()SEALCON 800-456-8012/303-t99-1135 Call for a Quote! Protection {IP) Ratings per EN 60529 / DIN VDE 0470-1 International Protection, EN 60529 l.Code -: IP 0 Pto4ection ol equipment ogotnst pe_....., ol sol;d lore;gn objech IP 1 IP 2 IP 3 IP 4 Non·protected Non-protected IPO IPOO Protected against access to hazardous parts with the bock of the hand Protected against solid foreign objects larger in d iameter tlian 50 mm IP 1 IP 10 IP 11 IP 12 Protected against access to hazardous ports with o finger Protected against solid foreign objec t la rger in d iameter Ilion 12, 5 mm IP2 IP20 IP21 IP22 IP23 Protected against access to haz ardous po rts with a tool larger in d iameter than 25mm Protected against solid foreign objects larger in diameter than 2,5 mm IP3 IP30 IP 3 1 IP32 IP33 IP34 Protected ogoins·t access to hazardous ports w ith o wi re la rg er on diameter than 1,0mm Protected against solid foreign objects larger in d iameter Ilion 1 mm IP4 IP40 IP41 IP42 IP43 IP44 of dust sufficient to cause damage inside the equipment. IP S IPSO Dust proof IP6 IP60 Protected against access to hazardous parts with o wire larger on d iameter than 1,0 mm Protected against access to hazardous ports with a wire larger m d iameter IP 5 IP 6 IP 7 IP 8 IP66 IP67 IP68 Prevents P.enetration IP54 IP 55 IP65 than I ,Omm IK-marking, EN 50102 IK·marking consists o f 2 codes (Bsp. IK 06) . 2 codes oder references d egree o f protection against mechanical wear & tear. i ~ 02 ' '• h (em) 1mpoet energy 01 7 ,5 O,t5 02 tO 0,20 03 17,5 0,35 04 25 0,50 35 0,70 05 f ~ 0,51<o 20 06 07 08 09 10 114 UJ f 1.7\4 ' ... Limited Liability Products. design, colors and dimensions ore subject 40 2 29,5 5 20 10 40 20 10 change w itho ut p rio r no tke. W e re$-erve the right to ma ke technicol improvements on o il our products, currently otdered or for future otders. It is lha user's responsibility to vetify a ll dimensions and technical data . HUMMEl AG will assume no liab ility reg arding information provid · ed to the user by published literohJ(e or in.side technical staff, its distributors and out· side soles personnel. Errors in the cata log con occur and shall nol creole any liobil· ily w hot•oever for HUMMEL AG. A ll information provided by HUMMEL AG i• Dimensions and specifications may w i tho ut guo(ontee and must be changed without prior notice be vedfied by the user.