PIERS Proceedings, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, March 27–30, 2012 806 Design of a Wide Dual-band Microstrip Antenna for WLANs Applications Abdulkareem S. Abdullah and Nabil E. Abdulhussein Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq Abstract— This paper presents a new design to obtain wide dual-band operation from a singlefeed microstrip antenna loaded with a chip resistor and two cross-slots in ground plane. The lower band of the proposed antenna has a bandwidth of 12.5% around 2550 MHz, and the upper band has a bandwidth of 6.3% around 5263 MHz and 6.41% around 5651 MHz. The obtained bandwidths cover WLANs operations in both the 2.4 GHz (2400–2483.5 MHz) and 5.2 GHz (5150– 5350 MHz) or 5.6 GHz (5470–5825 MHz) bands. A three dimensional finite-difference time-domain (3-D FDTD) method is employed to analyze the proposed structure and find its performance. 1. INTRODUCTION Some applications such as satellite links, wireless local networks (WLAN), cellular telephones and global positioning system (GPS) require wide-band dual-frequency antennas, and microstrip patch antennas can be used to satisfy these requirements due to their low profile structure, light weight, ease of integration with microwave integrated circuits (MICs), and capability of producing dual frequency operations [1, 2]. Various methods have been used to achieve dual frequency operation such as excitation of orthogonal modes [3], using slots in the patch [4, 5], loading the patch with shorting pins [6, 7], using stacked patch [8, 9] and using planner antennas with special geometries to create several resonance paths [10]. Using these methods achieve very narrow bandwidth, 0.5%–1.5% (SWR = 2), so it is necessary to use additional techniques to improve it. In this paper, a technique of adding a resistive load between patch and ground plane at suitable position is used to achieve acceptable return losses at desired frequencies. A two cross slots in ground plane is created to control the two resonant frequencies and for antenna size reduction. A full-wave method of a three dimensional finite- difference time-domain (3-D FDTD) method is employed to analyze the proposed structure and find its performance. A proposed antenna provides two bands, the lower band covers ISM band (2400–2483.5 MHz) which is required by WLAN IEEE 802.11b,g standard, Bluetooth, and the higher band covers one of U-NII1 (5150–5350 MHz), UNII2 (5470–5725 MHz) and U-NII3/ISM (5725–5825 MHz) which is required by IEEE 802.11a and HiperLAN2 standards [11]. In Section 2 the details of the design considerations of the proposed antenna are described. The simulation results are presented in Section 3. Conclusion is presented in Section 4. 2. ANTENNA DESIGN Figure 1 shows the structure of the proposed antenna. The patch has a width of 13 mm and length of 10 mm which is approximately equal to the half-wavelength at 6 GHz. The patch is fabricated on (23 × 20) mm2 FR4 substrate with a thickness of 1.6 mm, a relative permittivity of 4.4 and a loss tangent of 0.02. A chip resistor is connected between the patch and ground plane at 1 mm above patches center. A chip resistor presence causes the antenna to operate at two frequencies with wide bandwidth. A two cross-slots in ground plane are existed to control the two resonant frequencies and to reduce the antenna size. The vertical arm of the lower cross-slot has a length of (L) mm and the vertical arm of the upper cross-slot has a length of (L − 2) mm. The horizontal arms of upper and lower cross-slot have length of (d mm), a width of all arms are 1 mm. A 50 Ω probe feed is used for feeding the antenna. The optimal feed position is found to be 3 mm left of the chip resistor along x-axis to ensure acceptable values of return loss at the two bands. 3-D FDTD method is used for the simulation of the complete structure of the antenna including the resistive load. The FDTD problem space is composed of cells with ∆x = 0.5 mm, ∆y = 0.5 mm and ∆z = 0.533 mm which are selected to be smaller than (1/20) wavelength of maximum frequency (6 GHz) in order to ensure the accuracy of the computed results [12, 13]. These cell sizes make the volume of object to be (40∆x, 46∆y and 3∆z). The boundaries are terminated by 8 cells conventional perfect match layers (CPML) and 10 cells air gap is left between the object in the problem space and CPML boundaries. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, KL, MALAYSIA, March 27–30, 2012 807 (a) Patch side view (b) Ground plane view Figure 1: Proposed configuration for dual-band microstrip antenna. Figure 2: Return losses of the proposed antenna for different R values at L = 9 mm and d = 8 mm. Figure 3: Return losses of the antenna for different value of L at d = 8 mm. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Effect of Chip Resistor R The effects of chip resistor loading are studied first. In order to obtain minimum return losses at the desired two frequency bands, the chip resistor is placed at 1 mm above the patches centre, and its value is changed from 0 Ω (shorting case) to 2 Ω. For the case of using chip resistor of larger value, the ohmic loss of the antenna quickly increases and the radiation efficiency decreases [14]. Fig. 2 shows the calculated return losses of the proposed antenna at different values of chip resistor and the corresponding results are given in Table 1. It is noticeable that as the value of the chip resistor increases from 0 to 2 Ω the bandwidth of the two bands increases. The positions of two resonant frequencies are very slightly affected by variation of chip resistor value. The optimal feed position need to be moved further from the chip resistor when the loading resistance increases. It is seen that at the shorting case the distance between the feed position and chip resistor is 1 mm, and at the 2 Ω case the distance is 3 mm. 3.2. Effect of Vertical Arms Length L To find the effect of the vertical arms of the two cross-slots on the two operating frequencies, the length of the two vertical arms (L) and (L−2) is varied at fixed length of horizontal arms of the two cross-slots (d = 8 mm) and R = 2 Ω. Fig. 3 shows the calculated return losses for two frequencies at different values of L. Figure 4 shows the two resonant frequencies and the frequency ratio (fr2 /fr1 ) against L. The corresponding calculated dual-frequency performance is listed in Table 2. The results clearly show that, upon the increasing of the slot length L, the lower frequency fr1 is not affected by the variation of L and it remains at 2550 MHz. On the other hand, the higher frequency fr2 is decreased and PIERS Proceedings, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, March 27–30, 2012 808 Table 1: Performance of the antenna for different values of a chip resistor at L = 9 mm and d = 8 mm. R (Ω) 0 1 1.5 2 fr1 MHz 2571 2554 2550 BW1 MHz, % 142, 5.52 224, 8.77 307, 12.04 fr2 MHz 5197 5231 5232 5263 BW2 MHz, % 127, 2.04 273, 5.22 272, 5.20 332, 6.30 Table 2: Performance of the proposed antenna for different values of L at R = 2 Ω and d = 8 mm. L mm 5 7 9 10 fr1 MHz 2550 2550 2550 2550 BW1 MHz, % 307, 12.04 307, 12.04 307, 12.04 307, 12.04 fr2 MHz 5991 5550 5263 5136 BW2 MHz, % 325, 5.45 290, 5.23 332, 6.30 340, 6.62 (a) Patch side view Figure 4: Calculated resonant frequencies fr1 and fr2 and frequency ratio (fr2 /fr1 ) against L. (f2 /f1 ) 2.35 2.18 2.06 2.01 (b) Ground plane view Figure 5: A photograph of the proposed dual-band microstrip antenna. is lower than 6000 MHz. Also, from the results, it is found that the optimal feed positions for the present design are almost about the same, which indicate that the feed position is not affected by the variation of L. From Table 2, at L = 9 mm, the lower mode of the proposed design has a 10 dB bandwidth of 307 MHz (2398–2705 MHz), and the upper mode has a bandwidth of 332 MHz (5097–5429 MHz). The obtained bandwidths cover WLAN operations in two bands, the first band is ISM band (2400– 2483.5 MHz) which is required by WLAN IEEE 802.11b,g and Bluetooth standards, and the second band is U-NII1 (5150–5350 MHz) band which is required by IEEE 802.11a and HiperLAN2 standards. The photograph of the proposed design with L = 9 mm, d = 8 mm and R = 2 Ω is shown in Fig. 5. The measured and simulated return losses are shown in Fig. 6. Figure 6 shows the simulated bandwidth is 307 MHz at 2550 MHz while the measured bandwidth is 366 MHz at 2590 MHz. 3.3. Effect of Horizontal Arms Length d The horizontal arms length d is varied with fixed L (L = 8 mm) and R = 2 Ω. Fig. 7 shows the calculated return losses for two frequencies at different values of d. The two resonant frequencies (fr1 and fr2 ) and the frequency ratio (fr2 /fr1 ) against d variation are shown in Fig. 8. The corresponding antenna performance listed in Table 3. From the above result, the increasing in slot length d has same effect on the two resonant frequencies and causes decreasing in both of them, so that the frequency ratio approximately Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, KL, MALAYSIA, March 27–30, 2012 809 Figure 6: Measured and simulated return losses for L = 9 mm, d = 8 mm and R = 2 Ω. Figure 7: Calculated return losses for different values of d at L = 8 mm. Figure 8: Resonant frequencies fr1 and fr2 and frequency ratio (fr2 /fr1 ) against d. Figure 9: Measured and simulated return losses for L = 8 mm, d = 2 mm and R = 2 Ω. Table 3: Performance of the proposed antenna for different values of d at R = 2 Ω and L = 8 mm. d mm 2 4 8 12 fr1 MHz 2553 2543 2520 2431 BW1 MHz, % 319, 12.5 311, 12.23 294, 11.67 253, 10.41 fr2 MHz 5651 5573 5447 5311 BW2 MHz, % 362, 6.41 351, 6.30 307, 5.64 158, 2.97 (f2 /f1 ) 2.21 2.19 2.16 2.18 remains constant compared with the case of varying L. It is clear that, the increasing in d causes longer paths for two modes. From Table 3, it is shown that, by set d = 2 mm the lower mode of the proposed design has a bandwidth of 319 MHz (2394–2713 MHz), and the upper mode has a bandwidth of 362 MHz (5467– 5829 MHz). The obtained bandwidths cover WLAN operations in two bands, the first band is ISM band (2400–2483.5 MHz) which is required by IEEE 802.11b,g and Bluetooth standards and the second band is U-NII2 (5470–5725 MHz) and U-NII3/ISM (5725–5825 MHz) bands which is required by IEEE 802.11a standard. The proposed design with L = 8 mm, d = 2 mm and R = 2 Ω has been fabricated, and the measured and simulated return losses of designed antenna are shown in Fig. 9. It is shown that the simulated bandwidth is 319 MHz at 2553 MHz while the measured bandwidth is 341 MHz at 2580 MHz. 4. FAR-FIELDS CALCULATIONS With the FDTD technique, the direct evaluation of the far field calls for an excessively large computational domain, which is not practical. Instead, the far-zone electromagnetic fields are computed PIERS Proceedings, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, March 27–30, 2012 810 ↑y 900 ↑y 9010 120 120 60 60 o xy plane xy plane - 10 150 o θ = 90 -10 θ = 90 0 -20 150 30 30 -30 - 20 ↑φ ↑φ x 0 ÿ→ 180 210 330 240 210 330 Dθ 300 dB x 0 ÿ→ 180 240 Dφ 270 Dθ 300 dB Dφ 270 (a) 2.45 GHz (b) 5.2 GHz (c) 5.6 GHz Figure 10: Radiation patterns in the xy plane cut. ↑z 30 ↑z θ 0 10 θ → ← 30 θ 0 10 θ → ← 30 o φ = 0 0 - 10 60 60 - 10 60 60 - 20 x 90 → 90 120 120 150 dB o φ = 0 xz plane - 20 150 30 0 xz plane 180 x 90 → 90 120 Dθ 120 150 Dφ dB (a) 2.45 GHz Dθ 150 Dφ 180 (b) 5.2 GHz (c) 5.6 GHz Figure 11: Radiation patterns in the xz plane cut. θ 30 ← ↑z 0 10 θ → ↑z 30 30 o φ = 90 0 - 10 30 yz plane 60 - 10 60 - 20 60 - 20 y 90 → 90 120 120 y 90 → 90 120 120 Dθ Dθ 150 dB o φ = 90 0 yz plane 60 θ 0 10 θ → ← 150 180 (a) 2.45 GHz Dφ 150 dB 150 180 Dφ (b) 5.2 GHz (c) 5.6 GHz Figure 12: Radiation patterns in the yz plane cut. from the near-field FDTD data through a near-field to far-field transformation technique [15]. The directivity patterns are calculated in the xy, xz, and yz plane cuts at 2.45 GHz, 5.2 GHz, and 5.6 GHz. These patterns are plotted in Fig. 10, Fig. 11, and Fig. 12, respectively. 5. CONCLUSION A new microstrip patch antenna is proposed in this paper to obtain a wide-band dual-band operation. The proposed antenna is loaded by a chip resistor between patch and ground plane and two cross-slots in the ground plane are created. The proposed structure is analyzed by the 3D-FDTD method, and the chip resistor values and dimensions of the two cross-slots are varied to control the two resonant frequencies and their bandwidths. The calculated results of the proposed antenna Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, KL, MALAYSIA, March 27–30, 2012 811 agree well with experimental results. It is found that antenna can operate at two bands, the first band covers ISM (2400–2483.5 MHz) band, and the second band covers U-NII1 (5150–5350 MHz) band. 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