Microwave Office™ Application Note INTRODUCTION To fine-tune an RF/microwave design to meet new design criteria, engineers turn to the built-in optimizers within their electronic design automation (EDA) software. A typical optimization case for a microwave filter, for instance, might include goals for in-band insertion loss and return loss, cutoff frequency, and out-of-band rejection. The large number of criteria that the optimization engine then has to take into consideration to create a landscape of “solutions” are more or less random, and, more often than not, quite large. This application note presents a method for improved design flow efficiency with a goal of cost-effective first-pass design success. A solution is proposed that maps the impact that individual components have on sub-system performance so that a good trade-off can be made with regard to component values and tolerance (low tolerance equals more expensive, larger tolerance equals less expensive). This new method ultimately leads to lower manufacturing costs and improved yield. MODELITHICS CLR LIBRARY The proposed solution requires accurate passive component models that enable yield analysis by means of a tolerance setting. By combining Modelithics Global Models™ or passive RLC components [1] with AWR’s Microwave Office™ high-frequency design software, the software can be used to find an optimal solution that not only reaches the design goal more efficiently, but also helps designers find an optimum component trade-off and a high yield. Modelithics’ parts can be used by drag-and-drop method into a Microwave Office schematic. Improved Circuit Design Flow using Modelithics Passive Models The Modelithics CLR Library offers a wide range of highly scalable Global Models, each representing an entire family of component values that are scalable based on part value, substrate, and pad dimension properties. The models are also structured to allow for statistical tolerance analysis. All models are thoroughly documented with a detailed model data sheet and available on the Modelithics site: www.modelithics.com/products. LOW PASS FILTER DESIGN GOALS A standard low-pass filter (LPF) design is used to demonstrate the proposed new design flow approach, which involves a simulation-based methodology for yield estimation and cost-effective yield improvement. Table 1 shows the design goals for this LPF example. The combination of Modelithics Global Models and AWR Design Environment™ statistical tools provides a clear advantage over the use of commonly Goal Frequency Range (GHz) 3dB Cutoff Frequency 2.2 < 1dB Insertion Loss DC to 2.1 > 30dB Out of Band Rejection > 12dB Return Loss 3.25 to 8.5 DC to 2.0 Table 1: LPF design goals. available S-parameter models and traditional design flows. FILTER DESIGN FLOW Figure 1 illustrates the filter design flow. It begins with synthesis of an ideal filter. The next step is to substitute the ideal components with Global Models and eventually add transmission line effects. An optimization of part values is then done to compensate for non-idealities and parasitic effects. The result at this point should be a nominal filter design that has a good match to the goals. Transmission line dimensions can also be optimized along with the part values to fine tune the design and compensate for the lack of availability of in-between part values that may be required for an even more optimal design. Figure 1: Filter design flow. (a) Ideal Synthesize & Analyze (b) Modelithics Global Model (c) Modelithics Model with TLine Effects Optimize Normal Design Analyze Tolerances & Optimize Yield Layout/Fab Measure The focus of this application note is to improve this flow by adding a tolerance analysis and yield optimization step prior to fabrication. Electromagnetic (EM) analysis could also be used to further validate the nominal design simulations, however, built-in transmission line models are more convenient and computationally efficient to use for tolerance analysis. The design was synthesized by selecting a 5th order Chebychev filter, with a pass-band ripple of 0.5dB and a series inductor as a first component. Such designs can be readily synthesized using filter synthesis software routines such as AWR’s iFilter™ wizard [3]. LPF MEASUREMENT TO MODEL COMPARISON Figure 2 shows the layout process file (LPF) layout designed to the given specifications, inclusive of the fabricated test fixture (assembled using tight tolerance part values). Figure 3 shows the modeled versus measured results. While the model matches the measurement well, the results do not yet reflect the outcomes that may be achieved in manufacturing, especially with looser tolerance parts. Figure 2: Fabricated design (left) and AWR layout (below) of nominal design. Figure 3: Simulated (red) and measured (blue) results for nominal filter. Top=S11 (dB). Bottom=S21 (dB). focus will be on the tolerances of the surface mount L-C values. Figure 4 shows the filter design in the AWR Design Environment. To run statistics with Modelithics Global Models, a tolerance parameter is enabled and assigned to the anticipated manufacturing distribution. In the first yield analysis, a 5% normal (or Gaussian) distribution will be assigned to the three inductors and the two capacitors used in the design. 1 MTEE ID=TL3 W1=W_1 mil W2=W_1 mil W3=W_1 mil MLIN ID=TL10 W=W_1 mil L=L_1 mil MD LX MSTEP ID=TL7 W1=W_1 mil W2=W_3 mil 1 2 MSTEP ID=TL2 W1=W_1 mil W2=W_3 mil MODiclc0402001 ID=CLC_0402CS_L2 L=L2nH MSUB= Sim_mode=0 Tolerance=1 PADW=20 mil MLIN ID=TL22 W=W_1 mil L=L_1 mil 1 L1 MTEE ID=TL13 W1=W_1 mil W2=W_1 mil W3=W_1 mil 1 2 MSTEP ID=TL9 W1=W_1mil W2=W_3mil MLIN ID=TL4 W=W_1 mil L=L_1 mil MLIN ID=TL23 W=W_1mil L=L_1mil MD LX 2 3 C1 2 MODcatc600L001 ID=ATC_600L_C1 C=C1 pF MSUB= Sim_mode=0 Tolerance=1 PADW=22 mil PADL=18mil PADG=16 mil MSTEP ID=TL5 W1=W_1 mil W2=W_4 mil VIA ID=V1 D=10 mil H=19 mil T=1.7 mil RHO=1 MLIN ID=TL59 W=W_1 mil L=105.9 mil M DL X 1 2 MSTEP ID=TL12 W1=W_1 mil W2=W_3 mil L2 MSTEP ID=TL11 W1=W_1 mil W2=W_3 mil L3 MLIN ID=TL14 W=W_1 mil L=L_1 mil MSTEP ID=TL6 W1=W_5mil W2=W_4mil 1 MODiclc0402001 ID=CLC_0402CS_L3 L=L3 nH MSUB= Sim_mode=0 Tolerance=1 PADW=20 mil MLIN ID=TL19 W=W_1 mil L=L_1 mil 2 3 MSTEP ID=TL8 W1=W_1mil W2=W_3mil MSTEP ID=TL15 W1=W_1 mil W2=W_4 mil 1 MD LX The design shown previously is now the starting point for the tolerance analysis. The MODiclc0402001 ID=CLC_0402CS_L1 L=L1nH MSUB= Sim_mode=0 Tolerance=1 PADW=20 mil MLIN ID=TL1 W=W_1 mil L=105.9mil MD LX YIELD ANALYSIS C2 2 MODcatc600L001 ID=ATC_600L_C2 C=C2 pF MSUB= Sim_mode=0 Tolerance=1 PADW=22 mil PADL=18mil PADG=16 mil MSTEP ID=TL16 W1=W_5mil W2=W_4mil VIA ID=V2 D=10 mil H=19 mil T=1.7 mil RHO=1 MSUB Er=3.38 H=16mil T=1.7 mil Rho=1 Tand=0.0031 ErNom=3.38 Name=SUB1 L1=2.7 L2=5.1 C1=1.8 L3=2.7 C2=1.8 W_1=35.27 W_3=26 W_4=22 W_5=24 L_1=20 Figure 4: LPF with optimized values: L1 = L3 = 2.7nH; L2 = 5.1nH; C1= C2 =1.8pF. A yield analysis is then performed, using 500 iterations, which resulted with an initial yield of 54% for the design specifications shown earlier in Table 1. These yield goals are set up as the limit bars on the graphs shown in Figure 5. The S11 and S21 results are also shown, with the nominal design being the dark line. It is common practice for some components to have tight tolerance parts selected or “binned” from the middle of a manufacturing lot. This results in a binominal or “normal with a gap” distribution if loose tolerance parts are purchased. This type of distribution can be simulated in Microwave Office™ with a distribution called “Normal-Tol,” which allows for specifying two values, one being the tight tolerance percentage that has been chopped out and the other being the overall manufacturing distribution from which the tight tolerance parts have been selected. Using this type of distribution for all the L-C components actually reduces the yield to 45 %. With this distribution, none of the design simulations will have nominal part values. The tight tolerance parts that would have been selected from the middle of such a binned distribution approach would not really be normal or Gaussian. To account for this, Microwave Office has an inverse distribution called “normal-clipped.” If it is first assumed that only the capacitors, then only the inductors have this type of 2% tight tolerance (normal-clipped) distribution, slightly higher yields of 50% and 47%, respectively, can be achieved. If it is assumed that all the inductors and capacitors have this tight tolerance distribution, the yield can be increased to 85%. However, this is an expensive design Figure 5: Initial yield analysis results. Top=S11 (dB). Bottom= S21 (dB). Design specs: |S11dB| < -12 from DC to 2.0GHz; |S21dB| > -3 from DC to 2.2GHz; |S21dB| < -30 from 3.25-8.5GHz now. It would be prudent to find another way to reduce the cost and achieve this yield. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS As a byproduct of yield analysis, the Microwave Office simulation can be set up to output sensitivity graphs for all the varied parameters. These graphs can help the user quickly identify to which parameters the design performance is sensitive and to which it is not. It can also suggest a direction to change a parameter for improved yield and realize what is often referred to as “design centering.” Figure 6 shows sensitivity graphs of the L1 and L2 inductors. The results shown are after 1000 iterations with 5/2% normal-tol distributions for all components. In Microwave Office, the yield analysis output measurement parameter “ysens” is used to generate this information after setting up a rectangular graph. In using this output parameter with Modelithics Global models, it is recommended to set ysens to the tolerance parameter of the component of interest (and not the part value itself). From the data shown in Figure 6, it can be seen that the yield can be improved with a lower value of L2, while it seems less sensitive to L1. The analysis shows that the yield is reasonably centered on the L1 value, but may provide better yield with a lower value of L2. Examination of the sensitivity graphs for the remaining parameters (not shown for brevity) show that the design was reasonably centered or insensitive to the other component values. Figure 6: Sensitivity analysis results. Top=L1. Bottom=L2. Understanding the results of the sensitivity analysis, it is possible to explore how the yield results might change by lowering the value of L2 from its nominal value of 5.1nH. The Modelithics model datasheet is one way to identify the available discrete values the user might select as a substitution. Referring to details within the datasheet for the selected inductor, the next lower values from nominal (5.1nH) in the table are 4.7nH and 4.3nH. The value 4.7nH was selected and the tolerance analysis repeated. YIELD RESULTS AFTER SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS The inductor value substitution resulted in immediate yield improvement. After changing L2 to 4.7nH, yield for the case of all 5% loose tolerance part values improved to 69% (up from 54%). Further improvements to 80% and 93% are realized by using tighter 2% tolerance parts for inductors-only and capacitors-only, respectively. The use of tight tolerance parts for all inductors and capacitors produces a simulated yield of 100% or 99% if we factor in 5% tolerances on the substrate height and dielectric constant and +/- 1mil on line widths. Figures 7 shows the results of 99% yield. S11 Magnitude Low pass filter_Sim 0 S21 Magnitude Lowpass pass filter_Sim 50 -10 -20 0 DB(|S(1,1)|) Low_pass_filter -30 ~99% yield (2% C’s /2% L’s) -50 -40 -50 -60 DB (|S(2 ,1) |) Lo w _p a ss_ fil te r -100 0.05 2.05 4.05 6.05 Fr equen cy ( GHz) 8.05 10 0.05 2.05 4.0 5 6.0 5 Frequen cy ( GHz) 8 .05 10 Figure 7: 99% yield design. Left=S11 (dB). Right=S21 (dB). CONCLUSION This application note illustrates a complete design flow with the use of statistically enabled models for yield and sensitivity analyses. It demonstrates that, starting with an ideal design, a nominal design that has good agreement to measurements can be achieved and then adjusted for improved yield while accounting for anticipated manufacturing tolerances. This same design flow is not possible with S-parameter models. References [1] “Comprehensive Models for RLC Components to Accelerate PCB Designs,” Microwave Journal, May 2004. [2] G. Matthaei, L. Young and E.M.T. Jones, Microwave Filters, Impedance-Matching Networks and Coupling Structures, 1964 McGraw Hill. AWR Corporation thanks Dr. Larry Dunleavy, CEO of Modelithics, for his contributions to this application note. Copyright © 2012 AWR Corporation. All rights reserved. AWR is a registered trademarks and the AWR logo, Microwave Office, AWR Design Environment and iFilter are trademarks of AWR Corporation. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. AN-MDL-DF-2012.10.11 AWR Corporation | www.awrcorp.com info@awrcorp.com | +1 (310) 726-3000