IWT Version 7.4 – Summary of Data Transfer from previous IWT Versions and Daily/Weekly Maintenance Tasks This guide is made up of the following Sections and supplements the existing IWT User Guide: Section 1 - IWT version 7.4 Enhancements Section 2 - Importing data from previous versions of IWT v7 Section 3 - Daily/Weekly Tasks to be completed within the Unit Section 4 - Weekly Data Transfer Process Section 1 - IWT version 7.4 Updates Version History worksheet has been updated The Summary worksheet has had the Summary Display Graph links removed (v7 patch 3 users only). Within the summary workload sheet there is a validation check within the weekly transfer box. If the validation check displays ‘Failed’, the ‘Sheet for Review’ section will identify any validation checks required within the various worksheets. The Performance Data worksheet now has additional fields displaying Target and Actual Indoor IPH (combined inward and prep performance). The unit hierarchy has been updated to reflect local changes. IWT Version 7 4 Upgrade_Quick Reference Guide.doc Section 2 - Importing data from previous versions of IWT v7 Data can be imported from previous versions of IWT version 7 using the following process. Ensure all applications are closed Open your current IWT Version 7 file, print out the summary page or note down all the details shown below. Close down your current IWT Version 7 file No other Excel files should be open. Open the IWT Version 7.4 file, and click on the Summary sheet. Click on the button to commence the data import. The following prompt will appear Read and respond to the displayed message. If you select No the process will stop. IWT Version 7 4 Upgrade_Quick Reference Guide.doc Select Yes then browse to the file folder where your current IWT Version 7 file is located and click on the file to select it then click on the button Once the import is completed the following message is displayed. NOTE: That your original IWT file has been renamed OLD as a backup file. The updated 7.4 file will automatically be named the same as the current file that you selected to be imported and the file will be automatically saved and closed. Open your new IWT Version 7.4 file and compare the SUMMARY page that was either printed out or noted down. There may be slight variations in the preparation hours and throughputs as the latest version balances workload by day rather than by week. The planning values for preparation on 48 box fittings for Town or Rural walks have also been updated. If you require any clarification contact your Regional Tools & Process Lead or your Central Deployment Manager. IWT Version 7 4 Upgrade_Quick Reference Guide.doc Section 3 - Daily/Weekly Tasks to be completed within the Unit Data is input one day in arrears with Saturday being input the following Monday. Every Tuesday the data for the full previous week should be reviewed and submitted to the IWT Sharepoint site using the Weekly Data Transfer process detailed below. Following data transfer completion save the file then open the Basic Input worksheet and click on the entries relating to the previous week. button to clear all the traffic buttons to clear all the Indoor Pressure Hours Open the Hours Input worksheet and click on the and Indoor lapsed hours relating to the previous week, then save the file ready for the current weeks data entry as detailed below: Basic Input worksheet – Input traffic for the previous day (on Monday this will be the traffic for the previous Saturday) Local Input worksheet – Input any revised Average Container Fills (reviewed quarterly) Delivery Details worksheet – In column K select the number of D2D contracts for each walk for the current week inserting “NIL” for any duties with zero contract (i.e. Firms duties). Column L - insert the number of Live Redirections for each walk. Hours Input worksheet – The indoor establishment hours AWD plus SA should balance with the establishment docket, RCS and mini duty builder. Once these are confirmed as accurate the establishment hours will not change unless revision activity takes place with changes relating to G54 Inward Sorting and H11 Preparation of mail for delivery. Input any pressure hours used the previous day (Saturday entered on Monday) for the sub head codes G54 sorting & H11 prep ensuring that the pressure hours are appropriate to the sub head code. Input any lapsed hours used the previous day (Saturday entered on Monday) for the sub head codes G54 sorting & H11 prep ensuring that the pressure hours are appropriate to the sub head code. Only hours that are actually lapsed should be entered, do not enter hours that are attended for but are unoccupied due to lack of available work Performance Data worksheet – Sense check the daily/weekly current performance, actual achieved throughputs Items Per Hour and the Hours reduction and or additional hours required to achieve target. If there are apparent errors review the inputs that have been made for the day and or the week. IWT Version 7 4 Upgrade_Quick Reference Guide.doc Section 4 - Weekly Data Transfer Process The Transfer Data button, in the Summary Worksheet enables the upload and transfer of weekly performance data to the share-point site. The weekly transfer cells details the date of the last transfer and the week commencing date for the data transfer. Data should be transferred every Tuesday having input accurate traffic and pressure & lapsed hours for the previous week. The Delivery Details Input worksheet should also be reviewed and the actual number of Door to Door Contracts and Live Re-directions should be input for each walk for the performance reporting week prior to transferring data to the Sharepoint site. The week commencing date should reflect the previous week that the data relates to. When the Transfer Data button is clicked the following screen will appear: The region and the office will be automatically populated the reporting week should be selected from the drop down menu and the send data button clicked, alternatively if you do not wish to proceed press the cancel button. The transfer status will be updated and the following screen should appear If the transfer has been successful you will receive the following message. Click on Ok and you will return to the Transfer Status Worksheet IWT Version 7 4 Upgrade_Quick Reference Guide.doc The above prompt will appear each Tuesday as a reminder that the previous weeks data needs to be uploaded to the share-point. Transfer Log Worksheet The Transfer Log Worksheet provides details of the last week (week commencing date) that data was uploaded to the share-point site. This includes details of the file name, week commencing date, first transfer timestamp, last transfer timestamp and number of submissions made. If additional submissions are made for the same week, as well as retaining the first transfer timestamp, the log will display the time of the latest upload and the number of submissions will increase accordingly. History Data Worksheet Each time that data is transferred to the Sharepoint site the History Data Worksheet will update the data for the week submitted. This includes overwriting re-submission data and added data for any new week that is transferred. IWT Version 7 4 Upgrade_Quick Reference Guide.doc