4 ORDINARY MEETING 1 25 MAY 2016 REQUEST FOR CONSIDERATION UNDER SUPERSEDED PLANNING SCHEME FOR PROPOSED RECONFIGURING A LOT (CODE ASSESSABLE) DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION AT 116 – 124 COTTESLOE DRIVE, KEWARRA BEACH I Elliott-Smith | 8/35/110 | #5090640 PROPOSAL: REQUEST FOR CONSIDERATION UNDER SUPERSEDED PLANNING SCHEME FOR PROPOSED RECONFIGURING A LOT (CODE ASSESSABLE) DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION APPLICANT: KENFROST (1987) PTY LTD C/- PLANNING PLUS PO BOX 8046 CAIRNS QLD 4870 LOCATION OF SITE: 116 – 124 COTTESLOE DRIVE, KEWARRA BEACH PROPERTY: LOT 300 ON SP274755 PLANNING SCHEME: CAIRNSPLAN 2009 PLANNING DISTRICT: CAIRNS BEACHES PLANNING AREA: RESIDENTIAL 2 REFERRAL AGENCIES: NOT APPLICABLE AT THIS STAGE NUMBER OF SUBMITTERS: NOT APPLICABLE AT THIS STAGE STATUTORY ASSESSMENT DEADLINE: 30/05/2016 APPLICATION DATE: 16/04/2016 DIVISION: 9 APPENDIX: 1. PRELIMINARY CONCEPT PLAN Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 25 May 2016 - #5097313 5 LOCALITY PLAN: RECOMMENDATIONS: A. That Council approves the request for the proposed Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot (Code Assessable) over land described as Lot 300 on SP274755, 116 – 124 Cottesloe Drive, Kewarra Beach to be assessed under the Superseded Planning Scheme being CairnsPlan 2009. B. That as per Section 99 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, Council notifies the Applicant that a Development Application for the proposed development must be received by Council within six (6) months of the date of Council’s decision to approve the request to accept the proposed Development Application under the Superseded Planning Scheme being CairnsPlan 2009. C. That Council notifies the Applicant that the proposed development as outlined in the request may, if it were to be approved by Council, result in changes being required to existing Development Approval(s) in effect over the subject land to ensure that any conditions are not inconsistent with existing development approval(s) (s347, Sustainable Planning Act 2009). D. That Council notifies the Applicant, that in addition to the Codes identified as Applicable Codes within section 4.2.3 of the written request and without limiting other relevant matters, the following additional matters would also need to be addressed as part of any future Reconfiguring a Lot Development Application (Superseded Planning Scheme): i. Flood Management Code of CairnsPlan 2009; Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 25 May 2016 - #5097313 6 ii. Interim Development Assessment Requirements contained within Part E of the Single State Planning Policy; and iii. Relevant provisions of the FNQ Regional Plan 2009–2031. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council is in receipt of a request for a proposed Development Application to be assessed under the Superseded Planning Scheme being CairnsPlan 2009. The proposed development is for Reconfiguring a Lot over land situated at 116–124 Cottesloe Drive, Kewarra Beach. Representations made by the Applicant in the request state that the primary reason for the request is that changes to the zoning of the property under CairnsPlan 2016 have the effect of increasing the level of assessment for the proposed development from Code Assessment to Impact Assessment i.e. the application would be assessed against the entire Planning Scheme and would also require Public Notification. The Applicant considers that this change, in addition to the introduction of certain overlays, has the effect of “disadvantaging the proposed development”. There is a risk for Council if it were to refuse the request for Superseded Planning Scheme assessment in that an Impact Assessable application would permit third parties the opportunity to make properly submissions and consequently be granted appeal rights. In a scenario where Council refuses the request for Superseded Planning Scheme assessment and grants approval of a future application, third parties may commence appeal proceedings against such an approval or the conditions attached to such an approval. If successful, this could lead to Council being exposed to the compensation provisions of the Sustainable Planning Act (2009) relating to reduced value of interest in land. Given the proposed development illustrated on the submitted Concept Plan and detailed in the written representations does not extend to within the Conservation Zone of CairnsPlan 2016 and that an application under the Superseded Planning Scheme would still require a comprehensive assessment against the applicable planning scheme codes and Interim Development Assessment Requirements of the Single State Planning Policy, Officers recommend that in this instance, Council approve the Applicant’s request for Superseded Planning Scheme assessment. TOWN PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: Background The land included as part of this request has been subject to a number of previous Development Applications for Reconfiguring a Lot, Material Change of Use and Operational Works. Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 25 May 2016 - #5097313 7 Prior to the commencement of the now Superseded CairnsPlan 2009, a Code Assessable Material Change of Use Development Application for a Retirement Village comprising 120 bed nursing facility, 293 dwelling units and associated facilities was received by Council in December 2008 (Council Reference 8/7/1509). The application was originally approved by Council in February 2011 after comprehensive negotiations with the Applicant. Subsequent to this approval, the Applicant submitted a request for a Negotiated Decision Notice. This request was ultimately approved at Council’s Planning & Environment Committee Meeting of 14 September 2011. Council granted an extension to the Relevant Period for this Development Approval in October 2015. The approval is currently due to lapse on 15 September 2019. More recently, the parent parcel (Lot 203 on SP165258) was subdivided into 2 lots under an existing Development Approval (Council reference 8/13/1741). The subdivision was registered with the Department of Natural Resources and Mines in February 2016. After the registration of the new titles above, an Operational Works application was approved by Council in early April 2016 (Council Reference 8/10/385). This approval is to facilitate the construction of the first stage of the approved Retirement Village (Nursing Facility). Construction works are currently underway in accordance with this approval. Proposal The request for Superseded Planning Scheme assessment has been made under Section 95(1)(b) of the Sustainable Planning Act (2009). The Applicant has requested that Council agree to assess and decide a Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot under the Superseded Planning Scheme being CairnsPlan 2009. The Form 2 description of the proposed development included by the Applicant is “Residential Subdivision”. As part of the information supporting the request, the Applicant has submitted a Preliminary Concept Plan detailing 62 lots varying in size from 375m2 up to 627m2. The northern portion of the site is shown as a Balance Lot of 2.04ha; however written representations submitted as part of the request indicate that a future application submitted to Council would include additional allotments within this area. Under the Superseded Planning Scheme, the entire site is located within Residential 2 Planning Area of the Cairns Northern Beaches District. Within this Planning Area, the proposed development is identified as Code Assessable under the District Table of Assessment. Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 25 May 2016 - #5097313 8 Under CairnsPlan 2016, the site is designated partly within the Low-Medium Density Residential Zone and partly within the Conservation Zone. Reconfiguring a Lot is designated as Code Assessable within the Low-Medium Density Residential Zone. However, given the proposed development necessarily includes the whole of the site, a future application would trigger Impact Assessment given the Table of Assessment for the Conservation Zone identifies Reconfiguring a Lot as Impact Assessable development. Officers sought clarification from the Applicant in relation to the final layout of the development proposal to ensure that Council is informed of the scope of the future application given that part of the site has been designated within the Conservation Zone of CairnsPlan 2016. On 18 May, the Applicant confirmed that the current intent is to lodge a development application solely within the lot subject of the request to Council. Planning Considerations In assessing the request, Officers have considered a number of relevant planning matters including the zoning for the portion of the property proposed to be developed i.e. the actual footprint of the proposal and the effect of relevant planning scheme mapping, overlays and codes from both CairnsPlan 2009 and CairnsPlan 2016. With regards to the ‘zoning’ of the site, under CairnsPlan 2009, the site is wholly within the Residential 2 Planning Area. The Planning Area Code provides the following purpose statements with regards to development: - The development of a wider choice of housing in terms of form and size to meet the needs of a diverse population is facilitated; - More innovative housing solutions are facilitated; - Higher densities are located within reasonable walking distance to public transport, centres, community facilities and open space; - Travel distances from residential uses and tourist and short term accommodation uses to public transport, centres, community facilities and open space should be minimised and walking and cycling encouraged; - Efficiencies in the use of land and in the provision of physical and social infrastructure in developing residential neighbourhoods are facilitated through the orderly and sequential development of land; - Consolidation and the more efficient use of existing infrastructure within the established residential areas included within this Planning Area are facilitated; - The scale and density of development contributes to a high standard of residential amenity; - The establishment of facilities which provide ancillary services to the local community is facilitated. Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 25 May 2016 - #5097313 9 Under CairnsPlan 2016, the site is designated within the Low-Medium Density Residential Zone. The Zone Code states that the purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes: - a range of accommodation activities are provided on a range of lot sizes; - a high level of residential amenity is maintained, having regard to traffic, noise, dust, odour, lighting and other locally specific impacts; - a mixed residential density and character is achieved; - a low rise character is achieved; - development reflects and responds to the natural features and constraints of the land; - community facilities, open space and recreational areas and appropriate infrastructure to support the needs of the local community are provided, enhanced or maintained; - non-residential uses are established where they serve the local community and do not detract from the residential amenity of the area. Officers consider that both the Residential 2 Planning Area Code of CairnsPlan 2009 and the Low-Medium Density Residential Zone Code of CairnsPlan 2016 seek to achieve very similar development outcomes in relation to built form, range and variety of housing product, scale and density of development and the promotion of a high level of residential amenity. A review of the relevant Overlays and associated mapping affecting the site indicates that for both Planning Schemes, the site contains designated vegetation, a waterway, potential bushfire hazard areas and is subject to potential or actual acid sulphate soils. Officers do not consider that there is a significant difference between the effect of the Overlay Mapping in the Superseded Planning Scheme to that of CairnsPlan 2016. As part of Officers’ assessment, the request was referred to Council’s Strategic Planning branch for review and comment. The following comments were received from Strategic Planning: - It is likely that the assessment of the development against CairnsPlan 2009 will result in a similar outcome for development on the site. Specifically, the application will need to be assessed against the Interim Development Assessment Requirements contained within Part E of the Single State Planning Policy and the Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009 – 2031; both of which were not appropriately reflected in the now Superseded Planning Scheme. - The Applicant included with the request a list of applicable codes contained within CairnsPlan 2009. A review of this list indicated that the Applicant had not identified that the Flood Management Code would be an applicable code given the site contains a waterway. Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 25 May 2016 - #5097313 10 Public Notification / Submissions Under the Superseded Planning Scheme, the proposed Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot would not require Public Notification. If the application were lodged under the current Planning Scheme, Public Notification would be required and any person or entity that made a properly made submission would be entitled to certain appeal rights. In a scenario where Council were to refuse the request for Superseded Planning Scheme assessment and a subsequent Impact Assessable application was submitted, third parties who make a properly made submission would have the option of commencing appeal proceedings. Such appeal proceedings, if successful, could lead to a situation where Council may be exposed to the compensation provisions of the Sustainable Planning Act (2009) relating to reduced value of interest in land. State Referrals The subject site contains a small portion of Endangered Regional Ecosystem in the northern corner of the property and referral of the application to the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning may be required for Vegetation Clearing matters. Infrastructure Charges The proposed development, if approved, would trigger the levying of Infrastructure Charges. These charges would be calculated at the time of determining any future Development Application. Summary The primary issue of concern to the Applicant is the fact that under CairnsPlan 2016, the proposed development triggers a higher level of assessment than under the Superseded Planning Scheme i.e. Impact Assessment rather than Code Assessment. The risk for Council if it were to refuse the request for Superseded Planning Scheme assessment is that an Impact Assessment application would permit third parties the opportunity to make properly submissions and consequently be granted appeal rights. In a scenario where Council refuses the request for Superseded Planning Scheme assessment and grants approval of a future application, third parties may commence appeal proceedings against such approval. If successful, this could lead to Council being exposed to the compensation provisions of the Sustainable Planning Act (2009) for reduced value of interest in land. Given the proposed development illustrated on the submitted Concept Plan and detailed in the written representations does not extend to within the Conservation Zone of CairnsPlan 2016 and that an application under the Superseded Planning Scheme would still require a comprehensive assessment against the applicable planning scheme codes and Interim Development Assessment Requirements of the Single State Planning Policy, Officers recommend that in this instance, Council approve the request for Superseded Planning Scheme assessment. Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 25 May 2016 - #5097313 11 Ian Elliott-Smith Planning Officer Action Officer Peter Boyd Manager Strategic Planning & Approvals Kelly Reaston General Manager Planning & Environment Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 25 May 2016 - #5097313 12 APPENDIX 1: PRELIMINARY CONCEPT PLAN Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 25 May 2016 - #5097313