2013 Mite Red, White and Blue Hockey Rules

2013 ʹ 2014 Mite Red, White and Blue Hockey WAHA Region 5, South League Participating Associations x
Arrowhead Youth Hockey Association Elmbrook Youth Hockey Association Milwaukee Winter Club Ozaukee Youth Hockey Association Pettit Waukesha County Youth Hockey Association Rules & Format First half of the season (Through 31 DEC 2013) 1. Referees will be utilized. 2. All Mite-­‐age players will play in the Red, White and Blue (RWB) Hockey format (Cross-­‐ice) 3. Skaters will be divided into Red, White, and Blue teams based on skill level. Effort will be made to balance the Fig. 1 levels and teams as best as possible. Skaters may move up or down between colors as they develop. 4. Ice will be divided into thirds for games. 5. Two (2) games will be played at the same time. One at each end of the ice surface. The neutral zone will be dedicated to free-­‐time with pucks and used as the staging area for players rotating into the game. (Fig. 1) 6. Large nets with goalies will be used. 7. Goals will not be secured to the ice (no pegs) 8. All teams will use blue (light-­‐weight) pucks. 9. There will be a 5:00 minute warm-­‐up and ice set-­‐up time at the beginning of each game. 10. Games will have three, 15:00 minute, run-­‐time periods. 11. 1:30 minute shifts. The horn will notify players when to change. There will be no face-­‐off after line changes. Players rotating into the game must skate around their own net and the teams play the puck from wherever it lies (Fig. 2). Any players remaining on the ice also must skate around their own net. Fig. 2 12. 1:00 minute rest-­‐time between periods 13. Teams will ideally play 3v3 or 4v4 based on the number of skaters on hand. Coaches to discuss and agree before the game. 5v5 is acceptable if necessary. 14. Face-­‐off will begin each period. No face-­‐offs after goals or line changes. 15. After a goal, the scoring team will immediately retreat to their own goal and touch it with their sticks (tag up) before playing the puck again. Referee will pause for a moment, and then toss a puck to the team that was just scored upon, who will continue the play. 16. If the goalie covers (freezes) the puck, the referee will blow their whistle to stop play, and will then retrieve the puck and toss it off to the side for play to continue. ZĞĨƐƵƐĞďĞƐƚũƵĚŐŵĞŶƚŽŶǁŚĞƌĞƚŽƚŚƌŽǁƉƵĐŬƐ͙ŬĞĞƉŝƚĨĂŝƌ͘ 17. During play, coaches are to remain in the neutral zone area. 18. Penalties will be called. If a player is called for a penalty, they leave the play for the remainder of that shift and the others will play short-­‐handed. There is no stoppage of play. This provides coaches with an opportunity to discuss/explain the penalty with the player. 19. Each team will play look to play ~20 ʹ 25 games within the 6-­‐association league. Second half of the season (beginning 01 JAN 2014 through the end of season) Fig. 3 1. Ice will be divided in half for games. (fig. 3) 2. Two (2) games will be played at the same time. One at each end of the ice surface. 3. Skaters will be divided into Red, White, and Blue teams based on skill level. Effort will be made to balance the levels and teams as best as possible. 4. Large nets with goalies will be used. 5. Goals will not be secured to the ice (no pegs). Use water if needed. 6. All teams will use blue (light-­‐weight) pucks. 7. There will be a 5:00 minute warm-­‐up and ice set-­‐up time at the beginning of each game. 8. Games will have three, 15:00 minute, run-­‐time periods. 9. 1:30 minute shifts. The horn notifies players when to change. There will be no face-­‐off after line changes. Fig. 4 10. On line changes, the referee will throw a puck into a neutral area of the ice (fig. 4, shaded) if it is not already there. Players rotating into the game will play this ͞neutral-­‐area͟ puck. They do not have to go around their net. Referee will then retrieve the other puck (if necessary). Do not throw the puck so that it comes to rest right next to, or against the boards. Any players remaining on the ice must tag-­‐up by touching the boards by their bench with their sticks. 11. Players will defend the same net for the entire game -­‐ do not change directions after each period. 12. 1:00 minute rest-­‐time between periods. 13. Teams will play 3v3 or 4v4 based on the number of skaters on hand. Coaches to discuss and agree before the game. 5v5 is acceptable if necessary. 14. Face-­‐off will begin each period. No face-­‐offs after goals or line changes. 15. After a goal, the scoring team will immediately retreat to their own goal and touch it with their sticks (tag up) before playing the puck again. Referee will pause for a moment, and then toss a puck to the team that was just scored upon, who will continue the play. 16. If the goalie covers (freezes) the puck, the referee will blow their whistle to stop play, and will then retrieve the puck and toss it off to the side for play to continue. ZĞĨƐƵƐĞďĞƐƚũƵĚŐŵĞŶƚŽŶǁŚĞƌĞƚŽƚŚƌŽǁƉƵĐŬƐ͙
keep it fair. 17. During play, coaches are to remain on their respective benches ʹ no coaches on the ice during the game. 18. Penalties will be called. If a player is called for a penalty, they leave the play for the remainder of that shift and their team will play short-­‐handed for the remainder of that shift. There is no stoppage of play. This provides coaches with an opportunity to discuss/explain the penalty with the player. Other notes: x If one team is short of players, coaches should consider combining and balancing teams. x Referees should place a few pucks on top of each net to help keep play moving. For example, after a goal, referee may pause and then throw a second puck from on top of the net to get the play going again, and then retrieve the other puck from inside the net. Only the referee should get the puck out of the net after a goal. This helps control pace of play. x Coaches and referees should talk before the start of the game to ensure consistent understanding of the rules, expectations about calling penalties (yes, they should!), and any other issues. x If coaches see a player on their own team commit a penalty that is missed by the referee, they may pull that player by their own accord (effectively calling a penalty on themselves.). x Teams shall not schedule other hockey events over the scheduled RWB games (e.g., tournaments). x /ĨƚŚĞƌĞĂƌĞŝƐƐƵĞƐǁŝƚŚƚŚĞƌĞĨĞƌĞĞŝŶŐĚƵƌŝŶŐĂŐĂŵĞĂŶĚŝƚ͛ƐĂƉƉƌŽƉƌŝĂƚĞƚŽĚŽƐŽ͕ƚŚĞŚŽŵĞĐŽĂĐŚƐŚŽƵůĚ
politely discuss these issues with the ref in between periods. 