The Banner - Benedictine Military School

The Banner
Benedictine Military School’s class of 2014
Benedictine Military School celebrated its baccalaureate Mass and commencement
exercises for the graduates of the class of 2014 on May 18 in the Cathedral of St.
John the Baptist in downtown Savannah. Benedictine Military School Headmaster Fr.
Frank Ziemkiewicz, O.S.B., was the celebrant. The Very Reverend J. Gerard Schreck,
JCD, JV, delivered the homily. Salutatorian Matthew Peters and Valedictorian John
Solitario gave heartfelt and memorable speeches, and Fr. Frank, Benedictine Military
School Principal Dr. Deborah A. Antosca and Benedictine Military School Assistant
Principal Mr. Jacob Horne conferred dipolmas. Congratulations to all of our graduates
and their families!
June 2014
Letter from the Principal ...
Board of Directors
Mr. William E. Schmitt
Dear Benedictine Family,
One would think that summer at a school would
be a quiet, almost boring time. Far, far from it! We
are all busier than you can imagine, especially this
summer. Fact is, the pace during the summer is
double that of the academic year.
Board of Directors:
Mr. Andrew C. Ambos ’87
Rev. Daniel F. Firmin, J.C.L.
Dr. Joseph K. Hogan ’82
Mr. Martin S. Hogan ’86
Rev. Philip Kanfush, O.S.B.
Sister Johanna Maguire, R.S.M.
Mr. Charles H. Moore, Jr. ’79
Mr. Walter B. Murphy III ’71
All of B-wing is being renovated and upgraded,
so when your sons return in August, they will be
in state-of-the-art classrooms in a state-of-the-art
wing. Students will see a big-screen TV in the well
on which announcements will be streamed. Our
media center now has a computer area with 28
laptops for the boys’ use. We have the beginnings
of a Technology Room where we will in the nottoo-distant future be teaching computer programming and robotics. And that’s only the beginning
of where we’re heading!
Our master schedule is now complete and we are
working on making sure the Cadets are all appropriately placed in course levels which reflect their
academic ability, their attitudes and their motivational levels. Additions to our offerings this year
will be a music program which will include guitar,
keyboard, choir and band. What would it be like to
have a BC marching band at our football games?
Mr. Christopher W. Phillips ’79
Mr. Mark T. Shawe ’73
Mr. William W. Shearouse, Jr. ’66
Sister Lourdes Sheehan, R.S.M.
Mrs. Kathy H. Siler
Mr. Donald M. Thompson ’65
Letter from the Principal ...
Board of Directors
Mr. William E. Schmitt
And a rock band? A jazz band? Professionally
trained voices?
You’ll see our athletic teams, including our incoming freshmen, on the practice fields and training in
the weight room. Our coaches and teachers are preparing for summer camps, including our new music camp. All sports camps will be in session, as
will cheer camp and our study skills class.
Board of Directors:
Mr. Andrew C. Ambos ’87
Rev. Daniel F. Firmin, J.C.L.
Dr. Joseph K. Hogan ’82
Mr. Martin S. Hogan ’86
Rev. Philip Kanfush, O.S.B.
Sister Johanna Maguire, R.S.M.
Mr. Charles H. Moore, Jr. ’79
Mr. Walter B. Murphy III ’71
Mr. Christopher W. Phillips ’79
Mr. Mark T. Shawe ’73
As Abbot Boniface Wimmer said, “Forward, always forward, everywhere forward!” That’s BC in
a nutshell!
Mr. William W. Shearouse, Jr. ’66
Sister Lourdes Sheehan, R.S.M.
Mrs. Kathy H. Siler
Mr. Donald M. Thompson ’65
Wishing you a wonderful summer,
Dr. Deborah A. Antosca, Ed.D.
Benedictine class of 2014 graduation
Benedictine class of 2014 graduation (continued)
Benedictine wins GHSA Class AA baseball state championship
By Noell Barnidge, Communications & Special Events Coordinator
Benedictine Military School’s baseball team defeated Greater Atlanta Christian, 7-2, in
Game 3 of the 2014 GHSA Class AA state championship series on Memorial Day to win the
school’s first state title since 1961. The Cadets finished with a 31-7 record. Congratulations to BC
head coach Kevin Farmer ’92, his assistants, our players and their parents.
BC wins GHSA Class AA baseball state title (continued)
BC wins GHSA Class AA baseball state title (continued)
Cadets study the artwork of Pablo Picasso in Spanish classes
Mrs. Lee Brantley’s Spanish I and Spanish II classes took some time to reflect upon the
artwork of Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. The students sat in the Academic Well and made notes
about the artist’s work, what they thought of it, and how it made them feel. They returned to class
to learn more about Picasso and his work, and discussed the notes they made. The travelling exhibit of Picasso’s art was on display in the Academic Well through May 9. The pieces included
Guernica, Night Fishing in Antibes, and The Dream. Special thanks to the Spanish Club for the
sponsorship of the exhibit and to Mrs. Lee Brantley for the photos.
Senior Retreat
Benedictine Military School’s seniors
spent May 1 enjoying the annual Senior Retreat. The retreat was held on campus instead of at Lake Mayer because of the threat
of inclement weather. Our seniors watched
the movie “Men of Honor,” starring Robert
De Niro and Cuba Gooding, Jr., and enjoyed
popcorn, cookies and other snacks. Later,
when the sun came out, they went outside
on the plaza and played Frisbee and basketball. They also were granted a half-day.
June and July Calendar of Events
June 3 - JROTC uniform fitting and issue (incoming freshmen)
June 4 - JROTC uniform fitting and issue (incoming freshmen)
June 5 - JROTC uniform fitting and issue (incoming freshmen)
June 9 - Survivors Club luncheon at Alumni Hall, 11:30 a.m.
June 9-20 - Benedictine Sports Camp, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., M-F.
June 9-20 - Benedictine Music Camp, 1-3 p.m., M-F.
June 10-11 - JROTC Mini-Summer Day Camp (Hunter Army
Airfield), 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
June 15 - Father’s Day
June 23-25 - Benedictine Basketball Camp, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
June 23-26 - Benedictine Science Camp, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
June 30-July 13 - BC closed for summer break
July 4 - Independence Day holiday
July 7-9 - Benedictine Baseball Camp, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
July 14 - BC re-opens
July 21-25 - BC World Cup Summer Soccer Camp, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. (Daffin Park’s Optimist Field)
July 21-25 - Study Skills Seminar, 1-3 p.m.
July 23-25 - Middle School Benedictine Football Camp, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
July 28-31 - BC Cheerleading Camp (details to be announced soon)
Summer hours, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. (closed Fridays) until July 31.
and our Facebook page
for the most up-to-date
information regarding
dates and events!
June and July Faculty and Staff
Dennis Daly
Cheryl Ganem
Fr. Frank Ziemkicwicz, O.S.B.
Br. Tim Brown, O.S.B.
Rev. Dr. Dewain Smith
Elizabeth Vars
Jim Hicks
BC’s School of Rock band jams during lunch
Benedictine Military School’s
School of Rock band (Cadets Josh
Friedman, Jake Imholz, Zachary Rudolph), a school club that meets regularly, performed May 16 during lunch
for students, faculty and staff. BC
chemistry teacher Mr. Rigel Crockett,
the club’s advisor, is a professional
musician who frequently performs
throughout Savannah.
Senior/Alumni Breakfast
Benedictine Military School’s seniors attended the annual Senior/Alumni Breakfast on May
14 in the cafeteria. The event was hosted by the Alumni Association. The Cadets were reminded
about the special bond they have developed with their classmates and they were encouraged to
remain in touch with the school throughout their lifetime. They will always have a home at BC.
Senior Inspection
Benedictine Military School students went through Senior Inspection on May 14. Many
Cadets were turned away by Col. Richard LaRossa for not having a proper Cadet haircut but they
quickly rectified the situation. BC’s Salutatorian, Matthew Peters, was the first Cadet to pass all of
the stages of insepction, followed by Miles McGinty. Several Cadets were in the process of turning in their JROTC uniforms, parking tags and taking care of previously unpaid fees. All Cadets
had to pass inspection in order to be approved to graduate.
Fine Arts Night
Benedictine Military School on May 7 hosted its annual Fine Arts Night. It was a wonderful opportunity to check out a wide variety of artwork that was made by our Cadets in Ms. Sandra
Levin’s classes.
Fonseca, Huggins, McGinty sign letters to play college sports
By Noell Barnidge, Communications & Special Events Coordinator
Benedictine Military School on May 9 after school celebrated the accomplishments of
senior Cadets Conrad Fonseca, Mike Huggins and Miles McGinty, who signed letters of intent
to play college sports. Fonseca signed with Stetson University to play football, Huggins signed
with Darton College to play baseball, and McGinty signed with Kennesaw State University as a
preferred walk-on in football. All three Cadets were instrumental in leading BC’s football team to
an undefeated regular season in 2013, a Region 2-AA championship, a Class AA state semifinal
appearance and a 13-1 record overall. In baseball, Huggins led BC to the Class AA state semifinals in 2013 and a state title in 2014. Fonseca and McGinty also played varsity basketball for BC.
Congratulations, gentlemen! Special thanks to the Savannah Morning News’ Dennis Knight and
WJCL’s Frank Sulkowski for covering the event.
Daniel & Brendan Mahoney help area’s homeless
Benedictine Military School would like to thank the Southern Cross for publishing this story about six Catholic teens, including Cadets Daniel Mahoney and Brendan Mahoney, who have
created the Flip Flop Drop. Their mission is to provide flip flops for the homeless of Savannah.
The group’s goal is to collect 1,000 pairs of flip flops, which will ensure clean shower conditions
for the homeless in area shelters. Thank you, Daniel & Brendan!
Cadets provide Color Guard on National Maritime Day
Benedictine Military School Cadets provided
the Color Guard on May 22 on River Street when
the Propeller Club of Savannah gathered at the S.S.
Savannah monument to commemorate National
Maritime Day. Each year, the ceremony honors all
mariners lost at sea.
Photo courtesy of the Savannah Morning News.
Honors Day
School celebrated its Honors Day
on May 8. Several Cadets won
awards and scholarships for their
academic achievements throughout the school year.
Prom at Telfair Academy
Benedictine Military School
celebrated its prom May 3 at Telfair
Academy of Arts and Sciences. Special thanks to the Savannah Morning
News & Spotted for being our guests
and covering the event.
Connor Robertson receives prestigious Harvard Prize Book
By Noell Barnidge, Communications & Special Events Coordinator
Congratulations to Benedictine Military School Cadet Connor Robertson, a recipient of the
prestigious Harvard Prize Book. The Harvard Prize Book is awarded to an outstanding student in
the next-to-graduating class who displays excellence in scholarship with high character, combined
with achievement in other fields. Connor, who will be a senior in the fall, and his mother, Connie, are pictured with BC Headmaster Fr. Frank Ziemkiewicz, O.S.B., who presented Connor with
the book May 28. BC Principal Dr. Deborah A. Antosca and BC Director of Guidance and College Counseling Mr. Stewart Pinkerton also attended to congratulate Connor. The Harvard Prize
Book program was established by Harvard alumni in 1910 as part of an effort to attract the attention of talented young students to the opportunities at Harvard. In the program’s first years, a Prize
Book was awarded at only a handful of schools in the New England area. Today, nearly 2,000 Prize
Books, sponsored by local Harvard alumni, are awarded in schools throughout the world.
Eating ostrich eggs at BC
By Noell Barnidge, Communications & Special Events Coordinator
Ostrich eggs taste pretty good, especially when Chef Vince and his SAGE Dining Services
staff are doing the cooking! They set up a very interesting and educational display for our lunches
May 9 in the cafeteria. Chef Vince taught us about ostrich eggs and how to prepare them. Ostrich
eggs are incredibly solid (similar to a cannon ball), and Chef Vince said a 200-pound person could
stand on one and it wouldn’t break. With the help of Cadet Javier Flores Vazquez, Chef Vince
used a Black & Decker drill to open the ostrich eggs. He then instructed Javier to use a straw to
blow into the shell, which slowly but surely caused the contents to ooze out. It’s always a treat
here at Benedictine Military School to experience the many unique things that Chef Vince and his
SAGE Dining Services staff come up with! Thank you.
Jared Geha earns Eagle Scout, scouting’s highest award
By Noell Barnidge, Communications & Special Events Coordinator
Congratulations to recent Benedictine Military School graduate Jared Geha, who earned
Eagle Scout, the Boy Scouts of America’s highest award! Jared’s project was constructing outdoor stations of the cross for Camp Villa Marie. During a ceremony May 17 at Camp Villa Marie, Jared received the prestigious award. The next day, he graduated from BC with his brothers,
Andrew and Sam. Jared is a scout with Troop 8, based at Hunter Army Airfield. Special thanks
to Jared’s mother, Hilary Albertson Geha, and photographer Paul Camp, for the photos.
Deputy John Burroughs’ presentations to English classes
By Noell Barnidge, Communications & Special Events Coordinator
Mrs. Julia Seligson’s sophomore English classes studied war poetry during the second
semester, and for every war, she showed a video to help introduce the war before our Cadets
studied the poetry about that war. Chatham County Sheriff’s Deputy Mr. John Burroughs was
visiting BC when he peeked inside the classroom and saw the video Mrs. Seligson was showing
about the beginning of the Iraq War. Deputy Burroughs asked if he could speak to Mrs. Seligson’s students about his experiences in Iraq at the beginning of the war. He spoke to three of her
classes the next day. BC would like to thank Deputy Burroughs for his jaw-dropping presentations. He even brought gear for our Cadets and BC Principal Dr. Deborah A. Antosca to wear.
Senior Review (continued)
By Noell Barnidge, Communications & Special Events Coordinator
Benedictine Military School on May 6 conducted its Senior Review ceremony on the
parade field at BC. Several of our Cadets earned medals and awards for their accomplishments.
E Company, under the command of senior Capt. Conrad Fonseca, won the Company of the Year
Award. Senior 1LT O’akeem Franklin won the inaugural LTC Owens Spirit Award, which was
presented by retired BC Senior Army Instructor LTC John Manson Owens III ’61. Senior Cadet
Col. Lawson Turner earned the Cleary Family Sabre. BC would like to thank our guests, including veterans and parents, who attended this special event.
BC has dominant presence at Best of Preps sports banquet
By Noell Barnidge, Communications & Special Events Coordinator
Benedictine Military School had a dominant presence at the Savannah Morning News’
2014 Best of Preps sports awards banquet May 21 at the Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort
& Spa on Hutchinson Island. BC Headmaster Fr. Frank Ziemkiewicz, O.S.B., was invited by
the Savannah Morning News to deliver the blessing before dinner. BC award winners were: Mr.
Doug Willett (Golf Coach of the Year), John Solitario (Male Academic Athlete Award), Chipper
Wiley (Baseball Player of the Year), Brad Stewart (Most Versatile Male Athlete) and 17 FirstTeam selections: Baseball - Chipper Wiley, Mike Huggins, Brad Stewart, Stevie Powers; Track
& Field - Sam Geha; Cross Country - Sam Geha; Soccer - John Solitario; Golf - Kolbe Kennedy, Devin Murphy; Football - Matthew Provence, Miles McGinty, Ben Wright, Brad Stewart,
Sean Fogarty, Tristan Harkleroad, Mike Huggins; Wrestling - David Wells. Photos courtesy of
the Savannah Morning News.
BC has dominant presence at Best of Preps (continued)
Photos courtesy of Doug Willett
Golf, soccer, lacrosse, tennis and track & field teams shine
By Noell Barnidge, Communications & Special Events Coordinator
Benedictine Military School’s golf team won the city title for a fifth straight season, the
region title and finished fourth in the state tournament. Soccer advanced to the Elite Eight of the
Class AA state playoffs for a second straight season. Lacrosse became the first first-year GHSA
lacrosse team to reach the state playoffs. Tennis advanced to the third round of the state playoffs. Track & Field’s Sam Geha became the Class AA state runner-up in the 1600m (personalbest 4:23.48) and he finished fifth in the 800m (personal-best 1:59.84). Alec Fanning finished
12th in the 3200m (personal-best 10:56.07).
Brad Stewart wins Dearing Award, Calhoun Award
Photo courtesy of WSAV
By Noell Barnidge,
Communications & Special Events Coordinator
Benedictine Military School junior Brad
Stewart, one of the most talented high school
student-athletes Savannah has seen in decades,
won the 61st Ashley Dearing Award and the
Lawton M. Calhoun Award in May.
The Ashley Dearing Award is presented
annually to Savannah’s most versatile male athlete. Brad is the 14th BC student-athlete to win
the award and the school’s first since Lamar
Owens, Jr., in 2001. It is given to a male high
school athlete in Savannah who has participated in football, basketball and a spring sport.
Mr. Stephen Dearing (Ashley’s son) presented
the award to Brad on May 21 in the Academic
Well at BC as his parents, Brandon and Wendy,
and sister, Sarah, watched along with Brad’s
grandfather, retired BC athletic director and
football head coach Jim Walsh.
On May 5, Brad won the Lawton M.
Calhoun Award, which is presented annually
to the most outstanding athlete from Chatham
County as selected by the Greater Savannah
Athletic Hall of Fame. Congratulations, Brad!
Photo courtesy of the Savannah Morning News
BC has the No. 1 boys’ athletic program ... again!
Benedictine Military School has been named the No. 1 boys’ athletic program in southeast, Ga., for
a second consecutive year. The Cadets were ranked No. 1 in 2012-13 and are ranked No. 1 for the
2013-14 school year in all of southeast Ga., according to the Georgia Athletic Directors Association.
Under the leadership of BC Athletic Director Danny Britt, the Cadets amassed a total of 553 points,
which is best among all boys’ sports south of Atlanta for all classifications A-AAAAAA. Visit http:// to see the complete list.
“The Steal”
With the game tied at 3
and two outs in the bottom of
the 10th inning, Benedictine
baseball head coach Kevin
Farmer called for senior Mike
Huggins to take off from third
base. Seconds later, Huggins
stole home plate, giving BC
a 4-3 victory over Lovett in
Game 1 of the Elite Eight.
BC cruised to a 6-1 victory in
Game 2 to advance to the Class
AA Final Four. You know the
rest of this championship tale!
Thank you to Lamar Advertising of Savannah for its support of BC. Look for this electronic billboard throughout Savannah!
New JROTC uniforms beginning with the 2014-15 school year
Benedictine Military School Cadets
Will Bradley (left), Evan Sell (middle), and
Will Carter (right) wore the new JROTC
uniforms May 7 because they provided the
Color Guard at the start of BC’s baseball
playoff doubleheader against Fitzgerald at
BC. The entire brigade will wear the uniform beginning with the 2014-15 school
year. Special thanks to Bro. Tim Brown,
O.S.B., for the photo.
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