-----y----------------------- ----------------- RAJASTHAN RAJT A VlDYUT KARAMCBARI TRUST Shed No. I I, Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar Jaipur e-mail -r.!3.ktr!!ll@gmail.com ---_----- • .dY-coap&f@rvpn.co.in ._---------- NO.RRVKT/Dy.COA (P&F) /E&C /F./D/ The Superdenting RVPN Dated Engineer (MIS) Jaipur, .Sub: Uploading the documents at RVPN Site On the herewith the following above cited subject, documents/ Applications/ kindly find enclosed Form to upload on RVPN site l.Form of application of Non-refundable advance for house building advance (3 Pages) 2.Form of application of temporary 3. Form of application of Non- refundable from CPF/GPF (1 Page) 4.Allotment advance from CPF/GPF (1 Page) Form of CPF Annexure B" (2 Pages) S.Nomination Form Annexure D Form -2"(1 Page) 6.Nomination Form Change "Form NO.3 (1 Page) End: As Above Dy. Controller of Accounts (P&F) NON REFUNDABALE ADVANCE RAJASTHAN RAJYA VID.ylJT"I<:An,.MCHARI GENERAL PROVIDENT FUNDI CONTRIBUTORY PROVIDEND :FUND .(Form of appl ication for an ndvan~e frorn the E;mployees General Provident Fund/CPF ) ~.o, The _ Raj~sthan Rajy~ \ridYui Prasaran Nigam t.ra. Jaipur. I, i .1,' S/O employed In trte office of the' RV.PNL/RVUNLI . __ -'_.'·VVNL. request an..advance of Rs., rrry credit/subscription .' . (d) (e) "",i'th RRVK .. ',. .. '.. :' PARTICULARS: '(1) Rate of basic wages/pay, per month. (II) Date of application on which an , advance for the purpose mentioned il1'(a) 01' (cjabove was granted from, the fund earlier, . . . ,eIV) ACCOl'l~~ ~~. . . .' - . - '-~ . . . . . I ;'J r'" , out .o,r : . ;:;dl~ _,:_,a,~,'.. }.~m:): "---'-'1~,': - -_ ..,- . 'i' t~'!tl'WI~~!~: . Purchase a dwelling, house ... Purchase a dwelling site. '.' Construction of a .dwellinghouse . .Addi tion to the dwelling house already constructed or.purchased out of an' advance taken earlier uli.detrule· " , Completing the construction or the. dwelling house already commenced .from. the advance taken earlier. (2) (III) (Rs.. GPF/CPF with interest t~ere()n.srarrd'ing in the s ai d account for ----- mentioned below> (a) (b) (c) ' . Location of the' dwelling site I,house .intended to .be- purchased constructed .,/alreadY:purchased/already constructed. . Name and' address of the present Owner of the. dwelling sitezhouse .: Intended to be purchased (Thetitle; deed or an attested copy there of to ,~, be enclosed) .. .. --'---.-.--.------ ., ,', '" / fo' . Desired more or temittance(s) by (V) posts money order at the member's .: lJf~.(Vl)+~:.t ~~:installments'. • . .. . . -...,;...~-'-.-.---,-...---_..:.,..:...._.- .ljd~S~ .....I.}.)..•... i In case of h~repurchase arrangement ,I,. please state. '" ~i:'~. il"dk:.:,i , ..~" 'I"j'" "",,[ ( ) TIN '1 .: :;'.iri ;:<.":1' a eta .;iih:,]~~i'F';':':,: o. 0f'"mstaIIments ",' (b) Amount of each installmentRs. , jn~f!:'!:; , i (c)T~tal amount of installment Rs .. :'::.. ' Cd)Authority to whom installment is , to be remitted. ' , , (VIII) . (a) Date of commencement of subscription .(b) Currency. of SUbscription . . : (a) Valuation ~fthe site/house ctmatructiort , assessed by the AENIXEN(Civil) '(certificate ..toobe;~attached)-, , , (b) Loan already tak.en from Nrgam present 'present state 'of dwelling house of the "st~te at whieh the construction IS now , to be tilled in the application is for the , , purpose (d) or (c ) of para- L ' ;:- :;~e{)_, ,i '(a) Bank Account No. .' " 'tl~:;iiii~;t:,;'''w(b)Name of Bank Branch t.: (IX) l~M'):" .t. "'.' " _" " " , --' - __ ----.- - ---.-.--:... I • iiI 'O-",',~ ..-..-~. . _'._"_. _.._,,_". _::___;,_ _;. ,_. ~_. __ "__ ,"'''_.... _"~_.__-:_,.:_ ....__._.., _ .. .. -.,--, _ ,_... :..... .,.. .. --,-~__ _~ .. ..---'--' L:(3) .: CONPITIONS : '. I I undertake to comply with.the foklowing.conditionsr- ::~k:.. : i. t.~I!,~ . .. - __ --._.:..-',' . ~ • • ,:1 The 'amount of advance shall be utilized for the purpose applied for:.. . inet~rred'for the' i~:lr;':' , . i 'purpose for which, the advance' is granted; the excess shall be refunded to the Fund, "~,I ,'; .within 30 days of the finalization of the purpose cf completion of the construct jon .: 'or completion of the addition to the dwelling hollSeas the case may-be., .' .(3) 'If the' advance. is for c'onstruction of a dwelling house the construction' shall be" , co~menced .within six months '·of -withdrawal of the first installment and, 'cornpleted::within six ~on~hs of thewithdrawaL6fthe 'finrtlinsta~lrnent. " ' . , .(4) If the. advance: is for the pU;:rpose.of a· dwellint site. or a dy.reUinghouse, the· ...'purc;hase shall be:complet~d~within six monthsofthewithdrawals,·., ..' , ," (5)' .' .The.amount of·advance shalJ not be ut~lized it:). p-lrchasing dwelling site or hot,lse ,which i's not free.from ~n~uIl?-branceor which js 'a share,in a joint property, . .. (6) 'The,:amount,of advance shall notb'e 'lltHized.for constmction.a dwelling house on· , l~nd which is not owned solely 'by 'ine, ' ,,", . '. "i'(l),; If; i,!:1:.:j(2} ;r If the .amourrt of advance is' in' excess',of the actual expenditure . -: . '. . .. (7) (8) Such title-deeds, plans other documents and information related to the intended purchase, constructing or-addition as may be called for by the CAO (P&;F)/Secy. (QPF-Trust) from time to time shall befurnished tohim or demand. A declaration in the form prescribed bythe CAO (P&F)/Secy. (CPF- Trust) shall be furnished to him immediately in finalization of the purchase .or completion of: " the construction or/addition to the house, ',.,':, " " " " , ' J, If the purchase or' construction for which the advance 'is granted" does, notl::::'I:,', materialize or if there is any breach of any 'of-the 'conditions 'specified herein or inl:':' the. RR vx OPFICPF Rules, the '.entire amount of the ,advance to gether wfth!·'·.' interest thereon at the rate to be determined by the CAO(P&F)/Secy; (CPF-:rrust), shall he refunded to the Nigam." ,..... " ' , ' . ,'., I The dwelling- house' or' the' dwelling site, purchase or the dwelling house] constructed "shall be .assigned to, the (~Ab(P&F)/SecY'.'.cCPF-Trust) within three' months of the purchase / of theconstruction asthe case m~y be. . (9) (10). (4) ,}. • • • ,~i; .,j'.1 DECLARATION :' (On Non-Jlldi~i~lsta'mp paper worth Rs.100/-) I, have not taken any advance' froth the fund under regulation 'of the RRVK GPF/CPF: " " , . ','., 2. The dwelling site/house interidedtob~ purchased out of the advance applied 'lor ,is, 3. 'free from encumbrance and 'is 'not a share in a joint property." ' .Without 'further advance now applied for.the construction already comrnericed can, not be completed/the addition which are essential can not be made.' 4. ,5. 6. 7. j " ':' on bir'e purchase, ,Installment every yel!" direct to ..:...._.:_ .., ..,__ recoveryfro",my salary ;i~ cas.c,onditionN;;:::~r::;:~:~:~::;bcr ' , ...' 'GPF/CPF'A/c. : .,',," ' .,.'.' ._,_or, No:, ......_ '" bat~d: ,', '.' '. '.' , ' Signat'lIre of the Controlling . Officer with Seal ' ,"~\' ".,Ii x~l,j , , ..,' 'FQiwai:,d~dtQ the __''_'_•." :_:_:_:.,_:: __~.~,:. ..... :_.~_. : ,.:. ..._,:,~_ .... :.,~~_", JaipUTr His certified, tha~ , ,the, application ,has, been :signed by Sh,_-'..._,_,_'_ _:~_~.~:.:,_l~.:.:_~_~:.:.._._ ..:..ernpl()ycd.inmy. , office/cstabli~hmcht· (.Name of the' ~ubscribcr), after he. has, read. ,the, conditions/the '" .' contents hay.e been explained to him ,and that ,the ~ccouritnumber and the rate'ri1011lhly , wages 'given ;iri the application are.correct. It is also certified that monetary quantitative 'liQ:1its for grant' of loan under'para' ofGPF/CPF: nIles haye'riot been ,exceeded. ' . ,, 'llh construction/purchase have been s~tisfied,. '~"', ' ," ':r:.Ja;:~il The CAO(P&F/Se.cy.(CPF-Trust) IS hereby authorized to make _:Ilthdrawals fro~! '. ' ';r;~:~ my RRVK G~F/CPF A/c. ~o. , 7_. __ .fo~ purpose of payment the saId: ' ' , ~i1' 1~':!!: ..amount ,No>', ,'., _ ,I .am the sole .owner of the land on which I intend,to construct a dwelling house ' out otth~ advance applied for.' , I .have not taken any other advance from the fund under the RRVK GPF/CPF. ' i" ,:~ ,.J, All requirements of' the local authorities in connection with .the intended ,j",: , :':;j~ID ·. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDHYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LTD. (Application for the grant of temporary advance from CPF I General Provident Fund Account) (TO BE FURNISHED IN DUPLICATE) 1'. 2. Name & Designation of Subscriber. (a) Father's Name: (b) G. P. F. Alc No RSEB C. P.F.Alc No , . Monthly pay as defined in service regulations. (a) Basic pay . (b) Officiating pay . (c) Special pay . (d) DearnessAllowance . Total 3. . Amount of the advance applied for and number of installments it is desired to be repaid :(a) Amount (b) Number of installments . (Minimum 12 Maximum 36/3G) 4. Purpose for which the advance has been applied for 5. Whether special or ordinary 6. Details of the advance 1previously taken : (a) .. .. Date & Year of the sanction (No. & date of section to be given) (b) Amount (c) Date of Withdrawal (Voucher No. & Date to be given) 7 (d) Reasons (e) When the last instalment along with.the interest was repaid. (f) Balance, if any still outstanding: (g) Whether spe~1 or ordinary : BankAle No .. Name of Bank Station Signature of the applicant. FOR USE IN THE OFFICE OF HEAD OF OFFICE·/ DEPARTMENT No. 10. Jaipur Dt. The application in duplicate is forwarded to the Secy (CPF Trust) lOy. COA (P&F) RVPN,jaipur for grant of temporary advance from G.P.F.lC.P.F. The advance applied for is recommend for sanction and the facts given above verified.·The employee is a member of General Provident Fund/CPF Scheme. Head of Office I Deptt. RA~ASTHAN RAJYA VIDHYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LTD. JAIPUR Form of application for Non - Refundable advance from the RSEB GPF I RRVK CPF 1. Name and designation of the applicant /subscriber 2. Applicant's / subscriber's GPF Alc No.lCPF Ale No. 3. Pay 4. Amount of the advance applied for 5: Amount of the advance admissible 6. Reason for which advance is required 7. Date / year during which such nonrefundable advance taken previously 8. A certificate from an appropriate authority recommending for the grant of non-refundable advance as per rule. 9. i) For illness ii) ----------------------- (iii) ----------------------- Bank Alc No. Name of Bank . Station . Signature of the applicant (with designation) (for use in the office of the Head of office / controlling officer) Dated': No. RVPN/ Forwarded in original to the Dy. COA (P & F), RVPN, Jaipur alongwith necessary certificates for grant of non-refundable sect. (CPF advance from the General Provident Fund/ CPF Trust) Head of office/Controlling with seal Officers ANNEXURE 'B' RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDHYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LTD. FORM OF DECLARATION (See Rule NO.8 (f) I hereby declare that I have read I have been read and explained to me and I have understood the Rulesof . I hereby subscribe to and agree to be bound thereby. Dated the day of 200 Name in full and address . date of birth Nature of appointment ··· . servlce dateo f JOInIng Present Salary : . . (i) Basic . (ii) Dearness Allowance . Wifness . Signatur: (1) . Name .. Address . Signature I Right or Left Hand Thumb Impression of the employee. The applicant can be admitted as a member. TRUSTEE. ANNEXURt: "Cr DECLARATION BY A PERSON TAKING UP EMPLOYMWNT OF THE ESTABLISHMENT (See Rule 8 A) I,. slwldof . Do here by solemnly declare that I am II am not (a) a member of the Employee's Provident Fund. (b) A member of private Provident Fund of an exempted establishmeent I an establishment granted relaxation under para 79 of the Scheme and but for such exemption I relaxation would have become and continued as a member of the Employee's Provident Fund. (c) An employee exempted under para 27/27 A of the Employees' Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 and but for such exemption would have become and continued as a member of the Employees' Provident Fund. I also declare that Iwas not employed II was employed in MIs . ..................................................................................................................................................................................... (Name and full address of the extablishment) which is I not a covered establisment I in any covered establishment under the Employees' Provident Fund & Misc. Provisions Act, 1952. My Provident Fund Account No: is Iwas . Ifurther declare that I have I have not withdrawn the total accumulations standing to my credit in the Fund. Date Signature or right I left hand thumb impression of the employee. NAMESOFTHEPRESENTEMPLOYER (To be filled up by the employer only when the person employed is not a member of the Employees' Provident Fund). Shri is appointed as (Name of the employee) . (Designation) in with effect from (Name of the Factory I esst.) . (Date of appointment) Particulars of employment From To Date of admission as member of Employee's Provident Fund No. of days worked . Signature of the employer ANNEXURE '0' FORM - 2 (REVISED) NOMINATION AND DECLARATION FORM FOR UNEXEMPTED I EXEMPTED ESTABLISHMENTS Declaration and Nomination form under the Employees' Provident Fund and Employee's Family Pension scheme. (Paragraph 33 and 61 (1) of the Employees's Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 and Paragraph 13 of the Employees' Family Pension Scheme, 71) 1. Name (in block letters) 2. Date of Birth 3. Account No. PART - A (EPF) . I herebynominatethe person(s)I cancelthe nominationmade by me previouslyand nominatethe person(s), mentioned belowto receive the amount standing to my credit in the Employees' Provident Fund in the event of my death: Name of the nominee f nominees Address Nominee's relationship with the member 1 2 3 1. If the nominee is a Total amount of share of Age of minor, name and nominee(s) accumulations in Provident Fund to be paid to each address of the guardian who may receive the nominee amount during the minority of nominee 6 5 4 * Certified that I have no family as defined in para 2(~) of the Employees' Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 and should I acquire a family hereafter the above nomination should be deemed as cancelled. 2. * Certified that my father fmother is fare dependant upon me. *Strike out whiohever is not applicable. Signature.' or thump impression of the subscriber Form No.3 Rajasthan State Electricity Board PROVIDENT FUND FORM No.3 VIDE RULE VI (5) [ -----;·--c----------------c------------me on the ------------------------as =-hereby cancel the nomination made by regards the disposal in the event of my death, of the amount standing to. my credit in the Employee's provident Fund &. hereby nominee the person mentioned below to receive the amount standing to my credit in fund in the event of my death before the amount has become payable to having become payable has been paid direct that the said amount names. shall be distributed Name & address of the nominees among the said person in the manner Nominee's relationship with member Age of nominee - 1 2 3 Amount of share of accum ulations in the fund to be paid to each nominee 4 shown against their Contingencies onthe happening of which the nomination shall become invalid 5 Signature ofleft hand thumb impression of the member Date-------------Accou n t No.-------------:Certified that the above declaration has been signed before me by ------------------------------------ em p toyed ~n ---------·-----------------------of the R.S.E.B.-----------------~------------------ Signature of the officer