Week 20 Royal Week Week 21 Water Week 22 Books Week 23 In

Programme Overview for Weeks 20-25
Below is an overview of the activity programme/ themes until the end of the school year.
Each week we will be working around a different theme. These we have picked to give us a wide range of different
activities to do that help to develop the student’s skills, and are about things that the students have told us they are
interested in.
Please note that we have a national holiday on the Monday of Week 20. Both ASP and school with be closed on this
The ASP will be open for the first two weeks of the summer holidays. We will be sending out information how to sign
up for this service very soon.
Week 20
Royal Week
ASP and school is closed on Monday
Week 21
Students will need a change of clothes on Friday as we will be
getting wet!
Week 22
Week 23
In the Garden #2
Week 24
Week 25
The End of year ‘Oscars’ will be on Thursday