The National Maintenance and Asset

Engineers Ireland Thomond / Analog Devices
Engineering Awards 2014
Lead, Create, Innovate
Engineers Ireland Thomond / Analog Devices
Engineering Awards
Today’s professional engineers demonstrate a personal and professional commitment to society, to their
profession, and to the environment. The Thomond Engineering Awards highlight the work engineers in a variety
of industries are doing for the benefit of communities.
This is a great opportunity for Engineers Ireland Thomond members leading the way in engineering and
innovation to take part in a high profile event. The finalists and winners will be celebrated at an awards
presentation in Limerick later in the year
Thomond Engineers will host four awards as follows:
1. Thomond Region Practicing Chartered Engineer
2. Thomond Region Innovative Engineer
3. Thomond Region Safety in Engineering
4. Thomond Region Sustainability in Engineering
The project can focus on any engineering discipline. The project does not have to be complex. Indeed, it may
be easier to highlight the benefits of very straightforward projects.
All projects are open to Engineers who are either members of the Thomond region or working in the Thomond
The entries will be judged by a panel of engineers drawn from the local region who are skilled and experienced
in the areas being reviewed.
There is no entry fee.
Applicants will be short listed based on their initial submission. The short listed candidates will then be invited to
make a twenty minute presentation on the merits of their project to an evaluation team, followed by fifteen
minutes of questions.
The aspects, which are relevant in the assessment of potential applicants, encompass contributions to:
the knowledge base of the profession through research and development activities;
the community's welfare through engineering works
education through teaching and/or education support
the community outside of engineering practice
the profession through professional society activities
the profession through leadership and management
a demonstrated understanding of the role and purpose of the engineering profession in society
proficiency in the use of communication skills in engineering projects
2014 Thomond Engineers Award Criteron
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Engineers Ireland Thomond / Analog Devices
Engineering Awards 2014
Lead, Create, Innovate
General Requirements
1. Applicant must be working on an Engineering project in the Thomond region or a member of the
Thomond region.
An underpinning requirement for all entries is that due regard has been made for the health and safety of the workplace, and
the public where that is applicable in the particular category.
The ability to demonstrate the “areas where the project is leading in the area of entry” of the project:
A concise description of the entry which demonstrates the principle elements of its claim for leadership.
Benefits to the community and focus on customer needs:
4. Innovation in design, construction, maintenance or management practices:
The entry provided engineers with some unique challenges in achieving a solution.
Commercial viability and quality of work:
The entry clearly demonstrates that the design, use of materials, use of continuous improvements from other projects,
construction or manufacture is based on demonstrable sound engineering principles and practices that meet or exceed
client expectation.
An engineering challenge:
The entry should demonstrate achievement of a majority of the six principles of sustainability which are;
intergeneration equity, precautionary principle, biodiversity, economy in use of resources, mitigation of
environmental impacts and remediation of environmental damage.
Use of sound engineering practices/principles:
The entry must demonstrate that it contains significant original application of engineering or demonstrate ingenuity in
achieving the best solution for the required specifications or user requirements.
Environmental sustainability:
The entry should demonstrate a positive contribution to the communities and customers who use it. This may relate
directly to cost, time, environment or general amenity of the users.
The entry should demonstrate a contribution to the economy as a whole and/or deliver significant economic benefits
to its clients/users. This could relate to the whole-of-life costs or the value the entry adds to engineering construction,
manufacture, maintenance or application. The product is of appropriate quality for its application.
Significance of the work as a benchmark of engineering:
The entry should aim to establish a new benchmark to which others could aspire.
Extent to which the work represents best practice:
The way in which the entry can be matched against similar engineering achievements and be demonstrated to
represent best practice.
Adherence to budget and program:
The entry should demonstrate that the entry has met the budget parameters and timelines relevant to the scope.
2014 Thomond Engineers Award Criteron
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Engineers Ireland Thomond / Analog Devices
Engineering Awards 2014
Lead, Create, Innovate
Thomond Region Practicing Chartered Engineer
The Irish economy depends on improved business performance, which in turn relies to a great extent on the competence of our
engineers. Ireland has a proud engineering heritage, but in an increasingly competitive world our engineering competence must
reflect the needs of business and industry for astute and experienced creators and managers of technology. Engineers also have a
more important role than ever, as technology and the demands which we make of it become increasingly complex, in ensuring
that development takes place in a way which does not cause problems for our safety or our health. They have an equally crucial
part to play in minimising risk to the environment, and in bringing about sustainable development, not only in Ireland but
throughout the world.
Chartered Engineers are characterised by their ability to develop appropriate solutions to engineering problems, using new or
existing technologies, through innovation, creativity and change. They might develop and apply new technologies, promote
advanced designs and design methods, introduce new and more efficient production techniques, marketing and construction
concepts, pioneer new engineering services and management methods. Chartered Engineers are variously engaged in technical
and commercial leadership and possess effective interpersonal skills.
Award Criteria
Applicant must be a Chartered Engineer either working in the Thomond region or a member of the
Thomond region
Applicant for the award must submit two typed A4 pages maximum in 12pt font:
Outlining your project describing your motivation for embarking on this project work and how you
imagine this work could benefit your fellow citizens in future. The outline should, briefly, address your
thinking behind the design, material selection and the longer term benefits of the project. One paragraph
should outline why you believe your project is unique.
Projects will be judged against the following criteria:
Project Understanding - Knowledge and performance in the chosen project
Originality – Describe how appropriate solutions were engineered to solve the problems, using new or existing
technologies, through innovation, creativity and change.
Whole Life Management – how the project uses whole life cost / benefits analysis to optimise future
renewal operational expenditure.
Impact on Risk – how the project quantifies and reduces financial / safety risks.
Implementation – the extent to which the project has been successfully implemented, including
evidence of actual benefits delivered.
Impact on people – how the project has impacted on people, either employees or the general public.
Management / Leadership – demonstrate what you brought to the project in terms of the innovative
techniques that were employed in the development of the project?
Entrants must have a level of communication skills such that they can confidently present themselves
and their projects in a clear and interesting manner to a non-technical audience.
2014 Thomond Engineers Award Criteron
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Engineers Ireland Thomond / Analog Devices
Engineering Awards 2014
Lead, Create, Innovate
Thomond Region Innovative Engineer
This award recognises and honors an individual who has made an outstanding contribution toward the
advancement of engineering by adopting innovative and creative approaches in research, planning, design or
construction. Innovation is about bringing new goods, new methods of production, new markets, new
sources of raw materials, and new organisational structures into practice.
Award Criteria
Applicant for the award must submit two typed A4 pages in 12pt font:
Outlining your project describing your motivation for embarking on this project work and how you imagine
this work could benefit your fellow citizens in future. The outline should, briefly, address your thinking
behind the design, material selection and the longer term benefits of the project. One paragraph should
outline why you believe your project is unique and at the forefront of current engineering technology and
while demonstrating significant engineering achievement.
Projects will be judged against the following criteria:
Originality – how the project utilizes Engineering design, materials and techniques in an
innovative and original manner. As the main focus of this award is innovation, significant focus
will be placed how innovative the project is.
Whole Life Management – how the project uses whole life cost analysis to optimise future
renewal operational expenditure.
Impact on Risk – how the project quantifies and reduces financial / safety risks.
Implementation – the extent to which the project has been successfully implemented, including
evidence of actual benefits delivered.
Impact on people – how the project has impacted on people, either employees or the general
Integration – how the project has been integrated into the organisation’s existing systems and
Management / Leadership – what innovative techniques were employed in the development of the
Originality is the most important criterion and entries that are not considered by the judges to be
sufficiently innovative will be excluded from the final round of scoring.
2014 Thomond Engineers Award Criteron
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Engineers Ireland Thomond / Analog Devices
Engineering Awards 2014
Lead, Create, Innovate
Thomond Region Safety in Engineering
The Award is given in recognition of health and safety leadership and innovation. It is aimed particularly at promoting
innovation in SHE. The judges will expect to see convincing evidence of more than standard expected norms in
engineering. Successful applicants are required first to show that they have reached and maintained exacting
standards in safety. The judges will examine in more detail how the applicant achieved the performance and how this
reflects leadership and innovation. The award judges do not prescribe particular actions which applicants are expected
to have taken. Instead it requires applicants to show how they have addressed the Health, Safety and Environmental
part of the project.
Award Criteria
Applicant for the award must submit two typed A4 pages in 12pt font and should cover such
issues as:
Man-hours & Accident Statistics
Project Health And Safety Plan
Worker representation and engagement
Organising for Safety, Health and Environment
Risk Management and planning
Behavioral change
The outline should, briefly, address your thinking behind the design, material selection and the longer term
benefits of the project. One paragraph should outline why you believe your project is unique and at the
forefront of current engineering technology and while demonstrating significant engineering achievement in
the area of SHE.
The entrants which are shortlisted will be required to cover these topics in much greater detail during the presentation and
interview. The following gives some outline of what will be expected as a minimum. The judges require convincing
documentary evidence (and photographs are particularly welcomed) not only of what you set out to do, but also, crucially, that it
was consistently achieved in practice. Mere collections of photocopied blank pro-forma documents that contain no meaningful
indications for an external observer of what really happened will not suffice. You should build up your submission in a
systematic fashion, setting out how your SHE goals were decided and met, detailing in particular how problems were faced and
Man-hours & Accident Statistics should cover at least;
How many hours has the project achieved without an accident?
How many hours have elapsed since the last accident?
Provide a breakdown of First Aid and Minor Injuries.
How many Reportable accidents have there been on the Project?
Project Health and Safety Plan- providing at least;
An outline plan for review.
Worker Representation & Engagement – provide evidence of at least;
Level of active worker representation in H&S
Involvement of workforce in risk assessment, and delivery of method statements etc.
Timing of engagement of workforce and safety representation
Involvement of worker and worker representation in monitoring of site SH&E standards etc.
Hazard reporting and closing out structures / procedures
2014 Thomond Engineers Award Criteron
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Engineers Ireland Thomond / Analog Devices
Engineering Awards 2014
Lead, Create, Innovate
Organising for SH&E – provide evidence of at least;
Management and supervisory structure clearly defined and visible
Raising of awareness and promotion of intent towards SH&E
Continuous consultation and the raising of awareness
Risk Management & Planning– provide evidence of at least;
Application of SH&E planning strategy who was involved, timing, consultation, briefing and training
Monitoring of the works, how, when, who, and feedback/delivery of action plans etc.
Taking SH&E into the planning and design process
Work site planning and briefing processes
Behavioral Change:
Establishing an environment for innovation and reward
Modifying behavior through proactive interventions
Raising of enthusiasm through involvement in SH&E management at a worker/supervisory level
Delivery of expectations in terms of Occupational Health & Welfare
Significant interventions & innovation with SH&E management and programs
What Were The Key Features In Achieving This Degree Of Health & Safety Performance?
2014 Thomond Engineers Award Criteron
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Engineers Ireland Thomond / Analog Devices
Engineering Awards 2014
Lead, Create, Innovate
Thomond Region Sustainability in Engineering
This award recognises and honors an individual who has made an outstanding contribution toward the
advancement of engineering by adopting innovative and creative approaches in promoting sustainability in
Engineering. We need a new vision and design for the future direction of Ireland that is based on
sustainability principles; otherwise we remain vulnerable to external factors. Also sustainability of design has
been highlighted as a critical factor in determining the quality of lifestyle which we ourselves and future
generations will enjoy. It is necessary to act now to address the issue of diminishing resources whatever they
may be. Creative engineering in the sustainability area in Ireland can contribute to making Ireland a global
leader opening up a whole new area for the economy.
Award Criteria
Applicant for the award must submit two typed A4 pages in 12pt font:
Outlining your project describing your motivation for embarking on this project work and how you imagine
this work could benefit your fellow citizens in future. The outline should, briefly, address your thinking
behind the design, material selection and the longer term benefits of the project. One paragraph should
outline why you believe your project is unique and at the forefront of current engineering technology while
demonstrating significant engineering achievement.
Background, driving forces and the commitment to the successful application of sustainability principles.
The contribution your project has made to a more sustainable future.
Achievements and results through the inclusion of relevant environmental improvement data and any
external verification.
Innovative practices, technologies or standards developed or utilised.
How partnerships were formed and utilised and stakeholders engaged in achieving your results
2014 Thomond Engineers Award Criteron
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