by ^fWp^ym^^^ w^M^sp*!?^ ^^f^feieAt^A^: 1

' W/
';?•.. x t - ; ' : / . . " .
tep SuBscuxi^Fiop received, at the Ge^neva Bookstore for the following Perio d i c a l P u b l i c a t i o n s which have just
beentf commenced in the oity of Al- J
Tfa© Cnrisllaii Visitant,/
A work devoted delusively to Religion
iblisfied ohce a weefc«*-Tenns, $ &per
\ year.
American Magazine,
A Monthly Miscellany devoted to Literature, Science, iffistory, Biography; jfad the
" A QQQA SAMARITAN had compassion on Aits; inclwding^lsd State Papers and Public
liim, and went to him «,ndbouact iip his wounds Documents, with Intelligence, Domestic, For-('
pouring in 0I& and WINE,^jd set hina on eign, and liiterary, Public News,-and Passings
his own-peast.*'—tiufce, chag»j£, Ver. 33, 54. Events,;.'being an attempt to.fgrm a^Fsefwl,
•'! •
-WT-»rf^.* * * I T *TCIj.C*J j °
I&epositprylbr every "description of American*
readers": Conducted by,HORATIO GATES'
SFAE-FOED. Terms, • $ 2,50 if paid in advance,
and $ 3 if paid at the end of theyear.
Vegetable? Pulnionic
For Consumptive, Asthmatic and CaA S Removed to the first House.
tarrhal Complaints.
south of the Hotel, oti Main-street,.
.. 'STv-38. Tfife above Medicine is prepar- where he still continues his professioned with extraordinary care aja^inrtpcov- al'business,
ed nicety by the proprietor at "Ms Dis-;
Geneva, 1th May*
pensary i n Northampton, Mass* -and
'• -. F O & & < ! # ... , , . ' ,.:•• SEPTIMUS. EYAN-SC.
-•]}y;Dtai. C.-'CflAPIN, atM§
dptheA S for sale at his old stand, oppo-'
site Messrs. Doxes, a general ascake.'
sortment of'
'*;•' ' *
S'eneca%Qck Navigation.
HE Stockholders, of the Seneca,
Lock .Navigation Company, are
required to'pay the further sum of Two
Dollars on each share of stock by them
respectively held, on each of the following days, to wit, on the 10th day of October, and first days of November and
December next.
•* .. .
-' > Bu order of the Directors,.
... ,. s.
A / . B O X , Sen?#:
Geneva, toth%dpgust.
Ctippeiy Tin, & Sheet
iron Manufactory.
HE • undersigned respectfully in-^
form their friends and the pub- s
lie, that they have now opened a Man-,
ufactory of COPPER, " T I N , & S H E E T
jlRON, i n the village . o£.GENEVA, opposite Church's ^ayern,.two doors west
of the J^osfc^Oftuie, where a n y articles
in the above, Branches can be had, on
,the shortest notice, £nd, on as reasonable terms a s they can-foeobtained i n
Albany ox New>-tWk, adding the transportation. T h e y will continue to make
Stills, (common or patent) Still Worms,
Cylinders, Heaters,, Clothiers' Dye:
Kettles, Hatters* Plank Kettles, T a n ner's and,Paper-Makers' Heaters, Wash
Hetties of all sorts, or a n y other article tbat/eaa bedescribed4n.ihe above
branches. I!81 T h e y .flatter themselves
from their long experience and strict
attention tp business to merit their
share, of public patronage. All orders
from the country for any kind of work
will be strictly attended to by the public's humble servants,
& c .
& c . .
• » * •'••
- ~ .
- 1 •
/ . .& W. Bogert;
Notice to Soldiers. .
Andrew P. Tillman,
^^f^feieAt^A^: 1
QT Notice.
• *
N w H f h the Subserab'e? »o%r'lives,
Bifhmon Beniiefi by
eithef,alto^ether or i^|»ai5%*ii?^eth^
er with th.e;£tock a n d f a r a ^ ^
desired hy^fhe p«rcbas"err* Bu|'-f small
r ^ p P f A i s :dl%ai.-h|s-,
part of the purchase, money will; be re'
y y ':mpfa iti the!fc?'tif' part twentieth 4j£ykvof.. Feteua^ in the
quired dovvjiju , v ,4*. . v . * ',';.'••-•')• '"
fof the Mctnfes^cWed fc>y ^ M e r t g a g e
:year 'of •* QW}mi®-Qi&¥ik(ktem $wm
If thet:'above .Farm is not'soM, it
giyen by itf%ik>tm pERKiiis* of t h e
will be iti^e for'omf or tndr^ ; Je&if pro,_ m$m& ;a%a ninety ievfen^' for, seeu,
, J
vided t h ^ p a s e ' ^ gives sa^JF|cjt|jrf se- tojwn of G'o^han?* cpitRty o f v Q ^ p i p
pmi&' rin^tlie%a|ia^P.tto f tb.e;si£|b'Qf 'fWo
curity for [thXreht an3 other, per!#man- m&. State o f ' ^ e w - T o r k , ^
mm B^oo^s, of'-tlje same- place* o % % jhtlridre'd and twenty pounds, la$fi}i
ces that *ill !>e required m thejEi^se.
T h e st(Sc| of said farn^^consits of be- first day of A p r i l s elghteeii, hundred" fi?p^ey ot tfie stale of Jfew-Yor^ e»
tween 50 a*fd' 60 he'ad^of- c a t t l e a M hor- ;and fourteen, of *< ALL\ih&p<£0&w |4««^tp.J?ye
illn, theVunigf^1.a^d/fifty
yeay sonertth„au&and
ses, and about 1,70 sheepjthfe-greater ; ; p | ^ r , p a r c e L o f J ^ a t t d , ; ' i t | ^ j ^ t
^ ^ed'.-.and'-fenr>;; t a|qt,he*iwithJ on oj$lfor:e,^
j v#he
part crossed with merino blood.
M,iot^purjaber thirty»one,ifr ra0't;6v?h intewst;fefjjesame- .yeai'iy:' n^'fjm
. ' • B E N . l t e T < J O M . S O N . '.;•• ho^;«3;^»|&jd, -county'-of:Ontario and
Benton, ithMarcn, | & l $ \ . - . 3 % ^^ t t t e ; o4^e.w«Yqrk--r J?ound.^^as fpl- year-dui'i% sheHa^tersn* MsSirant
a\b, &
lows.! Beginning at t h e sQuthtWejst
coraef of Edward Gillefs land, tbefiiGe;
, ^:^WOB\
runnin^soiath along, ihre lkie * \<ofri&i;.
I L L b e sold, at private sale, that; •lot, seWnfy-se'*$&•' jrpds * a n d ' t w e n t y - !
valuable^ Property, belonging to
t|iree' *ltnks^ theii#^M§% ; %rie hm&
James Shan, of New^Jersey, situ£ltepn ,
Seely Creek, 'abput 3 1-5 railed >frQ.fliij ' d r e d ' ¥ t i ' d - e W ' T b | s ' % 4 « f ' ' ~
Suitable for the. Season,which he will Newtown.—It contains about lQGOTa-4
sell unusually low for ready Cash or cres, 150 of which is w(ler |mp>ovfe
Produce—among ^ n i e h are the follow- ment, the remainder escellenr'tin%fer^ dred a n d eight rods a n d / o f t ^ | | ; | o
laud, consisting p r i n c ^ a J | O g i v | i t e j tbenplace,l>6f, beginning, ^ntaraipigi
S U P E E F I N E & common Calicoes,blue,
pine am^':W^te,, oak.,,.[ • T 4 % % W w S s ( ,fifty-t#0^acpes' and, f^venty»one^?ro«|gj
white & yellow Nankeens, mixt Gran- and impr^veqsenti ai% d%e?g.aeid.ditV'feJi| be the-sairie?. inare W , iess%"*^Nbtiee
derills, cotton Cassimeres, 4-4 and G-4 ling house, a n d sevi^a^'S^Slel^'O^esj
isj hereby giveftj^thal* b y *«f^fid c #%|
white cambricks, figured and plain L e - with large aMebtiveMetft § « t l l d - |
nos and Leno Shawls, 4-4 and 6-4 black ings, 'and J a n s , ' r e x c ^ M ¥ M w p | ^ | 'pow^tBO^si^ed in " s.aiti jpo&tj^Sg^'a^i
iij 'p^VWaBte-o'C 'l^e''aet t ^vffi«B^™[
Cambricks, Vestings, Cotton Flag and orchard;
Bandanno Handkerchiefs, Silk Flag and saw nulls, Mdj ^ ^ a j - g ^ ^ l v ^ i l l e s S w
Bandanno do. silk, stripe and common J t f u e r y witR
Ginghams, Ladies' long and shoFt silkT whicii^the
whMii.'the. titi
lie ^ y e n d j u e j l a t ^ g . m o t e ^ ^ n j
riiil p t a ^ p . ' j e
Gloves and Mitts, black, White, pink,
figured and Florence Lutestrings, wide!
'nex-t^afetert'jQ^pekvin • --ihe ^0iren.bsn|
and narrow black Crape, black Mode ed i * I h e 'iutet cb;$ip1gt!; mi§e^"fGr} ei th;at.-dayi-*4)ated Ge^va^Ofhf
and.Pelong, black and colored sill^ doing mereliait ^ o ) . ^ ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ? ^ ^ s
# c t ^ , L g S t | ^ f e ^ ^ • • a: r •• V«*Ss^C
.-or ••Biad«i%-?!|^pJ«ttasfty^w^ -PaShawls, cotton and imitation do. !!sill!' p^rty will :be|sp;hJ tbg&tihet5 or "slparat©?,
and cotton Umbrellas and Parasollsj as may best sult^the^l&rchaier^^or!
^s, : n1n k e e # S ^ f e o W f : ; E l m >
Bornbazettes, Pantaloon-Hose,<Bea5ref terms apply^.to . t h e s ^ f o s c r i h ^ o i r t i i e t ,
and Ladies' Habit Gloves,"Suspenders^ premises. ^ ^ H \ ^ ^ ' " ^ | ^ 1 5 ; N I
a large assortment of India MuslinSj
p^yhjieht, pf;.,| tm ' ' 0 ^ ^ S ^ ] l l 5 ^ ^ h % | n i c ^ . t h e
Tabby Velvets, Bobhms, Lace and
J 1
$s ' ? H w M - j f l t e 4 •-'said;-day^^a:ie#luh-e|,%^;ff81S.
Edgings, Sowing Silk, Twists, Thready
v ;'
Likewise an excellent assortment of' ]
St. Crpis and common,Rum, <?onia^
and Spanish Brandy^, Sjiferry, J i c i l v
Madeira and Malag$, Wines^ ^ m p l *
white, Havanna and Muscovado; Sugarsi
Alspiee, Pepper, Ginger, N.utniegs,Jjox
and keg Raisins, T e a j , Coffee, Chocolate, Plug, PigtaiLafui Baper Tobacco
Indigo, Copperas, Aliuhi, Powder and
Shot, Pipes and Segals v , 7
Also, a general.assortment,of, j
."'!*? , r
Nails, bar Iron, Country and English
Steel, grass and cradling Scythes, $nd
Geneva, May 17:49
* *.
%* T i n , Copper, Brass, Pewter &
Also, 4 hhds. first quality Molasses, f
Iron work, repaired on the shortest no2,000 gallons choice Whiskey,
Geneva, June 2Uh, 1813.
: 11
N . B . Three or four Journeymen
' wanted a t the above branches.
HAVE made an arrangement with
one of the beat Houses'in Albany,
I shall be enabled to furnish
AMES BOGEBT having formed a coClothiers
Dye-Skiff's and othe,r arpartnership with his brother, W I L ticles
line, warranted of
liDQH B O G E R T , the business in future will
Albany prices,
be conducted underfthe Firm of
adding the transportation and a small
commission. Any person wishing to
W h o offer for sale an extensive collec- purchase articles in that line, may. by
tkmof BOOKS, in the Various branches calling atraystore see a list of the arof Literature, and a good assortment of ticles .and the prices—and can be sup' S T A T I O N A R Y — a l l which will be lied with the whole or a part on leaving
a memorandum.
sold o n the most reasonable terms.
P R I N T I N G and B O O K - B I N D I N G , in
their variety, executed in a ueat style
and-on short notice.
OmevOiT^th June, 1815.
R R A N G E M E N T S are making at
the offieeof tbe'Sutveyor General
T h e subscriber 'informs all persons
of the United States for a survey of the
indebted to him, in any manner, that lands sappropriated for Military purposin consequence of the above arrange- e s ; and the subscribers having associament, it is Tendered indispensably ne- ted in conformity with the recommendacessary that immediate settlement be tions of General officers of the late armade with him.
my with a view to aid those soldiers who
have served during the late war* with
Geneva, Bffe June, 1815.
Great Britain and been honorably discharged, in procuring warrants or patents for their lands, ia conformity to the
N E T H O U S A N D bushels CORN act of-congress, have established offifor which the subscriber will pay ces at the following places—to wit; at
the highest price in Cash. He has just the office of A. S. Clark, in the village
received a fresh, and for the times, a of Buffalo; at the store of R. Hart and
well assorted supply of D r y Goods; Co. in the village of Canandaigtfa; at
Groceries; Hardware; Crockery; Nails; the office of Jdhn Collins in the village
Bar Iron; Steel; Waggon and Cart of Geneva; and at the house of H. W .
Boxes; Castings; Shovels and Spades; Dobbin in" Junius in the county of SenBrass trimed Andirons;—has also on eca. T h e y propose to* sucli soldiers or
hand 1,000 gallons choice old Whiskey, [> their* legal representatives, as may call
and 20 barrels Pork:—-All which will on them at either of the places aforeJbe sold cheap Cor Cash or country Pro- said, to receive letters of attorney enabling them to procure warrants or patduce.
N. B. Cash paid for Wheat, Rye, ents in the names of such soldiers for
lands they may by law be entitled to reCorn, Buck-Wheat and Oats.
Geneva, Oct. 2.
\2 ceive in consequence of their services.
T h e necessary application a t the war
office will be made without any advance
F F E R S for Sale, at the stand for- in money with a view of hereafter being
merly occupied b y Col. Phillips, allowed a small compensation for procuring such warrant.
% large and general assortment of good
Of a superior quality.
•CASH" will be paid'for any quantity of
H r o n W. DOBBIN,
Bkles and Baric,
Genera, Sept. 14.
July IT, 1815.
LARGE^; quantity of
and UMPBL4CM^mt
receiand f o i b l e at the Btm of *
8. C H A P I N .
Geneva? 2$th fane. •' \ "15
sum,of Po^-T^^P'I^CBis/lbere^ . A * F ' H tU said toon.
lore- herebyi^ven, thatvbyvimjepf a gaged:^e$us& wUibesoidat Public
ipti w^r l6nt||j|ed m said Hort^ag<?p»d •Auctio%!jt the court house' in tb..
-in' pursuant of the,, apt;to'suc%; lase town of Bath, in the county of Steu
made anilrpybwitfej, the said rp<>rtga« ben, on' tfee l^t p\^f of January
ged pfea^ieS'^ill behold- at- puhlit pext^ at^wo,o?clpeliJn theafternoo*
yendu^ at the Hqteira^peney&,in : of tha^ day,«~|)ated , 11 th of, M*
' the said ^o«n|yj m"-i$i' iprst (W[Qh*
••day of M^y^eXt, it tfin-o'cloefc.m!tihe •• H M 0 W , & W^OODS-bijs- • Att*ys» •' ; •
, . . _.- ». ,.. *.i * - r
-• • 1& - • •:-. A, ^MJIH^BIZCK.
i8i'l, ac^4j^<«w$biyd)i^£roir^
certain b o n ' 4 % a ? % g ^
ye^r J afdresaiC t ? i ? . # # a r f i a ^ i W
m SeftecA,fL^ &Mfo& plac^ ? oA,;^ gox?d subscriber, ;a n ^ p ^ a g e ; J ) e ^ E i j | g ^ y e ^
stream of water; tools &e. i n good or4 d a t e - ^ r t i : t h e ; ^ d , ^ n ^ u p | n ^ A i |
der, and nii«3in^pei , ation. F o r terms| that ceftatn ;.lOt)f piffef Of p ^ ^ e l . ; o |
: ;
enquire of.•tte.§jubscrjibejf,jaJ^theShopil
land situate^ih to^nslvip nBo^|e«^|il#e,f
^ B P H E S t ' - T A f LOR..-temctf ' ,QM>
2f, 1-8*14.- 81:3m?j •its t h e first range pf^owAshipS%;tibe|
'-4&i t.i.'fcV.yL-"}
county of C^tarioandjsrateof'isrewl
York, being tl|e-Msterf^p£frt o f lot*
A msNrdam, i in r h e county oft numbed thirteen, and*^ butted a n d
Moo%omerf|an& sta^e of NewfY.ork^ bounded as follpw^-^ridrth bj( ttie!
for securing j h g p a y i i j e p ^ f ^er'tainV highway j east by ;n\jnib^r fonVteeja;
sum of Mondy, 4id cpnvey. utit#'CA- formerlvibfilDngip^ i o IqahuV i ) u n *
i»BB G O W E N J by I p d e n t u r e of Mort»| bar | and 'west-py/jhe o t h e f ' | a r t of
g«ge< * b e a r i n | date the- seventeenth: ;iaid. jiot, containing] seventy-jfive, apres^
day of J a a e l h t|re year^of our Iuprdt of land, excepting and .teservingjone'
bti&%housand| eight htihdretl!aii<l.5se-| half of allminesiand "tnxnferal&whicb^
beo ; ft\rtHni\
found'\? att
'lot.• ? - A nA
»r h
« * i the.
tVia ' :I«Jven", A L L t h | t •ceriain tfact or parcel i*V'»
i n the!
of Land, situate'{^'tow^Ihip number)
T e n , in- the 1 Gm^ge&iM'M
tot paymerit6i %jke$nonjteS'M
said b o n d — N o t | ^ js^ti#eror:e: b e t e ^
number sixt * & Jded in®
given,' * y ^ p J e " p | ^ e ^ ^ i | ; ^ 4
Beginnit%-o^ f k e " t ^ l n l i | 4 l i d ' a l
said mortgage- c'ontaTnedj* : apd : p^rspl
th^ south-ealt c o r n ^ p f ^ahuoi,j^eiil
ant to the act in ^web) case .n^a^e a^d
jamin's landi'i thenc^ running e a s t ^ n ]
provided, thvat • ( j i ^ m§ tnortg^ged^'
the said road t o t h e south, west' c'&r-)
premises will b e sold a t publie a^c-f
nerofbamuei W h i t n e y ' s l a n d j t h e h c ^
tion, a t H a r r i s ' H o t e l , in "€5eneyai t,n
northerly along- t h e west line of ;Said
the said county of O n t a r i o i ' o n v t h l
Whitney's ,l|nd so far. as t o contain
ninth day of "March? next^at^one 6^4forty-two afcrks and three ^quarters of
clock in t h e afternoon*:df? that^^aayl
an acre of I land} thence westerlv
for t h e payment .aftid satisfaction: o f
to t h e east line of said Benjacpiu'a
said ajortg^e* Dated this &£k Say
l a n d ; thence southerly along said'
of Sept«htte^"'lS15.:': f ' - ^ \ . , 4 Benjamin's land to the place, oi beginning, contajnjjjg as above fortyJ. Fellows, A t t V
- r -' v- r
two acres and three-quarters of land
,^..».r ;.&...-../.:,,r.,i --..n',. ,;.i,,;,-„:^---j
—And whereas default has been made
HEREAS ^hifmJ-mm^Mii
in t i e pafmenToT"the monies aforeof the town of
N O T I C E is therefore hereby ty of H e r k i m e r and stat^rbf;WeW'
give J, that by virtue of a gower con- York, for securing th)eiayment of the1
tain id in said RlortgageTirid in pur- sum of twelve hujidire^ sdoltars, cursuance of t b e statute in such case rent money of t h e United States, in
maqe and provided, the said mortsl
gagW premises will be sold at public
aucfion, at Harris Hotel, in t h e vil- year of pur liorld one tHoulaid^ eigbt
lage! of Geneva, on Monday the thir- h u n d r e d a n d four, Mortgage and conteenth day of M a y next,' at ten o'* vey unto t Comver Boivne of t h e city"
clodk in the forenoon of that day.—. of Netff-Yorki A L L that certain piece
or parcel of land herein after descriDated Nov. 7 t h , 1815*
situate, lying and being in townCALEB C O W E N .
ship number three, in the second range
D . H U D S O N , Attfy".
of townships in the county of Steu*
H E R E A S J O H N W A I T , of the ben and state of NeV-Xqrk, begin*
town of Phelps> in thecoun- ning two miles and two hundre&arods
ty of Ontario and S^at0 of New-York, from tbe south east corner of said: town
for securing tbe payment of Eleven on the east line running due west two
hundred eventy-six dollars, thirty, hundred r o d s ; fromthencenorth four
nine cent with the lawful interest hundred r o d s ; from thence east 5 two
thereon, Did, On the sixth day of De- hundred r o d s ; and frdtn iheme south
cember eighteen hundred and four- four hundred rods, to the place of .beteen, Mortgage and Convey unto ginning, containing five hundred a*E L I A S C O S T , 'of t h e said town of
cres bounding on t h e west of Joseph
Phelps, /yiL that certain tract or par- Scott's L a n d s . — 4 M -whereas, the said
cel of Latd,. situate* lying and being Conover Bowne h a t h duly assigned
in the said town of Phelps, being the the said mortgage t o ' m e , the subscH*
south undivided south part of lot num- berj and whereas,default hath jbeen
ber one hundred and t w o , in town- made in the paytnent of the said sum
ship number ten, in t h e first range of of money—NO I C E is therefore heretownships, in the county of Ontario— by given, that by virtue of a power
And whereas default has been made contained in said mortgage and in
in the payment of a part of the said pursuance of the statute in such 'case
sums "of money d&&eip; meitioried,
' ses,'-fh$Ulf$i;p$0m. •and^ta^ ifor£<
lOWs^Beginmiii&'aKimke ahd stonei
creek •> '"frdm thfince f*dhil<ffl^so
stbbes y~ tfret&e- •.h'Ottb>1M'ev6iSte¥^de- -
ifee piac^-' M ^ l g u ^ * l %
ihirtyvtw^" r o ^ c " p | f ^ S ^ s g ; ^ ! ,
that piece of land-situate i n t i s i l l ^ l t
number two aforesaid, | ' n d - b o u n d e d
as follows, to wjt-^P^ginEdrg^at the
north- west cornec-of a . sijlag^jiot in
Trumansburgh, I n JJlysses a^resaid,
owned' by H ^ r / a i a n ' • " t m p j ' from
t h e n c e ^ u n p i p g w ^ w a r d ^ , , o n & direct line with the said.liermanjs front
line as far as .the centfe of5.-iaM hteek,
and directly above t h e «ojd 4 bridge
place ;' thence^ dp the'sai^ c r i l k ten
r o d s ; thence eastwaEdly tp Wis''said
Herman's west lyie ? ruiir)|ng parallel
with the front line j ' a n ! thfhce northerly to the place of begiflning, containing three roods and twenty *ods
of Tand, with t h e buildings^nd'appurtenances t h e r e o n ^ ' b e J ^ i j J f g - ^ ^ ^ n d
w h e r e a s , c l e f a u ^ 4 i ^ : % j e h . m a d e in
the payment of t h e money intended
to be secured by^the said mortgage-—
Notice is therefore hereby1 given, that
pursuant to a power contained in the
said mortgage and t h e statute in such
case made and ' provided, t h e said
premises will be 'gold at public auction, at John M'Lallen's, in Trumansburgh, in Ulysses »afores|iid, on the
twenty-first day of )Febri|aTy next, at
two o'clock in t h e afternoon, and
deeds will be executed t o tb,e purchaser, according t o law.—Dated Au-»
gust 4 t h , 1815,
By John Kingsbury, his Att*y
fe>' '-•