Red, White and Zoo! - Omaha`s Henry Doorly Zoo

Red, White and Zoo!
Celebrate Independence Day at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium. Take yourself on a self-guided tour
through the Zoo in search of animals that are red, white and blue in color or are called these colors by name!
Scarlet macaw- The macaw’s plumage is
mostly scarlet, but the rump and tail-covert
feathers are light blue.
Polar Bear- Polar bears are actually not white
but have guard hairs covering them that are
hollow, transparent, and pigment free that
reflect visible light, just like snow.
Blue monkey- The small hair on its face give
the impression of being blue but in fact its coat
is an olive color.
Silver-beaked tanager-Native to the
rainforests of South America, this bird has
maroon to crimson red plumage on a majority
of its body.
White Alligator- Most white alligators live in
zoos because in the wild they would not be
able to camouflage themselves and risk
sunburn when keeping warm.
Red- ruffed lemur- Red-ruffed lemurs have soft
Mute Swan- When white swans are born, their
and thick reddish fur and are one of the largest
feathers are mainly grey but become white as
primates in Madagascar.
they mature.
Tomato Frog- Their bright red color serves as a
warning to predators. They can also give off
sticky white mucus that irritates their
predators but is not toxic.
Red-crested cardinal- Native to northern
Argentina, Bolivia, southern Brazil, Paraguay
and Uruguay, the Red-crested Cardinal has
been introduced to various regions of the
world including Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
Flasher wrasses- These fish are normally red,
and when a male gets excited, he flashes. He
will flare his dorsal filaments and turn a
purple/teal color. It is a lot like a firework
going off.
White-crested laughing thrush- They are
extremely vocal and have a “laughing”
call. They are very busy calling and foraging
throughout the day.
Koi- Koi are named for their color, red are
called AKA, white are called SHIRO, and a
combination of red and white are called
White tiger- Most white tigers have blue eyes.
Black and White ruffed lemur- Their black and
white pattern varies and can be different on
the right or left side among the species.
Blue tongued skink- Blue tongued skinks are
named for the cobalt blue tongue which is
used to distract, startle, and ward of predators.
Blue morpho- Their vivid blue color comes
from microscopic scales on the back of their
wings that reflect light.
Blue Tang- When born blue tangs are actually
bright yellow but as they mature, they become
a richer blue with white stripes at night.
Blue crowned motmot- Aside from their
stunning blue feathers on the head, back and
tail, they have racquet-shaped central tail
feathers. You sometimes find motmots
perched, swinging these tail feathers back and
forth like a pendulum.
Hyacinth macaw- Have beaks specially
designed for cracking the hardest nuts in the
Budgies- Native to Australia, and like most
parrot species, budgerigar plumage fluoresces
White Rhino- Even though their name suggests under ultraviolet light.
that they are white, in fact they are grey in
Azure-winged magpie- The Azure-winged
Magpie is very noisy and gregarious, living in
White Stork- White storks have a red beak and groups all year round.
their white feathers around their lower neck
and chest elongate for attracting mates.
Blue-grey tanager- On the islands of Trinidad
and Tobago, the Blue-grey tanager is called
“Blue Jean.”