Backendless REST API
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the
written permission of the publisher.
Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the
respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this
document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and
the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused
directly or indirectly by this document.
Generated on: December 2015
Special thanks to:
All the people who contributed to this document, to everyone who
has helped us out with the vision for the product, feature
suggestions and ideas for improvements. Special thank s to our
families for your support, encouragement and patience.
Table of Contents
User Service
1 Overview
................................................................................................................................... 6
2 User Properties
................................................................................................................................... 6
3 User Registration
................................................................................................................................... 7
4 Login................................................................................................................................... 11
5 Update
User Properties
6 Logout
................................................................................................................................... 19
7 Password
8 Security
................................................................................................................................... 24
9 User to
Role Mapping
Data Service
1 Overview
................................................................................................................................... 34
2 Setup................................................................................................................................... 35
3 Native...................................................................................................................................
vs External Databases
4 Using...................................................................................................................................
External Databases
5 Data Object
................................................................................................................................... 41
6 Saving
Data Objects
7 Updating
Data Objects
8 Deleting
Data Objects
9 Retrieving
Schema Definition
10 Basic...................................................................................................................................
11 Advanced
12 Using...................................................................................................................................
Dates in Search
13 Relations
14 Relations
15 Relations
16 Relations
17 Relations
with Geo Points
18 Security
................................................................................................................................... 73
Messaging Service
1 Overview
................................................................................................................................... 79
2 Setup................................................................................................................................... 80
3 Core ...................................................................................................................................
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
4 Push ...................................................................................................................................
Notification Setup (Android)
5 Push ...................................................................................................................................
Notification Setup (iOS)
6 Managing
7 Message
8 Publish
Push Notifications
9 Cancel
Scheduled Message
10 Message
11 Sending
File Service
1 Overview
................................................................................................................................... 104
2 Setup
................................................................................................................................... 104
3 Handling
Files via Console
4 File ...................................................................................................................................
5 Save...................................................................................................................................
Files From Byte Arrays
6 File ...................................................................................................................................
7 File ...................................................................................................................................
8 Directory
9 Git Integration
................................................................................................................................... 114
10 Web...................................................................................................................................
11 Custom
Domain Name
12 Custom
Web Template Hosting
13 Files...................................................................................................................................
Geo Service
1 Overview
................................................................................................................................... 122
2 Setup
................................................................................................................................... 124
3 Adding
a Geo Category
4 Deleting
a Geo Category
5 Retrieving
Geo Categories
6 Adding
a GeoPoint
7 Updating
a GeoPoint
8 Deleting
a GeoPoint
9 Importing
Geo Data
10 Search
in Category
11 Search
in Radius
12 Search
in Rectangular Area
13 Geo...................................................................................................................................
Point Clustering
14 Relations
with Data Objects
15 Geofence
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
16 Geofence
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
User Service
The Backendless User Service empowers applications with the functionality related to the user accounts
such as user registrations, logins, password recovery and logouts. The core concept which the User
Service relies on is the User entity. The structure of the entity is configurable, that is a developer can
decide which properties "describe" a user in the context of a given version of the application. Typically,
properties describing a user are the ones collected during the user registration process. The User
Service provides the API enabling the following functionality for the applications built on top of
User Registration - Applications use the Backendless' registration API to let the users register
and create accounts for subsequent logins. Application developers can restrict access to the
server-side resources for specific user accounts or based on roles.
User Login - the API lets the registered users login to establish their identity within the
Password Recovery - Backendless supports a complete workflow allowing users to recover lost or
forgotten passwords.
User Logout - the API lets the logged in users terminate their session and disassociate their
identity from the application.
Updating User Registration - the API supports the operation of updating user information.
User Properties
When a user registers with an application, he provides information which establishes the person's
identity. For one application these properties may include name, phone number and email address, for
another it could be user id, age and gender. Backendless User Service allows each application to have a
custom set of properties associated with the user entity. There are two ways to define what properties
the User entity should have in a Backendless application:
Defining properties with Console
User property management is available on the User Properties screen of the console. To get to the
1. Login to the console
2. Select the desired application and version
3. Click the Users icon on the left side of the interface. The "User Properties" panel is selected by
The interface consists of two lists: Available Properties and Selected Properties. The Selected
Properties list contains the properties assigned to the User entity - these are the effective properties for
the selected version of the application. The Available Properties list is simply a storage for the noneffective properties which can be moved to the Selected list if needed. A property can be moved between
the lists by clicking its name.
Identity Property
Among the Selected Properties, one must be marked as identity. This is the property Backendless
uses for the Login and Restore Password operations.. As users register, Backendless ensures the
provided value for the property selected as identity is unique in the context of a specific version for
an application.
Password Property
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
"password" is a special property. Backendless automatically adds the property when an application
is created. The following rules apply to the password property:
Password cannot be moved out of the Available Properties list.
Password cannot be marked as Identity.
Password is always a required property
To add a property, click the "Add Custom Property" button. New properties automatically added to the
Selected Properties list. To move a property to the other list, simply click its name.
Defining properties with API
User properties can be defined with the user registration API call. For any property specified in the
object with the user registration information Backendless creates a user property. This behavior can be
turned off/on using the Dynamic User Definition configuration setting in the console (select the Users >>
User Properties). The setting is turned on by default:
User Registration
The user registration API can be used to create user accounts in the application. The registration
request must provide a user object as a collection of key/value properties. The collection must contain
all the required properties which must include a property marked as identity as well as the "password"
property. Unless the properties are modified in the console, the default property marked as identity is
"email" . Additionally, the "email" property is required if the application is configured to confirm email
addresses for the registered users.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
/<version name>/users/register
Request Headers:
application-id: app-id-value
secret-key: secret-key-value
application-type: REST
- the ID of your application generated upon its creation. You can find
this header in the Manage > App Settings section of the Backendless
Console. This header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information on how to obtain
the values for the header.
- the key of your application generated upon its creation. You can find
this header in the Manage > App Settings section of the Backendless
Console. This header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information on how to obtain
the values for the header.
- the static value, should be set to application/json. This
header is mandatory.
- the static value, should be set to REST. This header is
How to obtain application-id and secret-key:
Values for the application-id and secret-key headers must be obtained through the
Backendless Console:
1. Login to your account and select the application.
2. Click the Manage icon from the vertical icon-menu on the left.
3. The "App Settings" section is selected by default. The interface contains the text fields for
"Application ID" and secret keys for each supported client-side environment.
4. Use the "Copy" button to copy the value into the system clipboard.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
Request Body:
"email" : value,
"password" : value,
Response Body:
"objectId" : value,
"email" : value,
"password" : value,
When the server-side reports an error, it returns a JSON object in the following format:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Error codes returned by the registration API are listed below:
Version is disabled or provided wrong application info (application id or
secret key)
User registration is disabled for the version of the application
User registration has an unknown property and dynamic properties are
disabled for this version of the application
Missing "password" property
Required property is missing
Missing value for the identity property
External registration failed with an error.
General user registration error. Details included with the error message.
User with the same identity already exists
Missing application-id, version name or collection of properties for the
registering user
Property "id" cannot be used in the registration call
Email address is in the wrong format
A value for a required property is missing
Duplicate properties in the registration request
Property value exceeds the length limit
-H application-id:application-id
-H secret-key:secret-key
-H application-type:REST
-H Content-Type:application/json
-d '{"name":"James Bond", "password":"watchingya",
Turning Registration Off
User registration can be disabled for a particular version of the application using the Backendless
1. Login to the console and select the application.
2. Click the "Users" icon in the vertical icon menu on the left.
3. Click "Registration".
The "Registration" toggle turns the registration API on or off. When the registration is turned off and a
user attempts to register, the system returns error 3009 .
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
Email Confirmations
Backendless can send out an email requesting new registered users to confirm their email address. This
feature can be configured in the Backendless Console:
1. Log into the console and select the application.
2. Click the "Users" icon in the vertical icon menu on the left.
3. Click "Registration".
When email confirmations are required (the feature is enabled by default), the "email" user property is
required and must contain a value formatted as an email address. To configure the text of the email
message, select "Communication & Email Templates" from the Users menu in the console and select
the "User registers" event.
External Registration
User registrations can be duplicated in an external system through the External Registration Callback.
Developer can specify a URL where Backendless sends a POST request to with the user registration
data as a JSON object. The external registration callback is synchronous and takes place in the same
transaction as the Backendless registration call. As a result, the external system must return result as
fast as possible. The format of the request and response for the external registration is the same as the
request/response body of the Backendless registration API.
To configure the callback:
1. Login to the console and select the application.
2. Click the "Users" icon in the vertical icon menu on the left.
3. Click "Registration".
4. Turn on the "Execute registration callback" toggle.
5. Enter the URL of the script into the "Callback URL" text field.
Registered users can login to establish their identity with the application using the API below. The login
operation requires two properties: one marked as user identity and the second is password .
Backendless automatically assigns the "AuthenticatedUser" role to all successfully logged in users.
The role can be used to differentiate access to various resources (persistent objects, messaging
channels, media streams) between authenticated users and guests.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
/<version name>/users/login
Request Headers:
application-id: app-id-value
secret-key: secret-key-value
application-type: REST
- the ID of your application generated upon its creation. You can find
this header in the Manage > App Settings section of the Backendless
Console. This header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information on how to obtain
the values for the header.
- the key of your application generated upon its creation. You can find
this header in the Manage > App Settings section of the Backendless
Console. This header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information on how to obtain
the values for the header.
- the static value, should be set to application/json. This
header is mandatory.
- the static value, should be set to REST. This header is
How to obtain application-id and secret-key:
Values for the application-id and secret-key headers must be obtained through the
Backendless Console:
1. Login to your account and select the application.
2. Click the Manage icon from the vertical icon-menu on the left.
3. The "App Settings" section is selected by default. The interface contains the text
fields for "Application ID" and secret keys for each supported client-side environment.
4. Use the "Copy" button to copy the value into the system clipboard.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
Request Body:
"login" : value,
"password" : value,
The value for the "login" key must be the value for the property marked as identity.
Response Body:
"objectId" : value,
"user-token": value,
//all user properties (except for password) in the "propname":"prop-value" format
The "objectId" property is a unique identifier assigned by Backendless to the user account. The
"user-token" value identifies the user session initiated by the Login operation. Both of these values
("objectId" and "user-token" ) are required for Updating User Properties.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Maintaining User Session:
The "user-token" value returned from the login must be used in all subsequent request to
Backendless in order to maintain user session. The value uniquely identifies both user and the
session on the server and is used to enforce security policy, apply user and user roles permissions
and track usage analytics. For all requests made after the login, the "user-token" value must be sent
as an HTTP header:
When the server-side reports an error, it returns a JSON object in the following format:
Error codes returned by the registration API are listed below:
Error Description
Version is disabled or provided wrong application info (application id
or secret key)
Login has been disabled for the user account.
Missing login settings, possibly invalid application id or version.
User cannot login because Multiple Logins disabled and there is a
logged in user for the account.
Invalid login or password.
Either login or password is an empty string value.
User logins are disabled for the version of the application.
Account locked out due to too many failed logins.
One of the required parameters (application id, version, login or
password) is null
Multiple login limit for the same user account has been reached.
Property value exceeds the length limit
-H application-id:application-id
-H secret-key:secret-key
-H application-type:REST
-H Content-Type:application/json
-d '{"login":"", "password":"watchingya"}'
External Authentication
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
Similar to external registration, Backendless supports external authentication. When configured,
Backendless delegates the authentication process to an external system by sending the provided
user credentials to a URL. The URL of the external authentication system can be configured in
Backendless Console:
1. Log into the console and select the application.
2. Click the "Users" icon in the vertical icon menu on the left.
3. Click "Login".
4. The "External authentication" section contains the configuration settings.
When the external authentication is enabled and user attempts to login, Backendless sends the
following request to the specified URL:
POST http://external-authentication-url
Authorization: Basic base64-encoded-login:password
Where base64-encoded-login:password is constructed as follows:
1. login and password are combined into a string "login:password"
2. The resulting string literal is then encoded using Base64
Multiple Logins
The Multiple Logins feature enables login using the same account from different computers or
devices. Multiple logins can be configured in the Backendless Console:
1. Log into the console and select the application.
2. Click the "Users" icon in the vertical icon menu on the left.
3. Click "Login".
4. The "Multiple Logins" section contains the configuration settings.
When the feature is turned on (multiple logins allowed), the configuration setting may include the
maximum number of simultaneous logins for the selected version of the application. When the
feature is disabled (multiple logins are not allowed), the configuration must indicate whether which
login should be invalidated (first or second for the account):
Session Timeout
Backendless supports session expiration which can be configured in console. Along with the
session timeout interval, the configuration can also include a forwarding URL which is used to
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
redirect requests to for the expired sessions.
Account Lockout
An application powered by Backendless can be configured to lock out accounts with failed logins.
The console has two configuration options: number of failed logins before the account is locked and
a time interval to wait before the account is available for logins again.
Update User Properties
Backendless supports the operation of user properties update for the logged in users. This operation is
useful if an application needs to provide to the users the functionality for updating user profiles and
registration properties. User must be logged in in order to update his registration properties.
/<version name>/users/<user-id>
where <user-id> is a value of the "id" property received in the response for the Login operation.
Request Headers:
application-id: app-id-value
secret-key: secret-key-value
application-type: REST
user-token: value-of-the-user-token-header-from-login << optional
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
- the ID of your application generated upon its creation. You can find
this header in the Manage > App Settings section of the Backendless
Console. This header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information on how to obtain
the values for the header.
- the key of your application generated upon its creation. You can find
this header in the Manage > App Settings section of the Backendless
Console. This header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information on how to obtain
the values for the header.
- the static value, should be set to application/json. This
header is mandatory.
- the static value, should be set to REST. This header is
- the ID of the user object that sends the request. If the
value is set, it will be assigned to the ownerId property of
the object to facilitate the object retrieval according to
"Owner Policy." This header is optional. The value for the user-
token header can be obtained in the response of the preceding Login
How to obtain application-id and secret-key:
Values for the application-id and secret-key headers must be obtained through the
Backendless Console:
1. Login to your account and select the application.
2. Click the Manage icon from the vertical icon-menu on the left.
3. The "App Settings" section is selected by default. The interface contains the text fields for
"Application ID" and secret keys for each supported client-side environment.
4. Use the "Copy" button to copy the value into the system clipboard.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Request Body:
"email" : value,
"password" : value,
Response Body:
"email" : value,
"password" : value,
When the server-side reports an error, it returns a JSON object in the following format:
Error codes returned by the registration API are listed below:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
Version is disabled or provided wrong application info (application id or
secret key)
The property marked as "identity" is being updated and another user
already has the specified value which must be unique.
General "update registration" error. Error message should contain
additional details.
User is not logged in.
Cannot modify properties of another user. Returned when one user is
logged and the call attempts to modify properties of another user.
Unable to locate user account - invalid user id.
A new "dynamic" property is being added, but dynamic property
definition is disabled.
Required properties in the provided object do not contain values.
-H application-id:application-id
-H secret-key:secret-key
-H application-type:REST
-H user-token:value-of-user-token-from-login
-H Content-Type:application/json
-d '{"phoneNumber":"5551212"}'
The Logout operation terminates user session and disassociates the AuthenticatedUser role from the
subsequent requests made by the client application.
/<version name>/users/logout
Request Headers:
application-id: app-id-value
secret-key: secret-key-value
user-token: value-of-the-user-token-header-from-login
application-type: REST
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
- the ID of your application generated upon its creation. You can find
Backendless REST API
this header in the Manage > App Settings section of the Backendless
Console. This header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information on how to obtain
the values for the header.
- the key of your application generated upon its creation. You can find
this header in the Manage > App Settings section of the Backendless
Console. This header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information on how to obtain
the values for the header.
- the ID of the user object that sends the request. If the
value is set, it will be assigned to the ownerId property of
the object to facilitate the object retrieval according to
"Owner Policy." This header is optional. The value for the usertoken header can be obtained in the response of the preceding Login
- the static value, should be set to REST. This header is
How to obtain application-id and secret-key:
Values for the application-id and secret-key headers must be obtained through the
Backendless Console:
1. Login to your account and select the application.
2. Click the Manage icon from the vertical icon-menu on the left.
3. The "App Settings" section is selected by default. The interface contains the text fields for
"Application ID" and secret keys for each supported client-side environment.
4. Use the "Copy" button to copy the value into the system clipboard.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
Request Body:
Response Body:
When the server-side reports an error, it returns a JSON object in the following format:
Error codes returned by the registration API are listed below:
Version is disabled or provided wrong application info (application id or
secret key)
Invalid application-id or version.
General error while executing logout. Error details should be available in
the message property.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
-H application-id:application-id
-H secret-key:secret-key
-H application-type:REST
-H user-token:value-of-user-token-from-login
Password Recovery
Password recovery sends an email to the user's email address with a link where the user can change
the password.
/<version name>/users/restorepassword/<user-identity-property>
where <user-identity-property> is a value for the property marked as identity. The value
must be URL-encoded.
Request Headers:
application-id: app-id-value
secret-key: secret-key-value
application-type: REST
- the ID of your application generated upon its
creation. You can find this header in the Manage >
App Settings section of the Backendless Console. This
header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information
on how to obtain the values for the header.
- the key of your application generated upon its
creation. You can find this header in the Manage >
App Settings section of the Backendless Console. This
header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information
on how to obtain the values for the header.
- the static value, should be set to REST. This header is
How to obtain application-id and secret-key:
Values for the application-id and secret-key headers must be obtained through the
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
Backendless Console:
1. Login to your account and select the application.
2. Click the Manage icon from the vertical icon-menu on the left.
3. The "App Settings" section is selected by default. The interface contains the text fields for
"Application ID" and secret keys for each supported client-side environment.
4. Use the "Copy" button to copy the value into the system clipboard.
Request Body:
Response Body:
When the server-side reports an error, it returns a JSON object in the following format:
Error codes returned by the registration API are listed below:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Version is disabled or provided wrong application info (application id or
secret key)
Unable to find user with the specified login (invalid user identity).
General password recovery error. Additional details should be available
in the "message" property of the response.
One of the requirement arguments (application id, version or user
identity) is missing.
-H application-id:application-id
-H secret-key:secret-key
-H application-type:REST
All Backendless API operations can be restricted either for specific user accounts or for roles. A user
account may be associated with one or more roles. Backendless supports several built-in system roles
as well as developer-defined roles. The system roles include:
NotAuthenticatedUser - any user who has not authenticated to a Backendless application.
AuthenticatedUser - any user who has successfully logged in.
SocialUser - any user who has logged in through a social network.
FacebookUser - any user who has logged in with a Facebook account.
TwitterUser - any user who has logged in with a Twitter account.
Developer-defined roles can be added using the Backendless Console. Roles are defined at the
application version level, that is a particular version of an application may have its own set of developerdefined roles.
Backendless manages permissions as tuples consisting of:
Operation - Users interact with Backendless either via console or the API. Any request to
Backendless is an operation which may have a permission associated with it.
Resource - Some operations target specific resources. These can be data tables, messaging
channels or media tubes.
Principal - Either a specific user identity or a role associated with the user initiating the operation.
There are two levels of permissions for the API operations - global and resource-specific. The resourcespecific permissions guard access to the specific resources (data tables, messaging channels, etc).
They have higher priority and are checked first. When Backendless receives an API call from a client, it
determines the user associated with the request and obtains a list of roles associated with the user
account (for the users who have not authenticated, the NotAuthenticatedUser role is used). The
resource-specific permissions can be set to either inherit the permission from the global matrix or
explicitly grant or deny access to the resource for the given user or role. The diagram below illustrates
the process when the resource-specific permission is set to inherit:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
When the resource-specific permission is explicitly set to either grant or deny access, the global
permissions are bypassed:
Global Permissions
The global service permissions apply to all resources managed by a particular service. For example,
global Data Service permissions for a particular role apply to all data tables. These permissions can be
viewed and modified by clicking a role on the Users > Security and Restrictions screen in Backendless
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
The table below shows a global permissions matrix for a role:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
Each global permission has two states:
Grant - represented by a green check mark - grants the rights to execute an operation
Deny - represented by a red X - denies the rights to execute an operation.
To change a permission click the icon of the current state. The change will be effective immediately.
To register a new role use the "Add Role" button on the "Security and Restrictions" screen. Once a role
is added, you can configure it's global permission matrix as well as resource-specific permissions.
Resource-Specific Permissions
To view, assign or modify resource-specific permissions, use a corresponding screen in the
Backendless Console. For example, to restrict access to a data table, switch to the Data view, select a
table and click the "Schema and Permissions" button. The user interface has two views - one is for
managing permissions for user accounts and the other for roles. To modify permissions for a user
1. Click the "User Permissions" list item.
2. Enter the user name in the search field.
3. Select the user and click the "Add" button.
4. The table displays the permissions for various operations for the selected user and the resource.
5. Click an icon representing the permission state to modify the permission.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Similarly permissions can be assigned or modified for specific roles - use the "Role Permissions" list
To modify the permissions for Messaging channels, click the "Messaging" icon, select a channel and
switch to the "Permissions" view.
User to Role Mapping
User accounts can be mapped to roles using the API documented below. Once a role is assigned to a
user account, any permissions assigned to the role (both grant and deny) automatically apply to all API
operations executed by the application on behalf of the user. Roles can be assigned to users in Custom
Business Logic. This can be accomplished using the custom events. When the code makes a request,
make sure the application-type HTTP header contains the value of "BL."
Retrieving User's Roles
This operation retrieves a list of the roles associated with the account of the currently logged in user. If
you send the request without a logged in user, the system will return only one role NotAuthenticatedUser.
- name of the application's version. Application
versions can be managed using Backendless Console.
Login to the console, select an application, click Manage,
then Versioning. Backendless automatically creates version "v1
" for any new application.
Request Headers:
application-id: app-id-value
secret-key: secret-key-value
Content-Type: application/json
application-type: REST
- the ID of your application generated upon its
creation. You can find this header in the Manage >
App Settings section of the Backendless Console. This
header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
Application ID and Secret Key section for information
on how to obtain the values for the header.
- the key of your application generated upon its
creation. You can find this header in the Manage >
App Settings section of the Backendless Console. This
header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information
on how to obtain the values for the header.
- the static value, should be set to application/json.
This header is mandatory.
- the static value, should be set to REST. This header is
Request Body:
Response Body:
Assigning a Role to a User Account
/<version name>/users/assignRole
Request Headers:
application-id: app-id-value
secret-key: secret-key-value
application-type: BL
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
- the ID of your application generated upon its
creation. You can find this header in the Manage >
App Settings section of the Backendless Console. This
header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information
on how to obtain the values for the header.
- the key of your application generated upon its
creation. You can find this header in the Manage >
App Settings section of the Backendless Console. This
Backendless REST API
header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information
on how to obtain the values for the header.
- the static value, should be set to application/json.
This header is mandatory.
- the static value, should be set to BL. This header is
How to obtain application-id and secret-key:
Values for the application-id and secret-key headers must be obtained through the
Backendless Console:
1. Login to your account and select the application.
2. Click the Manage icon from the vertical icon-menu on the left.
3. The "App Settings" section is selected by default. The interface contains the text fields for
"Application ID" and secret keys for each supported client-side environment.
4. Use the "Copy" button to copy the value into the system clipboard.
Request Body:
"user" : value,
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
"roleName" : value,
The value for the "user" key must be the value for the property marked as identity.
Response Body:
When the server-side reports an error, it returns a JSON object in the following format:
Error codes returned by the registration API are listed below:
Version is disabled or provided wrong application info (application id or
secret key)
Could not find role.
One of the required parameters (user identity or roleName) is null.
Could not find user by id or identity.
Could not assign role to user.
Could not unassign role to user.
-H application-id:application-id
-H secret-key:secret-key
-H application-type:BL
-H Content-Type:application/json
-d '{"user":"", "roleName":"SuperAgent"}'
Unassigning a Role from a User Account
/<version name>/users/unassignRole
Request Headers:
application-id: app-id-value
secret-key: secret-key-value
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
application-type: BL
- the ID of your application generated upon its
creation. You can find this header in the Manage >
App Settings section of the Backendless Console. This
header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information
on how to obtain the values for the header.
- the key of your application generated upon its
creation. You can find this header in the Manage >
App Settings section of the Backendless Console. This
header is mandatory. Please refer to the Obtaining
Application ID and Secret Key section for information
on how to obtain the values for the header.
- the static value, should be set to application/json.
This header is mandatory.
- the static value, should be set to BL. This header is
How to obtain application-id and secret-key:
Values for the application-id and secret-key headers must be obtained through the
Backendless Console:
1. Login to your account and select the application.
2. Click the Manage icon from the vertical icon-menu on the left.
3. The "App Settings" section is selected by default. The interface contains the text fields for
"Application ID" and secret keys for each supported client-side environment.
4. Use the "Copy" button to copy the value into the system clipboard.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
User Service
Request Body:
"user" : value,
"roleName" : value,
The value for the "user" key must be the value for the property marked as identity.
Response Body:
When the server-side reports an error, it returns a JSON object in the following format:
Error codes returned by the registration API are listed below:
Version is disabled or provided wrong application info (application id or
secret key)
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Could not find role.
One of the required parameters (user identity or roleName) is null.
Could not find user by id or identity.
Could not assign role to user.
Could not unassign role to user.
-H application-id:application-id
-H secret-key:secret-key
-H application-type:BL
-H Content-Type:application/json
-d '{"user":"", "roleName":"SuperAgent"}'
Data Service
The Backendless Data Service is a highly scalable, object storage system. It is available via intuitive API
which supports all basic data persistence operations - Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete (CRUD). The
Data Service operates with persistent data at the object level, that means applications use the APIs to
save, update, delete or search for objects, rather than traditional database records. Developers using the
Data Service API do not need to know or understand the databases, schema creation rules, stored
procedures or SQL syntax.
The Data Service follows the following rules when working with user objects:
1. Objects persisted by the Data Service must specify the "type" or be an instance of a class (for
client applications written in strongly-typed languages).
2. Backendless automatically creates tables for each persisted type it has not seen before and
saves objects in the corresponding tables. Each table has columns corresponding to the
properties of the persisted objects.
3. Backendless creates three additional system-level columns for each new table:
objectId - contains a unique object ID assigned by Backendless to each object.
created - contains a timestamp when the object was first saved by Data Service
updated - contains a timestamp when the object was most recently updated. The value is
null for newly created objects.
4. When an object of a known type/class introduces any new properties throughout the lifetime of
the application, the persistence structure will be modified accordingly. When such an object is
persisted, Backendless analyzes the object's properties and automatically alters the structure of
the corresponding table if any new properties are added.
5. When an object is saved or updated, it may reference another related object (a one-to-one
relationship) or objects (one-to-many). Backendless creates the underlying tables for the main
and the referenced types and persists the hierarchy accordingly.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
PHP clients can consume the Backendless services using the class library provided in the Backendless
SDK for PHP. Make sure the backendless directory with all the classes is located in the root of the
project directory.
Download SDK
The SDK can be downloaded from the Backendless website.
Include Backendless SDK
In you project file add the following line to include Backendless SDK for PHP:
Alternatively, you can use require_once or include for adding Backendless SDK.
Before the php client uses any of the APIs, the code must initialize the Backendless Application using
the following call:
Application ID and Secret Key
Values for the application-id and secret-key headers must be obtained through the Backendless
1. Login to your account and select the application.
2. Click the Manage icon from the vertical icon-menu on the left.
3. The "App Settings" section is selected by default. The interface contains the text fields for
"Application ID" and secret keys for each supported client-side environment.
4. Use the "Copy" button to copy the value into the system clipboard.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
The version argument must contain the name of the targeted version. When a new application is
created, the default version name is "v1" . To manage versions, login to the console, select the
"Manage" icon and click "Versioning".
Native vs External Databases
A Backendless backend supports two alternative mechanisms of data persistence. There is a built-in
storage, referred to as native and an external storage. The native mechanism is enabled by default and a
developer working with a Backendless backend does not need to do anything special to configure it. All
the data persisted through the Data Service API and Backendless console is stored internally, in the
database maintained by the Backendless service.
The external storage can be any database located elsewhere which the Backendless service connects
to with the connection parameters provided by the developer. Currently MySQL/MariaDB databases is
the only type of the supported external storage.
An application must be configured to use either the native or an external storage mechanism, they
cannot be combined into the hybrid mode. However, regardless of which mechanism is enabled, the
Data Service API can be used to work with the data. Additionally, if the application is configured to use
an external database, Backendless console can be used the manage the external data the same way it
does so with native. The only exception is the management of an external schema - Backendless
Console displays it in the view only mode.
To learn more about external data storage, see the Using External Databases chapter.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
Using External Databases
Backendless data storage is an ultra-scalable system for storing objects hierarchies ranging from simple
to very deep and possibly recursive in nature. The default implementation uses an internal persistent
system which functions as a black box from the client-side developer's perspective. The internal
implementation is referred to as native. There are use-cases when the native storage system cannot be
used in an application built with Backendless. For instance, a new mobile application must built on top
of an existing MySQL database which is used by an existing desktop application. To support this
scenario, Backendless provides integration with External Databases. The integration enables a client
application to use the Data Service API as it would with the native storage, however the backend
operates on the data stored externally.
Adding an External Database in Backendless
To link the external database to your Backendless backend:
1. Log in to the Backendless Console, select your app and click the Data icon.
2. Click the External radio-button as shown in the image below:
3. In the Database Connection pop-up window, specify the connection details. To test the
connection, click the Test link. To proceed with the connection, click the Next button.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
4. Once a connection is established (it may take several minutes), console displays a list of the
databases in the Database drop-down menu. Select a database and click the Ok button to
confirm your choice.
5. Backendless will inspect the selected database and an email is delivered to the application
developer email address with the status of the inspection.
6. Upon successful database inspection the Data Management screen displays a list of the
tables from the external database.
The user interfaces is updated to reflect the new available functions:
Re-inspect the external database by clicking the Refresh icon:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
Connect to another external database by clicking the add button:
Re-connect (or edit the connection details) to current external database by clicking the
connect button:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Handling Data Objects in an External Database
All of the Data Service APIs can be used with external databases. The only caveat is with the data
tables which have composite primary keys (a PK consisting of more than one column). In this case, the
Data Service API provides special methods where object identity is established by sending in entire
object rather than a specific identity value.
saving an object
updating an object
deleting an object
basic search
advanced search
saving and updating relations
retrieving relations
Supported Data Types
Currently Backendless supports only MySQL and MariaDB as external databases. The table below
provides a mapping between the MySQL data types and the corresponding types in Backendless:
MySQL Data Type
Backendless Data Type
varchar( x )
String value with maxLength = x
Long integer
double, float, decimal
tinyint( 1 )
other types
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
There are several limitations for working with external databases:
1. The number of tables allowed in a database is limited by your billing plan
(which is the same as for the native Backendless storage).
2. There must be a permission for the MySQL information_schema table used
to inspect the external database.
3. Some of the system-level columns (and thus data object properties) will not
be available with the external databases, specifically: updated, created, ownerId
, objectId .
You can not use the native and external databases simultaneously; once you establish a
connection with an external database, a native one will not be available any longer and vice
Only one external database can be used in an application (cannot connect to two different
external databases).
The schema of an external database cannot be edited in Backendless Console.
You can not import data to or export data from an external database using Backendless
If the database schema changes, it is important to re-inspect the database to avoid errors.
Data Object
Backendless supports persistence of arbitrary PHP objects. Object's class can extend Backendless
class Data or dont do it. Also in class object automatically will be added properties as:objectId,
created, updated.
Example with extend Data class:
If you use Backendless Data class for extending your user data class you get set of setters and getters
methods and dont need manual describe class properties structure of class properties declared in
backendless console. For example if in backendless console object has property 'name' you can set
this propery or get it using pattern class_object->getName(), class_object->setName
( $value ).
Saving Data Objects
The API to save an object can be used for two separate scenarios: if an object has been previously
saved, it is updated in the data store, otherwise it is saved (created). The save operation checks if the
object has objectId assigned by the server. in that case, the object is updated, otherwise it is created
in the Backendless data store. In case when there is no table for the persisted object, Backendless
creates one and maps table's columns to the object's properties.
The objectId property is automatically assigned to all persisted objects when they are initially saved.
See the Data Object section for details on objectId .
object php class with data which must be stored.(Also can be php multi array in the form of
key-value. where key - property name value - property value.For example: ['name'=>'Bob', ...])
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Return Value:
The method returns the saved object( or multidimensional array if it put as method arguments ).
Consider the following class:
The following code saves a new instance of the Contact class:
Updating Data Objects
Updating a data object which has been previously stored in the Backendless data store can be done
using the same API as for saving the initial object version. Once an object has objectId assigned, the
call updates the persisted copy of the object:
Updating an Object Individually in a Native Database
- name of the application's version. Application versions can be
managed using Backendless Console. Login to the console,
select an application, click Manage, then Versioning.
Backendless automatically creates version "v1" for any new
- name of the table where the object needs to be updated.
- ID of the object to update assigned by Backendless in the
create object operation.
Request Headers:
application-id: app-id-value
secret-key: secret-key-value
application-type: REST
- the ID of your application generated upon its creation. You can
find this header in the Manage > App Settings section of the
Backendless Console. This header is mandatory. Please refer to
the Setup section for information on how to obtain the values for
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
the header.
- the key of your application generated upon its creation. You
can find this header in the Manage > App Settings section of
the Backendless Console. This header is mandatory. Please
refer to the Setup section for information on how to obtain the
values for the header.
- the static value, should be set to application/json. This header
is mandatory.
- the static value, should be set to REST. This header is
Sample Request Body:
"objectId" : "28325E9F-2DED-D3CA-FFC6-C76911AFBB00"
"name" : "James Bond",
"age" : 33,
"phoneNumber" : "+44123456789",
Sample Response Body:
"name" : "James Bond",
"age" : 33,
"phoneNumber" : "+44123456789",
"updated" : "02/05/2014 12:47:10 GMT+0000",
"created" : "02/04/2014 19:40:10 GMT+0000",
"ownerId" : null | <user-id>,
"objectId" : "28325E9F-2DED-D3CA-FFC6-C76911AFBB00",
"___class" : "Person"
- special property generated by Backendless which contains the
timestamp when the object was last updated.
- similar to 'updated', but contains the timestamp showing when
the object was initially created.
- when the object is created by an authenticated user, this
property contains the id of the currently logged in user object.
- unique id (GUID) assigned to the object.
- contains the name of the table where the object is stored. This
is the same value as the <table-name> in the URL.
-H application-id:application-id-value-from-console
-H secret-key:secret-key-value-from-console
-H Content-Type:application/json
-d "{\"name\":\"Bob\", \"age\":20 }"
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Notice the objectId value is put directly into the URL. The same value is optional in the JSON
body of the request.
Updating Several Objects at a Time (Bulk Update) in
a Native Database
Method will return the number of the updated objects.
- user class with new data value.
- condition for selecting the objects for the bulk update in mysql
format ( for example $condition = " age = 12", $condition = "
name = 'Jack'" )
URL:<app version>/data/bulk/<table-name>?
where=<where clause>
<app version>
<where clause>
- name of the application's version. Application versions can be
managed using Backendless Console. Login to the console,
select an application, click Manage, then Versioning.
Backendless automatically creates version "v1" for any new
- name of the table where the objects need to be updated.
- condition for selecting the objects for the bulk update (please
refer to the examples below in this section). Should be URL
Request Headers:
application-id: app-id-value
secret-key: secret-key-value
application-type: REST
- the ID of your application generated upon its creation. You can
find this header in the Manage > App Settings section of the
Backendless Console. This header is mandatory. Please refer to
the Setup section for information on how to obtain the values for
the header.
- the key of your application generated upon its creation. You
can find this header in the Manage > App Settings section of
the Backendless Console. This header is mandatory. Please
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
refer to the Setup section for information on how to obtain the
values for the header.
- the static value, should be set to application/json. This header
is mandatory.
- the static value, should be set to REST. This header is
Sample Request:
Bulk update allows changing several data objects selected by the specified criteria. For
instance, if you have the list of employees and need to update their salary info depending on
their time of employment, you can do it by using the bulk update feature.
To test the feature:
1. Create two persons/employees: one employed for 15 days curl -H application-id:
application-id-value-from-console-H secret-key:secret-key-valuefrom-console -H Content-Type:application/json -X POST -d
"{\"name\":\"Tom\", \"age\":35, \"salary\":0, \"workDays\":\"15\"}"
-v , another one employed for
20 days curl -H application-id:application-id-value-from-console-H
secret-key:secret-key-value-from-console -H Content-Type:
application/json -X POST -d "{\"name\":\"Bob\", \"age\":20,
\"salary\":0, \"workDays\":\"20\"}" -v
Please note: salaries of both employees are zero.
2. To set new salary (1000) to all staff members that are employed for more than 10 days:
specify the new salary in the -d argument as follows: -d "{\"salary\":1000}"
set the value of <where clause> argument in URL to workDays>10 , that is:
where=workDays>10 . The URL encoded query will look as follows:
-H application-id:application-id-value-from-console
-H secret-key:secret-key-value-from-console
-H Content-Type:application/json
-d "{\"salary\":1000}"
As a result you will receive the response displaying the number of data object updated (2
objects). The salary of both employees will be changed to 1000.
Sample Response:
Server will return the number of the updated objects.
Deleting Data Objects
The API completely removes an object from the persistent store. If the object is successfully delete, the
API returns the timestamp of the exact deletion time in milliseconds.
Deleting an Object Individually from a Native
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
- name of the application's version. Application versions can be
managed using Backendless Console. Login to the console,
select an application, click Manage, then Versioning.
Backendless automatically creates version "v1" for any new
- name of the table where the object needs to be deleted.
- ID of the object to delete. The ID assigned by Backendless in
the create object operation.
Request Headers:
application-id: app-id-value
secret-key: secret-key-value
application-type: REST
- the ID of your application generated upon its creation. You can
find this header in the Manage > App Settings section of the
Backendless Console. This header is mandatory. Please refer to
the Setup section for information on how to obtain the values for
the header.
- the key of your application generated upon its creation. You
can find this header in the Manage > App Settings section of
the Backendless Console. This header is mandatory. Please
refer to the Setup section for information on how to obtain the
values for the header.
- the static value, should be set to REST. This header is
Request Body:
Sample Response Body:
"deletionTime" : timestamp in milliseconds
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
-H application-id:application-id-value-from-console
-H secret-key:secret-key-value-from-console
Deleting Several Objects at a Time (Bulk Delete)
from a Native Database
Method will return the number of the updated objects.
- user class or assoc array for example ['table-name' =>
'Contact' ] .
- condition for selecting the objects for the bulk update in mysql
format ( for example $condition = " age = 12", $condition = "
name = 'Jack'" )
URL:<app version>/data/bulk/<table-name>?
where=<where clause>
<app version>
<where clause>
- name of the application's version. Application versions can be
managed using Backendless Console. Login to the console,
select an application, click Manage, then Versioning.
Backendless automatically creates version "v1" for any new
- name of the table where the objects need to be deleted.
- condition for selecting the objects for the bulk delete (please
refer to the examples below in this section). Should be URL
Request Headers:
application-id: app-id-value
secret-key: secret-key-value
application-type: REST
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
- the ID of your application generated upon its creation. You can
find this header in the Manage > App Settings section of the
Backendless Console. This header is mandatory. Please refer to
the Setup section for information on how to obtain the values for
the header.
Backendless REST API
- the key of your application generated upon its creation. You
can find this header in the Manage > App Settings section of
the Backendless Console. This header is mandatory. Please
refer to the Setup section for information on how to obtain the
values for the header.
- the static value, should be set to REST . This header is
Sample Request:
Bulk delete allows removing several data objects selected by the specified criteria. For instance,
if you have the list of employees and need to delete some of them depending on their time of
employment, you can do it by using the bulk delete feature.
To test the feature:
1. Create three persons/employees:
employed for 15 days curl -H application-id:application-id-value-fromconsole-H secret-key:secret-key-value-from-console -H ContentType:application/json -X POST -d "{\"name\":\"Tom\", \"age\":35,
\"salary\":0, \"workDays\":\"15\"}" -v https://api.backendless.
employed for 0 days curl -H application-id:application-id-value-fromconsole-H secret-key:secret-key-value-from-console -H ContentType:application/json -X POST -d "{\"name\":\"Bob\", \"age\":20,
\"salary\":0, \"workDays\":\"0\"}" -v https://api.backendless.
employed for 0 days curl -H application-id:application-id-value-fromconsole-H secret-key:secret-key-value-from-console -H ContentType:application/json -X POST -d "{\"name\":\"Brad\", \"age\":22,
\"salary\":10, \"workDays\":\"0\"}" -v https://api.backendless.
2. To delete all staff members that are employed for 0 days, set the value of <where clause>
argument in URL to workDays=0 , that is: where=workDays=0 . The URL encoded query will
look as follows:
-H application-id:application-id-value-from-console
-H secret-key:secret-key-value-from-console
As a result you will receive the response displaying the number of data object deleted (2
objects). The second and third employees (Bob and Brad) will be deleted from the database.
Sample Response:
Server will return the number of the deleted objects.
Retrieving Schema Definition
Backendless supports API for data table schema introspection. The API provides information about
table's columns and their data types, whether a value for a column is required or if there is a default
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
- name of the table to retrieve the schema for.
Return value:
Returns assoc array of object's properties. Each item in the array describes a column in the
specified table using the structure below:
autoLoad: true or false,
customRegex: value,
defaultValue: null or value,
isPrimaryKey: true or false,
name: value,
relatedTable: null or table name,
required: true or false,
type: data type
- applies only to relations. If true, the property is set to auto-load
related data for the data retrieval queries.
- a regular expression assigned to the column as a validator. The
validator applies when a new object is saved in the table or an
existing one is updated.
- a default value assigned to any object saved/updated in the
table where the column does not have a value.
- true if the column is or is a part of a primary key.
- contains the name of a property.
- contains the name of the related table(s).
- defines whether a property is optional or required for the
requests which save the initial object or update an existing one.
- defines the property type.
Variable $description will contain array:
Basic Search
Backendless supports multiple basic search operations. These include finding an object by ID, finding
first or last object in the collection or retrieving the entire persisted collection.
Searching for a Data Object in a Native Database
Retrieve all data objects of class $class_name .
Find first data object of class $class_name . The first data object is the first one saved in the
data store:
Find last data object of type $class_name . The last data object is the last one saved in the data
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Find a data object by its ID:
$class_name - can will set as class, string or array.
$relations_depth - retrieving related objects by specifying the depth of the object
Consider the following class:
The following code demonstrates various search queries:
Find all contacts:
Find first contact:
Find last contact:
Find contact by ID:
Advanced Search
Advanced search use-cases supported by Backendless include:
Search with query - a query is an SQL-92 expression (the where clause) referencing data object
Paged search - sets the page size and index (offset) to search from.
Sorted search - lists the data object properties to sort the result collection by.
Additionally, search requests may include special modifiers:
Request for specific properties of the data objects returned in the result collection.
Request to return related data objects attached to the 'parent' objects in the result collection.
Searching for a Data Object
Backendless supports the use-cases and modifiers listed above with a special class BackendlessDataQuery :
Method Signature:
- an instance of BackendlessDataQuery - containing the search
query and other search options.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
- an instance of data class or string with class name.
Return Value:
The method returns a array of objects found as a result of the query execution.
Consider the following class:
The code below stores an instance of the Contact class in the Backendless data store:
The following code demonstrates various search queries:
Find all contacts where the value of the "age" property equals 147:
Find all contacts where the value of the "age" property is greater than 21:
Find all contacts where the value of the "age" property is between 21 and 30:
Find all contacts by name:
Find all contacts by partial name match:
Notice: Also class BackendlessDataQuery supports chained call:
Find objects within certain distance from a geo point
With the ability to link data objects with geo points, you can search for data
objects by distance. This type of search returns all data objects located within
the specified distance. Distance-based search uses a special function in
whereClause of the search request. The syntax of the function is: where:
- Possible values are <, >, =, >=, <=
- Defines the units of measure for the distance. Possible values
ft( X ) - the distance value X is expressed in feet
km( X ) - the distance value X is expressed in kilometers
mi( X ) - the distance value X is expressed in miles
yd( X ) - the distance value X is expressed in yards
For example, the following expression searches for data objects located within 200 miles from
the point at 30.26715, -97.74306. Each data object must have the "coordinates" property
of type GeoPoint.
The following example demonstrates a search-by-distance query. The example
uses three data objects stored in the Friend table: Bob, Jane, and Fred who
respectively live in Austin, Houston, San Antonio. The search query in the
example finds all friends who love within the specified distance. Before running
the search query, create the objects in the data storage with the corresponding
geo points.
Run the following query/code to store a data object representing Bob with a link to his home in
Austin, TX:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Run the following query/code to store a data object representing Jane with a link to his home in
Houston, TX:
Run the following query/code to store a data object representing Fred with a link to his home in
San Antonio, TX:
Once the data is in the persistent object and geo location storage, run the following code/query
to perform a distance-based search:
The search returns all data objects within the specified distance. Each data object has the
coordinates property containing the coordinates of a geo point associated with this data
Using Dates in Search
There is a special consideration for the whereClause-based queries which reference a column of the
DATETIME data type. Typically a DATETIME column is referenced in a comparison against a scalar value
describing a specific date or a timestamp. The scalar value can be a number of milliseconds since the
epoch (UNIX timestamp as milliseconds) or a string. Backendless supports a variety of date formats for
the latter. For example, the queries below will find all the objects which were updated after March 23rd,
updated > '23-Mar-2015'
updated > '03/23/2015'
updated > 1427068800000
Comparison Operators
Backendless supports the following date comparison operators:
Column's value is after the specified date/time: use either > or the after keyword:
birthDate > '22-Dec-1980'
birthDate after 1427068800000
Column's value is before the specified date/time: use either < or the before keyword:
birthDate < '22-Dec-1980'
birthDate before 1427068800000
Column's value is either at or after the specified date/time: use either => or the at or after
birthDate >= '28-10-1988'
birthDate at or after '10/28/1988 00:00:00 GMT-0200'
Column's value is either at or before the specified date/time: use either <= or the at or
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
before keyword:
birthDate >= '28-10-1988'
birthDate at or after '10/28/1988 00:00:00 GMT-0200'
Note: the whereClause-based queries can be tested in the Backendless Console with the SQL Search
turned on.
Supported Date Formats
Date/time string values may be in any of the following formats. The pattern letters have the same
definition as in Java's SimpleDateFormat:
EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'z
MM.dd.yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'z
MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'z
MM.dd.yyyy HH:mm:ss
MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss z
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'Z
MM.dd.yyyy HH:mm:ss z
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm
d MMMMM yyyy, HH'h' mm'm' ss's'
EEEEE, MMMMM d, yyyy
MMMMM d, yyyy
yyyy M d
yyyy-M-d, E
'Date' yyyy-MM-dd
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Relations Overview
A data object stored in a Backendless backend may reference other objects. These references are
called relations. There are two types of relations: one-to-one and one-to-many. Relations may be
declared manually in a table schema using the Backendless Console or derived (and added to schema)
from the objects which are being saved. Additionally, Backendless supports bidirectional relations
between the objects stored in the Data Service and other entities in a Backendless backend. For
example, a data object may have a relation with a User object and/or Geo Point objects.
Creating Relations
Relations can be declared manually by using the Backendless Console. Creating a relation between
objects involves two main steps:
1. Declaring a relationship between the tables where the objects are stored.
2. Establishing relations between the objects from the related tables.
Declaring a Relation Between Tables
The instructions below describe how to declare a relation between two tables:
1. Select a table where a relation should be declared.
2. Click the Table Schema and Permissions button in the top right corner of the user
3. Click the Add Column button. The pop-up window will display as shown below:
4. Enter column name that will represent the relation.
5. Click the Type drop-down list and select the Data Object Relationship option.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
6. The pop-up window will display new menu options. Select a related table and the cardinality
of the relations from the corresponding drop-down menus. The one-to-one relation means that
a table's object can be linked with only one object from the related table. While the one-tomany relation means that a table's object can be linked with several objects from the related
7. Click Save to save the changes.
Once a relationship column is declared, it will appear along other columns in the Data Browser view of
the Backendless Console.
Creating Relations Between Objects in Related Tables
Once you have declared a relation between table schemas, you can establish a relation between objects
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
in these tables. Follow the instructions below to establish a relationship:
1. Click the table name where you declared a relation. Console displays the columns
representing relations slightly different than the other ones. The header for these columns
- name of the related table;
- relation type (cardinality) visualized as either a single line for one-to-one relations or three
lines for one-to-many relations;
- the "auto-load" checkbox.
2. Click the plus icon next to the object, for which you want to create a relation. The Set
Related Object pop-up window will display the list of objects from the related table.
3. Each object in the displayed popup has either a radio button or a checkbox next to the
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
object's data. Radio buttons are used for one-to-one relations, while checkboxes apply for the
one-to-many relations. Select the object(s) which will be linked to the parent object.
4. Click the Set Related Object button to save the changes.
The Data Service API can be used to link objects from different tables to form a relation. For more
information see the Relations (Save/Update) section of the guide.
Editing Relations
You can edit the relations between the data objects via the Backendless Console:
1. Click the name of the table containing the object with relations. Click the plus icon next to
the relation you want to edit:
2. The Set Related Object pop-up window will display. If you want to link a data object with
different object(s), click the radio-button or check-box(s) next to the necessary object(s).
3. Click the Set Related Object button to save the changes.
Refer to the Relations (Save/Update) section to learn how to update relations by using the API.
Deleting Relations
You can delete both relations between the objects and between the tables if necessary. Relations
between the tables can be deleted only by using the Backendless Console. While relations between the
objects can be deleted either via the Backendless Console or API.
To delete relations between the tables by using the Backendless Console:
1. Click the name of the table that you want to unlink from another table.
2. Click the Table Schema and Permissions button at the top right. The Table Schema and
Permissions page will display.
3. Click the check-box(s) next to the column associated with the relation(s) between the
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
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4. Click the Delete Selected button.
To delete relations between the data objects via the Backendless Console:
1. Click the name of the table, where you want to delete a relation. Click the plus icon next to
the relation you want to delete.
2. The Set Related Object pop-up window will display. Click the Unlink Related Object
button to delete the relation.
Additionally, a relation between two objects (not tables) can be deleted by using the API. For more
information see the Relations (Delete) section.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
Relations (Save/Update)
Backendless Data Service supports a complete set of CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) operations
for related objects.
Handling Relations in a Native Database
Consider the following class diagram:
Notice the PhoneBook entity references Contact through two properties - "owner" (the one to one
relationship) and "contacts" (the one to many relationship). Each contact entity also references
Address. These entities will be used to demonstrate how Backendless handles related entities in all
basic data persistence operations. Consider the following class definitions for these entities:
PhoneBook Class
Contact Class
Address Class
Consider the following examples of saving objects with related data:
Constructing PhoneBook with the Owner and no Contacts:
Constructing PhoneBook with the Owner and two Contacts:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Add Contact to an existing PhoneBook (uses the "savedPhoneBook" object created at the
end of the example above):
Update a property in the aggregated object (update the phone number in the "owner" of
PhoneBook) and save PhoneBook:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
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Removing one contact from PhoneBook, adding another and re-saving PhoneBook:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
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Relations (Delete)
Backendless Data Service supports a complete set of CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) operations
for related objects.
Handling Relations in a Native Database
Consider the following class diagram:
Notice the PhoneBook entity references Contact through two properties - "owner" (the one to one
relationship) and "contacts" (the one to many relationship). Each contact entity also references
Address. These entities will be used to demonstrate how Backendless handles related entities in all
basic data persistence operations. Consider the following class definitions for these entities:
PhoneBook Class
Contact Class
Address Class
Consider the following examples of saving objects with related data:
Delete parent object (deleting a PhoneBook):
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
Remove a contact from PhoneBook and save the change:
Relations (Retrieve)
When a data object or a collection of objects is retrieved using the client API, Backendless does not
automatically include related objects into the returned object hierarchy. The reason for this is it would
make it very easy to load a lot of unnecessary data which could impact application's performance. There
are multiple ways to retrieve related data:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Relations auto-load - a mechanism built-into Backendless Console for configuring specific
relations to be included into responses with the parent objects.
Single-step relations retrieval - initializing and including related objects into the response
when running a find query for parent objects.
Two-step relations retrieval - a process of retrieving relations where the first step is to load the
parent object and the second step is to load specific relations for the given parent.
Loading with relations depth - retrieving related objects by specifying the depth of the object
Loading related child objects by condition applied to parent - load related objects using a
search query where the condition applies to the parent object properties.
Please note: retrieving relations in a native database differs from retrieving relations in an external
Relations Auto Load
By default when an object is retrieved from Backendless using any of the find APIs (basic or advanced),
its related objects are not included into the response, unless explicitly referenced in the request. This
behavior can be easily modified using Backendless Console:
For any two tables A and B where A has a relationship column linking it to B, the console includes the
"auto load" checkbox for the relationship column. Selecting the checkbox instructs Backendless to
return all related B objects when the parent instance of A is retrieved through an API call. For example,
in the image above, the Order table has the one-to-many "items" relationship with the OrderItem table.
When the "auto load" checkbox in the "items" column is selected, all related OrderItem objects will be
included into the response for a find query for the Order table.
Single Step Retrieval
This approach allows to retrieve related objects along with the parent object in a single find request.
Each relationship property (column) must be uniquely identified by name using the following API:
RELATED-PROPERTY-NAME - name of a related property to load. For example, if table
Person, has a relation "homeAddress" pointing to an object in
the Address table, the value would be "homeAddress". The
syntax allows to add relations of relations. For example, if the
same Address table has a relation "country" pointing to the
Country table, then "" would instruct the
related Country object to be loaded as well.
- Class name which identifies the table from which the data is to
be loaded.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
Two Step Retrieval
With this approach a parent object is loaded first and then there is a separate API call to load specific
related objects into the given parent object. For example, suppose the Order table has a one-to-many
relationship column "items " pointing to the OrderItem table. The OrderItem table has a one-to-one
relationship to the Manufacturer table, the code below loads first Order object and then loads related
OrderItems and corresponding Manufacturers :
Loading with Relations Depth
The Data Service API supports a mechanism for loading related objects without identifying each by its
name. Instead, the API includes a parameter which specifies the "depth" of the relations to include into
the response. Consider the following diagram:
The diagram shows a hierarchy for class structure - the Order class has two relations: with OrderItem
and Customer classes. Each in turn has a relation to the Manufacturer and Address classes. When an
instance or a collection of Order objects is retrieved from Backendless, the API may include a parameter
specifying the depth of relations to include into the response. If the relation depth is 1, then all related
instances of OrderItem and Customer will be included into each Order object. If the relation depth is 2,
then not only OrderItem and Customer instances will be included, but the corresponding Manufacturer
and Address objects as well.
API methods supporting relations depth
Loading a Subset of Related Child Objects
Backendless supports a special query syntax for loading a subset of child objects for a specific parent.
Consider the following class diagram:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Notice the PhoneBook entity references Contact through two properties - "owner" (the one to one
relationship) and "contacts" (the one to many relationship). Each contact entity also references
Address. These entities will be used to demonstrate how Backendless handles related entities in all
basic data persistence operations. Consider the following class definitions for these entities:
PhoneBook Class
Contact Class
Address Class
The general structure of the query to load a collection of child objects for a specific parent object is:
ParentTableName[ relatedPropertyForChildrenCollection ].
When a query in this format is used to fetch a collection of child object, the table addresses in the
request must be one which the "relatedPropertyForChildrenCollection" points to. The
examples below demonstrate the usage of this syntax:
Find all contacts in a city for a specific phone book:
Find all contacts for the specific phone book where the city name contains letter 'a':
Find all contacts where age is greater than 20 for a specific phone book:
Find all contacts for a specific phone book where age is within the specified range:
Find all contacts for a specific phone book where age is greater than 20 and the city is
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
Relations with Geo Points
Backendless Geo Service manages application's geo location data and provides APIs to
work with Geo points. Backendless supports integration between data objects
managed by Data Service and geo points for the scenarios when a logical connection
between the two entity types must exist in an application. For instance, in a taxi
ordering application a data object may represent a taxi car, while a geo point
represents its location on the map. Link the two together provides great benefits such
as retrieving both objects at once and managing as a consistent, cohesive object
The Data-to-Geo integration is implemented through object relations. A data table
schema may declare a table column with a special data type - "GeoPoint Relationship".
As a result, the data objects in the table may contain a reference to one or more
GeoPoints. When a data object with a related GeoPoint is saved, Backendless persists
information about both the data object and the geo point in the corresponding
persistent systems and sets up the relationship. Likewise, when a data object is
retrieved by using the API, any related geo points can be retrieved using the same
principle for loading data relations. The data-to-geo relation is bidirectional, it means a
geo point may reference a data object in its metadata. You can learn more about it in
the Relations with Data Objects section of the Geolocation documentation.
The relationship between a data object and a geo point (or a collection of) can be established by using
either the "code first" or the "schema first" approaches. With the former, the relationship is determined
by the data structure persisted with the API. If a data object references a GeoPoint (or a collection of) in
one of its properties, Backendless interprets it as a relation and, as a result, will create a relation
column in the data table schema. With the latter ("schema first") approach, application developer can
declare a relationship in the data table schema first. In either one of these approaches, once a
relationship is declared, data objects and geo points may be linked together by using the Backendless
console as well.
Declaring a Data-to-Geo Relationship in Table Schema
To declare a relationship in a data table schema:
1. Select a table where a relation should be declared.
2. Click the Table Schema and Permissions button in the top right corner. The Table
Schema and Permissions page will display.
3. Click the Add Column button. The pop-up window will display:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
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4. Enter the name of the column in the Name field. This column will represent a data-to-geo
5. Select the Geopoint Relationship option from the Type drop-down list.
6. New menu options will become available. Select the cardinality of the relation from the
corresponding drop-down menu. The one-to-one relation means that a table's object can be
linked with only one geo point, while the one-to-many relation means that a table's object can
be linked with multiple geo points.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
7. Click the Save button to save the changes.
Linking a Data Object with Geo Points
Once a data-to-geo relationship is declared (see the instructions above), data objects from the table can
be linked to geo point(s) as described below:
1. Click the name of the table containing an object that you want to link with a geo point.
2. Table columns representing the data-to-geo relationships are identified as "GEOPOINT
relationship" in the header row. The cardinality of the relation is visualized as one red line for
the one-to-one relations and three parallel lines for the one-to-many relations:
3. Click the plus icon next to the object, for which you want to create a data-to-geo relation.
The Set Related GeoPoint pop-up window will display the list of the geo points.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
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4. Use the Geo Category drop-down list to select a geo category from which the points should
be displayed.
5. If you declared a one-to-one relation for a table the object belongs to, you will be able to link
this object with only one geo point (by the means of a radio button). If it is a one-to-many
relationship, the interface uses check boxes, which allow for multiple selection. Click a radiobutton or select check-boxes next to the geo points which you want to link with the data
6. Click the Set Related GeoPoint button to save the changes.
Once a relation is established, it is shown in the data browser as a hyperlink. The hyperlink for the oneto-one relations displays the coordinates of the related geo point. For the one-to-many relations the link
says "multiple Geopoints". In both cases, the link opens the Geolocation screen of the console which
displays the related geo point(s).
Updating Relations
You can update a data-to-geo relation by following the steps shown below:
1. Click the name of the table containing an object that has a data-to-geo relation you want to
edit . Click the plus icon next to the relation:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
2. The Set Related GeoPoint pop-up window will display. Use the radio-buttons (one-to-one
relations) or check-boxes (one-to-many relations) next to select/deselect the geo points.
3. Click the Set Related GeoPoint button to save the changes.
Deleting Relation Definition in Table Schema
A data-to-geo relationship can be removed at the schema level. Removing the relationship is done by
deleting the column which represents it. When a column is removed the relationships identified by the
column between the data objects and geo points are removed as well.
To delete a relationship definition between a data table and the geo points:
1. Click the name of the table which contains a "GeoPoint relationship" column you need to
2. Click the Table Schema and Permissions button in the top right corner. The Table
Schema and Permissions page will display.
3. Click the check-box next to the column you need to delete.
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4. Click the Delete Selected button.
Deleting Relation between Data and Geo Point
To delete relations between a data object and geo point(s) via the Backendless Console:
1. Click the name of the table which contains a data-to-geo relationship you need to remove.
Click the plus icon next to the relation you want to delete.
2. The Set Related GeoPoint pop-up window will display. Click the Unlink Relation button to
delete the relation.
Establishing Relations with Geo Points via API
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
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Creating a relationship between a data object and a geo point (or a collection of) uses the same API as
saving a data object with a related entity. In the case of data-to-geo relations, the related entity is a geo
point or a collection of geo points. Consider the example that below saves a data object with a related
geo point. The geo point is also persisted in the Geo Service
The example below demonstrates how to link a taxi (a data object) with its location (geo point). First,
create TaxiCab class:
To set one-to-one or one-to-may relation:
Data Service supports a very flexible security mechanism for restricting access to objects stored in
Backendless. Security permissions apply to users and roles. A permission can either grant or reject an
operation for a particular asset. In the context of Data Service, the asset is an object which your app can
retrieve, update or delete. Permissions can be granted or rejected globally, where they apply to all tables
and all objects in the data store. Additionally, every table may have its own permission matrix and owner
policy – a special instruction whether object owners can or cannot retrieve/update/delete the objects
they ‘own’. Finally, every object has its own Access Control List (ACL) which is a matrix of permissions
for the operations applicable specifically to the object:
The security system is multi-layered. For an API call to retrieve, update or delete object(s), the system
goes through several where each can trim the scope of the operations. The layered order of the decision
making is important and consists of the following:
ObjectACL for the user who makes the call
ObjectACL for user-defined roles assigned to the user who makes the call.
Table permissions for the User account
Table permissions for the user-defined roles
Owner Policy
ObjectACL for system roles
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
7. Table permissions for system-level roles
8. Global user-defined roles
9. Global system roles
“User-defined roles” – roles created by the application developer
“System roles” – roles built into Backendless (Authenticated User, NonAuthenticated User,
SocialUser, etc)
Consider the following guide which illustrates the decision making process:
1. Backend receives an API request to load data from a table (the Find operation). All objects
become candidates for the retrieval. Backendless goes through the security permissions chain
to determine which ones must be included.
2. ObjectACL for the user who makes the call. Backendless checks if there are any
restrictions for the user account at the object level. Any object in the collection with ACL which
rejects access to the user is excluded from the result. To see or modify the permissions for a
particular object, click the ‘key’ icon in the ACL column in the data browser in management
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
3. ObjectACL for user-defined roles assigned to the user who makes the call. This is the
same check as the one above, except Backendless looks into the permissions for the roles
defined by the application developer. If the user belongs to any of the custom roles,
Backendless checks if these roles are allowed to perform the current operation. In the
screenshot below, only the “MyRole” role will be checked in this step, since this is the only
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
custom role in the application:
4. Table permissions for the User account. Every table in Backendless may have its own set of
permissions for users and roles. At this point Backendless checks if the currently logged in
user is allowed to run the current operation. For example, if the Find operation is denied for the
user, no objects would be returned.
5. Table permissions for the user-defined roles. This step is identical to the one described
above with the exception that is checks custom roles for the table. Since this guide reviews the
decision making process for the Find operation, Backendless checks the column for Find. If any
of the custom roles deny access, the operation is rejected and no data is returned.
6. Owner Policy. When a new object is created in Backendless, the system automatically links
it with the account of the currently logged in user. You can see that information in the ‘ownerId’
column in any of your tables in the data browser. With the association between objects and
users, Backendless provides a way to control whether users can get access to the data they
created. This is done through a concept we call ‘Owner Policy’. The policy is available on the
‘Schema and Permissions’ screen. Select a table in the data browser and click the ‘Table
Schema and Permissions’ button in the upper right corner. Select the ‘Owner Policy’ menu
item. Owner policy can be global (select ‘All Tables’ from the drop down in the upper right
corner) or it could apply to a specific table.
Granting a permission for an operation in Owner Policy, guarantees that the objects owned by
the current user will be included in the resulting collection. Denying a permission, takes out the
‘owned’ objects from the collection of candidate objects to return. Consider the following:
Granting Find permission in Owner Policy:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
Results in the following. The objects with bold border are guaranteed to be returned. All other
objects will be subject to the subsequent permission checks.
However, if the Owner Policy rejects a permission:
The objects owned by the current user will be excluded from the resulting collection. All
remaining objects will be decided by the subsequent permission checks.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
7. Object ACL for system roles. This check is identical to step 3 (Object ACL for custom roles).
The difference is the system roles cover larger groups of users. For example, this step would
make possible to restrict access to specific objects for all authenticated (or not authenticated)
users, yet the object would be returned with a query made by the object’s owner if the Owner
Policy (previous step) grants access.
8. Table permissions for system roles. Identical to step 5, this checks if any of the system
roles reject the operation at the table level.
9. Global custom roles. Global policy applies to all tables and objects. By default all table level
permissions inherit from the global policy. You can configure in the console at: Users >
Security and Permissions. Create a new role and click it to configure the permission matrix:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Data Service
Messaging Service
Data Messaging is an essential function of mobile and desktop applications. It can be used for a
multitude of functions including chat or private messaging, system update broadcast, maintaining game
scores, etc. The Backendless Messaging Service provides API and software infrastructure enabling
publish-subscribe message exchange pattern and mobile push notifications. The service consists of the
following core concepts: channels, publishers, subscribers and registered devices:
- a logical medium "carrying" the messages.
- a program using the Publishing API to send messages to a channel.
- a program using the Subscription API to receive messages from a channel.
registered device
- a mobile device registered with a Backendless channel to receive
push notifications.
Publish-Subscribe Messaging
With the publish-subscribe pattern, one part of the code (or an entire application) can subscribe to
receive messages and another publishes messages. A message can be any data - Backendless
supports messages of primitive or complex data types. To enable publish-subscribe messaging,
Backendless supports the concept of a channel. Subscriptions are "attached" to a channel (or multiple
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
channels) and messages are published into a channel. By default Backendless sends all messages
published into a channel to all the channel's subscribers. However, a subscription can include message
filters, in this case Backendless delivers only the messages matching the filter.
Push Notifications
A message published to a channel can be tagged as a push notification, thus triggering the logic for
distributing it to the registered devices. Backendless supports push notifications for iOS, Android and
Windows Phone devices. Messages published as push notifications can target either a specific
subscriber (as a device) or a group of subscribers. Subscribers can be grouped by operating system (for
example, a message sent to all registered iOS devices) or as a collection of individual registrations. The
Backendless messaging API supports different types of push notifications - badge updates, alerts, etc.
PHP clients can consume the Backendless services using the class library provided in the Backendless
SDK for PHP. Make sure the backendless directory with all the classes is located in the root of the
project directory.
Download SDK
The SDK can be downloaded from the Backendless website.
Include Backendless SDK
In you project file add the following line to include Backendless SDK for PHP:
Alternatively, you can use require_once or include for adding Backendless SDK.
Before the php client uses any of the APIs, the code must initialize the Backendless Application using
the following call:
Application ID and Secret Key
Values for the application-id and secret-key headers must be obtained through the Backendless
1. Login to your account and select the application.
2. Click the Manage icon from the vertical icon-menu on the left.
3. The "App Settings" section is selected by default. The interface contains the text fields for
"Application ID" and secret keys for each supported client-side environment.
4. Use the "Copy" button to copy the value into the system clipboard.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Messaging Service
The version argument must contain the name of the targeted version. When a new application is
created, the default version name is "v1" . To manage versions, login to the console, select the
"Manage" icon and click "Versioning".
Core Classes
The Backendless Messaging Service uses the following core classes:
Backendless::$Messaging - is the central point for all Backendless Messaging APIs. Provides
access to the device registration, subscription management and messaging publishing functionality.
SubscriptionOptions - may be used in the subscription call to establish subscriber identity and set messaging filt
PublishOptions - this class is the publishing counterpart for the SubscriptionOptions shown above. Can be use
DeliveryOptions - used in the publishing API for targeted message delivery. Supported options include: tagging a m
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Push Notification Setup (Android)
Backendless can deliver published messages as push notifications to Android devices. Additionally,
Backendless Console can be used to publish push notifications. In order to deliver a push notification to
Android, the backend must be configured with Google API Key:
1. Login to Google Developers Console and select or create a project.
2. Click Credentials located under the APIS & AUTH menu.
3. If you don’t have “Key for server application”, you create it:
Click Create new Key under the Public API access section;
Choose Server key;
Click Create;
4. Copy the API Key for server applications:
5. Open Backendless Console and select your application.
6. Click Manage and scroll down to Mobile Settings.
7. Paste the Google API Key into corresponding field located under the Android Push
Notifications label:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Messaging Service
8. Click Save. At this point the backend is configured and is ready to publish push notifications to
Android devices.
In your project you should register the device in order to receive or send push notifications. To
accomplish this, do the following:
1. Login to Google Developers Console and select your previously created project.
2. Copy the project number located at the top of the screen:
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3. Use this project number in Backendless.Messaging.registerDevice(...) method as GCMSenderID
argument. For example:
Push Notification Setup (iOS)
Setting up your backend to support Push Notifications for iOS requires a few steps, most of which are in
Apple Developer Member Center and Keychain Access. The process consists of the following steps:
Creating App ID
Creating Certificate Request
Generating an SSL Certificate
Configuring Backendless App/Backend with the Certificate
Creating App ID
1. First we are going to create an App ID for the mobile application which will receive Push
Notifications. Login to Apple Developer Member Center. Click on “App IDs” in the “Identifiers”
section. Use the plus sign “+” button to create a new ID:
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Messaging Service
2. When prompted enter App ID Prefix. Make sure it is descriptive enough so you recognize it
later when you return to the Member Center.
3. Select Explicit App ID in the “App ID Suffix” section and enter the same bundle ID which you
will be using in the application:
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4. In App Services select the services which the application will use and click “continue”:
5. Make sure that Push Notifications are enabled and click “submit”. This will conclude the App ID
creation for the app:
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Messaging Service
Creating Certificate Request
Push Notifications require a certificate which will be used on a device by the means of a provisioning
profile. Also the same certificate (transformed to the Personal Information Exchange – .p12 format) will
be used by Backendless to publish Push Notifications. If this makes little sense, do not worry, you will
need to perform these steps only ones and then can move on to code and using the APIs.
1. In order to create a certificate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) must be issued. To create
a CSR, open Keychain Access and select Keychain Access >> Certificate Assistant >>
Request a Certificate from the main menu:
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2. Enter your email address and Common Name (leave the CA Email Address field empty),
select “Saved to disk” and click “Continue”:
3. Select a directory where to save the file and click Save.
Generating an SSL Certificate
The CSR file created in the section above will be used to create an SSL Certificate. That certificate will
then be used by Backendless to publish push notifications.
1. Return to Apple Developer Member Center and select “All” under “Certificates”. Click the plus
button “+” to add a new certificate:
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Messaging Service
2. Select certificate type – there are two options Development and Production. For now select
“Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox)”:
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3. Select the App ID created earlier in these instructions:
4. Next you will see the instructions for generating a CSR which you have already created by
now. Click Continue to proceed to the next step.
5. Select the CSR file created and saved to the disk earlier and click Generate:
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Messaging Service
6. The certificate is ready now, click “Download” to download it:
7. Add the certificate file to Keychain Access.
8. Open Keychain Access and locate the certificate in the “My Certificates” section:
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9. Right click on the certificate and select the Export option:
10. Save the certificate in the p12 format:
11. Enter a password for the certificate. Make sure to make a record of the password – you will
need to use it later in the instructions when you submit the certificate to Backendless:
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Messaging Service
12. Enter your Mac OS X account password to confirm the action. At this point you have a
certificate for Push Notifications.
Configuring Backendless App/Backend with the
Since Backendless provides the actual server-side integration for delivering Push Notifications for your
application, it needs to have access to the certificate you created above. The steps below provide the
instructions for uploading the certificate into Backendless:
1. Login to Backendless Console at: and create/select an
application which you will use on the server-side:
2. Click Manage > App Settings. Locate the Mobile Settings section and upload the .p12
certificate created earlier. Make sure to enter the same password you used when created the
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
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3. Now your Backendless server is ready to publish Push Notifications.
Managing Registrations
Application developers can manage device registrations using the Backendless Console. To see the
device registrations:
1. Login to console at
2. Click the application for which you would like to see the device registrations.
3. Click the "Messaging" icon.
4. Select the "Devices" tab.
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Messaging Service
The table displays all the current device registrations. Using the interface, you can:
Search for device registrations. The search string applies to all columns
Remove device registrations. To remove, use the check boxes and then click the "Delete
Selected" button
Deliver push notifications to the selected devices.
Publish a Push Notification from Console
Select the check boxes for the device you would like to send a notification to.
Use the Publish Message section located below the table with the devices.
Make sure to enter the message headers specific for the targeted operating systems.
Make sure to click the "Selected devices" checkbox.
Click the "Publish" button.
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Message Publishing
Application can publish messages to Backendless for subsequent distribution to subscribers.
Backendless delivers published messages to subscribers as message objects and/or to devices as
push notifications. A message must be published to a channel (or a group of channels). Backendless
supports unlimited number of channels. Applications can use them as a filtering mechanism - channel
subscribers see messages published only to that channel. Similarly, devices can specify a channel (or a
group of them) when registering for push notifications. Message publishing supports the following
Publishing with message headers - headers is a collection of name = value pairs of arbitrary
data. Subscribers can set additional filters expressed as SQL queries which Backendless applies
to the headers. When the query matches the published data in headers, message is delivered to
the corresponding subscriber. See example.
Publishing to a subtopic - Subtopics provide an additional level of message filtering.
Multiple subtopics can be defined within a channel. Both publishers and subscribers can
specify a subtopic within a channel. Subtopic names can be defined using a multi-tiered
To receive messages from more than one subtopic, subscribers can use the wildcard
character (*) in place of any tokens in the subtopic name. For instance, a subscriber
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Messaging Service
could subscribe to the following subtopic: "* ", and the publisher sends
messages to " " and " ". In this case the
messages published to either subtopic will be delivered to the consumer.
The wildcard character in the last position will match any token in that position as well as
tokens after it. For instance, subtopic* will match all of the following:
bar, , etc. However, the wildcard character in any position other than
the last will match only one token. For example, subtopic com.*.foo will match com. and , but will not match .
See example.
Publishing a message only/also as a push notification - By default Backendless delivers
published messages only to the "pub/sub subscribers", that is programs subscribed to receive
messages using the Subscription API. However, published messages can also be delivered as
push notifications to the registered devices. The publishing API provides a way to configure the
delivery mode for the following three modes:
API Subscribers (see example)
Only as Push Notifications (see example)
API Subscribers and Push Notifications (same example as above, see the comment in the
example's code)
Publishing a push notification to a group of devices - Backendless can deliver messages
published as a push notifications to devices grouped
by operating system. That is messages can be delivered only to Android devices, iOS or Windows
Phone or a any combination of these. See example.
Publishing a push notification and targeting specific devices - By default Backendless
delivers published messages to all matched subscribers. (Subscribers may be matched by the
topic name or a query). Alternatively, publishers can direct messages to specific subscribers by
specifying the subscriber or device ID in message meta-data. See example.
Delayed publishing - Backendless immediately processes any published messages and
delivers them to subscribers without any delay. However, publishers can specify the time when
the message should be processed. This is applicable to all the publishing options listed above.
Message processing can be canceled at any time using the message cancellation API. See
Scheduled (repeated) publishing - Backendless supports repeated message processing - a
message is published once, but delivered to subscribers with the specified frequency. Repeated
delivery can stop either at the specified time or they can be canceled using the message
cancellation API. For instance, this could be used for reminders or scheduled tasks. See example
Method Signatures
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
- message text.
- optional argument. An instance of the PublishOptions class.
Contains publisher ID, message headers and subtopic name.
- optional argument. An instance of the DeliveryOptions class.
May specify message delivery policy (push, pub/sub or both),
timestamp (in milliseconds) for publishing at the
Backendless REST API
Return value:
Array containing message ID and the status of the publishing operation:
When the server-side reports an error, it returns array in the following format:
The following errors may occur during the message publishing API call:
Invalid repeatExpiresAt date in delivery options.
User does not have the permission to publish messages
Invalid publishAt date in the delivery options.
Basic message publishing
Publishing with message headers
Publishing to a subtopic
Publishing a message only as a push notification
Publishing a message as a push notification and targeting specific group of devices (grouped by
Publishing a push notification and targeting specific devices
Delayed publishing
Repeated publishing
Basic message publishing
Publishing with message headers
Publishing to a subtopic
Publishing a message only as a push notification
Publishing a message as a push notification and targeting
specific group of devices
The only difference between this example and the one above is the value of the pushBroadcast
property in DeliveryOptions :
Publishing a push notification and targeting specific
Delayed publishing
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Repeated publishing
Publish Push Notifications
Publishing a push notification is a specialized usage of the Message Publishing API. Push notifications
have different graphical representation on different mobile operating systems. For instance, a push
notification on an iOS device may be either an alert or a badge update, however a notification on a
Windows Phone device may be either a toaster alert or a tile element update. Backendless supports
different formats of the push notification delivery to various operating systems via specialized message
headers. These headers must be added to the publish options object or in case of REST clients, they
are plain message headers:
Operating Headers
Sets the text of
the alert
message. If the
header is not
present and the
targets the iOS
sets the header
to the value of
the "message"
argument. To
disable this
behavior, set
the ios-alert
header to null .
Sets the value
to update the
badge with
"ios-sound":URL string or array of bytes Sets either a
URL for the
notification to
play on the
device or an
array of bytes
for the sound to
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Sets the text of
the ticker
showing up at
the top of a
device's screen
when the device
receives the
Backendless REST API
Sets the title of
the notification
as it is visible in
the Android
Sets the
message of the
which appears
under androidcontent-title
in the Android
Sets the title
and the content
of a toast
"wp-title" : value,
"wp-backgroundImage" : URL string,
"wp-badge" : number value,
"wp-backTitle" : value,
"wp-backImage" : URL string,
"wp-backContent" : value
Sets the
properties for a
tile notification.
Sets the
properties for a
raw notification
Push notifications can be published directly from Backendless Console or using the API (see the
examples in the Message Publishing section).
Cancel Scheduled Message
Delayed or scheduled messages can be canceled using the API documented below. Backendless
processes delayed messages at the time specified by the publisher. Scheduled messages are
processed and delivered with a specified interval.
Method Signatures
- ID of the message to cancel.
The following errors may occur during the message cancellation API call:
Message has already been canceled or does not exist.
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Messaging Service
Message Subscription
In order to receive published messages, application must subscribe to a channel using the API below.
Using the API, an application becomes an "API subscriber". Another form of subscription can be
accomplished by using the Device Registration API which provides a way to receive push notifications.
Note that the same mobile application can use both device registration and message subscription APIs.
- channel name of the message to subscribe (if not set used
subscriptionOptions - optional argument. An instance of SubscriptionOptions which
can be used to set subscriber ID, subtopic or selector.
The following errors may occur during the message cancellation API call:
User does not have permission to create a subscription.
General subscription error. See error message for additional
Unknown messaging channel.
Retrieving Messages
Method Signatures:
- channel name of the message .
- id result of subscription ( $subscribe_id =
["subscriptionId"] ).
Message Filtering
Backendless message filtering is a powerful mechanism enabling conditional message delivery, interestbased subscriptions and private messaging. A subscription request may include filters in the form of
subtopics and selectors. Backendless applies subscriber's filters to every message published into the
channel and they match, the message is delivered to the subscriber.
Multiple subtopics can be defined within a channel. Both publishers and subscribers can specify
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
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a subtopic within a channel. Subtopic names can be defined using a multi-tiered format:
To receive messages from more than one subtopic, subscribers can use the wildcard character
(*) in place of any tokens in the subtopic name. For instance, a subscriber could subscribe to
the following subtopic: "* ", and the publisher sends messages to "news.
business.newyork " and " ". In this case the messages published to
either subtopic will be delivered to the consumer.
The wildcard character in the last position will match any token in that position as well as
tokens after it. For instance, subtopic* will match all of the following:, , etc. However, the wildcard character in any position other than the last will
match only one token. For example, subtopic com.*.foo will match and , but will not match .
A selector is a query expressed using the SQL-92 syntax and formatted as the condition part of
the SQL's WHERE clause. A query condition must reference the headers of the published
messages. When a message is published and a subscriber has a selector query, Backendless
executes the query on the headers of the published message. If the result of the query is true,
the message is delivered to the subscriber. Consider the following example where the subscriber
will receive only messages containing the "city " header with the value of "Tokyo ":
Sending Email
Backendless provides API for email delivery on behalf of your application. Before the API can be used,
the Backendless backend must be configured with your own SMTP server information. This is an
important requirement as the API will not work if the Manage > App Settings > Email Settings section
in Backendless Console contains default values.
To configure a backend:
Login to Backendless Console.
Select an app.
Click Manage, then scroll down to Email Settings on the App Settings screen.
Fill out the form with the SMTP server information
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SMTP Server
User ID
- Hostname or public IP address of the server where the SMTP server is
- The port number the SMTP server accepts requests on.
- The Name which will appear in the From field of the sent out emails.
- The user id or email address for the SMTP server connection
- The password for the SMTP server connection authentication.
- Choose between SSL or TLS connection.
Make sure to click Test before saving any configuration changes. The Discard button discards any
unsaved changes.
Sending Email API
Delivers an email message using current server-side email settings to the recipient specified in the API
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- email message subject.
- plain text or HTML body of the email message.
Backendless REST API
- a collection or one email addressed to deliver the email
message to.
- an array of file paths for the file entries from the Backendless
File Service. Referenced files will be attached to the email
message. The path is calculated from the root of the file system
(as it is seen in File Service browser in Backendless console)
without the leading slash. For example, if file agreement.txt is
located at /documents/legal/, then the path in the API call must
be "documents/legal/agreement.txt".
File Service
Every Backendless backend/app is allocated a dedicated file storage space. The file storage is located
remotely on the Backendless servers. The file storage can be used to store application's files and ondemand video streams. Backendless File Service provides the API to work with the file storage. The API
supports the following operations:
File Upload - upload files to the applications's file storage. The operation creates directories up
the hierarchy if necessary. Returns file URL which can be used to download or share the file
with others.
File Download - download file using file's URL. The download operation is subject to the
permissions from the File access control list (ACL).
File Deletion - delete a file from the file storage. The delete operation is subject to the
permissions from the File access control list (ACL).
Directory Deletion - same as file deletion, but applies to the directories.
File/Directory Security (File ACL) - assign/unassign user and roles permissions to upload,
download and delete files and directories. This API is used to modify file or directory ACL.
In addition to the API implementation, the File Service enables the following capabilities:
Git Integration - application developers can interact with the file storage as with a git repository.
Web Hosting - file storage can be used to host static web content.
Custom Domain Name - a custom domain name can be mapped to the file storage in a
Backendless backend. This feature in combination with the Web Hosting provides a way to host
websites on Backendless.
Custom Web Templates Hosting - includes HTML files and JS scripts for special pages used in
various workflows such as user email confirmation, password change and session expiration.
PHP clients can consume the Backendless services using the class library provided in the Backendless
SDK for PHP. Make sure the backendless directory with all the classes is located in the root of the
project directory.
Download SDK
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File Service
The SDK can be downloaded from the Backendless website.
Include Backendless SDK
In you project file add the following line to include Backendless SDK for PHP:
Alternatively, you can use require_once or include for adding Backendless SDK.
Before the php client uses any of the APIs, the code must initialize the Backendless Application using
the following call:
Application ID and Secret Key
Values for the application-id and secret-key headers must be obtained through the Backendless
1. Login to your account and select the application.
2. Click the Manage icon from the vertical icon-menu on the left.
3. The "App Settings" section is selected by default. The interface contains the text fields for
"Application ID" and secret keys for each supported client-side environment.
4. Use the "Copy" button to copy the value into the system clipboard.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
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The version argument must contain the name of the targeted version. When a new application is
created, the default version name is "v1" . To manage versions, login to the console, select the
"Manage" icon and click "Versioning".
Handling Files via Console
Backendless Console includes a graphical file browser which supports the following operations:
Creating new file
Editing a file
Getting public URL for a file
Creating file archives
Creating a New File
You can create a file in Backendless Console with the following file extensions:
.conf, ,css, .csv, .htm, .html, .ini, .java, .js, .log, .php, .
properties, .py, .rb, .sh, .txt, .xml, .xsd
To create a file:
1. Log in to Backendless Console. Select an application. Click the Files icon:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
File Service
2. Select a directory where a new file should created. Click the New File button at the top of
the file listing table.
3. Enter the name in the File name field and select a file extension from the Syntax
highlighter drop-down menu:
4. Enter the contents for the file as necessary. Click the Save button.
Editing a File
Backendless supports in-browser editing of the files with the following extensions:
.conf, ,css, .csv, .htm, .html, .ini, .java, .js, .log, .php, .
properties, .py, .rb, .sh, .txt, .xml, .xsd
To edit a file:
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1. Select a directory containing the file on the Files screen of the console.
2. Click the Edit file icon next to the file to open it for editing:
3. Once the changes in the file are made click the Save button.
Getting Public URL for a File
A file in Backendless File Storage has two URLs:
a public URL which can be used to download the file outside of Backendless console. This URL
accounts for any permissions assigned to the file or the directory where it resides.
a private URL which makes the file accessible by the developer of the application.
In order to obtain the public URL:
1. Select a directory containing a file on the Files screen of Backendless console.
2. Click the Get Public URL icon next to the file. Backendless console copies the file's public
URL to the computer's clipboard:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
File Service
Archiving Files
Backendless Console includes a feature enabling to compress directories into a single ZIP file. The
feature applies specifically to directories, meaning an individual file cannot be compressed - it must be
placed into a directory first.
Notice: archiving of directories with total content size greater than 100 Mb may take longer time;
Backendless sends an email to the application developer upon successful completion of the operation.
To archive a directory:
1. Log in to Backendless Console. Select an application and click the Files icon.
2. Navigate to a directory which should be compressed.
3. Click the ZIP Directory button:
4. Once the directory is compressed into an archive, it will appear in the parent directory:
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Backendless REST API
File Upload
The file upload operation delivers and saves a local file in the remote Backendless file storage. The return
value of the operation is the file URL which has the following structure:<application id>/<version name>/files/
<path>/<file name>
<application id>
<version name>
<file name>
- ID of the application which can be obtained from the Manage >
App Settings screen of the Backendless Console
- application's version name
- directory path where the file is saved
- name of the file
The URL assigned to a file and returned as a result of the upload operation accounts for any security
permissions assigned to the file (or the folder it is located in).
Backendless Console includes a file browser with the management functions to upload files, create or
delete directories and files. The file browser is available in the Files section of the console:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
File Service
File browser also provides a way to see the contents of the files. Every file is a link which opens the file.
The URL of files in file browser is not the same as the URL returned by the file upload operation. The
reason file browser uses a different URL is to let the application developer see the file contents without
any application security constraints. The only constraint applied to the URLs available in file browser is
the application developer must be logged to the console.
- an instance of php File class or string with path to file.
- directory path (without the name of the file) in the
Backendless file storage where the file should be stored. If the
path does not exist, Backendless File Service creates the
directory structure.
Return Value:
The return value, which is the URL of the uploaded file.
Additional API Classes:
Save Files From Byte Arrays
In addition to the traditional file upload, files can be saved by uploading a byte array which becomes the
content of the saved file.
Additional API Classes:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
- an instance of php File class.
Backendless REST API
The example below describes how to save a file entitled "fox.txt" from the string "The quick
brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." You will need to specify:
content of a new file ("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy
where to save a new file ("testfolder")
a name of the newly created file ("fox.txt")
whether a new file should overwrite the existing file, if any (true)
Error codes returned on attempt to save a file from the byte array.
Error Description
When saving a new file from the byte array, the payload exceeds
2,800,000 bytes.
A file you are trying to save already exists in the system and cannot
overwrite since overwrite argument is ether set to false or
File Download
Downloading a File via the Backendless Console
To download a file:
1. Log in to Backendless Console.
2. Select an application for which you want to create a new file. The application page will display
3. Click the Files tab on the left menu. The Root folder containing all files of an application will
4. Locate a file you want to download. Click the Download file icon next to this file.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
File Service
- string with remote file path for example '/savedNote.txt'.
Downloading a File via API
Downloading a file from the Backendless file storage is the basic HTTP GET operation. The operation
should use the same URL which Backendless returned as the result of the file upload operation.
Alternatively, if the file was uploaded manually using the console, the URL can be composed as:<application id>/<version name>/files/
<path>/<file name>
<application id>
<version name>
<file name>
- ID of the application which can be obtained from the
Manage > App Settings screen of the Backendless
- Application's version name.
- Directory path where the file is saved.
- Name of the file.
Files fetched with the URL scheme defined above are subject to the security constraints and
permissions established by the application developer. See the Files Security section for additional
details on how to secure file storage. Fetching a file secured by an access control list (ACL) policy
requires an additional HTTP header in the request:
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- Value of the user token established for the current
user session as a result of the user login operation.
The token uniquely identifies the user session. It is
used by Backendless to establish user identity for all
operations where the token is present. This is
necessary in order to determine permissions applicable to the
user and the roles associated with the account.
File Deletion
To delete a file from the Backendless file storage, it must be identified by the file path/name. Files in the
Backendless storage have the following URL structure:<application id>/<version name>/files/
<path>/<file name>
The API to delete a file uses the <path>/<filename> part to identify the file which must be deleted.
- Path of the file to delete. The path must consist of the file path
and file name.
Directory Deletion
To delete a directory from the Backendless file storage, it must be identified by the its path. Directories
in the Backendless storage have the following URL structure:<application id>/<version name>/files/
The API to delete a directory uses the <path> element from the URL above.
- path of the directory to delete.
Git Integration
Backendless file storage can also function as a git repository. This could be very convenient for
deploying multiple files from the developer's computer with a single command. Git integration is disabled
by default. To enable git for the file storage:
1. Open Backendless Console
2. Select your app/backend
3. Click Manage and scroll to the Enable .git support section
4. Use the toggle to turn git integration on or off:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
File Service
When the git integration is turned on, all files present in or uploaded to the file storage are immediately
committed to the repository. This integration is bi-directional. It means that any files committed into the
git repository by the means of git, will also be copied into the file storage. When git integration is being
turned off, the git repository is deleted with all the associated history (the files remain in the file storage).
With the git integration enabled, a new folder (.git) appears in the File Browser on the Files screen. The
folder contains the files from the git repository. When a file is uploaded to file storage either via the
Upload API or using the File Browser, it is automatically committed to the repository. Likewise, when a
file is pushed into the repository, it becomes available and visible in the file storage. The same applies to
editing and deleting files either in the Backendless Console or in git repository.
When git is enabled, the repository is available at the following address:<application id>/.git
<application id>
- application ID available in Backendless Console at Manage
App Settings .
When the Backendless backend is configured with a custom domain name, the repository URL is:
http://<custom domain name>/.git
The repository uses the same authentication as Backendless Console. That means all git commands
must use the same developer email address and password as for logging in to Backendless Console.
It is important to note that any system level files created by git are also placed into the file storage (the .
git directory). These files are accounted for when calculating the file space used by the app/backend.
Configuring Local Environment
You have no local files and there is a remote GIT repository:
There are files in the Backendless storage and there are no files locally:
Clone existing repository:
mkdir /path/to/your/project
cd /path/to/your/project
git clone<your application id>/.git
cd <your application id>
Adding a file locally and pushing to Backendless git:
echo "First file" >> file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m 'Initial commit with new file'
git push -u origin master
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
You have with an existing GIT project in your local
This applies when you already have a local git project. You also enabled git integration in Backendless
and need to "integrate" your local git project with the git repository in Backendless.
> cd /path/to/my/repo
> git remote add origin<your application
# pushes the repo and its refs for the first time to Backendless git
> git push -u origin --all
# pushes any tags to Backendless git
> git push -u origin --tags
You have an existing FILE project in your local
This applies when you have existing files locally and need to add them to the git repository you
initialized in Backendless.
> cd /path/to/my/repo
> git init
> git remote add origin<your
application id>/.git
> git pull -u origin master
> git add *
> git commit -m ‘merge with existing project’
> git push -u origin master
Web Hosting
Backendless file storage includes a special directory which facilitates web hosting for the app/backend.
The directory name is /web :
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
File Service
The /web folder serves as the web server root. The web server is available at the following URLs:
With custom domain name enabled for the account:
http://custom domain name
Without custom domain name:<application id>/<version name>/files/
<application id>
<version name>
- ID of the application which can be obtained from the Manage >
App Settings screen of the Backendless Console
- application's version name
Custom Domain Name
Backendless File Service supports mapping of a custom domain name to the application's backend. As
a result, once a domain name is mapped, the following backend's resources become available via the
custom URL:
Service API endpoint. The default endpoint for all Backendless services is:
With a custom domain name, the endpoint is also available at:
http://<custom domain name>/api
Web Hosting. Backendless file storage contains a special directory - /web , which serves as the
web site root. When a custom domain name is mapped to a Backendless application/backend,
the contents of the /web directory are served for the HTTP requests with the domain name. See
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
the Web Hosting section for additional details.
git endpoint. When the Backendless git integration is enabled, the git endpoint with a custom
domain name is:
http://<custom domain name>/.git
Before a custom domain name is assigned to a Backendless application:
1. Create a CNAME record for the domain name and map it to
2. Open Backendless Console and select your application/backend.
3. Click Manage and scroll down to the "Custom Domain" section.
4. Enter the domain name into the text field and click Save
The Custom Domain mapping is a feature included into Backendless Plus package. The package
enables multiple features for a flat monthly subscription fee. Backendless Plus can be enabled in
console at Manage > Billing .
Custom Web Template Hosting
A client-to-backend workflow may include interaction with web pages presented to the users of the
application. Consider the following scenarios:
User registration. When a user registers with an application, he receives an email with a link to a
page. Clicking the link acknowledges that the email address is valid and the user account is
Password change. When a user requests password change (or password recovery), an email is
sent to the user with a link to a web page where they can reset the password.
Session expiration. When a user session with the application expires, he is redirected to a
All these use cases have something in common - they all force the user to interact with a web page. The
Backendless Plus package allows to customize the look and feel of these pages. Once Backendless
Plus is enabled (use the Manage > Billing section in console to turn it on), Backendless puts the
templates for these pages into the /web/templates path of the backend's file storage:
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File Service
The default style of these pages is neutral:
Registration confirmation page:
Password change page:
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Session expiration page:
The look and feel as well as the logic in the pages can be customized by modifying the HTML/CSS /JS
files provided for each template. For example, the contents of the change_password folder is:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
File Service
Files Security
Access to files and directories can be restricted using permissions. Backendless supports the following
permissions for files and directories:
Read - permission to download a file. This permission can be applied to a directory, in that case it
applies recursively to all files contained therein.
Write - permission to upload a file or modify a directory by uploading files into it.
Remove - permission to delete a file or a directory.
To modify the permission matrix for a file or a directory, click the "Edit Permissions" link in file browser
in console. The permission assignment screen contains allows to work with permissions for specific
user accounts or for application roles.
To assign permissions to a user account, type in userid in the "enter user name" field, select the user(s)
and click "Add":
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To modify a permission for an operation for a user, click the icon in the corresponding column. The icon
has 3 states:
- inherit GRANT permission from the global permission matrix. This is the default permission.
- explicit GRANT of the permission for the operation. Allows the user to perform the operation.
- DENY permission for the operation. Restricts the user from performing the operation.
Managing permissions for roles is identical to users, except all roles are automatically listed in the table:
Geo Service
Backendless Geolocation Service is a system supporting management and search of geo points. A geo
point in the most primitive format consists of a pair of coordinates: latitude and longitude. Optionally a
geo point may contain metadata, which is a collection of arbitrary key/value pairs. A geo point belongs
to a category, which is a logical grouping of geo points. The diagram bellow illustrates these concepts:
Backendless allows infinite number of geo points managed for an application. Geo points can be added
via an API call or the import functionality in Backendless console. Once the backend is populated with
geo points, the search API can be used to run the following types of geo queries:
Radius-based search - Searches for geo points in a circular map area defined by the coordinates
of the central point and a radius. Backendless returns all geo points within the area.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
Search in a rectangular map area - Searches for geo points in a rectangular map area identified by
the coordinates of two corners defining the area (North West and South East):
Additionally, the geo search API supports the following search options available in the APIs:
Filtering by categories - Both types of search (radius-based and rectangular) can specify the
categories in which the backend should search for the geo points.
Query-based search - The metadata associated with the geo points can be used in queries
which should be formatted using the SQL-92 syntax. For example, the geo point shown in the
image above can be discovered with the following queries:
cuisine = 'French'
cuisine LIKE 'Fr%' and Atmosphere = 'Casual'
cuisine = 'French' and (Price = '$$$$' or Price = '$$$')
Relative search - Runs a search for a subset of metadata key/value pairs to match up to the
specified threshold value. The threshold must be expressed as a percentage of matches.
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Backendless REST API
PHP clients can consume the Backendless services using the class library provided in the Backendless
SDK for PHP. Make sure the backendless directory with all the classes is located in the root of the
project directory.
Download SDK
The SDK can be downloaded from the Backendless website.
Include Backendless SDK
In you project file add the following line to include Backendless SDK for PHP:
Alternatively, you can use require_once or include for adding Backendless SDK.
Before the php client uses any of the APIs, the code must initialize the Backendless Application using
the following call:
Application ID and Secret Key
Values for the application-id and secret-key headers must be obtained through the Backendless
1. Login to your account and select the application.
2. Click the Manage icon from the vertical icon-menu on the left.
3. The "App Settings" section is selected by default. The interface contains the text fields for
"Application ID" and secret keys for each supported client-side environment.
4. Use the "Copy" button to copy the value into the system clipboard.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
The version argument must contain the name of the targeted version. When a new application is
created, the default version name is "v1" . To manage versions, login to the console, select the
"Manage" icon and click "Versioning".
Adding a Geo Category
This API creates a geo category. A geo category is a logical grouping of geo points. Category name
may contain the following literals: a-z, A-Z, numbers 0-9 and the underscore (_ ) character. The name
must start with a literal. Category names can be inspected using Backendless Console (see the image
below) or using the API call retrieving a list of categories.
Adding Categories in Console
Backendless Console supports adding a category via the graphical interface. To create a category:
1. Login to Backendless Console
2. Select your app/backend.
3. Click the Geolocation icon in the menu on the left.
4. Use the "plus" icon in the section containing the list of categories:
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5. Enter the category name in the popup and click "Save".
The image below shows the Geolocation screen with categories in the app:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
Adding Categories with the API
- can be array or string or GeoCategory calss object.
Deleting a Geo Category
This API deletes a geo category. If the category does not exist, the service returns an error.
Removing Categories in Console
Backendless Console supports category deletion via the graphical interface. To delete a category:
1. Login to Backendless Console
2. Select your app/backend.
3. Click the Geolocation icon in the menu on the left.
4. Use the "minus" icon in the section containing the list of categories:
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5. Select 'Yes' in the confirmation popup.
Deleting Categories with the API
- can be array or string or GeoCategory calss object.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
Retrieving Geo Categories
This API retrieves a list of all the application's geo categories.
- if set true method return multi array otherwise objects
Adding a GeoPoint
This API adds a geo point to the backend geo location storage. Once a geo point is added, it becomes
searchable through all search mechanisms supported by Backendless. At the present moment there are
two ways to add geo points: (1) using this API or (2) using the Backendless console's import function.
- GeoPoint class object .
Updating a GeoPoint
Geo update API relies on the same methods used for Adding a Geo Point. The primary difference is
in order to update a geo point it must have the objectId property assigned by Backendless. The
semantics of the properties in an update request is as follows:
objectId is a required property.
All other properties (latitude , longitude , categories , metadata ) are optional, but at least
one must contain a value.
If latitude or longitude contain values, the new values replace the existing ones.
If categories contains a value, the geo point is moved to the specified categories (with
coordinates and metadata).
If categories is null , the geo point stays in the current category.
If metadata is null , the geo point keeps the current metadata.
If metadata contains any key/value pairs, the new metadata replaces the existing one.
If metadata is an empty object/dictionary, the existing metadata is removed.
Deleting a GeoPoint
There are two ways to delete a geopoint from the Geolocation storage:
Using the Backendless Console
Using the API
Deleting a GeoPoint using the Backendless Console
To delete a geo point using the Backendless Console:
1. Log in to the Backendless Console, select your app and click the Geolocation icon.
2. Select the geo category from which the geopoint will be deleted.
3. Click the checkboxes next to the geopoint(s) which should be deleted.
4. Click Delete Selected from the button bar as shown below:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
5. Click Delete in the confirmation popup to confirm the deletion:
6. A confirmation notification will appear in the top right. The selected geopoint(s) are removed.
Deleting a GeoPoint with API
- GeoPoint class object .
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
Importing Geo Data
Backendless console supports bulk import of geo points with metadata. The import procedure
automatically places the geo points into the specified categories. The raw data must be in a comma
separated values (CSV) format. A single line in the file defines one geo point as shown below:
- the latitude coordinate of a geo point
- the longitude coordinate of a geo point
- comma separated list of categories. The value must
be enclosed in double quotes.
key1=value1|key2=value2 - Geo point metadata. Multiple key/value pairs
must be separated with the pipe "|" character. The
value must be enclosed in double quotes.
Consider the following example:
To import geo points:
1. Open Backendless console.
2. Select the application/backend.
3. Click Manage, then Import.
4. Click the "add file" button next to "Geo Service" and select the file to import.
5. Click the "Import" button to initiate the import process.
The import process runs asynchronously. When the process is complete, Backendless sends an email
to the application developer. The email text includes the log entries informing about any errors which
could have occurred during the import. Upon successful completion of the import, the Geolocation
section of the console displays the categories, geo points and their metadata:
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Search in Category
This API supports two types of geo searches:
Search in one or more geo categories.
Search in one or more categories based on metadata properties.
- a query object encapsulating the search parameters.
See the Running Search Queries section below for
Return Value:
A collection of GeoPoint objects matching the search query. The class properties are:
- an ID assigned to geo point by Backendless when it
is saved in the backend geo location storage.
- latitude of the geo point.
- longitude of the geo point.
- an array of geo categories the point belong to.
- metadata associated with the geo point. Accepted
values for this parameter are: String, Number (integer
and double), and Data Service objects. Date values
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
must be represented as number in the Unix
timestamp format (number of milliseconds since
January 1, 1970 at UTC). Learn more about using date
in search queries for category, radius, or rectangular
area search.
Running Search Queries
The geo query object includes multiple parameters, none of them are required. As a result, depending on
which parameters contain values, the semantics of the search would change. Any search must be
performed within at least one category. If no category names are provided, the search is performed in the
Default category.
Search in categories
To search in one or more categories without any constraints on metadata or proximity to a
center point, simply set the names of the categories in the query object. The request returns all
geo points divided into pages of data, one page at a time.
Search in categories with metadata
Metadata-based search finds all geo points which match all specified metadata properties in the
given categories. The example below searches for the geo points in the Restaurants category
with metadata containing "Cuisine = French" and "Atmosphere = Romantic" .
Search in categories by date
The search query used to retrieve geo points may reference date values. These values must be
stored as a number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 at UTC. The example below
demonstrates the use of a date/time timestamp in a search query.
Using dates in where clause when searching in categories
The search query used to retrieve geo points may reference date values. These
values must be stored as a number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 at
UTC. The example below demonstrates the usage of a date/time timestamp in a
search query:
Requesting meta in response
Geo points returned in the search results do not include their metadata properties by default.
The search query object includes a property which can be used to request the metadata to be
included. This property can be used with any search options described above. For example, the
following code runs a search in a category and requests the metadata to be included:
Search in Radius
This API supports multiple types of geo searches:
Search for geo points located within specified distance (radius) from a given point.
Search in radius based on metadata.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
- instance of BackendlessGeoQuery class.
Backendless REST API
Running Search Queries
The geo query object includes multiple parameters, none of them are required. As a result, depending on
which parameters contain values, the semantics of the search would change. Any search must be
performed within at least one category. If no category names are provided, the search is performed in the
Default category.
Search in categories with radius
Radius-based search establishes a circular area by setting the coordinates of a central point
and a distance (radius). Backendless searches for geo points in the specified distance from the
coordinates in the center and includes them into the search result. The value of the distance is
interpreted based in the units parameter, which can be METERS , KILOMETERS , MILES , YARDS ,
Search in categories with radius and metadata
This is the same as above, with the difference that the search result includes only geo points
with the matching metadata:
Search in radius by date
The search query used to retrieve geo points may reference date values. These values must be
stored as a number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 at UTC. The example below
demonstrates the use of a date/time timestamp in a search query.
Using dates in where clause when searching in radius
The search query used to retrieve geo points may reference date values. These
values must be stored as a number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 at
UTC. The example below demonstrates the usage of a date/time timestamp in a
search condition:
Requesting meta in response
Geo points returned in the search results do not include their metadata properties by default.
The search query object includes a property which can be used to request the metadata to be
included. This property can be used with any search options described above. The syntax for
requesting metadata in response is described in the Search in Category section.
Search in Rectangular Area
This API runs a search within a rectangular area of the map. The area is defined with the coordinates of
the North West and South East corners of the map rectangle.
- instance of BackendlessGeoQuery class.
Running Search Queries
The geo query object includes multiple parameters, however, only the coordinates defining the
rectangular area are required. A search query must be performed within at least one category. If no
category names are provided, the search is performed in the Default category.
Search in a rectangle in categories
Rectangle-based search establishes a geographic area by setting the coordinates of the North
West and South East corners of the area. Backendless searches for geo points in the specified
area and includes them into the search result:
Search in categories in a rectangular area and metadata
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
This is the same as above, with the difference that the search result includes only geo points
with the matching metadata:
Search in rectangular area by date
The search query used to retrieve geo points may reference date values. These values must be
stored as a number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 at UTC. The example below
demonstrates the use of a date/time timestamp in a search query.
Using dates in where clause when searching in a rectangular area
The search query used to retrieve geo points may reference date values. These
values must be stored as a number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 at
UTC. The example below demonstrates the usage of a date/time timestamp in a
search query:
Requesting meta in response
Geo points returned in the search results do not include their metadata properties by default.
The search query object includes a property which can be used to request the metadata to be
included. This property can be used with any search options described above. The syntax for
requesting metadata in response is described in the Search in Category section.
Geo Point Clustering
Geo point search in a category, radius or a rectangular area may return too many geo points within
close geographic proximity from each other. This might be difficult to view and process in a client
application. To address this problem, Backendless supports the geo clustering feature. A geo cluster is
a group of several geo points located close to each other. The two screenshots below demonstrate the
advantages of clustering: the picture on the top displays search results in the Backendless Console with
clustering turned off and the one on the bottom displays search results as clusters when clustering has
been enabled:
Geo Points View:
Clusters and Points View:
Backendless creates clusters by splitting the map into a grid of squares. Geo points
which belong to a square are placed into the same cluster. When a square contains
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
only one point, it remains non-clustered.
Enabling Geo Clustering in Backendless Console
The Geolocation page displays non-clustered geo points by default. To enable clustering:
1. Log in to Backendless Console, select an application and click the Geolocation icon.
2. Click the Map-driven navigation toggle. The toggle changes how the geo points are loaded
from the backend. In the map-driven mode console loads the geo points for the rectangular
area shown in the map.
3. Click the Geo Clustering toggle to enable clustering.
4. Console reloads geo points and clusters for the current viewport of the map and displays the
results. A cluster is visualized as a blue marker on the map with a number indicating how
many geo points it represents.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
Geo clustering is also available with the "Search in Radius" option, which searches for geo points in a
circular area. To enable this functionality, click the Search in radius toggle:
If you want to see the geo points in a cluster, zoom in the map or double-click a cluster's marker.
Zooming the map in too much (when using the clustering along with the search in radius) may result that
the search radius will be much bigger than the visible part of the map on the screen. In this case, the
pop-up window will display offering you to resize (zoom out) the map. Clicking the Yes button zooms the
map out.
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Clicking a cluster's marker will reveal the coordinates and metadata of a cluster.
Retrieving Clustered Geo Points
Geo point clustering can be requested by setting clustering parameters in BackendlessGeoQuery,
which is used in the calls to retrieve geo points from a category, radius or rectangular area:
- the longitude of any point on the western boundary of the map
in degrees.
- the longitude of any point on the eastern boundary of the map in
- the size of the viewing area of the map in pixels.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
- the size in pixels of the grid's squares used to group
points into clusters. The default value is 100 pixels
Once the clustering parameters are set, the geo point search API will return clustered geo points. The
return value is a collection of GeoCluster and/or GeoPoint objects. Instances of the latter may be
returned when a geo point does not have any neighboring points within the grid's square it belongs to.
The GeoCluster class extends from GeoPoint and supports all the inherited properties: latitude,
longitude, categories and metadata. Additionally, geo cluster has its own property representing the
number of points the cluster consists of. Since a GeoCluster object an instance of the GeoPoint class,
the processing of search responses may look like this:
Relations with Data Objects
Backendless Data Service manages application's data objects and provides APIs to
work with data objects. Backendless provides integration between data objects
managed by Data Service and geo points managed by Geo Service for the scenarios
when a logical connection between the two types must exist in an application. For
instance, in a taxi ordering app a data object may represent a taxi car, while a geo
point represents its location on the map. It is logical to link the two together so they
can be retrieved and managed at once.
The Geo-to-Data integration is implemented through geo point metadata. A metadata
property may reference one or more data objects. These relations may be created
using the API or with Backendless Console. Once a relation is established, the console
displays it in the Metadata column as a link to related data object(s). When a geo
point is retrieved using the API, any related data objects can be retrieved by using the
same principle for loading geo point metadata. The geo-to-data relation is bidirectoral,
that is, a data object may reference a geo point through object properties (table
columns). You can learn more about it in the Relations with Geo Points section of the Data
Apart from linking with the data objects, you can also link a geo point with a user
object. Establishing relations with a user objects is performed the same way as with a
data object.
Establishing Relations with a Data Object via
To link a geo point with a data object:
1. Click the Geolocation icon to open the Geo location screen.
2. Select a geo category to get a list of geo points from it.
3. Click the plus icon for the geo point you want to link with a data object.
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4. The Add Related Object pop-up window will display.
5. Type in a metadata property name in the Metadata property name field. The new property
will be associated with the related data object.
6. Select a data table from from the Data table drop-down menu. If you want to establish
relation with a user object, select the Users option from the drop-down menu. A list of the
data objects which belong to the selected table will display.
7. Select the check-boxes for the data object(s) you want to link with the geo point.
8. Click the Add Related Objects button to establish a relation and save the changes.
Once the relation is established, the name of the property and the related data table will display next to
the corresponding geo point.
Updating Relations
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
You can update a geo to data relation (for instance, add or remove objects to/from the relation) by
following the instructions below:
1. Select a geo category and locate the geo point.
2. To update a geo to data relation, click the link with the name of the data table in the geo point
metadata column.
3. To add a new geo-to-data metadata property, follow the instructions above.
4. For both scenarios (2) and (3), use the Add Related Object pop-up window to make the
necessary changes.
5. Click the Update Relation button to save the changes.
Deleting Relations
To delete a relation between a geo point and a data object:
1. Select a geo category and locate the geo point.
2. Click the link with the name of the data table in the geo point metadata column. The Add
Related Object pop-up window will display.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
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3. Un-check the check-boxes next to the data objects you want to unlink from the geo point.
4. Click the Update Relation button to save the changes.
Establishing a Geo to Data Relation by using API
Creating a relationship between a geo point and data objects uses the same API as saving a geo point
with metadata. The data object is also persisted in the Data Service.
Geofence Designer
About Geofencing
Geofencing on the surface, comprises drawing a stationary geometric boundary around an area on a
map. This action creates programmatically a set of simple or complex global coordinates which
represent a shape. A boundary represents a “fence,” which surrounds the area. For Backendless, the
boundary and area become meaningful when a Geopoint crosses the boundary or stays within the area.
Geofences work with Geopoints. A Geopoint is the most elementary Geolocation concept in
Backendless. It is a point (latitude and longitude coordinate pairs) on the map that is accessible via API
and allowed to move (change coordinates), i.e., a user carrying a mobile device. In addition to the
coordinates, the Geopoint includes metadata in context for the Geopoint.
The Geofence Designer
Geofence Designer is a feature of the Geolocation service available under Geolocation > Geofencing.
It is a “design time” tool for drawing Geofences on an interactive global map and associating them with
events and actions, which can be triggered based on the location of registered Geopoints. Backendless
integrates the designer with Google Maps™, enabling the developer to design precise Geofence
positions, locations, and shapes.
The Design Tool includes line, rectangle, and circle drawing tools (the cursor changes from hand to
crosshairs when selected) for creating Geofence boundaries. Boundaries can be geometrically
symmetrical or irregular shapes and have no minimum or maximum size constraints. In use cases, a
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
Geofence conceptually “fences in” a city block, a shopping center, a sports stadium, or perhaps a mall;
even smaller geographic areas are possible such as the shoe department in a retail store.
The Line Tool
To define an irregular Geofence, the line tool draws editable line segments and control points. For
example, in the United States, the shape of Nevada is irregular. To create this shape, select the line tool
to start drawing lines around it.
Place the cursor on the map where the first control point should be and click. Drag the cursor to the next
place and Click again. The first line segment appears. Repeat these steps until you have nearly
completed the shape of your boundary. (It’s not a Geofence just yet.) Click the cursor on the last control
point (which was the first one set). Backendless detects a closed shape and enables a new Geofence.
NOTE: If you accidentally close the Geofence before completing the drawing, the New Geofence dialog
box appears. If you click Cancel, the Geofence will be removed. To keep the Geofence, click Save,
then re-edit the shape as needed.
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Immediately after the shape closes, a popup appears prompting you to name the Geofence. Enter a
name in the Geofence Name text box. Since this example uses the state of Nevada, it makes sense to
name it Nevada. Click Save to enable the Geofence. (We will refer to this example again.)
The result is a new item row in the List of Geofences. The Geofence area is filled with green, and the
item row is highlighted in yellow when a Geofence is selected on the map or on the list. See the image
Naming Geofences with intelligible
names is a good practice. Any
alphanumeric character or special
character is permitted. An unusual
scenario could be two cities with the
same name, but in different states,
such as Dallas, Texas and Dallas,
Illinois. A solution and a best practice
could be Dallas-Texas and DallasIllinois. This practice should apply to
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
all three tools.
The Rectangle Tool
The Rectangle Tool is self-describing. A fence can be drawn quickly around a square or rectangular area.
After the Geofence is named and saved, the shape aspect can be adjusted by dragging a line segment
or corner control point. Like the line tool, parameters can be entered in a dialog immediately after the
shape is drawn. Should you need to edit the shape, an undo tool appears and to restore the previous
The Circle Tool
The Circle Tool is also self-describing. A circle can be drawn quickly around an area, repositioned, and
resized. Like the line tool, parameters can be entered in a dialog immediately after the shape is drawn.
Deleting a Geofence
A Delete button is positioned directly below the interactive map. For each selected checkbox next to the
Geofence hyperlink, the Delete button removes those Geofences. Once a Geofence is deleted, it cannot
be restored.
List of Geofences and Locator Tool
A map filled with Geofences can appear cluttered, especially if the design comprises numerous shapes
across several remotely located areas. Backendless organizes the boundary data and actions in a table
format below the map, the List of Geofences. The table contains a row for each Geofence along with
parameter controls.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
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From left to right, the second column shows the Geofence name, which is hyperlinked to the Update
Geofence dialog. The Geofence locator icon is next to the Geofence hyperlink (see image below). The
tool repositions the map view to an optimal zoom-level, from which the Geofence boundary can be
easily viewed, accessed, and edited.
For example, two cities in
Texas, Arlington and Plano,
have several Geofences in
each. In the image below the
map is tightly zoomed on an
area in Plano. The work on
Plano is done, so the
developer needs to reposition
the interactive map to
Arlington. Click the locator
icon next to an Arlington
Geofence. Backendless
repositions the map and sets
the optimal zoom level.
Further, it does not matter
whether the two Geofences
are on different continents;
the locator tool works the
same either way.
Geofence and Geopoints Events
Geofences and Geopoints are integrated entities of Geolocation. As such, Backendless tracks three
specific events:
When a Geopoint enters a Geofence, crosses the boundary, On Enter action
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
When a Geopoint stays inside a shape for a preconfigured amount of time, On
Stay actions executes.
When a Geopoint exits the Geofence, it crosses the boundary and is outside
the shape, On Exit action executes.
Geopoint Qualification Criteria: Exclusion/Inclusion
Tracking every Geopoint within a Geofence is not desirable in every case. A Geofence plan could specify
tracking only Geopoints of a certain nature, for example, visitors or preferred customers.
Qualification Criteria, which identifies the types of Geopoints Backendless traces and tracks for a
specific geogence, can be defined in the Update Geofence dialog. The Geofence hyperlink opens the
dialog. A criterion, in this case, is a special string entered in the Geopoint Qualification Criteria text box.
(The string format is the SQL 92 syntax, regular SQL as relates to a database query WHERE clause.)
For example, if tracking only visitors, the SQL would need something like usertype=visitor . Where
usertype is a Geopoints metadata property. visitor is the metadata property value.
The string can be tested via the Validate button. Upon a successful validation, a success message
Conversely, Backendless could track only employees, excluding visitors, and function as a time clock
action, such as clock-in and clock-out.
Events and Actions
Detecting, tracing, and tracking geopoints in relationship to a geofence establish the event clockwork for
execution of developer defined actions. An event occurs as a Geopoint transports into and out of or
stays in a Geofence. An action is a set of parameters the developer selects to perform a function, such
as deliver a message to a mobile device or add a record to a database.
Three event types are organized in columns in the List of Geofences. The events types are:
On Enter – a Geopoint crosses the Geofence boundary into the defined area
On Stay – a Geopoint remains in the Geofence area for at least a specified period
On Exit – a Geopoint crosses the Geofence boundary out of the defined area
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
For each of the above events, a developer can select an action and specify parameters to be executed
from Backendless. There are four action types:
Push notification
Publish-subscribe (pub/sub) message
Send a custom event
Call a URL
The scenarios for choosing an action are wildly different; however, they drive the action and parameter
choices the developer makes. When an action type is selected for an event, a dialog appears where
action parameters can be entered. The fields in the dialog are specific to the action type.
Whenever an action is configured, visual elements indicate whether the parameters are complete. A gear
icon and green checkmark indicate proper configuration, where as a red X in place of the checkmark
indicates improper configuration. The configuration can be edited by clicking the gear to reopen the
currently assigned action dialog.
Push Notification Action
All three Geofence events can trigger this action. Push Notification, in basic form, is a message sent to
a mobile device associated with a Geopoint or to a group of devices registered with a channel. The
Configure Push Notification Action dialog provides flexible parameter options:
Content Configuration – configure Push Notification content look and feel for Android, iOS, or
Windows Phone.
Message Headers – allows header name and header value.
Delivery – to individual Geopoints or those registered to a channel.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
Send a Pub/Sub Message Action
This action sends a publish/subscribe message. The developer enters the message parameters in the
Configure Pub/Sub Message Action dialog. (Learn more about Message Publishing.) The dialog contains
the following fields:
Channel name – the name for a channel. Backendless creates the channel if it
doesn’t exist.
Topic name – the name of a topic used for filtered delivery.
Message headers – optional. Use the key=value format. Comma delimited.
Message body – written in JSON. The body of the message to be delivered.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
A probation officer issues an
ankle bracelet to a probationer.
He needs to set area from which
the probationer cannot leave,
such as restricted to travel only
within a state. The PO would set
up a Geofence outlining
Colorado’s state-line borders. For
that Geofence, he would set the
action event On Exit to send a
notification to the application on
his device that would provide
metadata about the probationer
such as location, the
probationer’s photo, phone
number, address, etc.
Call URL Action
This action executes an HTTP command on the specified URL. Supported commands are GET, POST,
or PUT. The developer configures the call in the Configure Call URL Action dialog. The dialog contains
the following fields:
Command – choice of GET, POST, or PUT
URL – a fully formed internet protocol URL.
Request headers – any of the HTTP header types in the form of key=value.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
Body – text message for calling the URL.
Send Custom Event
Provides a means for enabling Geofencing processing logic to execute your custom server-side code
deployed to Backendless. Send Custom Event issues an event that you define in the Send Custom
Event dialog box. See Custom Events under Business Logic. Backendless acts as a functional
intermediary for your custom event handler which contains business logic specific to the application
such as sending out an email or saving a record to a database.
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Backendless REST API
Is Active - Geofence Monitoring
Is Active is the final column in the List of Geofences. It indicates whether server-side Geofence
monitoring can be activated. When monitoring is ON, Backendless tracks any movements of the
Geopoints in relation to the corresponding Geofence. The list below shows item content:
Missing Actions – look for red X next to the edit action gear. An action is improperly configured.
ON/OFF Toggle – click to switch either on or off. ON activates the server-side monitoring for the
selected Geofence.
When an action is properly configured, i.e. complete, the Is Active toggle for the selected Geofence
appears. When set to ON, a popup provides cautionary information and a checkbox option, which
applies actions to Geopoints located within the Geofence at the time when the monitoring is turned on (i.
e. the toggle is being set to ON). See the image below.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
Once server-side monitoring is activated by setting the Is Active toggle to ON, a play button appears
next to the gear icon. This button executes the action on-demand for any Geopoints within the
Geofence. (This function can be useful when debugging.)
View Geopoints in a Geofence
For any Geofence that is currently active (i.e. is under server-side monitoring), a checkbox option
displays Geopoints located within the Geofence. Geopoints located within the Geofence are
represented by a marker for Google Maps inside the Geofence.
The frequency of refresh on the screen is controlled by the refresh interval. The value is in seconds and
can be set to a value from 10 to 300. You can force a refresh by clicking the refresh button. See the
image below.
Geofence API
The Geolocation service provides the following APIs:
Run the OnEnter action
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Backendless REST API
Run the OnStay action
Run the OnExit action
Retrieve geopoints from a geofence
Run the OnEnter Action
Requests the server to run the configured OnEnter action for a geofence either for all geopoints located
within the geofence or for the specified geopoint.
- name of the geofence for which the OnEnter action will run.
- geopoint object ( or array with point coordinates ) for which the
OnEnter action will run.
Response body:
Number of geopoints for which the action has been executed.
Run the OnStay Action
Requests the server to run the configured OnStay action for a geofence either for all geopoints located
within the geofence or for the specified geopoint.
- name of the geofence for which the OnStay action will run.
- geopoint object ( or array with point coordinates ) for which the
OnEnter action will run.
Response body:
Number of geopoints for which the action has been executed.
Run the OnExit Action
Requests the server to run the configured OnExit action for a geofence either for all geopoints located
within the geofence or for the specified geopoint.
- name of the geofence for which the OnExit action will run.
- geopoint object ( or array with point coordinates ) for which the
OnEnter action will run.
Response body:
Number of geopoints for which the action has been executed.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Geo Service
Retrieve Geopoints from a Geofence
Retrieves a collection of geopoints currently located within a geofence.
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
- name of the geofence for retrieve.
- BackendlessGeoQuery object.
Backendless REST API
80, 104, 124
-UUser Properties
defining with API 6
defining with console
update user registration
User Registration
API call
disable registration
email confirmation
registration with external system
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
Endnotes 2... (after index)
© 2015 Backendless Corp.
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