ESO 210 Lecture

ESO 210
Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Polyphase (3-phase) Induction Motor
Construction of a three-phase
induction motor
Squirrel cage / wound rotors
Principle of operation of a three-phase
induction motor
When a three-phase supply is connected to the stator windings, a rotating magnetic
field is produced.
As the magnetic flux cuts a bar (or conductor) on the rotor, an e.m.f. is induced in it
and since it is joined, via the end conducting rings, to another bar one pole pitch away,
a current flows in the bars.
The magnetic field associated with this current flowing in the bars interacts with the
rotating magnetic field and a force is produced, tending to turn the rotor in the same
direction as the rotating magnetic field, Similar forces are applied to all the conductors
on the rotor, so that a torque is produced causing the rotor to rotate.
The same can be better understood
my Lenz’s Law which says:
An induced Electro Motive Force
(emf) always gives rise to a current
whose magnetic field opposes the
original change in Magnetic Flux.
The force exerted by the rotor bars causes the rotor to turn in the direction of the
rotating magnetic field. (As per the Lenz’s Law)
The rotor speed increases from standstill to match the speed of the rotating
magnetic. However rotor speed remains less than that of the magnetic field and the
difference in this speed is termed as Slip of Slip speed.
If the rotor runs at the same speed as the rotating magnetic field, no e.m.f.’s are
induced in the rotor, hence there is no force on them and no torque on the rotor.
Thus the rotor slows down. For this reason the rotor can never run at synchronous
speed. When there is no load on the rotor, the resistive forces due to windage and
bearing friction are small and the rotor runs very nearly at synchronous speed.
As the rotor is loaded, the speed falls and this causes an increase in the frequency of
the induced e.m.f.’s in the rotor bars and hence the rotor current, force and torque
The difference between the rotor speed, nr , and the synchronous speed, ns, is called
the slip speed, i.e.
Induction Motor: working principle
Rotor e.m.f. and frequency
When an induction motor is stationary, the stator and rotor windings form
the equivalent of a transformer as shown in Figure below.
The rotor e.m.f. at standstill is given by
where E1 is the supply voltage per phase to the stator. When an induction motor is
running(i.e. the rotor is rotating), the induced e.m.f. in the rotor is less since the
relative movement between conductors and the rotating field is less. The induced
e.m.f. is proportional to the relative movement, hence it must be proportional to
the slip, s
Rotor frequency
The rotor e.m.f. is induced by an alternating flux and the rate at which the flux
passes the conductors is the slip speed. Thus the frequency of the rotor e.m.f. is
given by:
Rotor impedance
and current
The rotor resistance R2 is
unaffected by frequency or slip,
and hence remains constant.
Rotor reactance varies with the frequency of the rotor current.
The equivalent circuit of an Induction motor:
Rotor copper loss
Induction motor losses and efficiency
Torque equation for an induction motor
Under normal conditions, the supply voltage is usually constant, hence
Induction motor torque–speed
Inductor Motor
Starting methods for
induction motors
Squirrel-cage rotor:
(i) Direct-on-line starting (DOL)
With this method, starting current is high and may cause interference with supplies to other consumers.
(ii) Auto transformer starting
With this method, an auto transformer is used to reduce the stator voltage, E1, and thus the starting current.
However, the starting torque is seriously reduced so the voltage is reduced only sufficiently to give the required
reduction of the starting current. A typical arrangement is shown in Figure below. A double-throw switch
connects the auto transformer in circuit for starting, and when the motor is up to speed the switch is moved to
the run position which connects the supply directly to the motor.
(iii) Star-delta starting
With this method, for starting, the connections to the stator phase winding are starconnected, so that the voltage across each phase winding is 1/√3 (i.e. 0.577) of the
line voltage. For running, the windings are switched to delta-connection. A typical
arrangement is shown in Figure below. This method of starting is less expensive than
by auto transformer.
Wound rotor
When starting on load is necessary, a wound rotor induction motor must be used.
This is because maximum torque at starting can be obtained by adding external
resistance to the rotor circuit via slip rings. A face-plate type starter is used, and as
the resistance is gradually reduced, the machine characteristics at each stage will
be similar to Q, S, R and P. At each resistance step, the motor operation will
transfer from one characteristic to the next so that the overall starting
characteristic will be as shown by the bold line in Figure below.
For very large induction motors, very gradual and smooth starting is
achieved by a liquid type resistance.
Advantages of squirrel-cage
induction motors
The advantages of squirrel-cage motors compared with the wound rotor
type are that they:
(i) are cheaper and more robust
(ii) have slightly higher efficiency and power factor
(iii) are explosion-proof, since the risk of sparking is eliminated by the
(iv) absence of slip rings and brushes.
Advantages of wound rotor induction
The advantages of the wound rotor motor compared with the cage type
are that they:
(i) have a much higher starting torque
(ii) have a much lower starting current
(iii) have a means of varying speed by use of external rotor resistance.
Double cage
induction motor
The advantages of squirrel-cage and wound rotor induction motors are combined in
the double cage induction motor. This type of induction motor is specially
constructed with the rotor having two cages, one inside the other. The outer cage
has high resistance conductors so that maximum torque is achieved at or near
starting. The inner cage has normal low resistance copper conductors but high
reactance since it is embedded deep in the iron core. The torque-speed
characteristic of the inner cage is that of a normal induction motor, as shown in
Figure below. At starting, the outer cage produces the torque, but when running the
inner cage produces the torque. The combined characteristic of inner and outer
cages is shown in Figure below. The double cage induction motor is highly efficient
when running.
Single-phase Induction Motor
The winding used normally in the stator of the single-phase induction motor (IM)
is a distributed one.
The rotor is of squirrel cage type, which is a cheap one, as the rating of this type of
motor is low, unlike that for a three-phase IM. As the stator winding is fed from a
single-phase supply, the flux in the air gap is alternating only, not a synchronously
rotating one produced by a poly-phase (may be two- or three-) winding in the
stator of IM.
This type of alternating field cannot produce a torque ( (T0)st=0.0), if the rotor is
stationery ( ωr=0.0 ). So, a single-phase IM is not self-starting, unlike a three-phase
one. However, as shown later, if the rotor is initially given some torque in either
direction (ωr≠0.0), then immediately a torque is produced in the motor. The motor
then accelerates to its final speed, which is lower than its synchronous speed. This
is now explained using double field revolving theory.
A typical shaded-pole motor with a cage rotor is shown in Fig. above. This is a singlephase induction motor, with main winding in the stator. A small portion of each pole
is covered with a short-circuited, single-turn copper coil called the shading coil. The
sinusoidally varying flux created by ac (single-phase) excitation of the main winding
induces emf in the shading coil. As a result, induced currents flow in the shading coil
producing their own flux in the shaded portion of the pole.
The reversal of the direction of rotation, where desired, can be achieved by
providing two shading coils, one on each end of every pole, and by open-circuiting
one set of shading coils and by short-circuiting the other set.
Force of attraction between stator poles
and rotor poles - resulting in production of
torque in clockwise direction
Methods of starting synchronous motor
A phasor diagram shown in previous slide, illustrates the method of determining the
counter EMF which is obtained from the phasor equation;
The phase angle δ between the terminal voltage VT and the excitation voltage Ef in
is usually termed the torque angle. The torque angle is also called the load angle or
power angle.
Home Assignmen-3
Explain the contruction and working of a Stepper motor
Synchonous motor power equation and V curves
Last date April 21