NON CONTACT CAPACITIVE TECHNIQUE FOR BIOMASS FLOW SENSING BY RUMANA TASNIM A dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science (Electronics Engineering) Kulliyyah of Engineering International Islamic University Malaysia JUNE 2013 ABSTRACT Flow sensing technology from today’s application perspective has gained significant research interest in studying the flow sensing behavior of biomass materials over past few years. In order to facilitate the requirements of real-time flow measurement, a capacitance technique for biomass flow sensing has been developed in this research which is based on an operational amplifier based capacitive bridge circuit connected with sensing electrodes. The research objective is fulfilled via simulation and experimental validation through hardware implementation of a flow sensing set up. The experimental results have specified the measurement system which is able to sense flow variation as a change of dielectric permittivity of different biomass materials under room condition. The novelty of this research lies in the use of simple structured capacitive sensing circuit along with two different types of measuring electrodes for analyzing biomass flow sensing behavior. As a whole, this work aims to investigate and analyze biomass flow sensing behavior in order to open up a branch of research for practical implementation. ii ﺧﻼﺻﺔ ﺍﻟﺒﺤﺚ ىف العقود القليلة املاضية اكتسبت تكنولوجيا االستشعارمن وجهة نظرالتطبيق االهتمامات البحثية يف دراسة سلوك تدفق مواد الكتلة احليوية .من أجل تسهيل متطلبات قياس التدفق يف الوقت احلقيقي ،قد مت تطويرنظام قياس السعة الستشعارتدفق الكتلةاحليوية يف هذاالبحث الذي يقوم على أساس تشغيلي معتمداعلى مضخم الدائرة الكهرباية متصال مع نوعني خمتلفني من األقطاب الكهربائية لالستشعار .حققت اهداف البحث عن طريق احملاكاة والتجربة املعملية .مت التحقق من صحة نتائج احملاكاة جتريبيا من خالل تنفيذ وضبط التجربة العملية .النتائج املعملية اثبتت انتظام القياس قادر على قراءة االختالفات الطفيفة ىف تدفق الكتلة احليوية حتت الظروف العادية .ويالحظ توافق نتائج احملاكاة والنتائج املعملية التجريبية تقريبا .قيمة هذا البحث تكمن يف استخدام دوائرالسعةاحلرارية صممت خصيصا لالستشعار جنبا إىل جنب مع قياس اقطاب القياس .وهذه العملية هتدف إىل حتقيق وحتليل تقنية االستشعار لتدفق الكتلة احليوية من أجل التحفيز على البحث بشأن التنفيذ العملي. iii APPROVAL PAGE I certify that I have supervised and read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science Electronics Engineering. ……………………………… Sheroz Khan Supervisor ……………………………… Musse Mohamud Ahmed Co-Supervisor I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science Electronics Engineering ……………………………… Anis Nurashikin Nordin Internal Examiner ……………………………… Ye Chow Kuang External Examiner This dissertation was submitted to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science Electronics Engineering. ……………………………… Othman O. Khalifa Head, Department of ECE This dissertation was submitted to the Kulliyyah of Engineering and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science Electronics Engineering. ……………………………… Md Noor Bin Saleh Dean, Kulliyyah of Engineering iv DECLARATION I hereby declare that this dissertation is the result of my own investigations, except where otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently submitted as a whole for any other degrees at IIUM or other institutions. Rumana Tasnim Signature……………………………… Date…………………………… v INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF COPYRIGHT ANDAFFIRMATION OF FAIR USE OF UNPUBLISHED RESEARCH Copyright © 2013 by International Islamic University Malaysia. All rights reserved. NON CONTACT CAPACITIVE TECHNIQUE FOR BIOMASS FLOW SENSING No part of this unpublished research may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder except as provided below. 1. Any material contained in or derive from this unpublished research may only be used by others in their writing with due acknowledgement. 2. IIUM or its library will have the right to make and transmit copies (print or electronic) for institutional and academic purposes. 3. The IIUM library will have the right to make, store in a retrieval system and supply copies of this unpublished research if requested by other universities and research libraries. Affirmed by Rumana Tasnim ………………………. Signature ……………………… Date vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In the name of Allah (S.W.T.), the most gracious and merciful Alhamdulillah, all the praises go to Allah Subhanahu WaTa'ala for showering His great blessings on me to carry out and complete this dissertation successfully throughout the years of my achievement toward searching knowledge. At the outset, I gratefully acknowledge my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sheroz Khan for his guidance, incessant encouragement and unwavering support. I owe a great deal of appreciation and gratitude to my co-supervisor, Dr. Musse Mohamud Ahmed for his constructive comments throughout the research work. My sincere thanks are due to my lecturers in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department; Prof. Dr. Othman O. Khalifa, Prof. Dr. A.H.M. Zahirul Alam, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anis Nurashikin Nordin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ibn Ibrahimy and Assist. Prof. Dr. Teddy Surya Gunawan, This acknowledgment would not be complete without mentioning the invaluable support offered by Tawfik, Nazmus, Atika and Javeed that helped me overcoming some difficulties encountered during research work. I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) for providing biomass materials to conduct the experiments. Thanks to everyone who helped me keenly conducting this research. All of your kindness and support means a lot to me. Words are not enough to express my sincere gratitude towards my father Iqbal Hossain, my mother Ummey Salma and my sister Rosedana Tasnim for their unconditional love, devoted support and continuous encouragement throughout the journey. Last but not the least, I express my indebtedness to this glorious institution, International Islamic University Malaysia. Jazakallah Khayran vii To my revered father Iqbal Hossain and beloved mother Ummey Salma viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract .......................................................................................................................... ii Abstract (Arabic)........................................................................................................... iii Approval page ............................................................................................................... iv Declaration page ............................................................................................................ v Copyright page .............................................................................................................. vi Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... vii Table of contents ........................................................................................................... ix List of tables .................................................................................................................. xi List of figures ............................................................................................................... xii List of abbreviations ................................................................................................... xvi List of symbols ........................................................................................................... xvii CHAPTER ONE:INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ........................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Problem statement and its significance .............................................................. 4 1.3 Research objectives ............................................................................................ 5 1.4 Research methodology ....................................................................................... 6 1.5 Research scope ................................................................................................... 6 1.6 Dissertation outline ............................................................................................ 7 CHAPTER TWO:LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................ 9 2.1 Significance of flow measurement and relevant applications ............................ 9 2.2 Overview of measurement principles of gas/solid flow ................................... 11 2.2.1 Contact Type Measurement……………………………………………12 2.2.2 Non-Contact Type Measurement………………………………………15 Optical Sensing Technique………………………………………..15 Microwave Technique…………………………………………….17 Ultrasonic Technique……………………………………………...19 Electrostatic Technique……………………………………………21 Capacitive Sensing Technique…………………………………….23 2.3 Capacitive sensing technique for gas-solid two phase flow............................. 24 2.4 Synopsis of research issues synopsis of research issues .................................. 35 2.5 Research focus ................................................................................................. 37 2.6 Summary .......................................................................................................... 38 CHAPTER THREE:METHODOLOGY................................................................. 39 3.1 Basics on Capacitive Sensors ........................................................................... 39 3.1.1 Determination Of Capacitance In A Capacitive Sensor .......................... 42 3.1.2 Capacitive Position And Displacement Sensor………………………...45 3.2 Capacitive sensing technique ........................................................................... 49 3.3 System structure ............................................................................................... 50 3.3.1 Sensing Part……………………………………………………………50 3.3.2 Processing Part…………………………………………………………54 ix 3.4 Circuit analysis and simulation ........................................................................ 57 3.5 Summary .......................................................................................................... 62 CHAPTER FOUR:RESULTS ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION .......................... 63 4.1 Experimental procedure ................................................................................... 63 4.2 Experimental observation................................................................................ 65 4.3 Results and discussion on type of electrodes, location and biomass flow ....... 66 4.4 Analyzing conformity between simulation and experimental results .............. 86 4.5 Summary ........................................................................................................ 100 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ..................... 101 5.1 Conclusion...................................................................................................... 101 5.2 Recommendation............................................................................................ 105 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 106 PUBLICATIONS ..................................................................................................... 110 APPENDIX A: Capacitance and voltage output graphs as a function of various biomass flow rates .................................................................................................... 110 APPENDIX B:Experimental and simulation Results’ Plots ................................ 126 APPENDIX C:Circuit Derivation .......................................................................... 129 x LIST OF TABLES Table No. Page No. 2.1 Performance Evaluation of Contact Type Gas Flow Measurement Meters 13 3.1 Sensors based on the principle of quantity of interest to measurement events 40 3.2 Properties of biomass test materials 52 3.3 Dielectric constant of biomass materials 54 4.1 Experimental and simulated output voltages arranged in ascending order (for wood flow sensed by CA) 90 4.2 Experimental and simulated output voltages arranged in ascending order (for wood flow sensed by SA) 92 4.3 Experimental and simulated output voltages arranged in ascending order (for fodder flow sensed by SA) 93 4.4 Experimental and simulated output voltages arranged in ascending order (for fodder flow sensed by CA) 94 4.5 Experimental and simulated output voltages arranged in ascending order (for corn flour flow sensed by CA) 96 4.6 Experimental and simulated output voltages arranged in ascending order(for corn flour flow sensed by SA) 97 4.7 Experimental and simulated output voltages arranged in ascending order(for wheat flow sensed by SA) 98 4.8 Experimental and simulated output voltages arranged in ascending order(for wheat flow sensed by CA) 100 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Page No. 1.1 Research methodology flow chart 6 1.2 Research scope flow chart 7 2.1 Gas flow meter 14 2.2 Schematic of optical measurement 17 2.3 Block Diagram of Sensor Set up 18 2.4 Ultrasonic flow sensor 19 2.5 Electrostatic sensor associated with transducer circuit 22 2.6 Capacitance transducer (DC 13) and solids concentration meter (DMC 170) 25 2.7 Interface circuit of concentration sensor 26 2.8 (a) The architecture of Semi cylindrical capacitive sensor and (b) Interface circuit 27 2.9 Schematic of electrode structure on pipe section 29 2.10 Electrode Arrangements (a, b) 30 2.11 Schematic diagram of the capacitive sensor interface circuit 32 2.12 System structure of velocity measurement based on a pair of electrostatic sensors 33 2.13 Electrodes, insulation material and connection terminals 34 3.1 Capacitive Sensor 42 3.2 Changes which can affect capacitive transducer (Area of the plate, distance between the plate, and type of dielectric) 43 3.3 Parallel Plate of Capacitive Sensor 44 3.4 Simple geometries (a) Disk (b) Sphere (c) Coaxial cylinders 44 3.5 A variable distance capacitive displacement sensor 45 3.6 Position sensing relative to a fixed conductor 46 xii 3.7 Sensing by dielectric movement 47 3.8 Block Diagram of research work 49 3.9 Layout of the particle flow test rig. (Sensing Part) 52 3.10 Test materials (Corn flower, fodder, wood, wheat) 53 3.11 Schematic of Electrode shapes (a) Circular (b) Semi circular 54 3.12 Electrode Structure 55 3.13 Circuit arrangement with sensing part 57 3.14 Processing part 58 3.15 PSPice Simulation Circuit for balanced condition 59 3.16 PSPice Simulation result for unbalanced condition 59 3.17 PSPice Simulation circuit for unbalanced condition 60 3.18 PSPice Simulation result for unbalanced condition(Cx=30pF) 60 3.19 PSPice Simulation result for unbalanced condition(Cx=45pF) 61 3.20 Simulated Output Voltage Vo as a function of Change in Capacitance, Cx 61 4.1 (a) Experimental set up (b) Circular and semi circular shaped electrodes 64 4.2 Voltage Output as a function of wood flow (333gm/min) 68 4.3 Capacitance as a function of biomass flow (333gm/min) 68 4.4 Bar graph of wood flow (333gm/min) for circular electrode CA 69 4.5 Bar graph of wood flow (333gm/min) for circular electrode CB 70 4.6 Bar graph of wood flow (333gm/min) for Semi-Circular electrode SA 70 4.7 Bar graph of wood flow (333gm/min) for Semi-Circular electrode SB 71 4.8 Bar graph of biomass flow (333gm/min) for Semi-Circular electrode SC 71 4.9 Voltage Output as a function of corn flour flow range 74 4.10 Capacitance as a function of corn flow (600gm/min) 74 xiii 4.11 Bar graph of corn flour flow (600gm/min) for circular electrode CA 75 4.12 Bar graph of corn flour flow (600gm/min) for circular electrode CB 75 4.13 Bar graph of corn flour flow (600gm/min) for semi-circular electrode SA 76 4.14 Bar graph of corn flour flow (600gm/min) for semi-circular electrode SB 76 4.15 Bar graph of corn flour flow (600gm/min) for semi-circular electrode SC 77 4.16 Voltage Output as a function of wheat flow 78 4.17 Capacitance as a function of biomass flow (600gm/min) 78 4.18 Bar graph of wheat flow over one minute (600gm/min) for circular electrode CA 79 4.19 Bar graph of wheat flow over one minute (600gm/min) for circular electrode CB 79 4.20 Bar graph of wheat flow over one minute (600gm/min) for semi-circular electrode SA 80 4.21 Bar graph of wheat flow over one minute(600gm/min) for semi circular electrode SB 80 4.22 Bar graph of wheat flow over one minute (600gm/min) for semi circular electrode SC 81 4.23 Voltage Output as a function of fodder flow 82 4.24 Capacitance as a function of fodder biomass flow (1000gm/min) 83 4.25 Bar graph of fodder flow (1000gm/min) for circular electrode CA 83 4.26 Bar graph of fodder flow (1000gm/min) for circular electrode CB 84 4.27 Bar graph of fodder flow (1000gm/min) for semi circular electrode SA 84 4.28 Bar graph of fodder flow (1000gm/min) for semi circular electrode SB 85 4.29 Bar graph of fodder flow (1000gm/min) for semi circular electrode SC 85 xiv 4.30 PSPice Simulation circuit for unbalanced condition (due to wood) with equivalent CX=CA=83.3 pF 88 4.31 PSPice simulation result for CX=83.3pF 89 4.32 Experimental and Simulation voltage for wood flow across CA 90 4.33 PSpice simulation circuit for unbalance condition (with CX =62.2pF) 91 4.34 PSpice simulation result for CX=62.2pF 91 4.35 Experimental and Simulation voltage for wood flow across SA 92 4.36 Simulation voltage for 77.6pF 93 4.37 Experimental and Simulation voltage for fodder flow across SA 94 4.38 PSpice simulation result for CX=91.1pF 95 4.39 Experimental and Simulation voltage for fodder flow across CA 95 4.40 Simulation result for CX=91.6pF 96 4.41 Experimental and Simulation voltage for Corn Flour flow across CA 97 4.42 Experimental and Simulation voltage for Corn Flour flow across SA 98 4.43 PSpice simulation result for Wheat Flow (CX=90.4pF) 99 4.44 Experimental and Simulation voltage for Wheat flow across CA 99 4.45 PSPice Simulation result for CX=83.3 pF 100 4.46 Experimental and Simulation voltage for Wheat flow across SA 100 xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio IC Integrated Circuit RPM Rotation per Minute CDC Capacitance-to-Digital Converter OP AMP Operational Amplifier SPICE Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit xvi LIST OF SYMBOLS f - Frequency C - Capacitance of the capacitor ε - Dielectric constant or permeability εr - Relative dielectric constant εo - Free space dielectric constant x - Distance between the plates A - Area of the plates V - Velocity xvii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND Flow sensing and measurement is a challenging engineering task and various flow sensing techniques are used by flow meters and sensors having their own merits and demerits. Accurate flow sensing and measurements require knowledge of the properties of the flow materials (gas, liquid, gas/solid, gas/liquid) when being measured, the measurement range, and the dimensional information on the flow pipe. Additionally it needs the technology details of the flow meters or sensors employed. Based on the principle of measurement, flow meters or sensors could be volumetric, mass, inferential, velocity flow meters etc. Volumetric flow measurement describes the volume of gas or liquid that passes a perpendicular cross-section per unit of time, assuming negligible temperature and pressure variations. Exactly the same way, mass flow measurement determines the mass of the gases/solids/fluids crossing the perpendicular section of a fluid guide per unit of time. Inferential flow meters measure flow using a measureable physical phenomenon associated with fluid flow through differential principle; although less accurate, but their low cost and easy installation make such meters preferential choices for some applications. The sensing behavior and measurement of biomass flow has a typical and complicated nature of the flow medium in industrial process. Further, the process gets complicated because of the variable operating conditions of such process control plants. This significant application has taken root in the form of gas-solid flow in pneumatic conveying systems, and its online measurement has proven to be a 1 challenging research pursuit. Such flow measurements have got wide-spreading applications in various industries namely power generation, chemical, steel making and food processing. The most influential drivers in the academic research and industrial applications for gas-solid flow measurement are energy, environmental regulation and measurement efficiency in waste management area. Particularly in coal-burning plant, solid phase concentration and solid mass flow-rate of pulverized coal flow measurement are frequently required to attain production measurement and process control. Furthermore, the sensing and measurement of the biomass/coal mixture flow for blended biomass in pneumatic pipelines at coal power station is another familiar scenario. This is a crucial issue for industrial manufactures to ensure product quality, stabilize technique process, improve comprehensive automation level and reduce environmental pollution. However, due to the complexity in flow nature of pulverized coal, biomass/coal mixture or blended biomass, it is not simple and easy to establish an accurate flow model. The development of suitable instrumentation for such application frequently poses exigent difficulties particularly in the light of inconsistency of plant operating conditions due to this multifaceted flow medium. Several contact type measurement techniques namely solid flow meter, venture meter have shown maximum 4% accuracy at full scale, high revenue loss during maintenance, inconvenient repeatability and poor robustness. Different flow sensing techniques appear to demonstrate dissimilar perceptions of the flow which in turn affects the signal generated by each different probe as well as on signal analysis. Non-contact techniques like optical based means, capacitive, inductive and electrostatic sensing for gas-solid flow measurement and such flow measurements have been introduced decades ago and being explored as well as developed by researchers worldwide. The 2 term ‘gas-solid mass flow’ indicates the amount of conveyed material mass per unit time through a conveying pipe. In order to conduct the flow measurement, generally velocity profile and volumetric concentration of the flow particles being conveyed are required to be measured. In view of that, the sensing techniques should be developed so as to perceive the flow nature of flow materials which have not yet well-researched. None of the above mentioned technologies have come within the reach of attaining an excellent level of measurement accuracy and precision due to the lack of research activity toward sensing techniques to perceive the flow behavior. However, the capacitive sensing technique is advantageous and favorable over other measurement techniques and it is currently being used numerously in industries due to its’ special features like low production cost, simplicity in structure, non-contact, non-invasion, radiation free and maintenance free nature, high precision, good linearity, quick response, noninterference of the flow field and direct electric signal output. Non-contact capacitive sensing technique generally works on the principal of making changes in the dielectric material content (dielectric constant) that results into changes in capacitance values for the coupling plates being used. Such sensors are constructed from electrodes with dielectric in between them. In flow sensing technique, those electrodes are fitted around pipe wall while the flow particles are used as dielectric. The excitation voltage combined with detection circuits transform capacitance variations into an equivalent voltage signal, frequency or pulse width variation. The conversion of capacitance variation into suitable output depends on the processing circuit used for the purpose. The physical parameters of the process straightforwardly or obliquely affect the capacitance between two electrodes. This variation in capacitance is due to the geometric variations of the plates used or the variation in the dielectric properties of the material in between the electrodes. 3 In order to facilitate the real-time measurement, a capacitance sensing technique for blended biomass flow is developed in this research. A series of strategically designed experiments with known mass flow rate are conducted. Two types of sensing electrodes are used on the basis of circular and semi-circular shaped electrode. To be precise, this research aims to develop a novel non-contact flow sensing technique using an external electronic measurement circuit along with sensing electrodes. The biomass fuels to be tested include wood, corn flour, fodder and wheat. A ground grain (corn flour) will be used to replicate a biomass of finer particles. Furthermore, the sensing behavior of those materials under different test conditions will be evaluated and analyzed for online measurement. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE To enhance industry control quality level as well as uphold enterprise economic benefit accurate sensing and measurement of biomass flow is a major concern. The development of suitable instrumentations for sensing and measurement of biomass flow has shown to be not an easy issue. Most of the existing sensing technologies provide measurement with its own shortcomings, affecting the results of the measurement process. Among the sensing techniques capacitive and electrostatic sensors has demonstrated better reliability. The measurement problem regarding the measurement of very small capacitances is mentionable since cable capacitance and stray capacitance cause inaccuracy. Also, power line interference and interface circuit drift are other issues of concern for research in this work. The problems highlighted to resolve for this research work are summarized below: 4 Complexity in existing measurement circuit model as well as electrode arrangement used for flow piping arrangement Effect of stray capacitance and residual capacitance effect Not much research has been undertaken to analyze sensing behavior of biomass flow. For facilitating the sensing of small capacitive variation and solving the above mentioned problems, a capacitive sensing techniques has been developed for monitoring and analyzing the sensing behaviors of biomass flow. This research enables the biomass flow sensing using an operational amplifier based capacitive bridge circuit, reproducing the output voltage as a representative of the flow. 1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES This research work, after having identified the list of parameters and its methodology is geared toward conducting some tasks as its milestones. To accomplish these tasks productively, the following objectives are identified: 1) To develop a noncontact capacitive technique for sensing biomass flow 2) To carry out hardware implementation using a capacitance bridge circuit along with two types of capacitive electrodes. 3) To analyze biomass flow sensing behavior for the proposed technique by evaluating the measurement data and assessing conformity between experimentally obtained and simulated data. 5 1.4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The following methodology is used for the realization of the results in this work: Figure 1.1: Research methodology flow chart 1.5 RESEARCH SCOPE This research develops a capacitance sensing technique where hardware implementation is done along with the simulation of measurement circuit. The research aims to develop capacitive sensing in a measurement pipe for application in 6 power plant and process industries. The measurement procedure will be comprehensively detailed and results will be evaluated in term of analyzing sensing behavior of biomass materials. Figure 1.2: Research scope flow chart 1.6 DISSERTATION OUTLINE This dissertation is organized as follows: Chapter 1 begins with introductory part, which gives a brief description of gassolid flow measurement technology and its significance in industrial process. Moreover, gas solid flow measurement sensors with some details of capacitive sensors are presented which has led toward the problem statements. The stated problems are 7