Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Public Health and Development Sciences Program in collaboration with the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) Achrafieh Campus Second Edition Spring 2014 Faculty of Health Sciences 0 Table of Contents Page Graduate Studies List of Universities in Lebanon………………………………………………… 2 Scholarships……………………………………………………………………………. 5 Job Hunting (in Lebanon) Contracting, Consulting, Manufacturing, Trading (Private Sector)…………… Hospitals (Private and Public Sectors)…………………………………………. Ministries (Public Sector)………………………………………………………. Municipalities (Public Sector)………………………………………………….. Natural Reserves Committees………………………………………………….. Local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO)s.…………………………….. International Organizations Operating in Lebanon..…………………………… UN Agencies…………………………………………………………………… Overseas Development Agencies (ODAs)……………………………………… Research Centers (Public Sector)………………………………………………. 7 9 13 14 15 15 18 19 20 20 Useful Websites………………………………………………………………………… Websites on Graduate Studies Miscellaneous Websites Useful Websites for those Interested in Nutrition 21 Online Short Courses, Trainings, or Degree Credit Courses…………………………… 23 Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………………. 25 1 Graduate Studies The below is a non-exhaustive list of universities that offer degrees in Medical Lab, Nursing, Nutrition, Public Health, and related fields. University University of Balamand (UOB) List of Universities in Lebanon Faculty Name Of Degree Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Sciences Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Faculty of Engineering American University of Beirut (AUB) Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Rafic Hariri School of Nursing Tel Website Master in Clinical Laboratory (MS) Professional Masters in Laboratory Management (MS) Master in Public Health (MPH) Master of Science in Environmental Sciences (MS) Teaching Diploma +961 1 562108/9 www.balamand.edu.lb +961 1 562108/9 www.balamand.edu.lb +961 1 562108/9 www.balamand.edu.lb +961 6 930250 www.balamand.edu.lb +961 6 930250 www.balamand.edu.lb Master of Arts in Mass Communication +961 6 930250 www.balamand.edu.lb Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (MS) (Under Civil Engineering) Master in Public Health (MPH) (3 tracks) Master of Science Epidemiology (MS EPI) Master of Science in Population Health (MS POPH) Master of Science in Nutrition (MS) +961 6 930250 www.balamand.edu.lb +961 1 350000 www.aub.edu.lb +961 1 350000 www.aub.edu.lb +961 1 350000 www.aub.edu.lb +961 1 350000 www.aub.edu.lb Master of Science in Food Technology (MS) +961 1 350000 www.aub.edu.lb Master of Science in Nursing (MS) (4 Tracks) +961 1 350000 www.aub.edu.lb 2 University American University of Beirut (AUB) Beirut Arab University (BAU) Lebanese American University (LAU) Lebanese University Notre Dame University (NDU) Sagesse University Universite Saint Joseph (USJ) Faculty Faculty of Engineering Name Of Degree ME Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Master of Science in Environmental Health (MS EH) Master of Science in Ecosystem Management (MS) Master of Science in Environmental Technology (MS) Master of Science in Environmental Policy Planning (MS) Master Degree in Medical Surgical Nursing Master Degree in Critical Care Nursing Master of Science and PhD in Environmental Science Teaching Diploma Tel +961 1 350000 Website www.aub.edu.lb +961 1 350000 www.aub.edu.lb +961 1 350000 www.aub.edu.lb +961 1 350000 www.aub.edu.lb +961 1 350000 www.aub.edu.lb +961 1 300110 www.bau.edu.lb +961 1 300110 www.bau.edu.lb +961 1 300110 www.bau.edu.lb +961 1 786456 www.lau.edu.lb Faculty of Public Health Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Public Health Master in Public Health +961 5 463591 www.ul.edu.lb Master of Arts in Media Studies Teaching Diploma +961 9 208000 www.ndu.edu.lb +961 9 208000 www.ndu.edu.lb Master in Hospital Management +961 1 291091 http://www.uls.edu.lb/ Faculté des Sciences Master en Sciences et Gestion de L’Environnement Master en Technologie Industrielle Master Recherche en Chimie Alimentaire Master en Technologie Industrielle Master Recherche en Structure - Interaction des Macromolécules et Génomique Fonctionnelle +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb Inter-faculty (FHS, FAFS, FAS, FEA) Inter-faculty (FHS, FAFS, FAS, FEA) Inter-faculty (FHS, FAFS, FAS, FEA) Inter-faculty (FHS, FAFS, FAS, FEA) Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Science School of Arts and Sciences Faculté des Sciences Faculté des Sciences Faculté des Sciences Faculté des Sciences 3 University Universite Saint Joseph (USJ) Faculty Faculté des Sciences Infirmières Faculté des Sciences Infirmières Faculté des Sciences Infirmières Faculté des Sciences Infirmières Faculté des sciences Infirmières Faculté des Sciences Infirmières Faculté de Pharmacie Name Of Degree DU en Santé Mentale Tel +961 1 421000 Website www.usj.edu.lb DU Soins Infirmiers en Réanimation et Soins Intensifs DU Soins Infirmiers au Bloc Opératoire +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb DU Soins à L'Enfant +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb DU en Oncologie +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb DU en Hygiène Hospitalière +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb Master Recherche - Option: Nutrition Humaine +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb Faculté de Pharmacie Master Recherche - Option: Nutrition et Physiologie Sportives Master Recherche - Option: Biochimie Clinique MBA International Option Management de la Santé +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb Master en Gestion et Management option Marketing des Services Master de Recherche en Geographie – Option Environnement et Amenagement du Territoire (Maitrise, DEA) Master Recherche en Travail Social avec Option Possible (Ingenieurie du Development Communautaire) +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb +961 1 421000 www.usj.edu.lb Faculté de Pharmacie Faculté de Gestion et de Management Faculté de Gestion et de Management Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Ecole Libanaise de Formation Sociale 4 Scholarships Scholarships A Guide to Government-funded Scholarships for International Students Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie Arab British Chambre Charitable Foundation Association of Schools of Public Health: Fellowships and Internships Association Philippe Jabre Australia Awards Benlian Trust, UK (for Armenians ONLY) British Lebanese Association Scholarship Fund Chevening Scholarship CNRS scholarships Education UK/British Council Eiffel Scholarships in France for International Students Emile Boutmy Scholarships for International Students Endeavour Awards (Australian Government) Erasmus Mundus – Scholarships and Academic Cooperation Fulbright Scholarship Program Gates Cambridge Scholarships for International Students German Academic Exchange Service Japanese Government Scholarships for International Students K.U. Leuven Science Scholarships for International Students Korean Government Scholarship Program for International Students Lebanese Ministry of Higher Education website (links to scholarships) URL http://www.scholars4dev.com/1892/governmentscholarships-for-developingcountries/#ixzz2Nc0EU2eq www.auf.org http://www.scholarship-search.org.uk/grants/arabbritish-chamber-charitable-foundation-scholarships-atuniversity-ofsouthampton/hc_edufin.page_pls_user_sch_dets/16180 339/220707/sch_id/68609/page.htm http://www.asph.org/document.cfm?page=752 http://www.apj.org.lb/ www.australiaawards.gov.au http://opencharities.org/charities/277253 http://www.britishlebanese.org/scholarship_fund.htm http://www.chevening.org/ www.cnrs.edu.lb http://www.educationuk.org/Article/UK-postgraduatestudy http://www.scholars4dev.com/2282/eiffelscholarships-for-international-students/ http://www.scholars4dev.com/2593/emile-boutmyscholarships-for-non-eu-students/ http://www.innovation.gov.au/InternationalEducation/ Endeavour/Pages/Endeavour.aspx http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/funding/sch olarships_students_academics_en.php#1 http://lebanon.usembassy.gov/scholarships/fulbrightstu dent.html http://www.gatescambridge.org/ https://www.daad.de/en/ http://www.studyjapan.go.jp/en/toj/toj0302e.html http://www.scholars4dev.com/3222/sciencescholarships-for-international-students-at-ku-leuven/ http://www.niied.go.kr/eng/contents.do?contentsNo=7 8&menuNo=349 http://www.mehe.gov.lb/Templates/Internal.aspx?Posti ngId=333 5 Scholarships Mihran Azniv Essefian Trust, UK (for Armenians ONLY) Norway Scholarships Royal Tropical Institute, The Netherlands Said Rida Scholarship Spanish Government Scholarships for International Students Taiwan Government Scholarships for International Students University of East Anglia (UEA) International Development Scholarships for students from Developing Countries University of Sydney Scholarship Office University of Twente Scholarships for International Students Website with information about funding opportunities (from the WHO website) URL http://opencharities.org/charities/275074 http://siu.no/eng/Front-Page/Programmeinformation/Development-cooperation/Quota-Scheme http://www.kit.nl/smartsite.shtml?ch=fab&id=16198 http://www.southampton.ac.uk/international/scholarshi ps/krsf.html http://www.scholars4dev.com/2655/spanishgovernment-scholarships-for-internationalstudents/#ixzz1t3NfTYj6 http://www.scholars4dev.com/3103/taiwangovernment-scholarships-for-international-students/ http://www.scholars4dev.com/4772/internationaldevelopment-scholarships-for-internationalstudents/#ixzz2Nc2rU8vu http://sydney.edu.au/scholarships/prospective/internati onal_postgraduate_scholarships.shtml http://www.scholars4dev.com/1494/mastersscholarships-for-non-eu-students-at-university-oftwente/ http://www.who.int/management/newitems/en/index5. html List of scholarships in many countries for students from developing countries: http://www.scholars4dev.com/1892/government-scholarships-for-developing-countries/ Important websites that contain comprehensive directories regarding scholarships and graduate studies: http://www.scholarship.com/ http://www.gradschools.com/ 6 Job Hunting (in Lebanon) The below is a non-exhaustive list of companies, hospitals, ministries, municipalities, natural reserve committees, local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO)s, international organizations, United Nations agencies, overseas development agencies, and research centers. A. Contracting, Consulting, Manufacturing, Trading (Private Sector) Company Address Tel/ Email Bauchrieh, Industrial City Tel: +961 1 480652 Ambar Industrial & Email: ambar@ambarest.com Trading Establishment Street: 88 Beirut, Lebanon Dekwaneh Main Road, Tel: +961 1 682264 Aqua Filtration Beirut, Lebanon +961 3 670551 +961 3 906044 Tele-Fax: +961 1 682264 Email:aquafiltration@hotmail.c om Sin El Fil, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: +961 1 512121/2 Arab Resources Email: rkayal@elard-group.com Development sarl (ARD) (Consulting) Cardinal Al Sayegh Street Tel : +961 1 Associated Consulting ACE Building 497250/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 Engineers (ACE) Sin El Fil Fax : +961 1 497550/1 Email : engineering@aceintl.net Cedar Eco-Industrial Park, Tel: +961 1 389404 Cedar Environmental Abou Mizane, Bickfaya, +961 3 293222 (CE) Lebanon Fax: +961 1 389409 Email: info@cedarenv.com(contact person Ziad Abichaker) Verdun Street, Dar AlTel: +961 1 790002/3 Dar Al Handasah (Consulting) Handasah Bldg., Beirut, Fax: +961 1 869026 Lebanon Email: beirut@dargroup.com Hôpital Sacré-Cœur Street Tel: +961 5 458012 ECODIT Liban Sarl Ghaleb Center, 1st Floor, Fax: +961 5 458013 Baabda, Lebanon Email: liban@ecodit.com Hujeij Bldg., 5th floor, Tel: +961 1 840401 Envirotech Ltd (Consulting) Adnan Hakim street, Jnah Fax: +961 1 840407 Area, Ghobeiri (Baabda), Mount Lebanon Tel: +961 1 218775 Etudes et Consultations St Nicolas, Tour St Nicolas, Beirut, Lebanon +961 1 217232 Economiques (ECE) Fax: +961 1 602693 +961 1 325200 7 Website http://www.ambarest .com/ http://aquafiltration. 8m.com/ http://www.aceintl.com/ http://www.cedarenv .com/ http://dar.dargroup.c om/ www.ecodit.com Company Eurowaste Address Saint Charbel Street, Adonis, Jounieh, Lebanon Ghaddar Trade & Industry Sidon, Ghazieh, Saida Tyr Road, Lebanon Health Care Management Consultant (Health Care Products Trading; Hospital Consulting; Hospital Management) Holcim Lebanon Sami El Solh Street, Gharz El Dine & Nouwayhed Bldg., 9th Floor, Badaro, Lebanon Tel: +961 1 396999 +961 1 396818 Email: hcmc@dm.net.lb Chekka - Lebanon Industrial Services Corporation Sarl (Insery) Sassine Street, Nobhill Bldg., 4th floor, Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: +961 6 546109 Fax: +961 6 546110 Tel: +961 1 215861 +961 3 243258 International Development Center (IDC) (Consulting) International Fairs and Promotions (IFP) Tel/ Email Tel: +961 3 361680 Fax: +961 9 223744 Email: mores@mores.com.lb Tele-Fax: +961 7 221956 North, Koura, Chekka, , Koura, Lebanon Hotel Dieu Street, Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon Koura Tel: +961 3 243258 IFP Group Bldg., 56th St. Hazmieh, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: + 961 5 959111 Fax: + 961 5 959888 Email: info@ifpexpo.com Tele-Fax: +961 1 685009 Tel: +961 1 684967 +961 3 615607 Email: hayekisf@dm.net.lb jack@islefsports.com Tel: +961 1 204957/8/9 Fax: +961 1 336399 Email: Kredo@Kredo.net 8 http://www.albleban on.com/business/gha ddartradeandindustr yestsunfireghazieh http://www.holcim.c om.lb/ Tel: +961 1 612907 Midane Street-Hayek Bldg., Ground Floor, Opposite to Air liquid Dekwaneh, Industrial Area 88, Beirut, Lebanon Saydeh Street, Carmel Karam Research Bldg., 5th Floor, Engineering And Design Office (KREDO) Achrafieh, Beirut (Consulting Engineers) Lebanon Acacia Bldg. (Sioufi Tel: +961 1 613863 Liban Consult Garden), Achrafieh, Beirut, +961 3 547733 Lebanon Fax: +961 1 427530 Email:libanconsult@libanconsul t.com Charles Malek ave, Tel: +961 1 215111 MAN Enterprise Tabaris, Beirut, Lebanon +961 1 335222 Ibrahim Abdel Al Street Tele-Fax: +961 1 756464 Management of Awkaf Bldg., 10th Floor Email:mores@mores.com.lb resources and environmental solutions Facing Pavillon Hotel, Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon (MORES) International Sport Leisure & Environment Facilities Co Ltd ISLEF Website www.eurowaste.20 m.com http://www.ifpexpo. com/ www.islefsports.co m www.kredo.net/ http://libanconsult.co m/ http://www.manente rprise.com/ www.mores.com.lb Company Middle East Centre For The Transfer Of Appropriate Technology (MECTAT) Address Labban (Hussein) Street, Tarazi Bldg., 3rd floor, Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon Middle East Studies And Research (Mesar) (Health Care Products Trading; Research & Development Services; Training Services) Overseas Trade Markets Polytech Bioagriculturelebanon (Consulting; Contracting; Manufacturing) SDS Engineering Sarl Abdel Aziz Street, Mabani ctr.,10th Foor, Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon Tel/ Email Tel: +961 1 341323 +961 1 742043 Fax: +961 1 346465 Email: mectat@mectat.com.lb boghos@mectat.com.lb Tel: +961 1 747218 +961 1 342975 Email: mesar@cyberia.net.lb Zouk Mikel, Lebanon Tel: +961 9 211723 Baushrieh, Jdeideh, Beirut, Lebanon Tele-Fax: +961 1 890032 Tel: +961 3 548694 Email: camille@polytech.cc Michel Abou Jaoude Street, Abou Jaoude Bldg., Ground Floor, Zalka, Lebanon Hopital Militaire Street, ElZayek Bldg., Ground Floor, Badaro, Parc Sector, Beirut, Lebanon Bristol Street, Minkara Center, Verdun, Beirut, Lebanon Badaro Street, Badaro Center Bldg., 6th Floor, Badaro, Lebanon Tel: +961 1 898190 +961 3 781827 +961 1 879590 Email: sds@cyberia.net.lb Tel: +961 1 380061 Fax: +961 1 380126 Setri Sarl Team International Turba Ltd B. Hospitals Private Sector Hospital Al-Rasoul Al-Aazam American University of Beirut Medical Center Bahman Hospital Address Tel: +961 1 353458 +961 1 353477 Fax: +961 1 353459 Tel: +961 1 385081 Fax: +961 1 385082 Email: info@turbasolutions.com Tel/ Email Website http://www.undp.org .lb/partners/ngos/NG OSearchAc.cfm?Acr onym=MECTAT www.al-mesar.com www.polytech.cc http://www.teaminternational.com/ http://turbasolutions. com/index.html Website BEIRUT Tel: +961 1 456456 +961 1 452700 Hotline: 1242 http://www.aubmc.org Tel: +961 1 350000 Email: aubmc@aub.edu.lb Haret Hreik, Adjacent to Tel: +961 1 544000 http://www.bahmanho Al-Hassanein Mosque, +961 3 544000 spital.com/index.shtml Beirut, Lebanon Fax: +961 1 559947 Email: bahmanhospital@bahmanhospi tal.com Airport Road, Beirut, Lebanon Abdel- Aziz, Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon 9 Hospital Clemenceau Medical Center Address Clemenceau Street, Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon Tel/ Email Hotline: 1240 Tel: +961 1 372888 Fax: +961 1 364464 Email: info@cmc.com.lb Website http://www.cmc.com.l b/ Hotel Dieu de France Hôtel-Dieu de France Bvd A. Naccache , Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon Ouzai Street, Tarik Al Jadida, Beirut, Lebanon Maamari Street, Najjar Bldg., Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon Zahar Street, Achrafieh Beirut, Lebanon Tel: +961 1 615300 Fax: +961 1 615250 Email: info@hdf.usj.edu.lb Tel : +961 1 313370 Fax: +961 1 700508 Tel: +961 1 340626 +961 3 669911 http://www.hdf.usj.ed u.lb/ Tel: +961 1 200800 Fax: +961 1 200816 Email: info@umcrh.com Tel: +961 1 858333 Email: info@sahelhospital.com.lb Hotline: 1287 Tel: +961 1 441000 +961 1 575700 Fax: +961 1 585600 Tel: +961 1 369494 /5 Fax: +961 1 361663 Email: info@tradhospital.com www.umcrh.com Makassed General Hospital Najjar Hospital Rizk Hospital University Medical Center Sahel General Hospital Ghbairi, Beirut, Lebanon Saint George Hospital University Medical Center Rmeil Street, Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon Trad Hospital & Medical Center Mexique Street, Clemenceau, Beirut, Lebanon Abou Jaoude Jal El-Dib, Lebanon Bellevue Medical Center Mansourieh, Beirut, Lebanon Clinique du Levant Sin El Fil, Beirut, Lebanon Hopital Dr. S. Serhal Street 25, Rabieh, Lebanon Hopital Hayek SAL Horch Tabet , Sin El Fil, Beirut, Lebanon www.makassed.org.lb http://sahelhospital.co m/ http://www.stgeorgeh ospital.org/STGHB/ho me.asp AL MATEN Tel: +961 4 718000 +961 4 716000 10 Hotline: 1565 Tel: +9611 682666 Fax: +961 1 681081 Email: info@bmc.com.lb Tele-Fax: +961 1 501500 Email: info@cliniquedulevantsm.com Tel: +961 4 405050 +961 3 203520 Fax: +961 4 520363 Email: h.serhal@sodetel.net.lb Tel: +961 1 481333 Fax: +961 1 499203 Email: info@hopitalhayek.com http://www.bmchcs.co m/ http://www.laclinique dulevant.com/ http://hayekhospital.co m/en/Default.aspx Hospital Hopital Saint Charles Address Fayadié, Baabda, Lebanon Tel/ Email Tel: +961 5 451100 +961 5 953444 Fax: +961 5 455131 Email : info@saintcharleshospital.com Tel: 961 5 957000 Email: mlh@mlh.com.lb Blvd. Camille Chamoun, Mount Lebanon Hazmieh, Beirut, Lebanon Hospital Gharios Medical Center AL SHOUF/ ALEY Ain Wa Zein, El Chouf, Tel: +961 5 509001 Ain Wa Zein Hospital Lebanon +961 5 504000 +961 3 707048 Fax: +961 5 501311 Email: AWH@awh.org.lb Tel: +961 5 300883 Baaklin Medical Center Baaklin, Lebanon +961 5 301095 Tel: +961 5 505009 Hôpital des Soeurs de la Deir el Kamar, Lebanon +961 5 505625 Croix Hopital Notre Dame Maritime Jbeil, Lebanon Sayidat Al-Maounat (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire - Notre Dame de Secours) Saint Georges Hospital Jbeil, Lebanon Sayidat Loubnan (Hopital Notre Dame du Liban) Dar Al Amal University Hospital Khoury Gen Hospital Doctors Center Lebanese French Mais Hospital Tel Chiha Hospital KESROUAN/ JBEIL Tel: +961 9 540017 Fax: +961 9 946642 Keserwan, Ajaltoun, Highway, St. Georges Hospital , Ground floor, Ajaltoun, Lebanon General Fouad Chehab Avenue, Jounieh, Lebanon http://www.mlh.com.l b http://www.awh.org.lb / http://www.hopitalmar itime.com/site.swf Hotline: 1279 Tel: +961 9 944255 +961 9 541700 Fax: 961 9 944099 Tel: +961 9 234201 +961 9 234202 http://www.chunds.org/ Tel: +961 9 644644 Fax: +961 9 831630 http://www.hndlhospit al.com/ BEKAA Main road, Dar Al-Amal Tel: +961 8 340620 University Hospital Bldg., +961 3 837033 Douris, Baalbeck, Fax: +961 8 340627 Lebanon Zahle, Lebanon Tel: +961 8 807000/1/2/3 +961 8 811181/2/3 Highway Hoche Oumara, Tel: +961 8 810121…7 Hopital Libano-Français Fax: +961 8 814454 Bldg., Zahle, Lebanon Damascus Road, Chtoura, Tel: +961 8 542300/1 Bekaa, Lebanon Zahle, Bekaa, Lebanon Tel: +961 8 802172 +961 8 807782/3/4 11 Website http://www.saintcharle shospital.com/ http://www.daralamal.com/ http://www.khouryhos pital.com/Index.htm http://www.telchiha.c om/ Hospital Al-Islami Hopital Albert Haykel Sal Hopital Notre Dame de la Paix Koura Hospital Monla Hospital Nini Al-Janoub hospital (Shuayb) Ghandour Hospital Hammoud Hospital University Medical Center Jabal Amel Hospital Labib Medical Center Sal Ra’l Medical Center Address Tel/ Email NORTH LEBANON Azmi Street, Tripoli, Tel: +961 6 210181/6 Lebanon +961 6 201262 Haikaliyeh Road, Ras Tel: +961 6 411111 Maska, Koura, Lebanon Kobayat, Akkar, Lebanon Tel: +961 6 351670…7 +961 3 909056 Fax: +961 6 351678 Email: hndpaix@idm.net.lb Al Koura Lebanon Tel: +961 6 930981/2/3/4/5 Email: infor@hopital-alkoura.com.lb Monla Street, Tripoli, Tel: +961 6 207000 Lebanon Fax: +961 6 210853 Email: info@monlahospital.com Maarad Street,Tripoli, Tel: +961 6 431400 Lebanon SOUTH LEBANON Ghazeih Main road , Saida, Tel: +961 7 722555 Lebanon +961 7 724900 +961 7 723333 Fax: +961 7 722900 Email: Info@AlJanoub-Hospital.info Nabatiyeh, Lebanon Tel: +961 7 761590 +961 7 762542 +961 7 760455 +961 3 734725 Dr. Ghassan Hammoud Tel: +961 7 723111 Street, Saida, Lebanon Fax: +961 7 725833 Email: info@hammoudhospital.com Tyre, Lebanon Tel: +961 7 740343 +961 7 740198 +961 3 280580 Abouzahr Street, Saida, Tel: +961 7 723444 Lebanon Fax: +961 7 725114 Email: info@labibmedicalcenter.com Al-Ghazieh, Saida, Tel: +961 7 222023 Lebanon 12 Website http://www.hopitalhay kel.com/ http://www.new.anton ines.org/fr/KobayatFr http://www.hopitalalkoura.com.lb/index_ french.html http://www.monlahos pital.com/ http://aljanoubhospital.com/ http://hammoudhospit al.com/ http://www.labibmedi calcenter.com/aboutus .php Public Sector Hospital Baabda Governmental Hospital Dahr El Bachek Governmental Hospital Hasbaya Governmental Hospital Rafik Hariri University Hospital Tannourine Governmental Hospital Tyr Governmental Hospital Address Baabda, Lebanon Tel/ Email Tal: +961 5 920040 Fax: +961 5 923606 Tel: +961 4 872138 Hasbaya, Nabatieh, Lebanon Jnah, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: +961 7 550159 Fax: +961 7 550430 Tele-Fax: + 961 1 830000 Tannourine al Tahta, Batroun, Lebanon Tel: +961 6 520555 +961 6 520862 +961 6 520863 +961 6 520864 Fax: +961 6 520868 Tel: +961 7 740293 Fax: +961 7 343639 Tyr, Lebanon C. Ministries (Public Sector) Ministry Address Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Culture Ministry of Education Bir Hassan Embassies Street, Bir Hassan sector, Face to Henry Chehab Caserne, Beirut, Lebanon Mme Curie Street, Hatab Bldg., Verdun, Beirut, Lebanon Habib Abi-chahla Square, Beside UNESCO Palace, Verdun, Beirut, Lebanon Ministry of Energy And Water Corniche El Nahr, Beirut, Lebanon Ministry of Environment Alaazariya Bldg., 7th and 8th Floors, Beirut, Lebanon Michel Bustros Street, Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Ministry of Industry Ministry of Information Sami El Solh Street, Facing Adlieh, Badaro, Beirut, Lebanon Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon Tel/ Email Website http://www.bguh.gov.l b/ http://tannourinevillag e.com/w/content.php?i d=50&type=official Website Tel: +961 1 848451 Email: info@agriculture.gov.lb http://www.agriculture. gov.lb/Arabic/Pages/M ain.aspx Tel: +961 1 744250/1/2/3 http://www.culture.gov. lb/home.php?lid=EN Tel: +961 1 789611 +961 1 789908 Fax: +961 1 789606 Email: info@higher-edu.gov.lb Tel: +961 1 565100/1/2/3/4 Email: mew@terra.net.lb http://www.mehe.gov.l b/ Hotline: 1789 Tel: +961 1 976555 Fax: +961 1 976530 Tel: +961 1 333100 +961 1 333099 Fax: +961 1 217432 Email: info@foreign.gov.lb Tel: +961 1 423338 http://www.moe.gov.lb/ Tel: +961 1 754400 http://www.ministryinf o.gov.lb/ 13 http://www.energyand water.gov.lb/ http://www.foreign.gov .lb/ http://www.industry.go v.lb/ Ministry Ministry of Interior Address Sanaeh, Hamra, Lebanon Ministry of Public Health Beirut, Lebanon Ministry of Public Works And Transport Georges Picot Street, Starco Bldg., 3rd Floor, Beirut, Lebanon Ministry of Social Affairs Toufik Yousef Awad Street, Badaro, Beirut, Lebanon Hamra, Central Bank Street, Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon Ministry of Tourism Ministry of Youth And Sports Tel/ Email Tel: +961 1 754200/1 +961 1 751601/2 Fax: +961 1 750084 Email: info@moim.gov.lb Tel: +961 1 615774/5/6 Fax: +961 1 615771 Email: info@moph.gov.lb Tel: +961 1 372795 Fax: +961 1 372796 Email:ministry@transportation. gov.lb Tel: +961 1 611260/4 Email: info@socialaffairs.gov.lb Website http://www.moim.gov.l b/ Hotline 1735 Tel: +961 1 340940/1/2/3/4 Fax: +961 1 340945 Email: info@destinationlebanon.gov.lb Tel: +961 1 426657 http://mot.gov.lb/ D. Municipalities (Public Sector) Municipality Municipality of Beirut Municipality of Bourj Hammoud Municipality of Broumana Municipality of Fanar Municipality of Jal El Dib Municipality of Jbeil Municipality of Jezzine Municipality of Kornet Chehwan (Ain Aar, Beit El Kekko, El Hbous) Municipality of Sin El Fil 14 http://www.moph.gov.l b/ http://www.transportati on.gov.lb/ http://www.socialaffair s.gov.lb/ http://www.destinationl ebanon.gov.lb Tel +961 1 987014 +961 1 260155 +961 4 960082 +961 4 860860 +961 1 893280 +961 1 891380 +961 4 712064/5 +961 9 546888 +961 9 546999 +961 7 780026 +961 4 925604 +961 4 925013 +961 1 480440 E. Natural Reserves Committees Area Address Maasser El Shouf, Al Shouf Cedars Village Square, Facing Public Garden, Al Shouf, Lebanon Bantael Reserve 8km from Jbeil, above Edde Village, Lebanon Horsh Ehden Zgharta, Lebanon Association for the Protection of Jabal Moussa (APJM) Le Portail Bldg., 2nd Floor, suite 205, Jounieh, Lebanon Palm Islands El Mina, Mar Elias Roundabout, Tripoli, Lebanon Tannourine Cedar Forest Main Office: Tannourine, Lebanon Tyre Coast Branch Office: Gemayzeh, Lebanon Hajo Bldg., 1st floor, Tyre, Lebanon Tel/ Email Tele-Fax: +961 5 350250 +961 5 350150 Email: arzshouf@cyberia.net.lb info@shoufcedar.org Tele-Fax: + 961 9 738330 Email: info@bentaelreserve.org Tel: +961 6 660120 +961 6 663120 Website http://www.shoufcedar .org/ Tele-Fax: +961 9 643464 Tel: +961 71 944405 Email: info@jabalmoussa.org Tel: +961 6 204525 +961 6 600673 Fax: +961 6 615938 Email: epc@cyberia.net.lb Tel: +961 6 500550 +961 3 815029 +961 3 277618 Email: info@arztannourine.org Tele-Fax: +961 7 351341 Tel: +961 3 287211 Email: tcnr98@hotmail.com http://www.jabalmouss a.org/ F. Local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO)s NGO Address Tel/ Email Tabara Street, Tawfic Tel: +961 3 802438 Aie Serve Tabara Center, 4th Email: info@aieserve.org Floor, Zarif area (near Sanaye’ Garden), Beirut – Lebanon Sharif Street, Tallet El Tel: +961 1 304472/9 Ajialouna Khayat, Hashim +961 1 304485 Beirut, Lebanon +9613 875024 Fax: +961 1 304587 Email: admin@ajialouna.org Hazmieh – Hellani Tel: +961 5 458854 Alef – Act for Human Street, Kyameh Bldg., Fax: +961 5 952898 Rights Hazmieh, Lebanon E-mail: alef@alefliban.org Abou-Chakra street, Tel: +961 1 317293 Amel Association AMEL Bldg., +961 1 317294 Mousseitbeh, Beirut, Fax: +961 1 305646 Lebanon Email: info@amel.org.lb 15 http://www.bentaelrese rve.org/home.html http://www.wildlebano n.org/en/pages/sit/tyre. html Website http://aieserve.wordpre ss.com/ http://www.ajialouna.o rg/ http://www.alefliban.o rg/ http://www.amelassoci ation.org/ NGO Association For Forest Development and Conservation (AFDC) Address Sagesse Street, Madi Bldg., 1st Floor, Jdiedeh, Lebanon Tel/ Email Tele-Fax: + 961 1 898475/6 Email: afdc@afdc.org.lb Website http://www.afdc.org.lb / Main Office Association Libanaise Pour La Maitrise De L’Energie Et L’Environnement (ALMEE) Association Pour La Protection Des Sites Et Anciennes Demeures Au Liban (A.P.S.A.D) Byblos Ecologia Notre Dames de Lourdes Street, Mroueh Bldg., Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon Tel: +961 1 383908 Fax: +961 1 385043 Email: alme@inco.com.lb www.almee.org Sursock Street, Aoun Bldg., Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon Tele-Fax: +961 1 334267 Email: yscapsad@sodetel.net.lb Jbeil Main Road, Saint Carlos Center, Jbeil, Lebanon Tel: +961 9 946805 Email: byblosecologia@hotmail.com Collective for Research and Training on Development-Action (CRTD.A) Friendship HomeSalvatorien Social Center (Dar Assadaka) Friends of the Disabled Association (FDA) Museum Area, Behind Volvo Co., Karim Salameh Bldg., 2nd Floor, Beirut, Lebanon Zahle, Lebanon Tele-Fax : +961 1 611079 +961 1 612924 FDA Office: Dannawi Street, Hallak-Daouk Bldg., 1st Floor, Mseitbeh, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: +961 1 815526 (FDA Office) +961 5 601663 (I’dad Center) +961 5 602443 (I’dad Center) Fax: +961 5 602445 Email: info@friendsfordisabled.org http://www.friendsford isabled.org/ Tel: +961 1 746215 +961 1 752142 Email: greenline@greenline.org.lb Tel: +961 7 741610 +961 3 741610 Fax: +961 7 343312 Email: sadr@dm.net.lb/ info@imamsadrfoundation.or g.lb Tel: +961 1 392220 +961 3 101715 +961 3 018019 Fax: +961 1 392220 http://www.greenline.o rg.lb/ Green Line Association Imam Al-Sadr Foundation KAFA Tel: +961 8 806060 Fax: +961 8 806385 I'dad Center: Mechref Village, Chouf District, 25 km south of Beirut, Lebanon Spears 174, Yamout Bldg., 3rd Floor, Sanayeh, Beirut, Lebanon Al-Istiraha Street, Cultural Compound, Tyr, Lebanon 43, Badaro Street, Beydoun Bldg., 1st Floor, Beirut, Lebanon 16 http://imamsadrfounda tion.org/ http://www.kafa.org.lb /profile NGO Lebanese Association for Nutrition and Dietetics (LDA) Lebanese Women’s Awakening Lijnat Riayat Al Biaa Fi Al-Chamal Mada Oum El Nour Rene Moawad Foundation Skoun Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon The Lebanese Council To Resist Violence Against Women The Lebanese NGO Forum (LNF) YASA Address Department of Nutrition and Food Science Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon Tel/ Email Tel: +961 1 374374 Ext: 4540/ 4541 Fax: +961 1 744460 Website www.lebanondiet.org http://www.lebwa.org/ Tripoli, Lebanon 20 Al Arid Street, Etienne Atallah Bldg., 2nd floor, Ain El Remaneh, Beirut, Lebanon Zouk Mikayel Highway, St. Elie Bldg, Zouk Mikayel, Lebanon Alfred Naccache Street, Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon 97 Monot Street, Nakhle Bldg., 5th floor, Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon Ghannoum St, Abdel Khalek building, Ground floor , Chiyah, Beirut, Le banon Abdel Aziz Street, Awad Bldg., 6th Floor, Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: +961 6 600673 Tele-Fax: +961 6 615938 Email: epclebanon@hotmail.com Tel: +961 3 063177 Fax: +961 1 380437 Email: mada@mada.org.lb http://epcleb.com/ Tel: +961 9 223700 Email: oumnour@inco.com.lb Tel: +961 1 613367/8/9 Fax: +961 1 613370 Email: rmf@rmf.org.lb Tel: +961 1 202714 (Ashrafieh) +961 1 556141 (Chiyah) Email: info@skoun.org http://www.oum-elnour.org/ Tele-Fax: +961 1 343740 +961 1 344814 +961 1 748308/9 Email: news@spnl.org Damascus Road , Hotline: +961 3 829809 Bassoul Bldg., 2nd Floor, Tele-Fax: +961 1 612846 Sodeco, Lebanon +961 1 612899 Clémenceau Street, Tel: +961 1 374040 Clémenceau 333 Bldg., Tele-Fax: +961 1 374050 2nd Floor, Clemenceau, Email: lnf@lnf.org.lb Beirut, Lebanon YASA Lebanon Tel: +961 5 452587 Headquarter, St. Rock +961 3 601972 Street, Akl Bldg., 2nd Fax: +961 5 952587 Floor, Hazmieh, Lebanon Email: yasa@yasa.org 17 http://www.mada.org.l b/ http://www.rmf.org.lb/ http://www.skoun.org/ http://www.spnl.org/ http://www.lebanesew omen.org/about1.html http://www.lnf.org.lb/ http://www.yasa.org/e n/ G. International Organizations Operating in Lebanon Organization Address Tel/ Email Michael Angelo Street, Tel: +961 1 805663/4 Amnesty Makarem Bldg., Fax: +961 1 805665 International Raouché, Chouran, Email: mena@amnesty.org Beirut, Lebanon Sin El Fil, Beirut, Tel: +961 1 499767 Caritas Lebanon +961 1483305 Fax: +961 1 494713 Email: executive@caritas.org.lb International Mkalles 2001 Center, Tel: +961 1 687354 Orthodox Christian Main Road, Suite 3-3 Fax: +961 1 688509 Charities (IOCC) 3rd Floor, Mansourieh, Email: ioccleb@iocc.org Lebanon Contact person: Linda Shaker Berbari (lberbari@iocc.org) Spears Street, Kantari, Tel: +961 1 372802/ 3/ 4/ 5 Lebanese Red Cross Beirut, Lebanon Fax: +961 1 371391 Email: pr.info@redcross.org.lb Mercy Corps Saifi Street, Chawkatly Tele-Fax: +961 1 565924/5 International Bldg., Port, Beirut, Lebanon Mar Abda Street, Mar Tel: +961 4 714901/2/3/4 Pontifical Mission Abda Bldg., 3rd Floor, Fax: +961 4 714905 Jal-el Dib, Beirut, Email: pontim@inco.com.lb Lebanon Save The Children Hamra Street, Broadway Tel: +961 1 738654/5 Center, 6th Floor, Ras Fax: +961 1 739023 Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon Email: info@mena.savethechildren.se Maroun Street, Tel: +961 1 502188 World Fax: +961 1 502189 Rehabilitation Fund Khodralian Bldg., 1st Floor, Horsh Tabet, Sin Email: wrfleb@idm.net.lb El Fil, Beirut, Lebanon Villa Sinyora, Tel: +961 4 401980/1/3 World Vision Mountazah, Beit Mery, Fax: +961 4 401982 Lebanon Email: info@worldvision.org.lb Delta Center, 3rd Floor Tel: +961 1 490640 Young Men’s Horsh Tabet, Sin el Fil, +961 1 490685 Christian Beirut, Lebanon Email: ymca@ymca-leb.org.lb Association (YMCA) 18 Website http://www.amnestymena .org/ http://www.caritas.org.lb/ http://www.iocc.org/coun tries/countries_lebanon.a spx http://www.redcross.org.l b/ http://www.mercycorps.o rg/lebanon http://www.pontificalmis sion-lebanon.org/ http://mena.savethechildr en.se/mena http://www.worldrehabfu nd.org http://www.wvi.org/leba non http://www.ymcaleb.org.lb/ H. UN Agencies Agency Address Rayess Street, Rayess Food And Agriculture Building, Baabda, Organization (FAO) Lebanon Justinian Street, Aresco International Labor Center, Quntari, Riad El Organization (ILO) Solh, Beirut, Lebanon Banks Street, Arab Office of the High African International Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Bank Bldg., Downtown, Beirut, Lebanon United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Tel/ Email Tel: +961 5 924005/6/7 Fax: +961 5 922128 Email: fao-lb@fao.org Tel: +961 1 752400 Fax: +961 1 752405 Email: beirut@ilo.org Tel: +961 1 962542 Fax: +961 1 962555 Email: OHCHR-MELebanon@ohchr.org Website http://www.fao.org/coun tryprofiles/index/en/?iso 3=LBN www.ilo.org.lb http://www.ohchr.org/en glish http://www.ohchr.org/E N/Countries/MENAReg ion/Pages/MenaRegion2 0122013.aspx http://www.unicef.org/in fobycountry/lebanon.ht ml Maamari Street, Gefinor Center, Block E, Beirut, Lebanon Riad El Solh Street, Arab African International Bank Bldg., Nejmeh, Beirut, Lebanon Rida El Solh Square, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: +961 1 756101 Email: beirut@unicef.org Tel: +961 1 962500 Fax: +961 1 962491 Email: registry.lb@undp.org Tel: +961 1 981301 Fax: +961 1 981510 http://www.lb.undp.org/ Sports City Boulevard, UNESCO Bldg, Bir Hasan, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: +961 1 850013/4/5 Fax: +961 1 824854 Email:beirut@unesco.org http://www.unesco.org/b eirut Tel: +961 1 849201 Email:lebbe@unhcr.org United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Dr. Philippe Hitti Street, Khater Building, Ramlet El Baida, Beirut, Lebanon Riad El-Solh Square, The United Nations House, Beirut, Lebanon http://www.unhcr.org/cg ibin/texis/vtx/page?page =49e486676 http://www.unido.org/of fice/lebanon.html United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Banks Street, Arab African International Bldg., Beirut, Lebanon World Bank Abdallah Bayhum Street, Bourie House 119, Marfaa, Solidere, Beirut, Lebanon United Nations Development Program (UNDP) United Nations Economic And Social Commission For Western Asia (ESCWA) United Nations Education, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO) United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 19 Tel: +961 1 978699 +961 1 974807 Fax: +961 1 981415 Email: office.lebanon@unido.org Tel: +961 1 962580 +961 70 111652 Fax: +961 1 962581 Email: infolebanon@unfpa.org Mona Ziade Tel: +961 1 987800 Fax: +961 1 986800 Email: mziade@worldbank.org www.escwa.org.lb www.unfpa.org.lb www.worldbank.org/lb Agency World Health Organization (WHO) Address Tel/ Email Museum Square, Glass Tel: +961 1 612970/1/2 Building, 4th Floor, Fax: +961 1 612973 Beirut, Lebanon Email: registry@leb.emro.who.int I. Overseas Development Agencies (ODAs) Agencies Address Tel/ Email The Embassy of Canada Consular: +961 4 726700 Canadian International Coolrite Bldg., 1st Floor, Development Agency Fax Consular: Jal El Dib Highway, +961 4 710595 (CIDA) Lebanon +961 4 726703 Charles Helou Avenue, Tel : +961 1 569400 Delegation De L’Union Bldg. 490 Harbour Drive, Fax: +961 1 569415 Europeenne en Saifi, Riad el Solh, Email: delegationRepublique Libanaise Beirut, Lebanon lebanon@eeas.europa.eu British Embassy, Serail Tel: +961 1 960800 Department for Hill, Beirut Central Email: International District, Beirut, Lebanon ukti.beirut@fco.gov.uk Development (DFID) United States Agencies For International Development (USAID) U.S. Embassy in Awkar, Beirut, Lebanon. J. Research Centers (Public Sector) Center Location Sin El Fil, Beirut, Center For Educational Lebanon Research And Development Tel/ Email Tel: +961 1 683089 +961 1 683090 Fax: +961 1 683088 Email: info@crdp.org Tel: +961 1 980096 Fax: +961 1 981252/3 +961 1 981381 Email: infocenter@cdr.gov.lb Fax: +961 5 467831 E-mail: pr@iri.org.lb Tallet Al Serail, Riad El Solh, Beirut, Lebanon Industrial Research Institute (IRI) IRI Building, Lebanese University Campus, Hadath, Lebanon Emir Bechir Street, Tel : +961 1 983306/7/8 Tower, 4th Floor, Riad El Fax: +961 1 983302/3 Solh, Beirut, Lebanon Email : invest@idal.com.lb export@idal.com.lb Fanar Main Road, Jdeidet Tel: +961 1 682471/7 El-Metin, Fanar, Email: fanarlab@lari.gov.lb Lebanon Zahia Salmane street, Tel: + 961 1 850125 Jnah, Beirut, Lebanon Fax: + 961 1 822639 Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) National Council For Scientific Research 20 Website http://eeas.europa.eu/del egations/lebanon/index_ fr.htm Tel: +961 4 542600 +961 4 543600 Fax: +961 4 544254 Email: usaidbeirut@state.gov Council For Development And Reconstruction (CDR) Investment Development Authority Of Lebanon (IDAL) Website http://www.who.int/cou ntries/lbn/en/ Website http://www.crdp.org/CR DP/English/en_default.h tm http://www.cdr.gov.lb/e ng/home.asp www.iri.org.lb www.idal.com.lb http://www.lari.gov.lb http://www.cnrs.edu.lb/ Useful Websites Websites on Graduate Studies Applications for degree programs are through SOPHAS: http://www.sophas.org/ Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) in the USA: http://www.asph.org/ Canada Medical Laboratory University Programs: http://www.canadianuniversities.net/Universities/Programs/Medical_Laboratory.html Canada’s Higher Education and Career Guide: http://www.canadianuniversities.net/ Directory of Graduate schools: http://www.gradschools.com/searchprograms/clinical-lab-sciences Education UK/British Council: http://www.educationuk.org/Article/UKpostgraduate-study Master Programs in Public Health in Canada: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/phppsp/master_of_php-eng.php Nursing Master's and PhD Programs in Canada: http://www.canadianuniversities.net/Universities/Programs/Graduate-Studies-Nursing.html Nutrition and Dietetics Master's and PhD Programs in Canada: http://www.canadian-universities.net/Universities/Programs/Graduate-StudiesNutrition_and_Dietetics.html Public Health Foundation/ Center for Disease Control: Find training courses and online courses throughout USA https://www.train.org/DesktopShell.aspx Study in Australia: http://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/ World Health Organization: http://www.who.int/management/newitems/en/index4.html 21 Miscellaneous Websites Civil Society International: www.civilsoc.org/ann-job.htm Nature Jobs.com: http://naturejobs.nature.com The Lebanese Government Portal for Information and forms: www.informs.gov.lb UNESCO: http://www.unesco.org/per/index.html World Resources Institute: http://www.wri.org/ World Tourism Organization: http://www.world-tourism.org/ Useful Websites for those Interested in Nutrition American Anorexia Bulimia Association www.aabainc.org American Cancer Society www.cancer.org American Diabetes Association www.diabetes.org American Dietetic Association www.eatright.org American Heart Association www.americanhealth.org Alternative Health News Online www.altmedicine.com DANONE Institute www.danoneinstitute.org Food and Drug Administration www.fda.gov Institute of Food technologists www.ift.org International Food Information Council www.ific.org National Food Safety Database www.foodsafety.org Nestlé www.nestle.com UN World Food Program www.wfp.org United States Department of Agriculture www.usda.gov Vegetarian Pages www.veg.org Vitamin Update www.vitamin-update.com 22 Online Short Courses, Trainings, or Degree Credit Courses A BS degree is insufficient to keep up-to-date and competent in today’s world. It is important to be an independent learner and continually upgrade one’s professional skills. Many health science courses are now delivered online. This represents a practical way of keeping up-to-date no matter where you live or what employment you are engaged in. Taking such courses can be a good way to expand your capabilities and make you more eligible for new opportunities. Below is a checklist of things to pay attention to while looking for online courses. There is also a list of online sites from reputable sources that gives information about short courses, online courses, degree programs and scholarship or funding possibilities. This is not a comprehensive list, but a first step in explorations of what may be available. Students and graduates should be aware of the following: The Lebanese Ministry of Higher Education does not recognize degrees and courses that have been obtained solely online. Some online courses are actually “blended”. They combine online course delivery with some face to face interaction, including Skype, presence at the university and/or on campus exams. Blended courses or degree programs could be recognized by the Lebanese Ministry of Higher Education. Individual online courses are not necessarily credited towards higher degree programs; this needs to be established with the concerned university. Generally speaking, open or “free” online courses do not count for academic credits. However, some count as “CME’s” (continuing medical education), or may offer a certificate. Keep original copies of all certificates as part of your portfolio for applications to university and jobs. The certificates are “proof” of what you claim in the CV. Check with employers if you are hoping to have an online course count towards promotion and increased responsibilities. Not all online sites are of equal quality and some commercial sites may not be of value. Be careful to choose from well-known institutions (e.g. WHO; CDC) or universities with well-known reputations (e.g. from the APHA universities in the USA, or the “Russell Group” in the UK). 23 The following are links to online short courses, trainings, or degree credit courses: 1) American Public Health Association (APHA) Professional Development System and Trainings http://aphapds.pesgce.com/ 2) Association of Schools of Public Health (APHA) in the USA. Online and public health certificate courses taken through any of the degree programs in the Schools of Public Health certified by APHA http://www.asph.org/ . Applications for degree programs are through SOPHAS: http://www.sophas.org/ 3) Center for Disease Control, USA E-learning, especially environmental health http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/ehs/eLearn/index.htm 4) Center for Disease Control, USA Environmental Public Health Online Courses (EPHOC) http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/ehs/eLearn/EPHOC.htm 5) Education UK/British Council http://www.educationuk.org/Article/UK postgraduate-study 6) edX online courses https://www.edx.org/ 7) John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA Distance learning with credited courses http://distance.jhsph.edu/ 8) John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA Open Online courses http://ocw.jhsph.edu/ 9) London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/study/masters/distance.html 10) Massachusetts Institute of Technology , (MIT) USA Free open courseware http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm 11) Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) http://www.mooc-list.com/?gclid=COqbi5D17rwCFagBwwodJi4Auw 12) Online and Distance Education in Canada http://www.cicic.ca/668/online-anddistance-education.canada 13) Post Graduate courses in the UK http://www.ucas.ac.uk/students/choosingcourses/choosingcourse/postgraduate 14) The Open University, UK http://www3.open.ac.uk/study/ 15) Tufts University, USA Free open coursewarehttp://ocw.tufts.edu/AboutOCW 16) University of Albany, State University of New York, USA http://www.albany.edu/sph/cphce/online_learning.shtml 17) World Health Organization http://www.who.int/management/newitems/en/index.html 18) World Health Organization Distance Learning http://www.who.int/management/newitems/en/index1.html 24 Acknowledgements We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the development of this booklet: Laurie Abi Habib Layal Alameh Denise Assaf John Awad Afdokia El Khoury Berj Hatjian Lina Jaalouk Roubina Karhily Mireille Serhan Hiba Souki Notes 25 26 27