Answer any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Each answer'should not exceed 500 words. 20. liutr uUlIJIiJ&Qr lim.:..@~5Q)QT 21. QQJsflu5l~QJ~ &(!!)5liLOrrU 1956-m fil(!!) jtill!)lLO~~6b Q6uJ'4LO QJ~8>mQT Ulq. ,I£lUJLOQTLO lli\.g)J. Explain the duties of the Secretary inconnection with the statutory meeting of the company. jtilpLOUlar lil-QlLOliQlQT '''L..l..~Q1 au::.l-LO .,~~ All questions carry equal marks. Each answer should not exceed 50 words. 1. 2. 3. liLl-ITUJ5liQlQ)LuSl!blirrQT grounds for compulsory What is meant by Mortgage? Write a note on Manager? CLDQ>rrmrr 4. Qp>rruTUrrQT 6lSl~liQlQT 8r(!!)58.iLOlTai~Q1Jf1. various 6rQr!Drr6b 6rQrQT? <:!9Il-LDrrmLO6TQruIDQr GUIT(!!}Qr 6TQrQT? ~QT5®. Describe the winding up. What is a Charge? uWfOIu GultfOluy Qp>rfl...rrurrQir· Q6UJQ>rr16ilr Discuss' briefly the rules regarding dividends. jQ)rru 24. QJWl Briefly state the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 regarding the modes of appointment of the directors of a company. i)UJ5®lJllTli~QT 23. Qp>rruTUrrQT ~QJJfI. jtilpLO';cfL..L..LO 22. Answer any TEN questions. Discuss the guidelines for the issue of debentures. 6. 6T@~. y.rTQJ 8i\.LLLO 8i\.L@Q1piQr C)D1T58>~mpi5 8i\.gi. What is meant by Quorum? ®m!DQQlQar UQ>CQJlDI5ITlJfillITl6l8.iQHi1T 661QJJfI. ®!61uy State the object of holding the statutory meeting. 6LL 5. uw.IDl 6TQrUpiQr QUIT(!!}Qr 6rQrm? What is a special resolution? §l!Duy~ ~LDlTmLb 6TQr!DITQ> 6TQrm? Distinguish between shareholders. What do you mean by Interim Dividend? j)Q>U8iITQ)j)Q)ITU o::!>I,oSl QI§I 6TQrr6llT? R'64 6TQrrUI5Qrr QUIT(!!lQr ud>JDl i> 8iLQrr What do you mean by winding up of a company? jbl{DlLD8>8iQ)Q)uq debenture holders and uP;~1J I5lTfJIT 8iQr CQlP u@P;§J8i. 6TQrrUI5Qrr QUIT(!!lQr ud>,oSl ~ o::!>IJDlQl§J 6TQrr6llT? 9. 'Who is an official liquidator? o::!>I~8irrlJbJlTQI8iQ)Q)UUlTm 10. 6TQrrUQlIT UJrnT? Write a note on Proxy? LDITd>lDITQr ud>JDl®,i6lu4 6T@§J. 11. What is meant by Poll? QlIT5Q8i@Uq 12. 6TQrrUI5QrrQUIT(!!lQr .6TQrrEi!JT? Write a note on Dividend Warrant. . j)Q)ITU fF64 c:!2J,Q>QlIT u!b,oSl®,oSlu4 6T@§J. PART B - (5 x 5 = 25'"marks) , Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Each answer should not exceed 200 words. 13. What are ultravires borrowings? Explain. o::!>I~8i1T1JQlIJLD4 66161T5®. ~,oSlUJ 8iLQrr8iQr 6fQrlDlTQ> 6fQrr6llT? 18. What books of account is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 bound to maintain? JblpLD8:8'L.LLD 1956-"Qrr Ulq- u~64 JblpLDLD 6TQrrQ6iJrQrr6llT8iQllT5® CQJ6Wr@LD? Q8'lUUJUUL.L ,,@5Q>QTU ~® UIJITLDlft55