March 24, 2011 Attn: Mr. Roger Kliemisch Commercial Market Manager -NJCEP Suite 404 900 Route 9 North Woodbridge, NJ 07095
JOSEPH SULLIVAN Director of Economic Development & Energy Policy
Re: Conditional “Buy American” Compliance Approval (Day-Brite all fixtures series mentioned in attached catalogue pages 6-22 with a “Yes” next to each item in ordering guide)
To Whom It May Concern: As the designated State Energy Office in New Jersey, the NJBPU has been tasked by the US Department of Energy to oversee all ARRA-funded projects in the state. As part of this supervisory role, the BPU will periodically review compliance to the “Buy American” initiative for these projects.
Attached please find a submittal cut sheet or compliance document that we received from your office, or from a manufacturer for use in the ARRA aspects of the NJ Clean Energy Programs.
We have reviewed this document in light of ARRA Section 1605 and its appendices. At this time, we are pleased to qualify a conditional approval for the above-referenced series items based specifically on the manufacturers’ representations contained on each document attached.
By no means is this an endorsement of a specific manufacturer or brand.
Be advised that this conditional approval does not finalize the approval for this item. It is only a limited approval based upon the specific information given and applies only to the equipment mentioned in the subject line of this letter. Full compliance to Section 1605 remains in effect despite this conditional approval. NJBPU maintains the full right to review and reassess each item and it is the responsibility of the installing contractor to provided up to date catalogue cuts and submittal information.
Nevertheless, you may direct your Direct Install Contractor/Clean Energy Program participant to proceed to utilize the above referenced equipment without exception at this time.
This approval is for calendar year 2011 and new submittals will need to be forwarded for review if projects are not completed this year.
Please contact me should this approval require further clarification.
Very Truly Yours, Jeffrey Burger ARRA Project manager (609) 292-0093
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009. It is an unprecedented effort to jumpstart the economy, create or save millions of jobs, and put a down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges, so the country can thrive in the 21st century.
The Recovery funds total $787 billion. $275 billion of this amount is designated for federal contracts, grants, and loans. The measures included in the Recovery Act which will have the greatest impact on our industry are those designed to modernize the nation’s infrastructure, enhance energy independence, and support the Buy American provisions. ARRA makes funds available for federal, state, and municipal new construction projects, and retrofitting/renovation of existing federal, state and municipal facilities. Together, we can support your business and help build a stronger American economy. Philips Day-Brite is positioned to: • Continue to expand our environmental corporate efforts in order to create a more sustainable future • Further our research and development activities to produce the most innovative products available • Sustain our business in America by supporting American investments, along with workers and their families 2 Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide
Buy American
Another important part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is the Buy American Provision. We deal with approximately 300 American raw material suppliers, and a large portion of the materials we buy are recycled instead of raw. Examples include recycled steel, aluminum coils and sheets, aluminum castings, corrugated, and extruded acrylic sheets.
Currently Philips Day-Brite manufactures over 85 percent of our products in Tupelo, Mississippi, and Sparta, Tennessee. Therefore, these products are in full compliance with the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. § 10a–10d) and the Buy American provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. See the pages 6-22 for a detailed reference guide for our Buy American qualified products.
Other ARRA Goals
Creating and Saving Jobs Our trained workforce has always been our biggest asset. Providing these employees a safe place to perform their duties is a high priority. Collectively, the Day-Brite manufacturing facilities have worked over three million hours without a lost time accident. This allows for the trained and specialized work force to come to work each day and produce the quality lighting products our customers have come to expect. Spurring Economic Activity and Investing in Long-term Economic Growth By investing in training and education of our employees, our sales agents, and the marketplace, Philips Day-Brite helps stimulate the American economy. We continuously develop new literature, web programs, tools, and Lighting Institute seminars. This ongoing program educates owners and facility managers on how lighting improvements can impact their operational and capital budgets.
Philips Day-Brite also works with professional industry organizations, academic organizations, and research organizations to stay involved and help communities understand how our products can help them meet their sustainability objectives.
ARRA and Philips Day-Brite Working Together
Philips Day-Brite is dedicated to providing you with : • Confidence that we can help meet your ARRA needs • Certainty that sustainability and protecting the environment will always be a priority of corporate management at Philips Day-Brite • Peace of mind that Philips Day-Brite will continue to provide you with the best products, made in the USA, because it’s the right thing to do • Assurance that Philips Day-Brite’s research and development is always looking for better, more efficient products to meet your ever changing needs • Reliance that Philips Day-Brite will provide continuing education to make you and your clients aware of the latest trends and developments in lighting requirements and products For ARRA funded projects, Philips Day-Brite provides one of the most extensive and comprehensive portfolios of lighting products for both indoor and outdoor applications. Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide 3
Let’s take a look at what Philips Day-Brite is doing to create a more sustainable future.
First and foremost, Philips Day-Brite has established a company-wide energy management approach. What this means to you is that top to bottom and bottom to top, there is an organized, dedicated, thoughtful approach to sustainability. Specific areas include:
• Make the most of manufacturing, logistics, and warehousing processes • Introduce new products that give the most energy efficient performance • Improve the environment of our customers, employees, and our communities
• Conserve the resources used in our operations • Purchase components through an optimized supplier chain
Partnering Up
In 2007, Philips Day-Brite became a member of the US Green Building Council (USGBC) a 501(c) (3) non-profit community of leaders working to make green buildings available to everyone within a generation.
Philips Day-Brite’s Lighting Institute was the first LEED-CI project in Mississippi.
Philips Day-Brite also became an Energy Star Partner in 2007. This joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helps us save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices.
Philips Day-Brite has pledged to reduce our energy consumption by 25 percent in five years. So far, we have reduced over 500 tons of carbon dioxide emissions in our Tupelo, MS, and Sparta, TN, plants.
Living Up to the Challenge
LEED—an acronym for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design—is a voluntary, consensus-based national standard for developing high-performance, sustainable (“green”) buildings. LEED is the recognized system for certifying high-performance green interiors that are healthy, productive places to work; are less costly to operate and maintain; and have a reduced environmental footprint.
The Philips Day-Brite Lighting Institute is the first LEED-CI project in Mississippi. The design reduced water use by 40 percent, reduced lighting power by 35 percent, included 90 percent Energy Star rated equipment, and used low VOC content materials.
Go to for more information on the Lighting Institute.
4 Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide
Reducing Emissions
Life is possible on Earth because a natural greenhouse effect keeps our planet about 60 degrees warmer than it otherwise would be. With industrialization and population growth, greenhouse gas emissions from human activities have consistently increased. The atmospheric level of CO 2 , the most important human-derived greenhouse gas, has increased 30 percent since 1860.
With the help of Energy Star in 2008, Americans saved enough energy to avoid greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those from 29 million cars. In addition, this lowered utility bills by $19 billion.
Philips Day-Brite has reduced operations CO 2 emissions by more than 500 tons since 2006.
Green Power
Green energy is the term used to describe sources of energy that are considered to be environmentally friendly and non polluting such as geothermal, wind, solar, and hydro.
Sustainable energy meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Philips Day-Brite is currently the largest single-user green power purchaser in Northern Mississippi. Five percent of the power we buy is produced from green technology such as wind farms, solar power, and methane plants. By purchasing Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) green electricity produced from renewable sources, Philips Day-Brite powers the Lighting Institute and reduces an additional 360 tons of CO 2 emissions each year.
Green from Within
Sustainability is not a new initiative at Philips Day-Brite. Our risk management efforts over the past decades include, protecting the environment, protecting our employees, protecting our facility, and strengthening our economy. Sustainability is our way of doing business and offers us a world of opportunities. Simply put, sustainability is about balancing economic viability with environmental preservation and social responsibility. Our challenge is to balance these aspects without compromising one for the sake of the other. As a lighting manufacturer, we believe we are in a unique position to aid you, our customers, in meeting your sustainability goals by offering innovative lighting products with the least consumption of energy and other resources. Over the past few years, we have reduced the amount of hazardous materials required to produce our products sufficiently enough that we are now considered a Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator of Hazardous Materials. Currently, we do not discharge any hazardous air pollutants or any pollutants that can lead to global warming and have reduced our water consumption by over 75 percent. These accomplishments are not due to individual efforts, but by the concerted effort from every member of the Philips Day-Brite family. From our president to our hourly workers, each understands the importance of sustainability and the concepts that make up this core value of our business. Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide 5
This guide lists each of our products and whether each product qualifies for the Buy American Act. Please reference the back of this guide for specific details. Generally speaking, each product is marked with “Yes”, “No”, “No**”, or “ * ”. If the product has a Yes, then it is in full compliance with the Buy American Act. If it has a No, then it does not qualify (unless there is a ** next to the No, in which case there are other options available). If there is an asterisk only, then the product may qualify under special NAFTA exceptions explained in the back of the guide.
Product Family
AT Attune AT Attune Air AT 6” Attune ATS Attune Sconce SAT Surface Attune ST SofTrace ST SofTrace Air ST 6” SofTrace AVG Arioso AVGA Arioso Air AVMG Arioso Metal AVG Arioso Louver AVMG Arioso Metal Louver AVE Arioso Essence AVSG Arioso Side Basket AVR Arioso Orb AVCG Arioso Cloud AVD Arioso Mid-Depth Semi-Recessed AVLG Arioso Semi-Recessed AVAG Arioso Asymmetric SAVF Arioso Floating Frame SAVC Arioso Surface AVS Arioso Sconce AVSQ Arioso Square Sconce AVSC Arioso Cloud Sconce AVSE Arioso Essence Sconce AVW Arioso Wall PF Perform TO Tenuto TO Tenuto Louver MS Microslot MS Microslot Directional SMS Surface Microslot Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide
Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Attune SofTrace Tenuto Louver
Product Family
EL Elision CN Contorno VG Virage L5 Largo GXT MT Marcato AD Adagio RO Rubato CAI Aluminum Indirect Wall DCI Curved Indirect Wall PFI Perforated Front Indirect Wall
WSR Select Retrofit IPR Internal Parabolic Retrofit ILR Internal Troffer Retrofit
EP Epsilon UGS VDT Ultra CF-33 Designer VDT CF-33 CF-15 Designer VDT CF-15 TG8-PL3 VDT PL3
P4 4” Paralouver P3 3” Paralouver LPW WattWatcher Paralouver LP3 Paralouver Energy Select
DP Designer Static SPW WattWatcher Troffer SP Static TG8 Static TRR Recessed Strip Retrofit RT/ST Recessed Strip
DPGA Designer Air Handling
MP3 Metric 3” Paralouver MSR Metric Static
CV Cove System STW Stairwell Luminaire MPC 2x4 Multi-Function Patient Care MPC 2x2 Multi-Function Patient Care SLPG Recessed Surgical Lighting DCL Designer Clean Room DPWL Designer Wet Location DPG Designer Vandal Resistant SMR Surface Modular Vandal Resistant GN Gondola Luminaire 1P3A Asymmetric 3” Paralouver UVPM Lumalier Pendant Mount
Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes * Yes Yes Yes Adagio No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Epsilon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SPW WattWatcher UVPM Lumalier Pendant Mount Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide 7
Product Family
UVWM Lumalier Wall Mount UVVM Lumalier Vertical Mount UVCM Lumalier Corner Mount UVHW Lumalier Hallway Mount UVGL Lumalier Wall Mount, High Ceiling UVGC Lumalier Ceiling Mount, High Ceiling UVSA Lumalier Sanitizing Air Mixer
SEP Surface Epsilon S4P 4” Surface Paralouver S3P 3” Surface Paralouver SMR Surface Modular EV Educator 5 EQ Educator RM Retail Merchandiser
HW Wraparound AW Wraparound DW Designer Straight Side Wraparound CL Cloudline Wraparound BW Specification Grade Wraparound SW Wraparound CA Caravel Wraparound OW Wraparound SJ Slim Jim Corridor Wraparound
CH Hospital Light AH Overbed Luminaire CB/CD Aztec WB Wall Bracket SWB Square Wall Bracket ACB/AWB Angled Wall Brackets CLDW Cloudline Bracket MUC Micro Undercabinet 5UC/8UC Specification Undercabinets SL/CU Valueline Undercabinets
FTV Industra 5 LightWing FBF Fluorescent High Bay FGL Fluorescent Gymnasium Luminaire 5F T5 Specification Industrial HDI Heavy Duty Industrial IK Industrial Kinetics SI Silverado Industrial 2F Specification Industrial 25% Uplight 1F Specification Industrial 10% Uplight 1FD General Purpose Industrial 10% Uplight IA/IS All-Purpose Industrial HP High Performance Industrial Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide
Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes EV Educator 5 Yes Yes Yes * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No BW Spec. Grade Wraparound FBF Fluorescent High Bay IK Industrial Kinetics
Product Family
AL Assembly Line Luminaire Domes Industrial Incandescent Reflectors SDR Decorative Incandescent Domes ID Incandescent Dock Light
Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
Yes No Yes Yes
M T5 Micro Strip M T5 Micro Strip Reflectors TS Turret Strip SSR Staggered Strip NS/NA Side Mount/Angle Strip TW Wide Lamp Strip HDS Heavy Duty Strip SR Surface Strip Retrofit TH High Output Strip T Standard Strip N Small Cross-Section Strip
SZW Splash Zone V2 Specification Vaporlume LW Low Profile Vaporlume DW Vaporlume Wet Location Industrial CP Cascade VT Vapor Tite/DT Dust Tite Fluorescent SLN/SLW Security Light Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes M T5 Micro Strip LW Low Profile Vaporlume
CFL 4” Open Vertical Downlight/ Wall Wash CFL 6” Open Vertical Downlight/ Wall Wash CFL 6” Lensed Vertical Downlight CFL 6” Decorative Glass Vertical Downlight CFL 6” Open Horizontal Downlight/ Wall Wash CFL 6” Deep Cone Lensed Horizontal Downlight CFL 6” Lensed Horizontal Downlight CFL 6” Shallow Depth Horizontal Shower Light CFL 6” Shallow Depth Downlight/ Wall Wash CFL 6” Decorative Glass Trim Horizontal Downlight CFL 6” Open Horizontal Remodeler CFL 6” Lensed Wall Wash CFL 8” Open Vertical Downlight/ Wall Wash CFL 8” Lensed Vertical Downlight CFL 8” Decorative Glass Trim Downlight CFL 8” Open Horizontal Downlight/ Wall Wash CFL 8” Lensed Horizontal Downlight CFL 8” Shallow Depth Downlight/ Wall Wash CFL 8” Decorative Glass Trim Horizontal Downlight CFL 8” Open Horizontal Remodeler CFL 8” Lensed Wall Wash CFL 10” Open Vertical Downlight, Narrow Distribution CFL 10” Open Horizontal Downlight/ Wall Wash CFL 10” Lensed Horizontal Downlight No** No** No** Yes Yes No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** Yes Yes No** No** No** No** CFL Open Horizontal Downlight CFL Open Vertical Downlight Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide 9
Product Family
CFL 10” Open Horizontal Remodeler CFL 12” Square Downlight Fluor. 24” Recessed Biax Wall Wash Fluor. Aspect5 T5HO Wall Wash, 24” and 48” Incand. 4” Open Vertical Downlight/ Wall Wash Incand. 4” Horizontal A-Lamp Downlight Incand. 4” Quartz Downlight Incand. 4” Par Recessed Adjustable Downlight Incand. 6” Open Downlight/ Wall Wash Incand. 6” A-Lamp Lensed Downlight Incand. 6” A-lamp Decorative Glass Downlight Incand. 6” Horizontal Open Downlight/ Wall Wash Incand. 6” Open Downlight, Top Relamp Incand. 6” Horizontal A-Lamp Lensed Downlight Incand. 6” Par Downlight Incand. 6” Quartz Downlight, Top Relamp Incand. 6” Quartz Wall Washer Incand. 6” Quartz Recessed Adjustable Downlight Incand. 6” Quartz Rec. Adjustable Sloped Downlight Incand. 6” Lensed Wall Wash Incand. 6” Par Recessed Adjustable Downlight Incand. 6” Par Sloped Ceiling Downlight Incand. 8” Open Downlight/ Wall Wash Incand. 8” A-Lamp Lensed Downlight Incand. 8” Horizontal A-Lamp Downlight/ Wall Wash Incand. 8” Horizontal A-Lamp Lensed Downlight Incand. 8” Horiz. A-Lamp Decorative Glass Downlight Incand. 8” Open Downlight, Top Relamp Incand. 8” Par Downlight, Top Relamp Incand. 8” R / Par Recessed Adjustable Downlight Incand. 8” AXIS Recessed Adjustable Downlight
Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No** No** No** No** No** Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No** No** Yes Yes No** No** No** No** Yes No** No** Yes Yes Yes Yes Fluor. Aspect5 T5HO Wall Wash Incand. 6” Horizontal A-Lamp Lensed Downlight Incand. 6” Quartz Wall Wash Incand. 8” Par Recessed Adjustable Downlight Incand. 8” Lensed Wall Wash LV 4” Low Voltage Recessed Downlight/ Pinhole LV 4” Low Voltage Recessed Adjustable LV 4” Low Voltage Lensed Wall Wash LV 6” Low Voltage Adjustable Downlight HID 4” Par Downlight HID 4” Adjustable Downlight HID 6” Open Downlight/Wall Wash HID 6” Lensed Downlight HID 6” Horizontal Lensed Downlight HID 6” PAR Downlight HID 6” Open Downlight, Top Relamp HID 6” Lensed Wall Washer HID 6” Adjustable Downlight HID 6” Par Sloped Downlight HID 8” Open Downlight HID 8” Downlight HID 8” Downlight, Narrow Distribution HID 8” Lensed Downlight Yes Yes Yes Yes No** No** No** No** Yes Yes Yes Yes No** No** Yes No** LV 4” Low Voltage Rec. Adjustable Downlight 10 Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide
Product Family
HID 8” Par Downlight HID 8” Adjustable Downlight HID 8” Lensed Wall Wash HID 8” Open Downlight, Narrow Distribution HID 10” Downlight, Narrow Distribution HID 10” Downlight, Narrow Distribution HID 10” Lensed Reflector Downlight HID 10” Downlight, Narrow Distribution HID 10” Downlight, Narrow Distribution MRI 6” Incand. A-Lamp Downlight/ Wall Wash MRI 6” Incand. A-Lamp Lensed Downlight MRI 6” Incand. A-Lamp Decorative Glass Downlight MRI 6” Incand. Horizontal A-Lamp Downlight MRI 8” Incand. A-Lamp Downlight/ Wall Wash MRI 8” Incand. A-Lamp Lensed Downlight MRI 8” Incand. A-Lamp Decorative Glass Downlight MRI 8” Incand. Horizontal A-Lamp Downlight QL Induction 8” Open Downlight/ Wall Wash QL Induction 8” Lensed Downlight QL Induction 10” Open Downlight CFL 6”, 8”, and 10” Open Reflector Cylinders CFL 6”, 8”, and 10” Open Reflector Cylinders CFL 6”, 8”, and 10” Open Up/Down Cylinders CFL 6”, 8”, and 10” Lensed Reflector Cylinders CFL 6”, 8”, and 10” Lensed Reflector Cylinders CFL 6”, 8”, and 10” Lensed Refl. Up/Down Cylinders CFL 6”, 8”, and 10” Open Reflector Cylinders CFL 6”, 8”, and 10” Open Reflector Cylinders CFL 6”, 8”, and 10” Open Refl. Up/Down Cylinder CFL 6”, 8”, and 10” Lensed Reflector Cylinders CFL 6”, 8”, and 10” Lensed Reflector Cylinders CFL 6”, 8”, and 10” Lensed Up/ Down Cylinders CFL 6” and 8” Parabolic Louver Cylinders Incand. 5” and 6” Baffle Cylinders Incand. 5” and 6” Up/Down Baffle Cylinders Incand. 6” and 8” Reflector Cylinders Incand. 10” Cylinders Incand. 6” Up/Down Cylinders Incand. 6” and 8” Lensed Cylinders Incand. 6” Up/Down Lensed Cylinders Incand. 6” and 8” Open Horizontal Cylinders Incand. 6” and 8” Lensed Horizontal Cylinders Quartz 6” Cylinders Quartz 6” Up/Down Cylinders HID Downlight (T4) HID 6”, 8”, and 10” Vertical Cylinders HID 6”, 8”, and 10” Up/Down Cylinders HID 6”, 8”, and 10” Lensed Vertical Cylinders HID 6”, 8”, and 10” Up/Down Lensed Cylinders HID 10” Cylinders HID 10” Up/Down Cylinders
Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
No** Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No** Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes HID Lensed Wall Wash Incand. 6” Decorative Glass Downlight CFL Lensed Refector Cylinders Incand. Up/Down Baffle Cylinders Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide 11
Product Family
CFL 4” Open Vertical Downlight/ Wall Wash
Qualifies for Buy American Act
CFL 6” IC Rated downlight CFL 6” Open Vertical Downlight/ Wall Wash CFL 6” Lensed Vertical Downlight CFL 6” Open Horizontal Downlight/ Wall Wash CFL 6” Deep Cone Lensed Horizontal Downlight CFL 6” Shallow Depth Horizontal Downlight CFL 6” Shallow Depth Lensed Horizontal Downlight CFL 6” Shallow Depth Horizontal Shower Light CFL 8” Open Vertical Downlight/Wall Wash CFL 8” Open Horizontal Downlight/Wall Wash CFL 8” Deep Cone Lensed Horizontal Downlight CFL 8” Shallow Depth Horizontal Downlight CFL 8” Shallow Depth Horizontal Lensed Downlight Incand. 4” Open Vertical Downlight/Wall Wash Incand. 4” Horizontal A-Lamp Downlight Incand. 6” Open Vertical Downlight/Wall Wash Incand. 6” A-Lamp Lensed Vertical Downlight Incand. 6” Horizontal Open Downlight/Wall Wash Incand. 6” Horizontal A-Lamp Lensed Downlight Incand. 8” Open Vertical Downlight/ Wall Wash Incand. 8” Vertical A-Lamp Lensed Downlights Incand. 8” Horizontal A-Lamp Downlight/Wall Wash Incand. 8” Horizontal A-Lamp Lensed Downlight No** Yes No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No** No**
CFL 6” Open Horizontal Downlight/Wall Wash CFL Shallow Depth Lensed Horiz. Downlight
Origins Square Downlights Origins Pendants Origins PIM Pendant Origins PIM Wall Sconce Origins HAN Pendant Origins HAN Wall Sconce Origins BAS Pendant Origins BAS Wall Sconce Origins GER Pendant Origins GER Pendant, 10” Origins CFL Downlight, Horizontal and Vertical 6” and 8” Origins Incand. & HID Downlights, Vert. 6” and 8” Origins GLO, GEM, BOL, AER Origins LEN Pendant Origins LEN Wall Sconce Origins IAN Pendant Origins IAN Wall Sconce Origins KAR Pendant Origins GUS Pendant Origins KOL Pendant Origins CFL Downlight, Translucent Vertical 6” and 8” Origins CFL Downlight, Translucent Horizontal 6” and 8” Origins Downlight Vandal Guard, 6” and 8” Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BAS Wall Sconce Origins Translucent Cylinder Downlight 12 Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide
Product Family
Solis MIA and CRE Solis SKY and VAV Solis VINO and ROL Solis ANA and AVA Solis RAE and TAE Solis BACCO and JUN Solis ELLA, JOS, and SOLE Solis VOLO and GIA Solis RUE and BRE Solis VIC and ALI Solis ZOL, ZEN, and ZAR Solis DUE, MEZZO, and TRE Solis PICCO, NEURO, and LARGO Solis MIR Solis Rail and Accessories Solis Rail Accessories
Qualifies for Buy American Act
Incand. 3” Recessed Housings Incand. 3” Recessed Trims LV 3” Low Voltage Recessed Housings LV 3” Low Voltage Recessed Trims Incand. 4” Recessed Housings Incand. 4” Recessed Trims, Pinhole Insert, and Wall Wash insert Incand. 4” Oversized Trim Ring LV 4” Low Voltage Recessed Housings LV 4” Low Voltage Recessed Housings LV 4” Low Voltage Pinhole Trim with Black Baffle Remote Transformers for LV housings LV 4” Trims Incand. 5” Recessed Housings Incand. 5” Recessed Trims (R238, R249, R132, R120, R221, R248) Incand. 5” Recessed Trims (R240, R130, R136, R135, R133, R138) Incand. 5” Recessed Trims Incand. 6” Recessed Housings Incand. 6” Recessed Housing (CRR1) Incand. 6” Trims Incand. 6” Trims (RBC30, RAC30, RF30, RF40, RS30, R18, RM38, RM48) Incand. 6” Trims (R38, RB45, RM45, R25) Incand. 6” Trims (RM30, RM40, RMA101, R30, R40) Incand. 6” Trims (RMS30, RMS40, RMA99, RMA100, R19, PSH12) Incand. 6” Trims (R13, R14, R16,) Incand. 6” Trims (SH12, SH12ICP, SHR12IC, SH16P, SHR16IC, SH16ICP, SH36, PSH12) Incand. 6” Trims (PSH17) Incand. 6” Trims (R12) Incand. 6” Trims Incand. 6” Recessed Housings, Socket Supporting Incand. 6” Housings (CRR1NB) Incand. 6” Trims (RB30, RB40, RC30, RBC30, RAC30, RF30, RF40) Incand. 6” Trim (RA100) No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No Yes * No * * No Yes No No No No * No Yes * * No Yes No * Yes No No * * No No Yes No Yes *
Solis MIR 5” Recessed Baffle 6” Recessed Baffle 6” Recessed Adjustable Housing Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide 13
Product Family Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
Incand. 6” Trims (RS30, R18, RM38, RM48, RCS30, RBS30, RBD40, SHR12IC, SHR16IC, SH16ICP, SH36) Incand. 6” Trim (R38) Incand. 6” Trims (R6SHR, SH12IC) Incand. 6” Adjustable Housings Incand. 6” Adjustable Trims (RM30, RM40) Incand. 6” Adjustable Trims (RMS30, RMS40) Incand. 6” Shallow Housings Incand. 6” Shallow Trims (RM30, HS30, R30) Incand. 6” Shallow Trims (RMS30) Incand. 6” Shallow Trims (R18, RM38, RM48, SH12, SH16)) Incand. 6” Shallow Trims (R38, R12, R13, R16) LV 4” Firedome Low Voltage Housing LV 4” Firedome Low Voltage Trims Incand. 4” Firedome Housing Incand. 4” Firedome Trims, Pinhole Insert, and Wall Wash Insert Incand. 4” Firedome Oversize Trim Ring Incand. 6” IC Firedome Housing Incand. 6” IC Firedome Trims Incand. 6” IC Firedome Trims CFL 6” Firedome Housings CFL 6” Firedome Trims (RB30, RMA101) CFL 6” Firedome Trims (RMA100, RMA99, R25, PSH17) CFL 6” Firedome Housings (R12, R16, R13) CFL 5” Vertical Recessed Housings CFL 5” Vertical Recessed Trims CFL 6” Vertical Recessed Housings, IC Rated CFL 6” Vertical Recessed Housings, Non-IC ECO Vertical Trims (RMA100, RMA99, R25) ECO Vertical Trims (RB30PL, RMA101, RBA100, RBC30, RB101, SHRIC) ECO Vertical Trims (R12, R16, R13) CFL 6” Horizontal Recessed Housings, IC and Non-IC CFL 6” Horizontal Recessed Trims Incand. 6” Deep Recessed Housings Incand. 6” Deep Recessed Trims (RM30, RM40) Yes No Incand. 6” Deep Recessed Trims (1501, 1502, AD150, 1505, RMS30, RMS40) Yes HID 6” Recessed Housings Yes HID 6” Recessed Trims (RMA100, RMA99) HID 6” Recessed Trims (RM40, RMA101) HID 6” Recessed Trims (R12, R13, R14, R16) Incand. 6” Sloped Recessed Housings and Trims Yes No * No Incand. 6” Super Sloped Recessed Housings and Trims CFL 6” Sloped Recessed Housings and Trims LV 6” Recessed Housings and Trims LV 6” Recessed Adjustable Mirror Light Trim Incand. 8” Square Recessed Housings Incand. 8” Square Recessed Trims Incand. 10” Square Recessed Housings and Trims CFL 10” Square Recessed Housings and Trims HID 10” Square Recessed Housings and Trims Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No** No** No** No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes * No * No Yes * No No * No Yes * * No * * Yes No * * Yes 6” Eyeball Trim 6” Trim Incand. Deep Recessed Housing 6” Sloped Ceiling Downlight 14 Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide
Product Family
C-Plus Incand. 4” Recessed Housings
Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
No C-Plus Incand. 4” Recessed Trims C-Plus Incand. 6” Recessed Housings (PR75ASIC) C-Plus Incand. 6” Recessed Housings (QL75ASIC, R10, PRR75ICX) C-Plus Incand. 6” Recessed Trims C-Plus Incand. 6” Recessed Trims (R38, RM45, R25, RMS30, RMS40, RMA99, RMA100) C-Plus Incand. 6” Recessed Trims (RM38, RM48, R18, RM30, RM40) C-Plus Incand. 6” Recessed Trims (RMA101, R30, R40, HS30, HS40, SHR12IC, SH12, SH12ICP) C-Plus Incand. 6” Recessed Trims (R19) C-Plus Incand. 6” Recessed Trims (R12, R13, R14) C-Plus Incand. 6” Recessed Trims CFL 4” Capri One Vertical, Electrical CFL 4” Capri One Frame CFL 4” Capri One Trims CFL 6” Capri One Vertical, Electrical CFL 6” Capri One Frame CFL 6” Capri One Vertical Trims CFL 6” Capri One Vertical Polycarb Shower Trim CFL 8” Capri One Vertical, Electrical CFL 8” Capri One Frame CFL 8” Capri One Vertical Trims CFL 8” Capri One Vertical Polycarb Shower Trim CFL 10” Capri One Vertical, Electricals CFL 10” Capri One Frame CFL 10” Capri One Vertical Trims CFL 6” Capri One Horiz. Sing. Lamp, Elec. CFL 6” Capri One Horiz. Sing. Lamp, Trims CFL 6” Capri One Horiz. Sing. Lamp, Polycarb Shower Trim CM6L Capri One LED Frame CM8L Capri One LED Frame CFL 8” Capri One Horiz. Sing. Lamp, Electrical CFL 8” Capri One Horiz. Sing. Lamp, Trims CFL 8” Capri One Horiz. Sing. Lamp, Polycarb Shower Trim CFL 10” Capri One Horiz. Sing. Lamp, Elec. CFL 10” Capri One Horiz. Sing. Lamp, Trims CFL 6” Capri One Horiz. Two Lamp, Elec. CFL 8” Capri One Horiz. Two Lamp, Elec. CFL10” Capri One Horiz. Two Lamp, Elec. CFL 10” Capri One Horiz. Three Lamp, Elec. CFL 10” Capri One Horiz. Three Lamp, trims HID 4” Capri One Electricals HID 6” Capri One Electricals HID 8” Capri One Electricals HID 10” Capri One Electricals Incand. 4” Capri One Electricals Incand. 6” Capri One Electricals Incand. 8” Capri One Electricals Incand. 10” Capri One Electricals Heat Lamp, Shower Light, CFL Steplight Steplight, Aisle Light No No * No Yes No No** No** No** No** No** No No No No Yes No No Yes * No * No** No** * * * Yes * * * Yes * No** Yes * * Yes * * * * Yes * Yes * * * * 4” Capri One Frame 8” Capri One Shower Trim Capri One Horizonatal 2 Lamp CFL Electrical CFL Steplight Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide 15
Product Family
Incand. Ceiling Drums and Wall Brackets CFL Ceiling Drums
Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
No Yes Incand. Cylinders Capri Flat Barhangers, C Channel Barhangers Capri Adjustable Barhanger Capri Accessories Including Trim Rings, T-bar Clips, Transformers Line Voltage Track Par Holder HID Attraction Track Par Holder Attraction Shrouds and Lamp Collar Aeros Track Heads Core Track Heads Axis Track Heads Axis Adjustment Pole Vertex and Cone Track Heads Side by Side and Trapeze Track Heads Soft Square Track Head Front Loaded Gimbal Track Heads HID Gimbal Track Head Par Holder Track Heads Wall Wash Track Heads Roundback Track Heads Low Voltage Roundback Track Head Flatback Track Heads Low Voltage Flatback Track head Nautilus Track Heads Continental Track Heads Surface Track and Cable Kits Recessed Track Recessed Track Connector Covers and Accessories Pendant Accessories Modular Pendant System Electronic Power Supply, Bellows, Barndoors Track Limiting Device Single Circuit Accessories Single Circuit Accessories T bar clips, Cord and Plug connectors, LV monopoint canopy adapter, LV monopoint canopy, HID canopy Two Circuit Accessories Color Filters and Lenses Yes * * Yes No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No * * Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes Axis Track Head Low-Voltage Gimbal Track Head Track Limiting Device
44R Line Edge-Lit LED Exit 45VX Line Architectural Edge-Lit LED Exit 44 Line Universal Edge-Lit LED Exit 55 Line Die Cast Aluminum Contemporary LED Exit 55 Line Die Cast Aluminum Traditional LED Exit 30V Line Architectural Die Cast Aluminum LED Exit 30 Line Fully Recessed Die Cast Aluminum LED Exit 60 Line Max Wet Location/Vandal Resistant LED Exit CXX Series COMPAC Thermoplastic LED Exit No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 45VX Line Architectural Edge-Lit 16 Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide
Product Family
CCHX Series COMPAC Thermoplastic LED Combo CCAX Series COMPAC Thermoplastic LED Combo CCTX Series COMPAC Thermoplastic LED Combo VE Series Value+ Economical Thermoplastic LED Exit
Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
Yes Yes Yes No VU/VC Series Value+ Econ. Thermoplastic Unit/Combo EX Series Die Formed Steel LED Exits SL Series Self-Luminous Exit 30V Line Arch. Die Cast Aluminum LED Signs 33 Line Arch. Die Cast Alum. 6” Mini-Symbol Signs No Yes No Yes Yes
Patron Series Architectural Die Cast Emer. Unit FAZE180 Series Arch. Concealed Emergency Unit 65X Line Architectural Wet Location Emergency Unit CFX6 Series COMPAC Therm. Emer. Unit (12W) CTX6 Series COMPAC Therm. Emer. Unit (12-18W) CAX6 Series COMPAC Thermoplastic Emer. Unit (12W) CAX Series COMPAC Thermo Emer. Unit (18-72W) CTX Series COMPAC Thermoplastic Emer. Unit (12-24W) CTX Series COMPAC Thermoplastic Emer. Unit (36-72W) CRX Series COMPAC Recessed Emergency Unit CRX Series COMPAC Recessed Emergency Unit ET Series Thermoplastic Emergency Unit ES Series Die Formed Steel Emergency Unit EC Series Steel Emergency Units ER Series Recessed Emergency Units EL Series Recessed Lay-in Emergency Units SE Series Square Emergency Luminaires GF Series Recessed Gimbal Emergency Units MSL Series LED Mini-Step Light SD Series Die Cast LED Steplight DE Series Decorative Outdoor Emergency Luminaire MTD Series Auxiliary Power Transfer Device MTD20 Series Emergency Power Control MTD20D Transfer Device DEB-1 Series Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-3 Series Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-3ST Series Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-33 Series Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-5 Series Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-5ST Series Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-5W Series Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-7B Series Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-7W Series Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-8 Series Compact Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-8ST Series Compact Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-9 Series Compact Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-42 Series Compact Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-46 Series Compact Fluorescent Emergency Ballast DEB-1LP Series Low Profile Fluor. Emergency Ballast DEB-5LP Series Low Profile Fluor. Emergency Ballast DEB-6LP Series Low Profile Fluor. Emergency Ballast DEB-7LP Series Low Profile Fluor. Emergency Ballast Yes * * * Yes Yes * Yes Yes Yes * * * No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes * Yes Yes Yes * Faze 180 Series Arch. Concealed Emergency Unit 65X Line Architectural Wet Location Emergency Unit CAX Series SD Series Die Cast LED Steplight Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide 17
Product Family
NForcER Series Industrial Emergency Units (NEMA)
Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
Yes ND Series 6V, 12V, & 24V Industrial Steel Unit NE Series Wet Cell Emergency Unit (Lead Calcium) NC Series NEMA Rated Emergency Unit NS Series 6V & 12V Environmental Steel Units NX Series NEMA Rated Emergency Unit VNX Series Wet Location Emergency Unit NL Series NEMA Rated LED Exit/Combo VNL Series Wet Location LED Exit/Combo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
HE Series Hazardous Location Emergency Unit HX Series Hazardous Location LED Exit/Combo HP Series Hazardous Location Power Supply HF Series Hazardous Location Fixtures
Compac Remote Lamp Heads Decorative Remote Luminaires Lamp Heads for use with Units or as Remotes Mounting Plates for Remote Lamp Heads Wire Guards, Shields & Mounting Shelves Wire Guards MPCF Series Emergency Power Systems MPCF-FT Series Fast Transfer Power Systems MIPS Series UPS (550 VA to 1,500 VA) MST Series Single Phase UPS (1500-14,000 VA) MS3 Series Three Phase UPS (10,000-75,000 VA) MDC Series DC Power Systems Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NForcER Series HX Series
HBS Sealsafe High Bay HBE Industra4 HBE Industra4 LG HCF Compact Fluorescent High Bay HBC Compact Fluorescent High Bay FTV Industra5 Fluorescent High Bay LightWing Fluorescent High Bay FBF Fluorescent High Bay FBE Fluorescent High Bay FGL Fluorescent Gymnasium Luminaire AlumaBay Fluorescent High Bay HBQ Luminaire
HBO400 Luminaire Open Aluminum Reflector HBE400 Luminaire Enclosed Aluminum Reflector HBO1000 Luminaire Open Aluminum Reflector HBE1000 Luminaire Enclosed Aluminum Reflector HBO400 Luminaire Open Glass Reflector HBE400 Luminaire Enclosed Glass Reflector Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes * Yes * AlumaBay HBO400 Open Alum. Reflector 18 Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide
Product Family
HBO1000 Luminaire Open Glass Reflector HBE1000 Luminaire Enclosed Glass Reflector
Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
Yes Yes HBO400 Luminaire Open Acrylic Reflector HBE400 Luminaire Enclosed Acrylic Reflector HBO1000 Luminaire Open Acrylic Reflector HBE400 Luminaire Enclosed Acrylic Reflector EHO400 Luminaire Open Aluminum or Acrylic Reflector EHE400 Luminaire Enclosed Alum. or Acrylic Reflector EHC Construction Luminaire Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
APL Apex Fluorescent Low Bay HBS Sealsafe Low Bay Luminaire HCF Low Bay Luminaire LBD Low Bay Luminaire LBN Low Bay Luminaire LBH Low Bay 400 Luminaire EHL Stocker Low Bay Luminaire LBQ Low Bay Luminaire LLQ Low Bay Luminaire LLB Low Bay Luminaire LLC Low Bay Luminaire LLB Luminaire/AC12 Optical HBA400 Low Bay Acrylic
LBF Low Bay Food Processing Luminaire LLF Low Bay Food Processing Luminaire HBF High Bay Food Processing Luminaire
LBA Expressions Luminaire HBD Expressions Acrylic Luminaires HBD Expressions Glass Luminaires HBD Expressions Aluminum Luminaires HBD Expressions Acrylic Luminaires HBD Expressions D/I Acrylic Luminaires HBD Expressions D/I Acrylic Luminaires HBD Expressions D/I Acrylic Luminaires HBD Expressions D/I Acrylic Luminaires DHN Expressions DH Luminaire DHW Expressions DH Luminaire
Halogen Docklight LED Docklight HBO LogistixPro Aisle Lighter HBE LogistixPro Aisle Lighter HBO Aisle Lighting Luminaire HBE Aisle Lighting Luminaire HI/LO Type 1 Integral Control HI/LO Type 2 Control Wire HI/LO Controls VIN Incandescent Vapolet Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes APL Apex Fluorescent Low Bay LBF Low Bay Food Processing Expressions HBD Acrylic LED Docklight Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide 19
Product Family
VIN Incandescent Vapolet VFN Compact Fluorescent Vapolet VHN Small HID Vapolet VHN Large HID Vapolet RDS Designer 2x2 HID Static RHC Recessed Open High Bay RP3 3” Recessed 2x2 HID/Paralouver III RCE Ulti-Min Recessed 1X1
FSL Large Floodlight FSM Medium Floodlight FSI Intermediate Floodlight FSS Small Floodlight FSN Mini Floodlight FLI Intermediate Floodlight FLP Round Floodlight FLR PAR Lamp Floodlight NFM Floodlight NFL Mini Floodlight FLC Small CFL Floodlight FLD Small CFL Floodlight LGL League Lighter Floodlight PM2 Pro-Max 2 Sports Flood SBX1000 Area/Site Luminaire SBX400 Area/Site Luminaire SBM Small Area/Site Luminaire GLR Round Parking Garage Luminaire UDD Dusk-to-Dawn Light WLL Wall Light/Large WLM Wall Light/Medium WLR Large Low Profile Wall Pack WLP Medium Low Profile Wall Pack WLT Small Low Profile Wall Pack BIS Barista RLM Series Reflectors BIS Barista RLM Series Reflectors BLN Barista Linear DNL Large Direct/Indirect Wall Light DNM Medium Direct/Indirect Wall Light DNS Small Direct/Indirect Wall Light DRL Large Remote Direct/Indirect Wall Light DRM Medium Remote Direct/Indirect Wall Light DRS Small Remote Direct/Indirect Wall Light WCL Large Full Cutoff Wall Pack WCM Medium Full Cutoff Wall Pack/Dark Skies WCR Medium Full Cutoff Wall Pack/Dark Skies WCS Medium Full Cutoff Wall Pack/Dark Skies WPG Small Glass Wall Pack/Dark Skies WLI Intermediate Wall Light WLA Directolite Wall Light CS Small Canopy/Wall Light
Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No** No** Yes No** No** Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No** No** No** Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes RCE Ulti-Min Recessed 1x1 FSM Medium Floodlight WLL Wall Light/Large BIS Barista RLM Series Reflectors 20 Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide
Product Family
WLS/WLD Wall Light/Small WLC/WLB Cutoff Wall Light WTN/WRN/WBN Mini LED Wall Lights NWL Wall Light NWP Wall Pack DSS Designer Surface Square CLS Steel Canopy Luminaire CLI Canopy Light CLR Recessed Canopy Light CLL LED Canopy NCL Canopy Light NQF Quartz Floodlights NPL PAR Lamp Holder
SQS Square Straight Steel Poles RTS Round Tapered Steel Poles RSS Round Straight Steel Poles SSA Square Straight Aluminum Poles RTA Round Tapered Aluminum Poles RSA Round Straight Aluminum Poles
Qualifies for Buy American Act
VMA Series Mpac Arch. Linear Fluorescent VMP Series Mpac Arch. Linear Fluorescent VEW Series Vandal Enclosed Wrap V7A Series Linear Low Profile Fluorescent V7S Series Low Profile Fluorescent Sconce V8L Series Linear Fluorescent V8S Series Linear Low Profile Sconce VA13 Series Architectural Round VA16 Series Architectural Round VR Series Vigil 13” Decorative Round Luminaire VR Series Vigil 13” Decorative Round Luminaire VO Series Vigil 13” Decorative Oval Luminaire VO Series Vigil 13” Decorative Oval Luminaire VR2 Series Vigil II 13” Decorative Round Luminaire VR2 Series Vigil II 13” Semi-Recessed Decorative Round Luminaire VR15 Series 15” Decorative Round Luminaire VLW Series Decorative Wall Mount VS Series Surface Mount Luminaire VL Series Wall Light VL Series Cutoff Wall Light VSS Series Surface Mount Square Luminaire CFL VSS Series Surface Mount Square Luminaire HID VSR Series Surface Mount Round Luminaire CFL VSR Series Surface Mount Round Luminaire HID VSE Series Surface Mount Entry Light 60 LINE MAX Wet Location Exit MAX SD20 Series Surface Mount MAX SD15 Series Surface Mount MAX WD Series Wall Mount Linear Fluorescent Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No** No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
CLI Canopy Light VMA Series Mpac VA16 Architectural Round Max SD15 Series Surface Mount Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide 21
Product Family
MAX WH Series Wall Mount MAX WS Series Wall Mount MAX CL Series Corner Mount MAX CF Series Corner Mount MAX CD Series Corner Mount V5W/V9W/V13W Series Wraparound (16ga.) VDW Series Designer Wraparound VCA Series Caravel Wraparound SMR Series Surface Modular SL Series Security Light DPG Series Designer Recessed Luminaire V2 Series Specification Vaporlume
LI Lighting Interface LCR Cover Receptacle LD Lighting Distribution Cable RC Reddy Connect Cable “D” Series RD Reddy Connect Distribution Cable “D” Series LC Lighting Cable LS Lighting Switch Unit LA Lighting Adapter (“D” Series and Type 4) LA Lighting Adapter (Type 7) LJ Lighting Junction (Splitter) HLD HID Auto-Phase Lighting Dist. Cable HLC HID Auto-Phase Lighting Cable HLT HID Auto-Phase Lighting Tap HLA HID Lighting Adapter DLD/DLC 10 GA Lighting Dist. Cable/Lighting Cable DLT/DLJ 10 GA Lighting Tap Cable/Power Splitter WTB/WLD Wet Flex Liquidtight Tap Box/Dist. Cable WLC/WLT Wet Flex Liquidtight Ext./Cord Drop Cable PI Convenience Power Interface PB Power Distribution Box PC Power Cable PA Power Adapter (Type 7 & 8) AFB-1 Access Floor Service Outlet Box AFB-3 Access Floor Service Outlet Box
Qualifies for Buy American Act 1
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes V9W Series Wraparound * * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes LC Lighting Cable HLA HID Lighting Adapter 22 Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide
Products that are noted with “YES” next to them are commercial-off-the-shelf products made and/or assembled in the United States and are therefore domestic end products or domestic construction material in full compliance with the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C.> –10d
*The North American Free Trade Agreement Exception to the Buy American Act: The Buy American Act is a law that is often included in federal and some state contracts. Under the law, products must be manufactured in the United States. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) provides an exception to the Buy American requirement. The NAFTA exception applies only if the contract between the government and the prime/general contractor exceeds specified dollar thresholds.
The NAFTA dollar thresholds are different depending on the type of contract. For construction contracts, the contract amount must be more than $9,110,318. Assuming the contract exceeds this amount, both Canadian and Mexican products can be sold to the government. In cases where Philips is acting as a subcontractor, it is important to make sure the prime/general contractor is looking at the correct contract when applying the NAFTA exception. The only contract the prime/general should review is the contract that was awarded by the government. In other words, contracts between the prime/general and other vendors are not part of the calculation.
If you have any questions as to whether a NAFTA exception is available for your project please contact the Stimulus War Room Team at (781) 423-9223 or by email address
No** – For these products there is a Buy American option available. Please contact the factory for details.
Philips Day-Brite ARRA Guide 23
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