Parent friendly curriculum bridge

Alderwood Bridge
Curriculum Information
for Parents
Alderwood supports
children with challenges
and aims to transform
them into happy, healthy
and inquisitive learners
with a spirit of adventure
and the skills to engage in
(Alderwood Learning
The process begins by ensuring that Alderwood identifies and meets children’s needs in an holistic way.
Pupils’ basic needs are met, their emotions are recognised and accepted in a non- judgemental way and
they quickly feel they belong to their new community.
Expectations placed on pupils are high from the start, and progress in learning and achievement is the
ambition for all, however this is achieved with a balance of educational, enriching and therapeutic
experiences aimed at supporting the development of the children's relationship with each other and with
the staff. The curriculum is organised around a structured day with predictable routines. The adults are
reliable and consistent in their approach to the children. Rich and challenging experiences are used to build
confidence and manage emotions which becomes a catalyst for achieving potential in all areas.
Alderwood develops powerful learners by helping pupils to develop self-awareness, self-regulation,
empathy, motivation and social skills. Of crucial importance is the development of effective communication,
everything is verbalised, with an emphasis on the adults engaging with the children in shared experiences,
be that play, meals, reading or talking about thoughts, ideas and feelings. Whatever the task, be it academic,
physical or personal development – Alderwood is a place of learning.
Broadening pupils’ experiences is central to the Alderwood curriculum. This may be working in different
environments, with different people, or through innovative and creative teaching that allows children to
experience success, excitement, challenge and risk within a safe and supportive environment.
Learning outside the classroom can provide some of our most memorable learning experiences and help us
to make sense of the world around us by making links between learning and feelings. These experiences
influence our values and the decisions we make. Alderwood aims to provide a wide-ranging experience of
outdoor learning and to help pupils to transfer this learning into their classroom and their wider lives.
The development of emotional intelligence is achieved through an active enrichment curriculum that
demonstrates the value placed on each individual, while supporting them to express their own feelings and
build effective communication and authentic relationships.
Alderwood celebrates success and supports its pupils to learn from their mistakes. Regular time is given for
reflection at the end of each session and in weekly target-setting meetings. Pupils learn to consider next
steps and to set challenging goals for themselves. Success is celebrated regularly so that pupils can
Internalise the value Alderwood places on them as an individual.
English skills are at the heart of the learning experience. Pupils focus on their individual needs in reading,
spelling, handwriting and speaking and listening. All pupils are given one to one time to focus on their key
areas of need. English lessons are where we work on planning and writing structure. The most important
thing is to get your children enthusiastic about writing and to view themselves as a writer. Pupils will try a
range writing types including narrative, discussion, persuasion, poetry, explanation, reports, and
Instructions—while all the of time focusing on the key skill of effective communication.
Maths is a personalised learning experience. Each child is assessed on entry and areas of strength and
weakness identified. Pupils receive a tailored curriculum to meet their identified needs and to ensure that
they can cope within any future setting. The curriculum covers all the key areas such as number, shape,
data handling and problem solving. There is a strong focus on the key skills.
Science at Alderwood is a practical subject that links direct practical experience with scientific ideas.
During their time at Alderwood pupils will study a range of topics. During their placement pupils will study
the skills needed to think scientifically, the critical evaluation of evidence, practical and enquiry skills.
These skills will be developed alongside the knowledge based aspects of the subjects studied. Pupils will
be assessed on entry to the unit and at the end of each term. In order to ensure that pupils make progress
misconceptions and gaps in pupil’s knowledge will be tackled as they arise.
Specific ICT skills are taught to pupils during ICT lessons and across the curriculum. It is intended that
these lessons will build pupils’ confidence with ICT and give them the skills and understanding that they
need to be confident and safe users of ICT in the 21st Century. Pupils will have opportunities to apply and
develop these skills through their ICT work in other subjects. Pupils are assessed throughout the course
and will develop skills to research information, amend and refine their work and communicate their work
to a wider audience.
All pupils have a one hour PE lesson each week alongside a fortnightly Swimming lesson. We believe that
swimming is a life skill and it is crucial that all pupils develop confidence and competence in the water. It
is our aim to help children learn and enjoy PE and team games so they have a life skill that will help them
to stay fit and healthy.
The PSHE Ed curriculum at Alderwood is focused on those subjects that will be important in helping pupils
to keep themselves healthy and safe now and in later life. Topics taught include Relationship Education,
Personal Safety and Understanding Differences. During their placement pupils will have many
opportunities to consider their roles and responsibilities as citizens of the 21st Century. Pupils will also be
taught to consider their own behaviours, what is expected of them and how they should respond to
other people.
Enrichment Curriculum
The Enrichment curriculum takes place throughout the year and includes a range of adventurous activities
such as sailing and Horse Riding as well as the creative subjects such as art, design, technology and
cooking. It is our intention to challenge pupils to help them develop important attributes and attitudes
such as resilience, confidence and determination alongside being able to work with a range of people, to
reflect on and evaluate their work and to celebrate their success and that of others.
What our pupils say
about us...
Since being at Alderwood I
have been able to come to
school every day. That is
because I feel safe.
Children change at
Alderwood, they let
themselves learn.
Staff at Alderwood respect you,
provide help and support and look
after us well.
Alderwood helps you want to
learn when you leave and go
back to your school.
When I first came
here I wouldn’t do
any work and now I
will do about 5 pages.
I like small class groups
because there are less people to feel worried about. I
learn better in a small group
with more attention.
Alderwood teaches
respect for others and
makes you confident.
I have loved
being at
Alderwood it has
been fun.