CRISWELL ENGINEERING Engineering Services Relaying—Commissioning—Maintenance Oil Circuit Breakers Visual and Mechanical Inspection Remove oil and store in approved containers. Inspect physical and mechanical condition. Inspect tie-downs and grounding. Lower tank(s) and perform internal inspection. Check for correct oil level in each tank and each bushing. Inspect lift rod, interrupters, tank liner, stationary and moving contacts, dashpots, contact synchronization between phases, etc. Check for oil leaks around tanks and bushings. Filter oil and replace to proper level. If vented, check that vent mechanism is unobstructed. Electrical Test Inspect all bolted electrical connections for proper hardware installation and correct tightness. Perform a contact-resistance test. Inspect operating mechanism for loose hardware or broken parts. Perform insulation-resistance test at 500 volts dc on all secondary control wiring, and on all current transformer and relay circuits. If operating mechanism is pneumatic, inspect for air leaks, water in tank, correct compressor operation, etc. Perform insulation-resistance test at 5000 volts dc on primary circuits, phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground. Check compressor belt and oil level. Perform As-Left oil dielectric tests, 3 minimum. Verify appropriate lubricant on all mechanism linkages and bearings. Perform (Doble) watts-loss and Tank Loss Index (TLI) tests, per Doble procedure. Check pressure switch settings per manufacturer’s specifications. Perform (Doble) insulation power-factor and capacitance tests on all bushings, per Doble procedure. Record As-Found and As-Left counter readings. Inspect all gaskets and replace if necessary. Thoroughly clean bushings prior to tests, unless As-Found and As-Left tests are required. Internal Inspections Perform As-Found oil dielectric tests, 3 minimum. Perform minimum pick-up voltage test on trip coil. Verify open, close, and trip-free & anti-pump operations. Exercise care in performing trip-free operation if manufacturer advises intentional delay between close and trip operations. Perform time and travel analyses tests on commissioning, and per manufacturer’s schedule thereafter. ROY CRISWELL ENGINEERING, LLC 5997 EAST LINDA STREET ROGERSVILLE, MO 65742 CELL: (417) 860-0964 OFFICE: (417) 886-2445 Proud to be a USA Company CRISWELL ENGINEERING Engineering Services Relaying—Commissioning—Maintenance High Voltage SF6 Circuit Breakers Visual and Mechanical Inspection Electrical Test Inspect physical and mechanical condition. Perform a contact-resistance test. Inspect tie-downs and grounding. Perform insulation-resistance test at 500 volts dc on all control wiring, and on all current transformer and relay circuits. Inspect and service operating mechanism and SF6 gas monitoring system in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Remove a sample of SF6 gas and test. Test for gas leaks in accordance with manufacturer’s procedure. Perform (Doble) insulation power-factor & wattsloss tests, per Doble procedure. Verify correct operation of all air (if pneumatic) and SF6 gas pressure alarms and cutouts. Perform minimum pick-up voltage test on trip coil. Inspect all bolted electrical connections for proper hardware installation and correct tightness. Verify open, close, and trip-free & anti-pump operations. Exercise care in performing trip-free operation if manufacturer advises intentional delay between close and trip operations. Verify appropriate lubricant on all mechanism linkages and bearings. Thoroughly clean bushings prior to tests, unless As-Found and As-Left tests are required. Record As-Found and As-Left counter readings. Trip circuit breaker from each protective device on commissioning tests, and per manufacturer’s recommended schedule thereafter. Perform time and travel analyses tests on commissioning, and per manufacturer’s schedule thereafter. Inspect door gaskets and replace if necessary. ROY CRISWELL ENGINEERING, LLC 5997 EAST LINDA STREET ROGERSVILLE, MO 65742 CELL: (417) 860-0964 OFFICE: (417) 886-2445 Proud to be a USA Company CRISWELL ENGINEERING Engineering Services Relaying—Commissioning—Maintenance SF6 Circuit Switchers Visual and Mechanical Inspection Electrical Test Inspect tie-downs and grounding. Perform contact-resistance test of interrupters, and include isolation switches if possible. Inspect and service operating mechanism and SF6 gas monitoring system in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Verify correct operation of shunt trip coils and isolation switch sequence. Perform (Doble) insulation power-factor & wattsloss tests, per Doble procedure. Test for gas leaks in accordance with manufacturer’s procedure. Verify correct operation SF6 gas pressure alarms and cutouts. Inspect all bolted electrical connections for proper hardware installation and correct tightness. Perform time and travel analyses tests on commissioning, and per manufacturer’s schedule thereafter. Verify synchronization of isolation switches. Verify appropriate lubricant on all mechanism linkages and bearings. Thoroughly clean insulators and interrupters prior to tests, unless As-Found and As-Left tests are required. Record As-Found and As-Left counter readings. Inspect overall physical and mechanical condition. Verify correct SF6 pressure. ROY CRISWELL ENGINEERING, LLC 5997 EAST LINDA STREET ROGERSVILLE, MO 65742 CELL: (417) 860-0964 OFFICE: (417) 886-2445 Proud to be a USA Company CRISWELL ENGINEERING Engineering Services Relaying—Commissioning—Maintenance Vacuum & Air Puffer Circuit Breakers Visual and Mechanical Inspection Electrical Test Inspect physical and mechanical condition. Perform a contact-resistance test. Inspect tie-downs and grounding. Perform insulation-resistance test at 500 volts dc on all control wiring, and on all current transformer and relay circuits. Inspect auxiliary switches and mechanism operated contacts. Check contact erosion visually or by the wipe test. Verify correct operation of all air (puffer) tubes and pistons. Inspect all bolted electrical connections for proper hardware installation and correct tightness. Verify appropriate lubricant on all mechanism linkages and bearings. Thoroughly clean bushings prior to tests, unless As-Found and As-Left tests are required. Record As-Found and As-Left counter readings. Inspect door gaskets and replace if necessary. Perform a vacuum bottle integrity test at manufacturer recommended AC voltage. Perform HVAC Overpotential test on each pole and across open contacts, arc chutes installed. Perform minimum pick-up voltage test on trip coil. Verify open, close, and trip-free & anti-pump operations. Exercise care in performing trip-free operation if manufacturer advises intentional delay between close and trip operations. Trip circuit breaker from each protective device on all commissioning and scheduled maintenance tests. Perform benchmark time and travel analyses tests on commissioning. ROY CRISWELL ENGINEERING, LLC 5997 EAST LINDA STREET ROGERSVILLE, MO 65742 CELL: (417) 860-0964 OFFICE: (417) 886-2445 Proud to be a USA Company