KWAME NKRUMAH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, KUMASI COLLEGE OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS COURSE DESCRIPTION YEAR FOUR: Semester ONE CORE COURSES PHY 451 ATOMIC PHYSICS I 3 Credits Review of Quantum theory of the hydrogen atom. (Results only).. Meaning of the quantum numbers n,i,m. Angular momentum and Magnetic moment of atomic electrons. Larmor precession. Zeeman effect. Normal and Anondous. Stern-Gerlach experiment. Spin.. Spin-orbit interaction. LS and jj coupling theory of Zeeman effect. Lande gfactor. Identical particles. Spin and statistics exclusion principle. Spin-symmetry relation. Exchange forces PHY 453 STATISTICAL MECHANICS 3 Credits Distribution of N distinguishable or indistinguishable objects among P boxes, with or without limit on the number per box. Exclusion principle. Stirling's approximation, Lagrange's method of undetermined multiplers. Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac and BoseEinstein statistics. expression of thermodynamic parameters S, F, U, G, H, in terms of Z. Monoatomic gas. Evaluation of partition function equation of state. Average kinetic energy per atom. Z for "phonon gas" in crystalline solids Einstein model Cr. and its variation with temperature. Dulong and Petit's law. "Electron gas" in metals. Fermi energy. Fermions contact potential difference, work function, thermoelectricity. Black body radiation. "phonon gas" Plank radiation law. Mean energy per unit volume. Rayleigh-Jean, Wien and Stafan-Boltzmann laws and formulae derived from Planck's distribution. (As approximation of quantum statistics). Derivation of Maxwell's velocity distribution formula from quantum statistics. Principle of equipartition of energy. Explanation of heat capacity of polyatomic gases PHY 455 PROJECT I 3 Credits As a requirement for the B. Sc. (Physics) degree, all final year students are require to undertake a research project under the supervision of a member of the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS- BSc. PHYSICS – COURSE DESCRIPTION 2009/10 teaching/research staff.. Students will not only carry out these projects as routine laboratory experiments but also as an introduction to scientific research. GENERAL STUDIES COURSE (S) MGT 471 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT I 3 Credits The definition, nature, role and scope of management ; recognizing its interdisciplinary approach. Relationship of management to administration. Elements / functions of management as perceived by different management authorities. Understanding of management / organizational theory highlighting on the different schools of thought: scientific, human relations, systems, contingency, etc.. Goals of business organizations - economic and social responsibilities of management. The importance of decisions in the management process. Meaning and types of management decisions ; some basic processes in decision making. Models and / or techniques of making decisions ; and influence on decisions. The nature and types of organizations. Basic principles and their importance in structuring organizations - organization charts, objectives, scalar chain, span of control, line, staff and functional organization, departmentation, centralization and decentralization, authority, responsibility and accountability, etc. and their implications for organizational administration. Concept of bureaucracy as applied to large scale organizations. COURSES IN AREA OF SPECIALISATION 1. PHYSICS WITH APPLIED MATHEMATICS PHY 457 SPECIAL RELATIVITY 2 Credits Principle of relativity. Intervals. World or Minkorski space. The metric tensor for the pure Lorentz transformation. Successive Lorentz transformations; Einstein’s addition law for velocities.. Four-vectors and relativistic invariants. Review of relativistic mechanics. Covariant Lagrangian formulation of relativistic mechanics. The four-potential of the EM field. The EM field tensor. Lorentz transformation of the field; invariants of the field. The four-dimensional current vector and the equation of continuity. Covariant formulation of the EM field equations. Energy density and energy flux. Energy-momentum tensor of the EM field. Gravitational field ( GF ) in nonrelativistic mechanics. GF in relativistic mechanics. Motion of a particle in a GF. The curvature tensor and its properties. The energy-momentum tensor. Einstein’s equations. Newton’s law. The centrally symmetric GF. Motion in a centrally symmetric GF. Gravitational collapse of a spherical body ; Black holes. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS- BSc. PHYSICS – COURSE DESCRIPTION 2009/10 PHY 459 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 2 Credits General properties. Special operators. Representation with differences. General concepts. Linear difference equations. Partial difference equations. Gaussian elimination. Error analysis. Iterative methods. Gradient methods. Minimization methods. Polynomial interpolation. Divided differences. Interpolation by use of differences. Extrapolation. Least-square approximation. Approximation with trigonometric functions. Chebystev polynomials. Spline approximations. Random walk. Definite integrals. Simulations Definite integrals. Simulations PHY 461 MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS II 2 Credits The trigonometric Fourier series Parseval’s formula. Sine and cosine Fourier series. Fourier integral theorem. Its experimental form. Integral transforms. Examples of Fourier transformations. Properties of Fourier transforms. Fourier sine and cosine transforms. Convolutions. Convolution theorem for Fourier transforms. Application of Fourier transforms to the solution of differential equations. Autonomous and non-autonomous systems. Stability. Lyapunov functions. 2. PHYSICS WITH BIOMEDICAL PHYSICS PHY 463 HEALTH PHYSICS I 2 Credits Basic techniques. Radioimmunuassay. Calibration of radiation monitors. Loss of shielding. Loss of containment. Uncontrolled criticality. Pre-planning for emergencies PHY 465 BIOPHYSICS I 2 Credits Physics of vision (eye as an optical instrument, formation of images, defects of vision). Physics of hearing (Reception of sound, transducers, etc). Bioelectricity (production and transmission of electrical signals in the human body). Hydrodynamics of blood flow (physics of high and low blood pressure). Temperature and its regulation in the body. 3. PHYSICS WITH COMPUTING DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS- BSc. PHYSICS – COURSE DESCRIPTION 2009/10 PHY 467 MICROPROCESSORS I 2 Credits Introduction. Basic microprocessor system. Programmes. Peripherals. The microprocessor. Memories. ROMS and RAMS. Decimal and binary. Octal and hexadecimal. Bit position technology. Introduction. The microprocessor as a logic device. Characteristics of the microprocessor - based and gate. Programming languages. Microprocessor's registers. Programme organization PHY 469 PROGRAMMING WITH VISUAL BASIC I 3 Credits Introduction. Basic microprocessor system. Programmes. Peripherals. The microprocessor. Memories. ROMS and RAMS. Decimal and binary. Octal and hexadecimal. Bit position technology. Introduction. The microprocessor as a logic device. Characteristics of the microprocessor - based and gate. Programming languages. Microprocessor's registers. Programme organization data types (i.e. Integer , long, single, double). Currency and string. Data and time data . Byte, Boolean and variant. Arrays. Type…. End type construct . Uses of user - defined types (e.g. Random access records, a collection of variables as a single object, data base records, etc.). Public scope Private scope. Local scope. Variable declaration. Is numeric ( ) , is array ( ) , is data ( ) functions. Type of statement and type name ( ) function . Automatic type conversion . Con catenation . Val and Str functions. The "C" functions (eg. C Bool, C byte, C var., etc. ). Asc C), Asc BC), chr C), chr BC) The format function . Defining control array elements at design time . Adding and deleting control array elements at run - time. Using control elements at run - time. Accessing loaded forms with the forms collection. Accessing a form's controls with the controls collection. Traversing all the controls on a form. Determining the type of each control. The use of "on error resume next" when accessing the controls collection. Pointing to the controls collection of a non-active form. Traversing all controls on all loaded forms The Hungarian notation for naming variables. Variables and constants. 4. PHYSICS WITH ELECTRONICS PHY 471 OPTOELECTRONICS I 2 Credits Energy band structure of Materials, Carrier Statistics in Thermal Equilibrium. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Material. Transport Properties: Effective mass, Mobility, Scattering Processes, Recombination Processes, Luminescence, carrier Lifetime, Carrier Diffusion, Diffusion Length.. Optical Properties, Refractive Index, Extinction Coefficient. Direct and indirect Transitions; DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS- BSc. PHYSICS – COURSE DESCRIPTION 2009/10 Forbidden Transitions. Homojunctions: the p-n junction in thermal equilibrium. Behaviour under forward and reverse bias, junction capacitance. Metal semiconductor junctions. Ohmic Contacts. Hetero junctions. Theory of Optoelectronic Devices and Components. (a ) Transmission and Reflection from solid Surfaces: i. Reflectance of Materials, Spectral Dependence of Refractive Index as a Function of Surface Topology, Structural Phase of a material. ii. Optical interferences in thin film, Characteristic Matrix for a Thin film, design of Interference Filters Heat Reflecting Filters, Cold Mirrors. Colour Separation Filters, Narrow Band Filters, Edge Filters Anti-Reflection Coatings. (b) Light Emission in Solids: i. Homo and Heterojunction LEDs. Optical emission Mechanisms and Efficiency, Spectral output. ii. Radiative Recombination Mechanisms, Interband Transitions, Impurity Recombination, Excitons, Isoelectronic Traps, Auger Recombination. Photoconductivity - Photogeneration in solids, Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Photogenerated carriers. Fabrication of Optoelectronic Devices single Crystal Production Routes for the Production of Silicon, Gallium Arsenide and Indium Phosphide, Crystal growth Techniques: ( Zochralski, Bridgeman, solution Wrowth. Production and processing of Wafers . Structural, Electrical and Their Influence on Device Design and Production. (a) Thin Film Decomposition: Technique for the deposition of thin Films: Thermal or Electron Beam Evaporation, Sputtering Ion Plating, Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Chemical Vapour Deposition, Liquid Phase Epitaxy . (b) Processing: Device Fabrication Processes, Photolithography, Epitaxial Layer Formation, Passivation and Metallisation. Operation of Optoelectronic Devices: Light Emitting Diodes and Solid State LasersSpectral Content and Power of light output, Frequency Response, Brightness, Stability. Photodiode, Phototransistor, PIN diode, Avalanche Photodiodes. Spectral and Frequency Response, Detectivity, Noise Equivalent Power. Other Light Detectors, Photovoltaic Devices and photomultipliers. ELECTIVES (Select One) PHY 473 COMMMUNICATION ELECTRONICS I 2 Credits Different kinds of modulator Simple circuits for generation of AM, PM, FM, Balanced modulators, Linear divide detector, Vander mijil modulators, FM discriminators and detectors, Limiters radio transmitter, TPF and super heterodyne receives.. Elementary idea about transmission lines, Distributed parameters, Voltage and current relations. Propagation constants, line distortion and attenuation, Line transmission by zero loads and by resistance load. Standing wave ratio (SWR). Rectangular wave guides. Radiation from a doublet antenna. Radiation resistance and radiated power. Thin linear DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS- BSc. PHYSICS – COURSE DESCRIPTION 2009/10 antenna, grounded antenna, image antenna Directive gain, tinier antenna arrays, Broadside and End …. Arrays, Microwave antennas, paraboloid reflector . PHY 475 MICROPROCESSORS I 2 Credits Introduction. Basic microprocessor system. Programmes Peripherals. The microprocessor. Memories. ROMS and RAMS. Decimal and binary. Octal and hexadecimal. Bit position technology. Introduction. The microprocessor as a logic device. Characteristics of the microprocessor - based and gate. Programming languages. Microprocessor's registers. Programme organization. 5. PHYSICS WITH GEOPHYSICS PHY 477 ELECTRICAL & ELECTROMAGNETIC PROSPECTING METHODS 2 Credits Factors affecting the resistivity of rocks and minerals. Archie's law. The types of electrode arrays ( Schlumberger and Wenner). Origin and application of the IP method. Origin of SP and application of the SP method. Principle of the EM method. EM methods and their applications. Skin depth in EM transmission. Fixed separation system and Quadrature systems in airborne EM survey. Interpretation of electrical and EM data PHY 479 GRAVITY & MAGNETIC PROSPECTING METHODS 2 Credits Basic gravity theory. Units of gravity measurements Gravity methods. Determination of rock densities. Land, marine and airborne gravity surveys. Gravity anomalies of simple shapes. Basic concept in magnetic prospecting. Magnetic properties of rocks and minerals. Magnetic instruments (magnetometers). Ground magnetic survey. Marine and aeromagnetic survey. Reduction of magnetic survey data. Magnetic anomalies of simple geometrical shapes. Interpretation of gravity and magnetic data. 6. PHYSICS WITH MATERIALS SCIENCE PHY 481 STEEL TECHNOLOGY AND CORROSION SCIENCE 2 Credits DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS- BSc. PHYSICS – COURSE DESCRIPTION 2009/10 Steel industry. Steel making, . Fabrication, Quality control. White cast iron. Grey cast iron. Malleable cast iron. Nodular iron. Damping. Capacity of cast iron. Uses of cast iron.. Phase transformations in steels.. Diffusion. Nucleation and growth of phases.. Construction and interpretation. Alloy steels. Heat treatment. Thermomechanical treatment, mechanical properties, structure-property relationships.. Design, fabrication, materials selection.. Forge, resistance, gas and electric welding. Metallurgical aspect of fusion welding. Carburizing. Nitriding. Selective hardening.. electrochemistry. The corrosion process.. Galvanic corrosion. Leaching, intergranular corrosion. Pitting, crevice corrosion, Stress corrosion cracking.. cathodic protection, . corrosion inhibitors, Metal coatings, corrosion preventing painting. PHY 483 NON-FERROUS METALS AND ALLOYS 2 Credits Aluminium, magnesium and titaniuim.. Principles of age hardening, ageing processes, corrosion, and mechanical properties. Wrought aluminium alloys: production and designation of alloys, work hardening of aluminium and its alloys, heat treatable and non-heat treatable alloys, joining, special products. Cast aluminium alloys: designation and characteristics of cast aluminium alloys, alloys based on A1-Si, Al-Cu, Al-Mg, Al-ZnMg systems, joining. Copper and its alloys - properties and uses. Zinc and its alloys properties and uses. Lead and its alloys - properties and uses. Tin and its alloys properties and uses. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS- BSc. PHYSICS – COURSE DESCRIPTION 2009/10