Cambridge International Programme Table of Contents Tennessee Department of Education Proposal …………………………………………………… Page 2 Cambridge Programme Overview ………………………………………………………………………. Page 3 Cambridge Programme Pathways to TN Diploma ………………………………………………. Page 4 Mapping Tennessee Standards to Cambridge Standards English Language Arts …………………………………………………………………………….. Page 6 Mathematics ………………………………………………………………............................. Page 49 Chemistry ….……………………………………………………………….............................. Page 92 Physics …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 114 Biology …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 155 1 Tennessee Department of Education Proposal Proposal to Postsecondary Prior to pursuing State Board of Education approval for Cambridge courses to fulfill the high school graduation requirements, the Tennessee Department of Education is seeking feedback and approval from the state’s public postsecondary institutions. To ensure alignment to postsecondary expectations, the department requests that the University of Tennessee and Tennessee Board of Regents institutions review the proposed ‘Cambridge Programme Pathways to Tennessee Diploma’ courses to determine whether or not they meet the admissions requirements for core academic courses. Background Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) is an internationally recognized provider of education programs for students ages 5 to 19, offering a continuum of studies from primary levels to upper secondary levels. The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) courses, usually taken in ninth or tenth grade, help students develop skills in creative thinking, enquiry, and problem solving. The Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) courses are usually taken in eleventh or twelfth grade, and students who pass the courses and corresponding exams can earn the AICE Diploma. Two Local Education Agencies in Tennessee, Metro Nashville Public Schools and Bradley County Public Schools, are currently offering IGCSE and AICE courses through the Cambridge International Education Programme to high school students. To date, Cambridge courses have only been approved through the special course request process and are not part of the Tennessee State Board of Education Approved High School Courses (SBE Policy 3.205). After a careful review of the Cambridge Programme and course standards, the Tennessee Department of Education finds that the Cambridge course standards meet the current Tennessee state standards and graduation requirements for English language arts, science, mathematics, fine arts, and foreign language. 2 Cambridge Programme Overview Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) is an internationally recognized provider of international education for students ages 5 to 19, offering a continuum of studies from primary levels to upper secondary levels. CIE is a department within the University of Cambridge, founded in1858 with the aim of raising standards in education through exam administration and school inspections. The Cambridge learning community includes over 10,000 schools, in more than 160 countries. The courses are comparable in rigor to those offered by the International Baccalaureate (IB) and College Board's Advanced Placement programs. All instructors undergo a selection process and receive training from program experts. Cambridge students take validated tests at the summation of the courses. Cambridge international education programmes are instructionally aligned systems with curricula, assessments and pedagogy designed for students ages 5-19 years. There are two types of Cambridge courses for high schools: IGCSE and AS and A level. In U.S. schools, AS and A Level courses are sometimes called AICE which references a diploma which may be earned by passing a battery of AS/ A Level examinations. In American schools, the IGCSE courses are sometimes called pre-AICE. Taken together the IGCSE and AICE courses comprise the Cambridge Programme for high schools in the States. The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) courses are generally taken by freshmen and sophomores and are known to foster the literacy skills needed by students in future academic pursuits. The Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) courses are generally taken by juniors and seniors, sometimes by sophomores, passing the corresponding AS and/or A Level examinations can result in the AICE Diploma. Depending on their examination performance and college/university recognition policies, students can be awarded post-secondary credit. Juniors and seniors may earn the Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Diploma. In order to be eligible for the AICE Diploma, demonstration of knowledge and skills from a variety of subjects in 3 different groups is required: Math & Science, Languages, Arts and Humanities. Students must also take the Diploma Core: Cambridge Global PerspectivesTM and demonstrate mastery of critical thinking analysis, argumentation, collaboration and research skills. The Cambridge International Examinations program is flexible, can be tailored to student interests, and can allow for enrollment in additional programs. All AICE courses emphasize international relevance and focus on developing 21st Century Skills. Similar to International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP) courses, AICE scores may meet credit requirements at top colleges and universities throughout the world. 3 Cambridge Programme Pathways to TN Diploma The chart below outlines the specific Cambridge courses that students would be able to take to meet the TN graduation requirements. Unless otherwise noted, the IGCSE and AS/A Level (AICE) courses count for 1 credit. If there is not a Cambridge Course listed for a graduation requirement or if a student does not want to take the Cambridge Course, students will take another course listed on the Tennessee Department of Education’s list of Approved Courses to satisfy the graduation requirement. The Cambridge elective courses for each subject area are not included in the chart; school districts will have a list of all the Cambridge elective courses offered. Students who take an IGCSE course will take the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) test associated with that course, in addition to the IGCSE exams. Students who take the AS/ A Level (AICE) courses will take the AS/ A Level (AICE) exam for that course and will not be required to take a TCAP exam for that course. TN Requirements Cambridge Pathway Math: 4 credits IGCSE Math I* Includes Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry (or the equivalent courses, Core Math I, II, and III) and one additional mathematics course beyond Algebra I. Students must be enrolled in a mathematics course each school year. IGCSE Math II** IGCSE Additional Math III*** AICE Math I (AS Level) AICE Math II (A Level) AICE Further Mathematics *TCAP Core Math I, if available. If the TCAP Core Math I is not available, districts may choose to administer the Algebra I TCAP EOC. **TCAP Core Math II, if available. ***TCAP Core Math III, if available. If the TCAP Core Math III is not available, districts may choose to administer the Algebra II TCAP EOC. English: 4 credits IGCSE English Language * IGCSE English Literature** AICE English Language AICE English Literature *TCAP English I **TCAP English II 4 Science: 3 credits IGCSE Biology* Includes Biology, Chemistry or Physics, and a third lab course. IGCSE Chemistry** IGCSE Physics IGCSE and/or AICE Physical Science*** IGCSE and/or AICE Environmental Management*** AICE Biology (AS Level) AICE Chemistry (AS Level) *TCAP Biology End of Course Assessment **TCAP Chemistry End of Course Assessment ***Counts for third lab course Social Studies: 3 credits Course content must include United States History, World History and Geography, Economics, and Government. Wellness and Physical Education: 1.5 credits Cambridge Courses will not count toward Social Studies graduation requirements. Students will take the state approved: U.S. History and Geography course U.S. Government and Civics course Economics World History and Geography Pre-AICE Physical Education IGCSE Level AICE Physical Education 1 AS Level AICE Physical Education 2 A Level Students will take the state approved course to meet the graduation requirement for Wellness. Personal Finance: 0.5 credits Students will take the state approved course to meet this graduation requirement. Foreign Language: 2 credits IGCSE and/or AICE Foreign Language courses Fine Arts: 1 credit Students can take any IGCSE and/or AICE Fine Arts or Career and Technical Education course in the cluster of “Arts, A/V Technology & Communications” to meet this graduation requirement. Elective Focus: 3 credits Students will take the state approved courses in the focus groups approved by local boards of education to meet this graduation requirement. Elective credits in an IGSCE and/or AICE pathway can be used to satisfy this requirement. 5 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Introduction University of Cambridge International Examinations has mapped the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (Grade 9 and Grade 10) to Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English (US) (0524) and Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427). This document shows where the standards are covered in each syllabus and in the accompanying schemes of work. Students who are prepared for these qualifications will cover the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts for Grade 9 and Grade 10. In this mapping document we have referenced the relevant Assessment Objectives (AOs) and the relevant pages of the syllabus content. In Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US), there are two levels of achievement, via two separate routes: core and extended. In this document, we have shown what is covered in the core syllabus content and what is covered in the extended syllabus content. The schemes of work are made up of numbered units. For Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) we have referenced the unit and where appropriate the learning objective. 1 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 6 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 1 Reading Standards for Literature 6–12: Key Ideas and Details 1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. understand and collate explicit meanings; understand, explain, and collate implicit meanings and attitudes AO1 R1, R2 understand and collate explicit meanings; understand, explain, and collate implicit meanings and attitudes; draw inferences, evaluate effectiveness, compare, analyze, synthesize AO1 R1, R2, and third bullet of Extended Curriculum (Reading) 2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes identify main and subordinate topics, summarize, paraphrase, re-express AO1 R3, and third bullet of Core Curriculum (Reading) 3. Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. 3 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes Unit 1 recognize the relationship of ideas Unit 4 Unit 3 AO1 R3, and second bullet of Extended Curriculum (Reading) Unit 4 7 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 1 Reading Standards for Literature 6–12: Craft and Structure 4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone). understand and collate explicit meanings; understand, explain, and collate implicit meanings and attitudes; recognize and respond to simple linguistic devices including figurative language AO1 R1, R2, and fifth bullet of Core Curriculum (Reading) 5. Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it (e.g., parallel plots), and manipulate time (e.g., pacing, flashbacks) create such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise. 6. Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience reflected in a work of literature from outside the United States, drawing on a wide reading of world literature. show some sense of how writers achieve their effects Fourth bullet of Core Curriculum (Reading) understand and collate explicit meanings; understand, explain, and collate implicit meanings and attitudes; show a more precise understanding of extended texts; recognize and respond to more sophisticated linguistic devices AO1 R1, R2, first and fifth bullets of Extended Curriculum (Reading) show understanding of how writers achieve their effects Fourth bullet of Extended Curriculum (Reading) This standard is covered in Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427). 4 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 8 Unit 4 Unit 1 Unit 4 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Reading Standards for Literature 6–12: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 7. Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment (e.g., Auden’s “Musée des Beaux Arts” and Breughel’s Landscape with the Fall of Icarus). This standard is covered in Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427). 8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning. understand and collate explicit meanings; draw inferences, evaluate effectiveness, compare, analyze, synthesize AO1 R1, and third bullet of Extended Curriculum (Reading) 9. Analyze how an author draws on and transforms source material in a specific work (e.g., how Shakespeare treats a theme or topic from Ovid or the Bible or how a later author draws on a play by Shakespeare). This standard is covered in Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427). 5 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 9 Unit 4 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Reading Standards for Literature 6–12: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity 10. By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 9–10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Unit 1 Unit 4 By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, at the high end of the grades 9–10 text complexity band independently and proficiently. 6 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 10 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 1 Reading Standards for Informational Text 6–12: Key Ideas and Details 1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. understand and collate explicit meanings; understand, explain, and collate implicit meanings and attitudes AO1 R1, R2 understand and collate explicit meanings; understand, explain, and collate implicit meanings and attitudes; draw inferences, evaluate effectiveness, compare, analyze, synthesize AO1 R1, R2, and third bullet of Extended Curriculum (Reading) 2. Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes Unit 1 identify main and subordinate topics, summarize, paraphrase, reexpress recognize the relationship of ideas Unit 4 AO1 R3, and second bullet of Extended Curriculum (Reading) Unit 5 select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes Unit 4 Unit 3 AO1 R3, and third bullet of Core Curriculum (Reading) 3. Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them. select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes identify main and subordinate topics, summarize, paraphrase, reexpress AO1 R3, and third bullet of Core Curriculum (Reading) 7 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 11 recognize the relationship of ideas AO1 R3, and second bullet of Extended Curriculum (Reading) Unit 5 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 1 Reading Standards for Informational Text 6–12: Craft and Structure 4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language of a court opinion differs from that of a newspaper). understand and collate explicit meanings; understand, explain, and collate implicit meanings and attitudes; demonstrate understanding of words within extended texts; show some sense of how writers achieve their effects; recognize and respond to simple linguistic devices including figurative language AO1 R1, R2, first, fourth, and fifth bullets of Extended Curriculum (Reading) AO1 R1, R2, and first, fourth, and fifth bullets of Core Curriculum (Reading) 5. Analyze in detail how an author’s ideas or claims are developed and refined by particular sentences, paragraphs, or larger portions of a text (e.g., a section or chapter). 6. Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose. show some sense of how writers achieve their effects Fourth bullet of Core Curriculum (Reading) show some sense of how writers achieve their effects; recognize and respond to simple linguistic devices, including figurative language Fourth and fifth bullets of Core Curriculum (Reading) 8 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 12 understand and collate explicit meanings; understand, explain, and collate implicit meanings and attitudes; show a more precise understanding of extended texts; show understanding of how writers achieve their effects; recognize and respond to more sophisticated linguistic devices show understanding of how writers achieve their effects Unit 1 Unit 4 Fourth bullet of Extended Curriculum (Reading) show understanding of how writers achieve their effects; recognize and respond to more sophisticated linguistic devices Fourth and fifth bullets of Extended Curriculum (Reading) Unit 1 Unit 4 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Reading Standards for Informational Text 6–12: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 7. Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g., a person’s life story in both print and multimedia), determining which details are emphasized in each account. 8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning. Unit 4 select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes identify main and subordinate topics, summarize, paraphrase, re-express AO1 R3, and third bullet of Core Curriculum (Reading) 9. Analyze seminal U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (e.g., Washington’s Farewell Address, the Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech, King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”), including how they address related themes and concepts. select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes recognize the relationship of ideas AO1 R3, and second bullet of Extended Curriculum (Reading) This standard is covered in Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427). 9 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 13 Unit 1 Unit 5 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Reading Standards for Informational Text 6–12: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity 10. By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 9–10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Implicit—should have been covered previously (see Cambridge Secondary 1 Curriculum Framework) By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of the grades 9–10 text complexity band independently and proficiently. 10 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 14 Implicit—should have been covered previously (see Cambridge Secondary 1 Curriculum Framework) Unit 1 Unit 4 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 2 Writing Standards 6–12: Text Types and Purposes 1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. a. Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level and concerns. c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims. d. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. order and present facts, ideas, and opinions; understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary; use language and register appropriate to audience and context; make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation, and spelling; express thoughts, feelings, and opinions in order to interest, inform, or convince the reader; recognize the need for paragraphing AO2 W2, W3, W4, W5, first and seventh bullets of Core Curriculum (Writing) 11 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 15 order and present facts, ideas, and opinions; understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary; use language and register appropriate to audience and context; make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation, and spelling; show a wider and more varied sense of different styles to interest, inform, or convince the reader; write in well-constructed paragraphs AO2 W2, W3, W4, W5, first and seventh bullets of Extended Curriculum (Writing) Unit 6 Unit 7 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 2 Writing Standards 6–12: Text Types and Purposes (cont.) 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. a. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. b. Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic. c. Use appropriate and varied transitions to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts. d. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic. e. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented (e.g., articulating implications or the significance of the topic). order and present facts, ideas, and opinions; understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary; use language and register appropriate to audience and context; make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation, and spelling; express thoughts, feelings, and opinions in order to interest, inform, or convince the reader; recognize the need for paragraphing AO2 W2, W3, W4, W5, first and seventh bullets of Core Curriculum (Writing) 12 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 16 order and present facts, ideas, and opinions; understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary; use language and register appropriate to audience and context; make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation, and spelling; show a wider and more varied sense of different styles to interest, inform, or convince the reader; write in well-constructed paragraphs AO2 W2, W3, W4, W5, first and seventh bullets of Extended Curriculum (Writing) Unit 6 Unit 7 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 2 Writing Standards 6–12: Text Types and Purposes (cont.) 3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, wellchosen details, and well-structured event sequences. a. Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation, establishing one or multiple point(s) of view, and introducing a narrator and/or characters; create a smooth progression of experiences or events. b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters. c. Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one another to create a coherent whole. d. Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters. e. Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolved over the course of the narrative. articulate experience and express what is thought, felt, and imagined; understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary; use language and register appropriate to audience and context; make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation, and spelling; express thoughts, feelings, and opinions in order to interest, inform, or convince the reader; recognize the need for paragraphing AO2 W1, W3, W4, W5, first and seventh bullets of Core Curriculum (Writing) 13 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 17 articulate experience and express what is thought, felt, and imagined; understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary; use language and register appropriate to audience and context; make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation, and spelling; show a wider and more varied sense of different styles to interest, inform, or convince the reader; write in well-constructed paragraphs; use imaginative and varied vocabulary AO2 W1, W3, W4, W5, first, seventh, and eighth bullets of Extended Curriculum (Writing) Unit 6 Unit 7 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 2 Writing Standards 6–12: Production and Distribution of Writing 4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.) show some sense of audience; demonstrate adequate control of vocabulary, syntax, and grammar Second and third bullets of Core Curriculum (Writing) 5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1–3 up to and including grades 9–10 on page 54.) Second and third bullets of Extended Curriculum (Writing) Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 2 Unit 6 Unit 8 Unit 10 6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically. 14 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts show a clear sense of audience; demonstrate a sophisticated use of vocabulary and structures Unit 8 18 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Writing Standards 6–12: Research to Build and Present Knowledge 7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a selfgenerated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. Unit 5 Unit 8 8. Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. 9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. a. Apply grades 9–10 Reading standards to literature (e.g., “Analyze how an author draws on and transforms source material in a specific work [e.g., how Shakespeare treats a theme or topic from Ovid or the Bible or how a later author draws on a play by Shakespeare]”). b. Apply grades 9–10 Reading standards to literary nonfiction (e.g., “Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning”). this is a Reading skill–select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes; scan for and extract specific information AO1 R3, and second bullet of Core Curriculum (Reading) this is a Reading skill–select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes; scan for and extract specific information AO1 R3, and second bullet of Core Curriculum (Reading) 15 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 19 this is a Reading skill–select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes; recognize the relationship of ideas Unit 5 Unit 8 AO1 R3, and second bullet of Extended Curriculum (Reading) this is a Reading skill–select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes; scan for and extract specific information AO1 R3, and second bullet of Core Curriculum (Reading) Unit 5 Unit 8 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 6 Writing Standards 6–12: Range of Writing 10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. articulate experience and express what is thought, felt, and imagined; order and present facts, ideas, and opinions; understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary; use language and register appropriate to audience and context; make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation, and spelling AO2 W1, W2, W3, W4, W5 16 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 20 articulate experience and express what is thought, felt, and imagined; order and present facts, ideas, and opinions; understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary; use language and register appropriate to audience and context; make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation, and spelling AO2 W1, W2, W3, W4, W5 Unit 8 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 5 Speaking and Listening Standards 6–12: Comprehension and Collaboration 1. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. a. Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas. b. Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making (e.g., informal consensus, taking votes on key issues, presentation of alternate views), clear goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed. c. Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions. d. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented. understand, order, and present facts, ideas, and opinions understand, order, and present facts, ideas, and opinions articulate experience and express what is thought, felt, and imagined articulate experience and express what is thought, felt, and imagined communicate clearly and fluently communicate clearly and fluently use language and register appropriate to audience and context use language and register appropriate to audience and context listen to and respond appropriately to the contributions of others listen to and respond appropriately to the contributions of others AO3 S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 17 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 21 AO3 S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 Unit 9 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 5 Speaking and Listening Standards 6–12: Comprehension and Collaboration (cont.) 2. Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source. 3. Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence. present facts, ideas, and opinions in an orderly sequence Second bullet of Core Curriculum (Speaking and Listening) make relevant comments on what is heard, seen, or read Third bullet of Core Curriculum (Speaking and Listening) consciously order and present facts, ideas, and opinions for a particular audience Second bullet of Extended Curriculum (Speaking and Listening) evaluate and reflect on what is heard, seen, or read; discuss statements of opinion and attitude, discerning underlying assumptions and point of view Third and fifth bullets of Extended Curriculum (Speaking and Listening) 18 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 22 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 5 Unit 9 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 9 Speaking and Listening Standards 6–12: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas 4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task. understand and convey both simple and detailed information; present facts, ideas, and opinions in an orderly sequence; speak audibly and intelligibly with appropriate tone, intonation, and pace First, second, and sixth bullets of Core Curriculum (Speaking and Listening) understand and convey more complex information in an interesting and authoritative way; consciously order and present facts, ideas, and opinions for a particular audience; speak audibly and intelligibly with appropriate tone, intonation, and pace First and second bullets of Extended Curriculum, and sixth bullet of Core Curriculum (Speaking and Listening) 5. Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest. 6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. (See grades 9–10 Language standards 1 and 3 on page 54 for specific expectations.) Unit 9 use language and register appropriate to audience and context AO3 S4 19 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts use language and register appropriate to audience and context AO3 S4 23 Unit 9 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 2 Language Standards 6–12: Conventions of Standard English 1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. a. Use parallel structure. b. Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial, prepositional, absolute) and clauses (independent, dependent; noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to writing or presentations. make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation, and spelling demonstrate adequate control of vocabulary, syntax, and grammar 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely related independent clauses. b. Use a colon to introduce a list or quotation. c. Spell correctly. demonstrate a sophisticated use of vocabulary and structures Third bullet of Extended Curriculum (Writing) AO2 W5, and third bullet of Core Curriculum (Writing) attempt a variety of sentence structures; write accurate simple sentences; make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation, and spelling exercise care over punctuation and spelling AO2 W5, and fourth, fifth, and sixth bullets of Core Curriculum (Writing) 20 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 24 demonstrate accuracy in punctuation and spelling; write accurate complex sentences Fourth and fifth bullets of Extended Curriculum (Writing) Unit 2 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 1 Language Standards 6–12: Knowledge of Language 3. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening. a. Write and edit work so that it conforms to the guidelines in a style manual (e.g., MLA Handbook, Turabian’s Manual for Writers) appropriate for the discipline and writing type. understand and collate explicit meanings; understand, explain, and collate implicit meanings and attitudes; select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes; understand how writers achieve effects; show some sense of audience articulate experience and express what is thought, felt, and imagined; understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary; use language and register appropriate to audience and context; make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation, and spelling AO1 R1, R2, R3, R4, and second bullet of Core Curriculum (Writing); AO2 W1, W3, W4, W5 understand and collate explicit meanings; understand, explain, and collate implicit meanings and attitudes; select, analyze, and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes; understand how writers achieve effects; show some sense of audience articulate experience and express what is thought, felt, and imagined; understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary; use language and register appropriate to audience and context; make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation, and spelling show a wider and more varied sense of different styles to interest, inform, or convince the reader; show a clear sense of audience AO1 R1, R2, R3, R4 and second bullet of Core Curriculum (Writing); first and second bullets of Extended Curriculum (Writing); AO2 W1, W3, W4, W5 21 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 25 Unit 2 Unit 5 Unit 6 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 1 Language Standards 6–12: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use 4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 9–10 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or text; a word’s position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. b. Identify and correctly use patterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or parts of speech (e.g., analyze, analysis, analytical; advocate, advocacy). c. Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning, its part of speech, or its etymology. d. Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase (e.g., by checking the inferred meaning in context or in a dictionary). understand and collate explicit meanings; understand, explain, and collate implicit meanings and attitudes; demonstrate understanding of words within extended texts AO1 R1, R2, and first bullet of Core Curriculum (Reading) 22 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 26 understand and collate explicit meanings; understand, explain, and collate implicit meanings and attitudes; show a more precise understanding of extended texts AO1 R1, R2, and first bullet of Extended Curriculum (Reading) Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524) Common Core State Standards Core Syllabus Extended Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 1 Language Standards 6–12: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use (cont.) 5. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. a. Interpret figures of speech (e.g., euphemism, oxymoron) in context and analyze their role in the text. b. Analyze nuances in the meaning of words with similar denotations. 6. Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. show some sense of how writers achieve their effects; recognize and respond to simple linguistic devices, including figurative language Fourth and fifth bullets of Core Curriculum (Reading) understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary; use language and register appropriate to audience and context AO2 W3, W4 23 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts show understanding of how writers achieve their effects; recognize and respond to more sophisticated linguistic devices Fourth and fifth bullets of Extended Curriculum (Reading) understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary; use language and register appropriate to audience and context AO2 W3, W4 27 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 10 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Reading Standards for Literature 6–12: Key Ideas and Details 1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. understand the meanings of literary texts and their contexts, and explore texts beyond surface meanings to show deeper awareness of ideas and attitudes Unit 1 Learning objectives: k, l, m AO2 Unit 2 Learning objectives: h, n, o demonstrate knowledge of the text through the use of close reference to detail and use of quotations from the text Fifth bullet of Paper 1 requirements in ‘Description of Papers’ 2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. Unit 3 Learning objectives: h, i, j, k recognize and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure, and form to create and shape meanings and effects Unit 1 Learning objectives: b, k, m AO3 Unit 2 Learning objective: n demonstrate understanding of characters, relationships, situations, and themes Third bullet of Paper 1 requirements in ‘Description of Papers’ 3. Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. demonstrate understanding of characters, relationships, situations, and themes Third bullet of Paper 1 requirements in ‘Description of Papers’ 25 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Unit 1 Learning objectives: f, g, h, i Unit 2 Learning objectives: e, f, g 28 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Reading Standards for Literature 6–12: Craft and Structure 4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone). recognize and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure, and form to create and shape meanings and effects Unit 1 Learning objective: m AO3 Unit 2 Learning objective: o demonstrate understanding of the writer’s intentions and methods, and response to the writer’s use of language Fourth bullet of Paper 1 requirements in ‘Description of Papers’ Unit 3 Learning objective: d, e respond sensitively and in detail to the way language works in the text Fourth bullet of Grade A description 5. Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it (e.g., parallel plots), and manipulate time (e.g., pacing, flashbacks) create such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise. recognize and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure, and form to create and shape meanings and effects Unit 1 Learning objective: b, e AO3 Unit 2 Learning objective: c, d Unit 3 Learning objective: g 6. Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience reflected in a work of literature from outside the United States, drawing on a wide reading of world literature. Unit 1 Learning objectives: k, o Unit 2 Learning objectives: n, o Unit 3 Learning objective: l 26 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 29 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Reading Standards for Literature 6–12: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 7. Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment (e.g., Auden’s “Musée des Beaux Arts” and Breughel’s Landscape with the Fall of Icarus). 8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning. 9. Analyze how an author draws on and transforms source material in a specific work (e.g., how Shakespeare treats a theme or topic from Ovid or the Bible or how a later author draws on a play by Shakespeare). Unit 1 Unit 4 This standard is covered in Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524). understand the meanings of literary texts and their contexts, and explore texts beyond surface meanings to show deeper awareness of ideas and attitudes Unit 1 Learning objective: o AO2 Unit 2 Learning objective: o Unit 3 Learning objective: l 27 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 30 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Reading Standards for Literature 6–12: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity 10. By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 9–10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, at the high end of the grades 9–10 text complexity band independently and proficiently. show detailed knowledge of the content of literary texts in the three main forms (Drama, Poetry, and Prose) Unit 1 AO1 Unit 3 understand the meanings of literary texts and their contexts, and explore texts beyond surface meanings to show deeper awareness of ideas and attitudes Unit 4 AO2 recognize and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure, and form to create and shape meanings and effects AO3 communicate a sensitive and informed personal response to literary texts AO4 28 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 31 Unit 2 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Reading Standards for Informational Text 6–12: Key Ideas and Details 1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. understand the meanings of literary texts and their contexts, and explore texts beyond surface meanings to show deeper awareness of ideas and attitudes Unit 1 Learning objectives: k, l, m AO2 Unit 2 Learning objectives: h, n, o demonstrate knowledge of the text through the use of close reference to detail and use of quotations from the text Second bullet of Paper 1 requirements in ‘Description of Papers’ 2. Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. Unit 3 Learning objectives: h, i, j, k recognize and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure, and form to create and shape meanings and effects Unit 1 Learning objectives: b, k, m AO3 Unit 2 Learning objective: n demonstrate understanding of characters, relationships, situations, and themes Third bullet of Paper 1 requirements in ‘Description of Papers’ 3. Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them. demonstrate understanding of the writer’s intentions and methods, and response to the writer’s use of language Unit 1 Learning objectives: f, g, h, i Fourth bullet of Paper 1 requirements in ‘Description of Papers’ Unit 2 Learning objectives: e, f, g 29 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 32 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Reading Standards for Informational Text 6–12: Craft and Structure 4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language of a court opinion differs from that of a newspaper). recognize and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure, and form to create and shape meanings and effects Unit 1 Learning objective: m AO3 Unit 2 Learning objective: o demonstrate understanding of the writer’s intentions and methods, and response to the writer’s use of language Fourth bullet of Paper 1 requirements in ‘Description of Papers’ Unit 3 Learning objectives: d, e respond sensitively and in detail to the way language works in the text Fourth bullet of Grade A description 5. Analyze in detail how an author’s ideas or claims are developed and refined by particular sentences, paragraphs, or larger portions of a text (e.g., a section or chapter). recognize and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure, and form to create and shape meanings and effects Unit 1 Learning objectives: b, e AO3 Unit 2 Learning objectives: c, d Unit 3 Learning objective: g 6. Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose. demonstrate understanding of the writer’s intentions and methods, and response to the writer’s use of language Unit 1 Learning objectives: k, o Fourth bullet of Paper 1 requirements in ‘Description of Papers’ Unit 2 Learning objectives: n, o Unit 3 Learning objective: l 30 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 33 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Reading Standards for Informational Text 6–12: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 7. Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g., a person’s life story in both print and multimedia), determining which details are emphasized in each account. 8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning. Unit 1 Unit 4 This standard is covered in Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524). 9. Analyze seminal U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (e.g., Washington’s Farewell Address, the Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech, King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”), including how they address related themes and concepts. Unit 1 Learning objective: o Unit 2 Learning objective: o Unit 3 Learning objective: l Unit 4 31 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 34 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Reading Standards for Informational Text 6–12: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity 10. By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 9–10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of the grades 9–10 text complexity band independently and proficiently. show detailed knowledge of the content of literary texts in the three main forms (Drama, Prose, and Poetry) Unit 1 AO1 Unit 3 understand the meanings of literary texts and their contexts, and explore texts beyond surface meanings to show deeper awareness of ideas and attitudes Unit 4 AO2 recognize and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure, and form to create and shape meanings and effects AO3 communicate a sensitive and informed personal response to literary texts AO4 32 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 35 Unit 2 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 1 Learning objective: p Writing Standards 6–12: Text Types and Purposes 1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. a. Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level and concerns. c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims. d. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. communicate a sensitive and informed personal response to literary texts AO4 demonstrate knowledge of the text through use of close reference to detail and use of quotations from the text Second bullet of Paper 1 requirements in ‘Description of Papers’ 33 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Unit 2 Learning objective: p Unit 3 Learning objective: m Unit 4 Learning objective: f 36 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Writing Standards 6–12: Text Types and Purposes (cont.) 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. a. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. b. Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic. c. Use appropriate and varied transitions to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts. d. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic. e. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented (e.g., articulating implications or the significance of the topic). communicate a sensitive and informed personal response to literary texts AO4 demonstrate knowledge of the text through use of close reference to detail and use of quotations from the text Second bullet of Paper 1 requirements in ‘Description of Papers’ 34 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Unit 1 Learning objective: p Unit 2 Learning objective: p Unit 3 Learning objective: m Unit 4 Learning objective: f 37 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Writing Standards 6–12: Text Types and Purposes (cont.) 3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, wellchosen details, and well-structured event sequences. a. Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation, establishing one or multiple point(s) of view, and introducing a narrator and/or characters; create a smooth progression of experiences or events. b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters. c. Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one another to create a coherent whole. d. Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters. e. Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolved over the course of the narrative. engage imaginatively with the text by assuming a suitable “voice” (in empathic task work) Unit 1 Learning objective: p Included in information on “empathic” questions—Paper 1 Unit 2 Learning objective: p 35 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Unit 3 Learning objective: m Unit 4 Learning objective: f 38 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Writing Standards 6–12: Production and Distribution of Writing 4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1– 3 above.) communicate a sensitive and informed personal response to literary texts AO4 Unit 1 Learning objective: p Unit 2 Learning objective: p Unit 3 Learning objective: m Unit 4 Learning objective: f 5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1– 3 up to and including grades 9–10 on page 54.) Paper 2 coursework process Included in information on ‘Drafting Assignments’ in Coursework Guidance Unit 1 Learning objective: p Unit 2 Learning objective: p Unit 3 Learning objective: m Unit 4 Learning objectives: d, f 6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically. 36 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Unit 4 39 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Writing Standards 6–12: Research to Build and Present Knowledge 7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. 8. Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. 9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. a. Apply grades 9–10 Reading standards to literature (e.g., “Analyze how an author draws on and transforms source material in a specific work [e.g., how Shakespeare treats a theme or topic from Ovid or the Bible or how a later author draws on a play by Shakespeare]”). b. Apply grades 9–10 Reading standards to literary nonfiction (e.g., “Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning”). Paper 2 coursework process Unit 4 Included in information on ‘Assignments: Texts’, in Coursework Guidance Paper 2 coursework process Unit 4 Included in information on ‘Assignments: Texts’, in Coursework Guidance Paper 2 coursework process Included in information on ‘Assignments: Texts’, in Coursework Guidance 37 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 40 Unit 4 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Unit 1 Learning objective: p Writing Standards 6–12: Range of Writing 10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. Paper 2 coursework process Included in information on ‘Assignments: General Issues’, in Coursework Guidance Unit 2 Learning objective: p Unit 3 Learning objective: m Unit 4 38 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 41 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Speaking and Listening Standards 6–12: Comprehension and Collaboration 1. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. a. Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas. b. Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making (e.g., informal consensus, taking votes on key issues, presentation of alternate views), clear goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed. c. Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions. d. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented. 39 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 42 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Speaking and Listening Standards 6–12: Comprehension and Collaboration (cont.) 2. Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source. This standard is covered in Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524). 3. Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence. This standard is covered in Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524). 40 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 43 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Speaking and Listening Standards 6–12: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas 4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task. 5. Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest. Unit 1 This standard is covered in Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (US) (0524). 6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. (See grades 9–10 Language standards 1 and 3 on page 54 for specific expectations.) 41 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Unit 1 44 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Language Standards 6–12: Conventions of Standard English 1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. a. Use parallel structure. b. Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial, prepositional, absolute) and clauses (independent, dependent; noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to writing or presentations. 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely related independent clauses. b. Use a colon to introduce a list or quotation. c. Spell correctly. communicate an informed personal response appropriately and effectively Third bullet of Syllabus Goals Unit 1 Learning objective: r Unit 2 Learning objective: p Unit 3 Learning objective: m Unit 4 Learning objective: f communicate an informed personal response appropriately and effectively Third bullet of Syllabus Goals Unit 1 Learning objective: r Unit 2 Learning objective: p Unit 3 Learning objective: m Unit 4 Learning objective: f 42 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 45 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Language Standards 6–12: Knowledge of Language 3. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening. a. Write and edit work so that it conforms to the guidelines in a style manual (e.g., MLA Handbook, Turabian’s Manual for Writers) appropriate for the discipline and writing type. recognize and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure, and form to create and shape meanings and effects Unit 1 Learning objective: r AO3 Unit 2 Learning objective: p 43 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Unit 3 Learning objective: m Unit 4 Learning objective: f 46 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Language Standards 6–12: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use 4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 9–10 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or text; a word’s position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. b. Identify and correctly use patterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or parts of speech (e.g., analyze, analysis, analytical; advocate, advocacy). c. Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning, its part of speech, or its etymology. d. Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase (e.g., by checking the inferred meaning in context or in a dictionary). 5. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. a. Interpret figures of speech (e.g., euphemism, oxymoron) in context and analyze their role in the text. b. Analyze nuances in the meaning of words with similar denotations. Unit 4 recognize and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure, and form to create and shape meanings and effects AO3 44 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Unit 1 Unit 2 Learning objective: m Unit 3 Learning objectives: c, d, e, f 47 Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (US) (0427) Common Core State Standards Syllabus Scheme of Work Language Standards 6–12: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use (cont.) 6. Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of University of Cambridge International Examinations. V3.1Y13 45 Coverage of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 48 Mapping U.S. Common Core State Standards for Mathematics to Cambridge IGCSE® Mathematics (US) 0444 and Cambridge IGCSE® Additional Mathematics (US) 0459 Cambridge International Examinations has mapped the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Mathematics to the syllabuses for Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (US) 0444 and Cambridge IGCSE Additional Mathematics (US) 0459. There are two levels of achievement in Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (US) 0444, via two separate routes: core and extended. In this document we have differentiated between what is covered in the core and what is covered in the extended curriculum content. This document shows where the standards are covered in each syllabus and references are made to the curriculum content on pages 8 to 35 of the 0444 syllabus, and on pages 7 to 17 of the 0459 syllabus. Grayed out cells indicate where the standards are not covered. A small number of standards are not explicit in the syllabi as they do not form part of the assessment. However, these standards are covered in the schemes of work that we provide to accompany the syllabi so that they can be incorporated into the teaching program. 49 1 Mapping U.S. Common Core State Standards for Mathematics to Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (US) 0444 and Cambridge IGCSE Additional Mathematics (US) 0459 v12 2Y10 Mathematics: High School–Number and Quantity Common Core State Standards – The Real Number System 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Extend the properties of exponents to rational exponents N-RN1 N-RN2 1. Explain how the definition of the meaning of rational exponents follows from extending the properties of integer exponents to those values, allowing for a notation for radicals in terms of rational exponents. For example, we define 51/3 to be the cube root of 5 because we want (51/3)3 = 5(1/3)3 to hold, so (51/3)3 must equal 5. Number C1.7 2. Rewrite expressions involving radicals and rational exponents using the properties of exponents. Number C1.7 Number E1.7 Unit 1 Algebra C2.4 Algebra E2.4 (Core and Extended) Number E1.1 Unit 1 Number E1.7 Unit 1 (Core and Extended) Use properties of rational and irrational numbers N-RN3 Number 1.9 3. Explain why the sum or product of two rational numbers is rational; that the sum of a rational number and an irrational number is irrational; and that the product of a nonzero rational number and an irrational number is irrational. (Extended) 50 Unit 1 Subsection A Number 1.9 Unit 1 Subsection A Common Core State Standards – Quantities 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems N-Q1 N-Q2 N-Q3 1. Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. Number C1.9 2. Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. Number C1.9 3. Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities. Number C1.9 Number E1.9 Unit 1 (Core and Extended) Number E1.9 Unit 1 (Core and Extended) Number E1.9 Unit 1 (Core and Extended) 51 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Common Core State Standards – The Complex Number System 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Perform arithmetic operations with complex numbers N-CN1 N-CN2 N-CN3 1. Know there is a complex number i such that i2 = –1, and every complex number has the form a + bi with a and b real. Number 1.1 2. Use the relation i2 = –1 and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties to add, subtract, and multiply complex numbers. Number 1.2 3. (+) Find the conjugate of a complex number; use conjugates to find moduli and quotients of complex numbers. Number 1.3 Unit 1 Subsection B Unit 1 Subsection B Unit 1 Subsection B Represent complex numbers and their operations on the complex plane N-CN4 N-CN5 N-CN6 4. (+) Represent complex numbers on the complex plane in rectangular and polar form (including real and imaginary numbers), and explain why the rectangular and polar forms of a given complex number represent the same number. Number 1.4 5. (+) Represent addition, subtraction, multiplication, and conjugation of complex numbers geometrically on the complex plane; use properties of this representation for computation. For example, (–1 + √3 i)³ = 8 because (–1 + √3 i) has modulus 2 and argument 120°. Number 1.5 6. (+) Calculate the distance between numbers in the complex plane as the modulus of the difference, and the midpoint of a segment as the average of the numbers at its endpoints. Number 1.6 Unit 1 Subsection B Unit 1 Subsection B Unit 1 Subsection B 52 Common Core State Standards – The Complex Number System 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Use complex numbers in polynomial identities and equations N-CN7 N-CN8 N-CN9 7. Solve quadratic equations with real coefficients that have complex solutions. Number 1.7 8. (+) Extend polynomial identities to the complex numbers. For example, rewrite x2 + 4 as (x + 2i)(x– 2i). Number 1.8 9. (+) Know the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra; show that it is true for quadratic polynomials. Algebra 2.2 Unit 1 Subsection B Unit 1 Subsection B 53 Unit 2 Common Core State Standards – Vector and Matrix Quantities 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Represent and model with vector quantities N-VM1 N-VM2 N-VM3 1. (+) Recognize vector quantities as having both magnitude and direction. Represent vector quantities by directed line segments, and use appropriate symbols for vectors and their magnitudes (e.g., v, |v|, ||v||). Transformations and vectors C5.1 2. (+) Find the components of a vector by subtracting the coordinates of an initial point from the coordinates of a terminal point. 3. (+) Solve problems involving velocity and other quantities that can be represented by vectors. 54 Transformations and vectors E5.1 Unit 5 Transformations and vectors E5.2 Unit 5 (Core and Extended) (Extended) Transformations and vectors 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 Unit 5 Transformations and vectors 5.1 Unit 5 Transformations and vectors 5.4 and 5.5 Unit 5 Common Core State Standards – Vector and Matrix Quantities 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Perform operations on vectors N-VM4 N-VM5 4. (+) Add and subtract vectors. a. Add vectors end-to-end, component-wise, and by the parallelogram rule. Understand that the magnitude of a sum of two vectors is typically not the sum of the magnitudes. b. Given two vectors in magnitude and direction form, determine the magnitude and direction of their sum. c. Understand vector subtraction v – w as v + (–w), where –w is the additive inverse of w, with the same magnitude as w and pointing in the opposite direction. Represent vector subtraction graphically by connecting the tips in the appropriate order, and perform vector subtraction component-wise. Transformations and vectors E5.3 and E5.4 Unit 5 5. (+) Multiply a vector by a scalar. a. Represent scalar multiplication graphically by scaling vectors and possibly reversing their direction; perform scalar multiplication component-wise, e.g., as c(vx, vy) = (cvx, cvy). b. Compute the magnitude of a scalar multiple cv using ||cv|| =|c|v. Compute the direction of cv knowing that when |c|v ≠ 0, the direction of cv is either along v (for c > 0) or against v (for c < 0). Transformations and vectors E5.3 and E5.5 Unit 5 55 (Extended) (Extended) Transformations and vectors 5.1 and 5.3 Unit 5 Transformations and vectors 5.1 and 5.3 Unit 5 Common Core State Standards – Vector and Matrix Quantities 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Perform operations on matrices and use matrices in applications N-VM6 N-VM7 V-VM8 N-VM9 N-VM10 N-VM11 N-VM12 6. (+) Use matrices to represent and manipulate data, e.g., to represent payoffs or incidence relationships in a network. Number 1.10 7. (+) Multiply matrices by scalars to produce new matrices, e.g., as when all of the payoffs in a game are doubled. Number 1.12 8. (+) Add, subtract, and multiply matrices of appropriate dimensions. Number 1.11 9. (+) Understand that, unlike multiplication of numbers, matrix multiplication for square matrices is not a commutative operation, but still satisfies the associative and distributive properties. Number 1.11 10. (+) Understand that the zero and identity matrices play a role in matrix addition and multiplication similar to the role of 0 and 1 in the real numbers. The determinant of a square matrix is nonzero if and only if the matrix has a multiplicative inverse. Number 1.13 and 1.14 Unit 1 11. (+) Multiply a vector (regarded as a matrix with one column) by a matrix of suitable dimensions to produce another vector. Work with matrices as transformations of vectors. Number 1.11 Unit 1 12. (+) Work with 2×2 matrices as transformations of the plane, and interpret the absolute value of the determinant in terms of area. Number 1.15 Unit 1 Subsection C Unit 1 Subsection C Unit 1 Subsection C Unit 1 Subsection C Subsection C Subsection C Unit 1 Subsection C 56 Mathematics: High School–Algebra Common Core State Standards – Seeing Structure in Expressions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work Interpret the structure of expressions A-SSE1 A-SSE2 1. Interpret expressions that represent a quantity in terms of its context. a. Interpret parts of an expression, such as terms, factors, and coefficients. b. Interpret complicated expressions by viewing one or more of their parts as a single entity. For example, interpret P(1+r)n as the product of P and a factor not depending on P. Algebra C2.7 2. Use the structure of an expression to identify ways to rewrite it. For example, see x4 – y4 as (x2)2– (y2)2, thus recognizing it as a difference of squares that can be factored as(x2– y2)(x2 + y2). Algebra C2.9 Algebra E2.7 Unit 2 (Core and Extended) Algebra E2.9 Unit 2 (Core and Extended) 57 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Common Core State Standards – Seeing Structure in Expressions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems A-SSE3 3. Choose and produce an equivalent form of an expression to reveal and explain properties of the quantity represented by the expression.* a. Factor a quadratic expression to reveal the zeros of the function it defines. b. Complete the square in a quadratic expression to reveal the maximum or minimum value of the function it defines. c. Use the properties of exponents to transform expressions for exponential functions. For example the expression 1.15t can be rewritten as (1.151/12)12t ≈ 1.01212t to reveal the approximate equivalent monthly interest rate if the annual rate is 15%. Algebra E2.4, E2.9 and E2.11 Unit 2 Algebra E2.13 Unit 2 (Extended) * The Binomial Theorem can be proved by mathematical induction or by a combinatorial argument. A-SSE4 4. Derive the formula for the sum of a finite geometric series (when the common ratio is not 1), and use the formula to solve problems. For example, calculate mortgage payments. Algebra C2.13 (Core and Extended) 58 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Common Core State Standards – Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials A-APR1 1. Understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the integers, namely, they are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication; add, subtract, and multiply polynomials. Algebra E2.10 Unit 2 Algebra 2.4 Unit 2 (Extended) Understand the relationship between zeros and factors of polynomials A-APR2 2. Know and apply the Remainder Theorem: For a polynomial p(x) and a number a, the remainder on division by x– a is p(a), so p(a) = 0 if and only if (x– a) is a factor of p(x) Algebra 2.1 Unit 2 A-APR3 3. Identify zeros of polynomials when suitable factorizations are available, and use the zeros to construct a rough graph of the function defined by the polynomial. Algebra 2.2 Unit 2 Algebra 2.3 Unit 2 Use polynomial identities to solve problems A-APR4 4. Prove polynomial identities and use them to describe numerical relationships. For example, the polynomial identity (x2 + y2)2 = (x2– y2)2 + (2xy)2 can be used to generate Pythagorean triples. A-APR5 5. (+) Know and apply the Binomial Theorem for the expansion of (x + y)n in powers of x and y for a positive integer n, where x and y are any numbers, with coefficients determined for example by Pascal’s Triangle. Algebra E2.8 Unit 2 (Extended) 59 Common Core State Standards – Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Rewrite rational expressions A-APR6 6. Rewrite simple rational expressions in different forms; write a(x)/b(x) in the form q(x) + r(x)/b(x), where a(x), b(x), q(x), and r(x) are polynomials with the degree of r(x) less than the degree of b(x), using inspection, long division, or, for the more complicated examples, a computer algebra system. A-APR7 7. (+) Understand that rational expressions form a system analogous to the rational numbers, closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division by a nonzero rational expression; add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational expressions. Algebra E2.10 Unit 2 (Extended) 60 Algebra 2.3 Unit 2 Algebra 2.4 Unit 2 Common Core State Standards – Creating Equations 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work Create equations that describe numbers or relationships A-CED1 A-CED2 A-CED3 A-CED4 1. Create equations and inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems. Include equations arising from linear and quadratic functions, and simple rational and exponential functions. Algebra C2.3 2. Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities; graph equations on coordinate axes with labels and scales. Algebra C2.6 Unit 2 Algebra E2.6 Unit 2 (Core and Extended) (Core and Extended) 3. Represent constraints by equations or inequalities, and by systems of equations and/or inequalities, and interpret solutions as viable or non- viable options in a modeling context. For example, represent inequalities describing nutritional and cost constraints on combinations of different foods. 4. Rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. For example, rearrange Ohm’s law V = IR to highlight resistance R. Algebra E2.1, E2.2, E2.3 and E2.12 Algebra E2.1, E2.2 and E2.6 Functions E3.13 Unit 2 (Extended) Unit 3 (Extended) Algebra C2.5 Algebra E2.5 Unit 2 (Core and Extended) 61 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Common Core State Standards – Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning A-REI1 A-REI2 1. Explain each step in solving a simple equation as following from the equality of numbers asserted at the previous step, starting from the assumption that the original equation has a solution. Construct a viable argument to justify a solution method. Algebra C2.3 2. Solve simple rational and radical equations in one variable, and give examples showing how extraneous solutions may arise. Algebra C2.3 Algebra E2.3 Unit 2 (Core and Extended) Algebra E2.3 and E2.12 Unit 2 Algebra E2.1, E2.2 and E2.3 Unit 2 Algebra E2.11 (not complex solutions) Unit 2 (Core and Extended) Solve equations and inequalities in one variable A-REI3 A-REI4 3. Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable, including equations with coefficients represented by letters. Algebra C2.3 4. Solve quadratic equations in one variable. a. Use the method of completing the square to transform any quadratic equation in x into an equation of the form (x– p)2 = q that has the same solutions. Derive the quadratic formula from this form. b. Solve quadratic equations by inspection (e.g., for x2 = 49), taking square roots, completing the square, the quadratic formula and factoring, as appropriate to the initial form of the equation. Recognize when the quadratic formula gives complex solutions and write them as a ± bi for real numbers a and b. 62 (Core and Extended) (Extended) Number 1.7 Unit 1 Subsection B Common Core State Standards – Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Solve systems of equations A-REI5* A-REI6 5. Prove that, given a system of two equations in two variables, replacing one equation by the sum of that equation and a multiple of the other produces a system with the same solutions. Algebra C2.6 6. Solve systems of linear equations exactly and approximately (e.g., with graphs), focusing on pairs of linear equations in two variables. Algebra C2.6 Algebra E2.6 Unit 2 (Core and Extended) Algebra E2.6 Unit 2 (Core and Extended) A-REI7 7. Solve a simple system consisting of a linear equation and a quadratic equation in two variables algebraically and graphically. For example, find the points of intersection between the line y = –3x and the circle x2 + y2 = 3. Algebra 2.5 Unit 2 A-REI8** 8. (+) Represent a system of linear equations as a single matrix equation in a vector variable. Number 1.14 Unit 1 9. (+) Find the inverse of a matrix if it exists and use it to solve systems of linear equations (using technology for matrices of dimension 3×3 or greater). Number 1.14 A-REI9** Subsection C Unit 1 Subsection C * The proof aspect od A-REI5 should be taught but will not be tested. The extended curriculum will focus on the use of this methodology to solve problems. ** Candidates will be assessed on the algebra of 2 x 2 matrices (and their inverses) to solve simultaneous linear equations. 63 Common Core State Standards – Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically A-REI10 A-REI11 A-REI12 10. Understand that the graph of an equation in two variables is the set of all its solutions plotted in the coordinate plane, often forming a curve (which could be a line). Functions C3.2 11. Explain why the x-coordinates of the points where the graphs of the equations y = f(x) and y = g(x) intersect are the solutions of the equation f(x) = g(x); find the solutions approximately, e.g., using technology to graph the functions, make tables of values, or find successive approximations. Include cases where f(x) and/or g(x) are linear, polynomial, rational, absolute value, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Functions C3.2 Functions E3.2 Unit 3 (Core and Extended) Functions E3.2 Unit 3 (Core and Extended) 12. Graph the solutions to a linear inequality in two variables as a half-plane (excluding the boundary in the case of a strict inequality), and graph the solution set to a system of linear inequalities in two variables as the intersection of the corresponding half-planes. Functions E3.13 Unit 3 (Extended) 64 Functions 3.7 Unit 3 Subsection A Mathematics: High School–Functions Common Core State Standards – Interpreting Functions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Understand the concept of a function and use function notation F-IF1 F-IF2 F-IF3 1. Understand that a function from one set (called the domain) to another set (called the range) assigns to each element of the domain exactly one element of the range. If f is a function and x is an element of its domain, then f(x) denotes the output of f corresponding to the input x. The graph of f is the graph of the equation y = f(x). Functions C3.1 2. Use function notation, evaluate functions for inputs in their domains, and interpret statements that use function notation in terms of a context. Functions C3.1 Functions E3.1 Unit 3 Functions 3.1 (Core and Extended) Functions E3.1 Unit 3 Subsection A Functions 3.2 (Core and Extended) 3. Recognize that sequences are functions, sometimes defined recursively, whose domain is a subset of the integers. For example, the Fibonacci sequence is defined recursively by f(0) = f(1) = 1, f(n+1) = f(n) + f(n-1) for n ≥ 1. Unit 3 Unit 3 Subsection A Functions 3.10 Unit 3 Subsection B 65 Common Core State Standards – Interpreting Functions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Interpret functions that arise in applications in terms of the context F-IF4 F-IF5 F-IF6 4. For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities, and sketch graphs showing key features given a verbal description of the relationship. Key features include: intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums; symmetries; end behavior; and periodicity. Functions C3.5 5. Relate the domain of a function to its graph and, where applicable, to the quantitative relationship it describes. For example, if the function h(n) gives the number of person-hours it takes to assemble n engines in a factory, then the positive integers would be an appropriate domain for the function. Functions C3.6 Functions E3.5 Unit 3 Functions 3.7 Unit 3 (Core and Extended) Trigonometry 7.5 Subsection A Unit 7 Functions E3.6 Unit 3 (Core and Extended) 6. Calculate and interpret the average rate of change of a function (presented symbolically or as a table) over a specified interval. Estimate the rate of change from a graph. Functions E3.7 Unit 3 (Extended) 66 Common Core State Standards – Interpreting Functions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Analyze functions using different representations F-IF7 F-IF8 7. Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. a. Graph linear and quadratic functions and show intercepts, maxima, and minima. b. Graph square root, cube root, and piecewise-defined functions, including step functions and absolute value functions. c. Graph polynomial functions, identifying zeros when suitable factorizations are available, and showing end behavior. d. (+) Graph rational functions, identifying zeros and asymptotes when suitable factorizations are available, and showing end behavior. e. Graph exponential and logarithmic functions, showing intercepts and end behavior, and trigonometric functions, showing period, midline, and amplitude. Functions C3.2 and C3.5 8. Write a function defined by an expression in different but equivalent forms to reveal and explain different properties of the function. a. Use the process of factoring and completing the square in a quadratic function to show zeros, extreme values, and symmetry of the graph, and interpret these in terms of a context. b. Use the properties of exponents to interpret expressions for exponential functions. For example, identify percent rate of change in functions such as y = (1.02)t, y = (0.97)t, y = (1.01)12t and y = (1.2)t/10, and classify them as representing exponential growth or decay. Functions C3.3 Functions E3.2 Unit 3 (Core and Extended) Functions 3.3, 3.7 and 3.11 Trigonometry 7.6 Unit 3 Subsection A and Subsection C Unit 7 67 Functions E3.3 and E3.8 Unit 3 (Core and Extended) Common Core State Standards – Interpreting Functions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work Analyze functions using different representations F-IF9 9. Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way (algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions). For example, given a graph of one quadratic function and an algebraic expression for another, say which has the larger maximum. Functions E3.4 Unit 3 (Extended) 68 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Common Core State Standards – Building Functions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Build a function that models a relationship between two quantities F-BF1 F-BF2 1. Write a function that describes a relationship between two quantities. a. Determine an explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for calculation from a context. b. Combine standard function types using arithmetic operations. For example, build a function that models the temperature of a cooling body by adding a constant function to a decaying exponential, and relate these functions to the model. c. (+) Compose functions. For example, if T(y) is the temperature in the atmosphere as a function of height, and h(t) is the height of a weather balloon as a function of time, then T(h(t)) is the temperature at the location of the weather balloon as a function of time. Functions C3.3 2. Write arithmetic and geometric sequences both recursively and with an explicit formula, use them to model situations, and translate between the two forms. Algebra C2.13 Functions E3.3 and E3.10 Unit 3 Algebra E2.13 Unit 2 (Core and Extended) (Core and Extended) 69 Functions 3.9 Unit 3 Subsection B Common Core State Standards – Building Functions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Build new functions from existing functions F-BF3 F-BF4* F-BF5 3. Identify the effect on the graph of replacing f(x) by f(x) + k, k f(x), f(kx), and f(x + k) for specific values of k (both positive and negative); find the value of k given the graphs. Experiment with cases and illustrate an explanation of the effects on the graph using technology. Include recognizing even and odd functions from their graphs and algebraic expressions for them. Functions C3.12 Functions E3.12 Unit 3 Functions 3.8 (Core and Extended) 4. Find inverse functions. a. Solve an equation of the form f(x) = c for a simple function f that has an inverse and write an expression for the inverse. For example, f(x) =2x3 or f(x) = (x+1)/(x–1) for x ≠ 1. b. (+) Verify by composition that one function is the inverse of another. c. (+) Read values of an inverse function from a graph or a table, given that the function has an inverse. d. (+) Produce an invertible function from a non-invertible function by restricting the domain. Functions E3.11 Unit 3 (Extended) Unit 3 Subsection A Functions 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.13 Unit 3 Subsection A and Subsection C 5. (+) Understand the inverse relationship between exponents and logarithms and use this relationship to solve problems involving logarithms and exponents. Functions 3.11 and 3.13 * F-BF4 (d) is not included in the extended curriculum and will not be assessed. It should be taught via the scheme of work. 70 Unit 3 Subsection C Common Core State Standards – Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Models 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Construct and compare linear, quadratic, and exponential models and solve problems F-LE1 F-LE2 F-LE3 F-LE4 1. Distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear functions and with exponential functions. a. Prove that linear functions grow by equal differences over equal intervals, and that exponential functions grow by equal factors over equal intervals. b. Recognize situations in which one quantity changes at a constant rate per unit interval relative to another. c. Recognize situations in which a quantity grows or decays by a constant percent rate per unit interval relative to another. Functions E3.8 2. Construct linear and exponential functions, including arithmetic and geometric sequences, given a graph, a description of a relationship, or two input-output pairs (include reading these from a table). Functions E3.9 3. Observe using graphs and tables that a quantity increasing exponentially eventually exceeds a quantity increasing linearly, quadratically, or (more generally) as a polynomial function. Functions E3.8 Unit 3 (Extended) Functions 3.10 and 3.14 Unit 3 Subsection B and Subsection C Unit 3 (Extended) Unit 3 Functions 3.8 (Extended) 4. For exponential models, express as a logarithm the solution to abct = d where a, c, and d are numbers and the base b is 2, 10, or e; evaluate the logarithm using technology. Unit 3 Subsection A Functions 3.12 and 3.13 Unit 3 Coordinate geometry 6.1 Unit 6 Subsection C Interpret expressions for functions in terms of the situation they model F-LE5 5. Interpret the parameters in a linear or exponential function in terms of a context. Functions C3.5 Functions E3.5 Unit 3 (Core and Extension) 71 Subsection A Common Core State Standards – Trigonometric Functions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Extend the domain of trigonometric functions using the unit circle F-TF1 1. Understand radian measure of an angle as the length of the arc on the unit circle subtended by the angle. Trigonometry 7.1 Unit 7 F-TF2 2. Explain how the unit circle in the coordinate plane enables the extension of trigonometric functions to all real numbers, interpreted as radian measures of angles traversed counterclockwise around the unit circle. Trigonometry 7.2 Unit 7 F-TF3 3. (+) Use special triangles to determine geometrically the values of sine, cosine, tangent for π/3, π/4 and π/6, and use the unit circle to express the values of sine, cosine, and tangent for π–x, π +x, and 2π–x in terms of their values for x, where x is any real number. Trigonometry 7.3 Unit 7 F-TF4 4. (+) Use the unit circle to explain symmetry (odd and even) and periodicity of trigonometric functions. Trigonometry 7.4 Unit 7 72 Common Core State Standards – Trigonometric Functions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Model periodic phenomena with trigonometric functions F-TF5 5. Choose trigonometric functions to model periodic phenomena with specified amplitude, frequency, and midline. Trigonometry 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7 Unit 7 F-TF6 6. (+) Understand that restricting a trigonometric function to a domain on which it is always increasing or always decreasing allows its inverse to be constructed. Functions 3.4 Unit 3 7. (+) Use inverse functions to solve trigonometric equations that arise in modeling contexts; evaluate the solutions using technology, and interpret them in terms of the context. Trigonometry 7.8 Unit 7 F-TF7 Subsection A Prove and apply trigonometric identities F-TF8 8. Prove the Pythagorean identity sin2(θ) + cos2(θ) = 1 and use it to find sin(θ), cos(θ), or tan(θ) given sin(θ), cos(θ), or tan(θ) and the quadrant of the angle. Trigonometry 7.8 Unit 7 F-TF9 9. (+) Prove the addition and subtraction formulas for sine, cosine, and tangent and use them to solve problems. Trigonometry 7.9 and 7.10 Unit 7 73 Mathematics: High School–Geometry Common Core State Standards – Congruence 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work Experiment with transformations in the plane G-CO1 G-CO2 G-CO3 G-CO4 G-CO5 1. Know precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment, based on the undefined notions of point, line, distance along a line, and distance around a circular arc. Geometry C4.2 2. Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometry software; describe transformations as functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give other points as outputs. Compare transformations that preserve distance and angle to those that do not (e.g., translation versus horizontal stretch). Transformations and vectors C5.6 Transformation and vectors E5.6 Unit 4 3. Given a rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, or regular polygon, describe the rotations and reflections that carry it onto itself. Geometry C4.3 Geometry E4.3 Units 4 and 5 Transformations and vectors C5.6 Transformations and vectors E5.6 (Core and Extended) 4. Develop definitions of rotations, reflections, and translations in terms of angles, circles, perpendicular lines, parallel lines, and line segments. Transformations and vectors C5.6 Transformations and vectors E5.6 Unit 5 5. Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection, or translation, draw the transformed figure using, e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another. Transformations and vectors C5.6 Transformations and vectors E5.6, E5.7 and E5.8 Unit 5 Geometry E4.2 Unit 4 (Core and Extended) 74 (Core and Extended) (Core and Extended) (Core and Extended) 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Common Core State Standards – Congruence 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Understand congruence in terms of rigid motions G-CO6 G-CO7 G-CO8 6. Use geometric descriptions of rigid motions to transform figures and to predict the effect of a given rigid motion on a given figure; given two figures, use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to decide if they are congruent. Geometry E4.8 7. Use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to show that two triangles are congruent if and only if corresponding pairs of sides and corresponding pairs of angles are congruent. Geometry E4.8 Unit 4 Geometry 4.1 Unit 4 Geometry 4.1 Unit 4 Geometry 4.2 Unit 4 (Extended) Unit 4 (Extended) 8. Explain how the criteria for triangle congruence (ASA, SAS, and SSS) follow from the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions. 75 Common Core State Standards – Congruence 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Prove geometric theorems G-CO9* G-CO10 G-CO11 9. Prove theorems about lines and angles. Theorems include: vertical angles are congruent; when a transversal crosses parallel lines, alternate interior angles are congruent and corresponding angles are congruent; points on a perpendicular bisector of a line segment are exactly those equidistant from the segment’s endpoints. Geometry C4.4 10. Prove theorems about triangles. Theorems include: measures of interior angles of a triangle sum to 180°; base angles of isosceles triangles are congruent; the segment joining midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half the length; the medians of a triangle meet at a point. Geometry C4.4* Geometry E4.4 Unit 4 Geometry 4.3 Unit 4 Geometry 4.3 Unit 4 Geometry 4.3 Unit 4 (Core and Extended) Geometry E4.4* Unit 4 (Core and Extended) 11. Prove theorems about parallelograms. Theorems include: opposite sides are congruent, opposite angles are congruent, the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other, and conversely, rectangles are parallelograms with congruent diagonals. Geometry E4.8 Unit 4 (Extended) * Formal proof is not required, but candidates will be expected to use reasoned arguments, including justifications, to establish geometric results from given information. 76 Common Core State Standards – Congruence 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work Make geometric constructions G-CO12 G-CO13 12. Make formal geometric constructions with a variety of tools and methods (compass and straightedge, string, reflective devices, paper folding, dynamic geometric software, etc.). Copying a segment; copying an angle; bisecting a segment; bisecting an angle; constructing perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment; and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the line. Geometry C4.5 13. Construct an equilateral triangle, a square, and a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle. Geometry C4.5 Geometry E4.5 Unit 4 (Core and Extended) Geometry E4.5 Unit 4 (Core and Extended) 77 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Common Core State Standards – Similarity, Right Triangles and Trigonometry 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Understand similarity in terms of similarity transformations G-SRT1 G-SRT2 G-SRT3 1. Verify experimentally the properties of dilations given by a center and a scale factor: a. A dilation takes a line not passing through the center of the dilation to a parallel line, and leaves a line passing through the center unchanged. b. The dilation of a line segment is longer or shorter in the ratio given by the scale factor. Transformations and vectors C5.6 Transformations and vectors E5.6 Unit 5 2. Given two figures, use the definition of similarity in terms of similarity transformations to decide if they are similar; explain using similarity transformations the meaning of similarity for triangles as the equality of all corresponding pairs of angles and the proportionality of all corresponding pairs of sides. Transformations and vectors C5.6 Transformations and vectors E5.6 Units 4 and 5 3. Use the properties of similarity transformations to establish the AA criterion for two triangles to be similar. Geometry C4.7 (Core and Extended) Geometry E4.7 (Core and Extended) Geometry E4.7 Unit 4 Geometry C4.7 (Core and Extended) Prove theorems involving similarity G-SRT4 4. Prove theorems about triangles. Theorems include: a line parallel to one side of a triangle divides the other two proportionally, and conversely; the Pythagorean Theorem proved using triangle similarity. G-SRT5 5. Use congruence and similarity criteria for triangles to solve problems and to prove relationships in geometric figures. Geometry E4.7 and E4.8 78 Unit 4 (Extended) Geometry 4.3 Unit 4 Geometry 4.3 Unit 4 Common Core State Standards – Similarity, Right Triangles and Trigonometry 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work Define trigonometric ratios and solve problems involving right triangles G-SRT6 G-SRT7 G-SRT8 6. Understand that by similarity, side ratios in right triangles are properties of the angles in the triangle, leading to definitions of trigonometric ratios for acute angles. Trigonometry C8.1 7. Explain and use the relationship between the sine and cosine of complementary angles. 8. Use trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to solve right triangles in applied problems. Trigonometry C8.1 Trigonometry E8.1 Unit 8 Trigonometry E8.2 Unit 8 Trigonometry E8.1 Unit 8 Trigonometry E8.5 Unit 8 (Core and Extended) (Extended) (Core and Extended) Apply trigonometry to general triangles G-SRT9* 9. (+) Derive the formula A = 1/2 ab sin(C) for the area of a triangle by drawing an auxiliary line from a vertex perpendicular to the opposite side. G-SRT10** 10. (+) Prove the Laws of Sines and Cosines and use them to solve problems. G-SRT11 11. (+) Understand and apply the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines to find unknown measurements in right and non-right triangles (e.g., surveying problems, resultant forces). (Extended) Unit 8 (Extended) Trigonometry E8.3 and E8.4 * The derivation should be taught via the scheme of work. ** The proof of the Laws of Sines and Cosines will not be assessed and should be taught viw the scheme of work. 79 Unit 8 (Extended) 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Common Core State Standards – Circles 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Understand and apply theorems about circles Unit 4 G-C1* 1. Prove that all circles are similar. G-C2 2. Identify and describe relationships among inscribed angles, radii, and chords. Include the relationship between central, inscribed, and circumscribed angles; inscribed angles on a diameter are right angles; the radius of a circle is perpendicular to the tangent where the radius intersects the circle. Geometry C4.6 3. Construct the inscribed and circumscribed circles of a triangle, and prove properties of angles for a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle. Geometry C4.5 4. (+) Construct a tangent line from a point outside a given circle to the circle. Geometry C4.5 G-C3 G-C4 (Extended) Geometry E4.6 Unit 4 (Core and Extended) Geometry E4.5 Unit 4 (Core and Extended) Geometry E4.5 Unit 4 (Core and Extended) Find arc lengths and areas of sectors of circles G-C5 5. Derive using similarity the fact that the length of the arc intercepted by an angle is proportional to the radius, and define the radian measure of the angle as the constant of proportionality; derive the formula for the area of a sector. Geometrical measurement C6.3 Geometrical measurement E6.3 * The proof that all circles are similar will not be assessed and should be taught via the scheme of work. 80 Unit 6 (Core and Extended) Trigonometry 7.1 Unit 7 Common Core State Standards – Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Translate between the geometric description and the equation for a conic section G-GPE1 1. Derive the equation of a circle of given center and radius using the Pythagorean Theorem; complete the square to find the center and radius of a circle given by an equation. Coordinate geometry 6.3 and 6.5 Unit 6 Subsection A and Subsection B G-GPE2 G-GPE3 2. Derive the equation of a parabola given a focus and directrix. Coordinate geometry 6.6 Unit 6 3. (+) Derive the equations of ellipses and hyperbolas given the foci, using the fact that the sum or difference of distances from the foci is constant. Coordinate geometry 6.7 Unit 6 81 Subsection B Subsection B Common Core State Standards – Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems algebraically G-GPE4 G-GPE5 G-GPE6 G-GPE7 4. Use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems algebraically. For example, prove or disprove that a figure defined by four given points in the coordinate plane is a rectangle; prove or disprove that the point (1, √3) lies on the circle centered at the origin and containing the point (0, 2). 5. Prove the slope criteria for parallel and perpendicular lines and use them to solve geometric problems (e.g., find the equation of a line parallel or perpendicular to a given line that passes through a given point). Coordinate geometry C7.4, C7.5 and C7.6 Coordinate geometry E7.4, E7.5 and E7.6 Unit 7 6. Find the point on a directed line segment between two given points that partitions the segment in a given ratio. Coordinate geometry C7.3 Coordinate geometry E7.3 Unit 7 7. Use coordinates to compute perimeters of polygons and areas of triangles and rectangles, e.g., using the distance formula. Coordinate geometry C7.2 Coordinate geometry E7.2 Unit 7 82 (Core and Extended) (Core and Extended) (Core and Extended) Coordinate geometry 6.4 Unit 6 Coordinate geometry 6.2 and 6.3 Unit 6 Subsection A Subsection A Common Core State Standards – Geometric Measurement and Dimension 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work Explain volume formulas and use them to solve problems G-GMD1* G-GMD2* G-GMD3 1. Give an informal argument for the formulas for the circumference of a circle, area of a circle, volume of a cylinder, pyramid, and cone. Use dissection arguments, Cavalieri’s principle, and informal limit arguments. Unit 6 2. (+) Give an informal argument using Cavalieri’s principle for the formulas for the volume of a sphere and other solid figures. Unit 6 3. Use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems. (Extended) (Extended) Geometrical measurement C6.4 Geometrical measurement E6.4 and E6.5 Unit 6 Geometrical measurement E6.7 Unit 6 (Core and Extended) Visualize relationships between two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects G-GMD4 4. Identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of three-dimensional objects, and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects. * Cavalieri’s principle will not be assessed. It should be taught via the scheme of work. 83 (Core and Extended) 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Common Core State Standards – Modeling with Geometry 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations G-MG1 G-MG2 G-MG3 1. Use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects (e.g., modeling a tree trunk or a human torso as a cylinder). Geometrical measurement C6.6 2. Apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations (e.g., persons per square mile, BTUs per cubic foot). 3. Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or structure to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic grid systems based on ratios). Geometrical measurement C6.9 84 Geometrical measurement E6.6 Unit 6 Geometrical measurement E6.8 Unit 6 Geometrical measurement E6.9 Unit 6 (Core and Extended) (Extended) (Core and Extended) 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Mathematics: High School–Statistics and Probability Common Core State Standards – Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable S-ID1 S-ID2 S-ID3 S-ID4 1. Represent data with plots on the real number line (dot plots, histograms, and box plots). Statistics C10.3 Statistics E10.3, E10.5 and E10.6 Unit 10 2. Use statistics appropriate to the shape of the data distribution to compare center (median, mean) and spread (interquartile range, standard deviation) of two or more different data sets. Statistics E10.7 Unit 10 3. Interpret differences in shape, center, and spread in the context of the data sets, accounting for possible effects of extreme data points (outliers). Statistics E10.7 (Core and Extended) (Extended) Unit 10 Statistics 9.3 Unit 9 Statistics 9.4 and 9.5 Unit 9 (Extended) 4. Use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to fit it to a normal distribution and to estimate population percentages. Recognize that there are data sets for which such a procedure is not appropriate. Use calculators, spreadsheets, and tables to estimate areas under the normal curve. 85 Common Core State Standards – Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Summarize, represent, and interpret data on two categorical and quantitative variables S-ID5 5. Summarize categorical data for two categories in two-way frequency tables. Interpret relative frequencies in the context of the data (including joint, marginal, and conditional relative frequencies). Recognize possible associations and trends in the data. S-ID6 6. Represent data on two quantitative variables on a scatter plot, and describe how the variables are related. a. Fit a function to the data; use functions fitted to data to solve problems in the context of the data. Use given functions or choose a function suggested by the context. Emphasize linear, quadratic, and exponential models. b. Informally assess the fit of a function by plotting and analyzing residuals. c. Fit a linear function for a scatter plot that suggests a linear association. Statistics C10.8 Statistics E10.8 Unit 10 Statistics 9.6 Unit 9 Statistics 9.8 Unit 9 (Core and Extended) Interpret linear models S-ID7 7. Interpret the slope (rate of change) and the intercept (constant term) of a linear model in the context of the data. Statistics 9.8 Unit 9 S-ID8 8. Compute (using technology) and interpret the correlation coefficient of a linear fit. Statistics 9.9 Unit 9 S-ID9 9. Distinguish between correlation and causation. Statistics 9.9 Unit 9 86 Common Core State Standards – Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable S-IC1 1. Understand statistics as a process for making inferences about population parameters based on a random sample from that population. S-IC2 2. Decide if a specified model is consistent with results from a given data-generating process, e.g., using simulation. For example, a model says a spinning coin falls heads up with probability 0.5. Would a result of 5 tails in a row cause you to question the model? Probability C9.2 and C9.3 Probability E9.2 and E9.3 Statistics 9.1 Unit 9 Unit 9 (Core and Extended) Make inferences and justify conclusions from sample surveys, experiments, and observational studies S-IC3 3. Recognize the purposes of and differences among sample surveys, experiments, and observational studies; explain how randomization relates to each. Statistics 9.1 Unit 9 S-IC4 4. Use data from a sample survey to estimate a population mean or proportion; develop a margin of error through the use of simulation models for random sampling. Statistics 9.2 Unit 9 S-IC5 5. Use data from a randomized experiment to compare two treatments; use simulations to decide if differences between parameters are significant. Statistics 9.2 Unit 9 S-IC6* 6. Evaluate reports based on data. Unit 9 * S-IC6 will not be assessed and should be taught via the scheme of work. 87 Common Core State Standards – Conditional Probability and the Rules of Probability 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Understand independence and conditional probability and use them to interpret data S-CP1 S-CP2 1. Describe events as subsets of a sample space (the set of outcomes) using characteristics (or categories) of the outcomes, or as unions, intersections, or complements of other events (“or,” “and,” “not”). Probability C9.1 2. Understand that two events A and B are independent if the probability of A and B occurring together is the product of their probabilities, and use this characterization to determine if they are independent. Probability C9.5 Probability E9.1 Unit 9 (Core and Extended) Probability E9.4 and E9.5 Unit 9 (Core and Extended) S-CP3 3. Understand the conditional probability of A given B as P(A and B)/P(B), and interpret independence of A and B as saying that the conditional probability of A given B is the same as the probability of A, and the conditional probability of B given A is the same as the probability of B. Probability 8.1 Unit 8 S-CP4 4. Construct and interpret two-way frequency tables of data when two categories are associated with each object being classified. Use the two-way table as a sample space to decide if events are independent and to approximate conditional probabilities. For example, collect data from a random sample of students in your school on their favorite subject among math, science, and English. Estimate the probability that a randomly selected student from your school will favor science given that the student is in tenth grade. Do the same for other subjects and compare the results. Statistics 9.7 Unit 9 88 Common Core State Standards – Conditional Probability and the Rules of Probability 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Understand independence and conditional probability and use them to interpret data S-CP5 5. Recognize and explain the concepts of conditional probability and independence in everyday language and everyday situations. For example, compare the chance of having lung cancer if you are a smoker with the chance of being a smoker if you have lung cancer. Probability 8.1 Unit 8 Probability 8.1 Unit 8 Probability 8.2 Unit 8 Probability 8.3 Unit 8 Use the rules of probability to compute probabilities of compound events in a uniform probability model S-CP6 6. Find the conditional probability of A given B as the fraction of B’s outcomes that also belong to A, and interpret the answer in terms of the model. S-CP7 7. Apply the Addition Rule, P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A and B), and interpret the answer in terms of the model. Probability E9.4 and E9.5 Unit 9 8. (+) Apply the general Multiplication Rule in a uniform probability model, P(A and B) = P(A)P(B|A) = P(B)P(A|B), and interpret the answer in terms of the model. Probability E9.4 and E9.5 Unit 9 S-CP8 S-CP9 9. (+) Use permutations and combinations to compute probabilities of compound events and solve problems. 89 (Extended) (Extended) Common Core State Standards – Using Probability to Make Decisions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Calculate expected values and use them to solve problems S-MD1 1. (+) Define a random variable for a quantity of interest by assigning a numerical value to each event in a sample space; graph the corresponding probability distribution using the same graphical displays as for data distributions. Probability 8.4 Unit 8 S-MD2 2. (+) Calculate the expected value of a random variable; interpret it as the mean of the probability distribution. Probability 8.4 Unit 8 S-MD3 3. (+) Develop a probability distribution for a random variable defined for a sample space in which theoretical probabilities can be calculated; find the expected value. For example, find the theoretical probability distribution for the number of correct answers obtained by guessing on all five questions of a multiple-choice test where each question has four choices, and find the expected grade under various grading schemes. Probability 8.4 Unit 8 S-MD4 4. (+) Develop a probability distribution for a random variable defined for a sample space in which probabilities are assigned empirically; find the expected value. For example, find a current data distribution on the number of TV sets per household in the United States, and calculate the expected number of sets per household. How many TV sets would you expect to find in 100 randomly selected households? Probability 8.5 Unit 8 90 Common Core State Standards – Using Probability to Make Decisions 0444 Core curriculum content 0444 Extended curriculum content 0444 Scheme of work 0459 Curriculum content 0459 Scheme of work Use probability to evaluate outcomes of decisions S-MD5 5. (+) Weigh the possible outcomes of a decision by assigning probabilities to payoff values and finding expected values. a. Find the expected payoff for a game of chance. For example, find the expected winnings from a state lottery ticket or a game at a fast-food restaurant. b. Evaluate and compare strategies on the basis of expected values. For example, compare a high-deductible versus a lowdeductible automobile insurance policy using various, but reasonable, chances of having a minor or a major accident. S-MD6 6. (+) Use probabilities to make fair decisions (e.g., drawing by lots, using a random number generator). S-MD7 7. (+) Analyze decisions and strategies using probability concepts (e.g., product testing, medical testing, pulling a hockey goalie at the end of a game). Probability C9.1 Probability E9.1 Probability 8.4 and 8.5 Unit 8 Probability 8.6 Unit 8 Unit 9 (Core and Extended) ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. 91 43 Mapping U.S. Common Core State Standards for Mathematics to Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (US) 0444 and Cambridge IGCSE Additional Mathematics (US) 0459 v12 2Y10 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE® Chemistry (0620) Introduction Cambridge International Examinations has mapped the Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE® Chemistry (0620). This document shows where Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) are covered in the syllabus. In Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry, there are two levels of achievement, via two separate routes: core and extended. The extended route includes the core and the supplement sections of the curriculum content of the syllabus. In this mapping document we have referenced the relevant assessment objectives (AOs) and the relevant curriculum content of the 0620 syllabus. A small number of standards are not explicit in the syllabus as they do not form part of the assessment. However, these standards are generally covered in the scheme of work (unit lesson plans) that we provide to accompany the syllabus so that they can be incorporated into the teaching program. 1 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 92 Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) Chemistry I Standard 1 – Atomic structure Course level expectations Checks for understanding CLE 3221.1.1 Compare and contrast historical models of the atom. 93221.1.1 Identify the contributions of major atomic theorists: Bohr, Chadwick, Dalton, Planck, Rutherford, and Thomson. CLE 3221.1.2 Analyze the organization of the modern periodic table. 93221.1.5 Use the periodic table to identify an element as a metal, nonmetal or metalloid. 93221.1.6 Apply the periodic table to determine the number of protons and electrons in a neutral atom. State performance indicators SPI 3221.1.1 Compare and contrast the major models of the atom (i.e., Bohr, and the quantum mechanical model). SPI 3221.1.2 Interpret the periodic table to describe an element’s atomic makeup. Core syllabus Supplement syllabus Scheme of work 3.1 Atomic structure and the Periodic Table Describe the build-up of electrons in ‘shells’ and understand the significance of the noble gas electronic structures and of valency. Unit 2 In particular… Opportunity for group work, learners can research and present their ideas on the development of the structure of the atom from the Greeks onwards. They can also discuss the limitations of each model. 9. The Periodic Table Describe the change from metallic to nonmetallic character across a period. Unit 2 Various references 3.1 Atomic structure and the Periodic Table Use proton number and the simple structure of atoms to explain the basis of the Periodic Table (see section 9), with special reference to the elements of proton number 1 to 20. Unit 2 Various references 2 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 93 CLE 3221.1.3 Describe an atom in terms of its composition and electron characteristics. 93221.1.9 Sequence selected atoms from the maingroup elements based on their atomic or ionic radii. SPI 3221.1.3 Describe the trends found in the periodic table with respect to atomic size, ionization energy, or electronegativity. 93221.1.11 Determine an atom’s Lewis electron-dot structure or number of valence electrons from an element’s atomic number or position in the periodic table. SPI 3221.1.4 Determine the Lewis electron- dot structure or number of valence electrons for an atom of any main-group element from its atomic number or position in the periodic table. SPI 3221.1.5 Represent an electron’s location in the quantum mechanical model of an atom in terms of the shape of electron clouds (s and p orbitals in particular), relative energies of orbitals, and the number of electrons possible in the s, p, d and f orbitals. 93221.1.12 Represent an atom’s electron arrangement in terms of orbital notation, electron configuration notation, and electron- dot notation. 9.1 Periodic trends Describe the Periodic Table as a method of classifying elements and its use to predict properties of elements. Unit 2 Various references 9.1 Periodic trends Describe the relationship between Group number, number of valency electrons and metallic /non-metallic character. 3.1 Atomic structure and the Periodic Table Describe the build-up of electrons in ‘shells’ and understand the significance of the noble gas electronic structures and of valency electrons. Unit 2 Various references Unit 2 In particular… Use circles to show the shells up to atomic number 20. Learners can use miniwhiteboards to draw electron diagrams as a class activity. Extension – to use spectroscopes to illustrate different energy shells. **Relative energies of orbitals, and the number of electrons possible in the s, p, d and f orbitals addressed as AS Level Chemistry Content ** Atomic size, ionization energy, and electronegativity addressed as AS Level Chemistry Content 3 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 94 Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) Chemistry I Standard 2 – Matter and energy Course level expectations Checks for understanding State performance indicators Core syllabus CLE 3221.2.1 Investigate the characteristic properties of matter. 93221.2.1 Identify a material as an element, compound or mixture; identify a mixture as homogeneous or heterogeneous; and/or identify a mixture as a solution, colloid or suspension. SPI 3221.2.1 Distinguish among elements, compounds, and mixtures. 3.2 Bonding: the structure of matter Describe the differences between elements,mixtures and compounds, and between metals and non-metals. CLE 3221.2.2 Explore the interactions between matter and energy. 93221.2.3 Express the concentration of a solution in units of ppm, ppb, molarity, molality, and percent composition. SPI 3221.2.2 Identify properties of a solution: solute and solvent in a solid, liquid or gaseous solution; procedure to make or determine the concentration of a solution in units of ppm, ppb, molarity, percent composition, factors that affect the rate of solution. 4.1 The mole concept Calculate stoichiometric reacting masses and volumes of gases and solutions, solution concentrations expressed in g/dm3 and mol/dm3. 93221.2.5 Investigate factors that affect the rate of solution. 7.1 Rate (speed) of reaction Describe the effect of concentration, particle size,catalysts (including enzymes) and 4 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 95 Supplement syllabus Scheme of work Unit 2 Various references 7.1 Rate (speed) of reaction Devise a suitable method for investigating the effect of a given variable on the rate (speed) of a reaction. Unit 5 Various references temperature on the rate (speed) of reactions. 93221.2.8 Use a solubility graph, composition of a solution and temperature to determine if a solution is saturated, unsaturated or supersaturated. SPI 3221.2.3 Classify a solution as saturated, unsaturated, or supersaturated based on its composition and temperature and a solubility graph. 2.2 (b) Methods of purifcation Describe methods of purification by the use of a suitable solvent, filtration, crystallisation, distillation (including use of fractionating column). 8.3 Prepara-tion of salts Describe the preparation, separation and purification of salts as examples of some of the techniques specified in section 2.2(b) and the reactions specified in section 8.1. 5 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 96 8.3 Preparation of salts Describe the preparation of insoluble salts by precipitation. Unit 1 In particular… Introduce solubility rules and ask learners to suggest a suitable method of preparing a particular salt. 93221.2.9 Classify properties and changes in matter as physical, chemical, or nuclear. CLE 3221.2.3 Apply the kinetic molecular theory to describe solids, liquids, and gases. 93221.2.12 Use particle spacing diagrams to identify solids, liquids, or gases. SPI 3221.2.4 Identify properties of matter (e.g., physical: density, boiling point, melting point, or chemical: ability to rust or tarnish, be sour) or changes in matter (e.g. physical: phase change, shape, color, or chemical: formation of a gas or precipitate). 2.2 (a) Criteria of purity Suggest suitable purification techniques, given information about the substances involved. SPI 3221.2.5 Compare and contrast heat and temperature changes (endothermic / exothermic) in chemical (e.g., combustion) or physical (e.g., phase transformations) processes. 6.1 Energetics of a reaction Describe the meaning of exothermic and endothermic reactions. SPI 3221.2.6 Investigate similarities and differences among solids, liquids and gases in terms of energy and particle spacing. 1.The particulate nature of matter Describe and explain diffusion. Unit 1 Various references Identify substances and assess their purity from melting point and boiling point information. Describe a practical method for investigating the rate of a reaction involving gas evolution. Unit 2 Various references Describe the states of matter and explain their interconversion in terms of the kinetic particle theory. Describe evidence for 6 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 97 Unit 2 Various references the movement of particles in gases and liquids. 93221.2.13 Distinguish among solid, liquid, and gaseous states of a substance in terms of the relative kinetic energy of its particles. Describe the lattice structure of ionic compounds as a regular arrangement of alternating positive and negative ions. Describe the states of matter and explain their interconversion in terms of the kinetic particle theory. 93221.2.16 Solve gas law problems.** SPI 3221.2.7 Predict how changes in volume, temperature, and pressure affect the behavior of a gas. ** Gas Laws addressed as AS Level Chemistry content 7 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 98 Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) Chemistry I Standard 3 – Interactions of matter Course level expectations CLE 3221.3.1 Investigate chemical bonding. Checks for understanding State performance indicators 93221.3.1 Determine the type of chemical bond that occurs in a chemical compound. 93221.3.2 Differentiate between ionic and covalent bond models. 93221.3.5 Convert percent composition information into the empirical or molecular formula of a compound. Core syllabus Supplement syllabus Scheme of work SPI 3221.3.1 Analyze ionic and covalent compounds in terms of their formation (electron transfer versus sharing), names, chemical formulas (e.g. molecular: H2O, CO2, NH3; empirical: NaCl, CaBr2, Al(NO3)3), percent composition, and molar masses. 3.2 (b) Molecules and covalent bonds Describe the formation of single covalent bonds in H2, Cl2 , H2O, CH4 and HCl as the sharing of pairs of electrons leading to the noble gas configuration. 3.2 (a) Ions and ionic bonds Describe the formation of ionic bonds between elements from Groups I and VII. Unit 7 In particular… Learners should be shown dot and cross diagrams for simple ionic substances e.g. NaCl, KF, MgO. 4. Stoichiometry Determine the formula of an ionic compound from the charges on the ions present. Unit 9 Various references SPI 3221.3.2 Determine the reactants, products, 4. Stoichiometry Construct word equations and simple balanced 4. Stoichiometry Use the symbols of the elements and write the formulae of simple compounds. 8 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 99 Calculate empirical formulae and molecular formulae. Unit 9 Various references and types of different chemical reactions: composition, decomposition, double replacement, single replacement, combustion. CLE 3221.3.3 Explore the mathematics of chemical formulas and equations. chemical equations. 93221.3.7 Balance an equation for a chemical reaction. SPI 3221.3.3 Predict the products of a chemical reaction (e.g. composition and decomposition of binary compounds). 4. Stoichiometry Construct equations with state symbols, including ionic equations. Unit 9 Various references 93221.3.11 Interpret a chemical equation to determine molar ratios. SPI 3221.3.4 Balance a chemical equation to determine molar ratios. 4. Stoichiometry Deduce the balanced equation for a chemical reaction, given relevant Information. Unit 9 Various references 93221.3.6 Apply information about the molar mass, number of moles, and molar volume to the number of particles of the substance. SPI 3221.3.5 Convert among the following quantities of a substance: mass, number of moles, number of particles, molar volume at STP. 4. Stoichiometry Define relative atomic mass, Ar. Define relative molecular mass, Mr , as the sum of the relative atomic masses (relative formula mass or Mr will be used for ionic compounds). Define the mole and the Avogadro constant. 9 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314100 Unit 9 Various references SPI 3221.3.6 Identify and solve stoichiometry problems which interconvert volume of gases at STP, moles, and mass. 93221.3.10 Predict the products of a neutralization reaction involving inorganic acids and bases. SPI 3221.3.7 Classify substances as acids or bases based on their formulas and how they react with litmus and phenolphthalein. 8.1 The characteristic properties of acids and bases Describe the characteristic properties of acids as reactions with metals, bases, carbonates and effect on litmus. Describe the characteristic properties of bases as reactions with acids and with ammonium salts and effect on litmus. Describe neutrality and relative acidity and alkalinity in terms of pH measured using Universal Indicator paper. 101 10 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 4. Stoichiometry Calculate stoichiometric reacting masses and volumes of gases and solutions,solution concentrations expressed in g/dm3 and mol/dm3. (Calculations involving the idea of limiting reactants may be set.) Use the molar gas volume, taken as 24 dm3 at room temp. and pressure. Unit 9 Various references 8.1 The characteristic properties of acids and bases Define acids and bases in terms of proton transfer, limited to aqueous solutions. Unit 4 Various references Describe the meaning of weak and strong acids and bases. 93221.3.22 Describe the benefits and hazards of nuclear energy. SPI 3221.3.8 Describe radioactivity through a balanced nuclear equation and through an analysis of the half-life concept.** 6.2 Production of energy Describe radioactive isotopes, such as 235U, as a source of energy. **Radioactivity and half-life addressed as IGCSE Level Physics content 102 11 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 Unit 11 In particular… Possible issues for discussion include: the long term nature of nuclear energy (sustainable long after coal and oil run out). Environmental considerations such as the disposal of radioactive waste. Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) Chemistry II Standard 1 – Structure of matter Course level expectations Checks for understanding CLE 3224.1.1 Explain and illustrate the arrangement of electrons surrounding an atom. 3224.1.4 Describe the arrangement of electrons in an atom using orbital diagrams, electron configuration notation, and Lewis structures. State performance indicators Core syllabus None indicated Supplement syllabus 3.1 Atomic structure and the Periodic Table Describe the build-up of electrons in ‘shells’ and understand the significance of the noble gas electronic structures and of valency electrons. Scheme of work Unit 2 In particular… Use circles to show the shells up to atomic number 20. Learners can use miniwhiteboards to draw electron diagrams as a class activity. Extension – to use spectroscopes to illustrate different energy shells. None indicated CLE 3224.1.2 Relate the arrangement of electrons surrounding an atom with observed periodic trends. CLE 3224.1.3 Describe the structure, shape, and characteristics of polyatomic ions, ionic and molecular 3224.1.8 Use Lewis structures to illustrate the structure, shape, and characteristics of polyatomic ions, ionic None indicated 3.2 (a) Ions and ionic bonds Describe the formation of ions by electron loss or gain. 103 12 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 9.1 Periodic trends Describe the relationship between Group number, number of valency electrons and metallic/non-metallic character. Unit 2 Various references 3.2 (a) Ions and ionic bonds Describe the lattice structure of ionic compounds as a regular arrangement of alternating positive and negative ions. Unit 2 In particular… Learners should be shown dot and cross diagrams for simple ionic substances e.g. NaCl, KF, MgO. Then challenged to draw compounds. and molecular compounds. 3.2 (b) Molecules and covalent bonds Describe the formation of single covalent bonds in H2, Cl2 , H2O, CH4 and HCl as the sharing of pairs of electrons leading to the noble gas configuration. Describe the differences in volatility, solubility and electrical conductivity between ionic and covalent compounds. 104 13 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 3.2 (b) Molecules and covalent bonds Describe the electron arrangement in more complex covalent molecules such as N2, C2H4, CH3OH and CO2. diagrams for more complicated examples like CaCl2, MgBr2, AlF3. Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) Chemistry II Standard 2 – States of matter Course level expectations CLE 3224.1 Explain the kineticmolecular theory. Checks for understanding 3224.2.1 Correlate the kineticmolecular theory with the motion of particles within a substance. State performance indicators None indicated Core syllabus 1.The particulate nature of matter Describe and explain diffusion. Describe evidence for the movement of particles in gases and liquids. Supplement syllabus 1.The particulate nature of matter Describe dependence of rate of diffusion on molecular mass. Relate the conversions to the motion and arrangement of particles. Scheme of work Unit 2 In particular… Use ‘particles in boxes’ diagrams to represent the three states of matter. Emphasize the change in the arrangement and movement of the particles when a substance changes state. Relate this to the energy input/output. Learners can be asked to use the theory to explain properties such as behavior of gases under pressure and liquid flow. CLE 3224.2 Determine the intermolecular forces that exist between ions and molecules. None indicated 105 14 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 CLE 3224.3 Explain how the physical characteristics of matter are governed by kinetic molecular theory and intermolecular forces.*** None indicated 1.The particulate nature of matter Describe the states of matter and explain their interconversion in terms of the kinetic particle theory. ***Intermolecular Forces addressed as AS Level Chemistry Content 106 15 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 Unit 2 Various references Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) Chemistry II Standard 3 – Reactions Course level expectations Checks for understanding CLE 3224.3.1 Use the reactants of a chemical reaction to predict the products. CLE 3224.3.2 Fully analyze the quantitative aspects of a chemical reaction in terms of the amounts of products and reactants. 3224.3.7 Calculate the number of moles, mass, number of ions, atoms, and molecules, volume, and pressure of reactants and products in a chemical reaction based on appropriate constants and quantitative information about reaction components. State performance indicators None indicated None indicated Core syllabus 4. Stoichiometry Construct word equations and simple balanced chemical equations. 4. Stoichiometry Define relative atomic mass, Ar. Define relative molecular mass, Mr , as the sum of the relative atomic masses (relative formula mass or Mr will be used for ionic compounds). Define the mole and the Avogadro constant. Supplement syllabus 4. Stoichiometry Construct equations with state symbols, including ionic equations. Deduce the balanced equation for a chemical reaction, given relevant Information. 4. Stoichiometry Calculate stoichiometric reacting masses and volumes of gases and solutions,solution concentrations expressed in g/dm3 and mol/dm3. (Calculations involving the idea of limiting reactants may be set.) Calculate empirical formulae and molecular formulae. Calculate % yield and % purity. 107 16 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 Scheme of work Unit 9 Various references Unit 9 Various references CLE 3224.3.3 Analyze the kinetics of a chemical reaction. 3224.3.9 Calculate the rate of a chemical reaction based on elapsed time and amount of remaining reactant or product. None indicated 7.1 Rate (speed) of reaction Describe the effect of concentration, particle size, catalysts (including enzymes) and temperature on the rate of reactions. Describe a practical method for investigating the rate of a reaction involving gas evolution. CLE 3224.3.4 Describe parameters of chemical equilibria. 3224.3.15 Apply Le Chatelier’s Principle to predict shifts in the direction of a chemical reaction in response to changes in temperature, pressure and concentration of reactants or products. None indicated 7.2 Reversible reactions Describe the idea that some chemical reactions can be reversed by changing the reaction conditions. Describe the manufacture of sulfuric acid by the contact process, including essential conditions. 108 17 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 7.1 Rate (speed) of reaction Devise a suitable method for investigating the effect of a given variable on the rate (speed) of a reaction. Unit 5 Various references Interpret data obtained from experiments concerned with rate (speed) of reaction. Describe and explain the effects of temperature and concentration in terms of collisions between reacting particles. 7.2 Reversible reactions Predict the effect of changing the conditions (concentration, temperature and pressure) on other reversible reactions. Concept of equilibrium. Unit 12 In particular… Mention specific temperature, pressure and catalyst information. Learners can practise using flow diagrams to represent the process. Learners could study the effect of variation of temperature and pressure on the yield of sulfuric acid. Stress that the industrial process does not use high pressure even though it would be theoretically beneficial – it is not cost effective for the mediocre increase in yield. Opportunities for reacting masses and volume. CLE 3224.3.5 Explain the thermodynamics of a chemical reaction. 3224.3.12 Draw energy profiles for catalyzed and uncatalyzed chemical reactions in terms of activation energy. None indicated 6.1 Energetics of a reaction Describe the meaning of exothermic and endothermic reactions. 6.1 Energetics of a reaction Describe bond breaking as endothermic and bond forming as exothermic. Unit 2 In particular… Emphasise that a collision between two particles with sufficient energy is necessary for a reaction to occur (a successful collision). Not all collisions between particles are successful. Learners can be introduced to energy level diagrams to explain the two different stages in chemical reactions. This can be linked to the concept of activation energy. 3224.3.19 Characterize the strength of acids and bases by exploring their chemical structures. None indicated 8.1 The characteristic properties of acids and bases Describe the characteristic properties of acids as reactions with metals, 109 18 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 8.1 The characteristic properties of acids and bases Define acids and bases in terms of proton transfer, limited to aqueous Unit 4 Various references bases, carbonates and effect on litmus. Describe the characteristic properties of bases as reactions with acids and with ammonium salts and effect on litmus. 110 19 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 solutions. Describe the meaning of weak and strong acids and bases. Tennessee Science Standards 3221 Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) Chemistry I/II Embedded Inquiry Syllabus Section 5 (pages 9-11) Understandings about scientific inquiry and the ability to conduct inquiry are essential for living in the 21st century. Aims and objectives Embedded Mathematics Syllabus Section 8 (page 40) Science applies mathematics to investigate questions, solve problems, and communicate findings. 8.6 Mathematical requirements Embedded Technology and Engineering Syllabus Section 7 (pages 27-34) Society benefits when engineers apply scientific discoveries to design materials and processes that develops into enabling technologies. Practical assessment Course level expectations Checks for understanding 93221.1 Select appropriate tools to conduct a scientific inquiry. State performance indicators SPI 3221.T/E.1 Distinguish among tools and procedures best suited to conduct a specified scientific inquiry. Core syllabus 2.1 Measurement Name appropriate apparatus for the measurement of time, temperature, mass and volume, including burettes, pipettes and measuring cylinders. 111 20 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 Supplement syllabus Scheme of work Unit 1 Various references CLE 3221.T/E.4 Describe the dynamic interplay among science, technology, and engineering within living, earth-space, and physical systems. 93221.3 Explore how the unintended consequences of new technologies can impact human and non-human communities. SPI 3221.T/E.2 Evaluate a protocol to determine the degree to which an engineering design process was successfully applied. 2.2 (b) Describe petroleum as a mixture of hydrocarbons and its separation into useful fractions by fractional distillation. Unit 1 Various references Name the uses of the fractions as: – refinery gas for bottled gas for heating and cooking – gasoline fraction for fuel (petrol) in cars – naphtha fraction for making chemicals – kerosene/paraffin fraction for jet fuel – diesel oil/gas oil for fuel in diesel engines – fuel oil fraction for fuel for ships and home heating systems – lubricating fraction for lubricants, waxes and polishes – bitumen for making roads. SPI 3221.T/E.3 Evaluate the overall benefit to cost ratio of a new technology. 112 21 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 Unit 8 In particular… 14.2 Fuels Awareness that the use of the fractions as fuels is rapidly depleting crude oil, the essential raw material for plastics and other petrochemicals. Discuss the supply and demand problem for some fractions– link to cracking in this unit. Also why the composition of crude oil differs from the location. CLE 3221.T/E.3 Explain the relationship between the properties of a material and the use of the material in the application of a technology. SPI 3221.T/E.4 Use design principles to determine if a new technology will improve the quality of life for an intended audience. 2.2 (a) Criteria of purity Understand the importance of purity in substances in everyday life, e.g. foodstuffs and drugs. Unit 2 In particular… Chemists need pure substances to study their properties. Pure substances are used in industry to make useful products such as food and drugs. Additional content covered in Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (syllabus 0620) includes: 5. Electricity and chemistry 7.3 Redox 10. Extraction of metals 11. Air and water 12. Sulfur 13. Carbonates 14. Organic chemistry ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. 113 22 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Chemistry) to Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620) – v1 060314 © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physics) to Cambridge IGCSE® Physics (0625) Introduction Cambridge International Examinations has mapped the Tennessee Science Standards (Physics) to Cambridge IGCSE ® Physcis (0625). This mapping document shows where the Tennessee Science Standards (Physics) are covered in the syllabus. In Cambridge IGCSE Physics, there are two levels of achievement, via two separate routes: core and extended. The extended route includes the core and the supplement sections of the curriculum content of the syllabus. In this mapping document we have referenced the relevant assessment objectives (AOs) and the relevant curriculum content of the syllabus 0625. A small number of standards are not explicit in the syllabus as they do not form part of the assessment. However, these standards are generally covered in the scheme of work (unit lesson plans) that we provide to accompany the syllabus, so that they can be incorporated into the teaching program. 1 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 114 Tennessee Science Standards Physics 3231 Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) Standard 1 – Mechanics 1. General physics Course level expectations CLE 3231.1.1 Investigate fundamental physical quantities of length, mass, and time. CLE 3231.1.4 Investigate kinematics and dynamics. Checks for understanding 3231.1.9 Experiment with pendulums Pendulum period: 3231.1.6 Investigate projectile motion. 3231.1.7 Apply mathematics to solve motion problems. State performance indicators SPI.3231.1.3 Analyze and solve pendulum problems using the pendulum period formula: SPI.3231.1.4 Solve motion and conceptual problems regarding velocity, acceleration, and displacement using displacement-time graphs and velocitytime graphs. Core syllabus Supplement syllabus 1.1 Length and time Use and describe the use of rules and measuring cylinders to calculate a length or a volume. 1.1 Length and time Use and describe the use of a mechanical method for the measurement of a small distance (including use of a micrometer screw gauge). Use and describe the use of clocks and devices for measuring an interval of time. Measure and describe how to measure a short interval of time (including the period of a pendulum). 1.2 Speed, velocity and acceleration Define speed and calculate speed from total distance total time. 1.2 Speed, velocity and acceleration Distinguish between speed and velocity. Plot and interpret a speed/time graph or a distance/ time graph. Recognize from the 2 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 115 Recognize linear motion for which the acceleration is constant and calculate the acceleration. Recognize motion for which the acceleration is not Scheme of work Unit 4 Various references Unit 4 Various references shape of a speed/time graph when a body is – at rest – moving with constant speed – moving with changing speed. Calculate the area under a speed/time graph to work out the distance travelled for motion with constant acceleration. constant. Describe qualitatively the motion of bodies falling in a uniform gravitational field with and without air resistance (including reference to terminal velocity). Demonstrate some understanding that acceleration is related to changing speed. State that the acceleration of free fall for a body near to the Earth is constant. 3231.1.13 Distinguish between mass and weight using base units in the SI system. SPI.3231.1.1 Identify mass and weight data using units in the SI system. 1.3 Mass and weight Show familiarity with the idea of the mass of a body. SPI.3231.1.15 Calculate the gravitational attraction between two objects. State that weight is a force. Demonstrate 3 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 116 1.3 Mass and weight Demonstrate an understanding that mass is a property that ‘resists’ change in motion. Describe, and use the concept of, weight as the effect of a gravitational field Unit 4 Various references understanding that weights (and hence masses) may be compared using a balance. on a mass. 3231.1.23 Explain, in terms of force and/or density, why some objects float and some objects sink. 1.4 Density Describe an experiment to determine the density of a liquid and of a regularly shaped solid and make the necessary calculation. 1.4 Density Describe the determination of the density of an irregularly shaped solid by the method of displacement, and make the necessary calculation. Unit 4 Various references CLE 3231.1.2 Analyze and apply Newton’s three laws of motion. 3231.1.15 Relate inertia, force, or action-reaction forces to Newton’s three laws of motion. 1.5 Forces CLE 3231.3.2 Investigate Hooke’s Law. 3231.1.14 Associate time with the independent variable in most experiments. 1.5 (a) Effects of forces Interpret extension/load Graphs. Unit 8 Various references 3231.3.4 Explore Hooke’s Law. 3231.3.9 Measure spring constants. SPI.3231.1.6 Given the static and kinetic friction coefficients (μs and μk); select the appropriate coefficient of friction and calculate the force necessary to move the object. SPI.3231.1.7 1.5 (a) Effects of forces State that a force may produce a change in size and shape of a body. Plot extension/load graphs and describe the associated experimental procedure. 4 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 117 State Hooke’s Law and recall and use the expression F = kx. Recognise the significance of the term ‘limit of proportionality’ for an extension/ load graph. Select the correct vector diagram to illustrate all forces on an object affected by gravity, friction and an applied force. SPI.3231.1.8 Given an inclined plane, the required coefficient of friction and an object of a specific mass, select the appropriate trigonometry functions. 3231.1.4 Investigate the characteristics of centripetal motion and centripetal acceleration Centripetal Force: Fc = (mv2)/r; Angular Velocity: ω=Δ θ/Δt; Angular Acceleration: α = Δω/Δt. SPI.3231.1.11 Given a projectile launched at an angle, select the correct equation from a list for calculating: the maximum height of travel, time of flight and/or the maximum horizontal distance covered. 3231.1.20 Describe rotational equilibrium and relate this factor to torque Rotational Inertia: SPI.3231.1.12 Given a scenario where a projectile is being launched at an angle, answer the Describe the ways in which a force may change the motion of a body. Recall and use the relation between force, mass and acceleration (including the direction). Find the resultant of two or more forces acting along the same line Describe qualitatively motion in a curved path due to a perpendicular force (F = mv2/r is not required). 1.5 (b) Turning effect of forces Describe the moment of a force as a measure of its turning effect and give everyday examples. 1.5 (b) Turning effect of forces Perform and describe an experiment (involving vertical forces) to show that there is no net moment on a body in equilibrium. Describe qualitatively the balancing of a beam about a pivot . Apply the idea of opposing moments to simple systems in equilibrium. 5 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 118 Unit 8 Various references T = Iα; Torque: T = Fr following conceptual questions. What is the velocity in the y direction when the projectile is at maximum height? What acceleration does the projectile have in the x direction after launched? What forces are acting on the projectile in the y direction before it reaches maximum height? SPI.3231.1.16 Calculate the tangential velocity of a satellite’s motion given the angular speed. SPI.3231.1.17 Solve problems for centripetal force, and angular acceleration. SPI.3231.1.18 Analyze and solve problems related to rotational motion and torque. 6 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 119 1.5 (c) Conditions for equilibrium State that, when there is no resultant force and no resultant turning effect, a system is in equilibrium. Unit 8 Various references 1.5 (d) Centre of mass Perform and describe an experiment to determine the position of the center of mass of a plane lamina. Unit 8 Various references Describe qualitatively the effect of the position of the center of mass on the stability of simple objects. 3231.1.2 Analyze vector diagrams and solve composition and resolution problems for force and momentum. SPI.3231.1.2 Given various examples of quantities, categorize them as scalar or vector quantities. 1.5 (e) Scalars and vectors Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between scalars and vectors and give common examples. 3231.1.10 Utilize trigonometry and vector analysis to solve force and 7 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 Add vectors by graphical representation to determine a resultant. 120 Unit 8 Various references momentum problems [Sine, Cosine, Tangent Functions, Law of Sines, and Law of Cosines]. Determine graphically the resultant of two vectors. 3231.1.16 Compare, contrast, and apply characteristic properties of scalar and vector quantities. CLE 3231.1.3 Understand work, energy, and power. 3231.1.17 Investigate the definitions of force, work, power, kinetic energy, and potential energy. Force: F = ma; Work: W = Fd; Power: P = (F∆d)/ ∆t; Kinetic Energy: EK = 0.5mv2; Potential Energy: EP = mg∆h. 3231.1.18 Analyze the characteristics of energy, conservation of energy including friction, and SPI.3231.1.14 Relate the variables of work, power, kinetic energy, and potential energy to mechanical situations and solve for these variables. Unit 8 Various references 1.6 Energy, work and power 1.6 (a) Energy Demonstrate an understanding that an object may have energy due to its motion or its position, 8 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 121 1.6 (a) Energy Recall and use the 2 expressions k.e. = 1⁄2 mv and p.e. = mgh. gravitational potential energy [Gravitational Potential Energy: Ep=mgΔh]. and that energy may be transferred and stored. Give examples of energy in different forms, including kinetic, gravitational, chemical, strain, nuclear, internal, electrical, light and sound. Give examples of the conversion of energy from one form to another, and of its transfer from one place to another. Apply the principle of energy conservation to simple examples. CLE 3231.6.4 Compare and contrast nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. 3231.6.12 Distinguish between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. 1.6 (b) Energy resources Distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy. Describe how electricity or other useful forms of energy 9 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 122 1.6 (b) Energy resources Show an understanding that energy is released by nuclear fusion in the Sun. Recall and use the equation: efficiency = (useful energy output / energy input) × 100%. may be obtained from: – chemical energy stored in fuel – water, including the energy stored in waves, in tides, and in water behind hydroelectric dams – geothermal resources – nuclear fission – heat and light from the Sun (solar cells and panels). Give advantages and disadvantages of each method in terms of cost, reliability, scale and environmental impact. Show a qualitative understanding of efficiency. 3231.1.19 Relate work and power to various simple machines, mechanical advantage of different machines, and recognize simple 1.6 (c) Work Relate (without calculation) work done to the magnitude of a force and the distance moved. 10 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 123 1.6 (c) Work Describe energy changes in terms of work done. Recall and use ∆W=Fd=∆E. Unit 8 Various references machines that are combined to form compound machines Work: W= FΔ d; Power: P = (FΔ d)/Δt; Efficiency = (WOUT/WIN)x100%. CLE 3231.1.5 Investigate and apply Archimedes’ Principle. CLE 3231.1.6 Explore Pascal’s Principle. 3231.1.21 Determine the magnitude of the buoyant force exerted on a floating object or a submerged object 3231.1.22 Investigate the apparent weight of an object submerged in a fluid (Fnet = FB – Fg) 3231.1.24 Calculate the pressure exerted by a fluid according to Pascal’s Principle (P = F1/A1 = F2/A2). SPI.3231.1.5 Evaluate and describe the phenomena related to Archimedes’ Principle, Pascal’s Principle, and Bernoulli’s Principle. 1.6 (d) Power Relate (without calculation) power to work done and time taken, using appropriate examples. 1.6 (d) Power Recall and use the equation P = E/t in simple systems. Unit 8 Various references 1.7 Pressure Relate (without calculation) pressure to force and area, using appropriate examples. 1.7 Pressure Recall and use the equation p = F/A. Unit 8 Various references Describe the simple mercury barometer and its use in measuring atmospheric pressure. Relate (without calculation) the pressure beneath a liquid surface to depth and to density, using appropriate examples. Use and describe the use of a manometer. 3231.1.25 Calculate how pressure varies with water depth (P = P0 + 11 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 124 Recall and use the equation p = hρg. ρgh) Note: The following topics are not covered until AS level Physics: 1) Bernoulli’s Principle and its applications. 2) Basics of elastic and inelastic collisions. The following topics are additional to the Tennessee Standards: 1) Energy Resources The Following is not covered in the Cambridge Program: 1) Using elementary calculus to solve motion problems. 12 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 125 Tennessee Science Standards Physics 3231 Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) Standard 2 – Thermaodynamics 2. Thermal physics Course level expectations Checks for understanding State performance indicators Core syllabus Supplement syllabus Scheme of work 2.1 Simple kinetic molecular model of matter CLE 3231.2.1 Develop an understanding of temperature, heat, and internal energy. 3231.2.2 Identify the characteristics of internal energy and temperature/heat (joules/calories). 3231.2.1 Investigate temperature in relationship to kinetic energy. 3231.2.3 Experiment with change in heat content (quantity of thermal energy) and relate to kinetic energy and specific heat. SPI.3231.2.1 Relate temperature changes with the changes of kinetic energy and the flow of heat energy. 2.1 (a) States of matter State the distinguishing properties of solids, liquids and gases. Unit 7 Various references 2.1 (b) Molecular model Describe qualitatively the molecular structure of solids, liquids and gases. Unit 7 Various references 2.1 (b) Molecular model Relate the properties of solids, liquids and gases to the forces and distances between molecules and to the motion of the molecules. Interpret the temperature of a gas in terms of the motion of its molecules. Describe qualitatively the pressure of a gas in terms of the motion of its molecules. 13 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 126 Show an appreciation that massive particles may be moved by light, fast- moving molecules. Describe qualitatively the effect of a change of temperature on the pressure of a gas at constant volume. Show an understanding of the random motion of particles in a suspension as evidence for the kinetic molecular model of matter. Describe this motion (sometimes known as Brownian motion) in terms of random molecular bombardment. 2.1 (c) Evaporation Describe evaporation in terms of the escape of more-energetic molecules from the surface of a liquid. 2.1 (c) Evaporation Demonstrate an understanding of how temperature, surface area and draught over a surface influence evaporation. Unit 7 Various references 2.1 (d) Pressure changes Recall and use the equation pV = constant at constant Unit 7 Various references Relate evaporation to the consequent cooling. SPI.3231.2.3 Given a schematic of a refrigeration 2.1 (d) Pressure changes Relate the change in 14 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 127 3231.2.5 Explore thermal expansion and contraction Linear Expansion: Δl = li αΔT ; Volumetric Expansion: ΔV= ViβΔT. 3231.2.6 Apply the second Law of Thermodynamics to the Carnot engine. process, identify the four parts of the process. volume of a gas to change in pressure applied to the gas at constant temperature. SPI.3231.2.5 Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics and their implications in natural phenomena. 2.2 Thermal properties 2.2 (a) Thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases Describe qualitatively the thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases. Identify and explain some of the everyday applications and consequences of thermal expansion. Describe qualitatively the effect of a change of temperature on the 15 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 128 temperature. 2.2 (a) Thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases Show an appreciation of the relative order of magnitude of the expansion of solids, liquids and gases. Unit 7 Various references volume of a gas at constant pressure. CLE 3231.2.2 Compare Celsius, Kelvin and the Absolute temperature scales. 3231.2.8 Recognize that absolute zero is the absence of molecular kinetic energy. 2.2 (b) Measurement of temperature Appreciate how a physical property that varies with temperature may be used for the measurement of temperature, and state examples of such properties. Recognize the need for and identify fixed points. 2.2 (b) Measurement of temperature Demonstrate understanding of sensitivity, range and linearity. Unit 7 Various references Describe the structure of a thermocouple and show understanding of its use for measuring high temperatures and those that vary rapidly. Describe the structure and action of liquid-inglass thermometers. 3231.2.10 Investigate calorimetry, kinetic energy, and specific heat Change in Heat: ΔQ=mCΔT SPI.3231.2.2 Solve an applied problem of heat exchange with respect to specific heat. 2.2 (c) Thermal capacity Relate a rise in the temperature of a body to an increase in internal energy. Show an understanding of the term thermal capacity. 16 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 129 2.2 (c) Thermal capacity Describe an experiment to measure the specific heat capacity of a substance. Unit 7 Various references 3231.2.4 Investigate phase changes of heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, and heat of sublimation Change in Heat: ΔQ= mHf and ΔQ= mHv. 2.2 (d) Melting and boiling Describe melting and boiling in terms of energy input without a change in temperature. State the meaning of melting point and boiling point. Describe condensation and solidification. CLE 3231.2.3 Investigate exchanges in internal energy. 3231.2.9 Relate the first Law of Thermodynamics as an application of the Law of Conservation of Energy and heat transfer through conduction, convection, and radiation. Heat Lost = Heat Gained, QL= QG. 2.2 (d) Melting and boiling Distinguish between boiling and evaporation. Unit 7 Various references Use the terms latent heat of aporization and latent heat of fusion and give a molecular interpretation of latent heat. Describe an experiment to measure specific latent heats for steam and for ice. 2.3 Transfer of thermal energy 2.3 (a) Conduction Describe experiments to demonstrate the properties of good and bad conductors of heat. 17 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 130 2.3 (a) Conduction Give a simple molecular account of heat transfer in solids. Unit 3 Various references Unit 3 Various references 2.3 (b) Convection Relate convection in fluids to density changes and describe experiments to illustrate convection. 2.3 (c) Radiation Identify infra-red radiation as part of the electromagnetic spectrum. 3231.2.7 Apply the Laws of Thermodynamics to the atmospheric levels of the earth (i.e., greenhouse effect and climate change). SPI.3231.2.4 Describe all forms of heat exchange. 2.3 (d) Consequences of energy transfer Identify and explain some of the everyday applications and consequences of conduction, convection and radiation. Note: All topics are covered for this standard. 18 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 131 2.3 (c) Radiation Describe experiments to show the properties of good and bad emitters and good and bad absorbers of infrared radiation. Unit 3 Various references Unit 3 Various references Tennessee Science Standards Physics 3231 Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) Standard 3 – Waves 3. Properties of waves, including light and sound Course level expectations CLE 3231.3.1 Explore conditions associated with how waves carry energy and simple harmonic motion. CLE 3231.3.3 Understand wave mechanics. Checks for understanding 3231.3.1 Investigate simple harmonic motion. 3231.3.2 Investigate and analyze wavelength, frequency, period, and amplitude of longitudinal and transverse waves. 3231.3.3 Describe a wave interaction as reflection, refraction, diffraction, or interference. 3231.3.10 Solve problems related to wave length, frequency, period, and State performance indicators SPI.3231.3.1 Identify the components of standing waves; including nodes, antinodes, fundamental, numeric harmonics, and overtones. SPI.3231.3.2 Distinguish between longitudinal and transverse waves and identify components of all mechanical waves including wavelength, frequency, period, crest, trough, and amplitude. SPI.3231.3.3 Core syllabus Supplement syllabus 3.1 General wave properties Describe what is meant by wave motion as illustrated by vibration in ropes and springs and by experiments using water waves. 3.1 General wave properties Recall and use the equation v=fλ Use the term wave front Give the meaning of speed, frequency, wavelength and amplitude. Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves and give suitable examples. Describe the use of water waves to show: – reflection at a plane 19 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 132 Interpret reflection, refraction and diffraction using wave theory. Scheme of work Unit 9 Various references speed Wave velocity: v =f λ and Period: T=1/f. 3231.3.11 Determine the speed of sound experimentally using various materials and temperatures Sound velocity: vs= f λ; Sound velocity (using air temperature): vs= 331.5m/s + (0.56 m/s oC) (T). 3231.3.12 Describe simple harmonic motion. 3231.6.6 Distinguish between coherent and incoherent light. Select the type of mechanical waves that apply to natural wave phenomena such as sound, water or earthquake. surface – refraction due to a change of speed – diffraction produced by wide and narrow gaps. SPI.3231.3.4 Differentiate among the wave interactions of reflection, refraction, diffraction, or interference (constructive and destructive interferences). SPI.3231.3.6 Demonstrate a proficiency in solving problems related to wavelength, frequency, period, and speed of mechanical waves. 20 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 133 Tennessee Science Standards Physics 3231 Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) Standard 4 – Optics 3.2 Light Course level expectations CLE 3231.4.4 Analyze the optics of mirrors. Checks for understanding State performance indicators 3231.4.4 Investigate the optical properties of plane and curved mirrors Focal length: 1/f =1/do+1/di; Images in mirrors and lens, m = hi/ho = (-di)/do. Core syllabus 3.2 (a) Reflection of light Describe the formation of an optical image by a plane mirror, and give its characteristics. Supplement syllabus Scheme of work 3.2 (a) Reflection of light Perform simple constructions, measurements and calculations. Unit 1 Various references 3.2 (b) Refraction of light Recall and use the Unit 1 Various references Use the law angle of incidence = angle of reflection. 3231.4.5 Investigate the optical properties of plane and curved mirrors. CLE 3231.4.2 Investigate the interaction of light 3231.4.6 Draw, explain, and solve problems for the optics of mirrors and lenses. 3231.4.3 Investigate the polarization of light SPI.3231.4.5 Identify the properties of light related to 3.2 (b) Refraction of light Describe an 21 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 134 waves. reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference of light waves. 3231.4.7 Investigate optical phenomena (i.e., mirage, optical illusions, and dichromatic lens effect). SPI.3231.4.2 Explain polarization of light. 3231.4.8 Solve problems related to Snell’s Law Index of refraction: SPI.3231.4.3 Solve problems related to Snell’s Law. n = (sin θr / sin θi); Snell’s Law: ni sin θi = nr sin θr. Experimental demonstration of the refraction of light. Use the terminology for the angle of incidence i and angle of refraction r and describe the passage of light through parallel-sided transparent material. Give the meaning of critical angle. Describe internal and total internal reflection. 3231.4.9 Differentiate among transmission, reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference of light waves. 3231.4.10 Explore the formation of color (both additive and subtractive properties) [Additive Color Theory: W= 22 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 135 definition of refractive index n in terms of speed. Recall and use the equation sin i /sin r = n. Describe the action of optical fibers particularly in medicine and communications technology. B+G+R: Y= G+R: =B+G: M = R+B; Subtractive Color Theory: B=W–Y: C= W–R: M=W–G]. CLE 3231.4.3 Explore the optics of lenses. SPI.3231.4.6 Using light ray diagrams identify the path of light using a convex lens, a concave lens, a plane mirror, a concave mirror and a convex mirror. SPI.3231.4.4 Given a drawing of a laboratory optics bench with a singular lens; choose the measurements that will enable the calculation of focal length. CLE 3231.4.5 Investigate the phenomenon of color. 3.2 (c) Thin converging lens Describe the action of a thin converging lens on a beam of light. Use the terms principal focus and focal length. Draw ray diagrams to illustrate the formation of a real image by a single lens. 3.2 (d) Dispersion of light Give a qualitative account of the dispersion of light as shown by the action on light of a glass prism. 23 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 136 3.2 (c) Thin converging lens Draw ray diagrams to illustrate the formation of a virtual image by a single lens. Unit 1 Various references Use and describe the use of a single lens as a magnifying glass. Unit 1 Various references CLE 3231.4.1 Describe the characteristics of the electromagnetic spectrum. 3231.3.6 Compare mechanical and electromagnetic waves. 3231.4.1 Explore properties of electromagnetic radiation. 3231.4.2 Examine properties of light waves. 3.2 (e) Electromagnetic spectrum Describe the main features of the electromagnetic spectrum and state that all e&m waves travel with the same high speed in vacuum. Describe the role of electromagnetic waves in: – radio and television communications (radio waves) – satellite television and telephones (microwaves) – electrical appliances, remote controllers for televisions and intruder alarms (infrared) – medicine and security (X-rays). Demonstrate an awareness of safety issues regarding the use of microwaves and X rays. 24 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 137 3.2 (e) Electromagnetic spectrum State the approximate value of the speed of electromagnetic waves. Use the term Monochromatic. Unit 9 Various references CLE 3231.3.5 Explore the characteristics and properties of sound. 3231.3.5 Investigate reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference of sound waves. SPI.3231.3.5 Solve sound problems related to speed of sound in air at various temperatures. 3.3 Sound Describe the production of sound by vibrating sources. Describe the longitudinal nature of sound waves. 3231.3.8 Determine the speed of sound experimentally and describe the effects various materials and temperatures on sound. State the approximate range of audible frequencies. 3231.3.13 Compare the wave characteristics of natural auditory phenomena. Describe an experiment to determine the speed of sound in air. Show an understanding that a medium is needed to transmit sound waves. Relate the loudness and pitch of sound waves to amplitude and frequency. Describe how the reflection of sound may produce an echo. Note: The Following Topics are not covered until AS level Physics: 1) The Doppler Effect. 25 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 138 3.3 Sound Describe compression and Rarefaction. State the order of magnitude of the speed of sound in air, liquids and solids. Unit 9 Various references Tennessee Science Standards Physics 3231 Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) Standard 5 – Electricity and magnetism 4. Electricity and magnetism Course level expectations Checks for understanding 3231.5.1 Create a simple electromagnet. State performance indicators Core syllabus 4.1 Simple phenomena of magnetism State the properties of magnets. Give an account of induced magnetism. Distinguish between ferrous and non-ferrous materials. Describe methods of magnetization and of demagnetization. Describe an experiment to identify the pattern of field lines round a bar magnet. Distinguish between the magnetic properties of iron and steel. 26 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 139 Supplement syllabus Scheme of work Unit 5 Various references Distinguish between the design and use of permanent magnets and electromagnets. 4.2 Electrical quantities CLE 3231.5.1 Examine the properties of electric forces, electric charges and electric fields. 3231.5.2 Draw an electric field, given a scenario of charged particles. 3231.5.9 Analyze a given group of charges for repulsion and attraction. 3231.5.10 Distinguish between charged particles related to repulsion and attraction. 3231.5.11 Describe the electric field that fills the space around a charged particle or group of charges Coulomb’s Law, F= k (Q1Q2)/d2. SPI.3231.5.1 Given a scenario of charged particles; predict and sketch the resulting electric fields. SPI.3231.5.2 Given a diagram of charged particles, sketch arrows that represent repulsion and attraction. SPI.3231.5.4 Identify the equilibrium point between two spheres of differing charges. 4.2 (a) Electric charge Describe simple experiments to show the production and detection of electrostatic charges. State that there are positive and negative charges. State that unlike charges attract and that like charges repel. Describe an electric field as a region in which an electric charge experiences a force. Distinguish between electrical conductors and insulators and give typical examples. 27 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 140 4.2 (a) Electric charge State that charge is measured in coulombs. State the direction of lines of force and describe simple field patterns, including the field around a point charge and the field between two parallel plates. Give an account of charging by induction. Recall and use the simple electron model to distinguish between conductors and insulators. Unit 6 Various references CLE 3231.5.2 Explore the flow of charge and electric currents. 3231.5.8 Design a lab to demonstrate the flow of charged particles and an electric current. 4.2 (b) Current State that current is related to the flow of charge. Use and describe the use of an ammeter. 4.2 (c) Electro-motive force State that the e.m.f. of a source of electrical energy is measured in volts. 4.2 (b) Current Show understanding that a current is a rate of flow of charge and recall and use the equation I = Q/t. Unit 2 Various references Distinguish between the direction of flow of electrons and conventional current. 4.2 (c) Electro-motive force Show understanding that e.m.f. is defined in terms of energy supplied by a source in driving charge round a complete circuit. Unit 2 Various references Unit 2 Various references 4.2 (d) Potential difference State that the potential difference across a circuit component is measured in volts. Use and describe the use of a voltmeter. CLE 3231.5.3 Investigate Ohm’s Law. 3231.5.3 Solve problems of resistance using Ohm’s Law [E = IR (or V=IR)]. SPI.3231.5.6 Solve electricity problems related to voltage, current, and resistance using 4.2 (e) Resistance State that resistance = p.d./current and understand qualitatively how changes in p.d. or 28 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 141 4.2 (e) Resistance Recall and use quantitatively the proportionality between resistance and length, and Unit 2 Various references Ohm’s Law. 3231.5.5 Solve problems related to voltage, current, and resistance Voltage, V = IR; Series circuits, RT = R1+R2 +…, IT = I1 = I2 = …, VT =V1+ V2+…; Parallel circuits, 1/RT =1/R1+1/R2+ …, IT =I1+I2+ …, VT = V1=V2 = …. resistance affect current. Recall and use the equation R = V/I. the inverse proportionality between resistance and cross-sectional area of a wire. Describe an experiment to determine resistance using a voltmeter and an ammeter. Relate (without calculation) the resistance of a wire to its length and to its diameter. SPI.3231.5.7 Given voltage and current or current and resistance; calculate power and work. 4.2 (f) Electrical energy Recall and use the equations P=IV and E=IVt Unit 2 Various references 4.3 (a) Circuit diagrams Draw and interpret circuit diagrams containing diodes and transistors Unit 6 Various references 4.3 Electric circuits CLE 3231.5.5 Analyze schematic diagrams. SPI.3231.5.8 Identify common components of electrical circuitry from a schematic drawing such as batteries, resistors, lamps, ammeters, 4.3 (a) Circuit diagrams Draw and interpret circuit diagrams containing sources, switches, resistors (fixed and variable), lamps, ammeters, voltmeters, 29 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 142 CLE 3231.5.4 Compare and contrast series and parallel circuits. 3231.5.4 Draw and explain series and parallel circuits. 3231.5.6 Build series and parallel circuits to demonstrate how they function. 3231.5.12 Identify components of series and parallel circuits and solve problems related to voltage, current, and resistance. voltmeters, and variable resistors. magnetizing coils, transformers, bells, fuses and relays. SPI.3231.5.5 Find the equivalent resistance for a combination series and parallel circuit. 4.3 (b) Series and parallel circuits Understand that the current at every point in a series circuit is the same. Give the combined resistance of two or more resistors in series. State that, for a parallel circuit, the current from the source is larger than the current in each branch. State that the combined resistance of two resistors in parallel is less than that of either resistor by itself. State the advantages of connecting lamps in parallel in a lighting circuit. 30 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 143 4.3 (b) Series and parallel circuits Recall and use the fact that the sum of the p.d.s across the components in a series circuit is equal to the total p.d. across the supply. Recall and use the fact that the current from the source is the sum of the currents in the separate branches of a parallel circuit. Calculate the effective resistance of two resistors in parallel. Unit 6 Various references 4.3 (c) Action and use of circuit components Describe the action of a variable potential divider (potentiometer). Describe the action of thermistors and lightdependent resistors and show understanding of their use as input transducers. Describe the action of a capacitor as an energy store and show understanding of its use in time- delay circuits. Describe the action of a relay and show understanding of its use in switching circuits. 4.3 (c) Action and use of circuit components Describe the action of a diode and show understanding of its use as a rectifier. Describe the action of a transistor as an electrically operated switch and show understanding of its use in switching circuits. Recognize and show understanding of circuits operating as light sensitive switches and temperature-operated alarms (using a relay or a transistor). 4.3 (d) Digital electronics Explain and use the terms digital and analogue. State that logic gates are circuits containing transistors and other components. 31 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 144 Unit 11 Various references Unit 11 Various references Describe the action of NOT, AND, OR, NAND and NOR Gates. Design and understand simple digital circuits combining several logic gates. State and use the symbols for logic gates (candidates should use the American ANSI#Y 32.14 symbols). Unit 6 Various references 4.4 Dangers of electricity State the hazards of – damaged insulation – overheating of cables – damp conditions. Show an understanding of the use of fuses and circuit-breakers. 4.5 Electromagnetic effects CLE 3231.5.6 Understand magnetic poles, magnetic fields, and investigate 3231.5.7 Demonstrate a generated current by electromagnetic induction. SPI.3231.5.3 Explain the relationship between magnetism and current. 4.5 (a) Electromagnetic induction Describe an experiment that shows that a changing magnetic field 32 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 145 4.5 (a) Electromagnetic induction State the factors affecting the magnitude of an induced e.m.f. Unit 5 Various references electromagnetic induction. 3231.5.13 Describe how current is generated by electromagnetic induction. can induce an e.m.f. in a circuit. . Show understanding that the direction of an induced e.m.f. opposes the change causing it. Unit 5 Various references 4.5 (b) a.c. generator Describe a rotating-coil generator and the use of slip rings. Sketch a graph of voltage output against time for a simple a.c. generator. 4.5 (c) Transformer Describe the construction of a basic iron-cored transformer as used for voltage transformations. Recall and use the equation (Vp /Vs) = (Np /Ns). Describe the use of the transformer in high voltage transmission of electricity. 33 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 146 4.5 (c) Transformer Describe the principle of operation of a transformer. Recall and use the equation Vp Ip = Vs Is (for 100% efficiency). Explain why energy losses in cables are lower when the voltage is high. Unit 5 Various references Give the advantages of high-voltage transmission. CLE 3231.5.7 Understand that moving charges give rise to magnetism. 4.5 (d) The magnetic effect of a current Describe the pattern of the magnetic field due to currents in straight wires and in solenoids. 4.5 (d) The magnetic effect of a current State the qualitative variation of the strength of the magnetic field over salient parts of the pattern. Describe applications of the magnetic effect of current, including the action of a relay. Describe the effect on the magnetic field of changing the magnitude and direction of the current. 4.5 (e) Force on a current-carrying conductor Describe an experiment to show that a force acts on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field, including the effect of reversing: (i) the current (ii) the direction of the field. 4.5 (e) Force on a currentcarrying conductor Describe an experiment to show the corresponding force on beams of charged particles. 4.5 (f) d.c. motor State that a current carrying coil in a magnetic field 4.5 (f) d.c. motor Describe the effect of increasing the current. 34 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 147 Unit 5 Various references Unit 5 Various references State and use the relative directions of force, field and current. Unit 5 Various references experiences a turning effect and that the effect is increased by increasing the number of turns on the coil. Relate this turning effect to the action of an electric motor. 4.6 Cathode-ray oscilloscopes Unit 11 Various references 4.6 (a) Cathode rays Describe the production and detection of cathode rays. Describe their deflection in electric fields. State that the particles emitted in thermionic emission are electrons. 4.6 (b) Simple treatment of cathode-ray oscilloscope Describe (in outline) the basic structure and action of a cathode-ray oscilloscope (detailed circuits are not required). 35 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 148 Unit 11 Various references Use and describe the use of a cathode-ray oscilloscope to display waveforms. Note: The following topics are additional to the Tennessee Standards: 1) Digital electronics 2) Cathode-ray oscilloscopes 3) AC and DC Generators 4) Transformers 5) Dangers of Electricity 36 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 149 Tennessee Science Standards Physics 3231 Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) Standard 6 – Nuclear physics 5.1 Atomic physics Course level expectations Checks for understanding State performance indicators Core syllabus Supplement syllabus Scheme of work 5.1 Radioactivity 3231.6.1 Write and balance equations for the three forms of radioactive decay. 3231.6.8 Investigate the history and current events associated with nuclear and radioactive science. 3231.6.11 Describe three forms of radioactivity. 3231.6.16 Explain how particles behave like waves. SPI.3231.6.3 Describe and identify the three basic forms of radioactivity (alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays). Unit 10 Various references 5.1 (a) Detection of radioactivity Show awareness of the existence of background radiation. Describe the detection of α-particles, β-particles and γ-rays (β+ are not included: β-particles will be taken to refer to β–). 5.1 (b) Characteristics of the three kinds of emission State that radioactive emissions occur randomly over space and time. 37 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 150 5.1 (b) Characteristics of the three kinds of emission Describe their deflection in electric fields and magnetic fields. Unit 10 Various references State, for radioactive emissions: – their nature – their relative ionizing effects – their relative penetrating abilities. CLE 3231.6.3 Explore the dynamics of the nucleus: radioactivity, radiocarbon/ uranium dating, and half-life. 3231.6.13 Investigate and describe quantum mechanics and the properties of quantum theory. SPI.3231.6.4 Identify nuclear reactions given descriptions of the reactions. 5.1 (c) Radioactive decay State the meaning of radioactive decay, using equations (involving words or symbols) to represent changes in the composition of the nucleus when particles are emitted. Unit 10 Various references SPI.3231.6.1 Solve half-life problems. 5.1 (d) Half-life Use the term half-life in simple calculations, which might involve information in tables or decay curves. Unit 10 Various references 5.1 (e) Safety precautions Unit 10 Various references 3231.6.15 Discuss transmutation and transuranium. 3231.6.2 Solve half-life problems Decay constant: k=0.693/T(1/2); Nuclear decay: Af =Aoekt. Interpret their relative ionizing effects. 3231.6.4 Investigate the concept of half-life. 38 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 151 Describe how radioactive materials are handled, used and stored in a safe way. 5.2 The nuclear atom CLE 3231.6.1 Investigate the properties and structure of the atom. CLE 3231.6.2 Investigate properties of the quantum theory. 3231.6.5 Explain how particles behave like waves. 3231.6.7 Recognize how the quantum theory explains the photoelectric effect. 3231.6.9 Identify the parts of an atom. 3231.6.10 Describe the properties and location of subatomic particles. 3231.6.14 Explain the changes in SPI.3231.6.5 Identify the major historical achievements of modern nuclear physicists related to the discovery of atomic particles, quantum theory, and the standard model. 5.2 (a) Atomic model Describe the structure of an atom in terms of a nucleus and electrons. 5.2 (a) Atomic model Describe how the scattering of α-particles by thin metal foils provides evidence for the nuclear atom. Unit 10 Various references SPI.3231.6.2 Identify parts of an atom (protons, electrons, neutrons, nucleus, and electron cloud). 5.2 (b) Nucleus Describe the composition of the nucleus in terms of protons and neutrons. Use the term proton 39 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 152 Unit 10 Various references atomic number or mass number for each form of radioactivity. number Z. Use the term nucleon number A. Use the term nuclide and use the nuclide notation ZA X. 3231.6.3 Explain dating methods using carbon-14 or uranium. 5.2 (c) Isotopes Use the term isotope. Give and explain examples of practical applications of isotopes. Note: The following topics are additional to the Tennessee Standards: 1) Nuclear Safety precautions 40 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 153 Unit 10 Various references Tennessee Science Standards Physics 3231 Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) Embedded Inquiry Understandings about scientific inquiry and the ability to conduct inquiry are essential for living in the 21st century. Syllabus Section 5 (pages 10 – 12) Aims and objectives Embedded Technology and Engineering Society benefits when engineers apply scientific discoveries to design materials and processes that develops into enabling technologies. Syllabus Section 7 (pages 32 – 38) Practical assessment Embedded Mathematics Physics applies mathematics to investigate questions, solve problems, and communicate findings. Syllabus Section 8 (pages 41-42; 45 – 46) 8.2 Symbols, units and definitions of physical quantities 8.5 Mathematical requirements 8.7 Presentation of data ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 41 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Physcis) to Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) – v1 060314 154 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE® Biology (0610) Introduction Cambridge International Examinations has mapped the Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE® Biology (0610). This mapping document shows where the Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) are covered in the syllabus. In Cambridge IGCSE Biology, there are two levels of achievement, via two separate routes: core and extended. The extended route includes the core and the supplement sections of the curriculum content of the syllabus. In this mapping document we have referenced the relevant assessment objectives (AOs) and the relevant curriculum content of the 0610 syllabus. A small number of standards are not explicit in the syllabus as they do not form part of the assessment. However, these standards are generally covered in the scheme of work (unit lesson plans) that we provide to accompany the syllabus so that they can be incorporated into the teaching program. 1 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 155 Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) Biology I Embedded inquiry Conceptual strand Syllabus Section 4 (pages 8 & 9) Understandings about scientific inquiry and the ability to conduct inquiry are essential for living in the 21st century. Aims and objectives Course level expectations Checks for understanding State performance indicators CLE 3210.Inq.1 Recognize that science is a progressive endeavor that reevaluates and extends what is already accepted. 3210.Inq.1 Trace the historical development of a scientific principle or theory, such as cell theory, evolution, or DNA structure. SPI 3210.Inq.1 Select a description or scenario that reevaluates and/or extends a scientific finding. Assessment objective A5: Demonstrate knowledge and understding of scientific and technological applications with their social, economic and environmental implications. CLE 3210.Inq.2 Design and conduct scientific investigations to explore new phenomena, verify previous results, test how well a theory predicts, and compare opposing theories. 3210.Inq.2 Conduct scientific investigations that include testable questions, verifiable hypotheses, and appropriate variables to explore new phenomena or verify the experimental results of others. SPI 3210.Inq.2 Analyze the components of a properly designed scientific investigation. Assessment objective A5: Demonstrate knowledge and understding of scientific and technological applications with their social, economic and environmental implications. 2 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 Core syllabus Assessment objective C4: Plan investigations, 156 Supplement syllabus Scheme of work evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements (including the selection fo techniques, apparatus and materials). CLE 3210.Inq.3 Use appropriate tools and technology to collect precise and accurate data. 3210.Inq.3 Select appropriate tools and technology to collect precise and accurate quantitative and qualitative data. SPI 3210.Inq.3 Determine appropriate tools to gather precise and accurate data. Assessment objective C1: Know how to use techniques, apparatus, and materials (including the following of a sequence of instructions, where appropriate). CLE 3210.Inq.4 Apply qualitative and quantitative measures to analyze data and draw conclusions that are free of bias. 3210.Inq.4 Determine if data supports or contradicts a hypothesis or conclusion. SPI 3210.Inq.4 Evaluate the accuracy and precision of data. Assessment objective C2: Make and record observations and measurements. Assessment objective C3: Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data. CLE 3210.Inq.5 Compare experimental evidence and conclusions with those drawn by others about the same testable question. 3210.Inq.5 Compare or combine experimental evidence from two or more investigations. SPI 3210.Inq.5 Defend a conclusion based on scientific evidence. 3 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 Assessment objective B2: Translate information from one form to another. Assessment objective B4: Use information to identify 157 patterns, report trends and draw inferences. Assessment objective B5: Present reasoned explanations of phenomena, patterns and relationships. Assessment objective B6: Make predictions and propose hypotheses. CLE 3210.Inq.6 Communicate and defend scientific findings. 3210.Inq.6 Recognize, analyze, and evaluate alternative explanations for the same set of observations. SPI 3210.Inq.6 Determine why a conclusion is free of bias. 3210.Inq.7 Analyze experimental results and identify possible sources of experimental error. SPI 3210.Inq.7 Compare conclusions that offer different, but acceptable explanations for the same set of experimental data. Assessment objective B3: Manipulate numerical and other data. Assessment objective C3: Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data. 4 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 Assessment objective C3: Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data. 158 3210.Inq.8 Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence. 5 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 159 Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) Biology I Embedded technology and engineering Conceptual strand Syllabus Section 6 (pages 37–46) Society benefits when engineers apply scientific discoveries to design materials and processes that develop into enabling technologies Practical assessment Course level expectations CLE 3210.T/E.1 Explore the impact of technology on social, political, and economic systems. Checks for understanding 3210.T/E.1 Select appropriate tools to conduct a scientific inquiry. State performance indicators SPI 3210.T/E.1 Distinguish among tools and procedures best suited to conduct a specified scientific inquiry. Core syllabus Assessment objective C1: Know how to use techniques, apparatus, and materials (including the following of a sequence of instructions, where appropriate). Assessment objective C4: Plan investigations, evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements (including the selection fo techniques, apparatus and materials). 6 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 160 Supplement syllabus Scheme of work CLE 3210.T/E.2 Differentiate among elements of the engineering design cycle: design constraints, model building, testing, evaluating, modifying, and retesting. 3210.T/E.2 Apply the engineering design process to construct a prototype that meets developmentally appropriate specifications. SPI 3210.T/E.2 Evaluate a protocol to determine the degree to which an engineering design process was successfully applied. CLE 3210.T/E.3 Explain the relationship between the properties of a material and the use of the material in the application of a technology. 3210.T/E.3 Explore how the unintended consequences of new technologies can impact human and non-human communities. SPI 3210.T/E.3 Evaluate the overall benefit to cost ratio of a new technology. CLE 3210.T/E.4 Describe the dynamic interplay among science, technology, and engineering within living, earth-space, and physical systems. 3210.T/E.4 Present research on current bioengineering technologies that advance health and contribute to improvements in our daily lives. SPI 3210.T/E.4 Use design principles to determine how a new technology will improve the quality of life for an intended audience. 7 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 161 3210.T/E.5 Design a series of multi-view drawings that can be used by other students to construct an adaptive design and test its effectiveness. 8 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 162 Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) Biology I Embedded mathematics Conceptual strand Syllabus Section 7 (pages 48–50; 54) Science applies mathematics to investigate questions, solve problems, and communicate findings. 7.2 Terminology, units, symbols and presentation of data for biology Course level expectations Checks for understanding CLE 3210.Math.1 Understand the mathematical principles associated with the science of biology. 3210.Math.1 Choose and construct appropriate graphical representations for a data set. 7.4 Mathematical requirements State performance indicators SPI 3210.Math.1 Interpret a graph that depicts a biological phenomenon. Core syllabus Assessment objective B1: Locate, select, organise and present information from a variety of sources. Assessment objective B2: Translate information from one form to another. Assessment objective B3: Manipulate numerical and other data. 9 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 163 Supplement syllabus Scheme of work CLE 3210.Math.2 Utilize appropriate mathematical equations and processes to understand biological concepts. 3210.Math.2 Analyze graphs to interpret biological events. SPI 3210.Math.2 Predict the outcome of a cross between parents of known genotype. Assessment objective B2: Translate information from one form to another. Assessment objective B3: Manipulate numerical and other data. Assessment objective B4: Use information to identify patterns, report trends and draw inferences. Assessment objective B5: Present reasoned explanations of phenomena, patterns and relationships. Assessment objective B6: Make predictions and propose hypotheses. Assessment objective B7: Solve problems, including some of the quantitative nature. 10 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 164 3210.Math.3 Make decisions about units, scales, and measurement tools that are appropriate for investigations involving. 3210.Math.4 Select and apply an appropriate method to evaluate the reasonableness of results. 3210.Math.5 Apply and interpret rates of change from graphical and numerical data. 3210.Math.6 Apply probabilistic reasoning to solve genetic problems. 11 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 165 Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) Biology I: Standard 1 – Cells Conceptual strand All living things are made of cells that perform functions necessary for life. Course level expectations Checks for understanding State performance indicators Core syllabus Supplement syllabus Scheme of work CLE 3210.1.1 Compare the structure and function of cellular organelles in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 3210.1.1 Investigate cells using a compound microscope. SPI 3210.1.1 Identify the cellular organelles associated with major cell processes. 1. Cell structure and organization State that living organisms are made of cells. Describe the differences in structure between typical plant and animal cells. 1. Cell structure and organization Relate the structures seen under the light microscope in the plant cell and in the animal cell to their functions. Unit 1.5 CLE 3210.1.2 Distinguish among the structure and function of the four major organic macromolecules found in living things. 3210.1.2 Construct a model of a prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell. SPI 3210.1.2 Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 6.1 Nutrients List the chemical elements that make up: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Describe the synthesis of large molecules from small basic units, i.e. simple sugars to starch and glycogen, amino acids to proteins, and fatty acids and glycerol to fats and oils. 6.1 Nutrients Describe the use of microorganisms in the food industry, with reference to yogurt and single cell protein. Unit 2.2 Describe tests for: starch (iodine), reducing sugars 12 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 166 (Benedict's solution), protein (Biuret), fats (ethanol). CLE 3210.1.3 Describe how enzymes regulate chemical reactions in the body. 3210.1.3 Design a graphic organizer that compares proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. SPI 3210.1.3 Distinguish among proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. 5. Enzymes Define the term catalyst as a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction and is not changed by the reaction. Define enzymes as proteins that function as biological catalysts. Investigate and describe the effect of changes in temperature and pH on enzyme activity. CLE 3210.1.4 Describe the processes of cell growth and reproduction. 3210.1.4 Conduct tests to detect the presence of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. SPI 3210.1.4 Identify positive tests for carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. 1. Characteristics of living things Define the term reproduction as the processes that make more of the same kind of organism. 2. Growth and development Growth as a permanent increase in size and dry mass by an increase in cell number or cell size or both. 1. Reproduction. 13 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 167 5. Enzymes Examine enzyme action in terms of the 'lock and key' model. Unit 1.11 Explain the effect of changes in temperature and pH on enzyme activity. Unit 6.2 (example plant reproduction) Unit 6.6 1.1 Asexual reproduction Define asexual reproduction as the process resulting in the production of genetically identical offspring from one parent. 1.2 Sexual reproduction Define sexual reproduction as the process involving the fusion of haploid nuclei to form a diploid zygote and the production of genetically dissimilar offspring. CLE 3210.1.5 Compare different models to explain the movement of materials into and out cells. 3210.1.5 Design a model that illustrates enzyme function. SPI 3210.1.5 Identify how enzymes control chemical reactions in the body. 4.1 Diffusion Define diffusion as the net movement of molecules from a region of their higher concentration to region of their lower concentration down a concentration gradient, as a result of their random movement. 4.3 Osmosis Define osmosis as the diffusion of water molecules from region of their higher concentration (dilute solution) to a 14 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 168 4.2 Active transport Define active transport as movement of ions in or out of a cell through the cell membrane, from a region of their lower concentration to a region of their higher concentration against a concentration gradient, using energy released during respiration. Discuss the importance of active transport as an energy-consuming process by which Unit 1.8 Unit 1.9 Unit 1.10 region of their lower concentration (concentrated solution), through a partially permeable membrane. 3210.1.7 Design and conduct an experiment to investigate the effect of various solute concentrations on water movement in cells. SPI 3210.1.7 Predict the movement of water and other molecules across selectively permeable membranes. 3210.1.8 Analyze experimental data to distinguish between active and passive transport. SPI 3210.1.8 Compare and contrast active and passive transport. 15 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 169 substances are transported against a concentration gradient. Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) Biology I: Standard 2 – Interdependence Conceptual strand 2 All life is interdependent and interacts with the environment. Course level expectations Checks for understanding State performance indicators CLE 3210.2.1 Investigate how the dynamic equilibrium of an ecological community is associated with interactions among its organisms. 3210.2.1 Analyze human population distribution graphs to predict the impact on global resources, society, and the economy. SPI 3210.2.1 Predict how population changes of organisms at different trophic levels affect an ecosystem. CLE 3210.2.2 Analyze and interpret population data, graphs, or diagrams. 3210.2.2 Construct and maintain a model of an ecosystem. SPI 3210.2.2 Interpret the relationship between environmental factors and fluctuations in population size. Core syllabus 4.Population size State the factors affecting the rate of population growth for a population of an organism (limited to food supply, predation and disease), and describe their importance. 4. Population size Define population as a group of organisms of one species, living in the same area at the same time. Describe the increase in human population size and its social implications. Interpret graphs and diagrams of human 16 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 170 Supplement syllabus Scheme of work Unit 10.1 Unit 10.2 Unit 10.1 population growth. CLE 3210.2.3 Predict how global climate change, human activity, geologic events, and the introduction of non-native species impact an ecosystem. 3210.2.3 Monitor and evaluate changes in a yeast population. SPI 3210.2.3 Determine how the carrying capacity of an ecosystem is affected by interactions among organisms. 5. Human influences on the ecosystem Outline the effects of humans on ecosystems, with emphasis on examples of international importance. 5.1 Agriculture 5.2 Pollution 5.3 Conservation CLE 3210.2.4 Describe the sequence of events associated with biological succession. 3210.2.4 Investigate an outdoor habitat to identify the abiotic and biotic factors, plant and animal populations, producers, consumers, and decomposers. SPI 3210.2.4 Predict how various types of human activities affect the environment. 3210.2.5 Conduct research on how human influences have changed an ecosystem and communicate findings through written or oral presentations. SPI 3210.2.5 Make inferences about how a specific environmental change can affect the amount of biodiversity. 17 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 171 Unit 10.2 3210.2.6 Describe a sequence of events that illustrates biological succession. SPI 3210.2.6 Predict how a specific environmental change may lead to the extinction of a particular species. SPI 3210.2.7 Analyze factors responsible for the changes associated with biological succession. 18 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 172 Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) Biology I: Standard 3 – Flow of matter and energy Conceptual strand 3 Matter cycles and energy flows through the biosphere. Course level expectations CLE 3210.3.1 Analyze energy flow through an ecosystem. Checks for understanding 3210.3.1 Track energy flow through an ecosystem. State performance indicators SPI 3210.3.1 Interpret a diagram that illustrates energy flow in an ecosystem. Core syllabus Supplement syllabus 1. Energy flow State the sun is the principal source of energy input to biological systems. Describe the non-cyclical nature of energy flow. 2. Food chains and food webs Explain why food chains usually have fewer than five trophic levels. 2. Food chains and food webs Define the terms: • food chain as a chart showing the flow of energy (food) from one organism to the next beginning with a producer • food web as a network of interconnected food chains showing the energy flow through part of an ecosystem • producer as an organism that makes its own organic nutrients, 19 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 173 Explain why there is an increased efficiency in supplying green plants as human food and that there is relative inefficiency, in terms of energy loss, in feeding crop plants to animals Scheme of work Unit 9.1 Unit 9.2 usually using energy from sunlight, through photosynthesis • consumer as an organism that gets its energy by feeding on other organisms • herbivore as an animal that gets its energy by eating plants • carnivore as an animal that gets its energy by eating other animals • decomposer as an organism that gets its energy from dead or waste organic matter • ecosystem as a unit containing all of the organisms and their environment, interacting together, in a given area • trophic level as the position of an organism in a food chain, food web or pyramid of biomass, numbers or energy. Describe the losses between trophic levels. Draw, describe, and interpret pyramids of biomass and numbers. 20 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 174 CLE 3210.3.2 Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. 3210.3.2 Construct a concept map to differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. SPI 3210.3.2 Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. 8.1 Aerobic respiration Define aerobic respiration as the release of a relatively large amount of energy in cells by the breakdown of food substances in the presence of oxygen. State the word equation for aerobic respiration. 8.2 Anaerobic respiration. Define anaerobic respiration as the release of a relatively small amount of energy by the breakdown of food substances in the absence of oxygen. State the word equation for anaerobic respiration in muscles during hard exercise and the microorganism yeast. Describe the role of anaerobic respiration in yeast during brewing and bread-making. Compare aerobic respiration and 21 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 175 8.1 Aerobic respiration State the equation for aerobic respiration using symbols (C6H12O6 + O2->6CO2 + 6H2O). State the balanced equation for anaerobic respiration in muscles and the microorganism yeast using symbols. Describe the effect of lactic acid in muscles during exercise. Unit 4.2 Unit 4.3 anaerobic respiration in terms of relative amounts of energy released. CLE 3210.3.3 Investigate the relationship between the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. 3210.3.3 Conduct experiments to investigate photosynthesis and cellular. SPI 3210.3.3 Compare and contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration in terms of energy transformation. 6.2.1 Photosynthesis Define photosynthesis as the fundamental process by which plants manufacture carbohydrates from raw materials using energy from light. State the word equation for the production of simple sugars and oxygen. Investigate the necessity for chlorophyll, light and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, using appropriate controls. Describe the intake of carbon dioxide and water by plants. Explain that chlorophyll traps light energy and converts it into chemical energy for the formation of carbohydrates and their subsequent storage. 22 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 176 6.2.1. Photosynthesis State the balanced equation for photosynthesis in symbols 6CO2 + 6H2O+ light+chlorophyll-> C6H12O6 + O2. Investigate and state the effect of varying light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature on the rate of photosynthesis. Define the term limiting factor as something present in the environment in such short supply that it restricts life processes. Explain the concept of limiting factors in photosynthesis. Explain the use of carbon dioxide enrichment, optimum light and optimum temperatures in glasshouse systems. Unit 3.1 Unit 4.1 8. Respiration Define respiration as the chemical reactions that break down nutrient molecules in living cells to release energy. State the uses of energy in the body of humans: muscle contraction, protein synthesis, cell division, active transport, growth, the passages of nerve impulses and the maintenance of the constant body temperature. CLE 3210.3.4 Describe the events which occur during the major biogeochemical cycles. 3210.3.4 Investigate the process of fermentation. SPI 3210.3.4 Predict how changes in a biogeochemical cycle can affect an ecosystem. 23 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 3. Nutrient cycles Describe the carbon and the water cycles. 177 3. Nutrient cycles Describe the nitrogen cycle in terms of: the role of microorganisms in providing usable nitrogencontaining substances by decomposition and by nitrogen fixation in roots. the absorption of these substances by plants and their conversion to protein followed by passage through food chains, death, decay nitrification and denitrification and the return of nitrogen to the soil or the atmosphere. Unit 9.3 Discuss the effects of the combustion of fossil fuels and the cutting down of forests on the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. 3210.3.5 Construct models of the carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, and water cycles. 6.2.3 Mineral requirements Describe the importance of nitrate ions for protein synthesis, magnesium ions for chlorophyll synthesis. 6.2.3 Mineral requirements Explain the effects of nitrate ion and magnesium ion deficiency on plant growth. Describe the uses, and the dangers of overuse, nitrogen fertilizers. 6.3.2 Food supply Discuss ways in which the use of modern technology has resulted in increased food production (to include modern agricultural machinery, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and 24 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 178 6.3.2 Food supply Discuss the problems of world food supplies. Discuss the problems which contribute to famine (unequal distribution of food, drought and flooding and increasing Unit 10.3 Unit 10.4 Unit 10.5 herbicides, artificial selection). 25 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 179 population). Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) Biology I: Standard 4 – Heredity Conceptual strand 4 Organisms reproduce and transmit hereditary information. Course level expectations Checks for understanding State performance indicators Core syllabus Supplement syllabus Scheme of work CLE 3210.4.1 Investigate how genetic information is encoded in nucleic acids. 3210.4.1 Use models of DNA, RNA, and amino acids to explain replication and protein synthesis. SPI 3210.4.1 Identify the structure and function of DNA. 3.Inheritance Define inheritance as the transmission of genetic information from generation to generation. Unit 8.2 CLE 3210.4.2 Describe the relationships among genes, chromosomes, proteins, and hereditary traits. 3210.4.2 Complete and interpret genetic problems that illustrate sex linkage, co-dominance, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles, and polygenic inheritance. SPI 3210.4.2 Associate the process of DNA replication with its biological significance. 3.1 Chromosomes Define the terms: chromosome as a thread of DNA, made up of a string of genes; gene as a length of DNA that is the unit of heredity and codes for a specific protein. Unit 8.2 A gene may be copied and passed on to the next generation; allele as any of two or more alternative forms of a gene; haploid nucleus 26 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 180 CLE 3210.4.3 Predict the outcome of monohybrid and dihybrid crosses. 3210.4.3 Apply data to complete and interpret a genetic pedigree. SPI 3210.4.3 Recognize the interactions between DNA and RNA during protein synthesis. 27 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 as a nucleus containing a single set of unpaired chromosomes; diploid nucleus as a nucleus containing two sets of chromosomes. 3.4 Monohybrid inheritance Define the terms: • genotype as genetic makeup of an organism in terms of the alleles present (e.g. Tt or GG) • phenotype as the physical or other features of an organism due to both its genotype and its environment (e.g. tall plant or green seed) • homozygous as having two identical alleles of a particular gene (e.g. TT or gg). Two identical homozygous individuals that breed together will be pure-breeding heterozygous as having two different alleles of a particular gene (e.g. Tt or Gg), not pure breeding dominant as an allele that is expressed if it is present (e.g. T or G) recessive as an allele that is only expressed when there is no 181 Unit 8.3 Unit 8.4 dominant allele of the gene present (e.g. t or g). Calculate and predict the results of monohybrid crosses involving 1:1 and 3:1 ratios. CLE 3210.4.4 Compare different modes of inheritance: sex linkage, codominance, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles, and polygenic traits. 3210.4.4 Describe how the process of meiosis controls the number of chromosomes in a gamete. SPI 3210.4.4 Determine the probability of a particular trait in an offspring based on the genotype of the parents and the particular mode of inheritance. 3.4 Monohybrid inheritance Explain codominance by reference to the inheritance of ABO blood groups- phenotypes, A, B, AB, and O blood groups A B and genotypes I , I , and O I . 3.5 Variation Define mutation as a change in a gene or chromosome. Describe mutation as a source of variation, as shown by Down's syndrome. 3210.4.5 Associate gene mutation with changes in a DNA molecule. SPI 3210.4.5 Apply pedigree data to interpret various modes of genetic inheritance. 28 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 182 Unit 8.4 3210.4.6 Design an informational brochure to describe a human genetic disorder. SPI 3210.4.6 Describe how meiosis is involved in the production of egg and sperm cells. Unit 6.4 (example in plant reproduction) 3.3 Meiosis Define meiosis as reduction division in which the chromosome number is halved from diploid to haploid. State that gametes are the result of meiosis. State that meiosis results in genetic variation so the cells produced are not all genetically identical. 3210.4.7 Conduct research to explore the scientific and ethical issues associated with emerging gene technologies. SPI 3210.4.7 Describe how meiosis and sexual reproduction contribute to genetic variation in a population. SPI 3210.4.8 Determine the relationship between mutations and human genetic disorders. SPI 3210.4.9 Evaluate the scientific and ethical issues associated with gene technologies: genetic engineering, cloning, 29 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 3.7 Genetic engineering Define genetic engineering as taking a gene from one species and putting it into 183 3.7 Genetic engineering Explain why, and outline how, human insulin genes were put into bacteria using genetic engineering. Unit 8.6 transgenic organism production, stem cell research, and DNA fingerprinting. 30 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 another species. 184 Tennessee Science Standards Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) Biology I: Standard 5 – Biodiversity and change Conceptual strand 5 A rich variety and complexity of organisms have developed in response to changes in the environment Course level expectations Checks for understanding State performance indicators CLE 3210.5.1 Associate structural, functional, and behavioral adaptations with the ability of organisms to survive under various environmental conditions. 3210.5.1 Create graphic organizers to demonstrate the relationship between form and function in representative organisms. SPI 3210.5.1 Compare and contrast the structural, functional, and behavioral adaptations of animals or plants found in different environments. CLE 3210.5.2 Analyze the relationship between form and function in living things. 3210.5.2 Explain how natural selection operates in the development of a new species. SPI 3210.5.2 Recognize the relationship between form and function in living things. CLE 3210.5.3 Explain how genetic variation in a population and changing environmental conditions are associated with adaptation and the 3210.5.3 Associate fossil data with biological and geological changes in the environment. SPI 3210.5.3 Recognize the relationships among environmental change, genetic variation, natural selection, and the emergence of a new species. 31 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 Core syllabus Supplement syllabus 3.6 Selection Describe the variation and state that competition leads to differential survival of, and reproduction by, those organisms best fitted to the environment. Scheme of work Unit 8.5 Unit 8.5 3.6 Selection Define natural selection as the greater chance of passing on of genes by the best adapted organisms. Define the role of 185 3.6 Selection Describe the development of strains of antibiotic resistance bacteria as an example of natural selection. Unit 8.4 Unit 8.5 emergence of new species. artificial selection in the production of varieties of animals and plants with increased economic importance. CLE 3210.5.4 Summarize the supporting evidence for the theory of evolution. 3210.5.4 Analyze a variety of models, samples, or diagrams to demonstrate the genetic relatedness of organisms. SPI 3210.5.4 Describe the relationship between the amount of biodiversity and the ability of a population to adapt to a changing environment. CLE 3210.5.5 Explain how evolution contributes to the amount of biodiversity. 3210.5.5 Use a dichotomous key to identify an unknown organism. SPI 3210.5.5 Apply evidence from the fossil record, comparative anatomy, amino acid sequences, and DNA structure that support modern classification systems. 3. Simple keys Use simple dichotomous keys based on easily identifiable features. SPI 3210.5.6 Infer relatedness among different organisms using modern classification systems. 2.1 Concept and use of classification system Define and describe the binomial system of naming species as a system in which the scientific name of an organism is made up of two parts showing genus and species. CLE 3210.5.6 Explore the evolutionary basis of modern classification systems. 3.6 Selection Assess the importance of natural selection as a possible mechanism for evolution. ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. 32 Mapping Tennessee Science Standards (Biology) to Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) – v1 060314 Unit 1.4 Unit 8.4 2.1 Classification Know that there are other classification systems e.g. cladistics (based on RNA/DNA sequencing data). Unit 1.2 © Cambridge International Examinations 2014 186