Southeastern Electric Exchange 2016 Conference Program

2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Southeastern Electric Exchange
JUNE 27 - JULY 1, 2016
Monday, June 27, 2016
7:00 AM
- 5:00 PM
NESC Session (Closed)
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
8:00 AM
1:30 PM
- 2:00 PM
- 5:00 PM
GE Golf Tournament at TPC Louisiana
NESC Session (Closed)
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
1:00 PM
5:30 PM
- 11:00 AM
- 10:00 AM
- 12:30 PM
- 5:00 PM
- 7:30 PM
Executive Committee Meeting (Closed)
TRADE SHOW, with LUNCH from 11:00-12:30
Thursday, June 30, 2016
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
11:30 AM
8:00 AM
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
1:30 PM
Group Breakfast
Distribution Session
Environmental/Production Joint Session
Finance & Accounting Session
Real Estate and Right-of-Way Session
Substation Session
Supply Chain Management Session
Transmission Line Session
Transportation Session
Friday, July 1, 2016
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
11:30 AM
11:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
Group Breakfast
Distribution Session
Environmental/Production Joint Session
Finance & Accounting Session
Real Estate and Right-of-Way Session
Substation Session
Supply Chain Management Session
Transmission Line Session
Transportation Session
Trade Show Schedule
Wednesday, June 29
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Thursday, June 30
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Internet Cafe
Located near S.E.E. registration
Wednesday 7 AM - 5 PM
Thursday 7 AM - 5 PM
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Annual Conference & Trade Show
1:00 PM
Call to Order and Introductions
Danny Glover, Vice President, Distribution – Alabama Power Company
Chairman, Engineering & Operation Executive Committee
1:15 PM
SUPERSIZE ME: The Future of Global Energy
2:15 PM
S.E.E. Safety Awards Ceremony
Honoring Duke Energy, American Electric Power, Dominion, Gulf Power
3:00 PM
Refreshment Break sponsored by Chain Electric
3:15 PM
2016 Industry Excellence Awards Video Montage & Presentation
Distribution, Environmental, Substation, Transmission Line, Real Estate & Right-of-Way,
Supply Chain, Customer Service & Billing, Production, and Safety
4:00 PM
How OUR World Got So Scary – Cyber Security Translated in ‘Lineman’ English
PETER ZEIHAN, Geopolitical Strategist
RODNEY BLEVINS, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer – Dominion
5:00 PM
Request Evaluations, Closing Comments, Doorprize Drawing
5:30 PM
S.E.E. Welcome Reception and Trade Show co-sponsored by Mastec
About our speakers…
Peter Zeihan is a geopolitical strategist who has lived in the world of international affairs
throughout his career. He launched his own firm, Zeihan on Geopolitics, in 2012 in order to specialize in customized executive briefings for his clients. In his new life Zeihan applies his 12
years of intelligence experience and a geopolitical perspective to specific the needs of his clients. Mr. Zeihan is a frequent guest on national and international television news shows on
CNN, ABC, Fox News, and also is frequently interviewed for radio programs. He has been quoted in major print and online publications including New York Times, Forbes, AP, Bloomberg,
MarketWatch and many others.
Rodney Blevins is senior vice president and chief information officer with Dominion. He oversees information technology, corporate security, supply chain, facilities, aviation and corporate
travel. Blevins joined Dominion in June 1987 as an associate engineer and held several positions across the electric distribution business. He was named vice president-Distribution Operations in 2006, responsible for the operation of the company’s electric distribution assets. He assumed his current post in January 2014. Blevins serves on the board of directors of ChildSavers and on the local advisory committee for Virginia LISC. A graduate of Virginia Tech, Blevins
earned a degree in electrical engineering. He also completed the advanced management program at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business.
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session
Council Chairman Dave Callahan, Emergency Preparedness Manager – AEP Ohio
7:00 AM
Group Breakfast sponsored by Sargent & Lundy
8:00 AM
Welcome and Call to Order
Dave Callahan
8:15 AM
Improving Safety, Training and Efficiency with Mobile Computing
Recognizing the need for a better transfer of information to and from field personnel ranging from Jobs to be
worked, Construction Specs, to Instructions for the Operation of Electronic Switching devices and Safety Manuals,
Alabama Power began to explore the use of mobile devices in the field. We soon found out the use of mobile devices to replace paper is just a small sample of the possibilities. Mobile devices have had a very positive impact on
Safety, Training and Efficiency at Alabama Power.
Larry Grant, Power Delivery Specialist I – Alabama Power
8:45 AM
Industry Excellence Award Presentation ~ Distribution
Cable Life Extension Program (CLEP)
With a wave of aging underground residential distribution infrastructure in the field, CenterPoint Energy develop an
approach to extend the life and performance of many of these assets and make prudent decisions about which assets require full rehabilitation. This presentation discusses the assessment and mitigation aspects of the program
and the benefits realized.
Keith Gray, Service Area Director – CenterPoint Energy
Julienne Sugarek, Director of Distribution Services – CenterPoint Energy
9:30 AM
Beverage Break sponsored by UtiliCon Solutions, Ltd.
9:45 AM
Outage Prediction Panel
How often have you wished you could look into the future? The panelists will share how their companies developed
tools to logically predict outages to their electric systems from approaching storms. Utilizing historical data and
weather forecast these tools will provide expected outage numbers so resource and logistics planning can begin
sooner and with greater accuracy. This panel discussion will tell you how they developed their tools and the amount
of effort is required to use and maintain the prediction tool.
Facilitator: Bryan Blazejak, Manager, Construction Management – Pepco Holdings
Billy Blaylock, System Outage Response – Entergy
Chester Ferguson, Manager of Performance Support – Duke Energy
Tom Gwaltney, Sr. Director, CMC Power Delivery – Florida Power & Light
10:45 AM
Staging Site Logistics – How Efficiencies Can Gain Extra Hours for Crews in the Field
When engaged in storm restoration, having the maximum amount of time for the line crews to be on the impacted
site actually engaged in restoration work is paramount. This discussion will focus on various methods developed
through real-world experiences in staging site cooperation between the logistics and operations leadership that will
result in minimizing staging site time and maximizing repair time in the field.
Steve Lewis, Logistics Director – Georgia Power
11:30 AM
Luncheon Buffet inside Tradeshow sponsored by T&D Solutions
1:00 PM
Worst Circuits – Reality or Myth?
Red herring - something that distracts attention from the real issue. “Worst performing circuits” get a lot of attention
from regulators and utilities, but is the concept a distraction from true reliability issues and solutions? This presentation examines the evidence and alternatives.
Lee Taylor, Principal Engineer – Duke Energy
1:45 PM
Grounds in the Primary Zone, Basic Insulation Level Improvement
Due to previous failures from animal outages impacting Entergy’s distribution system reliability, a strategic causal
analysis and investigation was centered on proximity of grounds to energized primary conductors. Please join me in
looking at these systemic issues with grounds in the primary zone and potential opportunities for improving BIL,
resulting in a positive impact on distribution reliability performance.
Anthony Bell, Asset Management Senior Engineer – Entergy
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session
2:45 PM
Refreshment Break sponsored by PLH Group
3:00 PM
Installing Network Feeder Ties
It started as a doomsday plan but has become a valuable maintenance tool. After a 22-hour-long outage of critical Network Underground customers, the engineers of Alabama Power Company's Network Underground group designed a
system to provide an additional layer of redundancy. The Network Underground system in Birmingham now has the
capability to transfer load between substations, similar to normal open points in overhead distribution systems.
Sonia DeMellier, Senior Engineer – Alabama Power
3:45 PM
Strategy for Eliminating Ferroresonance
If you operate an electric distribution system, chances are you have encountered damaging arc events during field
switching. Ferroresonance is a complicated phenomenon and communicating to your line worker how to identify and
address the condition can be daunting. This presentation is intended to provide the line worker with a simpler way to
think of how ferroresonance is created and how defeat it.
Kevin Kinnerk, Principal Performance Assessment Specialist – ComEd
4:30 PM
Friday, July 1, 2016
Open Session
Council Incoming Chair Tom Gwaltney, Sr. Director, CMC - Power Delivery – Florida Power & Light
7:00 AM
Group Breakfast
8:00 AM
Metering & Substation Entry Safety Best Practices
Does your company have safety procedures and training available for Substation Entry/Exiting of the yard/Control
house? How about Primary metering? Are you protecting yourself or others by being constantly engaged and focused? The information in this presentation is geared toward having a sense of constant engagement and focus
when working in these hazardous areas. The procedures and training information will enhance the field workers
safety awareness and provide a good foundation when working in these types of environments. The material given
a best practice view from two different Electric Utilities with one goal in mind, Safety!
Ray Klopfenstein, Meter Specialist – OG&E
8:30 AM
Large Buildout Project – How to Manage and Be Prepared for Broadband to the Masses
Google Fiber now has plans or is in the process of installing fiber in more than 20 cities across the county. AT&T,
Comcast and others announce plans to improve their infrastructure after every Google announcement. What have
we learned as this fiber boom moves across the country in how to prepare for the increase in make-ready work on
poles and the placement of new underground fiber at the pace of 5000 ft. per day?
Allen Bell, Distribution Support Manager – Georgia Power
9:15 AM
9:30 AM
Solar Affects on Effects: Challenges of Solar Generation
With the introduction of federal and state incentives, Dominion’s North Carolina territory experienced a massive influx of solar DG sites. This presentation covers the different installation approaches, concerns about quality of electrical delivery, and the evolution of necessary, new processes for DG evaluation.
Luis Vega, Supervisor, Power Quality – Dominion
10:30 AM
The Future of Tool Ergonomics
Ergonomic injuries or Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are on the rise, see how one tool manufacturer is measuring muscle effort and setting industry standards with information that can be tracked and compared. This presentation will highlight what industry leaders are doing to measure and track muscle effort, what state of the art equipment is targeted, and how this advancement is reducing MSDs and ergonomic injuries at utilities across the county
(with stats and data).
Raffi Elchemmas, MBA, AEP, Tool Ergonomist – Greenlee Textron
11:30 AM
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session
Chairperson BJ Huddleston, Environmental Compliance Team Leader – Georgia Power
7:00 AM
Group Breakfast sponsored by Sargent & Lundy
8:00 AM
Welcome and Call to Order
BJ Huddleston
8:15 AM
Distance is Safety
We will discuss Arc Flash hazards and what those mean to the electrical worker day to day. While we can mitigate
the potential for accidents there is no way to prevent catastrophic events all together. The only way to truly protect a
worker from these events is to remove them from the arc flash boundary. Distance is the only way to guarantee a
worker will be unharmed when their worst fears are realized.
Jamie Clark, Regional Account Manager – CBS ArcSafe, Inc.
8:45 AM
Safety Protocol for Ash Pond Closures
In this presentation we will discuss the need for training that is being developed for operators on wet ash. There will be
discussion on using geotextiles for floating access road followed by instrumentation being used to measure pore pressure
and what to do with the data. We will conclude with talking about BMP’s (Best Management Practices) for being on ash.
Eric Zeigler, Vice President – Metropolitan Environmental Services Inc.
9:30 AM
Beverage Break sponsored by UtiliCon Solutions, Ltd.
9:45 AM
State of the Market After CCR
With the CCR Rule published and now effective, the market has seen a number of changes that has left it forever
impacted…but where can it be expected to go? This presentation will answer this question and focus on the assessment of the direction the market will be likely taking. After presenting the backdrop of the changing market, the
presentation will shift to focus on how the industry can prepare for these developing and upcoming trends and market changes to address the future of effective CCR management.
Mark Rokoff, National Practice Lead, CCP Management – AECOM
10:15 AM
The Plant Retirement Project: Starting Gun to Finish Line
This presentation will provide the scope of work to complete a successful plant retirement project. Project components
from the early planning phase to site closure will be discussed. Case histories will be provided where appropriate.
Sean Rome, Vice President/Director, Energy Waste Management – Tetra Tech Inc.
11:00 AM
MATS Implementation and CPP
EPA finalized the Clean Power Plan on October 23, 2015 which became effective on December, 22, 2015, yet was
stayed February 9, 2016. This presentation will take a closer look at how this final rule impacts utilities’ operations
by evaluating all three building blocks proposed in the rule, as well as events since the stay of the rule.
Peter T. Belmonte, P.E., Vice President and Director, Power Generation – TRC Solutions
11:45 AM
Luncheon Buffet inside Tradeshow sponsored by T&D Solutions
1:00 PM
CCR and ELG: What Water Issues are You Missing?
The Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) Rule and Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELG) have been finalized and utilities are in the midst of understanding their unique water treatment challenges and determining what strategies to
initiate in their paths toward compliance. While some scenarios have obvious solutions, others are not so clear and
there are actually many factors to consider in paving the way towards environmental compliance on your site. This
presentation will give a brief update on the current status of both regulations, but will also address some of the hidden pitfalls to consider with non-ELG-regulated streams on the surface of your site and potentially impacted groundwater sources beneath your site.
Jason Eichenberger, PE, CCR Business Unit Manager – Burns & McDonnell
Katie Bland, PE, Environmental Section Manager – Burns & McDonnell
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session
2:00 PM
Market and Compliance Challenges of Natural Gas Generation
With nearly 60 gigawatts of coal power production scheduled to retire by year 2020 and increasingly stringent requirements on nuclear power plant siting activity, natural gas has become the go to fuel of choice for our electric
power production needs. This topic will explore potential obstacles as it relates to natural gas generation for our
aging generation fleet.
Anddrikk L. Frazier, Managing Partner – Integral Energy LLC
2:45 PM
Refreshment Break sponsored by PLH Group
3:00 PM
Industry Excellence Award Presentation ~ Environmental Category
Bartow CC Station Wastewater System Redesign and Reuse Project
This project was a long term solution to abandon an aging industrial wastewater pond system and install a water
reuse system to offset potable water use. The project provided a unique solution to repurposing bulk oil storage
tanks for water reuse and wastewater storage. The project was a collaborative effort of private sector and state and
federal regulatory agencies working together for a common goal, to improve Tampa Bay water quality.
Terese Dodge, Lead Environmental Professional – Duke Energy
4:00 PM
Industry Excellence Award Presentation ~ Production Category
FPL System Control Center Video Wall Project
Is your control center mapboard, made up of 493,000 one-inch tiles, used to provide operator situational awareness
at its end of useful life? Suppose you wanted to replace it with a state-of-the-art video wall that is 188 feet wide,
over 14 feet tall and uses 185 70-inch LED monitors. This presentation will show you how Florida Power & Light
Company accomplished this feat while maintaining critical 24 hour a day, 7 day a week control center operations
with zero injuries or switching errors.
Andy Pankratz, Senior Manager, System Operations – Florida Power & Light
Armando Garcia, Manager, Technology Engineering Development – Florida Power & Light
Vivian Davila, Information Technology Program Manager – Florida Power & Light
5:00 PM
Friday, July 1, 2016
Open Session, Except as Noted
7:00 AM
Group Breakfast
8:00 AM
Welcome and Call to Order
8:15 AM
Environmental Control Improvements for Transformer Oil Containment
Leverage existing infrastructure to improve your secondary containment capabilities. This presentation discusses
the benefits and hurdles associated with converting an existing stone filled oil containment pit to a baffled open air
containment pit.
Jose M. Santiago, Senior Engineer, Substation Engineering & Design – Baltimore Gas and Electric
8:45 AM
Shift in Dispatch Philosophy
“Shift in Dispatch Philosophy” will illustrate the change in baseload generating unit operations during the last decade. I will relate the major economic and regulatory drivers to direct effects on SCE&G’s large power units and
production statistics. The conclusion provides suggestions for some stop-gap and permanent operational adjustments, expectation of continued change, and speculation about additional consequences.
Eric Bell, Manager, Economic Resource Commitment – SCANA
9:15 AM
Beverage Break
9:30 AM
Roundtable Discussion (Closed Session ~ Utility Personnel Only)
11:00 AM
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session
Section Chairperson Katie Thompson, Internal Controls & Compliance – Southern Company
7:00 AM
Group Breakfast sponsored by Sargent & Lundy
8:00 AM
Welcome and Call to Order
Katie Thompson
8:15 AM
Economic Update
The demand for electricity follows economic growth. This presentation will review the state of the economy, provide
an outlook on future economic growth, and examine the recent relationship between economic factors and electricity sales trends and how future changes in the economy will potentially affect electricity demand going forward.
John Caldwell, Director of Economics – EEI
9:15 AM
FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) Audit Update
The Division of Audits and Accounting within the Office of Enforcement of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is commencing an audit of each operating company at Southern Company. The audit includes the
Open Access Transmission Tariff rates, Uniform System of Accounts, reporting requirements of FERC Form 1 and
for Mississippi Power’s Fuel Clause Recovery. This presentation will describe the audit scope and process flows to
coordinate the massive data request.
Vicki Sears, Fuel Accounting Manager – Southern Company
10:15 AM
Beverage Break sponsored by UtiliCon Solutions, Ltd.
10:30 AM
Internal Controls - Where is the Industry Headed?
After the rollout of COSO 2013, many utilities have begun the journey of enhancing their internal control environments. In addition, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) has been placing more focus on
higher risk financial reporting control areas. This session will highlight some of the areas of focus impacting the industry as well as topics on the horizon that impact you as a finance and accounting professional.
Blake Campbell, Director and Amanda Kallin, Manager – PwC
11:30 AM
Luncheon Buffet inside Tradeshow sponsored by T&D Solutions
1:00 PM
How Utilities Make Money
High level overview of how a utility model works and provides value to the owners of the company.
Donna Doucet, Director, Operations FBP – Entergy
2:00 PM
Industry Excellence Award Presentation ~ CHAIRMAN’S AWARD WINNER— Customer Service & Billing
SolutionOne - CIS Implementation at Pepco Holdings
This 28 month CIS implementation project was among the largest transformational projects in company history with
over 2,300 business requirements met. This presentation will focus on the challenges, complexities, lessons learned
and key differentiators that contributed towards setting an industry bench mark for a successful CIS deployment.
Michael S. Poncia, Program Director, SolutionOne Project – Pepco Holdings
2:50 PM
Refreshment Break sponsored by PLH Group
3:05 PM
FASB Update
This presentation will highlight recent updates in accounting and disclosures from recent FASB standard-setting
activities and initiatives with a focus on the applicability to the utility industry.
Amy Parker, Audit Senior Manager – Deloitte & Touche LLP
5:00 PM
Friday, July 1, 2016
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
Closed Session
Incoming Chair Arthur Jemison, Budget Coordinator – Southern Nuclear Operating Co.
Group Breakfast
Hot Topics Discussion (Closed Session ~ Utility Personnel Only)
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Monday, June 27, 2016
Mickey Gunter, Georgia Power Consultant – NESC Section Chairman
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:10 AM
Group Breakfast and Registration
Welcome and Introduction – Mickey Gunter & Jim Collins
Review and approve June 2015 minutes – Frank Agnew
Review Sub-committee assignments – Keith Reese
Vote on Guideline Changes – Mickey Gunter
Agenda for this week – Mickey Gunter
Update on IR’s – Charlie Bleakley
Elect New Officers – Mickey Gunter
SC1 2017 NESC Enhanced Review/Changes – Mickey Gunter
SC 1 2017 NESC Enhanced Review/Changes – Mickey Gunter
SC4 2017 NESC Enhanced Review/Changes – Joe White
SC4 2017 NESC Enhanced Review/Changes – Joe White
8:20 AM
8:30 AM
8:50 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
1:15 PM
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
5:00 PM
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Closed Session
Closed Session
(Morning free for golf tournament. Breakfast and lunch on your own)
1:30 PM
SC5 2017 NESC Review/Changes - Wade Shultz
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
SC5 2017 NESC Review/Changes - Wade Shultz
5:00 PM
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
1:00 PM
5:00 PM
Trade Show Begins
General Session
Thursday, June 30, 2016
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
5:00 PM
Closed Session
Group Breakfast sponsored by Sargent & Lundy
SC 2 NESC Enhanced Review/Changes – Keith Reese
Beverage Break sponsored by UtiliCon Solutions
SC 3 NESC Enhanced Review/Changes – Mark Konz
Luncheon sponsored by T&D Solutions (inside Tradeshow)
SC 7 NESC Enhanced Review/Changes – Charlie Bleakley
Break sponsored by PLH Group
SC 7 NESC Enhanced Review/Changes – Charlie Bleakley
Friday, July 1, 2016
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
No NESC Session
Closed Session
Group Breakfast
SC 8 NESC Enhanced Review/Changes – Charlie Shaw, Alabama Power
Break and Check Out
SC 8 NESC Enhanced Review/Changes – Charlie Shaw, Alabama Power
Wrap up and Adjourn – Mickey Gunter, Georgia Power
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session
Section Chairperson Anita Wilson, Real Estate Specialist – Dominion
7:00 AM
Group Breakfast sponsored by Sargent & Lundy
8:00 AM
Welcome and Call to Order
Anita Wilson
8:10 AM
Third Party Communication Attachments to Distribution and Transmission Structures
Many of our companies are receiving an increasing number of requests to allow communication facilities attached to distribution poles and transmission structures. The “attachment world” is changing and no longer involves simple wireline attachments. This presentation will look at the types of requests being received including wireless equipment, regulations
affecting those requests, and considerations that should be taken into account when allowing attachments to both distribution and transmission structures.
Andy Russell, Lead Engineer, Joint-Use and Tower Leasing – Duke Energy
John Trentham, Transmission Line Services Supervisor – Alabama Power
9:00 AM
Corridor Management Using Technology – LiDAR and Geospatial Work Management
Technology is helping the entire utility industry be more efficient and more reliable. Vegetation management on the
surface may not seem like a technical world, but innovation has its place here and is driving continuous improvement.
Adam R. Morse, Manager, Project and Vegetation Management – PPL Electric Utilities
9:30 AM
Beverage Break sponsored by UtiliCon Solutions, Ltd.
9:45 AM
Industry Trends in Routing and Siting
While the foundational aspects of routing and siting – environmental and engineering considerations – remain critical to every project, changes are occurring in public expectations, regulations, and technology that influence the
outcomes of siting projects. This presentation will explore the latest trends in agency and stakeholder engagement,
regulatory requirements, and emerging technologies and how these can affect the planning and development of
new transmission projects.
Jennifer Frownfelter, Senior Project Manager – AECOM
10:15 AM
Shoreline Management Using Today’s Technology
Residents on a 48,000 acre lake with over 12,000 docks have unique resource needs and demands. Today’s technology allows the electric utility to be more responsive to the public’s needs. Staying proactive helps eliminate the
creative methods residents sometimes use to circumvent the utility’s regulations.
Scott Collins, Senior Lake Representative – South Carolina Electric & Gas
Hydroelectric Project Relicensing
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission considers both power and non-power benefits such as water quality,
recreation, fish and wildlife, and habitat enhancement and protection during hydroelectric project relicensing. This
presentation provides an overview of Duke Energy’s use of collaborative decision-making processes to develop
multi-party relicensing agreements that balance the use of Project resources for the next thirty to fifty years.
Brett Garrison, Lake Services Representative – Duke Energy
Staying Connected: Technology and Shoreline Management
As part of operating 14 dams along the Coosa, Tallapoosa and Black Warrior rivers, Alabama Power manages more
than 3,500 miles of shoreline and nearly 120,000 acres of land. Our team of shoreline managers works closely with
communities surrounding the reservoirs to protect and enhance the scenic, recreational and environmental resources these lakes offer. Alabama Power works to meet the needs of individual, industrial and organizational
stakeholders by permitting shoreline structures and promoting best shoreline management practices. This presentation provides a look into how Alabama Power is utilizing technology to provide information and stay connected
with their stakeholders.
Justin Bearden, Real Estate Specialist – Alabama Power
11:30 AM
Luncheon Buffet inside Tradeshow sponsored by T&D Solutions
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session
1:00 PM
Industry Excellence Award Presentation ~ Real Estate & Right of Way
Duke Energy Real Estate Common Platform GIS - Geographic Information Systems Mapping Operations
After multiple mergers, Duke Energy Real Estate lacked a common Geographic Information Systems (GIS) platform.
A large portion of data was maintained in legacy systems and was not always updated in a timely manner or accurately represented. This presentation will tell the story of how Duke Energy Real Estate was able to bring 4 regions
and 6 states together into one tool.
Amy L. Barron, GISP, PLS, GIS Strategist – Duke Energy
1:45 PM
Renewable Energy and the Impact on the Traditional Utility Business Model
Public policy and economics are combining in the southeastern United States in a way that can impact the traditional utility business model. Renewable energy with an emphasis on solar development is a catalyst for change. The
potential model change includes the utility looking at real estate and right of way to support this transition.
Danny Kassis, Vice President, Customer Relations & Renewables – South Carolina Electric & Gas
2:45 PM
Refreshment Break sponsored by PLH Group
3:00 PM
Effectively Managing Outreach and the Hard Message
The challenges and opportunities around outreach continue to grow as opposition and avenues to engage increase.
Hear strategies and tactics on managing complex messages in a world of citizen reporting and social media.
Tiffany Taylor-Minor, Communications Manager – Dominion
3:45 PM
Legal Trends in Eminent Domain
Eminent Domain is a controversial and expensive, yet often unavoidable, last resort. Keep up with national trends
and developments to protect your company, while focusing on how to integrate a commitment to service and integrity into your use of this unpopular legal remedy.
David L. Arnold, Esq., RWA and D. Rossen S. “Ross” Greene, Esq., RWA – Pender & Coward
4:30 PM
Friday, July 1, 2016
Closed Session
Incoming Chair Walter Dixon, Manager Business Process – Duke Energy
7:00 AM
Group Breakfast
8:00 AM
Call to Order, Safety Moment and Business Meeting Part I (Closed Session ~ Utility Personnel Only)
Walter Dixon, Manager Business Process – Duke Energy
8:45 AM
Conservation Easement
What effect does a conservation easement have on utility right of way? Can I get the easement from the landowner? Does
the conservation land trust have to consent? Can the utility condemn? Who get the money for the easement? All these
questions (and not a lot of clear answers) will be discussed at this session.
Jay Bressler, Assistant General Counsel – South Carolina Electric & Gas
9:30 AM
9:45 AM
Louisiana Servitudes – Peculiar and Current Issues
What are commonly known as easements and rights-of-way are defined “servitudes” under the Louisiana Civil
Code. This presentation will take a look at a few peculiar issues, recent changes and current issues in Louisiana
servitudes. As Professor Frank Maraist said many years ago, “It ain’t a trap if you know about it.” This presentation
will point out a few “traps” to avoid and what changes may be in store.
Mark D. Pearce, General Counsel – Cleco Power LLC
10:15 AM
Business Meeting Part II (Closed Session ~ Utility Personnel Only)
Walter Dixon, Manager Business Process – Duke Energy
11:00 AM
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session, Except as Noted
Section Chairman Joel Moye, Sourcing Supervisor – Gulf Power
7:00 AM
Group Breakfast sponsored by Sargent & Lundy
8:00 AM
Call to Order, Welcome, Introductions, etc.
Joel Moye
8:15 AM
Getting Maximum Value Out of Your Organization’s Supply Chain Data
Everybody is talking about big data. Utilities go to market hundreds of times a year, with thousands of suppliers,
spending billions of dollars in the process. Harnessing and understanding your organization’s supply chain data is
crucial to capturing new sources of value. Learn how big data, machine learning, and advanced analytics are
providing energy industry leaders the visibility to unlock previously hidden opportunities.
Rob Cissel, Vice President, Utilities – Power Advocate
Melissa Parker, Marketing Manager, Utilities – Power Advocate
9:15 AM
Power Advocate presentation Q&A
9:30 AM
Beverage Break sponsored by UtiliCon Solutions, Ltd.
9:45 AM
SOCO Transportation and Traffic
The traffic group supports Southern Company by negotiating volume discount contracts with primary freight carriers,
routing materials utilizing the best value option, expediting critical shipments and auditing freight invoices. These
efforts aid in minimizing system down time, improving contract liability coverage and providing significant freight
pricing discounts.
Alan Arrington, Manager, Distribution Center and Transportation – Alabama Power
Doug Bischoff, Supervisor Transportation – Alabama Power
10:30 AM
Industry Excellence Award Presentation ~ Supply Chain Category
Managing Grid Modernization Suppliers in Transition
Your Grid modernization vendors are changing as fast as the technology - which is to say, daily. That means the
company that designed, built and delivered the excellent solution to your grid modernization program yesterday will
likely be very different tomorrow, if it is there at all. So utilities must be ready to maintain support and enhancements for the twenty- or thirty-year lifespan of their equipment, regardless of what form their suppliers take. This
presentation will share some tips on how Duke Energy tackles this challenge.
Stephen Ruger, QA/QC Vendor Management – Duke Energy Grid Solutions.
11:30 AM
Luncheon Buffet inside Tradeshow sponsored by T&D Solutions
1:00 PM
Integrated Suppliers
This presentation will step you through the benefits of an Integrated Supply Management Program for complicated
capital projects. Whether you have one large transmission project or multiple smaller concurrent projects, you will
realize greater efficiencies through schedule stability, streamlined accountability, and financial performance. In this
manner utilities, EPC firms and general contractors can optimize their capex spend while ensuring maximum contractor productivity. Topics such as guiding principles, key metrics, spend leverage and crew efficiency all translate
into realized cost savings benefits.
Dave Frank, Vice President, Strategic Services Group – Anixter
2:00 PM
Breakout Sessions for Inventory and Procurement & Contracts
(Closed Session ~ Utility Personnel Only)
2:45 PM
Refreshment Break sponsored by PLH Group
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Thursday, June 30, 2016
3:00 PM
Breakouts continued (Closed Session ~ Utility Personnel Only)
4:30 PM
Friday, July 1, 2016
Closed Session
Closed Session
Incoming Chairman, Paul Tirey, Manager, Supply Chain, ED & Transmission – LGE-KU Energy
7:00 AM
Group Breakfast
8:00 AM
Changing of the Guard
8:15 AM
Resources On Demand
This presentation is a review of how LG&E and KU Energy, LLC are using the software solution “Resources on
Demand” to manage Company and external resources during storm events.
Paul Tirey, Manager, Supply Chain, Gas and Electric Distribution and Transmission – LGE-KU Energy
9:00 AM
Fall Planning Session – All
9:30 AM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM
Roundtable (Closed Session ~ Utility Personnel Only)
11:00 AM
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session
Section Chairman, Clay Adams, Director, Project Management & Construction – Entergy Services, Inc.
7:00 AM
Group Breakfast sponsored by Sargent & Lundy
8:00 AM
Welcome, Introductions and Safety Moment
Clay Adams
8:15 AM
Configuration Management Program
Ensuring consistency between design requirements, physical configuration, and documentation across 1400 facilities, 2300 substations, and 500,000 assets requires a streamlined configuration management program. By upholding critical data as accurate, change-controlled and easily retrievable, Configuration Management supports safe,
knowledgeable, timely and cost effective decision making, strategic initiatives, and performance monitoring during
design, construction, testing, and operation. This presentation will give an overview of Entergy’s Transmission Configuration Management program, covering processes of Energization Notice, As-builts, and Facility Ratings.
Meagan LeDoux, Engineer, Configuration & Document Management – Entergy Services
8:45 AM
Surge Arrester Failure Investigation Methods
Station class surge arresters failures are a common occurrence. These often result in significant substation outages.
This presentation will look at the benefits of performing an arrester failure investigation, what are the possible causes of failures, and how to properly conduct an investigation.
Jim Houston, Chief Engineer – Southern Company Services
9:30 AM
Beverage Break sponsored by UtiliCon Solutions, Ltd.
9:45 AM
Industry Excellence Award Presentation ~ Substation Category
Putnam 500-230kV Injection, Necessity - The Mother of Innovation & Achievement
When additional environmental requirements and dated technology made FPL’s 1979 Putnam Power Plant increasingly uneconomical to operate, the company’s Power Delivery team sought to build a new 500-230 kV substation
near the plant and integrate it into the Putnam 230/115kV system. Using innovative engineering and construction
solutions to overcome numerous obstacles, including political, environmental and engineering challenges, FPL’s
Power Delivery team completed the $60 million project within 14 months, a timeframe never before achieved by
FPL. The new Roberts Substation began operation on December 15, 2014 – two weeks ahead of schedule and
under budget.
William P. “Bud” Pflug, PE, Stations Engineering Manager
David Weda, PE , Manager, Transmission Engineering
Stephen M. Harty, PE, PMP, Lead Project Manager
Mark Denman, Construction Leader - T/S
Florida Power & Light
10:30 AM
Q/A for Design and Construction Activities Panel
Have you ever imagined, engineered, and built a new substation? Have you ever asked yourself in the end, “What
is this??” With the large amounts of capital improvements going on across all of our electrical systems, it is important to keep focus on ensuring that the money you are spending is delivering the product you want. Join us for a
frank discussion on putting together an acceptance program that will help to ensure your vision actually becomes
your reality.
John Sinclair, Senior Engineer T&S Maintenance – PPL Electric Utilities
Chris Gerety, Director, System Engineering & Land Services – TNMP
11:30 AM
Luncheon Buffet inside Tradeshow sponsored by T&D Solutions
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session
1:00 PM
Geo-Fence Substation Entry
With ever increasing needs for real-time and near real-time awareness regarding utility facilities and infrastructure, it
is imperative that utilities effectively utilize technology to increase situational awareness. One such technology is
the application of Geo-Fences.
Glenn Wilson, Data Management & Technology Supervisor – Alabama Power
1:45 PM
Functional Equipment Group Maintenance Cycles
Implementing and executing a maintenance program for an Electric Utilities Transmission System requires significant planning, resources & coordination. PECO Energy utilizes Functional Equipment Groups (FEGs) to minimize
equipment outages, reduce overall costs and decrease unexpected emergent work. This method is a safe and efficient way to maintain the Transmission System.
Jonathan Barr, Work Control Coordinator, Transmission & Substations – PECO Energy
2:15 PM
Dominion’s Application of Composite Resin-Impregnated Paper Bushings on Power Transformers
Porcelain housed bushings have historically been applied on all Dominion’s power transformers. Other than a few
models (such as GE Type U), the porcelain housed oil impregnated paper design has proven to be very reliable as
they have been applied to handle the different operational modes and environmental demands within Dominion’s
service territory. It has become apparent based on an attack at PG&E’s Metcalf Substation in 2013 that a new
threat has arisen which could result in substation equipment being damaged as the result of a timed physical attack
for the purpose of causing widespread disruptions to the electric power system. Such an attack may cause mechanical damage to porcelain housed bushings and there is high likelihood that damage to porcelain bushings could result in catastrophic transformer failures. Because of this new threat, Dominion has started to apply composite RIP
bushings on critical transformers throughout its service territory.
James Campbell, Consulting Engineer, Electric Transmission Operational Engineering Support – Dominion
2:45 PM
Refreshment Break sponsored by PLH Group
3:00 PM
Knowledge Retention & Training
Research has shown that an estimated 10,000 baby boomers will retire each day over the next 20 years. Electric
utilities rely on the experience and knowledge of electrical engineers and technical personnel. This presentation will
describe the current programs for onboarding its members, the ten knowledge retaining tactics utilities are using in
the industry and retaining members from a human resources standpoint.
Jerrod Idleman, Sr. Substation Training Specialist – Oklahoma Gas & Electric
Jackie Naifeh, HR Business Partner – Oklahoma Gas & Electric
3:30 PM
Ground Grid Testing
A ground grid carries and dissipates electrical currents into the ground thereby assuring correct operation of the
electrical devices without interruption. In addition, the ground grid stabilizes voltage during transient conditions and
dissipates lightning strikes into the ground. This presentation will describe how Dominion Power’s Electric Transmission Testing Group ensures the functionality of its substation ground grids.
Teresa Olah, Sr. Electrical Equipment Technician – Dominion
Building any new substations in the near future? Expanding existing substations? Have you thought about step
and touch potentials? With the recent uptick of capital investment in substation facilities it is important to keep in
mind both the safety of your personnel as well as the reliability of the equipment in the yard. Join us for a dual
presentation on the implementation and continued usage of a robust ground grid resistance testing program. We
are willing to bet you will “step away” with a better appreciation for ground grid resistivity.
John Sinclair, Senior Engineer T&S Maintenance – PPL Electric Utilities
4:30 PM
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Friday, July 1, 2016
Closed Session
Section Chairman, Clay Adams, Director, Project Management & Construction – Entergy Services, Inc.
7:00 AM
Group Breakfast
8:00 AM
Call to Order and Safety Moment
Clay Adams
8:10 AM
LiDAR and Substation Design
LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), has existed since the 1960’s and has been used recently by practically all
electric utilities to document and ensure as-built conditions for transmission lines to satisfy NERC facility rating requirements. But what about the substation? Is this technology viable to document as-built conditions and provide
survey quality data useful in the design (or re-design) of the electric power substation? This presentation will share
some recent experiences to use laser scan data in the engineering design or modification of brownfield substations
as well as its use in depictions of future state property development.
David Koepnick, Manager-Substation Engineering – Duke Energy
9:00 AM
CCVT Failure Modes and Response
CCVT failures can be violent, causing severe hazards to personnel and damage to surrounding equipment. This
presentation will discuss the common modes of failure for CCVT’s and how to identify them. It will also focus on
recommendations to minimize the dangers to response personnel and adjacent equipment in order minimize outage time and costs.
Rich Schneider, Substation Maintenance Support Supervisor – Alabama Power
9:30 AM
9:45 AM
Trouble Session (Closed Session – Utility Personnel Only)
11:00 AM
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session
Chairman, Mike Pridmore, Engineer, Transmission Line Engineering — South Carolina Electric & Gas
7:00 AM
Group Breakfast sponsored by Sargent & Lundy
8:00 AM
Welcome, Introductions, and Safety Moment
Mike Pridmore
8:10 AM
Industry Excellence Award Presentation – Transmission Line Category
St. George Island, Florida: Broken Concrete Pole Emergency Restoration Project
In early 2015, a large vessel struck a concrete transmission structure in the Apalachicola Bay, triggering this emergency restoration project. The transmission line impacted is a radial line that feeds St. George Island, and this line
required an 8-hour outage to do some initial transmission line construction. The St. George Island load was fed by
eight Ring-Power generators during the outage and held 95% of the customers for the entire outage. The remaining
line construction was done with the transmission line energized. This project turnaround was seven days from first
noticing the damaged structure to having it completely replaced.
Shaun Vance, Senior Engineer, and Stephen Wood, Project Manager II – Duke Energy
Stephen Wood, P.E., Transmission Project Manager – Duke Energy Florida, Inc.
8:40 AM
Prioritizing Infrastructure Upgrades through Facility Health Scores
This Presentation examines the role of Facility Health Scores in the prioritization of Transmission Infrastructure Upgrades. Prioritizing infrastructure improvements ensures that funds are consistently allocated to the most important
infrastructure assets and that prudent infrastructure investments are made for owners, customers, employees, and
communities. The elements that affect probability and impact are reviewed, along with the limitations and practical
use of the health score methodology.
Nick Ryan, Engineer II, Transmission Line Asset Management – Entergy
9:05 AM
Codes, Standards, Specifications and Promises – Why Details Matter in Steel Pole and Tower Fabrication
Steel Pole or Tower fabrication requires serious attention be paid to the details found in referenced Codes, Standards, and Specifications, to ensure structures installed in our overhead lines perform in a safe, reliable manner for
the intended life of those lines. As well, we count on Promises made to effectively manage our projects in efficient
and cost effective manner. This presentation will outline and discuss those specific areas within a supplier’s quality
management system that can be used to let a Purchaser know if that Supplier is truly paying attention to those details.
Wesley J Oliphant, PE, Principal / Chief Technical Officer – ReliaPOLE Inspection Services Co.
9:35 AM
Beverage Break sponsored by UtiliCon Solutions, Ltd.
9:50 AM
Update on Unmanned Aircraft for Utilities
UAS’s are rapidly increasing in popularity and capability. To better understand when, who and how to use UAS’s
Southern Company launched a study to compare UAS use to traditional inspection methods. We will also review the
expected regulatory changes to be announced in June.
Wade Craighead, Sr. Engineer, Transmission Maintenance and Reliability – Georgia Power
10:10 AM
Steel Structures – Issues with Application in Utility Right of Way Environments
LG&E/KU has steel structures that have been in-service since the 1920s. By taking a proactive approach, LG&E/
KU has learned how to better care for its aging steel infrastructure. This presentation will cover results of the inspection process and steel structure repairs ranging from “typical” to “challenging.”
Terry Snow, Senior Civil Engineer – LG&E/KU
10:35 AM
Challenges of 230 kV Transmission Line Rebuilds in Congested Areas
Transmission line construction is a walk in the park in an open and cleared right of way with few obstacles. But what
happens when you need to rebuild a line in a densely populated metro area? This presentation discusses the challenges faced during construction along some of the busiest streets located in urban New Orleans.
Jordan Montz, P.E., Senior Engineer – Entergy
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session
11:00 AM
The What, When, and Why of OSHA Minimum Approach: Transient Over-Voltages, Reclosing, Restrike,
and Breaker Maintenance
New OSHA standards have driven new utility company requirements for minimum approach distances. The deadline is approaching!
Keith Wallace, Project Manager – Southern Company Services
11:30 AM
Luncheon Buffet inside Tradeshow sponsored by T&D Solutions
1:30 PM
Implementation of Cathodic Protection Standards
With a new design standard of galvanized steel monopoles, SCE&G has been looking for ways to both protect and
increase the lifespan of these steel poles, particularly for poles installed in wet areas. In order to do so, SCE&G has
recently begun installing sacrificial anodes (Cathodic Protection) in areas that would seemingly have a high rate of
corrosion. The general idea is that the anode will sacrifice itself and corrode over time in place of the steel. Once a
standard was established, the next step was implementing the standard from an operational perspective.
Matt Talley, Engineer – SCE&G
2:00 PM
Challenges with Compacting 500 kV Design Configurations
In today’s environment, it is becoming increasingly difficult to acquire Transmission line Right Of Way (ROW). This
difficulty is compounded for EHV lines, where standard ROW width requirements can exceed 200 feet. This
presentation discusses the challenges encountered in designing a 500 kV line that will fit on an existing 230 kV
John Albano, P.E., Transmission Line Design – Entergy
2:30 PM
Refreshment Break sponsored by PLH Group
2:45 PM
Construction Quality Control
This presentation will discuss the importance of having a Quality Control process for executing construction of
Transmission Projects. Construction activities account for a large portion of the project’s cost. This process allows
projects to be completed safely while avoiding scope creep from occurring after the design is completed; it provides
cost and schedule certainty, resulting in constructing a high quality and reliable Transmission System.
Dan Calamari, P.E., Supervisor, Transmission Line Engineering – Entergy
3:15 PM
Five Mile Underground HPGF Cable Installation Including 18,000 Feet Tidal Area Crossing
This presentation will cover the opportunities encountered and conquered with “closing the transmission loop” for
two SCE&G coastal area substations. This project crossed 18,000 feet of coastal marsh via two temporary work
platforms for horizontal directional drill points and HPGF pipe type underground splice locations. The entire project
had an estimated 18 month construction schedule and took 16 months to complete; the project came in under the
projected estimate of $35 million dollars to complete. This presentation will discuss the benefits of the new transmission line and the new flexibility in the way SCE&G operates the transmission system in Mt. Pleasant, which has
allowed for the rebuild of other overhead transmission lines in the area that could not take extended outages before
this project was completed.
Mike Pridmore, P.E., Engineer – SCE&G
3:50 PM
A Strategy of Restoration - ‘Permanent Emergency’
Prior to 2002, Dominion’s response to any catastrophic failure was to ask, “what kind of temporary emergency
structure do we have to put up? How long will it take?” Today, we look to install a permanent emergency replacement as a first option. ‘Failure scenarios’ have been developed that define material requirements and design focus.
Dave Blaha, Consulting Engineer and Jill Hailey, Engineer I, Overhead Transmission Lines Operations
4:20 PM
Closing Remarks
4:30 PM
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Friday, July 1, 2016
Closed Session
Incoming Chairman, Danny Williams, Supervisor, Transmission Line – Southern Company Services
7:00 AM
Group Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM
Welcome, Introductions and Safety Moment
Danny Williams
8:10 AM
NESC 2017 Rules Revisions – Impact to Transmission Line Design (Utility Personnel Only)
The National Electrical Safety Code rules are revised and updated on a 5-year cycle. We are currently in the fifth
year of the 2017 revision cycle. Over 700 change proposals were submitted to the NESC Committee in 2013. The
technical subcommittees considered them in that year, and tentative actions were decided. The subcommittee actions were summarized in the 2017 NESC Preprint and were made available for public review and comment. The
technical subcommittees met in August/September 2015 to consider the public comments and finalize actions on
proposed rules revisions. There are a number of tentative revisions that have potentially significant impact on transmission line engineering. This presentation will address the transmission design impact of the revised rules for the
2017 NESC cycle.
Wade Shultz, Consultant – Alabama Power
8:40 AM
Business Session and Roundtable (Utility Personnel Only)
ï‚· Improved Communication with Public on Transmission Line Rebuilds
ï‚· Tower and Pole Climbing in Compliance with 100% Fall Protection
ï‚· Training for New Hires
ï‚· Bird Deterrents
ï‚· Restoration Structures for 230 kV and 500 kV TL
ï‚· Design Philosophy: span lengths, tensions, etc
ï‚· Environmental Compliance Strategy
ï‚· FERC audit: TL ratings compared to installed equipment ratings
ï‚· Ratings Methodology
ï‚· 500 kV Clearances and 5 mA Rule
ï‚· Post LIDAR Utility Processes
ï‚· Techniques for Engineering Structure Service Life in Harsh Environments
9:30 AM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM
Roundtable (continued) (Utility Personnel Only)
11:00 AM
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session
Chairman, Bill Hyatt, Supervisor Fleet Services – OGE Energy Corp.
7:00 AM
Group Breakfast sponsored by Sargent & Lundy
8:00 AM
Welcome and Introductions (Safety Plan)
Bill Hyatt
8:15 AM
Executive Welcome - “Not Your Father’s Fleet”
Have you considered the incredible untapped value that your transportation fleet can bring to your business operation? We no longer simply operate our fleets as a support service for the core business, but are becoming more
critical than ever in delivering meaningful value to the enterprise. Technology advances now reach far beyond fleet
operation, and provide data that can change our overall operational effectiveness as a business. It is an honor to
be with you, and I welcome you to New Orleans, LA for this opportunity to share and learn how we are each brining
that sustainable value to the many stakeholders that we serve.
Shawn Corkran, Vice President Customer Operations Support – Entergy
9:00 AM
Advancements in Work Truck Electrification
As national, state, and local governing bodies aggressively advance regulations to evolve towards a zero vehicle
emissions future, the work truck industry as a whole are responding by electrifying. In this presentation, EDI will
cover industry advancements that help fleet operators manage day-to-day performance requirements of traditional
work trucks, but also significantly reduce emissions and offer a variety of additional in-demand solutions, such as all
-electric/zero-emission operations, jobsite idle elimination, all-electric power takeoff (ePTO), and grid-reliable export
Joerg Ferchau, CEO – Efficient Drivetrains
10:00 AM
Beverage Break sponsored by UtiliCon Solutions, Ltd.
10:30 AM
Remote Diagnostics, “Drinking From the Fire Hose”
Are you currently receiving or considering receiving remote diagnostic information from your fleet through your
telematics provider? At first look this data can be overwhelming. Don’t be discouraged. Attend this session and
learn how you can make this data meaningful and actionable. Then take it to the next level and move from reacting
to a vehicle with an issue to preventing the issue from ever happening at all. After all maximizing asset utilization
through preventive maintenance is what you do every day.
Kenneth Calhoun, President – Roanwood Maintenance Data Management
11:30 AM
Luncheon Buffet inside Tradeshow sponsored by T&D Solutions
12:30 PM
Cummins Atlantic, 2013 and 2017 Cummins Engines Emission
Phil Bush, Cummins Atlantic
1:30 PM
Safety Systems & Foundation Brake Updates
Are you and/or your staff aware of the changes made by the FMVSS for stopping distances effective in 2011 and
2013? What changed? What vehicles are part of the changes? Have you seen the latest in Active Safety Systems
Including Lane Departure Warning, Stability Control or Frontal Radar with Adaptive Cruise and Collision Mitigation?
Bart Hakenewert, District Manager – Meritor, Inc.
2:30 PM
Refreshment Break sponsored by PLH Group
2:45 PM
Smart Integration of Fleet Safety, Telematics and Security
There are a lot of choices available when choosing solutions and vendors to add and integrate safety, security and
tracking into your fleet; This presentation will give guidance and thought to what solutions are available and the best
way to integrate all of your devices into one complete package. Choosing the right integration partner allows less
downtime, better uptime and easy to maintain systems.
Robert Warren, President and CEO – Warren Installations, Inc.
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open Session
3:30 PM
Current/Future State of Off-Road Emissions Regulations
Emissions regulations can be confusing. With multiple tiers, different solutions and rumblings of future regulations,
it may never seem like to right time to purchase a new piece of machinery. This presentation will offer clarification
as to the current emission strategies in the market today and put your mind at ease for what is being talked about
for future actions.
Katie Pullen, Brand Marketing Manager – CASE Construction
5:00 PM
Friday, July 1, 2016
Chairman, Bill Hyatt, Supervisor Fleet Services – OGE Energy Corp.
7:00 AM
Group Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM
Roundtable Discussion (Utility Personnel Only)
10:00 AM
10:15 AM
Planning Session for Fall 2016 Meeting
11:00 AM
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Closed Session
Thursday, June 30, 2016
This “session track” showcases winners of the Industry Excellence
Awards Program. Each project will be presented in a different session, corresponding to its category. Join the session indicated in red
below at the given time on the schedule to hear more about each winning project. S.E.E. has arranged seating in the rear for attendees
moving from session to session.
8:10 AM – 8:40 AM
St. George Island, Florida: Broken Concrete Pole Emergency Restoration Project
DUKE ENERGY ~ Shaun Vance, Senior Engineer, and Stephen Wood, Project Manager II
Stephen Wood, P.E., Transmission Project Manager
8:45 AM – 9:30 AM
Cable Life Extension Program (CLEP)
CENTERPOINT ENERGY ~ Keith Gray, Service Area Director and Julienne Sugarek,
Director of Distribution Services
9:45 AM – 10:30 AM
Putnam 500-230kV Injection, Necessity - The Mother of Innovation & Achievement
FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT ~ William P. “Bud” Pflug, PE, Stations Engineering Manager;
David Weda, PE , Manager Transmission Engineering; Stephen M. Harty, PE, PMP,
Lead Project Manager; Mark Denman, Construction Leader - T/S
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Managing Grid Modernization Suppliers in Transition
DUKE ENERGY ~ Stephen Ruger, QA/QC Vendor Management
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Duke Energy Real Estate Common Platform GIS - Geographic Information Systems
Mapping Operations (GISMO)
DUKE ENERGY ~ Amy L. Barron, GISP, PLS, GIS Strategist
2:00 PM – 2:50 PM
SolutionOne - CIS Implementation at Pepco Holdings (in Finance & Accounting Session)
PEPCO HOLDINGS ~ Michael S. Poncia, Program Director, SolutionOne Project
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Bartow CC Station Wastewater System Redesign and Reuse Project
DUKE ENERGY ~ Terese Dodge, Lead Environmental Professional
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
FPL System Control Center Video Wall Project
FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT ~ Andy Pankratz, Senior Manager, System Operations;
Armando Garcia, Manager, Technology Engineering Development; Vivian Davila,
Information Technology Program Manager
Southeastern Electric Exchange
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Southeastern Electric Exchange, Inc.
This is a special award to honor the one project that is considered the “Best of the Best.” This award is designated
by the conference chairman and honors the project deemed most outstanding of all the category winners. This year’s
winner is...
SolutionOne - CIS Implementation at Pepco Holdings
Hallie Reese, Doug Myers, Michael Poncia
Cable Life Extension Program (CLEP)
Julienne Sugarek, Keith Gray, Ernie Kaster, Steve Greenley, David Baker
Bartow CC Station Wastewater System Redesign and Reuse Project
Terese Dodge, Joe Wiser, Greg Poniatowski
Adam Schwartz, Doug Yowell, Mark Witecki
FPL System Control Center Video Wall Project
Manny Miranda, Mike Spoor, Hector Sanchez, Andy Pankratz, Jeff Gooding, Liane Sawyer
Grace Kurian, Armando Garcia, Vivian Davila, Bob Riling, Emily Clemente
Putnam 500-230kV Injection, Necessity - The Mother of Innovation & Achievement
Mark Denman, Mehdi Firouzadj, Chip Fankhauser, Stephen Harty, Bud Pflug, Mike Schwarzer, David Weda
Shawn Hansen, Craig Coughlin, Ed Clark, Joe McGlashan, Daryl Kilpatrick, Jeromey Teeling
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Southeastern Electric Exchange, Inc.
St. George Island Pole Restoration Project
Troy Buis, Troy Bradfield, Doug Hurlock, Eddie Holman, Donald Kinney, Bobby Pickels
James Haugabrook, Vernita Williams, Gary Bitter, Randall Miranda, Shawn Spivey, Bill Chesney
Shaun Vance, Tim White, Stephen Wood, Tom Rupp, Jim Bowen
Duke Energy Real Estate Common Platform GIS –
Geographic Information Systems Mapping Operations (GISMO)
Amy Barron
Managing Grid Modernization Suppliers in Transition
Stephen Ruger, Patsy Herman, Kevin Spainhour, Dan Phillips, Mark Wimberly
SO Safe - Southern Company's Company-Wide Safety Challenge
Julie Pigott, Steve Wilson, Jason Pastras, Hengameh Pourfahkr
Tripp Cagle, Heather Brewer, Sara Beth Combs
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Pepco Holdings
SolutionOne - CIS Implementation at Pepco Holdings
Hallie Reese, Doug Myers, Michael Poncia
Pepco Holdings (PHI) is one of the largest energy delivery companies in the Mid-Atlantic region, serving about 2 million
customers in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland and New Jersey. The total population served is 5.6 million.
PHI offers regulated electricity service through its Atlantic City Electric, Delmarva Power and Pepco subsidiaries, with Delmarva Power also providing gas service to approximately 130,000 customers in northern Delaware. Delmarva Power and
Pepco have Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) while Atlantic City Electric remains on standard meters.
On January 5, 2015, the company completed the replacement of its two legacy Customer Information Systems (CIS) with
a single, new, state-of-the-art SAP Customer Relationship Management and Billing System (SAP CRM&B). The goal was
to successfully install a single, flexible and adaptable system that
could handle the complexities of serving each regional jurisdiction.
The integration also would pull together Customer Care activities
under one umbrella, taking a major step toward meeting the larger
PHI initiative of establishing a common view of the business (this is
referred to internally as “one process, one system”).
This 28-month project, referred to internally as SolutionOne, was
among the largest transformational projects in company history with
over 2,300 business requirements met. This successful effort to replace two custom coded CIS legacy systems that were decades old
with a single system also ranks at the top of the complexity scale.
The system design needed to accommodate four separate regulatory jurisdictions; three operating companies; more than one million
interval reading AMI meters while still supporting register read meters; dynamic pricing programs; deregulation (Customer Choice); net
energy metering programs; two types of service (gas and electricity);
and interfaces to more than 50 systems.
Approximately 200 full-time team members contributed to the project
before “Go-Live” on Jan. 5, 2015. Over 350 employees and key vendor partners also contributed by participating in the various phases,
workshops, Change Management sessions and Dress Rehearsals to
make sure the company could operate the system upon Go-Live.
The system was deployed according to schedule and the performance metrics have set a new benchmark for the industry according
to multiple third-party experts. This achievement was even more
remarkable given the project’s magnitude and complexity. After
nearly a year of full-scale operations, the SAP CRM&B system
achieved a 99.8% Billing Accuracy and a 95.5% Bill Timeliness performance while generating more than 22 million customer invoices.
Customer Service representatives processed more than 4 million
phone calls while maintaining an overall 76% Telephone Service
Factor and a 4% abandonment rate. The Call Center experienced
zero degradation in performance metrics during the first quarter with
the new system. Customer Satisfaction, as measured by MSI, actually increased during the first quarter of 2015. The SolutionOne
team philosophy of ‘Quality First’ served the company well both during the project and post-implementation.
Southeastern Electric Exchange
CenterPoint Energy
Cable Life Extension Program (CLEP)
Julienne Sugarek, Keith Gray, Ernie Kaster, Steve Greenley, David Baker
The underground Cable Life Extension Program (CLEP) program takes an innovative, proactive approach to identify potential failures in aged underground cable before they can occur. By identifying the risk of potential failures, CenterPoint
Energy (CNP) can make wise and prudent investments in its infrastructure and ultimately better serve our customers by
preventing future outages where they are most likely.
CNP has more than 18,000 underground residential distribution (URD) loops comprising more than 13,000 miles of cable
and associated distribution equipment. This equipment includes: pad-mounted transformers, secondary pedestals, primary pull holes, terminal poles, terminators and elbows. Currently, 27 percent of these loops have cables at least 35
years old, and these loops cause 44 percent of system outages. Past loop failures have indicated that URD loops over
35 years old have the highest probability of failure within CNP’s distribution system.
Historically, CNP replaced an average of 35 URD loops annually. The replacement criterion was based on:
The loop’s age
The loop’s reliability performance
Whether the loop was served by large step-down transformers
At this rate, it would take more than 100 years to replace these loops, while the rest of the URD system continues to
grow and age. To address this issue before it could become a major threat to reliability, CNP began an innovative cable
life extension program in 2013. This proactive approach, using IMCORP’s Factory Grade® cable assessment technology,
brought positive results as CNP was able to assess and extend the life of more than 10 times as many loops annually
while significantly reducing costs and improving system reliability through innovative and affordable means. IMCORP
provides a 15-year guarantee on all assessed loops.
Once spans have been assessed and the appropriate corrective actions have been completed, all spans within the entire
loop are guaranteed to perform to the original manufacturer’s standards. These corrective actions are expected to extend the useful life of the cable system by
eradicating or replacing spans that are near
or at imminent risk of failure. As a result of
the Cable Life Extension Program, CNP is
systematically reducing the backlog of aging
cable and projects that it will be managing 35
-year-old cable and related systems in real
time by 2018.
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Duke Energy
Bartow CC Station Wastewater System Redesign and Reuse Project
Terese Dodge, Joe Wiser, Greg Poniatowski
Adam Schwartz, Doug Yowell, Mark Witecki
The P.L. Bartow Power Plant was a steam electric generating facility powered by natural gas or No. 6 oil. At that time
the facility used an industrial wastewater pond system for wastewater treatment. The station was repowered and commissioned in June 2009 to a natural gas combined and simple cycle design (4 on 1 set up) with a HRSG system powering a 500 MW steam turbine.
During commissioning of the new combined cycle station the industrial wastewater ponds received an atypical volume of
water associated with the startup, requiring significant blowdown volumes going to the ponds to achieve the proper water
chemistry for the steam turbine.
The FDEP was notified of the high water issue to exercise the “bypass provision” as allowed under the NPDES permit for
the facility. The FDEP issued an Administrative to address the freeboard issue and required a Pond and Feasibility
Study to determine a corrective action. The Station had already conducted the Pond Study and was already working
towards a long term solution before the FDEP imposed the Order.
The Bartow CC Station Wastewater and Water Reuse Project was sparked as an opportunity to implement a water reuse
and wastewater management system stemming from the results of the Pond Study. This project was a win-win for the
Station and the FDEP. The benefits included permanent closure of the surface impoundments as well as up to 70% water reuse to offset potable water use for demineralized water make up. Any wastewater that could not be reused would
be sent to a new internal outfall, provided it met the effluent guidelines.
The new internal outfall limits included oil and grease,
pH, TSS and total nitrogen. The Station would not be
subject to the NNC Rule if a loading allocation could be
obtained through the Tampa Bay Nitrogen Management
Consortium. Duke Energy approached the TBNMC to
be considered as a new member and new discharger in
the Consortium. A technical advisory committee was
established to review the consideration for an allocation
prior to FDEP being able to provide language into the
NPDES permit. The allocation approval process took
approximately one year and Duke Energy was an integral team member along with FDEP, the Tampa Bay
Estuary Program and other representatives both public
and private sector that were members of the consortium.
Duke Energy obtained 100% consensus from the consortium to become a member and new discharger.
The project was approved by the Public Service Commission as an Environmental Cost Recovery Clause
(ECRC) eligible project.
The Water Reuse and
Wastewater Project was completed and commissioned
December 18, 2014. There has been no discharge water quality issues associated with the new internal outfall. The Station has reduced potable water consumption by approximately 40%-70% . This project was a
successful collaboration of the Florida PSC and DEP
agencies, Tampa Bay Nitrogen Management Consortium, the USCG and the Duke Energy team members
who were driven to ensure its success.
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Florida Power & Light Company
FPL System Control Center Video Wall Project
Manny Miranda, Mike Spoor, Hector Sanchez, Andy Pankratz, Jeff Gooding, Liane Sawyer
Grace Kurian, Armando Garcia, Vivian Davila, Bob Riling, Emily Clemente
The Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) System Control Center (SCC) operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to
provide reliable, efficient electric service to FPL’s more than 4.8 million customers. In March 2015, FPL’s Power Delivery
business unit embarked on a journey to replace the existing tile-based map board used in its SCC with a state-of-the-art
video wall. Originally commissioned in 1992, the outgoing map board was obsolete. Parts became increasingly difficult to
obtain and maintain. SCC operators’ situational awareness was based on 1990’s technology using the tile base and LED
bulbs for indication.
The massive video wall project included replacing the existing ceiling, acoustics and lighting and installing enhanced
cooling for the LED monitors. The 24-hour SCC operation could not be temporarily relocated during construction. The
FPL project team needed to develop a plan to safely conduct the demolition and reconstruction around and above ongoing SCC operations. The extraordinary feat was accomplished by erecting an 11,000-square foot scaffold structure to
create a raised floor, allowing SCC operations to continue while the ceiling, lighting and cooling work was performed
overhead. Assembly and disassembly of the scaffolding required extensive coordination to ensure the safety of the operators and construction personnel. The scaffolding weighed 108,000 pounds and included 343 sheets of ¾-inch plywood.
Safety measures were implemented throughout construction, including the use of seven HEPA filters and regular air
quality monitoring to control any dust from the construction activities. Demolition of the old map board and infrastructure—and
construction and installation of the new acoustic ceiling, LED
lighting, additional cooling and video wall—was completed in six
months with zero injuries.
FPL’s new video wall is the largest utility installation in North
America, consisting of 185 70-inch LED monitors. The video wall
is more than 188 feet wide and 14 feet high. It is wired with 1.75
miles of video cable, three miles of power cable and 3.5 miles of
network cable to display more than 383 million pixels of viewing
brilliance. The wall uses more than 85,000 data inputs to display
system changes to the SCC operators. The digital technology
enables the development of additional advanced situational
awareness tools that can leverage FPL’s smart grid. The wall also
includes enhanced restoration tools for improving overall service
reliability, helping to keep customer bills low.
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Florida Power & Light Company
Putnam 500-230kV Injection, Necessity - The Mother of Innovation & Achievement
Mark Denman, Mehdi Firouzadj,Chip Fankhauser, Stephen Harty, Bud Pflug, Mike Schwarzer, David Weda
Shawn Hansen, Craig Coughlin, Ed Clark, Joe McGlashan, Daryl Kilpatrick, Jeromey Teeling
The Roberts Substation Putnam 500-230kV Injection project highlights Florida Power & Light Company’s (FPL’s) commitment to success and innovation. A project of this complexity, including overcoming challenges encountered, would
normally take 36 months to complete. This unique project was completed and fully integrated in less than 14 months.
In November 2013, when additional environmental requirements and dated technology made FPL’s 1979 older Putnam
Power Plant increasingly uneconomical to operate, the company looked to Power Delivery for a solution: to build a new
500-230 kV substation near the plant. This request presented an unprecedented challenge. Driven by environmental
compliance deadlines that would restrict plant operations, the substation needed to be sited, permitted, constructed and
in service within 14 months, a timeframe never before achieved by FPL.
Power Delivery’s Siting, Permitting, Engineering and Construction teams immediately embarked on a mission that would
present anticipated and unanticipated challenges. Anticipated challenges included the need for land acquisition, outreach to the local community and governmental agencies, zoning, critical path environmental permitting and procurement of long lead time materials and equipment. These components all needed to be in place as quickly and efficiently
as possible to support an already time-constrained
construction schedule.
Engineering challenges included major modifications of the 500kV, 230kV and 115kV transmission
lines for fault current mitigation and expansion of
the Putnam 230kV substation, while construction
challenges included building the substation directly
below an energized transmission line. Given the
time-constrained schedule, the construction team
was charged with determining how to accommodate concurrent construction activities that would
normally be done in sequence.
The property acquired for the new Roberts Substation was predominantly comprised of wetlands and
required significant site preparation, as well as
more difficult environmental permitting and mitigation. Furthermore, when FPL discovered a bald eagle nest on the property, the site layout had to be
rearranged to avoid construction within 660 feet of
the nest.
Once the site was selected and the land was acquired, additional challenges became apparent.
During site preparation, a historic dump site was
discovered, which triggered environmental sampling and segregation of debris from clean fill.
As a result of the team’s commitment to success
and innovation to overcome a number of challenges, FPL’s Power Delivery team completed the $60
million project ahead of schedule and under budget. The new Roberts Substation began operating on
December 15, 2014 – two weeks ahead of schedule.
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Duke Energy
St. George Island Pole Restoration Project
Troy Buis, Troy Bradfield, Doug Hurlock, Eddie Holman, Donald Kinney, Bobby Pickels
James Haugabrook, Vernita Williams, Gary Bitter, Randall Miranda, Shawn Spivey, Bill Chesney
Shaun Vance, Tim White, Stephen Wood, Tom Rupp, Jim Bowen
Duke Energy Florida has a 69kV transmission line that spans the Apalachicola Bay, approximately 5 linear miles, to feed
St. George Island (SGI). SGI and Apalachicola are located in Florida’s panhandle on the Gulf of Mexico, approximately
two hours south-west of Tallahassee. The line designation is St. George Island Tap and is a radial feed to the St George
Island substation. There are 48 concrete transmission structures in the bay.
The bay is relatively shallow with oyster beds spread throughout, so large vessels navigate the bay through designated
channels. The transmission line spans one of the channels with two 190-foot hybrid structures comprised of a concrete
base and a steel top section. These two hybrid structures are identified as structure 41 and 42. Structure 40 is one span to
the North of structure 41, and was struck by a large vessel that had veered off course, sometime prior to Feb 17, 2015.
Structure 40 was a 140-foot, 24 KIP concrete pole that weighed approximately 60,000 pounds. The structure was designed to withstand a 135 mph wind load and an 18,000 pounds wave load at 11 feet above the mean lower level water
line (MLLW). The foundation of structure 40 consisted of a ½” steel casing that was vibrated to 35’ below the mud line.
The casing was then augured out and the annular space within the casing was filled with crushed stone backfill to approximately 1 foot above the mud line.
Structure 40 had failed, but not catastrophically, below the
water surface, 18 inches below the top of the casing. The
exposed portion of the structure, above the water surface,
was leaning approximately 30 degrees off center.
Structure 40 was noticed by two substation electricians coming across the causeway on Feb. 17, 2015, and called it in to
their supervisor. Duke Energy Florida has a contingency
plan in place for this transmission line so immediate action
can be taken if an emergency situation arises, like this one.
The contingency plan was activated and the required materials and resources were requested immediately.
Transmission line engineering was engaged to determine if
the conductor could be removed from structure 40 and
floated between structures 41 and 39, while structure 40
was being replaced. PLS-CADD and as-builts of the transmission line were utilized to verify the structural capacity of
structures 41 and 39. Engineering was able to verify that
during normal operating conditions, the additional loading
caused from the removal of structure 40, and floating the
conductor, did not exceed the strength capacity of structures 41 and 39, or their insulators.
The construction plan was to take an outage on the line on
Feb. 20, 2015 long enough for Service Electric Company to
stabilize structure 40, float the conductor off the insulators,
cut the top of the structure off and secure it on a barge.
During the outage, SGI’s 13MVA potential peak load was to
be fed by eight 2-MW, 480-V AC Caterpillar generators until
the line was put back in service. The remaining line work in
the bay was to be done while the line was energized, utilizing the “live line bare hand” method.
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Duke Energy
Duke Energy Real Estate Common Platform GIS –
Geographic Information Systems Mapping Operations (GISMO)
Amy Barron
After multiple mergers, Duke Energy Real Estate lacked a common Geographic Information Systems (GIS) platform. A
large portion of data was maintained in legacy systems and was not always updated in a timely manner or accurately
represented. Many of the systems did not contain the essential parcel data and imagery necessary for Real Estate projects. In 2013, Duke Energy Real Estate appointed a GIS Strategist to oversee the development, establishment, and
governance of a GIS including all GIS initiatives, necessary standards, and consistent processes. In Q3 of 2014, Duke
Energy Information Technology approved a project for Real Estate to create a GIS tool called Geographic Information
Systems Mapping Operations (GISMO).
GISMO was built upon Esri’s ArcGIS for Server technology using JavaScript. Not only does it house the Real Estate
data from legacy systems and data from multiple locations, it also contains enhanced parcel data for all six states in the
Duke Energy service territory and aerial imagery. It is scalable, mobile and integrates with existing corporate-wide GIS
and non-GIS systems.
GISMO is now a one-stop-shop for all Real Estate GIS, including linking Transmission and Distribution Easements and
Fee Property to legal documents and county data. Soon it will include links to Leases, Permits and Facility/Building data.
It also provides capability to view and identify circuitry information for Transmission, Distribution, and Gas, which is maintained in other systems
and all external or internal Environmental GIS
To date, GISMO has
provided roughly $2
million in savings to
Duke Energy Real Estate. We expect future
savings by reductions
streamlining operations
within every department
within the Real Estate
organization, and increasing work enhancement generally. While
the initial goal was to
apply these benefits to
Real Estate, GISMO
has the potential for
corporatewide solutions as other
units adopt and adapt
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Duke Energy
Managing Grid Modernization Suppliers in Transition
Stephen Ruger, Patsy Herman, Kevin Spainhour, Dan Phillips, Mark Wimberly
In modernizing the electric grid, a host of new companies have entered the field. Existing companies are also changing
their operating model to fit into the new utility requirements. Those requirements include:
Supporting large deployments of new equipment in the field.
Interconnecting devices across the distribution and transmission systems that have never before communicated with
each other.
Supporting software and firmware for the duration of an expected ten to thirty year operating life of the equipment.
Working with other equipment and software vendors to integrate their product into a larger grid management environment.
Maintaining configuration and product support for existing model equipment even after new equipment models has
been introduced and deployed.
Despite efforts by utilities to screen suppliers for their long term support capabilities, there are substantial changes and
emergent issues in the field of utility equipment suppliers. And, like all high-tech industries, this will not be a short term
phenomenon, but rather will be Standard Operating Procedure into the foreseeable future. Changes that can be expected among grid modernization (smart grid) suppliers include:
Mergers among various suppliers.
Acquisition of suppliers by other companies internal and external to the utility industry.
Acquisition of these companies by venture capitalists with agendas of turning them over for a profit.
Decisions to exit the utility market .
Bankruptcy and dissolution of suppliers.
Due to the cost of deployment, simply abandoning and replacing hundreds of millions of dollars in “stranded assets” is
not a viable option, even if the original company is no longer in business.
In order to manage this rapidly changing environment, Duke Energy Grid Solutions launched a Supplier Business Continuity Project Initiative (BCP) in 2013, extending through 2014 to the current day. This initiative identifies the suppliers
who are key to the functioning and interconnection of the Grid. It also identifies levels of risk associated to each of these
companies and assigns appropriate levels of contingencies to them as a result. The project focuses on:
Identifying who was at risk.
Measuring the level of risk.
Preparing appropriate levels of continuity plans for each
Monitoring and reporting on the state of the overall industry and vendors via dashboards and financial reports
Executing staged phases of the plans according to industry and supplier conditions
As a result of this project, Duke Energy was able in one instance to progress through the bankruptcies and ownership
changes that accompanied the smart grid shakeout of 2014
and 2015, continuing now, with no loss of product support,
functionality, and project continuity. Nor did it incur significant
added cost. This initiative protected more than $260 million
of installed assets from the risk of loss of use or premature
replacement due to lack of support and kept the promises
made to regulators and customers.
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Southern Company
SO Safe - Southern Company's Company-Wide Safety Challenge
Julie Pigott, Steve Wilson, Jason Pastras, Hengameh Pourfahkr
Tripp Cagle, Heather Brewer, Sara Beth Combs
For more than 10 years, each day at Southern Company has been inspired by a bold aim: “Target Zero. Every day, every job, safely.” This goal, articulated through Target Zero, echoes the idea that safety is a core value – an integral part of
the service, operation and culture that make up Southern Company.
Target Zero is a safety philosophy first introduced by Charles McCrary, retired chief executive officer of Southern Company subsidiary Alabama Power, during an executive forum in 2004. At that time, the company was an industry leader in
all areas except safety. Following Alabama Power’s rollout of Target Zero and in an effort to improve the company’s
safety performance, retired Southern Company Chief Executive Officer David Ratcliffe implemented Target Zero across
the entire Southern Company system in 2005.
Since that time, Southern Company has seen steady improvement in safety performance. There was a shift in the safety
culture because expectations of zero-injury safety performance became clearer, leadership was more engaged and employees heard relevant, consistent messaging. SO Safe was yet another step in the process of constantly improving the
company’s safety values.
In 2014, SO Safe was launched as a competition in which all employees were asked to critically assess Southern Company’s future safety performance. The competition was designed to celebrate the company’s longstanding commitment
to safety while institutionalizing an inventive spirit as a cornerstone of company culture and encouraging collaboration
across the entire enterprise.
SO Safe was administered via an internal Web portal through which employees submitted idea proposals. Submissions
were then viewed by all Southern Company system employees, who were encouraged to provide feedback on the ideas
and select the winners of the competition through online voting.
Ideas selected progressed through SO Safe using a variety of methods, and employees had a significant ability to influence the results. Once all ideas had been submitted, employees selected 25 ideas through a voting process known as
“crowdsourcing.” An expert panel reviewed these ideas and narrowed the list to 12 finalists. Six winners were selected
from among that group – one by an executive panel – and an additional five by employees through a process known as
“pairwise” voting. Pairwise voting is a voting method that removes the popularity factor by asking voters to select which is
the better of two options. Each winning idea –
whether submitted by a team or an individual – received a cash prize.
By creating a forum for safety-related discussions
and a venue to submit innovative safety ideas or
improvements, Southern Company’s SO Safe initiative represented a promising new investment in the
safety and health of all employees.
Southeastern Electric Exchange
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Trade Show Schedule
Wednesday, June 29
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Thursday, June 30
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Company Name
3M Electrical Markets
Aerial Solutions
AFL Global
Altec Industries, Inc.
Ampirical Solutions
AMSC (American Superconductor)
ArborMetrics Solutions, Inc.
Arch Wood Protection
Area Wide Protective (AWP), Inc.
Asplundh Tree Expert Co.
ASSET Engineering
Associated Diversified Services, Inc.
Aubrey Silvey Enterprises, Inc.
BBC Electrical Services, Inc.
Beta Engineering, LLC
Black & Veatch
Burns & McDonnell
Cembre, Inc.
Chain Electric Company
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Coates Field Service
Commonwealth Associates, Inc.
CTC Global Corporation
Davey Resource Group
Delta Star, Inc
DiGioia, Gray & Associates, LLC
Enercon Services, Inc.
Fred Wilson & Associates, Inc.
G&W Electric Company
GAI Consultants, Inc.
Haverfield Aviation, Inc.
HD Electric Company
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Henkels & McCoy, Inc.
House of Threads
Howard Industries
Hubbell Power Systems
IFD Corporation
Infratech Corporation
Jones Companies
Kiewit Engineering & Design
Laminated Wood Systems, Inc.
Lapp Insulators, LLC
LEIDOS Engineering, LLC
Lewis Tree Service, Inc.
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Booth #
127 & 129
810 & 812
227 & 229
220 & 222
109 & 111
Company Name
Lindsey Manufacturing
M.D. Henry Co., Inc.
Mabey, Inc.
MacLean Power Systems
MasTec North America, Inc.
McFarland Cascade
McKim & Creed, Inc.
McWane Poles
Nelson Tree Service, Inc.
Osmose Utilities Services, Inc.
Phoenix Electric Corporation
Pike Electric, LLC
PLH Group
POWER Engineers, Inc.
Powertech Labs Inc.
Preformed Line Products
PrimeLine Utility Services, LLC
Quanta Services, Inc.
ROHN Products LLC
RS Poles
S&C Electric Company
Sargent & Lundy, LLC
Sefcor, Inc.
Southern States, LLC
Sparks Energy Inc.
SPIDA Software
Stantec Consulting
Sterling Lumber
Surveying & Mapping, LLC
T&D PowerSkills, LLC
T&D Solutions, LLC
T.C.I. Sales, Inc.
TAPP, Inc.
TE Connectivity
Team Fishel
Terex Utilities
Threaded Fasteners, Inc.
Townsend Corporation, The
Trachte, LLC
TRC Engineering
Trees, Inc.
Trinity Meyer Utility Structures
Tyndale Company, Inc.
UtiliCon Solutions, Ltd.
Valmont Newmark
Willbros T&D Services
Wm. E. Groves Construction, Inc.
Booth #
121 & 123
113 & 115
307 & 309
213 & 215
302 & 304
202 & 204
131 & 230
704 & 706
201 & 203
101 & 103
Southeastern Electric Exchange Exhibit Descriptions (in alphabetical order by company)
3M Electrical Markets Division
Booth #322
3M provides power cable splices and terminations (from low voltage up to 145kV), high-temperature, low–sag tranmission conductors,
cold-shrink and heat shrink accessories (from the company that invented cold shrink), electrical tape (invented in 1946) and personal
safety products. Locating and Marking products.
Contact: Brian Helbling ~ 561-702-6932 ~
Booth #719
AECOM is built to deliver a better world. We design, build, finance and operate infrastructure assets for governments, businesses and
organizations in more than 150 countries. As a fully integrated firm, we connect knowledge and experience across our global network
of experts to help clients solve their most complex challenges.
Contact: Sharon Smith ~ 619-610-7849 ~
Aerial Solutions
Booth #618
Aerial Solutions uses a helicopter-mounted saw to help utilities eliminate lateral vegetation encroachment along
their rights-of-ways resulting in improved safety and service reliability. Conventional side-trimming methods are
often limited by terrain, regulations, or environmental restrictions. Aerial Solutions can provide a fast, cost-effective
alternative even in these difficult locations.
Contact: Lynn Grayson ~ 910-234-1944 ~
AFL Global
Booth #521
AFL provides industry-leading products and services to the electric utility, transit rail markets, renewable and intelligent grid and many
others. Our diverse product portfolio includes fiber optic cable, outside plant equipment, fusion splicers, and test equipment. AFL also
offers a complete line of products supporting T&D and substation.
Contact: Kelsey Elam ~ 864-486-7219 ~
Booth #713
Aldridge is recognized as one of the largest foundation contractors in the US Power market. Aldridge provides drilled shaft and grillage
type foundations as well as comprehensive services in clearing, access, matting and surveying. In addition, their specialty foundation
capabilities include micropiles, anchors, helicals, displacement piles, and auger-cast pile foundations. A family owned company, Aldridge employs over 850 employees and completes projects from coast to coast.
Contact: Alysha Bradley ~ 847-276-5999 ~
Altec Industries, Inc.
Booth #507
Altec Industries, Altec Capital Services, Global Rental Company: Altec designs, manufactures and supports
the largest lineup of Aerial Devices, Digger Derricks, Cranes, and Utility Bodies in the world. Altec Capital
Services provides a full array of financial products for the Utility Customer. Global Rental Company is your full
-service Utility Rental Source.
Contact: Anita Fisher ~ 205-408-8047 ~
Ampirical Solutions, LLC
Booth #319
Ampirical Solutions provides engineering and EPC services to the Utility, Renewable Energy and Industrial markets with specialization
in Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management and Commissioning/Testing of medium and high voltage substations and
transmission lines along with protection & controls.
Contact: Ed Tafelski ~ 727-410-3433 ~
Southeastern Electric Exchange
AMSC (American Superconductor)
Booth #620
AMSC offers engineering planning services and advanced grid systems that optimize network reliability and performance from generation through distribution. Key product offerings include D-VAR® STATCOM and SVC systems solving voltage stability and power
quality challenges, and Superconductor Power Cables rated 15 kV – 230 kV
Contact: Cathy Stewart ~ 978-842-3037 ~
ArborMetrics Solutions Inc.
Booth #822
People, Processes, Systems
ArborMetrics Solutions, Inc. specializes in combining expertise, software, hardware and people into mobile workforce solutions that
streamline your vegetation management program. Our customers include utilities, municipalities and other agencies who are interested in finding ways to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of their vegetation management programs.
Contact: Robert Richens, Jr. ~ 828-685-1880 ~
Arch Wood Protection
Booth #718
Arch provides CCA and ACZA preservatives for the production of pressure-treated wood poles and crossarms. These poles carry a 50
-year limited warranty. We developed Wolman® ET® CCA/oil additive.
Contact: Belinda Remley ~ 678-627-2216 ~
Area Wide Protective (AWP), Inc.
Booth #619
AWP is America’s Traffic Control Leader. Committed to providing safe, comprehensive traffic control services, our customers enjoy
the convenience of one-stop traffic control shopping for their multiple needs and locations. Through dedication, innovation, and a spirit of excellence, we serve clients both large and small across 18 states. Call us!
Contact: Deanna Meadows ~ 330-808-3968 ~
Asplundh Tree Expert Co.
Booth #722
For over 85 years, the Asplundh Tree Expert Co. has been dedicated to safe, efficient, cost-effective and innovative vegetation management services for the electric utility industry. These services include scheduled and
emergency tree pruning and removals, right-of-way clearing and maintenance with specialized equipment, and
integrated vegetation management with herbicides.
Contact: Brent Asplundh ~ 800-248-8733 ~
ASSET Engineering
Booth #519
ASSET Engineering is a consulting firm recognized as a specialist in power system design and analysis. Our team is anchored by
veteran power system designers and control system professional engineers. We provide our client’s decades of experience in specialized electrical engineering design, protection and control systems, and project management services.
Contact: Ron Reed ~ 601-351-3285 ~
Associated Diversified Services, Inc.
Booth #523
Specializing in transmission, distribution and substation construction and maintenance as well as storm restoration services, Diversified Services has over 25 years’ experience serving the energy sector. We take seriously and invest substantially in Safety, Training,
Equipment and Communication Tools in order to enhance our ability to serve our clients.
Contact: Beth Harneck ~ 256-751-5589 ~
Aubrey Silvey Enterprises, Inc.
Booth #300
Aubrey Silvey Enterprises, Inc. was founded in 1971. We maintain 4 major lines of Service – Construction, Engineering, Manufacturing and Information Technology. Substation Construction; Assembly & Installation of Oil-filled Transformers with periodic scheduled
Maintenance; Full service Insulating Oil Analysis and Testing; Supplier of the best quality Power Connectors and High Voltage Switches. Quality. Experience. Integrity. For “Peace of Mind” see us for all your needs.
Contact: Anne Daniel ~ 770-834-0738 ext. 122 ~
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
BBC Electrical Services, Inc.
Booth #623
BBC specializes in Distribution, Transmission, Substation and Fiber Optic construction and maintenance, as well as Emergency Response services to the utility industry across the United States. BBC takes great pride in providing safe, quality construction services
that meet our customers’ unique needs.
Contact: Reed Miller ~ 417-206-4047 ~
Beta Engineering, LLC
Booth #622
Beta provides engineering, procurement and construction services for high voltage substations, switchyards,
transmission lines, FACTS and GIS projects across the United States.
Contact: Jennifer Dykes ~ 318-767-5556 ~
Black & Veatch
Booth #308
Black & Veatch has effectively served the southeast for over 50 years and offers a full range of professional
services including planning, siting and routing, permitting, engineering and design, procurement, construction
and construction management. We serve the southeast from our offices in Orlando, Raleigh, Atlanta, Houston, and Kansas City.
Contact: Allen Sneath ~ 407-419-3550 ~
Burns & McDonnell
Booth #223
Burns & McDonnell is a 100 percent employee-owned engineering, architecture and construction firm that designs,
builds and secures transmission and distribution systems throughout North America. Currently ranked as the No. 1
T&D firm by Engineering News-Record magazine, Burns & McDonnell T&D professionals are located in the main
Kansas City office and in every regional office throughout the U.S. and Canada. For more info, visit
Contact: Chris Gomperts ~ (919) 900-1891~
Booth #615
Cembre is a world leading manufacturer of crimping and cutting tools, I.D. & labeling systems and electrical connectors.
Contact: Tim Sanfratello ~ 732-225-7415 ~
Chain Electric Company
Booth #127 & 129
In an industry of Power, Chain Electric is one of the oldest providers of energy solutions. Our new construction
and maintenance services include transmission, distribution, commercial and storm restoration. We offer EPC
work, windmill collection and grid projects. We also offer commercial solar power systems. We are Proven Power.
Contact: Melissa Lyman ~ 601-545-3800 ~
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Booth #311
The multi-disciplined Power Industry Consulting Group at CEC is derived from the firm’s primary practices of civil engineering, ecological sciences, environmental engineering and sciences, survey, waste management and water resources to strategically focus on the
industry’s unique business challenges and drivers and to deliver innovative design solutions and integrated expertise.
Contact: Lauren Young ~ 800-365-2324 ~
Coates Field Service, Inc.
Booth #814
Since 1950, Coates has been providing energy companies, DOT’s, and oil and gas companies with land and right of way acquisition
services. Coates has the experience and knowledge to serve clients in all 50 states. The first firm of its kind, Coates has been leading
innovation in the industry for 64 years.
Contact: Brandy Crawford ~ 405-528-5676 ~
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Commonwealth Associates, Inc.
Booth #226
Commonwealth is an employee-owned company that provides world-class engineering, client-centered service
and exceptional value for your dollar. Select Commonwealth for your power generation, transmission and distribution line, substation, relay settings, right-of-way, compliance or environmental/permitting projects.
Contact: Gary Bernstein ~ 517-990-8353 ~
CTC Global
Booth #313
CTC Global, based in Irvine, California, developed and produces the patented ACCC conductor and ancillary hardware components.
The ACCC core is produced at CTC’s manufacturing center in California which is then shipped to one of more than ten ISO certified
stranding partners internationally, who then add the aluminum strands and ship the finished conductor to utilities worldwide. ACCC
conductor offers the high-capacity, lowest-sag and lowest-loss performance compared to any other conductor on the market today.
Contact: Donna Smevog ~ 949-381-7294 ~
Davey Resource Group
Booth #810 & 812
Davey Resource Group, Davey Utility, Wolf Tree and Exacter are a suite of companies providing customized reliability based solutions
to investor owned utilities across the United States and Canada. We are a 130 year old employee owned company with a unique understanding of the challenges related to the delivery of reliable, safe, and cost effective power to our customers.
Contact: Scott Anderson ~ 904-237-5622 ~
Delta Star, Inc.
Booth #212
Delta Star is the quality manufacturer of medium-power transformers and the premier manufacturer of mobile transformers and mobile
substations in the United States. For over 100 years we have taken pride in creating safe, reliable, custom-made products that provide
our family of customers with long-term service and valued investments.
Contact: Heather Maddox ~ 434-845-0921 ~
Digioia, Gray & Associates, LLC
Booth #712
Led by internationally respected engineers and geologists with extensive experience providing comprehensive consulting services,
DiGioia Gray provides interdisciplinary, full-service expertise from planning and design through construction, operation, maintenance
and rehabilitation. With our experts as your trusted advisors, we commit to provide practical, economical, and reliable solutions that
exceed your expectations.
Contact: Betsy Sanger/Paula Deasy ~ 724-318-4108 / 724-259-6446 ~ /
Booth #228
DIS-TRAN designs, details and fabricates different arrangements of substation and transmission structures, from standard shape to
large tapered tubular steel structures: Manufactures and treats a complete line of distribution crossarms, ground molding and transmission arms, assemblies and braces and a new product line of Ultravex™ composite crossarms. We can do it all.
Contact: Wendy Gintz ~ 318-767-5588 ~
Booth #209
GroundAware® from Dynetics detects, tracks, and enables real-time response to intruders at transmission, generation, and other
sites. Monitoring 2,000 acres with one sensor and able to integrate with cameras, access control, and more, GroundAware helps simplify CIP-014 planning and providing surveillance of far-flung assets regardless of weather or lighting.
Contact: Tom Gates ~ 256-713-5255 ~
Booth #515
Eaton is a power management company with approximately 97,000 employees. The company provides energy-efficient solutions that
help our customers effectively manage electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power more efficiently, safely and sustainably. Eaton sells
products, including Cooper Power series products, to customers in more than 175 countries. For more information, visit
Contact: Kristine Kucera ~ 262-835-1538 ~
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Enercon Services, Inc.
Booth #505
ENERCON was established to provide services to the electric power industry. ENERCON’s Power Delivery Services division has
been providing services to all elements of the Electric utility sector since 1997. ENERCON offers a broad spectrum of engineering
and environmental services to support this expansion.
Contact: Anthony Pasquarella ~ 302-536-2186 ~
Fred Wilson & Associates
Booth #320
Fred Wilson & Associates, Inc. is a Jacksonville, Florida-based consulting engineering firm that provides transmission, distribution,
substation and relay design services. Founded in 1962, FW&A serves numerous electric utilities in the Southeast and has earned a
reputation for exceptional integrity, quality design, and long-term customer relationships.
Contact: Shana Levett ~ 904-398-8636 ~
G&W Electric Company
Booth #613
G&W Electric Co. is a leading worldwide manufacturer of medium/high voltage electrical products and automation services. Providing
customer power solutions worldwide since 1905.
Contact: Jeff La Morte ~ 708-388-5010 ~
GAI Consultants, Inc.
Booth #315
Transforming ideas into reality® for over 50 years, GAI is an employee-owned, multi-disciplined engineering and environmental consulting firm serving our clients worldwide in the energy, transportation, real estate, water, municipal,
government, and industrial markets from U.S. offices throughout the Northeast, Midwest, and Southeast. For more
information about GAI’s history, services and people, visit
Contact: Molly Kwiatkowski ~ 412-476-2000 ext. 1037 ~
Booth #312
HAEFLY HIPOTRONICS is the world’s leading full-line manufacturer and servicer of HV test and measurement instrumentation. Our
products are tailored toward the unique infrastructure and testing requirements of utilities for transmission and distribution. PREMIUM
Contact: Brittany Diesing ~ 845-230-9242 ~
Haverfield Aviation Inc.
Booth #227 & 229
Haverfield is the leading provider of aerial power line inspection and construction support services both in the United States and
abroad. It is the most efficient provider of energized line services in the U.S. Haverfield has participated in many extensive projects
across the country. Working with Haverfield means less downtime.
Contact: Rachel Palmer ~ 717-334-1826 ~
HD Electric Company
Booth #621
HD Electric Company provides the industry with a complete range of quality, field-proven and dependable products to test, measure
and control electric power. HDE offers an extensive line of products and provides quality products that improve the safety and quality
of utility work practices.
Contact: Kimberly Huggins ~ 224-399-8219 ~
HDR Engineering, INC.
Booth #205
For nearly 100 years, we’ve been partnering with clients to develop and operate infrastructure that powers the world.
From expanding power delivery systems to bringing wind and solar farms to life to modernizing generation stations,
you can count on us.
Contact: Roger Sparry ~ 423.414.3556 ~
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Henkels & McCoy, Inc.
Booth #330
Henkels & McCoy, Inc., (H&M) is a leading utility construction firm providing critical infrastructure for the Power,
Communications, Oil & Gas Pipeline, and Gas Distribution markets throughout North America. Founded in 1923,
H&M adapts 90+ years of experience to the dynamic and evolving infrastructure needs of today. For more information, please visit
Contact: Maureen Sheeler ~ 215-283-7724 ~
Booth #611
Established in 1935, Hioki has grown to be a respected developer and manufacturer of innovative test and measurement instruments.
Hioki develops its business from the customer's perspective. Our product list includes: Power Quality Analyzers (PQA); Insulation Testing;
Data Acquisition Recorders; Power Demand Meters; Data Loggers; AM Meters; Volt Meters; Clamp-Ons; Digital Multimeters; Meters;
Testers; Field Use Measurement Instruments; Electronic Measurement Instruments; Recorders and Automatic Test Equipment.
Contact: Manny Fernandes ~ 609-409-9109 ~
House of Threads
Booth #707
For over 50 years, House of Threads has been one of the nation’s largest fastener distribution companies. Today we own and operate distribution centers in strategic cities in the United States and Mexico. We offer inventory management systems that are customizable to fit the need of each customer.
Contact: Russell Watts ~ 205-949-4183 ~
Howard Industries
Booth #607
Manufacturer of oil-filled distribution transformers, medium power substation transformers, network transformers, transformer components, voltage regulators, junction boxes, personal computers, lighting products, and provider of motor
freight services nationwide.
Jeremy Hoagland ~ 601-425-3151 ~
Hubbell Power Systems
Booth #720
Hubbell Power Systems manufactures a wide variety of transmission, distribution, substation, underground and power correction products. Brands include Anderson, CDR, Fargo, Chance, Ohio Brass, Quazite, PCORE, Electro Composites, USCO and Trinetics.
Contact: Dick Erdel ~ 573-682-5521 ~
IFD Corporation
Booth #818
The IFD sensor provides a visual alert that a Distribution Transformer has experienced a low impedance internal
fault, allowing Linemen to make an intelligent and intrinsically safer decision, “see the signal and replace the Transformer” resulting in much faster restoration and simply better operations.
Contact: Greg Emry ~ 604-734-0105 ~
Booth #314
Since 1995, IMCORP has been assisting clients with managing their cable assets. From 5kV to 500kV, our Factory Grade® technology brings the trusted reliability of cable and accessory manufacturers to the field.
Contact: Stephanie Ayers ~ 860-783-8000 ~
Infratech Corporation
Booth #606
INFRATECH® Corporation is a leading distribution construction contractor for electric utility companies throughout the United States.
Infratech designs, installs, replaces, and maintains the infrastructure that people depend on every day. Licensed in 22 states, our
customers range from local municipal to multi-state utilities.
Contact: Glen Andrew / Susan Lorek ~ 205-613-7269 / 678-907-2835 ~ /
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Jones Companies
Booth #220 & 222
Started in 1949, Jones Companies has grown to become the market leader in energy construction support services. With our nationwide inventory of construction timber mats, logistics and transportation division, and on-site fuel solution, Jones Companies has led
industry innovation by creating cost saving solutions through a multi-faceted platform.
Contact: Kathy Hopper ~ 936-203-7980 ~
Kiewit Engineering & Design
Booth #714
Kiewit Engineering & Design, a subsidiary of Kiewit Corporation, is a full service consulting and engineering firm serving the energy
and water markets specifically power delivery; oil, gas, and chemical; power generation; industrial water treatment and desalination;
and air quality control systems.
Contact: Sarah Turpin ~ 913-689-4047 ~
Laminated Wood Systems, Inc.
Booth #318
Laminated Wood Systems offers E-LAM® engineered laminated wood tangent, unguyed angle, switch & substation structures through
170 feet, the patented PoleEnforcer® groundline reinforcement system, the patented PhaseRaiser® structure lifting system, and the
PRS® Pole Reclassification System.
Contact: Sid Kamprath ~ 800-949-3526 ~
Lapp Insulators
Booth #710
Lapp Insulators LLC is a world-leading manufacturer of high voltage ceramic and composite insulators for Substation, Transmission
and OEM applications. Lapp’s unmatched, long-standing reputation for quality and innovation ensures the integrity of more electric
transmission and distribution systems, in more countries, than any other insulator manufacturer.
Contact: Jim Pries or Gayle Young ~ 585-768-5282 ~ or
Leidos Engineering, LLC
Booth #317
Leidos Engineering, LLC is an applied solutions company with expertise in engineering, health, and national security, comprised of
1,910 professionals including architects, engineers, scientists, business consultants, and technologists. Leidos serves these five principal markets: utilities; commercial and industrial; oil and gas; lenders and developers; and government.
Contact: Jessi Butler ~ 303-299-5243 ~
Lewis Tree Service
Booth #109 & 111
As one of North America’s largest providers of utility vegetation management services, Lewis Tree Service is a
leader in safety, responsiveness and innovation. The technology-enabled Lewis team provides intelligent vegetation
management expertise and services including utility line clearing and outage response. Count on Lewis to get the
job done right.
Contact: Laura Ribas ~ 585-571-1223 ~
Lindsey Manufacturing
Booth #625
LINDSEY offers SMARTLINE, the next generation Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) system providing thermal and clearance compliant
DLR, and simple live-line installation. LINDSEY's CityView is a submersible fault detection and monitoring system for advanced remote monitoring of urban underground networks. Lindsey ERS structures and MV sensors will also be shown.
Contact: Jack McCall ~ 262-385-1248 ~
M.D. Henry Co., Inc.
Booth #605
MDH Company has provided Transmission/Substation structures and packages to the Electric Utility Industry for 45 years, with more
than 8,000 packages shipped. Products include: Engineered tapered poles/arms and wood-equivalent steel poles Substation Packages which are engineered to meet Owner’s specific requirements.
Contact: Hal Lockhart ~ 205-663-6711 ~
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Mabey, Inc.
Booth #326
Mabey Inc. is one of the country's largest providers and installers of temporary roadways. Mabey Mats provide a safe, innovative and
environmentally friendly surface for your job site. Our knowledgeable crews keep your transmission construction projects running
smoothly. Mabey Inc. rents to the construction industry trench safety, propping, and bridging.
Contact: Joe Atkinson ~ 904-626-0341 ~
MacLean Power Systems
Booth #715
MacLean Power Systems is a leading manufacturer of products used by utilities for building transmission and distribution lines and
substations. MPS product families include hardware and connection products as well as insulation and protection products. With
global raw material sourcing capabilities, MPS produces over 10,000 items in nine manufacturing facilities worldwide.
Contact: Dennis Poteat ~ 803-628-2103 ~
MasTec, Inc.
Booth #210
Over the course of the last 80 years, MasTec companies have been involved in some of the largest and most
complex infrastructure construction projects across the country. Our experience has given us a deep and
comprehensive understanding of the markets we serve, as well as the ability to effectively manage people,
projects and equipment. It allows us to proactively identify challenges, avoid pitfalls, and overcome obstacles,
and to accurately set and meet expectations for schedule and budget.
Contact: Thomas Jones ~ 559-250-9564 ~
McFarland Cascade
Booth #705
McFarland Cascade is a leading North American manufacturer of pressure treated wood products. The company’s core product categories, railway ties and utility poles, as well as laminated utility pole structures, provide basic elements of the economy’s physical infrastructure.
Contact: Bryan Sibley ~ 888-807-6085 ~
McKim & Creed, Inc.
Booth #303
McKim & Creed, Inc. was established in 1978 in Wilmington, North Carolina as a two-person structural engineering firm. Since that
time, the company has grown to more than 350 employees in 19 offices throughout the South, including Virginia, North Carolina,
Georgia, Florida and Texas. Today, the employee-owned firm offers civil, structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineering
services, as well as airborne and mobile LiDAR, subsurface utility engineering, hydrographic and conventional surveying services for
the water, energy, transportation, land development, building and federal government markets.
Contact: Kristin Beamer ~ 704-608-6887 ~
McWane Poles
Booth #327
McWane Poles, a Division of McWane, Inc., is a manufacturer of ductile iron distribution and transmission poles. Because of ductile
iron's inherent corrosion resistance, McWane Poles are expected to last 75 to 100 years with very low maintenance costs.
Contact: Warren Stewart ~ 205-999-5657 ~
Nelson Tree Service, Inc.
Booth #603
Nelson delivers complete distribution and transmission line clearance services for utilities throughout the US.
Whether it be regular maintenance or critical storm support, Nelson delivers quality response and service.
From our customer trained work force to our innovative safety program, everything we do is aimed at
“Protecting the Reputation of the Utilities we serve … It’s part of our Job!”
Contact: Jeffrey Jones ~ 937-294-1313 ~
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Booth #511
Novinium helps circuit owners with aging underground medium-voltage cables reduce their total lifetime reliability program costs by
providing comprehensive rehabilitation solutions that provide higher cable rejuvenation completion rates, less risk of exposure, and a
better-than-new warranty.
Contact: Candice Baker ~ 253-395-4520 ~
Osmose Utilities Services, Inc.
Booth #702
Osmose provides professional grade inspection, maintenance, life extension, and rehabilitation services designed to help build resiliency into T&D infrastructure. Osmose also provides corrosion mitigation and engineered repairs for steel structures, structural load analysis, and a variety of turnkey infrastructure enhancement and upgrade solutions.
Contact: Darlene Potter ~ 716-319-3423 ~
Phoenix Electric Corporation
Booth #321
Manufacturing for over 40 years, Custom Engineered Air Core Reactors, Capture™ Fault Current Limiter, Medium Voltage Switchgear, High Current Switchgear and Engineered Control Systems for High Voltage products. Phoenix Electric engineers customized
solutions tailored to specific customer requirements.
Contact: Karen Wilcox ~ 781-821-0200 ext. 346 ~
Pike Electric, LLC
Booth #121 & 123
Since 1945, Pike Electric has provided quality overhead and underground power line services from Texas to
Indiana to Florida. Pike employs over 7,000 people specializing in overhead and underground distribution,
transmission, substation construction and storm restoration. Pike’s corporate headquarters is located in Mount
Airy, NC with offices located throughout their service area.
Contact: Sandy King ~ 336-789-2171 ~
PLH Group
Booth #113 & 115
PLH is a leading provider of construction services to the electric power delivery industry in North America.
PLH has 6 entities serving the electric power delivery industry. PLS and Edison Power are leading providers
of transmission line, substation and distribution line construction and maintenance. Air2 delivers helicopter
line crews to assist in transmission line construction, maintenance and provide inspection services. Auger
Services provides complete foundation drilling and construction. TTR Substations is a full service substation
contractor. R.B. Hinkle specializes in underground utility installation.
Contact: Dan Vega ~ 901-277-0125 ~
POWER Engineers, Inc.
Booth #105
POWER Engineers is an engineering firm providing complete project services to utilities worldwide. We provide generation and power delivery services, including OH/UG line, substation, distribution, system studies &
protection, SCADA, communications, geographic information systems, environmental permitting & compliance, visualization, public involvement, construction management, program management, and testing & commissioning.
Contact: Alan Sowell ~ 770-605-1700 ~
Booth #604
PowerSafe T&D and PowerSafe Generation provide standardized, OSHA awareness-level safety orientations for utility contractors.
The training is recorded in the PowerSafe database which is easily validated through an auditable system and helps to end the unnecessary duplication of contractor training.
Contact: Karen Anderson ~ 225-282-3302 ~
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Powertech Labs Inc.
Booth #612
Powertech Labs Inc., one of the largest testing and research laboratories in North America, offers 15 primary testing labs for a onestop-shop approach to managing utility generation, transmission and distribution power systems and OEMs from around the world.
With over 30 years’ experience, Powertech encompasses the latest standards for quality.
Contact: Caitlyn Boyle ~ 604-590-6644 ~
Preformed Line Products
Booth #614
Preformed Line Products (PLP) has been providing innovative product and service solutions to the electric power utility industry since
1947. We offer solutions for supporting, protecting, terminating and splicing transmission and distribution lines. We also offer a full
array of products for OPGW and ADSS fiber optic cables.
Contact: Dennis Dunlap ~ 440-461-5200 ~
PrimeLine Utility Services, LLC
Booth #307 & 309
Booth & Associates (Engineering) as well as C.W. Wright and Bowlin Group (Construction) are three of six firms that comprise PrimeLine Utility Services, LLC. PrimeLine US is a market share leader in Mid-Atlantic U.S. providing critical outsources services to utility
clients on their transmission, distribution substation, telecommunications and renewables infrastructure.
Contact: Donna Cavanaugh ~ 919-851-8770 ext. 104 ~
Quanta Services
Booth #119
Quanta Services safely provides engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services for comprehensive infrastructure needs in the electric power and oil and natural gas industries. With a workforce tens of
thousands strong and offices across North America and abroad, Quanta is the premier provider in the industries it serves.
Contact: Jacqui Weigman ~ 713-457-7656 ~
ROHN Products, LLC
Booth #610
ROHN has been a trusted name in quality engineered structures since 1948. Our extensive engineering capabilities include in-house
structural and foundation designs. Our commitment to the Utility Industry is to provide world class quality products at a competitive
price and with the shortest lead time.
Contact: Jeffrey Arends ~ 309-566-3004 ~
RS Technologies, Inc.
Booth #323
RS Technologies designs, engineers and manufactures modular composite utility poles. The poles are used in transmission, distribution and communication applications. RS high performance modular poles provide a cost effective, low maintenance reliable solution
where environmental conditions, physical access, high strength, enhanced safety and long service life are required.
Contact: Dennis Blansit ~ 403-219-8000 ~
S&C Electric Company
Booth #305
S&C Electric Company is dedicated to the development and manufacture of innovative products for the electric power industry, as well
as to the delivery of comprehensive, expert services for this industry.
Contact: Steven A. Strand ~ 773-338-1000 ~
Booth #213 & 215
Sabre-FWT designs and manufactures power delivery structures used for electric transmission, distribution
and substation applications. We offer a broad product line including voltages up to 765kV. Sabre Industries
also offers substation buildings and hot-dip galvanizing.
Contact: Ed Antar ~ 817-852-1700 ~
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Sargent & Lundy
Booth #214
Sargent & Lundy has 125 years of transmission line and substation project experience. Over the past 10
years, we provided services for over 150 projects ranging in voltage from 34 to 765-kV; 2,500 miles of transmission lines and 20,000 MVA of transformer capacity in station switchyards, transmission, and distribution
Contact: Bettie Kidd ~ 312-269-7820 ~
Booth #721
Transmission Insulation Technology
Sediver offers innovative high quality toughened glass insulators with mechanical ratings from 15,000 to 170,000lbs for both AC and
DC applications.
Contact: Sarkis Minassian ~ 514-739-3385 ~
Booth #302 & 304
SEFCOR, Inc. is a power connector manufacturer that is known worldwide for its connector designs, solution
capabilities, technical staff, and superior service. We offer a complete line of substation connectors for standard voltages up to 765KV. SEFCOR also provides an extensive line of special and custom design connectors
for many different substation applications.
Contact: Brent Herrin ~ 770-227-8297 ~
Southern States, LLC
Booth #328
World leader in the design and manufacture of high-voltage switching devices: group operated switches; ground switches; high-speed
ground switches; motor operators; hookstick-operated switches; circuit switchers; load and line switchers; reactor switchers; capacitor
switchers; power fuses; switch-fuse combinations. Ballistic protection solutions, mobile switches as well as retrofits, upgrades, installation & training services.
Contact: Tom Speas ~ 770-946-4562 ~
Sparks, Inc.
Booth #820
Sparks Energy Inc. is a Power Line Construction Company with crews throughout the Southeast and Midwest United States. We offer
overhead distribution crews as well as transmission construction and maintenance crews. Although Sparks Energy is a non-union
company, through our subsidiary company, Sparks Unified, LLC which is IBEW signatory, we are able to offer union crews.
Contact: Brianne Bendall ~ 256-584-9601 ~
SPIDA Software
Booth #703
SPIDA® Software is leading the way with practical and cutting edge software solutions that help electric utilities and telecommunication companies to better design, manage and track their physical assets. SPIDA’s user-friendly products, SPIDACalc, SPIDAMin and
SPIDA DB can be used independently or deployed together to create a Structure Management System.
Contact: Maria LaTour ~ 614-470-9882 ext. 825 ~
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Booth #202 & 204
The Stantec community unites over 15,000 employees in 250+ locations. We collaborate across disciplines and industries to bring
buildings, energy/resource, and infrastructure projects to life. Our work—planning, engineering, architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, surveying, environmental sciences, and project management—begins at the intersection of community, creativity,
and client relationships.
Contact: Kelly Droste ~ 407-823-8966 ~
Sterling Lumber
Booth #221
Sterling Lumber manufactures, sells and installs hardwood and composite crane, timber, and access mats, as well as our new line of
Cross Laminated Timber mats. We have mat inventory all over North America.
Contact: Mike Zarnott ~ 708-388-2223 ~
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Surveying And Mapping, LLC (SAM)
Booth #310
Surveying And Mapping, LLC (SAM) offers integrated geospatial solutions to electric utility clients across North America. Our services
include land surveying, hydrographic surveying, airborne, mobile, and HDS LiDAR, aerial mapping, GIS, subsurface utility engineering, utility coordination, and construction phase services. Visit our website at for more information.
Contact: Andrea Babin ~ 512-493-0215 ~
T&D PowerSkills, LLC
Booth #513
T&D PowerSkills is a 78-title video and workbook lineman apprenticeship training program geared to instruct electric utility lineworkers
with up-to-date, safety-related work practices and technical skills related to the installation, maintenance, and removal of transmission
and distribution systems. The training program can be delivered in instructor-led or online, or customized-on-demand.
Contact: Ryan Schenk ~ 985-290-3554 ~
T&D Solutions, LLC
Booth #301
T&D Solutions, LLC provides Transmission, Distribution, URD, Substation, Industrial, Commercial and Green
Energy service to IOU, Cooperative, Municipalities, Military and Mining infrastructures to customers in 25
states. With our attitude towards safety and our genuine caring element for our now over 1400 Team Members, we feel T&D is part of the cutting edge of making our industry a more safe and sought after provider of
Contact: Eddie Ibarra ~ 210-243-9911 ~
T.C.I. Sales with OldCastle Enclosures or
Booth #329
TCI represents quality manufacturers and service providers that support the utility, substation package, original equipment manufacturer, and industrial markets. OldCastle Precast provides a wide range of products and services. Fire Walls, Trench, Control Houses
Underground Vaults, Security Fencing and other precast products with a variety of accessories. Each product is engineered and designed to meet exact project specifications and site conditions. You can count on the durability of every underground utility structure –
with lifetime precast.
Contact: David Gilmer ~ 205-640-7099 ~
Booth #219
Founded in 1958, TAPP is a certified minority company dedicated to manufacturing quality steel structures for
the utility industry. Our best-in-class customer service, combined with our 1.5 million square foot state-of-the
art manufacturing plant has allowed us to serve some of the largest utilities in the industry for over 25 years.
Contact: Igor Lubisco or Dawn Soliz ~ 832-552-1014 ~
TE Connectivity
Booth #711
TE Connectivity (NYSE: TEL) is a $14 billion global technology leader. Our connectivity and sensor solutions are essential in today’s
increasingly connected world. We collaborate with engineers to transform their concepts into creations – redefining what’s possible
using intelligent, efficient and high-performing TE products and solutions proven in harsh environments. Our 80,000 people, including
7,500 design engineers, partner with customers in over 150 countries across a wide range of industries. We believe EVERY CONNECTION COUNTS.
Contact: Tracie McLaughlin ~ 919-557-8558 ~
Team Fishel
Booth #131 & 230
Team Fishel and subsidiaries JL Malone & Team Power Group provide engineering, construction, installation
and maintenance services of substation, transmission & distribution systems. Our services include OH pole
replacements, reconductoring & new construction, OH-UG conversions, UG cable replacement, T-Line &
substation construction, plus emergency storm response and restoration.
Contact: Charles Bass ~ 813-764-0256 ~
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Terex Utilities
Booth #723
Terex Utilities is a leading provider of digger derricks, aerial devices, and auger drills to the electric utility, tree
care, and electric construction industries. We are an industry leader in the design and manufacturing of this
equipment used in the US and around the world.
Contact: Nancy Hulscher ~ 605-882-4000 ~
Threaded Fasteners, Inc.
Booth #503
Threaded Fasteners is a national distributor and manufacturer for the electric utility industry. We stock: A325 Structural Bolts, A394
Tower Bolts, Step Bolts, Pal Nuts, Ring Fill Washers and much more. We manufacture: Rebar Cages, Plate Washers, Hex Head
Bolts, Square Head Bolts and Custom Anchor Bolts.
Contact: Shawn Conklan ~ 251-432-0161 ~
Townsend Corporation, The
Booth #704 & 706
Townsend is a leading service provider to energy industries. Our core businesses include vegetation management services, line clearance and herbicide application services for electric utilities and pipeline companies; power line and substation construction for the
energy industry; in-plant construction and electrical maintenance services; custom re-blending/repackaging of herbicide and emergency storm restoration services.
Contact: Abby Bath ~ 765-468-1555 ~
Trachte, LLC
Booth #211
Trachte’s modular, pre-engineered, pre-assembled equipment enclosures are flexible in size and design. Rigid-frame, noncombustible buildings have an expandable galvanized steel framework and available in sizes from 4’ to 30’ wide. They are factory
complete, fitted with customer specified equipment and proprietary systems for substations, PDC, SCADA and MCC/SWG.
Contact: Chris Dehlinger ~ 608-835-5707 ~
TRC Companies, Inc.
Booth #231
TRC delivers what utilities need. With nationally based teams of utility experts, we provide comprehensive
engineering and environmental solutions, plus essential operations and management support, to help you
successfully complete even your most complex projects.
Contact: Steve Persutti ~ 860-503-1681 ~
Trees, Inc.
Booth #602
Vegetation management; tree pruning, side trimming and brush mowing for electric utilities; emergency storm
services; herbicide applications; right of way clearing and maintenance; municipal tree services for roadways and
parks; railroad brush control; pipeline right of way maintenance.
Contact: David Fleischner ~ 713-213-2329 ~
Trinity Meyer Utility Structures
Booth #201 & 203
Trinity Meyer Utility Structures is an industry leading provider of transmission structures, with a heritage of
over fifty years of innovation, engineering and manufacturing expertise. Trinity Meyer offers full-scale vertical
testing, numerous fabrication locations, optimized designs, and specific engineered solutions for transmission
projects of any size or complexity.
Contact: Glenn Nichols ~ 901-566-6588 ~
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Tyndale Company, Inc.
Booth #208
Tyndale delivers top-quality flame resistant (FR) clothing in managed apparel programs driven by 30 years of FR expertise. Our own
Made in USA line plus relationships with the largest industry suppliers offer an unprecedented FR selection, making Tyndale a onestop shop to keep workers safe, comfortable, and compliant.
Contact: Colleen Geraghty ~ 800-356-3433 ~
Booth #325
UTILCO is a privately-held, American owned electrical connector manufacturing company serving the following markets in the utility
industry: OEM’s, Distributors, IOU’s, Co-ops, and Municipals.
Contact: Cheryl Hennessy ~ 513-533-6200 ~
UtiliCon Solutions, Ltd.
Booth #724
UtiliCon Solutions, Ltd., an Asplundh company, helps utilities, power producers and energy-intensive customers design, build and maintain transmission and distribution infrastructure. Its subsidiary companies include:
Asplundh Construction Corp., Utility Lines Construction Services, Musgrove Construction, American Electrical
Testing, Grid One Solutions, and American Lighting and Signalization.
Contact: Steven Asplundh ~ 877-884-5426 ~
Valmont Newmark
Booth #101 & 103
Valmont Newmark offers the most diverse spectrum of power delivery structures on the market. Our structures are based on real world test results optimized for the highest value. Using our total capabilities, we are
at your service to deliver the highest quality, most reliable solutions in the industry.
Contact: Chris Evans ~ 205-968-7200 ~
Willbros T&D Services
Booth #200
Willbros T&D Services provides a wide range of construction and engineering services in the electric transmission, substation and distribution industry. Services include comprehensive engineering, maintenance and
construction, emergency infrastructure restoration, environmental cleanup and utility locates. Willbros T&D
also provides natural gas, water and sewer services to the utility industry.
Contact: Rick Westbrook ~ 985-867-0096 ~
Wm. E. Groves Construction, Inc.
Booth #218
Established in 1972, William E. Groves Construction, Inc. is one of the most versatile electrical construction
companies in the industry. Whether it’s constructing a large Transmission Line, Distribution Line, building a
Substation, or installing a Motor Control Center, Groves Construction can meet your electrical needs. Over the
years, Groves Construction has developed into a completely diversified electrical contractor with the ability to
perform all types of electrical work and maintenance.
Contact: Jamie Knight ~ 270-825-1437 ~
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
SINCE 1998
SINCE 1998
SINCE 2000
SINCE 2000
SINCE 2001
SINCE 2002
Conference door prizes provided through the generosity of...
Aerial Solutions, Inc.
Arch Wood Protection
Aubrey Silvey Enterprises
Biren Patel Engineering
Black & Veatch
Chain Electric Company
Commonwealth Associates, Inc.
Delta Star Inc.
DiGioia Gray & Associates
Diversified Services
Henkels & McCoy, Inc.
IFD Corporation
Infratech Corporation
IRBY Construction Company
Lewis Tree Service, Inc.
McFarland Cascade
Mesa Associates, Inc.
NG Gilbert
OldCastle Precast
Power Delivery Solutions LLC
Quanta Services
Rohn Products, LLC
Sabre Industries
T&D Solutions
The Townsend Corporation
Tri-State Utility Products, Inc.
Trees Inc.
Tyndale USA
UtiliCon Solutions
Southeastern Electric Exchange
Asplundh Tree Expert Co.
Davis H. Elliot
MasTec North America, Inc.
Quanta Services
Trinity Meyer Utility Structures, LLC
Document Bags
Tradeshow Reception Co-Sponsor
Internet Café
Pike Electric, LLC
Hotel Keys
Pike Electric, LLC
Bottled Water
Burns & McDonnell Engineering Co., Inc.
POWER Engineers
Wm. E Groves Construction, Inc.
Sargent & Lundy LLC
T&D Solutions, LLC
PLH Group Inc.
Chain Electric Company
UtiliCon Solutions, Ltd.
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
USB Battery Pack
Program Printing
Wednesday Tradeshow Luncheon
Thursday Group Breakfast
Thursday Tradeshow Luncheon
Thursday Afternoon Snack Break
General Session Snack Break
Thursday Midmorning Coffee Break
Southeastern Electric Exchange
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
AEP Texas Central Company
AEP Texas North Company
Appalachian Power Company
Indiana Michigan Power
Kentucky Power Company
Ohio Power Company
Public Service of Oklahoma
SW Electric Power Company
Duke Energy Carolinas, Inc.
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.
Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.
Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
Duke Energy Progress, Inc.
Duke Energy Florida, Inc.
Entergy Arkansas, Inc.
Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, LLC
Entergy Louisiana, LLC
Entergy Mississippi, Inc.
Entergy New Orleans, Inc.
Entergy Texas, Inc.
Entergy Services
Entergy Operations
Atlantic City Electric Company
Delmarva Power & Light Company
Potomac Electric Power Company
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co.
Jersey Central Power & Light Co.
Metropolitan Edison Company
Monongahela Power Company
Ohio Edison Company
Pennsylvania Electric Company
Pennsylvania Power Company
The Potomac Edison Company
The Toledo Edison Company
West Penn Power Company
FirstEnergy Service Corp
FirstEnergy Corporate Services
Alabama Power Company
Georgia Power Company
Gulf Power Company
Mississippi Power Company
Southern Company Services
Southern Nuclear Operating
Company, Inc.
Virginia Electric and Power Company
Kentucky Utilities Company
Louisville Gas & Electric Company
Southeastern Electric Exchange
2016 Annual Conference & Trade Show
Your Full-Service Electrical Construction Company