525-14-PQ RFQC

The Board of Regents of the
University System of Georgia
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Accessibility Transition Plan
Solicitation Date: February 5, 2014
RFQ Due Date: March 5, 2014
February 5, 2014
February 5, 2014
General Project Information
A. Background
B. Project Information
C. Scope of Services
D. Resources
E. Submission Requirements and Instructions
for Preparing Statement of Qualification
F. Selection Process
G. Submittal of Questions & Request for Clarification
H. Cost for Preparing Qualifications
Additional Terms & Conditions
J. Miscellaneous Provisions
K. Attachments / Reference Documents
General Project Information
A. Background
When the Georgia Institute of Technology opened in 1888 as the Georgia School of Technology, the campus
was on the outskirts of the developing city of Atlanta. Today the campus is comprised of 190 buildings on
approximately 400 acres in Midtown, one of the most vibrant urban areas of the city of Atlanta. Located
approximately 2 miles north of downtown Atlanta, the Georgia Tech campus is generally bounded by North
Avenue on the south, Tech Parkway on the west, Tenth Street on the north and the I-75-85 freeway connector
on the east. Tech facilities also extend east of the I-75/85 freeway corridor along Fifth Street to an area known
as Technology Square and west of Tech Parkway to Northside Drive. The North Avenue Research Area
(NARA) campus is located west of the main campus and south of the railroad tracks on North Avenue.
Undergraduate and graduate student enrollment for the academic year of 2013 is 21,471 students within
7 colleges.
B. Project Information
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity
for persons with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations,
commercial facilities and transportation.
In 1999, Georgia Tech completed an ADA Study that examined programs, services and facilities to identify
barriers to accessibility make recommendations and establish priorities for addressing barriers. The study was
conducted by the Georgia Tech Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access (CATEA). The
study did not include Georgia Tech Student Housing.
“The Act applies to all facilities, including both facilities built before and after 1990. As a necessary step to a
program access plan to provide accessibility under the ADA, state and local government, public entities or
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agencies are required to perform self-evaluations of their current facilities, relative to the accessibility
requirements of the ADA. The agencies are then required to develop a Program Access Plan, which can be
called a Transition Plan, to address any deficiencies. The Plan is intended to achieve the following:
(1) identify physical obstacles that limit the accessibility of facilities to
individuals with disabilities
(2) describe the methods to be used to make the facilities accessible,
(3) provide a schedule for making the access modifications and
(4) identify the public officials responsible for implementation of the Transition Plan.
The Plan is required to be updated periodically until all accessibility barriers are removed.”
ADA legislation requires that Georgia Tech update the transition plan that was developed in the 1990’s. The
first step in developing a transition plan is to evaluate accessibility at all levels across the institution
1) Employment,
2) Programs and activities
3) Effective communications
4) Program and facility accessibility
The facility portion of the transition plan, which is the focus of this RFQ, is a comprehensive plan for the
renovation/alteration, and/or repair of existing facilities and access routes. Opportunity for the public to
provide input on the transition plan, in the form of comments, is required. The transition plan includes:
List of facilities examined
Identification of barriers to accessibility
Detailed recommendations for removing barriers
Develop priorities for removing barriers
Develop a schedule for achieving compliance
Identify the person responsible for compliance
Georgia Tech is committed to compliance with the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design for all new
construction, alterations and changes to buildings, parking and to paths of travel, however, our ultimate goal
is to go beyond compliance and provide “universal design” to all programs, services and facilities.
In order to update the existing Transition Plan, we are seeking to engage a consultant to assess the existing
conditions and develop a plan that will identify requirements for compliance with the 2010 ADA Standards
for Accessible Design as well as meeting with the Georgia Tech’s Center for Assistive Technology and
Environmental Access (CATEA) to develop recommendations for universal design to facilities.
The Georgia Tech Office of Capital Planning & Space Management will manage this project. The selection
of the transitional planning Team will be based on qualifications that reflect the ability to provide
comprehensive and integrated Master Planning services. The ADA Transition Plan shall include the campus
as shown in the boundary plan provided in D. Resources on page 4.
Outlined below is a proposed scope of work for the ADA Transition Plan.
C. Scope of Services
The Transition Plan will address existing campus facilities and identify potential upgrades required for
compliance with Title II of the ADA.
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The selected Consultant team (Consultant) will assist Georgia Tech (GT) in updating its Transition Plan with
regard to Title II compliance and applicable federal and state regulations for campus facilities.
The study will include assessment of compliance with all scoping and technical requirements in the 2010
ADA Accessibility Standards for all areas affected by ADA Title II requirements including building
ingress/egress for (academic, housing, administrative, athletic and support) buildings and paths of travel from
parking lots and transit facilities to destination buildings. The work will include the preparation of interior and
exterior ADA compliance surveys and reports to identify if existing campus facilities are compliant with
ADA and all applicable codes and Georgia state regulations. Surveying will be accomplished in close
coordination with campus representatives to minimize any potential impacts to teaching, research and other
daily activities. Recommendations should consider existing campus master plans, integrate sustainable
practices and utilize limited financial resources.
For facilities that are deemed non-compliant and require upgrades, the Transition Plan will address priorities,
timelines and budget estimates of the alternatives needed for both compliance and universal design.
In addition to the existing facilities surveys, separate planning efforts are required for both Georgia Tech’s
existing transportation systems and updates to the campus Parking Plan. Georgia Tech Center for GIS will
provide a campus parking map with handicapped spaces identified in all parking areas, including parking
decks. The Transition Plan will have an Executive Summary with Project Statement.
The selected Consultant will coordinate with a campus Transition Plan Team with representatives from
Capital Planning and Space Management, Facilities Design and Construction, CATEA and campus
stakeholders throughout the project. It is expected that the selected firm will make periodic programming
progress presentations to GT.
The selected Consultant will also be required to meet on campus with the GT Planning & Design Commission
(PDC) to discuss and present the programming analysis and recommendations. One presentation to the PDC
is anticipated. GT utilizes the PDC to advise and assist in the master planning and architectural development
of the campus. The PDC is made up of several eminent architects and landscape architects from across the
United States, each recognized for his or her achievements in planning and design. The PDC also includes
senior members of the Institute staff.
In addition to these presentations, the selected firm may also be required to meet on campus with the GT
Executive Planning & Design Commission (EPDC) to discuss and preview project design information in
preparation for PDC presentations. The EPDC consists of senior members of the Institute staff.
D. Resources
The following information will be available for use by the selected firm:
1. Campus Boundary Plan
2. Full and unlimited access to the sites, excluding GT Athletic Facilities, GTRI and Housing. Special
arrangements will need to be organized for access to these buildings on campus.
3. INSITE Survey drawings of existing sites and conditions, when available. The Campus Existing
Conditions Plan and the 2010 color aerial photograph will be provided.
4. A Building Entrance Study compiled by the Office of Capital Planning & Space Management that
includes all entrances, ramps and interior elevators.
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5. A Campus Plan of existing ADA Parking Spaces in parking lots and parking decks developed by the
Center for GIS.
6. The CATEA 1999 ADA Assessment Plan.
Item 1. Strategic Planning
The Consultant and GT will develop project goals and objectives based on an understanding of
GT’s existing policies, plans and design guidelines including the Campus Master Plan and the Campus
Landscape Master Plan and the Georgia Tech Design Standards. In addition to the Resources listed above,
the following plans will be provided. (**are available on the Capital Planning & Space Management
website: www.space.gatech.edu/masterplan/ and www.space.gatech.edu/landscapeplan/)
Existing reference plans include:
• 2004 Campus Master Plan Update**
• 2010 Landscape Master Plan**
• 2009 Parking & Transportation Master Plan**
• Georgia Tech-CATEA 1999 ADA Assessment Plan**
• Georgia Tech Design Standards (“Yellow Book”) (go to www.facilities.gatech.edu/dc/standards)
The Transition Plan shall meet all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, state criteria for the
physically disabled, including ADA.
Item 2. Survey Data Collection
The Consultant will establish survey team(s) which will conduct surveys based on forms developed by
Consultant in consultation with the GT. Survey data must be compatible with the existing campus databases,
including ArcGIS and AutoCAD.
Facilities to be surveyed include but are not limited to those listed in Appendix A, which include the Building
Entrance Study, GT Parking Lot Zone Map and Center for GIS Parking information.
Item 3. Survey Data Report
A separate survey and cost report shall be created for each facility and designated exterior area. Each survey
report will identify compliance status of each facility with regards to both federal and state standards and
include the following sections:
A. Listing of facilities that are in compliance with current standards.
B. Listing of facilities that are not in compliance with current ADA requirements.
C. Recommended actions (from compliance to universal design) to resolve non-compliance issues for
each facility identified in “B” above.
D. ”Cost report" that assigns conceptual budget estimates to each recommended action.
E. Documentation of all conditions with digital photography.
F. Database compatible with Georgia Tech’s existing campus databases.
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Item 3.1: Campus Buildings & Other Facilities to be surveyed
A. All Campus Buildings will need to be surveyed for ADA compliance.
B. Accessible routes within the building.
C. Paths of travel for major pedestrian routes between building entrances and campus transit stop, onstreet parking and parking deck locations.
D. Locations of ADA accessible signage and wayfinding will be documented.
Item 3.2: Campus Parking Plan
A. The existing parking lots, parking structures and streets will be reviewed for conformance with ADA
B. Areas needing improvements will be identified.
C. Areas that could be feasibly improved to expand the number of ADA accessible parking spaces will
be identified and the types of improvements required will be documented.
D. Areas for potential improvements will be prioritized with preference given to their relation to major
accessible corridors within the campus, total demand and order of magnitude of probable construction
Item 4: Transition Plan
A. The purpose of the Transition Plan is to:
1. Define status of ADA compliance on campus.
2. If not in compliance, the consultant will identify what needs to be modified and provide potential
3. Provide cost estimate for each modification.
4. Assist the campus in prioritizing modifications.
5. Define a schedule for when modification will occur (Implementation Plan).
6. Define an ongoing budget for modifications and provide cost effective compliance options for
Georgia Tech.
B. Consultant shall:
1. Define non-compliant conditions that do not need to be mitigated by structural
retrofit and provide programmatic alternatives.
2. Review existing ADA documentation.
3. Consult with GT to help avoid discriminatory conditions, practices and policies that address the
public and employees.
4. Consult with CATEA to develop recommendations for options to provide universal design.
C. The Transition Plan development process is as follows:
1. An initial "kick-off' meeting to identify goals, objectives, process and format.
2. As surveys and Transition Plan sections are completed, GT will review results and subsequent
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3. Revisions to Draft Plan will result in an Administrative Draft Plan for GT review. A Final Draft
Plan will be made available for public review, input and commentary. Consultant shall consult
with GT for appropriate public input opportunities throughout the creation of the Transition Plan.
4. Following review and public input, the Draft Plan will be finalized.
D. The Transition Plan will be a “living document” in the form of a database. It will allow GT staff to
update the campus Transition Plan through the existing campus databases.
Deliverables will include but are not limited to the Transition Plan (which shall contain the Survey Data
Reports) and the Survey Database. Descriptions of the deliverables are presented below.
Survey Reports –for inclusion in one or more appendices to the Transition Plan.
Survey Database – The survey data shall be submitted at completion of the surveys in an electronic
format to be determined.
Administrative Draft Transition Plan
Final Transition Plan
E.Submission Requirements and Instructions for Preparing Statements of Qualifications
The following Schedule of Events represents the Owner’s best estimate of the schedule for the
implementation of this selection process. All times indicated are prevailing times in Atlanta, Georgia. The
Owner reserves the right to adjust the schedule as necessary.
a. Owner issues RFQ to selected firms
February 5
b. Owner conducts pre-proposal site-visit (Location: TBD)
February 19
February 24
2:00 pm
February 27
2:00 pm
March 5
2:00 pm
c. Deadline for written questions/requests for clarification (see section
d. Deadline for Owner responses to written questions/requests for
e. Deadline for submission of Statements of Qualifications
f. Selection Committee interviews finalist firms
Delivery Date and Instructions:
Proposers should provide four (4) copies and one (1) electronic copy (pdf format on a disk) to be mailed or
otherwise delivered to the address below so as to arrive not later than 2:00pm on March 5, 2014.
Mailing or Delivery Address:
Anne Boykin-Smith, Master Planner
Office of Capital Planning & Space Management
Lyman Hall, Room 125
225 North Avenue, N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30332-0690
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Each submittal shall be identical and include a transmittal letter. Submittals must be typed on standard (81/2”
x 11”) paper. The pages of the qualification submittals must be numbered. A table of contents, with
corresponding tabs, must be included to identify each section. Responses are limited to twenty (20) doublesided pages or less using a minimum of an 11-point font. Any exhibits, affidavits or other enclosure
information called for may be included in an appendix and will not count toward the total. Each Statement of
Qualifications shall be prepared simply and economically, providing straightforward, concise delineation of
respondent’s capabilities. Fancy bindings, colored displays, and promotional materials are not desired.
Emphasis must be on completeness, relevance, and clarity to content. The content of all Statement of
Qualifications must be categorized and numbered as outlined below and be responsive to all requested
1. Description and Resources of Firm
a- Provide basic company information: Company name, address, name of primary contact, telephone number,
fax number, E-mail address, and company website (if available). If the firm has multiple offices, the
qualification statement shall include information about the parent company and branch office separately.
Identify office from which project will be managed and this office’s proximity to the project site. Provide
form of ownership, including state of residency or incorporation, and number of years in business. Is the
offeror a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), or other
structure? The Owner does not desire to enter into “joint-venture” agreements with multiple professional
consulting firms. In the event two or more firms desire to “team up”, it is strongly recommended that
one incorporated firm propose and maintain status as the Professional Consulting Firm of Record with
the remaining firms participating as major consultants. A2- Briefly describe the history and growth of
your firm(s). Provide general information about the firm's personnel resources, including disciplines and
numbers of employees and locations and staffing of offices
b- Has the firm ever been removed from a professional consulting services contract or failed to complete a
contract as assigned?
c- Complete the Certification Form (Exhibit “A” enclosed with RFQ), and provide a notarized original with
response as section “A9” of the firm’s Statement of Qualifications. (This one-page form submission shall
not be considered part of the page limits)
2. Experience and Qualifications
a- Provide professional qualifications and description of experience for all key team members and where they
are physically located.
Resume, professional qualifications, three (3) references and a representative portfolio of past work
of the specific individual proposed as the Project Executive. (Note: references cannot be employees
at GT for project work performed at GT)
Resume, professional qualifications and three (3) references of the designated Project Manager, and
other key team members are also required. (Note: references cannot be employees at GT for project
work performed at GT)
Resume, professional qualifications and three (3) references of key members of consultant firms
(MEP engineers, Programmer, etc.) are required. (Note: references cannot be employees at GIT for
project work performed at GT)
Proposed team organization including major consultant firms that will form the consultant team and
the past history of collaboration with these firms.
Narrative briefly describing the planning approach that will be taken on the project, to include a
proposed milestone schedule.
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List of all sub-consultants including addresses, qualifications, areas of responsibility, experience,
professional certifications, and licensing as appropriate.
Provide information on the firm’s experience on projects of similar type, size, function, and complexity.
Describe no more than seven (7) and no less than three (3) projects completed within the past ten years,
in order of most relevant to least relevant, which demonstrate the firm's capabilities to perform the
project at hand. For each project, the following information should be provided:
Project name, location and dates during which services were performed.
Brief description and representative and physical description (square footage, number of buildings,
site area, etc.)
Services performed by your firm.
Identify the roles and responsibility of proposed team members involved for each project. If no
proposed team members were involved, indicate, "NO PROPOSED TEAM MEMBERS WORKED
Owner’s stated satisfaction in design and service of your firm.
Owner’s current contact information.
3. Statement of Suitability
Provide any information that may serve to differentiate the firm from other firms in suitability for the
project. Provide evidence of the firm’s fit to the project and/or needs of the Owner, any special or unique
qualifications for the project; Provide current and projected workloads, the proximity of office to project
location, and any services offered by the firm that may be particularly suitable for this project.
Provide M/WBE status and any non-discrimination and affirmative action policies of the firm. Provide
evidence of experience and proficiency with design of public buildings with regard to the areas of public
safety, accessibility for persons with disabilities and special needs, and environmental concerns.
F. Selection Process
It is expected that the entire selection process, optional site visits, interviews, and final selection of the firm
will be completed in early October, 2014. Selection of the Professional Consultant will be qualificationsbased and will generally follow the requirements of Georgia Code Title 50 Chapter 22. A selection of the
finalists firm will be made by a Selection Committee consisting of representatives of the Institute.
The Selection Committee will receive and evaluate Statements of Qualifications submitted in response to this
RFQ, using the following criteria:
Criteria for evaluation of Statements of Qualifications
25% Factor:
Stability of the firm, including the firm’s corporate history, growth, resources, form of
ownership, litigation history, financial information, and other evidence of stability.
45% Factor:
The Consultant’s relevant project experience and qualifications, including the demonstrated
ability of firm in effective transition planning of facilities comparable in complexity, size, and
function, for Institutions of Higher Education or public facilities in the past ten years.
Emphasis will be placed on the relevant experience and qualifications of the key team
members, including but not limited to the principal Professional Consultant(s), lead staff, and
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key sub consultants. Evidence of relevant competencies for comparable projects will be
taken into consideration.
30% Factor:
Firm’s apparent suitability to provide services for project, including past performance on
firm’s apparent fit to the project type and/or needs of the Owner, performance on past work
and any special or unique qualifications for the project, current and projected workloads, the
proximity of office to project location, and services offered by the firm. The firm’s nondiscrimination policies, any affirmative action policies and/or stated efforts for the inclusion
of Minority-Owned and/or Woman-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE) will be a part of
this evaluation. Experience and proficiency with the programming and design of public
buildings with regard to the areas of public safety and health, accessibility for persons with
disabilities and special needs, and environmental concerns will be considered.
Finalist Notification
The selected Firm will receive written notification from the Owner.
Georgia Tech reserves the right to interview the firms submitting proposals. Each firm shall be notified in
writing and informed of the place and time for the interview session. Detailed interview instructions and
requirements of the finalists will be provided in the Notification. All members of the Selection Committee
will be present during all of the presentations and interviews. Firms shall not address any questions prior to
the interview to anyone other than designated contact.
Final Selection
Upon completion of the evaluation and interview process by the Selection Committee, the firms will be
ranked in descending order of recommendation. Negotiations will then be initiated with the best-qualified
firm to finalize the terms and conditions of the contract. In the event a satisfactory fee agreement cannot be
reached with the highest ranking firm, the Owner will formally terminate the negotiations in writing and enter
into negotiations in turn with the second highest ranking firm and so on until a mutual agreement is
established and the Owner awards architectural professional services contract. The requirements of this RFQ
and subsequent amendments will be incorporated into the contract as an Exhibit.
G. Submittal of Questions and Request for Clarification
Questions about any aspect of the RFQ, or the project, shall be submitted in writing via e-mail to:
The deadlines for submission of questions relating to the RFQ are the times and dates shown in the (Schedule
of Events- Section 4). All relevant questions and requests for clarification received by the Institution and
the corresponding responses will distributed to the firms as an addendum to the original solicitation for
services. From the issue date of this solicitation until a successful proposer is selected and the selection is
announced, respondents are not allowed to communicate for any reason with any members or employees of
the BOR or the Institution except for submission of questions as instructed in the RFQ, or during the
proposer’s conference (if applicable), or as provided by any existing work agreement(s). For violation of his
provision, the Owner shall reserve the right to reject the proposal of the offending proposer.
Procedural questions and clarifications regarding this RFQ should be reserved for the pre-qualification
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Proposers shall direct all questions via email to the Georgia Tech Office of Capital Planning & Space
Management, attn: Anne Boykin-Smith (anne.smith@spaceplan.gatech.edu). Responses to all questions and
requests for information will be compiled and answered in the form of a written addendum. Phone requests
will not receive a response.
H. Cost for Preparing Proposals
The cost for preparing proposals in response to this RFQ is the sole responsibility of the proposing firms. The
Owner will not provide reimbursement for such costs.
I. Additional Terms & Conditions
Restriction of Communication
From the issue date of this RFQ solicitation until a successful proposer is selected and the selection is
announced, proposers are not allowed to communicate about this solicitation or this Project for any reason
with any members of the Selection Committee, the Institution, or BOR, except for submission of questions as
instructed in the RFQ, or during the proposer's conference (if applicable), or as provided by any existing work
agreement(s). For violation of this provision, the Owner reserves the right to reject the proposal of the
offending proposer.
Submittal Costs and Confidentiality
All expenses for preparing and submitting responses are the sole cost of the party submitting the response.
The Owner is not obligated to any party to reimburse such expenses. All submittals upon receipt become the
property of the Owner. Labeling information provided in submittals “proprietary” or “confidential”, or any
other designation of restricted use will not protect the information from public view. Subject to the provisions
of the Open Records Act, the details of the proposal documents will remain confidential until final award.
Award Conditions
This request is not an offer to contract or a solicitation of bids. This request and any statement of
qualifications or proposal submitted in response, regardless of whether the proposal is determined to be the
best proposal, is not binding upon the Owner and does not obligate the Owner to procure or contract for any
services. Neither the Owner nor any party submitting a response will be bound unless and until a written
contract mutually accepted by both parties is negotiated as to its terms and conditions and is signed by the
Owner and a party containing such terms and conditions as are negotiated between those parties. The Owner
reserves the right to waive non-compliance with any requirements of this Request for Proposal and to reject
any or all proposals submitted in responses. Upon receipt and review of responses, the Owner will determine
the party(s) and proposal that in the sole judgment of the Owner is in the best interest of the Owner (if any is
so determined), with respect to the evaluation criteria stated herein. The Owner then intends to conduct
negotiations with such party(s) to determine if a mutually acceptable contract may be reached.
Reciprocal Preference Law
For the purposes of evaluation only, a proposer that resides in the State of Georgia will be granted the same
preference over proposers that reside in another State in the same manner, on the same basis, and to the same
extent that preference is granted in awarding bids for the same goods or services by such other State to
proposers that reside therein. For the purposes of this law, the definition of a resident proposer is one who
maintains a place of business with at least one employee inside the State of Georgia. A P.O. Box address will
not satisfy this requirement.
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Joint-Venture Proposals
The Owner does not desire to enter into “joint-venture” agreements with multiple firms. In the event two or
more firms desire to “team up” it is strongly recommended that one incorporated firm propose and maintain
status as the contracted lead firm with the remaining firms participating as major consultants to the lead firm.
Minority and Small Business Enterprise
It is the policy of the State of Georgia that minority-owned business enterprises (MBE), woman-owned
business enterprises (WBE) and small business enterprises (SBE), have a fair and equal opportunity to
participate in the State purchasing process. Therefore, the Owner encourages all MBE, WBE and SBE to
compete for contracts to provide goods, services, and construction, and encourages contractors to solicit
MBE, WBE and SBE in procuring subcontractors and suppliers. This desire on the part of the Owner is not
intended to restrict or limit competitive bidding or to increase the cost of the work. The Owner supports a
healthy free market system that seeks to include responsible businesses and provides ample opportunity for
business growth and development. Contractors and subcontractors who utilize qualified minority
subcontractors may qualify for a Georgia state income tax credits for qualified payments made to minority
subcontractors. See Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) O.C.G.A. Section 48-7-38. For more
information, please contact:
The Governor's Entrepreneur and Small Business Office
75 Fifth Street, Suite 825
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
Phone: 404.962.4071
J.Miscellaneous Provisions
Right to Reject Proposals. Georgia Institute of Technology reserves the right to reject any and all
qualifications and/or proposals.
Form of Contract. A professional services form of contract will be used. It can be found at this website http://www.usg.edu/ref/contracts/contracts/DP_for_CMGC.pdf. The contract will be with Georgia Institute
of Technology. Prospective submitters are urged to carefully read this contract prior to submitting their
Minority Business Policy. It is the policy of Georgia Institute of Technology that minority business
enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the contracting and purchasing process.
Therefore, all minority business enterprises are encouraged to compete for, win, and receive contracts for
professional services as required by this RFQ. Also, the Owner encourages all companies to sub-contract
portions of the scope of work to minority business enterprises.
Policy on Drug-Free Workplace. Award of a contract is contingent upon the Architect certifying that a drugfree workplace will be provided for the Contractor’s employees during the performance of the contract as
required by the “Drug-Free Workplace Act” (O.C.G.A. 50-24-1).
ADA Guidelines. Georgia Institute of Technology adheres to the guidelines set forth in the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA). Accordingly, provisions will be made to make your use of the services provided by
Georgia Tech easier and more accessible. We ask that you call the Project Manager in advance at (404) 8946974 if you require special arrangements when you attend the prequalification meeting, or if you visit our
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offices. Please give at least three days notice. The Georgia Relay Center at 1–800-255-0056 (TDD Only) or
1-800-255-0135 (Voice) will relay messages for the speech and/or hearing impaired in strict confidence.
K. Attachments:
• Campus Boundary Plan that includes the area of the ADA Accessibility Transition Plan 2014
End of RFQ
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(Exhibit “A”)
I, _____________________________, being duly sworn, state that I am ______________________(title) of
_______________________________(firm) and hereby duly certify that I have read and understand the
information presented in the attached proposal and any enclosure and exhibits thereto.
I further certify that to the best of my knowledge the information given in response to the request for
proposals is full, complete and truthful.
I further certify that the proposer and any principal employee of the proposer have not, in the
immediately preceding five years, been convicted of any crime of moral turpitude or any felony offense, nor
has had their professional license suspended, revoked or been subjected to disciplinary proceedings.
I further certify that the proposer has not, in the immediately preceding five years, been suspended or
debarred from contracting with any federal, state or local government agency, and further, that the proposer is
not now under consideration for suspension or debarment from any such agency.
I further certify that the proposer has not in the immediately preceding five years been defaulted in
any federal, state or local government agency contract, and further, that the proposer is not now under any
notice of intent to default on any such contract.
I acknowledge, agree and authorize, and certify that the proposer acknowledges, agrees and
authorizes, that the Board of Regents may, by means that the Board of Regents deems appropriate,
determine the accuracy and truth of the information provided by the proposer and that the Board of Regents
or their agents may contact any individual or entity named in the Statement of Qualifications for the purpose
of verifying the information supplied therein.
I acknowledge and agree that all of the information contained in the Statement of Qualifications is
submitted for the express purpose of inducing the Owner to award a contract.
A material false statement or omission made in conjunction with this proposal is sufficient cause for
suspension or debarment from further contracts, or denial of rescission of any contract entered into based
upon this proposal thereby precluding the firm from doing business with, or performing work for, the State of
Georgia. In addition, such false statement or omission may subject the person and entity making the
proposal to criminal prosecution under the laws of the State of Georgia of the United States, including but not
limited to O.C.G.A. §16-10-20, 18 U.S.C. §§1001 or 1341.
Sworn and subscribed before me
This _____ day of ________, 2014.
My Commission Expires: _________________
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(Exhibit “B”)
Name of Applying Firm: _____________________________________________________
State the name and address of Applying Firm’s professional liability insurance
carrier ____________________________________________________________________
Amount of coverage - $ ______________________________________________________
Amount of deductible per claim: $ ______________________________________________
Indicate the status of the Applying Firm and Associated Firm, if applicable:
ASSOCIATED FIRM: _______________
Sworn and subscribed before me
This ____day of ________, 2014
My Commission expires: _________________
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