深圳大学课程教学大纲 课程编号: 2213990901 课程名称: 模拟电路(双语) 开课院系: 信息工程学院 制订(修订)人: 李 霞 审核人: 黄建军 批准人: 王 晖 2006 年 11 月 15 日制(修)订 1 深圳大学信息工程学院 《模拟电路》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程编号:2213990901 课程名称:模拟电路/Analog Electronics 课程类别:专业必修/Compulsory 适用专业:电子信息工程、通信工程/ Electronic & Information Engineering, Communication Engineering 先修课程:《高等数学》、 《大学物理》 、《电路分析基础》 Advanced mathematics, College Physics, Basic Circuit Theory 开课学期:春季/Spring 开课院系:信息工程学院电子工程系/Dept of Electronic Engineering 总 学 时:72 (experiments: 18) 周 学 时:3-1 学 分:3.5 二、课程性质和任务/Aims and Learning Outcomes Aims and Objectives Provide understanding of basic concepts of electrical and electronic principles and systems. Learning Outcomes On completion student will have sound understanding of the fundamental principles of analogue electronics providing the basics for further study in the area. Learning Strategy Material covered by lectures supported by tutorials, consolidated and extended by laboratory work 三、课程内容及要求/Syllabus Introduction Electronic systems, the design process, integrated circuits, basic amplifier concepts, cascaded amplifiers, decibel notation, ideal amplifier, differential amplifier Operational Amplifiers The ideal operational amplifier, the summing-point constraint, the inverting amplifier, the noninverting amplifier, op-amp imperfections in the linear range of operation, large signal operation, integrators and differentiators, active filters. 2 Diodes and Diode Circuits Basic semiconductor concepts, physics of the junction diode, diode characteristics, load-line analysis, the ideal-diode model, rectifier circuits, wave-shaping circuits, voltage-regulator circuits. Bipolar Junction Transistors Basic operation of the NPN bipolar junction transistor, load-line analysis of a common-emitter amplifier, small signal equivalent circuits, the common-emitter amplifier, the common-base amplifier, the emitter follower, the high-frequency behavior of transistors Differential Amplifiers The DC current sources, differential amplifier, small-signal equivalent circuit analysis of the emitter-coupled differential pair, dynamic load, the long-tailed pair, design of the emitter-coupled differential amplifier Feedback Amplifiers The concept of feedback, types of feedback network, analysis of negative feedback circuits, effects of feedback on gain, reduction of nonlinear distortion and noise, input and output impedance, practical feedback networks, design of feedback amplifier Power Amplifiers and Power supplier Class-A output stages, Class-B amplifiers, linear voltage regulators, linear-power-supply design, Comparators and Schmitt trigger circuits, precision rectifier 四、学时分配建议 总 学 时:72 讲授学时:54 (contact) 序号 教学内容 学时安排 1 Introduction 2 2 Operational Amplifiers 10 2 Diodes and diode circuits 4 3 Bipolar junction transistors 14 4 Differential Amplifiers 6 5 Feedback Amplifiers 4 6 7 Power amplifiers and Power Supplier 10 8 Review 2 Total 54 3 实验学时:18 序 号 1 (Experiments) 实验名称 内容提要 学 时 2 每组 人数 1 开出 要求 verify compulsory 类型 Use of instruments and components measurements Familiarize with oscilloscope, low frequency signal generator, multimeter, DC source etc, measure R, C, L, diode and transistor. 2 Application of operational amplifier 4 Inverting/noninverting amplifier, summing amplifier, integrator and differentiator 2 1 verify compulsory 3 Active filter Implementation of an active low pass and high pass filter 2 1 verify compulsory 4 Common-emitter amplifier Determine the Q point, the voltage gain, input/output resistance 2 1 verify compulsory 5 Feedback amplifier Performance improvement for amplifiers with negative feedback 2 1 verify compulsory 6 Power amplifier Measure the efficiency of a compulsory push-pull power amplifier (class B) 2 1 verify compulsory 7 Audio amplifier Design an discrete circuit amplifier to amplify the audio signal 6 1 design compulsory Total 18 五、成绩考核方法/Assessment A number of assignments/quiz (open or close) will involve the students in solving a problem/designing a circuit, e.g. design of an amplifier with specific frequency response. Total time allocation for each assignment 1 to 3 weeks. For in class quiz, usually 45 minutes. Students will keep a record of all assignments/quiz undertaken detailing methods/design results, analyses and conclusions. Course work 40% Examination 60% (attendance/assignments/quiz/experiments) All experiments should be done and passed before taking the final examination. 六、教材及主要参考书 1.教材 Alan R. Hambley, Electronics, Second edition, Prentice Hall,电子工业出版社,2005 (国外电子与通信教材系列,李春茂改编) 4 2.参考书 1. CRECRAFT D.I., GORHAM D.A. and SPARKES J.J., Electronics, Chapman and Hall 1993. 2. 江晓安等,《模拟电子技术(第二版) 》,西安电子科技大学出版社 ,2002 年。 3. 康华光,《电子技术基础》 (模拟部分) ,高等教育出版社。 执笔人:李霞 2006 年 11 月 审核人: 5