Comments on "A shaped reflector antenna for 60

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Comments on “A Shaped Reflector Antenna for 60-GHz
Indoor Wireless LAN Access Points”
A. Kumar
A shaped reflector antenna principles and theory of [1] are based
on the papers described by Kumar [2]–[4].These papers described
the X-band, circularly polarized shaped beam telemetry antenna
suitable for retransmitting the radar data back to an earth terminal.
The telemetry coverage area extends in all directions from nadir to
6 above the horizon as seen from the earth station. These telemetry
antennas were used for the European Space Agency (ESA) ERS-1
and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) RADARSAT-1 satellites. The
reflector was shaped using geometrical optics (GO) and the design
satisfy the Snell’s law for a reflecting surface and the principle of
energy conservation.
The authors of the above paper [1] have used the same principle, and
similar types of radiation patterns are produced. However, two points
are different in the above paper: 1) the design frequency (60 GHz) and
2) the application of antenna for indoor wireless LAN access points.
Therefore, the authors should have referenced [2] and [3] in their paper
I appreciate the authors [1] using a shaped reflector antenna for 60
GHz indoor wireless LAN access points.
[1] P. F. M. Smulders, S. Khusial, and M. H. A. J. Herben, “A shaped reflector antenna for 60-GHz indoor wireless LAN access points,” IEEE
Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 50, pp. 584–591, Mar. 2001.
[2] A. Kumar, “Highly shaped beam telemetry antenna for the ERS-1 satellite,,” in Proc. Montech ’86 IEEE Conference on Antennas and Communication, 1986, IEEE Cat. No. TH0156-0.
, “Highly shaped beam telemetry antenna for the ERS-1 satellite,”
Inst. Elect. Eng. Proc., vol. 134, pp. 106–108, 1987.
, “Circularly polarized satellite antenna feed with microstrip components,” presented at the Presented at the 40th Annual IEEE Broadcast
Technology Symposium, 1990.
Manuscript received November 29, 2001; revised May 17, 2002.
The author is with the AK Electromagnetique, Inc., Les Coteaux, QC J7X
1H5, Canada (e-mail:
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