UC ELC Extract Procedures

UC ELC Extract Procedures
April 21, 2016
1. Overview **
2. Configure the Create UC Data Files Form**
Entering Additional Required Data **
Specific Fields for the ELC Extract
Specific Fields for the TES Extract**
Specific Fields for the FN Extract
Specific Fields for Student Contact Data
3. Create the Data File
Verify the Students
Create the Extract File
Upload the Extract File
** = New or updated information
UC ELC Extract Procedures
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The UC ELC Transcript Extract program allows a School to extract data from Aeries Client Version
that includes student history and demographic information. This information is then sent as electronic
transcripts for the University of California Eligibility in the Local Context program.
This program determines the top students in the junior class based upon the cumulative GPA and
class rank. Then it creates an electronic transcript file for the corresponding students. NOTE - these
students must have parental authorization to be added to this file.
 The Authentication Key is no longer a required field.
 A College Board code or ATP code must be assigned to your school
 It is suggested that you review this year’s UC Record Layout and verify required data
prior to creating the file
 Parental Authorization MUST be received and flagged in a field in STU or SUP prior to
generating the UC ELC extract
 State Standard 3-character ethnicity codes MUST be used
 Verify ALL schools used in Course History are set up in the Course History Institutions
form (CHI table)
 Verify final spring grades have been rolled into history
 If College Entrance Test scores are sent correct test codes MUST be set up and
loaded into the College Entrance Tests form
 Recalculate the Cumulative GPA’s and class rankings prior to creating the extract
 Set up correct UC term codes on the UC ELC form
 Use a KEEP statement in Query for students not to be included in this process, such as
special ed
 After the file is created copy the file to BACKUP
 An ID and password are required to access UC’s software from the UC Assistant Director
Undergraduate Admissions
 Download a copy of the Student_File_Template.xls from the ELC Submission Portal
 Upload the text file to the UC ELC web site
UC ELC Extract Procedures
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Configure the Create UC Data Files Form
From View All Forms double click the mouse on the Create UC ELC Extract option.
The Create UC Data Files form shown below will display. This form has been created to enter the
data required by UC that is not stored within the Aeries database
The data on this form will be extracted by the program along with additional data from various tables
and will be used to create an export data file. It is crucial that the Recompute GPA / Ranks is
processed from this form prior to creating the temporary table.
There are four UC extracts available:
ELC – Eligibility in the Local Context is extracted every June or July for 11th grade students.
TES – Transcript Evaluation Service extracts transcripts for all students. The UCOP evaluates the
transcripts and gives a preparedness (or readiness) report back to the school.
FN – Final Data Extract extracts transcripts for all 12th grade graduates. The UCOP disseminates
this information to the various UC campuses for students who will be attending those campuses.
Student Contact Data (.xls) – Student demographic data of top 15% of 11th grade students.
UCOP uses this data to generate letters to students.
Differences between the TES and FN extracts:
TES includes Work in Progress, FN does not
TES will extract Expected Graduation Dates if a student has not yet graduated, FN only extracts
ACTUAL graduation dates
TES includes only active students, FN will include inactive students
TES will include any student 9th grade and above (unless a Query KEEP limits that further), FN is
only 12th graders
After the desired extract is selected the Create UC Data Files form will change to display the fields
required for that extract.
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Entering Additional Required Data
Additional information must be entered regardless of which extract is being created. Click the mouse
on the radio button to select the extract – ELC, TES, FN or Student Contact Data (.xls).
The first field at the top of the form is Path to Data File. This field must contain the path where the
extract file will be stored. To change the path, type the path name in the field or click the mouse on
the box to the right. A Browse selection box will display to select a path.
The Schools ATP Code is 6-digits and the Authentication Key is 15-digits. This file CANNOT be
processed without the ATP Code. The Authentication Key is optional.
If this is a Magnet School click the mouse on the check box to the left of the option. In the field
displayed enter the Magnet School Name.
Click the mouse on the Recompute GPA/Ranks button and a selection box will display. Select the
GPA to be recalculated and click the mouse on the OK button. When complete the GPA selection will
NOTE: The Recompute GPA/Ranks process will recalculate the cumulative GPA for all of the
students in the database, but will only recalculate the Class Rank if the Transcript
Definition option Calculate Class Ranks (HIS & GRD) is selected. To verify if this
option is turned on follow these steps:
From View All Forms filter for transcript
Click on the Transcript Definition form and then on OK
Click on the GPA Options tab
Click in the box for the Calculate Class Ranks (HIS & GRD) option to turn it on.
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Click on Change to save the changes.
From View All Forms go to the Create UC ELC Extract
The Recompute GPA/Ranks button on the form will now update both the cumulative
GPA and the Class Rank for the students.
Once the extract has been created remember to go back to the Transcript Definitions
and turn off the Calculate Class Ranks (HIS & GRD) option if the school does not
want this option turned on during the normal school year.
Enter the Schools Fax # including the area code and press Tab. The cursor will display in the
Administrative First Name field for the name of the administrative individual that can be contacted
during the summer that can assist UC with any questions. Enter the first name and press Tab then
enter the last name and press Tab.
Enter the Administrative phone number including the area code in the Phone field and press Tab.
Enter the Administrative Email address in the Email field and press Tab.
The cursor will display in the Technical First Name field for the technical individual that can be
contacted during the summer that can assist UC with any data extraction or validation errors in the
extract file. Enter the first name and press Tab then enter the last name and press Tab.
Enter the Technical phone number including the area code in the Phone field and press Tab. Enter
the Technical Email address in the Email field and press Tab.
Specific Fields for the ELC Extract
The following are specific fields that will display and are required for the ELC Extract.
Enter the total number of 11th graders to be extracted in the # of 11th Graders to Extract field.
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NOTE: The # of 11th Graders to Extract will include students regardless of the parent
consent status. A check mark will not display to include them in the file on the
Verifying Students to Extract tab.
The # of 11th grade students listed on the Verify Students to Extract form may be
higher than the value entered on the Basic Info form if several students have the
same class rank as the student with the highest class rank that qualifies to be on
the form.
Enter the Starting and Ending Months for the Current School Year. Click the mouse on the
Calendar Type drop down. Select the calendar type for the current school year. Press Tab.
Complete the same procedure for the Last School Year, 2 School Years Ago and 3 School Years
Ago fields. Press Tab and the cursor will display in the Expected Graduation Date field. Enter the
date these students are expected to graduate and press Tab. Enter the number of Credits that
Equates to One Full Year of Academic Instructions for a course.
Prior to sending any transcripts to UC a parent consent form must be signed. The school site must
select a field in the STU or SUP table to store a flag indicating that there is parent consent to release
information to UC.
In the Table field enter either the STU or SUP table where the flag is stored and press Tab. Enter
the Field name where the student has been flagged for parent consent and press Tab. In the Value
field enter the value selected indicating parent consent has been received.
In the Your Terms area click the mouse on the drop down to select the UC Term code that matches
Your Term. For example, Term 3 is Summer under Your Terms but will be translated to SS1 – 1st
summer term in a Semester calendar in the extract. All terms MUST be compared to the UC
terms and matched correctly.
NOTE: The ONLY terms that MUST be matched are the terms currently used in the HIS
table. For example, if the only terms used are Terms 0 – 3 then Terms 4 – 8 are not
used and will be left blank.
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Specific Fields for the TES Extract
The Include Work in Progress option will default to be included in the TES Extract. The Include
Test Scores option will not be defaulted to on. Use the check boxes to the left of the fields to include
or exclude these options from the TES Extract.
Enter the Starting and Ending Months for the Current School Year. Click the mouse on the
Calendar Type drop down. Select the calendar type for the current school year. Press Tab.
Complete the same procedure for the Last School Year, 2 School Years Ago and 3 School Years
Ago fields. Press Tab and the cursor will display in the Expected Graduation Date field. Enter the
date these students are expected to graduate and press Tab. Enter the number of Credits that
Equates to One Full Year of Academic Instructions for a course.
On the right side of the form under Your Terms all terms will display that have been set up in the
School Options form. All terms MUST be compared to the UC terms and matched.
All terms will automatically default to be included. Click the mouse on the check box on the left to
deselect the terms that will not be included.
Click the mouse on the drop down to select the UC term that matches Your Term. For example,
Term 1 would be marked as Q1 – 1st term in a quarter calendar. Match ALL terms to be
Specific Fields for the FN Extract
The FN Extract includes transcript information for the 12th grade graduates. It should be run after the
final semester grades are copied to the transcripts and after the high school graduation codes and
dates have been updated.
The FN Extract only includes 12th grade students
Will include inactive students
Only extracts ACTUAL graduation dates
Does not include Work in Progress
The following are specific fields that will display and are required for the FN Extract.
Enter the Starting and Ending Months for the Current School Year. Click the mouse on the
Calendar Type drop down. Select the calendar type for the current school year. Press Tab.
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Complete the same procedure for the Last School Year, 2 School Years Ago and 3 School Years
Ago fields.
Enter the number of Credits that Equates to One Full Year of Academic Instructions for a
On the right side of the form under Your Terms all terms will display that have been set up in the
Transcript Definitions form. All terms used in History (HIS) MUST be compared to the UC terms
and matched.
NOTE: The ONLY terms that MUST be matched are the terms currently used in the HIS
table. For example, if the only terms used are Terms 0 – 3 then Terms 4 – 8 are not
used and will be left blank.
Specific Fields for Student Contact Data
The following are specific fields that will display and are required for the Student Contact Data
(.xls) extract.
The fields will default from the values entered on the Basic Info tab. The top 15% of Juniors is the
default value. Change any data if necessary.
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Create the Data File
After all data has been entered click the mouse on the Export Data tab. At the top of the form there
is a text box to add any Comments to UC.
After all information has been entered click the mouse on the Create Temporary Table button. A
progress bar will display while data is being loaded. A message will display when the table has been
Verify the Students
After the temporary table has been created it is important that the students to be extracted are
displayed and verified. Click the mouse on the Verify Students button or the Verify Students to
Extract tab.
The following form will display. If creating the ELC file take note of the # of 11th Graders to Extract
field on the previous Basic Info form. This number will match or be lower than the total number of
records displayed at the bottom of this form.
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REMEMBER: The # of 11th Graders to Extract WILL include students regardless of the parent
consent status. However they will not be included in the file unless selected on
this form.
The # of 11th grade students listed on the Verify Students to Extract form may
be higher than the value entered on the Basic Info form if several students
have the same class rank as the student with the highest class rank that
qualifies to be on the form. Take care when used Decile Ranking – all students
will have a class rank between 1 and 10.
On the left hand side of the form a Select Rec check box will display. The student that does not
display a check mark did not have parent consent when this table was created.
Prior to creating the Export file students can be de-selected or selected by clicking the mouse on the
check box. Students without a check mark will NOT be included in the file. After all students have
been selected click the mouse on the Export tab at the top of the form.
NOTE: ALL School Codes used in course history MUST be set up in the Course History
Institutions (CHI) form or this file will not be created correctly.
Create the Extract File
The accuracy of the data loaded into this file, which includes the Basic Info and the transcript data is
extremely crucial. If UC cannot validate this data it may cause the file to be rejected by UC.
After all information has been entered and the students have been verified click the mouse on the
Create Export File button in the Export tab.
When the Create Export File has been created a message will display indicating the name of the file
and directory where the file is located. Click the mouse on the OK button.
The Student Contact Data file that is created through Aeries Client Version cannot be uploaded
directly into the ELC Submission Portal. Download the Student_File_Template.xls file from the ELC
Submission Portal and save it on the computer. Copy the data from the newly created Student
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Contact Data file into the Student_File_Template.xls making sure to copy only the data. Do not
overwrite the header rows in the template. Save the changes to this file and upload it to the UC
Student Contact Data file:
Upload the Extract File
After the Export file has been created the file can then be uploaded through the UC ELC Student
Extract Software. An ID and password are required from the UC Assistant Director of
Undergraduate Admissions to access their software.
Click the mouse on the link Upload ELC, TES, FN or Student Contact Data File To UC located
below the Create Export File button.
The link accessed is: https://www.ucelc.org/school/
This link will access the following web page for the University of California High School Transcript
NOTE: For any questions in regards to uploading the UC ELC Extract file please contact the
University of California at 1-800-654-8341 ext. 4965.
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