12221 Leslie Road
● Helotes, Texas 78023
● 210-695-4804 (fax) www.nisd.net/oconnor
July 20, 2016
Dear OHS Parents and Students,
I’m pleased to welcome you to the 2016-2017 school year on behalf of the administrators, faculty, and staff of O’Connor High
School. We are excited about the upcoming school year and hope you are as well. While many things change from year to year, our school has a proud history of academic achievement and a supportive family atmosphere, and I’m pleased to work with a staff and student body that is committed to maintaining that for all who attend OHS.
To ensure a successful start to the 2016-2017 school year, we will be holding Prep Day for 10 th
Tuesday, August 9 th
, 11 th
, and 12 th
graders on
, and all returning and new students are expected to attend. Upperclassmen, please note that your Prep
Day is one day only so make plans to be here the 9 th
. Linked with this letter is information about Prep Days and paperwork you will need to complete and turn in while you are on campus. Read through the information carefully together as some things have changed from previous years. Make sure fines, fees and obligations are cleared so you’re allowed to participate, and try to report during these assigned times based on your last name to ensure a quicker completion:
10 th
Grade 11 th
A-L 8-9 a.m.
M-Z 9-10 a.m.
10-11 a.m.
1-2 p.m.
12 th
2-3 p.m.
3-4 p.m.
OHS 9 th
graders , a special invitation is extended to you to attend our combined Prep Day and Freshman Panther Camp on
Wednesday, August 10 th
. You will check in at 7:45 a.m. and from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., not only will you complete all of the prep day activities like picking up your schedule and books, but the camp portion is an opportunity for you to find out all about your new campus and to meet your new classmates. Learn what it means to be a proud O’Connor Panther and a member of the
OHS Class of 2020! You’ll tour the campus, locate your classes, and find out what to do on the first day of school. Don’t miss this informative and fun event designed especially for you. Linked to this letter is Prep Day paperwork for you as well. Review it carefully and complete any necessary paperwork to bring with you. This will save you time on the first day of school.
We will begin the new school year on Monday, August 22. The first bell rings at 8:43 a.m. and classes will begin at 8:50 a.m.
Classes will dismiss at 4:05 p.m. Parents, make sure to attend our annual Meet the Teacher Night and PTSA General
Meeting on Wednesday, August 24 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium and continuing in the classroom buildings. This event will give all parents an opportunity to hear about their student’s classes from their teachers. On Friday, August 26, all students and families are encouraged to come out to the Annual Panther Pride Pep Rally and Picnic. The fun will begin at 6 p.m. and feature a pep rally in the gym followed by food booths and music in the courtyard until 8 p.m. Don’t miss out!
Finally, ninth grade parents are invited to attend our 9th Grade Parent Transition Night on Tuesday, September 13 at 7 p.m.
Different from Meet the Teacher Night, this event will feature speakers who will help YOU assist your son or daughter in making a smooth transition to high school. More information will be available on our website in August, but mark your calendar with these dates now!
OHS students and parents, please know that I am proud to be your principal and am always working with your best interests in mind. I am here to ensure that OHS students get the best high school experience possible, so please use me as a resource to make sure that happens. Feel free to contact me with ideas, questions, or concerns at any time. I can be reached by calling 210-
397-4805 or by email at jackie.horras@nisd.net
. In the middle of August, begin looking for weekly updates of campus activities, progress report dates, teacher contact information and other information on our school’s website at www.nisd.net/oconnor . And follow us on Twitter (@NISDOConnorHS) to see all of the great things happening at OHS, and for important and emergency updates join our Remind account at https://www.remind.com/join/oconnorhs. I encourage you to stay informed and stay involved! Enjoy the rest of your summer, and I look forward to seeing you soon.
With Panther Pride,
Jackie F. Horras, Principal
O’Connor High School will hold Prep Days on August 9 and 10, 2016 for all OHS students. Please follow this schedule for times if possible.
Upperclassmen, please note you will not be able to complete Prep Day Aug. 10 as this is open to 9 th graders only. We look forward to seeing everyone at Prep Days and then on the first day of school, Monday, Aug. 22.
Sophomores: Tuesday, Aug. 9
8-9 a.m.: Last Names A-L
9-10 a.m.: Last Names M-Z
Seniors: Tuesday, Aug. 9
2-3 p.m.: Last Names A-L
3-4 p.m.: Last Names M-Z
Juniors: Tuesday, Aug. 9
10-11 a.m.: Last Names A-L
1-2 p.m.: Last Names M-Z
Freshmen: Wednesday, Aug. 10
7:45 a.m.: All Students Check In
8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: Panther Camp & Prep Day
Students who owe fines or have obligations (textbooks, etc.) from O’Connor or other schools should provide a receipt showing clearance, bring the item (s) with them, or be prepared to cover the cost of the item(s) at Prep Days. Please be prepared to clear all fines/obligations before proceeding with Prep Day Stations. Textbooks and parking passes will only be issued if fines/obligations are cleared.
If you have been previously notified that you need an immunization booster, please arrange to get the shot and provide records for the nurse at Prep Days. Students will not be allowed to register if all shots are not updated.
Students will receive a copy of their schedule with the courses they selected during Prep Days. An updated schedule will be distributed to each student on the first day of school.
Students who have a new address within the O’Connor attendance area should be prepared to make changes by showing proof of residence (current utility bill, lease agreement, contract, etc.) and proof of telephone number change
(telephone or cellular phone bill of parent/guardian).
Pre-order the 2016-2017 yearbook during Prep Days for only $65.00. This will be the only opportunity to purchase books at this price. Yearbook personalization and accessories are available online only with Jostens. Find the link at www.nisd.net/oconnor and click on the Buy Your Yearbook link on the bottom right side of website (link will be live as soon as possible.) Honor your senior with a Senior Feature ad page, or your younger students with Recognition ads.
Prices for ads go up after October 21, 2016. You can include 4-6 images on a ¼ page ad, 4-10 images on ½ page ad, or 6-20 images on a full page to allow your student his/her own page in the yearbook. Space for Senior Feature ads and Recognition ad space is limited, so pre-order to ensure that your students have their ad in the yearbook.
School Pictures: Underclassmen school pictures will be taken during Prep Days. Student should be mindful of the school dress code and dress accordingly or pictures will not be included in the yearbook. No facial piercings, visible tattoos, strapless or sleeveless shirts, or unnatural hair color allowed in pictures. Pictures taken at this time are considered the official school pictures to be featured in the school yearbook. Underclassmen picture re-takes will be
September 27, 2016. Seniors should contact Prestige Portraits as soon as possible at (210) 691-1284 to schedule appointments for senior portraits for the yearbook. These pictures will be taken at the Prestige Portrait Studio located at 12000 Network Blvd, Bldg. D, Suite 400, San Antonio, TX 78249 during the summer break. Senior picture re-takes will be October 28, 2016 on campus (yearbook pose only).
School ID cards will be made for new students at Prep Days. There is no fee for the first card for incoming freshman and new students. There is a charge of $5.00 to replace an old ID card for returning students. All students are required to carry an I.D. on campus. Ninth graders who want to avoid lines at Prep Days can come have their ID made in the school library on the following dates and times: Tues., Aug. 3, 8-11 a.m. or Wed., Aug. 4, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
JUNIORS AND SENIORS ONLY! See the parking permit request attached.
Lockers will be issued during Prep Days.
Cafeteria staff will be available to establish meal accounts with initial funds and answer questions concerning food service.
The NISD Transportation information will be available at Prep Days. Bus route information will also be available online at www.nisd.net/boundaries-and-buses.
JUNIORS AND SENIORS ONLY! See the Off-Campus lunch request attached. OFF-CAMPUS LUNCH
TEXTBOOKS Books will be distributed during Prep Days according to student schedules. Some courses utilize online textbooks and teachers will share log-in information during the first week of school. Fines/obligations must be cleared before new textbooks are issued.
SPIRIT CLUB/CLUB INFO. Various booster clubs and school organizations will be on hand to sell refreshments, spirit items, and provide membership information. Students may wish to bring extra $$$ or checks for these purchases.
P.T.S.A. The O’Connor Parent Teacher Student Association will have a membership table available at Prep Days. Complete the enclosed membership form and drop it off at this table.
Immunization Requirements for 2016-2017: DTP/DTaP/DT/TD/Tdap: Five doses are required for entry of kindergarten students unless the fourth dose was received on or after the 4 th birthday. Doses are also required for students entering pre-kindergarten – school nurse will evaluate.
Students age 7, starting their vaccine, are required to have three doses. One booster dose of Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis-containing vaccine is required for entry into 7 th grade if at least 5 years have passed since the last does of a Tetanus-containing vaccine. Grades 8-12 require a booster dose of Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis-containing vaccine every 10 years. Polio: Four doses of Polio vaccine are required for kindergarten students unless the third dose was received after the 4 th birthday. Doses are also required for students entering pre-kindergarten – school nurse will evaluate.
It can be any combination of OPV or IPV. Not required of 18-year old students. Measles/Mumps/Rubella: Two doses are required. The first dose shall be administered on or after the 1 st birthday. The second dose to be administered by age 5 or entry into kindergarten. One dose is required for pre-kindergarten. HIB: Three doses of Haemophilus influenza type B vaccine and a booster if given before the child is 15 months or one dose of vaccine if given after 15 months. HIB vaccine is given through 4 years of age and is required for students in pre-kindergarten. Hepatitis Type A:
Two doses of Hepatitis A are required for students in grades PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The second dose of Hepatitis A is administered six months after the administration of the first dose. Hepatitis Type B: Three doses of Hepatitis B are required for pre-kindergarten through 12 th grade.
Varicella (Chicken Pox): Two doses of Varicella vaccine received on or after the 1 st birthday are required for students in grades K through 12. If the student has had Varicella (Chicken Pox) illness, please request a form from the school nurse to validate illness. One dose is required for students entering pre-kindergarten. Pneumococcal (PCV7): PCV7 is mandated for all students 3 through 4 years of age. The school nurse will evaluate the number of doses needed or if the student is complete to enter pre-kindergarten. Menactra (Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine): This vaccine protects students 11 years of age and older from Meningitis. One dose is required for students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Medical Emergency Cards: The first week of school, all students will be given a yellow medical emergency card for parents to complete
(both sides) and return. Please ask your child for it and be sure to complete it and return it to the nurse. If any of the information changes throughout the year, please call or bring the changes to the nurse. This information is vital in order to provide the best care possible to the student in-case of illness or emergency.
Medication Policy: Long term medication forms must be completed for any student to have medication at school. We have four different forms. 1. Long term medication form for any medication to be used during the school year. 2. Asthma form to be completed with an indication of ability to carry inhaler and condition for air quality days. 3. Diabetic form. 4. Allergy form for epinephrine pens and Benadryl. The medication policy is in the student handbook, but briefly, all medications must be kept in the clinic unless the doctor has indicated it can be carried, and this only includes inhalers, insulin, and the epi-pen. All medication forms, shot requirements, and health policies, including Spanish versions, can be found and downloaded from www.nisd.net
under “Departments” and “Health Services”
Students who are not up to date with the state mandated immunizations (see above) will not be able to start school in NISD in
August. Parents should ensure that all shots are received before the start of school. While we do not want any child to miss school, it is imperative that parents fulfill their responsibility and get their children immunized because it is the law.
Refer to the online NISD Student Parent Handbook at http://nisd.net/schools/handbooks for more information.
Student Attendance in school is vital. A student’s grades and credits toward graduation depend on it. Texas State Law mandates that students must be in attendance 90% of the time to receive credit for class, no more than 9 absences for a semester course or 18 for a year-long course. To qualify for and maintain off-campus lunch privileges, good attendance must be maintained. Additionally, according to State Law, acceptable student attendance is the criteria for obtaining a VOE form, the form needed to apply for or renew a driver’s license. Parents, we encourage you to monitor your child’s attendance and grades by using “Parent Connection” at www.nisd.net/parentconnection .
To aid students and their parents in making decisions about appropriate dress and grooming for school, the following NISD guidelines have been established.
1. Shorts and skorts are prohibited in grades six through twelve
2. In grades three through twelve, skirts, dresses, and culottes must be no more than four inches above the kneecap. There should not be a cut or slit in the clothing that extends beyond the four inch limit.
3. Appropriate footwear must be worn. Footwear which has toes reinforced with steel, hard plastics, or similar materials is specifically prohibited.
4. Hair must be neat and clean. Unconventional colored, multi-colored or spike or Mohawk hair styles are not permitted.
5. Headwear must not be worn in buildings.
6. Any clothes that are suggestive or indecent or which cause a distraction are not acceptable. Specifically oversized clothing, tank tops, muscle shirts, halter tops, spaghetti straps, exposed backs or midriffs, and see through garments are not permitted.
7. Indecent/inappropriate patches, writings, or drawings on clothing are prohibited.
8. All pants are to be full length. Capri pants should be no less than four inches below the bottom of the kneecap and worn at the waist (no sagging or bagging). Tight fitting pants (e.g. tights, Spandex, bicycle pants) are also prohibited. Cut-offs and intentionally frayed pants are also prohibited.
9. Body piercing jewelry is prohibited except for rings, studs or other traditional jewelry worn in the ear. Tongue rings and tongue studs are not permitted.
PLEASE NOTE: The NISD dress code will be enforced beginning on the first day of school. NO SHORTS of any type are allowed . This includes long Bermuda-type, denim, or athletic shorts, no matter the length. Additionally caps, hats, and other headwear of any type are not allowed to be worn inside the campus buildings.
Students are permitted, as per NISD policy, to possess cellular phones while on school property or while attending school-sponsored or school-related activities on or off school property. Policy reads that students must turn-off cellular phones and store them during the regular school day, unless one is in a school-designated “electronic device zone” or using it for teacher approved instructional purposes. The regular school day is from 8:50 AM-4:05 PM. The District shall not be responsible for any damage, theft, or loss of a cell phone that parents voluntarily provide for a student. Students may use cell phones before 8:50 AM and after 4:05 PM. Parents, please refrain from calling or text-messaging your students during the school day. Students who violate this policy shall be subject to established disciplinary measures. District employees shall confiscate any cellular phones from students who violate this policy. If a student commits a third violation to this policy in a school year, the privilege of possessing a cellular phone or paging device shall be revoked for the remainder of the school year.
To ensure a positive learning environment the school administrators, faculty, and staff will strictly enforce the rules regarding electronic devices. Cameras, Video Recorders, and DVD Players are not permitted on school premises. As outlined in the Family
Education Rights and Privacy Act, students, staff, and teachers cannot video tape, photograph, record or display images of other students, teachers, or staff. (Refer to FERPA laws for more detail) The privacy and safety of our students is key. These items cause a distraction to the learning process and the distribution of images/recording violates student privacy. All items listed will be confiscated by campus administration and staff. The video/audio content of these items may be reviewed. Confiscated items will be turned over to campus administration and the student will be held subject to disciplinary action. Parents will be notified by phone that an item has been confiscated. These items will be returned ONLY to the parent or guardian of the student. Parents must provide proper identification before any property is transferred. IPod, CD Players, MP3 Players, Radios, and Video Games are strictly prohibited inside any and all of the buildings at O’Connor HS. Students may listen to music using personal earphones under the following guidelines: A. Outside before school, B. Outside during lunch, or C. Outside after school. The district and campus will not be responsible for any damage, theft or loss of these devices that parents voluntarily provide for a student.
Students should have pens, pencils, a notebook and folder on the first day of school. Individual teachers will inform the student of any additional school supplies needed for their class.
All student vehicles with the privilege to park on the O’Connor High School campus must be registered with the
Administrative Office and affix a current parking permit to the bottom right (passenger) corner of the windshield. A new parking permit must be purchased each year and will only be issued once all fines, fees, and obligations are
• cleared.
Parking permits will be sold for $15 to 11 th
and 12 th
grade students who are registered at O’Connor High School and are in good standing in attendance, academically, and behavior. Students must also have a valid Texas driver’s license
• and be able to provide proof of insurance showing vehicle being registered.
A parking permit must be purchased for each vehicle that will be driven on campus. THE TRANSFER OF PARKING
Students who must drive a different vehicle for a short period of time must obtain a temporary permit from the Vice
Principal’s office. Student must already have a permit on his/her regular vehicle.
Sophomores with extenuating circumstances may request a parking permit. Request forms are available in the Vice
Principal’s office. Submitting a request does not guarantee a parking permit. Requests may take 5-10 days to process.
The speed limit on campus is 10 miles per hour.
Student parking is strictly limited to the designated student parking area. DO NOT park at the tennis courts/ag barn area.
A student with a fraudulently obtained parking permit may lose their parking privileges for the remainder of the year.
There will be no loitering in the parking lot before or after school or during lunches.
Students’ vehicles are subject to search if there are reasonable grounds to believe that drugs, alcohol, stolen property, or any other contraband may be located in the vehicle.
Repeated violations may result in the loss of parking privileges. Any time that parking privileges are suspended for any length of time, the parking permit will be removed and a new parking permit must be purchased if the parking privileges are reinstated.
Serious traffic violations such as speeding, unsafe or reckless driving, evading, or repeated traffic violations will result in the loss of parking privileges (along with other possible consequences). A parent conference may be required if a new application is made for parking privileges to be reinstated.
If a student has excessive unexcused absences or chronic tardiness to any class, his/her parking privileges may be removed until the student shows significant improvement in his/her attendance for a set period of time by the
O’Connor administration.
Consult your Student-Parent Handbook for further information.
Any moving traffic violations, parking violations, or policy violations may result in administrative consequences and/or a citation by NISD Police Officers or any other law enforcement office that may be on campus.
We have read the above information and agree to abide to these rules, policies, and procedures.
Seniors may be released for off-campus lunch if they meet the following criteria:
Students must have a current, signed parent/guardian permission form on file.
Students leaving campus for off-campus lunch must be back by the required time. Students who come back to campus late may lose off-campus lunch privileges.
Students may not visit other campuses.
Must have a Valid OHS ID Card: Students who have off-campus lunch must present his/her ID card to school personnel in order to leave campus. If you forget your ID at home, you may NOT leave campus.
Seniors may not transport students who do not have off-campus lunch privileges. Drivers are responsible to know the status of any passengers regarding off-campus lunch privileges.
RENEWAL- Spring Semester: Off-campus lunch privileges will be renewed at the beginning of the new semester in the cafeteria during all 3 lunches the week after report cards are distributed.
The following records will be reviewed at the end of the 1st semester (or anytime a student visits the
VP office) to check for continued eligibility: a) Passed all classes of the 2016 Fall semester. b) Attained no more 5 excused absences and/or no more than 3 unexcused absences during the
2016 Fall semester. c) Have no previous off-campus lunch violations/discipline violations.
Fall Semester: Juniors may be eligible for off-campus lunch privileges if they met the following criteria. a) Passed all classes of the 2016 Spring semester. b) Attained no more than 5 excused absences and/or no more than 3 unexcused absences during the 2016 Spring semester. c) Passed all 9 th
and 10 th
grades EOC tests needed for graduation. d) Have no previous off-campus lunch violations.
Spring Semester: The following records will be reviewed at the end of the 1st semester (or anytime a student visits the VP office) to check for continued eligibility: a) Passed all classes of the 2016 Fall semester. b) Attained no more 5 than excused absences and/or no more than 3 unexcused absences during the 2016 Fall semester. c) Have no previous off-campus lunch violations/discipline violations.
Students who don’t qualify in the Fall or Spring may apply to have their status approved at the beginning of each subsequent six weeks (2 nd
, 3 rd
, 5 th
and 6 th
The same rules listed above for Senior lunch apply to Junior lunch privileges.
By signing below, parents and students acknowledge they have read and understand the expectations
and criteria listed above.
Students Name (Please Print): _________________________ID# ________________ Grade: _____
Student Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________________
Parent Name (Please Print): _________________________
Parent Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________________
In our continued efforts to be as efficient as possible, the Northside Website will now be the primary source for access to the Student Parent
Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct . Families who do not have Internet access or prefer a hard copy can receive one at their campus on request. Please complete the requested information below and return it to your child’s teacher.
My child and I have been offered the option to receive a paper copy of the Northside ISD Student/Parent Handbook or to electronically access it at http://www.nisd.net. I understand that the handbook contains information that my child and I may need during the school year, including the Technology Acceptable Use Policy, the Student Code of Conduct, the laws regarding student records and information on the compulsory attendance laws .
I have chosen to:
_____ Access the Student/Parent Handbook and Student Code of Conduct by visiting the Web address listed above.
_____ Receive a paper copy of the Student Handbook.
All students will be held accountable for their behavior and will be subject to the disciplinary consequences outlined in the Student Code of
A paper copy of the handbook will be available to you in the administrative office of your child’s school.
Date: ________________________________________________________
Printed Name of Student: ____________________________________________________________
Teacher / Grade Level: ______________
Signature of Student: ____________________________________________
Signature of Parent: _____________________________________________
Please return this form to your child’s teacher or the school office within the first 10 days of instruction.
Failure to return this form will result in a default YES for each of the six items below.
_________________________________________________ __________________________ ________________________
Student’s Name (Please Print) Student ID GRADE LEVEL
According to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Federal law and the Texas Public Information Act, certain information about District students is considered directory information and will be released to anyone who follows the procedures for requesting the information unless the parent or guardian objects to the release of the directory information. If you do not want NISD to disclose your child’s directory information without your prior written consent, you must notify the district in writing by the end of the first 10 days of instruction. Failure to return this form will result in the release of directory information upon request.
A parent is allowed to record their objection to the release of all directory information on one or more specific category of directory information. NISD has designated the following information as directory information:
• Student’s name, address, and telephone number
• Photograph, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight/height of athletic team members
Dates of attendance, grade level, enrollment status, degrees, honors, major fields of study, awards received in school, and most recent school attended
Any checks in the “NO” boxes below will result in the blocking of directory information in the designated categories.
District Publications
Yes No
NISD has my permission to release directory information for District publications, selected photography companies supporting campus pictures, and positive publicity (name and picture in yearbook, newsletters, awards, honors, PTA, booster clubs, etc.) Example: If you check the “no” box, your child’s name will NOT appear in the District newsletter, the school yearbook if she/he won an award, or in any panoramic pictures.
Publications Outside The District
Yes No
NISD has my permission to release directory information to any publication outside of Northside. Example: If you check the “no” box, any information about your child will NOT be released to a newspaper or magazine.
Private Requestors
Federal law requires districts receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965(20 U.S.C. Section 6301 et seq.) to provide a military recruiter or an institution of higher education, upon request, with the name, address, and telephone number of a secondary student unless the parent has advised the District that they do not want the student’s information disclosed without the prior written consent.
Yes No NISD has my permission to provide directory information to be released to a military recruiter.
Yes No has my permission to provide to an institution of higher education with the name, address, and telephone number of my secondary student.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Yes No
NISD has been selected to participate in the U.S. Department of Education’s (USDE) FAFSA Completion Project and will also be participating in the TxCAN project. These projects are designed to assist schools in determining which of their senior students have not completed a FAFSA form for the upcoming school year. In order to participate in the project, NISD is required to disclose personal information of seniors to these organizations. NISD has my permission to release this information for these projects.
Artwork Display
During the school year, your child’s artwork may be selected for displays in classrooms, hallways, cafeterias, display cases, other school settings, and various district events including contests. If your child’s artwork is selected, please understand that the art teacher will do what is suitable for the display of the artwork. This may include matting, mounting, or temporary framing. This will include a printed label stating student’s first and last name, grade (K-12), school, art instructor’s name, artwork title, artwork media, and district name (NISD).
While on display, the work may be photographed and used for publicity purposes. Your approval indicates permission for your child’s artwork to be displayed in the above district supported initiatives and possibly photographed to be used for publicity purposes. If artwork is posted on NISD web pages, child’s last name will not be posted.
3200-07/SD Until Superseded + 2 Years TEC 019 05-16 R
(Please reference Sections B and E of the Student-Parent Handbook.)
I have read the Student and Parent Agreement for the Acceptable Use of the District's Technology Resources, District policies and the Administrative
Regulation found in Sections B and E of the Handbook. In consideration for the privilege of my child using the District's Technology Resources, and in consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the District, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my child's use of, or inability to use the system, including, without limitation, the type of damage identified in the District's policies and administrative regulation.
I give permission for my child to participate in the District's Technology Resources, utilizing a District-provided device and/or a personal wireless or mobile device, and certify that the information contained on this form is correct.
If permission is given, the student must read the following Student section.
Yes No
If permission is not given, your child will NOT be able to use networked District
devices, library online services, nor a personal device at school during this time.
I understand that my computer use is not private and that the District may monitor my activity on the District’s Technology Resources, including a personal wireless or mobile device, while at school.
I have read the Student and Parent Agreement for the Acceptable Use of the District’s Technology Resources, District policies, and the Administrative
Regulation found in Sections B and E of the Handbook, and agree to abide by their provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of system access, including the privilege of bringing a personal device to school, and/or other appropriate disciplinary or legal action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and applicable laws.
Web Publishing/Interactive Websites
All NISD campuses are able to use the Internet's rich resources, and also publish information on the Internet. As part of the curriculum, the school may wish to publish a variety of student products on the Internet. The types of products may include, but are not limited to: creative writing, artwork, slide and audio/visual presentations produced by the students and their teachers.
We will not publish student grades, test scores, home addresses, phone numbers, or other information protected by federal regulations. Your permission is needed for any of the following to appear on a Northside campus webpage:
1) Child’s work
2) Child’s first and last name
3) Inclusion of your child in a digital image or video clip
The Administrative Regulation for Acceptable Use addresses the District’s policies and guidelines on web publication restrictions and privacy of minors in further detail. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Campus Administration or the Campus Webmaster at your child’s school.
Yes No
My child's work, first and last name, and/or my child’s inclusion in a digital image or video clip may be electronically displayed and published by the Northside Independent School District.
Yes No
I give permission for my child to use interactive websites. I understand that these sites may require my child to set up an account with a username and password. I understand that each site will have its own terms of service and my child will follow the published terms of service for the interactive website they use.
_________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
Student’s Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Parent’s Name (Please Print)
Parent: My signature above certifies that I have read the above forms and agree to allow Northside ISD to proceed with the marked authorizations above as it affects my child’s Directory Information, access, and publishing.
3200-07/SD Until Superseded + 2 Years TEC 019 05-16 R
We’ll retake your portrait or return for a full refund.
$ 3 4
1 - 8x10 2 - 5x7 4 - 3x5
12 - 2x3
8 - 2x3
1 2 3
Portrait CD
$ 5 0
S a n d r
D u ci t u r
D a ir n
e D a y
y c
P h
C r e
I D :
' o o o p
l n n
D a o y s
X Y 4 1 6 0 0 8 Q
H i g h
FREE digital image with online purchase when you join myFamily Rewards TM program.
2 - 8x10 4 - 5x7 4 - 3x5
$ 2 8
2 - 5x7 4 - 3x5
8 - 2x3
$ 5 5
$ 3 8
$ 2 2
$ 1 4
Customize your portrait package at my
More choices at my
NOTE: Prop may vary by school. Background for your yearbook is selected by your school.
Upgrade Special
Name & Grade on All Portraits
$ 1 1
Basic Retouching
(Removes blemishes)
Variety Special
Variety 4 - 3x5
$ 1 8
Variety 8 - 2x3
Combo Special
Name & Grade on All Portraits
$ 1 5
Variety 8 - 2x3
© 2016 Lifetouch National School Studios Inc.
2 1 0 6 9 1 1 2 8 4
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See you at Picture Day!
P ci t u r e D a y I D : X Y 4 1 6 0 0 8 Q 0
I o
f y t w o s o n ’ u c h d i o o d n o
l o n
t m a k e c h o i r d c t e u r e
r a n g e o n
D a il y n e
, p l n e c l a s o s e e fi c a ll s t h h i s
, f m o r o n m e y o u o r
t c d e o m p l
r o e t e l
r c h e y c
, e k n c l o s e p a y a b l e
E t
X A o L
C T fi e p a y t o u c m e h .
P n t h o
, a t o n d g r a r e t u r p h e r n
Student First & Last Name
Daytime Phone Number
Teacher Last Name Student Grade
Parent Email Address (Provide your email address to receive reminders for Picture Date and future offers.)
A .
D e l u x e
B .
P r e m i u m
C .
V a l u e
D .
U l it m a t e
E .
F a m li y
F .
B a s i c
G .
E n t r y
H .
U p g r a d e S p e c i a l O ff e
I .
C o
J .
V a m b o S p e c i a l O ir e t y S p e c i a l O ff e ff e r
r $ 1 1
$ 1 5
$ 1 8
K .
( 8 ) 2 x 3 W a ll e t s
L .
( 2 ) 5 x 7
M .
( 1 ) 8 x 1 0
N .
( 4 ) 3 x 5
O .
C D H i g h a n d L o w R e s o l u it o n
P .
( 4 ) V a ir e t y 3 x 5
Q .
( 8
) V a ir e t y 2 x 3
P r e m i u m R e t o u c h i n g
B a s i c R e t o u c h i n g a n d i c v p e l u s s k h i n ti e t o n e t e e t h
R e m o v e s b l e m i s h e s
N a m e & G r a d e O n A l l P o r t r a ti s
N a m e & G r a d e O n W a ll e t s
$ 1 2
$ 6
$ 8
$ 5
A d d 8 .
2 5 % s a l e s t a x
$ 1 2
$ 1 2
$ 1 2
$ 1 2
$ 1 5
$ 1 2
$ 1 2
$ 3 4
$ 5 0
$ 2 8
$ 5 5
$ 3 8
$ 2 2
$ 1 4
*Name & Grade On
Please print name exactly how it should appear on portraits.
N / A
N / A
N / A
N / A
N / A
S a n d r a D a y O ' C o n n o r H i g h S c h o o l X Y 4 1 6 0 0 8 Q 0 X Y 0 1 X P 6 0 0 0 6 9 7 0 4 3 1
V olveremos a tomar tu retrato
$ 3 4
$ 5 0 my lifetouch .com
S a n d r a D
D a u
I D d e l D í
y ir n
a d e
' g l
C o r n e n p o
r H i y g s h S c h o o
a F o t o : X Y 4 1 6 0 0 8 Q 0
Premios miFamilia.
$ 2 8
1 - 8x10 2 - 5x7 4 - 3x5
2 - 8x10 4 - 5x7 4 - 3x5
12 - 2x3
8 - 2x3
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
2 - 5x7 4 - 3x5
8 - 2x3
5 5 6 6 7 7
$ 5 5
$ 3 8
$ 2 2
$ 1 4 my lifetouch .com
8 8
NOTA: El apoyo puede variar según la escuela.
El fondo para tu anuario es seleccionado por tu escuela.
$ 1 1
& &
$ 1 5
& &
© 2016 Lifetouch National School Studios Inc.
& &
$ 1 8
2 1 0 6 9 1 1 2 8 4 my lifetouch .com
Cuando pagas con cheque, nos autorizas a procesar el pago como una transacción mediante cheque o a usar la información de tu cheque para realizar una transferencia electrónica de fondos desde tu my lifetouch .com
I D d e l D í a d e l a F o t o : X Y 4 1 6 0 0 8 Q 0 e
S n fi
i v n o
í a e t o h i c l o a u c h i s
l t e a
E l e e s f o
l c p e u e t ó g d r i d o l a e a f o
l p o r
D n o
í a i n d e n t e rt e e r n e t l a g
F a o r á
, t ll o e
c a n a
I n m c l u y b c i o o m p
e l e d i n t a e r m e o n t e e n e s t e f e c e it f v o r m u o , g ri l a o ir p o , o s i t n a c
l l u o y e e c h e q
l p a g o E X u e a l a o r
A C T O d e n d y e
Correo electrónico del padre/de la madre
(Proporciona tu dirección de correo electrónico con el fin de recibir
A .
D e L u j o
B .
S u p e ir o r
C .
V a l o r
D .
L o ú l
E .
F a m i it m o il a r
F .
B a s i c o
G .
E n t r a d a
H .
E s p e c i a l d e a c t u a il z a c i ó n
I .
E s p e c i a l d e c o n j u n t o
J .
E s p e c i a l d e v a ir e d a d
K .
( 8 ) 2 x 3
L .
( 2 ) 5 x 7
M .
( 1
N .
( 4
) 8 x 1
) 3 x 5
O .
P .
S u r d it e l d o r e t r a t o d e 4 3 x 5
Q .
S u r
it d o d e 8 2 x 3
E l
E l r e t o q u e d e c a il d a d s u p e ir o r
C o n r e t o q u e b á s i c o e l n o m b r e y e l g r a d o t o d o s l o s r e rt a t o s
C o n e l n o m b r e y e l g r a d o e n f o t o s p a r a l a b li el t e r a ( 2 x 3 )
$ 1 2
$ 6
$ 8
$ 5
$ 3 4
$ 5 0
$ 2 8
$ 5 5
$ 3 8
$ 2 2
$ 1 4
$ 1 1
$ 1 5
$ 1 8
$ 1 2
$ 1 2
$ 1 2
$ 1 2
$ 1 5
$ 1 2
$ 1 2
A ñ a d e u n 8 .
2 5 % e n c o n c e p t o d e i m p u e s t o s .
8 .
2 5 %
*Nombre y grado en
N / A
N / A
N / A
N / A
N / A
S a n d r a D a y O ' C o n n o r H i g h S c h o o l X Y 4 1 6 0 0 8 Q 0 X Y 0 1 X P 6 0 0 0 6 9 7 0 4 3 1
P-Parent F-Faculty/Teacher S-Student LM-Life Member CM-Community Member