Martinrea International’s EDI Specifications AIAG version 4010 ANSI X12 856 (ASN) Segment: ST – Transaction Set Header Position: 010 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element ST01 143 Transaction Set Identifier Code Code uniquely identifying a Transaction Set 856 X12.10 Ship Notice/Manifest ST02 329 Transaction Set Control Number Identifying control number assigned by the originator for a Transaction Set. This number should match the value in SE02 Example: Name ST*856*12350001 Segment: BSN – Beginning Segment for Ship Notice Position: 020 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To transmit identifying numbers, dates, and other basic data relating to the Transaction set Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element Name BSN01 353 Transaction Set Purpose Code Code identifying purpose of transaction set 00 Original 01 Cancellation 05 Replace 12 Not Processed BSN02 396 Shipment Identification ASN number that uniquely identifies a specific shipment Packing slip numbers should be used as the ASN number BSN03 373 Date Date of ASN creation (YYYYMMDD) BSN04 337 Time Time of ASN creation expressed in 24-hour clock time (HHMM) Example: BSN*00*160628*20100604*1205 Segment: DTM – Date/Time/Period Position: 040 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To specify applicable dates and times of shipments Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element Name DTM01 374 Date/Time Qualifier Code specifying type of date and time 011 Shipped Date and time shipment leaves supplier Premises DTM02 373 Date Date (YYYYMMDD) DTM03 337 Time Time expressed in 24-hour clock time (HHMM) Example: DTM*011*20100604*1200 Segment: HL – Hierarchical Level Position: 050 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To identify dependencies among and the content of hierarchically related Groups of data segments Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element Name HL01 628 Hierarchical ID Number A unique number assigned by the sender to identify a Particular data segment in a hierarchical structure. ‘1’ for the first HL segment and incremented by ‘1’ in each subsequent HL segment within the transaction set HL02 734 Hierarchical Parent ID Number The ID number of the parent HL segment. Required for All HL segments at the order and item levels HL03 735 Hierarchical Level Code Code defining the characteristics of a level in a Hierarchical structure I Item S Shipment Example: HL~1~~S HL~2~1~I Segment: MEA – Measurements Position: 120 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To specify physical measurements, including dimensions, tolerances, weights, and counts. This will be at the shipment hierarchical level. Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. MEA01 Data Element 737 Name Measurement Reference ID Code Code specifying the application of physical measurement PD Physical Dimensions MEA02 738 Measurement Qualifier Code identifying the type of measurement. G Gross Weight T Tare Weight MEA03 739 Measurement Value The value of the measured dimension MEA04 355 Unit of Measurement Code Code identifying the basic unit of measurement KG Kilogram LB Pound Example: MEA*PD*G*6367*KG MEA*PD*T*2212*KG Segment: TD1 – Carrier Details Position: 150 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To specify the transportation details relative to commodity, weight and quantity. Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element TD101 103 TD102 80 Example: Name Packaging Code Code identifying type of packaging. PLT90 CTN71 Lading Quantity Number of units of the lading commodity TD1*CNT90*12 Segment: TD5 – Carrier Details (Routing Sequence) Position: 160 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To specify the routing of shipment, carrier and transportation method. Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element Name TD501 133 Routing Sequence Code Code describing the relationship of a carrier to a specific Shipment movement B Origin/Delivery Carrier TD502 66 Identification Code Qualifier Code designating the system /method of code structure Used for Identification Code (67) 02 Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) TD503 67 Identification Code Carrier SCAC code TD504 91 Transportation Method/Type Code Code specifying the method or type of transportation for The shipment . A Air AE Air Express C Consolidation E Expedited Truck LT Less then Trailer Load M Motor (Common Carrier) PC Private Carrier Example: TD5*B*02*CTII*M Segment: TD3 – Carrier Details (Equipment) Position: 170 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To identify dependencies among and the content of hierarchically related Groups of data segments Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element Name TD301 40 Equipment Description Code Code identifying type of equipment used for shipment TL Trailer Load LT Less then Trailer Load TD303 207 Equipment Number Conveyance Number Example: TD3*TL**123 Segment: REF – Reference Numbers Position: 190 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To specify identifying numbers. Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element Name REF01 128 Reference Number Qualifier Code qualifying the Reference Number AW Air Waybill Number BM Bill of Lading Number FR Freight Bill Number PK Packing List Number REF02 127 Reference Number Reference number or identification number as defined for A particular Transaction Set, or as specified by the Reference Number Qualifier (128) Example: REF*BM*160628 REF*PK*160628 Segment: N1 – Name Position: 260 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To identify a party by type of organization, name and code. Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element N101 98 Entity Identifier Code Code identifying an organizational entity or physical Location. SF Ship From ST Ship To N103 66 Identification Code Qualifier Code designating the system/method of code structure Used for Identification Code (67) 92 Assigned by Buyer N104 67 Identification Code Code Identifying a party ie: Supplier ID, Customer ID Plant Code, Supplier DUNS number, Customer DUNS Number. Example: Name N1*ST**92*625192153 N1*SF**92*123456789 Segment: LIN – Item Identification Position: 060 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To specify basic item identification data. Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element Name LIN02 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive Number used in Product/Service ID (234) BP Buyer’s Part Number RC Returnable Container No. LIN03 234 Product/Service ID Identifying number for product or service Example: LIN**BP*GM-AGU02974 Segment: SN1 – Item Detail (Shipment) Position: 070 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To specify line-item detail relative to shipment. Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element Name SN102 382 Number of Units Shipped Numeric value of units shipped in manufacturer’s Shipping units for a line item or transaction set. SN103 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code Code identifying the basic unit of measurement SN104 646 Quantity Shipped to Date Number of units shipped to date Example: SN1**1200*EA*49394 Segment: PRF – Purchase Order Reference Position: 090 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To provide reference to a specific purchase order Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. PRF01 Example: Data Element 324 PRF*14144 Name Purchase Order Number Identifying number for Purchase Order assigned by the Orderer/Purchaser CLD/REF Loop Segment: CLD – Load Detail Level: CLD occurs 1 in the loop Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To specify the number of containers and the quantity per container Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element Name CLD01 622 Number of Loads (Containers) CLD02 382 Number of Units Shipped (Part quantity) in container Number of units per container CLD03 103 Packaging Code CTN71 – Container PLT71 – Pallet SKD71 – Skids RTN71 – Returnable Containers Segment: REF – Reference Numbers Level: REF occurs multiple times Usage: Mandatory Purpose: Used to show shipping label serial numbers Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. REF01 Data Element 128 Name Reference Number Qualifier ‘SE’ container serial ‘LS’ master serial REF02 Example: 127 Reference Number Label serial number CLD*6*100 REF*LS*07226227 REF*SE*07226228 REF*SE*07226229 REF*SE*07226230 REF*SE*07226231 REF*SE*07226232 REF*SE*07226233 CLD*6*100 REF*LS*07226234 REF*SE*07226235 REF*SE*07226236 REF*SE*07226237 REF*SE*07226238 REF*SE*07226239 REF*SE*07226240 Segment: CTT – Transaction Totals Position: 370 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To transmit a hash total of a specific element in the transaction set. Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element Name CTT01 354 Number of Line Items Total number of HL loops in the transaction set CTT02 347 Hash Total Sum of values of the specific data element. Total of Quantities from SN102 Example: CTT*3*2351 Segment: SE – Transaction Set Trailer Position: 0380 Usage: Mandatory Purpose: To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the Transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments Data Element Summary Ref. Pos. Data Element SE01 96 Number of Included Segments Total number of segments included in a transaction set Including ST and SE segments. SE02 329 Transaction Set Control Number Identifying control number assigned by the originator for A transaction set. Example: Name SE*46*12350001 SAMPLE RAW DATA OF AN 856 ST*856*12350001 BSN*00*160628*20100604*1205 DTM*011*20100604*1200 HL*1**S MEA*PD*G*6367*KG MEA*PD*T*2212*KG TD1*CNT90*12 TD5*B*02*CTII*M TD3*TL**123 REF*BM*160628 REF*PK*160628 N1*ST**92*625192153 N1*SF**92*123456789 HL*2**I LIN**BP*GM-AGU02974 SN1**1200*EA*49394 PRF*14144 CLD*6*100 REF*LS*07226227 REF*SE*07226228 REF*SE*07226229 REF*SE*07226230 REF*SE*07226231 REF*SE*07226232 REF*SE*07226233 CLD*6*100 REF*LS*07226234 REF*SE*07226235 REF*SE*07226236 REF*SE*07226237 REF*SE*07226238 REF*SE*07226239 REF*SE*07226240 CTT*4*2351 SE*46*12350001