Telefax no. 011-23711117, 23708148 \TIP ch Lc1 Padam Singh Dy.Financial Adviser c3-F@Tit ufT` Council of Scientific & Industrial Research 31-Ttear rc' -110 001 Tyr Alit, Anusandhan Bhavan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110 001 No.32-8(4)/Fund/2013-14 Dated: 25.02.2014 To The Controller of Finance & Accounts/ Finance & Accounts Officer All National Labs/Instts. Sub: Annual Closing of GPF/CPF Accounts for the year 2013-14 Sir, As we are approaching the end of the financial year 2013-14, your attention is invited towards the Annual Closing of Provident Fund Account for the current financial year. You are requested to take up the following steps and furnish information in the formats enclosed (Proforma A, B &C ) for the purpose. The interest on GPF/CPF, Council Contribution, Interest on Council 1. Contribution and Council Contribution Resumed calculated and entered in individual ledger must be reconciled with the entries made in IMPACT. It may kindly be ensured that the figures appearing on the receipt side under these heads should match with the figures appearing under corresponding heads under Provident Fund Reserve Account on the payment side of R&P Account. Any difference in this regard may also be explained properly. Recoveries, Payments, Remittances and Recoupments for the year 2013-14 should be reconciled 2. among the three sets of records i.e. Provident Fund Ledger, Broadsheet and IMPACT figures and the Lab/Instt. should forward a copy of the same to CSIR Hqrs. This will also help us to avoid appearance of figures of remittance/recoupment due in the Balance Sheet. All Provident Fund remittances/ recoupments routed through RTGS should be taken into Cash Book and accounted for in the Provident Fund accounts in the same year. The differences of previous years, if any, in transfer in/out should also be reconciled before 3. closing of Accounts. It may be ensured that all the 'Transfer IN/OUT' entries have been carried out before closing of 4. March Final Accounts. 5. It may be ensured that the Asset and Liability projected in the P.F. Annual Accounts as on 31.3.2014 matches with the figures in your Ledger/ Broadsheet and the figures communicated to CSIR Hqrs. The above information in the prescribed proforma duly reconciled may be forwarded to CSIR by 10`h of April, 2014 to enable CSIR consolidate the Provident Fund Account in time. A soft copy may be mailed to: E-mail ID The Proforma can be down loaded from the CSIR web site. Yours faithfully, Encl: As above gh ) Deputy Financial Adviser 4-11J-11.-el arid-lYzr -f0-/ai-u- rzfr aifa-tc-zr ¶ -fr r51-cb TpTriTt fa-afacrwr 2013-14 STATEMENT OF ANNUAL CLOSING OF GPF/CPF FOR THE Y _ EAR 2013-14 — , AzIt3TWTRT / iii-tilai W' FigT : NAME OF THE LABORATORY/INSTITUTE: PROFORMA 'A' 1,111-bi4) Sr.No. shm ici, Particulars facNui 1 2 1 1. Opening Balance of Broadsheet/ Crrer-PJ-1-T• 31zY as on 1.4.2013 / 1.04.2013 ch (a) General Parovident Fund 31- .-flci11.--1 3TraNTI f#ft. (b) Contributory Provident Fund 4' 341--Rit ait-d-u-zr ¶ (c) Council Contribution Tr tritur - 3i"r-r(d) Total (b) + (c) 74-1--d-r (i-R--1-) (e) Total Opening Balance [(a) + (d)] W - criTid-i-- 1151 (31-+) (f) As per Balance-sheet as on 31.03.2014 7 c -ri:it-t, ctsioi zn- k .3-F -4,17 31.03.2014 .0 (g) Diff [(e)broad sheet - (f) IMPACT] if any a- 3-i . d-R- (t) rafc,1c1 Li cichl -(cF) TPU--d , LIB, er As per Broad Sheet As per Ledger ci 4g cl 1 3 3i Difference (in any between 3 sets of records) 30E---d--4/ N.,-.-icii 6 As per IMPACT fir / Wit 3itT 37rdM- igid" 3.1fffR 5 4-c) ci TIrfd-Wr TT 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2. Total Recoveries (Month-wise details)/ tc-i CrTirPTT( 4-ii6 3-17117) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o may be given in the enclosure./ 3i7aT ti .-Ic.♦ dcr-i .0 (a) General Provident Fund 31- ‘91.i-flo- -1 alfau-zr '1'1(b) Contributory Provident Fund 3i-21 -rTit gt-d-uzr 1#1tr (c) Total Recoveries [(a) + (b) ] TI- 0-K>1 curtzrr (3-f+) 3. Total Payments (Month-wise detail) / cheq 3-1--JTFM ( 3711-6 31-TTR) maybe given in the enclosure / 31- 7 # 4-1(--1J0-1 .0 (a) General Provident Fund 31 411,)-iia- ii1 'f'fr (b) Contributory Provident Fund '4- 3i-UTTit air Pit (c) Total Payments [(a) + (b)] F.1 ,-, m 31,--1HH- (3T+4-) 3-1- 0 0 _ tdli0- . . .. .. ,,.,,,.-... ...,,,, 1.•11,1 411 ∎1,fi rierilicy iqqiuicill ZU13-14 STATEMENT OF ANNUAL CLOSING OF GPF/CPF FOR THE YEAR 2013-14 T FTTI- : NAME OF THE LABORATORY/INSTITUTE: 1;170T/TTRT / iii-241cri PROFORMA 'A' 1 ,1)1-hid-11 Sr.No. sh,l-lig, Particulars q.v' ., 1 I 2 4. Net Recoveries over Payments/ 7 ClItzfT sgil 51--JTFT-d- 7 ..)-4♦1 c,i or vice versa [ 2(c) - 3(c) ] /(2(T1 -37 ) f 3(c) - 2(c) 1 /(3(7 -27 ) I 5. Interest credited in subscriber's ledger/ -a=rr As per Broad Sheet As per Ledger cl 49c-11 3 As per IMPACT TPU-e / q-rfr 311T 3.1719-M- Ni-3M71-1-{ 5 'Fd-ff -, t.-Dilci=t-o 3 M-T11-44 0 0 tr Trzfr Tr51- Diff [5(f) - 5.1] if any 3,, F=d--4- 5T-5.1, TIltF1' at --)t- 0 CI 0 15 ) C 0 0 0 0 0 5.1 Total Debit under P.F. Reserve on payment side 5.1 31--Tram. cf_, ai-rd- f -tr tr P.m 4 141 .1,C•1 Tr515.2 5.2 Difference (in any between 3 sets of records) 3,5=d--4-/ FP0-xrich 6 0 (a) 3-i(b) a (c) r (d) Interest on GPF ,41.41-.12 ,-frizn- ft-ziT diLii ,sznoi Interest on CPF #r.tri-.1p4h. tr-4 fkzrr dk-ii .411,1 Council Contribution clftER- 3.1- 1 Interest on Council Cont. tift9 3-icr-4- 6411.31 (e) (-) Council Contribution Resumed *• (-) clfLN-i f -zur dk_ii uftsr-- 3-i- 1--ra(f) Total credit to subscriber's ledger [ (a) to (f) ]/ W JTTO-T• TX-A A- -.Tfi- ci,-,c>i Trt-- al- 7 IT do-) 3{ •• ..- . -..-. --, 1-11-1, .aiNtk..0 ,91 0114'",-1 1°11E4 4119cr) tia•iiItI iciaiuict)I 11113-14 STATEMENT OF ANNUAL CLOSING OF GPF/CPF FOR THE YEAR 2013-14 VzItmu—gr I TiT2TW WI If : NAME OF THE LABORATORY/INSTITUTE: PROFORMA 'A' 1,i) (Thid-il ar Sr.No. 54,4-iiii-, 1 As per Broad Sheet I Particulars cNui As per Ledger a tq di 2 3 6. Transfer In/ 31-a": TtITHtaTil- : r.. 7 4-cf d .3.1---FT-4- 4 As per IMPACT Trnw-d/ qrfer 307 417dm- tqicl 311W 5 Difference (in any between 3 sets of records) 3WarT/ No-.1c11 6 0 0 0 0 (a) General Provident Fund 31- -11c1-11.--1 arfau-zr 1:: -It (b) Contributory Provident Fund 3i- i--r-zit ai-Its-zr 1--t(c) Council Contribution TI- iltM- 3-i-U- 1 (d) Total (b) + (c) k-r M-4-T1) (e) Total transfer in [(a) + (d)] t .: -R• atd: TzTr---r-d-rur (3{-4- -) 7. Transfer out/ arezr FzITFT-d-ToT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 (a) General Provident Fund 3T id-i k- -i grdlczi- 1-#1(b) Contributory Provident Fund 3-i-UiTit -1-taTzr fter_ (c) Council Contribution Tr crfm 3-tu--r (d) Total (b) + (c) a-, c,1 (4+R) (e) Total Transfer out [ (a) + (d) ] 4) car -I-61 TzTMTaTur (3-1-4--) 8. Closing balance of Provident Fund/ git15z1 1#itlr - 1" 3-iitTf )1sias on 31.3 2014/ SIT 31.03.2014 1 t 3T odid-u.--e4 a.ifa-w.f `fiv (a) General Provident Fund [1 (a)+2(a)+5(a)+6(a)-3(a)-7(a)] .3-11 3ThdiszT t -Ir (b) Contributory Provident Fund [1 (b)+2(b)+5(b)+6(b)-3(b)-7(b)] TI- crfttg 3-i-U" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 ,441.1-11.--1 31-ftrczt if' -iria•i- g-rzfr alfair-zr iWitr citi44, ii.4-1Q 14.4111)44 2013-14 STATEMENT OF ANNUAL CLOSING OF GPF/CPF FOR THE YEAR 2013-14 crzifiaRrwr I 4f-f2Tm- wr a-rxr : NAME OF THE LABORATORY/INSTITUTE: PROFORMA 'A' 171) LliTcl-f) Sr.No. snd-licrl Particulars faciiU 1 2 ■ As per Ledger ci 4..gc-11 3 (c) Council Contrfibution [1(c)+5(c)+5(d)-5(e)+6(c)-7(c)] a- dice (4+7) (d) Total (b) + (c) aff#T1- llsr (3r1--) (e) Total Closing Balance [(a) +(d) ] EF _V crl 1:Fq 3-F:±f17- IFT 31 03 2014 a-) er (f) As per Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2014 As per Broad Sheet 4-() ci 1 :SWd-Wr 313Trr-{ 4 Difference (in any between 3 sets of records) 31, T-a-{/ No-oci I 6 As per IMPACT "-xlt-4Z / vri# AT &71FM Lg Icl t 3T1R" 5 0 0 0 0 39- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RLMITTANCES/RECOUPMENTS DURING THE YEAR ( Detail may be given in the enclosure ) 49-0-r/ afrdr-F0A-Trr (14 gti ( ar----J-r tr .-fc,{do cr-,) (a) (i) Remittances made to CSIR during the year (relating to current year ) af #7-4:1-3rt3{rT Tt acla-iId a er err di -ii trftrd Tr% (b) (i) Recoupment received from CSIR during the year (Relating to current year) #17-#3i-ft3{7 # 9-# Try1(c) Net remittance [ (a) (i) - (b) (i) ] .1K T-11 (d) Remittance (+)/Recoupment (-) due in previous year but adjusted in current year s1sor(+)/ crrItr(-) fitra- a lisr a<IJ le a at ,-iAf'a,ci of r (e) Remittance/Recoupment due in current year (but not adjusted during the year) # tzr 4fikffi cirrtTrW It is certified that the figures appearing in all the three sets of records viz ledger. Broadsheet and IMPACT tally with each other I ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t :SIGNATURE OF COFA / FAO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proforma B PROFORMA-'B" I WAYMTM11 tit-tim *1 APT NAME OF THE LABORATORY/INSTITUTE: RECOVERIES! C1ri#4T TOTAL CPF GPF 2 4=2+3 3 MONTH AV 1 PAYMENTS/ 3171-RM CPF TOTAL GPF 7=5+6 6 5 .E TO CSIR/ ThrTf31 -3fR 4t S FROM CSIR/ ThrTBITOTTi NET/ uK t'sfulNET/ q . COVERIES/ • —• • AMOUNT DD NO & DATE AMOUNT 3D NO & DATE REMITTANCE 13 = 9 - 11 12 10 11 9 8=4-7 MARCH APRIL MU MAY 34 JUNE K4 JULY 7-64 AUGUST 3714 SEPTEMBER Pcht-oi OCTOBER 3T4T47 NOVEMBER Mnit DECEMBER fa717W JANUARY FEBRUARY th-ret TOTAL/ cb6 TIThaT LIST OF REMITTANCE/RECOUPMENT REMITTED/RCEIVED IN PREVIOUS YEARS BUT ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE CURRENT YEAR 1. 2. 3 Page 1 REMITTANCE! RECOU. DUE 14 = 8 - 13 ANNUAL STATEMENT OF GPF/CPF TRANSFERS IN/OUT FOR THE YEAR 2013-14 .71141kn-nit14M-r) *r a* 2013-14* 3i7: t671:7 / WU V-T1uT fir ciiRch falut PROFORMA - "C" citthVr Tr crth-a-rurFri Rt-p_TR- Name of the Laboratory/Institute: A. List of GPF/CPF Transferred In: Tt 2013-14 stu4-110-, SI.No. Year 2013-14 3tT: BUT ti titl ,, t1- 71. tr $- •-i'&-ii diDesignation 3t- itTE.No.& Date c!-r)/ cr.) mu 11 TT dicH Name of the Employee 0114-1 -1.) 3taTur c1I F d-iidi Name of the Transferring Lab. UMT§1Amount Total transferred in during 2013-14 d-i di B. List of GPF/CPF Transferred Out: Year Tt 2013-14 I SI.No. chdlict, I Name of the Employee ch T41 -1- .114-i Ilift7F/RtftITT t cuoiTzURTaToT tr -i„ I TE.No.& Date I Designation I : r tr t- +i&zit trFlg Amount tralft I Name of the Transferee Lab. cip-i 3taitt elo Total transferred out during 2013-14 Z1 di Note: Net Transfer may be tallied with the figures appearing in the Annual Accounts. tucluf: cr-mi 7K 64-ciickui qrigW (4.kgi tr 51-RH- --4- i Fa9- .QT- NI Uzi Am/ ' -a- 1:ciAtql 3rftwIr Signature of COFA/F&AO