Annual Report 201

FY 2015
Message from LAHC Leadership
……………………………………………………………………………………..Page 3
……………………………………………………………………………………..Page 4
LAHC Board of Directors
……………………………………………………………………………………..Page 5-6
Programs Overview
Educational Programs
Public Health
Social Services
………………………………………………………………………………….….Page 8
……………………………………………………………………………………..Page 9-15
………………………………………………………………………………….... Page 16-17
……………………………………………………………………………………..Page 18-25
………………………………………………………………………………….….Page 26
……………………………………………………………………………………..Page 27-30
Ali Jawad
Wassim Mahfouz
Executive Director
Sam Salamey
LAHC has experienced a year of great achievements and we are excited to share them with you, our family, friends, and supporters. It
has been a long journey and the LAHC continues to remain involved, active, and focused on providing residents within the State of Michigan with
sustainable programs. It is with pride that we continue to look ahead and plan for the future of the LAHC, ensuring that we maintain quality
programs, viable humanitarian aid initiatives, engaging educational activities, and meaningful relationships with our partners.
As we began our strategic planning efforts and mapped the next five years of the LAHC, we realized the need to expand our offices and made the
decision to move. We found a new home, located in heart of downtown Dearborn. The new office space provides our organization with a classroom,
offices, food pantry and a conference room. Additionally, we hired several new, qualified staff members to the LAHC team, expanded our public
health department by incorporating a substance abuse and smoking cessation program, became licensed by the State of Michigan to provide
substance abuse prevention services, started a community garden initiative at the Global Heights Academy, reached out to new foundations and
funding sources, and revisited the curriculum we use for our programming by enhancing it with evidence based research, opportunities for
engagement and interaction, and ensuring we meet our goals in a timely and constructive manner.
As the Arab American Scholarship Foundation continues its efforts in providing students of academic distinction with funding to pursue their
educational endeavors, in 2015 the LAHC awarded $103,000 in scholarships at the Annual Awards Gala in May. Ensuring we assist students in
their higher education has been a priority for the LAHC. We are pleased that we have established partnerships with additional higher education
institutions, helping the LAHC to offer more scholarships to students in the State of Michigan.
As the economy continues to fluctuate, we witness, daily, as many in our nation suffer as a result of homelessness, unemployment, and lack of basic
resources. The LAHC recognizes the needs of our community members and expanded our social service engagement by increasing the number of
people we are able to serve through our Turkey Drive, and monthly clothing and food drives by 35% while also increasing the LAHC food pantry,
which helps families with food items during difficult times.
The LAHC takes great pride in the foundation laid by its founders who embraced their new home in the USA and the heritage and culture of their
motherland, creating an organization to serve the community. With over 32 years of service under the name, Lebanese American Heritage Club,
the LAHC Board of Directors decided to have an important conversation and this year, in order to reflect the rich and diverse demographics we
serve, they decided to change the name of the organization to LAHC-Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities. As 2015 comes to a close,
we are thankful for another year of success, engagement, and opportunities to serve the community. We look forward to continuous growth and
hope that you will be there, to support, encourage, and advise us.
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Ali Jawad
Honorable Sam Salamey
Honorable Helal Farhat
Vice President
Suehaila Amen
Mohamed Jaber
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Allie Berry
Stanley Jensen, PhD
Stanley Henderson
Bridget Hurd
Samuel Fawaz, M.D
Fouad Ashkar
Hassen Hammoud, PhD
Kallil Kazan, DOC
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Who We Serve?
LAHC is proud to offer its
programs and services to the
greater community in Southeast
Michigan, regardless of their
ethnicity, nationality, gender,
race, religion, age or sexual
We do not discriminate against
any groups and welcome all who
are interested in the LAHC to
participate in our efforts and join
us in serving the community at
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Scholarship Program
proud to be recognized as a
leading advocate of higher education and to have
the distinction of offering one of the largest scholarship assistance
programs in the area. Throughout the past twenty seven years, the Arab American
Scholarship Foundation Program has awarded over 1,200 students of high academic distinction nearly
$1.5 million dollars in scholarships.
In 2o15, LAHC Awarded $103,000 in
scholarships to 47 students assisting
them in their pursuit of higher
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Youth Leadership & Diversity
Education Program
The Youth Leadership
and Diversity Program- YLDEP is an
innovative solution to equip high school juniors and
seniors with invaluable 21st century skills that will allow them to change
themselves and the world through service. Using GoLead, an evidence based curriculum,
the YLDEP extend learning opportunities to the youth by providing various seminars and activities that are
focused on leadership & life skills, diversity education, job readiness, college access education, educational and
career goal setting, strategic planning as well as empowering them to make a difference in their communities.
225 Youth graduated from the Youth
Leadership Academy
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Youth Development
Area youth participated in a panel discussion comprised of
the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI, David Gelios; United
States Attorney, Barbara McQuade, Representatives from
the CIA among other State & City Leaders.
CIA Recruiter, Kimberly J; Unites States Attorney Barbara McQuade; SAC-FBI Detroit David Gelios; Dearborn Council
President Susan Dabaja; FBI Outreach Coordinator Bushra Alawie; State Senator David Knezek
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Back to School Program
In an effort to encourage and assist area students in their academic journey, LAHC provides backpacks filled with school
supplies and reading materials. To date, over 6000 backpacks have been distributed in local schools throughout Wayne
County. This year, LAHC teamed up with the Dearborn Police Department serving 1500 students.
1500 Students
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LAHC members joined by Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad &
Dearborn Public Schools superintendent Glenn Maleyko serving
area Youth at Salina Elementary & Intermediate.
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Youth Lead
The Lebanese American Heritage Club is the youth extension of the LAHC. A network comprised of youth, they work
unremittingly to establish programs that provide leadership training, team building skills, and engagement
opportunities in various projects in order to give back to their community. From social, educational, cultural, and service
based programs, the Lebanese American Heritage Club is committed to providing quality programs for all to benefit
from. With mentorship, tutoring, feeding the needy, clothing and food drives and other initiatives, the Club seeks out
opportunities in southeastern Michigan to give back to the community and partner with local student groups and
organizations to increase their efforts.
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Healthy Living Program
The Healthy Living Program is focused on empowering children in underprivileged communities to take control
of their own health at the earliest age possible. Through a combination of cooking and fitness classes, children
learn hands-on about the nutritional content of food and how diet directly impacts their health. Also, children
are taught about the critical connection between diet, fitness, and school performance. Participants of this
program will learn how to identify certain foods that have been scientifically shown to improve memory, learning,
mood and behavior.
970 Youth
750 Adults
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Mobile Health Clinic
LAHC Teamed up with Garden City Hospital
providing free medical services in the community
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We the People- Feed the People
LAHC multilingual staff works around the clock to provide comprehensive assistance to clients in
need, aiding them to move to self-sufficiency. Using a holistic approach, our emergency services team
provides a wide array of vital services, with direct focus on hunger and homelessness prevention; by
providing food and clothing, rent assistance (upon availability of fund), translation, holiday meals
and referral services.
12,500 PEOPLE
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Mobile Food Pantry
LAHC Volunteers serving the homeless in Detroit
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Turkey Drive
1000 Turkeys and backpacks filled with nutritional & food
supplies distributed in observance of thanksgiving.
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LAHC In The News
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Clothing & Coat Drive
Surviving the cold winter without proper clothing is unbearable.
LAHC organizes a clothing, blanket and shoes drive, providing
assistance to those in dire need in preparation of the winter
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Holiday Homeless Event
Every child should have the blessing of welcoming in the season with a smile and good spirit. With all the global suffering,
it is our duty to ensure that those within our community, who have a restriction of means, are given the same respect and
love that each of us would expect from our fellow brother and sister in humanity. In this spirit, LAHC members organize an
Annual Holiday Celebration at a local homeless shelter, serving a warm meal and gifts to all those in attendance.
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LAHC members joined by Special Agent In Charge of the FBI David Gelios and Joe Bazzi of Byblos
Banquets serving lunch at the Wayne County Family Shelter in Westland
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Clients by Race
Arab American………………………. 50%
African American …………………... 30%
White …………………………………. 10%
Hispanic …………………………….…10%
Clients by Gender
Female……………………………….. 55%
Clients by household income
Under $20,000 …………………… 71%
$20,000 - $49,000……………….... 25%
Over $50,000……………………… $4%
Clients by Program
Social Services…………………... 19,200
Youth & Education…………….. 2,154
Public Health……………………. 1,955
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Aline Underhill Orton
LAHC Annual Report I 2015 23
1st Care Transportation INC
Abbas, Ms. Nawal
Abdallah, Mr. Wassim
Abdel-Hak, Dr. Hussein
Abdoulah, Ms. Colleen
Abouljoud, Dr. Marwan
Abouljoud, Mrs. Mary
Abueida, Mr. Mohamed
Adams, Mr. Mark
ADC Michigan
Ahmad Family Enterprise INC
Alaziz, Mr. Richard
Alcodry, Mrs. Amal
Al-Fasih, Mr. Wael Ali
Alhashemy , Dr Esra
Alhersesh, Mr. Abdelrahman
Aline Underhill Orten Foundation
Aljanaby, Mrs. Wasan
Ajrouche, Dr. Hussein
Alkhafaji, Mrs. Athra H
Allen Brothers PLLC
Allie, Mrs. Zinab
Alwerafli, Dr. Daw
Amen, Mr. Ron
Amen, Mrs. Lila
Arab American and Chaldean Council
Arab American Heritage Council-Flint
Armada Oil & Gas Company
At Law Group
Atlas Oil
ATP Tutoring LLC
Awad, Mr. Hassan
Azar, Dr. Ghassan
Barney's Convenience Mart Inc
Baruah, Ms. Sandy
Basha Diagnostics, P.C.
Baydoun, Mr. Sam
Baza, Ms. Mary
Bazzi, Dr. Khadije
Bazzi, Mr. Hassan
Bazzi, Mr. Joe
Bazzi, Mrs. Abbie
Bazzi, Mrs. Mariam
Bazzy Investments LLC
Beaumont Health System
Becker, Mrs. Roberta
Bedoun, Mr. Ed
Berry, Dr. S.
Berry, Mr. Abdel
Berry, Mr. Allie
Berry, Mr. Thomas
Best Buy Foundation
Beydoun, Mr. Abboudi
Bint Jebail Cultural Center
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Boulus, Mr. Michael
BP Service Station
Brown, Ms. Elizabeth
BSP Law Offices
Byblos Banquets
Cantu, Ms. Camilla
Center for Women's Health
Central Intelligence Agency
CENTURY 21 Curran & Christie
Chammout, Mr. Kassey
Charara, Mr. Ali
Cheaitli, Ms. Maya
City of Dearborn
Clark-Foos, Dr. Arlo
Clements, Mrs. Shannon
Comerica Bank
Community Foundation For Southeast MI
Consumer Energy Foundation
Costco wholesale
Creative Image Beauty Salon
Daniel, Ms. Denise
Darany, Mr. George
Darwiche, Ms. Batoul
Davis, Ms. Jerry Jones
Dearborn Bistro
Dearborn Dental Group
Dearborn Family Pharmacy
Dearborn Heights Pharmacy
Dearborn Public Schools
Darwiche, Fouad M
Debouk, Mr. Rami
Dermatology Specialists
Driden, Mrs. Racquel
Drug Max
DTE Energy
DTE Energy Foundation
Dynamic Dry Cleaners
Ebeid, Mr. Russell
Eby Brown Companies
Educare Students Services
Eida, Mr. Mike
LAHC Annual Report I 2015 24
Elabed, Mr. Rachid
El-Ayache, Mr. Dan
Elder, Dr. Maher
Elhage, Mr. Hussein
Elhassan, Mrs. Zena
Elkhoury, Mr. Henry
Elzein- Merhi, Mrs. Lola
Enterprise Rent A Car
Exxon Mobil-Safiedine Oil Co
Fadalllah, Mr. Majed
Fairlane Ford
Fairlane Town Center
Fakih, Mr. Nabil
Fardous, Mr. Ali
Fardous, Ms. Rania
Farhat and Associates, PLLC
Farhat, Mr. Helal
Fawaz Insurance Agency
Fawaz, Dr. Samuel
Fawaz, Mr. Ali Fawaz, Mr. Ned
Fawaz, Mr. Tark
Fawaz, Ms. Leila
Fayad, Mr. Ali
Federal Bureau of Investigation
First Wireless X
Ford Dental
Ford Motor Company
Forrest, Mr. Robert
Forrest, Mr. Robert
Frito-Lay, Mid America Region
Garcia, Mr. Ricardo
Garden Food Distributors
General Motors Company
Ghafari Associates LLC
Ghafari, Mr. Yousif
Global Educational Excellence
Greenland Market
Habib's Cuisine, INC
Hachem, Mr. Abdallah
Hachem, Mr. Hussein
Haddad, Dr. Chadi
Hage, Mr. Chuck
Haidous, Mrs. Ghenwa A
Halwani, Mr. Nasser
Hamadeh Educational Services
Hamadeh, Mr. Nasser
Hamadeh, Mrs. Nawal
Hammoud, Mr & Mrs. Abed
Henry Ford Health System
Hammoud, Mr. Billal
Hammoud, Mr. Mazen
Harake, Mrs. Manal
Hassan, Mrs. Sajeda
Hatem, Mrs. Shukrieh
Hazamy, Mrs. Z. Janet
Health Alliance Plan
Huntington National Bank
Heart and Vascular Institute PLLC
Helal LLC
Henry Ford College
Hype Athletics Community
Islamic Center of America
Islamic House of Wisdom
Islamic Institute of Knowledge
Jaafar, Mr. Hassane
Jaber, Mr. Mohamed
Jawad, Dr. Badih
Jawad, Mr. Ali
Jorgensen Ford
Kadry, Mr. Ray
Kassis, Ms. Nadia
Kazan, Dr. Kallil
Khanafer, Dr. Naim M.
Kobeissi, Ms. Mariam
Komaiha, Mr. Mohamad
Kulka, Mr. Mike
La Fontaine Honda
Lartevi, Mrs. Afatsawo
Law Office of Farhat & Associates
Lawrence Technological University
Lebanese American University
Lebanese Collegiate Network
Lis, Ms. Bernadette
Liv Lounge INC
Love, Mr. Harold
Luxury Limousine INC
Mahfouz, Mr. Wassim
Majzoub, Mrs. Mona
Lebon Sweet of Dearborn INC
Mango's Cafe On The Hill, LLC
Marathon Petroleum Company
Martinez, Mrs. Erica E.
Mashhour, Mr. Ibrahim
Maya Pharmacy
MEA TV and Radio
Mehdi, Mr. Khalil
Merhi, Mr. Wissam
Michigan State University
LAHC Annual Report I 2015 25
MGM Grand Detroit
Michigan Fuels
Midwest Unity, INC
Murray, Mr. Moheeb
Napoleon, Mr. Benny
New Yasmeen Bakery
Oakland University
Oakland University- School of Engineering
Oasis Mediterranean Cuisine
O'Reilly, Mr. Jack
Oscar Larson Corporation
Pepsi Beverages Company
Peterson, Mr. Eric
PNC Bank
Prime Care Medical Clinic
Rodriguez, Mrs. Margaret
Royal Matters & Futon LLC DBA
Saad Trading, INC
Saber, Mr. Hussein
Sadr Foundation
Safiedine, Dr. Ali
Sajouna LLC
Salamey, Mr. Salem
Saleh, Mr. Amer
Saleh, Mr. Emad
Santana, Mr. Harvey
Sareini, Mr. Houssein
Sareini, Mr. Mike
Schlissel, Dr. Mark
Sassine, Mr. Salim
Secure 24
Sharp, Mr. Augustine
Shatila Food Products
Shouhayib, Mr. Kamal
Shousher, Mr. Yehia
Siblani, Mr. Ali
Siblini, Mr. Hussein
Siciliano, Mrs. Jennifer
Sobh, Ms. Hebah
The Arab American News
The Choice Group
The Denver Foundation
The Lava Lounge
The Ronald McDonald House
Turfe, Mr. David
University of Michigan
UBC Food Distributors
United International Services
Universal Led
Venture Title Agency
Vindici, Ms. Judy
Walmart Foundation
Walterhouse, Mr. Lewis
Watson, Dr. JoAnn
Wayne State University
WXYZ Channel 7
Yasmine, Ms. Elias
Yemeni American Association
Yogurttown INC
Younes, Dr. Wassim
Yono, Mr. Nabby
Ziyad Brothers Importing
Ziyad Brothers Importing
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