PROCEEDINGS of the AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL Volume 83, Number 3, November SOCIETY 1981 A COMMON FLXEDPOINT THEOREM FOR COMMUTING MAPPINGS SHIH-SEN CHANG Abstract. Results generalizing and unifying fixed point theorems of Jungck, Ciric, Das, Naik, Rhoades and Leader are established. 1. Introduction. Recently, some fixed point and common fixed point theorems for commuting mappings in complete metric spaces were proved by Jungck [l]-[3], Das, Naik [4], etc. The purpose of this paper is to generalize and unify some of these results. 2. Preliminaries. Throughout this paper let (A, d) be a complete metric space, / a self-mapping on X such that for some positive integer m f" is continuous. Let g¡ : f"~x(X)—>X, i = 1, 2, . . . , be a sequence of mappings which commutes with/ and satisfies (2.1) giUm-\X)) C fm(X), /=1,2,.... Further let there exist a sequence of positive integers {m¡}'*Lxsuch that for any positive integers i,j and x, y G f"~x(X) the following holds d{gr(x),gp(y)) (2.2) < A(max{d(f(x),f(y)), d(fix), gp(x)), d(f(y), gp(y)), d(Ay),gr(x)),d(f(x),gp(y))}), where the function A satisfies the following conditions (Al), (A2) or (Al), (A3): (Al). A : [0, oo) —»[0, oo) is nondecreasing and right continuous. (A2). For any real number q G [0, oo) there exists a suitable real number t(q) G [0, oo) such that (a) t(q) is the upper bound of the set {/ G[0, oo):r <q + A(t)}, (b)lim„^xA"(t(l)) = 0. (A3). For every t > 0, A(t) < t and lim (t - A(t)) = oo. /-►oo It is easy to see that from (2.1) we have gPf-i'x) = gr--xgr-\x) c gr\fm{x)) = g/^îr-'/w c grxfm-\x) c ft"*-W). Received by the editors November 6, 1980 and, in revised form, February 25, 1981. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 54H25; Secondary 54A05. © 1981 American Mathematical 0002-9939/81/0000-0547/$03.00 645 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see Society 646 SHIH-SEN CHANG Repeating this procedure it follows that (2.3) gKr- W) c fm(X), i = 1,2, . . . . Under the assumptions stated above, now we define a sequence of points {x„} as follows. For any x, G/m_,(A") let x2 G f"-x(X), guaranteed by (2.3), be such that gr'(*i) = Axd- Having defined x„ G fm~ X(X),let x„+, G fm~X(X) be such that Sn^ixJ = fix„+x), «=1,2,.... Let (2-4) yn = gP(x„) = f(xn+,), «-1,2,.... Now we prove the following lemma. Lemma 1. Let A satisfy conditions (Al) and (A2). Then the sequence {y„}™-x defined by (2.4) is a Cauchy sequence in X. Proof. Indeed, for any positive integers i,j we have d(yi,yJ) = d(gr(xi),gp(xJ)) < ^(max{4/(x,.),/(x,)), d(f(X¡), &"•(*,■)), d(fiXj), gp(Xj)), d(fixj), gKxJ), d(f(X¡),gp(xj))}) < A(max{d(yi_x,yj_x), d(yi_x,yi), d(yj_x,yj), d(yJ-i,yi),d(yi_x,yj)}). Thus by the assumption (Al), for any positive integers m, n (m < n), we have (2.5) sup d(yi,yJ)<A( m<ij<n sup d(yi,yJ)). Vm-1</V<n However (2.6) sup d(y(,yj) < d(yx,y2) + l<ij<n sup d(yi,yJ). 2<iJ<n Taking m = 2 in (2.5), it follows from (2.6) that (2.7) sup d(yi,yj) <d(yx,y2) \<ij<n + a( sup d(yi,yJ)\. yl<iJ<n ' Letting the real number q = d(yx,y2) and using condition (A2) it follows from (2.7) that there exists a real number t(q) G [0, oo) such that (2-8) sup ky„yj) < t(q). KiJ<n Take m = 2 in (2.5) again, and consider (2.8). Then we have (2.9) sup d(y¡,yj)<A(t(q)). 2oy<« Taking m = 3 in (2.5) and using (2.9) it follows that (2.10) sup d(yi,yJ)<A2(t(q)). 3<iJ<n License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see COMMON FIXED POINT THEOREM FOR COMUTING MAPPINGS 647 Repeating this procedure, for any positive integers m, n (m < n) we obtain (2.11) sup d(yi,yj)<Am-x(t(q)). m < ij < n Letting m -» oo (hence n -* oo) in (2.11), from condition (A2) we obtain 0< lim sup m<i,y d(y,,yi) < lim Am-X(t(q)) = 0. <n This shows that { v,} is a Cauchy sequence in A. Lemma 2. Lei .4 satisfy the conditions (Al) an*/ (A3). 77ie7i (i)for every t > 0 we have lim ^"(/) = 0; (ii) for any sequence {/„} of nonnegative real numbers satisfying the following condition '*+i<^(0. we have lim,^^ «=1,2,..., tn = 0. Remark 1. Lemma 2(i) was essentially obtained by Singh and Meade [5]. We include the proof for completeness. Proof of Lemma 2. (i) For every / > 0, (A3) yields A(t) < t. Repeating this procedure, we obtain A"(t)<A"-x(t)< ■ ■■ <A(t)<t. By the right continuity of A it follows that lim A"(t)= v n-*co lim A(A"-\t)) v n-»oo = a(V n-»oo lim An-X(tj)./ Put v = lim,,.,^ A"(t). From the preceding relation we obtain v = A(v). If u # 0, then it follows from (A3) that v = A(v) < v. This is a contradiction. Hence v = 0, i.e. linin-»oo^ A "(t) V / = 0. (ii) From the condition of Lemma 2, it is easy to see 'n+i<^(0<^2('n-.)< ••• <A"(tx). Letting « -» oo and using the conclusion (i) of Lemma 2, we obtain n—>oo n—*oo This completes the proof of Lemma 2. From Lemma 2 we can prove the following lemma. Lemma 3. Let A satisfy conditions (Al) and (A3). 77ien the sequence {y„}^x defined by (2.4) is also a Cauchy sequence in X. Proof. By the preceding inequality (2.7) we can prove that hm sup d(y¡,yj) = sup d(y¡, v,) < oo. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 648 SHIH-SEN CHANG Suppose this is not the case, therefore lim sup d(y¡,y) d(y»y)-A( sup "^°° K,y<„ J = oo. It follows from (A3) and (2.7) that 00 = = lim I sup d(yi,y))\ < d(yx,y2). This is a contradiction. This contradiction implies that lim n—»oo sup , ... . ~ d(y¡,y) = sup d(yt,y) J 1 <ij<n . .- IJ>1 ■ J < oo. Now we define a decreasing sequence of nonnegative real numbers (2.11) tm = sup d(yt,yj), m = 1,2,- ij>m From (2.5), we obtain tm<A(tm_x), m = 2,3,- By Lemma 2(ii) this shows tm —»0 (m —>oo), i.e. 1- hm m^°° Jl \ sup d(yi,yj) = r> 0. i,j>m J Thus we have proved {y„}^x is a Cauchy sequence in X. This completes the proof of Lemma 3. 3. Main results. We now formulate the main results of this paper as follows: Theorem 1. Let (X, d) be a complete metric space, fa self-mapping on X such that for some positive integer m f" is continuous. Let {g¡}fLx: /m_1(A')—» X be a sequence of mappings such that (2.1) is satisfied, and suppose g¡ commutes with f, i = 1, 2, ... . Further suppose there exists a sequence of positive integers {m¡}f>_x such that for any positive integers i,j and any x,y G/m_1(A) (2.2) holds, where the function A appearing in (2.2) satisfies the conditions (Al), (A2) or (Al), (A3). Then f and g¡, i = 1, 2, ... , have a unique common fixed point fiy „), where y + G X is the limit of the sequence { v„}^Li defined by (2.4). Proof. Since A satisfies conditions (Al), (A2) (or (Al), (A3)), from Lemma 1 (or Lemma 3) the sequence {y„}T-\ defined by (2.4) is a Cauchy sequence in A*. Suppose it converges to some point y » in A. By the continuity of f", {/m(y„)} converges to/m(y%). However by (2.4) (3.1) g?{fm-\yn-ù) = g^(fm(xn)) = fm(gP-(xn)) =fm(y„), and this implies (3.2) lim g^{r-\yn-x)) = Jim f"(yn) = f»(y,). License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see COMMON FIXED POINT THEOREM FOR COMUTING MAPPINGS 649 Further, for any positive integer /', i = 1,2, ... , we obtain from (3.1) that d(fm(yn),gp{r-l(y*))) = d(gSfm-\yn-^gr(fm-1(y,))) < A(max{d(r(y„_x),f"{y,)), d{f"(y„_x), g?{fm-\yn-X))), d(r(y,), fti/-1^,))), d(r(y,), «."Kr-'c^-i))). (3.3) d(r(yn_x),gp(r-x(y,)))}) < A(max{d(r(yn_x),r(yj), d(r(yn_x),fm(yn)), d(r(y*), r(r-'(/t))), d(r(y,),r(yn)), ^r^-.uir-'W))})Since lim fm(yn)=r(ym), n—»oo and lim gp(r-x(yn_x))=r(y,), then for any e > 0 there exists a positive integer «0 such that for « > n0 we have d(r(y-i)Jm(y*))<j, d(gHfm-\yn-x))Jm{y*)) <§• Hence, for « > «0, we have < /l(max{ |, e, ¿(/"(.y,), &-*(/"" '(>>*)))> |, 5t(</WílrW)|) < ¿(e + ¿(/-(y,), g^(/m-'(>-*)))). First, letting « -» oo in the left side of (3.4) it follows that d{r(y.), gp(r-l(y.))) < a(s + d(r{y.), gr{r-l{y.)))). Next letting e \ 0 in the right side of the preceding inequality and invoking the right continuity of A we have d(r(y,),gr(r-\y.))) <¿(¿(/"M. sc(r~\y.)))). By (A3) this shows (3.5) f"(y,) = gP(f"-x(y*)), i = 1,2,.... License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 650 SHIH-SEN CHANG Therefore from (3.5) we obtain d(gp(rM),r(y.)) = d(gp(r(y,),gp(r-x(y,))) < A(max{d(r+X{y.),r(y,)), ¿(/m+1(y,),/m+'(>»))> d{fm(yt),r{y,)), d(r{y,), gPfm{y.)), d{r+x(y,),r(y.))}) = A(d(gPr{y,),r{y,))). By (A3), this implies that (3.6) gr{r{y*)) = r{y*), Now we prove/m(y„) / = 1,2,.... is the unique common fixed point of/and g,, i = 1, 2, ... . Indeed, in view of (3.5) and (3.6) we have (3.7) f(r(y.)) =ß[gr{/m-1(y,))) On the other hand, for any /, / = 1,2,..., = gPfm{y*)= r(y0). from (3.6) and (3.7) we have d{r(ym),gf"(y*))- d{gpr{y.),gr>g{r(y.))) < A{max{d(r+X{yjf),f(gr{y*)), d{fm+x(y,),fm(y,)), d(fgjm(y,), gjm(y*)), d(fgr(y,),r(yj), (3-8) d(r+x(ym),gr(y,))}) = A(max{d(r(y J, g/m(.y,)), 0, 0, d(gr(y.),r(y.)), d(r(yj, &/*•(,.»}) = A(d(r(y.),gr{y*))\ By (A3) from (3.8) we have (3.9) r{y.) = gr{y*\ Combining (3.7) with (3.9), we obtain/m(y+) / = 1,2, . . . . is a common fixed point of/and g¡, i = 1, 2, . . . . To prove f"(y^) is the unique common fixed point of / and g¡, we proceed as follows. Suppose there exists another common fixed point x,„ of / and g¡, i = 1, 2, ..., such that License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see COMMON FIXED POINT THEOREM FOR COMUTING MAPPINGS 651 Consequently d(x.,r(y.)) = d(gr{x,),gpr{y,)) < A(max{d(f{x.),r+X(y,)), d(f(x,), »"*(*.)), d{fm+x(y.),gpr(y.)), d{fm+l(y,), gP{x,)), d(f{x,), gp(r(y,)))}) = A(max{d(x„fm(y,)), 0, 0, d(fm(y,), xj, d(x„r{yj)}) = A(d(x„r(x,))). It implies x, = f"(ym). This completes the proof of Theorem 1. From Theorem 1 we can easily deduce the following corollary. Corollary. Let (A, d) be a complete metric space, that for some positive integer m, f" is continuous. Let sequence of mappings such that (2.1) is satisfied, and i = 1, 2, ... . Further suppose there exists a sequence such that for any positive integer i,j and any x, y G f"~ f a self-mapping on X such {g¡}T-v f"~x(X) —>X be a suppose g, commutes with f of positive integers {wt,}?!, '(A) the following holds: d(gr(x), gP(y)) < k max{d(f(x),f(y)), d(f(x), g,"*(x)),d(f(y), gp(y)), d(Ay),gP(x)),d(f(x),gp(y))}, where k is a constant: 0 < k < 1. Then the conclusion of Theorem 1 still holds. Proof. Taking A(t) = kt, t > 0, it is easy to see that A(t) satisfies the assumptions (Al), (A2), (A3). Therefore the conclusion of the Corollary follows from the theorem. Remark 2. The results of Das and Naik [4, Theorem 2.1, Theorem 3.1, Theorem 3.2 and Theorem 4.1], Ciric [6, Theorem 1 and Theorem 2], Jungck [3], Rhoades [7, Theorem 23] are all special cases of our Corollary. In a sense, the theorem in this paper is also a generalization and improvement of Cheh-chih Yen [8], Murakami and Cheh-chih Yen [9] and Leader [10]. References 1. G. 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Murakami and Cheh-chih Yen, Fixed point theorems in complete metric spaces, Math. Japon. 23 (1978),77-83. 10. S. Leader, Fixed points for general contractions in metric spaces, Math. Japon. 24 (1979), 17-24. Department of Mathematics, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610064, People's Repub- lic of China License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see