with a single fastener.r See Illustrations FL–10 and FL–20. l u p y n Al d a n M io Bo t e c — u ic V d v r ro e PD p S d y re d an d e y Bo z d i r — o Bo V h t D k c u P a u FL–10 n Tr Two Fasteners Attach the Truck nd theFL–20 One Fastener a Attaches Utilivan Floor and Sidewall UnBody Floor and Sidewall it o a y r d o Wall Construction Types o p r B o types of body construction. This manual documents the three different Metromaster and Trademasteraw C ck l r u construction is FRP only. Utilivan and Truck Body construction can be any of these types. See Illustrar e y T b tion FL–30. st a d • Aluminum (sheet andmpost) has an aluminum exterior skin joined to steel vertical interior e studs with t i i l buck rivets. The studs ti might be covered with an optional interior liner. iba little rougher • FRP (FiberglassUReinforced Plastic) has no studs or panel seams and the surface has n h o o 4 i r texture than0painted metal. w p panels might atbe la panels, but no studs.nThe r • DuraPlate20has seams at the overlapping steel laminate y t joinedhtogether with rivets or adhesive. io po b t r c o d ig Aluminum FRP DuraPlate u r e C t d y Construction Construction Construction i p o b er r i t o C ep oh as r r p d lim e i n t iz io U r t o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u 2 d a ro e t n v p h U er re ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C o h ig th r u a ll FL–30 Aluminum, DuraPlate, and FRP Construction n A U Aluminum panel (outside) Optional plywood liner Plywood core Fiberglass coating Fiberglass coating Polyethylene plastic foam core Galvanized steel skin Galvanized steel skin Stud Rivets or Adhesive Rivet (Viewed from top, 0.040 exterior skin and 3/8” plywood liner option shown) 10 (5/8” panel shown) (Viewed from top, 6mm panels shown) Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u Body (or Unit) ed Serial Numberan aw l v r Body (or Unit) SerialMNumber is recorded on theyFederal Certification The 15-digit Utilimaster e b(about 11" long and 2" high) Label. (See Illustrations LA–5 and LA–10.)ceThis label is a plastic decal es d i r that contains (including the VIN te and Work Order Number). This s a variety of manufacturingeinformation rv i t label should h be near the hinge, latch, Sor catch on a cab door or door ibpost. Open the door to see it. h l ir g y o a r ll d u p o n A a B n M it o — V c ce D u i P rv od d r e S an ep y r y d d d o e o LA–5 B iz Federal Certification B r Label — k V c ho t D u r u P T a d n n U an tio a y r d o Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) o p r B o Number k w The 17-digit chassis Vehicle Identification C c a l r u (VIN) is the legal identifier for this e vehicle and is Tr y t b the number recorded in the license plate registration. s a d The VIN appears in one of several locations depende m t i ing on the model: il bi t i • The VIN may appear U on a small metal plate on h o 4 the front corner 0 of the dash on the driver’s side. aw pr 0 You can read the VIN if you look through the l 2 n n y t o windshield. (See Illustration LA–15.) i o b h i t c • In vehicles d ig over 10,000 lb. (4,536 kg.) GVWR, at u r r e d y plate may be mounted near the latch onitthe the o p o p b r i r driver’s door post or on the edge of the door. o Co Open the door to see it. (See Illustration ep oh C r r p d LA–10.) er t e n s • The number is also recorded on o the Federal iz i a r t Certification Label. (See Illustrations LA–5 and o c im h u l t i LA–10.) d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 d t e re h z ri ts ig r o h y h ig t p LA–10 r u o a llVIN Plate on Door Post CFederal Certification Label and n A U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 11 ts h rig d e rv e s re ce i rv e S l a u an M d ti e ib h o pr by w la l a ll u y n A d a n o M io B t e c Work Order Numbers — u ic V d v r D Label, below the ro On the Federal Certification LA–15 e P p S Vehicle Identification Number Plate on Dash Body Serial Number, is the vehicle’s 7-digit Work d e y r n Order Number. (See Illustrations LA–5 and LA– d a dmay o e y 10.) This number (without the leadingzW) B d (since 1999) on the left-hand i r also be stamped base o — B Illustration LA–20.) Onhovehicles built V rail. k(See t D c 1999, the Body Serial aNumber u P before was u r d n n stamped on the base rail. Either number can be T n U io a t used to identify the body if it is no longer mounted y ra on the original chassis. d o o p r B o C ck aw l r u r Part Numbers e y t T b s d This manual lists some parts aand kit numbers that e m t i i can be ordered directly from il the Utilimaster b t i Customer Service Department. For more compreU n h o o 4 i hensive illustrations and parts lists, see the relr w 0 Illustration p LA–20 rat a 0 evant Utilimaster parts manual. (See the Technical l Work Order ornBody Serial Number 2 y t Manuals page on www.utilimaster.com or contact io po b h t r c CustomerigService.) o d u r e C t d y i Somepparts or procedures may be dependent on o b er r i t o p h Front which s C side of the vehicle they are located.roRight e a r Hand (RH) or Left Hand (LH) is basedpupon the d lim e position of the driver while facing forward. i n t iz ioCurb Side, U Right Hand is also sometimes called r t o 4 c and Left Hand is sometimes called 0 u Road Side. th 0 d u 2 d Rear a ro e t n v p h U er (NS–Not Shown) re ir g s d y e re p Illustration LA–25 s o ir z t C Vehicle Orientation o h ig th r u a ll n A U 12 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual al u an M Ordering Parts ed aw l v y How to Orderer b s e d ic refor this vehicle, gather the To order parts e v t s r i followinghtinformation: e b i S • Model l ig and year of vehicle (200x-Customer y r oh a r ll name). d u p o n A• Chassis VIN or Utilimaster Body Number a B n M it o (see page 11). — V c • Complete shippingDaddress. ce u i P of shipping. d • Preferred method rv o d r e • Complete description of all the necessary n p S a parts (seeythe relevant parts manual). re y d d • Methoddof payment. o e o B NOTE: iz B Customer Service prefers r — kpayment by Visa, MasterCard, V c ho t D u Discover, or American Express r u P T credit cards. Purchase a Orders d n Returns n U established tio from customers with an a To return parts y for credit, call the Customer Service open accounts are also accepted. r d o Department o for prior authorization. All returns must p by Then contact Utilimaster Customer Service r B be shipped prepaid freight. A restocking fee will be o w using one of the following methods: C ck to all returns. Special-order parts are not charged a l r u • Email your order to y te (See the Cus- Tr returnable. b CustSvc@Utilimaster.com. s a d tomizable Parts OrdermForm section.) e t i Customizable Parts Order • Fax your order tot574-862-7637. il bi Form i • Call 800-237-7806 U (574-862-3219) and ask You can download a customizable h form template o 4 for the Parts0Department. w prsite file from the Utilimaster web a 0 l • Mail or express service your order to the 2 n template has a n www.utilimaster.com.oThat y t following address: i o b header that you can ccustomize h t with your nametiand g Corp. d ri Utilimaster rato te address. Then, toduorder parts, you only have y o Attn: Parts Department i p 65528 State Road 19 p enter the specific ro information about theorvehicle— ib o p h saving retyping C e the same address information o P.O. Box 585 r r repeatedly. After completing the form r C informad Wakarusa, IN 46573-0585p e e file can be emailed assant attachment. tion, zthe n U.S.A. o i r form can also be used fora mailing or faxing. That ti o c im h u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 that our d NOTE: When phoning Utilimaster, be aware t e re h z 219 telephone area code changed to 574 in January ri ts ig 2002. The 800 numbers were unaffected. r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 13 Filing Warranty l d Claims w a e a u l v • Any claim that is not legible and complete If a problem on the Utilimaster body is caused by a n r y e a will be returnedbfor completion. defect in materialssor workmanship during the M e • All paint claims d require pictures, estimates, r it will be covered by our Limited warranty period, e e t s c and prior iauthorization. t Warranty. Chassis, engine, tires, and batteryi failures v h ib damage claims also require • Shipping r are covered h e ir g by the individual manufacturers. o estimates, and prior authorization. ual pictures, S r l l must meet the requirements Claims p damage must also be noted on the n y listed below. The A d a n Failure to meet these requirements may result in a o Delivery Acceptance form. This form M o i t requires the signature of the carrier driver. denied or delayed claim. B c — ce u i • Sublet work must have the sublet repair V d Complete a repair order with the following v r D o order attached to the service facility’s repair r e P information: p S d order that is being submitted. • Chassis VIN ywithin 30 days re n or Utilimaster Body Serial d • Claims must be submitted a Number (see page 11). d y model of vehicle. ze after the repair is completed. Bo • Year and d i r name and — • Owner’s o Bo and/or service facility’s V h The claim can be mailed, t D faxed, emailed, or kcomplete address. c u P performed on-line on our web site (assuming all a u• Service center representative’s signature n d is included). n required information Tr (or name). n U it o aclaims should be mailed to: • Warranty a • Date vehicle was repaired. y r d Utilimaster o • Mileage at time of failure. o p r BAttn: Warranty Department • Itemized description of the problem, o k including complaint, cause ofCfailure (if c 65528 State Road 19 aw l r u P.O. Box 585 e in detail). Tr known), and correction (describe y t b s Wakarusa, IN 46573-0585 • Service center labor rate and total time of a d U.S.A. e m repair. t i i (if no il including cost of parts • Alternately, you can fax yourib claim • Total claim amount, t U P/Ns), labor, miscellah the aboveon photographs are involved) with (include Utilimaster o 4 r ti (The resoluwinformation to 574-862-7637. 0 and sales tax (if applicable). neous charges, p a a 0 l tion of the received copies r 2 or repair order number. n must be accept• Your claim o y t o p hard b able, or you willcbe h The claim or repair order ti asked to mail NOTE: ryour g o d copies.) number is the number used to u ri e Cwith the above t d y i • Or you can email your claim r match Utilimaster payment with p roto Warranty@Utilimaster.com. ib te o information p the work done. It will be noted on h s C e download a customizable o a r (You can Warr your payment. m p d i ranty Claim Form template from the Utili• Utilimaster authorization number (repairs e il n t z io costing over $150 U.S. or fortstructural rimaster web siteUwww.utilimaster.com. The o c has4a header that you can customize warranty require prior authorization from h template 0 u t with your0name and address. Then, to file a d Utilimaster). u 2 d a ro claim, tyou only have to enter the specific e n v p h U information about the vehicle—saving retypOther claim requirements: er re ir g s ing d $150 U.S. or for structural y the same address information repeatedly. • Any repairs over e re the p warranty require ir z prior authorization from Co After completing the form information, ts This file can be emailed as an attachment. o h Utilimaster, and that number must appear on ig or faxing.) th order. Contact the Warranty form can also be used for mailing the repair r u a ll Department. n A U 14 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u w n ed a l a v Claims are paid semimonthly. Utilimaster genery Utilimaster, be aware NOTE: When phoning er tax on claims. If you doe M ally does not payssales b that our 219 telephone area code changed to d re exemption number on file,vicplease not have our tax e 574 in January s rask for it 2002. The 800 numbers call 800-528-3454 or 574-862-4561 and t e b h department to obtain the were unaffected. i S number. the accounting h l ir g y o a r l d u l returning any parts, contact Before a Utilimaster p o n A a B n Warranty representative. M it o — V c ce D u i d designed specifications. Improper use or roverloading v CAUTION: P Utilimaster vehicles are builtoto d r e can cause damage to the equipment and void the warranty. S an ep y r y d d d o e o B iz B WARNING: Unauthorized ralteration or improper maintenance or repair can result in possible — k dangerous driving conditions. V c ho t D u r u P T a d n n U an tio a y r d o o p r Reporting Safety Defects B o C ck aw l r United States Only Canada Only u y te Tr b s If you believe that your vehicle If you believe that your Canadian-registered a has a defect that d m could cause a crash, injury, or death, you should vehicle has a defect that could causeitea crash, i l immediately inform thetiNational Highway Traffic injury, or death, you should immediately ib inform U h Safety Administration Transport Canada, in additionoto notifying Utili4 (NHTSA), in addition to w 0 notifying Utilimaster. master. pr a 0 l n call 800-333-0510 (orn y t 2 similar complaints, it may o If NHTSAhreceives To contact Transport Canada, i b io t g open an iinvestigation, and if it finds that a safety d 613-993-9851 in the cOttawa region) or write to:at u r r defectyexists in a group of vehicles, it may orderite a Transport Canada d o p and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA ro Defect Investigation ib rp recall Motor Vehicle o p h o C become involved in individual problems cannot PO Box C re 8880 ro p between you, your dealer, or Utilimaster. Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 3J2 er d t e n z s o i a To contact NHTSA, you may eitherticall the Auto r o c m Safety Hotline toll-free at 800-424-9393 (or 202h ili du area) or write to: ut t 366-0123 in the Washington,oD.C., d U a r e n NHTSA 4 v r 0 epTransportation U U.S. Departmentrof e 0 s 2 d 400 Seventh Street t e re h z Washington, ri DC 20590 ts ig r o h y h obtain other information about motor You can also ig t p r u o vehicle asafety from the Hotline. ll C n A U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 15 Flat Rates (Time l d and Labor Standards) w a e a u l v Allowed time is theraverage or typical time (in hours) n needed to make a y e a given repair. In some cases, because of the complexity or unpredictable b s M e r straight time (ST), the actual nature of the task, e repair time recorded,itised s c i used in a warranty claim. For example, repairing a translucent panel in the t b v h i r roof is straight roof is allowed 4.0 h hours. l e ig time, but resealing aScomplete r o a Warranty (or numr ll claims for labor are theynumber of allowed-time hours u pof the repair n berAof actual straight-time hours) multiplied by the labor rate d a n o facility at which the job wasBdone. M io t e c — u impartial treatment These times have been established to promote fair and ic V d v r D in the processing of warranty claims. The policies and procedures are ro warranty e Pcommunication p S designed to improve in processing claims and to d y re repairs. minimize customer d an inconvenience concerning d ya repair has been assignedzean allowed time, this does not Bo Even though d i r covered under warranty. These — mean that o Boany such repair is automatically V h reference only. D timeskmay be used as guidelines tand c u P a u r d n n DESCRIPTION TIME DESCRIPTION TIME T n U io a t y ra d Door, Side Door, Bulkhead o o p r B o Handle, Interior Sliding Door—Replace Stop, Open Position—Replace 0.2 k w0.2 C c a Handle, Exterior Sliding Door—Replace 0.5 l r u r e y t Catch, Closed Position—Replace 0.5 T b as Side Roll-up Door—Replace ST d ti e Side Roll-up Door Spring—Replace 1.0 Door Seal—Replace ilim 1.0 b t i U n h o o Latch—Replace 4 0.5 Electrical i r t w 0 p a a 0 l r 2 n Light, Cargo Dome—Replace 0.3 o y t o Door, Roll-up i p b h t r c g o d i Light, Clearance/Identification—Replace 0.2 u Roll-up rDoor—Adjust 0.5te C d y i r p o b e r i t o Light, Marker—Replace 0.2 Door C Cable—Replace ep oh0.5 as r r p dStop/Turn/Tail/Back-up—Replace lim Light, 0.2 e i Door Side Seal—Replace 0.5 n t z o i U r ti o 4 c Light, License Plate—Replace 0.2 Door Bottom Seal—Replace u 1.0 h 0 t 0 d u o a r ed t 2 Off/On—Replace Switch,hCargo 0.5 Door Latch—Replace p 1.0 n v U er re ig r s d y Cargo Light—Replace re 0.5 Harness, Counterbalance Shaft—Replace 1.5 e p o iz r ts C Harness, Rear Clearance Lights—Replace 0.5 o h Door, Swing h g i t u Swing—Replace lr a l Handle, Rear 0.3 Harness, Taillight—Replace 0.5 n A U 16 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a DESCRIPTION TIME u d w n e la a v r Rear Structure Floor Assembly y M e b s e d Grab Handle—Replace 0.2 re Bolts—Tighten Fastenersvic0.1 Body Mounting e t s r i t Bolts—Replace Body Mounting e 0.3 h ib Post—Reseal S Rear Corner 0.5 l h ir g y o a Floor 0.2 r l Corner Seal, Top—Replaceod u l p n0.3 License Plate Bracket—Replace A a B n Hardwood Floor—Complete M —Replacement 16.0 tio e V c u Sidewall ic PD Mud Flap Bracket—Replace 0.7 d v d ro er E-track—Repair 0.2 n p S a e Mud Flap—Replace 0.4 y r y d d d Side Vent—Reseal 0.3 o e o B z i B — FrontkWall Assembly or Apitong (Wood) Scuff—Replace 1.0 V c h t D u r Roof Cap—Reseal au Front 1.0 PSlats—Replace T Apitong (Wood) 0.4 Front Corner Post—Resealn 0.5 n d n o U a ti a y Baserail—Replace 7.0 r ST Aluminum Panel—Repair d o o Aluminum Panel—Replace p 8.0 r B Aluminum Panel—Repair ST o kAluminum Panel—Replace w C c la ST FRP Panel—Repair ST r u r e y t FRP Panel—Replace ST T b ST DuraPlate Panel—Repair as d DuraPlate Panel—Replace ST te im DuraPlate Panel—Repair ST i l i b t DuraPlate Panel—Replace ST U hi FRP Panel—Repair ST o 4 r w 0 ST 0 laFRP Panel—Replace n p Mirrors t 2 n y o i o b h i t Reflector Tape—Replace c Rear Crosswalk Mirror—Replace 0.2 d ig at 0.1 u r r e d y o it RearpCrosswalk Mirror—Tighten 0.1 o p b r i r o Co ep oh C r r p Roof d er t e n s iz io a Complete Roof—Reseal 4.0 r t c Complete Roof Structure—Replace ST im ho u l t i d t u d o U a r e n Translucent Panel—Repair ST 4 v p r U 0 Translucent Panel—Replace ST e re 0 s 2 d t e re h z Roof Bows—Tighten 0.2 ri ts ig r o h y hBracket—Replace ig t p Cargo Light 0.2 r u o a ll C n A U DESCRIPTION Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual TIME 17 More Information l d a w e a u l v n Download Files r y a e b s M e Many support rdocuments, including those described here, are downloadable d ce (as Adobe tAcrobat PDF files) from our iaward-winning web site at ite s b access h rv www.utilimaster.com. Click on the Technical Manuals button, ito g e h l i the download page. To view the files r S you must have the Adobe o Acrobat a r l u l version 4.0 or higher installed y on your computer. Acrobat p readers are Reader n d A a n the Adobe web o available free for all leading computer operating systemsoon M B i t site (www.adobe.com). — e c u ic V d v r o Utilimaster Quick e PD Reference PartsprGuide S d y reUtilimaster vehicles in the Utilin replaced parts for most Easily find commonly d a d master Quick e illustrated document includes part Bo y Reference Parts Guide. zThis d i numbers ofor door hardware, electricalr components, mirrors, vents, mud flaps, — o It also includes sealants and repair kits. roll-upB door parts, and many otherhparts. V t k c u PD a u r d Detailed nParts Manual on TUtilimaster n U it amanuals. a bodies in detailed parts Find parts specific to Utilimaster PDV and truck y r d o o p r B Utilimaster Glossary of Terms o k w C c a l r u If you are not familiar with someeof the terminology used in this manual, you y t Tr and definitions in the b can find many Utilimaster andsindustry associated terms a d Utilimaster Glossary of Terms—Body Information Guide. e m t i il bi t i U n h Contact Utilimaster o o 4 i r t wand its products or p 0 a Browse our site0for more information about Utilimaster a l r 2 Customer Service by using one of n o contact Utilimaster the following methods: y t o i p b h t r • Call 800-237-7806 (or 574-862-3219). c g o d i u r C • Faxyto 574-862-7637. ti e d p o b er • Email to CustSvc@Utilimaster.com. r i t o •CMail to the following address: ep oh as r r Utilimaster p d lim e i n Attn: Customer Service Department t iz io U r t 65528 State Road 19 o 4 c 0 u P.O. Box 585 th 0 d u 2 d Wakarusa, IN 46573-0585 o a r e t n v p h U.S.A. U er re ir g s d y e re p NOTE: When phoning Utilimaster, be aware that o ir z ts our 219 telephone area codeCchanged to 574 in o h ig th January 2002. The 800 numbers were unaffected. r u a ll n A U ® 18 ® Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual al u an M Safety Considerations ed aw l v r and Warnings y Notes, Cautions, e b s e d ic come across NOTES, CAUTIONS, re the procedures, you will As you read through e v t i ts and WARNINGS. Each one is there forera specific purpose. b h i S g h l • ri NOTES give you additionalyinformation that will helpro you to complete the procedure. a ll d u p damage the vehicle. o making an error that could n A • CAUTIONS warn youBagainst a n o M i — t is a risk of personal injury. • WARNINGS remind V you to be careful whencthere ce D u i d heed when you work on the vehicle’s body. Below are some basicP WARNINGS that you should rv They are o d r e not all inclusive, however, and common sensepmust be used when servicing vehicles. S an re y dy on the • Do NOT smoke whileoworking • Always wear safety glasses and wear other d d e vehicle. B proper ir z steelBo protective equipment (gloves, — ktoed shoes, face shields, kneeopads, hearing • Always removeVrings, watches, hanging c h the process. t protection) as appropriate to u jewelry, and u PDloose clothing before working Tr• Use safety stands and/or a d Tie long hair securely behind on a vehicle. n wheel blocks on n U i your head. a whenever you are underneath the vehicle. at r dy familiar with all warning labels. o • oBecome • Be sure that the ignition switch is Off unless rp B otherwise required by the procedure. o • Always maintain firm footing and controlwof k C c tools. la • Put the transmission in Parkr and set the u r e y t on the vehicle. T • Use only tools that are in good condition, parking brake before working b as d and use them only in the appropriate • Operate engines only m in well-ventilated areas. te manner. i it li ib injuries • Get help when needed tohavoid • Keep yourselfUand your clothing away from o caused by overexertion. the radiator4fan, belts, and any moving parts r w 0 when the0engine is running. la• Always be aware nof pthe location of other n 2 t contact with hot metal parts, such as by io trip hazards (e.g., airtio people and potential • Avoid h t c cords, tools). d ig radiator or exhaust system. lines, electrical the u r ra e t d y o i p ro ib rp o p h o C Towing and Emergency Repairs C re ro r p d e Problems with the Utilimaster body are t e n unlikely to disable iazvehicle s o enough to make it undrivable. See chassis operator’sr manual a ti the o c m and the engine service manual for emergency information. u th ili d t u d omanual for information See the chassis operator’s U a on towing r e n 4 v precommends the following: procedures. Utilimaster r U 0 e re 0 s 2 • A wheel liftdor flatbed equipment is the preferred method of ttowing. e re h z i vehicle when possible to reduce stress on theigchassis • Unloadrthe ts r o h y during h towing. ig t p r u o ll if towing. • a Be sure to place the transmission in Neutral and fully C release the parking brake n A U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 19 Service Information l d w a e a u l v Manufacturers’r Recommendations n y e a b s Mprovided by Safety, application, d re and operation instructions e e t the manufacturer with sealants, adhesives, cleaners, access c i t bi v i sories, andhother equipment should always supersede r l ig provided by Utilimaster.Se information r oh a r ll u p y n A d a n Body Maintenance Checklist M io Bo t e c —body is low-maintenance.uHowever, By design, the Utilimaster ic V d v r Utilimaster recommends the following items should be checked every ro more e PDunless p S three to four months, otherwise stated. For detailed d y re manual. information, check d an the relevant sections ofd the e y Bo z d i r — Pre-Trip BoInspection (daily) ho V t items on the body each day: k u Thecdriver should check the following PD a u d n Tr ! Adjust crosswalk mirrors n Un as needed. tio a a y r ! Inspect operation of rear vision camera d o system. See theoRear p Vision (Back-up) Camera System section. r B o k C lights. ! Check all exterior and interior c aw l r u y te and close tightly.Tr ! Check that doors open s easily b a d e m t i il (every three to four months) bi Routine Body Maintenance t i U n h o o 4 Utilimaster recommends that a technician do the above pre-trip ini r t w p a 00 spection before2performing the following body maintenance la checks: r n o y t o i p b h t r Bumpers c o d ig u r e C t d ! yCheck for loose fasteners on the bumperi and brackets. p o b er r i t o C ! Check for damaged or bent components. ep oh as r r p d lim e i n t iz io U r t o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u 2 d a ro e t n v p h U er re ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C o h ig th r u a ll n A U 20 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u ed See the Door, Centralan aw needed. ! Lubricate as v l r (Trademaster) section. M y Locking System e b s e e d ic Door, Generalr e v t r i ts e b h i ! Check operation of the locks. S Catch h l ig y r o a Plate r ll! Check interior and exterior d handles for u p o n A tightness. a B n o M i — 1/8" ! Check alignment of V latches and catches. At ct ce D u i latch tongue needs to least 1/8" of the Kason P d rv engage the catch plate. (See Illustrationro d e S Latch MC–10.)an ep y r Tongue y d d d ! Check for wear on the bulkhead catch plates o e Illustration B MC–10 ir z and Bolatch tongue. Check Latch Tongue and Catch Plate for Wear — k o V c h ! t seals around door u Inspect and clean rubber r u PD edges. T a n nd Unlock cylinders withtioa light ! Lubricate ABLOY a a NUTO y oil (such as Exxon Hydraulic oil type r d o o 68, or equivalent, for the lock cylinders.) p r B obecome dirty, use k ! If the ABLOY lock cylinders C c aw l r u ZEP 45 penetrating lubricant e to clean the Tr y t b cylinders before applying the NUTO 68. s a d e m t i i il b t i NOTE: ThisUservice information h o 4 is generic. Details in illustrations w 0 pr a 0 and procedures may differ from l 2 n n y o thoset in your vehicle. Since doors i o b h i t c differ, d ig adapt these instructions as at u r r e d y needed. o it p o p b r i r o Co ep oh C r r p d er t e n s iz io a r t c im ho u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 d t e re h z ri ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Door, Central Locking System (Trademaster Compartments) ® ® ® ® ® Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 21 Door, Roll-up l d a e aw u l v rof the door and strap: an y Check the condition e b s M e d ! Check rthat the door opens easily and e e t s c i t tightly. closes bi v h i r g l ! riCheck condition of latch. See oh a SeIllustrar ll tion MC–15, Door, Roll-up—MSL u p y n A (“Banana Lock”) Replacement d a section, o on M i B t and Door, Roll-up—Two-point (Fane c — section. u ic type) Latch Adjustment V Illustration MC–15v d r Check Roll-Up Door Latch Dead e Bolt for Wear PD fasteners or other pro ! Check for loose S d components. y re d an d e y the condition of the pull-down ! Check Bouse grease on z d CAUTION: Do NOT i o for fraying or wear. or —get oil on rubber doors. Do NOT Bstrap V h seals. Wipe t centered in D up any drips immediately. !k Check that the rear dooruis c P a u the opening. d n n Tr n o U i a Lubrication at y Track r d Spring o Counterbalance Shaft Lubricate the following rear roll-up p Bo door parts with a (Utilimaster P/N or Drum Roller k 04202540, or equivalent) light oil C c aw l r u r e (see Illustration MC–30): y t T b s a Hinges d ! Roller drums and e m t i shafts—wipe offil bi t i excess oil (#1,U#3). n h o o 4 i r t w 0 ! Springs—lubricate p a a 0 l r 2 along n both springs Roller Shaft y t o i po b theirhentire length to t r c o d ig rusting (#2). prevent u r e C t d y i p o b er r i ! Hinges (center and t o C end)—wipe off ep oh as r r p excess oil (#5). d lim e i n t iz ! Rollers (#6, #7). io U r t o 4 c 0 u th ! Latches (NS). 0 d u 2 d o a e t ! Clean and lubri- pr n v h U cate track (#4).re er ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C Roller Bracket o h ig Illustration MC–30 th r u Lubrication Points on Rear Roll-Up Door ll a n A U Inspection 22 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Door, Swing ! ed al u an M v (metal)—use ZEP® 45 Handles/latches r e lubricant to clean contact e penetrating s e moving parts before applying pointsrand ic a v r oil type lightweight ts ® oil. (Exxon Hydraulic e h gNUTO 68, or equivalent.) S d ti e ib h o pr by w la l i y a ll!r Hinges and metal exterioroddoor u catches— n A lubricate the zerk fittings a B with #2 grease at on M it six-month intervals — (or three-month V c ce intervals in hot, D dusty conditions). (See u i P Illustration MC–35.) rv od d r e Illustration MC–35 S Hinges an catches (metal)—use ZEP ! Interior door ep 45 Grease Swing Door y r y lubricant to clean before d penetrating d d o e o applying a lightweight oil. (Exxon B z i B r — kHydraulic oil type NUTO 68, o or V c h equivalent.) (See Illustration t MC–40.) D u r u P T ! Rubber door catchesaand latches—cleann d n U fasteners. (See tio and check for loose an a y Illustration MC–45.) Do NOT use r d o o petroleum jelly on rubber door rcatches. It p B o will attract dirt and become abrasive to the C ck aw fittings. l r u y tein this Tr b s NOTE: The information a Details may d illustration is generic. e m t i differ from yourtilvehicle. Use this bi i U a guideline where it h information as o 4 applies. 0 w Illustration pr MC–40 a 0 l LubricatenSwing Door Catches 2 n y t io o b h i t c d ig at u r r e d y o it p o p b r i r o Co ep oh C r r p d er t e n s iz io a r t c im ho u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 d t e re h z ri ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll MC–45 Illustration C n A Clean Rubber Catches U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 23 Other Body Parts ! l A!l l d e of body mounting ua Check the alignment v r spacers andetighten mounting bolts after n a s 60, and 90 days of operation the first e30, M r six months after that. (Seee and every s ic t Illustration MC–50 and the Body v h g er Bolts section.) riMounting S y Sweep debris from floordsurface. d ti e ib h o pr by w la l a u an M n io t c ce u i V d v r D o ! Check that all reflective tape is securely r e P S attached. d ep y r n d a d o ! Clean rear threshold drains and drain e y B d (See also the Drainsrsection.) iz troughs. o — B V ho bolts for !k Check grab handle mounting t D P uc tightness. (See also ntheauGrab Handle n Illustration MC–50 r d T section.) n Body Mounting Bolts U io a t y ra ! Check mirror mounting bolts for tightness. d o o (See also the Mirror section.) rp B o C ck aw l r u r e y t T b s a d e m t i CAUTION: DoilNOT power-wash for the first 90 days. Wash and wax the body periodically bi to t i preserve the body finish, but avoid harsh cleaning solutions and high-pressure washes. U n h o o 4 i r t w 0 p a a 0 l r 2 n y t o i po b h t r c o d rated under 14,000ulbs ig CAUTION: Do NOT drive a forklift into a evehicle r GVWR. C t d y i p o b er r i t o C ep oh as r r p is generic. Details ind illustrations land im procedures NOTE: This service information e i n t may differ from those in your manufactures many iz io vehicle. Because Utilimaster U r t customized vehicle bodies, o and illustrate04every possible part in c this manual cannot list h u t every vehicle. Nevertheless, the most common body options are 0 described here. Use this 2 d od where it applies.au information as a guideline r e t n v p h U er re ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C o h ig th r u a ll n A U ! 24 o Do NOT wash downBwooden floors since — to warp. this can cause wood Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual al u an M Tools and Fasteners d w e a l v Common Tools r y e b s e Below are tools, including recommended brands and models, commonly used c d in vehicle body repairs. i re e s and flat-blade screwdriver rvset including Torx bit bit • Phillips t e h S open-end wrench set hi • ig Metric and standard box-end and l y o a r ll• r Metric and standard socket d u p o sets n A • Torque wrenches (any Bquality a n [or N•m] measurements) sets with in•lb andoft•lb M it — • 3/8" drill (Dewalt VDW221 recommended) c ce D u i P DW231 recommended) • 1/2" drill (Dewalt rv od d r e • Drill stopan S ep y r y set (including 1/4" or F-bit • Drill d bit d d and 3/16" or #11 bit) o e o B • Screw z B gun (Dewalt DW281rirecommended) — • ckPOP riveter (Emhart PRG V installation) ho 540 for both POP rivet and MONOBOLT t D u (Emhart PRG u 540 with 1/4" nose assembly—this nose P assembly consists of Jaws Tr• Monobolter a d n 1/4" Nose Tip BRN-811) PRG 540-44, Jaw Pusher n PRG 740-7A,oand n U i a • Huck riveter (Huck 2025-L) with: at y r for Hucktainer fasteners d ! Hucktainer nose assembly 99-3464, o o pfor Magna-Grips/pin-and-collars ! 1/4" nose assembly 99-3204, r B o for Magna-Lockskand Magna-Bulbs ! 1/4" nose assembly 99-3305, C c aw l r u • Nutsert insert tool (Sioux y te 02107TL recommended) Tr b s • Air hammer with a buck a riveter attachment (Sioux 270 with 3/16" Ajax rivet set #1620) and d buck bar e m • Hand punch or an it ili air hammer with a punch attachment b t • Disk air sander U with 220-, 320-, and 600-grit sandpaper hi o 4 w • Saber saw0 (Porter Cable 548) pr a 0 l 2 with blade n • Die grinder n y t o i o b h i t • DVOM c d ig (Digital Voltmeter) at u r r e d o • y Terminal tool kit (Snap-On TT600 recommended) it p o p b r i r h o Co• Needle-nose pliers ep o C r r • Locking pliers (VISE-GRIP recommended, 9" or 10" [23 or 25 cm] long) r p d e t e n • Multigrips pliers (any standard iz [23 or 25 cm] long) as io model about 9" or r10" t • Tape measure c im ho u l t i d t • Fine-pointed marker u o U a r ed n • Rubber mallet p 4 v r U 0 e e 0 • Razor knife r s 2 d t e re • Pry bar or large screwdriver h z ri saver ts ig r • Memory o h y h ig t p r • Caulking gun u o a ll C • n Safety glasses A U ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 25 Fastener Replacement l a u an M d e rv e s re BOM® Fastener Removal d Cut it off with s a die grinder. With a centericepunch, knock out the ite t center pin.h The remaining ring may need v to be drilled out. (See ib r g e i Illustration r FR–5.) oh l Replacement Al S pr by w la Illustration FR–5 BOM Fastener l a u an M y d n o io A BOM fastener should be B replaced per original specifications. However, in some t c — applications it may be able to be replaced with a Grade 8 bolt, and a Grade 8 locknut of ce u i V d remember to use flat washers v like diameter. If replacing with a nut and bolt, always r D o r e against all aluminumPsurfaces. S d ep y r n d a Brazier-head) Buck Rivet (Solid d o e y B Removal d iz r o — B or 3/16" [5 mm] drill bitho(depending on rivet size) to drill off the V Use ak #11 t c u PD head of the rivet, starting at the dimple located in the center. After the head a u r off, use a punch to knock d n Tpops n Un out the stems. t(See io Illustration FR–10.) a a the rivet head in order y NOTE: A center punch can be usedron to get a d o good start for the drill bit. o p r B o 3/16" [5 mm] in kdiameter and of w NOTE: Brazier-head buck rivets C c a l r u varying lengths are used eon a number of locations r on the body. y t T b s Replacement Illustration FR–10 a dRivet e Buck m it Use an air hammer withialibuck-riveter attachment and bucking bar to replace b t i the rivet. In most applications a MONOBOLT can also be used to replace a U n h o o 4 i buck rivet. Do NOT replace buck rivets with a POP rivet. r t w 0 p a a 0 l r 2 n Buck Rivets Lengths y t o i po b h t r o dMetal Thickness Rangeuc ig Rivet Length r e C t d y i to 15/64" [4.8 to 6.0 mm] p o b 7/16" [11.1 mm] 3/16" er r i t o p C 1/2" [12.7 mm] oh 1/4" to 19/64" [6.4 to 7.5remm] as r 9/16" [14.3 mm]p 5/16" to 23/64" [7.9d to 9.1 mm] lim e i n t o iz to 10.7 mm] U 5/8" [15.9 imm] 3/8" to 27.64" r[9.5 t 4 c mm] 3/4" [19.1 7/16" to 17/32" ho [11.1 to 13.500mm] u t u 21/32" [13.9 to 216.7 mm] d 7/8" 35/64"ato od[22.2 mm] r e t n For Rivet Diameter 3/16" [4.76 mm], Hole Diameter 0.191" v p h er re [4.85 mm], Drill Bit #11 U ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C (S.A.E.) measurements. Utilimaster NOTE:o This vehicle was designed using English h ig but th metric conversion equivalents as a courtesy if metric tools must be used, provides r u a ll Utilimaster does not warrant metric values given in this manual. n A U 26 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u n and is used on ed has a rubber-coveredahead aw l v Note: A Hucktainer r y M panels. se b e d ic re Removal e v t r i ts a center punch (or an air hammer e b 1. With with a punch attachment), h i S from the collar side. (See l igknock the stem out of the fastener Illustration FR–15 y r oh a r ll Illustration FR–15.) od Hucktainer Fastener u p n A a B n 2. If the fastener sections M io with a screwdriver. — don’t fall out, pry them tout e V c Replacement D u ic P d v Use a Huck riveterdto replace it. (The rubber-covered head should be positioned on the exterior ro er side.) n p S a Locknut y uses centerre y CAUTION: Utilimaster d d d o which distort the lock-type locknuts, Removal o e B z i threads of the nut and bolt. This type, B r — Remove with an appropriate open-end or box-end k should NOT be reused after disassemo V c h bly. Always replace the locknut and t wrench. Dnew. u r u P bolt with T a Replacement d n n n o U i a t Utilimaster commonly uses center-lock typealocknuts, which distort y the threads. These locknuts and the r d bolts should always be discarded and replaced with new. Nylon insert nuts and KEPS nuts are reusable. o o p r If locknuts are not available, use lock washers and a thread adhesive like Loctite. Flange head nuts and B o k bolts can be used in place of flat washers. C Always use flat c washers against aluminum surfaces. law r u r y te appropriate value.T(Using Slowly torque the new bolt to the a power tool to spin the fastener quickly b s may lower its effectiveness.)a d e m t i il , Magna-Lok , and Hemlok Rivets bi t MONOBOLT , Magna-Bulb i U h o 4 Removal r FR–20 w 0 Illustration p a 0 l 1. With a2center punch (or an air hammer with a punch n Magna-Bulb n y t o i o attachment), knock the stem out of the fastener. (See b h i t c d Illustrations FR–20 through FR–30.) ig at u r r e d y Drill off the head of the rivet using a #11it (or 3/16" [5 o 2. p o p b r i r o Co mm]) or F (or 1/4" [6 mm]) drill rbitoh(depending on rivet rep C Illustration FR–25 size). The back stem should fallp off. d er Magna-Lok t e n NOTE: Be very careful (especially s iz io drillingforoffHemloks) a r t not to enlarge the hole while the o c im l head. If the hole does u become enlarged, you th i d t u d o fastener in its place. will need to put a larger U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 Replacement e re 0 s 2 drivet gun to replace it. Use a MONOBOLT t e re h z i may also replace it with a Magna-Lok or ig ryou ts For a Hemlok, r o h y Illustration buck rivet.th igFR–30 p r u Hemlok o a ll C n A U Hucktainer ® ® ® ® ® Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual ® ® 27 Nutsert d l e is a threaded insert that isuacrimped into NOTE: A nutsert v r place. A nutsert e need only to be removedanif it is damaged and s the threads M e cannot be retapped. by w la d r e e t s c i t bi v h i Illustration FR–35 r Cut it off FR–35.) h l e igwith a die grinder. (See Illustration Nutsert r o a S r l u Replacement p y n Al d a n Using a nutsert insert tool, replace M Bo the nutsert with ctio CAUTION: Do NOT use Loctite thread e one meeting original specifications. Do NOT use — u locker on the threads of a nutsert. ic V Loctite thread locker on the threads of a nutsert. d v r e PDspecifications or the toolprtoo S If a nutsert of original d y insert or a nut re be replaced with another form of threaded install nutsertsaisn not available, the nutsert may d d o and bolt. This Service. If it eand should be approved by Utilimaster Customer y depends upon application B z d i is to be replaced with a nut and bolt, it is important to use flat washers on both sides of the material. r — o Bo V h t k Pierce-and-Roll (Self-Piercing) Rivet c u PD a u r hardened steel fastenern(attaching the translucent d panel n or aluminum roof TThis n o U i a and to the roof rails) crimps parts together by driving at through the top material y r mushrooming out into the bottom part without d surface. o penetrating the olower p (See Illustration FR–40.) r B o k C Removal c aw l r u r grinder to grind off edrilled off. Use a 4"Tangle y t The rivet head can be ground or b s d the rivet head. Or use a solidacarbide or cobalt steel 1/4" [6 mm] drill bit to e m t i drill off the head of the rivet, il starting at the dimple located in the center. Use a bi FR–40 t i Illustration variable-speed drill, drilling as slowly as possible and periodically dipping the U n h Pierce-and-Roll Rivet o o drill bit in Mer*Lube 829 lubricant (cut 50/50 with water). You do not need to 4 i r t w 0 p a drill all the way 0through the rivet—just enough to removelathe head. r 2 n y t o i po areas b After the roof panel is removed, use a 4" angle grinder to grind down all rivet stems and rough h t r c o dto not grind off excessumetal. igare flush with the rail surface. Be careful until they r e C t d y i p o b Replacement er r i t o h C epfrom the old rivets. as Use an air Drill 3/16" [5 mm] new holes through thero panel and rails, staggered r d a 3/16" diameter hammer with a buck-riveter attachmentpand bucking bar to install lim by 1/2" long soft buck e i n t rivet (P/N 11600108-0308S). (Seeio Illustration FR–30.) riz U t o 4 c Alternately, drill 1/4" [6 mm] new from the old rivets. Use a 0 u holes through the panel th and rails, staggered 0 d u MONOBOLT rivet gun ando1/4" Magna-Loks (P/Na11400026). 2 d r e t n v p h U Do NOT replace with POP er re rivets. ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C o h ig th r u a ll n A U Removal ® ® 28 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u n ed aw Removal l a v r y (With Collar) M e a. From either side, the rivet can be cut eoff with a die b s ic remaining ring. (See ted re Punch out the center andvthe grinder. r i ts Illustration FR–45.) e b h i S g h l b.ri Or from the head side, using the appropriate-size drill bit y a ro (3/ ll 16" [5 mm], 1/4" [6 mm],odor 3/8" [10 mm]), drill offpthe u (With Flanged Collar) n A head of the pin. PunchBout the center of the remaining a n it o pin. Illustration FR–45 M — Vside, using the appropriate-size c drill bit c. Or from the collar Magna-Grip ce D u d drill out the (3/16" [5 mm],P1/4" [6 mm], or 3/8" [10 mm]), vi r o d collar. With a center punch, r knock out the e center of the n p S center of athe remaining pin. y re y d d d o NOTE: Be extremely careful not drill e to overheat the steel pin and collar. UseBlow-RPM o z i B speed. — k or V c h Replacement t D ru u P T a Use a Huck rivet gun to replace it. d n n n o U i a t fastener with a Grade 8 bolt of like diameter and a Grade If a Huck rivet gun is not available, replace a the y r 8 locknut. For additional locking capacity, use Loctite thread locker. d o o p against aluminumBsurfaces. r NOTE: Flat washers are required o C ck aw l POP Rivet r u y te Tr b s Removal a d e m Drill off the head of the rivet using a #11 or 3/16" [5 mm] drill bit. t i il off. (See Illustration FR–50.) bi The back stem should tfall i U h FR–50 Illustration o 4 Replacement rPOP Rivet w 0 p a 0 l Use a POP rivet 2 gun to replace it. n n y t o i o b h i t T-Nut andgBolt c d i at u r r e d y o it Removal p o p b r i r p nut stationary. With h bolt while keeping the o Co an appropriate screwdriver, unscrewrothe e C r (See Illustration FR–55.) Discard the bolt thread adhesive and r p and nut. The bolt has d a compressible plastic spacer/seal, sonnot attempt to reuse either the bolt or the nut. te e z io from the adhesiverior seal is present on a as After the bolt is removed, if any residue t reusable surface, scrape off theuc residue. im Illustration FR–55 ho l t i d t u T-Nut and Bolt d o Replacement U a r n 4 ve p r U bolt. Slowly torque the00new bolt to While keeping the nutre stationary, screw in a new se the appropriate value. (Using a power tool to spin the fastener quickly2 may lower the d e t e seal.) r effectiveness ofithe h z s r t ig r o h y ig th p r u o a ll C n A U Pin-and-Collar Fastener (Magna-Grip®) ® ® ® Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 29 Tape, Double-faced Adhesive l d a e aw u l v r y flat surfaces. Scrape off With a razor knife,ecut along the length of the tape an while pulling apart the joined b s M remnants as much d re as possible. Clean with aesolvent. e t s c i t Replacement bi v h i r e Do NOT remove the tape igone surface from a fresh roll. Applyrto ohpaper until the other surface is in the ual S r l l position. Once the tape sticks proper p be able to reposition it without starting n y to a surface, you will not A d a n over. o o M i B t c Tape, Vinyl Barrier — ce u i V d surfaces mate in order to prevent corrosion v of the r D o White vinyl tape is used wherever steel and aluminum r e P S surfaces. d ep y r n d a Removal d o e y B d off. iz Peel or scrape r o — o B V h Replacement t D k u P a uc to mating surfaces from Apply a fresh roll. r d n n T n o U ithe a t NOTE: Tape rolls can be ordered with following part numbers: y mm]-wide roll........P/N 12303706 ra d 1" [25.4 mm]-wide roll........P/N 12303707 2" [50.8 o o[101.6 mm]-wide roll......P/N 12605947 3" [76.2 mm]-wide roll........P/Nrp 12303705 4" B o C ck aw l Thread Adhesive r u r e y t T b Removal s a d e m Bolts with thread adhesive cannot be reused. After the bolt is removed, if any residue from the seal is t i il scrape off the residue. bi t present on a reusable surface, i U n h o o 4 i Replacement r t w 0 p a a 0 l r Slowly torque 2the new bolt to the appropriate value. (Using a power tool to spinnthe fastener quickly y t io po b h may lower the effectiveness of the seal.) t r c o d ig u r e C t d TorqueySeal i p o b er r i t o p nut or across h across a bolt threadeand The s a bolt and washer C torque seal appears as a small paintedroline a r seam. If the seal line is broken (out of alignment), the fastener has loosened. m p d ebut ili it. n t z NOTE: Torque seal indicates a fastener has loosened does not prevent U ri tio o 4 c Removal 0 u th 0 d u After the bolt is removed, if a is present ont 2a reusable surface, scrape off the ed roany residue from the nseal p h residue. rv U e re ir g Replacement d y es e r p obead of torque seal or paint stick across iz installation is complete, apply a small When the fastener r ts the new C o h bolt threads,hnut, head, and/or washer. ig t r u a ll n A U Removal 30 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u n ed aw l a v r y for the process. M equipment when appropriate e b WARNING: Always wear proper protective s e d ic re e v t r i ts e b h i S instructions providedhwith sealants, adhesives, and other l ig WARNING: Safety and application y r o by Utilimaster. a r products should alwaysdsupersede information provided ll u p o n A a B n o M i — The one-compound polyurethanes Utilimaster uses are very V ct effective sealants. They remain permanently case well as D u i elastic (less cracking due to shrinkage), they can be painted, and they require no mixing. They bond P rv od needed, and they also reduce noise andecorrosion. seal, thus reducing the number of mechanical fasteners d r S sealants: an provide an overviewreofp what to look for when working with polyurethane The following statements y y d d Always follow manufacturer’s cautions d o e 1. Manufacturer’s Recommendations: o B and z i B krecommendations for protective or equipment, application, and cleanup.V— c h D to 100º F [37º C]. For coldu Conditions: Recommended 2. application temperatures are 40º [5º C] ut sealants P Tr weather applications,astore at approximately 70º F [21ºdC] and remove them just prior to n n using. Make sureUjoint is frost-free. tio an a y air, sandblast, or solvent. Remove all r jet of compressed 3. Surface: Clean the surface with aostrong d o dry, free of grease or rust, and of p surface must be Bclean, loose particles and old sealant. rThe o sound quality. C ck aw l r u 4. Priming: Usually no priming te is required. Since Tr substrate type and uniformity can vary,baypretest s is recommended. Sealant a manufacturers have primers when substrates require them. dSince m compatibility among te i manufacturers is in question, do not mix and match different manufacturers’ i l i primers and sealants. ib Ut h o seal. Install with 4 Cut the tip of the plastic nozzle to joint 5. Application: size. Puncture the airtight r w 0 p be gunned in the a hand-20or power-operated caulking gun. For best laperformance, sealantnshould n twhere the joint slot is at the midpoint ofbitsy designed expansiontand joint io contraction. Dip a Polyo h i c stick ig in a soapy solution to ease spreadingedthe adhesive to seal anyugaps. at r r d y o it Limitations: p o p b r i r o Co• For curing, permit sufficient exposure ep oh to air. C r r p d silicones. er t e • Do NOT apply over siliconesnor in the presence of curing s o iz i a r t • During cure, avoid contact solvents. m c with alcohol and alcohol-containing ho u t ili d cartridges in the same t u • For best results, useoopen day. d U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 NOTE: This and procedures e d service information is generic. Details in illustrations t e may differ manufactures many s r h ir z from those in your vehicle. Because Utilimaster t in ig customized vehicle bodies, this manual cannot list and rillustrate every possible part o h y every th vehicle. Nevertheless, the most common bodypoptions are described here.rigUse this u ainformation as a guideline where it applies. Co ll n A U Sealant Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 31 Service Procedures l a aw u l r y e an b s Mor WARNING: To avoid accidental shock d re to the e e damage vehicle, disconnect the t s c i i t battery before servicing an electrical b v h i r Check your chassisl ig component. r oh a supplied operation or service Se informar ll u p tion for specific recommendations. y n A d a n o M io B t e c WARNING: Always remove the (Black) —first and connect it last. u ic Negative cable V d v r ro PD Illustration BA–20 e p S d Plugging in a MemoryySaver 1. Make sure the ignition switch is Off.re n d a dsaver o e 2. You ymay need to plug a memory B d 9-volt battery) into the raccessory iz (with o — o Boutlet on the dash. (See Illustration V BA– h t D k u P Check your chassis-supplied a uc 20.) r d n n operation or service information for T n U io a t specific recommendations. y ra d o 3. Disconnect the Negative (Black)pbattery Bo cable(s) first. (See IllustrationorBA–25.) C ck aw l r u 4. Tuck the battery cable away from the r e y t T b terminal to prevent accidental contact. s a d e m 5. When servicing the vehicle is finished, t i il bi t reconnect the cable. i U n h Illustration BA–25 o o 4 i r t Body Mounting0 Bolts w (Black) Cable Disconnected Negative p and TuckedraAway a 0 l 2 Mounting bolts come in a n y NOTE: t o i po b h t r variety c o d ig of configurations u r e C depending on the application. t d y i p o b er r i t o Normal road vibration and the natural changing C ep oh as r r properties of the wood runners between the Base Rail m p d i (Under Sidewall) chassis and body may reduce the clamping force e il n t z Crossmember on the body mounting bolts. ri Floor) U tio (Under o 4 c h 0 u Therefore, it is important to check the alignment t 0 u 2 d od tighten the of body mounting spacers rand a e t Bolts n v p h mounting bolts after theefirst 30, 60, and 90 days U er ir g of operation and everyrsix months after that. (See s d y Illustrations BM–5ethrough BM–20 and the re p z o i torque chart.) r ts C o h ig th the lower nuts because, in some Always tighten r u Illustration BM–5 a the top nuts have been welded in place. ll Bolts applications, Base Rail to Crossmember n A U d Battery, Disconnecting ve 32 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u CAUTION: Check the alignment of n ed spacers aw body mounting and tighten the a l v r bolts after the first 30, 60, M mounting e by s days of operation and everycsix e ande90 d i r after that. months e v t r i Long ts Mounting e b h i Sill S Torque Description and g Oak h l i Illustration y o a ft•lb N•m Application (Wood) r ll r d u p o rail to n ABase BM–5 24–31 32.6–42.0 a B n crossmember o M i — Tie rod with angle e ct BM–10V 45–55 61.0–74.5 c D u bar i Chassis P Tie rod with Jrv od Frame BM–15 24–35 32.6–47.4 d r e hook n p S Rail e U-bolt with angle a y r y BM–15 45–55 d61.0–74.5 d bar d o Angle e o 5/8 bolt in body B Tie Bars Bangle BM–20 80–110riz 108.5–149.1 tie-down — k Rod V c at chassis ho 5/8 bolt t D u r u P Tframe rail for BM–20 a 90–120 122.0–162.6 d n body mounting n U angle an tio a y r d NOTE: Utilimaster vehicles are o rp Bo designed using English (S.A.E.)omeaIllustration BM–10 C surements. Utilimaster provides ck aw Tie Rods with Angle Bars l r u metric conversion equivalents e as a Tr by st be used, courtesy if metric toolsamust d e but Utilimaster doesim not warrant t il in this manual. metric values given bi t i U h o 4 w 0 pr a 0 l Long 2 n n y t o Sill i o b h i t c d Long ig at u r r e Sill d y o it p o p b r i r p h o Co e o C r r Mounting Mounting r p d Rumber e Oak t e n z s (Wood) io a ri t o c m (Body Tie Down) Tie u th Mounting Bolt ili U Bolt d t u Rod Chassis d o U with a Chassis r with J n Frame 4 ve pFrame Angle r U 0 e Hook Rail e r Rail Bar 0 s 2 d e e r (Chassis ht ir z s FrameigRail) t r o h Mounting Bolt y ig th p r u o a ll Illustration BM–20 Illustration BM–15 C n A Chassis Frame Rail and Body Tie Down Bolts J Hook and U Bolt U ® Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 33 Bumper, Rear d l Most truck body bumpers ve are welded in place. To nua r replace a bumper, cut e it off with a torch and weld the a s new bumper in place. Remove any other applicable M re fasteners andsinstall with new fasteners. ce d ti e ib h o pr by w la i t v h r For bumper l e the bolt ig rubber impact strips, remove r a S attaching ll the strip to the bumper.yReplace with a u n new bolts and A strip as well as new stainless-steel d a n nuts. (See Illustration BU–5.) M io Bo t e c — to a bumper u Most PDV bumpers areVbolted ic d v r support and have rivets ro e PD attaching lights and splash p S guards. Remove d the various fasteners to replace y reit the bumper. To d anreplace the bumper support, d o may need toybe cut off with a torch and e the reB z d i Illustration BU–05 placement welded into position. r — o Rubber ImpactVStrip and Fasteners Bo h t k c u PD WARNING: When replacing a bumper, a u d n bumper to keep it on always support the Tr n U i a from falling. at y r d o o p r B CAUTION: Always use new o bolts and k CDo NOT c aw two-way Grade 8 locknuts. l r u reuse locknuts or bolts ewhen replacing Tr y t b bumpers. s a d e m t i bi til i Cable RetainmentUTrack n h o o 4 i r t Removal w 0 p a a 0 l r n o 1. With ta 2Torx bit, unscrew the fasteners. (If y o i p b h t r the c g exterior encapsulated T-nut starts to d o ispin, u r e C hold it while unscrewing the bolt.) t d y i p o b er r i t o 2. Remove the track from the sidewall.h s C ep o a r r Installation p d lim e i n t 1. Position the track in place and o screw in the iz i U r t fasteners with a Torx bit.c(If the exterior o 4 0 u to spin, hold it th encapsulated T-nut starts 0 d u 2 d a while unscrewing the ro bolt.) e t n v p h er 2. If a new T-nut riserequired, punch out theU ir g s d pound in the new one y old T-nut, and e re p z o i before screwing in the bolt. r ts C o h ig th Illustration CR–5r u a ll and E-track Cable Retainment Track (Middle) n A U 34 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Decals al u an M w ed a l v NOTE: Seeralso the Paint section. y e b s e Removal d ic re e v t r 1. Usetsa heat gun to soften the adhesive i e b h i S h l igunder the decal. y r o a r ll2. With a razor knife, carefully d u peel the edge p o n A back. a B n M it o — e V while manually c 3. Continue to heat evenly c D u i pulling the decal P off. rv od d r e Installation S an ep y r yreapplying decals over fresh 1. Before d d paint, d o waito24 hours for nonreflectivezedecals or B Bhours for reflective decals.ri 72 — k V c ho 2319S t D u 2. Clean the surface with DuPont r u P T Cleaner. a d n n U an tio 3. Align the decal into position. a y r d o 4. Smooth the decal from the center o p to the r B edges. o w C ck a l r u 5. Squeegee the edges to ensure e a proper y t Tr b seal. s a d e m t i il bi t i U h o 4 Deflector Plate0 w pr a 0 l 2 n Removal n y t o i o b h i t c 1. Remove the cargo light switch. (See the d ig at u r r e d y Switch, Cargo Light section and Illustra-it o p o p b r i r tion DE–5.) p h o Co e o C r r 2. Remove the fasteners holding the p plate to d er the sidewall. t e n s o iz i a r t 3. Remove the plate. c im ho u l t i d t Installation u d o U a r e n 4 v p holes in the sidewall,U 1. Using the fastener r 0 e e r 0 drill holes in the new deflector plate from s 2 d t the outside. e re h z ri ts ig Illustration DE–5 h 2. InsertoHucktainer fasteners into the holes. r y and Hucktainer Fasteners oniga Deflector Plate h Switch t p r u 3. Reinstall the cargo light switch. o l a l C A Un Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 35 Door, Bulkhead (Midship/Front Wall) Latch Adjustment l d a e aw u l NOTE: Not rall v door latches are y e an adjustable. b s M e d e 1. Loosenr the fasteners on the catch. (See e t s c i t Illustration DR–5.) bi v h i r l e align ig oh a 2.l r Position the door latch to properly S r u p y n Al with the catch. d a n o M io 3. Holding the catch inBthis position, tighten t e c — the fasteners. u ic V d v r 4. Open and close PD the door multiple timesptoro Se d ensure proper operation. Repeat the e y r n d processaif necessary. d e y Bo z d i NOTE: Depending on the door r o — DR–5 o Bhardware, Illustration you may be able to make V h t this k the door close tighter with Bulkhead Door c u PD Latch (Cargo Side) a u adjustment. d n Tr n Un it o a a y r d o o p r B o k C c aw l r u r e y t T b s a d e m t i il bi t i U n h o o 4 i r t w 0 p a a 0 l r 2 n y t o i po b h t r c and procedures o d Details in illustrations ig This service information is generic. NOTE: u r e C t d ymay differ from those in your vehicle. Because i Utilimaster manufactures many p o b er r i t o p every possible h cannot list and illustrate s part in C customized vehicle bodies, this manual ahere. re are described ro common body options every vehicle. Nevertheless, thepmost Use this m d i information as a guideline where e il n it applies. t z o i U r ti o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u 2 d a ro e t n v p h U er re ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C o h ig th r u a ll n A U 36 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l Door, Central Locking d System (Trademaster)ua w n e a l a v Operation (electric and r manual systems) y M e CAUTION: To close an open b s e The keyed lock in each compartment door handle e c compartment door, the central d i from the r e v locking system must be UNworks in conjunction with but is independent t s r i LOCKED! Slamming t e a door b dead-bolthcentral locking system. TheSkeyed lock i g closed with the central system h l i enables y while the r its compartment to remaindlocked o locked may damage the system. a r l u p restl of the compartments are conveniently unlocked o n A a B n by the central system. M it o — V the keyed lock AND thec To fully open a door, both ce D u i P must be unlocked. od central locking system rv d r e S • For electric an system operation, pressrethep lock or y unlockybutton on the key fob. (See Illustration d d d o e DR–10.) o B iz B r — • ckFor manual (or override) o operation, V h system t D u slide the locking lever toward the rear of truck r u P T to unlock the compartments a and toward the d n n front to lock them.U an tio a y r still When the central system is locked, a doorowill d o p the handle. open slightly when you rotate and pullron B o For maximum security, use keys to C individually lock ck aw l r u each compartment and place a padlock around the r y te locking lever and through thessupplied (hasp) hole. T Illustration DR–10 b d Electric System and Key Fob (See Illustration DR–15.) a e m t i il moving with greater bi If a locking lever ever tstarts i U compartments, clean the lockh difficulty, open all4the o 0 lithium grease to the rod 2" on each aw ing rod, and apply pr 0 l 2 bushings. n side of the plastic n y t o i o b h i t c d Maintenance ig (electric system only) at u r r e d y NOTE: Perform every 12 months in it o p o p b r i r o Co normal use. ep oh C r r p the cover d 1. Remove the four screws that holding er t e n s in place and remove the cover. iz io a r t c plate that moves the ho im 2. On the triangular actuator u l t i d t locking lever, find the d o large pivot bolt at theau U r e n base of the triangle and two smaller rod pivot 4 v p r U 0 e re corners. (See Illustration pins at the outside 0 s 2 DR–15.) ed t re h z i these three pivot points with light DR–15ts roil ig ElectricIllustration 3. Lightly r o h Points System Lubrication y h oil (not penetrating oil) and reinstall g machine i t p r u cover. o l the a l C A Un Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 37 Door, Roll-up l d a e aw u l v r Read all instructions beforean WARNING: y e b starting repair. Always maintain firm s d footing re and control of tools. e M e t s c i t bi v h i r l ig When ordering parts for NOTE: r oh a Sofe atherear r ll door, specify the serial number u p y n A door. (See Illustration DR–25.) d a The n M io serial number can be found Bo on a metal t e c — of the door. tag attached to the inside u ic V d v r NOTE: After replacement of any part, ro e PD p S d check relevant adjustments and properre y n d operationaof the door. d o e y B z d i NOTE: The following instructions r — DR–25 Illustration Boillustrations are generic.hoDoors in and V Typical Locations of Roll-up Door S/N Plates t in D kparticular vehicles may differ c u P a u details. Use these instructions as a r d n n WARNING: The counterbalance spring T guide where appropriate. n U io t is a wound under high tension. This highytension spring can cause severe injury ra d o NOTE: A vehicle may have a hollowo or death. p or r B core (aluminum or fiberglass) door o Installation, repairs, and adjustments w k a solid-core (DuraPlate, aluminumC c must be made by trained service perla rwood) u clad wood, or plastic-coated r sonnel using proper tools and instruce y T b tions. st although door. On hollow-core doors, a d some fasteners extend Use two heavy-gauge steeltwinding mall the way i i e(See bars l i brackets are with the proper dimensions. through the door,tmost b iNOT USE bentn Illustration DR–35.) DO h fastened ONLY U to the inner panel. winding bars, screwdrivers, or punches 4 io ro t (Some “hollow-core” doors have w 0 p for spring winding. 0 with foam, but the la ra interiors filled 2 n o y t are the same.) In those io fasteners b h t rp c g o d cases, u ri do NOT drill through the C te Cable d y i r outside panel. Solid-core doors have p ro ib te o most fasteners through the entire p h s Cable Anchor C door. When drilling holes in the door, e o a r r Bracket m p be sure to drill only to the appropriate ed Pin ili n t Cotter z depth. Follow the appropriate io U ri t o 4 c instructions where the differ. u th Cable 00 d u 2 d a Anchor Pin ro e t v WARNING: DopNOT use the rear door n h U pull strap tore support yourself when er ir g s entering d or exiting. The strap can y re p break z orepull the door down upon you. o i ts Use ra grab handle for assistance when C o h getting h in and out of the back of the ig t truck. r u Illustration DR–30 a ll Cable Anchor n A U 38 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Cable Replacement (with Tension on Spring) al u an M w ed a l v Removal r 4. Temporarily tape y the cable to the outside e b s e top panel of the door. NOTE:eIf only one cable is frayed orc d i r e v damaged, Utilimaster still recommends t 5. From iinside the cargo area, insert the cable tsboth cables be replaced at ether same b the cable drum slot. Thread the h that iinto end S h ir gtime. y o into the groove nearest the slot and ual cable r ll d p turn the cable drum toward you until alln A 1. Close the door from theBoinside. Release a n the spring tension from the cables by fully M is it o slack is taken out, making sure the cable — V steel winding bar c following in its proper groove. e inserting a heavy-gauge D u ic v into one of thePspring-winding plug holes.d NOTE: The cable must be wound r from the o d r e (See Illustration DR–35.) outermost groove toward S the inside of the an ep y r drum. NOTE:y If the door has two springs, you d d d o willoneed to release the tension eon both 6. Maintaining tension B on the cable, slide the iz B sides. r — cable drum on the counterbalance shaft k o V and tighten the two c h against the bearing D u2. Raise the bar enough toutallow insertion of r P the drum. T a second winding barainto the lower hole,n setscrews on d n o and then release the U tension enough totilet 7. Clamp anthe counterbalance shaft with a a the second bar rest against the top panel y pliers, handle against the ceiling, r of locking d o the door. oto keep the cables tight. (See Illustration p r B othe cable k DR–35.) 3. Loosen the two setscrews on C c aw l drum, releasing the cableerdrum from the u CAUTION: Protect the roof panelyfrom t from the cable Tr shaft, and remove the scable b the pliers with a piece of flat stock a d drum. (plywood or sheet metal). e m i it l i from the door bottom b t 4. Remove the cable 8. Release the spring tension U the anchor and cotter hi by rotating the panel by removing o winding plug just r far enough to w spring 04Illustration DR–30.) pins. (See p a 0 l allow removal ofnthe winding bar against n 2 y t the top of the door. io b h io t WARNING: Do NOT raise the door with t c g winding bar in place. Raising the ed 9. Remove the u clamp and tape, and then ri the ra d y o door at this point can cause injury or it check the p damage to equipment. o operation of the door.rp b r i o o C NOTE: ep A properly adjustedCdoor oh r r p dshould open easily and, twhen er Installation e n sat any iz stopped, should remain iobase of the a r 1. Mount the new cable at the t given location. (See the Door, o c m i h bottom panel by slipping the cable anchor u l Roll-up—SpringtiWinding and t danchor pin through the cable bracket and au o Adjustment section.) U r ed n 4 the eye at the endpof the cable. v r U 0 Make sure the drums are e re 0 CAUTION: s 2 the counterbalance shafte bear2. Insert the cotter d pin into the cable anchor against t e r tightpin to secure the cable. h ings, the setscrews are properly ir z s igened, and the cables havehtequal tension. r o 3. Bring the other cable end to the top of the y the counterbalance assembly ig to jump thand thread it over the top of the door p Rotating r door too far may cause cables off the u o l ato the inside. l cable drum. C n A U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 39 Winding Bar Dimensions d e rv e 1/2" s 127 mm e r1/2" 127 mm Door Diameter Diameter Approximate Manufacturer (Inches) (Millimeters) Length Todco Diamond Whiting ts 3/8" h ig r l Al d n a ce i rv e S 18" or 46 cm 95.2 mm y d Bo — V PDCable Drum l a u an M n io t c u od r p re Spring Winding Plug by Locking Pliers Against Ceiling d ti e ib h o pr w la Protective Flat Stock Chalk mark ce i rv e S l a u an M y d d e y Bo z d i r — o Bo V h t k u LeftcHand Right Hand PD a u (Roadside) (Curbside) r d n T n Un it o a a y r d o Winding Bars (See o Cable p r B Dimensions Table) o k C c aw l r u r e Top Panel Door y t T b s a d e m t i il bi t i Uwas den h NOTE: This vehicle o o 4 i r t w 0 (S.A.E.) p signed using English a a 0 l r 2 Utilimaster n measurements. o y t o i p b Setscrew h t r provides g conversion c o d imetric u r equivalents as a courtesy, but e C t d y does not warrant i p o Utilimaster b er r i t o h s metric C values given in this ep o a r r manual. p d Chalk lim Mark e i n t (Compressed Spring) iz io U r t o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u 2 d a ro e t n v p h U er re ir g Rotate Toward the s d y Ceiling to Compress Spring re e p o ir z ts C o h ig th r Illustration DR–35 u a ll Winding the Counterbalance Spring n A U Support Bracket 40 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u ed counterbalanced door an aw l v NOTE: A properly r WARNING: y The counterbalance spring M e should, when stopped, remain at any given is woundbunder high tension. This highs e d spring can cause severe injury location. tension ic by re If the door leaves the floor e v t or ideath. r and itself, ts the spring is wound too tightly, e b h i quarter turns should beSreleased. If Installation, repairs, and adjustments h ir gathefewdoor o must be made by trained service person-ual has a tendency tody drop when r ll p nel using proper tools and instructions.n o turns should A stopped, a few more quarter a B n be added. Use two heavy-gauge steel winding bars M it o — with the proper dimensions. (See V on the inside, clamp c ce bent 1. Close the door and, D Illustration DR–35.) DO NOT USE u i P shaft with the handleoofd winding bars, screwdrivers,rv or punches the counterbalance d r e for spring winding. the lockingnpliers against the ceiling top S a e y r keep the y cables tight. (See Illustration d d d o DR–35.) e o B iz CAUTION: Rotating the counterbalance B r — k CAUTION: Protect the roof assembly too far may cause cables to o panel from V c h jump off D the cable drum. u the pliers with a piecetof flat stock r u P T (plywood or sheet a metal). d n n U anfor about 10-1/2 turns (for a new tio Repeat a y or as many needed to adjust). Turns 2. Run a chalk mark the full length of rthe d door o oare counted by using the chalk marks, counterbalance spring. p r B o bar 3. Insert a heavy-gauge steel winding C ck which show up as stripes as the springlaisw r u wound. (see Illustration DR–35 e for dimensions) r y t T b s into one of the spring-winding plug 6. After adjusting the spring tension, a d tighten holes. e m both setscrews on the spring-winding plug it li i b t and remove the locking pliers NOTE: If theUdoor has two springs, you hi from the counterbalance shaft.ro will need to4 use this procedure on both w pof the door by sides and 00wind each spring the same la7. Check the operation 2 n n amount. y t io the door. o opening and closing b h i t t c ig the setscrews on the spring- ed a 4. rLoosen u r 8. If furtherdadjustment is needed, repeat y winding plug. o it p o p Steps 1, 3, and 4. Then raise the winding b r i r h bar etopadd spring tension (doorolifts more Co5. Wind the spring by lifting the bar.roWhile r easily) or lower the winding holding the first bar, place a second r Cbar to remove p bar d e t less easily). Then espring tension (door lifts in the next hole and lift in thensame z s o i r repeat Steps 6 and 7. a manner after removing thetifirst bar. o c im h u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 d t e re h z NOTE: This service information is generic. Details in illustrations and procedures may ri those in your vehicle. Since doors differ, adapt ts ig these instructions as needed. differ from r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Spring Winding and Adjustment Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 41 Top Panel Replacement l d a e aw some fasteners CAUTION:vOn hollow-core (some aluminum and fiberglass) doors, although u l extend e allr the way through the door, most brackets are fastened ONLY y to the inner panel. In those anpanel. b cases,sdo NOT drill through the outside Solid-core doors (DuraPlate, aluminum-clad wood, M d re or plastic-coated wood) have most fasteners through the entire door. When drilling holes in the te s be sure to drill only to theiappropriate ce i door, depth. t h ib rv g h l e i o a Removal S r ll r u p y n A 1. With the door closed, clamp d a the track n o M io below the top panel B to prevent the door t e c — from raising. u ic V d v r D 2. Drill out thePrivet heads in the center ro e p S d hinges on the top panel and the rivetrheads e NOTE: This service information n dy on the a joint roller bracket in the lower half d is generic. Details inoillustrations y top panel. (See Illustrations of the B differ from ze DR–45 and procedures may d i r o — and DR–50.) those in your vehicle. Since doors o B V h t differ, adapt D c3.k Punch out the rivets and, u in at least one of P these instructions as a u needed. the hinges, insert a punch d n in one of the on Tr n U i rivet holes to stabilize the door panel while a t a y r detaching the remaining rivets and bolts. d o o p r the B 4. Using a wrench and socket, remove o k roller brackets and rollers atC the top of the c aw l r u panel. (See Illustration DR–40.) r e y t T b s a lift out the old 5. Remove the punch and d e m t i panel. il bi t i U n h o o 4 i r t w UP Move roller 0 p a a 0 l r to move panel IN 2 n y t o i po b h t r c o d ig u r e C t d y i p o b er r i t o C ep oh as r r p d lim e i n t iz io U r t o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u 2 d a ro e t n v p Move roller DOWN h Uto move paneligOUT er re r s d y e re p o ir z ts IllustrationC DR–40 o h Sample Top Roller Brackets and Adjustments ig th r u a ll n A U 42 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a Adjustment u n eared unable to secure aw l a v NOTE: If you 1. Close the door. r y M the hingesse with the original type of b e 2. Loosen the nuts slightly on the top roller d(See Illustration rivets that re extend completely throughvic e bracket. DR–40.) t s use carriage bolts or rib-er thetdoor, i h carriage bolts to attach them. ib the top roller brackets so that the 3. Position S h ir gneck o panel is nearly vertical and seals bothual top r ll (The bolt head must be onothe dy p along the top and at the sides. n A exterior side of the door,Band the nut a n must be on the interior!) — tio NOTE: Moving the roller brackete M V c 1. Using a wrench D and socket, attach the up moves the panel in (toward the u ic d v roller bracketsPand rollers to the top of the interior); moving the roller bracket d ro er new panel nwhile putting the rollers in p the down moves the panel outS(toward a e y tracks.y(See Illustration DR–40.) r the exterior). d d d o ethe panel 2. Lineo up the new top panel with NOTE: Adjusting B the panel too z i B r for a close —the door to jam below it (making sure theyoalign tightly may cause k V c h before it latches. t the hinge holes u fit at the joint) and (using r u PD T as a guide) drill all ofathe hinge holes on n 4. Tighten d n panel: the bottom of theUnew n the nuts with a wrench. it o a 5. Check a the y the operation of the door and r 2a. For a solid-core door, drill through d oreadjust as necessary. entire panel with an F (or 1/4") po bit. Tip r B o carriage the panel toward you to insert C ck aw bolts through the outside of the panel. l r u y te the bolts and Tr Install the hinges over b s tighten the nuts. a d e m t i il door, drill through 2b. For a hollow-core bi t i U panel only with an F (or h the interior o 4 1/4") 0 bit and install Magna-Lok w pr a 0 l fasteners 2 through the hinges. n n y t o i o b h i t c ig CAUTION: Do NOT drill through the ed at u r r d service informationpo y outside panel of a hollow core door. it NOTE:oThis p b r i r is generic. Details in illustrations p h o Co o C reprocedures may differr from and 3. Check the door operation by opening pr and d e t doors ethose in your vehicle. sSince n closing the door. z o i as a r differ, adapt these instructions ti door should o NOTE: A properly adjusted c m needed. ustopped, remain at th ili open easily and, when d t u d U any given location.ro(See Door, Roll-up—na e 4 v p r Spring Winding 0 e reand Adjustment section.)U 0 s 2 4. Also checked the seal gap on the outside top t re h z of the roll-up ri door and adjust as necessary. ts ig r o h (Seehthe following Adjustment section.) y ig t p r u o 5. a If paint repair is necessary, see the Paint ll C n A U section. Installation Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 43 Intermediate Panel Replacement l d a e aw u l v r closed, clamp the track an y 1. With the door e b s M below the d re panel to be replaced (to prevent e e t the door from rising). s c i t bi v h i r g off the rivet heads in theecenter 2. iDrill l r oh a S r (See ll hinges on the panel to beyremoved. u p n A Illustration DR–45.) d a o on M i B t 3. Punch out the rivets and, in at least one of e c — ic the hinges, insert a punch into one of the du V v r D rivet holes toPstabilize the door panel while ro e p S detachingdthe remaining rivets and bolts. y re n d a d 4. Using a wrench and socket, (if applicable) y both roller brackets andzerollers of Bo d remove i — DR–45 or top of the Btheo joint roller brackets (aththe V Illustration t k panel). (See IllustrationuDR–50.) Sample c PD Center Hinges a u d n of the joint rolleron Tr 5. Drill off the rivet heads n U i a bracket hinges attached to the bottomatof y r d the panel. o o p r B 6. Punch out the rivets and, in at o least one of k C one of the c aw the hinges, insert a punch into l r u edoor panel while Tr y rivet holes to stabilize the t b s detaching the remaining a rivets and bolts. d e m t i 7. Lift the door panels il (above the panel to be bi t i replaced) intoUthe horizontal track and n h o o 4 i r secure them t w 0 with a locking pliers clamped p a a 0 l r on the horizontal track. 2 n o y t o i p b h t r 8. Remove c o ig the punches and lift out the old ed u r panel. C Illustration DR–50 t d Brackets and Alignment y i Sample Joint Roller Washers p o b er r i t o p h s C e o a r r m p ed ili n t z U ri tio o 4 c h 0 0 du ut in illustrations NOTE: This service o information is generic.aDetails and procedures may 2 d r e t n differ from those inpyour vehicle. Since doors differ, adapt these instructions as needed. v h U er re ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C o h ig th r u a ll n A U Removal 44 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u CAUTION: On hollow-core (some aluminum and fiberglass) doors, although some fasteners n edway awthe inner panel. In those extend allvthe through the door, mostabrackets are fastened ONLYlto r NOT drill through the outsideMpanel. Solid-core doors (DuraPlate, cases, e do aluminum-clad wood, y b s or plastic-coated wood) have most fasteners through the entire door. When drilling holes in the e d ic re be sure to drill only to the appropriate door, depth. e v t r i ts e b h i S Installation l ig y r oh a r ll NOTE: If you are unableotodsecure u p 4a. For a solid-core door, drill through the n A the hinges with the original B type of n entire panel with an F (or 1/4") bit.a Tip o M i — the panel toward you to insert ecarriage t rivets that extend completely through V c c panel. bolts through the outside of ithe D bolts or ribu the door, use carriage P d v Install the hinges over ther bolts and neck carriage d bolts to attach the ro e n tighten the nuts. p S handle. (The bolt head must be on a e y y the exterior side of the door, and the r d 4b. For a hollow-core door, drill through d d o only with nut o must be on the interior!) ze the interior panel an F (or B i B r — 1/4") bit and install Magna-Lok 1.ckLine up the new panel withothe panel V h fastenersDthrough the hinges. t align for a u below it (making sure uthey r P T close fit at the joint) and a (using the hingen 5. Using a d wrench and socket, (if applicable) n n holes as a guide) drill U all of the hinge tholes io attacha the roller brackets and rollers to the a yof the new panel while putting the on the bottom of the new panel: r top d o orollers in the tracks. (See Illustration DR– p 1a. For a solid-core door, drill rthrough the B o1/4") bit. Tip k 50.) w entire panel with an F (or C c a l r u the panel toward youeto insert carriage r NOTE: The roller brackets on the ybottom t of the panel. T bolts through the outside s of the top panel and on the top ofbthe a dpart in Install the hinges over the bolts and e bottom panel play an important m t i tighten the nuts. il maintaining proper door ialignment within bi t U h the track. (See the Door, Roll-up—Roller 1b. For a hollow-core door, drill through o 4 r Adjustment section the interior panel only with an F (or p and Illustration aw Play 00 l 2 DR–50.) n 1/4") n y t bit and install Magna-Lok o i o b h i t 6. Remove the cclamps and check the door d ig fasteners through the hinges. at u r r e operationdby opening and closing the y o door. it p o p b r A properly adjusted door CAUTION: Do NOT drill through thei r should NOTE: p h o outside panel of a hollow core door. Co o C should re easily and, when stopped, open r pr d e t (See the eremain at any given location. n z s o i Door, Roll-up—Spring Winding and i and clamp a r 2. Swing the new panel upright t o Adjustment section.) im into position. h uc l t i d t o the horizontal tracks. au 7. If a load bar isUinstalled on the old panel,ed 3. Lower the door from r n 4 v p remove it 0 and install on the new panel. r U e e r panel with the panel 4. Line up the new 0 Roll-up—ProtectivesBeam See the2Door, d e above it (making sure they align for a t Bar) Assembly section andr Illustra(Load h zethe joint) and (using the hinge close fitriat g DR–60. tion ts i r o h holes yIf paint repair is necessary, h as a guide) drill all of the hinge holes ig see the Paint 8. p r onutthe top of the new panel: o a ll C section. n A U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 45 Bottom Panel Replacement l d w a e a u l v CAUTION: hollow-core (some aluminum and fiberglass) doors, although some fasteners rtheOnway n brackets y to the inner panel. In those e a extend all through the door, most are fastened ONLY b s M panel. Solid-core doors (DuraPlate, cases, through the outside wood, d When aluminum-clad re do NOT drillwood) e e or plastic-coated have most fasteners through the entire door. drilling holes in the t s be sure to drill only to the iappropriate c i t door, depth. h ib rv g h l e i o a Removal S r ll r u p y n A 1. Push open the door untildthe 9. Using a wrench and socket, (if applicable) a n o bottom of the M of io remove both roller brackets and rollers door is about 16" [40Bcm] from the header t e c — opening. the joint roller brackets (at the top at the top of the door u ic of the V d v panel). (See Illustration DR–50.) r 2. Place a clamp e PDin the horizontal tracks, ponro 10. Drill out the rivet heads in S the joint roller each side,dbelow the bottom rollers. re y n brackets attached to thedbottom panel. a d near o 3. Placeya clamp on one of the cables, e Punch out the rivetsBand, in at least one of z d i the r o eye of the cable. the hinges, insert— a punch into one of the o B V h rivet holes toDstabilize the door panel while 4. k Grasping the clamp withutone hand, release c P remaining rivets and bolts. detaching the a of the door by n u the cable from the bottom r d n T pulling the cotter pin n the panel from the tracks and U out of the cable tio 11. Remove a anchor pin (or other fastener) and a y the remainder of the door slightly up push r d o removing the anchor pin. (See Illustration o toward the front of the truck. and p r B DR–30.) o C ck12. Place a (fourth) clamp in the track to law 5. Allow the spring to wind the cable onto r u prevent the door from rolling back down. r estops it by y t the drum until the clamp T b s 13. If the new bottom panel does not contacting the drum. a d have a e m bottom roller bracket attached, it drill off the ili b t i rivets holding the bottom brackets on the hbrackets. on CAUTION: U Protect the roof from the old panel and remove rthe o 4 clamp 0 with a piece of flat stock (plywood ti w p a a 0 or sheet metal) if necessary. l r 2 n o y t o b h ti rp c g o d u ri on the opposite cable. 6.yRepeat C te d i r p b ro te o 7. Drill out the rivet heads in the centerhi p s C hinges attached to the bottom panel. e o (See a r r m p Illustration DR–45.) Punch out the rivets ed ili n t z and, in at least one of the hinges, insert a o U ri tiholes o punch into one of the rivet to 4 c 0 uwhile detaching th stabilize the door panel 0 d u 2 d a the remaining rivets roand bolts. e t n v p h U e Illustration DR–55 er ir g 8. Using a wrenchr and socket, (if applicable) s Sample Bottom Roller Brackets e droller brackets located at the y remove both e r p o s bottom rofizthe bottom panel and remove t C o h the rollers. (See Illustration DR–55.) ig th r u a ll n A U 46 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u ed panel does not have a an awin the bracket at the top of l v 1. If the new bottom 4. Install the rollers r e bottom roller bracket attached, attach e theM the panel, asby well as any spacer washers on s c d bottomrebrackets taken from the old ipanel. the roller shafts. (See Illustration DR–50.) v teThe roller brackets on the s r i t NOTE: NOTE: h If you are unable to secure iofb the bottom panel and on the Sofe h top l ir gthe hinges with the original type y o a r ll rivets that extend completely d of the top panel play an u through p bottom o n A the door, use carriage bolts important part in maintaining a B or ribn it o proper door alignment within the M neck carriage bolts to—attach them. Vbe on the c track. (See the Door, Roll-up—ice (The bolt head must D u Roller Play Adjustment section exterior side ofPthe door, and the nut rv and od d r e Illustration DR–50.) must be onnthe interior!) S a ep y r 5. Reconnect each cable d by drawing it by the 2. Usingdy a wrench and socket, (if applicable) d o e o clamp to the outside attach the roller brackets and irollers B of the bottom door z to the B r panel. — kbottom of the new panel while o putting the V c h rollers in the tracks. (See Illustration t D u 6. Insert the cable anchor pin through the r u P T DR–55.) a cable eye d and the cable anchor bracket. n n n o (See Illustration DR–30.) U 3. Line up the new bottom panel with the a ti a y the cable anchor pin with the cotter r for panel above it (making sure they align 7. Secure d o opin. a close fit at the joint) and (using pthe hinge r B o hinge holes holes as a guide) drill all of the C ck8. Remove the clamps and check the door aw on the top of the new panel: l r u operation by opening and closing the r e y door. t T b s drill through the 3a. For a solid-core adoor, NOTE: A properly adjusted door d should entire panel with an F (or 1/4") bit. Tip e m open easily and, when stopped, it it should ili you to insert carriage the panel toward b t remain at any given location. i (See the U the outside of the panel. h bolts through Door, Roll-up—SpringoWinding and r Install04 the hinges over the bolts and w Adjustment section.)p a 0 l tighten 2 the nuts. n n y t o 9. If paint repair is necessary, see the Paintio i b h t t 3b. For a hollow-core door, drill throughd c section. ig the a u r r e interior panel only with an F (or t d y o i 10. See also the Door, Roll-up—Pull Strap p o p b 1/4") bit and install Magna-Lok r i r o Replacement section. Co fasteners through the hinges. oh ep C r r p d er t e n s o the iz CAUTION: Do NOT drilltithrough a r outside panel of a hollow c core door. im ho u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 d t e re h z i service information is generic. Details in illustrations NOTE: This and procedurestsmay ig these instructions r or those in your vehicle. Since doors differ, adapt h differ hfrom as needed. y g i t p r u o l a l C A Un Installation Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 47 Protective Beam (Load Bar) Assembly Roller Play Adjustment l d Removal a e NOTE: The roller awbrackets on the bottom u l v r of the top panel y and on the top of the 1. Remove thee fasteners. an b s bottom panel play an important part in d rethe load bar assembly. e M 2. Remove maintaining te proper door alignment within s c i i t the track. Installationh ib rv h e ir g o that the door has some but not ual 1. Check S in posi1. r ll Place the new load bar assembly pexcessive side play (1/4" maximum) andnis y A tion. d a n o centered in opening. There should beM o i t 2. Install new fasteners.B e not some slight play so that the door does c — cthree u i V bind in the track. Approximately to NOTE: If you are unable to secure d v r D o five spacer washers should be r e at the the assemblyPwith the original type p S d second-from-top joint roller and the of fasteners, y roller n use carriage bolts or re d a second-from-bottom joint on each rib-neck carriage bolts. (The boltd o e y side. (See Illustration B DR–50.) head d must be on the exterior rside iz o — o be on Bof the door, and the nut must 2. Add or subtractVspacer washers on roller h t k the interior!) shafts, if necessary, c u PD to achieve proper play. a u Equal numbers d of washers should be used n Tr 3. Adjust the latches Uonnboth sides. n it o on each a side to ensure that the door Latch Adjustment a y r remains d centered. (See the Door, Rollo o up—Roller Replacement section for 1. Close the door from the inside. rp B o k removing rollers.) 2. Loosen the bolts on the endsCjust enough c aw l r u to be able to slide the latches e in and out. Tr y t b s (See Illustration DR–60.) a d e m t i 3. Position each latch so that the metal il of the catch’s “finger” bi t i “finger” is in front U n h o o but not touching. 4 i r t w 0 p a a 0 l r 4. Tighten2the bolts. n o y t o i p b h t r 5. Raise c g and lower the door several times to d o i u r e C ensure the latch and catch do not hit each t d y i p o b er other. r i t o C ep oh as r r p d lim e i n t iz io U r t o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u 2 d a ro e t n v p h NOTE: This service er re information U ir g s d in illustrations y is generic. Details e re p and procedures o ir z may differ from ts C those in your vehicle. Since doors o h ig th adapt these instructions as differ, r Illustration DR–60 u l a needed. Protective Beam Latchl and Catch n A U 48 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a MSL (“Banana Lock”) Replacement u w n ed ano l a v 1. Open the door. NOTE: There is adjustment on r y M e a Master Security b Lock. If the s cover is held in place with e 2. If the roller e c d handle becomes worn to the point i r a wrench and socket to remove e nuts,suse v t r (See that the i door no longer closes tnuts that secure the roller cover. e the b h i tightly S DR–55.) h as it should, replace the l igIllustrations DR–40, DR–50,y and r o a handle. r ll If the roller cover is heldoind place by rivets, u p n A drill out the rivets. B a n1. Remove the fasteners holding the handle. M it o (See Fastener Replacement section and — V CAUTION: On hollow-core (some c ce Illustration DR–65.) D u i aluminum and fiberglass) doors, P d rv althoughd some fasteners extend all theo 2. Remove the handle. r e way through the door, most bracketsp S an ONLY e are fastened to the inner panel. y r 3. Align the holes in the dnew handle with y cases, do NOT drill through Indthose d those in the door andofasten the handle edoors o the outside panel. Solid-core B z i B (DuraPlate, aluminum-cladrwood, or into place. — k plastic-coated wood) haveo most Vare unable to secure c h NOTE: If you D u fasteners through the tentire door. r u P the original type of T When drilling holesain the door, be the lock with d n n sure to drill only to the appropriate o rivets,nuse carriage bolts or ribU i acarriage bolts to attach the depth. t neck a y r d o handle. (The bolt head must be on o p 3. Remove the roller from the track. r B the exterior side of the door, and o k 4. Install a new roller in the track. C c the nut must be on the interior!) law r u y te by nuts, Tr 5. If the roller cover wassheld b a on the hinge and replace the roller cover d e m t i tighten the nuts.ilIf it was held by rivets: bi t i U h 5a. For a solid-core door, insert carriage o 4 bolts 0 through the outside of the panel. w pr a 0 l Install 2 the roller cover over the bolts n n y t o i o and tighten the nuts. b h i t c i5b.g For a hollow-core door, install the ed at u r r d y o it p o p b roller cover with Magna-Lok fasteners. r i r o Co ep oh C r r p d er t e n s iz io a r t c im ho u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r 0 NOTE: This service e re information U 0 s 2 is generic. Details in illustrations d t e re h and procedures may differ from z i ts ig thoseoinr your vehicle. Since doors r h y h adapt these instructions as ig t differ, p r u o DR–65 aneeded. ll C Master SecurityIllustration n A (“Banana”) Locks and Fasteners U Roller Replacement Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 49 Two-point (Fan-type) Latch Adjustment Latch Plate Rod l d w Cover a 1. From inside theetruck, close the door a l Stud Base rv nu tightly. y e a b s M e 2. The fan-type latch should be in the d r e Bolt on it s latch position (see Illustration ce primary i t Stud Base ib rvresting on gh with the latch plate rod h l e ir DR–70), o a S assembly. If r ll the top of the fan of the latch u p y it might n A the latch is not properlydadjusted, a n latch in the secondary oposition (see M io B t e Illustration DR–75). If necessary, c Fan —plate so that the latch u ic Latch V reposition the latch Keps Nut d v r o Weld plate fits snugly r e PD against the fan. Illustration DR–70 S d the latch plate is level andrep Normal Latch and Striker y Position n 3. Ensure that d a d o square e y with the fan. (See Illustration B z d i DR–80.) r o — o B V h 4. t k After both latches are checked/adjusted c u PD according to this procedure, check that a u d n smooth and that theon Tr latching/unlatchingUis n it a door seals at the bottom. a y r d o o p r B o k C c aw l r u r e y t T b s a d e m t i il bi t i U n h o o IllustrationrDR–75 4 i w Secondary Latch and 0 p Striker Positionrat a 0 l 2 n y t o i po b h t r c o d ig u r e C t d y i p o b er r i t o C ep oh as r r p d lim e i NOTE: This service information is n t iz io and ULevel r generic. Details in illustrations t o 4 c procedures may differ u from those in 0 th 0 Bolt on d differ, u your vehicle. Sinceodoors 2 d a Stud Base r e t n adapt these instructions as needed. v p h Latch U er re ir g Plate s d y e re p o ir z Illustration DR–80 ts C o h Square Latch Plate with Fan ig th r u a ll n A U 50 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u d w la ve to order a new pull strap an NOTE: Be rsure y M is e enough to reach when theedoor that is long b s d open but ic does re short enough so that the vstrap e t s on the ground when theerdoor is nottdrag i b h i S l igclosed. y r oh a r ll NOTE: If you are unableodto secure u p n A the strap with the original type of a B n M it o rivets, use carriage — bolts or rib-neck V them. (The c carriage bolts toDattach ce u i bolt head mustPbe on the exterior side od rv d r e of the door,nand the nut must be on p S a e the interior!) y r y d d d o e o 1. Open the door enough to allowz for comfort B i track to B working, then clamp the r while — k V c ho or closing. prevent the door from opening t D u r u P T 2. Drill out the rivets holding a the pull strap ton d n the bottom panel of Illustration DR–85 U the roll-up door. (See io an t Pull Strap a Illustration DR–85.) y r d o pothe bottom 3. Attach the end of the new straprto B panel of the roll-up door withorivets or C ck aw l carriage bolts. r u r y te b 4. Remove the clamp ands test the strap while T athe door. d opening and closing e m t i il bi t i Door Seal Replacement U h o 4 Side Seal w 0 pr a 0 l 2 roll-up door. n 1. Opent the n y o i o b h i t c 2. Drill ig out the rivets that hold the seal’s ed at u r r d y aluminum extrusion in place. (See it o p o p b r i r Illustration DR–90.) o Co 3. Uncrimp both ends of the seal extrusion. ep oh C r r r p d e t e n 4. Remove the seal from the extrusion. s iz io a r t 5. Cut the new seal to the proper c length with ho im u l t i bolt cutters. d t u d o U a r e n 6. Insert the new seal into the extrusion and 4 v p r U 0 crimp the ends.re e 0 s 2 t Illustration DR–90re edextrusion using aluminum 7. Reattach zthe h Side Seal on Roll-Up ri or stainless-steel sheet-metal fasteners ts Door ig r o h y screws. h ig t p r u o 8. a Close the door and check the seals. ll C n A U Pull Strap Replacement Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 51 Top and Bottom Vinyl Seals d l 1. Fully open the e roll-up door and clamp the ua v r track belowethe bottom panel to prevent n a s moving. the doorefrom M w la Uncrimp Both Ends of the Bracket to Remove the Old Seal by d r e e t s c 2. Uncrimp t both ends of the desiredviseal bi h i r extrusion. (See Illustrations DR–95 and g l iDR–100.) r oh a Se r ll u p y n A 3. Use a locking pliers to extract d a the old seal. n o M io B t e 4. Slide the new seal— into the extrusion and c u ic V crimp the ends to secure the seal. d v r D ro e 5. Remove the P clamp, close the door, andp S d y re check the d an seal. d e y Bo z d i r — o Bo V Illustration h t D DR–95 k Top P Seal on Roll-up Door c u a u d n n Tr n U it o a a y r d o o p r B o k C c aw l r u r e y t T b s a d e m t i il bi t i U n h o o 4 i r t w 0 p a a 0 l r 2 n y t o i po b h t r c o d ig u r Illustration DR–100 C e t d on Bottom of Rear y i Vinyl Seal Crimped p o b er Roll-Up Door r i t o C ep oh as r r p d lim e i n t iz io U r t o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u 2 d a ro e t n v p h U Details iniillustrations NOTE: This service and procedures may er g re information is generic. r differ from those d in your vehicle. Since doors differ,pyadapt these instructions as needed.res e o iz r ts C o h ig th r u a ll n A U 52 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Drains Cargo Floor Cleaning ed v r e s re Rubber “duck-bill” or “kazoo” ts h drain valves g are designed to let y i r the water l out without allowing od l water A to siphon into the cargo B area in a negative pressure — V condition. ce i rv e S al u an M d ti e ib h o pr n it o c u od r p re Illustration DN–5 by w la Gently insert pointed tool through drain top (from inside cargo area) l a u Or squeeze bottomn a “lip” edges to release M accumulation (from underneath cevehicle) i rv e S Clean the Duck-bill drains y in the rear d cargo floor corners o B — V D P D P Clean the drains periodically d not n to ensure that they are a or dirt and blocked by debris y dCleaning a Duck-bill Drain d properly. are able to drain e o iz B DN–5.) (See Illustration r k c ho use a •u From the interior of the vehicle, t u as a pen or small Tr small pointed tool, such a n nd screwdriver, to gently Un poke down through it o a the drain. a y r d o o • Or from underneath the vehicle,rpsqueeze B o to open the the wide section on the bottom C ck aw l “lips” and release any accumulation that r u e y Tr did not drain normally.st b a d Replacement e m t i il bi t i 1. Remove the fasteners. U h o 4 2. Remove drain w 0 valve assembly. pr a 0 l 2 the new drain valve assembly. n n 3. Position y t o i o b h i t c d 4. rFasten ig into place. at u r e dIllustration DN–10 y o it p o p b Vent r i r o Vent Drain o C ep ohdrains C r Side or front vents may have small formed r p have not d er to allow water to escape. To ensure they t e n s iz gotten plugged with dirt, run a short io piece of wire a r t c up into the openings. (See Illustration DN–10.) im ho u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 d service information is generic. Details in illustrations NOTE: This and procedures e t e r h z may differ from those in your vehicle. Because Utilimaster manufactures many ir s t in ig o h customized vehicle bodies, this manual cannot list andyrillustrate every possible part th vehicle. Nevertheless, the most common bodypoptions are described here.rigUse this every u ainformation as a guideline where it applies. Co ll n A U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 53 E-track CAUTION: When welding or l d w to a DuraPlate panel, cutting next a e a u l v be very careful to not overheat the y panel (and melting the er to grind off the weld (if an DuraPlate 1. Use a die s grinder b plastic present)rebetween the front corner brace M and the d core). e e E-track. it ic periodits (See Illustration ET–5.) vStop b h i r to cool. g and allow a DuraPlate panel h l e ically r o a S r ll2. Remove the Hucktainer fasteners. u (See the p y n A Fastener Replacement section.) d a n o M io B t e 3. Remove the E-track. c — u ic V d v Installation r ro PD p Se 1. Cut the new E-track to length, notingewhere d y r the holes the prepunched holes must align with d an d o ET–5 e in they sidewall panels. Illustration B z d i E-track, Fasteners, r and install o — and Welded Front Brace o 2. BHold the new E-track in position V th k new Hucktainer fasteners. c u PD a u d n brace and the newoE-n Tr 3. Reweld the front corner n U i a CAUTION: Use stainless-steel track. Weld quickly and stop periodically at to y r d allow the panel to cool. You may also fasteners for all grab handles. o spray o p water on the exterior DuraPlate surface to cool it. r B o k C c aw l Grab Handle r u r e y t T b s 1. While holding the handle, remove the a d stainless-steel Phillips-head fasteners from e m t i the handle. (SeetilIllustration GH–5.) bi i U n h o o 2. The handle 4should release into your hand. i r t w 0 p a a 0 l r 3. While holding the new handle in place, 2 n y t o i po attach it using stainless-steel fasteners. b h t r c o d ig u r e C Liftgate t d y i r p o b e r i t o IfCthe vehicle is supplied with an optional afterep oh as r r market liftgate installation, see the documentation p d lim supplied by the liftgate manufacturer nfor operation e i t o iz and service information. To ordertireplacement U r o 4 c liftgate component parts, contact an authorized 0 u th 0 d liftgate distributor. See information supplied by u 2 d ro their web site. na e t the liftgate manufacturer pand/or v h U See, for example, www.anthonyliftgates.com, er re ir g s d www.interlift.net, y www.eagleliftgates.com, e re p www.leymanlift.com, o ir z www.maxonlift.com, ts C www.thieman.com, www.tommygate.com, o h Illustration GH–5 ig Entrance th (Ultron/Del/Canadian), or www.liftgate.com r u Grab Handle at Roll-Up Door a ll www.waltco.com. n A U Removal 54 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Lights al u an M d w Always replace a light CAUTION: e a l v NOTE: Thisr section illustrates lights with one of the same size, y and wattage. e Utilimaster vehicle e shape, mountedson b d bodies.reFor chassis-mounted lights,ic e v t i CAUTION: Many lights have a refer tsto the chassis service er b h i S h definite top and bottom. Always al iginformation. y r o check the position of the light r l Clearance, Identification, and SidedMarker l p before removing and install rightnu o A a B n side up. NOTE: Light assemblies that are sealed units io M — must be replaced as V complete units. Some ct ce D u i assemblies have removable lenses and P rv od replaceable d bulbs. Some assemblies have r e S pigtail wires an spliced to the body wiring, ep y r y the pigtails to be cut, and d requiring d the new d o e o pigtails spliced in. For information B iz lights,about B r — upgrading to long-lasting LED contact k V c ho Utilimaster Customer Service. t D u r u P T a Sealed Assembly d n n U io an 1. Turn off the ignition and all lights. at y r d o 2. As applicable, remove the screws,pdrill off the Illustration LI–5 r out of its Bo Front Clearance heads of the rivets, or snap the o unit Light (Sealed Unit) k C c aw holder that attaches the lightr assembly to the l u y vehicle. (See Illustrations teLI–5 through LI-15.)Tr b s a harness at the back of d 3. Disconnect the electrical e m t i the unit. il bi t i U h 4. Attach the 4electrical harness to the back of the o w 0 unit. replacement pr a 0 l 2 n n y t o 5. Align the holes of the new light unit and attach i o b h i t cIllustration LI–10 to d igthe vehicle. at u r r e Rear Identification Light (Sealed Unit) d y Bulb o it Replaceable p o p b r i r o Co 1. Turn off the ignition and all lights.roh ep C r p the screws d er 2. Use a Phillips screwdriver, remove t e n s iz holding the lens on the light iofixture. a r t im ho ucbulb. l 3. Remove the lens anddold t i t u d o bulb. U a r e 4. Insert the replacement n 4 v r U 0 ep e r 0 5. Place the lens back on the fixture and secure s 2 d t e re with the screws. h z ri ts ig r o h y h CAUTION: To avoid cracking the lens for ig t p r u a replaceable bulb, do not overtighten o a the screws. ll LI–15 Illustration C n A Side Marker Light on Rear Light Assembly U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 55 Stop/Turn/Tail/Back-up l d w a e a u l v CAUTION: r Always replace a light with aone n of y e the same size, shape, and wattage. b s M d re e e t s c t (Sealed Assembly) vi Permanent Mount bi h i r g l e 1. riTurn off the ignition and allSlights. oh a r ll u p y holding the n A2. Drill off the heads of thedrivets a n light unit to the rear B ofothe vehicle. (See M io t e c Illustration LI–20.) — u ic V d v r 3. Disconnect theDelectrical harness at the back ro of e P p S the unit. d y re n d a 4. Attach the electrical harness to thedback of the e y Bo z replacement unit. d i r o — o B V 5. Align the predrilled holesth of the new light unit ck and POP-rivet the unitainu place. PD u r d n TGrommet n Mount (Sealed Assembly) Un it o a a y r 1. Turn off the ignition and all lights. Illustration LI–20 d o o p Stop/Turn/Tail Light (Permanent Mount) B NOTE: Lightly spray the outeror C with grommet and marker light surface ck aw l r u soapy water to ease the removal and r e y t T b s installation. a d e m t i 2. Slip a flat-blade screwdriver under the inner il bi t i lip of the outside grommet to pry the light unit U n h o o up, so that it4can be pulled out of the grommet. i r t w 0 LI–25.) p a a (See Illustration 0 l r 2 n o y t o i p b 3. Disconnect the light from the electrical harness h t r Insert the c o d igthe back of the unit. at screwdriver u r e C t y i under the od p b er 4. Plug in the replacement light. r i t o inside lip C 5. Replace the unit by pushing it through ep oh the of the as r r grommet p d lim outside (front) of the grommet.n e i t iz io U r t o 4 c 0 CAUTION: The slit on uthe rear of the grom- th 0 d met must be pointed down to allow water tou 2 d a ro e t drain. n v p h U er re ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C NOTE:o See also the Wiring Diagrams h section. ig th r Illustration LI–25 u a ll Mount) Back-up Light (Grommet n A U 56 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Snap-ring Mount Lens (Replaceable Bulb) ed v 1. Turn off therignition and all lights. e al u an M s esnap 2. Using aeflat-blade screwdriver, pry the c i r ringsout. (See Illustration LI–30.)v d ti e ib h o pr by w la r t e h 3. g S l i Remove the lens and old bulb. y r a ll 4. Insert the replacement bulb. d u o n A a B n 5. Reinsert the lens and snap ring. M it o — V Bulb) c Screw Mount Lens (Replaceable ce D u i P rv od 1. Turn off thedignition and all lights. r e S athen screws holding the lensreonp the 2. Remove y y d d light d fixture. (See Illustration LI–35.) o e o B iz B r 3. kRemove the lens and old bulb. — V Illustration LI–30 c ho t D u 4. Insert the replacement bulb. Brake Light (Snap-ring Mount) r u P T a d n 5. Place the lens back n on the fixture and secure n o U i a with the screws. at y r d o o p lens, do r B CAUTION: To avoid cracking the o not overtighten the screws. C ck aw l r u y te Tr b s License Plate a d e m t i 1. Turn off the ignition il and all lights. bi t i U holding the lens (or metal h 2. Remove the screws o 4 w 0 the lens) on the light fixture or cover over pr a 0 l 2 off the lens (or sealed unit) from they n pinch/pry n t o i o h i t light fixture. (See Illustrations LI–35 throughb c d ig at u LI–45.) r r e d y o it p o p b r i r 3. Replace the bulb or sealed unit. p h o Co e o C r r 4. Place the lens/unit back on the fixture Illustration LI–35 r p withbythe d eLicense Stop, Turn, Tail, Back-up, and Plate Light snapping into position or securing t e n z s o i screws. a r ti o c m u th ili d t u d CAUTION: To avoid o cracking the lens, doa U r e n not overtighten the screws. 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 d t e re h z also the Wiring Diagrams NOTE:riSee ts ig r o h section. y h ig t p r u o a IllustrationllLI–40 C n License Plate LightA(Replaceable Bulb) U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 57 Cargo l d a e aw u l v r Always replace a light with aone CAUTION: n of y e the same size, shape, and wattage. b s M d re e e t s c i t (Sealed Assembly) bi Grommet Mount v h i r g l e iNOTE: r oh a The light assembly S is a sealed r ll u p yas a unit. n A unit and must be replaced d a n o M io 1. Turn off the ignitionBand all lights. t e c — u ic NOTE: Lightly V spray the outer gromd v r met and marker e PD light surface with pro S d soapy water to ease the removal andre y d an installation. d o e y B z d i 2. Slip a flat-blade screwdriver under r the inner — Blipo of the outside grommethtoo pry the light unit V Illustration LI–45 t out of the grommet. D k up so that it can be pulled c u License Plate Light (Sealed Unit) P a u (See Illustrations LI–25 r and LI–50.) d n T n Un io a t 3. On the back of the unit, disconnect the y ra d o electrical harness. o p r B 4. Plug in the replacement light. o C ck aw l r u 5. Replace the unit by pushing e it through the Tr t by s outside (front) of the agrommet. d e m t Permanent Mount (Sealed lAssembly) i i bi t i 1. Turn off the ignition U and all lights. n h o o 4 i r t w 0 rivets holding the unit. p 2. Drill out0the a a l r 2 n o y t o 3. On the back of the unit, disconnect the i p b h t r c Illustration LI–50 oMount) d electrical harness. ig u r e Cargo Light (Grommet C t d yPlug in the replacement light unit and align i the p o 4. b er r i t o C unit with the previous mounting holes. ep oh as r r d 5. Use small POP rivets to reattachpthe unit. lim e i n t iz U Removable Lens (Replaceable Bulb)tio r o 4 c 0 u all lights. th 1. Turn off the ignition and 0 d u 2 d ro the snap-on lens or na e t 2. As applicable, prypoff v h remove the screws er re holding the light lensUand ir g s d (See Illustration LI–55.) y remove theelens. re p z o i ts 3. Replacerthe bulb. C o h g iLI–55 th the lens. 4. Reattach r u Illustration a ll Cargo LightA (Removable Lens) n U 58 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Mirror al u an M w ed a l v Adjustment r y Crosswalk exterior mirrors e WARNING: b s e are convex. mirror’s surface is To receive maximum e benefit from the rear mirror, c d so youA convex i r e curved can see more from the vmirror have someone t seat, but it makes s assist you by loosening the r i t driver’s appear e while b away than they reallythings h mounts and adjusting the crosswalk mirror i farther are. While S g h driving, allow plenty of space between l you sitriback in the driver’s chair. y o a r ll d u p the vehicle and other objects. o n ToAadjust a mirror, loosen the nut until the mirror a B n M is just loose enough to turn,— then grab the outside it o V pull in the desired c edge of the mirror and gently ce D u i P nut when the mirror is inod direction. Retighten the rv CAUTION: Do NOT reuse two-way d r e the desired position. locknuts or bolts; always S replace with an ep new fasteners. y r dfasteners to mount Replacementdy d o Use stainless-steel e o B mirrors. 1. Remove B the fasteners holdingrizthe mirror. — k V c ho to re2 Use new stainless-steel fasteners t D u r u P T mount mirrors. Do NOT a reuse two-way n d n locknuts or bolts; always replace with new U an tio fasteners. a y r d o o NOTE: Rotate the mirrors as little p r B as possible for the first 72 hours o C ck aw after installation. l r u y te Tr b s a d e m t i il bi t i U h o 4 w 0 pr a 0 l 2 n n y t o i o b h i t c d ig at u r r e d y o it p o p b r i r This service information ishgeneric. Details in illustrations and procedureso Co NOTE: epmanufactures o Because Utilimaster r may differ from those in your vehicle. many r C r p d customized vehicle bodies, this manual cannot list and e illustrate every possiblestepart in n z every vehicle. Nevertheless, io the most common body a Use this ri options are described here. t o information as a guideline im uc where it applies. th l i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 d t e re h z ri ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 59 Paint l d w a paint damage on aluminum NOTE: This procedure describes how to repair u la and ve ®r n as well as FRP with a gelcoat finish. A DuraPlate esurfaces of Utilimaster bodies y a b s ® differenteprocess is required for FRP with M a Tedlar finish. See the d relevant Panel section. r e te i h ib rv h l e ir g o a S r ll p body shop do all paint repairs. The nu WARNING: Utilimasteryrecommends that a professional A d a n before working on the vehicle. service technician should read this entire procedure o o M i B t in a confined area with paint and paint-related Adequate ventilation is required when working c — ce chemicals. Always wear proper protective u equipment when appropriate to the process. iSafety V d chemical products should always supersede v informaand application instructions provided with r D o r e P by Utilimaster. tion provided S d ep y r n d a d o Tools and Parts e y B d iz r o — The following are the tools and items o used in this procedure: B V h t D k applications can be done u with one or more of the following: P a u• cAll r d n ! Blender gun (1.3 to 1.4 fluid tip for gravity-fed guns; conventional guns n T ! Cup gun (for application n use 40–55 PSI at the gun) U of Dupont 2222S io Adhesion Promoter) a t a y required PSI) ! Touch-up gun (see above statement rfor blender gun tips and d o o p • Clean white cotton rags r B o • 320 and 600 grit sand paper C ck aw l • Tack cloth r u y te Tr • Masking tape and maskingspaper b d • Dupont 3900S Cleaner a e m t i • Dupont 3901S Cleaner il bi t i • Dupont 3401S Blender U n h o o • Dupont Imron45000 paint (check with Customer Service for the original paint code) i r t w 0Activator p a a 0 • Dupont 193S l r 2 n y • Dupont t8989S Activator o i po b h t r • Dupont c o d ig 8685S Reducer u r e C • Dupont 222S Adhesion Promoter t py strainer od bi er r • oPaint i t C• Measuring cup graded in ounces up toro1hcup or 2 cups ep as r p • Paint mixing stick d im l e i n t • Optional Items: iz ioDupont 2505S Activator U r t ! Dupont 2510S Primer and o 4 c 0 u ! Dupont 359S Paint Additive th 0 d u 2 d ! Dupont 2319S Cleaner a ro e t n v p h ! Buffing compound U er re ir g s d y match the original paint and process e re and Although some substitutions can be made, these products p z o i r for best results of your paint repair. ts are recommended C o h ig th r u a ll n A U ic NOTE: ts See also the Decals section. ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® 60 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u w n ed la 1. If necessary,rv remove any decals from the a y e (see Decals section) and efillM affected area b s d in damaged ic re areas with body putty as e v t r needed i ts (see manufacturer’s instructions). e b h i body putty to cure and sand S it l igAllow y r oh a smooth. r ll d u p n A 2. Use a clean rag soakedBinoDuPont 3900S a n M it o Cleaner to clean the— repair area and the V c ce area surroundingDthe repair. Using a u i P rag, wipe off the 3900Sod second clean dry rv d r e n it evaporates. If the 3900S cleaner before p Illustration PA–10S a e y r dries before y it is removed, re-wetdand wipe Use DuPont 3900S andd3901S Cleaners d o dry.o(See Illustration PA–10.) e B z i B — 3. kSand the defective area with or320-grit sand V c h t u paper. (See IllustrationuPA–15.) r PD T NOTE: If necessary, ause a finer (600- n n nd it o grit) sandpaper toUsmooth the blend area a a y r surrounding the repair area. d o o psoaked in r B 4. Repeat cleaning with a clean rag o sanding DuPont 3901S Cleaner to remove C ck aw l r u dust. (See Step 2.) y te Tr b s a bumper, etc.) to 5. Mask all fixtures (lights, d e m t i protect from overspray. (See Illustration il bi t i PA–20.) U Illustration PA–15 h o 4 Sand Area to Be Prepared w 0 pr a 0 l CAUTION: Make sure the area cleaned 2 n n y ist bigger than the spray area. o i o b h i t c d ig at u r r e d y NOTE: Use masking tape and a paper it o p o p b r i r o Co that cannot be penetrated by paint. ep oh C r r 6. Wipe a wide area with the tack p cloth to d er t e n make sure all areas to be sprayed s o are clear iz i a r t of dust and debris. (SeecIllustration im ho u l t PA–25.) i d t u d o U a r e 7. If the base or substrate is exposed by n 4 v p r U 0 sanding (or if it e reis a replacement part that 0 s 2 Illustration PA–20 d painted), apply DuPont has never ebeen t re h z 2510S Primer and 2505S Activator. ri tsPaper igProtect with Masking Tape and r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Substrate Preparation ® Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 61 l d a e aw u l v r y e an b s M d re Paint Preparation e e t s c i t a graduated (9-ounce) measuring bi v h 1. Using cup, i r g 3 ounces paint (DuPont eImron 5000) to 1 l ipour r oh a S r ll ounce activator (DuPont 193S). u (See p y n Illustration PA–25 A Illustrations PA–30 anddPA–35.) a n Use Tack Cloth for Final WipeM io Bo t 2. Add 1/8 ounce of— accelerator (DuPont 8989Suc ce i V d v gallon can) to D the paint mixture. (See r o r e P Illustration PA–40.) S d ep y r n 3. Using aa paint stick, stir paint mixture d d o e y thoroughly. B d iz r o — 4. BPlace the paint strainer in the o touch-up gun V h t D k cup and pour the paint through the strainer. u P a uc (See Illustration PA–50.) r d n n T n o U iPaint a t NOTE: A drop or two of DuPont 359S Illustration PA–30 y ra Additive may be added if there is aoproblem d Three Ounces of Paint o p with “fish eyes” or other contaminant-related r B o imperfections. C ck aw l r u r e y 5. Assemble the touch-up gun. t T b s a to make sure it has d 6. Check the blender gun e m t i sufficient blenderil (DuPont 3401S). bi t i U n h o o 4 i r t w 0 p a a 0 l r 2 n y t o i po b h t r c o d ig u r e C t d Illustrationr PA–35 y i p o b r i One Ounce teof Activator o p h s C e o a r r m p ed ili n t z U ri tio o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u 2 d a ro e t n v p h U er re ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C o h igPA–50 th Illustration PA–40 r u Illustration a Add 1/8 Ounce Accelerator ll Use A Paint Strainer n U CAUTION: Mix paint thoroughly to ensure proper application and paint performance. 62 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u d CAUTION: e Clear nozzle before spraying. an aw l v r y M e b s e d ic re Paint Application e v t s r i e b ht the cup gun with DuPont i 1. g Using 222S S l i Adhesion Promoter, do a testy spray r oh a r ll away from the vehicle toomake d suredirected u p the gun n A nozzle is clear. a B n M it o — V Adhesion Promoter acrossc 2. Spray DuPont 222S ce D u i P d the area to be repaired and extend to the o area rv d r e surrounding n the repair to ensure adequate S a ep adhesion of the new to old paint. y r y d d d o 3. Air odry for 1 to 2 minutes. ze B i B r — 4.ckUsing the touch-up gun containing DuPont Illustration PA–55 V hospray directed t D u Imron 5000 Paint, do a test Apply Paint r u P T away from the vehiclea to make sure the touchd n n U up gun nozzle is clear. an tio a y r d 5. Apply the first coat of paint. (SeeoIllustration o p PA–55.) r B o ck aw 6. Air dry for 1 to 2 minutes.r C l u r y te b 7. Using the blender gunswith DuPont 3401S T a directed away from the d Blender, do a test spray e m t i l the blender nozzle is vehicle to maketisure bi i clear. U h o 4 0 coat of blender. (See Illustration aw pr 8. Apply a0first l 2 n PA–60.) n y t o i o b h i t PA–60 cIllustration d 9. rAir ig dry for 1 to 2 minutes. at Apply Blender u r e d y Apply a second coat of paint, covering an o it area p o p 10. b r i r o Co just beyond the first coat of color.roh ep C r p d 11. Air dry for 1 to 2 minutes. er t e n s io extending just riz a 12. Apply the final coat of blender, t c patterns. im beyond the previous spray ho u l t i d t u d obefore removing masking U a 13. Air dry 3 to 4 hours r e n 4 v p r materials. (See 0 e reIllustration PA–65.) U 0 s 2 dis not glossy enough after drying, 14. If the repair t e re h z use buffing g ri compound and buff to achieve the ts i r o h desired y h appearance. ig t p Illustration PA–65 r u o 15. a If applicable, see the decal installation proceAir Dry 3 toll4 Hours C n A U dure in the Decals section. Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 63 Panel, Aluminum Gelcoat FRP Surface Repair l d w Minor damage may beve hammered out and filled in ua Damage to a small area,lamay be filled in with r Follow the manufacturer’s body filler and y then painted. Follow the with standard bodyefiller. an standard b s manufacturer’s instructions for using the body instructions for using e the body filler. For painte M d r filler. For paintterepairs, see the Paint section in repair, see thesPaint section in this manual. c i i t this manual.ib v h r For severe l e panel ig or large areas of damage,Sthe r ohSurface Repair a Tedlar FRP should fasteners r ll be replaced. Remove the necessary u p y Replacement n and Areplace the panel. See the Fastener d a n CAUTION: PAINT repairs on Tedlar section in this manual. See also io surfaces should only be attempted M by a Bothe appropriate t e c professional body shop that is familiar Utilimaster body parts manual or contact Utilimaster — u ic with Tedlar. V d Customer Service if you need assistance. v r ro Damage to a small area may be filled e in with PD p S Panel, FRP d ywith a Tedlar re n standard body filler and covered d a CAUTION: For FRP repairs, the d o widths are availpolyvinyl fluoride tape (various emust be y underlying plywood in the FRP B z d i r any gouge able). Contact Utilimaster Protect from the weather — Customer Service for o Bo dry. assistance. V th D k that exposes the plywood. c u P 1. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, a u NOTE: FRP panelsnwill have d n Tr fill in the small gouges with body filler. n either a Tedlar finish U or a gelcoat tio a y the damaged area smooth. As much finish. The best way to repair ra 2. Sand d o minor damage to a panel depends o possible, avoid sanding the Tedlar rp Bas on the type of finish it has. If o you k surface beyond the damaged area. Be asure w C c do not know what kind of finish the final tape repair covers all the sanded l r u r eUtilimasy your vehicle has, contact t area. T b s ter Customer Serviceawith the body d 3. Clean the surface to be repaired. e m serial number. Major damage may t i il the entire panel. bi t require replacing i 4. Cut the tape to the proper length. U n h o o 4 i r FRP Panel Replacement t 5. w Peel back the leadingp edge of the paper 0 a a 0 l r liner and fold it down, 2a large area, have the vehicle’s n exposing the o For damage to y t o i p adhesive surface. b h t r panel repaired o ig at a professional body shop or ed uc as needed and replaceyrthe damaged panel. C 6. Align the d tape apply the ti r p o b e exposed surface to the panel. r i t o Replacing an FRP sidewall involves supporting p h s C e a from the tape, the roof while the mechanical fasteners are r peeling themliner 7. Begin rorep d moved from the top, bottom, and sides of the smoothing down li with a squeegee and e i n t z sidewall, the sidewall is replaced, and then the ri feathering toUthe outer edges from the tio See o original-type fasteners are installed. the 4 go. If wrinkles occur, c center as you h 0 u t Fastener Replacement sectiondin this manual. See u 0 pull back the tape, stretch the d carefully 2 o body parts a also the appropriate Utilimaster r e tapet out, and resume a smooth application. n v p h r manual. U e g r 8.riIf there are trapped air bubbles, usesaepin d y e tape Utilimaster recommends e sidewalls be replaced p to pop them and then smooth outrthe z o i only at a professional body shop or at with the squeegee. r ts C o h Utilimaster’sh Customer Service Department in ig t r Wakarusa,uIndiana. Contact Utilimaster Customer afor assistance. ll Service n A U ® 64 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Panel, DuraPlate® al u an M w ed a l v WARNING: r Always wear proper CAUTION:y When welding or cutting next e protective equipment whenever to a DuraPlate b panel, be very careful to s e appropriate for the process. Safetycand e not overheat the DuraPlate panel (and d i r e application instructions provided with v t melting the plastic core). s r i t adhesives should always supersede e b h i S h ir g information provided by Utilimaster. y o CAUTION: Read and understand ALL ual r ll d p adhesive application instructions and n Introduction A a Bo n safety procedures. Effectiveness M of the it o — Procedures for repairing DuraPlate body panels repair can be compromised by e Vsize of damage. c depend on the severity and D environmental conditions or poor u ic P d v application. d in the panel can be pro Small dents and scratches er n S a covered up by cosmetic repairs by using Options y areas in re y CAUTION: All damaged d A or B. d d DuraPlate shouldo tested for e o Bthebesteel z i B delamination of skins to the If the galvanized steel panel is punctured or badly r — k plastic core. If detected, delaminated o dented, the steel skins in the damaged section may V be cut out and replaced areas should th core. Over D uc delaminated from the uplastic become r (OptionPC), or the panel should be T a weakening then time the delamination may n spread, replaced nd (Option D). U a delaminated areatio integrity of the panel. Such a a C. y r should be cut out and replaced, using Option d o Do not attempt to hammer o CAUTION: All damage should be tested for delamination. p r out a dent in the DuraPlate panel. This B o See the Testing for Delamination section. can result in delamination of a steel w C ck la skin to the core. Over time r u Severe damage may require thatethe entire panel r y delamination can spread and weaken t T b or sidewall be replaced, using the strength of the panel. asOption D. d te im i l i Testing for Delamination ib Ut h o If a DuraPlate panel 4 is punctured or severely r w 0 p dented, one or more 0 of the steel skins and the la 2 n n plastic core may t start to separate. To prevent this by io o h i t delamination c ig from spreading and weakening the ed at u r r DuraPlate y panel, the delaminated area should beit p od po b cutoout and replaced. All damaged areas should r i r o C tested for delamination. be ep oh C r r p d er With a quarter, begin tapping on the n damaged area t e s iz and continue tapping while moving iooutward until a r t c area. (See you are well away from the damaged im ho u l t i d Illustration PL–5.) If there is a noticeable differ- u Ut ro over the damagedna ed ence in the sound while ptapping 4 v r U 0Illustration PL–5 area compared to the undamaged area, delaminae re 0 Tap Across Damaged Area to Test for Delamination s 2 d tion has probably occurred in that area. The t e re h damaged sectionizshould be cut out and replaced rthe panel should be replaced ts ig (Option C), or r o h y ig (Option D).th p r u o a ll C n A U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 65 Procedure Options Summary Self-adhesive Patch (Option A) l Parts and Supplies d summarizes a e NOTE: This section aw u l v r options. They the variouserepair y • Isopropyl alcohol an b s are listed in order of severity of • Sealant (contact d Utilimaster Customer Service) rerepaired and/or difficulty e M e damage t • Self-adhesive s c i patch panels (contact Utilimasi t process. See the subsequent of hthe b v i Service) ter Customer r g h l e for detailed instructions. isections r o The largest currently a S r NOTE: ll u pavailable size of the self-adhesive y to hammer n A d CAUTION: Do not attempt a n o out a dent in the DuraPlate panel. This M io patch panels is 12" x 24". B t e can result in delamination of a steel c —Over time u Tools Required ic skin to the core. V d v r delamination and weaken o r e • Safety glasses and gloves PDofcanthespread the strength panel. p S d • Metal file or deburring tool y re d an • Metal snips d o e y CAUTION: All damaged areas in B z • Rubber mallet dDuraPlate should be testedrifor o — • Caulk gun B delamination of the steelhoskins to the V t D k plastic core. If detected, delaminated Procedure u P areas should be cutaout and replaced uc r d n n (Option C), or the panel should be T 1. File down n burrs and protruding metal in UD). io a replaced (Option t the y damaged area. ra d o o isopropyl alcohol, thoroughly clean 2. With p Option A (Minor Damage) r B o k the area surrounding the damage. Theaarea w C Covering surface dents and scratches with a c cleaned should be larger than the size lof r u r cosmetic self-adhesive patch. te y the patch panel. T b s a Option B (Minor Damage) d and 3. Peel the paper off the patch panel e m t i il Filling in a dent with automotive body filler and carefully center it over damaged bi area. t i Uto match the panel. painting over the filler Apply pressure for goodhcontact. (See n o 4 io t Illustration PL–10.) pr w 0 Option C (Moderate Damage) 0 la ra 2 n o NOTE: Clipping the corners y Cutting outhatsection of damaged panel and iatooffa 45-degree p of b t r the patch panel c o securing iagreplacement panel section with selfd u r e C angle before applying may help t d y patches on both sides. (This is not i adhesive p o b er the prevent something catching r i t considered a structural repair but would prevent o p peeling theaspanel back. C damage caused by delamination.) rThe edgeeand oh further r p applid largest hole that can be covered in a single 4. eCarefully tap down lim the edges of the panel i n t cation is 8" x 20". iz with a rubberUmallet. io r t 4 protection, apply a thin bead c Option D (Severe Damage) ho 5. For additional 0 u t 0 around the perimeter of the d 2 of sealant od area, replace the au For severe damage over a large r e t n v p h panel. affected panels or sidewall. r U e e r rig s d y Utilimaster recommends this procedure be done e re p only at a professional o ir z body shop or at ts C Utilimaster’s Customer Service Department in o h ig th Wakarusa,uIndiana. Contact Utilimaster Customer r a assistance. ll Servicenfor A U 66 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a Body Filler (Option B) u w n ed a l a v r Do not attempt to hammer M Parts and Supplies y CAUTION: e b out a s dent in the DuraPlate panel. This • Isopropyl alcohol ce d can i reresult in delamination of a steel • Sandpaperite s to the core. Over time erv skin t • Body filler h delamination can spread and weaken ib h l ir g the strength of the panel. y S o a Tools Required r ll d u p o n A • nSafety glasses and gloves a B o M i — • Metal file or deburring tool CAUTION: All damaged areas in V be tested for ct • Sander DuraPlate should ce D u i P of the steel skins to the od delamination rv Procedure d plastic core. If detected, delaminated r e n be cut out and replaced p S areasashould e 1. File down burrs and protruding metal in y r (Option y C), or the panel shoulddbe d d the damaged area and replaced (Option D). o then sand the area e o B z smooth. i B — k or V c h 2. With isopropyl t D alcohol, thoroughly clean u r u P the damaged area. T a d n n U 3. Follow anthe body filler manufacturer’s tio a y instructions for preparation and r d o oapplication. (See Illustration PL–15.) p r B o w the body filler is completely cured, C ck4. After a l r u sanded smooth, and cleaned (according to r e y t T the manufacturer’s instructions), b paint the s a d damaged area. See the Paint e section. m t i il bi paint t NOTE: The standard white i U h is PPG code for DuraPlate panels o 4 w 3HW76160 (but codes 0 pr may vary). a 0 l 2 n n y t o i o b h i t c d ig at u r r e d y o it p o p b r i r o Co ep oh C r r p d er t e n s iz io a r t c im ho u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0Illustration PL–15 Illustration e re PL–10 0 s 2 (Before Final Sanding andePainting) Apply Self-adhesive Patch Panel Body Filler Applied d t e r h ir z s t ig r o h y ig th p r u o a ll C n A U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 67 Self-adhesive Panel (Option C) l d a e available size NOTE: The largest u v r of the self-adhesive patch panels is e an s 12" x 24". Allowing for a re 2" overhang, the largest e M minimum tsthat can be covered in a vic hole h g application is 8" x 20".er risingle w la Opening by" "Size (X) d ti e Panel Inset (X – 1/4") ib h o Self-adhesive Panel (X + 4") pr Interior Side (8 x 20 Max.) l a u y Exterior Siden d (Viewed from top) a n M io • DuraPlate repair panel (contact Bo Utilimaster t e c Customer Service) — Illustration PL–20 u ic V d v Self-adhesive Panel and Cut-out • Self-adhesive patch panels (contact Utilimasr ro e PD ter Customer Service) p S d • Isopropyl alcohol y re n d a d • Maskingytape o e B z d i Tools Required r o — o B V h • Safety t k glasses c u PD • Drill with drill bit set a u d n Tr • Metal snips n Un it o a • Metal file or deburring tool a y r d o • Tape measure o p r B • Rubber mallet o k • Reciprocating saw C c aw l r u r e y Damaged Area Removal t T b s a d Illustration PL–25 1. Measure and markm off the area of the e t i Mark Off Damaged Area and Cut Out damaged panel ttoil be replaced. Apply tape bi i around the area U to prevent scratching the n h o o 4 i r wall. t w 0 p a a 0 l r 2 holes along the edges and cut n 2. Drill trelief o y o i p b h t r outg the area with a reciprocating saw. (See c o d i u r e Illustration PL–25.) C t d y i p o b er r i t o 3. Deburr the edges on the inside and outside C of the opening. ep oh as r r p d lim e i n t iz io Patch Panel Preparation U r t o 4 c 0 u selfNOTE: The flange of the th 0 d u 2 d adhesive patch panel a ro should e t n v p h overhang the opening e by 2" on all U Illustration PL–30 g er r i sides. The inset of the panel r s Mark 2" Inset on Adhesive Side of Panel y ed LESS than 1/8" re should bezNO p o i ts smaller r(on each of the four sides) C o h thanththe opening. (See Illustration ig r u PL–20.) a ll n A U l Parts Al and Supplies 68 S Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a 1. Using a low-RPM circular saw or die grinder,ucut d a piece of DuraPlate ve that is 1/8" smaller (onaneach r of the fouresides) than the hole opening M and s edges. e deburr e the c by w la d i e v t r of the i NOTE: ts To easily capture the size e b h i l igpatch panel, hold it up nextytoSthe opening r oh a from the r ll and mark around the opening d u p o n and the A inside. Measure the opening a B n Illustration PL–35 marks on the panel.— Verify that the M it o Inset Panel Set on Self-adhesive Patch Panel Vmarked panel are 1/4" c dimensions of the ce D u i P height and width of od less than the overall v r d r e the opening. (See Illustration PL–20.)p S an e y r 2. Thoroughly of the y clean the outside perimeter d d d o cutout and the inset panel with isopropyl alcohol. e o B iz B r — kNOTE: Clipping off the corners o of the V c h t angle before D u patch panel at a 45-degree r u P T applying may help prevent a something n d n n catching the edgeUand peeling the panel io a t a back. y r d o p panel just far Bo 3. Peel the paper back from the patch r othe edges. (See k enough to mark 2" back from C c aw Illustration PL–40 l r Illustration PL–30.) u Apply Self-adhesive Patch Panely te Tr b s 4. Peel the paper off thea patch panel and carefully d set the inset panelim in place. Apply pressure for te i l i b good contact. (See Illustration PL–35.) Ut hi NOTE: This o procedure Patch Panel Installation w 04 describes applying the pr a 0 l 1. Carefully set the panel assembly in the opening 2 self-adhesive panel to the n tthe outside. Apply pressure around the b2"y io first and then tion from inset tpanel h c it to the sidewall. ra d ig perimeter. (See Illustration PL–40.) adhering u r e t d y o i Alternately, you can apply p o p b 2. Thoroughly clean the inset panel and surrounding r i r self-adhesive panel o to Co 2" perimeter on the inside of the rvehicle ep the oh with C r the sidewall first and then r isopropyl alcohol. p d e place the inset panel t into e n z s i 3. Peel the paper off a secondiopatch panel and the hole in the a sidewall t interior side of the or c m carefully center it over the (and against i the selfu for good contact. th l i inset panel. Apply pressure d t panel). adhesive u d o U a r e (See Illustration PL–40.) n 4 v p r U with a 0 e re the edges of the panels 0 4. Carefully tap down s 2 d Do NOT compress the panels t rubber mallet. e re h z inside the ri 2" perimeter. ts ig r o h y ig 5. Forth additional protection, apply a thin bead of p r u o asealant around the perimeter of the panels. ll C n A U r Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 69 Entire Panel Replacement (Option D) d l a u an M e a large area, replace the For severe damage over v r affected panels. e w la WARNING: Always wear proper protective equipment whenever appropriate for the process. Safety and application instructions provided with adhesives and sealants should always supersede information provided by Utilimaster. y b s d See the Fastener re Replacement section. e e t s c trecommends this procedurevbei done at a Utilimaster bi h i r h l e Customer ig body shop or at Utilimaster’s professional r o a S r l u Service Department in Wakarusa,yIndiana. Contact p n Al d assistance. a Utilimaster Customer Serviceofor n M io B t e “Bonded panels” means the individual DuraPlate c —other with adhesive and u ic V panels are fastened to each d v r only have mechanical ro e PDfasteners through the rails p S d and posts. (See Illustrations PL–80 and PL–95.) y re to d an means the panels are fastened “Riveted panels” d e For y rivets instead of adhesive. each otherdwith Bo z i rRemoval and o see the Riveted Panel — riveted panels, o B V h Riveted t For bonded k Panel Installation sections. Illustration c u PD PL–45 panels, see the following Bonded Panel Removal a u Removing r Bonded Panel Installation d Floor Plank Fasteners n Tand n Un sections. it o a a y Parts and Supplies r d o o • DuraPlate panel (contact UtilimasterrpCustomer B o k w Service) C c a l r u • Isopropyl alcohol r e y t T b • Appropriate fasteners for rails, castings, and s aUtilimaster Customer d posts as needed (contact e m t i Service) il bi t i • Sealant (contact Utilimaster Customer Service) U n h o o 4 i r • Foam Tape (P/N t w 0 12301025) p a a 0 l r • Two-part methacrylate adhesive for bonded 2 n PL–50 y t o Illustration panel (contact Utilimaster Customer Service) i po b h t r Removing Floor c Plank and Front Floor o Cap • Rivets igfor riveted panel (contact Utilimaster ed u r C d y Customer Service) it p o b er r i t o Tools C Required ep oh as r r p • Safety glasses, gloves, and ear protection d lim e i n t • Drill with drill bit set iz io U r t • Step ladder o 4 c 0 u th • Pry bar 0 d u 2 d • Scraper a ro e t n v p h • Caulk guns U e g er r i r • Air tools for removing and installing fasteners s dbars, spacer blocks, and other y e re p • Bar clamps, load z o i Illustration PL–55 r ts braces for bonded panel C o h Removing Panel Fasteners • Windshield ig th removal tool (CP-838 equivalent) r u • MONOBOLT rivet gun or air hammer with a ll n A buck rivet attachment for riveted panel U 70 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a u edand parking the truck on aan aw l v 1. After unloading r y M e level surface, remove E-track, slats, scuff b s e e deflector plate, cable retainment d plates,rvent, ic e v t r item track, i ts roll-up door track, or any eother b h i will interfere with the panel S removal. l igthat y r oh a (See relevant sections in this manual.) r ll d u p o any decals at the n A 2. On the damaged panel,Bcut a n M Illustration PL–60 it o — seam between the panels. Also, cut the Vperimeter of the panel at c Cutting Adhesive in Seam with Windshield Removal ce Tool sealant around the D u i P casting. the rail, post, and rv od d r e S an 3 through 5 and the rep NOTE: Steps y y in this section describe d illustrations d d o e o a vehicle with hardwood flooriz B B r — kplanks that run the length ofo the V c tha plywood D u body. For a vehicle with r u P T floor instead of planks, a you will need n d n to remove the plywood U section(s) tio an next to the damaged panel instead ofa y r d o a floor plank. o p r B 3. If a rear floor cap is present (ito protects the Cthreshold), ck aw floor planks at the rear door l r u y Illustration PL–65 tethe cap. remove the fasteners and Tr b s Leveling Old Adhesive a in the outer floor d 4. Remove the fasteners e m t i ilfloor cap inside the front plank (and front bi t i U side as the damaged h post) on the same o 4 panel. (See w 0 Illustration PL–45.) pr a 0 l 2 the floor plank. (See Illustration y n n 5. Remove t o i o b h i t t PL–50. c g Depending on the orientation of thed iplank a u r r e lap joint, you may need to loosenior t d y o p o p b remove the adjacent plank as well.) r i r o Co 6. On the exterior and interior, markrotheh ep C r p panel d er location of the edges of the damaged t e n s o (to help with riz on the other panels and/or ipost a t o proper alignment of the c new panel during im h u l t i installation). d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p 7. Remove all the fasteners holding the U r 0 e re panel to the applicable 0 damaged DuraPlate s 2 d rail, front/rear post, and/or t roof rail, base e re h z corner casting. (See Illustration PL–55.) ri Illustration PL–70 ts ig r o h Side) y Applying Foam Tape (InteriorigSeam h t p r u CAUTION: If removing multiple panels, o l a l the roof must be supported. C A Un Bonded Panel Removal Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 71 8. Continue removing fasteners about three d feet beyond theedamaged panel at the base al and roof railsrv(to allow the adjacent panelnu a to flex). (See se Illustration PL–65.) by w la M e d r e e 9. Placesa pry bar or other object between the t c t and the base rail to providevia few bi panel h i r g of clearance. (See Illustration l iinches r oh a Se r ll PL–65.) u p y n A d a n 10. Use a windshield removal M Bo tool to cut the ctio e adhesive bond on— the interior and exterior u ic V sides of the DuraPlate seam. (See d v Illustration PL–75 r ro e Side) Removing Tape Backing (Exterior Seam Illustration PL–60.) PD p S d y re 11. Remove d anthe damaged panel (fromdinside the vehicle). e y Bo z d i r o — 12.BCarefully use the knife tool oand/or scraper V h k to remove the high spotsutof adhesive and c PD a tape from the seam of the adjacent panel. u d n Tr n Be careful not to remove Un any paint fromtio a a the DuraPlate. (See Illustration PL–65.) y r d o posts, Also clean off old sealant from rails, o p r with B and castings. Wipe surfaces clean o k C isopropyl alcohol. c aw l r u r e y t T Bonded Panel Installation b s a d e m t CAUTION: Read and understand ALL i l bi adhesive andtisealant application i Uand safety procedures. h Down on instructions Seam Cross-section Looking o 4 r Effectiveness of the repair can be ti w 0 by environmental p a a 0 compromised l r 2 n o conditions or poor application. Follow y t o b h adhesive and sealant manufacturer’s ti rp c g o d instructions and Foam u DuraPlate Adhesive/Sealant ri application e C recommendations for cure time. Safetyit d y Tape r Panel Bead p o b e and application instructions provided by r i t s manufacturers always supersedesh Co ep IllustrationaPL–80 o r r information provided by Utilimaster. Applying Tape and Adhesive m (Bonded Repair) p d i l or Sealant (Riveted Repair) e i n t z o i U r NOTE: After removing thetibonded o 4 c 0 u fasten panel, if desired, you may th 0 d u 2 d the replacement panel o with rivets a r e t n v p h instead of adhesive as described in U e er ir g Steps 2 throughr 8. (See the Panel, s d y DuraPlate—Riveted Panel Instale re p z o i lation section.) r ts C o h ig th r u a ll n A U 72 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a 1. Test fit the new dDuraPlate panel. (If u necessary, cut veto the correct length and an r width and ecut the front top edge of the new M e panel toes fit under the front roof casting. ic r the panel lap is correctly oriented v Be sure s r e before ht cutting.) S d ti e ib h o pr by w la Bar l ig y holes in the a Clamp ll 2.r Using the applicable fastener d u o n post, and/or A roof rail, base rail, front/rear a B n corner casting as a template, drill holes M it o — V four corners of the c through each of D the ce u i P holes are for help od new panel. (These Spacer v r d Block r e locating the n correct panel position and S ep inserting athe four anchor fasteners as y r yas possible in Steps 6 through d quickly d 10.) d o e o B z bars, B fit the panel, bar clamps,riload 3. Test — kbraces, and spacer blocks. o(See V c h D u Illustrations PL–85 andutPL–95.) r After the P T a d adhesive is applied,na consistent, even on an ti pressure will needUto be applied a y rof the immediately along the entire length d o o p time seam for at least 30 minutes or rthe B o recommended by the adhesive w Illustration PL–85 C ck a l r manufacturer.) Be sure that you can u Clamped in Position (Exterior) e y Tr position them all againstas quickly as b a 7. d possible in Steps 6 and e m t i il the panel, apply foam bi 4. After pulling back t i U h tape (P/N 12301025) on the interior and o 4 r w 0 of the seam (both sides) and exterior0edge pVertical a l 2 the backer paper. (See n Brace remove n y t o Load i o b h i t Illustrations PL–70 through PL–80.) Bars c d ig at u r r e d y NOTE: If a middle panel or o it p o p b r i multiple panels are replaced, r o Co repair one seam at a time and roh ep C r allow to cure thoroughly (wait p at d er t e n least double the normal cure s o time) iz i a r t before repairing the nextcseam. im ho u l t i d t u CAUTION: The adhesive sets very U a ro understand ed quickly. Readpand ALL n 4 v r 0 adhesive application instructions andU e re 0 Illustration PL–90 safety procedures. Effectiveness of the s 2 d be compromised by Braced tin Position with Load Bars (Interior) repair can e re h z environmental conditions or inadequate ri ts ig r application. If the procedure is not o h y h performed correctly, after the adhesive ig t p r u o is fully cured, you will need to remove a the panel and start over. ll C n A U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 73 9. After the exterior side is clamped, place a 5. Assemble two adhesive cartridges in two l d vertical (wood or metal) separate applicators—but do not open the a w brace and three e a u l v load bars securely against the interior side cartridge seal r until everything else is an y e of the seam.bThe vertical brace must be ready. You will need two short tubes per s M e (one for each side). Two d of the panel and sturdy the full height lapped rseam e e t s c i to evenly distribute the pressure enough people t will need to quickly applyvithe b h i r against simultaneously on the g h the full length of the bonded seam. al e interior iadhesive r o S r Illustration PL–90.) The DuraPlate u l and exterior of the panel. yAfter the p(See panel must be flat and not bowed. only four to Al adhesive is applied youdhave an n o o five minutes to position M B the panel, brace cti CAUTION: The exterior spacer block e it, fasten the four—predrilled anchor u icalign and interior vertical brace must holes, and wipeVup any excess adhesive! d v with but not cover the edge of the r e Have all necessary PD personnel and pro seam where excess adhesive may S the wood to d(tools, fasteners, panel, etc.) e squeeze out (and bonding materials y r n the panel). ready a before continuing! d od y B ze d i r o — CAUTION: The adhesive o sets very 10. Wipe up any adhesive that squeezes out B quickly. You will have NOT V MORE h t with a clean disposable rag (before it D k THAN FOUR TO FIVEuMINUTES to c P cures). d a 10. If the n u perform Steps 6 through n Tr n panel is anchored in position at o panel is movedU or repositioned after the i a 11. After the t adhesive’s “open” time, you will need a yfour corners and braced, continue rand the to remove the panel and adhesive d o o the applicable fastener holes in the start over. HAVE ALL NECESSARY p using r B PERSONNEL AND MATERIALS (TOOLS, o k roof rail, base rail, front/rear post, and/or C FASTENERS, PANEL, ETC.) READY c aw l corner casting as a template, drill the r u BEFORE CONTINUING! r e y t T remaining holes through the new panel. b s adown to the point da 6. Cut the two tube tips e NOTE: If you will be installing m t i il has mixed as it is being where the adhesive second panel, install all four bi t i U adhesive beads should be h panel on pushed out. The anchor fasteners in theofirst 4 i r at least 1/4" w (Step 7)—but then install 0 wide as they are applied. (See only the at p a 0 l first half of the fasteners Illustration 2 PL–80.) Apply the adhesive n nearest or y t o p on both b the seam just completed (Step r12). h sides of the seam and quickly ti c g o d move When the adhesive is fully C cured u ri the panel into position. Remove the te d y i pry bar between the panel and the base (wait at o least double theernormal p b r i ttwo anchor o rail. cure time), remove the p h s C e o a that will join r at the seam fasteners 7. In the four corner anchor holes,pr m d the next panel. ewith ili n immediately insert and then secure new t z i U the new Utilimasterr12. Utilimaster-approved fasteners tio that are Continue 4 installing o c 0 fasteners that are equal to or equal to or superior to the u original th approved 0 d u 2 to the original fasteners. Do noted fasteners. Do not reuse superior ro old fasteners. Dona t p not use POP rivets. h old fasteners. Do not use POP rivets. reuse rv U e re ir g 8. Place a bar clamp d and spacer block on the 13. y Allow at least 30 minutes (or adhesive es e r p exterior of o manufacturer’s recommendation), iz the seam. (See Illustration s before r t C PL–85.) removing the braces. h ho g i t u 14. Place the floor plank (or l rplywood section) a l in position and install Athe fasteners. Un 74 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 15. Place the front corner d cover in position e and install the v fasteners. al u an M NOTE: “Bonded panels” means the individual DuraPlate panels aw l r are fastened to y each other with e floor cap (if present) in e 16. Place thesrear b adhesive and d only have mechanical re and install the fasteners. vic position e fasteners s r it through the rails and t e b 17. Reinstall E-track, slats, vent, deflector posts. h i (See Illustrations PL–80 S door h l ir gplate, cable retainment track,y roll-up and o PL–95.) “Riveted panels” a r ll track, or other items removed d u at the p means the panels are fastened to o n A beginning. B n each other with (buck or Hemlok) a it o rivets instead of adhesive. Buck M — V the perimeter of the c 18. Apply sealant around ce D u rivets are solid; Hemlok rivets have i P and front corner od rails, posts, castings, v r a stem through the center. For d r e cover. S riveted panels, see the Riveted an ep y r Panel Removal and Riveted y CAUTION: When welding or cutting next d Panel d d o to a DuraPlate panel, be very careful Installation sections B on the followze (andto Bonot overheat the DuraPlateripanel ing pages. For — bonded panels, see k melting the plastic core).o V Removal and c the Bonded Panel th D u r u Bonded Panel P Installation sections T 19. Install new decals as aneeded. See the n d on the preceding pages. n Decals section. U it o an a r po r o C er t as m it li U 4 0 0 2Bonded Seam t h ig r y p Co n it o uc d o r p re ck u Tr d te i ib h o pr Stem by y d Bo w la Hemlok Riveted Seam ed z ri o th u a n U by n it o c u od r p re w la d ti e ib h o r Buck p er t as m it li U n it o ra o rp o C Riveted Seam ed 4 v r 0 e 0 s 2 d Hemlok t Buck re e h z Rivet Rivetts ri ig r o h y h g i t p r u o l Illustration PL–95 a l C Fastening/Bonding DuraPlate Seams (Cross-section Looking Down) A Un Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 75 Riveted Panel Removal d l a e instructions and NOTE: Read all u v r have all documents and materials e an s needed before attempting this M re e repair! s c 4. Remove the fasteners in the outer floor w plank (and front floor la cap inside the front post) on the same y side as the damaged b panel. (SeedIllustration PL–45.) e 5. Removeitthe floor plank. (See Illustration i t ib Depending on the orientation of PL–50. gh For riveted panels, inerv h ir NOTE: o plank lap joint, you may need to loosenual Salso the r ll addition to this manual, see por remove the adjacent plank as well.) n y A the “Shiplap DuraPlatedPanel a n o Change” section in the Wabash o M i BRepair t 6. On the exterior and interior, mark the National DuraPlate c — ce panel location of the edges of the damaged u i Manual. It canVbe downloaded d v (to help r D on the adjacent panels and/or post o from www.wabashnational.com/ r e P with proper alignment of the S new panel d products/features/duraplate.htm ep y r n during installation). d or fromafollowing the links on the d o e y Technical Manuals page of theiz B holding the 7. Remove all the fasteners d r o — Utilimaster web site damaged DuraPlate panel to the applicable B(www.utilimaster.com). ho V t roof rail, baseDrail, front/rear post, and/or k u P (See Illustration PL–55.) corner casting. a uc1. After unloading and parking the truck on a n r d n T n removing fasteners at least one U E-track, slats, scufftio level surface, remove a 8. Continue ybeyond the damaged panel at the base ra plates, vent, deflector plate, cable retainment foot d o o roof rails (to allow the adjacent panel track, roll-up door track, or any other p item and r B that will interfere with the paneloremoval. k to flex). (See Illustration PL–65.) aw C c (See relevant sections in thisr manual.) l u 9. Remove the buck or Hemlok rivets along r e y t any decals at T b to the scut 2. On the damaged panel, the seam holding the damaged panel a d the seam between panels. adjacent panel. See Illustration m Also, cut the i itePL–95 and l it perimeter of the panel at sealant around the the Fastener Replacement section. b i U casting. n h the rail, post, and o o 4 10. Place a pry bar or other robject between tthe i w panel and the base railpto provide a fewa inches 0 NOTE: 0 Steps 3 through 5 and the a l r 2 referenced in this n o illustrations y t of clearance. (See Illustration PL–65.) o b h describe a vehicle with ti rp section c g o d 11. Use a windshield to cut the u removal tool ri C hardwood floor planks that run the te d y i r and exterior sealant and p length of the body. For a vehicle ib o tape on the tinterior e r o sides of seam between s the panels. (See C with a plywood floor instead of roh ep the PL–60.) aAlternately, r Illustration you can planks, you would need to remove m p d i use e a hammer and il wedge (see the “Shiplap the plywood section(s) next tonthe t z o i DuraPlate Panel U Change—Breaking the r damaged panel instead of tai floor o 4 c h Panel Sealant 0 Bonds” section in the Wabash u you plank. With riveted panels, t 0 d National u 2 DuraPlate Repair Manual). ed might not need to remove o the floor a r t n h the damaged panel (from insidervthe plank or plywoodpsection if you 12. Remove U e g e r i have sufficient clearance to remove rvehicle). s d y the panel. e rethe p 13. Clean off old sealant and tape from o ir z ts as rails, C remaining adjacent panel as well 3. If a rear floor cap is present (it protects the o h g floorthplanks at the rear door threshold), posts, and castings. Wiperisurfaces clean u a remove the fasteners and the cap. with isopropyl alcohol.ll n A U 76 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Riveted Panel Installation ed al u an M 1. Test fit the new rv DuraPlate panel. If e necessary, cut to the correct length ande es cut the front top edge of the width rand ic new v r panel ts to fit under the front roof ecasting. h sure the panel lap is correctly S oriented igBe y r before cutting. l d 8. Continue drillingaw and riveting along the l seam betweenythe 12" intervals done in b Step 7. d e t 9. Wipe up any sealant that squeezes out with bi disposable rag before it cures. i a clean h l o a r 10. p Using the fastener holes in the roof rail,nu o Al 2. Using the applicable fastener B holes in the n base rail, front/rear post, and/or cornera o M — casting as a template, drill the remaining roof rail, base rail, front/rear post, and/or ti e V c holes through the replacement panel. corner casting asDa template, drill holes u ic P d v through each of the four corners of the o NOTE: If you will be installing dpanel. (These holes are for r er a n replacement p S second panel, install all four a the correct panel position y re and help locating y anchor fasteners in thedfirst panel d d o inserting the four anchor fasteners.) e o (Step 6)—but then B install only the z i B first half of the fasteners nearest — 3. kAfter pulling back the panel, orapply foam V c h the seam justDcompleted (Step 11). u tape (P/N 12301025) onutthe interior and r P to install the next When ready T exterior edge of the seam a (both sides) andn d n panel, n remove the two anchor remove the backerUpaper. (See Illustrations io a t fasteners PL–70 through PL–80.) a y at that seam. r d 11. oContinue installing the new Utilimaster4. Apply beads of sealant along both posides of r B approved fasteners that are equal to or o the seam. The beads should be at least 1/ k w C(See c superior to the original fasteners. Dolanot 4" wide as they are applied. r u y rivets. reuse old fasteners. Do not use POP Illustration PL–80.) ste Tr b a d section) 12. Place the floor plank (or plywood 5. Carefully place thempanel in position (and e t i l between the panel and in position and install the fasteners. remove the prytibar bi i h the base rail).UThe seam must fit flush and 13. Place the front cornerro cover in position and 4 tight together. w p 00 la install the fasteners. 2 n NOTE: y 14. Place the rear floor t If the seam is not tight and o cap (if present) in ion i b h t flush, drill shavings may lodge in cinstall the fasteners. rat d position and itheg sealant u r e and obstruct the final fit it d y o p o p 15. Reinstall E-track, slats, vent, deflector b of the seam. r i r o door plate, Co 6. In the four corner anchor holes, install epcable retainment track,Croll-up oh new r r track, or other items removed r at the pthat are d e Utilimaster-approved fasteners t e n s iz beginning. equal to or superior to the original it o a r o 16. Apply sealant around fasteners. Do not reuse c old fasteners. Do im the perimeter of the h u l t i rails, posts, castings, not use POP rivets. d t and front corner d u o U a cover. 4 ve prthe adjacent panel asUan 7. Using the holes in r 0 e 0 When welding or cutting template, drillrholes and fasten rivets in CAUTION: se next 2 d e to a DuraPlate panel, be very careful t pairs at 12"e intervals along the seam (to r (andto h z not overheat the DuraPlate panel preventripuckering of the panel and drill igmelting the plastic core).hts r o shavings y h accumulating in the seam). (See ig t p r u the Fastener Replacement section.) 17. Install new decals as needed. See the o a C Decals section. All n U Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 77 Rear Vision (Back-up) Camera System l d a e aw u l v r y systems/models e an Vision system. Other camera b NOTE: These instructions refer to a Safety s M identical, manner. d re in a similar, but not necessarily may operate e te s c i i t When the h vehicle ignition key is turned to ib power is supplied to the monitor. rvthe Accessory or On position, h e ir g o by pushing the Power button (in). (Seeual r Withllpower supplied to the monitor,Sthe screen can be turned On y The screen will displaypa picture of the area behind the vehicle then theAMonitor Controls section below.) d a n o o entire time the vehicle is operated. M i B t c — cescreen i When the Power buttonVis in the S/By position (out),uthe monitor is placed in Stand By mode (the dHowever, (if the vehicle has the appropriate v wiring r o is normally blank andDthe LED is not illuminated). r e P S By. While option) when the d engine is running, placing the eptransmission in Reverse overrides the Stand y r n the transmission glow, and the screen will display a picture. d a is in Reverse, the LED will d o e y B of the monitor’s For safe operation, the entire back edge d iz of the bumper must be visible at the bottom r o — screen.BIf it is not, loosen the screws o on the camera and adjust the camera forVthe best view. Tighten the h t screws ck and recheck the screen.au PD u r n operating temperature Fdor –25° C to +50° C.) T(Typical n Un range of the system it o is –13° F to +122° a a y r Monitor Controls d o o p r B o k C c aw l r u r e y t T b s a d e m t i il bi t i U n h 1. Power LED 4 o o i r tand w is in the On or Accessory 0 green whenever the vehicle ignitionaswitch p This LED glows position a 0 l r 2 Power switch is in the On position (pushed n the Poweroswitch is the monitor’s in). Alternately,owhen y t i p engine b monitor will displaycta picture) whenrthe h (Stand By), the LED will glow (and the set togS/By o d u ri and the transmission is put in Reverse. isyrunning C te d i r p Switch 2. Power ro ib teto turn the screen o p h s Press the Power switch in to turn the monitor On. Press the power switch again (out) C o a re position m Off (Stand By). (Putting the vehicle p inrreverse overrides the Standby and turns on the screen.) ed ili 3. Camera Audio/Video Selector n t z o U ri The button should be out (Ca)tito select the camera input. o 4 c 4. Camera Selector 0 u th 0 d u The button should normally be out (Ca1) to select the camera input 2 Ca1. (If the camera has been ed o a r t n other way.) h attached to the otherpinput, push the button the v r U e g e r i 5. Day/Night Switch d normally be in the out position (DAY). yr At night or in a tunnel, depressrethes This switch should e p iz the picture brightness (NIG). Co switch to reduce r ts o h 6. Contrast Control h ig picture tthe Adjust contrast control for the desired overall best picture. Turn clockwise tol rincrease u a and counterclockwise to decrease. l contrast n A U Operating Instructions S/BY POWER ON CA AV CAMERA CA1 CA2 DAY NIG CONTRAST 1 2 3 4 5 6 BRIGHT VOLUME MIN MAX 7 8 9 78 10 11 12 13 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a 7. Brightness Control u d n picture or display brightness. e control for the best overall Adjust the brightness aw Turn clockwise to l a v r brightness and counterclockwise increase picture y M to decrease. e b s e 8. Volume Control d ic sound level. Turn clockwise re e v Adjuststhe volume control for the desired to increase and counterclockt r i t e b wisehto decrease. i h l ir g Power Connector y S 9. Monitor o a r ll This connector supplies power d o to the monitor when thepengine is on. nu A a n M it o cDescription ceTool Value u i 1 Black: Ground rv od d r e Green: 2 DVOM p R(reverse) gear power (optional) (10 - 26 VDC)S an 3 e y r (10 - 26 VDC) Red: Positive power 3 DVOM y d d d o o Input Connector ize 10. Camera B B r — Two k mini-DIN type connectorso provide the video camera inputs, but onlyV Ca1 is normally used on c Utilimaster vehicles. The monitor supplies power to the camera. th u r u PD T a n Camera Input ndConnector Un it o a aNo. Pin Descriptiony Value Tool 2 3 r d 12 VDC Power Supply DVOM 4 1 o po 12 35 decibel Audio Input Tone Generator r B o 3 Groundk C cInput aw 1.0V p-p l 4 Oscilloscope Video r u y te Tr NOTE: See also the Wiring Diagrams b s section. 11. & 12. VCR Jacks a d te (Not used on Utilimaster im vehicles.) i l i t 13. Normal/Mirror Option ib U h When the switch be reversed. When the oswitch is in NOR4 is in MIRROR position, the picture will r w 0 p MAL position, 0 the picture will be displayed normally. la 2 n n y t io o Basic Troubleshooting b h i t c d Monitor Screen is White ig at u r e Monitor rScreen is Black d y o it p o p b r i r • Be sure the • Make sure the monitor’s Power switch h is On p Camera Audio/Video Selector o Co(not just in Stand By) and the vehicle’s e o switch is set to Ca (button is out)Cand the ignir r p the d Selector Switch is set Camera tion is turned to On or Accessory. If erto the correct t e n input monitor’s green LED power indicator is not iz (normally Ca1). as io r t knobs for illuminated, see Flowchart A. o• Check Contrast and Brightness c m i h u l t i proper adjustment. t • Be sure the Camera Audio/Video Selector d u • Check d o U switch for the appropria the Day/Night switch is set to Ca (button is out) and the r e n 4 v r ate setting. 0 Camera Selector Switch ep is set to the correctU e r 0 s • See Flowchart C. input (normallydCa1). 2 t e re • Check Contrast and Brightness knobs for h z ri NOTE: ig These instructions referhttos a proper adjustment. r o y Vision system. Other icamera h Day/Night switch for the appropriSafety g • Check tthe p r u o systems/models may work in a l similar, ate setting. a l C n A manner. but not necessarily identical, • See U Flowchart A. B — V Pin No. D 2 P 1 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Monitor Power Connector 79 Troubleshooting Flowcharts l a aw u l y Monitor IPower an b M Pin No. Description Value Tool d e e t 1 Black: Ground s c i i Green: R(reverse) gear powerb(optional) t h 2rv (10 - 26 VDC) DVOM i h l e ir gStart Red: Positive power (10 - 26 VDC) DVOM o a S3 r ll u p y n A Monitor d a n M io1 Bo screen is black 2 t e c — u ic V d v 3 r ro e PD p S d y re n d a Are Camera Audio/Video d Is monitor y power e YES Selector, Camera Selector, YESBo YES z d switch AND ignition i Day/Night, Brightness, and Is LED illuminated? See Flowchart B r o — Contrast switches/knobs turned on? o B V set correctly? th k c u PD a u NO d n NO Tr NO n Un it o a Check power and ground a Turn on power Adjust controls y r NOTE: These connections to theo switch and/or d appropriately monitor p o ignition instructions refer to r B o a Safety Vision w k C c system. Otherla r u r e y t T in-line 3-AMP fuse in camera systems/ Check b s a connections YES monitor power harness (inside Are d opermodels may e m t overhead shelf) and ignition good? i ate ini a similar, but il t fuse at fuse block ibnecessarily n not U h 4 io roidentical, manner. t w 0 NO NO p 0 la ra 2 n o y t Make proper io b h t rp connections c g o d both fuses in uYES ri Replace C te Are y i monitor good condition? d r p sure the monitor’s Power switch is ib • Make ro te o p h s On (not just in Stand By) and the vehicle’s C o a re ignition is turned to On or Accessory.pr m NO ed ili • If the monitor’s green LED power nindicator is t z U ri not illuminated, check power/ground tio connecIdentify cause of 4 o c tions and harness in-line fuse. u th blown fuse 00 d u NOTE: See also thed • Be sure the Camera Audio/Video Selector switch 2 o a r t Wiring Diagramsve n is set to Ca (button is out) p and the Camera Selector h r U e g section. e r i Switch is set to the correct input (normally Ca1). r s Replace d Brightness knobs for proper y fuse • Check Contrast eand re p z o i adjustment. r ts C o h • Check thehDay/Night switch for the appropriate ig r setting.ut a ll • See n Flowchart B. A U d e rv e s re Flowchart A: If Monitor’s Screen is Black 80 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Flowchart B: If Monitor has Power but No Picture Start Monitor has power but no picture ts h rig ed v r e s re l l Check A DIN connector on back of monitor d n a dy o B — V D P ce i rv e S al u an M Pin No. 1 2 3 4 n it o c u od r p re w a l Camera Input Connector y Value Descriptionb 12 VDC Power Supplyd 35 decibel Audio Input ti e Groundb iInput 1.0V p-p Video h o r p 2 1 3 Tool DVOM Tone Generator l a u n a M Oscilloscope ce i rv e S 4 y d d NOTE: These instructions e Boto a Safety Vision ir z refer — k o system. Other camera V c h t D u Unplug the camera u P systems/models may work TrNO a from n the cable and in a similar, but not necesd n n o check the voltage IsUcamera Plug YES sarily identical, manner. a tati terminal 1 on plugged in a connector y r the cable d NOTE: See also the properly? o into monitor o p r Wiring Diagrams section. B o NO k C c aw l r u y Is correct te Plug camera Trvoltage YES Replace the b s present at into a cable d camera terminal 1 e m properly t i on the cable? il bi t i U h o 4 NO w 0 pr a 0 l 2 n n y t o Unplug DIN connector i o b h i t t Is correct c voltage YES Replace at the monitor d and ig a the u r r e present at check CheckyDIN connector on back of the t for correct d o i cable p 1 voltage at ro on terminal monitor: ibterminal rp o p the monitor? h o 1 on C• Is connector plugged in properly? ro re the monitor rC • If so, check cable connection at thep d e t e n camera. NO z s o i a r unplug ti and still no picture, • If the camera is connected properly o c m Replace the uand check the voltage atthterminal 1 the camera from the cable ili d t monitor u d o on the cable: U a r e n 4 v ! If correct voltagepis not present at terminal U 1 on the cable, 00 e er r unplug DIN connector at the monitor and check for correct 2 s d t re voltage atze terminal 1 on the monitor. h ri voltage is present at terminal 1 on the monitor,rig ts ! If correct o h y then hreplace the cable. ig t p r ! Ifucorrect voltage is not present at terminal 1 on theomonia ll C n tor, then replace the monitor. A U yYES d Bo Is connector plugged in properly? Check cable connection at camera Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 81 Flowchart C: If Monitor’s Screen is White d e Start rv e s 2 Monitor re 1 screen is s twhite h ig r l Al 3 ce i rv e S l a u an Pin No. M4 1 2 3 4 w la Camera Input Connector Description d ti e ib h o pr Power Supply Audio Input Ground Video Input by Value 12 VDC 35 decibel Tool DVOM Tone Generator l a u y • Be sure the Camera Audio/Video Selector switch is set n Check the Camera d a n Audio/Video Selector, o to Ca (button M is io is out) and the Camera Selector Switch Camera Selector, B t set to c the correct input (normally Ca1). Day/Night, Brightness, — ce u i and Contrast V • Check Contrast and Brightness knobs for proper d v switches/knobs r D o adjustment. r e P S d setting. ep• Check the Day/Night switch for the appropriate y r n d a • Check for obvious cable damage. d e y • Check the continuity of the cable Boat terminals 2 and 4. z d i r othey — • If the continuity cannot be confirmed on circuits 2 and / Are YES Check o for B V h adjusted or 4, then replace the cable. obvious t cable k properly? c u PD temporarily install a damage • If there is a short in the camera, a u d n Tr n Un it o known good camera. a • If there is a shortyin the monitor, temporarily install a a r NO d o known good o monitor. p r B Make proper o k w YES adjustments Any obvious C Replaceccable a l r u damage? r e y t T b s a d e m t i il NO bi t i U n h o o 4 i r Check continuity t w 0 p a of the cable at a 0 l r 2 terminals 2 and 4 n y t o i po b h t r c o d ig u r e C t d y i p o b er r i t o h C ep oYES as r r Replace camerad Continuity? p lim e i n t iz io U r t o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u NO 2 d a ro e t n v p h These instructions refer to a r NOTE: U g re Replace cable i Safety r Vision system. Other camera ese d y e r psystems/models may work in a similar, o ir z s t C but not necessarily identical, manner. o h ig th NOTE: See also the Wiring rDiagrams u a ll section. n A U 82 1.0V p-p Oscilloscope Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Roof l l A ed v r e s re Front s Wrap Roof tAlumi h Sealing Tape ir g Front Corner Casting Double-sided Butyl Tape Front Radius d n a dy o B — V D P ce i rv e S al u an M n it o c u od r p re d ti e ib h o pr Angle Metal by w la Roof Panel l a u n a M ceRoof Bow i rv e S Roof Bow y Tape d d o e B Roof ir z — Perimeter V ho Tape t D u P a d n n Rear Roof Rail n o Bow U i a t Side a y r Roof Clearance and ID Lights d o o Rail rp B Light o k C Backer c aw l r u CargoTr y te Rear Corner b (Not Shown: Fiberglass Front s Light a Casting d Cap in Place of Front Radius e m t i and Front Corner Castings) il bi t i Illustration RO–5 U h o 4 Roof Assembly w 0 pr a 0 l 2 n n y t o i o b h i t c d ig at u r r e y CAUTION: Removal and replacement ioft the roof could result inodroof leaks. If a vehicle requires o p p b r i r major roof or structural repair, check with Utilimaster for a recommendation the pbody shop. on returning hdamage o Co e vehicle to Utilimaster or repairing at a professional o r rC pr d e t e n z s o i a r ti o c m u th ili d t u d o a Details in illustrationsUand procedures r e n NOTE: This service information is generic. 4 v p r 0 e re those in your vehicle. UBecause Utilimaster manufactures may differ from many 0 s 2 every possible part in e customizeded vehicle bodies, this manual cannot list and illustrate t r h ir z Nevertheless, the most common body options every vehicle. are described here. Use this s t ig r o h information as a guideline where it applies. y ig th p r u o a ll C n A U y d AerocapBo (Only)k Roof c u Rail Front r Plug T Roof Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 83 Front (Fiberglass) Cap Replacement NOTE: Some vehicles have a onel d piece fiberglassefront roof cap w a Removal a u l v (Illustration rRO–10). Others have y all clearance and 1. On the cap, remove an a separatesealuminum front radius b M identification d lights for reuse. See the and tworealuminum corner castings e e t Lights—Clearance, Identification, and s c i (Illustration RO–15). See the i t b v h SideiMarker section. r Front (Fiberglass) Cap g e irelevant r oh the roof sealing tape over the ual S r 2. Remove ll Replacement, Front (Aluminum) pfront roof cap and roof panel seam. n y A Corner Casting Replacement, d a n o o and/or Front (Aluminum) Radius M i B t 3. Remove the fasteners holding the front e cap c Replacement sections. — c u i to the roof and wall sections. (See V d v the r D o Fastener Replacement section.) r e P y d Bo d n a ed z ri o th u a n U p re S 4. Using a razor knife, cut the dy sealant and tape around the cap. oPull off the cap. B — V k 1. Scrape off oldDsealant and tape and clean Psurfaces with isopropyl the bonding uc r d n T n alcohol. io a t y For the new cap, drill new holes ra NOTE: d o o the old cap as a model (if possible) p using r B o k or mark and drill hole locations from testC c aw l r mounting the cap on the vehicle. u r e y t T b s 2. Place double-sided butyl tape along top a d edge of the roof panel. te imRO–10 Illustration i l i b FiberglasstFront Roof Cap iposition and n 3. Carefully place the cap in U h 4 fasten in place. io ro t w 0 p a 0 la4. Apply “Alumi Wrap” rtape 2 n roof sealing o y t o b h where the frontticap and the roof rp panel c g o d overlap. u ri C te d y i r p ro ib 5. Apply polyurethane sealant te around the o p h s C e perimeter ofa the cap. (See the exterior o r r p Sealant d section.)ilim e n t removed from the original iz Install the lights 6. it o U r c ho cap. 004 u t u 7. After2an eight-hour waiting period, water-d od a r e t n v p h test the roof. With doors closed tightly, r U e g the roof and the top of the sidee r rispray d y es e r p structures near the affected area with o water. Check for leaks. (Reseal iz r ts and retest C o h if any leaks appear.) ig th Illustration RO–15 r u a ll Aluminum Front Corner Casting and Radius n A U 84 Installation Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a Front (Aluminum) Radius Replacement u n ed has a front aw has a front l a v NOTE: If the vehicle NOTE: If the vehicle y er roof cap s(Illustration RO–10), see e M roof cap (Illustration RO–10), see b e c d the Front (Fiberglass) Cap Rethe Front (Fiberglass) Cap Rei r e v t r placement placement i section. ts section. e b h i S Removal Removal h l ig y r o a r ll 1. Remove the clearance light d 1.p Remove any identification lights on the nu o for reuse. See A the Lights—Clearance,BIdentification, a n radius for reuse. See the Lights—Clearance, and o M i — Side Marker section. Identification, and Side Marker section. V ct ce D u i P 2. Remove the fasteners holding the castingod 2. Remove the tape over the front rv radius and d r e to the frontnradius, walls, and roof. (See roof panel seam. p S a e the Fastener Replacement section.) y r y 3. Remove one of the castings. (See the d d around d o e o Roof—Front Corner (Aluminum) Casting 3. Using a utility knife, cut the sealant B z i B Replacement section.) — kthe casting. Pull off the casting. or V c h Dfasteners holding the front u Installation 4. Remove the ut P Tr a radius todthe other casting, roof, and wall 1. Scrape off the old sealant n and clean theon U sections. an (See the Fastener Replacement ti bonding surface with isopropyl alcohol. a y section.) r d o NOTE: For the new casting, drill new o p 5.B Using a razor knife, cut the sealant and holes using the old casting asoarmodel (if possible) or mark and drill C hole locations ck tape around the radius. Pull off the radius. aw l r u e from test-mounting the tcasting. y Tr Installation b s d clean the 2. Apply polyurethane asealant along the 1. Scrape off old sealant and tapeeand m t i i alcohol. bonding surfaceilwhere the casting will bonding surfaces with isopropyl b t i mate with theUfront radius, roof, and walls. h drill new NOTE: For the new radius, o 4 (See the Sealant section.) r as a model (if w holes using the old pradius 0 a 0 l 3. Fasten2the casting into place. possible) or marknand drill hole locations n y t io the radius on the tio b h t from test-mounting c 4. Apply ig polyurethane sealant around the ed vehicle. u r ra t exterior perimeter of the corner casting.i d y o p (See the Sealant section.) ro ib 2. Place double-sided butyl tape along rp top o p h o C edge re of the roof panel. r C rofrom 5. Install the clearance light removed p the original casting. 3.ed Carefully place the radius tein position and n z s ioperiod, watera ri fasten in place. t 6. After an eight-hour waiting o c m u tightly closed, th 4. Reinstall the corner test the roof. With allddoors ili casting. (See the t u d o top of the side spray the roof andrthe Roof—Front Corner U (Aluminum) Casting a e n 4 v p affected area with U structures near e the Replacement r 0 section.) e r 0 water. Check for leaks. (Reseal and retest s 2 Wrap” roof sealing etape where dappear.) 5. Applyt “Alumi e r overlap. if any leaks h radius and the roof panel thegfront ir z s t i r o h y 6. Apply polyurethane sealant g around the th p exterior perimeter of theriradius. u o (See the a C Sealant section.) All n U Front (Aluminum) Corner Casting Replacement Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 85 7. Install any identification lights removed from the original edradius. CAUTION: Removal and replacement l wcould result in roof a of roof sections a u l v leaks. If a vehicle requires major roof r n 8. After an eight-hour waiting period, watery repair, check with e a or structural b s test the roof. M Utilimaster a recommendation on e With doors closed tightly, d theforvehicle r e e returning to Utilimaster or spraysthe roof and the top of the side t c i i t repairing damage at a professional b shop. structures near the affected arearvwith h i body g l e and retest iwater. Check for leaks. (Reseal oh a r ll r if any leaks appear.) y S u p n A d a n Roof M Rear Corner Casting Replacement io Panel REPAIR Bo t e c — u Quick and easy translucent fiberglass repair Removal ic kits V d v are available for permanently repairing small tears r D e 1. Remove the P fasteners holding the castingro and punctures. These kits, such asSKemlite drails. (See the Fastener Reep to the roof y work in a r SunPatch repair kit (P/N 01900680), n d a section.) placement d o do not require the wide range of temperatures and e y B z d i mixing of resins. (See also the Utilimaster Quick 2. Using a utility knife, cut the sealant around r — o Btheo casting. Reference Parts Guide.) V h t k c u PD 3. Pull off the casting. a u r d n Roof Panel REPLACEMENT TInstallation n Un it o a If the roof panel is translucent a NOTE: y r d , Utilimaster recommends the use 1. Scrape off the old sealant and clean o the Kemlite o p bonding surface with isopropyl ralcohol. Bof a patch kit such as SunPatch (P/N o k Cdrill new c 01900680) where possible. See the Roof aw NOTE: For the new casting, l r u e as a model (if Tr Panel Repair section. y t holes using the old casting b s a locations from testpossible) or mark hole d the NOTE: A heat gun may help break e m t mounting the casting. i i adhesive bond holding the translucent il brails. t i panel to the roof bows and U sealant along the n h 2. Apply polyurethane o o 4 i r bonding surface t Removal w 0 where the casting will p a a 0 l r mate with 2 the roof rails. (See the Sealant n the front radius o and 1. Remove the tapeoover y t i p section.) b h t r roof panel seam. c g o d i u r e C 3. yFasten the casting into place. ti d pop rivets securing 2. Removeothe the panel r p b e r i t polyurethane sealant around the to thepfront radius and h s the heads of the Co4. Apply e o a exterior perimeter of the corner casting. pierce-and-roll rivets securing the roof r pr d panel to the roof limrails. (See the Fastener e i n 5. After an eight-hour waiting period, watert iz Replacement iotightly closed, U section.) r test the roof. With all doors t o 4 c spray the roof and the top u of the side th 3. Remove00the angle metal above the rails. d u 2 structures near the affected area with d a ro e 4. Cuttthe double-sided tape between the roof v water. Check for pleaks. (Reseal and retestn U gh and the front radius, roof bows,erand re ir panel if any leaks appear.) d y rails with a razor knife. es e r p o NOTE: If adhesive was used ton iz Always follow the s the roof WARNING: r C o manufacturer’s cautions and recomh bows and rails, a heat gungmay help break h i mendations for protective equipment, t the adhesive bond holding uapplication, and cleanup. l r the roof panel. a l A Un ® ™ ® ™ 86 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a 5. Remove the panel (some prying and u d additional cutting ve of tape may be required an r to break the e panel loose from the roofe M s bows and e rails). c 8. Lay down the new roof panel. w a l NOTE: As you are lowering the panel, make sure you by can reach (from the interior d the peeled-off paper on i r or the exterior) e v t s outer edge of the rail useear marker 6. Ontthe everybitape strip. h i S reference h ir gto mark each rivet location (for 9. Carefully lay down the new roof panel, al y on top). o r ll after a new angle metal isodplaced u p inserting the front edge under (the tape of n A 7. Use a 4" angle grinderBto grind down all n the) front radius, and then carefully a o M i — t rivet stems until they are flush with the rail remove the paper strip on the tapee V c D to not grind off excessdu surface. Be careful (between the radius and the roof). ic P v metal. d ro er 10. Carefully pull out all the remaining tape n p S a rails, front radius, and roof e 8. Scrape the paper. y r y d bowsdto remove the old tape. d o the perimeter (by 11. Apply pressure around e o B z i B the tape areas with isopropyl 9. Clean alcohol hand or preferably with a roller) to firmly r — k o Vto the roof. adhere the tape th D uc and allow to dry. r u Pangle metals over the panel T Installation a 12. Place new d n n n over the rails. ends aand U and trim as required. 1. Test fit the new panel tio a y 3/16" (for buck rivets) or 1/4" (for r 13. Drill d o 2. Remove the panel. oMagna-Loks) holes through the new angle p r B 3. Apply double-sided butyl tapeoalong the and panel staggered from the oldw C ck metals bottom of the front radiusrwhere the roof la rivets. (See the Fastener Replacement u r e y panel will overlap. Onstthe side facing T section.) b a down, leave the paper strip on for now. d 14. Fasten the panel in position iwith te buck im tape (P/N it ladhesive 4. Apply 1/2"-wide rivets or Magna-Loks. ib h 12605933) onUall the roof bows. On the side o 4 15. Using the holes in the front radius as a r facing up,0leave the paper strip on for now. w template, drill holespthrough a 0 the front of l 2 In older trucks that used n n NOTE: y t o the roof panel. i o b h i t t polyurethane sealant instead of c to the front radius with g d itape a 16. Fasten the panel u r r e t d (See the Fastener Replacement y along the tops of the roof o i POP rivets. p o p b bows and rails, you may choose to r i r section.) o Co use sealant in those places, but roh ep C r tape is easier and cleaner to p 17. d Apply Alumi Wrap roof sealing er tape where t e n install. (See the Sealant section.) sroof panel overlap. iz the front radius and the io a r t o 18. Apply a bead of sealant c tape (P/N 5. Apply the 1"-wide adhesive im around the exterior h u l t i 12605927) around the roof perimeter on u d perimeter of thetpanel. Ensure there are no d o rails. On the side a U r e the side and rear roof voids in the sealant. n 4 v p r U 0 facing up, leave e rethe paper strip on for now. 0 19. After an eight-hour waiting period, waters 2 d an inch (a few centimeters) t 6. Peel off about e re tightly, test the roof. With all doors closed h z s side of the tape ri paper at each tape end of the spray ig the roof and the top ofhtthe r o roofhperimeter. ystructures with water. Check ig for leaks. t p r u o (Reseal and retest if any l leaks appear.) l 7. a Peel off about an inch (a few centimeters) of C n A U the tape paper at each end of the roof bows. Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 87 Scuff Plate l a aw Top “Gator” Plate u l y an Removal Removal b M d e 1. Removetethe fasteners at the front and rear 1. Remove the fasteners holding the lower s c i (See Illustration SC–10 and t plate to the sidewall. (Seevi of the bplate. scuff h i r g l the e iIllustration SC–5 and the Fastener r ohFastener Replacement section.) a r ll Replacement section.) y S u 2.pUse a utility knife to cut the double-sidedn A d a n 2. Remove the scuff plate. M io tape between the plate and the sidewall. Bo t e c — Installation u 3. Pull and/or gently pry the platevoff ic the V d sidewall. r D the plate to length as ro 1. Measure andPcut e p S needed. d 4. Clean remnants of the tape y off the sidewall. re n d a d scuff Installation 2. Fromy the exterior, drill holes in the e Bo z d i plate from the exterior, using the fastener r o 1. Measure and cut— the plate to length. o Bholes in the sidewall as a template. V h t D paper strip on for now, k 2. Leaving thePtop c u 3. Insert fasteners into the holes. a u apply double-sided tape to the top and d n Tr n Un bottom parts of the plate. it o a a y r 3. If dnecessary, position the plate and mark o o p where rivets protrude. r B o C ck4. Lay the plate down. aw l r u r e y areas. t T b 5. Cut and remove the tape from the rivet s a d e m 6. Remove the paper strips from all the tape. t i il bi t i 7. Carefully position the plate U h and press iton o 4 r ti w against the sidewall.p 0 a a 0 l 8. From the exterior,ndrill holes in the r scuff 2 o y t o b h tifastener holesorinp the plate, using the c g d Illustration SC–5 ri Lower Scuff sidewall as u a template. C te d y Plate (and Fasteners) i r p ro ib 9. Insertpfasteners into theteholes. o h C e o as r r p d lim e i n t iz io U r t o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u 2 d a ro e t n v p h U er re ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C o h ig th r u Illustration SC–10 a ll “Gator” Scuff Plate n A U d e rv e s re Lower Scuff Plate 88 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Slats al u an M ed aw l v r y e b s e 1. Remove the fasteners securing the slat to d re (See Illustration SL–5vicand e the sidewall. t s r i tFastener the Removal section.) e b h i l igRemove the slat and save it yforSuse as a r oh a 2. r ll d u p n A possible template. Bo a n M it o Installation — V c ce D u i 1a. For mounting to a vertical support, you P rv od may be abledto use the old slat as a r e S template atondrill holes in the new slat.ep y r y d d 1b. If not,dhold the new slat in position o e o B slightly iz position B above or below the old r — kand drill new holes throughothe slat and V c th D u vertical support. Illustration SL–5 r u P and Vertical T a Slats, Fasteners, Supports d n n CAUTION: UseUa drill stop and take io an t care not to accidentally drill holes into a y r d the sidewall. o o p r B oto the 1c. If the slat is mounted directly C ck aw l r u sidewall with spacers, you e may be able to Tr y t b s use the holes in the sidewall as a template. a d Brace the new slatm in position and drill e t i l holes (from thetioutside) in the new slat. bi i U h o 2. Attach the 4fasteners. w 0 pr a 0 l 2 n n y t o i o b h i t c d ig at u r r e d y o it p o p b r i r o Co ep oh C r r p d er t e n s iz io a r t c im ho u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 d t e re h z ri ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Removal Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 89 Switch, Cargo Light l d w a e a u l v CAUTION: On three-way switches the Switch Body Actuator r n y order inewhich the wires connect to thea b sis very important. Failure to M switch e d Actuator snaps Detach r reconnect properly will cause the e threee onto Switch Body Harness t s c i i t hway switch system to fail. rv ib g h l e ir o a S r ll NOTE: The cargo light typically u p Squeeze tabs to release n A can be turned on with ordywithout a n switch body from Bracket or Bezel M io Bo the key in the ignition. t e c Illustration SW–5 — u ic Removal V Switch Components d v r ro e PDNegative (Black) terminal 1. Disconnect the p S d of the battery. y re n (See Battery, Disconnecting d a d section.) e y Bo z d i r at the back 2. Identify and tag the connectors — o Bofothe switch V h bodies so that t they can be k c u PD reconnected in the same order. a u d n Tr 3. Detach the electrical n Unharness from the back it o a a y of the switch body. r d o o p 4. Squeeze the top and bottom of the r switch B o k w body (or remove screws as necessary) to C c a l r u remove it from the panel.e (See y t Tr b Illustrations SW–5 andsSW–10.) a d e m t 5. Pop off the actuator (if separate). i i il Illustration SW–10 ib t Installation U n h Cargo Light Switch o o 4 i r t w 0 1. Snap the0actuator onto the new switch p a a l r n body t(if2necessary). y o i po b h t r c 2. Attach o ig the wiring harness connectors in theed u r C t d ysame locations as on the old switch. i p o b er r i t o h s C 3. Reattach the switch to the panel orroplate. ep This serviceainformation r NOTE: is m p 4. Reconnect the battery. d i generic. Detailsilin illustrations and e n t differ from those in z o i procedures may it 5. Test the function of the switch. U r 4 Because Utilimaster c ho your vehicle. 0 u t 0 many customized manufactures u 2 d od a r e t vehicle bodies, this manual cannot n v p h U list re ir g and illustrate every possible partser d yin every vehicle. Nevertheless, there e p o most common body options arets iz r C described here. Use this information h ho g i t as a guideline where it applies. u lr a l A Un 90 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Vents Side ed v r e s re al u an M w la by e d ic e v t r i NOTE: ts If a scuff plate covers any e b h i S remove the scuff plate l igfasteners, y r oh a r ll first. d u p o n A NOTE: Vents may be mounted a B n o M i — from the inside or V outside. e ct c D u i 1. Remove all thePfasteners securing the vent.d v r o d r e (See Illustrations VE–5 through VE–15 S Illustration VE–5 an Replacement section.) ep and the Fastener y r Louvered Butterfly SidedVent (Outside Mounted) y d d o 2. Remove the vent. e o B z i B r applicable) — 3. kRemove any excess sealanto(if V c h u from vent mounting area.t PD Tr 4. If sealant was present,auclean contacting n d n n o U i a surfaces with isopropyl alcohol. at y r d o Installation o p r B o sealant 1. If applicable, apply polyurethane C ck aw between the contacting surfaces. l r u y te and the panel Tr b s 2. Align the hole in the vent a d opening. e m t i il bi t i 3. Fasten into position. U h o 4 r VE–10 4. From the 0exterior, apply a bead of sealant w Illustration p a 0 l Louvered Butterfly to the joint 2 between the vent and the wall y n Side Vent Interior View n t o i (if applicable). b h io t t c g d u ri ra te d y o i p ro ib rp o p h o C o re rC NOTE: This service information pr is d e t e n and generic. Details in illustrations z s o i a r ti those in procedures may differ from o c m your vehicle. Because u Utilimaster th ili d t u d manufactures manyro customized U a e n 4 v vehicle bodies, this r 0 ep manual cannot U e r 0 list and illustrate every possible part s 2 d Nevertheless, the t e re in every vehicle. h z ri body options are most common ts ig r o h y described h here. Use this information ig t p r u as a guideline where it applies. o Illustration l VE–15 a l C Two-Way Hingeless Side n A Vent (Outside Mounted) U Removal Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 91 Front l d a e aw u l v r of the vehicle, removean y e 1. From the interior b s Mand the screws d re holding the plate to the wall e e t remove the plate. (See Illustration VE– s c i t bi v h i 25.) r l ig r oh a Se remove r ll From the exterior of the vehicle, 2. u p n A the fasteners that attach dthey vent and a n M io remove the vent assembly. Bo (See t e c Illustration VE–20—and Fastener u ic V d v Replacement section.) r D ro e P p S Installation d y re n d a 1. From the interior of the vehicle, insert the d e y through the plate and sidewall. Bo z screws d i r o — o B V 2. While the screws are heldhin position from t place the k the interior, from the exterior c u PD a u dIllustration VE–20 n the screws. (Seeon foam rubber spacer over Tr n U i a Butterfly Vent (Exterior View) Illustration VE–30.) Front at y r d o 3. Place the wire screen over the screws. o p r B o 4. Turn the screws into the holes of the vent k C c aw l r cover. u r e y t T b s 5. Rivet the vent cover to the wall using the a d e existing holes. im t il bi t i NOTE: See also the Drains section U n h o o 4 i for cleaning information. r t w 0 p a a 0 l r 2 n y t o i po b h t r c o d ig u r e C t d y i p o b er r i t o C ep oh as r r p d Illustration lim VE–25 e i n t Vent (Interior View) iz Front Butterfly io U r t 4 c ho 0 u t 0 u 2 d od a r e t n v p h U er re ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C o h ig th Illustration VE–30 r u Front Vent Assembly Parts a ll n A U Removal 92 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Roof al u an M ed aw l v r y e b 1. From thesexterior of the vehicle, removeethe d ic re that attach the roof vent tovthe fasteners e t r i ts plate. (See the Fastener Replacement backer e b h i S l igsection and Illustration VE–35.) y r oh a r ll 2. Gently cut the sealant around d u p the o n A circumference of the vent a B before removing on M i — the vent from the roof. V ct ce D u i P sealant from the ventod 3. Remove any excess rv d r e mounting area. S an ep y r y roof surface with alcohol. IllustrationdVE–35 4. Cleandthe d o View) Roof Vent (Exterior e o B z 5. From the interior, remove screws securing i B — k or Illustration the interior baffle plate. (See V c h u VE–40.) ut PD Tr a n Installation nd Un it o a 1. On the outside of the vehicle, applyra y d polyurethane sealant around thepo Bo circumference of the roof ventorflange. C in the roof ck aw l r 2. Align the vent with the holes u y te Tr and the vent backing plate. b s a d e 3. Refasten the ventim to the roof. t i il b t i 4. From the exterior, U apply a bead of sealant h o 4 to the joint between the vent and the roof. r w 0 p a 0 l Illustration 2 interior, reattach the baffle plate y n VE–40 5. From the n t o Roof Vent (Interior View) i o b h i t with screws. c d ig at u r r e d y o it p o p b r i r o Co ep oh C r r p d er t e n s iz io a r t c im ho u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 d service information is generic. Details in illustrations NOTE: This and procedures e t e r h z may differ from those in your vehicle. Because Utilimaster manufactures many ir s t in ig o h customized vehicle bodies, this manual cannot list andyrillustrate every possible part th vehicle. Nevertheless, the most common bodypoptions are described here.rigUse this every u ainformation as a guideline where it applies. Co ll n A U Removal Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 93 Wiring Diagrams l d w a e a u l v Circuit Numberr Identification and Codes y e an b s M d re e e t s c i t WIRE CODE: SYMBOL bi CODE: v h i r l ig 500 rBK CONNECTOR oh a Se r ll SYMBOL u p y n A WIRE COLOR d a n MTO io CIRCUIT NUMBER Bo t CONTINUE e c — ANOTHER u ic SHEET V d v r ro e PD p S CONTINUED FROM d e y r n ANOTHER SHEET d WIRE COLOR aCODE: d o e y LG - LIGHT B BK - BLACK d izGREEN r o — RD - RED BR -B BROWN o SPLICE V h t D YL - YELLOW k DG - DARK GREEN u P a uc r d n n T n U io a t y ra d o o p r B TYPICAL CIRCUIT o DESCRIPTION k COLOR NUMBER C c aw l r u r e RED y t T 150 BATTERY POWER b s a d e m t i 220 DARK GREEN CARGO LIGHTS il bi t i U n h 230 BROWN TAIL/RUNNING LIGHTS o o 4 i r t w 0 p a a 0 l r DARK GREEN 2 232 REAR RIGHT TURN n LIGHTS o y t o i p b h t r c g o 234 RED d STOP LIGHTS u ri C te d y i r p 236 LIGHT GREEN ro UP LIGHTSte BACK ib o p h s C e o a r r 238 YELLOW REAR LEFT TURN m LIGHTS p d i l e i n t iz 500 GROUND it o BLACK U r 4 c ho 0 u t 0 u 2 d od a r e t n v p h U er re ir g s d y e re p NOTE: These Details in these diagrams may o ir z wiring diagrams are a genericCsample. ts differ o from those in your vehicle. Because Utilimaster manufactures many customized h ig th bodies, this manual cannot list and illustrate every possible wiring configuration vehicle r u a every vehicle. Use this information as a guideline where it applies. ll for n A U Codes and Circuit Number ID - Diagram Generic58301003a1-3 Sheet 1/3 94 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Connector Locating d Diagram l l A ts h rig ve r e s re dy o B — V D P ce i rv e S al u an M ROOF HARNESS INTERMEDIATE SIDE MARKER (TYPICALLY 16' OR LONGER) d n a d ti e ib h o pr SIDE MARKER LIGHT n it o c u od r p re by w la CLEARANCE LIGHT I.D. LIGHTS l a u n a M CLEARANCE LIGHT ce i rv e S CARGO LIGHT SIDE MARKER LIGHT CARGO LIGHT y d d e Bo ir z — k o V c h u ut PD Tr a n nd Un it o a a y r d o o p r B o C ck aw l r u y te Tr b s a d e m t i il bi t i U h o 4 w 0 pr a 0 l 2 n n y t o i o b h i t c d ig at u r r e d y o it p o p b r i r o Co ep oh C r r p d er t e n s iz io a r t c im ho u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 in these diagrams maye NOTE: These d wiring diagrams are a generic sample. Details t e r h differ from many customized ir z those in your vehicle. Because Utilimaster manufactures s t ig possible wiring configuration vehicle bodies, this manual cannot list and illustrate every r o h y h vehicle. Use this information as a guidelinep where it applies. ig fortevery r u o a ll C n A U y d Bo CARGO LIGHT CARGO LIGHT SWITCH CARGO LIGHT CLEARANCE LIGHT TAILLIGHTS I.D. LIGHTS (PDV) CLEARANCE LIGHT CHASSIS HARNESS CARGO LIGHT FUSE POWER HARNESS Connector Location, International - Diagram Generic58301003a4 Sheet 4 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 95 96 CARGO LIGHT n io t c u od r p re CARGO LIGHT CARGO LIGHT l a u an M NOTE: These wiring diagrams are a generic sample. Details in these diagrams may differ from those in your vehicle. Because Utilimaster manufactures many customized vehicle bodies, this manual cannot list and illustrate every possible wiring configuration for every vehicle. Use this information as a guideline where it applies. NOTE: Some vehicles have a separate Ground wire (500 BK). Others are grounded at the mountings and have no separate dedicated Ground wire. ce i rv e S 500 BK 220 DB y d Bo — V PD LOCATED IN BATTERY BOX 150 RD d n a CARGO LIGHT SWITCH CARGO LIGHT l Al ts h rig d e rv e s re 500 BK 150 RD 10 AMP IN-LINE FUSE CARGO LIGHT y d d e y Bo z d i r — o Bo V h t k c u PD a u d n Tr n Un it o a a y r d o o p r B o k C c aw l r u r e y t T b s a d e m t i il bi t i U n h o o 4 i r t w 0 p a a 0 l r 2 n y t o i po b h t r c o d ig u r e C t d y i p o b er r i t o C ep oh as r r p d lim e i n t iz io U r t o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u 2 d a ro e t n v p h U er re ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C o h ig th r u a ll n A U 3-WAY CARGO LIGHT SWITCHES Cargo Light Wiring d ti e ib h o pr by ce i rv e S Cargo Lamps - Diagram Generic58301003a6 Sheet 6 CARGO LIGHT w la l a u an M Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual d n a dy o B — V D P n it o c u od r p re RIGHT SIDE MARKER LIGHT d ti e ib h o pr by w la RIGHT STOP/TAIL LIGHT RIGHT TURN LIGHT RIGHT BACK-UP LIGHT LICENSE PLATE LIGHT LEFT TURN LIGHT LEFT BACK-UP LIGHT ce i rv e S al u an M Taillamps - Diagram Generic58301003a7 Sheet 7 l l A ts h rig ed v r e s re LEFT STOP/TAIL LIGHT LEFT SIDE MARKER LIGHT Taillight Wiring ce i rv e S l a u n a M 234 RD 232 DG 230 BR 500 BK 500 BK 500 BK 230 BR 230 BR 236 LG 500 BK 232 DG 234 RD 500 BK 236 LG 230 BR 234 RD 232 DG 238 YL Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 500 BK 236 LG 500 BK 230 BR 236 LG 500 BK 238 YL 500 BK 230 BR 230 BR 234 RD 500 BK 500 BK 236 LG 234 RD 500 BK 230 BR 238 YL y d d e Bo ir z — k o V c h u ut PD Tr a n nd Un it o a a y r d o o p r B o C ck aw l r u y te Tr b s a d e m t i il bi t i U h o 4 w 0 pr a 0 l 2 n n y t o i o b h i t c d ig at u r r e d y o it p o p b r i r o Co ep oh C r r p d er t e n NOTE: These s wiring diagrams iz io a r t are a generic sample. Details in o c m i h these diagrams may differ from t il du t u o thoseUin your vehicle. Becauseed a r n 4 v p Utilimaster manufactures many r U 0 e r 0customized vehicle bodies,sethis 2 d t manual cannot list andreillustrate e h z ri ts ig every possible wiring r o h y configuration for h ig every vehicle. t p r u Use this information as a o l a l C n guideline where A it applies. U y d Bo 97 98 230 BR 500 BK 230 BR 500 BK REAR SIDE MARKER LIGHT Clearance/Marker Lights - Diagram Generic58301003a8 Sheet 8 230 BR 230 BR 500 BK 500 BK d ti e ib h o pr by 500 BK 230 BR n io t c u od r p re NOTE: Vehicles with LED lights have a separate Ground wire (500 BK). Vehicles with incandescent lights typically are grounded at the mountings and have no separate dedicated Ground wire. y d Bo — V PD ce i rv e S INTERMEDIATE SIDE MARKER LIGHT (TYPICALLY 16' OR LONGER) REAR CLEARANCE/I.D. LIGHTS l a u an M 500 BK d e rv e s re 230 BR d n a NOTE: These wiring diagrams are a generic sample. Details in these diagrams may differ from those in your vehicle. Because Utilimaster manufactures many customized vehicle bodies, this manual cannot list and illustrate every possible wiring configuration for every vehicle. Use this information as a guideline where it applies. REAR SIDE MARKER LIGHT l Al ts h rig 500 BK 230 BR y d d e y Bo z d i r — o Bo V h t k c u PD a u d n Tr n Un it o a a y r d o o p r B o k C c aw l r u r e y t T b s a d e m t i il bi t i U n h o o 4 i r t w 0 p a a 0 l r 2 n y t o i po b h t r c o d ig u r e C t d y i p o b er r i t o C ep oh as r r p d lim e i n t iz io U r t o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u 2 d a ro e t n v p h U er re ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C o h ig th r u a ll n A U INTERMEDIATE SIDE MARKER LIGHT (TYPICALLY 16' OR LONGER) Clearance/Identification/Marker Light Wiring w la ce i rv e S l a u an M FRONT CLEARANCE (AND I.D. FOR PDV) LIGHTS Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a Rear Vision (Back-up) Camera SystemuConnections d l l A ts h rig ve r e s re IGNITION POWER GROUND y d Bo d n a dy o B — V D P ce i rv e S an M n it o c u od r p re d ti e ib h o pr by w la IN-LINE 3 AMP FUSE PROVIDED WITH MONITOR ce i rv e S MONITOR y d o B — V D P l a u n a M d e iz r k c ho t u u Tr a n nd Un it o a a y r d o o p r B o NOTE: These wiringCdiagrams are ck aw l r u a generic sample.teDetails in these y Tr b s diagrams may adiffer from those in d e your vehicle. Because Utilimaster m t i il many customized bi manufactures t i Ubodies, this manual cannot h vehicle o 4 w 0 illustrate every possible CAMERA list0and pr a l 2 configuration for every n wiring n y t o i o b h i t vehicle. Use this information as a c d ig guideline where it applies. at u r r e d y o it p o p b r i r o Co ep oh C r r p d er t e n s iz io a r t c im ho u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p er re NOTE: See also theURear Vision (Back-up)2Camera 00 s d System under the Service Information section. t e re h z ri ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U REVERSE SIGNAL International mounts the back-up monitor in the dash. Freightliner provides wiring for the back-up camera system in a three-way Packard connector located under dash to the left of the fuse panel. Utilimaster connects to this point and routes the back-up monitor cable to the center of the cab. Rear Vision - Diagram 58301003a9 Sheet 9 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 99 D l a Decals 24, 35 aw u l an Deflector plate 35by Delamination, ofdDuraPlate panels 65 M e Dome (cargo)ite light 58 c i b v Door, bulkhead i 16, 36 r h l e Door, front o wall 16, 36 a S r u Door,pmaintenance 21 y n d a n midship wall 16, 36 Door, National Highway Traffic o Safety Administrao M i B t Door, roll-up tion 15 e c — u Adjustment 43 ic Transport Canada V 15 d v r D Transportation 15 ro Allowed warranty claim labor times U.S. DepartmentPof e 16 p S Lock 49 Utilimaster d re Maintenance checklist 22dy Customeran Service 18 d Panel replacement 42,Bo44, 46 e y Parts d department 13 z i Protective beam (load o Publications department 3 or — bar) assembly 48 B V Pull strap 51 Warranty department 14 th k c u Roller play adjustment 48 PD Aluminum panel 17, 64 a u r d n Roller replacement 49 TB n Un io a t Seals 51 a y 41 r Spring d39, Back-up (rear vision) camera system o 78, 99 o 16, 23. See Door, roll-up p Door,Bswing r Banana lock 49 o Drains w Baserail 17 C ck floor 53 a l r Cargo u Battery, disconnecting 32 r Vents 53 e y t T b Body mounting bolts 17, 24, 32 s a d DuraPlate panel 17, 65 Body serial number 11 m e t i BOM fastener 26 til bi E i U Bottom panel replacement (rear door) 46 n h o o 4 E-track 17, 54 i r Buck rivets 26 0 t w 16, 18, 94 p a Electrical la r Bulkhead 3620 n y t o Email 13, 14, 18 i po Bumper, rear 18, 34 b h t r c 19 o d Emergency repairs ig u r e C C t d y i F p o b er r i t o Cable retainment track 34 C ep Fastener replacement 25 oh as Cap, roof 84 r r p Flat rates d (warranty repair) im 16 Cargo lights 16, 58, 96 l e i n t Floorizassembly 17 Cautions 19 io r 13, 14 U t Forms o Central Locking System (Trademaster) 37 4 c h 0 u t Front roof cap 17, 84 Clearance lights 16, 55, 98 0 d u 2 d o a Front roof tradius 85 r Corner post 17 e n v p h assembly 17 r U Front wall Customer service. See e Utilimaster Customer g e r i r Front wall sliding door 36 s Service d ypanel 17, 64 e re p FRP o ir z ts C o h ig th r u a ll n A U Index rved e s re s t A h ig switch 90 r Actuator, l Address Al 100 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l a M u w n ed a l a v Magna-Bulb 27 Gelcoat FRP 64 r y M e Magna-Grip 29 b Glossary of terms 18 s e d ic re 17, 24, 54 Magna-Lok 27 Grab handles e v t r i Maintenance ts e b H h i S Checklist h 20 l ig y r o a Timer and labor standards 16 Harness, electrical 16, 95 d ll u p o n Manufacturers’ recommendations 20 Hemlok 27 A a B n Marker Hucktainer 27 M it o lights 16, 98 — V c Master Security ("banana") Lock 49ice D u I P d Midship wall (bulkhead), sliding door v 36 r o d r e Mirrors 17, 20, 24, 59 Identification lights n 55, 98 p S e MONOBOLT 27 Inspection 20 a y r ypanel replacement (rearddoor) d 49 MSL (Master Security Lock) Intermediate d o e o B Mud flap 17 44 B iz r — k V N K c ho t D u r u P T drain 53 a Notes 19 Kazoo d n n Numbers an U tio L a Body serial y number 11 r d o Parts 12 Labor time standards (warranty repair) 16 o p r B Phone 13, 14, 15, 18 License plate bracket 17 o k VIN 11 License plate light 16, 57, 97 C c aw l r u Liftgate 54 y te Tr Work order 12 b s Nutsert 27 Lights a d e Allowed warranty claim labor times 16 m t i P il bi Back-up 56 t i U h Paint 60 Cargo 16, 58,4 96 o w 17 0 55, 98 Panels Clearance 16, pr a 0 l 2 16, 55, 98 n Aluminum 64 Identification n y t o i o b h i t DuraPlate 65 Inspection 20 c d FRP 64 ig plate 16, 57, 97 at License u r r e d y 16, 55, 98 o it Parts Marker p o p b r i r o 16, 56, 97 Guide 18p h o CStop e o C r r Manuals 9 Tail 16, 56, 97 p d 12 er Numbers Turn 16, 56, 97 t e n s iz io Ordering 13 Wiring diagrams 94 a r t c Load bar assembly, door 48 im hoReturn 13 u l t i d Locknuts 27 u Phone numbers Ut d o a r e NHTSA 15 Locks 21, 36, 37, 49, 50 n 4 v p r U 0 15 Transport Canada Lubricants e re 0 s 2 Utilimastert Customer Service 13,re18 Exxon 21, 23ed h z Warranty claims (fax) 14 NUTO 21, r23 i g ts i r o h Pin-and-collar fastener 29 Oil 21, 22, 23 y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U G Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 101 T Plate l d Deflector 35 w a T-Nut 29 e a u l v Scuff 17, 88 r an Taillights 16, 56, b97y POP rivet 29 se Tape 24, 30 d M e Primer, paint r60 e Tedlar FRP 64 te s (load bar) assembly,icdoor i Protective tbeam Thread adhesive 29, 30 h ib rv 48 ig h l e Time and r 22, 51 o labor standards 16 a S Pullllstrap r u Tools p25 y n A d a npanel (rear door) 42 Top R o M i Bo t Torque seal 30 e c Radius, front roof 85 — u Torque value chart 33 ic Rear door. See Door,Vroll-up. See also Door, d v r 19 ro Towing e 37 swing PD p S Trademaster Central Locking System d Rear vision (back-up) camera system 78, y system 79 re 99 Troubleshooting, backup camera n d a Reflector tape 17 d e y 13 Bo z U Return parts d i r — Revision o Bocontrol 3 V Unit serial number. See Utilimaster Body h t D k 26 Rivets c u Serial Number P a Roll-up Door, roll- n u door. See Door: Roll-up; r d Utilimaster Body Manual 18 n T up n Parts U io Utilimaster Body a t Serial Number 11 Roller play adjustment (rear door) 48 ra y Utilimaster Customer Service 13, 14, 18 d o Roof o p Utilimaster r 17 B Glossary of Terms 18 Allowed warranty claim labor times o Utilimaster Quick Reference Parts Guide 18 k C Assembly 83 c aw l r u rV e 85 Front aluminum corner casting y t T b s Front aluminum radius 85 a d11 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) e Front fiberglass cap 84 m t i Vents 17, 91 l bi Panel repair 86 ti i U 86 n h W Panel replacement o o 4 i r t w 19 0 Rear corner 0 casting 86 p a a Warnings l r 2 n y t o Warranty claims S i po b h t r c times) 16 o d Flat rates (allowed ig Safety considerations 19 u r e C t How to file 14 d y i r Safety defects, reporting 15 p ro 14, 18 te ib Web site 3, 13, o p Scuff plates 88 h C e 94 Wiring 16, o as r r Sealant 31 p Work order d number il12 im Seals, door 22, 52 e n t iz Self-piercing (pierce-and-roll) rivets io 28, 86 U r t o 4 c Serial number 11, 38 0 u th 0 d Sidewall 17, 65 u 2 d a ro e t Slats 17, 89 n v p h Spring winding and adjustment (rear door) U 41 er re ir g s d 97 y Stop lights 16, 56, e re p Straight time (warranty repair) 16 o ir z ts C h Swing door. oSee Door, swing h Switchesut16, 90 rig 102 a n U l Al Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual l l A ts h rig ed v r e s re d n a dy o B — V D P ce i rv e S al u an M n it o c u od r p re d ti e ib h o pr by w la ce i rv e S l a u n a M y d d e Bo ir z — k o V c h u ut PD Tr a n nd Un it o a a y r d o o p r B o C ck aw l r u y te Tr b s a d e m t i il bi t i U h o 4 w 0 pr a 0 l 2 n n y t o i o b h i t c d ig at u r r e d y o it p o p b r i r o Co ep oh C r r p d er t e n s iz io a r t c im ho u l t i d t u d o U a r e n 4 v p r U 0 e re 0 s 2 d t e re h z ri ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U y d Bo Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual 103 l Al ts h rig d e rv e s re n io t c u od r p re d ti e ib h o pr by w la ce i rv e S l a u an M © 104 Truck Body and PDV—Body Service Manual Body Service Manual Bod y Ser vice Man ual y d d e y Bo z d i r — o Bo V h t k c u PD a u d n Tr n Un it o a a y r d o o p r B o k C c aw l r u r e y t T b s a d e m t i il bi t i U n h o o 4 i r t w 0 p a a 0 l r 2 n y t o i po b h t r c o d ig u r e C t d y i p o b er r i t o C ep oh as r r p d lim e i n t iz io U r t o 4 c 0 u th 0 d u 2 d a ro e t n v p h U er re ir g s d y e re p o ir z ts C o h Par artt Number Number:: 03102101-VY04EN h ig t r u por ation, 65906 Sta te R oad 19, P .O x 585, Wakar usa, Indiana, 46573-0585, USA Corpor pora State Road P.O .O.. Bo Box akarusa, aUtilimaster Cor ll n A U uck Body PDV Tr uc k Bod y and PD V d n a y d Bo — V PD ce i rv e S l a u an M